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Through the Looking Glass (DOTT Watcher's Journal)

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[b]October 1983[/b] [i]Week 1[/i] - In honor of the recent discussion of this in the DOTT thread....Ted and Victor are now active! - Referee, Mickie Henson, joins the wrestling world - Ricky Steamboat is out of action with a Major Concussion 15 months. *Sniffle* - Porkchop Cash wins the AWA International title for the first time after a strong run with the belt by Steve Keirn. - MSW crowned a new TV champ as Bill Irwin defeated Butch Reed. - I don't know what it is about this week and title changes, but Randy Rose just beat Norvell Austin for the Alabama Heavyweight title. - Seeing Kamala, Terry Gordy, and Ivan Putski on the American Indy show makes me want click the start new promotion button. [i]Week 2[/i] - More titles change hands as Bob Roop once again wins the Bahamas title from Bobby Duncam and Kelly Kinski wins the Mid-Atlantic heavyweight title from Black Bart. - The amazing Jerry Blackwell dropkicked his way to a new contract with the AWA. - Major relationship news; Billy Graham and The Grand Wizard aren't friends anymore. :( - In a major upset, midcarder, Tito Santana, defeated a newly heel and main eventer, Hulk Hogan to become the newest Intercontential Champion! - Talented jobber, S.D. Jones leaves the WWF. - Looks like Tito was only a transitional champion because he just lost his IC title to Ray Stevens. What is it with the IC title going on main eventers? - The game gave me a good laugh with the article, "Terry Orndorff Rising!" [i]Week 3[/i] - Gino Hernandez is your champion!....or at least half of your tag champions. He won the GCW Tag titles with Scott Irwin after besting the team of Rich & Sawyer. - Greg Gagne haters rejoice! Verne's baby boy and his partner Jim Brunzell just lost the tag titles to the team of Schulta and Patera. - Another huge blow for the WWF. Sika, one half of the tag champions, is out for a year with a Concussion. - AJPW joins the big boys and makes the jump to Cult. - The UWA cuts a ton of its roster, including Jay Youngblood. - It looks like the WWF has found a "replacement" for Steamboat's roster spot as they just signed Austin Idol. [i]Week 4[/i] - On the same day, Billy Jack Haynes signs with the WWF, MACW re-resigns Dizzy Ed Hogan. BAD MACW! BAD! - After one of the best AI title runs I've ever seen Greg Valentine's run has ended to Dusty freaking Rhodes. I thought that only happens when he actually booking the shows... - After a week of waiting, your new WWF tag champion are.....the Invaders! Don't cheer though, they are heels. - It seems that titles only change in pairs of late and this week is no execption. MSW changed their Tag titles as well when The JYD and Mr. Wrestling II took the straps from DiBiase and Mr. Olympia. - Cheers around for vanilla faces! Rick Martel wins the AWA TV title from David Schultz! - The reign of Porkchop was thankfully cut short when Stan Lane pinned him for the ASA International title. - Drugs take another life in the world of wrestling. This time it's Jimmy Valiant. [center]In this edition of the youtube promo we have.....well I can't tell you. You'll have to see this one for yourself. Just rust me that it's good, real good. [/center]
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[QUOTE=foolinc;195404][b]Auguest 1983[/b] [i]Week 1[/i] - My hatred for CWF continues as Bobby Duncam only gets one defense of his Bahamas title before giving it back to Bob Roop. - Seniors rejoice! Bullet Bob Armstrong at the ripe age of 43 has defeated the 43 year old Iron Shielk for the GCW National title. - Guess which owner's son has a shiny new belt? If you guessed Greg Gagne you'd be right. Thankfully, he's half of the tag champs with Brunzell and not the World champ. - The AWA is just getting better and better as Manny Fernandez and Les Thronton both join the Cult promotion. Plus the company also got another TV slot. - Greg "The Hammer" Valentine contunies to deliver as the NWA World champion, constantly putting on "B" matches, including a B+ match against former champion, Ric Flair. - Because one Von Erich with a title is never enough, Kevin Von Erich is once again the WCCW American Heavyweight champion, taking the title from The Great Kabuki. [i]Week 2[/i] - The Junkyard/Kalama fued rages on as The JYD took back his North American Heavyweight Championship from the Ugandan Giant on Mid-South Wrestling. - Work Rate fans rejoince as Nick Bockwinkel re-signs with the AWA. [i]Week 3[/i] - Fellow Poles weep for the releasing of Ivan Putski. - The Invaders defeated the "unstoppable" Wild Somaons for the WWF tag titles. - The surprisingly good TV title reign of Greg Gange has come toa close as David Schultz becomes the new champ. - Dutch Mantell becomes the newest Mid-America Heavyweight champion after besting NY Assassin #2. - Macw it's the only promotion with an awesome fued, the WWF has stepped up it's "World" title scene with the brilliant Masked Superstar/Steamboat fued. [i]Week 4[/i] - GCW ran its second ever Cadiliac Cup with the winner being none other than the Living Legend himself, Larry Zbysko. [code] [b]IWGP League 1983[/b] RW Animal \ Pez Whatley / RW Animal \ The Spoiler \ } The Spoiler \ Sammartino Jr/ The Spoiler / \ Larry Zbysko \ } Larry Zbysko Brett Wayne / Larry Zbysko\ / Tommy Rich \ } Larry Zbysko/ Ronnie Garvin/ Tommy Rich / [/code] - The WWF decides to turn Slaughter face, and gets a "B+" WWF Heavyweigt match with champion, Masked Superstar, for their troubles. - We have our first company to go over, please bow your head for the WWA. - Dick Brower announces his retirement. [center]Now for the newest part of Through the Looking Glass, the random youtube promo! [/center][/QUOTE] How different was Hulk Hogan then! Even the promo was fairly amatuerish. So much kayfabity to all of that.
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[QUOTE=foolinc;195880][b]September 1983[/b] [i]Week 1[/i] - Dick Slater extends his contract with MACW. - In a surpise move, WCCW puts the Texas Heavyweight title on someone not named Von Erich! Say hello to your next transitional champion (till another Von Erich takes it) Buddy Jack Roberts! - And, Buddy Jack Roberts reign lasts all of one day as David bested him for the the Texas Heavyweight title. - It's a good day for lifetime jobbers as Nacho Berrera wins the AWA Light Heavyweight title from Buck Zumhofe. - It looks like Bruiser Brody and Blackjack Mulligan will be leaving CSTATE and CWF respectively. - I'm really not liking this freelancer thing. A C rated match between Mark Lewin and Terry Gordy shouldn't be held in at an Outlaw Wrestling event! [i]Week 2[/i] - The Big 3 is now the Big 4 as GCW finally gets there butt to Cult. - What's with all the short title regins lately? Nacho loses his Light Heavyweight title right back to Buck Zumhole. - Jay Younglood loses his United States title to one of the greatest gimmick wrestlers in the history of wrestling, The Great Kabuki. - Bob Orton and Jake Milliman both re-sign with the MACW and AWA. - The first signing of the new GCW is none other than the handsome halfbreed, Gino Hernandez......who WILL BE YOUR CHAMPION! [i]Week 3[/i] - In a move that shouldn't be a shock to anyone, Dusty Rhodes defeats the leaving Blackjack Mulligan to win the Flordia Heavyweight title. - Mike Rotundo resigns with MACW and Tony Atlas extends his contract with the WWF. - In a move of sheer awesomeness Bob Backlund has been signed by NJPW and wins in his first match, a main event tag with Kido against Teranishi and Yatsu. - In sader news, MSW had an exodus releasing such names as Buddy Landell, Art Crews, Jim Neidhart, and Steve Williams. [i]Week 4[/i] - Bobby Duncam gets another run with the Bahamas title after pinning Bob Roop. - It looks like Butch Reed is going to be working for GCW. All I've got to say, it's about time. - Big day in the world of wrestling. Masked Superstar extended his WWF contract and NJPW rose to Cult. - All hail King Harley Race, the new NWA United National Heavyweight champion! - I've said it before and I'll say it again, Masked Superstar + Ricky Steamboat = $$$ [center]Retro Youtube Promo: Reaction from one of the best heel turns of all time, or why Backlund should have stayed in the WWF and turned heel... [/center][/QUOTE] My god, how funky is that music?!! :p
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