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BBPF suggestions

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Yes!!!:D OK...now that I'm thru with that, here's my suggestions. 1) Ability to customize the League Structure. Many reasons for this, but historical replays & future League expansion are the 2 main reasons I see. I also think it would be interesting to add an element of being "run outta town" from the franchise's poor performance over a sustained long period of time. Thus forcing you to move your franchise due to the city no longer believing in you as an owner(more on that stuff in item 3). 2) Moddable Player database support, with the ability to import databases to a new league. This is mainly to allow for a "Lahman-type" database which modders can create to import into BBPF, and also allow the previous years of stats to display & accumulate in the "Player Card" after League Creation. i.e. I import a custom db of NFL players in 2002, Player stats up to 2002 are in the "Player Cards". 3) I'd like to see the main 3 "roles" (Owner, GM, Coach) have more unique strategies, personalities, & "styles" which dictate how they approach their respective positions. TPF was good at capturing coach styles, and I think it could be expanded in the following ways: a) Owner, GM, & Coach are 3 independant personalities with different "styles" of what they consider "the road to success". That said...each should have their own "Profile". b) When I begin a game (in the interest of not alienating fans who dont like the RPG elements, which I'm not overly into either), I can select to play as all 3, 2, or 1 "roles" for a franchise...or change roles at some point in the future. c) Each of these roles should have independant "profiles" which dictate how any tasks I choose not to do myself are handled. ex. If I dont feel like setting ticket prices (or what have you), my Owner Profile takes over...rather than using a hard-numbers crunching AI to determine the best result of the given problem. IRL...if everybody did this, nobody would make bad decisions. So setting my Profile strategies would be key..and have repercussions. d) If I only choose to play in GM mode, for instance, I am subject to the Owner's "style" or expectations in general, which should include some level of friction between me & the Head Coach I hire/fire. I guess you can kinda see where I'm going with this...so if you need any more input, or are interested in this let me know & I'll keep going. But IMO, a) & b) are the real foundation for c), d), & the many more I could write out in regards to coaches, GM's, & owners being real factors in the game. I'll probably have many, many, more...but there's a few that I had time for at the moment. Steve
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OK...got 1 more.:) 4) I'd like to see BBPF capture the real advantages & characteristics of players. Examples: a) Girth- for lack of a better term, maybe "Size to Ratings" translation is a better way to word it...but I'd like to see this matter more. If I have a guy who is 6'1'' 365lbs. I expect this guy to be a very difficult player to run against if he is in the game, but due to his enormous girth he would most likely have a low endurance or stamina & not be capable of playing as often as a more "optimal" sized player. So perhaps having an "optimal" range of Ht/Wt for each position, then having minimums/maximums for certain ratings of players out of that range would be a reasonable way to model this. b) I'd expect a 6'6'' 185lb. WR to be a little frail, not be inclined to go over the middle, but maybe have an exceptional ability to grab a jumpball...so again...this player falls outside of the normal range of "optimal", so highlight his characteristics (both plus & minus) accordingly.
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future expansion... I agree with the suggestions about being able to expand your league structure and teams involved in the pro game. Considering the game will come with "fictional players" and to start with "fictional teams", it could be really neat to start your Pro league with 16 teams and use ex-college players from your past 4 years in BBCF to fill in the players on the 16 teams. Then keep using the off-season draft to add more players and eventually you'll need more teams. If you're able to add expansion teams, this could get really fun!!!
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5) Stadium effects. a) Type & Location...Based on the type(dome, open, grass, turf, etc.) & location (city) of the stadium, I'd like to see some impact from the weather. Even just a subtle & basic impact(i.e. Hot/humid areas in Sept. cause player fatigue quicker, rainy Seattle-weather games increase fumbles & incomplete passes, dome/turf games give advantages to quicker players/vise versa for "bad weather" games, Kick distances in Denver travel further, etc.). I dont recall if this had any effect in TPF, but I'd like to see it in BBPF, as it adds yet another reason to build to your team's strengths, and that should include your stadium/weather effects. Also couple this with the Owner/GM/Coach model in my first post, and this makes some nice triggers to use for an owner being upset with his GM for 'building the wrong style team' for his stadium...etc. b) Stadium Upgrades...Games like Madden allow you to purchase 'upgrades' like Kiosks & Jumbotrons to your stadium, but I find this to be silly. This is the 'Big Leagues'...of course your stadium should have these things. I'd rather see 'upgrades' be things like paying for new grass/turf every few years(to help reduce injuries for both teams playing in your stadium), adding/condensing seats to fit more fans (condensing too much will affect your fans enjoyment), and probably a few other things I havent thought of yet. I'd just like to see more functional upgrades, if things like this will be put into BBPF. c) Crowd Effect...I'd like to see some sort of algorthm for crowd effect added as well. I'd imagine quite a few variables to determining a modifier to be applied (if any), but I'd think a few of the obvious variables would be attendance, indoor/outdoor, current fan support/enthusiasm, game magnitude (opponent would be a subset of this), & perhaps a cumulative effect for as long as the team is undefeated at home. Thats what I have for now again...hopefully it's helpful to use or stir up another idea.
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