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MWA - This Means War! (C-Verse Diary)

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[I][SIZE="3"]The Natives Are Restless[/SIZE][/I] [B]Monday of Week 4, May 2014[/B] I couldn’t help but grin as I leaned over the steering wheel to look over the gleaming new building that rose before me. Sure, I had visited during construction for the past six months when I was home but I had been dreaming of this day for a long time. Sure, it wasn’t a skyscraper but it didn’t need to be. Unlike Richard Eisen, I didn’t need our headquarters to be some eyesore. This simple four-story building in Shakopee, Minnesota, now housed the MWA’s offices, training facilities, and production department. A quick jog across the parking lot brought me through the double doors. I nodded to Vanessa, the receptionist, and headed for the elevators. I could smell the newness in the air. As much as I hated to leave the Garrison behind, this was right. This was where we needed to be. Upon reaching the top floor, I crossed the hall, nodding to some of my employees as I went. They returned my smile but seemed a bit nervous. I didn’t blame them. I was nervous as well. This was a big step for us, moving into a building like this. We could afford it, sure, but you never knew. Another scandal like the Extreme Deluxe fiasco could hit and we’d wind up broke. I stepped into my office and paused to soak it all in. There was a small viewing area to my right with plush couches and a plasma screen TV that dominated the wall. To the left was my desk, massive and made of oak. The rest of the office was tastefully decorated; thankfully I’d left that up to Wanda and she did a great job. Speaking of my fiancé, she rose from one of the couches and strode purposefully toward me. My greeting died in my throat when I saw the look on her face. She didn’t look happy. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“We’ve got trouble[/COLOR],” she said, taking me by the hand and leading me out of the office. [COLOR="darkgreen"] “Or at least, you do.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Why? What’s up?” “I’ll let you see for yourself down in the weight room.”[/COLOR] We rode the elevator into the basement and Wanda led me to the training facility. When we got there, I noticed a cluster of wrestlers standing around, their arms crossed and unhappy. I looked from face to face: Vengeance, Liberty, the Kid, Steve Gumble, Marc du Bois, Jay Chord. It was a pretty good sized crew. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“What’s going on, guys?”[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“We’re sick of this,” [/COLOR]Jay said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“We’re sick of not being featured in matches. We’re sick of acting as fillers when you don’t have anything better to do. Either give us something or we’re walking.”[/COLOR] I sighed. I had a feeling something like this might be brewing. I knew I had been neglecting a lot of my workers. Part of that was my own fault: I would bring in someone new and use them for a while only to move on when the next big guys came along. I stood there while the others added their complaints to the mix before I finally cut them off. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You’re all absolutely right. We haven’t utilized you in the proper way. Thank you for reminding me of this. Tell you what. Come back tomorrow and we’ll discuss this with the rest of the roster. I have something in the works that should settle things.”[/COLOR] That didn’t placate them completely but I doubted anything would at this point. But they agreed. I turned to Wanda after they had left. She studied my face with a wry smile. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“What do you have up your sleeve?” “Believe me, when I figure that out, you’ll be the first to know.”[/COLOR] [B]Tuesday of Week 4, May 2014[/B] I walked into the conference room and froze. There were more wrestlers here than I had anticipated. Aside from the group from the day before, Joel Kovach and Archangel had joined us. So had Alicia, Ernest, and Brandon Smith. I suppose they were curious what was happening as well. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Good to see you all. Let’s get down to business. I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is, this Thursday will be our last episode of Firestorm on the Pop! Network.”[/COLOR] They blinked, surprised. I waited for them to settle down. This was news I had kept to myself. For some reason, the Pop! Network had decided they had too much wrestling on their network, which was odd. The only other wrestling show they had was “SWF Spotlight” and we consistently outperformed them in terms of ratings. I suspected Richard had something to do with it, but I couldn’t prove it. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“The good news is that I was able to secure us a new deal. Firestorm will still be on the air ... only on CBA.”[/COLOR] Stunned expressions. Just what I was hoping for. CBA was the biggest network in the U.S. with coverage in Canada. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“As a result, Firestorm will not be the poor cousin of Blade’s Edge anymore,” [/COLOR]I said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“And that got me to thinking. Since we’ll have two shows, roughly equal in terms of distribution, we need to shake things up a little. That’s why we’re going to do something a little different.”[/COLOR] I flipped a switch, causing the screen behind me to light up with this logo: [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i207/scapino1974/TEW2005/MWAAlpha.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“‘MWA A?’” [/COLOR]Vengeance asked dubiously. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Not MWA A. MWA Alpha. To go along with this...”[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i207/scapino1974/TEW2005/mwaomega.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“... MWA Omega. We’re splitting the MWA in two. Two separate brands. Each one will get a show. Alpha will get Blade’s Edge. Omega will get Firestorm. We’re also going to divvy up the pay-per-views between them. Some will be Alpha only. Some will only feature Omega matches. And then a few will be for both brands. Separate rosters, separate storylines. That means that all of you will get more chances to shine.”[/COLOR] I was met by skeptical looks. Finally Jay spoke. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“That looks good on paper. What’s the downside?” “Well, there are a few catches,” [/COLOR]I admitted. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“For starters, we only have the two shows. I’m hoping we can maybe get two more B-shows for them both but I don’t know if that will be possible. “Second, I’ve crunched the numbers ... and I’ll have to hire thirteen more wrestlers to round out the rosters. But not to worry. I’ll be going for lesser known individuals. That should boost most of you up the roster a bit.”[/COLOR] They had more questions, but I waved them down. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Look, we’re not going to implement this scheme until after ‘Ascendant.’ That’s a month from now. That will give me the time to find the other thirteen wrestlers and to work out the details of things like title belts and so on. All right?”[/COLOR] They grumbled but they agreed. As they filed out the door, I noticed Archangel hanging back and staring at the screen with a bemused grin. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Alpha and Omega? Karma? Apocalypse? What’s with you and the religious imagery?”[/COLOR] I smiled at him. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I could ask you the same thing, couldn’t I?”[/COLOR] He laughed. I turned to Wanda and shrugged. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Well?” “You’ll have your work cut out for you. Twice as many storylines, most of which will have longer to build to a pay-per-view. The additional workers will cost more too. But it might be interesting to see what happens.”[/COLOR]
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Scap, you never cease to entertain :D The big question, of course, are whether Nemesis will retain control over both shows, and how you're going to do the draft. Oh, on the subject of drafts and brands... When you've deliberately or otherwise left workers off the shows (Jay Chord a couple of times, for instance, or Vengeance relatively recently) how do you manage that? Do you stick them on unused brands, or just leave them to sit and pout, making the game more difficult for yourself? Just curious, as you seem to have a fair few workers who dissapear for weeks at a time *coughRemmySkyecough*... ;)
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Oftentimes, when someone disappears, if it's not for storyline reasons, they just sit on the sidelines and stew. I know that makes things more difficult for me but I figure if I've forgotten about someone, it usually means that I won't have much for them and if they want to quit, I'll kick myself but then let them go. If, however, it's for storyline reasons and I remember that they're there, I'll usually throw them a dark match every other show or so just to keep them happy. I've learned that doing so keeps them from getting totally disgruntled.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Live on GNN Total Sports; Replayed on UK Broadcasting Prime & J-Network East[/COLOR] [I]Wednesday of Week 4, May 2014[/I] Held at Virginia Park Fields in the Mid Atlantic Territory 8,676 in attendance[/CENTER] Jason Azaria and Emma Chase welcomed the audience to the show. 1) Ernest Youngman came out to the ring and basked in the boos, jeers, and catcalls. He then asked the audience if anyone was really surprised to see the “Assassin of the Squared Circle” with the World Heavyweight Championship. He said that he’d like to say that Alicia put up a good fight and showed that she was a champion at heart. He’d like to say that, but he can’t. He simply was too good. For him, the ending had never been in doubt and he had been proven right. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 2) The announcers then spoke of two things that would happen tonight: First, Edward Cornell would be wrestling Ronnie V. Pain. The crowd didn’t seem too interested in that. Second, Angry Gilmore’s cult was going to hold a celebration of their recent victories in the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]D+[/COLOR] for the match announcement; [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the celebration 3) [B]PRIMUS ALLEN vs. IZAAK TISCHLER[/B] Interestingly, Izaak looked like the star in this match, even though he lost in the end to a Flying Lariat. WINNER: [B]Primus Allen [/B]in 7:31 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 4) Liberty waited by the arena entrance. In came Angry Gilmore, looking very smug. Liberty immediately accosted him, asking if he was happy with wrecking Joel Kovach’s family. Angry said that Junior wasn’t part of Joel’s family anymore, that she belonged to his family. Liberty suddenly exploded, saying that Angry had to be stopped. Angry laughed, asking if Liberty thought he could do the stopping. Liberty seemed surprised but said he was willing to try. Angry agreed, suggesting that they meet in the ring later, saying, “It will make the celebration later all the more sweet after your humiliation.” RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 5) Marc du Bois found Edward Cornell backstage and tried to console him about losing the MWA Rising Star Title. Edward took the long view, saying that titles were nice but he knew he was a good wrestler at heart. Marc said that was a great attitude and then wished him luck on his match. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 6) [B]EDWARD CORNELL vs. RONNIE V. PAIN[/B] Whoa. Great chemistry really boosted this match into something special. Ronnie and Edward simply flowed in the match, making it look like a colossal brawl. In the end, Edward managed to pin Ronnie for the win. WINNER:[B] Edward Cornell [/B]in 7:29 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 7) Before Edward could even celebrate his win, Ronnie was joined by Lead Belly. They took turns wailing on Edward before putting him down. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 8) Fumihiro Ota found Casey Valentine backstage. Ota said that he wanted a shot at Casey’s Rising Star Title. Casey laughed in his face, saying that it wasn’t going to happen. He said that the title was for “rising stars,” not fading has-beens whose day has come and gone. Casey said that if the “Hasbeen Title” is ever unveiled in the MWA, Ota was sure to win. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the refusal 9) Alicia Strong found Nemesis backstage and asked him for a rematch against Ernest. Nemesis got a thoughtful look on his face and said that he’d think about it and she’d have her answer by the end of the night. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 10) [B]LIBERTY vs. ANGRY GILMORE[/B] A short, sweet match. Liberty did his best to put Angry down fast and hard, a strategy that Jason said was wise, given Angry’s stamina and the fact that he tended to get stronger the longer the match went. But much to Liberty’s frustration, he wasn’t able to put Angry down for good, even after a Liberation Slam. In the end, Angry scored with an Anger Unleashed. WINNER:[B] Angry Gilmore [/B]in 8:35 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 11) Nemesis then appeared on screen seated behind his desk. He said that tomorrow night, we would indeed see Alicia Strong take on Ernest Youngman for the MWA World Heavyweight Championship, that this would add to what was already going to be a historic night for the MWA. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“But now, on to more serious matters. As you may remember, this past Sunday Future Threat successfully defended the MWA Tag Team Championship against the Joeys 2.0. But after the match, referee Shane Stones found a set of brass knuckles and was unable to determine where they had come from. We have reviewed the tape and at this time, we do not know who dropped them. Both teams have denied involvement although the Joeys have insisted this proves their previous accusations true. “In light of this current dilemma, the MWA’s booking committee has instructed me to strip Future Threat of the tag team titles. Although reluctant, I shall do so. Effectively immediately, the tag team championship is vacant. “At ‘Ascendant,’ we will hold a four-way tag team match. To gain entry, teams will have to qualify. The first qualifying match will occur shortly. Thank you for your time.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the match announcement; [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the stripping of the titles 12) Davis and Parker stared at a set of monitors, their eyes wide and their jaws swinging low. Two officials approached them and the champs angrily surrendered the belts. They then started through the backstage area until they found the Joeys. They attacked them viciously and they had to be separated. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 13) Serene Jean Cattley came out to the ring and said that he was going to get back into the tag team business with his newest partner ... Remmy Skye! Remmy came out and joined Jean in the ring. Jason said it seemed like a good pairing, that they both held the same mellow, laid back attitude. Emma sarcastically said that kind of attitude would be great in a competitive tag team. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 14) [B]SERENE JEAN CATTLEY & REMMY SKYE vs. KC & THE KID[/B] An okay match. Things really didn’t get out of first gear, though. In the end, Remmy took the Kid out with a Skye Driver. WINNERS: [B]Serene Jean Cattley & Remmy Skye [/B]in 8:06 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 15) Out came the cult. They celebrated the fact that while Archangel technically won his match, Junior and Matt took him out of commission. They also lauded Angry for taking Joel out in his match. Sam made a speech where he demanded that the crowd show [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato [/I]some respect (that didn’t go too well). Angry then spoke, saying that they had proven that their family was superior to everyone in the MWA... That’s as far as they made it. Out charged Archangel and Joel Kovach, both of them armed with baseball bats. They chased the cult out of the ring and then stood in the center, taunting them to come back and face them. RATING:[COLOR="blue"] B-[/COLOR] for the celebration; [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the attack 16) [B]DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON vs. JOEY MINNESOTA[/B] Jason explained that Nemesis had made this match in light of the brawl backstage. It was okay. I had frankly expected a little more from these two, especially Davis. In the end, after brawling in the ring and around it and getting busted open in the process, Davis put Joey down and tapping with an STF. WINNER: [B]Davis Wayne Newton [/B]in 14:07 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [U][B]THE AFTERMATH[/B][/U] Peaked too soon. We got a rating of 30.32. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/U] [I]Primus Allen defeated Izaak Tischler [/I]-[COLOR="blue"] B[/COLOR] [I]Edward Cornell defeated Ronnie V. Pain [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Angry Gilmore defeated Liberty [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Serene Jean Cattley & Remmy Skye defeated KC & the Kid[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] [I]Davis Wayne Newton defeated Joey Minnesota [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Firestorm[/I][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Live on the Pop! Network; Replayed on TV-Mex, UK Broadcasting Digital, & Japanese Sports Vision 2[/COLOR] [I]Thursday of Week 4, May 2014[/I] Held at Wisconsin Garden in the Great Lakes Territory 8,363 in attendance[/CENTER] Jason Azaria and Emma Chase welcomed everyone to the show. 1) They said that tonight, Edward Cornell and Marc du Bois would be taking on Agony’s Bikers. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C-[/COLOR] 2) Alicia Strong appeared on camera and said that tonight, she would finally get it done. She would defeat Ernest Youngman and reclaim the MWA World Heavyweight Championship. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 3) [B]STEVE GUMBLE vs. CASEY VALENTINE (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title[/COLOR] An okay match all around. Casey and Steve did a good job opening the show. Steve relied on some high flying offense to keep Casey off balance and that worked until Casey regained some momentum and finished him off with a Heartbreaker. WINNER: [B]Casey Valentine [/B]in 7:33 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 4) Before Casey could vacate the ring, Fumihiro Ota came out and once again demanded a title shot against Casey. Casey tried to dissuade him but Ota was adamant. He wanted that match and he said he’d do anything to get it. Casey then reversed direction and said Casey could indeed have a title shot ... if he earned it. He said that all he had to do was win one match. If Ota could do that, he could have a title shot at “Ascendant.” Ota immediately agreed, saying that he would face off against anyone. Casey replied, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Good. Then next Wednesday, you’ll go up against ... Primus Allen.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]D+[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for Casey’s match making 5) Backstage, Agony’s Bikers walked through the halls until they were stopped by Aaron Andrews. Aaron said he had to talk to them about something important and asked them to step out of camera range to discuss it. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 6) KC Glenn and the Kid waited outside Nemesis’s office. When Nemesis emerged, they said they thought they deserved a second chance to get into the Tag Team title hunt. Nemesis said they lost to Serene Jean Cattley and Remmy Skye fair and square. But he’d be willing to consider it if they did something big and impressive. When they asked what that was, he snapped at them to use their imaginations. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 7) [B]LAUREN EASTER vs. BULLDOZER BRANDON SMITH[/B] Brandon clearly wasn’t taking Lauren seriously in the opening moments of the match. Lauren made him pay for that with some intense offense that almost won her the match. But Smith was able to rally and got the pin with a Backdrop Driver. WINNER: [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith [/B]in 6:49 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 8) As Smith left the ring, he was approached by Des Davids, who asked him if winning again felt good. Smith said it did, so Davids suggested that the two of them team up for the tag team title hunt. He said they could be on top again together. Smith, after a moment of thought, agreed. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 9) Out came the Survivors. Joel and Archangel looked intense as they clambered into the ring. Joel declared that Angry’s cult celebrated a little early. They were acting like the war was over. Instead, it was just beginning. Archangel took over and said that they had regrouped and were ready for the next battle. They challenged Angry and his minions to a five-man cage war, the entire cult versus their team. Joel admitted that they only had to the two of them at the time, but he pointed out that Angry and company had stepped on a lot of toes lately and it wouldn’t be hard to find people who wanted a piece of them. Before they could leave, though, KC & the Kid came out and, much to Jason’s horror, challenged the Survivors to a match. Archangel and Joel exchanged a glance and nodded, beckoning them to get into the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the Survivor’s challenge; [COLOR="blue"]D-[/COLOR] for the second 10) [B]THE SURVIVORS vs. KC & THE KID[/B] A match that did so well because of the fans, I’m sure of it. Both Joel and Archangel looked incredible in the match. KC and the Kid did their level best, but in the end, Joel got KC down in a Kovach Krippler. When the Kid rushed in to break it up, Archangel intercepted him and clotheslined him right out of the ring, leaving KC alone and tapping. WINNERS: [B]The Survivors [/B]in 10:58 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 11) Ernest Youngman appeared on screen and chided Alicia. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“This isn’t the Eighties, girl. You know, when a certain promotion kept shoving the same match of your father versus Rip Chord down our throats over and over and over for years. I’m getting sick of this and the fans are too. So this is it. The last time we’ll have this match. Better make it count.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 12) [B]MARC du BOIS & EDWARD CORNELL vs. AGONY’S BIKERS[/B] Relatively short and about average. The Bikers did their level best to keep Edward isolated so they could work him over. But then (admittedly predictably) Marc was tagged in to clean house a bit. Edward recovered on the sidelines and tagged his way back in and appeared about ready to beat Lead Belly. Kristen Pearce hopped onto the ring apron to distract referee Baby Jamie as Edward got the pin. That’s when Aaron Andrews charged the ring. He knocked Marc from his perch and then rolled into the ring, taking Edward out and putting Lead Belly’s arm over him. Kristen finally dropped off the ring apron and Baby Jamie turned around to see what he thought was a pin and made the count. WINNERS: [B]Agony’s Bikers [/B]in 8:45 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 13) Jenny Playmate led Josh Jones out to the ring where she commented that Cameron Vessey owed Josh one more title shot. She suggested a final match at “Ascendant” ... in a steel cage! The crowd was surprisingly apathetic. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]D[/COLOR] 14) Nemesis appeared on screen and said that tonight was a historic night because it was the last episode of Firestorm on the Pop! Network. The show would be moving on to bigger and better things. Part of that included a brand split. In one month, the stars of the MWA would be divided into MWA Alpha and Omega. He thanked the fans for sticking with them and said he hoped they’d keep watching as the latest chapter of the MWA’s story unfolded. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 15) [B]ALICIA STRONG vs. ERNEST YOUNGMAN (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] What a great end for our last episode on Pop! It was clear that Alicia was ready and raring to go, kicking things off before the bell could even sound. Ernest actually had to hide behind referee Eugene Williams for a few moments. As the match unfolded, both Alicia and Ernest got their licks in but it was becoming increasingly clear that Alicia had the momentum on her side. She got more near falls than Ernest and the crowd was obviously on her side. But then Ernest tripped Alicia up and got her in a schoolboy roll-up, using her tights to keep her down. WINNER: [B]Ernest Youngman [/B]in 13:43 RATING:[COLOR="Blue"] A*[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] We’re going out on a high note. We got a rating of 9.83. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Firestorm[/I][/U] [I]Casey Valentine (c) defeated Steve Gumble to retain [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Lauren Easter[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]The Survivors defeated KC & the Kid [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Agony’s Bikers defeated Marc du Bois & Edward Cornell [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Ernest Youngman (c) defeated Alicia Strong to retain [COLOR="red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Live on GNN Total Sports; Replayed on UK Broadcasting Prime & J-Network East[/COLOR] [I]Wednesday of Week 1, June 2014[/I] Held at Evanovich Riverside in the Tri State Territory 8,953 in attendance[/CENTER] Jason Azaria and Emma Chase welcomed us to the show. 1) [B]ARTHUR DEXTER BRADLEY vs. CAMERON VESSEY[/B] A pretty good match. These two had good chemistry in the ring and it really carried through in what they did. ADB put up a good fight but in the end, Cameron took him out with a Vessey Driver. WINNER: [B]Cameron Vessey [/B]in 9:17 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 2) Cameron got the mic and accepted the match at “Ascendant” against Josh Jones, saying that he relished the idea of taking Josh into a cage and destroying him. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3) Alicia Strong came out to the ring, seething over the way that Ernest Youngman ended their match last week. She said that everyone saw what he had done and knew it was a joke. She demanded one final match against Ernest at “Ascendant.” That’s all she wanted. Ernest came out to the ring entrance and said it didn’t matter how the match ended. He was done with her and that was it. The match would not happen. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the refusal 4) Edward Cornell found Aaron Andrews backstage knocked the drink out of his hand. He demanded to know what his problem was and why he interfered in his match last week. Aaron said he was sick of Edward’s attitude. He said he had watched him strut around backstage, convinced of his own superiority due to his family name. Aaron didn’t like him and wasn’t going to let him win. Edward said Aaron was delusional but if he wanted a fight, he had one. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 5) Angry Gilmore appeared in a shadowy room, swathed in his robes. He appeared to be in a trance for a few seconds before his eyes snapped open and he faced the camera. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Archangel. Joel Kovach. Your challenge is accepted. Bring your allies. You shall only drown in your own failure.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 6) Fumihiro Ota was getting ready for his match when Hugh de Aske found him. Hugh asked if he was ready for the fight. Ota said he was. Hugh tried to encourage him anyway, but it turned more into a prophesy of doom, with Hugh predicting pretty much death and/or dismemberment for Ota. Ota finally shoved him out of the way and left the locker room. Hugh turned and watched him go. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“What? Was it something I said?”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 7) [B]PRIMUS ALLEN vs. FUMIHIRO OTA[/B] Ota looked a bit nervous. Primus, while all business, had a hint of disgust in his eyes. He seemed like he didn’t want to be in the ring. He took a few half-hearted swipes at Ota, who almost managed to pin him. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Primus had better be careful,”[/COLOR] Emma commented. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Ota may be fighting for a title shot, but Primus has his winning streak on the line.”[/COLOR] Ota was full of fire and Primus finally had to step up his game to match his intensity. In the end, Primus managed to take Ota out with a Running Powerslam. WINNER: [B]Primus Allen [/B]in 9:26 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 8) Primus did not look happy about his win. He stood over Ota, who was having a hard time getting up. He then pushed the ref out of the way and helped Ota up, then held up his arm as if he won. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 9) [B]EDWARD CORNELL vs. AARON ANDREWS[/B] Aaron clearly didn’t respect Edward as a competitor. He laughed at him and pretended to be overly terrified. But Edward changed his tune quickly. He quickly got Aaron down and almost pinned him. Aaron tried to turn things around but Edward wouldn’t go down. In the end, Aaron ripped a turnbuckle off a corner and planted him onto the steel. Referee Shane Stones immediately called for the bell. WINNER: [B]Edward Cornell by DQ [/B]in 9:34 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 10) Aaron shoved Stones out of the way and signaled for someone in the back. Out came Agony’s Bikers. The three of them systematically beat down Edward and finally left him in the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 11) Nemesis came out to the ring. He said that he wanted everyone to quiet down for a while because he had a special guest to introduce, namely ... Scapino. I came out to the ring and waved to the crowd. Nemesis sketched a short bow to me and I cuffed him on the arm. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Scap, I had to bring you back for a few reasons. First of all, I never did apologize to you for the way I took over here. I realize now that I was out of line.” “Forget it, John,” [/COLOR]I responded. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I love what you’ve done with the MWA and I have to admit that I can’t wait to see what you’ll do with the two new brands.” “That’s why I brought you here tonight. I know how much you love women’s wrestling ... and a certain woman wrestler in particular. With the brand split, I figured we’d need a new title or two. So tonight, I’m unveiling ... the MWA Women’s Championship.”[/COLOR] He pulled out a belt and held it up for the crowd to see. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Now this doesn’t mean that we won’t have intergender matches anymore. That’s one of the cornerstones of the MWA. But one of the brands will have this belt that only a woman will be able to hold. “To show you what I mean, I’ve asked Lauren Easter to face one of our newest hires ... Brooke Tyler!”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 12) [B]LAUREN EASTER vs. BROOKE TYLER[/B] Great chemistry made for a great match and a great debut for Brooke. She was fiery and intense, but Lauren was no slouch either. These two put on a killer match until Lauren took Brooke out with a Belly to Belly Suplex. WINNER: [B]Lauren Easter [/B]in 9:32 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 13) Nemesis and I got into the ring to congratulate Lauren and Brooke on the match. Brooke didn’t stay and stormed out of the ring. But before the three of us could leave, Angry Gilmore’s music blared across the speakers. Out came Angry with his minions following behind him. Nemesis stepped in front to protect both Lauren and myself, but Angry signaled for the cult to attack. Before Nemesis could react, Sam, Greg, Matt, and Junior swarmed over him and beat him down, finally tossing him out of the ring. Lauren pushed past me and tried to go on the offensive herself but she was laid out quickly as well. I tried to escape but Angry caught me and put me in an Anger Unleashed. The rest of the cult then took turns tossing me around and beating on me until I lay in the middle of the ring, unconscious. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 14) Backstage Alicia Strong looked pretty upset. Izaak Tischler approached her and tried to cheer her up. He said that it sucked that Ernest didn’t take her challenge. But now they had a chance to earn a shot at the vacant tag titles. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I know it’s not the same, but it is a championship. Come on. Let’s do this. There will be plenty of time to deal with Ernest Youngman later.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 15) [B]THE ODD COUPLE vs. DES DAVIDS & BULLDOZER BRANDON SMITH[/B] Oooh. Ouch. Not good. Not good at all. I’m not sure where the problem was but this kind of thudded. Alicia and Izaak were dominant for most of the match, but then Ernest Youngman hit the ring and took Alicia out with a Good Die Young at ringside. That allowed Des to pick up the win by Spearing Izaak Tischler. WINNERS: [B]Des Davids & Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 16) As Izaak and Alicia lay on the floor, Ernest laughed at them from the ring entrance. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] That last one dragged us down a bit. I suppose it could have been worse. We got a rating of 36.55. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/U] [I]Cameron Vessey defeated Arthur Dexter Bradley [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Primus Allen defeated Fumihiro Ota [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Edward Cornell defeated Aaron Andrews by DQ[/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Lauren Easter defeated Brooke Tyler [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Des Davids & Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated the Odd Couple [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Firestorm[/I][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Live on CBA; Replayed on UK Broadcasting Digital & Japanese Sports Vision 2[/COLOR] [I]Thursday of Week 1, June 2014[/I] Held at the Minnesota Coliseum in the Mid West Territory 8,523 in attendance[/CENTER] Jason Azaria and Emma Chase welcomed the audience to the show, noting that we were just down the road from the MWA’s first home, the Garrison. 1) Marc du Bois started things off, saying that he was disgusted by what Aaron Andrews did to Edward Cornell. He said he wasn’t going to rest until he made Aaron pay. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 2) [B]MARC du BOIS vs. RONNIE V. PAIN[/B] A pretty good opening bout for our first show on CBA. Kristen did her usual great job, calling for Ronnie to step things up. But try as he might, he couldn’t beat an angry du Bois. In the end, Marc got him to tap out with a Model Solution. WINNER: [B]Marc du Bois [/B]in 9:33 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 3) Before Marc could get out of the ring, though, Aaron Andrews and Lead Belly charged in and beat him down. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 4) A camera went live down the street at a fancy restaurant. Ernest Youngman apparently was on a date, a smoking hot young lady who, to be quite honest, didn’t seem all that bright. She apparently didn’t watch wrestling but knew that Ernest was famous as the champ. Ernest, however, looked ridiculous. He was dressed nicely in a suit, but he still had the championship belt draped over a shoulder. He told his date (Buffi [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“with an ‘I’,” [/COLOR]she reminded him) that as the MWA’s champ, he was used to the best and now that she was with him, she would get nothing but the best as well. Ernest greeted the maitre d’ and loudly announced who he was and that he had a reservation. The maitre d’ said of course, everything was set up just as he requested. The maitre d’ led Ernest and Buffi through the restaurant, past some very plush tables with well-dressed patrons. The maitre d’ then opened a door and led them into a dirty, half-finished room with a table in the middle. Ernest seemed livid and demanded to know what the meaning of this was. The maitre d’ explained, [COLOR="darkgreen"]“So sorry, monsieur, but we did the best we could. As we explained to your assistant, we have no private tables. This was the best we could do in the amount of time she gave us...” “Assistant? What assistant?” [/COLOR]Ernest demanded. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I ... I am afraid I do not remember her name. But she called this afternoon and said that you insisted on privacy.” “No I don’t! Give us another table.” “I am sorry, sir, but we are booked solid. Perhaps you could come back another night?”[/COLOR] Ernest growled something under his breath and finally relented. The maitre d’ seated them both and then strode out, the camera following. As he left, he passed a table where the only occupant was hiding behind a menu. The camera lingered long enough for the occupant to lower the menu and reveal it was Alicia Strong, a huge grin on her face. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 5) Back at the Coliseum, Casey Valentine came out tot he ring and announced that since he failed, Fumihiro Ota would not be getting a title shot against him at “Ascendant.” Casey said he was going to move on from that stupidity. He suggested that Fumihiro do so as well. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 6) [B]BRADLEY BLAZE vs. CASEY VALENTINE (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title[/COLOR] A stinker of a match. Casey looked good but Bradley’s lack of overness really hurt us, I think. In the end, Casey put him down with a Heartbreaker. WINNER: [B]Casey Valentine [/B]in 7:41 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]D+[/COLOR] 7) Junior came out to the ring next. She said that people had been asking her if she was nervous getting in a cage war against her father and Archangel. She said absolutely not. She wasn’t frightened of them at all. She said that both of them were past their prime whereas she was at her peak. And while Joel and Archangel might cobble together a measly assortment of helpers, she would stand with her true family. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 8) [B]CHANCE FORTUNE vs. JUNIOR[/B] A great match. The crowd poured a lot of heat on Junior but it really, really worked. Chance did his best to overwhelm Junior with a fast-paced offense, but Junior finally managed to ground him and get him to tap with a Triangle Choke. WINNER:[B] Junior [/B]in 9:50 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 9) Back at the fancy restaurant, Ernest and Buffi were served by a waiter. Ernest noticed that they apparently screwed up his order. Even though Buffi suggested they just send it back through a waiter, Ernest retorted that nobody messed with the champ and he was going to go give the chef a piece of his mind. He stormed out of the room and left Buffi to pick at her food a bit. She looked up as someone came into the room. It wasn’t Ernest. It was Alicia. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I hate to bother you, but are you on a date with Ernest Youngman?” [/COLOR]Alicia asked. Buffi said she was. Alicia smiled brilliantly and said that it was great that Ernest was finally able to move on after [COLOR="darkgreen"]“that tragic unpleasantness.”[/COLOR] Buffi naturally asked what unpleasantness, and Alicia said that she really shouldn’t say. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“After all, they never convicted him of anything, so it’s not my place to say anything.”[/COLOR] When Buffi insisted, Alicia spun a tale of how Ernest had been investigated by the cops in three different cities when girls he had dated disappeared afterwards. She described them as sharing a resemblance to Buffi. She even made it sound as if she knew Ernest had done something wrong. That was it for Buffi. She threw down her napkin and ran out of the restaurant. Alicia watched her go and sat down in her place and started to eat her meal. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) Backstage at the Coliseum, Jay Chord approached Joel Kovach and Archangel. He volunteered to join them in the cage war, pointing out that he was one of the first to oppose Angry’s group when they started out. Joel and Archangel exchanged a look and accepted his offer. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 11) [B]JAY CHORD vs. JOEY MINNESOTA[/B] A good match. Jay and Joey put together a good bout that lifted the crowd and ended with Jay dropped Joey with a Cradle Piledriver. WINNER: [B]Jay Chord [/B]in 10:24 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 12) Back at the restaurant, Ernest came back to the private room, looking a bit peeved. He announced that the chef had apparently been acting under the orders of his “assistant,” and Ernest said that if he ever caught whoever did that, he’d beat them within an inch of their life. He then stepped in behind Alicia and wrapped his arms around her, suggesting that maybe they blow off dinner and go back to his hotel room for dessert. Alicia said no thanks, she wasn’t really hungry. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I don’t think you...” [/COLOR]Ernest said, then spun Alicia around. He stared at her for a few moments before fury splashed across his face. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You!” “Hi there. Hope you don’t mind. Buffi couldn’t stay and I didn’t want you to be lonely,”[/COLOR] Alicia said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Oh, and next time you go on a date, don’t brag about it in the locker room. People tend to talk.” “You’re the one...” “Yeah, I figure you owe me a paycheck for acting as your assistant. It wasn’t easy to make those phone calls to make sure your date came out just right.” “Will you get out of here?” “Not until I get what I came here for.”[/COLOR] She tapped the title belt on his shoulder. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“One last match.” “Forget it! You’re nuts! I’m out of here!” “Not until you give me the title shot,” [/COLOR]she said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“If you try to leave without giving it to me, you’ll regret it.”[/COLOR] Ernest snorted at her and stormed out of the private room. Alicia took a swig of water and followed. Ernest made it halfway through the restaurant before Alicia stumbled out, weeping hysterically and calling his name. Ernest froze as other patrons flocked to Alicia’s side, asking what was wrong. In between sobs, Alicia managed to choke out, [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I brought him here to tell him the good news. He’s going to be a father. But he ... but he ... but he said he doesn’t want me anymore. He said he found some bimbo he’s been screwing behind my back and they’re leaving for Baja in the morning.”[/COLOR] She collapsed on a guy’s shoulder. The patrons turned on Ernest with disgust in their eyes. One lady even went so far as to throw a full glass of wine in his face. The maitre d’ approached and informed Ernest that his card had been rejected. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“But I haven’t tried to pay yet,” [/COLOR]Ernest pointed out. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“That doesn’t matter, sir. The police have been called and they will deal with you. In the meantime, I suggest you step into the managers office and stop making a scene.”[/COLOR] Ernest refused and tried to leave, so the maitre d’ called on two burly waiters who stepped in and convinced Ernest to come with them. The maitre d’ then went to Alicia and apologized, saying that he hoped she’d feel better soon. She smiled sweetly at him. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Thank you. You know, I think I feel a little better already.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 13) [B]LIBERTY vs. SAM KEITH[/B] An okay end to the night. Jason tried to bill this as a “dream match” between two ring veterans, the sort of thing you’d only see on the MWA. But it was pretty clear that these two had a little bit of difficulty getting it out of first gear. In the end, Sam blocked an attempted Liberation Slam and reversed it into a Neutron Plex, finishing things off with a Proton Lock. WINNER: [B]Sam Keith [/B]in 12:34 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Good show all around. We got a rating of 23.02. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Firestorm[/I][/U] [I]Marc du Bois defeated Ronnie V. Pain [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Casey Valentine (c) defeated Bradley Blaze to retain [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]D+[/COLOR] [I]Junior defeated Chance Fortune [/I]-[COLOR="blue"] B+[/COLOR] [I]Jay Chord defeated Joey Minnesota [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Sam Keith defeated Chance Fortune [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Live on GNN Total Sports; Replayed on UK Broadcasting Prime & J-Network East[/COLOR] [I]Wednesday of Week 2, June 2014[/I] Held at the Friedman Building in the Mid South Territory 8,724 in attendance[/CENTER] Jason Azaria and Emma Chase welcomed the audience to the historic Friedman Building. 1) They hyped up the fact that tonight’s main event was Steven Parker vs. Ernest Youngman for the MWA World Heavyweight Championship. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 2) Marc du Bois came out and taunted Lead Belly and Aaron Andrews. He said that they thought they took him out. He said he was just getting warmed up. Ronnie had paid for what he did to Edward Cornell and he wouldn’t rest until all of them had paid. Lead Belly came out and started arguing with Marc. He tried to make some lewd suggestions about Marc’s relationship with Edward. Marc countered by implying that as near as he could tell, Lead Belly always seemed more interested in Ronnie than Kristen Pearce, their manager. That was enough for Lead Belly. He charged the ring and kick started a match. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3) [B]MARC du BOIS vs. LEAD BELLY[/B] Emma really helped this match by continuing Lead Belly’s questions about Marc’s motivation. While Lead did his best to bring the match to an end, Marc was able to keep ahead of him and finished him off with a Marc of Excellence. As he pinned Lead Belly, he looked into the camera and shouted, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I’m coming for you next, Aaron!”[/COLOR] WINNER: [B]Marc du Bois [/B]in 10:35 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 4) Ernest Youngman came into the arena and did not look happy. He stomped around a corner and came face to face with Alicia Strong. Alicia smiled at Ernest sweetly and commented that some club soda would get the wine stains out of the championship belt. Ernest thundered about how he’d been dealing with the police for the past week. And he knew that Betty would never speak to him again. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Don’t you mean Buffi?”[/COLOR] Alicia asked. Ernest blew off the question. He said he was so mad he couldn’t see straight ... but he wouldn’t fall for it. She wasn’t getting a title shot. He shoved past her and kept going. Alicia turned to watch him go, a smile on her face. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 5) Archangel and Joel Kovach were walking the halls, talking to each other about who else to add to their team. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“We need someone else with a personal stake in this...”[/COLOR] Joel mused. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Someone like me?”[/COLOR] They turned around and saw Mainstream Hernandez standing before them. Joel went over and shook his hand. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Thanks for the head’s up about Kumiko’s wedding. You’re right, there was no way I wanted to miss that.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Are you sure you’re ready to go?”[/COLOR] Archangel said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“They messed you up pretty badly a few months ago.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Trust me. I’m ready, and I’ll prove it later tonight. But I’m your guy. Trust me. I’ve got a score to settle with all of them.”[/COLOR] Archangel and Joel glanced at each other and then nodded. The clapped him on the back and welcomed him to the team. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 6) Casey Valentine once again came out to the ring and said that Fumihiro Ota was not going to get a title shot against him. No way, no how. So he was accepting all comers. Anybody wanted a shot ... anyone except Ota ... now was the time. Some vaguely familiar entrance music started up and out came ... Ash Campbell. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I don’t believe it!” [/COLOR]Jason cried. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“The boss’s son is back!”[/COLOR] RATING: C 7) [B]ASH CAMPBELL vs. CASEY VALENTINE (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title[/COLOR] A pretty decent match. I had Ash stashed in MAW for a while now and I hope he learned something. It was a high-flying battle that ended with a Heartbreaker from Casey. WINNER: [B]Casey Valentine [/B]in 9:57 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 8) Nemesis came out to the ring entrance. He welcomed Ash back and said he hoped he’d do well. But on to business. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Casey, you know, I don’t think you’re being entirely fair to Fumihiro, do you? I mean, he tried to jump through a pretty big hoop for you, taking on Primus Allen. And from where I was sitting, he didn’t do too bad. Even Primus has said so to me. I think Fumihiro deserves a shot.”[/COLOR] Even as the crowd shouted their assent, Casey vehemently disagreed. Nemesis nodded thoughtfully. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I thought you might see it that way. So I’ll give you a fair chance. Tomorrow night, you’ll have a match. You win, you can choose whether or not to give Fumihiro the title shot. You lose, it’ll be Fumihiro Ota vs. Casey Valentine for the Rising Star Title at 'Ascendant.'”[/COLOR] Casey tried to turn it down, but Nemesis growled, [COLOR="darkgreen"]“And since I’m the boss, that’s what we’ll be doing. Tomorrow night, it’ll be Casey Valentine ... taking on Primus Allen. “And speaking of titles, let’s talk about the second title we’re creating for the new brands. When you’ve got a good idea, you just run with it and Scap, before he was viciously attacked for no reason, planted an idea with me and we’re going to run with it. After the brands split, one brand will have the new Women’s Championship. The other will have the newly created MWA 10 Minute Championship.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the match making; [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the new title announcement 9) [B]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ vs. KC GLENN[/B] On paper this looked good. Both men high flyers. But bad chemistry strikes again. Jason and Emma did what they could to make up for it, saying how hungry Mainstream looked in the ring. In the end, Mainstream hit an Apparition #14 for the win. WINNER: [B]Mainstream Hernandez [/B]in 9:46 RATING: [COLOR="DarkGreen"]C-[/COLOR] 10) A video played of Josh Jones working out and training for his cage match at “Ascendant.” RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 11) [B]SERENE JEAN CATTLEY vs. GREG GAUGE[/B] A good match. Much to Greg’s frustration, he couldn’t get Jean to get worked up over anything. Greg finally snapped and almost broke Jean in half with a Proton Lock. Eugene Williams had to call the match because Jean was unresponsive. WINNER: [B]Greg Gauge [/B]in 8:33 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 12) Jason and Emma said that another match had just been signed. The Joeys 2.0 would take on the team of Liberty and Vengeance to see who would be in the four-way tag title match. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 13) Time for the main event ... but before either of the competitors came out, Alicia Strong entered with a folding chair. She set it up at the end of the entrance ramp and sat down. She looked around, but then rose and went to ringside, where she asked for and got a bag of popcorn from a spectator. She then settled in on the chair. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 14) [B]STEVEN PARKER vs. ERNEST YOUNGMAN (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Great match, made greater by the fact that Alicia was seated at ringside. It was pretty clear that Ernest expected her to get involved at some point and several times, Alicia feinted at the ring, making Ernest nervous enough that the almost got pinned by Steven. In the end, though, Ernest just blocked her out and took out Steven with a Good Die Young. WINNER: [B]Ernest Youngman [/B]in 13:42 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 15) The show ended with Alicia and Ernest staring daggers at each other. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Good show, once again thanks to King Midas. We got a rating of 36.38. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/U] [I] Marc du Bois defeated Lead Belly[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Casey Valentine (c) defeated Ash Campbell to retain the MWA Rising Star Title [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Mainstream Hernandez defeated KC Glenn [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] [I]Greg Gauge defeated Serene Jean Cattley [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Ernest Youngman (c) defeated Steven Parker to retain [COLOR="Red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Firestorm[/I][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Live on CBA; Replayed on UK Broadcasting Digital & Japanese Sports Vision 2[/COLOR] [I]Thursday of Week 2, June 2014[/I] Held at the Connecticut Symphony Hall in the New England Territory 8,308 in attendance[/CENTER] Jason Azaria and Emma Chase welcomed the audience to the show. 1) Angry Gilmore started things off in the ring, hyping his “family.” He said that they had proven themselves time and again and, in spite of what some lesser apostates believed, they would prove victorious in a little over a week. Why? Because they were strong, they were united, and they could not be stopped... Apparently Izaak Tischler had heard enough. He came out and said that he was sick of hearing Angry flap his gums and was going to shut his mouth for him. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the hype; [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the challenge 2) [B]IZAAK TISCHLER vs. ANGRY GILMORE[/B] Angry clearly didn’t take the threat seriously. He seemed almost lazy in the way he approached the match. He paid for that quickly. Izaak fought back and before Angry knew what was happening, overwhelmed him with some stiff offense that ended with a Crucifix Slam. WINNER: [B]Izaak Tischler [/B]in 6:42 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 3) Before Izaak could celebrate too much, Angry took him out with a vicious Anger Unleashed onto a steel chair. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 4) Once again, Joel Kovach and Archangel were backstage discussing who their next recruit was. Apparently Izaak was on the list but they worried he wouldn’t be back in shape in time for “Ascendant.” That’s when Alicia Strong found them. Joel seemed surprised, saying that he knew she wasn’t there to volunteer for the cage war. She’s made her intentions perfectly clear. Alicia said that was true, but she still wanted to talk with Archangel for a second. Alicia spilled her heart out, saying that she knew Ernest was spreading rumors that she couldn’t hang with the men anymore. Alicia said she knew it wasn’t true in her head but it was beginning to bother her. She said she remembered Archangel’s historic match against Wanda Fish from a few years ago and wanted to put herself in Wanda’s shoes to dispel as much of the doubt as she could. Win or lose, it didn’t matter to her. Archangel stopped her and told her to lace up her boots. He’d see her out in the ring tonight. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the discussion; [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the challenge 5) Primus Allen was getting ready when he turned to the camera. He informed Casey Valentine that he might as well sign the contract for “Ascendant” now, because there was no way that he was going to break Primus’s streak. To emphasize the point, Primus head-butted a nearby locker and left a massive dent in it. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 6) [B]JOANNE RODRIGUEZ vs. THE KID[/B] Jason was particularly excited to see J-Ro back in action finally. She and the Kid put on a pretty decent match. In the end, Joanne picked up the win with a J-Rocker, leading Jason to wonder aloud what the women’s division in the new MWA would hold for Joanne. WINNER: [B]Joanne Rodriguez [/B]in 9:16 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 7) Moving on, Jason revealed that Nemesis signed the orders earlier in the day. Aaron Andrews would indeed face Marc du Bois at “Ascendant.” Then Aaron appeared on the screen and taunted Marc, saying that there was no way he as going to lose that match. Marc would regret the day he tangled with Aaron. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 8) Nemesis was seated in his office, nodding thoughtfully to himself as he watched the show on a monitor. But then his door was kicked open by the champ. Ernest got in Nemesis’s face and demanded that he do something about Alicia. Nemesis laughed in his face, asking, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“After all the crap you put me through over the past year, you have the guts to come in here and demand I do something? Forget it, son. This is a problem of your own making. You know how to end this. Just give her the match.”[/COLOR] Ernest flew into a rage, saying that he wasn’t about to do that. He finally calmed down and said Alicia had left him no choice. He turned and walked out of the office. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 9) [B]PRIMUS ALLEN vs. CASEY VALENTINE[/B] Holy cow. In spite of a lack of selling and poor psychology, the crowd really ate this up. Primus and Casey gelled in the ring together in a way that was just phenomenal. Casey’s offense was completely ineffectual and eventually, Primus simply ran him over, taking him out with a Flying Lariat. Jason crowed that Primus’s streak now stood at 28-0. WINNER: [B]Primus Allen [/B]in 7:32 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 10) A graphic came up to confirm what the crowd already knew: thanks to Casey’s loss, he’d have to face Fumihiro Ota for the MWA Rising Star Title. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 11) A livid Angry Gilmore and his “family” appeared on screen. Angry ranted and raved for a bit, backed up by the cult, saying that Joel and Archangel were dead. They would destroy them at “Ascendant.” Before the segment was over, though, Sam Keith landed a shot on Archangel, saying that if he was any judge, history would repeat itself tonight. He hoped Archangel was ready to get humiliated by a woman again. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 12) [B]LIBERTY & VENGEANCE vs. THE JOEYS 2.0[/B] A so-so match, but probably a good breather after the intensity of Primus and Casey. The Joeys were up to their old tricks, using a number of underhanded tactics to keep an edge on Liberty and Vengeance. And in the end, Joey Minnesota was only able to pick up the win for his team by using the ropes for leverage to keep Vengeance down. WINNERS: [B]The Joeys 2.0[/B] in 10:51 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 13) Joel and Archangel now appeared on screen. They laughed off what Angry and company had to say earlier. They said their little reign of terror was going to be over in a week. Joel then turned to Archangel and slapped him on the chest, telling him to get ready for his match. Archangel nodded absently. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 14) [B]ARCHANGEL vs. ALICIA STRONG[/B] Pretty good match although Casey and Primus put on a hotter show. Alicia shook Archangel’s hand and then it was off to the races. Alicia kept up with Archangel every step of the way. Emma commented that she’s known Archangel for a long time and she could tell that he was visibly put out by that fact. He seemed a little hesitant, even a little off his game. He finally managed to get Alicia down and into the Wing Clip, but Alicia managed to roll through it and came out with Archangel in the Strong Arm Tactic. In the end, much to everyone’s surprise, Archangel wound up tapping out. WINNER: [B]Alicia Strong [/B]in 14:49 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 15) Alicia was helping Archangel up from the mat when Ernest Youngman charged in. Alicia saw him coming and was able to duck his attempted clothesline. She then nailed him with a Strong Interaction, knocking him out cold. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Shoot. Could have been better, I guess. But not too bad overall. We got a rating of 23.18. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Firestorm[/I][/U] [I]Izaak Tischler defeated Angry Gilmore[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Joanne Rodriguez defeated the Kid [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Primus Allen defeated Casey Valentine[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [I]The Joeys 2.0 defeated Liberty & Vengeance[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Alicia Strong defeated Archangel[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[I][SIZE="3"]A Shot Across the Bow[/SIZE][/I] [B]Sunday of Week 2, June 2014[/B] Who knew that a brand split would be so much work? I sat at my desk, my beautiful, expansive desk, almost drowning in paper work. There were additional rings to purchase and customize, extra staff to hire on top of the wrestlers to round out the rosters. But there was more to it than all that. Divvying up the pay-per-views, working out the new house show schedule and the eventual addition of B-shows for both brands, plus writing twice as many storylines ... for a little while, I was seriously regretting my grandiose plans. Sure, I probably would have lost half a dozen great wrestlers, but at least I would still have my sanity. There was a firm knock on the door and I growled. Who could that be? I had left a note on my door refusing any interruptions. If it was one of my employees, I would likely have to chew them out. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Get in here!” [/COLOR]I snapped, shuffling through the reams of paper. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Hello, Scapino.”[/COLOR] I froze in mid-mess. I looked up, shocked to see Dan Stone standing before my desk. I winced. Here I was, dressed in frayed jeans and an old t-shirt, and he was dressed impeccably in a three piece suit, looking as though he were on his way to pose for a men’s fashion magazine. I quickly rose and offered him a seat, which he took with a strained smile. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I was flying home when our plane developed some troubles. We had to land at the airport in St. Paul to make repairs and I thought I would come and visit you in your new headquarters,” [/COLOR]he explained, looking around my office. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I suppose it will take some time for you to get fully settled in.”[/COLOR] My cheeks burned a little. As far as I was concerned, we were settled in. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Would you like me to give you a tour?”[/COLOR] I asked amiably. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“No, that won’t be necessary. I see you’re hard at work. The brand split, I trust, is proceeding as planned?”[/COLOR] I hesitated, unsure of what I should say. While the MWA and NOTBPW technically had a working agreement, we were more like rivals than anything else. We competed for the same viewers in the same territories. I didn’t want to give Mr. Stone anything that he could use against us. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“It is,”[/COLOR] I allowed, caution bleeding through my voice. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“There are a lot of details to work through, but I’m sure you know how that is. Growing pains. That sort of thing.” “Ah, yes. I can remember those days. Exciting, to be sure, but thankfully behind me. I understand you’ve been on something of a hiring spree lately. Rumor has it your brands will require a dozen more wrestlers?”[/COLOR] How could it hurt to admit to that? People had already seen new wrestlers on the shows, although I was holding back a few surprises for after the brand split. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“That’s true, but I think I’ve found all the ones I need.” “Good.” [/COLOR]The barely friendly smile disappeared from his lips. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“But I also understand that you’ve been sniffing around my roster and that one of my workers is coming to your promotion.”[/COLOR] I blanched, surprised at the sudden hostility. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Uh ... yes, sir, that’s true. But in my defense, his contract was coming due. I simply made an offer and he chose to accept it...”[/COLOR] Mr. Stone waved away my explanation. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Of course, dear boy, of course. Truth be told, I am not upset about the one who accepted your offer. I’m speaking of the one who didn’t.”[/COLOR] Now ice pooled in my shoes and slowly crept up my legs. Mr. Stone had heard about that? When I approached the man in question, he had assured me he wouldn’t say a thing. But then, running through the connections in my mind, it wasn’t hard to see how Mr. Stone could have learned about it. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Again, sir, his contract was coming due and I had heard rumors that he might be leaving...” “That does not matter. Not to me.” [/COLOR]He leaned forward in his chair. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I have tolerated the MWA’s existence because you were a distraction to Richard and Thomas. You kept them off balance and allowed me to take my rightful spot at the top of the professional wrestling world. But now I fear that you and your organization are on the cusp of bigger things. “For that reason, I want to make this perfectly clear. My roster is not your poaching ground. Tread very lightly when you approach my wrestlers. I would hate to think what would happen if we had to alter our relationship.”[/COLOR] With that, he rose from his chair. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Good day.” [/COLOR]And with that, he strode out of my office. I stared after him as he left. So the kid gloves were coming off. That was fine. We’d just see where the brand split took us.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Live on GNN Total Sports; Replayed on UK Broadcasting Prime & J-Network East[/COLOR] [I]Wednesday of Week 3, June 2014[/I] Held at the V. Thompson Arena in the South West Territory 9,106 in attendance[/CENTER] Jason Azaria and Emma Chase welcomed us to the show. 1) [B]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ vs. GREG GAUGE[/B] An okay match, probably hampered by a mismatch of styles. Emma and Jason did their best to hype up everything as a preview of the cage wars ... well, a preview with only two competitors and no cage, but you still got the general idea. In the end, Mainstream ducked a punch and countered with a Super Kick that nearly took Greg out of his boots. WINNER: [B]Mainstream Hernandez [/B]in 10:35 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 2) Alicia Strong appeared on screen with a monitor. She asked the booth to replay Ernest’s botched attack on her. She replayed it several times. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Now this...” [/COLOR]She had them pause just as Ernest was getting into the ring. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“... he’s thinking he’s got me.” [/COLOR] She advanced it a bit as he took the swing at her. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“But now...”[/COLOR] He slowly missed the blow and Alicia came around for the Strong Interaction. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“... he’s probably thinking, ‘Oh shoot!’”[/COLOR] Alicia went on for a few more minutes before turning to the camera and telling Ernest that she didn’t know how much more he could take. All he had to do was give her the title shot and all this humiliation would be over. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 3) Casey Valentine was backstage, raging about Fumihiro Ota and how he would have to face him at “Ascendant.” He clearly did not like the idea. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 4) [B]FUMIHIRO OTA vs. REMMY SKYE[/B] Another okay match. Ota was intense and Remmy actually seemed impressed with the way he handled himself, actually stopping to applaud after a near fall. That only egged Fumihiro on and he finally took Remmy out with a Ninja Strike. WINNER: [B]Fumihiro Ota [/B]in 9:50 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 5) Ota celebrated his win, only to have Casey Valentine hit the ring and lay him out. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]D+[/COLOR] 6) Ernest Youngman came out to the ring with a bandage on his forehead and a scowl on his face. He was not happy. He raged about Alicia Strong and said that she was not going to get the title shot. That meant that the main event of “Ascendant” was wide open and, at this point, he was sure that Nemesis would sign off on any match. So he dared someone to step up and take him on. Out came a relatively good looking young man. Ernest stared at him and then demanded. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Who the [/COLOR][COLOR="DarkOrange"][censored by the network][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]are you?”[/COLOR] The young man introduced himself as [B]Roland Lebowski[/B], one of the new wrestlers for the MWA. He said that he had been “volunteered” by the rest of the locker room to come out and read a statement. He unfolded a piece of paper and announced that no one was taking Ernest up on his open challenge until he faced Alicia Strong for the title. He crumpled up the piece of paper, tossed it over his shoulder, and shrugged. Ernest had gone purple in the face. He said, [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Fine. But I’m not leaving without a match. And I guess you’ll do, new meat.”[/COLOR] Ernest threw down the mic and ran Roland over. A referee hit the ring and it was on. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the open challenge; [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the response 7) [B]ROLAND LEBOWSKI vs. ERNEST YOUNGMAN[/B] A pretty good match. Roland’s shoot fighter background helped him out here. He and Ernest put on a great match, especially for Roland’s debut. The rookie did his level best but the champ was obviously too angry. He punctuated the match with a vicious Good Die Young. WINNER: [B]Ernest Youngman [/B]in 10:35 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 8) A video played, hyping Cameron Vessey as the current holder of the MWA Regional Championship. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]D+[/COLOR] 9) Out came Future Threat and they were pissed. They said this was nonsense that they had been stripped of their titles two weeks ago, especially for something that no one could prove ... until now. They said they had studied hours of footage from “Unbowed, Unbroken” and found the truth. They demanded that the truck play it. In slow motion, we saw Joey Beauchamp slide a pair of brass knuckles into the ring as the referee raised Davis and Steven’s hands in victory. Jason raged on commentary about how the Joeys didn’t deserve to be in the four-way tag team match while Emma said that their strategy worked out for them pretty well. Davis and Steven, live, were even angrier. They said if the Joeys were getting their shot, they would too. They demanded someone come out to the ring so they could fight them and be there at “Ascendant.” Much to everyone’s surprise, Taps started to play and out came a very familiar face, someone we hadn’t seen in the MWA for years: [B]Sgt. Buddy Lee West[/B]. He saluted the crowd and called them maggots, saying that they better fall in line because he’s back, and he’s brought a friend. Out came a man in matching fatigues who West introduced as [B]the Silencer[/B]. He said they were calling themselves “Brothers in Arms,” and they were in the title hunt. They accepted the challenge. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the open challenge; [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] for the response 10) [B]FUTURE THREAT vs. BROTHERS IN ARMS[/B] Future Threat tore into the newcomers with a vengeance. Jason said that it was understandable after the way they were robbed. Emma countered that it didn’t matter since the ref hadn’t seen it. Their argument carried through most of the match. In the end, Davis was working to set Sarge up for a Fisherman’s Suplex when Sarge surprised everyone by not only blocking, but countering into a pin with a Recon Wrench. WINNERS: [B]Brothers in Arms [/B]in 9:36 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 11) The winners got out of the ring quickly while Davis and Steven raged over the injustice. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 12) Nemesis appeared on screen behind his desk. He confirmed that at “Ascendant,” it would indeed be the Joeys 2.0 vs. Serene Jean Cattley & Remmy Skye vs. Des Davids & Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Brothers in Arms for the MWA Tag Team Championship. But that brought up the question: what would happen to the other tag teams in the brand split? [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“They could easily be split up in the draft,” [/COLOR]Nemesis said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Only the holders of the Tag Team Championship will be together and safe. Everything else will be tossed into the air. If both members of a team make it onto the same brand, they can still team together. “But this brings up the other titles. The MWA Regional Championship, currently held by Cameron Vessey, will be rechristened the MWA American Championship. Whoever has it after ‘Ascendant’ will take it to the new brand. It, along with the Women’s Championship, the 10 Minute Championship, and the Rising Star Title, will remain within their brands and only be defended on their respective shows and pay-per-views. “The Ringmaster Title will still be defended in a tournament, only now, there will be sixteen entrants instead of just eight. “So what about the tag titles and the MWA World Heavyweight Championship? Those two will not be part of either brand. The holders will be independent, able to appear on either show or any pay-per-view. Anyone from either brand can challenge them. If they lose the titles, they will take the place of the new holders’ on that brand’s roster. “Trust me. It’ll make sense. And it will make things all the more exciting.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 13) The announcers said that tomorrow night, we’d see two more sneak previews for the cage war: Jay Chord vs. Matthew Gauge and, in a rematch from “Unbowed, Unbroken,” Angry Gilmore vs. Joel Kovach. Speaking of which... RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] & [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 14) [B]ARCHANGEL vs. SAM KEITH[/B] Phenomenal match. These two put on a technician’s clinic with lots of momentum swings and sudden near falls. The crowd kept popping out of their seats and finally remained on their feet as the battle raged. Archangel tried to get Sam into the Fall From Grace, only to have Sam slip out of it, trip Archangel up, and get him in the Proton Lock. Archangel managed to get partially free to drag himself toward the rings, only to have Sam drag him into the middle, tie him up further and tighten it up. Archangel finally had no choice but to tap. WINNER: [B]Sam Keith [/B]in 13:30 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Good show all around. We got a rating of 39.50. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/U] [I]Mainstream Hernandez defeated Greg Gauge [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Fumihiro Ota defeated Remmy Skye [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] [I]Ernest Youngman defeated Roland Lebowski [/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Brothers in Arms defeated Future Threat [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Sam Keith defeated Archangel [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE] Oh, and in case anyone is wondering, Roland Lebowski is a generated worker, who was apparently a professional shoot fighter who turned pro wrestler in February 2014.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Firestorm[/I][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Live on CBA; Replayed on UK Broadcasting Digital & Japanese Sports Vision 2[/COLOR] [I]Thursday of Week 3, June 2014[/I] (The Go-Home Show for [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Ascendant”[/COLOR]) Held at the Louisiana Auditorium in the South East Territory 7,835 in attendance[/CENTER] Jason Azaria and Emma Chase welcomed the audience to the show. 1) [B]JAY CHORD vs. MATTHEW GAUGE[/B] Great opening match. Once again, Jason and Emma billed this as a preview of the cage wars, but Jason wondered what Joel and Archangel were going to do. As near as he could tell, they were still short a team member. But even Emma had to admit that Jay would work well as he finished off Matt with a Cradle Piledriver. WINNER: [B]Jay Chord [/B]in 8:47 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 2) Once more, Nemesis appeared behind his desk. He said the time had come to explain how the brand draft would work. He said that he was still the boss of both brands; for that reason, the booking committee chose an impartial way of handling the draft. He turned a lap top around to reveal a massive GDS logo on the screen. Nemesis explained that the MWA Booking Committee had contracted with a firm called “Gray Dog Software” to create a program that would divide up the roster for them. They had entered the data on all the workers, taking into account their popularity, their skills, what each brand would be, and the computer would do the rest. On Sunday, at “Ascendant,” they would run the program and announce the draft as they went. Nemesis said he thought this was the best method to be fair. The computer program would not take into account tag teams, friendships, or other “existing loyalties.” Everyone was going to be tossed into the air. Wherever they came down, that was where they’d be. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 3) Fumihiro Ota came to the ring and taunted Casey Valentine, pointing out that he was still standing and he was coming for the MWA Rising Star Title. He would be the one to hold it when the new brands were formed. He suggested Casey watch the next match to see what he would be dealing with. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]D+[/COLOR] 4) [B]FUMIHIRO OTA vs. IRWIN GUTMANN[/B] Irwin’s debut was so-so. Fumihiro relied on a bit of speed to bring the bigger man down with a Ninja Strike. WINNER: [B]Fumihiro Ota [/B]in 8:26 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 5) Ernest Youngman came out to the ring and said that enough was enough. He would face Alicia Strong this Sunday at “Ascendant.” But he warned her that in this last match, the kid gloves would come off. He wouldn’t just beat her. He would destroy her. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 6) [B]ROLAND LEBOWSKI, MARC du BOIS, & JOSH JONES vs. ERNEST YOUNGMAN, AARON ANDREWS, & CAMERON VESSEY[/B] Not as good as I hoped, to be honest. Ernest looked phenomenal but that seemed to be all that worked. Everyone got their licks in and it looked like Ernest would win it for his team, but then Alicia came out and while referee Eugene Williams was distracted, took out the champ. This allowed rookie Roland Lebowski to pick up the win on Aaron Andrews. WINNERS: [B]Roland Lebowski, Marc du Bois, & Josh Jones [/B]in 10:51 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 7) Nemesis was leaving his office when he was intercepted by Angry Gilmore, flanked by Sam Keith and Junior. They blocked Nemesis’s path while Angry got in his face. He informed Nemesis that his scheme to divvy up the roster was unacceptable to him. He didn’t want his family of faith to be divided between two brands. He insisted that Nemesis had to change the program to make sure that it wouldn’t happen. Nemesis refused, leading to Angry grabbing him and slamming him into a wall. Angry got in his face and said that he had better rethink that. If he doesn’t, his family would make Nemesis’s life a living hell. He then released him and strutted away, Sam and Junior glowering at him while they walked off. A second later, Archangel came down the hall. He glanced around and then snuck into the office. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the threat; [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the reveal 8) The Joeys came out to the ring and taunted Future Threat. They pointed out that no matter what, there would be new tag champs at “Ascendant.” They continued on, admitting that they did plant the brass knuckles. And look at that, their strategy worked. The champs lost the belts and, in a few short days, Joey Beauchamp and Joey Minnesota, would claim the vacant title. Joey capped it off by saying that they were glad to be done with Davis Wayne Newton and Steven Parker. But the old champs weren’t done with them yet. Davis and Steven hit the ring, followed by a ref. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 9) [B]FUTURE THREAT vs. JOEYS 2.0[/B] An average match where the former champs were only interested in revenge. They worked over the Joeys and Davis finished them off by getting Joey Beauchamp to tap with an STF. WINNER: [B]Future Threat [/B]in 8:59 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 10) Joel Kovach was warming up for his match when Archangel came along. Joel looked him over and asked him if everything was all right. Archangel nodded and said everything was going according to plan. Joel nodded and clapped him on the back, saying it would be good when all of this unpleasantness was behind them. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 11) [B]JOEL KOVACH vs. ANGRY GILMORE[/B] This time, the poor chemistry between these two were undeniable and it dragged on the match a little. Jason suggested that the few botched moves were because Joel was so distracted by his worry for his daughter plus putting together a workable team. Emma snidely countered it was because Joel was beginning to feel his age. Whatever the case, it was a hard fought battle, one that Joel lost when Angry hit the Anger Unleashed. WINNER: [B]Angry Gilmore [/B]in 12:57 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 12) Angry rolled out of the ring and started up the ramp, taunting and laughing at Joel the whole way. Joel got a mic and propped himself up, calling to Angry and telling him that he should celebrate while he could because as far as he was concerned, the cage war was his ... because they had the momentum on their side. After all, the fifth member of their team was on something of a roll. That’s right. It’s none other ... than Primus Allen! Primus came out to the ring entrance and stood, cross armed, blocking Angry’s path. Angry visibly paled, trapped between Primus and Joel. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] As the show went off the air, the announcers hyped the card for “Ascendant” -- [B]FUMIHIRO OTA vs. CASEY VALENTINE (c) for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title [/COLOR][/B]([COLOR="blue"]D+[/COLOR]) [B]SERENE JEAN CATTLEY & REMMY SKYE vs. THE JOEYS 2.0 vs. BULLDOZER BRANDON SMITH & DES DAVIDS vs. BROTHERS IN ARMS for [COLOR="red"]the MWA Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] [/B]([COLOR="blue"]D+[/COLOR]) [B]MARC du BOIS vs. AARON ANDREWS [/B]([COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR]) [B]JOEL KOVACH, ARCHANGEL, PRIMUS ALLEN, MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ, & JAY CHORD vs. ANGRY GILMORE’S “FAMILY OF FAITH” in [COLOR="Purple"]a Cage Wars Match [/COLOR][/B]([COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR]) [B]JOSH JONES vs. CAMERON VESSEY (c) for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Regional Championship [/COLOR]in [COLOR="Purple"]a steel cage match [/COLOR][/B]([COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR]) [B]ALICIA STRONG vs. ERNEST YOUNGMAN (c) for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] [/B]([COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR]) [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] A little bit of a downer. I usually like to go into a pay-per-view on a higher note, but not too bad. We got a rating of 23.33. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Firestorm[/I][/U] [I]Jay Chord defeated Matthew Gauge [/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Fumihiro Ota defeated Irwin Gutmann [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] [I]Marc du Bois, Roland Lebowski, & Josh Jones defeated Aaron Andrews, Ernest Youngman, & Cameron Vessey [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Future Threat defeated the Joeys 2.0[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Angry Gilmore defeated Joel Kovach [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE] As always, comments, predictions, whatever...
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[B]FUMIHIRO OTA[/B] vs. CASEY VALENTINE (c) for the MWA Rising Star Title SERENE JEAN CATTLEY & REMMY SKYE vs. THE JOEYS 2.0 vs. BULLDOZER BRANDON SMITH & DES DAVIDS vs. [B]BROTHERS IN ARMS[/B] for the MWA Tag Team Championship MARC du BOIS vs. [B]AARON ANDREWS[/B] [B]JOEL KOVACH, ARCHANGEL, PRIMUS ALLEN, MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ, & JAY CHORD[/B] vs. ANGRY GILMORE’S “FAMILY OF FAITH” in a Cage Wars Match [B]JOSH JONES[/B] vs. CAMERON VESSEY (c) for the MWA Regional Championship in a steel cage match ALICIA STRONG vs. [B]ERNEST YOUNGMAN (c)[/B] for the MWA World Heavyweight Championship
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[B]FUMIHIRO OTA[/B] vs. CASEY VALENTINE (c) for the MWA Rising Star Title - unless the storyline continues past the PPV, but that's reliant on the draft, I guess [B]SERENE JEAN CATTLEY & REMMY SKYE[/B] vs. THE JOEYS 2.0 vs. BULLDOZER BRANDON SMITH & DES DAVIDS vs. BROTHERS IN ARMS for the MWA Tag Team Championship - I mark for Cattley and Parker, but Cattley more. And I've never quite come to terms with the reasoning behind the Joeys existence as a team. I mean, it's an idea [I]I[/I] might come up with, and that's not a good thing :p Still, you could always put Vessey and Valentine together and send them out to the ring in a (wait for it) [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citroen_2CV"]Citroen 2CV[/URL] [B]MARC du BOIS[/B] vs. AARON ANDREWS - Erm, yeah... This one's got a bit lost in amongst the other storylines I guess. JOEL KOVACH, ARCHANGEL, PRIMUS ALLEN, MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ, & JAY CHORD vs. [B]ANGRY GILMORE’S “FAMILY OF FAITH” [/B]in a Cage Wars Match - I'm calling a Kovach turn as he's so accomplished a heel - that and he's got unfinished business with AA. Of course, the split may cause all sort of fun for the FoF... I'd almost be tempted to put AA and Junior on one brand to play on the relationship between Junior/Kovach - whether AA uses her to get to Kovach, or Junior goes after AA on her father's behalf, I'm not sure. Anyway, that's fantasy booking. FoF for the win, but a reconciliation between father and daughter and a split that does serious damage to Family unity... [B]JOSH JONES[/B] vs. CAMERON VESSEY (c) for the MWA Regional Championship in a steel cage match - If only Jones could talk... The guy is the new Sean McFly, while Cameron Vessey is someone I can't buy a good match for. ALICIA STRONG vs. [B]ERNEST YOUNGMAN[/B] (c) for the MWA World Heavyweight Championship - I've loved how you've been writing Alicia of late, but she's a sure and certain contender for the Women's belt, I think. And King Midas... Well, he needs a crown (well, a belt) to be the king, right? Seriously, you have to introduce that as part of his gimmick. * A couple of random thoughts: If the Women's title is brand specific, isn't that a bit unfair to the women who get put on the other brand? I know that they have the other titles to contend for, but it seems odd. Will the draft be completely random? Thinking over your roster, I could see all the women going onto one show, but I'm sure you want them facing men as well as each other - which goes back to my other question about the women's title. I know you've been on a hiring spree, but you could end up with the title on one brand, and all the women on the other. I guess you have a chance to fine-tune as you haven't siad for certain which brand which champions will be on... Gotta love stream of consciousness comments on diaries, huh? Exciting times ahead, anyway - can't wait to see who's happy, who's sad, and who's looking for new partners come draft day. Oh, yeah, and the matches too ;)
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[CENTER]MWA presents... [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]“Ascendant”[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [I]Sunday of Week 3, June 2014[/I] Held at Oregon Gardens in the North West Territory 15,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT!; Buy rate of 2.54[/CENTER] Jason Azaria and Emma Chase welcomed the audience to the show. 1) ... and they reminded everyone that tonight’s main event was going to be Ernest Youngman defending the MWA World Heavyweight Championship against Alicia Strong one last time. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 2) The camera cut to Nemesis, seated behind his desk with the laptop next to him. He said it was time for the draft to start. Throughout the night, he was going to announce the way the computer divvied up the roster. He hit a few buttons and said that the first draft pick for Alpha was... [B]Junior[/B]. Nemesis and Jason both seemed surprised by the pick. Emma said it wasn’t that big of a surprise. Junior was a tough competitor and would shake things up in the Alpha brand. Nemesis recovered and hit another button, revealing that the first draft pick for Omega was none other than [B]Alicia Strong[/B]. He went on to explain that was only if Alicia lost her match against Ernest. If Alicia became the MWA World Heavyweight Champion tonight, Ernest would take her place as the first draft pick for Omega. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 3) Joel Kovach and Archangel appeared on screen and predicted a rout in the cage wars. They confidently boasted that they were going to break the back of Angry Gilmore’s “Family of Faith” and send the false prophet packing. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 4) [B]MARC du BOIS vs. AARON ANDREWS[/B] A decent start for the show. Aaron and Marc seemed evenly matched as they fought with neither man claiming an early lead. It was pretty clear that Aaron was getting frustrated as he struggled to put Marc down. Aaron finally ripped the padding off a turnbuckle, causing referee Shane Stones to threaten to disqualify him. While Stones tied the padding back on, Aaron produced a set of brass knuckles and used them to level Marc. While Jason roared in frustration, Stones made the count. WINNER: [B]Aaron Andrews [/B]in 12:33 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 5) Primus Allen left his locker room, reading a note out loud from Nemesis. Apparently the boss wanted to see him immediately; something about the draft. Primus shrugged and started down the hall, only to be ambushed by Angry Gilmore and company. They beat on him for a while before Angry smashed Primus head-first into a brick wall, then dropped him onto the cement with an Anger Unleashed. Angry then turned to the camera and commented that Joel and Archangel were missing their ace in the hole and were short a man. He laughed cruelly as he and his followers strutted away, leaving Primus unconscious in a pool of his own blood. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 6) Nemesis appeared on screen again and said it was time for the #2 draft picks. The second choice for Alpha was .... [B]Archangel![/B] And the second choice for Omega was ... [B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Joel Kovach?”[/COLOR][/B] Nemesis seemed a little shook up by that, saying that tonight was the last night that the Survivors would be able to be together as a team. RATING:[COLOR="Blue"] B[/COLOR] 7) Ernest Youngman appeared on screen and confidently predicted that he was going to end Alicia’s dreams tonight. After all, if she doesn’t win the title, she won’t have anything to look forward to in the Omega brand. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 8) Backstage, Archangel and Joel found Primus and called for help. As the paramedics came and took him away, Joel and Archangel put their heads together to figure out what they could do. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 9) A video played, reminding folks of the lengths Fumihiro Ota went to to get his title shot against Casey Valentine. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]D+[/COLOR] 10) [B]FUMIHIRO OTA vs. CASEY VALENTINE (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title[/COLOR] This match turned out a little better than I expected. Both Casey and Ota were clearly hungry for a win and both announcers took sides in the fight, Jason arguing that Ota had certainly earned his shot while Emma said Casey should never have been in this match to begin with. Casey actually surprised me by showing some new skills in flying, but they didn’t help him. In the end, Ota put him away with a Ninja Strike. WINNER: [B]Fumihiro Ota [/B]in 9:22 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 11) Nemesis appeared on screen again and said it was time for the #3 draft picks. Going to Alpha was [B]Sam Keith[/B]. Going to Omega was [B]Primus Allen[/B]. He then excused himself and left the office. Jason wondered where he was going. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 12) Angry and the Family of Faith came out to the ring and mocked Joel and Archangel’s team, predicting that they would be the ones doing the destroying. They said that they might as well not even show up. Then Archangel and Joel came out with Mainstream Hernandez and Jay Chord in tow. They thanked the Family for their “concern,” but said it was misplaced. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“See, you may have eliminated the guy we hoped would definitely tip the scales in our favor, but we found someone who wants to break just as bad as the rest of us,” [/COLOR]Joel explained. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“So say hello to our newest team mate ... Nemesis!”[/COLOR] That’s right, the boss came out in his suit, stripping off his coat and shirt and heading to the ring, fire shining in his eyes. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 13) [B]JOEL KOVACH, ARCHANGEL, NEMESIS, JAY CHORD, & MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ vs. ANGRY GILMORE, SAM KEITH, MATTHEW GAUGE, GREG GAUGE, & JUNIOR [/B]in [COLOR="Purple"]a Cage Wars match[/COLOR] To be honest, I expected better. But it was probably too much to expect from Nemesis and Sam. They were both exhausted by the end of the match. As the match got started with Jay Chord and Sam Keith, Emma pointed out that the Family of Faith had a slight edge over the Survivor’s team. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“This match can only end if someone taps out,”[/COLOR] she said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“As far as I know, only Joel and Archangel have submission finishers. But on the Family side, Sam, Greg, and Matt have the Proton Lock while Junior has the triangle choke. This is going to be tricky for Joel and Archangel, especially if they’re the last ones in on their side.”[/COLOR] Jay and Sam locked up for a while until the clock counted down and Mainstream was tossed into the mix. Sam had his hands full, but Emma sagely pointed out that if Sam could hold out, he should be fine. Sure enough, in came Greg to balance things out. And so it went. Next in was Archangel, then Matt, then Nemesis, then Angry. Joel and Junior finally entered the match and soon, they were mixing things up. Joel and Archangel did their best to keep their team together, but it was clear that the Family simply were better at working together. Especially the Gauge Brothers. They seemed to be able to read each other’s minds and work in tandem to keep the other team guessing. But the length of the match started to wear thin. By the end, Jay and Mainstream were bleeding. Sam was barely able to pull himself up with the ropes. Joel managed to drop Greg with an Old School Drop, but before he could get him into a Kovach Krippler, he was caught by Angry Gilmore in an Anger Unleashed. Angry jumped to his feet, only to get broken in half by a Nemesis Arrow. Nemesis jumped to his feet and wearily signaled to Archangel to put Angry in the Wing Clip. Archangel nodded, shouting for Nemesis to keep an eye on Matt. Nemesis turned away, only to have Archangel drop-kick him from behind. As Jason shouted in confusion, Archangel grabbed the boss and slam him into the cage wall, then toss him to Junior, who put Nemesis in the Triangle Choke. Jay Chord tried to lunge to save him, but Archangel caught him and dropped him with a Fall From Grace. The ref finally had to call the match as Nemesis had passed out. WINNERS: [B]Angry Gilmore’s Family of Faith [/B]in 24:07 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 14) Angry, the Gauge Brothers, and Junior seemed flabbergasted at the turn of events, but Sam Keith went over and hugged Archangel. Archangel hugged him back and Sam went over, shouting something to the others that was drowned out by the crowd. Surprise gave way to laughter and Archangel raised Angry’s hand in victory. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 15) Back in Nemesis’s office, a nervous backstage worker took over for the draft, announcing that pick #4 for Alpha was [B]Angry Gilmore[/B]. Pick #4 for Omega was [B]Izaak Tischler[/B]. He glanced around, then called up the next pick: for Alpha, it was [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B]. For Omega, [B]Hugh de Aske[/B]. Round 6 put [B]Matthew Gauge [/B]on Alpha and [B]Josh Jones [/B]on Omega. Round 7 put [B]Greg Gauge [/B]on Alpha and [B]Chance Fortune [/B]on Omega. RATINGS: B- for round 4 & 5; C+ for round 6 & 7 16) [B]SERENE JEAN CATTLEY & REMMY SKYE vs. THE JOEYS 2.0 vs. BROTHERS IN ARMS vs. BULLDOZER BRANDON SMITH & DES DAVIDS [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] Jason commented that something strange seemed to be happening with the draft, but he tried to brighten by saying that these four teams were fighting for the right to stick together. The only way they could guarantee that they’d be together after the draft was to hold the vacant tag titles. It wasn’t the best match. To be honest, Jean and Remmy have no chemistry in the ring and it really shone through. But Bulldozer and Des really clicked (as usual) as a team and put on an amazing display of coordination. Brothers in Arms were eliminated first, then Jean & Remmy, and finally, the Joeys as Bulldozer took out Joey Beauchamp with a WINNERS: [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Des Davids [/B]in 14:19 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C-[/COLOR] 17) Alicia Strong said that business was about to pick up. Her match against Ernest was coming up quickly and that she would put that arrogant jerk in his place once and for all. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 18) A video played, hyping up the recent feud between Cameron Vessey and Josh Jones. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 19) [B]JOSH JONES vs. CAMERON VESSEY (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Regional Championship in a cage match[/COLOR] I’m getting a little worried about this show. My guess is we’re going to take a pounding. None of the matches have really delivered the way I hoped. At any rate, these two put on an okay battle, knocking each other around the cage until finally, Josh managed to put Cameron down with a Canadian Backdrop. Afterwards, he was given a new title belt. He held up the new MWA American Championship belt with a smile. WINNER: [B]Josh Jones [/B]in 13:16 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 20) The backstage worker seemed about ready to drown in his own sweat as he announced that the next pick for Alpha was Marc du Bois while Jay Chord was going to Omega. He glanced around, then went on to say that Aaron Andrews was going to Alpha while Liberty was headed to... That’s when Nemesis stormed into his office, blood soaked into his shirt. He snarled at the worker to get out of his chair. Joel followed, apologizing for what happened. Nemesis waved off Joel’s apology. He then asked if he had noticed something about the draft. Angry’s entire “family” had been drafted to Alpha, including Archangel. Nemesis said that the folks at Gray Dog assured him that sort of thing would be statistically impossible. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“What do you mean?” [/COLOR]Joel asked. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I mean someone must have adjusted things a little.”[/COLOR] Nemesis spun the laptop around and poked at the keys. He then snarled, saying that according to the program, someone fiddled with it this past Thursday to make sure that the Family would be able to stay together. Nemesis snarled and asked Joel who that might be. Joel started to quake with rage and promised he would kill him. Nemesis sighed and said that wouldn’t be possible. Joel had been drafted to the opposite brand. Joel looked about ready to rip something apart but finally slammed his way out of the office. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 21) A video played of the feud between Ernest Youngman and Alicia Strong. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 22) [B]ALICIA STRONG vs. ERNEST YOUNGMAN (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Jason reminded folks that this wasn’t just for the title anymore. This was over what Alicia had been doing to Ernest over the past few weeks. It was Alicia’s last chance to get the title. And whoever lost would wind up on the Omega brand. It was a phenomenal match that clearly showed why Ernest was the champ and Alicia was the #1 draft pick for Omega. These two deserve both honors and they proved it to the fans, who screamed themselves hoarse over this one. Lots of near falls, lots of 2-and-a-half counts, just incredible drama. In the end, Alicia went for a Strong Interaction, only to have Ernest power out of it and drop her with a Good Die Young. WINNER: [B]Ernest Youngman [/B]in 40:09 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 23) Ernest celebrated his win by going from post to post. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Wow. Ernest and Alicia really saved us from a mediocre show. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Ascendant”[/COLOR][/U] [I]Aaron Andrews defeated Marc du Bois [/I]- B [I]Fumihiro Ota defeated Casey Valentine (c) to capture [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Angry Gilmore’s Family of Faith defeated Joel Kovach, Archangel, Nemesis, Mainstream Hernandez, & Jay Chord in [COLOR="Purple"]a cage wars match[/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Des Davids defeated the Joeys 2.0, Serene Jean Cattley & Remmy Skye, & Brothers in Arms to capture [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Tag Team Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] [I]Josh Jones defeated Cameron Vessey (c) to capture [COLOR="red"]the MWA Regional Championship[/COLOR] in [COLOR="Purple"]a cage match [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Ernest Youngman (c) defeated Alicia Strong to retain [COLOR="Red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE] To explain the draft: I did a random draw draft and, for the most part, the computer divvied people up the way I wanted. I then did a little swapping back and forth to get the rosters set up the way I wanted. I'll post a complete roster for both brands, but not for a while. There are a few surprises up my sleeve and I don't want to tip my hand too early.
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Just caught up with this, and I have one thing to say: [B]Long live King Midas![/B] (Besides the awesomeness ;)) Surprising that those matches were ranked quite low, were you in a low pop area? Oh and just a little query I've wondered about: Who were the main players at TCW during your last days at SWF? Great writing as usual, an I didn't expect an Archangel turn at all, I was waiting for Junior to turn good! :)
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[I][SIZE="3"]It’s On[/SIZE][/I] [B][I]Monday of Week 4, June 2014[/I][/B] I once again found myself drowning in paper work. The brand split was ready to go. This week’s Blade’s Edge would be the first MWA Alpha show. I had a good idea of where were going to go, but there was a lot of work to do still. Storylines to draft, countless details to nail down, it seemed like I was permanently ensconced in my office. The door opened and Wanda sashayed in, a big grin on her face. I glanced at her and smiled, although I suspect mine was much more feeble. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Got time for lunch?”[/COLOR] she asked. I glanced at the clock on my desk. It was noon already? I groaned, sinking deeper into my chair. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I’d love to, honey, but I need to call our merchandising department. Apparently they mishandled some order and the new t-shirts list Omega as ‘Beta.’ They’re scared to death to call the manufacturer and I need to light a fire under them. And then there’s...”[/COLOR] She spun my chair away from the desk and sat down in my lap, kissing me. Suddenly all the problems I had been obsessing over seemed trivial. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Just a short lunch,”[/COLOR] she whispered. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“We don’t even need to leave the building. We can go down to the cafeteria and start some new rumors about us.”[/COLOR] I laughed and relented. She took me by the hand and led me down the hall. Several office employees looked ready to ambush us but they backed off at the sharp look from Wanda. That only caused me to laugh and relax even more. We turned the corner into the darkened cafeteria. I frowned. Why were the lights out? I groaned. There were still plenty of bugs to squash in our new building. Apparently some electrician had miswired the cafeteria. I’d have to get on the phone, chew out the contractor, get someone in here... [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Surprise!”[/COLOR] The lights blazed on and I stumbled backward, surprised to find myself standing in front of my entire roster. What was going on? It wasn’t my birthday; that was a few months ago. And we already had a party to celebrate the new building. I finally turned to Wanda, confused. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“What’s this about?”[/COLOR] She laughed at me. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I take it you haven’t been paying attention to Pro Wrestling Hits lately.”[/COLOR] I shrugged. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You know me. I don’t go traipsing around there ... although I do like Dave Wynne’s column. He always make me laugh.”[/COLOR] She rolled her eyes and handed me a copy of the latest issue. Much to my surprise, the MWA’s logo was splashed over the cover, along with the explanation: “MWA GOES GLOBAL!” I collapsed into a chair and started to flip through the magazine. Apparently the buzz we had generated with the brand split along with the superior matches had given us the extra push we needed. We were the talk of professional wrestling fans the world over. According to the article, it helped that we had been sending our shows overseas. While Blade’s Edge and Firestorm weren’t as widely watched in Britain, Europe, or Japan, we still had loyal fan followings there. I looked at Wanda, who hugged me. [COLOR="darkgreen"] “Congratulations, babe. You deserve it.”[/COLOR] Others filed forward, clapping me on the back and offering me congratulations. But little of what they said sank in. This only made things worse. I suspected I would have to hire at least another three or four wrestlers now that we were global. That meant even more storylines, more business... I hadn’t been at the helm of a global company since my days in the SWF, and that was almost five years ago... That thought ricocheted into another. The SWF! I had been bigger than Richard’s company for a while now, but I had always assumed that Richard would regain his footing and hit global again before I ever could. And Tommy! TCW hadn’t been declared a global company either. I had beaten both of them! The only other global wrestling federation was... My eyes widened. Suddenly what Dan Stone had said made sense. After he had left my office, I had tried to puzzle out why he was so worried about me making offers to his workers. Stone must have seen this coming. I doubt he was scared of me; he had been doing this longer than I had and was probably better positioned than I was. But still, we were the only two global companies left. Wanda looked at me, a concerned frown on her face. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Are you okay?”[/COLOR] I smiled. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I’m fine. Let’s party.”[/COLOR]
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Get in! Scap, it's really cool to see that your company is continuing to grow, even as you turn out one of the best diaries on the board at a rate that would shame most by-the-word hacks. As always, loving the backstage segments... But are you going to shift your focus to the Stones, now, or are you going to be content to call Richard every few days and just laugh at him?
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Live on GNN Total Sports; Replayed on J-Network East & UK Broadcasting Prime[/COLOR] [I]Wednesday of Week 4, June 2014[/I] Held at the Minnesota Colisseum in the Mid West Territory 8,304 in attendance[/CENTER] Jason Azaria and Emma Chase welcomed everyone to the show. 1) Ernest Youngman came out to the ring, sporting, of all things, a crown along with his title belt. He explained the reason why was because he was “King Midas.” Everything he touched turned to gold, as evidenced by the gold around his waist. He said it was great to be here, at the beginning of the MWA’s new era. And he confidently predicted that he would be the company’s figurehead for the entire time. But then out came Aaron Andrews. He said that Ernest was absolutely right. It was the beginning of a new era. And a new era deserved a new champ, and that was him. He dared Ernest to get into the ring with him and defend his title. Ernest laughed off the threat, saying that Aaron was little more than a glorified ref who got lucky. And he’d prove it later tonight. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the hype; [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the challenge 2) [B]STEVEN PARKER vs. SAM KEITH[/B] A great match. Truly top notch. Sam and Steven put on a technician’s clinic, both men using a myriad of holds in an attempt to bring each other down. Both men went for their finishers only to be blocked. In the end, though, Sam connected with a Neutron Plex and then got Parker to tap out with a Proton Lock. WINNER: [B]Sam Keith [/B]in 8:43 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 3) Greg Gauge was waiting by an entrance when Fumihiro Ota entered. Greg got in Ota’s face, reminding him that while he may hold the Rising Star Title, he was all alone now. Hugh was part of the Omega brand and wouldn’t be able to help him anymore. Greg said he’d better watch himself or he’d be in a world of hurt. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 4) [B][COLOR="Purple"]A BATTLE ROYAL [/COLOR][/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA 10 Minute Championship[/COLOR] As the participants made their way to the ring, Jason and Emma went over how the newest championship worked. If someone wanted to capture the title, they would have to in less than ten minutes. If a match went beyond the ten minute time limit, it was a draw. Out came the participants: [B]Ash Campbell, Bradley Blaze, Edward Corenll, Irwin Gutmann, KC Glenn, Remmy Skye, Roland Lebowski, Ronnie V. Pain, Steve Gumble, and the Kid.[/B] Within moments of the opening bell, Ash was tossed out by Irwin. Irwin proved to be something of a juggernaut, taking out KC Glenn shortly thereafter. It took Gumble, the Kid, and Edward Cornell working together to get Irwin tossed over the top. Next went Steve Gumble, courtesy of Remmy Skye. Before Remmy could celebrate, though, Ronnie V. Pain took him out. The Kid tried for a hurricanrana on Ronnie, only to have it broken midway through. Ronnie slung him around and over the top he went. Roland and Bradley were brawling in the corner and finally, Roland tossed him out. Out went Edward as well. That left Roland and Ronnie. They both glanced at the clock to realize they had less than two minutes before the match would be over. They kept going until Ronnie tossed Roland over the top rope. Ronnie celebrated prematurely as Roland managed to hold on to the rope, and then skinned the cat to bring himself back into the ring. Ronnie turned around, just in time to catch a boot to his face. And then Ronnie went over the top with only five seconds to spare. WINNER: [B]Roland Lebowski [/B]in 9:55 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 5) Backstage, Des Davids and Bulldozer Brandon Smith were chatting with each other when Ash Campbell came back from the ring. Des and Smith mocked Ash, saying that the only reason why he got his job in the MWA was because of “daddy.” Bulldozer then suggested that if Ash wasn’t careful, he’d wind up in the unemployment line again. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 6) Archangel came out to a chorus of boos. He told the crowd to stuff it. He was proud of what he did to Nemesis and Joel in the cage wars. He revealed that he hadn’t wanted to come to the MWA, that Joel had to beg him to come with him to win back Junior. And what did he get out of it? Defeat, over and over and over. He was wallowing in his own pity when someone threw him a lifeline: namely Sam Keith. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Sam showed me the error of my ways and how [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato[/I]’s ‘Family of Faith’ could help me. I didn’t want to listen at first, but what he told me made sense. My anger could purify me. My rage could energize me. Fury sets me free. That’s why I turned on Joel. That’s why I threw that cage match. It was to show Joel how futile his quest was. [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato [/I]has the truth. The sooner he can embrace that, the better...”[/COLOR] His speech was interrupted by Davis Wayne Newton, who came out and said he wasn’t at all surprised. He knew, from what he had heard in the locker room, that Archangel was a bad egg. He knew he’d turn eventually and now, he’d have to pay the price. Davis was going to take him down a peg or two ... right now. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the hype; [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the challenge 7) [B]DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON vs. ARCHANGEL[/B] Good match. Davis was clearly out to humiliate Archangel and came close more than once. But Archangel wasn’t fazed at all. In the end, he blocked an attempted Fisherman’s Suplex and got Davis to tap out with a Wing Clip. WINNER: [B]Archangel[/B] in 10:50 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 8) Joey Minnesota appeared on screen and revealed that the Joeys were no more. He was here, Joey Beauchamp was part of the Omega brand. And since it was a new day, we’d see a new Joey Minnesota from here on out. The crowd was unimpressed. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]D+[/COLOR] 9) [B]FUMIHIRO OTA (c) vs. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title[/COLOR] Decent match. Ota didn’t seem too rattled, although Emma said he should after that confrontation with Greg. While Mainstream put up a good fight, in the end, he wound up eating a Ninja Strike and getting pinned. WINNER: [B]Fumihiro Ota [/B]in 8:45 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 10) A graphic appeared, announcing that next week, we’d see Ash Campbell take on Bulldozer Brandon Smith. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 11) [B]AARON ANDREWS vs. ERNEST YOUNGMAN (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Figures. The minute I use the “King Midas” schtick, the minute it backfires. Aaron and Ernest don’t click in the ring and it really dragged on the match. In the end, Ernest put everyone out of their misery with a Good Die Young. WINNER: [B]Ernest Youngman [/B]in 12:46 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 12) As Ernest celebrated his win, something interrupted him: a wolf’s howl. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“No way!” [/COLOR]Jason shouted. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“No way!”[/COLOR] And out he came. [B]Wolf Hawkins.[/B] Wolf said he had heard Ernest Youngman’s stupidity for long enough. He said that he may be the World Heavyweight Champion for now ... but he wouldn’t be for long. He had come to the MWA specifically to claim that belt. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Oh, ouch. We really got spanked. The crowds were not impressed with our storylines (since I had to start so many of them) and we got nailed. But we did get a rating of 29.98. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/U] [I]Sam Keith defeated Steven Parker [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Roland Lebowski won [COLOR="Purple"]a Battle Royal [/COLOR]to capture [COLOR="Red"]the MWA 10 Minute Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] [I]Archangel defeated Davis Wayne Newton [/I]-[COLOR="blue"] B[/COLOR] [I]Fumihiro Ota (c) defeated Mainstream Hernandez to retain [COLOR="red"]the MWA Rising Star Title[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] [I]Ernest Youngman (c) defeated Aaron Andrews to retain [COLOR="red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA[I] Firestorm[/I][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Live on CBA; Replayed on Japanese Sports Vision 2 & UK Broadcast Digital[/COLOR] [I]Thursday of Week 4, June 2014[/I] Held at McGaw Arena in the Tri State Territory 5,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT![/CENTER] The newest commentary team for the MWA, Ana Garcia and yours truly welcomed everyone to the show. 1) Things started with Joel Kovach raging about Archangel. He said Archangel was his brother and he stabbed him in the back. He warned Archangel that if their paths crossed again, he would... Des Davids interrupted his rant and told him to be quiet. He said the whole Joel & Archangel thing was old and done. But before he could say much else, Joel charged him, attacked him, and dragged him to the ring. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 2) [B]JOEL KOVACH vs. DES DAVIDS[/B] Apparently the new crew working for us had issues with the sound system. There was no commentary for this match and it hurt it. At any rate, Joel tore Des apart and finally got him pinned after an Old School Drop. WINNER: [B]Joel Kovach [/B]in 11:42 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 3) Joey Beauchamp chose that moment to come out and berate Joel for not showing respect to Des Davids, one half of the tag champs. That didn’t go so well for Joey either. Joel laid him out before leaving. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] for the berating; [COLOR="blue"]C+ [/COLOR]for the beating 4) Ernest Youngman arrived on the scene and gave a great sigh. He commented to a nearby backstage worker that it was good to be on Firestorm since there weren’t crazy people after his title. That’s when Serene Jean Cattley showed up and said he shouldn’t speak too soon. Ernest laughingly asked if Jean meant himself. Jean pointed out he was the second person to hold the World Heavyweight Championship back when it was still the Grand Championship. He suggested he could always take it back. Ernest laughed even harder and said he wasn’t doing anything else tonight, so he’d prove Jean wrong. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 5) [B]JAIME QUINE vs. AGENT 69 [/B]in [COLOR="Purple"]a first round match [/COLOR]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Women’s Championship[/COLOR] Once again, the idiots in the booth killed Ana and my mics. As a result, we couldn’t say anything about the great chemistry between Jaime and the returning Agent 69. Nor could we explain that this was the first match in a tournament to crown a new Women’s Champion. What could have been a good match turned out to be a colossal stinker. WINNER: [B]Agent 69 [/B]in 7:39 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]D-[/COLOR] 6) [B]IZAAK TISCHLER vs. LEAD BELLY[/B] And the mics still aren’t on. Izaak and Lead did their best but the lack of commentary really dragged it down. But what really surprised everyone was Chance Fortune charging the ring and taking both men out. WINNER: [B]No one (Draw)[/B] in 9:29 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 7) Chance continued the attack for a several minutes, stomping on both of them. Chance then got a mic (which worked, the dumb morons) and ranted about how nobody took him seriously, not since he lost the championship. Did Joel and Archangel ask him to help against Angry? No! What’s left for him? Nothing! So he was going to shake things up! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 8) Liberty came out to the ring next to a mild ovation. He said it was great to be back among the MWA’s loyal fans. He went on a patriotic jag about how great this country was, and... ... and he too was interrupted, by Sgt. Bubba Lee West. Sarge called Liberty a liberal patsy, a tree-hugger who wasn’t a true patriot. He said that if he was, he’d sign up and serve his country the way he had. Liberty disagreed, saying that America was a land of choice, and he chose not to serve the military-industrio complex that was ruining this country. That descended into a shouting match that ended with Sarge charging the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 9) [B]LIBERTY vs. SGT. BUBBA LEE WEST[/B] And the freaks in the booth keep up their stupidity. These two did a decent job of brawling anyway, with Liberty looking pretty on top of things. But he couldn’t pick up the win thanks to Sarge’s tag partner, the Silencer. He snuck out and clubbed Liberty with what looked like a pistol while Sarge distracted referee Eugene Williams. As soon as the Silencer disappeared, Sarge made the pin. WINNER: [B]Sgt. Bubba Lee West [/B]in 9:25 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 10) [B]SERENE JEAN CATTLEY vs. ERNEST YOUNGMAN (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] I just know that Tommy Cornell and Dan Stone are laughing at me right now. Still no microphone. And worse, King Midas misfired again. Jean and Ernest didn’t click and, as a result, our second show since going global will be a major disaster. While Jean put up a good fight, Ernest put all of us out of our misery with a Good Die Young. WINNER: [B]Ernest Youngman [/B]in 13:44 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 11) While Ernest panted in the ring and Ana and I tried to discuss how the brand split would affect the champ. But no one heard us. And then new entrance music hit and out came a familiar face: [CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i207/scapino1974/TEW2005/ZimmyBumfhole.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Zimmy Bumfhole got a mic and said he heard Ernest thought he was hot stuff. He said he too had come to the MWA to see if that was true. He challenged Ernest to defend his title at “Taste of Fame.” RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] We took a hit on this one. We got a rating of 28.04. Worse, according to ProWrestlingHits.com, we fell back to International. Figures. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Firestorm[/I][/U] [I]Joel Kovach defeated Des Davids [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Agent 69 defeated Jaime Quine [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]D-[/COLOR] [I]Izaak Tischler drew with Lead Belly [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Sgt. Bubba Lee West defeated Liberty [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] [I]Ernest Youngman (c) defeated Serene Jean Cattley to retain [COLOR="Red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE] Oh, and if anyone’s interested, obviously the booth didn’t forget to turn on the mics. I forgot to assign Ana Garcia and my player character to the announcer positions for Firestorm. So we really didn’t have any announcers.
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Ouch. Still, at least a drop to International isn't too bad - it could have been Cult... I would that the party to celebrate getting back to Global is going to be a bit more (dare I say it?) muted, though? And forget my idea of King Midas wearing a crown. It's clearly slowing him down in the ring.
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