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MWA - This Means War! (C-Verse Diary)

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[CENTER]MWA presents... [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]“Straight to the Top”[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [I]Sunday of Week 3, October 2013[/I] Held at the Dust Bowl in the South East Territory 15,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT!; Buy-rate of 2.22[/CENTER] Steve Smith and Emma Chase welcomed the audience to the historic Dust Bowl, the site of many legendary wrestling matches in the past... 1) ... and now the host of the Last Man Standing Match between Davis Wayne Newton and Jay Chord for the MWA Grand Championship. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 2) Bulldozer Brandon Smith came out to the ring and said it was time for the people in the back to put up or shut up. Would they have the cajones to step into the ring with him or not? He waited for a few minutes when an electric guitar version of the Star Spangled Banner started up. Steve almost had a conniption. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Can it be? Is he really here?"[/COLOR] He was. [B]Liberty[/B] came out and accepted the open challenge. Needless to say, Bulldozer was not happy to see the veteran coming to the ring. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]D+[/COLOR] for the open challenge; [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for Liberty’s acceptance 3) [B]LIBERTY vs. BULLDOZER BRANDON SMITH[/B] Bulldozer had his hands full from the get go and knew it. He seemed pretty freaked out and resorted to a few underhanded tactics (eye pokes, hair pulling, that sort of thing) to keep Liberty from pulling ahead. But much to everyone’s shock, Bulldozer was the one who blocked a Liberation Slam and somehow turned it into a Backdrop Driver. WINNER: [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith [/B]in 13:54 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 4) Backstage Mainstream Hernandez found Junior. The two of them seemed very awkward around each other and finally, Mainstream said that he just came to wish Junior luck on her match tonight. He said he hoped she’d put Wanda in her place finally. He then quickly escaped, leaving Junior looking slightly disappointed. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 5) [B]JOSH JONES (c) vs. THOMAS MORGAN [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title[/COLOR] A pretty good match. Josh and Thomas put on a great clinic and in the end, Josh finished off Thomas with a Canadian Backdrop. WINNER: [B]Josh Jones [/B]in 8:51 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C-[/COLOR] 6) Wanda Fish now appeared on screen and wondered aloud what Junior did to prepare for the match tonight. Maybe she dreamily stared at a Mainstream Hernandez poster and wrote “Mrs. Junior Hernandez” over and over. Wanda, on the other hand, had watched videos of Junior’s previous matches. She practiced a dozen different ways to break the Triangle Choke. She said that Junior may have youthful exuberance on her side, but Wanda had experience, and that always won out. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 7) Des Davids now chimed in, saying that the MWA Regional Championship wasn’t going anywhere and that Mainstream was going to strike out with him the same way he’d strike out with Junior. He seemed a bit confused by what he said too. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 8) [B]AGONY’S BIKERS (c) vs. THE GAUGE BROTHERS [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] Steve Smith said that Vegas oddmakers were giving the edge to the Gauge Brothers tonight. He said that their new focus and raw energy could be the deciding factor. And it was a really good match that kept the audience guessing. Both teams resorted to some underhanded tactics, but in the end, it was Lead Belly who made all the difference by taking Greg Gauge out with an RPM Bomb. WINNERS: [B]Agony’s Bikers [/B]in 12:19 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 9) A video showed Jay Chord warming up for the match. He looked focused and ready. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 10) [B]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ vs. DES DAVIDS (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Regional Championship[/COLOR] Hmmmm. It was a good match all around, but there were some noticeable problems, such as a lack of selling. And once again, Steve Smith was left in the dust by the action. I’m not quite sure what to make of that seeing as he’s one of the best in the business (on paper). But the action in the ring was enough to keep the crowd popping. Mainstream was on fire but so was Des. The two traded some vicious blows with Mainstream relying on his lightning quickness to give him the edge. But in the end, it was Des nearly spearing Mainstream out of his boots that finished things off. WINNER: [B]Des Davids [/B]in 20:37 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 11) Backstage, Junior looked pretty distraught over what happened to Mainstream. She turned around and found herself face to face with Joanne Rodriguez. J-Ro studied Junior for a moment or two before speaking. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Look, I don’t know how you feel about Mainstream, but I need to tell you, I think he’s a pretty special guy. He deserves the best in the world and he’s going to be feeling pretty down after losing this match. The question is, are you going to jerk him around?”[/COLOR] Junior shook her head. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“No. I’m not sure how I feel about him right now, but the last thing I’d want to do is play games with him.”[/COLOR] J-Ro nodded. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Good. Just be forewarned, if you hurt him, I’ll be coming for you.”[/COLOR] She then turned and walked out the door. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 12) In their locker room, the Gauge Brothers looked absolutely furious. They pounded on the walls, tossed chairs around, and looked about ready to go berserk. Sam Keith came in and calmed them. He reminded them that they were on the Journey and that the teachings of [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato [/I]did not permit unfocused anger to consume them. He said for them to focus their energies so they might help him destroy Ernest Youngman. And then they shall find the enlightenment they have been promised. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 13) [B]JUNIOR vs. WANDA FISH[/B] Steve flailed around with this one too. I’m really wondering how much of a difference he’s making on the match ratings. At any rate, Junior and Wanda put on a decent enough match. Wanda taunted Junior a few times and Junior came close to losing her temper. But she managed to maintain her focus and stayed calm, which allowed her to decisively take Wanda down and get her to tap out with a Triangle Choke. WINNER: [B]Junior[/B] in 13:24 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 14) Davis Wayne Newton appeared on screen and promised that at the end of the night, he would be the last man standing and he would be the one with the Grand Champion gold. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 15) Nemesis was with Ernest Youngman backstage. He psyched him up, saying that Ernest was going to show that fruitcake Sam Keith who was really in charge. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 16) [B]ERNEST YOUNGMAN vs. SAM KEITH[/B] That sneaking suspicion about Steve Smith is growing. He still was completely lost. At any rate, Sam didn’t seem all that concerned about Ernest. He blew him off as a threat, which turned out to be a big mistake. Ernest took the fight to Sam from the get go and didn’t let up. Sam had to fight back hard to keep Ernest away from him. Things evened out as the match progressed with both men taking the lead at various points. Sam almost got Ernest into the Proton Lock several times, only to have Ernest slip out or simply claw his way to the ropes. In the end, Ernest dropped him with a swinging neckbreaker. WINNER: [B]Ernest Youngman [/B]in 14:05 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 17) Nemesis came out and got into the ring and celebrated with Ernest. Ernest seemed a little surprised by that, but soon he had a genuine smile on his lips as Nemesis applauded his efforts. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 18) Backstage the Gauge Brothers were waiting for their father. Now none of them looked happy. Greg finally asked, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Plan B?”[/COLOR] Sam nodded. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Plan B.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 19) A video played, hyping the feud between Davis and Jay. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 20) [B]DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON vs. JAY CHORD (c)[/B] in [COLOR="Purple"]a Last Man Standing Match[/COLOR] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Grand Championship[/COLOR] Okay, now I know something’s wrong. This match should have done a whole lot better. Steve Smith has got to go. It was a great match (and with the right announcing, it could have been gold). Jay and Davis didn’t spare each other anything, wailing on each other in the ring, around the ring, employing whatever moves they could to wear down their opponent. Both men hit their finishers multiple times, only to see their opponent claw their way to standing again. In the end, they both wound up lying on the mat, looking almost dead. But it was Jay that managed to stagger to his feet at nine-and-a-half. WINNER: [B]Jay Chord [/B]in 42:18 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 21) The ref roused Davis as Jay went from post to post to celebrate his win. Davis groggily got up and stared at Jay. You could read the disappointment in his eyes. But then he sighed and walked over to Jay and offered his hand. Jay looked at it for a moment or two, then smiled and shook hands. He raised Davis’s hand as well and the two competitors celebrated. But their celebration was short lived. The Gauge Brothers charged the ring and attacked them both, leaving them down and out. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the respect; [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] for the attack [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] I feel bad for having to axe Steve Smith so quickly, but I’m almost positive he’s the reason why those last couple of matches didn’t get more than a B. I guess an A* in announcing doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be great on the mic. FINAL RATING:[COLOR="blue"] B[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Straight to the Top”[/COLOR][/U] [I]Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Liberty [/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Josh Jones (c) defeated Thomas Morgan to retain [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] [I]Agony’s Bikers (c) defeated the Gauge Brothers to retain [COLOR="red"]the MWA Tag Team Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] [I]Des Davids (c) defeated Mainstream Hernandez to retain [COLOR="red"]the MWA Regional Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Junior defeated Wanda Fish [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Ernest Youngman defeated Sam Keith [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Jay Chord (c) defeated Davis Wayne Newton in [COLOR="Purple"]a Last Man Standing Match[/COLOR] to retain [COLOR="red"]the MWA Grand Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Firestorm[/I][/SIZE][/B] [I]Thursday of Week 4, October 2013[/I] Held at the Lowe Ballroom in the North West Territory 5,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT![/CENTER] Emma Chase welcomed people to the show, saying she wasn’t sure what was going on with the announce team. 1) Nemes’s entrance music hit and he came out to the ring, swaggering a little. He said that he felt pretty good about what happened this past Sunday, that Keith and his kids were put in their place. Sure, they went after Davis and Jay at the end of the show, but that was nothing more than a temper tantrum. He went on to say the spot next to Emma Chase was empty because Steve Smith’s accent grated on his ears. He said Steve had been kicked back across the Atlanti. But not to worry, he found a replacement. Because of his good mood, he was feeling a bit generous and forgiving. So he asked the audience to welcome back to the MWA announce team ... Scapino Otte. Out I came. Nemesis and I shook hands, but I winced as Nemesis tightened his grip. I took my place at the table and shook out my hand, my expression making it clear that things between Nemesis and me weren’t exactly on an even keel still. Nemesis then went on to say that he was proud of the MWA and had been for the last month. More specifically, he was proud of himself for being such a great boss. He took credit for booking Ernest in the match against Sam Keith. He said that things would be smooth from here on out... Cue creepy music. Out came Sam Keith. He corrected Nemesis, saying that he was ignorant of the truth as were most people on the roster. Yes, the Gauges lost their match this past Sunday. Yes, Sam did as well. But the victory was truly theirs, for in losing, they had gained power. They had been made angry. And the teachings of Il Padrone Arrabiato helped make anger into something so much more. Sam cautioned Nemesis and the rest of the MWA that their spiritual journey to enlightenment had only just begun. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] for my reveal; [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the self-congratulatory speech; [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] for Sam’s warning 2) Kirsten Pearce and the tag champs came out next. Kristen did most of the talking, saying that she didn’t care what kind of silly mumbo-jumbo the Gauges were peddling. She said that her boys were going to hold on to the gold for a long time and there was no one who could change that. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Really?”[/COLOR] Out to the ring entrance came Chance Fortune and Liberty. They did a sort of “aw shucks” routine about being the new kids on the block, saying that they were both smarting from their recent losses. They said they had something to prove to the fans and that they were hoping that the tag champs might deign to have a match tonight. Kristen said that was no problem, but she said it wouldn’t be a title shot. She said her boys had bigger fish to fry than Chance and Liberty. The challengers shrugged it off and said that stipulation was fine by them. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] for the hype; [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the challenge 3) [B]CHANCE FORTUNE & LIBERTY vs. AGONY’S BIKERS[/B] A pretty good match all around. Both teams did a really good job, but Chance and Liberty really shone in the match. The Bikers tried to overwhelm them with power moves and some carefully timed underhanded tactics, but in the end, Chance took out Lead Belly with a Stroke of Luck. WINNERS: [B]Chance Fortune & Liberty [/B]in 8:01 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 4) Backstage Mainstream Hernandez bumped into Junior. He shyly asked her if she would be willing to go out with him. She eagerly agreed and suggested that they head out right now. He said no, he wanted to wait until next week. Turns out that the MWA will be in Vermont next week, and Mainstream knows this little restaurant that has some great food and is very romantic. He hoped they could go there for their first date. Junior nodded and said she’d love it. That’s when Matthew Gauge came along. He stared down Mainstream and then mocked Junior, saying that she was focused on the wrong emotion. Love? That’s weakness according to Il Padrone Arrabiato. He said that was why she would never ascend to the heights of the MWA. That was why she would always be a failure in life. That was why... Mainstream had heard enough. He got into Matt’s face and suggested that they could go see whose philosophy, love or hate, was stronger in the ring tonight. Matt looked him over and started laughing. He said that he’d pass up on the opportunity to humiliate Mainstream. Maybe some other time. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the asking out; [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the taunting; [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the refusal 5) Wanda Fish was in the ring and raging about her loss to Junior this past Sunday. She said that it was a fluke, that it was a complete mistake. She said that she was so much better. She was Wanda Fish, for crying out loud, the best women’s wrestler ever and one of the best wrestlers around period! Out came Jenny Playmate and Josh Jones. Jenny said that maybe Wanda would like to test that theory against the greatest up-and-comer in the business, namely her client. Wanda snarled and beckoned for Josh to join her in the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the ranting; [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] for the challenge 6) [B]JOSH JONES vs. WANDA FISH[/B] Oh well. Josh and Wanda have no chemistry in the ring together but that’s okay. They did a pretty respectable job anyway. It was clear that Wanda didn’t think of Josh as much of a threat. But that soon changed as Josh really kept after her. Wanda was soon overwhelmed by the rookie’s offense and soon, Josh dropped her with a Canadian Backdrop. WINNER: [B]Josh Jones [/B]in 8:06 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 7) Davis Wayne Newton was backstage, helping himself to some food at the craft services table. He started for a table when he heard someone laughing at him. He turned around and saw Joey Beauchamp snickering. He demanded to know what Joey thought was so funny. Joey said it was Davis, that he knew a good joke when he saw one. He said he thought it was hilarious that Davis lost the Grand Championship so quickly and couldn’t get it back this past Sunday. Davis laughed as well, then sobered and reminded Joey that he had never won the Grand Championship in the MWA. Joey didn’t like remembering that either and suggested that maybe they should take it out to the ring. Davis slammed down his plate of food and said why wait, they could go right now. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 8) [B]DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON vs. JOEY BEAUCHAMP[/B] Did not see this coming, but I will gladly take it. Turns out these two have excellent chemistry in the ring and it really shone through everything they did. Joey and Davis kept trying to one-up each other but Joey wound up paying for it when he obviously missed a spot, allowing Davis to hit the Fisherman’s Suplex. WINNER: [B]Davis Wayne Newton [/B]in 10:37 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 9) Bulldozer Brandon Smith appeared on screen and hyped himself, pointing out the fact that he destroyed Liberty this past Sunday, one of the legends in professional wrestling. He said that was just another piece to the proof of his superiority in this business and especially in this promotion. He said he was the most talented, most dominant, most.... He was interrupted by none other than the champ, Jay Chord. Jay said that Bulldozer talked a good game but he was missing the one thing that would make his argument ironclad, namely the Grand Championship belt. He pointed out that so long as he held it, Bulldozer would always come in at a distant second. Bulldozer blew off that notion and said that the only reason why Jay had the title belt was because Bulldozer hadn’t taken it away from him yet. And then along came Nemesis. The boss, saying he was on a roll, decided to book Jay and Bulldozer in a title match tonight. He laughed at his own genius and strutted away. Jay smirked at Bulldozer and said he’d see him in the ring later. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] for Bulldozer’s hype; [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the argument/match-making 10) [B]STEVE GUMBLE vs. DES DAVIDS (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Regional Championship[/COLOR] Another pleasant surprise. More good chemistry! Tonight’s show is shaping up pretty well. Des was impressive in the ring and even I had to admit that he cut a powerful figure as he clashed with Gumble. But Gumble kept the regional champ on his toes through the whole match, scoring two nearfalls that only frustrated Des. But in the end, Des speared Gumble, almost breaking him in half, and then got the pin. WINNER: [B]Des Davids [/B]in 6:51 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 11) Nemesis was seated in his office, smoking a cigar and smiling to himself. In came Ernest Youngman, who looked pissed. He demanded to know where Nemesis got off taking all the credit for his win against Sam Keith. Ernest reminded Nemesis that he was the one who asked for the match. He was the one who actually wrestled the match. Nemesis didn’t do a thing. Nemesis corrected Ernest by reminding him that Ernest worked for Nemesis and belonged to him completely. Therefore, anything that Ernest did was actually done by Nemesis. Ernest frowned as he tried to unwrap that logic, then shrugged and said he had only one thing to say to Nemesis. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Stop hitting yourself.”[/COLOR] He tackled Nemesis, dumping him out of the chair. He rained punches on his head before security burst in and pulled him off the boss. Nemesis, his cigar broken, screamed for Ernest to be thrown out of the building. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 12) Jay Chord came out of his locker room in his wrestling gear, only to find himself face to face with Greg Gauge. Greg smiled creepily and said that he saw the potential in Jay Chord. That was why he and Matt attacked him at the end of “Straight to the Top.” He wanted Jay to release his anger and reach his true potential. Jay stared at Greg for a second before laughing. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Okay, Darth Vader, whatever you say.”[/COLOR] He brushed past Greg and headed for the ring. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] for Greg’s speech; [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the Vader joke 13) [B]JAY CHORD (c) vs. BULLDOZER BRANDON SMITH [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Grand Championship[/COLOR] Great match and a great cap to the show. Hopefully we won some new fans with this episode. Bulldozer seemed a little unsure of himself, especially as the crowd popped for Jay. But he left his doubts behind as soon as the bell rang and really took the fight to Jay. It was a brawl, pure and simple, but Jay was able to hold his own through most of it. Both men scored near falls and the momentum swung back and forth before Jay definitively ended things with a Cradle Piledriver. WINNER: [B]Jay Chord [/B]in 11:43 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] I felt bad about firing Steve Smith, but after this show, I think I made the right decision. I guess it’s like what they say. If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself. We got a rating of 8.14, the highest we’ve ever gotten if I recall correctly. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Firestorm[/I][/U] [I]Chance Fortune & Liberty defeated Agony’s Bikers [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Josh Jones defeated Wanda Fish [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Davis Wayne Newton defeated Joey Beauchamp [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Des Davids (c) defeated Steve Gumble to retain [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Regional Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Jay Chord (c) defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith to retain [COLOR="red"]the MWA Grand Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Firestorm[/I][/SIZE][/B] [I]Thursday of Week 1, November 2013[/I] Held at the Laurent Ballroom in the New England Territory 5,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT![/CENTER] Emma Chase and I welcomed the audience to the show. 1) In a segment taped earlier in the week, Sam Keith met with his boys in a heavily shadowed room, the walls swathed in red tapestries, black candles burning in key corners. Sam reveals that he has communed with [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato[/I] and he approves of their methods and their targets. They are to move as their rage directs. As for Sam, on Firestorm, he will show the doubters what anger can do. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 2) Live at the arena, Izaak Tischler was out in the parking lot when Jay Chord pulled up in a flashy new sports car. Izaak whistled and complimented Jay on his new wheels. Jay said it was one of the perks of being the Grand Champion. Izaak bitterly said he knew, that he remembered how it used to be. Jay patted him on the shoulder and reassured him that he was sure he’d be back on top ... someday. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 3) [B]CHANCE FORTUNE vs. RONNIE V. PAIN[/B] Not too bad of a match. There wasn’t enough selling but the crowd didn’t seem to mind too much. Ronnie tried to overpower Chance in the early going ([COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Probably because he and his partner are still smarting from their loss last week,”[/COLOR] I observed). With Kristen Pearce’s help, he was able to take early control of the match. But Chance fought back and after mounting a good series of attacks, managed to take Ronnie out with a Stroke of Luck. WINNER: [B]Chance Fortune [/B]in 6:55 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 4) Nemesis, flanked by security guards, finds Ernest Youngman and said that Ernest was lucky. He was still feeling a bit forgiving after “Straight to the Top.” That’s why Ernest wasn’t fired for laying his hands on Nemesis last week. But Ernest would still have to be punished. Ernest laughed that off. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“How many times have you tried to punish me? It never works. Not to be immodest, but I could probably beat whatever punishment you’ve come up with with one hand tied behind my back.”[/COLOR] Nemesis smiled. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Funny you should say that. See, I booked you in a one-hand-tied-behind-your-back match against Joey Beauchamp. And if you lose, you’ll be suspended without pay for a month. Laugh that off, chuckles.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 5) Mainstream leads Junior into a cozy and romantic restaurant. They take their seat and make some small talk about the weather and so on. It’s a bit awkward, but at the same time, you can tell there’s a bit of a spark between the two. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 6) Davis Wayne Newton was backstage when he got ambushed by the Joeys, beating the ever-living tar out of him. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 7) [B]JOSH JONES (c) vs. PRIMUS ALLEN [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title[/COLOR] Jenny Playmate did a good job rallying the crowd behind Josh who, as usual, looked kind of bland in the ring. But bland in a good way. It’s a shame that a guy with this much talent has the personality of drying paint. But his in-ring work is above reproach. He’s every inch a star, no matter how bland he is. He and Primus put on an explosive battle that ended badly for the challenger. Josh dropped him with a Canadian Backdrop. WINNER: [B]Josh Jones [/B]in 4:47 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C-[/COLOR] 8) As Josh left with Jenny, they were intercepted by Wanda Fish. Wanda revealed that when Josh backdropped her, she injured her neck badly and, as a result, could no longer be cleared to wrestle. She might never set foot in the ring again and it’s all Josh’s fault! She said she should sue them both for what happened. Jenny laughed it off and reminded Wanda that she was the one who agreed to the match in the first place. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] Jay Chord came out to the ring and said that he didn’t have a title defense tonight but that he wanted to face someone who just joined the roster. He said he wished it could be for the title, but Nemesis wouldn’t clear it just yet. Jay said his opponent for tonight was none other than Liberty. 9) [B]JAY CHORD vs. LIBERTY[/B] Another good match. Jay and Liberty put on a decent match and you could tell that there was some respect between the two. When Liberty almost took Jay out at one point, Jay kicked out of the pinning predicament and applauded Liberty’s effort. Liberty bowed to the crowd and to Jay. But then it was truly on. Jay didn’t give an inch and finally put Liberty down with a Cradle Piledriver. WINNER: [B]Jay Chord [/B]in 9:41 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 10) Back at the restaurant, things cooled a bit. Junior looked bored. Mainstream desperately tried to restart the conversation but couldn’t hit on anything to talk about. He looked about ready to throw in the towel when Matthew Gauge showed up. Matthew said that once again, this was all wrong. It sickened him to see those two wallowing in such sentimental pap. He said that the only true emotion of value was rage and that if they really wanted to experience the highs of living, they should unleash it. To prove his point, he grabbed a nearby bottle of wine and upended it on Junior. Mainstream flew across the table and tackled Matthew. Soon the two were brawling in the middle of the restaurant, food getting smeared over their clothing while the furniture was wrecked. Mainstream finally managed to chase Matthew off and turned back to the table. By the look on his face, it was clear he thought it was all over. Instead Junior beamed at him even though her hair was plastered to her head. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Where were we?” [/COLOR]she asked, a light shining in her eyes. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 11) Sam Keith came out to the ring and shouted for all to be quiet. He said that he knew people doubted the strength that the teachings of [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato[/I] could give and so he would show them. He then cleared off the announce table and then clambered up onto the ring apron. He took several deep breaths, then screwed up his face into a fierce scowl. While Emma and I yelled for him to stop, he threw himself from the apron and through the table. He groaned a bit and then rose to his feet, wobbling a little as he did. He got a mic and screamed for the crowd to lose their preconceived notions and seek the enlightenment of pure rage. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 12) Jay Chord came out of the arena. He pulled out his keys and hit the button to disarm the alarm. Instead of a crisp honk, there was a woozy bleat. Jay crossed over to his car only to discover it was totaled. All the doors were dented in, the windows smashed, the tires slashed, and someone had painted all sorts of profanities on every square inch. Izaak Tischler wandered over and whistled. He said he’d hate to be in Jay’s shoes right now. Jay finally laughed. He turned to Izaak and shrugged. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Rental.” [/COLOR]He then turned and walked away, hailing a taxi. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 13) [B]SERENE JEAN CATTLEY vs. FUMIHIRO OTA[/B] Serene Jean once again pressed the flesh and seemed like he was fascinated by one guy’s glasses, leading Emma to really wonder if the drug policy in the MWA was tight enough. But that changed once the match got started. Jean kept after Ota the whole time until finally, he put him down with a Mood Swing. WINNER: [B]Serene Jean Cattley [/B]in 7:55 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 14) It’s the end of the date and Mainstream was walking Junior to her car. He once again tried to say something witty and fresh but failed miserably. He finally, dejectedly, said good night to her and tried to walk away. Before he made it two steps, though, she grabbed him, spun him around, and kissed him passionately. When she broke it, she whispered huskily, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Call me.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 15) Jay Chord arrived back at his hotel and had a few hotties in tow. He promised them he was going to show them a good time tonight but that he had to stop in his room to freshen up a bit. He said his room had a jacuzzi tub and suggested that maybe some of the girls would like to join him. They giggled at the suggestion as he opened the door. He stopped in the doorway. The room was trashed. The furniture had been destroyed, the mattresses cut open. Paint was splashed on all the walls and Jay’s clothing had been shredded. And as luck would have it, the manager just happened to show up. When he saw the carnage, he commented that it would all be added to Jay’s bill. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 16) [B]ERNEST YOUNGMAN vs. JOEY BEAUCHAMP[/B] Good match. A little bit overbooked, but it made for a great cap to a good show. Even with his arm tied behind him, Ernest managed to keep Joey on his guard, so naturally, Joey Poison interjected himself into it, swinging things over to Joey’s side. The ref, it seemed, had turned a blind eye to Joey P’s involvement. There were several times where Joey P did something in plain sight of the ref (such as putting Joey B’s foot on the ropes when pinned) and he didn’t do anything, leading me to wonder what special instructions Nemesis had given him. Emma suggested maybe the MWA should look into an eye care plan. Things got evened out when Davis Wayne Newton hit the ring. He took out Joey Poison and then pulled Joey B’s head down so his neck slammed into the ropes. Ernest took advantage and hit a swinging neckbreaker for the win. WINNER: [B]Ernest Youngman [/B]in 8:54 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] I guess the final match didn’t count for as much as I hoped. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Firestorm[/I][/U] [I]Chance Fortune defeated Ronnie V. Pain [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Josh Jones (c) defeated Primus Allen to retain [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] [I]Jay Chord defeated Liberty [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Serene Jean Cattley defeated Fumihiro Ota [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Ernest Youngman defeated Joey Beauchamp [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[I][SIZE="3"]MWA Notes:[/SIZE][/I] [B][I]Friday of Week 1, November 2013 –[/I][/B] From ProWrestlingHits.com - [QUOTE][B]New TV deal for the MWA[/B] The MWA recently inked a deal with GNN Total Sports for a new show, called “MWA Blade’s Edge.” Starting next month, the show will air live on Wednesday’s at 9:00 for an hour and a half. According to a press release issued by Marcia Henderson, vice president of scheduling, “We’re excited to add the Midwest Wrestling Association to our already impressive line-up of sports oriented shows. We hope that it will be a great partnership that fans will benefit from.” Some media analysts are worried that GNN Total Sports is a bit too intertwined with professional wrestling and shouldn’t add another show to its roster. The network already airs two shows from North of the Border Professional Wrestling, namely NOTBPW TV on Mondays at 9:00 and NOTBPW Spotlight on Tuesdays at 9:00 and NOTBPW. While the MWA is not in the same league as Dan Stone’s juggernaut, they may very well benefit by following his shows, which consistently pull in ratings in the 40s. In a statement issued earlier today, Dan Stone congratulated the MWA on taking a big step forward and wished them the best.[/QUOTE]
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[I][SIZE="3"]Just When Things Are Looking Up...[/SIZE][/I] [B][I]Thursday of Week 2, November 2013[/I][/B] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Good to see you again.” [/COLOR]I shook hands with Mark Carson, the man in charge of Shakeshaft Auditorium. Mark smiled and pumped my hand vigorously. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Welcome back to your home away from home. We have things set up the way you normally have them. Anything different happening tonight?”[/COLOR] I shook my head. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Pretty straightforward show. No surprises to speak of.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Great. Well, you know where the green room is. I assume your guys are going to turn it into Nemesis’s office again?” “That’s the plan.”[/COLOR] Or at least, it was supposed to be. When I went to check on the guys, there was a bit of confusion. I sighed. We recently had a small turnover in our road crew. I didn’t fully understand what the deal was. Some sort of personality conflict with one of the supervisors. I didn’t know but right now, I was wishing I didn’t have a bunch of noobs getting lost in the arena. I finally took charge. Grabbing a potted plant, I led the team through the warrens of the arena, coming to a halt outside the green room door. I smiled when I saw Wanda ready to open the door. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Heard a rumor you were leading your people to the Promised Land.”[/COLOR] I laughed and stepped into the room. I then dropped the pot on my toe. Someone was already in the room, waiting for us. He lounged lazily in one of the plush chairs, looking over some papers in a briefcase he had balanced on his knees. He looked up and smirked at me. My eyes widened and suddenly the sharp pain in my foot was a thousand miles away. It was the Man in Black, the same guy who originally gave me the money to set up the MWA. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“What are you doing?” [/COLOR]I demanded. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Here to see how the investment’s going?”[/COLOR] He chuckled. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I wish. No, I’m afraid I’m here to make sure you don’t freak out.” “Over what?”[/COLOR] He hesitated for a moment. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“My client heard a rumor recently. I did some checking and confirmed that it was true. You should expect a visitor soon, Scap.”[/COLOR] I frowned but then felt someone tap me on my shoulder. I turned around and found myself face to face with the local sheriff. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“John Otte?”[/COLOR] I nodded, my mouth suddenly dry. He reached for his belt and for a second, I imagined he was reaching for his handcuffs. Or maybe his mace. What had I done? Had I sped to the arena? Instead of fulfilling my dark imaginings, the sheriff slapped a paper into my hands. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Consider yourself served.”[/COLOR] He turned on his heel and strode out the door. Wanda watched him go and then looked at the Man in Black. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Served?”[/COLOR] The man nodded. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“It’s what I feared. I hate to belabor the obvious, but Scap, you’re being sued.” “By who?”[/COLOR] Wanda demanded. With trembling hands, I opened the folded paper and scanned it. Most of it was legal gooble-dee-gook, completely indecipherable in my mental state. But then I found a list of names: Anne Stardust, Bart Biggz, Farrah Hesketh, Gil Thomas, Leo Davis, Sam Strong, and... Fire shot through my veins. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Richard!”[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=Scapino1974;296661] He stopped in the doorway. The room was trashed. The furniture had been destroyed, the mattresses cut open. Paint was splashed on all the walls and Mainstream’s clothing had been shredded. [/QUOTE] Now, what were Mainstream Hernandez' clothes doing in Jay Chord's hotel room? Especially shredded? Served!? Oh my... And I'm curious what the in-game reasoning was behind Rev's departure. I'm assuming (mainly because I've never seen such a thing) that it wasn't really over Ogiwara's title reign...
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Firestorm[/I][/SIZE][/B] [I]Thursday of Week 2, November 2013[/I] Held at Shakeshaft Auditorium in the Great Lakes Territory 5,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT![/CENTER] Emma Chase and I welcomed the audience to the show. 1) [B]LIBERTY vs. LEAD BELLY[/B] Things got off to a raucous start as Lead Belly and Liberty went after each other. Emma suggested that Lead Belly’s angry offense came from the fact that he was still stinging from Ronnie’s defeat last week at the hands of Chance Fortune. He seemed to be out for revenge and he got it as he dropped Liberty with an RPM Bomb. WINNER: [B]Lead Belly [/B]in 6:58 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 2) Lead Belly then got a mic and stood over Liberty’s fallen form. He challenged Liberty to get his partner and meet the Bikers at “Field of Honor” for a match. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3) A graphic then informed the audience that tonight’s main event, requested by the Grand Champion himself, was to face Serene Jean Cattley in a match! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 4) Speaking of the champ, he appeared on screen. He said he bet everyone thought he’d try to get his hands on Greg Gauge tonight. After all, Greg wrecked his ride and stuck him with $12,750 worth of damages to his hotel room, most of it being honor bar peanuts. But Jay said he didn’t really care about that. After all, this was nothing more than a childish and pathetic attempt to get him hot under the collar and he was above that kind of silliness. He said that he wouldn’t dignify Greg’s antics with a comment, let alone a match. Serene Jean Cattley, though, was an old family friend and Jay had always wanted to step into the ring with him. That’s why he asked for and got that match for tonight. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 5) Wanda Fish came out next and revealed that she had signed an agreement with Cameron Vessey to be Cameron’s manager. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]D[/COLOR] 6) [B]PRIMUS ALLEN vs. CAMERON VESSEY[/B] Not too bad for a virtual unknown. Cameron seemed focused and determined and really took the fight to Primus. In the end, Cameron ended things with a Vessey Driver. WINNER: [B]Cameron Vessey [/B]in 8:15 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 7) Alicia got into the ring to celebrate with her client. She then revealed that she had already taken the liberty of securing a title shot for Cameron against Josh Jones at “Field of Honor.” RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 8) A video replayed of Sam Keith throwing himself through the table last week. Des Davids then appeared on screen and mocked Sam. [COLOR="DarkGreen"] “So your religion makes it possible for you to smash through tables? Heck, I could have done that for you no problem, old man. That’s just pathetic.”[/COLOR] Suddenly Sam Keith was there and in Des’s face. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Do not mock the teachings of the illustrious [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato[/I]! What you saw last week was but just a taste of what his teachings can accomplish. And I shall prove it. You hold the MWA Regional Championship, yes? Come this Sunday, I shall claim it using the power of my wrath.”[/COLOR] Des sobered up and told Sam it would take a whole lot more than some religious nonsense to get the title away from him. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the mocking; [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the argument 9) Mainstream Hernandez came out to the ring in his wrestling gear. He said that in some ways, he had to thank Matthew Gauge for what happened last week. He said that his date with Junior was better than he could have ever imagined and, in some ways, he knew he had Matt to thank for it. But at the same time, though, Matt had to answer for the way he disrespected Junior. Mainstream wasn’t going to leave the ring until Matt came out and faced him in a match. Matt came out, laughing, saying that [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato [/I]gave him strength, but even he wouldn’t need the Master’s blessings to destroy a ****roach like Mainstream. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 10) [B]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ vs. MATTHEW GAUGE[/B] Whoa. Mainstream and Matt put on a great match, simply phenomenal. At one point, I commented that both men seemed extremely angry. Emma countered by saying that only Matt seemed to be benefitting from that anger. And it was true. Mainstream grew angrier and angrier, which led him to take more and more reckless risks. In the end, Matt was able to capitalize on that by getting Mainstream into the Proton Lock. WINNER: [B]Matthew Gauge [/B]in 9:52 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 11) But Matt wasn’t done. He dragged Mainstream out of the ring and pulled back some of the padding at ringside. He then piledrivered Mainstream right onto the bare cement! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 12) Nemesis called Ernest into his office. He said he bet that Ernest thought he was pretty clever, beating Joey Beauchamp last week. Before Ernest could gloat, Nemesis reminded him that Joey had Ernest beat. If it hadn’t been for Davis Wayne Newton, Ernest would have lost that match. Besides, Nemesis reminded Ernest that he belonged to the boss, so he shouldn’t get ****y. Ernest countered by reminding Nemesis that the only reason why he “belongs to Nemesis” is because Nemesis got lucky. Ernest pointed out that he’s beaten every fair challenge that Nemesis has ever put before him. He said that’s the way it is because he’s the stronger. And Nemesis may think he’s in control right now, but the time is coming when he’ll slip up and Ernest will be free. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for Nemesis’ taunting; [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for Ernest’s 13) [B]THE HIRED GUNS vs. THE JOEYS[/B] The Joeys seemed to be a little put out by what happened last week but they were able to overcome it. They dominated the Guns and Joey Poison put down Ota with an Antidote Web. WINNER: [B]The Joeys [/B]in 6:52 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 14) Then Davis Wayne Newton came out to the ring entrance. He reminded the Joeys of what happened last week and then said that he was going to find a tag partner. He dared them to meet him in the ring at “Field of Honor.” RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 15) Mainstream Hernandez was walking unsteadily toward an ambulance backstage, supported by two trainers. Junior rushed to his side and asked if he was okay. The trainers said that he had a concussion and was being taken to a nearby hospital for observation. Junior kissed him on the cheek and then, as he walked away, her face darkened. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 16) A voice (it sounded like Greg Gauge) boomed over the loudspeakers: [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“And now, a blast from the past.”[/COLOR] Out came Greg, dressed as Rip Chord. Greg staggered down the aisle with a bottle in one hand. He got into the ring and, in an overacted drunken state, raved about what a washed up, broken down loser he was. He kept losing to Sam Strong. He created a wrestling promotion that went belly-up and had to be resurrected by someone else. He had a disappointment for a son. It was very uncomfortable watching. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 17) Jay Chord was backstage watching the monitor and he did not look happy. Then Serene Jean Cattley came into the shot and asked if Jay was ready to go. When Jay didn’t answer, Jean looked at the monitor and blew it off. He told Jay to live and let live, that Rip would have maybe found it funny. He then suggested they go out to the ring. Jay nodded curtly and followed him out, not saying a word. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 18) [B]JAY CHORD vs. SERENE JEAN CATTLEY[/B] Jay looked pretty distracted throughout the match. Oh, sure, he was there physically but it was obvious to tell that his mind was somewhere else. He looked impressive, but much to everyone’s surprise, he walked into a flurry of blows from Jean that ended with a Mood Swing. WINNER: [B]Serene Jean Cattley [/B]in 10:54 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 19) Even Jean looked shocked that he had pinned Jay. He asked the ref if he was sure. He then looked at Jay, who looked a bit numb. He finally helped Jay up and then offered him his hand to shake. Jay looked at the hand and then turned around and walked out of the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] As soon as the show was over, I went backstage to look for the Man in Black. I felt about as shocked as Jay had looked. But all I found was a note in the green room suggesting that I go and get some sleep, that he’d meet me in the morning. We got a rating of 7.15. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Firestorm[/I][/U] [I]Lead Belly defeated Liberty [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Cameron Vessey defeated Primus Allen [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] [I]Matthew Gauge defeated Mainstream Hernandez [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]The Joeys defeated the Hired Guns [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] [I]Serene Jean Cattley defeated Jay Chord [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[I][SIZE="3"]MWA Notes:[/SIZE][/I] [B][I]Friday of Week 2, November 2013 –[/I][/B] True to his word, the Man in Black met me in the hotel restaurant the day after the show. He looked well rested. I wasn’t. I had spent the entire night tossing and turning. I had never been sued before. What could they take from me? Could they get my house, my savings? I didn’t think so. I was pretty sure the MWA was set up in such a way that my personal assets were protected. But if I lost the MWA... That thought kept me up all night. Things had finally started to really take off, what with the second TV show, our expanded roster, my planned storylines. To have it all in jeopardy.... He smiled at me as I slid into a chair. He offered me some coffee and I waved him away. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Look, this isn’t the end of the world,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“They’re going to have a hard time proving their case as it is. Personally, I think you have a better than fifty-fifty chance to beat this.” “Only fifty-fifty?”[/COLOR] He shrugged. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Hard to say. There are a lot of variables in play.”[/COLOR] I shoved the summons across the table at him. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I tried to figure that out last night. Care to interpret?”[/COLOR] He pulled out a pair of glasses and looked things over. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“According to this, the plaintiffs are suing you and the MWA for fifty million dollars for restraint of trade.” “What?”[/COLOR] He nodded. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Think about it, Scap. What’s the first thing you did when you hit national?”[/COLOR] I thought it over. I had started hiring more workers. I had set up a house show schedule. There were new sponsorship deals to strike. Where to begin? He must have read the confusion on my face. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Narrow it down. What did you do that hurt them?”[/COLOR] My eyes widened. [COLOR="darkgreen"] “I signed most of my roster to written contracts...” “... workers you shared with MAW, DaVE, CZCW, the SWF, and so on. When you signed them to written contracts, you effectively gutted their rosters of some of their most talented people. They’re arguing that you maliciously tried to ruin their companies.” “That’s ridiculous!” [/COLOR]Some of the other patrons shot me dirty looks but I didn’t care. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“It wasn’t malicious, it was only business. Any one of them would have done the same thing to me if our positions were reversed.” “You can certainly argue that at trial.”[/COLOR] Ice sluiced through my veins. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You think this will actually get that far?” He nodded sadly. “Your trial judge is the Honorable Glen Jacobs in Minneapolis. Know anything about him?”[/COLOR] I shook my head. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You’ve heard of ‘mark doctors’ before?”[/COLOR] Sure. Before the government really cracked down on steroid abuse, certain doctors could be counted on to prescribe illegal drugs to wrestlers and did so because they got a kick out of associating with famous people. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Jacobs could be called a ‘mark judge.’ He’s a major wrestling fan. According to the rumors I’ve heard, he’s almost giddy at the prospect of hearing this case.” “Isn’t that a conflict of interest? Shouldn’t I ask him to ... what is it?” “Recuse himself? Not a good idea. Like I said, this is based on rumors which also say that as much as he marks out for the SWF, he’s also taken his kids to a few MWA shows back when you were in the Garrison. Of course, this doesn’t need to get to him. You could settle out of court...”[/COLOR] I shook my head. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“No way. I didn’t do anything wrong. I’m not going to let them do this to me. You’re a lawyer, right?”[/COLOR] He nodded. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Then fine. I’m going to hire you. I mean, this is a little over the heads of my legal department. What’s your rate?”[/COLOR] He laughed. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I wish I could, Scap, I really do. But I’m afraid that’s not possible.” “Why not?” “It goes against my client’s wishes. He wanted me to warn you, get you pointed in the right direction, but then stay out of it.” “Why?” “If I were to represent you, he would risk exposure and he doesn’t want that, not at the present time.” [/COLOR]He pulled out a business card and slid it across the table to me. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“This is a colleague of mine. Good lawyer, very level headed, sharp as a whip. If I were being sued, this is who I’d want on my side of the aisle. I’ve already greased the rails for you. Call her as soon as you get back to Minneapolis.”[/COLOR] I took the card, numb. He started to rise, but then put a hand on mine. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Don’t worry. You’ll beat this.”[/COLOR] I smiled weakly at him. I was glad one of us was confident.
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[B]Mid-West Markdown: And It Was All Going So Well[/B] by Dave 'Cornellicious' Wynne Yeah, I know. I did MWA just three weeks ago. And they're well out of the Mid West at the moment anyway. I should probably be talking about injury problems like everyone else. Except, well... Except as far as this site's concerned this column goes up before any of the news round ups, and something major's broken on the rumourmill. I should stress here; this is just a rumour right at the moment. Don't panic yet. First off, wow I look like an idiot on the Scap prediction. Word has it that Steve is gone because he just couldn't keep up with Straight to the Top. Word also has it that Steve is gone because he beat Scap at arm wrestling in three straight rounds. And I'm sure, this being wrestling's rumourmill, that if I dug deep enough I could find word of a torrid backstage affair between Steve and Emma Chase that ended badly before Chase used her stroke to have him kicked to the kerb. To be honest, I really don't have the energy. When the number two rumour involves arm wrestling, you know it's not that exciting. Which, I guess, ties back to what I was saying about the real news of the week; the rumourmill is the rumourmill, for good and for bad. On the rumourmill: Scapino got served. Legal proceedings are apparently gearing up for a civil lawsuit against Scapino. We know Richard Eisen's on the other end, and we know there are more names (Bart Biggz keeps coming up), but beyond that we don't know who or what for. If Richard isn't alone in this, it can't be about any of Scap's callback plotlines - like Scap's 'assault using an old friend' plotline of just after his 'firing' - or an attempt to get the one Strong catchphrase the Eisens don't own under control. No, this is booker against booker on the professional level. Which is, of course, traditionally carried out outside the court scene. So something's going on, and I honestly don't know what. It's true that MWA has grown faster and farther than those other promotions that started up around the same time, and it's true it's overtaken people along the way (let's face it, every smark reading this column has at least seen the arguments over whether SWF is still in the Big Two or whether some fans are just holding it there for nostalgia value - but if SWF isn't in that spot, it's down to MWA overtaking. And SWF [i]isn't[/i] in that spot, guys.) Hoo, that's gonna get me angry letters. Time to tinker with the spam filter again. My best guess is this has something to do with the fact we used to see a lot of talent sharing going on between the various lower-ranked feds, and MWA's locked down a lot of its talent of late. (Since the PPV deal came through, for those who don't follow this.) That, or the Rev was hopping mad at Scap and told tales out of school, but personally I doubt it; he's one of the few figures behind the scenes in wrestling who looks to have genuine integrity. --- [i]No joke, either; I was planning on leaving the next of these a while, then all this happened.[/i]
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[I][SIZE="3"]And for the Defense...[/SIZE][/I] [B][I]Monday of Week 3, November 2013 –[/I][/B] I had tried to relax at the house shows. I really did try. And after I returned home, I tried to forget about the lawsuit. But my mind kept coming back to it. I finally called the lawyer the Man in Black suggested. She was expecting my call and invited me to her office almost immediately. She looked up from some papers on her desk as I walked in. She smiled and stuck out a hand. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Amy Dumas. Pleased to meet you.”[/COLOR] I shook her hand and commented on her grip. She was strong, no doubt about it. While she laughed at the comment, she got right down to business. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You brought the relevant paperwork?”[/COLOR] she asked. I handed it over and she skimmed through it. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Pretty straight forward. All right, first things first. Since the bone of contention for this whole case is your hiring workers, don’t. Until this case is resolved, don’t even look at any new workers and especially not any working for the plaintiffs, got it?”[/COLOR] I laughed. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Why would I want to? They’ve got nobody left I’d want.”[/COLOR] She fixed me with a stern glare. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Don’t talk like that, even if you’re joking. From here on out, don’t breathe a word about the plaintiffs or their promotions. And I know you haven’t done this yet, but don’t even think of mentioning any of this on Firestorm or Blade’s Edge when that starts up. It would be the height of stupidity to mention your real troubles on air.”[/COLOR] I leaned back in my chair, surprised. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Do you watch our shows?”[/COLOR] She shrugged. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Every now and then. I almost got into wrestling when I was younger. I even tried out for AAA in 1999, but I wound up blowing out my knee pretty badly. So I went back to school and got my law degree.” [/COLOR]A wistful smile tugged at her features. [COLOR="darkgreen"] “I sometimes wonder what things would have been like if things had worked out.” The smile disappeared quickly. “But that’s not going to help here. Sorry.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“No problem,”[/COLOR] I replied. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“So now what?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Now you keep doing what you’re doing. Like I said, no more stealing talent from the plaintiffs. But otherwise, it’s business as usual. It has to be. If you do anything differently, it’ll look like you’ve got something to hide. “But one thing I have to ask. Are you willing to settle this out of court at all? I could contact the other side’s lawyers, sound out some potential deals.”[/COLOR] I shook my head. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Absolutely not.” “All right then. I’ll file a demurrer this week. If we’re lucky, Judge Jacobs will throw this out. If not, we’ll get discovery started and hopefully we can start trial sometime in the New Year.”[/COLOR] I blanched. [COLOR="darkgreen"] “Can’t we get done with this any sooner?”[/COLOR] Amy shook her head. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I’m afraid not. Relax, Mr. Otte. We’ll deal with this. Just be patient.”[/COLOR]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Firestorm[/I][/SIZE][/B] [I]Thursday of Week 3, November 2013[/I] (The Go-Home Show for [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Field of Honor”[/COLOR]) Held at McGaw Arena in the Tri State Territory 5,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT![/CENTER] Emma Chase and I welcomed the audience to the show. 1) [B]LIBERTY vs. ALICIA STRONG[/B] I pointed out that Liberty had something to prove this week. He’d been on the losing end the past couple of weeks and if he wanted any sort of momentum going into “Field of Honor” with his partner, Chance Fortune, he had to pick up the win tonight. Alicia did her best to deny Liberty that win but in the end, he put her down with a Liberation Slam. WINNER: [B]Liberty[/B] in 10:46 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 2) Sam Keith came out to the ring. He got a mic and addressed Des Davids. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You mock what you do not understand. You do not fear the power given to me by the sacred teachings of Il Padrone Arrabiato. But you will. You all will.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 3) [B]STEVE GUMBLE vs. SAM KEITH[/B] Holy cow. And this without chemistry either good or bad. It was a simply fantastic, especially since I told them to take it easy. Steve must have been motivated by the fact he was in the ring with Keith or something. I have no idea. But the crowd really got into this even as Sam Keith slapped Gumble in the Proton Lock. WINNER: [B]Sam Keith [/B]in 9:49 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 4) Nemesis strutted out to the ring ([COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I wonder what’s got him so happy?”[/COLOR] I wondered). He got a mic and said that he had a big announcement. That’s when he was intercepted by Junior. Junior was livid. She wanted Matthew Gauge and she wanted him now! Ernest said they had a full card tonight, so Junior demanded a match against Matt at “Field of Honor.” Nemesis hesitated for a moment but quickly agreed when it looked like Junior was going to tear him apart. Nemesis then addressed Ernest Youngman. He said that he had given what he said a lot of thought. He reluctantly admitted that Ernest had consistently gotten the better of him. But not anymore. He had dug out his rolodex and found an old friend who was willing to beat some respect into Ernest. Nemesis said that he wasn’t going to give Ernest any instructions for this match other than this: [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Try to survive. Because Ernest? Your opponent at ‘Field of Honor’ is none other ... than [B]Eddie Peak[/B]!”[/COLOR] The crowd popped as Eddie came out to the ring. Nemesis said he booked Eddie in a warm-up match tonight and suggested that Ernest take some notes. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] for Junior’s request and the match making 5) [B]THOMAS MORGAN vs. EDDIE PEAK[/B] Thomas rushed out to the ring and tried to get Eddie’s autograph. You could hear him saying that he thought of Eddie as his role model. Eddie took the book and started to sign but then broke Thomas in half with a very stiff kick to the gut. The match basically consisted of Eddie dismantling Thomas bit by bit. Thomas tried to fight back but in the end, Eddie dropped him with a Peak of Perfection. WINNER: [B]Eddie Peak [/B]in 8:58 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 6) Backstage, Ernest Youngman was watching what happened and did not look happy. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 7) Davis Wayne Newton came out to the ring next and announced it was time to reveal his partner for “Field of Honor.” He said he gave it a lot of thought and finally decided on Remmy Skye. Out came Remmy, who looked mildly interested in what was happening. Davis went on to say that he had asked Nemesis for some sort of warm up match to make sure that he and Remmy could function together. He asked whoever their opponents were to come on out. It turned out to be the tag champs, Agony’s Bikers. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 8) [B]DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON & REMMY SKYE vs. AGONY’S BIKERS[/B] A pretty good match all around. No chemistry issues (thankfully). Davis and Remmy did a decent job working together and the crowd was solidly behind them but it was Lead Belly who really shone in the match. That played really well since it was Lead Belly who picked up the win for his team by taking down Remmy with an RPM Bomb. WINNERS: [B]Agony’s Bikers [/B]in 8:07 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 9) Matthew Gauge came out to the ring with a box of tissues and faked crying, weeping loudly for Mainstream Hernandez. He then threw the box away and informed Junior she had better bring more to the ring this Sunday than her tears. Before he could go on, Junior charged out to the ring and chased Matt out of there. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 10) Jay Chord came out to the ring with the title draped over his shoulder. He didn’t acknowledge any of the fans but got into the ring and said he had to get something off his chest. But first, he was going to give someone something he didn’t deserve. He called out Izaak Tischler saying that if he wanted to try and reclaim the Grand Championship, this was his chance. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 11) [B]JAY CHORD (c) vs. IZAAK TISCHLER [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Grand Championship[/COLOR] Wow. Holy cow. Wow. Phenomenal match. Izaak was a bit hesitant coming out to the ring and in the early going. He seemed a bit confused about this opportunity and so were Emma and I. Jay was all business and didn’t seem to enjoy himself at all. He was simply focused on beating Izaak down. Izaak tried to make that difficult for him but in the end, Jay dropped him with a Cradle Piledriver. WINNER: [B]Jay Chord [/B]in 9:52 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 12) As Izaak vacated the ring, Jay got the mic and started in on Greg Gauge. He said that Greg had crossed a line. He said that wrecking his rental car, fine. Sticking him with the hotel bill, cool enough. But you don’t mock Rip Chord. You don’t go after a man’s father. He said he knew what Greg wanted him to do. He wanted him to lose his cool, lose his temper, give in to his anger so he’ll screw up and Greg can get the title. He said that it wasn’t going to work. He said the title would remain his. But as for the match ... He held up the title. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Is this what you want, Greg? Do you really think what I’ll do to you is worth it?”[/COLOR] Greg came out and smiled ferally. “[COLOR="darkgreen"]You do not understand the true nature of anger, Jay Chord. You believe yours will give you strength but it will consume you. I have brought about your downfall. Your title this Sunday shall be mine.” “Why wait until then?”[/COLOR] Jay threw down the mic and charged out of the ring and collided with Greg. The two brawled up the center aisle and soon, the locker room emptied out to separate them as the crowd chanted, [COLOR="Lime"]“Let them fight! Let them fight!”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the challenge;[COLOR="blue"] B[/COLOR] for the acceptance; [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the brawl As the show went off the air, Emma and I hyped up the card – [B]JOSH JONES (c) vs. CAMERON VESSEY for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title[/COLOR][/B]([COLOR="Blue"]D+[/COLOR]) [B]DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON & REMMY SKYE vs. THE JOEYS [/B]([COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR]) [B]JUNIOR vs. MATTHEW GAUGE [/B]([COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR]) [B]CHANCE FORTUNE & LIBERTY vs. AGONY’S BIKERS for the [COLOR="red"]MWA Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] [/B]([COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR]) [B]DES DAVIDS (c) vs. SAM KEITH for [COLOR="red"]the MWA Regional Championship[/COLOR][/B] ([COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR]) [B]ERNEST YOUNGMAN vs. EDDIE PEAK [/B]([COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR]) [B]JAY CHORD (c) vs. GREG GAUGE for [COLOR="red"]the MWA Grand Championship [/COLOR][/B]([COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR]) [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] We got a rating of 7.62. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Firestorm[/I][/U] [I]Liberty defeated Alicia Strong [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Sam Keith defeated Steve Gumble [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Eddie Peak defeated Thomas Morgan [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Agony’s Bikers defeated Davis Wayne Newton & Remmy Skye [/I]-[COLOR="blue"] B[/COLOR] [I]Jay Chord (c) defeated Izaak Tischler to retain [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Grand Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE] As always, predictions, comments, questions, even fake news/op-ed pieces are welcome. LOL!
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JOSH JONES (c) vs. [B]CAMERON VESSEY[/B] for the MWA Rising Star Title I don't think Jones has been performing as well as you expected, and Cameron gets the shot here. [B]DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON & REMMY SKYE[/B] vs. THE JOEYS I'm tempted to go the other way, but I think this will be the result. JUNIOR vs. [B]MATTHEW GAUGE[/B] Round 1 to Gauge; This isn't the end, though. CHANCE FORTUNE & LIBERTY vs. [B]AGONY’S BIKERS[/B] for the MWA Tag Team Championship Mainly because I think one champion needs to win, and Chance & Liberty are an odd team. DES DAVIDS (c) vs. [B]SAM KEITH[/B] for the MWA Regional Championship Keith takes home one of the championships for Padrone. ERNEST YOUNGMAN vs. [B]EDDIE PEAK[/B] Peak gets the job done, but Youngman puts up a fight... JAY CHORD (c) vs. [B]GREG GAUGE[/B] for the MWA Grand Championship Gauge with the victory, but Chord to retain.
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[QUOTE=steev42;297148] CHANCE FORTUNE & LIBERTY vs. [B]AGONY’S BIKERS[/B] for the MWA Tag Team Championship Mainly because I think one champion needs to win, and Chance & Liberty are an odd team. [/QUOTE] I like Liberty and Fourtune as a team...their names work together...Liberty & Fourtune
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[B]JOSH JONES (c)[/B] vs. CAMERON VESSEY for the MWA Rising Star Title(D+) Not his time to lose yet. Few more matches and he drops to move up the card. DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON & REMMY SKYE vs. [B]THE JOEYS[/B] (C+) JUNIOR vs. [B]MATTHEW GAUGE[/B] (C+) I don't like Junior? [B]CHANCE FORTUNE & LIBERTY[/B] vs. AGONY’S BIKERS for the MWA Tag Team Championship (B-) [B]DES DAVIDS (c)[/B] vs. SAM KEITH for the MWA Regional Championship (C+) I like Sam Keith, but it seems like the Regional Championship is so beneath him. [B]ERNEST YOUNGMAN [/B]vs. EDDIE PEAK (B+) [B]JAY CHORD (c)[/B] vs. GREG GAUGE for the MWA Grand Championship (B+) Chords reign shall be long and fulfilling!
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JOSH JONES (c) vs. [B]CAMERON VESSEY [/B]for the MWA Rising Star Title [B]DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON & REMMY SKYE[/B] vs. THE JOEYS [B]JUNIOR[/B] vs. MATTHEW GAUGE CHANCE FORTUNE & LIBERTY vs. [B]AGONY’S BIKERS [/B]for the MWA Tag Team Championship DES DAVIDS (c) vs. [B]SAM KEITH [/B]for the MWA Regional Championship [B]ERNEST YOUNGMAN[/B] vs. EDDIE PEAK [B]JAY CHORD (c)[/B] vs. GREG GAUGE for the MWA Grand Championship
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JOSH JONES (c) vs. [B]CAMERON VESSEY[/B] for the MWA Rising Star Title(D+) DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON & REMMY SKYE vs. [B]THE JOEYS[/B] (C+) JUNIOR vs. [B]MATTHEW GAUGE[/B] (C+) [B]CHANCE FORTUNE & LIBERTY[/B] vs. AGONY’S BIKERS for the MWA Tag Team Championship (B-) DES DAVIDS (c) vs. [B]SAM KEITH[/B] for the MWA Regional Championship (C+) [B]ERNEST YOUNGMAN[/B] vs. EDDIE PEAK (B+) JAY CHORD (c) vs. [B]GREG GAUGE[/B] for the MWA Grand Championship (B+)
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[CENTER]MWA presents... [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]“Field of Honor”[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [I]Sunday of Week 3, November 2013[/I] Held at Isaak Road Arena in the Mid Atlantic Territory 14,639 in attendance; Buy-rate of 2.26[/CENTER] Emma Chase and I welcomed the audience to the show. 1) [B]DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON & REMMY SKYE vs. THE JOEYS[/B] Davis was off his game and Remmy was tired out by the end of the match but it was a half-way decent start to the show. Davis and Remmy tried their best to take down the former tag champs, but Emma rightly observed that two guys can’t just come together and put together a tag team and expect to go toe-to-toe with a team that’s been working together for months. While Davis looked phenomenal in the ring, it didn’t do him much good. Joey Beauchamp took down Remmy in the end. WINNER: [B]The Joeys [/B]in 16:15 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 2) Backstage Eddie Peak arrived at the arena to a massive pop. Nemesis was waiting for him. The boss welcomed his ringer to the arena and asked if he was ready to destroy Ernest Youngman. Eddie smiled and said that Nemesis knew him well enough to already know the answer. He promised that by the end of the night, Ernest Youngman would just be a grease stain on the mat. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 3) A video played, showing Matthew Gauge dropped Mainstream Hernandez onto the concrete with a piledriver. It was shown from multiple angles and in slow motion, emphasizing how bad the damage would be. Junior then appeared on screen. She promised Matt that she was going to destroy him tonight. She said that she knew she had a temper problem but tonight, she was going to let it loose and Matt would have to take responsibility for that. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the video and Junior’s rant 4) [B]JOSH JONES (c) vs. CAMERON VESSEY [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title[/COLOR] Given that these two have put in slightly less than average matches, this one came as a pleasant surprise given the fact that they’re both two relative unknowns. Both Jenny Playmate and Wanda Fish did a good job and, at one point, Jenny actually wound up chasing Wanda around the ring. But the real story was told in a very good match that shows why these two have a great future in the industry. In the end, Cameron Vessey took down Josh with a Vessey Driver. WINNER: [B]Cameron Vessey [/B]in 8:37 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 5) Backstage, in a dimly lit room, Sam Keith and his sons were sitting in the back, surrounding a black candle. They appeared to be in a trance. Sam opened his eyes first and promised Des Davids that he would learn respect tonight. The teachings of [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato [/I]would give him victory. Matt focused on the camera next. He said that Junior shouldn’t hold anything back tonight. He said that in the crucible of her anger, she would find what she was looking for, what she would not be able to find from Mainstream Hernandez. Jay was last. He said that Jay Chord would learn that misguided anger would only consume him. Jay’s rage, on the other hand, would lend him strength and lead to the Grand Championship. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] for Sam; [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for Matt; [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for Greg 6) Serene Jean Cattley came out to the ring, much to the delight of his hometown crowd. He posed for a bit and then announced that it was truly [COLOR="darkgreen"]“groovy”[/COLOR] to be home in Izaak Road. He said that he loved each and every one of his fans, adding that he knew he hadn’t told people that often enough. He then got out of the ring and went from fan to fan in the front row, hugging them and saying, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I love you.” [/COLOR]Even I had to agree with Emma that was a little weird. It didn’t last long, though, because Thomas Morgan charged out of the back and attacked him, beating him down and leaving him bloody. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 7) [B]LIBERTY & CHANCE FORTUNE vs. AGONY’S BIKERS (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] Pretty good match. We’re definitely headed in the right direction tonight. I felt a little sorry for Ronnie V. Pain. He had a little bit of trouble keeping up with the others as the match wore on. Kristen Pearce once again did a great job psyching up her boys from ringside. But the stars of the match were Lead Belly and Chance Fortune. They really shone through the whole match. But Chance’s flashiness didn’t help him as the Bikers hit him with a Drive Shaft. WINNERS: [B]Agony’s Bikers [/B]in 15:30 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 8) Des Davids checked in, saying that Sam Keith and his sons were pushing some stupid voodoo. He didn’t care what they said, he wasn’t losing his Regional Championship, no matter how angry they got. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 9) Ernest Youngman came out to the ring. He seemed a bit nervous and admitted as much. He said that he had spent the last few days really worried about his match. He knew it was going to be dangerous but he figured if Eddie Peak wanted to risk breaking a hip in a match against him, that was his business. Eddie came out to the ring, a scowl on his face, Nemesis at his side. Emma observed making jokes about Eddie Peak was not a good idea. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 10) [B]ERNEST YOUNGMAN vs. EDDIE PEAK[/B] I have this feeling this should have been our main event. I’m hoping I’m wrong, but dang, this one will be hard to follow. The crowd simply exploded as Eddie got into the ring and they pretty much stayed on their feet the whole time. Ernest put up a great fight and even went for the swinging neckbreaker several times. He got multiple pin falls but couldn’t keep Eddie down. Worse, Nemesis interjected himself into the match a few times, tripping up Ernest as the rookie started getting some momentum going. In the end, Eddie simply overwhelmed Ernest with a series of devastating blows and finished him off with a Peak of Perfection. WINNER: [B]Eddie Peak [/B]in 20:58 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 11) Nemesis got into the ring and lifted Eddie’s hand in victory. He then got a mic and taunted Ernest, saying that he got what was coming to him. Ernest actually stopped and tried to get back into the ring. That took Nemesis aback a little and he quickly ordered medics to come out and check Ernest over for possible injuries. Ernest struggled against the medics a little before finally sighing and letting them lead him out of the ring area. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 12) [B]DES DAVIDS (c) vs. SAM KEITH [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Regional Championship[/COLOR] The fact that these two have great chemistry together really helped keep things going from the last match. The crowd didn’t get much of a break as Des Davids did his best to take Sam Keith out. But something strange happened. While Des dominated the early going, as the match wore on, it appeared as Sam really did become stronger. He shook off Des’s offense faster, delivered his moves with more crispness and, in the end, managed to dodge a spear that came out of nowhere. Des slammed into a ring post and as he staggered away, Sam hit the Neutron Plex and then tied Des up in the Proton Lock. WINNER: [B]Sam Keith [/B]in 14:53 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 13) A video played, reminding folks of what’s been happening between Mainstream Hernandez, Junior, and Matthew Gauge. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 14) [B]JUNIOR vs. MATTHEW GAUGE[/B] I have a really good feeling about tonight. This was a phenomenal match. Matt and Junior played off each other very well and put together a well-told story of Matt taunting Junior on to greater and greater heights. She slowly lost control with every passing moment until finally, she practically exploded, pummeling Matt down, screaming in fury as she did so. But much to her frustration, she couldn’t pin him. She couldn’t get him into the Triangle Choke ([COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Which is actually good for Matt,”[/COLOR] Emma observed. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I’m not sure he’d survive if she did.”[/COLOR]). Finally, the frustration built to the point where Junior took Matt out of the ring, cleared off the announce table, and much to everyone’s surprise, hauled Matt up and hit a piledriver that drove him through the table. The ref immediately ended the match. WINNER: [B]Matthew Gauge by DQ [/B]in 16:51 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 15) Jay Chord appeared on screen and said that the Gauges seemed to be on a roll tonight. Well, that was going to end in a few minutes. He said that Greg might think his anger was unfocused, but that wasn’t true. It was. Jay was extremely focused on taking him down and making him pay for everything he had done. He then said that Greg had actually better hope that Jay does win tonight. He reminded Jay that he was standing in Isaak Road Arena, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“the house that Rip built.”[/COLOR] He said that after Jay’s “joke” a few weeks ago, the fans would kill him if Jay didn’t finish him first. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 16) Backstage Mainstream Hernandez was waiting for Junior. She asked what he was doing there (and her voice carried very little affection). He said he was worried about her and wanted to make sure she was all right. She snapped that she was fine. Mainstream looked worried. He suggested that he take her out for a nice quiet dinner so she could calm down. She finally sighed and smiled weakly. She said that sounded great. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 17) A video played, reminding fans the lengths that Greg had gone to to get Jay angry. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 18) [B]JAY CHORD (c) vs. GREG GAUGE [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Grand Championship[/COLOR] That good feeling I mentioned? Yeah, it paid off. This was a phenomenal match. I tried to talk up the fact that these were two second-generation wrestlers with big shoes to fill. Emma countered by saying that they came out of their fathers’ shadows tonight. No matter how you look at it, Greg and Jay put on a simply spectacular brawl. Both men were angry. Like his father, Greg seemed to grow angrier and stronger as the match wore on, but the difference here was that Jay did so as well. Lots of near falls, Jay almost got put into the Proton Lock on two separate occasions, and the fight even took them past the wreckage of the announce table. But in the end, Jay put Greg away with a Super DDT that was punctuated by thunder as the fans leapt to their feet. WINNER: [B]Jay Chord [/B]in 23:34 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Apparently I used Cameron Vessey too much. Otherwise it was a good show. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Field of Honor”[/COLOR][/U] [I]The Joeys defeated Davis Wayne Newton & Remmy Skye [/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Cameron Vessey defeated Josh Jones (c) to capture [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Agony’s Bikers (c) defeated Chance Fortune & Liberty to retain [COLOR="red"]the MWA Tag Team Championship [/COLOR][/I]-[COLOR="blue"] B[/COLOR] [I]Eddie Peak defeated Ernest Youngman [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [I]Sam Keith defeated Des Davids (c) to capture [COLOR="red"]the MWA Regional Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Matthew Gauge defeated Junior by DQ [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Jay Chord (c) defeated Greg Gauge to retain [COLOR="red"]the MWA Grand Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[I][SIZE="3"]MWA Notes:[/SIZE][/I] [B][I]Tuesday of Week 4, November 2013 -[/I][/B] I suddenly wished I had insisted that Joey Poison give up his booking job. At 4C’s “Back to Basics,” Joey put himself in a fatal four-way with Ricky Dale Johnson, Barry Kingman, and Groucho Bling and wound up injured. Not enough to take him out of action, thankfully, but next time I might not be so lucky.
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