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Battle of the Maritimes - Should it have been a joke?

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[I][COLOR="DarkOrange"]disclaimer: The characters, promotions, pictures etc that you are about to see are real, however the storylines and other more in-depth situations are all fake. Please enjoy.[/COLOR][/I] [center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/BOTMbordered.jpg?t=1170627095[/IMG] Young or old, we all dream of it. If you’re a true wrestling fan, which I’m guessing you are, you either… [I]A,[/I] Want to become a professional wrestler [I]B,[/I] Want to run your own company [I]C,[/I] Do both Ever since I could remember, I used to sit on the floor of my living room, staying up past my bedtime to watch my favorite wrestlers such as Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels go in the ring night after night and put it all on the line. I still remember telling my mom at a super young age that I wanted to be just like them. Well, considering that I’ve got a one-track mind, I stopped at absolutely nothing to fulfill my dream. Currently 18 years old, I had my first professional wrestling match on August 19th, 2006; I was only 17. I got involved with the Dupree family and was quickly trained by both Emil and Jeff [I](father and brother of WWE star Rene Dupree). [/I]Before I even knew it, I was on the summer-time tour around the Maritimes for Grand Prix Wrestling as a full-time referee and every now and then as a wrestler, when needed. I made a lot of friends and gained a lot of experience by traveling day after day. Not too long after the tour ended in September, I received a call to head up to Florida and help a friend of mine with his new promotion. That quickly bombed due to lack of money and organization; however I did meet a few respected workers. Those few included Teddy Hart, Billy Kidman, Johnny Devine and Christian Cage [I](one wrestler who I admired most through-out my teen years).[/I] Although I figured I’d never talk to either one of them again, it was a good idea to keep their numbers. I returned back home to New Brunswick toward the end of February ’07 and figured I’d just go on living my normal life, betting in hockey pools and hoping for either Pittsburgh or Colorado to win the Stanley cup. And if I was lucky, maybe jump back on the GPW tour in April. Actually, that was my plan the whole time… until I received a phone call from my good buddy Kris. I’ve known Kris since grade five; we met through Olympic wrestling at our middle school. The reason I joined the wrestling team was the exact same as his; we both loved professional wrestling and it was the closest thing to it. We became pretty good friends, not the best of, but good nonetheless. Around grade seven or eight we actually got a few guys together, built a ring in the backyard and held our own backyard wrestling shows. After all the tables and thumbtacks, we finally got the brains to get trained professionally. Luckily enough, the Dupree’s only lived about twenty-five minutes from my house, so Kris and I got our money together and got started up. He and I were the first two students at the Duprees wrestling school and basically the last. I was fortunate enough to get a contract; Kris on the other hand received an offer to come back to the school next year. Still talented, Kris decided to move on to another local company by the name of IHW. There he worked as a full-time referee and wrestled the occasional match under a mask. So you guessed it, we kind of lost touch with each other, working for rival companies. Grand Prix Wrestling and Innovative Hybrid Wrestling were the only two serious companies around the Maritimes; GPW being around since 1957 and IHW recently opening in 2005. So this phone call from Kris was anything but normal. We talked for over an hour, mostly catching up on the wrestling bit. But there was one statement in particular which almost ended up with the phone on the floor; [I]“Remember when we used to run backyard and dream about being actual promoters? … Well, I’ve got an opportunity for the both of us.”[/I] Ironically, it was April fools day [I](the 1st of April)[/I], but this was no joke. Kris had the idea of a lifetime; one which we’ve both been waiting to get.[/center]
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[I][SIZE="1"]April 1st, 2007[/SIZE][/I] [center][COLOR="Red"]Kris:[/COLOR] “Remember when we used to run backyard and dream about being actual promoters? … Well, I’ve got an opportunity for the both of us.” [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Me:[/COLOR] “Man, don’t mess around about this stuff. I know you’re just trying to pull an April fools joke on me.” [COLOR="Red"]Kris:[/COLOR] “Do you actually think I’d pull a joke about something like this? This is going to be our big break; you just have to trust me.” [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Me:[/COLOR] “I’ll believe you, but how do you expect this to actually work? I’m supposed to be going back on tour with Grand Prix in less then a week.” [COLOR="Red"]Kris:[/COLOR] “Well cancel it; tell Emil you can’t go. Trust me Brian, if you reject my offer, I guarantee that you’ll kick yourself in the ass. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Me:[/COLOR] “First off, how much money do you have? You need money Kris; you can’t just expect things to magically work.” [COLOR="Red"]Kris:[/COLOR] “Well, that’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about… If I know you as well as I think I do, I’m sure you have at least some money put away. And from me saving up with IHW, saving up from my work and winning a bit of cash on Proline the other week, I’ve got just about five grand.” [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Me:[/COLOR] “Well, all my money that I’ve gotten from wrestling, I haven’t spent. So I can probably match what you have. But still, a ring costs roughly four thousand anyway, that’s almost half of what we got.” [COLOR="Red"]Kris:[/COLOR] “You speak too soon Brian; I wouldn’t offer to start a promotion if I didn’t even have a ring.” [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Me:[/COLOR] “Where’d you get a ring?” [COLOR="Red"]Kris:[/COLOR] “Just know that I got one.” [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Me:[/COLOR] “Well what’s the deal with you and IHW?” [COLOR="Red"]Kris:[/COLOR] “You’re missing my entire point, man; the soul reason why I want to start a promotion is so we can run those bitches out of business. First they **** me over with my contract, then they cut my pay; we’re going to show them who’s the most dominant promotion in the Maritimes.” With that said, we hung up the phone on good terms, so I hope. A quick thought ran through my head that he may be trying to screw me over, but I shot down that thought quite quickly; he couldn’t do that to me. It was already April, and I know that Kris wants to compete with the locals [I](GPW & IHW). [/I]Considering that GPW starts their 6-month tour in about six days, that meant that I had to make a few phone calls… and fast.[/center]
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[I][SIZE="1"]April 2nd, 2007[/SIZE][/I] [center]Kris and I arranged a meeting around noon in his apartment. We discussed everything from the people we’ve contacted, to the companies that we’ll be competing against. Our meeting was basically split into three sections; company, rivals and workers. We spent about an hour on each topic, taking a couple breaks in between. Here are the major things that we decided on; [U]Company[/U] Kris and I decided to name our promotion RTW; Real Talent Wrestling. This represented true talent and hopefully just the name itself would attract the casual viewer. After a bit of discussion, we agreed that Kris would own 51% of the company, and I would own 49% of it. The deal being that I’d be in-charge of booking. Plus, really, this is to my advantage, seeing if the company fails and we lose tons of money, I won’t be the one stuck with all the bills. It’s a mean way of thinking, I know, but you’d look at it that way too. Basically, Kris had the final word; I guess you could say he ran the control booth. That was fine by me, because I know he works full-time therefore is going to leave most of the decision making up to me. We wanted our promotion to be different from the others; GPW is very traditional and would hardly ever think of performing a top rope move, focusing on the actual wrestling. IHW, on the other hand, is the complete opposite; every wrestler there competes for the high-spots, hardcore chants and big moves. We wanted to fit somewhere in between that, where the occasional wrestler will pull out some big spots yet keep the pace of the match quite quick. [U]Rivals[/U] We’re not focusing on anything other than the Maritimes right now; this is our main goal. The idea of running shows outside of the Maritimes isn’t even being considered because we need to win over our local fans first. The two promotions that we’re going to have to kill are Innovative Hybrid Wrestling, ran by Serge Mann and Grand Prix Wrestling, ran by Emil Dupree. We came up with a few strategies that would hopefully kill them quickly; firstly, stealing some of their talent and using them on our shows. Secondly, signing a couple of cheap, well-known Canadian wrestlers that would attract the crowd. And thirdly, taking down one company at a time. There’s no reason to try and take them both out at once because it probably won’t work; patience is key. This is what our checklist currently looks like: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/Checklist02.jpg?t=1170628039[/IMG] [U]Workers[/U] Taking into account that we’re going to kill one promotion at a time, we decided IHW would be the easiest to take out first. Some may disagree, but Emil knows his stuff. He’s been running for over 50 years; so he definitely has the experience. Looking at our strategies, we figured it’d be best to steal most of the IHW talent and maybe a couple of GPW while we’re at it. Here’s the current April 2nd list of each promotion’s roster. [B]IHW[/B] [I]BT Bobby Mann[/I] – The only reason why this guy is on the roster is because he’s related to the boss and he’s one of the toughest guys you’ll ever meet. He was trained as an MMA fighter but absolutely sucks at professional wrestling. He’s usually placed in hardcore matches to cover up his weaknesses. [I]Chavo Guerrero Sr.[/I] – He was recently signed by IHW less than a week ago. I have no idea what his purpose is, but I’m guessing it has to do with the creative bit. [I]Chris Tough[/I] – He can be considered a midcard I guess, but usually does the job. He’s pretty small, and has a weird motocross dirtbike gimmick. He’s usually the guy to fill in empty spots and put someone over. [I]Jamie Hamilton[/I] – This guy’s got charisma and he knows how to use it. During his debut, the crowd went from ‘who are you?’ chants, to ‘we love you’ chants. He’s a solid midcard in the tag team division with his partner Sexton Phoenix. [I]Johnny Richards[/I] – Has the gimmick of an Olympic wrestler, but he’s a bit more open-minded with everything. He uses dominant suplexes and throws to outsmart his opponent. He was first brought in as a heel but the crowd ended up changing him to a face; it’s weird how guys with Mohawks always seem to get cheered. [I]Joshua Aero[/I] – Goes by the name ‘Mr. Suave’ and just like Hamilton, has tons of charisma. He left IHW for two months and when he came back, the crowd chanted ‘Please don’t go’. He’s used as a solid uppermidcard in IHW, but usually doesn’t challenge for the title. [I]Julien Young[/I] – This is IHW’s go to guy. He’s held both the tag team and IHW championship before and only recently lost the main strap. It’s rare to see this guy wrestling in anything but the main event. [I]Marko Estrada [/I]– Originally from Quebec, Marko is a solid all-round wrestler. He’s in his mid-twenties but started wrestling in his late teens. He puts on one hell of a show each time he steps between the ropes and is absolutely loved by the crowd. [I]Pete Patterson[/I] – IHW referee. [I]Ryan Storm[/I] – Storm works for both IHW and GPW. In IHW, he’s their current champion. He won the title through a tournament in February and hasn’t lost it yet. In GPW, he doubles up as both himself and Spiderman. This guy has some true talent and the crowd clearly sees that. He can pull off the perfect show stealer gimmick as a face or a hilarious heel gimmick where he thinks he weighs 300lbs of muscle. He’s young, but a potential legend in the making. [I]Sexton Phoenix [/I]– There’s not really much to say about this guy except for the fact that he’s the tag partner of Jamie Hamilton. [I]Sidewinder[/I] – He’s only 18 years old and has pretty good wrestling smarts. He needs to learn psychology but that’ll come through experience. He’s got a great physique but the crowd doesn’t really seem to like this guy. The occasional girl thinks he’s good looking, but that’s about it. [I]Titus [/I]– There’s no other way to put it; he holds IHW on his shoulders. He’s definitely the most over in IHW and is definitely the most hated. The crowd eats up everything he does and is basically their main attraction. He’s held both titles before (IHW & Tag Team) and is always finding new ways to make the fans boo him. [I]Tommy Osbourne[/I] – He’s got loads of potential and will probably make it far in his career. He takes body-building very seriously and has the brains to realize what it takes to succeed. He’s used to losing, mostly because he’s good at making his opponent look strong, but soon enough he’s going to be right at the top of the list. [I]Zero[/I] – This guy sucks. Seriously; just look at his name. Yet, for some odd reason (that I’ll never be able to figure out) the crowd loves this guy. He leaves for a few months and when he comes back the fans got so horny over his entrance music it was ridiculous. [B]GPW[/B] [I]Brian Sommers [/I]– He just signed on with GPW this year for managing services. He used to work for ECCW and is well known for his loud mouth. [I]Butcher Vachon [/I]– He’s big, fat, bald and has a serious drinking problem. He portrays the gimmick of a biker, but backstage he’s a handful; showing up to events drunk and causing a lot of ruckus. [I]Chad Dick[/I] – Former WWE Smackdown superstar, Chad may only be around 5’8” but he weighs around 220lbs. And yes, that’s all muscle. He has a bit of an ego but he knows how to work. He can help put matches together and respectively criticize anyone’s performances. [I]Cody Constain[/I] – GPW referee. [I]Don Callis[/I] – Emil just signed him a couple of days ago so I’m really not sure what his role is. However, I do know that he used to work as Cyrus the Virus in ECW. [I]Gary Williams[/I] – This is probably the most respected wrestler in the Maritimes. Gary is quite over and sure knows how to wrestle. He’s one of GPW’s main guys but despite his physique, usually ends up out of breath about five minutes into the match. [I]Jeff Dupree[/I] – The older brother of WWE superstar Rene Dupree and the son of Emil. It’s rare to see this guy lose, considering that his father runs the promotion. Jeff understands his basics and psychology but could improve in a lot of areas. He’s GPW’s main guy and pretty much always has the title. [I]Johnny Kashmere[/I] – He was also just signed a few days ago by GPW. I’m not sure what his role is going to be but my guess is either a main event spot or somewhere on the creative side of things. [I]Krysta Lynn Scott[/I] – She makes rare appearances in IHW but hardly ever. She’s decent to look at and knows how to win a crowd over. [I]Micheal Tolar[/I] – Wrestles under the name Rock Evans in GPW, he also works for OVW. He’s quite young with a great physique and usually competes against Chad Dick. Him and Chad are good friends and usually try to follow each other’s lead. [I]Ryan Storm[/I] – (see above in IHW) [I]Sean O’Haire[/I] – Emil signed this guy yesterday, so I’m guessing it was to replace me. I bet he wants over double the amount of money that I wanted, but he’s a good worker nonetheless. He’ll probably end up working most of the main events with Jeff or making an unstoppable stable with Gary. [I]She Nay Nay[/I] – She usually wrestles Krysta and knows how to work. She’s wrestled a few times at OVW and is very nice in person. [I]The Cuban Assassin[/I] – His father was the Original Cuban and wrestled in GPW back in the day. The current Cuban has studied his father closely and mimics his exact act, hoping to draw a lot of the older fans. [I]The Spoiler[/I] – His original identity is Duke MacIssac; a well known wrestler around the Maritimes. I’m actually not sure why Emil slapped a mask on him, but he plays the part well. [I]Tommy Osbourne[/I] – (see above in IHW) So that’s what I’m competing against. Kris and I went over each and every single worker there was, talked about their negatives and their positives. We ended the meeting on great terms. The next step was to sign the workers, book the arenas and start promoting. We want our shows to start pretty soon, and things are looking good.[/center]
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[SIZE="1"][i]April 3rd, 2007[/i][/SIZE] [center]Kris took the time to contact every wrestler from IHW and GPW while I tried to contact a couple of bigger names. Those names included Teddy Hart, Billy Kidman, Johnny Devine and Christian Cage. We would worry about arenas and promoting tomorrow. The conversation with Teddy Hart went pretty well, but not as well as I hoped for. He agreed to work with us but there was one major problem; money. I guess his ego got the better part of him when he asked for over $800 per show. Kris and I discussed it and decided that if we could get everyone else for cheap, we would sign him. Otherwise, we’d have to say see yah later. When I gave Kidman a call, he wasn’t home. I did, however leave a message on his answering machine for him to contact me, so I’m expecting his call anytime. The talk with Johnny Devine went pretty smooth; I expected him to reject because of his contract with TNA, but he surprisingly agreed… and also agreed to less than half the money that Teddy wanted. The talk with Christian went well, but sadly he had to reject. He told me that his career is far too busy right now and he wouldn’t like the idea of all the traveling. I understood and accepted his decision. So at the end of the day it looked like this: [i]Johnny Devine signed … Teddy Hart as a possibility, but doubtful … Kidman to get back to me … Christian rejected.[/i] Not bad, if you ask me but I really hope Kidman gets back to me soon. Kris’ calls seemed to go over pretty well, from what I can tell, we have a few signings.[/center]
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[I][SIZE="1"]April 4th, 2007[/SIZE][/I] [center]I like to sleep in; not sure about you but I really like it. So, I was a bit pissed off when the phone rang at 9:30am… until I saw the long distance phone number come up on my caller ID. I knew who it was and suddenly, I didn’t really care about sleeping in anymore. It was Billy Kidman; the man who I’ve been waiting to hear from. We talked for about twenty minutes and everything seemed to go fine. He accepted my contract offer with great delight and again, it was for less than half of what Teddy Hart wanted. That was a good thing. After we hung up, well, I tried to sleep in. But honestly, after signing Billy Kidman, do you actually think I’d be able to? I called Kris and told him the good news. He told me that our roster was now complete and we can put that part behind us. He confirmed that our first show would be Thursday, April 12th; just over a week away. That seemed like enough time to book arenas and promote the show, but as you’ll soon see, the attendance wasn’t anywhere near what we expected.[/center]
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[I][SIZE="1"]April 9th, 2007[/SIZE][/I] [center]Grand Prix Wrestling officially started their summer-time tour today and from what I heard, their shows will be every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Innovative Hybrid Wrestling has been promoting their next show on Monday, April 16th as [I]‘IHW Aggravated Assault’[/I]. I’m actually a bit confused however because usually they run shows on Sunday, which would be the smart thing to do seeing as GPW doesn’t run a show on that day. But hey, I’m not in control over there so I’m going to let them do whatever they please. As for RTW, well our show is scheduled to take place in 3 short days. Everything seems to be running like we expected, so we’re hoping for a great turnout…[/center]
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[I][SIZE="1"]April 11th, 2007[/SIZE][/I] [center]It was the day before our first show and just when it seemed like nothing could go wrong… We got hit with a storm. A big one too; one of those hurricanes with a cool name and everything. So as the rain poured, I quickly turned on the TV before the power went out. Trusty channel 2 [I](The weather network)[/I] told me that the storm was expected to carry out for the remainder of the week. So in case you haven’t figured it out yet; that’s not good for our show. The advertisement had already been posted and all the wrestlers were ready to go. Should we have cancelled the show and postponed it? –Probably, but we didn’t. I knew that RTW was in a deep hole, barely expecting any fans to show up for the show, but as some famous guy once said… [I]“The show must go on!” [/I]…and it did, but it probably shouldn’t have. It was a risk, I’ll admit, but I’m all about taking risks. And while we’re speaking of risks, here’s a huge one: I’ve decided to post the card plus a few bonus questions on a couple of message boards. Each time before an RTW show, fans will have the chance to predict. Sounds simple doesn’t it? Well it is, but here’s the catch; I’m going to make a tally of everyone who predicts and, after every third show, the person with the most correct predictions will be contacted via personal message to help with a little bit of booking. An example could be; [I]‘What type of match should Wrestler A and Wrestler B compete in?’[/I] So now that you know of this great opportunity, don’t miss out and predict! The scores will be posted after each show. --- [B][U]Confirmed Matches:[/U][/B] [I]Singles Match[/I] Johnny Devine V Jamie Hamilton [I]w/ Krysta Lynn Scott[/I] [I]Singles Match[/I] Zero V Rock Evans [I]Singles Match[/I] Marko Estrada V Brian Smythe [I]Singles Match[/I] “Mr. Suave” Joshua Aero V Ryan Storm [B][U]Bonus Questions:[/U][/B] [I][B]1.[/B] How many fans will show up at the first ever Real Talent Wrestling show?[/I] Less Than 30 Between 30 & 60 Between 60 & 90 More than 90 [I][B]2.[/B] It is rumored that the main event will be for the Real Talent Wrestling Championship. There’s only one problem though; we don’t have a main event yet! What will be the first ever main event in RTW?[/I] Titus V Julien Young Teddy Hart V Billy Kidman Teddy Hart V Julien Young Titus V Billy Kidman [I][B]3.[/B] Who will become the first ever Real Talent Wrestling Champion?[/I] Titus Julien Young Teddy Hart Billy Kidman[/center]
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[SIZE="1"][b]April 12th, 2007[/b][/SIZE] [center]The show opened up with Real Talent Wrestling’s owner Kris Icon standing in the middle of the ring. He welcomed the small but noisy crowd to the first ever RTW show. Kris got straight down to business announcing that at the next show, he would debut a hand-picked commissioner to make some decisions in RTW. With that said, he moved onto the actual show, confirming that we would crown our first ever Real Talent Wrestling champion in the main event. Kris stated that he is a man of taking risks and therefore, the final match tonight would be an all-or-nothing main event. The winner, of course is the first ever champion… the loser however, loses their contract with RTW. He stated that this match is currently open for two spots which will be handed out on a first come first serve basis. The sign-up sheet would be posted on the door outside his office and whoever are the first two to sign it will compete in the all-or-nothing main event. [b]Singles Match [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/JohnnyDevine.jpg[/img] V[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/JamieHamiltonbg.jpg[/img] W/ [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/Kristabg.jpg[/img] Johnny Devine V Jamie Hamilton W/ Krysta Lynn Scott[/b] In what was considered the first ever match in Real Talent Wrestling, both competitors gave it their all to get the victory. Jamie Hamilton was hilarious as usual and really got the crowd behind him while Johnny Devine tried his hardest to concentrate on what was going on inside the ring. Each performed some solid technical showing which got an applaud from the crowd before moving into a couple of nice spots. Krysta was a great cheerleader on the outside, keeping the fans with Jamie to try and get the win. It didn’t work too well, however as Hamilton blew a move off the top rope and was countered with the Devine Intervention for the win. Devine celebrated his way to the back as Krysta helped Jamie understand what had just happened. [b]Winner:[/b] [i]Johnny Devine[/i] We went backstage in a rather dark area to see a mysterious character sitting up against a pale brick wall. He had a fierce and demented smile on his face as the camera pulled away, showing that he was actually enjoying the pain of jabbing himself in the wrist with a sharp object. Camera’s changed scenes to see Krysta Lynn Scott walking by herself in the halls. She stopped outside owner Kris Icon’s door, taking a look at the main event sign up sheet. She noticed that one superstar had already signed it, but the camera couldn’t focus in enough to reveal the name. As she was about the walk away, the owner himself, Kris Icon stepped outside the door. Krysta greeted him, nervously asking the owner how many women he had signed to the roster. He responded, saying just her. Krysta then asked if it would be possible to look into getting a few others, as she’d love to compete. Kris stated that he’d think about it, before walking off in another direction. [b]Singles Match [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/Zerobg.jpg[/img] V [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/MikeTolar.jpg[/img] Zero V Rock Evans[/b] Zero came out with weird looking welts on his wrists, yet to an interesting reaction from the crowd. He seems to be the type of guy that people love to hate as they started with chants of “Zero Talent” repeatedly throughout the bout. Rock Evans came out to a good reaction from the small crowd and instantly won over the fans mostly because of his look; he has a fantastic body and looks like a real athlete. Most of the match involved Zero chickening out of fighting Evans however and when he actually agreed to fight, well, let’s just say that he should have walked away. Evans finished Zero off with an ankle lock, leaving the victim with absolutely no choice but to tap out. The crowd laughed at Zero as he limped his way to the back. [b]Winner:[/b] [i]Rock Evans[/i] Backstage we saw the team of [i]‘Mr. Suave’ [/i]Joshua Aero and Marko Estrada. They boasted themselves for most of the segment, stating that they would destroy both Brian Smythe and Ryan Storm in singles competition later on. [b]Singles Match [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/Markobg.jpg[/img] V [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/Mebg.jpg[/img] Marko Estrada V Brian Smythe[/b] In what could have been the main event for the night, this match really got the crowd cheering for more. Two ‘Holy ****’ chants occurred; one after a crazy spot which ended with Smythe nailing a springboard hurricanrana on Marko, and the other with Marko hitting a beautiful looking flip-powerbomb. Both wrestlers seemed to have great chemistry in the ring which really helped. In the end, Marko ducked a spinning heel kick from Smythe which ended up with the referee being hit in the face. With the ref down, Marko’s tag partner Joshua Aero ran down the entrance with a steel chair at hand. He threw the chair to Marko who followed up with a sick crack to the skull of Smythe. Marko revived the ref and was just able to pull out a three count for the victory. Marko jumped in celebration thanks to the help of Mr. Suave. [b]Winner:[/b] [i]Marko Estrada[/i] [b]Singles Match [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/MrSuavebg.jpg[/img] V [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/RyanStormbg.jpg[/img] [i]‘Mr. Suave’[/i] Joshua Aero V Ryan Storm[/b] Suave waited in the ring from the previous match for his opponent to come out. Storm’s music blasted through the arena and the crowd instantly blew up. The fans are seriously in love with this guy as they cheered for him the whole way through the entire match. Aero put on a really good act, looking seriously frustrated by the way the crowd was cheering for Storm. The match eventually started, and Aero quickly took over with a cheap shot to the stomach. The crowd booed loudly until Storm was able to fight his way back. The bout went back and forth with no one clearly getting the upperhand. A couple of nice spots were performed in the match including a series of monkey flips which received a nice applause. I’m the end, Suave’s tag partner Marko Estrada ran down to ringside with a chair just like Aero did the match before, however this time it didn’t run so smooth; Brian Smythe jumped Marko from out of the crowd before he was able to throw the chair in the ring. With all the commotion going on on the outside, Aero got distracted and ended up turning right into a Shinning Wizard from Ryan Storm. The ref made the count and Storm picked up the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] [i]Ryan Storm[/i] The brawl continued between Marko and Smythe on the outside as Storm celebrated his win. Joshua Aero stumbled to his feet despite his lost and attacked Ryan Storm from behind. The bell sounded repeatedly but no one was stopping. Marko threw Smythe into the ring and suddenly, we had a beat down taking place. Both Suave and Marko unleashed on Storm and Smythe as they both attempted to fight back, but to no avail. Suave and Marko walked obnoxiously to the back while both Storm and Smythe struggled to get to their feet. [b]All-Or-Nothing Main Event ??? V ???[/b] Unfamiliar music echoed throughout the arena as our main event was scheduled to take place. Still, no one knew of who the competitors were, but now one was revealed. A ****y looking Teddy Hart strutted his way down the aisle to heavy boos. He took his time and directed a lot of insults toward the fans in attendance. He entered the ring and waited for his opponent. Suddenly, the music of owner Kris Icon sounded and he walked out from the back with what seemed to be the Real Talent Wrestling championship in his hand. He grabbed a microphone and stated that only Teddy Hart had the balls to sign the sheet for the main event, therefore we have no other challenger. Teddy, thinking that the title was now his, began to celebrate. Suddenly, music was heard throughout the arena and Teddy Hart’s face dropped. Out walked none other than former WWE and WCW star, Billy Kidman. Kidman had a microphone in his hand and addressed that he recently just arrived at the arena and therefore didn’t hear the announcement at the start of the show. He stated that if there was no other challenger, then he would be Teddy Hart’s opponent. Owner Kris Icon seemed pleased with the statement while Teddy Hart threw a temper tantrum. [b]Real Talent Wrestling Championship All-Or-Nothing Main Event [i](Singles Match)[/i] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/TeddyHart.jpg[/img] V [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/BillyKidman.jpg[/img] Teddy Hart V Billy Kidman[/b] It took a few minutes for this match to get underway as Teddy was re-thinking the idea of wrestling Billy Kidman. He put on a great act however and the fans really ate it up. Once the match got underway, they delivered non-stop action all the way through. Momentum went back and forth, left and right with the crowd literally at the edge of their seats. A couple of flashy moves such as hurricanranas and headscissors were performed to perfection which received a great applause. In the end, Johnny Devine ran down to ringside and slipped a pair of brace knuckles to Teddy Hart. Devine then jumped on the ring apron to distract the ref as Hart winded up; he swung but Kidman was able to duck out of the way, spinning around and nailing Teddy Hart with the BK bomb. The referee turned around to see the cover and made the count. His hand slapped the mat three times and Kidman jumped in the air in celebration while Devine looked on in shock. Kidman was handed the title as Devine quickly made his way to the back before Hart realized what had happened. [b]Winner and the first ever Real Talent Wrestling champion:[/b] [i]Billy Kidman[/i] Just when everyone thought the night was over, Teddy Hart decided to go on a rampage, demanding a rematch. He even flipped over the announce table and threw the bell across the arena in madness. He grabbed a microphone and declared that he was screwed, demanding a rematch. Kidman laughed and deciding to show how worthy of a champion he is, accepted Teddy Hart’s offer. Hart looked shockingly surprised but wasn’t about to argue. The ref jumped back in the ring and the rematch was official. [b]Real Talent Wrestling Championship All-Or-Nothing Main Event [i]Rematch (Singles Match)[/i] [/b] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/TeddyHart.jpg[/img] V [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/BillyKidman.jpg[/img] Teddy Hart V Billy Kidman© In what was possibly the shortest match in the history of wrestling, the bell sounded and as both competitors was about to lock up, Kidman used his quickness to spin around Teddy Hart and school boy him for the win. The crowd laughed and began to sing goodbye to Teddy. Hart absolutely lost it, throwing chairs and other random objects as Kidman walked to the back, successfully defending his championship in less than five seconds. [b]Winner and still Real Talent Wrestling Champion:[/b] [i]Billy Kidman[/i][/center] [b]---[/b] [i]So that was Real Talent Wrestling’s first show. Not too bad wasn’t it? … That’s what I thought; great wrestling, great superstars, everything seemed pretty much perfect right? Wrong. Remember that storm that I was telling you about just the other day? Yeah, well that seemed to have kept a lot of fans at home. I’m not going to say the exact number of people that showed up, but let’s just say it was under thirty. Yup; brutal. So basically, if you do the math, we didn’t really make a lot of money tonight. As a matter of fact, we seemed to have lost a lot more than we could afford. I guess having Teddy Hart lose the all-or-nothing match helped us out a bit, but if we want this promotion to be successful, we’re going to have to try a lot harder than this. As for the internet predictions, here’s what it currently looks like:[/i] [b]Predictions:[/b] The Rabbitman(Corp-X): 4pts British Boy(EWB): 2pts [b]Overal Ranking:[/b] The Rabbitman(Corp-X): 4pts British Boy(EWB): 2pts [i]It’s still anybodies chance as there are still two more rounds of predictions to go until the winner. Good Luck![/i]
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[I][SIZE="1"]April 16th 2007[/SIZE][/I] [center]Today was the day that my official ‘competition’ ran its monthly show. Innovative Hybrid Wrestling had been promoting ‘IHW Aggravated Assault’ for quite some time now, so I decided to check it out and see what all the hype was about. They definitely attracted a lot more fans than our previous show; however they didn’t have to deal with bad weather like we did. The hurricane had just ended the day before, so I wasn’t surprised to see a crowd of around 130 show up for the show. The opening match was for the vacant IHW tag team titles. The teams were rather unusual however, with Jamie Hamilton teaming up with BT Bobby Mann to take on Jamie’s former tag partner Sexton Phoenix and Chris Tough. Hamilton got the pinfall victory over Sexton to win the IHW Tag team titles. I was glad to see one of my talent win the strap from another promotion. In the second match, we saw Sidewinder take on Johnny Richards in a singles bout. The funny thing is, Sidewinder was supposed to be the face yet the crowd turned on him and started cheering for Richards. This match pretty much sucked with Sidewinder still getting the victory after a quick roll-up. The third match was rather interesting, but what was most interesting was the outcome. Zero took on former IHW champion Julien Young in a singles match. Zero ended up getting the victory when a masked man ran down and costed Julien the bout. Once again I was happy to see one of my RTW talents get put over, especially over one of IHW’s main stars. The fourth match was definitely the best match all night and could have easily been the main event. Former IHW champion and super heel Titus took on Marko Estrada in a number 1 contender’s match. The bout went back and forth and I actually applauded one of the spots that was performed. In the end, Titus got the victory after hitting Marko with a pair of handcuffs behind the ref’s back. Then the main event; it featured two of my talent and was actually a match that I booked on my show just a few days before. The funny thing is though; mine was an uppermidcard bout while this was their main event. [I](Just trying to show why my show is better)[/I] IHW champion Ryan Storm took on ‘Mr. Suave’ Joshua Aero in an interesting main event. They performed basically the exact same match which they put on at RTW with basically the same spots as well. The only difference was the ending however, as Ryan Storm successfully defended his championship after nailing a fisherman scoop slam for the victory. I overheard some fans talking after the main event about how awesome the show was. It made me realize that if I wanted to beat IHW, I was going to have to pull out everything I had.[/center]
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