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MWA - This Means War! (C-Verse Diary)

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[B]PRIMUS ALLEN [/B]vs. AARON ANDREWS EDWARD CORNELL (c) vs. [B]KC GLENN [/B]for the MWA Rising Star Title [B]THE LATIN CONNECTION[/B] vs. JUNIOR & MATTHEW GAUGE [B]JOSH JONES[/B] vs. ANGRY GILMORE for the MWA Ringmaster Title [B]FUTURE THREAT (c) [/B]vs. THE JOEYS 2.0 for the MWA Tag Team Championship CHANCE FORTUNE vs. [B]ERNEST YOUNGMAN (c)[/B] for the MWA World Heavyweight Championship
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PRIMUS ALLEN vs. [B]AARON ANDREWS[/B] EDWARD CORNELL (c) vs. [B]KC GLENN [/B]for the MWA Rising Star Title [B]THE LATIN CONNECTION [/B]vs. JUNIOR & MATTHEW GAUGE [B]JOSH JONES [/B]vs. ANGRY GILMORE for the MWA Ringmaster Title [B]FUTURE THREAT [/B](c) vs. THE JOEYS 2.0 for the MWA Tag Team Championship CHANCE FORTUNE vs. [B]ERNEST YOUNGMAN [/B](c) for the MWA World Heavyweight Championship I'll go with Andrews to get the rub from ending Allen's streak. Glenn to win the Rising Star. Latin Connection to cause trouble at the mill for the wedding. Jones to be the surprise winner of the Ringmaster - Angry doesn't really need it and Nemesis will probably get involved. Don't think the Joeys 2.0 have been built as a team enough yet to get tag gold. And Youngman to retain - I'd think you'd want him headlining the card for a while yet.
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[B]PRIMUS ALLEN[/B] vs. AARON ANDREWS - Primus has a bigger upside [B]EDWARD CORNELL [/B](c) vs. KC GLENN - If anything, the Rising Star title is beneath Glenn THE LATIN CONNECTION vs. [B]JUNIOR & MATTHEW GAUGE[/B] - This feud has legs, and I don't see Mainstream getting his final revenge just yet. He has to hook up with J-Ro along the way ;) JOSH JONES vs. [B]ANGRY GILMORE [/B] - I like Jones, but Gilmore isn't losing to him just yet [B]FUTURE THREAT[/B] (c) vs. THE JOEYS - FT haven't been champions long enough for a switch (would love to see a list of all your champion's list since the start of the diary at some point, btw) CHANCE FORTUNE vs. [B]ERNEST YOUNGMAN[/B] - I guess you could argue that King Midas doesn't need the gold, and Fortune's shtick of challenging former champions was one that I liked... But Youngman with the belt makes him a viable heel main eventer who isn't associated with the Angry mob, and that makes him extremely valuable
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[CENTER]MWA presents... [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]“Masters of the Ring”[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [I]Sunday of Week 3, April 2014[/I] Held at the Iowa State Fayre in the Mid West Territory 13,409 in attendance; Buy-rate of 2.20[/CENTER] Jason Azaria and Emma Chase welcomed the audience the show. The camera panned over what Jason called the “hometown crowd,” saying it was great to be back in the Mid West. The camera even picked up some joker in a full Fumihiro Ota outfit who held up a sign that said, “Ota for World Heavyweight Champion!” 1) Emma said she hated to disappoint Ota’s solitary fan, but tonight we’d see several killer matches, including Angry Gilmore and Josh Jones vying for the MWA Ringmaster Title. That segued into speculation as to whether or not we’d see a wedding tonight. Jason said rumor had it that if the wedding of Junior and Matthew Gauge were to take place, Angry Gilmore would be presiding. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“But of course, that’s only if Junior and Matt manage to win their match against the Latin Connection.”[/COLOR] Emma went back to picking on the Ota fan, saying that tonight’s explosive main event would be Ernest Youngman defending his World Heavyweight Championship against Chance Fortune. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the first two hypes; [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the second 2) Aaron Andrews came out to the ring for the opening bout. He got into the ring and sneered at the fans, saying that he knew why they were all here. Apparently this was supposed to be Primus’s 20th win after rebooting his win/loss record. Aaron said it was an almost magical moment, that if Primus succeeded, the streak would gain extra momentum and Primus would become some sort of mythical juggernaut. Aaron then snarled and said it would never happen. Sure, he lost to Primus last time they faced each other, but he said that was only because Liberty had it out for him. But Liberty wasn’t here, wasn’t even at the Fayre. That’s why tonight, the streak dies with Aaron. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3)[B] PRIMUS ALLEN vs. AARON ANDREWS[/B] Lack of selling, lack of psychology, all made up for with some great chemistry and a hot crowd. Aaron seemed to only ricochet off of Primus as they fought and it appeared as if Primus wasn’t even aware of Aaron’s attacks. It was a short but sweet match but one that had the fans screaming for more, as Primus’s streak continued after a devastating Flying Lariat. WINNER: [B]Primus Allen [/B]in 8:02 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 4) Chance Fortune appeared on screen. He admitted to feeling butterflies in his stomach. He said that Ernest was a good fighter and that there was a distinct possibility that he would never be in the title hunt again. But he said that he knew luck was on his side. He would emerge the MWA World Heavyweight Champion. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 5) Jenny Playmate appeared backstage with Josh Jones. She said that the crowd was looking at 2014's Ringmaster. She said that Angry had all his creepy voodoo powers, but in the end, he didn’t have the one thing that mattered: skill. She said her client did and that was why he would become the second MWA Ringmaster. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 6) Junior was in her wedding dress backstage. It appeared to be a fairly traditional dress, only it had been dyed black and red. She sighed wistfully and started to undress when she heard something behind her. She turned and found Matt sitting there, grinning at her. She scolded him for sneaking up on her. He said he couldn’t resist. She said it was bad luck for him to see her in her dress, and that they shouldn’t tempt fate tonight, especially with their tag match coming up. Matt told her not to worry, that they would beat Mainstream and J-Ro. He then encouraged her to finish getting ready for the match and stood to leave. Junior shoved him back into his chair and insisted that he stay right where he was. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 7) [B]EDWARD CORNELL (c) vs. KC GLENN [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title[/COLOR] An okay breather match after the explosive start. KC got a few licks in but it was Edward who got the pin and the win. WINNER: [B]Edward Cornell [/B]in 9:07 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 8) Edward celebrated his win in the ring but then was blindsided by Casey Valentine, who beat him down and picked up the Rising Star Title. He stared at it a few moments before draping it over Edward’s chest. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]D[/COLOR] 9) Future Threat cut a promo, saying that the newest incarnation of the Joeys was going to crash and burn tonight. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 10) Angry Gilmore appeared in a darkened room surrounded by candles. He once again appeared to be in a trance, but he woke just in time to deliver a dire warning to Josh Jones. He said it was never good to stand between a person and his destiny. Josh was doing just that. And he would pay the price for it. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 11) The Latin Connection appeared next. Mainstream said that he had thought he had found the girl of his dreams in Junior. He had envisioned them settling down, having a few more Hernandezes, living the good life. But not anymore. Now all he dreamed of was revenge. He wanted Junior and Matt to know the pain they put him through. So tonight, no matter what happened, he was going to make sure that their wedding would not happen. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 12) [B]JOSH JONES vs. ANGRY GILMORE [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Ringmaster Title[/COLOR] Great match. Angry and Josh put on a superb brawl. It was pretty clear that Angry was still feeling the after effects of Josh’s attack from earlier in the week but he was able to overcome it and keep fighting. Josh clearly had his hands full but he gave as well as he got. Jason and Emma eventually stopped arguing about who would come out victorious and just called the match. In the end, Josh went for the Canadian Backdrop but Angry was somehow able to roll through it. When they came up on the other side, Angry twisted it around and nailed an Anger Unleashed. WINNER: [B]Angry Gilmore [/B]in 11:53 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 13) Angry dropped to his knees and turned his face to the sky, a wicked grin on his face. But his celebration was cut short by Nemesis. The boss came out and congratulated him ... on beating the second round of the semi-finals. Angry seemed a bit confused at that. So were Jason and Emma. Nemesis went on to explain that Angry really shouldn’t have pissed him off over the past couple of weeks. If he hadn’t, Nemesis would have been fair about it and given him his win and that would have been that. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“But you didn’t do that, did you? No, you had to keep pushing me and acting like you ran the MWA. So now, we’re gonna do things my way. And my way is to make you face last year’s Ringmaster. You want that title? You’re gonna need to beat Jay Chord to get it.”[/COLOR] Before Nemesis’s words could truly register, Nemesis stepped out of the way and allowed Jay Chord to blow past him. Angry barely had time to drop into a ready stance before the “true” final match got under way. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 14) [B]JAY CHORD vs. ANGRY GILMORE [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Ringmaster Title[/COLOR] Huh. I would have thought this one would have been better. But I guess it was what it was. Jay was clearly out for revenge since, as Jason reminded us, Angry was the one who sent him packing in the first place. And the fact that Angry was tired from his previous match didn’t help matters any. For a while, it appeared as if Jay was going to defeat Angry and claim the Ringmaster Title for a second year in a row. But then Angry caught a second (or maybe third or fourth) wind and fought back. Before Jay knew what was happening, Angry was firmly in control of the match and finally dropped him with an Anger Unleashed. WINNER: [B]Angry Gilmore [/B]in 16:39 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 15) Angry once again dropped to the mat, his face to the sky, but this time, we caught a glimpse of him peeking at the ring entrance for any more surprises. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 16) The Joeys sounded off now, saying that they were going to dominate Future Threat and then get out of Iowa as quickly as they could. RATING:[COLOR="blue"] C[/COLOR] 17) [B]THE LATIN CONNECTION vs. JUNIOR & MATTHEW GAUGE[/B] Decent match all around. Everyone in this match looked about ready to kill each other. The start was actually delayed by a minute or two as both teams argued about who would get to start in the ring first. It finally came down to J-Ro and Junior. Things broke down pretty quickly and referee Shane Stones had a hard time keeping things under control. It wasn’t so much a wrestling match as it was a fight with barely kept rules. But finally, Mainstream and Junior wound up in the ring together. They tore into each other with such intensity that Emma said Junior had clearly forgotten that she might get married later. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Bruises don’t really go with wedding dresses,”[/COLOR] she commented. And the wedding apparently would take place since Junior got Mainstream down and tapping with a triangle choke. WINNER:[B] Junior & Matthew Gauge [/B]in 12:40 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 18) Matt and Junior got out of the ring and headed for the back. But they were stopped by Mainstream, who had gotten hold of a mic somehow. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You think this is done? Far from it. Junior, I promised this wedding wouldn’t take place and I meant it. I don’t care if we did lose this match. You two will not get married tonight. I guarantee it! 'Cuz remember that heart to heart we had a few weeks back? I remember everything you told me ... and I put it to good use!”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 19) [B]FUTURE THREAT (c) vs. THE JOEYS 2.0[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] Another okay match. The champs really shone in it, though. The Joeys used quite a few underhanded tricks to get the titles, but in the end, Steven Parker took out Joey B. with a Future Shock. WINNERS: [B]Future Threat [/B]in 11:45 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 20) Ernest Youngman appeared on camera and sneered at what we’d seen so far. Wedding plans, Angry Gilmore sucking the air out of the Fayre, Nemesis playing dirty tricks. He said that he knew what the crowds really wanted ... him. And they’d get him soon enough. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 21) Backstage Mainstream was pacing and muttering to himself about how he would ruin Junior’s wedding when suddenly, Angry Gilmore and the Gauge Brothers attacked him and severely beat him down. Weapons were used. Blood was shed. It wasn’t pretty. After several painful minutes, Angry knelt down next to Mainstream and pulled him up by his hair. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I will not have you spoil this evening. I have claimed my destiny. Our family shall grow. And you will not be able to stop us.”[/COLOR] He let go of Mainstream, who sagged to the floor. Matt then punctuated the beatdown with a vicious kick to the side of Mainstream’s head. Angry told Matt to go get ready for the wedding. The Gauges left but before Angry could, he was confronted by Nemesis. Nemesis raged at Angry over what he did. Angry laughed at him, saying that Nemesis had been proven impotent tonight. He did his best to keep Angry from becoming the Ringmaster and he failed. He once again laughed and then strutted away. In the meantime some paramedics had rushed forward and got Mainstream strapped to a buckboard. J-Ro raced to his side and ran with him all the way to an ambulance. She wept bitterly as he was loaded on board but the last thing we saw of Mainstream was a small smile on his face, one that left Jason completely mystified. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C-[/COLOR] for the attack; [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the confrontation; [COLOR="blue"]C [/COLOR]for the rest 22) A video hit the high points of the feud between Ernest Youngman and Chance Fortune. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 23) [B]CHANCE FORTUNE vs. ERNEST YOUNGMAN (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Phenomenal match. Simply fantastic. These two tore each other apart. You could read the desperation in Chance’s eyes and ****iness in Ernest’s. It was pretty clear that Ernest thought he had the whole thing sewn up before the match even started. Chance disabused him of that notion rather quickly, almost catching him with a Stroke of Luck within the first three minutes. Ernest barely managed to duck the blow. Chance’s boosted confidence almost cost him, though, as Ernest was able to fire back and almost got him in a Good Die Young. They both no-sold each other’s offense but in the end, Ernest managed to kick out of a series of near falls before finally dispatching Chance with a Good Die Young. WINNER: [B]Ernest Youngman [/B]in 22:44 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 24) It’s time for the wedding. The ring was quickly transformed. The theme was obviously red and black as silks were woven through the ring ropes and matching roses were strewn about the ringside area. Angry entered first, dressed in flowing robes. Out came Greg and Sam next, followed by Matt, who had a smirk permanently plastered on his face. Junior came out last, a matching smirk on her face. Matt and Junior faced Angry as Greg and Sam took up position on either side of them. Angry started in on some mumbo jumbo of how their anger made their love more pure, how their fiery rage would produce a strong bond and ever stronger children. He actually encouraged them to fight and argue, saying that fury would be the crucible in which their love was purified. Emma said it sounded great. Jason said it sounded like bad seventh grade poetry. Angry finally got to the point, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“While we know that none will oppose this union ... at least, not anymore ... I am required to ask. Do any object to this marriage? If so, speak now, or forever hold your peace.”[/COLOR] The crowd roared their objection. Junior and Matt glared at the fans. Once the noise had died down, Angry started to speak again when a voice blared across the speakers. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I object!”[/COLOR] Junior and Matt turned around to see who it was. A man strode out at ringside, dressed in simple street clothes. It took a moment for the camera to catch sight of him but when the man’s face appeared on the big screen, the crowd exploded.... [CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i207/scapino1974/TEW2005/thKovachTEW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Over the cheers, Jason Azaria screamed, [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I don’t believe it! It’s [B]Joel Kovach[/B]! It’s Joel Kovach! He hasn’t been at an American wrestling show in over three years! Why is he here?”[/COLOR] Joel waited for the noise to die down as well and repeated himself. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You heard me. This wedding ain’t happening. There’s no way I’m going to let it.”[/COLOR] Junior looked positively sick. Matt quaked with rage. But Angry smiled calmly and said, [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Long time, no see, Kovach. But you can’t object to this marriage. You have no standing. So just wave to the crowd and then...” “No standing? Oh, I got plenty of standing.” “And what would that be?” “Simple. I’m the bride’s father.”[/COLOR] Dead silence. Then pandemonium. Junior wept bitterly. Matt turned and stared at her, his jaw slack. Joel, for his part, just nodded and once again waited for things to calm down. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“That’s right. I don’t want my daughter marrying that junior psychopath there. Kumiko, c’mon, we’re done here. Get your stuff. This sham is over.”[/COLOR] Angry stepped in front of Junior and glowered at Joel. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I don’t know if that’s true. I don’t care either. You will not interfere tonight. You seem to forget, we outnumber you.”[/COLOR] With that, Angry rolled out of the ring and started to shed his robes. The Gauge and Sam Keith followed suit, rolling up their sleeves and taking off their tux jackets. Joel actually backed up as the four of them advanced on him. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Oh, that’s certainly true,” [/COLOR]Joel said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You and your ... well, I’m not sure what this is. Knitting circle? Mutual admiration society? Well, you do have me outnumbered four to one. And you know, on a good night, I could probably take two of you ... maybe three. But four ... yeah, that’d be a little tricky. But before any of you throw a punch, I got one question for you...”[/COLOR] Angry held up a hand and stopped his minions’ advance. He then motioned for Joel to continue. Joel smiled. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“How stupid do you think I am? This ain’t my first party like this. I’ve both been a part of these big groups and been the outsider brought in to break them up. I know from personal experience how it works. Do you really think I’d be dumb enough to come here on my own? Uh uh. I brought help.”[/COLOR] That’s when the Fumihiro Ota fan leapt the security rail and ran over Sam Keith from behind. Before Angry could react, Joel charged forward and smashed into him. The Ota look-alike kept the Gauge’s busy while Joel traded blows with Angry. Angry tried to go for the Anger Unleashed but Joel blocked it and then slammed Angry into the ramp with an Old School Drop. He then nodded to his partner, who tossed him Matt. Joel dropped Matt to the ground and slapped him into the Kovach Krippler. In the meantime, his partner tied up Greg in a submission move that focused on the arms, one that Emma whispered was waaaaay too familiar to her. When Matt and Greg finally passed out from the pain, Joel and his partner released them. Joel nodded to his friend, who pulled off his mask to reveal.... [CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i207/scapino1974/TEW2005/thArchangelTEW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“It is! It is! It’s [B]Archangel[/B]!”[/COLOR] Jason crowed. Joel and Archangel raised each other’s hands in victory as Junior collapsed in the ring, weeping. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] I stood by the ring entrance as Joel and Archangel came back out. I slapped them both on the back. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“It’s good to have you both back.”[/COLOR] Joel laughed. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“It’s good to be back and really, man, I wouldn’t return to American TV for anyone but you.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Same here,”[/COLOR] Archangel added. Nemesis came over and welcomed them to the company. He then laughed. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I gotta tell you, Scap, this storyline is one for the books. I mean, really, who’s gonna believe this yarn you made up that Joel is Junior’s father?”[/COLOR] I exchanged a look with Joel. He shrugged. I smiled and clapped Nemesis on the back. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Who says I made it up?”[/COLOR] Nemesis’s jaw dropped open. But before he could say anything, Angry and company stumbled into the back. Angry shook hands with Joel and Double-A. The last one back was Junior, who gave Joel a big hug. Joel kissed her on the cheek. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“C’mon, kid, we got some catching up to do.”[/COLOR] FINAL RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Masters of the Ring”[/COLOR][/U] [I]Primus Allen defeated Aaron Andrews[/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Edward Cornell (c) defeated KC Glenn to retain [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] [I]Angry Gilmore defeated Josh Jones in the first final match for [COLOR="red"]the MWA Ringmaster Title[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Angry Gilmore defeated Jay Chord to capture [COLOR="red"]the MWA Ringmaster Title[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Junior & Matthew Gauge defeated the Latin Connection [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Future Threat (c) defeated the Joeys 2.0 to retain [COLOR="red"]the MWA Tag Team Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Ernest Youngman (c) defeated Chance Fortune to retain [COLOR="red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [I]And Joel Kovach and Archangel busted up the wedding[/I] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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Well. I've been following your stuff, Scapino, since the SWF diary, and I've got to say, this is the most entertaining wrestling read I've had in ages. Completely worth pissing away a weekend to catch up on. Reading all this, actually, even prompted me to give a go finally at my own TEW diary. Hopefully I'll be able to make it as interesting a read as your's. Many things I could say, but I think everyone else has said them over the course of 46 pages. Awesome diary, cheif. Keep it up, and I personally love the backstory. It's equally as enjoying to read up on as the matches, if not more. -Danny Ireland
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Hey all, this is kind of a good news/bad news type of post. The bad news first: it may be a while before there's an update on this. Couple of weeks at best, maybe not until the New Year. The reason is because I took a new job a few weeks ago and my family and I are hip-deep in packing right now. Not a lot of free time to plan out where the MWA is going, and I suspect I won't have much in the next couple of weeks as we move and get settled into our new place. The good news: there will be more updates in the future. I promise. I'm not done with the MWA yet.
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good luck with the move and look forward to seeing where you go with this when you've got you stuff sorted. With the forward planning that evidently goes into some of these storylines I guess it must take a heck of a long time to figure out where you're going and must be very time consuming. Gotta say though I don't know if my hunger for MWA can be contained after the way you ended that last show... if it gets too much I guess I can just go back to the SWF one and read this from the beginning again :)
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Still no new shows from me. As I suspected, packing and getting ready for the move have consumed most of my time. I haven’t had any chance at getting new storylines fleshed out, so it very well may be until 2008 before I get a new show posted. In the interim, I offer the following data as a cheap cop-out: [SIZE="3"][U][CENTER]MWA Current Roster[/CENTER][/U][/SIZE] [B][U]Main Eventers[/U][/B] Aaron Andrews Angry Gilmore Archangel Chance Fortune Davis Wayne Newton <----- ½ of the current Tag Team Champions Ernest Youngman <------ Current MWA World Heavyweight Champion Joel Kovach Primus Allen [B][U]Uppder Midcarders[/U][/B] Alicia Strong Cameron Vessey <----- Current MWA Regional Champion Jay Chord Joey Minnesota Marc DuBois Sam Keith Steven Parker <---- ½ of the current Tag Team Champions Vengeance [B][U]Midcarders[/U][/B] Des Davids Greg Gauge Hugh de Aske Izaak Tischler Joanne Rodriguez Joey Beauchamp Josh Jones Junior Liberty Mainstream Hernandez Matthew Gauge Serene Jean Cattley The Kid [B][U]Lower Midcarders[/U][/B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith Casey Valentine Edward Cornell <---- Current Holder of the MWA Rising Star Title Lead Belly Remmy Skye Ronnie V. Pain [B][U]Openers[/U][/B] Fumihiro Ota KC Glenn Steve Gumble Thomas Morgan [B][U]Enhancement Talent[/U][/B] Arthur Dexter Bradley Bradley Blaze Lauren Easter And since I was asked about this earlier, here’s the title lineages of our .... titles. [B]MWA World Heavyweight Championship (formerly MWA Grand Championship)[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Main Event Title with 100% prestige[/COLOR] Ultimate Phoenix – Won March of 2010, defended 8 times Mean Jean Cattley - Won December of 2010, defended 5 times Jay Chord - Won August of 2011, defended 4 times Alicia Strong - Won October of 2011, defended 12 times Jay Chord - Won February of 2012, defended 2 times Mainstream Hernandez - Won March of 2012, defended 6 times Hugh de Aske - Won June of 2012, defended 6 times Izaak Tischler - Won November of 2012, defended 9 times Davis Wayne Newton - Won July of 2013, defended 3 times Jay Chord - Won September of 2013, defended 8 times [I]Title vacated[/I] Chance Fortune - Won December of 2013, defended 6 times Ernest Youngman - Won February 2014, defended 5 times thus far [B]MWA Ringmaster Title[/B] [COLOR="red"]Main Event Tournament Title with 80% prestige[/COLOR] Jay Chord - 2013 Angry Gilmore - 2014 [B]MWA Regional Championship[/B] [COLOR="red"]Midcard Title with 70% prestige[/COLOR] Steven Parker - Won November of 2011, defended 7 times Joanne Rodriguez - Won February of 2012, defended 5 times Jay Chord - Won April of 2012, defended 5 times Des Davids - Won July of 2012, defended 6 times Davis Wayne Newton - Won October of 2012, defended 0 times Junior - Won October of 2012, defended 3 times Sam Pratt (aka The Calamari Kid or “The Kid”) - Won January of 2013, defended 0 times Mainstream Hernandez - Won January of 2013, defended 5 times Marc DuBois - Won April of 2013, defended 0 times [I]Title vacated[/I] Vengeance - Won May of 2013, defended 6 times Sensational Ogiwara - Won August of 2013, defended 0 times [I]Title vacated[/I] Des Davids - Won September of 2013, defended 4 times Sam Keith - Won November of 2013, defended 2 times Des Davids - Won December of 2013, defended 1 time Serene Jean Cattley - Won January of 2014, defended 5 times Junior - Won March of 2014, defended 1 time Cameron Vessey - Won April of 2014, defended 1 time thus far [B]MWA Tag Team Championship[/B] [COLOR="red"]Midcard Title with 53.5% prestige[/COLOR] Citizen X & Agent 69 (MI-06) - Won January 2010, defended 4 times Debbie Rose & Lily Allen (Lily & Rose?) - Won August of 2013, defended 4 times Davis Wayne Newton & Steven Parker (Future Threat) - Won February of 2011, defended 6 times Matthew Gauge & Greg Gauge (the Gauge Brothers) - Won October of 2011, defended 8 times Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Primus Allen (the Titans) - Won April of 2012, defended 2 times Davis Wayne Newton & Matthew Gauge - Won May of 2012, defended 3 times [I]Title vacated[/I] Mainstream Hernandez & Joanne Rodriguez (the Latin Connection) - Won July of 2012, defended 4 times Mean Jean Cattley & Steven Parker (the Foundation) - Won November of 2012, defended 4 times Junior & Remmy Skye (Fire & Ice) - Won February of 2013, defended 4 times Joey Beauchamp & Joey Poison (the Joeys) - Won April of 2013, defended 8 times Ronnie V. Pain & Lead Belly (Agony’s Bikers) - Won September of 2013, defended 4 times Davis Wayne Newton & Steven Parker (Future Threat) - Won February of 2014, defended 6 times thus far [B]MWA Rising Star Title[/B] [COLOR="red"]Low Level Title with 39.5% prestige[/COLOR] Izaak Tischler - Won December of 2010, defended 7 times Kashmir Singh - Won May of 2011, defended 2 times Ash Campbell - Won September of 2011, defended 5 times Bulldozer Brandon Smith - Won December of 2011, defended 6 times Mean Jean Cattley - Won February of 2012, defended 6 times Junior - Won June of 2012, defended 2 times Bulldozer Brandon Smith - Won August of 2012, defended 4 times Remmy Skye - Won October of 2012, defended 7 times Primus Allen - Won December of 2012, defended 5 times Greg Gauge - Won February of 2013, defended 3 times Thomas Morgan - Won April of 2013, defended 3 times Steve Gumble - Won June of 2013, defended 2 times Josh Jones - Won August of 2013, defended 6 times Cameron Vessey - Won November of 2013, defended 8 times Edward Cornell - Won February of 2014, defended 7 times thus far
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Interesting to view the roster positions. What also struck me, looking at the title history, was just how few people actually win a title more than once in MWA. With the obvious exception of Jay Chord, nobody has won the main belt more than once. With the tag belts, Future Threat have only just become the first team to win them twice. That's not a complaint in any way - it just interested me because I'd done a title lineage very similarly in my own ROF diary just now, and I'm almost the other way with quite a lot of repeat champions. Looking forward to the next show in '08!
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Hey Scapino... This is an idea I came up with, that I tried with my SWF diary (Getting ready for Christmas and personal stuff have taken up my time for that diary) and I thought would be hillarious for MWA. [QUOTE][SIZE="6"]THE BITTER SMARK RANTS ABOUT MWA[/SIZE] First, Scapino is biased. That's right biased, and don't go crying to you mama. Yeah he was great when he did the SWF, but when those little f*gs The Survivors came in, I knew that they would have success, due to them being the best politicans in the planet, yeah Kaneie Komine is just jealous. And I'm sure Joel Kovach has a bigger ego then Big Smack Scott, Eric Tyler and Bryan Vessey. Remember when Junior debuted? I thought she would be the first Scapino piece to not be an politician or an egomaniac, but BOY, WAS I WRONG!! First, Davis Wayne Newton deserved that MWA Regional championship from that *$^^&* ^^&*!@ *$%!* Des Davids, but that Asian &@*#*$^!@$^!@# F**ING *!$^^$!@#$!* came along and beat him in his first defence, I was so F**ING P***ED THAT I WANTED TO F***ING GO AND !@&^$!!@%. Poor Angry Gilmore was forced to "marry" her. And Wanda and Alicia Strong? They can go and get ******! Wanda being the first female SWF World Champion was awful and that **** slept with Scapino while more deserving workers like Angry Gilmore and Rich Money were held back! :mad: The whole thing about this rant? RICHARD EISEN IS A ****ING GENIUS FOR FIRING SCAPINO AND SCAPINO BURYS HARD WORKING WRESTLERS. [/QUOTE] Seems like one angry smark has been payed by ol' devious Richie? :rolleyes:
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/SIZE][/B] Live on GNN Total Sports; Replayed on UK Broadcasting Prime & J-Network East [I]Wednesday of Week 4, April 2014[/I] Held at Irvine Hall in the Mid South Territory 5,000 in attendance – SOLD OUT![/CENTER] Emma Chase and Jason Azaria welcomed the audience to the show. 1) When the fans started to calm down, Nemesis was revealed in the ring. He waited a few more moments before speaking. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I don’t know about you, but I’ve been jazzed ever since Masters of the Ring got over with. What a show, right? And while some are talking about the match between Chance and Ernest, most of you are talking about one thing: the return of Joel Kovach and Archangel. “But why did they come? What’s going on? I had to find out. So I want you to join me in welcoming my special guest ... and one of the MWA’s latest hires ... Joel Kovach!”[/COLOR] The crowd went ballistic as Joel came out to the ring. He nodded at many of the fans and when the noise died down, he thanked Nemesis for the invitation and the job. Nemesis and he made a little small talk before Nemesis cut to the heart of the matter: [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Joel, everyone has one question on their minds, one thing they gotta know. Are you really Junior’s father?”[/COLOR] Joel sobered a bit and nodded. [COLOR="darkgreen"] “I am.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“How is that possible?”[/COLOR] Nemesis asked. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I mean, you’re not that old of a guy. When did you have her, when you were sixteen?” “Close. Seventeen.”[/COLOR] Nemesis stared at Joel in surprise. Joel nodded. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“It’s true. Let me tell you a little story. “Back when I was sixteen, I wanted to be a wrestler. But none of the American promotions would give me the time of day. Too young. But I was stubborn, so I got some money together and flew out to Japan. I lied about my age and started training. Pretty soon I was doing some indie shows, stuff like that. “Then I met her. This gorgeous young girl. I asked her out and she said yes. Soon we were inseparable. And I was on top of the world. I was doing what I loved, I had a knock-out waiting for me after every show ... it was everything I hoped for. “And then she got pregnant. “Let me tell you, I was terrified. I was all of seventeen, just seeing things coming together the way I wanted, and I thought for sure that this would be the end of everything. So I chickened out. I ran.”[/COLOR] Some of the audience started to boo. Joel nodded to them. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“That’s right, I deserve it. I was a coward. I sent her some money when I could but I never went to see my kid. I just didn’t want to acknowledge what I did. And eventually, I left Japan and came back to the States and cut that part of my life off completely. “Fast forward to a few years ago. I left a certain wrestling promotion out east and found myself without a job. So I went back to Japan. And after my first show, there she was again ... along with Kumiko, our daughter. “And when I saw Kumiko, I realized what a jerk I had been and how much I had to make up to her. So I got to know her, tried to share as much of my life as I could. Matter of fact, I’m the one who took her into a wrestling ring the first time. She wanted to try it out and wouldn’t you know it, she took after her old man. So I gave her some training, just so we could share that. I found out she and I were so alike, I started calling her ‘Junior.’ Guess it stuck. “But then she let me know that she wanted to be a wrestler too. Now, Nemesis, I love this business, but I’m sure you know how much it drains you. I didn’t want that to happen to my daughter. I wanted her to have a normal life. So I did something rotten. I used what stroke I had with the Japanese promotions and got her blacklisted. “But that didn’t stop her. Turns out she had saved up her money to buy a one-way ticket to the States. Once here, she looked up an old friend of mine, Scapino, and he gave her a job. So far as I know, Scap’s the only one she told who her father was. “When I found out what she did, I was furious. That’s why I hired Fumihiro Ota and your kid to try to discourage her. But when she beat them, I realized I couldn’t stop her and decided to just keep an eye on her. And what I saw, for the most part, wasn’t too bad. “Until she got engaged to Matt Gauge. No way I’m letting that junior psychopath marry my little girl. So I got Double-A on the line, told him what I wanted to do, and he agreed to come with me to shake things up. And now...”[/COLOR] He was interrupted by Ernest Youngman’s entrance music. The champ came out and sneered at the ring. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“What is this crap?”[/COLOR] Ernest demanded. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Everyone here is so excited about two has-beens coming out of the woodwork that they seem to have forgotten the big story from this past Sunday, namely that I not only retained the MWA World Heavyweight Championship, but I also ended Chance Fortune’s chances of ever getting it again. But yet what do we see here? Some prattling old man going on and on about his poor daughter. Get with the times, people, I’m where it’s really at...”[/COLOR] Joel laughed. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Maybe you weren’t paying attention, kiddo, but I’m not the kind of guy you mess with. And you certainly don’t come out here and talk smack like that unless you’re ready to back it up.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Oh, I’ll back it up all right. I’ve heard all the guys in back, quaking in their boots about the big, bad Kovach and his sidekick. But I’m not scared. And I’ll prove it. You and me, Kovach, tonight. I’ll even put the title on the line.”[/COLOR] The crowd roared. Joel smirked. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You got it.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the story and the challenge 2) Backstage Chance Fortune and Jay Chord were chatting. Chance welcomed Jay back and offered his condolences for losing the MWA Ringmaster Title to Angry. Jay responded in kind about the Heavyweight Championship. Then they were interrupted by Agony’s Bikers. They mocked the two of them for their losses. Jay and Chance listened for a few moments before they lit into them and knocked them around and then dragged them out to the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3) [B]JAY CHORD & CHANCE FORTUNE vs. AGONY’S BIKERS[/B] An okay match. Could have been a bit better for my taste. The Bikers managed to rally a little but Jay and Chance pretty much rolled over them. Jay punctuated the match with a Cradle Piledriver to Lead Belly. WINNERS: [B]Jay Chord & Chance Fortune [/B]in 8:53 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 4) The announcers then put over the fact that no matter who held the title at the end of the night, a new #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship would be decided tomorrow night on Firestorm. There would be a four-way dance between Alicia Strong, Jay Chord, Aaron Andrews, and Marc du Bois. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 5) Backstage, Josh Jones was pacing a bit nervously when Jenny Playmate found him and excitedly told him she just got done talking to Nemesis. She apparently convinced Nemesis to name Josh Jones as the #1 Contender for the MWA Regional Championship. Josh seemed moderately excited. Wish he was a bit more charismatic. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]D+[/COLOR] 6) [B]THOMAS MORGAN vs. CASEY VALENTINE[/B] An okay match. Jason and Emma spent part of the time debating why Casey attacked Edward Cornell this past Sunday. Whatever the case, Casey was the ultimate winner of the match, getting Thomas to tap out with an ankle lock. WINNER: [B]Casey Valentine [/B]in 7:25 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 7) Backstage, Angry Gilmore was pacing angrily. Sam Keith and Greg Gauge stood by, nervous expressions on their face. Angry finally exploded, saying that his night of ultimate triumph had been tainted by Joel and Archangel. He vowed that Joel and Archangel would pay the penalty for incurring his wrath. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 8) In another backstage area, Casey Valentine came around the corner and laid down a challenge: he wanted the Rising Star Title. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“For too long, I’ve been held down thanks to a minor beef with management. So now I’m going to take matters in my own hands. I’m the future of this company. And I’ll prove it by...”[/COLOR] That’s as far as he got. Out of nowhere, a black clad foot smashed him across the chin. When the camera pulled out, it revealed that Fumihiro Ota had knocked him out. Ota glared down at him and then stormed off. [COLOR="darkgreen"] “What was that about?” [/COLOR]Jason demanded. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]D+[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]D[/COLOR] for the attack 9) KC Glenn came out to the ring and tried to hype himself. The crowd really didn’t care to hear from him. His delivery came off a little flat. Thankfully, Primus Allen came out to the ring and the excitement from his appearance more than made up for KC’s mic skills. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]D[/COLOR] for KC; [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] for Primus 10) [B]PRIMUS ALLEN vs. KC GLENN[/B] Short and sweet. KC tried to bring Primus down but couldn’t and finally was taken out himself by a Running Powerslam. The streak continues. WINNER: [B]Primus Allen [/B]in 6:21 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 11) Future Threat were backstage chatting when they were confronted by Joey Beauchamp and Joey Minnesota. The Joeys got in their faces and accused them of cheating in their match. Steven Parker and Davis Wayne Newton laughed off the idea but when the Joeys wouldn’t let it go, they agreed to a rematch. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 12) [B]LIBERTY vs. ARTHUR DEXTER BRADLEY[/B] An okay match. Liberty carried the rookie through most of this, finally finishing him off with a Liberation Slam. WINNER: [B]Liberty[/B] in 6:43 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 13) [B]JOEL KOVACH vs. ERNEST YOUNGMAN (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] They’ll have to buy a new roof after this one. Simply incredible. Joel seemed to be having a great time in the ring. Ernest, on the other hand, was very focused and determined. That paid off as he scored the first near fall early on. Joel seemed impressed but it didn’t remove the smile from his face. The match continued with both men getting in some pretty sweet moves. The crowd remained on their feet for most of the match as things kept building. Joel didn’t give an inch and Ernest didn’t either. Finally, though, as Ernest went for a Good Die Young, Joel managed to slip out of it, trip Ernest up, and get him on the mat and into the Kovach Krippler. Ernest managed to drag the two of them across the mat and almost go to the ropes, only to have Joel pull him back to the middle. Joel tightened it up even more and it looked like Ernest was on the verge of tapping out. That’s when Angry Gilmore hit the ring and attacked Joel. The ref immediately called for the bell. WINNER: [B]Joel Kovach by DQ [/B]in 11:49 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 14) Angry continued his assault and as soon as he recovered, Ernest joined in. They wailed on Joel for a few minutes before the crowd exploded. Archangel charged out of the back and slid into the ring. He joined the fray and soon Joel recovered as well. A four man brawl broke out ... ... until Nemesis’s music hit. He came out to the ring apron and ordered a halt to the fight. He said that sort of thing would not happen on his show ... unless it was a match. Then he made that match for next week on [I]Blade’s Edge[/I]. It would be Ernest Youngman and Angry Gilmore taking on Joel Kovach and Archangel. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the brawl and the match announcement [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Not too bad. The middle kind of dragged us down, though. We got a rating of 34.82. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/U] [I]Jay Chord & Chance Fortune defeated Agony’s Bikers [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Casey Valentine defeated Thomas Morgan [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Primus Allen defeated KC Glenn [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Liberty defeated Arthur Dexter Bradley [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Joel Kovach defeated Ernest Youngman (c) by DQ, so Ernest retains [COLOR="Red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE] Merry Christmas!
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