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[B][CENTER]BREAKING NEWS[/B]Kingman Family Set to Open Northwest Championship Wrestling[/CENTER] SEATTLE, Wash. -- Legendary wrestler “Crippler” [B]Ray Kingman[/B] and his son, former 4C Champion [B]Barry Kingman[/B], have announced the opening of Northwest Championship Wrestling in their hometown of Seattle, Wash., the new promotion’s website NCW Online announced on Tuesday. The first NCW show will take place live at Club X on the third Thursday of January. The only confirmed active wrestler on the roster is Barry Kingman, but NCW’s website promises to provide more information as soon as possible. One confirmed partner of the Kingman family is local minor league baseball announcer [B]Will Rowley[/B]. The 24-year old play-by-play man for the Tacoma Rainiers, the AAA affiliate of the Seattle Mariners, has agreed to call the matches for all of NCW’s events. Rowley first caught the eye of the industry with his blog 24/7 Wrestling, in which he would provide commentary on the North American wrestling business. The Kingmans hired Rowley due to the combination of his profession as an announcer and his passion for wrestling, and he has been given the title Creative Director.
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[CENTER][B]24/7 Wrestling[/B] Not a Period, an Ellipsis …[/CENTER] I never thought this blog would get me a job - never in my wildest dreams. Those of you who have been with me from the start, and even those of you that started reading recently, you’ve probably heard the news. Ray and Barry Kingman are starting a promotion in Seattle - Northwest Championship Wrestling - and not only have they hired me to be their announcer, but they’ve given me the title Creative Director. Apparently someone out there likes my ideas. For those of you in the area, our first show - the aptly named NCW Genesis - will be a few weeks from now. Check out NCW Online for the details. You can be sure to see Barry Kingman in action, and a few pretty big surprises as well. If you’ve been reading here for a while you know my booking tastes and styles, and now that I’ve been given the reigns of a promotion, look out. Of course we’re starting small - the boss man is a wrestling legend and he’s rich, but not THAT rich - so don’t expect to be seeing five star classics right away. What I can promise you is an interesting, always growing and evolving, wrestling show. The more of you show up and buy tickets, the better wrestlers we can hire, so come early and come often. If you enjoy my writing, hopefully you’ll enjoy my booking as well. Although this is surely an exciting time, it’s bittersweet; unfortunately, this is the end of 24/7 Wrestling, at least for the foreseeable future. Hell, I may get fired in two months and be right back where I started. I love writing about wrestling, and fortunately for me, and you, Ray has also handed me the control of the promotion’s website. Guess who’s getting his own monthly column? :D As always, email me your comments, questions, complaints, rants, and anything else you can think of. We’re going to try to make NCW as fan-friendly as possible, so we need all the feedback we can get. - Will
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[B][CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]The Official Website of Northwest Championship Wrestling[/COLOR][/B]NCW Online[/CENTER] [U]NCW Genesis: Preview[/U] by Will Rowley The gates of Northwest Championship Wrestling will open this Thursday night at Club X in downtown Seattle. The first ever Northwest Champion will be crowned, and fans will be treated to four exciting matches. Six wrestlers will be present, all six of which have been champions elsewhere, and they will compete for a chance to be NCW’s first champion. The winners of the first three singles matches will face each other in the main event, a triangle match for the Northwest Championship.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Blue"]NCW Genesis[/COLOR][/B] Live from Club X in Seattle, Wash. Attendance: 101[/CENTER] The first wrestler to walk down the aisle in NCW history is, unsurprisingly, Barry Kingman. The 32-year old former 4C Champion walks down with his game face on, and he once again is playing the part of the No-Gimmick-Needed bad ass. Next out is a bit of a surprise, as NOTBPW Women’s Champion Melody Cuthill appears from behind the curtain. Cuthill is playing her normal role of Old School Face, and she is all smiles. [U]Northwest Championship Qualifier: Barry Kingman vs. Melody Cuthill[/U] Nice little mat-based opener here, as Cuthill tries to go toe-to-toe with Kingman on the mat, but the size advantage for Barry plays to his advantage. Kingman wins by submission after 10 minutes. [B]Grade: D+[/B] As Kingman heads to the back, a short video is shown on the monitors within the arena showing highlights from his time in 4C. [B]Grade: E[/B] Out for the next match is Canadian high flier Phenomenal E. E is one half of the current 4C Tag Team Champions with Duberry Excess, and he is also a former 4C Hardcore Champion. He’s got some great top rope moves in his arsenal, and he comes out with a Thrill Seeker gimmick. Although fans here in Club X don’t know him too well, E’s opponent is a world class talent, as Burning EXILE slowly makes his way down the aisle. EXILE, the current Head Booker of WEXXV, always wants to be the one people talk about after the show, and he carries that Show Stealer gimmick with him. [U]Northwest Championship Qualifier: Burning EXILE vs. Phenomenal E.[/U] Great match considering the fans don’t know these guys too well. EXILE brings the goods in his first match, punishing E. with a lethal combination of high impact moves and ground assaults. EXILE wins by pinfall in 10 minutes. [B]Grade: C-[/B] The cameras go backstage and find indy phenom Frankie Perez with the microphone. Perez, a former CZCW Xtreme Champion, plays up his Legitimate Athlete background, and hypes his qualifying match. [B]Grade: E[/B] Perez makes his way down to the ring, getting one of bigger pops of the night. His opponent appears from behind the curtain, and its former CZCW Champion Primal Rage. Rage also is a two-time CZCW Tag Team Champion with Insane Machine. He comes down to the ring in his usual Goth attire, and the bell rings to start the match. [U]Northwest Championship Qualifier: Frankie Perez vs. Primal Rage[/U] Decent match between two guys who have faced each other in CZCW. Both are hitting hard, and the action spills to the outside for a few minutes as well. Perez wins by pinfall at 12 minutes. [B]Grade: D+[/B] Now that the Main Event is set, Frankie Perez takes a quick breather while a short video plays over the monitors showing highlights of all three competitors. [B]Grade: E-[/B] [U]Northwest Championship Triangle Match: Barry Kingman vs. Burning EXILE vs. Frankie Perez[/U] These three work well together for the first main event in NCW history. Perez sells the fact that he just finished a match, and Kingman and EXILE start by teaming up on him. The action breaks down and all three are going at it. A superkick by Perez sends EXILE over the top rope to the outside, and Kingman rolls Perez up from behind for the win and the championship at 15 minutes. [B]Grade: C[/B] [U] NCW Genesis: Review[/U] Barry Kingman d. Melody Cuthill [B]D+[/B] Hype Video for Barry Kingman [B]E[/B] Burning EXILE d. Phenomenal E. [B]C-[/B] Frankie Perez Promo [B]E[/B] Frankie Perez d. Primal Rage [B]D+[/B] Hype Video for Barry Kingman, Burning EXILE, and Frankie Perez [B]E-[/B] Barry Kingman d. Burning EXILE and Frankie Perez [B]C[/B] [B]Show Rating: D+[/B]
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[B][CENTER]Rowley’s Ramblings[/CENTER][/B] Catchy title, isn’t it? It took me all of 10 seconds to think of it. So this is my little corner of the NCW website to spew my thoughts on our shows, as well as the rest of the wrestling industry. For those of you who come here from my former stomping grounds 24/7 Wrestling, welcome back to the wonderful world inside my head. For those of you who don’t know me, thanks for stopping by. Hopefully you’ll find something you like with NCW. Genesis was quite the experience for me. As the Creative Director for NCW, I pretty much decide what goes on during the show. Now, Ray and Barry also have a pretty big say as well, but the responsibility for the quality of the shows falls on me. That being said, what’d you think? For you new readers, I try to encourage as much feedback on my work as possible, so don’t be shy. The whole thing was a blur for me, but one thing that stands out especially was the performance of Burning EXILE. He is THE MAN (I like spelling in all caps, and apparently so does he). Finally seeing his work in person was an honor, and I hope he sticks around for a while. Yeah, he’s got a bit of a chip on his shoulder, but when you have talent like that you can get away with being a little arrogant. Congrats to Barry Kingman on his big title win. It’s only fitting for him to win the title in the first show of his dad’s promotion. Now some of you may be saying that you’re sick of families in wrestling. We’re not too far from Canada, and they’ve got the Stones and DeColts wielding tons of power. That’s just how this business works. You help the people you know, and many times the people you know the best just happen to be your son, your brother, your uncle, etc. I'm a big fan of NOTBPW, and I know plenty of you out there are too, and that's a family promotion. Well, that’s all for now. We’re busy around here trying to prepare for next month’s big show: NCW Downpour. Send in your comments and questions, and I’ll do my best to get back to you and perhaps even respond here in Rowley's Ramblings. - Will
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[QUOTE=Showtime4Lajf;185432]I'm really liking this so far. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the roster on the future shows. What size are you starting at? Regional?[/QUOTE] Glad you're enjoying it so far. I started at Local (15% Northwest, 0% everywhere else). I just took the settings for NCW out of the New Promotions section in the editor. I then changed the product to match the kind of promotion I like to book.
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[CENTER][COLOR="Blue"][B]The Official Website of Northwest Championship Wrestling[/B][/COLOR] NCW Online[/CENTER] [U]NCW Downpour: Preview[/U] by Will Rowley Coming off an exciting first show in January, Northwest Championship Wrestling returns to action with NCW Downpour. Newly crowned Northwest Champion Barry Kingman already has a tough title defense on his plate, as Frankie Perez will face him one-on-one for the title. Japanese phenom Burning EXILE will also be making an appearance in a singles match, as he tries to get back into title contention. [B]Confirmed Match:[/B] Northwest Championship Singles Match: Barry Kingman vs. Frankie Perez [B]Confirmed Appearance:[/B] Burning EXILE
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Blue"]NCW Downpour[/COLOR][/B] Live from Club X in Seattle, Wash. Attendance: 85[/CENTER] The show opens with veteran Canadian grappler Thomas Morgan walking out to the ring. Morgan addresses his opponent in the opening match, Cameron Vessey, and tells him not to get too excited about his first match. Morgan is playing the part of Blue Collar, and he’s able to get the fans behind him with some decent promo skills. [B]Grade: E[/B] [U]Singles Match: Cameron Vessey vs. Thomas Morgan[/U] This is Vessey’s first match as a professional, and he’s got quite a name to live up to. The 19-year old comes out to the ring with a sour look on his face, looking like he wants nothing to do with anyone else (meaning he’s playing the Loner gimmick). Vessey gets into the ring and referee Oz Lord calls for the bell to start the match. Cameron did about as well as you could expect from someone making his professional debut. He came out aggressively right off the bat, pounding Morgan with an impressive barrage of high-impact moves. Morgan recovered to amount an attack, but it wasn’t enough as Vessey scored a pinfall at 9 minutes to pick up the win. These two showed great chemistry together, so we may be seeing a rematch at some point in the future. [B]Grade: C-[/B] As the ring clears, a video is shown on the monitors showing highlights of Burning EXILE from his two matches last week. The American fans are still getting to know him, so there isn’t a huge reaction outside of an enthusiastic few. [B]Grade: F[/B] EXILE struts down to the ring, paying no attention to the fans. His opponent tonight will be “The Teen Dream” Brendan Idol, a young high-flier who works for RIPW as well. Idol doesn’t have to do much to gain approval from the female fans in the audience, and they, with the encouragement of a few plants, ooh and aah over him like a Teen Idol. [U]Singles Match: Brendan Idol vs. Burning EXILE[/U] Another solid match, as Idol does his best to keep up with the Japanese phenom. EXILE controls much of the match, but Idol makes a short-lived comeback towards the end. A brutal EXILE Driver finishes Brendan at 11 minutes. [B]Grade: C-[/B] The monitors show Frankie Perez backstage with the microphone. Perez hypes his title shot against Barry Kingman in the main event. He stresses the fact that he’ll be at full strength this time, and Kingman will find out what it’s like to lose to a real athlete. [B]Grade: E[/B] The first straight women’s match in NCW is next as Kristabel Plum of AAA fame comes out to take on the mysterious Agent 69. Plum is out first, and she is a ball of energy from behind the curtain, playing the Fun Babyface. Agent 69 comes out next in her usual spy attire, but in NCW she plays the part of the Informer. If she gets an opportunity to flesh out that character, she’ll have a chance to get over with the NCW fans. [U]Singles Match: Agent 69 vs. Kristabel Plum.[/U] The Northwest fans already know Plum from her time in AAA, so she’s an easy fan-favorite to begin the match. The two women start by trading offensive maneuvers back-and-forth, with neither getting the early advantage. Plum eventually gains control for good and wins by pinfall after 9 minutes. [B]Grade: D+[/B] The ring clears and a short video airs over the monitors, showing highlights of the two main event entrants, Barry Kingman and Frankie Perez. [B]Grade: E[/B] [U]Northwest Championship Singles Match: Barry Kingman vs. Frankie Perez[/U] These two take a while to get going, feeling each other out with some mat work to begin the match. They don’t quite click in the ring, but they’re able to pull out a respectable match as both men have significant talent. Perez mounts an attack late in the match, but Kingman ducks under a clothesline and hooks on a Chicken-Wing Sleeper and gets Frankie to tap at 17 minutes. [B]Grade: C-[/B] [U]NCW Downpour: Review[/U] Thomas Morgan Promo [B]E[/B] Cameron Vessey d. Thomas Morgan [B]C-[/B] Hype Video for Burning EXILE [B]F[/B] Burning EXILE d. Brendan Idol [B]C-[/B] Frankie Perez Promo [B]E[/B] Kristabel Plum d. Agent 69 [B]D+[/B] Hype Video for Barry Kingman vs. Frankie Perez [B]E[/B] Barry Kingman d. Frankie Perez [B]C-[/B] [B]Show Rating: D+[/B]
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[QUOTE=JonnyV1;186436]Noooooooo! Lol! Taking Burning EXILE out of the main event, will just mean you have a midcard match that is better than your main event. Lol! Don't think Frankie or Barry has what it takes to match Burning EXILE.[/QUOTE] You were almost right. :) EXILE carried Brendan Idol to a C-, the same grade that Kingman and Perez got in the main event even though they had poor chemistry.
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