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Is there a way to do face/heel turns without angles?

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I'm running a 100% matches promotion, and a few of my people have really low ratings on their gimmicks, so I'd like to give them new ones. Problem is, one or two of them have ideal gimmicks with the opposite alignment (if he's face, his ideal angle is highly heel-rated). Is there a way to get them from face to heel without running an angle? I'd rather not run an angle if at all possible, since I'm sure the crowd would crap all over it.
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If you still want to turn them, though I can't see why, it might even upset the fans since that is not what they pay for to see in a product. Anywayz, I asked this same question minutes ago in another topic and you can turn them through matches by booking a road agent note [turn worker]. Then in the result screen you come across a little bow near the down left side of the screen when the match is reviewed, that says 'handle turns'. Now you're good to go ;) @D: I know it sounds oh so obvious, but to us n00bs it's kinda hard to find all these things ourselves. For the record, I'm speakin' for myself here. :)
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Yeah the road agent note does nada, it just sets up for an angle. Perhaps you can do an angle during a pre-show? This way it doesn't affect the main show that awfully. Might hurt your wrestler but hey. I'm not sure if you can edit their allignment in the editor because I've never tried it, but it wouldn't hurt looking. Edit - I stand corrected :O
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Bear in mind though that the Turn note doesn't do anything in situations where the worker would be expected to attack the guy anyway. For example, in a singles match you can't have him turn by attacking his opponent :p It'd have to be a tag team match where he turns on his partner, or a run-in. Not sure if it works by attacking the guy with the same alignment in a triple thread (i.e, a Face turning on another Face during a triple threat with a Heel). Also note that the worker doing the turning is "Attacked By:" not "Worker:". "Worker" is the guy he turns on. Also also note that it won't do anything if the worker isn't set to turn (via the Creative screen) in the first place ;)
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