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MWA - This Means War! (C-Verse Diary)

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[QUOTE=chris caulfield;300202]Woudn't it be great if by some chance he bought out NOTBPW and then the stones came in and faced of with the Gauges. That would would be legendary C-Verse action right there.[/QUOTE] That would be. Hmmmm. So how can I plot the downfall of NOTBPW? connive connive connive
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Live on GNN Total Sports[/COLOR] [I]Wednesday of Week 1, January 2014[/I] Held at Shakeshaft Auditorium in the Great Lakes Territory 5,000 in attendance – SOLD OUT![/CENTER] Emma Chase and I welcomed the audience to the show. 1) A graphic reminded us that tonight, we’d see Mainstream Hernandez take on Matthew Gauge. And tonight’s main event would be Jay Chord vs. Greg Gauge in a cage match! RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the first announcement; [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] for the second 2) Backstage Greg appeared to be feeling somewhat confident but somewhat sick at the same time. Sam Keith entered the shot and clapped his son on the shoulders, saying that doubt was inevitable but he should push such thoughts far from his mind. Sam said his rage would carry him through the night and prove that he was a worthy follower of [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato[/I], and that when the master arrived in the MWA, he would reward Greg and punish the upstart Jay Chord and all who opposed his enlightenment. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 3) [B]THE UNNAMED WONDERS vs. AGONY’S BIKERS[/B] An okay staring match. I would have preferred a bit more oomph, but what are you going to do? The weak link here might be Ronnie V. Pain. He was visibly tiring by the end of the match whereas the Calamari Kid came out looking particularly dangerous. At any rate, the Bikers seemed pretty sure of themselves in the opening minutes, taking the time to mock and harass their opponents. But Parker and the Kid shut them up pretty handily, especially when Parker finished things off with a Future Shock on Lead Belly. WINNERS: [B]The Unnamed Wonders [/B]in 11:03 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 4) The Bikers were not happy about their loss. They passed from shock to rage very quickly, throwing a small tantrum in which they tossed chairs into the ring, tore apart the announce table, and generally made a mess of things. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 5) Mainstream Hernandez appeared on screen and promised he’d make Matt Gauge pay for the way he’s been treating his girlfriend. He said that Matt would see his sick and twisted dreams disappear in an Apparition #14. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 6) Referee Aaron Andrews came out to the ring for the next match. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 7) [B]KC GLENN vs. IZAAK TISCHLER[/B] Emma really downplayed KC’s chances on this one, citing the fact that Izaak has been with the MWA since the beginning three years ago. She said KC had promise but little else going for him. KC’s performance shut her up handily. He was on fire throughout the match and really took the fight to Izaak. Izaak managed to get in some shots of his own, but in the end, KC took him down with a snapmare followed by a good pin. WINNER: [B]KC Glenn[/B] in 7:48 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 8) KC celebrated his win but Izaak was fuming mad. He got in Aaron’s face and started arguing. By his hand gestures, it looked like he was claiming he had his foot on the ropes. I dismissed the story as ludicrous but Aaron seemed to listen to what Izaak said. He then got a mic and, much to everyone’s surprise, reversed his decision! He declared that the match wasn’t over. KC was stunned. Before he could react, Izaak had him down and pinned and used the ropes for added leverage. Aaron counted to three and declared Izaak the real winner. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 9) Jay Chord appeared on screen and hyped his match against Greg Gauge. He asked Greg how it felt to have the shoe on the other foot. He said it wasn’t so funny when someone made fun of an important person to you. He promised to add injury to insult tonight in the cage, saying that he would make Greg bleed before dropping him to the mat. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 10) [B]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ vs. MATTHEW GAUGE[/B] Great match. Truly excellent. I hope Matt’s brother and Jay can live up to this. If not, we’re going to have another odd night on Blade’s Edge. Mainstream really kicked it up a few notches tonight but every time he did, Matthew was already two levels above him. Mainstream hung in there for as long as he could but he was simply outmatched. Matt finally took him down and got him to tap with a Proton Lock. WINNER: [B]Matthew Gauge [/B]in 9:04 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 11) But Matt wouldn’t release the hold. If anything, he cinched it up tighter. Mainstream screamed in agony as Matt roared and laughed at him. He finally let go and rolled out of the ring as Junior charged in with a chair. He scampered out of the ring, laughing at her as she crouched down to check on Mainstream. But Emma noted that she seemed more interested in what Matt was doing rather than if Mainstream was okay. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 12) Chance Fortune came out to the ring for his first title defense. But rather than talk about his opponent, he focused on Ernest Youngman. He said that Ernest was full of it if he thought his actions could be excused. He said Ernest had no one to blame but himself for the way he’d been treated. Chance encouraged Ernest to bring it on, saying that he wasn’t going to back down for anything. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 13) [B]CHANCE FORTUNE (c) vs. HUGH de ASKE [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Whoa. Never mind. I think we’re heading for a great first show of the year. Even though I had the road agents book this to give the audience a break, Hugh and Chance clearly had other ideas. They really built on what Mainstream and Matt did. Hugh tried every dirty trick in the book, which Emma said was only fair since it was a part of his pirate heritage. But Chance simply outshone him in every way. In the end, he laid out Hugh with a devastating Stroke of Luck. WINNER: [B]Chance Fo[/B]rtune in 9:44 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 14) Des Davids appeared on screen, looking pretty upset. He searched through the backstage area until he found Serene Jean Cattley. It looked like Jean had just gotten done with some recreating, if you know what I mean. Des demanded a rematch at “On the Rise,” calling Jean’s victory a fluke. Jean said it was all good, he’d be fine with that. He then looked at his hands and marveled at how large they were. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] for the response 15) [B]JAY CHORD vs. GREG GAUGE [/B]in [COLOR="Purple"]a classic cage match[/COLOR] Good thing this is the last match in the program for these two. I think it may have overstayed its welcome with the fans. Hopefully the middle two matches can draw this one up. Jay and Greg did a decent job, don’t get me wrong, but the fans just didn’t seem to be all that into it. They cheered at the right times and booed when Greg got ahead. But they just weren’t all that excited even as Jay dropped Greg in the middle of the ring with a cradle piledriver. WINNER: [B]Jay Chord [/B]in 12:25 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 16) Whatever the case, Jay celebrated his win by going into the crowd. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Sadly the last match dragged us down more than the other two dragged us up. Still and all, it was a pretty good night. We got a rating of 32.85 (which is admittedly our highest rated TV show ever, so I guess I shouldn’t complain). FINAL RATING:[COLOR="blue"] B[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/U] [I]The Unnamed Wonders defeated Agony’s Bikers [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] [I]Izaak Tischler defeated KC Glenn by reversal [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Matthew Gauge defeated Mainstream Hernandez [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Chance Fortune (c) defeated Hugh de Aske to retain [COLOR="Red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [I]Jay Chord defeated Greg Gauge in [COLOR="Purple"]a classic cage match [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Firestorm[/I][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Live on the Pop! Network; Replayed on TV Mex[/COLOR] [I]Thursday of Week 1, January 2014[/I] Held at the Lowe Ballroom in the North West Territory 5,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT![/CENTER] Emma Chase and I welcomed the audience to the show. 1) [B]LIBERTY vs. BRADLEY BLAZE[/B] Liberty was off his game tonight and the match suffered as a result. It may be that Liberty is beginning to feel his age a little. Whatever the case, it was a decent match. The newcomer got in some decent licks before finally, Liberty put him away with a Liberation Slam. WINNER: [B]Liberty[/B] in 9:54 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 2) Junior and Mainstream Hernandez were arguing backstage again. Junior was apparently very angry that Mainstream took it upon himself to face Matthew Gauge. She reminded him that Matt was hers and she wanted to be the one to take him out. Mainstream tried to reason with her and see how obsessed she was becoming but she wouldn’t listen and eventually stormed off. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 3) [B]PRIMUS ALLEN vs. JOEY POISON[/B] Once again, Joey’s injury took a major toll. I’m hoping it’ll heal soon, but I’m beginning to wonder if this isn’t a permanent part of him now. Whatever the case, Joey was simply overwhelmed by Primus’s offense and wound up getting nailed with a running powerslam. WINNER: [B]Primus Allen [/B]in 9:12 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C-[/COLOR] 4) Casey Valentine strutted through the backstage area until he came across Serene Jean Cattley. He burst out laughing and said that it figured that Jean was still hanging out in the MWA. He called him a loser for still being here. Jean smiled and pointed out that while he had never left, Casey did and yet he came crawling back. He wondered who really was the biggest loser. Casey fumed and looked about ready to throw a punch but he was stopped by Nemesis. Nemesis berated him for fighting backstage when he and Jean could do it out in the ring. Before Casey could object, Nemesis booked them in a match next! As those two left for the ring, the Unnamed Wonders found Nemesis. They pointed out that they had beaten Agony’s Bikers in their nontitle match last night and now asked for a match at “On the Rise,” but this time for the titles. Nemesis said he couldn’t argue with what he saw and he agreed, giving them the title shot. Then Ernest Youngman happened along. He enthusiastically greeted his boss and said he had a request of his own. He wanted Chance Fortune at “On the Rise” for the World Heavyweight Championship. Nemesis hesitated. He said normally he would be more than happy to give Ernest the shot, especially given the fact that Ernest’s attitude had improved so much. But he said the wanted things to look on the up-and-up. That’s why he’d have to book a #1 Contender match for tonight. It would be Ernest Youngman against Mainstream Hernandez. Nemesis wondered aloud if that would be fair since Mainstream has been so distracted lately. Ernest smiled and said that would be perfect. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the argument; [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] for the title-shot request; [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for Ernest’s request 5) [B]SERENE JEAN CATTLEY vs. CASEY VALENTINE[/B] Good match all around. Casey seemed out to prove himself all over again to the crowd but Jean didn’t make that easy for him. They put on a great fight that ended with Jean blocking a Heartbreaker and turning it into a Mood Swing. WINNER: [B]Serene Jean Cattley [/B]in 10:39 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 6) Jean’s victory was short lived since Des Davids charged out to the ring afterwards and attacked him, laying him out with the Regional title belt. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 7) Nemesis was returning to his office when he was confronted by Agony’s Bikers. They were furious over the fact that Nemesis had booked them in a title defense against the Unnamed Wonders. Kristen Pearce darkly suggested that if Nemesis didn’t change his mind, her boys would have to do something about it. Nemesis didn’t back down. He pointed out that he was the one who brought the Bikers into the MWA and he would be more than happy to take them out again seeing as they hadn’t exactly met his expectations. He even suggested that maybe he and his assassin would bury them personally. That got the Bikers to back down quickly. Nemesis shoved past them and went into his office. Kristen exchanged an angry look with her boys and suggested they take a different route. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 8) [B]KC GLENN vs. CAMERON VESSEY (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title[/COLOR] Really good match all around. These two are definitely two to watch as the months go on I think. After putting up a decent fight, KC was taken out with a Vessey Driver. WINNER: [B]Cameron Vessey [/B]in 9:53 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 9) Cameron Vessey got the mic, looking like he wanted to do a little talking on himself. But before he could get a word in edgewise, Wanda Fish clambered into the ring and took over. She did toss Cameron a bone or two, saying he was an impressive young talent, but she took most of the credit for herself, saying she was the one who discovered him. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 10) Jay Chord appeared on screen and mocked Greg Gauge for losing last night in the cage match. He taunted him, asking Greg where the teachings of Il Padrone Arrabiato were now. He was interrupted in mid-sentence by Matthew Gauge. Matt said that Jay had much to answer for and while Greg may not have been able to silence him, Matt was more than ready to do the job himself. Jay responded with a smirk and a ****y, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Bring it on!”[/COLOR] Before Matt could reply, though, he dropped his mic and ran. Junior charged past the camera after him. The camera man whipped around to show Matt duck through a door. Junior tried to open it but couldn’t. She pounded on it, howling in fury. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C-[/COLOR] for the taunting; [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the confrontation and the challenge and the chasing 11) Mainstream Hernandez was getting ready for his match and looking pretty depressed. The door opened and closed behind him and he turned, a hopeful expression on his face. It faltered a bit when he saw it was Joanne Rodriguez. She hugged him and he asked her what she was doing back in the MWA. J-Ro said her vacation helped her get herself balanced out pretty well. She then asked him what was wrong. The whole story about Junior came spilling out. But when Mainstream said he had a #1 Contender’s match next, J-Ro stopped him. She suggested that he set all the stuff with Junior aside for right now and focus on beating Ernest Youngman. Mainstream agreed but it was pretty obvious he couldn’t completely do that. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 12) [B]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ vs. ERNEST YOUNGMAN [/B]to determine the [COLOR="Red"]#1 Contender for the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] I should start calling Ernest “King Midas.” Everything he touches has been turned to gold recently. This was a spectacular match and in just the right place. Mainstream tried to get it together to beat Ernest but you could tell his head and heart weren’t in it. Ernest simply overwhelmed a distracted Mainstream and while the latter fought back, Mainstream couldn’t rally and wound up succumbing to a swinging neckbreaker. WINNER: [B]Ernest Youngman [/B]in 11:04 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] The crowds left buzzing about the main event. We got a rating of 8.56. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Firestorm[/I][/U] [I]Liberty defeated Bradley Blaze [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] [I]Primus Allen defeated Joey Poison [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] [I]Serene Jean Cattley defeated Casey Valentine [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Cameron Vessey (c) defeated KC Glenn to retain [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Ernest Youngman defeated Mainstream Hernandez to become the [COLOR="red"]#1 Contender for the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Live on GNN Total Sports[/COLOR] [I]Wednesday of Week 2, January 2014[/I] Held at the Gorski Ballroom in the South West Territory 5,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT![/CENTER] Emma Chase and I welcomed the audience to the show. 1) [B]PRIMUS ALLEN vs. REMMY SKYE[/B] Good opening match to get the crowd going. Remmy was cool and calm throughout the match but you could tell that Primus’s blitzkrieg offense really took him by surprise. Remmy did his best to dazzle Primus but in the end, Primus took him down with a Flying Lariat. WINNER: [B]Primus Allen [/B]in 9:42 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 2) Nemesis came out to the ringside area and made an announcement: Ernest Youngman was indeed the #1 Contender for the MWA World Heavyweight Championship and would face Chance Fortune for the title at “On the Rise.” Before he could leave, though, Junior came out and demanded that she be given a match at “On the Rise” against Matthew Gauge. Nemesis told her to back off, that he didn’t care how big and bad she thought she was. He said it wasn’t going to happen as far as he was concerned. Junior looked ready to hit Nemesis. Nemesis dared her to find out what happened. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the match announcement; [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for Junior’s request 3) [B]EDWARD CORNELL vs. JOEY BEAUCHAMP[/B] Pretty good match. Edward didn’t seem all that put out fighting Joey, who tried to overwhelm Edward with some high-impact, high flying moves. But Edward soldiered through and took Joey down and got him pinned. WINNER: [B]Edward Cornell [/B]in 10:21 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 4) Edward then got a mic and laid down a challenge to Cameron Vessey. He said he was feeling pretty good about himself and wanted another shot at the Rising Star Title. Out came Cameron with Wanda Fish in tow. Cameron accepted the challenge. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C [/COLOR]for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] for the response 5) Matthew Gauge appeared on screen and said that tonight, he would punish Jay Chord for his frivolous attitude toward Il Padrone Arrabiato. He would see what kind of true power his disciples had. He then addressed Junior. He said that he was actually willing to face her in a match at “On the Rise.” But getting that match wouldn’t be cheap. He said that she had to prove she really wanted to face him. She had to find some way to show that her heart was ready for the conflict. However she did it was up to her. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the hype; [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the Junior stuff 6) Serene Jean Cattley appeared on screen and laughed off the fact that Des Davids attacked him last week. He said it showed that Des was running scared. He suggested that Des de-stress and calm down before he blows a gasket. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 7) [B]ALICIA STRONG vs. DES DAVIDS (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Regional Championship[/COLOR] Des apparently heard what Jean had to say and didn’t look happy. He simply tore Alicia apart before putting her down with a Spear. WINNER: [B]Des Davids [/B]in 6:50 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 8) Hugh de Aske came out and said that he was feeling a bit bored. He said he wanted to get back into the ring and mix it up. And he knew who he wanted to face: Liberty. He dared Liberty to get into the ring against a pirate. Liberty came out and accepted, saying it would be a pleasure to keelhaul Hugh. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 9) Jay Chord appeared on screen and said that he wasn’t at all worried about facing Matthew Gauge. He said that he had beaten Greg, he would beat Matt, it was simple as that. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 10) [B]CALAMARI KID vs. ARTHUR DEXTER BRADLEY[/B] The Kid came out looking pretty good against newcomer Bradley. The rookie got in some good licks but the Kid took him out with a Squid Buster. WINNER: [B]The Calamari Kid [/B]in 9:42 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 11) The Kid celebrated the win but before he could leave the ring, Agony’s Bikers charged out and beat the holy hell out of him, finally getting out a table and driving the Kid through it with a Drive Shaft. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 12) Nemesis went into his office only to discover Chance Fortune waiting for him. Chance got into his face, demanding to know what the point of last week was. He accused Nemesis of stacking the deck. Nemesis smiled and pointed out he could just strip the title from Chance if he wanted to [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“stack the deck.” [/COLOR]He said that Chance’s title defense was legit and he should be on his toes because Ernest was out to get his title. To emphasize his point, he stepped aside and Ernest charged in, tackling Chance to the floor and beating on the champ. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 13) [B]JAY CHORD vs. MATTHEW GAUGE[/B] Wow. Great main event. Jay and Matt really kicked things to a higher level with this one. They brawled through the ring and around it. Matt almost got Jay into the Proton Lock on three separate occasions, only to have Jay shimmy to the ropes or out of the hold. Matt too managed to duck Jay’s finishers as well. But in the end, Jay took him down with a Super DDT. WINNER: [B]Jay Chord [/B]in 11:56 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Not too bad all around. Edward Cornell was apparently overused. We got a rating of 32.44. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/U] [I]Primus Allen defeated Remmy Skye [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Edward Cornell defeated Joey Beauchamp [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Des Davids (c) defeated Alicia Strong to retain [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Regional Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]The Calamari Kid defeated Arthur Dexter Bradley [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Jay Chord defeated Matthew Gauge [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Firestorm[/I][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Live on the Pop! Network; Replayed on TV Mex[/COLOR] [I]Thursday of Week 2, January 2014[/I] Held at the Huntsville Fairgrounds in the South East Territory 5,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT![/CENTER] Emma Chase and I welcomed the audience to the show. 1) Things started out with Jay Chord in the ring. He took a few moments to mock Sam Keith and his boys, especially focusing on the Gauge brothers. He said that neither of them had been able to beat him when push came to shove. He said that this cult or whatever it was was losing steam and they might as well just slink off and lick their wounds. Sam Keith interrupted what he was saying and said that Jay should not count the disciples of Il Padrone Arrabiato defeated yet, for there was one who he had not faced. Jay offered to correct that problem right then and there, but Sam refused, saying that Jay would have to wait for his humiliation until next week’s Blade’s Edge. The crowd booed him for that one. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the taunting and the challenge 2) The Biker’s came out to the ring and as they did, we played a video package they shot earlier where they mocked Steven Parker. They reminded him that he and the Kid had locked themselves into a title shot at “On the Rise.” They pointed out that the Kid was out of commission with some bruised ribs for a month. What, oh what, is Parker going to do? RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 3) [B]STEVEN PARKER vs. RONNIE V. PAIN[/B] It’s always good to start a show off with bad chemistry, don’t you think? This was something of a stinker. It definitely should not have led off the show but it’s a little late to change it. Parker did his level best, but I pointed out that in reality, this could be a handicap match since Lead Belly hovered around the outside of the ring. As a matter of fact, toward the end of the match, Parker started to pick up some steam only to have it all come crashing down when Lead Belly tripped him up from the outside. Ronnie capitalized and put Parker away with a Power Chord. WINNER: [B]Ronnie V. Pain [/B]in 9:03 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]D+[/COLOR] 4) Aaron Andrews came out to the ring to ref the next match. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 5) [B]JOANNE RODRIGUEZ vs. CASEY VALENTINE[/B] There we go, this was much better. I commented that wherever J-Ro had been for the past couple of weeks, it hadn’t affected her wrestling at all. At any rate, it was a hard fought battle between these two. Both scored near falls. But Joanne brought it to an end with a J-Rocker. Oddly, Aaron seemed to hesitate as he made the count, even pausing for a minute between two and three. WINNER: [B]Joanne Rodriguez [/B]in 8:07 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 6) Aaron still looked torn as J-Ro celebrated her win. But then Aaron got the mic and said that he couldn’t let this stand. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I’m sorry to say this, but Joanne, you’ve been disqualified. Casey Valentine is the real winner. “I seriously don’t know what Mr. Campbell was thinking when he booked this match. As I’m sure he knows, the rules for All American Florida Wrestling, which used to control this territory, expressly forbid a woman to wrestle a man. So far as I know, those rules have never been rescinded. It goes on to state that should a woman interject herself in a wrestling match, her client would automatically lose. “Seeing as Ms. Rodriguez has no client, I must therefore disqualify her in this match. Casey Valentine is the real winner.”[/COLOR] Casey looked very pleased. J-Ro did not. She argued with Aaron all the way to the back. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C-[/COLOR] 7) Wanda Fish appeared on screen with her client, Cameron Vessey. She hyped up his title defense at “On the Rise,” saying that Cameron was a true rising star and easily the most talented young wrestler she’s ever been associated with. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]D+[/COLOR] 8) Backstage at the craft service table, Junior was pacing and muttering to herself. From what little we could hear, it was obvious she was obsessing over Matt Gauge, specifically about how she could prove she wanted a match with him. Just then Remmy Skye came up and tried to make some small talk with her. She paused in her pacing, looked at Remmy, and then without warning, attacked him. She smashed him head-first into a wall, broke a chair over his back, then snared him by his hair and dragged him out to the ring! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 9) [B]REMMY SKYE vs. JUNIOR[/B] I howled with rage at the impromptu match which basically consisted of Junior beating the tar out of her tag team partner. Remmy tried to rally a few times but two things held him back: his reluctance to really engage Junior and the fact that Junior simply could not be stopped. In the end, Junior got him down and almost popped his head off with a triangle choke. WINNER: [B]Junior[/B] in 10:32 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 10) Junior wouldn’t let Remmy go. Even Emma (who hadn’t been all that upset about what Junior had been doing) was concerned as the ref tried to get Junior to break the hold. Finally Mainstream Hernandez ran out to the ring. He slid under the bottom rope and pleaded with Junior to release Remmy. He finally managed to pry Junior’s legs open and get Remmy out of the hold. Junior did not like that at all. She got into Mainstream’s face and screamed abuse at him. When he tried to calm her down, she attacked him as well, stomping on him before she put him in the triangle choke as well! Mainstream struggled to get out but then lost consciousness. Junior let him go and got a mic. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“There, Gauge. Is that proof enough? I want that match with you so badly, I’ll gladly sacrifice my partner and my boyfriend to get it. Now do you have the balls to step up?”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 11) Bulldozer Brandon Smith came out to the ring while paramedics cleared out Remmy and Mainstream. He took the opportunity to rant and rage about Primus Allen. Smith pointed out that he had beaten Primus who knew how many times in the past several months but it was Primus who got the matches, Primus who got the air time, while Smith was left sitting in the back. He spotted a fan who held up a sign that said, “Primus: 4-0.” He screamed that Primus didn’t have the right to reset his win/loss record. He said that Primus was a loser and always would be a loser.... And Primus apparently heard enough. He charged out to the ring, a ref in tow, and jumpstarted another impromptu match. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 12) [B]PRIMUS ALLEN vs. BULLDOZER BRANDON SMITH[/B] Whoa. I knew these two have great chemistry together, but I really did not expect this. Primus simply overwhelmed Smith. Smith tried to fight back but Primus quickly ran over him and finished him off with a running powerslam. The fans simply ate it up. WINNER: [B]Primus Allen [/B]in 5:34 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) Chance Fortune came out for the main event. He took a moment to get a mic and said that he knew he got punked out by Ernest Youngman last night. But he didn’t care. He still had the World Heavyweight Championship. It didn’t matter if Ernest had Nemesis in his corner or back pocket or whatever. Chance was still the World Heavyweight Champion and, at “On the Rise,” that wasn’t going to change. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 14) [B]CHANCE FORTUNE (c) vs. DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Too bad about this one. It’s not that it was a bad match. It’s just that people will leave the arena remembering the Primus Allen match. Chance and Davis put on a good show. I reminded folks that Davis was a former Grand Champion and easily would want to reclaim the title belt no matter what it was called. They both came close to pinning each other but in the end, Chance surprised Davis with a Stroke of Luck and got the pin. WINNER: [B]Chance Fortune [/B]in 13:22 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 15) Chance Fortune helped Davis to his feet and shook hands with him. Davis seemed a little upset that he lost, but you could tell he was telling Chance it was better that he had the title rather than Ernest. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] The booking didn’t flow quite as I had hoped. But it was a good show all around. We got a rating of 7.37. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Firestorm[/I][/U] [I]Ronnie V. Pain defeated Steven Parker[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]D+[/COLOR] [I]Casey Valentine defeated Joanne Rodriguez by reversal[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Junior defeated Remmy Skye[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Primus Allen defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Chance Fortune (c) defeated Davis Wayne Newton to retain the MWA World Heavyweight Championship [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Live on GNN Total Sports[/COLOR] [I]Wednesday of Week 3, January 2014[/I] Held at Centerpiece Bridge in the Mid Atlantic Territory 5,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT![/CENTER] Emma Chase and I welcomed the audience to the show. 1) [B]SERENE JEAN CATTLEY vs. IZAAK TISCHLER[/B] These two started the show with a bang, putting on an excellent match. Jean really played his part well, making it seem like he was just out there to have fun the whole time. He even stopped to applaud Izaak after the latter nearly pinned him. Izaak didn’t appreciate the accolade. Finally Jean finished off Izaak with a Mood Swing. WINNER: [B]Serene Jean Cattley [/B]in 9:46 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 2) Serene Jean celebrated his win, only to have Des Davids hit the ring and attack him, beating him down. I called Des a coward who obviously was worried about losing his Regional Championship to Jean this Sunday. Emma disagreed, saying that Des was a superior tactician, trying to weaken his opponent to guarantee a victory. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 3) We transitioned our debate as a graphic appeared on screen: Chance Fortune and Ernest Youngman would come face to face tonight as they signed their contract for “On the Rise.” RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 4) Nemesis came out of his office in a suit and tie. He preened a bit and then turned around and found himself face to face with Aaron Andrews. Nemesis greeted him warmly, thanking him for catching that regulation last week in the J-Ro match. He said he was having legal look into untangling the mess. Aaron said he didn’t need thanks, he was just there to serve. Which led him to “On the Rise.” He said he knew that Liberty and Hugh de Aske were facing each other but that Nemesis hadn’t assigned a ref yet. Aaron requested he be given that match, pointing out that with a pirate involved, that match would need someone as fair and impartial as he was. Nemesis said that was a good point and gave him the match. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 5) Sam Keith appeared on screen and admitted that Jay Chord had beaten both his sons. But he said that the vision of Il Padrone Arrabiato was not defeated, that it lived on in himself. He promised that in tonight’s main event, he would decimate Jay Chord and show him the folly of his apostasy. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 6) Edward Cornell came out to the ring and said that he heard what Wanda Fish said last week. He admitted that Cameron Vessey was an impressive young wrestler, but that’s precisely why he wanted to face him at “On the Rise.” He wanted to test himself against Cameron and see who the better man was. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]D-[/COLOR] 7) [B]EDWARD CORNELL vs. THOMAS MORGAN[/B] In spite of the fact that Edward was slightly off his game, these two put in a great effort that paid off well. Thomas seemed unhinged as always and seemed to take great pleasure in getting hit by Edward. Oddly, he seemed near ecstacy when Edward pinned him. WINNER: [B]Edward Cornell [/B]in 5:58 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 8) Matthew Gauge came out to the ring and got a mic. He said that he was impressed with what Junior accomplished last week. She allowed her anger to guide her into something truly exquisite. For that reason, he was granting her request. The two of them would face off at “On the Rise,” but Matt predicted that Junior might be surprised at what she found in the ring there. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 9) [B]STEVE GUMBLE vs. MATTHEW GAUGE[/B] These two really set the bar high. I hope Matt’s dad and Jay can keep up. Great chemistry and just the right imbalance of a flying and ground game to make things interesting. Gumble really stepped up his game [COLOR="DarkGreen"](“Probably he knows if he can take down Matt, it’ll be a major feather in his cap,”[/COLOR] I observed). But Matt not only kept up with him, he was waiting for him at each level. In the end, Matt caught Gumble out of the air and tied him up with a Proton Lock. WINNER: [B]Matthew Gauge [/B]in 10:47 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) Agony’s Bikers appeared on screen and really mocked Parker. They compared him to a little bird, flitting from branch to branch, trying to find someone to help him take on the big bad bikers. They said he was in for a world of hurt and they couldn’t be happier about that. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 11) Liberty came out to the ring and said that wanted to warm up before he faced Hugh at “On the Rise.” He threw open a challenge to anyone in the back to come out and take him on. Out came Greg Gauge, saying he had to redeem himself in the eyes of [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato [/I]and that Liberty would help him do just that. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the open challenge; [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] for the response 12) [B]LIBERTY vs. GREG GAUGE[/B] The Gauges are on fire tonight, what can I say? These two put on a great brawl that kept the crowd popping to their feet. Liberty gave it his all, but Emma rightly pointed out that the veteran had his hands full with the younger man. In the end, Greg got Liberty to submit with a Proton Lock as well (which led Emma to wonder if we were going to see a trifecta of Proton Locks tonight). WINNER: [B]Greg Gauge [/B]in 9:40 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) Jay Chord appeared on screen and seemed very impressed with what we just saw. Both Gauge brothers picking up the wins, it was enough to make most people nervous to face their dad. But then Jay reminded folks that he had beaten both Greg and Matt over the past two weeks. “Papa Sam” was just going to be another victim. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 14) Nemesis came out and did some jawing as the ring was transformed for the contract signing. First he introduced the challenger, Ernest Youngman. Ernest came out and glared at the crowd, snarling as they booed him. Chance came out to a decent pop. Nemesis took them through the signing, allowing Chance to sign first. Chance repeated what he had to say about Ernest being responsible for his own actions. He then signed the contract and shoved it across the table to Ernest. Ernest signed it as well and reminded Chance that he was living on borrowed time. He reminded him of the old aphorism, “Only the good die young.” He said that would be Chance’s epitaph after Ernest was done with him. The two of them shot to their feet and glared at each other. Nemesis barely kept them restrained. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 15) [B]JAY CHORD vs. SAM KEITH[/B] That sound you hear is our great show crashing to a halt. Bad chemistry rears its ugly head again. Sam and Jay just did not work well together in the ring and I’m not quite sure what the hitch was. They went through a series of half-hearted moves and holds before Jay finally put everyone out of their misery with a Cradle Piledriver. WINNER: [B]Jay Chord [/B]in 12:28 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] After the show went off the air, Sam stumbled over to me and pulled me aside. He confided that part of the problem was him. He was feeling the effects of working a full schedule for not only us but also NYCW and the SWF. He needed some downtime. I hesitated. I needed him through “On the Rise.” Not for any matches, but just for angles. Hopefully that wouldn’t wear him out too much. Thank goodness we had three really good matches to cushion the fall. We got a rating of 32.28. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/U] [I]Serene Jean Cattley defeated Izaak Tischler [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Edward Cornell defeated Thomas Morgan [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Matthew Gauge defeated Steve Gumble [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Greg Gauge defeated Liberty [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Jay Chord defeated Sam Keith [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Firestorm[/I][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Live on the Pop! Network; Replay on TV Mex[/COLOR] [I]Thursday of Week 3, January 2014[/I] (The Go-Home Show for [COLOR="DarkRed"]“On the Rise”[/COLOR]) Held at Shakeshaft Auditorium in the Great Lakes Territory 5,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT![/CENTER] Emma Chase and I welcomed the audience to the show. 1) Primus Allen made his way out to the ring to a pretty good ovation. A few more people held up signs that read “Primus Allen: 5-0.” He got the mic and said that he was told by Nemesis that someone wanted to see him out in the ring tonight, so here he was. He found out who it was immediately. Bulldozer Brandon Smith came out and once again berated the fans for buying into the whole “restart” business. He said that Primus couldn’t unring the bell or turn back the clock. He said he wanted a rematch right now so he could prove that last week was a fluke. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C-[/COLOR] 2) [B]PRIMUS ALLEN vs. BULLDOZER BRANDON SMITH[/B] Primus was a bit off his match tonight and both men no-sold attacks from the other. But it was still a great start for the show. This time around, Primus couldn’t simply steam-roll over Smith. Brandon put up a good fight but in the end, Primus wound up winning the day with a Running Powerslam. WINNER: [B]Primus Allen [/B]in 7:34 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 3) Steven Parker came out to the ring. He addressed Agony’s Bikers. He said their concern over his well-being was touching but ultimately unneeded. He said that he had things well in hand and that he didn’t have to “flit” around anymore. He had a partner who was looking forward to getting into the tag title hunt again. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]D+[/COLOR] 4) [B]STEVEN PARKER vs. JOEY BEAUCHAMP[/B] Pretty good match from these two. Parker took the fight to Joey right away and overwhelmed him with his offense before finishing him off with a Future Shock. I pointed out that Joey was a former tag champ and wondered if this would fuel Parker to hit new heights this Sunday. Emma said I was reading into things too much. WINNER: [B]Steven Parker [/B]in 9:37 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 5) Cameron Vessey cut a promo on Edward Cornell, saying that he was right to fear him. But before he could develop his thoughts too much, Wanda cut him off and once again repeated what she had to say before, that Cameron was the best young wrestler she had ever worked with. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]D[/COLOR] 6) Junior came out to the ring and thanked Matt Gauge for finally having enough of a backbone to get into the ring with her. She said he could spout all the pseudo-spiritual nonsense he wanted, it wasn’t going to intimidate her. She would finally make him pay for all the pain he’s put her through. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 7) [B]JUNIOR vs. ALICIA STRONG[/B] I knew these two would light up the ring. This is why the MWA hangs on to our women wrestlers. It was simply a phenomenal match, easily a contender for match of the year. Junior clearly was out to hurt Alicia and Alicia wasn’t exactly comfortable with that. Alicia stepped up her game to match Junior but in the end, it didn’t do her much good. Junior got her down and tapping with a triangle choke. WINNER: [B]Junior[/B] in 9:46 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 8) Backstage Mainstream Hernandez was watching Junior and he did not look happy at all. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 9) Hugh de Aske came out to the ring and hyped up his upcoming match with Liberty, saying that he looked forward to the chance to cross swords with the cagey veteran. On the surface, he was complimenting him, but if you paid attention to the subtext, it was pretty clear Hugh was calling Liberty an old, washed-up has-been. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 10) [B]ARTHUR DEXTER BRADLEY vs. HUGH de ASKE[/B] A pretty good match. Hugh owned it from beginning to end, so it mostly turned into a comedy match with Hugh goofing off while, at the same time, beating ADB down. He finally finished him off with a Cut-Throat Driver. WINNER: [B]Hugh de Aske [/B]in 7:31 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 11) Jay Chord appeared on screen and mocked the whole Gauge family. He said he had put them all away, proving once and for all that this whole cult they belonged to was nothing but a sham and didn’t offer anyone much of anything. But then he was confronted by Sam Keith. Sam said that Jay hadn’t proven a thing yet, for there was one more who held to the teachings of [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato[/I] that Jay had yet to face, and that was the Master himself. Sam revealed that [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato [/I]would finally come to the MWA this Sunday at “On the Rise” and was willing to face Jay in the ring. Jay said that sounded great and that he looked forward to humiliating the “master” as well. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the taunting and the match set-up 12) A video played, hyping the feud between Serene Jean Cattley and Des Davids, focusing mostly on the way Des attacked Jean for the past couple of weeks. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 13) Des was in the ring as the video ended. He hyped himself up, saying that he had softened up Jean and that he wasn’t a real threat anymore. He was so confident of that, he was willing to book himself in a match tonight. Not a title defense, but just a good warm-up for Sunday. Anybody willing to come out and face him could. Out came Ernest Youngman and Des freaked out. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] for the open challenge; [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the response 14) [B]DES DAVIDS vs. ERNEST YOUNGMAN[/B] King Midas strikes again! Great match all around and Ernest looked every inch a star. Even I had to grudgingly admit that Ernest was a genuine threat to Chance this Sunday. Ernest basically battered Des around the ring and while the Regional champ got in some offense, Ernest was able to blunt most of it, finally finishing him off with a Swinging Neckbreaker, which I revealed Ernest was taking to call the “Good Die Young.” WINNER: [B]Ernest Youngman [/B]in 10:18 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] As the show went off the air, Emma and I ran down the card for “On the Rise” -- [B]EDWARD CORNELL vs. CAMERON VESSEY (c) for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title [/COLOR][/B]([COLOR="Blue"]D-[/COLOR]) [B]STEVEN PARKER & A MYSTERY PARTNER vs. AGONY’S BIKERS for [COLOR="red"]the MWA Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] [/B]([COLOR="blue"]D+[/COLOR]) [B]JUNIOR vs. MATTHEW GAUGE [/B]([COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR]) [B]JAY CHORD vs. [I]IL PADRONE ARRABIATO [/I][/B]([COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR]) [B]LIBERTY vs. HUGH de ASKE [/B]([COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR]) [B]SERENE JEAN CATTLEY vs. DES DAVIDS (c) for [COLOR="red"]the MWA Regional Championship[/COLOR] [/B]([COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR]) [B]CHANCE FORTUNE (c) vs. ERNEST YOUNGMAN for [COLOR="red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] [/B]([COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR]) [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Sam reminded me again that he wanted some time off to heal. I promised him that after “On the Rise,” I’d give him that time. He didn’t seem too happy about the delay, but there really wasn’t anything I could do about that. Great show to lead into “On the Rise.” We got a rating of 8.00. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Firestorm[/I][/U] [I]Primus Allen defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Steven Parker defeated Joey Beauchamp[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Junior defeated Alicia Strong[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [I]Hugh de Aske defeated Arthur Dexter Bradley[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Ernest Youngman defeated Des Davids[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE] Comments, predictions, or guesses as to the identity of the mystery partner and [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato [/I]are always welcome.
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Great buildup show. I wonder what it is about Thomas Morgan that has everyone want to give him a totally off the wall character? You have him as a masochist, DWW has him as a wanna be dirk diggler, J Silver had him as a wanna be rock star. Just seems weird that he usually inspires these extreme gimmicks. :D
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EDWARD CORNELL vs. [B]CAMERON VESSEY (c)[/B] for the MWA Rising Star Title STEVEN PARKER & A MYSTERY PARTNER vs.[B] AGONY’S BIKERS [/B]for the MWA Tag Team Championship [B]JUNIOR [/B]vs. MATTHEW GAUGE JAY CHORD vs. [B]IL PADRONE ARRABIATO[/B] [B]LIBERTY[/B] vs. HUGH de ASKE SERENE JEAN CATTLEY vs. [B]DES DAVIDS (c)[/B] for the MWA Regional Championship CHANCE FORTUNE (c) vs. [B]ERNEST YOUNGMAN [/B]for the MWA World Heavyweight Championship
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EDWARD CORNELL vs. [B]CAMERON VESSEY (c)[/B] for the MWA Rising Star Title STEVEN PARKER & A MYSTERY PARTNER vs. [B]AGONY’S BIKERS[/B] for the MWA Tag Team Championship [B]JUNIOR[/B] vs. MATTHEW GAUGE JAY CHORD vs. [B]IL PADRONE ARRABIATO[/B] LIBERTY vs. [B]HUGH de ASKE[/B] [B]SERENE JEAN CATTLEY[/B] vs. DES DAVIDS (c) for the MWA Regional Championship CHANCE FORTUNE (c) vs. [B]ERNEST YOUNGMAN[/B]for the MWA World Heavyweight Championship
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EDWARD CORNELL vs. [B]CAMERON VESSEY (c)[/B] for the MWA Rising Star Title Cameron deserves some time with the belt. Though, if the tensions between he and Wanda spike now, it could go the otherway, but I don't see that happening yet. [B]STEVEN PARKER & A MYSTERY PARTNER[/B] vs. AGONY’S BIKERS for the MWA Tag Team Championship The Biker's take their long-overdue fall. My guess for the partner is J-Ro; former tag champ with no Andrews around to make her lose. [B]JUNIOR [/B]vs. MATTHEW GAUGE This really could go either way. I think, though, that Matt has had the upper hand for a while, so it's time for Junior to get a win. JAY CHORD vs. [B]IL PADRONE ARRABIATO[/B] No doubt about this one at all. As for the identity of the man himself? I'd angle for Kovach or AA, but I think it may be Cliff Wilson--nothing really telling me that other than pure guessing. LIBERTY vs. [B]HUGH de ASKE[/B] Andrews gets involved, definitely; how he does so is the question. Thus far, he comes across as a heel, so I give the heel the victory. [B]SERENE JEAN CATTLEY[/B] vs. DES DAVIDS (c) for the MWA Regional Championship It's been entirely too long since Cattley held gold. I'm not sure Des has held it long enough, but I think this is where we want to go. [B]CHANCE FORTUNE (c)[/B] vs. ERNEST YOUNGMAN for the MWA World Heavyweight Championship Probably by DQ or some other such victory. I see Youngman coming out strong and ready for another shot, but Fortune retains.
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[B]EDWARD CORNELL [/B]vs. CAMERON VESSEY (c) for the MWA Rising Star Title Time for a change. STEVEN PARKER & A MYSTERY PARTNER vs. [B]AGONY’S BIKERS[/B] for the MWA Tag Team Championship I'll ignore the mystery partner, but there may be a feud building up here. [B]JUNIOR[/B] vs. MATTHEW GAUGE Unless she gets herself DQ'd, I see her pulling this one off. JAY CHORD vs. [B]CHAMPAGNE LOVER[/B] Wel, it's a guess. I never said it was a good guess. LIBERTY vs. [B]HUGH de ASKE[/B] Andrews callls it straight down the line. Which is unfortunately not in the middle. SERENE JEAN CATTLEY vs. [B]DES DAVIDS[/B] (c) for the MWA Regional Championship I think Jean deserves this, put like the tag team match, this may just be the beginning. [B]CHANCE FORTUNE[/B] (c) vs. ERNEST YOUNGMAN for the MWA World Heavyweight Championship Don't know how or why, as Youngman seems to have all the momentum and skill, but I can't see Fortune losing it quite yet.
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EDWARD CORNELL vs. [B]CAMERON VESSEY (c)[/B] for the MWA Rising Star Title STEVEN PARKER & A MYSTERY PARTNER vs. [B]AGONY’S BIKERS[/B] for the MWA Tag Team Championship JUNIOR vs. [B]MATTHEW GAUGE[/B] JAY CHORD vs. [B]IL PADRONE ARRABIATO[/B] LIBERTY vs. [B]HUGH de ASKE[/B] [B]SERENE JEAN CATTLEY[/B] vs. DES DAVIDS (c) for the MWA Regional Championship [B]CHANCE FORTUNE (c)[/B] vs. ERNEST YOUNGMANfor the MWA World Heavyweight Championship
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[CENTER]MWA presents... [B][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="3"]“On the Rise”[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [I]Sunday of Week 3, January 2014[/I] Held at Clover Fields in the Mid South Territory 15,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT![/CENTER] Emma Chase and I welcomed the audience to the show. 1) We started off by reminding folks of our explosive main event for the evening: Chance Fortune defending the MWA World Heavyweight Championship against Ernest Youngman. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 2) Speaking of which, Ernest appeared on screen. He said that a month ago, he wouldn’t have wanted to be here, in Clover Fields, taking on Chance for the title. He said he would have been happy for Chance. He would have supported him as champ. But that was then. This is now. Chance had to answer for the way he treated Ernest. And Chance would pay for it by losing his precious title. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 3) Back at ringside, we noted that Aaron Andrews had come out to the ring to referee the opening match. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 4) [B]LIBERTY vs. HUGH de ASKE[/B] Good opening match. Liberty and Hugh got the crowd going as they took each other on. Lots of power moves and Liberty even took some time to fly, something that astounded both Emma and me. Aaron called it almost straight down the middle, but there were a few times when Liberty took issue with a call he made (such as the time that Hugh slung Liberty around by his hair and Aaron didn’t seem to notice). But Liberty was able to set aside his frustration until he finally finished Hugh off with a Liberation Slam. WINNER: [B]Liberty[/B] in 12:05 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 5) Liberty celebrated his win, but then Aaron got the mic and put an end to it by saying that he had to disqualify Liberty. Liberty demanded to know why. Aaron pointed to the bandana that Liberty wore in his hair, an American flag. Aaron said that the rules of the old Texas Wrestling League, which used to govern this territory and had yet to be set aside, forbade any wrestler from wearing an American flag in his hair. Because of that, Liberty was disqualified and Hugh was the real winner. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 6) Out in the parking lot, Sam Keith and the Gauge Brothers looked nervous. Then a limo pulled up. Sam rushed forward and opened the door, welcoming [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato [/I]to Clover Fields. The cameraman tried to get a shot of who it was, but the Gauge’s blocked his view and when he tried to get around them, they knocked the camera out of his hands. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 7) Agony’s Bikers appeared on screen with Kristen Pearce. They mocked Steven Parker once again, saying that it didn’t matter who he found to be his partner. The title belts weren’t going anywhere tonight. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 8) Wanda Fish was leading Cameron Vessey toward the ring when she stopped and looked off-camera. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“What are you doing here?” [/COLOR]she demanded. She stared for a moment and then hurried along, looking extremely upset. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]D+[/COLOR] 9) [B]EDWARD CORNELL vs. CAMERON VESSEY (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title[/COLOR] Pretty good match out of these two. Edward’s still something of an unknown for the American fans, so it’s good to give him some screen time. He put up a good fight but Cameron simply was more with it. And Wanda was solidly in his corner, distracting Edward a few times. But at the same time, Wanda looked pretty distracted as well. She kept looking toward the ring entrance. Whatever was going on, it didn’t spill over into the ring. Cameron picked up the win cleanly with a Vessey Driver. WINNER: [B]Cameron Vessey [/B]in 9:49 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 10) Cameron celebrated his win in the ring when suddenly, someone charged out of the back and attacked him. It took the cameramen a few moments to focus on him, but when the crowd realized who it was, they popped. [CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i207/scapino1974/TEW2005/MarcDuBois-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“What is [B]Marc du Bois’s [/B]problem?”[/COLOR] Emma Chase demanded. We never found out. Marc chased Cameron out of the ring and up the ramp. As the fans settled down, Emma wondered if maybe Marc du Bois was [I]Il Pardone Arrabiato[/I]. I disagreed vehemently, saying that I knew Marc well and that he wasn’t as crazy or as stupid as the Gauges were. I went off on the whole cult thing for a few moments the Gauge Brothers’ entrance music hit. They stormed out to ringside and got in my face for a bit, telling me I had to learn some respect. I tried to get out of there but they snared me and then slammed me through the announce table. While Emma Chase screamed in horror, Greg put me in the Proton Lock. While I tapped out (and then passed out), Matt Gauge looked up at the camera and addressed Junior: [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You may think you will win here tonight, but no matter what you do, I shall be the true victor. [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato[/I] has given me the strength through his teachings to transcend this frail body and achieve true victory. So do your best. Do your worst. It makes no difference.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the du Bois attack; [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] for the Gauge attack; [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for Matt’s promo 11) Nemesis stormed around his office, raging about what the Gauges did. It’s not so much that he cared what happened to me, it’s just that the show was down an announcer. But then an idea struck. He got on the phone and made a call. When whoever it was answered, Nemesis demanded to know where they were. Apparently they were watching the show from the audience. Nemesis said that was great, he was sending security to get whoever it was to take over for me. Whoever it was must have objected, because Nemesis growled that they didn’t have a choice in the matter. Put down the corndog and get ready to go live. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 12) Chance Fortune sounded off, saying that Ernest was delusional. He said that Ernest had no one to blame except himself for what’s been happening lately. He said Ernest had the choice not to do what Nemesis told him to, even if that meant getting fired. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“A real man would have stood on principle, not caved in for a buck or two.”[/COLOR] He said Ernest couldn’t blame Chance for losing the battle royal. That was on him as well. And Chance said that if Ernest kept blaming others for his misfortune, that would make their match tonight boring. So Chance said to buck up and meet him out in the ring. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 13) Back at ringside, Emma Chase sat behind the ruins of the announce table and reported that I had been taken out of the arena on a stretcher. She said she’d heard that a new announcer had just signed a contract with the MWA and would be out any minute... The crowd popped when they saw who it was: [CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i207/scapino1974/TEW2005/JasonAzaria.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] That’s right, [B]Jason Azaria [/B]had joined the MWA’s announce team! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 14) As Jason greeted Emma and the fans, Agony’s Bikers came out to the ring and strutted around, looking pretty sure of themselves. Then Steven Parker came out and said it was time to introduce his partner for the evening. He said he had thought about it for a while and there was really only one guy he’d want at his side tonight, namely his first tag team partner when he joined the MWA. That’s right, he got the band back together. Tonight, the Bikers would face none other than Future Threat! The Bikers stared in horror as Davis Wayne Newton came out and slapped Parker on the back. Then the reunited Future Threat charged the ring to kick off the match. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 15) [B]FUTURE THREAT vs. AGONY’S BIKERS (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] A decent match. Parker and Davis cleared the ring after a chaotic brawl in the opening minutes. Referee Eugene Williams finally managed to get things under control and then things proceeded on a more even keel. Davis looked fantastic in the ring and Jason opined that this meant great things for the tag team division to have such a dominant team back together again. While the Bikers were able to eke out a minor lead from time to time, they would usually lose it right away as Davis and Parker overwhelmed them with some high energy offense. Finally, in desperation, Lead Belly signaled to Kristen Pearce, who got one of the title belts and slid it to him. Lead Belly then used it to clock Parker over the head, knocking him out cold. WINNERS: [B]Future Threat by DQ [/B]in 14:16 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 16) Backstage, Junior was taping up her hands and wrists for her match against Matthew Gauge. She muttered under her breath as she bit off the ends of the tape. Mainstream Hernandez approached her cautiously. He said that he wanted her to stop. He said she wasn’t behaving rationally anymore. She actually paused in her preparations while Mainstream pleaded with her, saying that her obsession with Matt was poisoning her. He didn’t want her to get hurt physically or mentally, so he begged her to leave it alone. Would she do that for him? She stood there silently for a moment and then turned. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“No.” [/COLOR]She shoved past him and headed for the ring, leaving a crushed Mainstream behind. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 17) A video played, reminding folks of the chaotic conflict between Junior and Matt Gauge and how Mainstream has pretty much been caught in the middle. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 18) [B]JUNIOR vs. MATTHEW GAUGE[/B] Oh yeah. Great match, just as I hoped it’d be. Junior was intense as she started the match out but it was clear that Matt was the one who was really in control. He kept turning aside or blocking Junior’s offense. He would then slap her or muss her hair, daring her to get angry and show him what she was truly capable of. Junior kept herself under control for most of the match but finally snapped when Matt tried a quick roll up and nearly pulled her tights off to keep her down. She lit into Matt and overwhelmed him. Matt actually retreated a bit but Junior kept after him. The match boiled over and raged around the ring until finally, Junior got Matt down on the mat and choked him out with a triangle choke. WINNER: [B]Junior[/B] in 13:38 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 19) Matt was out and the ref shoved Junior away from him. As Junior rolled out of the ring, she looked angry still and barely under control. The ref knelt down next to Matt as Junior slowly stalked up the ring ramp. But then Matt recovered and signaled for a mic. He rolled over and started laughing hoarsely. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“How does it feel, Junior? Did you enjoy feeling the anger coursing through you? I bet you felt more alive as we fought than you ever have. “But how do you feel now? I bet as the anger drains out of you, you’ll feel hollow and empty. I bet you already feel that numbness eating away at you. What will you do now? How will you ever find that high again?”[/COLOR] He laughed at her as rage contorted her face again. She tried to charge the ring again, but the ref kept her away and ordered her back. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 20) Jay Chord appeared on screen and said that tonight was the night. He could complete a clean sweep against [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato[/I]’s minions by taking out the head as well. He said that he wasn’t sure what to do to get ready for this match. Pray? Stretch out? He then laughed and said that if [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato[/I] turned out to be anything like his followers, the match would be over before Jay could break a sweat. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 21) [B]SERENE JEAN CATTLEY vs. DES DAVIDS (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Regional Championship[/COLOR] Even though these two were supposed to put on a good “breather” match but I think the crowd was too jazzed from what they just saw. Plus Des and Jean just really did well. Des seemed to think that Jean would be at half strength or something but he learned the hard way that it wasn’t true. Jean was in tip top form and really took the fight to him. The Regional Champ was on the retreat for most of the match as Jean kept after him. He managed to turn things his way once or twice, putting in some great offense that took Des by surprise. In the end, Jean managed to side-step a Spear and then, as Des came around to attack, caught the champ in a Mood Swing. WINNER: [B]Serene Jean Cattley [/B]in 14:15 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 22) Jean celebrated his win but this time, Bulldozer Brandon Smith hit the ring and took Jean out. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 23) Jay Chord came out to the ring and leaned in the corner with a lazy smile on his face. Then the lights in the arena went out. A single spot lit up the entrance, illuminating Greg Gauge. Greg said the time had come. [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato [/I]had come and would teach Jay and the rest of the MWA what true anger could do. He ordered the audience to hush in reverent fear at the approach of the Master, [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato[/I]. Strange, arcane music filled the air as a robed figure entered the arena. Dressed in black and red robes, the man slowly and deliberately walked down the aisle until he got into the ring. As the music climaxed, he pulled back his hood to reveal who [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato [/I]was: [CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i207/scapino1974/TEW2005/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“[B]Angry Gilmore[/B]?”[/COLOR] Emma asked. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Is this some kind of joke?”[/COLOR] If it was, Angry wasn’t laughing. He merely glared at Jay as he took off the robe and passed it down to Greg, who bowed and backed away from the ring. Jay, for his part, was unimpressed. He laughed and took a few steps forward. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 24) [B]JAY CHORD vs. ANGRY “[I]IL PADRONE ARRABIATO[/I]” GILMORE[/B] Great match. Jay clearly wasn’t taking Angry seriously as a threat. He soon learned that was a major mistake. Angry went after him and beat the tar out of him. In the early going, it was basically Angry punishing Jay, kicking and stomping and punching him until Angry could make a pin. Angry almost made it, but Jay kicked out. The match raged in the ring and around it. Surprisingly, even as Matt Gauge and Sam Keith filtered out to ringside, they didn’t get involved. They simply stood back and allowed their master to fight Jay. Jay gave as good as he got, occasionally taking control of the match, but he simply couldn’t pin Angry. Even after a resounding Super DDT, Angry was able to kick out. Jay grew more and more frustrated until finally, he made a mistake. Angry was able to fight out of an attempted Cradle Piledriver, blocked another attempt, and finished off Jay with an Anger Management. WINNER: [B]Angry Gilmore [/B]in 16:38 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 25) Angry then beckoned his followers into the ring. They then took turns beating Jay down until Jay was bloody and unconscious. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 26) A video played, hyping the feud between Chance Fortune and Ernest Youngman. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 27) [B]CHANCE FORTUNE (c) vs. ERNEST YOUNGMAN [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Great cap to a great show! Chance and Ernest started out slow with the two of them in each others’ faces and talking smack. Ernest shoved Chance, Chance shoved back, Ernest went for a punch only to be blocked and knocked back by a vicious right hook from Chance. And then they were off. Chance took to the air while Ernest kept mostly to a ground game. The crowd kept leaping to their feet until finally, they just wound up standing through most of the match. Both men tried to hit their finishers early and often but couldn’t. In the end, Ernest tried to set up Chance for a Good Die Young, only to have Chance block it. Ernest tried again only to have it blocked again. Chance shoved him away and as Ernest rebounded, Chance nearly took his head off with a Stroke of Luck. WINNER: [B]Chance Fortune [/B]in 25:54 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Unfortunately I only found out about how great this show was after the fact. After the “attack” on me by the Gauges, Wanda took me to the airport so I could fly back to Minneapolis. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from [COLOR="DarkRed"]“On the Rise”[/COLOR][/U] [I]Hugh de Aske defeated Liberty by reversal [/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Cameron Vessey (c) defeated Edward Cornell to retain [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] [I]Future Threat defeated Agony’s Bikers (c) by DQ, so the Bikers retained [COLOR="red"]the MWA Tag Team Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] [I]Junior defeated Matthew Gauge [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Serene Jean Cattley defeated Des Davids (c) to capture [COLOR="red"]the MWA Regional Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Angry Gilmore defeated Jay Chord [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Chance Fortune (c) defeated Ernest Youngman to retain [COLOR="red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[I][SIZE="3"]And the Fun Begins...[/SIZE][/I] [I][B]Monday of Week 4, January 2014[/B][/I] U.S. District Court, Minneapolis I’ll be honest. I was scared out of my mind. Given the choice between being driven through another table by the Gauge Brothers or being in the courthouse with the trial about to start, I would have gladly taken another table. Amy greeted me on the courthouse steps and walked me inside. Thankfully there was only a reporter from ProWrestlingHits Magazine and he was busy shouting questions at Leo Davis, so we were able to slip inside. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“How was the flight?”[/COLOR] Amy asked. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Get any sleep after that beatdown?”[/COLOR] I chuckled. Amy had suggested I give up announcing duties so I could focus on the trial. It had been my idea to weave my absence into the [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato [/I]storyline. Granted, I regretted the table break all the way back to Minneapolis on the red-eye flight, but that was how it had to be. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Okay, let’s just review. Keep calm in there, no matter what anyone says or does. You can expect the witnesses for the other side to be pretty nasty in what they have to say. Don’t react. Don’t frown, don’t gasp, just sit there and let them trash talk you. But don’t look smug either.”[/COLOR] I grimaced, looking around the courthouse for a good table to throw myself through. We paused outside the courtroom. Amy glanced over my suit for a moment. She nodded. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“So is your monkeyboy ready to dance?”[/COLOR] a voice asked. Amy stiffened and straightened. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Adam. Long time no see.”[/COLOR] The opposing counsel slid in behind Amy and smirked at me. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Hope you enjoy being spanked, Mr. Otte. I know your attorney does.”[/COLOR] My eyebrow arced. The attorney laughed and walked in. Amy blushed furiously. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Friend of yours?”[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“We have ... history. Leave it at that.”[/COLOR] I shrugged and motioned for her to lead the way. She led me to a table and we took our seats. Across the aisle, the attorney smirked at us as Richard Eisen, Anne Stardust, Farrah Hesketh, Leo Davis, Sam Strong, and Bart Biggz filed in after him. I couldn’t help but swallow hard as Richard spitted me with an icy glare. I turned and forced myself to focus on the judge’s bench. Maybe if I got enough height, I could break through that... Amy must have sensed my anxiety. She patted my hand. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Don’t worry,” [/COLOR]she whispered. I forced myself to nod, worried my nerves would bleed through to my expression. For a split second, I wondered if it was too late to settle. I couldn’t come up with the $25 million they were asking for, but I’m sure that was negotiable. It had to be. I looked over at the jury. Twelve average looking people. Were any of them wrestling fans? Would they be fair and impartial? Amy assured me they would, but how could I tell for certain? A door banged open and the bailiff stepped inside. In a booming voice, he ordered us to rise. I did so, sure that I would collapse again immediately. Judge Glen Jacobs took his place and waved for us to be seated. He looked over the courtroom with piercing eyes before speaking. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Ms. Dumas? Mr. Copeland? Are you ready to proceed?”[/COLOR] They said they were. He motioned for Mr. Copeland to begin. The opposing lawyer came around his table and face the jury, taking a moment to straighten the front of his suit. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Suppose, ladies and gentlemen, that you’re running a business. You’re selling, oh, let’s say ... widgets. Problem is, there’s another store just down the block selling widgets too. You and the other guy have had something of a rivalry going. “But then one day, you notice that your suppliers are only giving you inferior widgets. Your sales drop. Your customers go to the other widget store. And why? Because the other guy has convinced your suppliers to screw you by sending the best widgets his way, leaving you the leftovers. He’s trying to undercut your business and ruin your store. “So what would you do? You’d sue that dirty S.O.B., right? Well, that’s what’s happening here today. My clients are wrestling promoters. They own some of the companies you see on TV. And Mr. Otte there, he runs a promotion too. Only a few months ago, Mr. Otte stole about a third of each of my clients’ rosters, the best wrestlers they had. Since that time, they have been unable to put on as good of matches as they used to. As a result, fewer fans attend their shows and they have been losing money. “That’s exactly what Mr. Otte wants. He wants these men and women to lose their hard earned businesses. He did this because he wants to see them suffer and see their companies die. “Ladies and gentlemen, that isn’t right. It’s not the way things should work. So that’s why we’re asking you to punish Mr. Otte by making him pay my clients a total of $25 million. Thank you.”[/COLOR] Copeland smirked at me again and took his seat. Amy paused for a moment and then got up. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“That’s certainly an awful story that Mr. Copeland just told you. If that was what was happening here, I’d certainly be the first in line to get that ‘dirty S.O.B.,’ as Mr. Copeland put it. But that’s not what’s happened here. “Let’s say you do run a store that sells widgets. And there is a guy down the street who owns a store that sells the same thing. Now let’s say that you do approach your supplier and you sit down and negotiate an exclusive contract with that supplier so that you’ll be the only place where people can buy their widgets. You pay a little more to buy them but it means that the best widgets in town will be found only in your store. “Would the guy down the street suffer? Maybe he would. But is that the reason why you’d negotiate an exclusive contract? Not on your life. It’s just the way it works. It’s business, not personal. “The same thing is true here. Mr. Otte did nothing maliciously. He did nothing underhanded. He simply ran his business as best as he knew how. That meant offering the workers he shared with the other promotions exclusive contracts so they’d only appear at his shows, the same way our fictional widget salesman would sign an exclusive distribution contract with his supplier. “You’re going to hear a lot of stories over the next couple of days that will paint Mr. Otte in an unflattering light. Mr. Copeland will try to convince you that he’s done something wrong. But in the end, it all comes down to this: it’s business. That’s all. Thank you.”[/COLOR] She sat down and smiled at me. I breathed a bit easier. Maybe looking for a table wasn’t the thing to do after all.
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Well, *technically*, according to Mr. Andrews, I got all my predictions right, for once. :) Though, I should have called Future Threat, I even thought about going back and trying to remember who his partner was, but ah well. Love the Lita/Edge attorney storyline, too. :)
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[QUOTE=Scapino1974;301586]Well, I figured in an alternate universe, Edge and Lita had to be doing [I]something[/I]. Oh, and do a Google image search with the judge's name. :)[/QUOTE] Totally missed that one. Amy Dumas I thought was a coincidence, then I noticed Adam Copeland and completely glossed over the judge's name. Well played, sir. :)
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[I][SIZE="3"]Biggz Slip-Up[/SIZE][/I] [B][I]Tuesday of Week 4, January 2014[/I][/B] U.S. District Court, Minneapolis [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I call Bart Biggz to the stand.”[/COLOR] I couldn’t help but be surprised. Bart? Really? I mean, sure, he owned CZCW, but he’s the guy they were going to start with? I glanced at Amy. She must have caught my look. She shook her head every so slightly and carefully nodded toward the witness stand. I shifted in my seat. This ought to be interesting. Copeland engaged Bart in a friendly conversation about his employment history, how he worked for the SWF until I released him. Copeland paused for a moment to ask Bart what he thought of me back then and Bart admitted I seemed like a nice enough guy. They then moved on to Bart’s real dream, of owning his own promotion, and how that came true back in August of 2010 when he was able to resurrect CZCW. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Now, let’s talk about what happened shortly after you reopened CZCW. Could you take us to September 30th, 2010?”[/COLOR] Bart nodded. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I got a call from Scapino there, saying he wanted me to come to a sit down at the Garrison. The owners of the other small promotions were all there. He suggested we play nice, that we not steal anybody’s workers.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“And you agreed to that?” “Wish I hadn’t now, but yeah, I did.” “Why would you do that?” “It was Scap’s idea. He said that Tommy Cornell and Richard Eisen would want us to rip each other apart so we should cooperate and work together as much as possible. I figured it made sense at the time. And look where it got me.”[/COLOR] From there, Copeland asked Bart about the impact my “stealing” his workers had had on his promotion. Bart listed off the people I had stolen: Jay Chord, Davis Wayne Newton, Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Remmy Skye, Hugh de Aske, Izaak Tischler, a lot of his big names. To hear him tell it, his most recent events were mostly abandoned with no money coming into his promotion at all. By the time Copeland was done, I sounded like some sort of horrific monster, out to destroy professional wrestling as we knew it. Copeland turned to the jury and favored them with a somber expression and turned Bart over to Amy. Amy got up and strode around the table, looking over some papers. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You’ll excuse me, Mr. Biggz, if I disagree with your assessment of your promotion.”[/COLOR] Bart looked confused. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Tell me,” [/COLOR]she went on. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“How much of a dip has your attendance taken since you lost those workers?”[/COLOR] Bart froze for a moment. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Huh?” “Well, I’m looking at your attendance figures here and I don’t see any sort of drop in attendance that could be blamed on my client ‘stealing’ any of your workers. Could you perhaps help me out there?”[/COLOR] Bart took the papers and looked them over. He smirked at Amy. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Right there. Scap signed my guys away in September of 2013. In August, we had ‘The Struggle Within’ and sold out with 5,000 fans. The next month, with ‘Epidemic of Hate,’ we only had 2,000. And after that, only 300.”[/COLOR] Amy took the papers back. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“But Mr. Biggz, didn’t you book all three in different venues?” “What?” “I mean, according to this, ‘The Struggle Within’ was held at Gorski Ballroom. ‘Epidemic of Hate,’ the next show, was held at Grissom Auditorium which doesn’t hold as many spectators. And ‘Aggravated Assault’ was held at the Colorado Springs Bar which only holds 300 people, doesn’t it?” “I suppose...” “So isn’t it possible that the reason why your shows weren’t as well attended was because you kept booking yourself into smaller venues?” “I ... uh, I thought that I would suffer without Newton and those guys. It was a precaution.” “And thanks to that precaution, we’ll never know for sure, will we? Tell me, how many people attended your last show, ‘Battle of Evermore?’”[/COLOR] Bart thought it over. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“We almost sold out the Gorski Ballroom.” “Yet another venue. How many people does Gorski Ballroom hold?”[/COLOR] Bart shrugged. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I think somewhere around 5,000 people.” “So in actuality, in six months since my client ‘stole’ your workers, you actually have gained more spectators, haven’t you?”[/COLOR] Bart did not look happy. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Maybe, but that doesn’t change the fact that he broke our agreement.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Ah, yes, the deal you made with my client at the Garrison three years ago. You know, I’ve heard so much about that, but I can’t seem to find a copy of that contract. You wouldn’t happen to have one, would you?”[/COLOR] Bart hesitated. [COLOR="darkgreen"] “Well, it wasn’t a written contract exactly....”[/COLOR] Amy froze and whirled on Bart, surprise etched in her face. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“It wasn’t? I find it hard to believe that your lawyers allowed you to enter into a binding contract that wasn’t written down.” “There were no lawyers involved.” “Well, were there at least terms discussed? You know, like how long the contract would be good for, that sort of thing?” “No, it was more of an informal agreement.” “Informal. So why are you suing my client again?” “Objection!”[/COLOR] Before Jacobs could respond to Copeland’s outburst, Bart answered the question. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Because Scap’s a vindictive little...” “I see. Mr. Biggz, could you tell the court what happened to you in September of 2006?”[/COLOR] Bart froze and the color drained from his face. I almost laughed at him. Copeland was on his feet immediately. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Objection! What may or may not have happened to my client eight years ago has no bearing on this case.” “On the contrary, your honor, it has everything to do about whether or not my client is as vindictive as people have said.”[/COLOR] Jacobs mulled it over and finally sat back in his chair. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I’ll allow it, but tread carefully, Ms. Dumas.”[/COLOR] Amy nodded and motioned for Bart to answer. He growled and then answered, [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I was arrested and thrown in jail for stealing a car.” “You were? Were you working for the SWF at the time?” “Yes.” “And my client. Was he working in the SWF too?” “He was the head booker.” “How did he react when he found out you were going to jail?” “He wasn’t happy.” “But he kept booking you in matches when you came back, didn’t he? He put you in the title hunt for the 10-Minute Championship?” “He did.” “Does that sound incredibly vindictive to you? Because I’d call it ridiculously forgiving.”[/COLOR] Before Copeland could even object, Amy withdrew the question and dismissed Bart from the stand. Bart glared at me all the way back to his seat. I struggled to keep from smiling. For the first time in weeks, I felt pretty good about all this.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Live on GNN Total Sports[/COLOR] Wednesday of Week 4, January 2014 Held at the Missouri State Armoury in the Mid West Territory 5,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT![/CENTER] Jason Azaria and Emma Chase welcomed the audience to the show. 1) In a segment filmed at the conclusion of “On the Rise,” Angry Gilmore met with his minions. He praised them for what they had been doing. He then gave them assignments: Matt was to continue as he saw fit. Sam was being sent on a “missionary” trip to spread the word of Angry’s teachings. Greg and he would continue to “spread the word” in the MWA by showing what unleashed rage could do. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 2) [B]EDWARD CORNELL vs. BULLDOZER BRANDON SMITH[/B] Bulldozer came out and dominated Edward. Jason and Emma did their best to cover up for the bad chemistry in the ring. Eddie did his best, but Smith took him down with a Backdrop Driver. WINNER: [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith [/B]in 8:19 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 3) Liberty found Nemesis backstage and complained about the fact that he lost the match this past Sunday due to a stupid and outdated rule. Nemesis backed up Aaron Andrews and said that rules were rules. Liberty was not happy and really lit into Nemesis for that decision. Nemesis finally cut him off and said that he was a fair minded individual. He’d give Liberty a shot at getting his win back. Liberty would book him in a match tonight and if he could win, Nemesis would reconsider. Liberty wasn’t happy with the solution but agreed to it. Nemesis then informed him he’d be facing Ernest Youngman in the ring tonight. That made Liberty even more upset. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 4) Mainstream Hernandez found Junior backstage. Things were a bit awkward between them but Mainstream finally said that as far as he was concerned, the past was the past and he didn’t care what happened. The important thing was that Junior had beaten Matt Gauge and that was all behind them. He said he looked forward to whatever came next. Junior agreed with him but it was pretty clear she was distracted. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 5) Wanda Fish found Cameron Vessey polishing up his Rising Star Title. She said she heard a rumor that Marc du Bois would be in the arena tonight and she wanted him to be careful. There was no telling what Marc would do. Cameron laughed off her concern and said that he wasn’t scared of Marc. He then started for the ring for the next match, a nervous Wanda in tow. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 6) [B]CASEY VALENTINE vs. CAMERON VESSEY (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title[/COLOR] Pretty decent match. Casey looked hungry, Cameron looked confident, Wanda looked worried. It all worked pretty well. In the end, in spite of his good showing, Casey wound up eating mat from a Vessey Driver. WINNER: [B]Cameron Vessey [/B]in 10:47 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C-[/COLOR] 7) Future Threat came out to the ring and said that they weren’t surprised that Agony’s Bikers wound up cheating to finish the match this past Sunday. They said that the Bikers weren’t stupid and recognized Davis and Parker for the threat they were. They went on to say that they weren’t done with Lead Belly and Ronnie V. Pain yet. They were exercising their rematch clause for “Destined for Glory.” But Davis wasn’t done with that announcement. He said he’s always heard stories about how good Marc du Bois was. He said he wanted to give himself a real challenge. He dared Marc to come out and get into the ring with him. Marc came out and said he’d heard good things about Davis as well and that it would be a pleasure to see what he has. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] for the rematch announcement; [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the challenge 8) [B]DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON vs. MARC du BOIS[/B] Pretty good match all around but in some ways you could tell that they really never got out of second gear. Marc looked phenomenal, though. In the end, he won it with a Marc of Excellence. WINNER: [B]Marc du Bois [/B]in 7:23 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 9) Angry Gilmore appeared on screen and said it was time to tell his story. He revealed that after he left a certain promotion out east, he found himself lost and wandering. He was almost consumed by his anger over how he had been misused over the years. But then he realized that it was his anger that gave him strength. He embraced that side of himself and that by doing so, he became even stronger. He soon started teaching a few individuals before his friend Sam Keith came to him. Sam apparently wanted Angry to teach Sam and his sons how to harness their anger as he had. Angry said the Gauge family were his best disciples. He promised that the whole of the MWA would soon see what happened when his anger was unleashed. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 10) [B]JOSH JONES vs. JUNIOR[/B] It was good to see Josh back from his “injury.” He seemed pretty focused and determined to make a big impact on his return. Junior, for her part, didn’t seem like her heart was truly in it. She went through the moves and kept Josh on the defensive, but you could tell her mind was elsewhere. We soon learned where. Matthew Gauge’s music hit. Junior’s face lit up and she actually smiled as she turned to face the ring entrance. She beckoned for Matt to come out and looked eager for the fight. While she was distracted, Josh grabbed her from behind and dropped her with a Canadian Backdrop and got the pin. WINNER: [B]Josh Jones [/B]in 10:45 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 11) Only after the match was over did Matthew Gauge emerge. He had a mic in hand and he taunted Junior. He said that this wasn’t over and it was obvious that Junior knew it too. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 12) Ernest Youngman came out to the ring for the main event. But before things could get started, he raged about Chance Fortune, saying that he wasn’t done with the champ. He promised by the time he was done, Chance would lie broken at his feet. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 13) [B]LIBERTY vs. ERNEST YOUNGMAN[/B] Great main event. Both men looked eager to win and Jason was able to hype up how they both had something to prove or to accomplish: [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Liberty needs this win to restore his honor, Ernest is hurting from his loss this past Sunday as well.”[/COLOR] It basically broke down into a brawl with lots of power moves, one that ended as Ernest put Liberty away with a Good Die Young. WINNER: [B]Ernest Youngman [/B]in 13:37 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Not as good as some nights but I’ll take it. We got a rating of 32.20. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/U] [I]Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Edward Cornell [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] [I]Cameron Vessey (c) defeated Casey Valentine to retain [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title[/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] [I]Marc du Bois defeated Davis Wayne Newton [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Josh Jones defeated Junior [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Ernest Youngman defeated Liberty [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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