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Can't stop WWE from plummeting to Cult status.

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I've been trying to tweak my own version of a TEW2007 real-life roster (not a great one by any stretch, just imported from TEW2005), and the main problem I've noticed is that in all my simulations, the WWE constantly suffers bad show after bad show until they plummet to Cult status. I think it might be the Product but I'm not entirely sure. Anyone done simulations of their own that could help me reversing this?
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It's actually very hard for a promotion like the WWE, with a lot of good workers, and a lot of bad workers, to maintain it's size. In testing my 2001 scenario, you can run A shows as the WWF or WCW, but the AI barely ever cracks B. It might be the product, but I don't think that has much of an impact on the quality of shows the AI books.
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