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What if Al-gore won in 2000? (not a real world diary)

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I don't know enough about the real wrestling world to run a real world diary, nor do i wish to mess with the marvelous creation that is the Cornel Verse, with that in mind I will be under taking the long term goal of creating my own alternate reality in which real fake people, live in an alternate time line. please bear with me as At this point i know the back story of only 2 federations and 2 wrestlers but as learn more about this alternate world i will bring it to you. for now this is a diary about the creation of a world and not the happenings of a particular federation. I am not looking at this as a mod, but the story or diary of the creation of my 2007 mod. with the hope that once i have it up and running it will transition to a more traditional format.
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The beginning The floor recognizes the Senator from the state of Massachusetts, the Honorable Edward Kennedy. [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="Purple"]“Fellow Senators, Ladies and Gentleman of the Press, and all the rest of my fellow citizens. We have a problem of historical proportions on our hands. The erosion of our Cultural Moral High ground is being caused by the continued media assault on our sense of moral propriety, leading to eventual moral turpitude.”[/COLOR][/FONT] The pompous windbag continued on this way for almost an hour. Because the bill was aimed not a single impropriety, but rather at a much larger social condition the American right could not mount a unified stance against this loss of liberty, and to be honest many of them secretly applauded one point or other which the proposed legislation contained. Conversely the American left, who had always stood up for complete openness could not say much as the Legislation did not ban creation, distribution or ownership of newly objectionable material, it simply made them an adult only affair, and no one could argue that, that had ever hurt the current adult industries. So On January 31st, shortly after Ale Gore had taken over the white house, due to a 5-4 split of the Supreme Court awarding the Floridian electoral votes to the democratic nominee for president. The 28th amendment to the United States constitution became the law of the land. The 28th amendment: For the moral certainty of our countries continued existence it is believed that Objectionable Language, action and suggestion shall hence forth be restricted from the public square, and be held as solely appropriate for those beyond the age of consent as determined by the appropriate state authority. The public square shall include but no be limited to the public arena, airwaves and internet and video distribution.
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the effects The moment the courts opened on February 1, 2007 half the lawyers in America must have been dedicating all their billable hours to litigation based on this new amendment. Over night almost every R rated movie was nc-17 and every other movie basically moved up by one rating. The NHL, NBA, MLB and NFL along with their minor league counter parts had to initiate no tolerance fight policies, as any public fist fight was considered and infraction of the 28th amendment, in most cases any fight was punished by permanent expulsion from the sport. The TV industry went into overnight chaos; most of the cable channel went to an HBO format, called pay-to-view, when it all shook out Comedy central ended up the biggest pay-to-view, with its break out show being South Park. The funniest episode was based around an unbleaped cartman ranting with the F-bomb, spoofing the hotel room scene in boondock saints. The argument was on; the economic shift was taking place. The holier than thou’s on the left and right were both singing the amendment's praises. Those with more reasonable heads were fighting hard to get the amendment repealed. Then the most horrific day in modern memory, 9/11/2001. The Country had a major moral turn; less rational people began to think the amendment would help go along way toward peace in the middle, those that disagreed were snow plowed by the stronger voice of masses looking for security. The evidence, the press and a desire to do anything for safety produced the same war in Afghanistan and in Iraq, despite the democrat in the white house. In early 2002 Joe Lieberman stepped down as vice-president as Jewish vice-president was making negotiation with our Arab allay much harder. Hillary Clinton was selected as the new vice president. When the 04 election cycle started Al Gore due to failing pole numbers around the wars stepped aside, and Vice-president Hillary ran instead The 04 election saw Hillary Clinton beat Jeb Bush for president. Enough time had passed since 9/11 and dialogue had resumed around both need for and violation of rights caused by the 28th amendment, which was now called the anti-corruption of minors amendment. The 06 election cycle saw the return of Democratic control of both houses of congress. Most of the newly elected politician had run strongly infavor of repealing the 28th amendment. The deed was carried out on January 31st, 2007 exactly 6 years after the moral compass had been forced into place the country was free to be itself once more.
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the effect on wrestling Over night the wrestling industry changed, both in the US, and in the world which had to absorb the absolute glut of excess professional wrestlers. The major us federations lost their cable deals and in most cases lost their PPV deals as no one knew how far the ramifications of the 28th amendment extended. The ride was over the most powerful organization in wrestling the WWWCB (world wide wrestling commissioner’s board) liquidated it’s US holding. The biggest independent federations gave up soon after as the governments of most states not only wanted “violent event” holder to check ID, but to be able to prove that no one under age had snuck in, or was viewing the content after the events online. Wrestling in the US dried up, the only thing left for the wrestlers who could not find work outside the country to do was band together. That was how the WWORI was formed (pronounce worry, world wide organized resistance incorporated) After about 3 years spike network, now a pay-to-view channel started their own wrestling organization with limited success called. Called Ultimate Underground initial SPC-EZ (pronounced speak easy). The problem being that on pay-to-view the audience was not a huge size, and when already paying for the week to week programming few people wanted to pay more for a monthly pay-per-view. Other smaller attempts were made through out the 6 year span of the enforcement of the 28th amendment, most folded quickly, some made it almost 6 months. But as of February 1st, 2007 there is a huge void suddenly left for any wrestling fans that have survived the six year ban on violence. (In my next post we will meet the world’s current largest promotion, remember that federations from outside the US can still promote PPV’s that will play in the world’s largest market, even if only to adult 16 and up in most states)
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The first Promotion 3P - Pure Puertorican Progression The biggest benefactor the 28th amendment, as part of the US, but not bound by the US constitutional law, 3P was in the perfect position to snap up as many as great wrestlers as possible. Once pay-per-view was cleared as on option, via the Supreme Court in Hamilton vs. the UFC. All bets were off. 3P quickly snapped up the top talent promoting matches that could never have been seen before, as many of the top talent in the US had been locked into contracts that would almost never allow them to jump ship to the completion and certainly not in the large scale exodus that had been cause by the 28th amendment. 3P had been acquired 13 Years ago by a then Young Puetorican business man, for a little more than a million dollars. With the business contacts he had already made. Ernesto Cross became both the face of 3P management on screen, and a major behind the scene player in securing 3P’s first television spot. Seven Years latter, he had positioned the 3P as a major force for independent wrestlers in the south east. After the passage of the 28th amendment, Ernesto decided in their first International Pay-per-view, International Showcase I, to field himself as a competitor and has been doing so with great success ever since. Today in the presence of so many great names from America in his singles roster, Ernesto wrestles in the tag team division with a relative unknown, Julio Mastero. Ernesto wrestles as Southern Cross, Julio as Lord J. Together they are Lord & Cross. The main event of 3P is a very unstable place. With so many Big names coming and going on short term contracts. But 2 bell weathers that have been near the top and remained there since the passage of the protection of minors act are Salomne Ortega and Juan Ruez. Sal is better Know as Dominican Pryde, and is the head of the faction Africa Rising. Sal as the biggest heel in 3P has had many great feuds with Juan. Juan, better known to his fans as puertorican Power House, is always in pursuit of the purity of 3P, he is the chief proponent of it’s growth, but only if it can provide a quality product. Off screen Juan is also the head booker of 3P, and hopes to one day reconcile with his son Juan jr. who set out several years ago to make a name in wrestling on the international circuit. (many other’s are already a part of 3P, next time we will take a look at some of the greatest champions to come out of 3P and possibly take a look at some of the now defunct organizations that used to be the largest in the world before the 28th amendment)
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The 3WCB (world wide wrestling Comissioners board) is proud to Present USCW (United States Championship Wrestling), it was the opening words of every tuesday night Episode of A night to Fight. The voice of owner and often anouncer, Conroy Bigz started out, befor he ran down the card of the amzaing talent that USCW would present. The 28th amendment cost Conroy almost all of his personal wealth, and though he is now not quite rich, he still gets to play one on tv for WWORI. As thier "owner" on camera and head Authority personality. The USCW durring it's hey-day had 3 divisions, the Heavy Weight, the Open class (which included up and coming heavy weights and female wrestlers) and the Airial Division. The Airal Division almost never competed with the heavy weights, and the Arial title was promoted as the equivalent of the World Heavy Weight title, for those who had the skill to compete for it. The defining Airial Division Match was called The Strech for glorry. The ring post's extended up 10 feet in the air, and the ropes had the traditional 3 tiers, plus an aditional 3 reaching to the top of the extended to the top of the 10 foot posts. the belt, was hung in the middle of the ring 18 feet in the air, to wind all you had to do was spring across and grap it. The best match of the 90's was held in late '95 on the the Pay-per-view "USCW presents Cleared for Take off" The Main event featured a three-way elimination Strech for Glory Match. Thunder Dome and Clear Skyes came in as the faces facing off against Dr. Dangerous whom was the longest running champion in the history of the Airial title's history. The first elimanation would be by pin fall the final two would compete under standard Strech for Glory rules. Dome and Sky had vowed they would take out Dangerous and compete fairly for Airial title. 10 minutes into the match it happend, Thunder Dome Planted Clear sky into the canvass with a devistating Thunder Drop from 10 feet in the air. The stepped aside and let the Dr. take the pin. Thunder Dome stood back as Dr. Dangerous mounted the Top-top rope 10 Feet in the air and retained the title. The match had contained a stipulation that the whom ever should be the first to be eliminated would never again get an airial title shot agian. That is why the most talented most over worker to ever wrestle in the USCW Airial Division Clear Skyes, has never Held the title. Thunder Dome to this day is the most Hated and reviled heel, to have worked in the Airial Division. Dr. Dangerous continued to hold the title for some months befor Thunder Dome turned on him as well, to Take the Airial title off his hands. As a side note, Dr dangerouse would gain the title back sevral times in the run up to 2000, and would be the man left holding the title when USCW went out of Business, giving him the distinction of being the Last Airial Title holder. Crack-jack Magee, was the Referee for this Classic match. And it was entirely a fluke, he had been a manager in smaller feds for many years, when he signed a contract to move to the big leagues USCW. the First night he showed up to work was Cleared for Take off, he was to debut as a manager that very evening but both ref's called in sick, and he stepped in to fill the void. it was a perfect fit, and in short order Cracker-jackson was the Head ref for the Biggest federation in the world. To this day he is considered the best there is if you want to put on a truely world Class Event. (I hope to bring you more about the currently unemployeed reaches of the world post 28th amendment, more 3P and off cources the main eventers for WWORI!)
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The story of Zackary Tillis, is not a long one, but may in the end be very important to the history of wrestling in America. Zackary is just 18, but just like other adult materialls, he got his hands on banned wrestling tapes by the time he was 14. After starting his own back yard fed, that was broken up by the police for publicly violating the 28th amendment, Zak has put himself in a great position to be some of the great young talent that will have to rise as wrestling begins a resurgence in the US. Zak is wrestling under the name of Super Z, and brings the reclessness of youth to the table with some great skill. With a back ground in gymnastics and Hundreds of hours of wrestling tapes under his belt, Zak maybe the most well versed youth on wrestling. High risk, a great personality and the skills to back them up, Zak should begin to quickly climb the ladder of any new american fed that begins to dominate the scene after the repeal of the 28th amendment. Sampson Geritto is at the other end of the spectrum. He wrestled a very flashy style in japan during the 80's, made a huge leap to the US scene in the 90's and was on track to be a main eventer wrestling a more old school match when his career was slammed to a halt by the 28th amendment. He was just not over enough outside the us to demand big money, or sit back on a fortune already earned, like so many of the other stars did. After a short time in the unemployment line, the samoan finally found work with 3P as part of thier development program. Now wrestling under the name of the island Barbarian, He is successfully putting over the younger talent. Every once in awhile he will play the monster type Heel in a program with a bigger star whose needs to be built back up, but for the most part his job is to make the young rising stars look good. This is the dycotomy of the 28th amendment. It ended many careers prematurly, but is going to jump start many careers that may have taken a decade or more to get off the ground in the first place.
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Having become the home of the Worlds largest and most Recognized Brand 3P wrestling followed the age old formulla of the Invasion of the foriegners angle. but instead of mexican or canadian invaders, this time it was the High and mighty Americans that would need putting in the place. The stable, American Revolution was born and had three American Mid-carders at it's core that would use this opportunity to become some of the biggest names in the Fed durring the reign of the 28th amendment. The biggest question for these three wrestlers with the lifting of the 28th amendment is whether to remain popular in exile or see if thier new found fame will follow them back to the main land. Preston Gates, a nephew of the enigmatic billionare bill, dropped out of college to pursue his passion and acchieved modest success both domestically and abroad. But after the passage of 28, he became a founding member of 3P's American Revolution, as Freedom of the Press, he was the young high flyer of the group, who still showed some impressive size and power. Blake Carlyle, now know as high stakes, is the gambler, his back story say's he is a gambler from vegas looking for the high stakes that can be had in the islands. The truth is Blake grew up in chicago on the streets and has worked for almost every Hard core fed out there. The scars they claim are from saloon room brawls in the wild west are actually from one to many barbwire and fire death matches. His family is certianly glad that Blake has moved to a more stable, less dangerous point in his carreer. Finnaly there is Cory Costanze. Know for most of his carreer as Mr Hard Core (pronounced mr hard corry) Cory started out as a high flyer, at 16 and had great potential, and even wrestled in the big time for awhile. But a torn Acl put him out for a while and he became addicted to prescription pain killers, which kind of packed on the pounds ending cory's high flying days and led to a more hard core style. These days Cory is the American Revolution's enfourcer and wrestles a more subdued old school style. With that he took the more appropriate name Mr. Flawless. These are the prominent members of the American Revolution. What do you think? what angles am i missing? what else would happen if the us passes something akin to the 28th amendment i have proposed?
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