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Phoenix Wrestling Championships - Clawing our way to the Top

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/PWC/PWCBanner.jpg[/IMG] It was New Years Day, and I was probably still feeling the effects of last night, but I can't remember it fully. I had just gotten up when one of my friends called me on the phone. [B]Me:[/B] "....what?" [B]Dave:[/B] "Hey man, how are you?" [B]Me:[/B] "I can't remember anything." [B]Dave:[/B] "Alright, I need to talk to you about this weekend." [B]Me:[/B] "If it's a party, forget it." [B]Dave:[/B] "No, not that. It's about what you've got planned. How about coming down to my house. I got a surprise for you right now." I hung up the phone and got ready. I soon got in my banged up car and headed down to Dave's place. Fortunately it was right down the street. I began to wander why I even got in my car. I knocked on the door and there was an ecstatic Dave, the biggest of smiles across his face as he invited me in. I sat down in the lounge and there was a businessy looking man sitting opposite. [B]Dave:[/B] "Andy, I would like you to meet Mr. Swanson. He has decided to invest some money for us in that idea of yours." [B]Me:[/B] "Great....what idea?" [B]Dave:[/B] "About that promotion you wanted to set up!" I sat there quizically, I must have looked really foolish. Since when did I want to open my own promotion? I had always been a fan no doubt, but my own promotion? [B]Me:[/B] "Cool, how much?" [B]Dave:[/B] "£25,000" [B]Me:[/B] "Whoa, that's a lotta money. But how much have we got for it anyway." Dave turned around and held up a box. [B]Dave[/B] "About £10,000, my mum thought I was going to College haha." The businessman looked rather perturbed at this statement. [B]Me:[/B] "Awesome, Mr. Swanson, we will take your offer and would prefer to receive it whenever possible. As soon as you can though please, as we are going to start right away." Mr. Swason nodded and left, Dave looked at me puzzled. [B]Dave:[/B] "Since when were you a businessman?" [B]Me:[/B] "I don't know, I've never spoken like that before. Anyways, let's get started." We worked hard over the next few days along with Mr. Swanson to set up this promotion. Since we were currently living in Phoenix, the name was obvious. [SIZE="4"][U][B]Phoenix Wrestling Championships[/B][/U][/SIZE] We began to contact wrestlers we had heard of and gotten contacts of, due to being friends with a certain Wrestling mastermind before. We decided on out first show, and began planning the whole shabang. [B]Next:[/B] Promotion layout. [I]OOC: Hope that got you guys into it lol, just so you know, this is a Cornellverse diary.[/I][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"]Promotion Layout[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]Starting Money:[/B] £35,000 [B]Product:[/B] Phoenix Wrestling [I]Match Ratio: 80% Match Intensity: 40% Match Danger: 40% Face/Heel Divide: Medium [B][U]Product Appeal[/U][/B] Heavy: None Medium: Mainstream Low: Traditional, Lucha Libre, Pure[/I] [B]Location:[/B] South West, USA [U][B]Titles[/B][/U] [U]Arizona State Championship[/U] [I]The main title in PWC, and has a decent amount of prestige. There are no limits.[/I] [U]Phoenix Flying Tag Team[/U] [I]The main tag team titles here in PWC, and there is a limit to middleweight, and has a high flying style.[/I] [U]Television Championship[/U] [I]The lower tier title belt here, no limits.[/I][/CENTER]
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