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The Ultimate Invasion - CornellVerse 2007

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[I]No real backstory here, the show explains everything.[/I] [CENTER][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]SWF SUPREME TV[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE=1][B]Tuesday; Week 1 Wisconsin Gardens[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] The show kicks off with Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia running down the huge show that has been planned for tonight. In the main event, Steve Frehley finally gets his rematch for the SWF World Championship against Runaway Train after months of training. The World title won't be the only title on the line as Sexual Agression with challenge for the SWF tag team titles against The Biggz Boyz. Also, SWF owner Richard Eisen has scheduled some time for himself to speak to the audience, claiming he has some huge news. Michaels notes that when the boss has big news the entire roster and audience should be paying close attention. The two are interupted by Christian Faith, who gets a massive ovation. He struts to the ring, clearly in a good mood. As he enters the ring, he tells the audience that last week, he finally got his hands on Sam Keith and he said it was the best he's felt in the past year. It didn't take long for Keith top come out and interupt Faith. The two had some heated words and you could cut the tension with a knife. Faith rallied the fans behind him as the former legend Sam Keith was at a loss for words. Keith told Faith that they were not done but when it was, Christian Faith would be just another victim of the Proton Lock! Backstage, The Biggz Boyz are with Jessie who does the speaking for her boys. Jessie explains how Brett and Bart are the future of SWF, not only as a tag team but as singles competitors. She said everyone's said it before-- that they're the best, the future, legends in the making-- but no one, and she means no one, has the talent that the Biggz Boyz do. Sexual Agression will be stop #1 on the Biggz Boyz express to super-stardom! [COLOR=RoyalBlue] [/COLOR][CENTER][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue] SWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/COLOR] SEXUAL AGRESSION vs THE BIGGZ BOYZ (c)[/B] [/CENTER] This match for the prestigous tag team titles was fast-paced and pure SWF action. Angry Gilmore showed why he is one of the most gifted athletes on the planet and made Brett Biggz look like a fool with his almost perfect offense. Joe Sexy made the fans hated everything he did while he was in the ring and instead of using wrestling moves, he just beat the crap out of Brett and Bart. On the outside, Jessie got the fans riled up and on the Biggz Boyz' side. It worked, as Brett Biggz fought back and made a tag to Bart who cleaned house in the ring. Bart and Brett went on to win the match using their patended double team move, the Biggz Bomb! [CENTER][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Winners via pinfall, The Biggz Boyz in 7:56 (B+)[/COLOR][/B] [/CENTER] As the Biggz Boyz claim their titles and head to the back, we see Richard Eisen backstage walking through the halls. He ignores anyone and everyone in the hall and proceeds to head down the hall. Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia wonder if he'll be heading out to the ring soon. Clips of SWF Let The Games Begin in October are shown in black and white. Runaway Train powerbombs Steve Frehley and pins him for the title, marking Steve's first loss since his debut in SWF. The screen turns back to normal colour as we see Steve Frehley training for his re-match against Runaway Train. It ends with the words "The Dark Destroyer... Returns tonight!" After the video package ends, Richard Eisen's music plays and he heads out to the ring. His evil, reconizable music gets the fans on their feet, ready to boo the evil boss of the Supreme Wrestling Federation. Peter Michael manages to tell the audience three times that Eisen is the most powerful man in wrestling history. Eisen enters the ring, with an absolutley enormous grin on his face. He goes over the history of the SWF, boring the fans in the proccess. He eventually leads up to how the SWF is the biggest promotion in the world and has managed to crush every other competitor in it's way and tonight, Richard Eisen does it again. Richard Eisen, absolutley on top of the world, shocks the world by announcing the purchase of Total Championship Wrestling! The fans go absolutley nuts! Peter Michael is speechless while Ana Garcia praises Richard Eisen. (Note: Several thousands marks' hearts drop). Richard Eisen grins, ear to ear and tells the fans to not miss next weeks Supreme TV as Richard Eisen signs the contract! The fans chant "CORNELL! CORNELL!" at the top of their lungs, hoping for an appearance. In what was supposed to be an actual interview with Rich Money, it turns out to be a rant-fest with several superstars joining in. Rich Money, Remo, Frederique Antonio Garcia, The Underwater Union and many others all appear backstage, celebrating their companies triumph. Duane Fry tells Rich Money he has a match next, and he heads out the door with a bottle of champange. [CENTER][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]SINGLES MATCH[/COLOR][/B] [B]ROBBIE RETRO vs RICH MONEY[/B] [/CENTER] Both men are on top of the world as they go head to head. Neither men can stop smiling and it makes for a better performace than expected. Robbie tries to play hard ball with Money, trying to knock him down but Money is the slightly bigger man and holds his ground. Money takes Robbie to the ground and begins working on his leg. A series of rest holds are applied to Robbie, while Money sits tight and grins. Rich Money locks in the Figure Four Leglock, which he now calls the Money In The Bank and Robbie has no choice but to tap out! [CENTER][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Winner via submission, Rich Money in 5:05 (C)[/B] [/COLOR][/CENTER] After the match, the estatic Rich Money hands a crowd member a crisp $100 dollar bill, showing that Rich is in an unusual mood. However, Rich Money realizes what he's done and steals the bill back! He heads up the ramp, still gloating. The camera heads to the back where Duane Fry catches up with Richard Eisen. Duane asks the usual question of "How are you feeling?" Richard says he feels amazing and when Duane asks him if he has anything else to say Richard replies with "Tommy, you had a nice run." Duane Fry runs into Steve Frehley in the back aswell and asks Steve about TCW. Steve goes on a rant about how tonight isn't about TCW, it's about Steve Frehley once again becoming the SWF champion! [CENTER][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]NON-TITLE MATCH[/COLOR] RANDY BUMFHOLE vs ZIMMY BUMFHOLE[/B] [/CENTER] In one hell of a match-up between the rookie brothers, Randy had a lot to prove. Zimmy is the reigning Shooting Star champion and a win over him could do great things for Randy. However, it was not to be as the fast-paced, high action match ended abrubtly when Zimmy scored a pinfall using a school boy roll up. [CENTER][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Winner via pinfall, Zimmy Bumfhole in 6:46 (A)[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] In the locker room, all the superstars are celebrating their companies triumph. However, the camera zooms in on the highly competive superstars, Enforcer Roberts and Enygma, in a thrilling arm wrestle. Roberts looks to have Enygma down but he fights back and scores the victory. Squeeky McClean awards the victory to Enygma. Roberts stands up and looks pissed off. He stares a hole through Enygma (who stands up in case of an attack) but instead walks off, not doing anything. Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia quickly run through the Tale of the Tape for the main event between Runaway Train and Steve Frehley. It shows that Train has the size advantage aswell as the experience advantage. However, Frehley is younger and in better shape. They head to the ring for the actual match. [CENTER][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]SWF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/COLOR] RUNAWAY TRAIN (c) vs STEVE FREHLEY[/B] [/CENTER] The two lock up early and Train takes the advantage. As shown in the TotT, Train uses his superior size to take control of the match and make sure Frehley stays down. However, he wants the title bad and he keeps coming back. Frehley begins to pick up the pace of the match and changes the tide, allowing to gain some offence. It goes back and forth from there, with each man getting various spurts of offense. However, the fans go nuts when they see TCW's [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Troy Tornado[/B][/COLOR] run through the crowd. He runs in the ring and nails a tornado DDT on Train and then one on Frehley. He sees the SWF calvary run down thr ramp so he quickly exits the ring and through the crowd. SWF Supreme TV comes to an end with Troy Tornado standing tall in the crowd, laughing at Train and Frehley! [CENTER][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Draw via interference at 15:14 (C+) [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Overall Rating: [COLOR=Black]C- [COLOR=RoyalBlue]TV Rating on America-Sports-1: [COLOR=Black]23.39 [COLOR=RoyalBlue]TV Rating on UK Broadcasting Secondary: [COLOR=Black]00.21[/COLOR][/COLOR] [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[quote] [center][SIZE=4]www.ddtzone.com[/SIZE][/center] Fans around the world were absolutley shocked to hear Richard Eisen announce his purchase of TCW on Supreme TV last night aswell as seeing Troy Tornado debut and take out Runaway Train and Steve Frehley! The show got a boost in ratings after news spread about the buy-out. This seem to come out of nowhere, with TCW having a solid program lately. Rumours backstage is that the superstars backstage who took part in the celebration skits had no idea what the huge surprise was and they were actually told to play how they feel after the announcment. It is expected that Tommy Cornell will debut on PPV, instead of on TV to boost the buy-rate. Many expect Cornell to face off in a multi-man match or against a fellow TCW superstar. For the first few months, SWF may try and play it off as TCW is actually invading SWF and cannot legitamatley face of against SWF superstars, making the PPV a SWF / TCW split. The current SWF Hell Freezes Over Card (ironic name, eh?) includes Christian Faith against Sam Keith, The Biggz Boyz against The Almighty Dollar and Angry Gilmore against Skull DeBones. After last night, it is expected that the SWF World title will be on the line between Train and Frehley and Enygma will take on Enforcer Roberts. This could be the event where the majority of the TCWers will debut. Last night's showed pulled off a 23.39 with America-Sports-1. The official breakdown is as follows: first half-hour, 23.41; second half-hour, 23.49 and; third half-hour, 23.26. The UK Broadcasting Secondary network scored an even 0.21 throughout the entire show. The highest watched segment was Richard Eisen's announcment aswell as the ending of the main event. Back to the Invasion storyline. It seems as though head booker Sam Keith will be taken off the job for the next few months in order to keep the bias under control. Many backstage felt that someone new needed to step up, who has worked for neither promotions. A young man named Grant Leeder (who wrestled under the name Michael Leeds) will be in charge of the storyline. Leeder wrestled briefly during the East Coast War, but felt he was better suited as a booker. He was hired just days ago but Richard Eisen has strong support in him. Richard also feels that if he ever wanted to return to the ring, if he did well as a booker, he'd have a place in SWF. [/quote] [CENTER][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]SWF SUPREME TV[/COLOR] [SIZE=1] Tuesday, Week 2 Evanovich Riverside[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] The opening pyro kicks off but Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia barely have enough time to speak before Steve Frehley hits the ring. The fans give him a huge ovation and a "You Got Screwed!" chant. He enters the ring and gets right down to business, wasting no time in getting down to the matter at hand. Clearly frustrated, he rips on Troy Tornado for costing him his title match last week, his last chance at the SWF World title. The fans applaud in approval when Frehley challenges Troy to a match right then and there but no one answers. Steve tells Troy he'll have to do it the hard way and heads off to the back in search of Troy! Steve heads to the back and checks all the locker rooms but cannot find him. Eventually a staff member tells Steve that Troy's around the corner so Steve runs to find him. Steve turns the corner and Troy is standing there with a steel chair in hand. The fearless SWFer charges at Troy but is jumped from behind by Wrestling Machine #1 and #2! Peter Michaels begins to scream for someone to go help him but they get their fair share of shots in on Steve before the SWF calvary run back to help! In the back we see Richard Eisen, who despite the invaders seems to be in a fantastic mood. His son, Eric is standing next to him. Eric tells his dad that tonight's the big night and nothing will get in their way. Richard Eisen tells Eric that this is finally the end of TCW! Eric asks his dad, since he's in such a good mood, if he can have a shot at the Shooting Star title at Hell Freezes Over. Richard of course, says yes. And to make matters worse for Zimmy, he books Zimmy in a No DQ match against Sam Keith... just for a little warm up! [CENTER][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue] TAG TEAM MATCH[/COLOR] THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR vs THE SAMOAN WILDBOYZ[/B] [/CENTER] The Almighty Dollar are fired up and ready to go as this is their warm-up match before they face High Concept at Hell Freezes Over in a recently added match. Rich Money and Kid Toma start the match off with Money trying to ground the Samoan Wildboy. However, Toma uses his fast-paced, hard-hitting maneuvers to keep Money off of him. But a brutal clothesline to the back of the head changes to momentum into Rich's favor. A tag out to Remo and things don't look good for Kid Toma. Several attempts are made to get a tag into Akima Brave but none are succesful and eventually, Remo hits his finisher-- The Destroyer. A pinfall looks to finish the match but Brave saves the day and gives one last life to Kid Toma. A tag is made and Brave desperatly tries and get things going his way, however Rich Money and Remo double team him with a double Russian leg sweep and hook the leg for the win. [CENTER][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B] Winners via pinfall, The Almighty Dollar at 7:38 (B)[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] As Rich Money and Remo roll out of the ring, Elmo Benson and Groucho Bling (High Concept) appear at the top of the stage. They stare at Remo and Rich Money and tell them this Thursday isn't going to be pretty. Enygma comes out to the ring, ready for his match. He stands in the ring as Enforcer Roberts' heads down the ramp. Enygma raises his hands and the lights flash on and off. Enforcer Roberts shakes a little and then stares into space. Enygma begins to laugh while Enforcer Roberts begins to speak to himself. Instead of heading to the ring, Roberts jumps the guardrail and heads out of the building, leaving the fans and announcers confused. Enygma stands in the ring and laughs until the lights turn off. When they turn back on, he's gone! Backstage we see Dawn the Cheerleader hanging out with some of the guys backstage, flirting with them. A new girl walks up to Dawn and sends the men scattering. Dawn gets up from the chair she was sitting in and asks the girl who she is. The girl says her name is Cat Jemson (you may reconize her from DAVE). Cat says she's the hottest diva in SWF history, but Dawn disagrees. The girls agree to a bikini contest for later tonight. [CENTER][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue] SINGLES MATCH[/COLOR] SAM KEITH vs ZIMMY BUMFHOLE[/B] [/CENTER] No one expected Zimmy Bumfhole to last as long as he did and he made a lasting impression on the fans and especially Sam Keith. Keith went into the ring, fully expecting to set a record time in his match but he truly underestimated the Shooting Star champion, who fought with everything he had until the very end of the match. Zimmy went up top and nailed numerous high-risk moves but Keith kept getting back up. It wasn't until Keith caught Zimmy's flying crossbody attempt that everyone knew who had the match won. With Zimmy on the ground, Keith locked on the Proton Lock and Zimmy had no choice but to tap out! [CENTER][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B] Winner via submission, Sam Keith at 12:32 (B-)[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] After the match, Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia hyupe up the contract signing and hype up the SWF debut of Tommy Cornell. Many have dreamed of the day that Tommy Cornell would face off against an SWF superstar and tonight is just the first step! Michaels and Garcia then take a few minutes to run down the SWF Hell Freezes Over card for this Thursday! [CENTER][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B] +++[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue] SWF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/COLOR] Runaway Train (c) vs. Steve Frehley Christian Faith vs. Sam Keith [COLOR=RoyalBlue] SWF WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/COLOR] The Biggz Boyz (c) vs. The Dirty White Boys Enygma vs. Enforcer Roberts The Almighty Dollar vs. High Concept Jack Bruce vs. Squeeky McClean [COLOR=RoyalBlue] SWF SHOOTING STAR CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/COLOR] Zimmy Bumfhole (c) vs. Eric Eisen[/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B] +++[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] As they are finishing up, Robbie Retro and Skull DeBones have made their way to the ring. They are awaiting their opponents who come out together. Angry Gilmore and Runaway Train head to the ring, looking intense as usual. They roll into the ring and the match begins. [CENTER][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue] TAG TEAM MATCH [COLOR=Black] RUNAWAY TRAIN & ANGRY GILMORE vs SKULL DEBONES & ROBBIE RETRO[/COLOR][/COLOR][/B] [/CENTER] This is a very physical match, with each man having something to prove. Train is trying to prove why he's the champion and he does so as he pounds away on both Robbie Retro and Skull DeBones, showing his sheer size and power. Skull DeBones and Angry Gilmore were both looking to get an advantage heading into Hell Freezes Over. Gilmore uses a smart strategy by attacking DeBones everytime Train would knock him down. Retro was trying to prove he had what it took to hang with the big boys but the champion was just to dominate. Runaway Train eventually scored the pinfall over Retro while Gilmore distracted DeBones. [CENTER][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B] Winners via pinfall, Runaway Train & Angry Gilmore at 15:31 (C+)[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] After a quick advertisment break, Cat Jemson and Dawn The Cheerleader are in the ring with Duane Fry in their robes. Dawn reveals herself first and gets a gigantic pop from the crowd! She struts her stuff in the ring and Duane Fry gives her reaction a 9/10. Duane asks Cat to de-robe but Kurt Laramee grabs Cat from behind and makes sure she doesn't. Kurt drags her backstage as Duane declares Dawn the winner! The camera heads to the back where four men are backstage having a massive brawl. Sam Keith and Christian Faith are duking it out while Jack Bruce and Squeeky McClean do the same. Referees, officials and other superstars try and break it up by it's useless as they are relentless. Suddenly, a group of TCWers run through the back followed by the entire SWF locker room! They run out of the building and into the parking lot. An even bigger brawl breaks out there! In the ring, the contract signing begins with Richard Eisen sitting at the table with his son Eric by his side. The lighting effects begin, signalling the arrival of Tommy Cornell. The fans jump to their feet, ready for Cornell but instead, TCW Vice President (kayfabe) Joel Bryant comes out to sign the contract on behalf of Tommy. Joel signs first and slides the contract over to Richard. Richard is about to sign but Eric whispers something into Richard's ear. Richard stops the writing and tells Joel to stand up. Eric winds up, ready to hit Joel and Richard tells Joel if he moves, he won't have a job with SWF. Eric swings but instead of hitting Joel, he purposley nails his father, Richard, over the head! Richard falls back off his chair and Joel begins to beat down on Richard with the chair he was sitting on. Eric smiles to the camera and then signs the contract becoming the full owner of TCW. Eric laughs as Peter Michaels screams in outrage! A bloody Richard Eisen is slapped across the face by Eric as SWF Supreme TV goes off the air! [CENTER][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue] Overall Rating:[/COLOR] C [COLOR=RoyalBlue] TV Rating on America-Sports:[/COLOR]1: 23.28 [COLOR=RoyalBlue] TV Rating on UK Broadcasting Secondary: [/COLOR]Airs Friday after the PPV[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE=4][COLOR=Black]www.ddtzone.com[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/CENTER] The biggest news in the wrestling world this week happens to involve one of (if not, the) most popular stars on the SWF roster - Christian Faith. Richard Eisen appeared on The Live Show with Kathryn and Ron and told the world that his friendship with Christian Faith is over. Richard noted that Faith hasn't been as happy with the company as before, especially with the new crew of workers joining the company after the buyout. Richard thinks Christian knows that his spot at the top could be gone within a few years. We here at the DDT Zone feel that Faith could be moved out of the main event picture sooner than expected. This could seriously affect the upcoming pay per view. Speaking of the buyout, SWF has bought another small comapny. Contracts were sent out and most have been sent back signed. The rumors are still circulating as to whether the company is MAW, USPW or DAVE (with USPW being the leading candidate). Cat Jemson made her debut with SWF last night after signing a contract with the company just before the new year. She was never officially given a name but many believe she'll go by The Cat. Creative set up an angle with her ex-boyfriend Kurt Laramee who jumped ship from DAVE mid-last year. Most believe that Dawn The Cheerleader will find a love intrest and begin to feud with the enemy couple. In completed unrelated news to SWF, many reporters feel Dark Angel (CGC and NOTBPW) may be over-working himself. Many feel if he doesn't slow down, his career could come to a sudden halt. Speaking of NOTBPW, their ratings seem to be on a downword slide. Could their deal be coming to an end with Canada On-Air. [CENTER][B][COLOR=Red][U]>>>>>SECOND COMPANY TO INVADE SWF... WE KNOW WHO! CLICK TO FIND OUT!<<<<<[/U][/COLOR][/B] [/CENTER]
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