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MWA - This Means War! (C-Verse Diary)

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[QUOTE=James Casey;415795]On a side note, Scap, have you ever considered pdf-ing your diaries and putting them up for download somewhere? They make for awesome reading.[/QUOTE] That would be fun to do, but I'm not quite sure how to pull it off. I did some experimenting yesterday to see if I could, but the process would be so labor intensive I'm not entirely sure I'd want to. Does anyone know of a quick way to convert a website to .pdf?
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I am kicking myself a little right now. I've been writing the shows in WordPerfect (which has the ability to write everything to .pdf). Problem is, I've been deleting the shows as I go, mostly so I don't wind up double posting or missing a show. In short, the only real permanent record is this thread. :(
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Firestorm[/I][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Live on CBA; Replayed on Japanese Sports Vision 2 & UK Broadcasting Digital[/COLOR] [I]Thursday of Week 1, January 2015[/I] Held at Irvine Hall in the Mid South Territory 5,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT![/CENTER] Ana Garcia and I welcomed the audience to the show. 1) A graphic came up, reminding everyone that tonight, we would see Zimmy Bumfhole defend the American Championship against Squeeky McClean. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 2) Primus Allen came out to the ring with a bandage on his forehead and the title over his shoulder. He got into the ring, an intense look on his face. He said he didn’t care what happened last night on “Blade’s Edge.” He was only interested in what would happen at “On the Rise.” [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I seem to recall that Jay Chord issued a challenge last week. Well, I’m here to accept that challenge. He wants his rematch, he’s got it, especially after the stunt he pulled at ‘Dangerous Days’...”[/COLOR] He was interrupted by Ernest Youngman. Ernest came out and said that as far as he was concerned, Jay had blown his chance at “Dangerous Days.” [COLOR="darkgreen"]“He should have just accepted the fact that he couldn’t beat the champ and laid down. But me, I wouldn’t take a short cut like that. Everyone here knows I’m the Assassin of the Squared Circle. I don’t stop. I don’t quit. And if anyone in the MWA deserves a shot at the title, it’s me.”[/COLOR] Primus started to answer, but Ernest cut him off. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“No, don’t say anything. Just let that simmer for a while, ‘champ.’ And when the time comes, be ready for King Midas to come after his gold again.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the first segment; [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the second 3) [B]LIBERTY vs. LEAD BELLY[/B] An okay opening match. Liberty staggered in the opening moments, falling back under some underhanded tactics. But then he rallied and finally put Lead Belly down with a Liberation Slam. WINNER: [B]Liberty[/B] in 11:03 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 4) [B]MEGUMI NAKAJIMA vs. BROOKE TYLER[/B] A good match considering. Brooke weathered Megumi’s assault and finally caught her in the Brooke Breaker, getting her to tap out. WINNER: [B]Brooke Tyler [/B]in 6:37 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 5) Brooke then got a mic and challenged Lauren Easter for the Women’s Championship, saying she wanted to face Lauren at next week’s show. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]D[/COLOR] 6) Squeeky McClean appeared on screen and said that he was going to show Zimmy Bumfhole why he shouldn’t underestimate him. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You may think I’m a joke, but I’m going to win that title. Just you wait and see.”[/COLOR] RATING:[COLOR="Blue"] B+[/COLOR] 7) Speaking of Zimmy, he came out to the ring and lounged in a corner, then took a mic and called for his opponent to come out. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Let’s see what you’ve got.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 8) [B]ZIMMY BUMFHOLE (c) vs. SQUEEKY McCLEAN [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA American Championship[/COLOR] Great match. Zimmy and Squeeky tore into each other. Zimmy did his best to put Squeeky down, but oddly, Squeeky seemed content to fight a delaying battle. He never pressed his advantages and never seemed all that worried. He merely did his best to keep Zimmy busy. We soon learned why. While Squeeky kept the ref distracted, Ash Campbell charged out and attacked Zimmy from behind, hitting an Ash 2 Ash. As soon as Ash cleared the ring, Squeeky made the pin. Referee Eugene Williams made the count even as I shouted, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Not like this! Not like this!”[/COLOR] WINNER: [B]Squeeky McClean [/B]in 11:14 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 9) Zimmy came backstage, looking absolutely pissed. He was met by Randy. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Look at what happened. Ash obviously feared the idea of the Bumfholes getting back together. Why? Because he knows that if we do, we will dominate the tag division. So what do you say?”[/COLOR] Zimmy looked up at his brother, an angry look on his face. But then he smiled and shook hands with him. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Let’s do this.”[/COLOR] Randy beamed and said that he would make sure that Hardcore Legacy would get the message. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 10) [B]AGENT 69 vs. SERGEANT BUBBA LEE WEST[/B] Ouch. What a stinker. Sarge was off his game tonight and it really showed. Agent 69 went after him and didn’t let up until she finally took him down and made the pin. WINNER: [B]Agent 69 [/B]in 7:46 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]D+[/COLOR] 11) Sarge was upset and he took out his frustration on Agent 69. Then the Silencer hit the ring as well and the two of them worked her over. Then Hugh de Aske hit the ring and made the save, chasing the Brothers in Arms out of the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 12) Squeeky McClean was beaming at his newly won title belt when he was confronted by Lauren Easter. Lauren was pissed over how Squeeky won his match. She called Squeeky all manner of names before Squeeky really made her angry by suggesting that she was just confusing sexual attraction with anger. She looked about ready to kill him at that point. That’s when Nemesis came along and said that he liked the looks of this. He said that Squeeky needed to learn what it meant to be a part of the MWA, so he booked Squeeky into a title defense against Lauren at “On the Rise.” RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 13) [B]ACID II vs. JAY CHORD[/B] Even though Jay and Acid II don’t really work well together, it still turned out to be a good match. Jay owned the opening moments, knocking Acid II around the ring. But then Acid II rallied and looked about ready to take Jay out. That’s when Randy Bumfhole hit the ring. Jay saw him coming and must have known what he was doing. He distracted referee Eugene Williams, allowing Randy to attack Acid II. In the process, they wound up running over Williams, knocking him out. Jay waited while Randy hit the Bumfhole Buster and then thanked him. But as Randy left the ring, he passed by Ernest Youngman, who was on his way out. Jay turned around just in time to catch a Good Die Young that laid him out next to his competitor. Williams came to first and started a double count, but both Ernest and Acid II recovered. Jay’s advantage was gone, which allowed Acid II to take advantage of the situation. He eventually hit the Acid Rain Bomb and got the pin. WINNER: [B]Acid II [/B]in 10:59 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 14) Ernest then shot into the ring again and attacked Jay. The show ended with Ernest standing over an unconscious Jay, grinning evilly. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] An okay end. Everything seems to have evened out. We got a rating of 24.01. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Firestorm[/I][/U] [I]Liberty defeated Lead Belly [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Brooke Tyler defeated Megumi Nakajima [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] [I]Squeeky McClean defeated Zimmy Bumfhole (c) to capture [COLOR="Red"]the MWA American Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [I]Agent 69 defeated Sergeant Bubba Lee West [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]D+[/COLOR] [I]Acid II defeated Jay Chord [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]MWA [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/B][/SIZE] [COLOR="Sienna"]Live on GNN Total Sports; Replayed on J-Network East & UK Broadcasting Prime[/COLOR] [I]Wednesday of Week 2, January 2015[/I] Held at Evanovich Riverside in the Tri State Territory 7,861 in attendance[/CENTER] Jason Azaria and Emma Chase welcomed the audience to the show. 1) Primus Allen came out to the ring, still sporting the bandage from last week. He said that he wasn’t sure if he should come tonight, seeing as what happened last week. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“An offer of help that turned into an attack? Everyone seems to think I have a target painted on the back of my head. Chord, Youngman, even McFly, who claims to have changed his ways. Well, I guess we saw the truth last week. He lulls me into complacency and then has Chance Fortune do his dirty work...”[/COLOR] Sean McFly came out to the ring entrance and said that Primus was delusional. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Must have been all the blood loss after Wolf kicked your ass. I was trying to help you. That title has made you paranoid, Allen.”[/COLOR] The two of them argued back and forth. Jason said that nothing seemed to have been resolved, only the fact that they weren’t going to start a mutual admiration society any time soon. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 2) A graphic appeared on screen, saying that tonight, Jessie Gilmore would finally explain what all of this “Family of Faith” business was about. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 3) [B]KC & THE KID vs. VESSEY & VALENTINE[/B] Good opening match but short. Lots of crazy high spots at times, but in the end, Cameron picked up the win for his team with a Vessey Driver. WINNERS: [B]Vessey & Valentine [/B]in 4:38 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 4) Davis Wayne Newton appeared on screen and assured the audience not to worry about Sam Keith tonight. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Plenty of medics who specialize in geriatric medicine are standing by in case he strokes out or breaks a hip or something. He may have been one of the greats, but he’s fading fast and we all know it. Tonight, he faces the Triple Threat. And there’s no way he’s going to make it.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 5) Edward Cornell came out of his locker room and headed for the ring. But before he could make it, Chance Fortune leveled him with a Stroke of Luck. Jason raged as Chance took Edward by the heels and started dragging him through the halls. Emma simply pointed out that Chance was supposed to face Edward in the ring right now. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“He’s just getting things started a little early.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 6) [B]EDWARD CORNELL vs. CHANCE FORTUNE[/B] By the time Chance got Edward out to the ring, Edward had woken up and started fighting back. While he was able to land a few blows, it was clear he was pretty punch drunk and almost fighting asleep. Chance was able to duck most of his attempts and finally put him down with another Stroke of Luck. WINNER: [B]Chance Fortune [/B]in 6:53 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 7) Before the ref could even raise Chance’s hand in victory, Marc du Bois hit the ring and took Chance out with a Marc of Excellence. He then got a mic. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You’ve been having a great time lately, haven’t you, Chance? Kicking whoever you feel like? It ends now. You and me, we’re going to fight it out at ‘On the Rise,’ and I’ll even put my Rising Star Title on the line!”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the attack; [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the challenge 8) Junior strutted through the backstage when she turned a corner and found Jessie lying in a pool of blood, unconscious. She stared in horror and then called for help. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 9) [B]SEAN McFLY vs. AARON ANDREWS[/B] Good match. Even though Aaron was off his game, and even though the two of them don’t have good chemistry together, it was still a great bout. Aaron tried every dirty trick he had to take the cagey veteran out, but Sean battered every attempt aside and finally put Aaron down with a Delorean Driver. WINNER: [B]Sean McFly [/B]in 9:55 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) Junior found Angry Gilmore backstage and accused him of attacking Jessie. Angry didn’t seem too upset that his wife had been carried out of the arena by the medics. While he didn’t take credit for the attack, he didn’t deny it either. Instead, he suggested that there were lots of people who could have been responsible. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Besides, my child, your brother and I have a match tonight against the traitorous Gauge Brothers. Do you really think I would distract myself with such petty concerns?”[/COLOR] Junior wasn’t satisfied with those answers. She stormed away, leaving Angry to smirk after her. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 11) Sam Keith now appeared on camera. He said that he knew he wasn’t as young as he used to be. He knew he didn’t have all the vitality of the younger generation. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“But there’s still some fight left in me, and Davis is going to learn that the hard way.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 12) The Gauge Brothers came out to the ring. They said that they wished their dad luck tonight in his match, but they knew he’d be fine. They then laid out a challenge of their own. They wanted to face the Odd Couple at “On the Rise” for the tag titles. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 13) [B]THE GAUGE BROTHERS vs. ANGRY GILMORE & ARCHANGEL[/B] Pretty good match. Archangel finally found a Family member with whom he had at least neutral chemistry! That’s a small miracle in and of itself. Archangel and Angry really trashed the Gauges badly but, much to everyone’s surprise, as Angry was lazily setting Greg up for an Anger Unleashed, Greg came to life and managed to get Angry down and into a Proton Lock. WINNERS:[B] The Gauge Brothers [/B]in 7:51 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 14) Angry and Archangel vented their considerable ire on the Gauges, beating them down. Angry took revenge on Greg with an Anger Unleashed while Archangel seemed to take particular delight knocking Matt out with a Fall From Grace. They then left the ring, only to be confronted by Junior once again. Only she was in a coat with a bag slung over her shoulder. Archangel’s face fell and he asked her where she was going. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Away. I need to think. I need to...”[/COLOR] Her gaze met Angry’s and she stopped speaking, her lips screwed tightly shut. She brushed past Archangel and Angry and kicked open a door to leave the arena. Archangel looked ready to go after her, but Angry stopped him. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the attack; [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for Junior’s departure 15) Sean McFly found Nemesis backstage and asked if he watched his match earlier. Nemesis said he did and was impressed. Sean leaned in close. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You know, Sam’s right in what he said a few moments ago. You’ve got some impressive talent here in the MWA, John. Great young workers. But some of them need to be taught some respect. Like Primus Allen. Guy goes on a winning streak, gets a title, suddenly thinks he’s the second coming of Rip Chord, God bless his soul.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“And you want an opportunity to knock some respect into him?”[/COLOR] Sean nodded. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“At ‘On the Rise.’ I know Primus accepted Jay’s challenge last week, but I also know you haven’t singed off on the match yet. Put me in instead.”[/COLOR] Nemesis looked thoughtful and said he’d consider it. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 16) [B]SAM KEITH vs. DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON[/B] Peaked too early in the show. An okay match but I expected it to be a bit more. Davis clearly thought he had the whole thing sewn up from the bell, but Sam quickly showed him the error of his ways. It wasn’t that Sam was more powerful; he simply knew the ring better and was ready for anything that Davis tried. In the end, Sam put Davis down with a Neutron Plex and then tied him up in a Proton Lock. WINNER: [B]Sam Keith [/B]in 8:16 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 17) Sam celebrated his victory, only to have Angry Gilmore and Archangel charge the ring and attack him. They were beating him down pretty badly when Joel Kovach charged out of the back and chased them out of there. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] We took a bit of a hit on this one. We got a rating of 39.21. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/U] [I]Vessey & Valentine defeated KC & the Kid[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Chance Fortune defeated Edward Cornell [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Sean McFly defeated Aaron Andrews[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]The Gauge Brothers defeated Angry Gilmore & Archangel[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Sam Keith defeated Davis Wayne Newton[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Firestorm[/I][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Live on CBA; Replayed on Japanese Sports Vision 2 & UK Broadcasting Digital[/COLOR] [I]Thursday of Week 2, January 2015[/I] Held at Huntsville Fairgrounds in the South East Territory 5,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT![/CENTER] Ana Garcia and I welcomed the audience to the show. 1) [B]HARDCORE LEGACY vs. DES DAVIDS & BULLDOZER BRANDON SMITH[/B] A pretty good opening match. I commented that Ash and Acid II really seemed to be stepping up their game lately. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Messing with Zimmy’s title match, going after the Odd Couple, and now taking on the former champs and they’re not backing down.”[/COLOR] Smith and Davids did their best to keep up, but the youthful energy of Ash and Acid II carried them through. Acid II punctuated the match by hitting an Acid Rain Bomb on Des. WINNERS: [B]Hardcore Legacy [/B]in 7:58 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 2) Ash and Acid II started to leave the ring, only to stop and turn back to Smith, who was checking over Des. With one glance, they charged back, slamming into Smith and beating him down. Ash finally hit an Ash 2 Ash on Smith while Acid II hit another Acid Rain Bomb on Des. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Someone’s been eating their hostility Wheaties,” [/COLOR]I commented. RATING:[COLOR="Blue"] C[/COLOR] 3) Jay Chord found Nemesis backstage and complained bitterly about the way that Ernest Youngman messed with him last week. Nemesis shrugged it off and pointed out that Jay had painted a big bulls-eye on the back of his own head. If he couldn’t deal with it, maybe he was in the wrong business. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 4) The Bumfholes appeared on screen wearing, not “KARMA” shirts, but “Amazing Bumfhole” shirts. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, the band is back together. The Amazing Bumfholes are on the scene and we’re going to make a splash. We want the Odd Couple’s titles. Alicia, Izaak, do you have what it takes to get in the ring with the Phenoms?”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 5) The Silencer found Hugh de Aske backstage and demanded to know what his problem was. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Isn’t it obvious, matey? I don’t appreciate what you lubbers did to my main wench last week. Consider last week a shot ‘cross yer bow.” “I know all about warning shots, you whacked out loon. Only I don’t give them. When I have someone in my sights, I take ‘em out. One shot. Head shot. And they’re done.”[/COLOR] Hugh stared at him for a moment before bursting out laughing. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Who are ye tryin’ to kid with that bilge, matey? Yer nothin’ but a joke, aren’t ye?” “Why don’t you step into the ring with me tonight and find out?”[/COLOR] Hugh shrugged. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 6) Lauren Easter came out to the ring and hyped her match with Brooke Tyler. But then she went on to point out that in the five year history of the MWA, no one had ever held two titles at the same time. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“It’ll be good to be a trend setter in a little over a week.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 7) [B]LAUREN EASTER (c) vs. BROOKE TYLER [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Women’s Championship[/COLOR] Spectacular match. Lauren and Brooke have great chemistry in the ring and it made their match sparkle. Lauren clearly was in control (with a few rare exceptions where Brooke managed to surprise her). Ana said that if Lauren could pull out this kind of work at “On the Rise,” she might just become the first dual champ in MWA history. But then Squeeky ruined it for her. He snuck out to the ring, coming through the audience, and then stalked the perimeter, managing to keep out of Eugene William’s sight. Brooke noticed him and became a bit more aggressive, choking Lauren on the top rope. Williams ordered her away, and while he was distracted while lecturing Brooke, Squeeky came up and yanked Lauren onto the ropes hard. Lauren stumbled away and Squeeky dove under the ring. Brooke quickly took advantage and got Lauren into a Brooke Breaker. Lauren, still choking from the attack, didn’t have a chance. WINNER: [B]Brooke Tyler [/B]in 8:39 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 8) Ernest Youngman found Nemesis backstage. Nemesis laughed when he saw him coming. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“This ought to be good.”[/COLOR] Ernest admitted that he and Nemesis had a rocky history together, but he pointed out that he had made a lot of money for both of them. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You know I’m King Midas for the MWA. Maybe I won’t win the title. Maybe I will. But it’ll make us all rich. Think about it. Primus Allen vs. Ernest Youngman for the gold. It’s money in the bank.”[/COLOR] Nemesis looked thoughtful. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“We’ll see. Get out of here.”[/COLOR] Ernest did as he was told. Nemesis turned around and came face to face with his son and his tag partner. Ash asked for a favor. He and Acid II wanted the Odd Couple at “On the Rise.” Nemesis pointed out that the Bumfholes made the challenge earlier tonight. He wasn’t about to take that out from under them before Alicia and Izaak could even respond. Ash stared at his father, his face hard. He then reminded Nemesis how he treated Ash when he first took over the MWA. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You fired me, Dad. As far as I can see, you owe me. Think about it.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] for Ernest’s request; [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for Ash’s 9) [B]THE ODD COUPLE (c) vs. TEAM FREEDOM [/B]in [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] If the tag champs know how many teams were after their titles, they didn’t show any sign of it in the ring. They were in control and in command the whole time, Izaak especially. It was Alicia, though, who picked up the win for the team by nailing Masked Patriot with a Strong Interaction. WINNERS: [B]The Odd Couple [/B]in 8:41 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 10) Jay Chord found Ernest Youngman backstage. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Seems like the title hunt’s getting a little crowded, huh?”[/COLOR] Ernest looked ready to fight, but Jay held up his hands. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Hold on, Ernest, just cool it. The way I see it, either you or I are going to get that shot at Primus in a week and a half, right? So here’s what I’m thinking. We need to get the strap off the juggernaut. Best way to do that is to make sure he isn’t ready for ‘On the Rise.’ Get me?”[/COLOR] Ernest nodded, a smirk tugging at his lips. The two of them shook hands. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 11) [B]HUGH de ASKE vs. THE SILENCER[/B] Pretty good match. Hugh seemed to have dropped the comedy and focused solely on beating the Silencer into the mat. The Silencer, though, was just a tad bit better and managed to take Hugh down and out with a Drop Zone. WINNER: [B]The Silencer [/B]in 6:40 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 12) Hugh came backstage looking pretty dejected. But waiting for him was Agent 69. She asked him why he came to her rescue last week, why he fought the Silencer this week. Hugh mumbled something in his thick pirate-y way, but Agent 69 snared his arm and demanded an answer. Hugh turned around, not meeting her eyes. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“It devastated me when you left last time,”[/COLOR] he said, all traces of his character gone. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I did what I had to do in the ring and I played the part, but I hadn’t realized how much you meant to me. And now you’re back, and I didn’t want to distract you. But when those jarheads came after you, I just couldn’t sit by the sidelines and I–”[/COLOR] That’s as far as he got before Agent 69 launched herself into his arms and kissed him passionately. Their make-out session was interrupted by Squeeky McClean fleeing through the corridors. The camera followed him out of the arena where he dove into a car and took off in a squeal of tires. It then panned around to reveal that Lauren Easter had been after him. She did not look happy. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] for the romance; [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the chase 13) [B]PRIMUS ALLEN (c) vs. JOSH JONES [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Primus looked great in the ring tonight, but Josh was no slouch either. I pointed out that while Josh wasn’t flashy like some of our workers, he had such a solid base he could put on a great match with just about anybody. And that certainly was the case tonight. These two put on a great show for the fans and Josh made himself look like a credible threat to the title ([COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Although Primus really doesn’t need another one of those!”[/COLOR] Ana remarked). But in the end, Primus pulled out all the stops and took Josh out with a Flying Lariat. WINNER: [B]Primus Allen [/B]in 11:44 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 14) Primus celebrated his win, only to be attacked by both Jay and Ernest. The two of them took turns beating on him before Jay dropped Primus face-first onto a folded up chair with a Super DDT and then Ernest hit a Good Die Young on the same chair. They laughed at the fallen champ and left him lying in a pool of blood. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] We got a rating of 44.55. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Firestorm[/I][/U] [I]Hardcore Legacy defeated Des Davids & Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Brooke Tyler defeated Lauren Easter (c) to capture [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Women’s Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]The Odd Couple (c) defeated Team Freedom to retain [COLOR="red"]the MWA Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]The Silencer defeated Hugh de Aske [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Primus Allen (c) defeated Josh Jones to retain [COLOR="red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[I][SIZE="3"]Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder...[/SIZE][/I] [B][I]Sunday of Week 3, January 2015[/I][/B] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“John, come here and look at this.”[/COLOR] Wanda’s voice beckoned me out of my study. She was curled up on the couch in our living room, staring at the TV with a concerned look on her face. I came around the corner to see what she was watching. I groaned. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You know I hate it when you send any money to Richard. Why did you order that?”[/COLOR] Wanda gave me a sour look. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Nostalgia. Now shut up and sit down.”[/COLOR] I sighed and settled in. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“How’s it been so far?” “Not bad for what it is,” [/COLOR]she said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You just missed Dan getting pinned by Richie Riggins for their 10 Minute Title ... in a match that last fifteen minutes, by the way. Apparently no one bothered to explain the concept of a time limit title to Phoenix I.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“So you brought me out here to show me Dan stinking up the ring? Been there, seen that, used him to screw Richard, remember?”[/COLOR] That didn’t even elicit a smirk. Something was up. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“No. I’ve been watching ‘When Hell Freezes Over’ for an hour and a half now ... and there’s been no sign of Richard.”[/COLOR] I turned to the TV. That couldn’t be right. Richard never missed a pay-per-view. Or rather, he never missed the opportunity to put his face on one. Even if he was just spotted in a backstage segment... [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Are you sure?”[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Trust me. The man was my ‘father,’ remember? You almost had me make out with him?”[/COLOR] I looked at her blankly for a moment, then winced. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Oh yeah. I tried to block that memory out.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You and me both. But seriously, he hasn’t been on at all.”[/COLOR] I knew I shouldn’t get sucked in, but I couldn’t help it. I settled in next to her and watched the rest of the show. Sure enough, Richard was nowhere to be seen. As Wanda shut off the TV, she turned to me. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“What do you think?”[/COLOR] I didn’t know what to say. It was odd. I finally shrugged. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I’m sure it’s nothing.”[/COLOR] She nodded, but I could tell she wasn’t convinced. And, truth be told, neither was I.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Live on GNN Total Sports; Replayed on J-Network East & UK Broadcasting Prime[/COLOR] [I]Wednesday of Week 3, January 2015[/I] Held at the Missouri State Armoury 5,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT![/CENTER] Jason Azaria and Emma Chase welcomed us to the show. 1) [B]JOEL KOVACH vs. ALICIA STRONG[/B] Good opening match, very strong. Jason commented on how Joel has had some epic feuds with women in the past, particularly a certain Wanda Fish. And of course, he was fighting Angry over his daughter this Sunday. If Joel was distracted by that, he didn’t show it. He went toe-to-toe with Alicia and didn’t back down from any challenge. But Alicia proved to be the better wrestler in this match. She took everything Joel could dish out and then finished him with a Strong Interaction. WINNER: [B]Alicia Strong [/B]in 9:39 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 2) Joel went up to Alicia after the match, a scowl on his face. But then he offered a hand and shook hers, clapping her on the back. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 3) Jessie was watching the match on a monitor backstage when she turned around and found herself face-to-face with Angry Gilmore. Angry glared at her. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Tom...” [/COLOR]she said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“No. You will not call me that. My name is [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato[/I], the father of my Family of Faith. We have nothing–” “Why are you doing this?” [/COLOR]she asked. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Is it because of what I said? Is it because–”[/COLOR] His hand shot out and caught her head. He squeezed her lips shut. [COLOR="darkgreen"] “You shall not speak to me. You will not repeat what you said to me. It is enough for you to know that yes, you prompted the journey that led me to this place. And I will not allow you to weaken me as I face Kovach.”[/COLOR] He looked ready to strike her when someone cleared his throat. Angry looked over his shoulder, to find Sean McFly glaring at him. Angry was about to say something when there was a commotion behind them. Sean turned around and found Aaron Andrews lying on the floor, bleeding from a gash in his head. He asked what happened. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Primus Allen,”[/COLOR] Aaron said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I asked him for a match tonight and he snapped!”[/COLOR] Sean went further down the hall, stepping over an unconscious Cameron Vessey. He then found Primus screaming at Edward Cornell. [COLOR="darkgreen"] “You want it too, don’t you? Everyone wants a piece of the champ! Well, too bad!”[/COLOR] And with that, Primus slammed Edward face-first into the cinderblock wall. Sean tried to calm Primus down, only to get punched in the throat and kicked down hard. Primus then stormed off, leaving a bunch of bodies in the wake. The camera flipped around to show Jessie looking on in horror, Angry having disappeared. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the argument; [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the rampage 4) Lenny Brown came out to the ring and cut a promo, saying that he was so damn good, he’d put up his title to any and all comers. Anyone wanting a shot should just come out and get it. Out came, of all people, Mainstream Hernandez. He was wearing a noxious glittery vest. He said he was back, baby, and he’d shake things up! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] for Mainstream’s return 5) [B]LENNY BROWN (c) vs. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA 10 Minute Championship[/COLOR] Fast, good match. Mainstream may have looked like a clown, but he took the fight to Lenny and quickly took him out with an Apparition #14. WINNER: [B]Mainstream Hernandez [/B]in 2:31 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 6) Mainstream got a mic and said that he knew he had turned emo over everything he had gone through. But now, he was going to focus solely on himself and having a blast. And winning the 10 Minute Championship was a good start. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 7) Steven Parker found Davis Wayne Newton backstage and started mocking him for losing to Sam Keith last week. Davis weathered it and then kicked a whole in his gut and punched him several times before spitting on him and stomping away. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 8) The Gauge Brothers found Nemesis and complained about how their match with the Odd Couple was wrecked two weeks ago. Nemesis pointed out they got their revenge on Angry and Archangel last week, what more did they want? [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“We could have won the tag titles and everyone knows it. We should get a rematch and, seeing as Alicia already had a match tonight, that means it should be at ‘On the Rise,’”[/COLOR] Matt observed. Nemesis closed his eyes and growled. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Great. Just what I needed.” [/COLOR]He glared at the brothers. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I’ll take it into consideration.”[/COLOR] Before Nemesis could escape, Sean McFly confronted Nemesis over what happened with Primus Allen earlier. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“This place is getting out of control, Campbell! People are attacking their wives, your champ is destroying everyone...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“What do you want me to do about it?”[/COLOR] Nemesis demanded. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“People are coming out of the woodwork every five minutes with requests for title matches and now you ... so what do you want?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Well, someone has to teach Primus some manners,”[/COLOR] Sean said. [COLOR="darkgreen"] “I came close once. Now I want another chance.”[/COLOR] Nemesis snarled. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Let me guess. At ‘On the Rise.’ And for the title while we’re at it?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“If that’s what it takes, then–”[/COLOR] Nemesis slammed a fist on his desk. [COLOR="darkgreen"] “Get out.”[/COLOR] Sean did as he was told, only to run into Angry Gilmore. Angry apparently overheard what Sean said and didn’t appreciate his interference. Sean commented that Angry had to learn some respect as well. Angry scowled at him and said he was welcome to try later tonight. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] for the Gauges; [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for Sean; [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the argument 9) Marc du Bois was in the ring. He said he had been watching Archangel on the sidelines. He said he had seen Archangel do some stupid things in his career, but siding with Angry Gilmore was one of the worst. He said he had a distinct desire to beat some common sense back into him and dared him to come out now. Archangel did. He informed Marc that he didn’t think Marc really wanted to do this. Marc insisted that he did. So Archangel sighed, shrugged, and started for the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 10) [B]MARC du BOIS vs. ARCHANGEL[/B] Phenomenal match. You could tell that these two had history together. They had each other’s moves scouted and had a hard time landing anything substantial, meaning that most of the match was a brawl. The crowd couldn’t keep in their seats as they kept trying to hit their finishers until finally, Archangel tied Marc up in an Wing Clip. WINNER: [B]Archangel[/B] in 10:20 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 11) Archangel immediately rolled out of the ring and left, an inscrutable look on his face. Marc slowly got to his feet and shook off the aftereffects of the match. And then Chance Fortune came out of nowhere and tried to hit a Stroke of Luck. But Marc ducked it and countered with a Marc of Excellence. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 12) The Gauges were backstage, quietly discussing what their chances were that they’d get their title shot. They rounded a corner and were immediately attacked by Hardcore Legacy, who knocked them around and finally laid them out. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 13) Sam Keith came out to the ring and taunted Davis Wayne Newton, pointing out that the young buck was schooled by the washed up has-been. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 14) [B]SAM KEITH vs. WOLF HAWKINS[/B] Yet another young buck gets schooled by the washed up has-been. Sam had Wolf’s number from the get-go, stalking him through the ring until he caught him and got him tapping with a Proton Lock. WINNER: [B]Sam Keith [/B]in 9:29 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 15) Davis Wayne Newton came out to the ring entrance and demanded a rematch with Sam this Sunday at “On the Rise.” Sam said he had plenty of lessons to teach Davis and said he’d be there. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 16) Nemesis appeared on screen. He said he wanted to forestall the obvious whining that would undoubtedly pop up tomorrow night on Firestorm. He was going to get some stuff out of the way. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“For starters, we’ve got three teams after the Odd Couple. I figured, rather than me choosing one of them, I’d just toss them all in a ring and let them destroy each other. So it’ll be the Odd Couple defending their titles against the Bumfholes, the Gauges, and Hardcore Legacy all at the same time. “And what’s good for the tag titles is good for the World Heavyweight Championship too. Primus is so good, let’s see how he does against three competitors, three of the best the MWA has to offer, namely Jay Chord, Ernest Youngman, and Sean McFly. “And if any of those idiots don’t like it, too damn bad! I’m the boss, and the buck stops here!”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] for the first match announcement; [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the second 17) [B]SEAN McFLY vs. ANGRY GILMORE[/B] Sean did not appear happy with the news of what match he would be in. But he still managed to put that behind him and did his best against Angry. But Angry clearly wanted the win more. He kept after Sean the whole time until finally, he put him down with an Anger Unleashed. WINNER: [B]Angry Gilmore [/B]in 10:53 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] We got a rating of 41.46. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/U] [I]Alicia Strong defeated Joel Kovach [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Mainstream Hernandez defeated Lenny Brown (c) to capture [COLOR="Red"]the MWA 10 Minute Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Archangel defeated Marc du Bois[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [I]Sam Keith defeated Wolf Hawkins[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Angry Gilmore defeated Sean McFly[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Firestorm[/I][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Live on CBA; Replayed on Japanese Sports Vision 2 & UK Broadcasting Digital[/COLOR] [I]Thursday of Week 3, January 2015[/I] (The Go-Home Show for [COLOR="DarkRed"]“On the Rise”[/COLOR]) Held at Gorski Ballroom in the South West Territory 5,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT![/CENTER] Ana Garcia and I welcomed the audience to the show. 1) Hugh de Aske came out and motioned for someone to join him. Out came Agent 69, once again in her pirate regalia. She kissed Hugh on the cheek. The two of them went to the ring and Hugh went on a tear about the Brothers in Arms, demanding that they come out to the ring and get what’s coming to them. The Brothers in Arms came out and said they would be glad to kick their frilly butts. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="Blue"]C-[/COLOR] for the response 2) [B]HUGH de ASKE & AGENT 69 vs. BROTHERS IN ARMS[/B] An okay match. Hugh was on fire with his woman at his side and the Brothers paid for it. But they still managed to win when Sarge pinned Agent 69, using the ropes to hold her down. WINNER: [B]The Brothers in Arms[/B] in 6:33 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3) The Bumfholes came out to the ring and repeated the news that they would be facing the Odd Couple, the Gauge Brothers, and Hardcore Legacy in a match. Randy and Zimmy pretended to quake in their boots before bursting out laughing. They said that they had more experience together in the ring and hey, they were brothers. That had to count for a lot... They were interrupted by, of all people, the Gauge Brothers. They pointed out they had been trained by the best, namely their dad. And they were brothers. And twins on top of that. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“And here’s a crazy idea. Why don’t the four of us just see who the better wrestling brothers are, shall we?”[/COLOR] Greg said. The Bumfholes glanced at each other and said they were on. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 4) Ernest Youngman found Nemesis backstage and demanded to know what he was thinking, making the World Heavyweight Championship match a four-way. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Are you insane? How is that fair to any of us? You know I deserve that match more than anybody!”[/COLOR] Nemesis stood and towered over Ernest. He said that Ernest and the others had given him such a migraine headache over the past few weeks. And he didn’t need another one today. He said he’d better get out of his office now before he threw him out. From the look on Nemesis’s face, it was clear he wasn’t joking. Ernest slowly backed out but he didn’t look any happier. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 5) [B]JAIME QUINE vs. BROOKE TYLER (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Women’s Championship[/COLOR] Good match from these two. Brooke made short work of Jaime with some underhanded tactics, finally getting her to tap out with a Brooke Breaker. WINNER: [B]Brooke Tyler[/B] in 5:36 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 6) Now Jay Chord burst into Nemesis’s office, raging about how the title match was his. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I challenged him, Primus accepted, and now you screw me over by–”[/COLOR] The next thing we knew, Jay flew out of the office and slammed into the opposite wall. Nemesis stood over him and straightened his suit with a smile. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“That felt good.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 7) Squeeky McClean came out to the ring and said that he knew things were done differently in the MWA. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“But I hate to break to it everyone, there’s no way some skirt is going to take away my title. Sit back and watch, boys and girls, and see what a real champ looks like.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 8) [B]MEAN JEAN CATTLEY vs. SQUEEKY McCLEAN (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA American Championship[/COLOR] Jean clearly wanted his old title back. Both men looked like champs, though, as they tore each other apart. In the end, though, Squeeky got the pin after a Stain Removal. WINNER: [B]Squeeky McClean[/B] in 10:35 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 9) Squeeky went from post to post, holding up his title and acting as if he had just won the Superbowl or something. But then he turned and discovered that Lauren Easter was in the ring with him. She didn’t say anything, simply stared. She finally took a step to him and glanced at the title, then met his gaze. That done, she turned and walked out of the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 10) Nemesis came out to the ring entrance and said he heard a rumor that Sean McFly had shown up tonight as well and he guessed that he wasn’t happy either. So he was going to give everyone something to do. It would be Ernest and Jay taking on the team of Sean and Primus Allen! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 11) [B]THE GAUGE BROTHERS vs. THE AMAZING BUMFHOLES[/B] Great match. While the Bumfholes were clearly the stars of the match, the Gauges didn’t look too bad either. Both sets of brothers seemed to be reading their siblings minds as they went. While the Gauges struggled to get Randy or Zimmy into the Proton Lock, the Bumfholes also had a hard time putting their opponents away. But Randy finally pulled it off by hitting Greg with a Bumfhole Buster. WINNERS: [B]The Amazing Bumfholes[/B] in 8:58 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 12) Before the bell had barely even rung, the Odd Couple and Hardcore Legacy charged the ring from opposite sides. A huge brawl erupted as they clashed and eventually, security had to come out to break it all up. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 13) [B]PRIMUS ALLEN & SEAN McFLY vs. JAY CHORD & ERNEST YOUNGMAN[/B] Great match. Pretty much everyone got a chance to shine and it was pretty clear that there was no love lost between anyone in the ring. More than once, it looked like the partners would wind up fighting each other rather than their opponents. Things came close to breaking down more than once, but finally, Sean managed to hit Ernest with a Delorean Driver, only to have Primus hot tag his way in. He then snared Ernest and hit the Primed and Ready. WINNERS: [B]Primus Allen & Sean McFly[/B] in 12:31 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 14) And that’s when things broke down. Sean was not happy with the way Primus stole the win and let him know. Jay and Ernest were not happy with the way they worked together. And soon, all four of them wound up fighting. Apparently the backstage personnel were still trying to contain all the tag teams, because the massive fight just kept going as the show went off the air, prompting me to comment that it seemed like “On the Rise” was starting early. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] Against the backdrop of the brawl, Ana and I ran down the card for “On the Rise” -- [B]SAM KEITH vs. DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON[/B] ([COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR]) [B]JOEL KOVACH w/ JESSIE vs. ANGRY GILMORE w/ ARCHANGEL[/B] ([COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR]) [B]THE ODD COUPLE (c) vs. THE GAUGE BROTHERS vs. THE AMAZING BUMFHOLES vs. HARDCORE LEGACY for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Tag Team Championship[/COLOR][/B] ([COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR]) [B]MARC du BOIS (c) vs. CHANCE FORTUNE for [COLOR="red"]the MWA Rising Star Title[/COLOR][/B] ([COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR]) [B]LAUREN EASTER vs. SQUEEKY McCLEAN (c) for [COLOR="red"]the MWA American Championship[/COLOR][/B] ([COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR]) [B]PRIMUS ALLEN (c) vs. SEAN McFLY vs. ERNEST YOUNGMAN vs. JAY CHORD for [COLOR="red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR][/B] ([COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR]) [U][B]THE AFTERMATH[/B][/U] We got a rating of 23.49. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Firestorm[/I][/U] [I]The Brothers in Arms defeated Hugh de Aske & Agent 69[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Brooke Tyler (c) defeated Jaime Quine to retain [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Women’s Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] [I]Squeeky McClean (c) defeated Mean Jean Cattley to retain [COLOR="red"]the MWA American Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]The Amazing Bumfholes defeated the Gauge Brothers[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Primus Allen & Sean McFly defeated Ernest Youngman & Jay Chord[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE] As always, comments, predictions, whatever... well, you know the drill.
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[B]SAM KEITH[/B] vs. DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON (C) [B] JOEL KOVACH w/ JESSIE[/B] vs. ANGRY GILMORE w/ ARCHANGEL (B-) [B]THE ODD COUPLE (c)[/B] vs. THE GAUGE BROTHERS vs. THE AMAZING BUMFHOLES vs. HARDCORE LEGACY for the MWA Tag Team Championship (B) [B]MARC du BOIS (c)[/B] vs. CHANCE FORTUNE for the MWA Rising Star Title (B) LAUREN EASTER vs. [B]SQUEEKY McCLEAN (c)[/B] for the MWA American Championship (B-) [B]PRIMUS ALLEN (c)[/B] vs. SEAN McFLY vs. ERNEST YOUNGMAN vs. JAY CHORD for the MWA World Heavyweight Championship (B)
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SAM KEITH vs. [B]DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON[/B] With Keith on his way out, I just see this going to the youngster. JOEL KOVACH w/ JESSIE vs. ANGRY GILMORE w/ ARCHANGEL No Junior involved now? I don't see this ending just yet, so I'm calling a draw of some sort. [B]THE ODD COUPLE (c)[/B] vs. THE GAUGE BROTHERS vs. THE AMAZING BUMFHOLES vs. HARDCORE LEGACY for the MWA Tag Team Championship I like them all, but I see a retention here. MARC du BOIS (c) vs. [B]CHANCE FORTUNE[/B] for the MWA Rising Star Title Really, only because it doesn't feel right to have no titles changing hands. [B]LAUREN EASTER[/B] vs. SQUEEKY McCLEAN (c) for the MWA American Championship but Squeeky retains. So, win by DQ or Countout. [B]PRIMUS ALLEN (c)[/B] vs. SEAN McFLY vs. ERNEST YOUNGMAN vs. JAY CHORD for the MWA World Heavyweight Championship I don't see the streak ending in a 4-way. If it ends, it's going to be in a singles match with someone.
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Guest Bolton
[B]SAM KEITH[/B] vs. DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON [I]Sam will pull it off somehow.[/I] [B]JOEL KOVACH w/ JESSIE[/B] vs. ANGRY GILMORE w/ ARCHANGEL [I]Egomaniac Joel Kovach has Gilmore's (hawt) wife. Mind games Joel, mind games...[/I] [B]THE ODD COUPLE (c)[/B] vs. THE GAUGE BROTHERS vs. THE AMAZING BUMFHOLES vs. HARDCORE LEGACY for the MWA Tag Team Championship [I]Knowing that Alicia and Issak are your golden guys (or gal, in Alicia's case) you'll keep the titles on them.[/I] [B]MARC du BOIS (c)[/B] vs. CHANCE FORTUNE for the MWA Rising Star Title [I]Marc's awesome. Chance is too, but I see Marc retaining. An actual wrestling match unlike Allen's match.[/I] LAUREN EASTER vs. [B]SQUEEKY McCLEAN (c)[/B] for the MWA American Championship [I]Ol' Squeeks will find a way to retain, with some clean livin'![/I] PRIMUS ALLEN (c) vs. SEAN McFLY vs. [B]ERNEST YOUNGMAN[/B] vs. JAY CHORD for the MWA World Heavyweight Championship [I]Although Ernest actually winning is very unlikely, because of Overratus Allen's overness (I like Primus in reality, it's just a character I like to play as a ellist smark) King Midas will have to wait another day to be a 2-time MWA champion.[/I]
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SAM KEITH vs. [B]DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON[/B] Gotta go with Davis - Sam is on his way out, and I can never see the point of wasting someone's last match by giving them a win - after all what good does it do for either man? JOEL KOVACH w/ JESSIE vs. [B]ANGRY GILMORE w/ ARCHANGEL [/B] There's a long way to go yet in this feud, so Angry takes the win here. [B]THE ODD COUPLE (c)[/B] vs. THE GAUGE BROTHERS vs. THE AMAZING BUMFHOLES vs. HARDCORE LEGACY for the MWA Tag Team Championship Can't make up my mind here, but can definitely see a Gauge / Bumfhole feud coming out of this, so they won't win. Therefore the Odd COuple beat Hardcore Legacy while the brothers fight amongst themselves. [B]MARC du BOIS (c)[/B] vs. CHANCE FORTUNE for the MWA Rising Star Title Dubois is just better, plus Chance getting the title would put an end to his backstage random assaults. LAUREN EASTER vs. [B]SQUEEKY McCLEAN (c)[/B] for the MWA American Championship Not quite sure why Lauren is suddenly fighting for this title, so Squeeky retains PRIMUS ALLEN (c) vs. [B]SEAN McFLY[/B] vs. ERNEST YOUNGMAN vs. JAY CHORD for the MWA World Heavyweight Championship Well I can see this four way as a way to get the title off Primus without him losing his "streak" - he will just claim that he wasn't the one pinned (Jay Chord loses imo) hence the streak continues. Primus is over enough not to need the title, and Ernest has been losing more than he has won recently, while Jay, well I'm just not a fan.
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SAM KEITH vs. [B]DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON[/B] (C) - For all Rob4590's reasons above JOEL KOVACH w/ JESSIE vs. [B]ANGRY GILMORE[/B] w/ ARCHANGEL (B-) - But Junior will return post-match... What you'll do with her, I don't know. THE ODD COUPLE (c) vs. [B]THE GAUGE BROTHERS[/B] vs. THE AMAZING BUMFHOLES vs. HARDCORE LEGACY for the MWA Tag Team Championship (B) - Sam's parting shot: Helping his sons win the gold [B]MARC du BOIS[/B] (c) vs. CHANCE FORTUNE for the MWA Rising Star Title (B) - But the golden boy needs to step up soon, or his talents are in danger of being wasted. LAUREN EASTER vs. [B]SQUEEKY McCLEAN[/B] (c) for the MWA American Championship (B-) - There's been a few quickfire title changes of late. I don't see this one being another. [B]PRIMUS ALLEN[/B] (c) vs. SEAN McFLY vs. ERNEST YOUNGMAN vs. JAY CHORD for the MWA World Heavyweight Championship (B) - Who can stop the streak? And why take the belt off him when he's developing a really interesting character?
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[CENTER][I]The MWA presents...[/I] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"][B]“On the Rise”[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I]Sunday of Week 3, January 2015[/I] Held at Oregon Gardens in the North West Territory 15,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT!; Buy-rate of 7.56[/CENTER] Jason Azaria, Emma Chase, and Ana Garcia welcomed the audience to the show. 1) Things started off with Ernest Youngman in the ring. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“How appropriate,” [/COLOR]he said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“How appropriate we start the evening with the man who’s going to reclaim the MWA World Heavyweight Championship. Now I know all you Primus Allen fans will tell me that he’s on a roll. He’s at what, a buzillion-and-oh right now, unstoppable juggernaut, with the gold even! “Well I’ve got news for all of you. I’m the Assassin of the Squared Circle. I’m King Midas. I am going to break the Streak and I’m going to reclaim what should have been mine all along!”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 2) [B]SAM KEITH vs. DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON[/B] We’re starting out a bit slow, but that’s okay. Davis was hungry and obviously wanted a win desperately. Sam used that to his advantage. He egged Davis into making a number of dumb mistakes, ones that Jason pointed out Davis should have never made. Emma bitterly agreed, saying that Davis should have known better. As a result, for every time Davis pulled ahead, Sam was right there to shut him down again. Davis almost did get Sam into the STF, but Sam pulled through and, after a Neutron Plex, got Davis into the Proton Lock and got him tapping. WINNER: [B]Sam Keith [/B]in 12:51 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3) Davis was clearly not happy about losing and he expressed his displeasure by attacking Sam and beating him pretty badly, even going so far as to nailing him with a steel chair repeatedly and choking him out with a camera cable. But the coup de grace was when Davis pulled Sam to the ring entrance and tossed him through a table to the cement below. The paramedics swarmed out to tend to Sam while Davis strutted away from the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 4) Angry Gilmore found Archangel backstage and demanded to know where Junior was. Archangel said he had called her and she refused to come to the show. Angry seethed. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I was supposed to face Joel tonight with my Family at my side. We culled the weaker members, we purified our beliefs, and now look what we have left. Joel must pay for what he has done. Are you with me?”[/COLOR] Archangel nodded somberly. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“To the bitter end, [I]Il Pardone Arrabiato[/I].”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 5) Squeeky McClean appeared on screen and hyped up his match against Lauren Easter. He pointed out how quickly he took gold after joining the MWA and confidently predicted that the American Championship wasn’t going anywhere. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 6) A video played, hyping the convoluted path we all took to get to the tag team championship match. At the end, each team was shown while an ominous voice over guy extolled each of their strengths. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 7) [B]THE ODD COUPLE (c) vs. THE GAUGE BROTHERS vs. THE AMAZING BUMFHOLES vs. HARDCORE LEGACY [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] I was initially worried that this would be a train wreck. And it was, but in a good way. It turned out to be a great match. As the bell rang and the first participants started circling each other, Jason explained the rules. It would be by elimination. If someone was pinned, tapped, or was DQed, that team was out of the running. The first team to go was Hardcore Legacy. Apparently they had worn out their welcome over the past month with their vicious attacks and it seemed that the other three teams all had the same thing in mind, namely, to get rid of Ash and Acid II as quickly as possible. Alicia Strong did the honors by getting Acid II to tap out with a Strong Arm Tactic. Speaking of Alicia, she shone in the next part of the match. The Gauges and Bumfholes tried to keep her hemmed in and away from Izaak, but it made little difference. She fought back like a tiger, not intimidated in the least. But the Gauge and Bumfhole’s tactic worked. She eventually succumbed and wound up getting hit, first with a Bumfhole Buster, then a Bumfhole in One, and finally she tapped out herself courtesy of Matt Gauge’s Proton Lock. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“That means we’ll definitely see new champs crowned tonight!” [/COLOR]Ana said as Izaak helped Alicia from the ring. The Gauges and Bumfholes tore it up even more so than before. Once again, their nonverbal sibling communication helped both teams put on some great moves and double-team maneuvers, but in the end, it was Greg Gauge catching Zimmy Bumfhole in a Proton Lock that cinched it up for them. WINNERS: [B]The Gauge Brothers [/B]in 16:51 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 8) The Gauges were handed their newly won titles and they celebrated in the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 9) Joel Kovach appeared on screen with Jessie at his side. He was somber and pretty serious. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Look, [I]Il Padrone Arrabiato [/I]or Angry or ... Tom – whatever you want to call yourself. This isn’t about you. Not really. This is about my family. I don’t like who Junior became under your influence and I want my little girl back. That’s all. “Now I know you’re not happy to see Jessie here. I don’t know what happened between the two of you; Jessie hasn’t said and I haven’t asked. And yeah, maybe it’s a little cheap for me to use that to my advantage. But you have to understand, I’ll do anything to make sure Junior is okay and safe. I think Jessie feels the same way about you. “So we’ll see you out in the ring. Better strap in, bud. You’re not going to like how this ends.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 10) Now Lauren Easter appeared on screen. She said that Squeeky may play himself off as the great newcomer with a squeaky clean image, but she said everyone knew better. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You cheated to get your title. You cheated to cost me mine. And now, you’re going to pay. Count on it.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 11) Jay Chord was in the ring. He said that tonight, Primus would be distracted. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“He’ll have Ernest Youngman to deal with. Sean McFly too. But he’d better remember who the real threat is. Me. Remember what happened when just the two of us faced off? I was the one standing over you. And I promised that I’d be coming back for the title. Well, that happens tonight. Doesn’t matter who else is in the ring. I’m going to get the job done.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 12) [B]JOEL KOVACH w/ Jessie vs. ANGRY GILMORE w/ Archangel[/B] Not as good as I had hoped for. Their bad chemistry really hurt things. But Ana, Jason, and Emma did their best to build up the drama on commentary. Joel remained calm and cool throughout the match. Angry, on the other hand, was clearly on the verge of losing his temper from the moment the bell rang. He raged at Joel, at referee Shane Stones, and screamed some choice words at Jessie. But in spite of his tantrums, he still put up a pretty decent fight. Archangel cheered him on from the sidelines. They brawled through the ring but never really got out of it. Joel seemed a bit uneasy with Archangel at ringside and Archangel didn’t make things any easier on him, occasionally tripping him up or distracting the ref so Angry could get a few licks in. At the same time, though, Jessie proved to be a good distraction for Angry. Toward the end, Angry was working up a good deal of momentum when he accidentally took out the ref. Angry was delighted, taking the opportunity to really work Joel over. He then ordered Archangel to get out a table and get it into the ring. Before they could, though, Jessie scrambled into the ring and threw herself over Joel’s body. That really pissed Angry off. He screamed for Archangel to get her out of there so he could continue the assault. Archangel pulled Jessie away and then turned to face Joel and Angry. And then he dropped into a crouch, a smile tugging at his lips. Only he wasn’t stalking Joel. He was clearly focused on Angry. Angry must have felt the scrutiny, for he turned around just in time to have Archangel leap on him. Archangel overwhelmed him and beat him pretty badly. He then got out of there as referee Stones came to. Joel took over from there and while Angry tried to rally, he never did and Joel finally got him to tap out with a Kovach Krippler. WINNER: [B]Joel Kovach [/B]in 16:02 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 13) Joel got up off the mat and turned just as Archangel charged back into the ring. The two of them stared at each other for a moment or two before both of them burst out laughing and embraced. Archangel shouted something about “Plan B” working perfectly. Joel clapped him on the back and the two of them left the arena with their arms around each other’s shoulders. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You mean... Archangel was a double agent the whole time?” [/COLOR]Ana exclaimed. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 14) Sean McFly came out to the ring and sounded off on the main event. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Did you notice how many of these young wrestlers need to learn some respect? Sure, they’ve got the skills, they have ability, no doubt. But they need to show proper respect to their elders. Look at what happened to Sam Keith earlier tonight! From what I hear, the docs aren’t too happy with what they’re seeing in him now. Davis Wayne Newton, Primus Allen, Jay Chord, Ernest Youngman, they all need to learn. And I’m the professor that’ll teach at least three of them tonight. And then, when I have the MWA World Heavyweight Championship, I’ll go on to teach everyone that valuable lesson.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 15) [B]LAUREN EASTER vs. SQUEEKY McCLEAN (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA American Championship[/COLOR] And they were supposed to take it easy with this one. They must have missed the memo. Squeeky started things off by making it very clear that he didn’t think Lauren was much of a threat. He laughed at her, tousled her hair, and even goosed her at one point. Lauren quickly showed him why that was a bad idea. Before long, Squeeky was on the run and actually cowered behind the ref for a while. But then they were off and it turned out to be a great technical match. Squeeky became more and more desperate as he learned how tough Lauren really was and Lauren, she showed absolutely no signs of giving in either. In the end, she managed to take Squeeky down with a belly-to-belly suplex. WINNER: [B]Lauren Easter [/B]in 13:49 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 16) Squeeky was not happy about his loss and he expressed his displeasure by snatching the title belt from the ref’s hands and using it to basically bash Lauren’s face in. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 17) Backstage, Angry Gilmore was sitting by himself looking absolutely dejected. He kept mumbling about how he had lost everything. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“My family, my Family, my followers, my faith, they’re gone. All gone. Everything is lost. I have nothing...” “You still have me.”[/COLOR] Angry turned and saw Jessie standing nearby. She had tears in her eyes. She sat down next to him. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Tom, you never lost me.” “How can you say that? After the things I said? After the way I treated you and ... and the kids? Why?” “Because I love you,” [/COLOR]she whispered. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“And I want you to come home. Okay?”[/COLOR] He nodded and the two of them embraced. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 18) Primus Allen was in the ring and he raged about how everyone was after him. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“They all want to bring me down. They know I’m at 51-0 and they’re afraid I’ll keep on going. Well, they’re right to fear me. I’m Primus Allen. I’m the juggernaut! And nothing will stop me. Nothing!” [/COLOR]It was a little frightening but nowhere near as good as the others. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 19) A video played, reminding people of Chance’s odd rampage through the Alpha roster and how Marc du Bois finally challenged him to get into the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 20)[B] MARC du BOIS (c) vs. CHANCE FORTUNE [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title[/COLOR] In spite of some bad chemistry popping up, this was a great match. Marc and Chance really put on an excellent brawl, one that kept the fans out of their seats most of the time. Chance kept trying to hit the Stroke of Luck, which Marc kept ducking. That only led to Chance getting more and more frustrated and taking bigger risks, none of which ever really seemed to pan out. Until he managed to catch Marc on the chin with the Stroke of Luck. Chance acted like he had already won the match, laughing and strutting around the ring before finally, lazily, making the cover. Marc kicked out, of course ([COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You just don’t take that much time to pin Marc du Bois,”[/COLOR] Ana chided). And while Marc was clearly not at 100%, he was still able to fight back until he put Chance away with a Marc of Excellence. WINNER: [B]Marc du Bois [/B]in 17:10 RATING:[COLOR="Blue"] A[/COLOR] 21) Archangel was backstage packing up some stuff. He shouted at Joel to wait up for him and turned to follow. Only to see that Junior was blocking his path. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I didn’t think you’d be here,” [/COLOR]he said nervously. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I came after I heard what happened. So it’s true? You were never a part of the Family?”[/COLOR] Archangel hesitated but nodded. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I called Fumihiro,”[/COLOR] Junior said. [COLOR="darkgreen"] “According to him, you convinced him to not only take the match against Sam, you also told him to throw the match?”[/COLOR] Archangel nodded again and explained, [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I knew it’d drive Angry a bit nuts if one of his followers got gold when he couldn’t.” “So all of it ...”[/COLOR] Junior looked to be on the verge of tears. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“All of it was a lie?” “Not all of it. Yes, I pretended to be one of ‘[I]Il Padrone[/I]...’ oh, screw that. I pretended to be part of the Family. And yes, maybe I did mess with you and Matt a bit to help get you out of it... But these past couple of weeks, none of that has been a lie at all.”[/COLOR] Junior tried to leave but Archangel reached out and snared her arm. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Kumiko, wait.”[/COLOR] He turned her to face him, but she launched forward and caught him in a passionate kiss. When she finally broke it, she looked him in the eyes and said, [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I think we need to talk this all out.” “Plenty of time for that later,” [/COLOR]Archangel said and pulled her into another kiss. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 22) A video played, hyping the four-way main event. Once again, Ominous Voice-over Guy ran down the strengths of each of the competitors before the video ended in a close up of Primus’s extremely furious face. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 23) [b]PRIMUS ALLEN (c) vs. SEAN McFLY vs. ERNEST YOUNGMAN vs. JAY CHORD[/b] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] I was a bit worried about this one fizzling but my fears were unfounded. Spectacular match. We really gave the fans their money’s worth with this one. The only real downside to this was that Primus was clearly tiring out by the end of the match. That was understandable since he bore the brunt of everyone’s offense. The others were clearly focused on taking him out. The problem arose when Jay tried to cover Primus in the first pin attempt. Ernest pulled him off of Primus and then made the pin himself, even going so far as to put his legs on the ropes for extra leverage. That didn’t sit well with Sean, who tackled Ernest off the champ. And then Primus was up again and knocking them all silly. There were several times when it appeared as if the ref was going to lose control of everything. And there was even one point where Ernest left the ring and took a break to provide some additional commentary at the announce table, pointing out that he benefitted by not only getting a breathed but by letting the other idiots kill each other. In the end, Primus took out Ernest with a Flying Lariat, only to be rewarded with a Delorean Driver from Sean McFly. Sean in turn ate mat with a Super DDT and Jay made the pin on him. Referee Shane Stones started the count... Only to have Jay break it himself at two by sitting up. Jay sat in the middle of the ring for a while, staring at Sean. He then got up and went over to Primus, who was slowly beginning to recover. He hauled the champ up and started to set him up for a cradle piledriver. That’s when Ernest charged in and Jay had to fight him off. As soon as that was done, Sean came after him and Jay had to hit another Super DDT. By then, the champ was back in the game and blunted Jay’s offense and set him up for a Primed and Ready. Only Jay somehow managed to roll through the move and turn it into a hasty and somewhat sloppy Super DDT. Jay looked to be knocked a bit silly himself, but he finally managed to pull himself up on the ropes and then picked Primus up. He got him into a cradle piledriver and pinned him. Sean McFly almost made it to break up the pin but couldn’t before Stones hit three. WINNER: [B]Jay Chord [/B]in 35:07 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 24) Jay celebrated his win by going from post to post, raising the title belt triumphantly over his head. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Not too bad. Could have been better. Could have been worse too, I suppose. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from [COLOR="DarkRed"]“On the Rise”[/COLOR][/U] [I]Sam Keith defeated Davis Wayne Newton [/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]The Gauge Brothers defeated the Odd Couple (c), the Amazing Bumfholes, and Hardcore Legacy to capture [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Tag Team Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Joel Kovach defeated Angry Gilmore [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Lauren Easter defeated Squeeky McClean (c) to capture [COLOR="red"]the MWA American Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Marc du Bois (c) defeated Chance Fortune to retain the MWA Rising Star Title [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Jay Chord defeated Primus Allen (c), Sean McFly, and Ernest Youngman to capture [COLOR="red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]MWA [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Live on GNN Total Sports; Replayed on J-Network East & UK Broadcasting Prime[/COLOR] [I]Wednesday of Week 4, January 2015[/I] Held at Shakeshaft Auditorium in the Great Lakes Territory 5,000 in attendance - SOLD OUT![/CENTER] Jason Azaria and Emma Chase welcomed the audience to the show. 1) Jay Chord came out to the ring with the championship title around his belt. He stood in the middle of the ring with a ****y sneer on his face. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Did you see what I did? Did you see how I crushed Primus? “You may have noticed that I didn’t take the opportunity to pin Sean McFly when I had the chance. There’s a reason why. If I had done that, then Primus could have claimed that I didn’t really beat him. He would have lost his title, but he would say, ‘Well, you never pinned me so the streak is still alive, blah blah blah.’ He can’t say that now, can he? The streak is dead, he’s lost his title, and I am now the MWA World Heavyweight Champion!”[/COLOR] Out came Sean McFly. He said this was exactly the sort of disrespectful attitude he’s been talking about. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Jay, congrats on winning the strap. That’s great. But you need a serious attitude adjustment.”[/COLOR] Jay disagreed, naturally. They jawed back and forth, exchanging insults, before Sean really let him have it. It all culminated with Sean saying that Jay’s father would be ashamed of him. He probably shouldn’t have said that. Jay’s face went red. He threw down the mic and charged Sean and the two wound up brawling on the entrance ramp. Security had to separate them, but it was clear they’d be finishing this later. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 2) A video played, showing Davis Wayne Newton’s vicious attack on Sam Keith. Jason filled in the audience, saying that while Sam may have won the match, he lost overall because doctors are saying that it’s unlikely he’ll ever be able to wrestle again. For that reason, Matthew Gauge (one half of the new tag champs) demanded a match against Davis Wayne Newton for tonight! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] for the video; [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] for the match announcement 3) Speaking of tag teams, Alicia Strong came to the arena looking pretty upset. She ran into Aaron Andrews, who “welcomed” her to the Alpha brand and mocked her for losing the title again so quickly. Alicia listened for a few moments before jumping Aaron and beating him down. Once she had him subdued, she snared him by the hair and dragged him out to the ring! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 4) [B]ALICIA STRONG vs. AARON ANDREWS[/B] Even though both competitors were in their street clothes, they put on a pretty decent brawl. Aaron scrambled to rally and he managed to get in some good blows, but Alicia simply overwhelmed him with a fierce offense before dropping him with a Strong Interaction. WINNER: [B]Alicia Strong [/B]in 9:04 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 5) Matt Gauge was backstage warming up for his match when he turned and found Archangel and Junior standing before him. He looked them over for a moment before sticking out his hand and apologizing to both of them. Archangel apologized as well, saying that it wasn’t anything personal. Matt said he understood. [COLOR="DarkGreen"] “Greg and I have gotten some perspective and we’ve realized how stupid it all was. If anything, we owe you for how we behaved.”[/COLOR] Junior also apologized and Matt smiled. [COLOR="darkgreen"] “Nothing to forgive there either. Neither of us were thinking straight.”[/COLOR] They hugged. Archangel then asked Matt if he had seen Joel around. Matt said he hadn’t. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Why?”[/COLOR] Archangel and Junior exchanged an unsure look and said they had to talk to him about something important. They then went off to find him. Matt watched them go and whistled. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“That should be interesting.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 6) [B]STEVE GUMBLE vs. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA 10 Minute Championship[/COLOR] Good match. Lots of high flying offense, a couple of high spots that made the crowd gasp. In the end, though, Mainstream put Steve away with an Apparition #14. WINNER: [B]Mainstream Hernandez [/B]in 5:48 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 7) Jessie appeared on screen. She said that “Tom Gilmore” wouldn’t be at the show because he was home with his family tonight. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“He did ask me to come and explain what’s been happening. “Several months ago, Tom and I got into an argument about his career. He had been on the road for a while and wanted to step up his schedule. I asked him not to because both our children and I missed him. He didn’t take that suggestion well and we wound up in a fight. In the end, I wound up throwing him out of the house. That’s when he disappeared for a while and came up with the whole ‘[I]Il Padrone Arrabiato[/I]’ business. “I don’t blame him. Neither of us handled things well. I’m just grateful that Joel Kovach helped me get my husband back. “Don’t worry, ‘On the Rise’ wasn’t the last time you’ll see him. He’ll be back. But as Tom, not as ‘[I]Il Padrone Arrabiato[/I].’”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 8) [B]MATTHEW GAUGE vs. DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON[/B] Great match. Matthew tried to tear Davis apart with his bare hands. Davis was able to capitalize on his fury, especially when it caused Matt to make some stupid mistakes. Davis toyed with him for a while before dropping him to the mat and slapping him in an STF. WINNER:[B] Davis Wayne Newton [/B]in 11:53 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 9) Marc du Bois came out to the ring and did a little boasting of his own. He pointed out that everyone lost their titles this past Sunday except for him. Instead, he put an end to Chance Fortune’s rampaging attacks and said he was pretty proud of himself for that. He then threw out an open challenge. Anyone who wanted a shot at his Rising Star Title was welcome to come out and try. Wolf Hawkins came out and accepted. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 10) [B]MARC du BOIS (c) vs. WOLF HAWKINS[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA Rising Star Title[/COLOR] Phenomenal match. These two really laid it all on the line, not holding anything back. Wolf looked hungry and dangerous, but Marc clearly had things sewn up almost from the beginning. That’s why Wolf finally took the ring bell and used it to end the match, causing referee Shane Stones to disqualify him. WINNER: [B]Marc du Bois by DQ [/B]in 8:47 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 11) Davis Wayne Newton strutted through the backstage area when he was confronted by Greg Gauge this time. Greg got on Davis’s case for the way he’s been behaving. Davis finally challenged Greg to get into the ring with him so he could make it a [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Gauge trifecta.” [/COLOR]Greg said that’d be fine with him. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 12) Archangel and Junior finally found Joel Kovach backstage. Joel was happy to see them. He apologized to Junior for the deception. Junior made sure she understood what happened: everything that Archangel had done, from the attack on Nemesis in the Cage Wars, rigging the draft, all of it had been set up. Joel and Archangel said that it was, but that they did it so they could get her away from Angry’s cult. Junior said she understood and she appreciated what they did. Joel said that was great and suggested that they get out of there to get a drink or something so they could get caught up. Archangel stopped him and said that he had something to tell Joel. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You remember how you suggested that I try to drive a wedge between Matt and Junior? Well, it worked.” “Yeah, I know. I gotta admit, it made me a bit uncomfortable the way you did it, but you had me fooled. After a while, I thought you really did have feelings for my daughter.” “I do.”[/COLOR] Joel stared at Archangel in shock for a moment before asking, [COLOR="darkgreen"]“What?”[/COLOR] Archangel admitted that he had fallen in love with Junior. Junior took his hand and said that the feelings were mutual. Joel stared at the two of them for a moment before he jumped Archangel and beat him down pretty badly before storming off. Archangel sat up and smiled ruefully. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Well, that went well.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 13) A video played, showing everyone how Jay targeted Primus Allen in the match this past Sunday. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 14) [B]SEAN McFLY vs. JAY CHORD (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Superb match. Great cap to the evening. Sean yelled a few times that Jay had nowhere to hide and no one to protect him. It was just the two of them. That fact didn’t seem to bother Jay too much. The crowd was on their feet for most of the match as these two brawled in and around the ring. Both men scored near falls before Jay finished Sean off with a cradle piledriver. WINNER: [B]Jay Chord [/B]in 13:56 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] I thanked the workers as they left the arena. That’s when my cell phone started to ring... We got a rating of 40.57. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM MWA.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last episode of [I]Blade’s Edge[/I][/U] [I]Alicia Strong vs. Aaron Andrews[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Mainstream Hernandez (c) defeated Steve Gumble to retain [COLOR="Red"]the MWA 10 Minute Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Davis Wayne Newton defeated Matthew Gauge[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Marc du Bois (c) defeated Wolf Hawkins by DQ and so retained [COLOR="red"]the MWA Rising Star Title[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [I]Jay Chord (c) defeated Sean McFly to retain [COLOR="red"]the MWA World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[I][SIZE="3"]The Ground Shift[/SIZE][/I] [B][I]Wednesday of Week 4, January 2015[/I][/B] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Where have you been? Why wasn’t your cell phone on?”[/COLOR] Wanda’s voice was harsh. It almost sounded as if she had been crying. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I had my phone off to concentrate on the show. Why? What’s–” “Haven’t you seen what they announced during the show?” “Who? GNN? No, I’ve only seen the raw feed. Why? Wanda, slow down, tell me what’s–”[/COLOR] Then she told me. Next thing I knew I slammed through the doors of Shakeshaft. I stumbled through the streets, trying to find somewhere with a TV. There. A bar across the street. I burst into the bar and my gaze slammed from corner to corner until I spotted the flickering images. Thankfully it was already tuned in to GNN Total Sports; I wouldn’t have to fight someone to change the channel. And there it was, scrolling across the bottom of the screen. My legs went out from under me and I collapsed to the floor. If people were upset, I couldn’t tell. There was nothing that existed except me and the TV and the ridiculous news, the impossible news, the news that would change everything...
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[QUOTE=Scapino1974;421535]My legs went out from under me and I collapsed to the floor. If people were upset, I couldn’t tell. There was nothing that existed except me and the TV and the ridiculous news, the impossible news, the news that would change everything...[/QUOTE] Wow. That bit there is gold my friend. REALLY wanna know what's happened... I know I don't ever post on here but I still read it as much as your old SWF one (still one of my favourite ever diaries by the way) but this really is some sweet stuff. It's amazing how the very best writers on here can inspire you with your own games, diaries etc. Great job, as always.
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[QUOTE=Scapino1974;421534] He pointed out that everyone lost their titles this past Sunday except for him. [/QUOTE] Yeah...nothing like getting an 0-fer on predictions. I predicted him to be the only who who lost their title, not the only one to retain. Looking forward to the news, too...whatever it is. That setting up for TEW 2008, I'm wondering?
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From ProWrestlingHits.com - [QUOTE][B]Richard Eisen Passes Away[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i207/scapino1974/TEW2005/RichardEisen.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Richard Eisen, the founder and CEO of the Supreme Wrestling Federation, has passed away at the age of 60. While no official word has been given, sources close to the Eisen family say that the cause of death is likely to be natural causes. Many people have noticed that Eisen had been largely absent from SWF shows, even going so far as staying home completely from “When Hell Freezes Over.” While there was no official word, our sources within the SWF have long reported that Eisen’s health had been deteriorating as of late. Earlier today, we reported that ambulances had been dispatched to SWF headquarters. It now turns out that Richard Eisen was found in his office. Paramedics tried to resuscitate him but were unsuccessful. Funeral services are scheduled for later this week. Richard is survived by his ex-wife, Sarah Eisen and his sons, Jerry and Eric.[/QUOTE]
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[I][SIZE="3"]Dust to Dust[/SIZE][/I] [B][I]Monday of Week 1, February 2015[/I][/B] We threw out the script for Firestorm that week, opting to put on a “Richard Eisen Memorial Show.” It did seem a little odd to eulogize the man who owned our competition, but it would have felt worse if we hadn’t. Many of the former SWF workers recorded tributes. Even Wanda offered some tearful memories. But I couldn’t put myself on camera to do that. I hadn’t been able to process it all yet. I had to go to the funeral. It just wasn’t an option for me. In spite of all the horrible things Richard Eisen had done to me, he was also the one who indirectly propelled me into my career. He gave me the chance as the SWF’s head booker. If he hadn’t fired me, I’d never have created the MWA. Even his lawsuit only increased my mainstream media exposure. Much to my surprise, a lot of high profile individuals showed up. Dan Stone acknowledged my presence with an icy nod. Tommy Cornell wasn’t much better. He simply sneered at me and then yanked his ten year old son away so they could both storm off. The worst reaction by far was that of Eric Eisen. He glowered at me with such intensity I fully expected to spontaneously combust at some point. Wanda and I quietly greeted a few old friends and then joined the line to pay our respects. I walked up to the open casket and gazed down at Richard. As I did, I couldn’t help but choke up a little. As much as he angered and upset me, I still had a number of good memories from my tenure in the SWF. I had always hoped that we would somehow become friends again. But I had squandered every opportunity, and waited for him to make the first move. Now it was too late. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“God’s speed, Richard,”[/COLOR] I whispered. The service itself was tasteful if a bit sickening. Everyone lauded Richard as a superb businessman, a great father, a superb human being. I know we shouldn’t speak ill of the dead, but toward the end of the eulogies, I was wondering when the pope would show up to officially canonize the departed patron saint of wrestling. Afterwards I suggested sneaking out but Wanda insisted we join the procession out to the cemetery. Once again, we hung toward the back of the crowd, watching as the pastor said the words and Sarah, Jerry, and Eric said their good-byes. Before we could escape, we were intercepted by more old friends. Bruce the Giant practically crushed me in a bear hug. Sam Strong shook hands with me, the first time he had behaved civilly toward me since the lawsuit. A few wrestlers even slipped me cards, signaling for me to call them. I resolved to lose their numbers on the way back to the car. Not cool. Not cool at all. By the time I extracted myself from the swarm of well-wishers, I discovered that most of the mourners had disappeared. The only people left were the Eisen family, Wanda, and me. Once again, Eric speared me with a venomous glare. I glanced at Wanda, who elbowed me. I sighed. I took a step forward. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You should be.”[/COLOR] Eric stepped so close to me I could feel his breath against my nose. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You’re the one who killed him.”[/COLOR] With that, he shoved past me and stormed away. Sarah gave me an apologetic look and followed after her son, calling his name. I looked to Jerry, who simply shrugged. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“It’s been hard on him.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I am sorry.” “I know you are.”[/COLOR] He hesitated for a moment. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Scap, can we take a walk? I think we need to talk.”[/COLOR] Why? I glanced around, thinking that perhaps this was a set-up. Eric plays the heavy, distracts me, and then the goons come out and get some revenge... He must have read my unease. He laughed. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“This isn’t [I]The Godfather[/I], Scap. It’s just a talk.”[/COLOR] I glanced at Wanda. As if I had to wonder what she thought. She smiled and kissed me on the cheek. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Go. I’ll be waiting in the car.”[/COLOR] We wound our way through the tombstones. For someone who wanted to talk, Jerry was remarkably silent. I began wondering if maybe I should just beg off and head back to the car when he finally spoke. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“My dad was a great man, you know.”[/COLOR] He glanced at me and laughed at my expression. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Oh, I know you disagree. But he was. A visionary, a great businessman ... a great father.”[/COLOR] Whether or not I agreed with the first two, I couldn’t fault the last. So I kept walking. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“But as great as he was, he was remarkably short-sighted in some areas. When it came to you, for example. I am sorry what he did, Scap. I really am.” “I know.”[/COLOR] What else could I say? [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I don’t think you do. See, Dad’s behavior was a product of his all-or-nothing mentality, something he developed thanks to what happened to him when he founded the SWF. “I know Dad’s rewritten history to make it sound like the SWF’s rise to dominance was somehow inevitable and, I think in some ways, he believed his own spin, but it wasn’t like that. Not by a long shot. Every penny he made went back into the SWF’s coffers. I can remember there were months where all we ate was ramen while Dad dumped all of his money into paying his wrestlers. He had to fight to get where he was. “And the others, they didn’t make it easy on him. Threats, taunts, dirty business deals, the whole nine yards. I know that your buddy, Preston Holt, claims he did everything above board, but did you know he once drove his entire roster to the West Texas Coliseum and surrounded it so he and his boys could teach Dad a lesson in respect? Dad had to dress up like a backstage worker to get out safely.”[/COLOR] I grimaced. Richard had told me that story. So had Preston. What Jerry was conveniently leaving out was the fact that the reason they did that in the first place was because Rip Chord had shot off his mouth in a bar. But I wasn’t about to correct him now. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Dad just couldn’t let go of his old mentality, even after he succeeded. He was so sure that everyone was out to get him and that the only way to win was to bury the competition completely. It colored everything he did. Do you remember what he did when he found out the original MAW went under?”[/COLOR] My grimace returned. Richard had invited the board of directors, including me, to join him for scotch and cigars. I had never seen someone revel in the misery of others until that night. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“He never understood how tragic that was,”[/COLOR] Jerry said, stooping to brush some snow from an old family grave. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“He was so...”[/COLOR] His voice trailed off. I almost supplied the word he was looking for: “paranoid.” But I remained silent. Where was he going with this? Jerry finally went on. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“... worried about surviving that he became too short-sighted. He never realized what kind of potential there was in the smaller promotions and how they could benefit the SWF. He believed his own legend so strongly that he never realized that other people might have valid ideas or ways of doing things. It was always his way or no way. That’s why he treated you so badly. He couldn’t see the bigger picture: what you were doing, how you were going to accomplish it. But I could. “That’s why I gave you the money.”[/COLOR]
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