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Pro Wrestling MAX (Cornellverse)

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[CENTER][SIZE="6"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"]Unknown New Promotion holds show at Hollywood-Los Feliz JCC for first Sunday of January[/FONT][/SIZE] [QUOTE][CENTER][FONT="Trebuchet MS"]Fliers, advertisements and internet web sites have all recently been telling us of a promotion forming in the south west area of the United States, and that their debut show would be on the first Sunday of January from the Hollywood-Los Feliz JCC Arena. Whilst little is known about the company, six matches have been announced, which means a confirmed 16 wrestlers will be appearing. The card is below.. [B]Furious Intent (Mike and Nathan Furious) vs. Hitomaro Suzuki & SUKI Wanda Fish vs. DEVIL Karube vs. Sara Maria York vs. Joanne Rodriguez Steven Parker vs. Jason Casey Marc Speed vs. Frankie Perez Hell Monkey vs. DeAngelo Ryan Hughes vs. Plague[/B] With some big names on the independent scene showing up, and the whole mystery surrounding this promotion, we know we are going to be keeping a close eye on it.[/FONT][/CENTER][/QUOTE][/CENTER] Predictions Welcome!
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Sounds like this might turn out to be a good fed. I usually use the PW:MAX name and logo when starting my own fed as well, but I usually base it out of the Tri-State area. Anyway, my predictions are in [B]bold[/B] type: Furious Intent (Mike and Nathan Furious) vs. [B]Hitomaro Suzuki & SUKI[/B] [B]Wanda Fish vs. DEVIL Karube[/B] vs. Sara Maria York vs. Joanne Rodriguez [B]Steven Parker[/B] vs. Jason Casey Marc Speed vs. [B]Frankie Pe[/B]rez [B]Hell Monkey [/B]vs. DeAngelo [B]Ryan Hughes[/B] vs. Plague
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[FONT="Trebuchet MS"][CENTER][SIZE="6"]NEW FEDERATION'S FIRST SHOW WILL CROWN A NEW ELITE CHAMPION[/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT] [QUOTE][CENTER]Apparently there has been a leak from this new mystery promotion, as the internet has caught on to the fact that the four singles matches, are the first four matches in a knockout tournament to name the first ever Elite Champion for the federation. The winner of Steven Parker vs. Jason Casey will face the winner of Frankie Perez vs. Marc Speed. And the winner of DeAngelo vs. Hell Monkey will face the winner of Ryan Hughes vs. Plague. And then the winners of those matches will make the final. Including the other two matches, that's a lot of matches on one show, but may cut down on employee cost, all though there are a lot of high profile names for an upstart federation.[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/PWMAX/PWMAXWAB.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The small Hollywood-Los Feliz JCC arena was packed to it’s three hundred man capacity, despite little being known about this new promotion, except for four matches that had been posted around internet sites and advertised in the South West region. Fortunately for whatever company this was, Steven Parker, Frankie Perez, Marc Speed, Plague and Hell Monkey were all well known enough round the indy fans, for a big enough crowd to show up. I think I even saw some people outside, that couldn’t get in. Perhaps it was the mystery element that caught people’s imagination. It had caught mine, and I paid my good and hard earned money to get in here. As the whispers filled the arena, I noticed two men at the announcers desk. I personally didn’t recognize any of them, but there you go. And that’s when some remixed British Anthem started to play and out from the back came another guy that I didn’t recognize, but the guy behind me told his mate that was Arson Wells. The name didn’t mean anything to me either. Arson got into the ring and the music faded, as the crowd were silent, just wanting to hear what this was all about. “Hello Ladies and Gentleman, I am Arson Wells and thank you for coming to our first show. But you’ll no doubt, be asking who we are. Well ladies and gentleman, I wish to congratulate you all on coming to the very first Pro Wrestling MAX event, Where It All Begins.” Arson got a lukewarm response, just introducing yourself and your company wasn’t exactly going to get any more. “However tonight is not about me, tonight we plan to show you exactly what this company is about, and that’s modern day wrestling at it’s finest. So instead of me rambling on, lets get straight into crowning our first ever PWMAX Elite champion, with an eight man tournament for you guys, starting right now.” The crowd responded a bit better to Arson finishing talking and heading to the announce table. [B]Rating:[/B] E [QUOTE][B]JASON CASEY vs. STEVEN PARKER [/B]in the PWMAX Elite Championship Tournament Quarter Finals Okay, I don’t know how these guys got to the quarters, but that’s what it was announced as. First out was a man introduced as mixed martial artist, Jason Casey. I’m not a big MMA fan, so I didn’t have a clue that this guy was. But the guy behind me must not have a life, because he knew. Apparently Jason Casey was a MMA World Champion, and was being scouted by INSPIRE in Japan. All I know is he came out in a bad ass long black jacket and a black cowboy hat. He certainly looked kick ass, so his reaction was as good as an unknown to wrestling fans could expect. His opponent was none other than Steven Parker, who got a warmer response, at least at first. He came out with a black mask that covered his lower face, to heelish music, and when he faked a swing at a kid, some boos started to go around the arena, all though some just cheered louder. The match was better than a lot of opening matches that you get in DAVE, and better than a USPW main event. Some of the guys in SWF and TCW could learn from these guys. This was solid technical wrestling at its finest. And either they’ve worked or trained together before, or they just clicked. The match clearly showed that Jason Casey was a Technical MMA star, as the two put together a great sequence of chain wrestling, which Steven Parker came out on top with. A sick looking back suplex bent Jason in half and got Steven Parker a two count. Steven then went for a rest hold, which turned out to be a mistake. The reverse headlock was rolled out of by Jason Casey, he then jumped over Steven Parker’s body into a crossface. Just before Steven Parker could get to the ropes, Casey rolled back and grabbed his ankle, putting in an ankle lock and pulling Parker back. It took Parker to roll through to escape. Both were clearly going for an early win. After a sequence of stiff chops and kicks from Casey though, Casey went for the kill, picking up Parker, who out of nowhere scooped Casey onto his shoulders and then spun him into the Future Shock and picked up the quick victory as the crowd got on their feet in applause, despite it being a quick match. [B]Winner:[/B] Steven Parker at 6:11 [B]Rating:[/B] C[/QUOTE] A cheap looking video wall looking thingy grabbed everyone’s attention as in the back, another unknown worker was shown on the screen causing a “Who The ****!” chant. He was standing next to Katie Cameron, who I know purely because she’s Jacob Jett’s girlfriend. Katie introduced the man as DeAngelo who would be facing Hell Monkey in tonight’s tournament. The mention of Hell Monkey got a huge chant, which DeAngelo had to wait for as he cut off Katie. “You do realize that being so judgemental of someone you hardly know, could be considered a sin. That’s right, I can hear you guys. And my response, is who the **** are you? Your nobodies, trying to feel better by coming up with clever chants. Well let me introduce myself, so you mortals will know who I am. I’m the Christ of Wrestling, The Savior of PWMAX. I’m here to punish those who need to be punished in this business, save those who wish to be saved, and make this industry a better one. And I’m going to start with the deserter who goes by the ridiculous name of Hell Monkey. The man you cheer, had to leave USPW because he couldn’t hack it. And guess what, he’s leaving you guys to, for Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods. Why? Because he can’t make it in the American Market! And instead of working hard, his greed has lead him to jump to Japan, were any American can get over, aka Henry Bennett. Well Hell Monkey, I’m going to make sure you have bad memories of your one night in PWMAX and I’m going to show these fans and this industry, exactly what I’m about.” The fans did get on DeAngelo’s case, but nobody really cared that much what he was saying, all though the promo was delivered quite well. DeAngelo did manage to get a Hell Monkey chant, but I guess following that match was asking a bit much of the rookie. [B]Rating:[/B] E+ [QUOTE][B]MARC SPEED vs. FRANKIE PEREZ [/B]in the PWMAX Elite Championship Tournament Quarter Finals I’ll admit, I was looking forward to this match. Every indy fan knows of Frankie, but Marc is slightly underrated. The fans immediately picked their side, firmly in the corner of Frankie. Marc came out dressed very smart, perhaps his knew gimmick, but he soon suited down. Unfortunately, all though this was a good match, it wasn’t quite what I was hoping for from these two. They just didn’t have the same fluidity that Jason Casey and Steven Parker had, and even though these two are more well known collectively, the first match probably got more crowd reaction. Frankie Perez took control from the start with stiff kicks and chops, before shouting out “Knockout Time” and giving a kick that echoed around the arena, to the head of Marc Speed who was on his knees. That got Frankie a two count. Marc never seemed to get going from that point on, as Frankie slowly and methodically beat down Marc Speed, and stopped any counters, before picking up the win with a P-Clutch, bending Marc Speed with that knee, causing Marc to tap out. [B]Winner:[/B] Frankie Perez at 6:59 [B]Rating:[/B] C-[/QUOTE] The video thing lit up again, showing Katie Cameron with another guy I didn’t know about. Katie introduced him again as Ryan Hughes, who would be facing Plague tonight. Katie then asked Ryan what he thought his chances against a major indy talent like Plague was. “Probably not very good Katie! I’m not exactly the most experienced wrestler in the world, and this is easily the biggest match I’ve ever been in, but I was trained by Cliff Wilson and Adam Matravers. So my chances aren’t too bad. By the way, how’d you get this gig Katie?” “Well, Arson Wells hired me.” “I know that, but why? Actually, let me tell you why. Cause you’re perhaps the best interviewer that I’ve ever been privileged to be interviewed by.” Katie blushed as the crowd responded with some throwing up and awww noises. Ryan simply has a very confident smile on his face. “Presuming that I’m not too beat up later tonight, you fancy a few drinks with yours truly?” “Yeah, that would be great.” “Cool, guess I’ll see you later.” Ryan walked off, with the cameras following him as he walked around the corner. “You’re also the first interviewer I’ve ever been interviewed by.” Ryan grinned as he walked out of shot, the fans reacting quite positively to the segment considering we don’t know much about Ryan. [B]Rating:[/B] D [QUOTE][B]HELL MONKEY vs. DEANGELO [/B]in the PWMAX Elite Championship Tournament Quarter Finals The cheers for Hell Monkey were massive as he walked into the arena, as I wondered how many people actually heard DeAngelo tell them that Hell Monkey was leaving PWMAX for BHOTWG. Either way, they were probably cheering because Hell Monkey never disappoints as long as his partner is capable. And DeAngelo, who came out with very dramatic music, and a Christian Cross pose, definitely came across as a capable opponent. The match was back and forth, and every bit as good as the Parker vs. Casey match, all though Parker and Casey clearly had more chemistry than these two. DeAngelo actually caught Hell Monkey and the fans by surprise by going on the offensive from the get go, not being intimidated by Hell Monkey’s reputation. A very fluid Belly to Belly, followed by a role over into some elbow shots to the face was very impressive. DeAngelo got two near counts, before Hell Monkey mounted a comeback. But I think it was clear who was going through from the beginning as Hell Monkey soon managed to reverse a suplex attempt into a neck breaker. Hell Monkey went on the attack from their, and by the time Hell Monkey went for the Tumbling Monkey, DeAngelo had no way to respond as the crowd popped for the impressive move and victory. [B]Winner:[/B] Hell Monkey at 7:56 [B]Rating:[/B] C[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]RYAN HUGHES vs. PLAGUE[/B] in the PWMAX Elite Championship Tournament Quarter Finals Ryan Hughes came out dancing, and breaks danced in the ring, which got a mixed reaction. Half the crowd didn’t care for it, while the other half, including all the women in attendance loved it. He came across very ****y but not in a bad way. Then Plague came out with a darker and more serious entrance, and a new mask, which was red instead. Unfortunately, four matches into the show, and two clearly had problems, all though it didn’t hurt the quality too much for a small promotion match. Ryan Hughes and Plague, both came across as good wrestlers but the transitions weren’t smooth, and the moves looked more set up than perhaps they should. However this was booked to be the most even match by the looks of it, as the two went back and forth, both taking high risks after high risks, with a lot of faced pace reversals and pinfalls. It slowed down around the five minute mark, as Plague took control, and Ryan never really came back from their. The amazing New Jersey Turnpike picked up the victory for Plague. [B]Winner:[/B] Plague at 8:35 [B]Rating:[/B] C-[/QUOTE] Arson Wells comes away from the announcer’s booth and gets in the ring with a microphone, clearly trying to get an interview from Plague, who looks at him, before turning away and heading to the back. A “Rejected” chant started up as Plague headed to the back. [B]Rating:[/B] E+ [QUOTE][B]HITOMARO SUZAKI & SUKI vs. FURIOUS INTENT [/B]for the PWMAX World Tag Team Titles Only a handful knew who the Japanese stars were, which was a handful more than those who knew of Furious Intent. What followed was a quick, no frills tag team match that I guess was put in to give the guys in the tournament a rest. All though I guess they could have not made it a championship match if it was going to be so quick and between two unknown teams. Decent back and forth action, ended with I think Mike Furious of Furious Intent picking up the pinfall with a bridged German Suplex after a Superkick by Nathan Furious. [B]Winners:[/B] Furious Intent at 5:45 [B]Rating:[/B] D+[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]STEVEN PARKER vs. FRANKIE PEREZ [/B]in the PWMAX Elite Championship Tournament Semi Finals Obviously the first match had a desired effect after the kid spot, because when Steven Parker came out to the ring, the fans immediately started to boo, which only seemed to please Steven Parker as he came to the ring and took off his face mask, waiting for the arrival of Frankie Perez, as a Frankie Perez chant started around the arena even before his music had hit. Frankie Perez looked all business, air boxing his way to the ring, his focus set on Steven Parker as the announcer announced them and the referee gave them both a talking too before ringing the bell. Another great match, which got the crowd back on their feet after the tag team match! At first it seemed that Steven Parker had no answer Puroresu style of offence that Frankie Perez brought to the table, as stiff kicks similar to Frankie’s first match came into play. Another sick looking head shot, that Steven Parker sold like a king got a close pinfall attempt by Frankie. The intensity and stiffness continued as Frankie got Steven Parker in a corner and delivered shot after shot. A Belly to Belly out of the corner got Frankie another close two count. However when Frankie, probably trying to save himself for the final, tried to lock in the P-Clutch, Steven Parker used his superior mat wrestling to reverse it, but also poke the eye of Frankie Perez, before he started a slow and methodical approach to taking Frankie Perez apart. Steven Parker almost got Frankie to submit with a Camel Clutch of his own and got a close two count with a S.T.O. Then they started hitting the big moves. Parker hit a Twisting Neckbreaker for a close two and a release German that got the same result, while Frankie hit a Cradle Piledriver and a Perfect Parity, but Steven kicked out of both. However, when Steven went for the Future Shock, Perez managed to struggle back to the mat, kick out Steven’s legs, then turn him over into the P-Clutch to pick up the win. [B]Winner:[/B] Frankie Perez at 7:31 [B]Rating:[/B] C[/QUOTE] With the match over and the crowd applauding both men, Frankie Perez gets up and goes over to Steven Parker, who is holding his back and neck. Frankie offers his hand to Steven Parker, who looks at it and gets up. The classic pause was put in place before Steven Parker spat at Frankie before rolling out the ring and heading to the back. [B]Rating:[/B] E+ [QUOTE][B]PLAGUE vs. HELL MONKEY [/B]in the PWMAX Elite Championship Tournament Semi Finals If I’d known I was going to get to see a match this good, at a new promotions show, I would have told my friends and bought more tickets. Apparently this match will be free on the internet at PWMAX’s new website, so I’ll definitely be watching this again. I’m a happy man when this type of match is available to watch for free. Hell Monkey was clearly chosen as the fans favourite at this event, and they were on their feet, just like I was for the entrance of Hell Monkey. What followed was a match that would clearly challenge the rest of the roster to step up. It really is a shame that BHOTWG signed Hell Monkey, because this two could have had a great feud. We got treated to a intense early two minutes of back and forth action at the beginning, both men determined to get the early advantage. However Hell Monkey simply out brawled Plague after the first two minutes, making me wonder what a match between Hell Monkey and Frankie Perez would have been like to watch. An early Hell Monkey Clothesline had the crowd on their feet for an early victory, but Plague managed to kick out. Hell Monkey then went for his Tumbling Monkey, but Plague woke up, flipping to his feet and jumping up to the tope rope. An exchange up their saw Hell Monkey send Plague back down to the mat, but Plague landed on his feet and as Hell Monkey jumped, Plague met him with a kick to the gut and grabbed his head in a DDT position and used the turnbuckle to perform a Tornado DDT for a close two. When Hell Monkey got back to his feet, he was met with a dropkick to the outside, and then Plague hit a Nuclear Warhead Plancha which got the crowd on their feat, chanting “PWMAX!” as the two recovered on the outside. Plague got up first and sent Hell Monkey back in, but when Plague rolled in, he got hit with a Hell Fire Kick, as the crowd chanted the count with the ref, only to get shocked when Plague kicked out. “This ****’s Awesome” followed as Hell Monkey looked just as shocked as he picked up Plague. Hell Monkey hit a chop, but Plague just took it, staring straight back at Hell Monkey. He went for it again, and it had no effect as Plague just stared at Hell Monkey. The third chop was stopped as Plague caught Hell Monkey’s arm, took Hell Monkey’s arm behind his back and throwing Hell Monkey into the rope, hitting a knee to the back of Hell Monkey and then hitting a Reverse DDT Neckbreaker, before hitting his New Jersey Turnpike and picking up the victory. [B]Winner:[/B] Plague at 9:32 [B]Rating:[/B] C+[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]WANDA FISH vs. DEVIL KARUBE vs. SARA MARIE YORK vs. JOANNE RODRIGUEZ[/B] The announcer told us that next we would get to experience the elite of Women’s Wrestling next, as we’d see a four way match up next. All four girls came out, DEVIL dressed as a serious kick ass fighter, with the other three wearing normal ring attire. And what followed was every bit as good as the match that it was following, much to the surprise of the fans in attendance, including myself. I’ll admit to not being a follower of AAA, but I might have to check it out after seeing this match, and maybe get some tapes of 5SSW. We got non-stop action, as all the girls took it in turns to dominate and then rest on the outer parts of the ring, as all the girls hit big moves and got close pinfalls after each other. However after DEVIL Karube had a string of good and quick offence and took out Sara Marie York with a DEVIL Drop, Wanda Fish drop kicked her out the ring and took a weak Joanne Rodriguez and hit her with the Dish Of The Day, and picked up the victory. I just wish they could have given the girls longer. [B]Winner:[/B] Wanda Fish at 4:31 [B]Rating:[/B] C+[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]FRANKIE PEREZ vs. PLAGUE[/B] in the PWMAX Elite Championship Tournament Semi Finals I can’t help but feel that if Hell Monkey hadn’t signed a contract with BHOTWG, that Hell Monkey would have found himself in the main event, but there was no way I could really complain about this match, well not until I saw it. Unfortunately this was the worst match on the card along with the Tag Team Match. It might have been because they were tired, but it sent the fans home on a lower note than they would have gone home with, as the whole audience expected more from the two. And this was the only match that really got given a lot of time. Maybe on another night it will click, but it didn’t tonight. That being said, it was still a good match, which saw back and forth action for almost 30 minutes, all though they started of slow, deliberately. However by the end of the match, they were hitting big move after big move, but the move of the night, The New Jersey Turnpike, would pick up the victory and give Plague the PWMAX Elite Title. [B]Winner:[/B] Plague at 30:05 [B]Rating:[/B] D+[/QUOTE] [B][CENTER]Show Rating: D+[/CENTER][/B]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]PWMAX BIG SHOW LOSES ALMOST $10,000[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE]The big talking point in independent wrestling in the South West area, is the new promotion PWMAX. Pro Wrestling MAX launched yesterday in front of a rather big crowd of three hundred people, and put on a card that rivals some of the big promotions cards, like USPW for quality, match wise being clearly superior with it’s first show, but the overness of their roster hurting the quality slightly. However they clearly got people’s attention, with a surprising peak of interest from the North West region of United States, discovered by PWMAX taking the address of people who download their show. However, the cost of getting the talent to put on such a good card has been big, perhaps bigger than a start up like PWMAX can afford. With stars like Hell Monkey, Plague, Steven Parker and Frankie Perez all staring in the show, the wage’s that had to be paid out, meant that despite ticket sales of $1,500, the fact that the show production cost $1,700 meant that the wages came directly out of the PWMAX finances. Not knowing if it is simply Arson Well’s money or if he’s being backed by a financial partner, $10,000 may be too much to put on one show. That being said, PWMAX doesn’t plan to do two hour shows every month, with PWMAX Standing Tall being a one hour show in the first Sunday of February. The card for that show is as follows. [CENTER][B]PWMAX World Tag Team Title Match[/B] DeAngelo & Steven Parker vs. Furious Intent [B]Singles Match[/B] Ryan Hughes vs. Marc Speed [B]PWMAX Elite Title Match[/B] Plague vs. Frankie Perez[/CENTER][/QUOTE] Predictions Welcome!
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[QUOTE=MrThing;187173]Sounds like this might turn out to be a good fed. I usually use the PW:MAX name and logo when starting my own fed as well, but I usually base it out of the Tri-State area.[/QUOTE] Well I just left them in the home area that they are in, in the New Promotions part of the Database and gave them the same stats apart from changing their product slightly. And I hired workers based on the product, but thanks for the props on my workers. They appreciate it too :D
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]DHARMA GREGG & DEANGELO BUST UP![/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Rumours are going around that the first PWMAX show, saw a bust up straight away between two workers, one of which being the Head Booker of the Company, DeAngelo. DeAngelo basically asked everyone that had been hired to a contract for PWMAX to show up for the first show, as almost everyone would be used, and that he and Arson Wells wished to talk to the workers about the direction of the company, and for them to get to know each other. Everyone turned up on time apart from one person, that being Dharma Gregg. DeAngelo and Arson Wells reportedly took Dharma aside when she turned up just ten minutes before her scheduled Dark Match and after the roster meeting, too simply ask her why she was late. Apparently the two head honcho’s of PWMAX, have a policy of warn, fine, suspend with their roster, unless a good reason is given for being late. Dharma’s excuse was that she had ruined her ring attire during a BSC show and needed to get a new ring attire, which caused her to be late. DeAngelo pointed out that BSC’s show was over two weeks ago, last year, and that she had plenty of time to get a ring attire before then, or even ask for them to get it. Dharma came back with, she forgot cause of the Christmas period in a manner than clearly pressed a wrong button with DeAngelo. DeAngelo immediately reacted by giving Dharma a stern warning, which Dharma seemingly brushed off as if she didn’t care. This just annoyed DeAngelo more, who told Dharma that she was lucky to be here, seeing as she didn’t have as much wrestling talent in her whole body, than anyone else on the roster has in their little finger, and that this was her opportunity to learn and be more than a piece of eye candy in a disgrace of a wrestling promotion. Dharma took the onslaught of verbal anger before walking away, but was reportedly bad mouthing DeAngelo backstage for the rest of the night, saying a rookie who lucked into a head bookers job, shouldn’t talk to her like that, and that she had been in the business, in front of actual crowds long before he had been. This is partially true, as DeAngelo has only just finished his wrestling training, which he did take two years to do. So if you don’t count training as being in the business, then Dharma has been a figure in wrestling for longer. All though I doubt she could match the match that DeAngelo put on last night. However, Arson Wells, who defused the situation backstage, is seemingly high on Dharma Gregg’s look and charisma, and wants to see if Dharma can be trained into a good worker. So her job maybe safe, even if the head booker doesn’t like her.[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]BHOTWG keen on PWMAX Talent[/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE]After one very good show for a start up company, BHOTWG has seemingly taken notice of the performance of certain PWMAX stars. Having already taken Hell Monkey and signing him to a written contract, rumors are that another PWMAX talent could be leaving for the world of Burning Hammer. All though it was far from the match of the night, SUKI has impressed BHOTWG officials and they have made an approach for the star. With INSPIRE and PGHW having working agreements with PWMAX, BHOTWG may also be responsible for the loss of Jason Casey soon, as they are the only Japanese company that can offer the MMA Technician a written contract.[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/PWMAX/pwmaxstandingtall.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] There was a notable decrease in the buzz surround this event, as the arena wasn’t packed to it’s 300 attendance, only getting 285, and there wasn’t anyone outside that didn’t get in. Either way I was happy to be here again if the matches are as good as last week. All though the main event worried me, as Frankie vs. Plague last month was overshadowed by the rest of the card. A “We Want Monkey” chant broke out before the show even started. The kick off to the show saw Arson Wells in the ring, and Steven Parker came out, dressed smartly, his nose stuck up. The crowd booed him for his actions last month as he got into the ring and stood next to Arson Wells, a smug look on his face. “Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to PWMAX Standing Tall, where we will see the main event of Plague vs. Frankie Perez for the PWMAX Elite Championship. And standing next to me is the man that lost to Frankie Perez in the Semi-Finals of the PWMAX Elite Championship Tournament last month. But the reason we have Steven Parker out here, is for his actions at the end of that match, last month. What the fans want to know, is why did you spit in the face of Frankie Perez, after he beat you fairly in a good match up?” Steven Parker took the microphone from Arson Wells, which immediately got boos from the crowd as Steven Parker’s grin didn’t leave his face. “Why did I spit in the face of Frankie Perez? Why did I turn down his offer of a handshake? Well there’s a very simple reason, and that reason is because I’m The Future. I’m Steven Parker. And I’m not here to make friends or earn someone like Frankie Perez’s respect. I’m here to be above the CZCW spot monkeys. I was hand picked by Rip Chord to be the Future of Wrestling, and you can’t be the Future without having a killer instinct. You may have got one up on me Frankie, but if you think I’m not coming for that PWMAX Title, you’ve got another thing coming.” The crowd responded well enough to the interview, with a few anxious to just see some wrestling. [B]Rating:[/B] D [QUOTE][B]DEANGELO & STEVEN PARKER vs. FURIOUS INTENT [/B]for the PWMAX World Tag Team Titles Steven Parker was joined by the man that thinks he’s immortal, DeAngelo, as they waited for the Tag Team Champions. The tag team champions then came out, with the tag team gold hooked into their tights and hanging between their legs. They both actually did a good job of getting the crowd on their side during their entrance. They even joked around when the referee tried to explain the rules to them. When the referee described some of the moves that weren’t allowed, Mike and Nathan looked offended that they would do such a thing, but then Mike Furious immediately stamped on the foot of Steven Parker and then poked him in the eye, which got him a telling off from the referee and just angered of Steven Parker. That turned out to be a good idea, as Steven Parker angry, was a bit too much for Mike Furious to handle and for Nathan to handle when he managed to get the tag in. Brawling and Mat Wrestling, put Steven Parker clearly in the drivers seat. However when he hit the ropes, DeAngelo hit a blind tag and came in, knocking Nathan Furious’s head off with a stiff lariat and getting a two count. While Steven didn’t look happy, their team still looked in control at that point, all though Steven Parker was clearly on a roll and it might have been best to keep him in. But the experience in tag team action clearly went to the Furious Brothers, as they just seemed to know exactly what to do and what the other was going to do. Nathan managed to Drop toe Hold DeAngelo over the middle rope, where DeAngelo would then got his block knocked off by Mike Furious with a boot to the side of the face. From there, Furious Intent took control, working over DeAngelo, Mike looking especially good. When it all got out of control, with everyone in the ring, it was the better team work that saw Furious Intent through, as they hit the Ferocity on DeAngelo to pick up the win, despite Steven Parker being the legal man. [B]Winner:[/B] Furious Intent at 11:42 [B]Rating:[/B] D[/QUOTE] The video screen thingy comes to life, showing a camera man following Ryan Hughes and Katie Cameron going to a bar in the South West Area. A few fans clearly recognized the pair, and I saw some of the fans faces in the segment, watching, meaning they probably filmed this before tonight and some locals happened to hear about it. “So, what’s your poison?” Katie looked behind the bar, not knowing what to choose, so Ryan jumped in and ordered a JD on the rocks for himself and a Malibu and Coke for Katie, which Katie seemed to like the sound of. “So you don’t go out drinking often?” “Not really, I generally stick to soft drinks to be honest.” “Well not tonight, after a great show like we just had, we need to let her hair down. But don’t worry, I’ll look after ya.” The camera then faded to a shot of the clock, presumably later at night, as it showed the clock at 11pm. They went over to a table were Katie Cameron was talking away, an empty glass in front of her. “You know what I hate about wrestling…………………..the fact that most you guys think that us women are just their for your entertainment…………………..like we are just ear candy.” “Trust me, I don’t see you as ear candy. Not at all!” The sarcastic tone in Ryan’s voice was clear, to everyone but Katie. “I mean, do you really think that if you buy us a few drinks, or flecks your muscles, that we’re just going to sleep with you?” “I’m not even that big, and to be honest, I only got the first round.” “That’s because I’m a modern woman, and if…………..if I want to buy a guy a drink……….then I will!” Ryan nodded his head as he looked to the clock and then back to Katie. “Perhaps we should go home Katie! It’s getting a bit late. Let me walk you back to the hotel.” “Thank you, can you pass my coat.” Ryan passed her coat to her, as she put it on and searched her pockets. “I think I’ve lost my card key.” “Really, you sure it’s not in another pocket!” Katie checked her pockets again and shook her head in a childish type of manner. “And I can’t get another key, the reception might be empty at this time of night.” “Well how about you stay at my place tonight, I’ll take the floor.” “Oh, I couldn’t do that.” “I’ve slept on floors before, that’s what wrestlers do.” “How big is your bed, we could share it?” Ryan gave her a cheeky smile as he put his arm around Katie’s shoulders as the video stopped. [B]Rating:[/B] D- [QUOTE][B]RYAN HUGHES vs. MARC SPEED[/B] Ryan Hughes came out to a “You Screwed Katie” chant, as Ryan laughed it off, slapping hands on his way down to the ring, getting the crowd pumped up. A big contrast to Marc Speed, who came out with shades and tights with a money pattern on them! He hardly acknowledged the fans as he stepped into the ring. What followed was match of the night, as we got a great display of mat wrestling, as the two traded hold for hold, and reversal for reversal. Marc was clearly surprised that Ryan was this good at Mat Wrestling, as he probably expected that Ryan was a simple high flier after seeing his match with Plague. However later on in the match, when Ryan did get the chance to fly, he used it to his advantage, taking control of the match, and only slipping up when he went for a Sky Twister Press, and Marc Speed managed to roll out of the way. Marc Speed quickly went for a STF, but Ryan luckily managed to get to the ropes. Marc Speed looked to put the match away, but out of nowhere, Ryan locked in a Front Choke Sleeper, causing Marc Speed to pass out. [B]Winner: [/B]Ryan Hughes at 12:12 [B]Rating:[/B] C+[/QUOTE] The video screen shows Katie Cameron, which immediately gets a “You Screwed Ryan” chant, which Katie seemed embarrassed to hear from the back but tried to continue with her job. “I’m here with Frankie Perez, who last month only just lost out to Plague for the PWMAX Elite Title. Tonight he gets a second chance as he goes one on one with Plague. Having lost once, do you feel that tonight will see a different result than at PWMAX Where It All Begins?” Frankie turned to look at Katie. “Well if I said no, then I wouldn’t be very confident in my skills, would I? I’ve trained for years, trying to become one of the best workers in this country. I hit harder, I fly and can wrestle with the best of them. I’ve prided myself on being one of the top talents in independent wrestling, so no matter who I face, I feel like I can win. Last month, Plague was the better man. But that doesn’t mean he’s the better wrestler and that doesn’t mean he can do it again tonight.” Frankie Perez walked off scene as the video screen switched off. [B]Rating:[/B] D Jason Casey came out, with his long black coat and black hat, as a few fans cheered him, based purely on his performance last month. He got into the ring and picked up a microphone. “If you didn’t learn my name last month, it’s Jason Casey, former MMA World Champion and Technically the best wrestler here in PWMAX. And we all know how they like people like me over the Pacific. You may all know that Hell Monkey and then SUKI both left PWMAX for Written contracts with Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods. However, I’m out here right now to tell you all, that even though BHOTWG have shown an interest in me, that I am going nowhere. I came to PWMAX to make my name in the American Wrestling Industry, and I always finish what I start. And I plan to be your PWMAX Elite Champion some day, and I plan to make the transition to Wrestling as successful as my MMA career. So get used to this face, because soon everyone will be talking about Jason Casey.” [B]Rating:[/B] E+ [QUOTE][B]PLAGUE vs. FRANKIE PEREZ[/B] for the PWMAX Elite Championship This match was a lot better than their previous encounter, as the two seemed to gel just a bit better and have the fans behind them during all the action. The match was back and forth till Plague started to take control, but Frankie Perez refused to lay down. Plague could be seen to be getting frustrated from the 12 minute mark. By the 16 minute mark, and after a Cradle Piledriver and his New Jersey Turnpike, Plague was clearly seen to be getting frustrated. Plague went for another New Jersey Turnpike, but Frankie moved out the way and seemingly came to life, screaming out to the crowd. Stiff kicks like only Frankie delivers in the US, and big moves started to be hit on Plague, as Frankie came close three or four times to victory. A P-Clutch unfortunately couldn’t get Plague to submit, and Frankie decided to go for his Perfect Parity, but that was when the match would be ruined by Steven Parker. Steven Parker ran down to the ring and slid in, hitting Frankie Perez with a Future Shock. The referee called for the bell and Frankie Perez won by DQ. But Steven Parker wasn’t done, as he picked up Frankie and hit him with the Perfect Parity, before standing over Frankie Perez. [B]Winner:[/B] Frankie Perez by DQ in 22:26 [B]Rating:[/B] C [/QUOTE] [B][CENTER]Show Rating – C[/CENTER][/B]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]PWMAX Presents[/SIZE] [SIZE="6"]EXIT WOUND![/SIZE] [SIZE="2"]At the Hollywood-Los Feliz JCC Arena[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Once again, PWMAX failed to sell out the Hollywood-Los Feliz JCC arena, but the 285 that did show up, made up for it with their enthusiasm for the show. After all, it’s not like you used to be able to see matches that were as good as DAVE, TCW and SWF matches, for a very cheap price, once a month. The card that I had heard about, apparently had Plague facing a mystery challenger and Steven Parker vs. Frankie Perez to see who the number one contender for the title was. Speaking of Steven Parker, the cheap video screen came to life and showed Katie Cameron standing by Steven Parker. The fans immediately started to boo Steven Parker for ruining last months main event, as Steven Parker stood their looking as innocent as he possibly could, which wasn’t that innocent but nevermind. Katie asked him the obvious question, too which I guess Steven Parker gave the obvious to. “I attacked Frankie Perez for one simple reason. I came here to be the top of the food chain. Frankie Perez is in my way, and if your in my way, then I’m going to do everything I can to get you out of my way. I’m gunning for Plague, and I can tell that until Frankie Perez is disposed of, I’m not going to get the shot I deserve and the opportunity to make the Future, the present, will not come my way. So Frankie, tonight I will remove one of the two obstacles in my way. Then Plague, I’m coming for you and your title.” [B]Rating:[/B] D- [QUOTE][B]DEVIL KARUBE vs. SARA MARIE YORK vs. LIONESS MUSHASHIBO vs. UMEKO HOTTA vs. JOANNE RODRIGUEZ vs. WANDA FISH [/B]for the PWMAX Women’s Title. This was around ten minutes of hard hitting, fast paced women’s action at it’s best. All of the competitors are clearly talented, I just wonder if USPW were watching. They’d have better main events with any of these divas replacing certain people. Wanda Fish, Joanne Rodriguez and DEVIL Karube came across strongest in this match, with lots of close pinfalls, but it was DEVIL Karube who would pick up the win, first by hitting Wanda with some brass knuckles outside of the ring, out of the referee’s view, and then sliding into the ring to hit Umeko Hotta with the DEVIL Drop for the victory and to be crowned the first PWMAX Women’s Champion. [B]Winner:[/B] DEVIL Karube [B]Rating:[/B] C-[/QUOTE] The cameras go backstage were Adam Matravers is being interview. He basically hypes himself up as the best thing to come out of Britain, and that he was sure he’d be making his impact really soon in PWMAX. [B]Rating:[/B] E [QUOTE][B]FRANKIE PEREZ vs. STEVEN PARKER[/B] With a title shot on the line, these two went for it straight from the beginning, throwing caution to the wind. That seemed to favour Frankie though, as he soon got the upper hand in the match and star reigning down blows on Steven Parker, to his credit though, Steven was doing a good job of decrease the damage these blows did with his blocking and covering up. Frankie got a close two though when Steven went to hit the ropes, Frankie ran to the same ropes to, jumped past Steven to springboard of the ropes and kicked Steven in the back of the head. The crowd were now firmly behind Frankie, so when Steven Parker finally did manage to get some control, the fans hated it. However he didn’t keep it for long as Frankie soon was back in control, just to have Marc Speed run out after a referee knockdown and take Frankie out with a chair. All though Frankie continued to fight when the referee got back up, the shot had clearly done it’s damage, and Steven Parker won with a Future Shock at around 18 minutes for the victory. [B]Winner:[/B] Steven Parker [B]Rating:[/B] C-[/QUOTE] Steven Parker and Marc Speed started to attack Frankie Perez, as Steven Parker went for another future shock. Before Steven Parker can hit it though, out run’s Ryan Hughes who manages to clear the ring of the two of them, hitting Marc Speed with a Hellfire Kick in the process before checking on Frankie Perez. [B]Rating:[/B] E [QUOTE][B]FUMIHIRO OTA vs. PLAGUE [/B]for the PWMAX Elite Championship The fans were surprised when Fumihro Ota walked out to the ring, ready to face, but surprisingly the fans chose Plague in this match as the one that they would cheer. I was expecting a great match from these two, but PWMAX fell victim to the same thing that affected the last two shows, and that’s having a midcard match that out does the main event. However this was still a great match for a small promotion. Fumihiro started off strongest, perhaps because he knew exactly who he was facing, but Plague soon came back into the match. Both did some crazy dives from the ring to the outside early on, but Plague would top that with a dive from the ring, into the crowd to hit Fumihiro. Once back in the ring, Fumihiro took control, as he seemed more comfortable on the mat than Plague did, as Fumihiro started to out wrestle him. He began to wear him down, going for regular pins, but then Plague came back to life. By the 18 minute mark, Plague was setting him up and then hitting the New Jersey Turnpike to make defence number 2 of his PWMAX Elite Title. [B]Winner:[/B] Plague [B]Rating:[/B] D+[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Overall Show Rating – D+[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]PWMAX DEAD OR ALIVE CARD for 1st Sunday of April[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]Wanda Fish vs. DEVIL KARUBE[/B] PWMAX Women's Title Match DEVIL KARUBE became the first women's champion in PWMAX history with her victory at Exit Wound, but there were a lot of divas that she did not pin in that match, all of which want a rematch with the new champion. The PWMAX board belived Wanda Fish had the best claim to a rematch however, as tapes showed that DEVIL Karube used an illegal weapon to take Wanda out of the match. So Wanda Fish will get her oppertunity at redemption at Dead or Alive. [B]Steven Parker & Marc Speed vs. Frankie Perez & Ryan Hughes[/B] Frankie Perez only just lost out on becoming champion at PWMAX: Where it All Begins and lost his second chance because Steven Parker interefered. Frankie Perez seems to be plagued by interference, as in his match against Parker to see who would be the next contender to Plague's title, Marc Speed came out and cost Frankie the match, meaning Steven Parker has a title shot at Plague coming up. Parker and Speed planned to do more damage but Ryan Hughes came to make the save for Frankie, setting up this tag team match. [B]Plague vs. Jason Casey[/B] PWMAX Elite Championship Match Maybe it's because he declared his loyalty to PWMAX, maybe it's to keep the champion ready for all contenders, or maybe it's for a different reason. However the PWMAX board have given Jason Casey a title shot at Dead or Alive, with consent from Steven Parker, while he has his tag match.[/CENTER][/QUOTE] Predictions Welcome
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