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Prohibition on hiring employed workers

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Well, I'll reserve judgment on how this impacts gameplay until I've actually played a bit... maybe y'all are right, maybe you aren't. It'll make it harder to clear out the dead weight at the top of the DaVE ladder, but you're right, that's part of the challenge of DaVE in this generation. But I'm gonna hafta hold the line in thinking that it's a little unrealistic that Phil Vibert would be into trying to beat USPW by... refusing to poach the smaller feds and trying to develop "homegrown stars". That's just the sort of behavior that got DaVE into this mess! So maybe I'll come back in a month - complain some more. :D
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I think Phil Vibert would want a restriction. Any good businessman knows that making money now doesn't protect for the future. Without getting new homegrown stars, when the old class retire, there won't be much of a DaVE left. Also with the new system in place some of those new homegrown stars might develope a loyalty to DaVE, Phil, or your User Character. Then you might not have to worry as much about losing some of the guys you built up. Just food for thought.
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;175067]I just started a game as DaVE, and I really don't know where people are getting the "The US indy scene is as dry as a desert" idea from. There are LOADS of possible signings around. Albeit this is the first day, so I don't know how many will be there in a few weeks, but still... Quality definately isn't a problem. Overness might be, but as Remi always says, Overness is a lot easier to develop than skill. [/QUOTE] Gotta agree with you there, D-Lyrium - I don't think there are many really incredible signings out there, but there are a hell of a lot of guys who'll be just fine as lower-midcarders in a fed like DAVE, or upper midcarders in a smaller fed - and that's BEFORE being built up.
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[QUOTE=Gozer;175175]But I'm gonna hafta hold the line in thinking that it's a little unrealistic that Phil Vibert would be into trying to beat USPW by... refusing to poach the smaller feds and trying to develop "homegrown stars". That's just the sort of behavior that got DaVE into this mess![/QUOTE] You said it yourself :P Phil got them into this mess. Phil is still there. Coincidence? I think not.
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While the blocks are random, i think they are weighted. I seem to get the "no hiring other talent" one every other game, while the drug/steriod/law ones are not nearly as common. The worst I ever got was as a new fed (so no one in the roster) I got the "no signing other talent" combined with "can't sign anyone < B- in basics". As I'm a local fed half of the dozen workers left won't sign with such a small fed. That was time for a restart :D
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[QUOTE=Anubis;174914]That would definitely be a bug that you need to report. As for the rest, I think the goals AI needs some reworking. I've gotten the ridiculous "must have B- Athletic Ability" BLOCK before with a Regional fed, which is crippling.[/QUOTE] Wouldn't you need to renegotiate the contract to get them to the 'big league'? That's a hunch; I haven't been in that position yet.
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