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MAW: The dark days

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this is going to be a slow build going, but hopefully enjoyable twist on MAW....it seems to be a very popular field..... Well here i was....Flying Jimmy Jones.....the Indie dream...or has been...now i was dying to get back in the action....in some form or fashion...I had been working booking some local events at high schools and fairs....but nothing big till I recieve a letter with no return address. Dear Jones..... I hear you have some inklings of booking old school, if you want a shot with a steady group come to Stanely Hall This Thanksgiving. Rip Cord Wow..not the big leagues, but a real legend....i had to take the bait...... A nice show with good talent....Catterly keeps his belt against Mainstream But after the show was the fireworks for me....Rip came up to me and asked me to take a ride with him. James i've seen some of your shows, you have some great ideas....especially with never having a steady roster to work with....i need help here...we've started getting a little bigger and i can't handle everything by myself. Its not the big leagues and guys will be moving up quick i hope, but it is good fuel for that fire i know is burning within you....I want you to thank about what ideas you have with this roster and then let me know if you're interested, say by December 1st......
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First week on the job Well the roster wasn't household names, but they were young and hungry and willing to put alot on the line...at least at the show I'd witnessed. I stared doing my homework and drew up some intial story lines and a few new bodies to add to the list....and called Rip a week later...I accept.... We quickly had a meeting with talent in large group and one on one...giving them a glimpse of the big vision and their part to play in the show...it was well received and moral was very high. great start...now to get ready for our first show on the Sunday after Christmas.....MAW The Shadow Rising......
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MAW The Shadow Rising preview... Coming The 4th Sunday in December to Stanley Hall [SIZE="3"]RIP Cord presents:[/SIZE] [COLOR="DarkRed"][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="3"]MAW The Shadow Rising[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] scheduled: [SIZE="2"]MAW Champion[/SIZE]The Mean Machine w/ Karen Killer vs Antonio No 1 contenders match: Zeus Maxmillion vs Mainstream Hernendez Also apearing: A* Alliance and the Canadian Blondes come on out. bell time is at 7pm....Stanley Hall.....what darkness will rise?
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MAW The Shadow Rising results.... [COLOR="Black"]Welcome to Stanley Hall here on the Sunday after Christmas for [/COLOR] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="DarkRed"]MAW The Shadow Rising[/COLOR][/FONT] Merve Ernest welcomes the wonderful crowd....and introduces his broadcast partner...Rip Cord who comes out to a nice ovation. Sounds of Tom Saywer play throught the hall as Mean Machine comes out with Karen Killer..."Well, well here i stand- the MAW champion...the machine who keeps going and going and going.....Everybody you throw against me here i put down...And tonight i take out Lousio.....and the Machine keeps going and going and going." (C+) Rip stands up, [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]"Hold on there a minute, Machine...I have some news for you, Jean...tonight we will have a No. 1 contenders match between Zeus Maxmillion and Mainstream Hernendez...the winner will challenge for the title next month. [/COLOR] (E) We hit the ring for our first match- Jack Giedroyce vs Al Coleman Not as exciting as hoped...I guess the crowd really had no idea of who Giedroyce was..Coleman picks up a tainted win. (E) Next out comes the Canadian Blondes to a big pop...."[COLOR="Blue"]Cut the music."[/COLOR], Oscar Golden has the mic. "[COLOR="blue"]We're tired of being disrepected. Where is our title shot....this new dude Zeus....and Mainstream....What about Oscar? Well from now on Flash and I are going to help make our own shots and to help us with that we have a new consultant..."[/COLOR] Out comes Persephone. (C+) [COLOR="blue"]but wait that's not all...we also have a new partner...Raphel..."[/COLOR] Out comes Raphel. [COLOR="blue"]Together we make up Blonde Ambition and tonight we will begin showing what blonde is all about." (C+)[/COLOR] "Wow, Rip, can you believe what we've just heard and seen?" "Just another example of the hunger these youngsters have here in MAW, but we'll see if he can put his money where his mouth is now." Oscar Golden vs Erik Strong Squash with Golden getting the win and then putting the boot to a fallen Strong to cement his turn. (F) The big screen has a music video highlighting a new team coming to MAW the Continital Drift from Europe...Cannonball Logan and Ian Vincible with their manager Heat. (F) Coming out to the ring is the A* alliance....their match is next A* alliance vs Tim Westybrook and Snap Dragon Nice match with a nice mix of heavy hitting and fluid moves. Snap Dragon pins an exhausted Douglas at the 12 minute mark. (C+) The heels leave angrily as the new stars enjoy the fans support. (D) Zeus Maxmillion comes out next passing Westbrook with a slight bump...the two stare for a moment...(C-) Before Zeus continues to the ring...."[COLOR="DarkOrange"] People your olympic god has arrived..and i'm here to give you a vison of true glory...tonight i start my epic quest to right the wrongs and gain the MAW title...the prize...tonight i start with the mainstream...Stream you are going down...I will unleash the lightning of these thunderbolts on you tonight, then next month the title will be mine."[/COLOR] (C) Mainstream Hernendez vs Zeus Maxmillion (no 1 contenders match) As the match begins Mean Machine comes out for commentary. It is a constrast in styles battling back and forth. Mainstream seems to get the upperhand as Karen steps to ringside and distracts Jay Fair. Mainstream sees turns from the pin to see the interruption and goes after Karen. Zeus gets back and the balance begins to shift. Just as Zeus gets ready to preform the thunderbolt, time expires as Mean Machine gets up from the table and laughs. A draw. (C) "Well Rip, seems we have a problem here." "Not really, Marv. Jean still has to face Antonio tonight." "That's up next. Machine is already in the ring and here comes Antonio." MAW championship Mean Machine w/Karen Killer (c) vs Antonio Antinio gets some quick offence in early keeping the Machine off balance till the numbers game catches up...Douglas comes out with Parker till Snap Dragon shows up at the entrance starting a "you got beat chant" Parker and Douglas chase after the face. But Machine uses the distraction to low blow Antonio and pick up the easy pin. (C-) Overall show (D) The fans wanted more angles and storylines. Notes: A nice show to start with some surprize matches...Westbrook and Snap Dragon had nice chemistry...Oscar Golden and Persephone had great chemistry in the skits that allowed a nice turn for the blondes....Sheik Mustafa had been let go by USWA and signed a nice (in my favor) contract and was schuduled to appear with gods of Thunder tonight, but he signed a contract with CGC on Saturday and was unavailable. We substituted the new European team video in place of it.
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MAW Battlefield Earth preview [COLOR="Green"]MAW Battlefield Earth[/COLOR] Third Sunday in January at Stanley Hall. Tickets $2 Scheduled: Steven Parker vs Snap Dragon in a return match. MAW tag titles on the line Natural Storm w/Nicole Kiss (C) vs the New Canadian Blondes What's up with Oscar Golding? What is going to happen in the MAW Title picture with no No. 1 contender? Be there for the carnage as Stanely Hall becomes Battlefield Earth.
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MAW Battlefield Earth results [SIZE="4"][FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="Green"]MAW Battlefield Earth[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] 3rd Sunday January Stanley hall Dark Match: Tim Westybrook wins over Stan Manna "Welcome tonight to the carnage that is MAW, the battlefield has been set....Tonight we have a special grudge match as [COLOR="Red"]Steven Parker[/COLOR] has requested a match with [COLOR="Blue"]Snap Dragon[/COLOR], Also a change on the card shows the [COLOR="Blue"]Natural Storm[/COLOR] will defend against [COLOR="Red"]gods of Thunder w/Shiek Mustafa[/COLOR]. Plus what is going to happent tonight for the MAW title, Who is number 1 contender?" Music hits the speakers as Merv is cut off. Out comes the MAW champion [COLOR="Red"]Mean Machine[/COLOR] with his lovely manager- [COLOR="Red"]Karen Killer. [/COLOR]"[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Cut the chatter Merv. Well it seems the two twits couldn't cash in last month. I don't have a challenger. It figures- you people should get used to this....this is noone who can stand up to the Machine...We will keep on rolling and rolling. So Mainstream....Zeus....you're out of luck...and people...like or don't like it, i'm just too good to loose..[/COLOR].." ([B]C[/B]) "[COLOR="DarkGreen"]Hang on there big boy..you're good Jean, but I've been thinking all month...and i have a solution, and you don't have the night off....Tonight we are going to give the people what they want....Your beating.....Tonight.. it will be you and your firm memeber Ricky Douglas vs Mainstream Hernendez and Zeus Maxmillion. How's that for a fine day.[/COLOR]" The fans begins to cheer at the announced match. Machine begins to look angry then a slow grin spreads on his face.... "[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Ok Rip, If that's the way you want it.[/COLOR]" ([B]C-[/B]) "Wow, what a main event...this was set to be a battlefield tonight, now it will be carnage, but can Herendez and Zeus work together? Now for our first match tonight....We have a new team with a new manager....over from Europe we have Continental Drift (Ian Vincible and Cannonball Logan) with Jennifer Heat." [COLOR="Blue"]Continental Drift w/Jennifer Heat[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Rock City Stars[/COLOR] Slow match with lots of fans wondering what's going on...finally Vincible pulls out a nice suplex and gets the pin at 7:34. (F) "this must be Firm night...here comes Parker.." "[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Well Snappy...the puffy dragon, you get a fluke win in a tag match and you thinnk you are all that...Not tonight...tonight you face the Firm....and the Firm.. you face Parker....and you will not fly under the radar this time." [/COLOR]([B]D[/B]) [COLOR="Red"]Steven Parker[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Blue"]Snap Dragon[/COLOR] Parker comes out to the gate with a full head of steam...angry at the loss last week. Dragon seems to be on his heels till his areial arsenal comes in to play. Keeping up the assault on Parker till Douglas comes from the back to interfere, but Dragon gets a quick roll up and the three before damage is done at the 9:41 mark. (C-) Douglas immediately climbs into the ring as he and Parker pound on the outnumbered Dragon till Westybrook comes from the back to even the odds. Dragon looks really hurt." ([B]F[/B]) "It hasn't started well for the firm tonight has it Merv?" "No Rip,..." More music hits as Antonio makes his way to the podium...."[COLOR="DarkGreen"]I know you all are wondering the same thing as i am....Oscar...What's up? Man we've fought side by side...we've stood together, what's up with you? Why? Look i'm your friend, a friend who is willing to do anything to keep you on the strait...beat you if i have too, but lets try to talk first...."[/COLOR] (E) "That is a good question, Rip, what's up with Oscar?" "Well Merv, you can ask him next....You know the new Blondes are angry to have lost their title shot tonight so i pity their opponents..." Blonde Ambition w/ Persephone vs Erik Strong and Jack Giedroyc True to Rips perdiction....the new Blondes Raphel and Flash....took it to the young faces with Raphel picking up the win over Strong at the 8:05 mark. (E) After the match the Blondes celebrate as Oscar calls for a mic. "[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Well Antonio, you want to know why.....look who main events....look who loses their shot at the tag titles tonight for some freaks....We are tired of being overlooked...We are blonde, but we will rule...everyone knows blondes have more fun.....So i tell you what...you want to know, I will tell you next month at MAW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Heart of Darkness[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]You- me one on one and i will show you personally[/COLOR]." ([B]C[/B]) "Rip, we have our first match for next month's MAW [COLOR="Navy"]Heart if Darkness[/COLOR] Two friends battling it out...." "Yes sir, now i'm anxious to see what the crazed shiek has done to pick up the gods......these two have really been looking good under his tutelage." Nicole stops at the podium with her charges...."Well tonight Shiek you have too big freaks, but we have the power of Nature and this storm will blow you down hard..." ([B]C[/B]) MAW tag team championship [COLOR="Blue"]Natural Storm[/COLOR] w/Nicole Kiss vs [COLOR="Red"]gods of Thunder[/COLOR] w/Shiek Mustafa The gods seems to have picked up their steps some, and have things well in hand till Nicole turns the tables on Shieks interference and DC picks up a pin on Atlas. (E) The Champs are celebrating their defence as Shiek is shouting angry curses on the infidels and checking on his charges. He suddenly stands up and blows a shrill whistle....Out from the back comes a bohemoth of a man...all muscle in a dark leather ask....only his eyes are visible. The Shiek declares...you have awoken the Beast......The large individual climbs into the ring and Nature's Storm is standing up to him looking up....Not ones to run they prepare to double team as the gods climb into the ring behind them. The three villians begin to demolish the faces as the crowd is going nuts wanting help....The Shiek grabs Nicole by her hair forcing her to watch and telling her it is her fault for daring to step into a man's world....The Beast is unleashed." ([B]C+[/B]) Finally the carnage stops as the three villians gather around their manager..."People of MAW....I warned you infidels of what was coming, I told you to correct your path or the Beast will come...now he is here...and we make up DEVESTATION INC. Don't forget that name....for it is also our game...." ([B]B-[/B]) "Rip, what do you make of all that?" "Wow, i'm glad i've retired....i wouldn't want to face that. Well next should be a real battlefield....I've waited on this one all night." [COLOR="Red"]The Firm (Mean Machine and Ricky Douglas[/COLOR]) vs [COLOR="Red"]Zeus Maxmillion [/COLOR]and [COLOR="Blue"]Mainstream Hernendez[/COLOR] Douglas starts early as Machine taunts the opponents. Finally with Hernendez down, Machine tags in. But that was a ploy as Maxmillion and Hernendez begin to unmercifully beat Machine all around the ring. Machine manages to tag Douglas who is devestated. Hernendez gets the pin to the chagrin of olympic god.[B](C)[/B]....as the two argue Machine tries to sneak in with a chair, but the two turn and both hit their finishers on him. Then they get up and go nose to nose over the fallen machine.....Just as blows are about to fall.....security and the back empty as the behest of Rip......(C+) "Rip what will this mean? Is this Machine's future? We will find out next month at MAW [COLOR="Navy"]Heart of Darkness[/COLOR]
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MAW Heart of Darkness Press Release [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Navy"]MAW Heart of Darkness[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]This February MAW will show its heart...[COLOR="Navy"]Heart of Darkness[/COLOR] 3rd Sunday in February at Stanley Hall. Scheduled: Oscar Golden vs Antonio (Why? match) No. 1 contender for tag titles Blonde Ambition vs Snap Dragon and Tim Westybrook MAW Heavyweight Title Triangel Mean Machine vs Zeus Maxmillion vs Mainstream Hernendez Plus what will Nature's Storm do about Devestation Inc. Be there as Darkness is truely revealed......[/SIZE]
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MAW Heart of Darkness results.... [SIZE="4"]MAW [COLOR="Navy"]Heart of Darkness[/COLOR] Stanley Hall February 3rd Sunday 2006 251 fans pack in for an exciting night... Dark match: Flemming Cloudchaser (Lemming) vs Puma boy.....Flemming wins. (E) "Welcome fans to the Stanley Hall for an evening of action. I'm Marv Ernest along with Rip Cord. Valentine's Day was a couple of weeks ago so tonight we are going to show some heart, A HEART of Darkness. Rip, how are you doing tonight?" "Well Merv, i'm doing great, really excited about the action lined up tonight....the MAW championship is on the line in a Triange Match- Mean Machine vs Zeus Maxmillion vs Mainstream Hernendez. I for one am ready to see the strap go to someone more deserving." (C) Snap Dragon makes his way out to podium with some poster boards in his hands...he begins to speak, "hola," the fans looked perplexed...so Dragon holds up the first board..."Hello fans, thank you for the honor of being here." He holds up the second sign. "I AM NOT a CRYBABY like SOME PARKERS around HERE." and the third sign. "It will be an honor fighting for the tag titles for you." (c) Our cameras fade to the back for a DVD shot.....Ian Vincible and Jenifer Heat are seen talking. Jennifer tells Ian, "Be careful out there tonight..this is your first time alone." Ian grabs Jennifer's hand, "Don't worry, Doll, tonight i will beat coleman for you...." There is one more eye to eye moment before they walk out to the ring. (C) Ian Vincible vs Al Coleman Coleman tries underhanded tricks left and right, but really puts on a poor performance because Ian gets the submission at 8:09. (F) Next out comes Blonde Ambition....Oscar takes the mic as Persephone, Flash, and Raphel look on. "We are Blonde and we are on a mission...First tonight- my pals will take what was stolen from them in the no. 1 contender match on route to taking what is rightfully theirs...the MAW tag straps. Then I will answer Antonio's burning question of Why?" (C) "Rip, tough words, but Oscar and company have been a force since banding together." Yea, Merve, but lets see what happens when Blonde Ambition meets the other hot team...Snap Dragon and Tim Westybrook. (C-) NO. 1 Contender for Tag Titles Blonde Ambition vs Snap Dragon and Tim Westybrook A nice battle of styles going back and forth, finally Snap Dragon gets a tag on Westybrook....Jay Fair is distracted by Persephone and Steven Parker comes from the back to get a cheap shot on Dragon. The heels take advantage and finally wear the big guy down and get the win and gaining the shot at the Tag titles next month at MAW [COLOR="DarkGreen"][B]The Legacy[/B][/COLOR]. (D) "Rip, it really looked as Snap Dragon was headed for a victory there, till Parker came in." "Merve, you have the gift for the obvious. But here we settle things in the ring. just like our next match. Let's go back to last week when Sheik Mustafa formed Devastation Inc. at the expense of Natural Storm. "The video shows how Beast came down and with gods of Thunder lay out the Tag Team champions while making a scared Nicole Kiss look on at the beating of her men." (C+) Special Grudge Eddie Howard w/Nicole Kiss vs Beast w/Sheik Mustafa A brawl from the word go with Eddie using his superior ring skills (can you believe i said that) to pick up the victory. (E) Immediately after the pin, Mustafa blows his whistle and a new tatoed wrestler in red and black hits the ring and begins to help Beast dismantle poor Howard. Nicole is crying and being forced to watch again by Sheik. you hear her scream "WHERE IS DC?" (C) "Rip did you see that guy? Man where is Mustafa getting these guys? And where was DC Rayne?" "That was DeCipher...I don't know, but wait, Tom wants to to show something going on backstage.." The big screen shows Snap Dragon and Steven Parker going tooth and nail tearing up props and tables in the back hallway. (D) "Well Merve, those are two that have to settle this in the ring." "Rip, Tom indicates we have an answer for where DC was during the beatdown on Eddie Howard. Video begins showing the locker room...Eddie Howard and DC are leaving, when DC comes back in and gets waylaid by someone off screen...then he is hogtied while Shiek is laughing. (C-) "Rip, we are seeing the real Heart of Darkness this month." "Merve, this has been one dark night...but we still have two more matches." As on cue Mainstream Hernendez comes out, "Zeus, you are one worthy fighter and Jean you are a slimy snake, but i make a promise to you people tonight, i will give my all and climb to the pinical of MAW and bring the title back to you." (c-) Antonio comes out to the ring for his match as Oscar Golden and Persephone make their way out. Golden stops and grabs a mic. "Antonio, I told you what to expect. Blonde Ambition has won their shot at the titles and now I will take you to school, and beat the whiney WHYS out of you." (C) Antonio vs Oscar Golden with Persephone Antonio hits Oscar strong and hard to start off, but the numbers game gets to him and Oscar picks up a pinfall win at 12:11 (E) (Antonio was off his game tonight, but there is excellent chemisty between these two.) Zeus Maxmillion make his way to the mic as Oscar and Persephone soak in the boos. "Tonight, I will step in the ring with two men. Now Hernendez make no mistake, I am my own man, I am the Olympic god and this body will ground you and wreck the Machine, tonight i will be the New MAW champion and noone will stand in my way." (C-) MAW Heavyweight Title Triangle match Mean Machine w/Killer Karen vs Zeus Maxmillion vs Mainstream Hernendez A great match with lots of psychology...these three work well together. The two challengers work Machine over to begin with but soon Zeus turns on Mainstream. Machine takes advantage of the rest on the outside. Finally Zeus chunks Mainstream out on what he thinks is a fallen Machine and turns his back to gloat and prance. Machine takes advantage and climbs back in with a chair as Karen distracts fair and picks up the pin win at 17:36. (C) Machine and Karen soak up the boos to the disbelief of the outraged fans who were wanting a change tonight. (C+) As Zeus and Mainstream come to, they begin jawing with one another blaming each other for Machine's win. Mean Jean notices and grins, while provoking more anger from each. Finally the two go to blows as Mean Machine and Karen laugh in the ring. Security has to come out to seperate the two brawlers. (C) Overall a (C-) show. Fans enjoyed this outing and i found some glints of good from some of our younger workers. The wrestling industry and economy are both falling right now so I've picked up some good talent for cheap...Also Coleman is not being a team player so he may be the first to take the ax..and i had plans for a push for him in the coming months. Any comments would be welcome... and a thanks goes out to Easyrt and Slipshirt who's diaries have inspired mine....[/SIZE]
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Dark Day news We're here again..... MAW has been able to turn a profit in a down economy....$450 in three months and thats with the hiring of 6 new bodies this last month. Rip Cord also wants to announce the schedule of shows for the next three months: March MAW [COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="2"]The Legacy[/SIZE][/COLOR] April MAW [COLOR="Red"]Night of Blood[/COLOR] May MAW [COLOR="SlateGray"]Shatterpoint[/COLOR] We are looking for some exciting action and developments in the next quarter so join us again then when we have an interview with one of the rising stars of Wrestling..right here. till then stay sharp....
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MAW The Legacy preview [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="4"]MAW THE LEGACY[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] [SIZE="4"]Preview: After winning their shot at the tag titles will [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Blonde Ambition[/COLOR][/FONT] climb to the next level, what does Sheik Mustafa have in store...will [COLOR="Blue"]Natural Storm [/COLOR]stand strong? MAW tag title championship [COLOR="blue"]Natural Storm w/Nicole Kiss[/COLOR] (c) vs [COLOR="darkorange"]Blonde Ambition [/COLOR]w/Persephone Also: Anger errupted after the triangle match at MAW Heart of Darkness..now Zeus Maxmillion and Mainstream Hernendez want to settle who is best once and for all.... Special grudge match: Mainstream Hernendez vs Zeus Maxmillion Also appearing Steven Parker, Oscar Golden Be there to share in History...be there for [COLOR="DarkGreen"]MAW The Legacy[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
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MAW The Legacy results [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="DarkGreen"]MAW The Legacy[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]"Welcome to Stanley Hall this March Sunday for an action packed evening. Tonight we see if Blond Ambition can claim the tag titles from Natural Storm and what will be settled between Mainstream Hernendez and Zeus Maxmillion." "Good evnin Merv, That's right it will be a big night, and I also have a surprize tonight for the fans and for one of our own." "[COLOR="DarkGreen"]Our cameras are ready to see what Natural Storm has to say about tonight." The big screen shows Eddie Howard all in DC Rayne's face..."Where were you last week." Nicole steps in "Guys, we are a team..." The trio sees the camera and hurry back to the dressing room were loud shouting is heard." [/COLOR](C+) "Sounds interesting, well we are ready for our first match of the evening...Oscar Golden, who has been on a roll is taking on the young flyer from England Jack Giedroyc Oscar Golden d. Jack Giedroyc Not as good a match as i hoped between these two...Oscar picks up the pin at 9:35. (E) [COLOR="DarkGreen"]The big screen switches to Shiek Mustafa and the Beast looking at a monitor replay of Natural Storm's segment..."I wonder if all is calm in the house tonight....(evil laugh) (C+)[/COLOR] "Now back to the ring...these next two have battle with and against each other for the right to challenge for the MAW title for the last three months. what will give." Mainstream Hernendez and Zeus Maxmillion battle to a double count out at 14:22 as they are attacked by Ricky Douglas and Murderous Mikey. (C+) [COLOR="DarkGreen"]Mean Machine and Karen come out to the top of the ramp..."It seems you two twerps can't even beat each other up right....how can you expect to challenge the Machine? Get'em boys...." The brawl between the four continue as Jean and Karen look on and laugh."[/COLOR] (C+) Another member of the Firm having trouble right now is out for a match. Steven Parker d. Cannonball Logan A squash that was extended because Parker was distracted and keep looking for someone to interfere...pin at 8:44(E) The champs are ready now to hype: "[COLOR="DarkGreen"]Fans you have seen Eddie and I overcome many obstacles, we've fought and fussed, but when the hammer is down, we stand together....and we will be the storm to 'mess up the hair of the blondes.[/COLOR]" (C+) [COLOR="Red"]"Now order is in the house....Hey Mean Jean...Rip has asked me to tell you come out for a nice announcement." Jean comes out with Karen. "You think your the king with your little tactics and tricks, but I have someone who contacted me for a shot at your title...He thinks you are not all you claim to be. He's fought in many arenas and now he wants a piece of you...So next month you will fight him at MAW Night of Blood. "Who is it, Antonio? there's noone left." "You'll find out tonight....lol" (C-)[/COLOR] Two of our newcommers are ready to battle next: Flemmy Cloudchaser d. Ian Vincible The new native american was just too much for the youngster from Europe as both grew in skills in this match. (E) [COLOR="DarkGreen"]Mean Jean is shown asking Karen. "Do you have any idea who Estabon has for me tonight? We need to know...find out now." [/COLOR] (C-) [COLOR="DarkGreen"]Zeus Maxmillion and Mainstream come out together..."Hey Zeus i know you're a god and all, but in order for us to overcome this trash heap, we've got to work together. Once we've gotten rid of scum, then we can concentrate n finding out who is the best between us?" "its a deal surfer" Both men shake hands.[/COLOR] (C+) Blonde Ambition come out with Persephone to hype their match next. "Our shots were stolen, we took them back...now we will take the titles, for blondes have more fun....(C+) MAW Tag team Championship Blonde Ambition w/Persephone d. Natural Storm w/Nicole Kiss A disapointing match for the build up but Flash takes advantage of Eddie being distracted by Shiek Mustafa on the ramp to get a quick roll up and win at the 18:65 mark. (D) Flash and Eddie were noticable tired. Blonde Ambition celebrate their title win. (C+) Eddie Howard and DC Rayne are in shock as is most of the audience...Nicole is trying to console the two as Shiek begins to laugh...his two monsters Beast and Decipher rush the ring causing a full blown war that takes most of the locker room and security to break up. (C-) After the carnage clears, Mean Jean comes back out...."Well Merve, Who will be the victim next month?" "Jean you will face.....Mickey James...." (C) Overall it was a D show because of the low matches and fans were truely shocked at Blonde Ambition winning the titles. 116 fans showed up...... Lots of progress on the entertainment side, now to get the matches up to par.....[/SIZE][/FONT]
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MAW Night of Blood [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]MAW Night of Blood[/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE="3"]Big night on the third Sunday in April. Last month: Rip unveils a new challenger for the Mean Machine...Mickey James Upset in the tag ranks as Blonde Ambition win the titles from Natural Storm so at Stanley Hall MAW title Mean Machine (c) w/Karen Killer vs Mickey James[/SIZE] MAW tag title match Blonde Ambition (c) w/Persephone vs Continental Drift w/Jennifer Heat Bonding together to eliminate a problem: Zeus Maxmillion and Mainstream Hernendez vs The Firm (Ricky Douglas and Murderous Mickey) w/ Karen Killer Also Rip promises a major announcement for the Mid-Atlantic.....be there....MAW [COLOR="Red"]Night of Blood[/COLOR][/FONT]
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MAW Night of Blood results [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]MAW Night of Blood[/COLOR] Live in Stanley Hall 145 in attendence. "Lots of excitement in the air tonight with two title matches on tap. Lets go see what the Firm has to say tonight." Mean Machine, Karen Killer, Ricky Douglas, Murderous Mickey, and Steven Parker come down to ringside. Mean takes the mic first. "[COLOR="DarkGreen"]Well Rip you are always trying to stack the deck, you bring in some small time loser to challenge me...well tonight i prove i am the machine...and the machine will keep on runing as i send this James packing." [/COLOR](C) Karen takes the mic, "[COLOR="Blue"]Right Jean, see we have our little insurance policy, and tonight that policy will pay off as these two gentlemen", she points to Murderous Mickey and Ricky Douglas, "Will take care of our little claims.[/COLOR]" (C-) "Rip there is alot of talent coming into the area lately...like this Black Dragon being showcased in the next match." "Yes, Merv, His real name is Des Davids, a former Pro football player who spent some time finding himself in the orient. Now he's come back with a new outlook and way to use his force. I've heard lots of great things about him." Black Dragon Des Davids vs Atlas A battle between big men that saw Davids win with The Claw submission at 9:15. (F) Blonde Ambition make their way out next. Oscar Golden takes the mic. "Yes, you thought we were a joke, but we took our titles...our first step...remember Blondes have more fun." (B-) "[COLOR="Blue"]While we wait on the next match, I have a breaking story from the main office...Lots of new talent has been flooding into our area since the big players are in a slump. Looking for work- Such as the Black Dragon, Cloudchaser, Ian Vincible...So many that they have become a division all unto themselves. Starting in June we will have a tourneyment for a title for this new group of stars....at MAW Hero's Trial: Conquest and MAW The Silver Stair this tourney will be fought. More details will be revealed next month at MAW Shatterpoint." [/COLOR](D) MAW tag title match Blonde Ambition (C) w/Persephone vs Continental Drift w/Jennifer Heat The two ladies played off each other well, but Blond Ambition retain after a pin on Cannonball Logan by Flash Savage at the 13:26 minute. (D) The ex-champs Natural Storm come out with Nicole Kiss. "[COLOR="Blue"]We are still a team...a family and we will regain our belts.[/COLOR]" (C+) As the faces are making their statement Sheik Mustafa comes out with BEAST and DeCipher. "[COLOR="Red"]So you say, i say prove it..[/COLOR]." (C+) Nicole Kiss responds quickly, "[COLOR="Blue"]Shiek you are a joke, we will when we beat your dolts next month at MAW Shatterpoint." [/COLOR] (C) "Rip we have our first match for next month, and it seems Nicole and the Natural Storm mean business." A video of Mickey James working out and training for his title shot tonight was shown next. (C) "Revenge is best served in the ring, Merve as shown by our next match. Special grudge tag match: Zeus Maxmillion and Mainstream Hernendez vs Ricky Douglas and Murderous Mickey The heels fought hard but were worn down at the 16:41 mark with Zeus hitting a thunderbolt on Mickey and Mainstream hitting a swanton on Ricky. As our contestants come to the ring for the main event for the MAW championship Mean Machine (C) w/Karen Killer vs Mickey James Ricky Douglas and Murderous Mikey come down tot ringside, soon followed by Zeus Maxmillion and Mainstream Hernendez. The four finally break into a major brawl that takes security 10 minutes to break up. (C+) The main event was a marathon showcase of talent as both stars had many opportunities to capture the crown, but Mean Jean finally picked up the victory at the 29:35 mark with help from Karen. (C+) Overall the show pulled a C- The crowd is dropping all across the board as the Wrestling industry is at a D and falling and the economy is at C- and falling. Longer matches tonight, but some good spots also....[/SIZE][/FONT]
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MAW Shatterpoint preview [COLOR="Blue"][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="4"]MAW Shatterpoint[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] Preview…… 3rd Sunday in May..Mid-Atlantic Wrestling comes back to Stanley Hall… Things are tough, Times are hard…Same goes for the men here at MAW- [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Blue"]What’s next for Mean Machine Jean Cattley…he defeated Mickey James who will be next? What will happen to Mainstream and Zeus?[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"]Natural Storm are in chaos after losing the MAW tag titles to Blonde Ambition…Now they’ve agreed to a match with Devastation Inc…to prove they are still a team. What does the Sheik have up his sleeve?[/SIZE][/COLOR] Also: Snap Dragon vs. Steven Parker (it must be settled) Bring your family out for good entertainment for a great price…..
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[FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Silver"]MAW Shatterpoint[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] “[COLOR="Green"]Welcome back to Stanley Hall, for another exciting evening of Mid-Atlantic Wrestling. Its really warming up here this May evening, but things are reaching a point, here, a Shatterpoint. Joining me tonight is the owner, a man who needs no introduction Rip Cord.”[/COLOR] “Thanks Merv. I’m glad to be able to be here…times are hard, so I’m really glad to see all our fans making the effort to be out here tonight.” “It[COLOR="green"] promises to be an exciting night, we have Natural Storm having problems after an upset loss to Blonde Ambition. Will they prove they are on the same page will facing the menacing Devastation Inc. with Sheik Mustafa? Also Steven Parker and Snap Dragon have been nip and tuck for the last few months, they both want to settle the score and move on….who will come out on top in a battle till the finish?"[/COLOR] All this and more..” Merv is interrupted by the music of the Firm…and on cue out comes the MAW champion Mean Machine and Karen Killer. [COLOR="Red"]“Hello my fans, I know you came out to see your beloved champion in action, but it seems Rip can’t find anyone to take this title from me….I am the Machine, and NO ONE can BEAT ME….lol…so just enjoy the action as you will see Steven “the Snake” Parker take out the lil puff. Maybe next month Rip will have a challenger for me…”[/COLOR] (C+) “[COLOR="green"]Well Rip, it seems Jean has some words for you…”[/COLOR] “Lets get on with our next match…a showcase about the big announcement I have tonight.” Continental Drift w/Jennifer Heat vs. Canadian Dragon and Puma Boy [COLOR="Purple"]A nice match to start off with a good mix of speed and technique Ian Vincible picks up the pin at the 8:45 mark.[/COLOR] (D) Jennifer Heat grabs a mic while her men celebrate…”[COLOR="Blue"]We have come to the Mid-Atlantic to get a good feel for real American Wrestling. We first wanted the MAW tag titles, now the famous Rip Cord announces a new title…we are in for it…Look out for the Continental Drift…” [/COLOR](D) “[COLOR="Green"]Here comes the Black Dragon for his second match…you really like the look of him, Rip?”[/COLOR] “Merv, he embodies all that I’ve seen in this new division, after his match we will give a little more information on it.” Black Dragon Des Davids vs. Stan Manna [COLOR="Purple"]Black Dragon dominates the MAW mainstay in a series of lightning strikes and power moves. Submission with the Dragon Claw at 6:45.[/COLOR] (D) Rip stands up and claps at the end. “Fans this is what I’m talking about when I mention the new division. Our new division will be called the Hurricane division. This new division will have its own title- MAW Hurricane champion. We will kick off a tournament next month starting with 10 competitors at MAW Hero’s Trial: Conquest with the semifinals and finals being contested at our July show- MAW The Silver Stair. The brackets will go out with our flyer at the end of tonight’s show. (B) “[COLOR="DarkOrange"]That’s all fine Rip, but what about Oscar. You are always overlooking the Blondes. Why aren’t the champs the main event tonight Rip? I’ve been on a roll and do I get a shot at the title, NO!!! Why not?” [/COLOR]Just then Antonio’s music hits. “[COLOR="Blue"]Oscar, what you trying to do, you’ve got unfinished business. You haven’t taught me anything yet!!!” [/COLOR]Then Antonio charges and attacks Oscar. The other Blonde Ambition members come out and take Antonio down…(C-) MAW Tag championship match Blonde Ambition w/Persephone © vs. Jack Giedroyc and Tim Westybrook [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Another nice blend of styles with a lot of chemistry out there tonight. Best match by the Blondes. Raphael picks up the win at 10:34.[/COLOR] (C-) Steven “the snake” Parker comes out next. “[COLOR="Red"]Tonight, Dragon we finish this….no time limit…one of us will walk out the victor…and it will be me, for you might my a dragon, but a dragon is a myth, I am real…I am what dragon myths were based on. I’m the original nightmare.” [/COLOR](C-) Steven “the Snake” Parker vs. Snap Dragon (no time limit, no DQ) [COLOR="Purple"]Awesome match put on by these two rising stars. Lots of back and forth action between the two till Ricky Douglas tries to come down. Douglas is taken out by Dragon, Parker looks to capitalize when, Dragon does a quick roll up at the 31 minute mark. Dragon picks up the win to the dismay of the Snake. [/COLOR](C+) The cameras catch Dragon celebrating with the people, Merve askes what’s next? Snap Dragon replies by mockingly putting a belt around his waist. (B-) Sheik Mustafa comes out with his hulking henchmen, Devastation Inc. “[COLOR="Red"]We are witnessing the weakness of the American culture play out. How you can’t trust anyone. Natural Storm is breaking, breaking up…Just like all Americans there is no real honor or strength, just weakness.”[/COLOR] (C+) Natural Storm w/Nicole Kiss vs. Devastation Inc. w/Sheik Mustafa [COLOR="Purple"]What a main event…Storm comes out ready to prove they are a strong unit especially after the tirade by the Sheik. But the Wiley Sheik has his plan working in perfect order. DC is a ball of fire to begin, but soon hits the brute strength of the Beast. Beast finally seems to tire, but so do both of Storm, when DC misses a double team move and hits Eddie by mistake, DeCipher is quick to take advantage and get the win at the 21:28 mark. The Sheik is estactic. [/COLOR](C+) Eddie and DC are verbally going at it with Nicole trying to calm them both down as the Sheik smiles in the background. (C+)
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MAW Hurrican title tournament brackets Round 1 Erik Strong vs Canadian Dragon Puma Boy vs Al Coleman Round 2 Rockin Ryan vs Black Dragon Des Davids Jack Giedroyc vs (Strong-Canadian Dragon) winner Flemmy Cloudchaser vs Cannonball Logan Ian Vincible vs (Puma Boy-Al Coleman) winner At July show MAW The Silver Stair Semi-Finals (Rockin Ryan-Black Dragon) winner vs (Jack Giedroyc-(Strong-Canadian) winner (Cloudchaser-Logan) winner vs. (Vincible-(Puma-Coleman) winner
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MAW Hero's Trial: Conquest [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Indigo"]MAW Hero's Trial: Conquest[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]"[COLOR="SeaGreen"]Welcome once again to Stanley Hall, I'm Merve Ernest along with the legendary Rip Cord. We are set here to bring you another action paced show here at the Hall. Tonight ex-Champions Natural Storm will try to regain their titles against the hot Blonde Ambition. Also we have the first and second round of our Hurricane Title tournament. This promises to be one of the most exciting shows we've ever had, right Rip?"[/COLOR] "You said it, Merve. I'm really excited about our new division, lots of young talent looking for a prize and we have one for them now. Also our Main Event has a big surprize for Mean Machine." "[COLOR="seagreen"]Wow, I can't wait to here that one, but we are ready for our first match of the tournament[/COLOR]." Erik Strong vs Canadian Dragon A nice match to get things going. Strong is too much for the masked Canadian and picks up the win at 6:21. (E) He will now advance to face Jack Giedroyc later tonight. Puma Boy vs Al Coleman What should have been a squash saw Puma get some good offense in keeping Coleman off balance, but Coleman finally wins out at the 7:21 mark. (E) He will now advance to take on Ian Vincible "[COLOR="seagreen"]Well our first round got off to a good start.[/COLOR]." Merve's cut off again as Mean Jean's music hits the speakers. "[COLOR="Red"]Well, last week i couldn't help but see Snappy pick up a fluke win, and i have a message for him. "Snappy, step back. You're not in my league. I am the Machine and i run smooth. Got it dragon-boy?"[/COLOR] (C+) "[COLOR="SeaGreen"]Rip, something is happening out in the parking lot. Let's see what it is.[/COLOR]" The screen switches to the parking lot where Mainstream Hernendez is down. Blood pouring from his head and attendents are checking on him. "[COLOR="seagreen"]That looks really bad."[/COLOR] (C+) "Hey Jean, I have a surprize for you tonight...you will face Snap Dragon in our main event for your MAW title. (B-) "[COLOR="seagreen"]Now, Rip that was a bombshell. Looks like our second round is ready to begin. First up is one of your favorites to win tonight- Black Dragon Des Davids[/COLOR]." Rocking Ryan Turner vs Black Dragon Des Davids Two big men going hard, but Davids agility helps him pick up the win at the 6:23 mark. (E) He will move on to the semi-finals next month. Jack Giedroyc vs Erik Strong Two faces fought a hard battle, but the earlier match pulled some out of Strong and Giedroyc debuted a new move...ST. George's Cross for the submission win. (D) He moves on to next month. "[COLOR="seagreen"]We are half-way through round two and our first semi-final is set for MAW The Silver Stair in July. Black Dragon Des Davids vs Jack Giedroyc[/COLOR]" Nicole Kiss comes out with Natural Storm next. "[COLOR="Blue"]Lots of people talk about problems in the storm. But we will stick together, and we will regain our titles tonight. Blonde Ambition, you claim to be the main event....tonight the storm will blow you away."[/COLOR] (C+) Snap Dragon is preparing to come out when Murderous Mikey hits him from behind and begins a beatdown, till the Storm come in for the rescue. (C) "[COLOR="SeaGreen"]The Firm wants to maintain their Firm grip on the title it seems...will Snap Dragon be able to compete tonight? Well we are ready for the second half of the round 2[/COLOR]." Flemmy Cloudchaser vs Cannonball Logan Cloudchaser is dancing and whooping all the way to an easy win at the 4:34 mark. (D) He's moving on to next months show. Al Coleman vs Ian Vincible After watching his teammate take a beating in the last match the young flyer- Vincible takes it to Coleman. A good hard fought contest in which a seemingly beaten Vincible "hulks-up" after encouragement from Jennifer Heat. Pin at 7:23. (D) He will move on to face Flemmy Cloudchaser. "[COLOR="seagreen"]Alright Rip, our brackets are set for the semi-finals next month. I guess you still like Black Dragon[/COLOR]?" "He is my favorite, but it is still anyone's game...Lot's of hungry youth still in this tourney." "[COLOR="seagreen"]Well its time for our first main event match, a rematch for the MAW tag titles. Will the Storm be on the same page? Will the Blondes have more fun?[/COLOR]" MAW tag team championship Blonde Ambition w/Persephone (C) vs Natural Storm w/Nicole Kiss The Blondes seem ready, but no Sheik tonight and Storm look to be clicking again. The sheer power and teamwork of the Storm have Nicole smiling at the end. Pin by DC at the 13:23 mark. Natural Storm regain their titles. (C-) Natural Storm and Nicole Kiss celebrate the regaining with a jubilant crowd. (B-) Eye of the Tiger blares over the speakers. Snap Dragon comes out obviously limping from the attack by Murderous Mikey. Natural Storm pat him on the back for encouragement. (B-) MAW Title championship Mean Machine w/Karen Killer vs Snap Dragon A great main event with both men giving it all. Dragon seems to have an answer for everything, but his injury earlier is showing signs. Finally Jean gets frustrated and crawls out of the ring luring Dragon out. As Jean gets Jay Fair's attention, Ricky Douglas comes out and nails Dragon with a pipe. Machine then gets the countout victory. The fans are obviously outraged. (C+) Overall the show went well, with lots of lower costing stars. The hard hit economy is driving their price tags down way low. Most unemployed stars are asking $99. I finally quit losing money with this show. Let me know what you think and any improvements you may sugest.[/ SIZE][/FONT]
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MAW the Silver Stair preview [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Silver"]MAW The Silver Stair[/COLOR] This July at the Stanley Hall Loads of Action planned... Find out who will be crowned the 1st Hurricane Champion as the tournament semi-finals and finals are contested. Semi-Finals: Black Dragon Des Davids vs Jack Giedroyc Flemmy Cloudchaser vs Ian Vincible Also on tap- Who attacked Mainstream? Antonio vs Oscar Golden- Cage New tag champs- Natural Storm.... For affordable clean family entertainment, be there for the Silver Stair.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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Thank you Thank you for the support, no i didn't change any stats, but i do write angles that use the character's best attributes, or try to...sometimes that doesn't always work....but sometimes it does...my matches are still not really great yet, but we will get there.
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MAW The Silver Stair results [FONT="Fixedsys"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Silver"]MAW The Silver Stair[/COLOR] [/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Welcome to Stanley Hall, once again, this hot July night is ready to explode...loads of action planned. We will crown our first MAW Hurricane champion. Also Devestation Inc will challenge Natural Storm. Antonio vs Oscar Golden in a cage. Rip, it promises to be a great night."[/COLOR] "Yes it does, Merve. I'm axious to see the semi-finals and finals of our tournament. Lots of email and letters have come in for this event. Also I think we are in for a barn burner in the tag match between Devestation Inc and Natural Storm. First I think Mainstream has some words." On cue Mainstream Hernendez comes out. [COLOR="Blue"]"Last week i was blindsided by someone, I know you had something to do with it Jean, and i'm not going to rest till i find the attacker." [/COLOR] (C-) "Merve, here is some footage from the back." A video is shown up on the big screen, Mean Jean is seen talking to someone in the shadows, "[COLOR="Red"]Yes, I need it again this week."[/COLOR] (c-) [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Wow, I wonder who that was? Well on to pressing matters the first of our semi-final matches is about to begin. It looks to be a contrast of styles."[/COLOR] Hurricane Semi-final 1 Black Dragon Des Davids vs. Jack Giedroyc A good match to start the semi-final round. Giedroyc is a good performer and Davids allowed him to hit some good spots, but the Dragon took the submission at the 12:10 mark. (D) [COLOR="seagreen"]"Dragon looked a little winded there at the end? Will he have enought in the tank to finish in the final?"[/COLOR] "I think he will surprize you...just keep watching." Sheik Mustafa comes out next with his team of Devestation Inc. "[COLOR="Red"]Natural Storm, you have won your titles back, but we hold a victory over you. Now we will take what is dear to you, and demolish what is left of the storm......hahaha"[/COLOR] (C-) Mainstream is shown talking with a worker in the back and aquiring a videotape and grinning. (C-) [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Well now we are ready for semi-final number two. Two young up and commers who can really burn it up."[/COLOR] "Yes, Merve, I see these two on the screen one day in the near future." MAW Hurricane semi-final 2 Ian Vincible vs Flemmy Cloudchaser Another match showcasing young talent on the rise. Ian is definitely going to grow in skills, but the "native american" was too much. Flemmy wins with the suicide lock at the 14:11 mark. (D) [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Well Rip our final is all set. Either Black Dragon Des Davids or Flemmy Cloudchaser will become our first ever Hurricane champion."[/COLOR] We switch back to the back where Natural Storm are getting ready. DC notices a wad of cash in Eddie's bag. "[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]"Man where did you get all that dough?" "Don't worry partner, i've been saving." [/COLOR] (c-) As the cage is lowered for our major grudge match, "Merve, I wonder what that is all about?" Antonio vs Oscar Golden cage match. A brutal battle in more than one way. I was hoping for some drama in this match working the crowd. Antonio was lost, but Oscar did pick up some improvement. Oscar escapes at teh 16:24 mark. (D) Snap Dragon comes out as the cage is taken apart he has his cue cards for the fans tonight. "[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]I was robbed last week[/B], and this week i will get a [B]real shot[/B]. [B]Mean Jean you will go down tonight[/B]." [/COLOR] (C-) The screen switches to video feed from a cell phone. It shows Mainstream walking, when a strange man comes out to whack him with a 2x4 five times. The strange man has a smirk and sideburns. "[COLOR="SeaGreen"]Rip do you recognize that person?"[/COLOR] "Yes, I do. It's John Greed." Mainstream is then shown running down the back hallway, but too late. Snap Dragon gets hit with a 2x4. Standing over himis a triumph Greed. Mainstream chases off Greed, but Snap is hurt bad. (C+) A stretcher is called in to carry Snap Dragon away to a waiting abulance. "[COLOR="seagreen"]Now Rip, this is bad. Machine has no-one to challenge him this week again."[/COLOR] "True Merve, This is getting on my last nerve. But we do have one true championship here. It will be awarded next. (C) [COLOR="seagreen"]MAW Hurricane championship final[/COLOR] Black Dragon Des Davids vs Flemmy Cloudchaser Now this match followed expectations. Both men got in lots of offence, and Davids sold his having a tiring match earlier. I booked it for a little too long though and Davids was exhausted, but picked up the submission win at the 16:11 mark. (C) The crowd really appreciated the effort by both men and gave the new champ a nice ovation. (D) [COLOR="seagreen"]"Rip, whaat are we going to do about the situation with Mean Jean and now Greed?"[/COLOR] "I'm going to grant Mainstream his match against Greed. It should be a battle next month at MAW There and Back Again. (C-) [COLOR="seagreen"]"Well here is the main event we've been waiting on. Natural Storm has regained their titles and now are ready to face their thorn in Devestation. Who will come out on top?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]MAW Tag Team titles[/COLOR] Natural Storm w/Nicole Kiss (C) vs. Devestation Inc. w/Sheik Mustafa A better match compared to the first encounter. Lots of drama and good crowd involvement. The Beast and DeCipher finally cut DC off and begin a nice beatdown on him. DC goes to make the hot tag, but Eddie is down. DeCipher gets up and gets a quick pin on a distracted DC. New tag champs- Devestation Inc. (C-) As the new champs begin to celebrate, Eddie gets up and looks to attack Decipher, when he suddenly shakes his hand. and hugs the Sheik..(C) Nicole along with the crowd are in stunned silence........ Over all show....(C-)[/SIZE] Notes: This was a decent show putting forces in motion for a huge WIABA in October. Eddies turn though hinted, was still a nice surprize for the fans and went over well.[/FONT]
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MAW There and Back Again preview [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"]Here we are in the month of August, the twist and turns are fast and furious. Everyone is trying to secure a spot on the big October show...Where It All Begins Again. [/SIZE][/FONT] Coming up in August MAW [SIZE="3"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]There and Back Again[/COLOR] Mean Jean has to pay for his attrocities, He will have an opponent for the show. Who will it be? John Greed, the latest on the payroll of the firm. He attacked Mainstream and Snap Dragon, Now Mainstream will get his shot at a fair fight. Natural Storm has finally split. Why did Eddie join with the Sheik? Also in action- new MAW Hurricane champion Black Dragon Des Davids. Bring your family out for an affordable eveing of entertainment as we go There and Back Again.[/FONT][/SIZE]
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