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MAW Shatterpoint 07 preview MAW Shatterpoint 07 Last month 2 stars fall to the attack of a mysterious masked man. Who is it? Who cause Snap Dragon a shot at the title? Who would want to take out Mainstream? Find out this month. Already signed: MAW championship match: [B]Zeus Maxmillion[/B] (C) vs. [B]Oscar Golden[/B] Oscar benefited from the mysterious man in his match, but also a strange woman showed up. Will this be Golden's golden night? or will the Olympian reign supreme? [B]Mainstream Hernendez[/B] vs. [B]Black Dragon Des Davids[/B] Hernendez coming off a tough match for the title and then a brutal attack from the mystery man signs to face a rising star in our sport. The Black Dragon has steadily risen overcoming Eddie Howard twice. Who will prevail? [B]Antonio and Jack Giedroyc[/B] vs. [B]Steven 'the snake' Parker and John Greed[/B] These four men have been battling around Parker's Hurricane title for the last few months. Rip wants this brawl settled by the young guns in a Last Team standing match. Which team will be standing at the end? Also- the Rock City Stars beat the gods of Thunder in a loser disbands match. The Sheik is definitely not happy. Nevada Nuclear and Rick Sanders stop the Continental Drift and kidnap Jennifer Heat. Find out what will go down when the MAW reaches a Shatterpoint in May 2007 at Stanley Hall.
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MAW Shatterpoint 07 results [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Once again we are back in Stanley Hall for another exciting evening of MAW. A mystery man runs...."[/COLOR] Ernest's opening remarks are interrupted by [I]Hall of the Mountain King[/I]. The Mystery Masked Man comes out to the podium. [COLOR="Red"]"Last month I come back and make a major impact. Now you want to know who is it? Who could do it? Well let me help you."[/COLOR] the Mystery Man takes off the mask and its- Mean Jean Cattley. "[COLOR="red"]Come on out Karen. Last week i got off to a good start to get what is rightfully mine- MY MAW TITLE. SnapDragon- you stole what was mine last year- now you are now laying in a hospital room. Mainstream I just hate you. Next on my list- the fake blonde cur- Zeus Maxmillion. You have what is mine and I will take it..."[/COLOR] Mean Jean is interrupted by- DC Rayne and Nicole Kiss. Nicole tries to speak, but DC is first- "[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]"Mean Jean, I knew you were a coward, but you had some skill. Now you are just a back stabbin Jerk...Dude I've had my fill of backstabbin losers. I'm not going to stand by and let you do to these men what i went through. Next month you and me, Mean Machine."[/COLOR] Mean Jean grins and shakes his head yes.[COLOR="Red"]"It will be a pleasure stiffling the self-righeous storm."[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Wow, Mean Jean is back. Mean Jean is on a rampage and DC Rayne is ready to stand in his way." Well lets go to our first match."[/COLOR] [B]C.H. Threepwood[/B] vs. [B]Puma Boy[/B] Threepwood has some potential and has done well in his role so far. Puma Boy was a reward for the good work. Threepwood looks good with the pin at 6:34. Thomas Morgan comes running in obviously upset. "Outside it's a slaughter." Someone with a camera is dispatched. The fans watch in silence as Steven Parker, John Greed, Murderous Mickey, and Ricky Douglas smashing the life out of Antonio. Parker notices the camera, "Looks like there will be no match tonight..." Giedroyc, DC Rayne and Eric Strong empty from the back to run the villians off, but the damage is done, Antonio is not moving and is quickly loaded into an ambulance. Jack Giedroyc is shown looking furious, but then promises Antonio "I will avenge this, but now i need a partner." Erik Strong walks up and lays a hand on Giedroyc. Parker and Greed are in the ring. "Hey, Giedroyc, how you gonna fight us now? See Rip, you were the thing, but you are no match for the brains of today's youth." Gied comes out from behind the curtain, but he is not alone, Erik Strong comes out. We have a match after all. [B]Steven 'the snake' Parker and John Greed[/B] vs. [B]Jack Giedroyc and Erik Strong[/B] Gied is full of fire and takes it to the boytoy and snake. Strong also makes a good showing in his chance to shine. Strong is cut off in classic fashion till Gied makes the hot tag and gets a the pin on Parker at the 12:12 mark. Ian Vincible and Cannonball Logan are shown argueing over who's fault it was Jennifer Heat was taken by the Nevada Nuclear and Rick Sanders. In the midst of their argueing Nevada and Rick make their way to the ring with an obviously subdued Jennifer Heat. "[COLOR="Red"]Hey, Hey. Look who we have. Now you EuroTrash just go home. Jenni you enjoy being around real men now right?"[/COLOR] Jennifer looking frightend out of her mind shakes her head yes. [COLOR="red"]"See you've lost what skill you had and now you've lost your woman. Kiss me S***!"[/COLOR] Then from nowhere the Puerto Rican Power comes running out of the back laying into the two heels and sending them running. Jennifer is scooped into Peurto Rican's arms as he carries her to the back. (Puerto had been a heel on the roster, an oversight on my part. His turn went real well tonight to a face.) Sheik Mustafa comes out next with Devastation, Atlas and Titan. both men look humbled. "[COLOR="red"]Atlas, Titan- you have both woked well, but last week you let me down. Titan- you are a disgrace- YOU ARE FIRED!! And Rock City Stars you have gained a fluke, but your time will come and you will pay for your sins. That time will be tonight...you will face your Devastation"[/COLOR] [B]Mainstream Hernendez[/B] vs. [B]Black Dragon Des Davids[/B] A good contrast in styles that saw a stiff Dragon and high flying Mainstream wowing the crowd. Unfortunatley there was no chemistry betweent the two. Dragon picks up the win and moves further up the ladder at the 13:23. Dragon will challenge for the MAW title next month. The MAW champ Zeus Maxmillion comes out to a thunderous applause. "[COLOR="red"]People, the champ is here. Bow before the wrestling god. We've faced many men, but tonight we face a pansey. tonight we will mess you up pretty boy Golden, you have no chance against the god."[/COLOR] [I] I wanna rock-n-roll all nighttttt, and party everyday[/I] roars out. Rock City Stars make their way to the ring. "Hey rockers!!! Last week we disbanded the mighty ogres...this week we face a couple of freaks. Sheik when will you learn, Red, White, Blue, and Rock will always rule...." [B]Rock City Stars[/B] vs. [B]Devastation Inc. w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] Good mix of action going back and forth. Ryan finally gets Decipher in a pinnin perdicament till Sheik interferes. Jay wisely lets the match continue, the fans want a winner. Then at the 17 minute mark he has no choice to call the DQ as the Firm come out and attack Devastation. DQ win for Dev Inc. then all six men go tooth and nail around the ring, spilling into the crowd. The fight carries all the way to the back. MAW championship match [B]Zeus Maxmillion[/B] (C) vs. [B]Oscar Golden[/B] These two men have faced off before and it seemed the result would be the same till the strange hippy woman comes out. She distracts Fair and allows Mean Machine to come out and nail Zeus with a chair. MM then puts Oscar on top of Zeus. MM rolls under the ring as Fair turns around to count the fall 1, 2, 3. Oscar Golden is the new champ.....Wait Rip comes out and shows Fair Mean Machine hidding under the ring with the chair. Jay reverses the decision. Oscar is still groggy no realizing anything. We leave you with an irate Mean Machine, a smiling Rip, and Zeus Maxmillion still the champion.
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MAW Hero's Trial 07 preview Here we are in June 2007 and things are heating up again. Mean Jean has began his rampage back into the title picture- first sending SnapDragon into the hospital, then attacking Mainstream, and last month trying to cost Zeus Maxmillion the title. Signed: MAW championship match: [B]Zeus Maxmillion[/B] vs. [B]Black Dragon Des Davids[/B] Last week the olympic champ had to contend with Mean Jean in holding on to his title this week he fights the ex-Hurricane champ the Black Dragon who has steadily been rising up the ranks. Who's streak continues? MAW hurricane championship match [B]Steven 'the snake' Parker[/B] vs. [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] Parker and his Firm friends thought they had ended a threat by taking out Antonio, Giedroyc is a young man on the rise. Will he fly too high for Parker? Special challenge: [B]Mean Jean Cattley w/Karen Killer[/B] vs. [B]DC Rayne w/Nicole Kiss[/B] Mean Jean is definitly back, but a man who knows about sneak attacks stands in his way. Will the young tag teamer make a stand, or will the Mean Machine roll on? Also- What will happen now that Puerto Rican Power has involved himself in Nevada Nuclear and Rick Sander's business? What will happen next with our tag team scene? Be there- Stanley Hall- June for the anwer to these questions as MAW faces the Hero's Trial.
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MAW Hero's Trial: Rebirth 07 "Welcome once again to the storied Stanley Hall for another evening of MAW. Tonight the stars face new trials- new battles- new rewards. Tonight is the Hero's Trial: Rebirth...." Merve is interrupted as Murderous Mickey and Ricky Douglas come out with their manager Karen Killer. "[COLOR="Red"]Hey Rockers, What is your problem? We come out last week to help you with those bullies of the Sheik's and what do you do? You bite the hand that feeds you. That is not nice. The Family is not happy, so now you have and offer you can't refuse."[/COLOR] Rip Cord comes out to the podium. "What is this? I'm tired of whinning and sneak attacks. Where are the real men of our sport? Firm- you and your boy Greed...Whine whine whine. Tonight you three will have a chance to back up your mouth. Rock City Stars and Erik Strong come on out. Right now we will have a 6-man tag: the Firm and John Greed vs. Rock City Stars and Erik Strong, Starting now." [B]Rock City Stars and Eric Strong[/B] vs. [B]The Firm and John Greed w/Karen Killer[/B] A nice impromptu match. The Stars have really improved the last few months and with Douglas in the ring the tutoring goes up. Strong and Greed work well together also. The finish sees Strong getting a pin on Greed as the Stars hold the Firm at bay at the 11:34. "We have a henious action on tape. We will let it speak for itself." [I]The scene opens in the hospital room of the SnapDragon. He is lying in the bed recovering from his attack from Mean Jean. Oscar Golden burst in and begins a brutal assualt on Dragon. A bedpan a food tray, and monitor later and then Golden folds the bed on the injured Dragon. A shrill voice is heard in the back ground. "Beat him, He is why you are not champion."[/I] As we come back Merve reminds the fans that Jack Giedroyc has a chance for the MAW Hurricane title against Steven 'the snake' Parker. Jennifer Heat comes out next with Puerto Rican Power and Continental Drift. "Nuclear you and Sanders are two punks about to meet your fate. You dare lay hands on me...you dare terrorize me...now meet your doom." Heat leads her men to the ring as Nevada Nuclear and Rick Sanders comes out. I know you all have wondered who would join us agains the Trash team....well he is an outsider like us, but he is a man who can carry his weight...he's Titan." Titan comes out and goes with the two men to the ring. [B]Puerto Rican Power and Continental Drift w/Jennifer Heat[/B] vs. [B]Nevada Nuclear, Ricky Sanders, and Titan[/B] The ****y twosome went out and got some meat to help in their battle tonight and it paid off. Titan gave Power a run for his money and basically handed the victory to Nevada, but Jennifer Heat was forgotten and she gave Nevada a low blow allowing Power to get up and hit the Powerbomb for the win. Puerto Power and Jennifer Heat celebrate their victory over the heel team with Continental Drift, but Ian Vincible is not looking as happy. Mean Jean comes out with Karen Killer as they pass the vicotorious team a momentary brush happens. [COLOR="red"]"Fans, you make me puke. Only one thing is important to me...The title. now this poor lil tag boy-Rayne will be feed to the Machine. DC, take some advice and go home.....before i send you home with a beating."[/COLOR] Hurricane Title Match [B]Steven "the snake" Parker w/Karen Killer[/B] vs. [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] Parker has been holding on to his title for awhile through guile and luck. Giedroyc provided a stiff challenge. This match went back and forth till Greed comes out and causes a DQ win for Giedroyc. Parker would keep the title. Rip comes out. "No No Parker, you will win or lose like a man. Fair restart this match, if there is another DQ then Parker will lose his tite. Strong comes out to help even the odds at ringside. Giedroyc comes in with a new passion giving the champ a real punishing time. Gied goes up top one too many times allowing Parker to conteract with a nice dropkick on the leaping Gied. Parker wins 1, 2, 3. Parker and Greed leave like scalded dogs. The champ- Zeus Maxmillion comes out next: [COLOR="red"]"My fans.....The Olympic god is here. Tonight i face a new challenge. a Dragon flys high, but not high enough. The Dragon faces a god...and the Olympian will defeat the god. And Machine, if you dare intrude on the god again, you will pay HELL."[/COLOR] [B]Mean Machine Cattley w/Karen Killer[/B] vs. [B]DC Rayne w/Nicole Kiss[/B] The two managers managed to cancel each other out and alowed the men to settle this one in the ring. DC came on strong with lots of quick power moves, but the methodical machine's experience proved too much as the Mean Machine gets the pin at the 18:23 mark. the Machine and Karen are celebrate. Merve announces that their is a scene in the back. [I]Sheik Mustafa minus the turban is looking irate. It seems someone has stolen his turban tonight- the reason why we haven't seen him all night.[/I] MAW championship match [B]Zeus Maxmillion[/B] (C) vs. [B]Black Dragon Des Davids[/B] A chance for Davids to shine with the big boys. The Dragon got in some nice offence but still hasn't got the stamina to keep it up. Zeus picks up the win at the 28:12 mark. Zeus and Davids shake hands after the match and celebrate with the fans.
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MAW: The Silver Stair 07 preview July heat only lets tempers flare higher. Last month Mean Jean began his climb back up the ladder, Zeus Maxmillion had a honarble fight, and Jennifer Heat gained a measure of revenge on Nevada Nuclear and Rick Sanders, What would come next as the combatants begin there climb of The Silver Stair to Where It All Begins Again? Already signed: [B]The Firm w/Karen Killer[/B] vs. [B]Antonio and Jack Giedroyc[/B] Antonio and Jack have had trouble with Parker from the Firm stable, now they will take on the team from the stable- Murderous Mikey and Ricky Douglas. [B]Rock City Stars[/B] vs. [B]Steven Parker and John Greed w/Karen Killer[/B] The RCS have now run afoul of Karen Killer's group. Will they overcome the Hurricane champ and his trusty sidekick? Also- MAW champ Zeus Maxmillion has a major announcement. Be there as the we begin our long climb of the Silver Stair.
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MAW The Silver Stair 07 OOOPS...the wrong poster was put up and the fans were angry...sorry no Firm vs Antonio/Giedroyc or no Rock City Stars vs. Parker/Greed. Fans were still there for the show. We open with the reigning MAW champ-Zeus Maxmillion in a gladiators toga complete with shield and sword. "[COLOR="Red"]People, your olympic champion has been approached to hit the silver screen. That's right coming soon to your theatre, your olympic actor. Oscar winning, champion!! Just listen to this- To be or not to be? What kind of question is that? Who would not want to be me?"[/COLOR] Just as the champ is getting into his lines out come Nevada Nuclear, Rick Sanders, and Titan chairs in hand. They brutally begin to assalt the champ. Nevada grabs a mic. "[COLOR="Black"]We just want you to know...somebody thinks you suck!!"[/COLOR] The villians hit the bricks as Puerto Rican Power, Continental Drift, and Mainstream Hernendez come out for the save. Rip Cord comes out as the trainers are checking on the downed Olympic champion. "Well it seems we have our own Rat Pack in town. You want to fight so bad, well tonight Nevada, you, Rick, and Titan will get your fight. you three vs. Zeus, Mainstream, and Puerto Rican Power. Now you can say all you want in the ring. Also since the Blondes have been unable to defend the titles these last few months I had no choice but to strip them of their titles. We will begin a tourneyment next month to crown new tag champs." [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"Wow, fans a major 6 man match tonight. The champ, the Mainstream and the Power will take on the Rat Pack." Why would Nevada and his friends pick this fight? Also, the Blondes who were put on the shelf by Devastation Inc. Have been striped of the titles. Which team will climb the ladder and wear the team belts? Well on to our first match."[/COLOR] [B]C.H. Threepwood[/B] vs. [B]Cannonball Logan[/B] Continental Drift memeber is trying his feet in the singles ranks, but to no avail. Threepwood is steadily improving and is getting ready to be put in a major position in a program. Threepwood hits the wooden stake on Logan at the 6:32 mark. [COLOR="seagreen"]"Threepwood is working his way up the ladder with nice wins here and there. Before long he might get his first shot at gold here in the Mid-Atlantic. In other news, Antonio will be making his return next week. He and Jack Giedroyc will fight the Firm in a first round match for the vacant tag titles. Tonight Erik Strong gets his first chance at gold when he fights Hurricane champ Steven 'the snake' Parker."[/COLOR] MAW Hurricane championship [B]Steven 'the snake' Parker[/B] (C) w/Karen Killer vs. [B]Erik Strong[/B] A nice match up between two men who know each other and they had a nice chemistry. Strong looked to have a nice thing going hitting 4 nice moves in a row, till Greed comes out. Karen has Jay distracted, Greed goes for the chair shot, but misses and hits Parker. Greed quick thinking throws the chair to Strong and ducks out as Fair turns around. seeing Paker out and Strong holding a chair, Fair calls for the DQ. Parker wins. Music hits and out comes Persephone looking as hot as ever. "[COLOR="Sienna"]"Fans, I really appreciate all the nice cards and get well letters sent to me while i was out. But you notice i come out alone tonight. Oscar, I know you're back there. Come out here I have something to ask."[/COLOR] Oscar Golden comes out. [COLOR="sienna"]"Where were you? Where have you been? What happent to Blondes forever?"[/COLOR] Golden grabs a mic and the fans sit in anticipation. "Where was I? Where were you? Hurt? A little bump and you stay home hurt. **TCH, we've found a new girl now. And she nothing like you. Heidi come on out." The strange hippy attired blonde who has been seen near Oscar Golden's matches lately. "Right you little hussy, Go back home." The two blondes then proceed to tear into each other. Wrestlers come from the back to pull the two hell cats apart but not without lots of good hair pulling and scratching." [COLOR="SeaGreen"] "What are we going to see next. Persephone kicked out of the Blondes? Before we go to our big main event we have a breaking event in the back, Johnny go back and find out what's going on."[/COLOR] From the back we see Steven Parker with an ice bag on his head accusing Greed of purposefully hitting him with the chair. Karen is trying to convince Parker that Greed's quick thinking is what saved the match. When the trio notice the camera they slam the door. As Johnny is headed back up to the front, he comes up on Nevada Nuclear on a cell phone. "Yes, we are getting him in the ring tonight. You just make sure you have your end....hey get that camera out of here." [COLOR="seagreen"] "I wonder who Nevada was talking to? What did he mean? Well now lets see if he and the pack have bitten off more than they can chew."[/COLOR] Special 6 Man tag match: [B]Zeus Maxmillion[/B] MAW champ, [B]Mainstream Hernendez[/B] and [B]Puerto Rican Power[/B] w/Jennifer Heat vs. [B]The Rat Pack[/B] (Nevada Nuclear, Rick Sanders, and Titan) This was one major spot fest with the Main Eventer getting the most in, but the lower tiers are picking up a nice rub also. The finish saw Rick Sanders being tossed out as Titan is left alone with Mainstream and Maxmillion a combo powerbomb/top-rope dropkick puts the big man down for the 1, 2, 3 at the 15:23 mark. As the faces celebrate Zeus and Mainstream agree to meet again for the title next month. Not having the right matches and not enough matches hurt really bad this month. conflict hurt in having some of my workers, but lots of storylines have progressed. Next month- We go There and Back Again.....
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MAW There and Back Again 07 preview Rip has stripped Blonde Ambition of their tag titles due to them being unable to defend the titles. This month Stanley Hall will see the begining of a tourneyment to fill those slots. A tourneyment that will be finished at the big October show: Where It All Begins Again. Here are the brackets we know: Rock City Stars vs. Steven 'the snake' Parker and John Greed The Firm (Murderous Mickey and Ricky Douglas) vs. Antonio and Jack Giedroyc Continental Drift vs. ????? Devastation Inc. vs. ????? Also on the card- MAW champ Zeus Maxmillion faces longtime foe Mainstream Hernendez one more time for the coveted strap. Also slated- Puerto Rican Power, Mean Jean, and Titan. Be there as we Begin our Journy There and Back Again.
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MAW There and Back Again 07 results "Once again we are in the storied Stanley Hall for an exciting evening of Mid-Atlantic Wrestling. Last month Rip declared the MAW Tag titles vacant and announced a tournyment to start tonight to crown new champs. Also tonight MAW champion Zeus Maxmillion defends his title against long time foe- Mainstream Hernendez. We begin the final leg of our Journey to Where it all Begins Again tonight as we go There and Back Again." Oscar Golden and Heidi come out next. "Rip you come out and sound off about defence of titles. Where is the justice. The Blondes were cravenly attacked by thugs and you haven't done anything to them. Now you strip them of the titles...We they are real men, real champions they are Blondes and they are here tonight despite the pain." With that Flash Savage comes out with crutches and a neckbrace and Raphel comes out with a cast on his arm. "They are here because they are fighting champions who want their titles." Rip Cord comes out from behind the curtain. "Well, well. Blondes I know you were attacked, but this is a business and we have rules." Rip comes on down to the podium. "I have sympathy for you and all, but I have one thing i believe in my gut..." Rip reaches out and thows a mirror behind Flash causing Flash to turn his neck too quickly. "Just as I thought you are not hurt. but you can have a shot back at your titles. Right now against the Continental Drift for a first round match." The Blondes look flabergasted as Rip smiles. First round tag title match [B]Blonde Ambition w/Heidi[/B] vs. [B]Continental Drift w/Jennifer Heat[/B] Flash and Raphel quickly proved Rip right as they took their agression out on the European youngsters. Raphel was ready to fly with a swanton until Persephone came out flanked by two Japanese men. This distraction was enough was for Ian to recover and get the pin at the 9:35 mark. Cannonball Drift and Jennifer Heat celebrate the much needed win. Puerto Rican Power also comes out to shake their hand. As he and Jennifer seem to cozy up, Ian looks very distrault. The Blondes after their loss take off up the ramp after the new tandum of Persephone's. A camera person in the back catches Mean Jean talking to someone inside a room, we can't see who it is and Jean quickly shuts the door before we find out who it is. Mainstream comes out to the podium "Tonight I get one more chance to climb the pinicle of MAW, Zeus you might not be the best man around, but you are honarable. Tonight you will fall as the Mainstream blows you down." Rockn Ryan Turner and Stan Manna come to the podium next as John Greed and Steven Parker are coming to the ring. "Hey Rock Stars!!! Let MEEEE herreee youuuuu!!! Tonight the Rock City Stars begin the final notes of the symphony. These next few months will culminate in the gold record of our industry. THE MAW TAG TITLES. We have 5 words for you- LETSSSSS GETTTT REAADDDDYYYY TOOOO ROOCCKK!!!" First round match for tag titles [B]Rock City Stars[/B] vs. [B]Steven 'the snake' Parker and John Greed w/Karen Killer[/B] The Stars were looking good tonight. Crisp teamwork and great comunication, but Greed and Parker were too busy keeping an eye on each other. In the end teamwork won out as Ryan picks up a pinfall on John Greed at the 9:21 mark. The RCS are celebrating as Greed and Parker are arguing up the ramp to the back with Karen trying to keep them apart. [B]Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat[/B] vs. [B]Titan[/B] These two powerhouses meet up as both are trying to make their way up the ladder to the next level. Titan uses tricks he learned from Mustafa and his new friend Nevada to gain an advantage till Power comes back. Nuclear come from the back to cause a distraction bringing out Ian Vincible. As Jay Fair is sending Nuclear to the back Ian, who has a chair, whops Power from behind. Ian kicks the chair out of the ring and pulls Titan on top and skidadles out. 1, 2, 3....Titan has picked up the upset win. Power is out. After the match Ian climbs into the ring and delivers three more chair shots. Jennifer Heat comes in screaming at Ian "What are you doing?" Ian slaps the **** out of Jennifer Heat and then leaves. "What have we just witnessed? Ian Vincible has finally let jealousy get the best of him. Now Power is up and he sees the replay on the screen. Jennifer is trying to stop him but he is off after Ian no doubt. Well now we will get a better idea who this new team Persephone has with her, because here they come." Persephone comes out with the two Japanesse youngesters though one is dressed like Crocidile Dundee. "Fans, last week you saw how ungrateful a trio of losers can be. I asked myself 'what should i do?' Well i went out and found me a team. I want to introduce- Yuki Horigoshi from Kyoto, Japan and Outback Jack from the outback of Australia- they are the Orient Express." "Outback Jack? I will have the real name of that guy next week Merve, he is not from Australia." "Well we will see what they can do, their opponents are coming out now- Devastation Inc." round 1 tag title match [B]Orient Express w/Persephone[/B] vs. [B]Devestation Inc. w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] Persphone's new team was fast and used it well to matc the Sheik's men, but finally Beast wore down the faces and allowed Decipher to pick up the pin on Yuki at the 10:21 mark. Karen Killer comes out with her tag team specialist- The Firm. "Too many people have counted us out lately. Everybody's attention is focused on other teams. The Firm is far from dead and by the end of the night, the Family will be feared once again." round 1 tag title match [B]the Firm w/Karen Killer[/B] vs. [B]Antonio and Jack Giedroyc[/B] Antonio and Giedroyc have great chemistry as a team and work well here. Keeping their bigger opponents off balance, but Karen gives the edge to the heels giving Ricky Douglas a chance to hit the pin at the 11:13 mark. "Well Merve, Round 2 matches are set for next month for the coveted prize of teamwork. The Rock City Stars will face the Firm, then Devastation Inc. will face off with Continental Drift." [B]DC Rayne w/Nicole Kiss[/B] vs. [B]Rick Sanders[/B] This was a nice match that gave two men a chance to showcase. Rayne got an early advantage till Sanders resorted to cheap shots. Just when Sanders looked to have a pin, Rayne reverses a roll-up and gets a pull out pin at the 11:08 mark. Sanders gets up and starts to push Jay Fair. Rayne quickly send Rick to the back. The MAW champion comes to the podium next before his match. "Fans, your olympic champion is in the house. You know people ask me if i ever get tired of beating on Mainstream. Mainstream you are a good wrestler and a good man, but I never get tired of beating you. The olympic champion is a god, and i will always be king of the people's hearts." MAW Championship match [B]Zeus Maxmillion[/B] vs. [B]Mainstream Hernendez[/B] Another classic encounter between these two men. Both work well together and have the gas to go and go and go. Unfortunately the match is interrupted at the 23 minute mark by a huge man with silver hair. this man comes out with Mean Machine. Zeus and Mainstream are caught by surprize and are quickly beaten down. Mean Jean grabs a mic. "I told you two punks, but you wouldn't listen. Snap Dragon is out and last month my boys couldn't finish the job, so this month i went up north and found a man. Derrik Frost. And Mr. Frost will finish you off. Next month Zeus put your title up against Mr. Frost if you dare." "What else can happen fans? That's all for tonight, but don't miss MAW the Approaching Storm in September to catch more of this intense action and to find answers to the myriad questions."
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MAW Approaching Storm Another monster has entered the squared circle of MAW to attack the champ Zeus Maxmillion. Who is launching these attacks? Will the Olympic god survive the cold power? Signed: [B]MAW championship[/B] Zeus Maxmillion (C) vs. Derek Frost [B]Semi-finals MAW tag team title tourney[/B]: Rock City Stars vs. Antonio and Jack Giedroyc Devastation Inc. w/Sheik Mustafa vs. Continental Drift Titan vs Puerto Rican Power (rematch) Oscar Golden w/Heidi vs Black Dragon Des Davids One month before the biggest show of the year, the warrior are gearing up and battening down the hatches, Why? For the Approaching Storm.....
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MAW The Approaching Storm 07 results "Welcome once again to an evening of wrestling, Mid-Atlantic style. The storied Stanley Hall is packed to capacity for this action packed show. Tonight the fronts have met leading to an Approaching Storm of Catastrophic proportions for the landscape of MAW. Looks like the clouds are rolling in as our MAW champion makes his way to the podium." Zeus Maxmillion comes out with his MAW belt on his shoulder. "Fans, the Olympic champion is incensed. It the hitman of the month club around here. Titans are rising to challenge the supreamacy of the god. We have vanquished foes left and right and as you see now the god is still standing. Tonight i face a cold spell- a Frost, When Olympus heats up the frost will just melt away. Tonight it more than the title, its a war. and only the god will survive....." "Strong words from our Champion tonight. For the last two months attacks have been flying fast and furious. He has weathered the storm so far, but how long will he be able to stand up to this pressure. Well we are ready for our first match of the night. This will be the first semi-final for the vacant MAW Tag team titles." Semi-final for the Tag Team title: [B]Rock City Stars [/B]vs. [B]The Firm w/Karen Killer[/B] These two teams are having a rematch from a couple of months back, but this time its for a shot at the tag team pinicle of our area. Murderous Mickey and Ricky Douglas really looked good out there tonight, but Manna and Turner are in form and gain a victory to the delight of the fans at the 12:23 mark. The RCS celebrate with an appreciative audience. Out come Jack Giedroyc and Erik Strong. "Paker, you know both of us have had you beat till you dug into your snake pit of tricks. One of us deserves a shot at the Hurricane title for the big show. We're not going to take no for an answer." A thunderous applause as the MAW owner comes out. "You know Jack, I been thinking about that alot lately too, Parker, you and your boy toy Greed come on out, I have something to say for you." Parker and Greed both come out. "It seems that what these two men are saying is true. Plus it seems the two of you are having some growing pain problems also. So next month at Where It All Begins Again, lets have a Sloberknocker. It will be Steven 'the snake' Parker vs. Erik Strong vs. Jack Giedroyc vs. John Greed for the MAW Hurricane Title." Parker looks angry at first but then smiles. Giedroyc and Strong both seem happy for their shots, but the real winner is the fans to see 4 rising stars getting a chance to shine for a piece of gold. 2nd semi-final for tag title championship [B]Continental Drift[/B] vs. [B]Devastation Inc. w/Shiek Mustafa[/B] First time to see the Drift managerless in a match. but the two youngsters were holding their own against the Devastating team. Jennifer Heat makes her out and distracts Ian enough for Decipher to tag the Beast. Beatdown city till a Massive Stomp and 1,2,3...Devastation Inc is moving to the finals. Shiek Mustafa grabs a mic. "Peasants, its been awhile since you were priviledged to hear my wisdom. When I brought my men into MAW i promised to expose the weak cowardly American values. First we exposed Nature's Storm, Where are they now? Then we disabled the Blondes. Now we will face the poster child of Satan in America- the Rock City Stars. boys- I warn you now, there will be no mercy, only DEVASTATION when we regain our titles." During Shiek's tirade, Ian Vincible craws under the ring, waiting for the next match. Special return match: [B]Puerto Rican Power w/Jennifer Heat[/B] vs. [B]Titan[/B] Last month Titan picked up the upset thanks to Ian Vincible's jealousy. Power wanted revenge. This was a squash with the only drama coming from Ian trying to interfere and being summarily smashed. Power gains the pin at the 6:23 mark. Heat grabs a mic. "Ian you and Logan let greed and jealous destroy a wonderful friendship. Ian you dared lay a hand on me. Since you can't hide in the tourneyment anymore, Power wants you at WIABA07. Are you man enough?" Logan comes out to aid his tag partner. Ian is handed a mic. "Jennifer, slut, we want you two also. So lets have a tag match. You and your steroid boy vs Continental Drift, but the catch is- loser will leave MAW cause we can't stand the sight of a slut like you anymore. What do you say? Power responds, "YOU'RE ON!!!" "Wow 3 quality matches already made for Where It All Begins Again 07. The tag team finals, a 4 way for the Hurricane title and now a loser leaves the MAW. What more can we see tonight." DC Rayne comes out with Nicole Kiss for his match next. As he is coming down the ramp- Nevada Nuclear and Rick Sanders blindside him. Nevada grabs a mic. "Hey, punk boy. We are tired of the disrespect. Last month was a fluke. This month we get you back for putting your hands on Rick. Next month, you and me...and the Rayne will face a Nuclear Disaster." Canadian Dragon picks up his big win by forfiet over Rayne. Oscar Golden and Heidi come out for their match with Black Dragon. [B]Oscar Golden w/Heidi[/B] vs. [B]Black Dragon Des Davids[/B] Golden and Davids put on a nice showcase giving Davids a chance to hone his skills. Back and forth with Heidi helping Golden counter-act the size and strength of Davids. Golden looked to be headed to the win, until a surprize came from behind the curtains- Snap Dragon. Snap's appearance was enough to allow Davids to apply the Dragon Claw....and get a submission. Golden grabs a mic irate- "What are you doing here?" Persephone comes out behind Snapdragon. "Oscar, what's wrong Oscar? Oscar I have a proposition for you. Since you Blondes seem to think that hussy is the answer to your prayers, and you definitly want to get rid of Snap and myself. Lets have a 6 man tag. You three vs Snap and my team Orient Express. The extra is the winning team's manager gets to give 10 lashes with a belt to the losing team's manager. How about it?" Golden looks over to Heidi who seems afraid. "Oh that's right Goldie, you don't have the balls to make that decision, you depend on Heidi." That was the right remark as Golden quicky accepts the match for Where It All Begins Again. Mean Machine comes out with Karen Killer next. "People, Zeus...everybody's wondering where has Jean been? What is the Machine up too? When will the Machine get his title back? Well fans you have been watching the master plan in action these past few months. Who do you think asked Nevada and the Rat pack to attack Zeus? It was me. Who brought Mr. Frost in? Me....Why....because I know Rip isn't going to give the Machine a fair shake and Zeus is too scared of me...I evened the odds and ensured my shot at Where It All Begins Again, If wonderboy survives tonight...hahahaha..." Zeus Maxmillion comes running out of the back- "What you pathetic coward, trying to beat down the god...you will fall. you have your shot next month. Machine- you will be wrecked..." Just as Zeus goes to pose and intimidate Mean Jean, Derek Frost comes out to the back and begins to hammer away with a chair. Mean Jean directs Frost to put the champ in the ring. Mean Jean goes and rings the bell for the match to begin. Jay Fair rolls out of the ring and calls a DQ, but the Machine and Frost are not about winning. Its about punishing. It takes the whole face locker room to finally rescue Zeus, but not before two power drivers on the concrete and a leg drop from the top rope to the announce table at ringside. Zeus is hurt bad, and the med tecs are called to rush him to the county hospital. "Wow this has been a night. Action and matches have been set for the Cream of the Crop of Mid-Atlantic. Where It All Begins Again 07. But the biggest question- Will Zeus be able to be there to defend his championship? Be there next month for revelations, conclusions, and beginings at Where It All Begins Again 07."
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MAW Where It All Begins Again 07 preview What a year, stars have risen and fallen and now we are at the cusp of the Big One for the Mid-Atlantic area. Who will be there? Already signed: MAW championship match [B]Zeus Maxmillion (C)[/B] vs. [B]Mean Machine w/Karen Killer[/B] the Olympian has faced challenger after challenger but has been asualted brutally over the last few months. Come to find out it has all been the brainchild of Mean Jean in his quest regain the MAW strap. Will Mean Jean's plan succeed? Will the Olympian rise up once again to garner the victory? Will the Olympian be able to fight after the beating he took last month? MAW tag team championship tourneyment final: [B]Rock City Stars[/B] vs. [B]Devastation Inc. w/ Sheik Mustafa[/B] What a ride it has been for the Rockers since winning over the fans. Their attack against the Sheik's troops has yeided impressive victories. Now they have a chance to demolish the linch-pins of Devastation and for the crown jewels of tag fighting. Will they have what it takes or will the Sheik unleash his doom and gloom on the area once again? He still hasn't forgiven RCS for the disbanding of gods of Thunder. MAW Hurricane title 4-way match [B]Steven 'the snake' Parker[/B] vs. [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] vs. [B]Erik Strong[/B] vs. [B]John Greed[/B] Another volitale situation...Parker has held onto his title by the hair of his chinny chin chin and help of his buddy John Greed. Will these two work together to protect the Firm's title or will the two men hard on their heels find a win to secure the victory? Also: Losers leaves MAW: [B]Puerto Rican Power and Jennifer Heat[/B] vs. [B]Continental Drift[/B] 6man tag (Losing team's valet gets whipped by winning team's valet) [B]Blonde Ambtion w/Heidi[/B] vs. [B]Snap Dragon and the Orient Express w/Persephone[/B] [B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] vs. [B]DC Rayne w/Nicole Kiss[/B] be there for an exciting night of Mid-Atlantic that promises to change it all and where It Will All Begin Again.......
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Where it all Begins Again 07 results Once again....welcome back to storied Stanley Hall...We are here for the biggest show of the year....We are back for Where It All Begins Again 07. Tonight champions will be tested, fears faced, and revenge garnered. Which way will the winds of fate blow us? Who will rise? Who will fall? Tonight the answers will come.... The show starts with the Mean Machine, Karen Killer, John Greed, and Hurricane champ Steven 'the snake' Parker coming out. "Well people we are finally here. The same show where my title was stolen. Yes Rip, you striped me before, but this is where the little Snappy pulled out the impossible. Tonight I will regain what is mine. Tonight I prove who is the man...no! That the Machine is more than a man.....more than the god...The Machine will BEGIN AGAIN! Tell'em boys how the firm will rule the begining." Parker grabs the mic, "Lots of people are trying to put a wedge between myself and the boy-toy. The Snake is the mind game originator. Strong- Giedroyc hope all you want, buy my man and I are are a united front and the Firm will hold both singles titles in the MAW at the end of the night." The Firm members head to the back as Heidi and Oscar Golden come to the podium. "Where it All Begins Again, tonight people are set on revenge...but tonight is a night that begins the future. And the future is before you now. Blondes rule, while others drool...I, Oscar will show you that blondes have more fun!" Our first match is finally getting ready to begin: Losers leave MAW: [B]Puerto Rican Power and Jennifer Heat[/B] vs. [B]Continental Drift[/B] Since the Power stood up and rescued Heat from the Rat Pack, Ian Vincible has been attacked by jealousy. Finally he gives in bringing us to this match. PRP was in the ring most of the match using his power moves to keep the quicker pair at bay, but numbers finally caught up with him. Cannonball and Ian begin double teaming at all turns to wear the big man down. But Ian was too consumed with getting Jennifer the object of his desires. He went after Heat, even as Cannonball tried to get him to focus on Power and winning the match. This chase took time and effort, all but forgotten, PRP regains himself and becomes enraged seeing Jennifer in distress. PRP all but crushes Cannonball using the ringpost as the hard place and himself as the rock, then almost manically he takes Ian and crushes him with a massive bearhug. Ian taps out at the 18 minute mark. (D) PRP and Jennifer have won, Continental Drift will be gone from MAW. The Jennifer and the Power lead the fans in chanting "na na na na....hey hey hey goodbye" (C+) Antonio comes to the podium as Heat and Power are leaving the ring area. "Tonight's Hurricane title match is everyman for himself. I have two good friends in the match, Strong your my brother, but Jack you are the man...I think you will take it all...Go Giedroyc!" Jack Giedrocy comes out first for the Hurricane title match and shakes Antonio's hand as he enters the ring. MAW Hurricane title match- Fatal 4 way [B]Steven 'the snake' Parker[/B] (C) vs [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] vs. [B]Erik Strong[/B] vs. [B]John Greed[/B] This was a fast and furious match that basically turned into a tag match, the faces vs the heels. Strong and Gied performed amazing feat that had the crowd on the edge of their seats. Greed and Parker fought back showing they were no slouches when it came to giving death-defying moves. This was a lot better match than i was hoping for. Greed was able to nutralize Strong outside the ring setting up a nice double team. Giedroyc put up a great fight, but Parker and Greed proved too seasoned. As Parker went to pin the fallen face, Greed launched a backstab, rolling Parker up for the pin and the win at the 24 minute mark. Greed is the new Hurricane champion. (C+) Parker looks on in disbelief and then tries to grab Greed who leaves the ring with an arrogant grin. The crowd was truely shocked. The titles in Mid-Atlantic can strain the strongest ties, but it looks like Greed lived up to his name. Mean Jean comes out to the ringside area, Parker begins to smile at his friend coming out. Mean Jean doesn't hinder Greed from leaving. "Get to the back Parker, we'll talk about that later. Now i have more important fish or chicken in this case. Anybody seen Zeus since last months beating? Let me show you a clip of your Olympic champion...Roll the film." The big screen shows Zeus getting out of his vehicle to enter the Hall, but as he begins to come in he faulters and falls twice before making it in. "Looks like your champion is fallen already...if he shows, he will be destroyed." (C-) Persephone comes out next with Snap Dragon and her team of the Orient Express. Since she was the only english speaker in the group, we wonder how they communicated. "Tonight you are right Oscar, its about revenge, but oh so much more. Tonight will be the beginning of our rise to the top, Snap buries you once and for all and takes his quest for the MAW title again, my team will destroy the Blonde babies and begin their march to the titles." Special 6-man grudge match: winning team's valet gets to give 10 lashes to the losing team's valet. [B]Snap Dragon and the Orient Express w/Persephone[/B] vs. [B]Blonde Ambition w/Heidi[/B] A typical heel-face battle with the heels using dirty tricks to gain an advantage, but this time Persephone was the balance to the tricks. Having a counter for every snag, the faces pick up a nice win- Outback Jack pins Flash at the 17:25 mark. (D+) Not the rating I was expecting, but the Orient Express are a new team to the area and the business. Time for a good ole fashion whippin. The fans were split on how they viewed Persephone getting some licks in on Heidi. She finally got 4 licks in before Oscar spirited Heidi away. Good interplay and chemistry between the two ladies. (D+) Rip comes out next, "Welcome fans, I appreciate how much support you've been showing to our little group here. You've helped us to grow even though things aren't the best they could be. I realize you could spend your money many different ways, but you chose to come here. Because of our growth we are going to make a move for our December show: MAW The Shadow Rising 07, the Sunday after Christmas we will move into the Delaware Auditorium. Now enough prattle I have one more anouncement- Since Nevada Nuclear and Rick Sanders can't seem to stay out of each other's matches tonight instead of DC Rayne taking on Nevada, I have decided to let DC have some help....Black Dragon you will be DC's partner. It will be a tag match now. Enjoy the rest of the show." Rip ordered tag-match [B]DC Rayne w/Nicole Kiss and Black Dragon Des Davids[/B] vs. [B]Nevada Nuclear and Rick Sanders[/B] This was a last second change as Des Davids signed a deal with DAVE and decided he wanted more money than I could afford. He left on good terms, and gave a good rub to Nevada in letting him get the pin at the 14:21 mark. (C-) As Nevada and Sanders goad the crowd with their showboating (C-) the big screen begins to show highlights of how our finalist made it to the Tag title battle tonight. (D-) MAW tag team championship tourney final: [B]Rock City Stars[/B] vs. [B]Devastion Inc. w/Shiek Mustafa[/B] This match-up had been building for awhile as the Stars have keep on rolling in their crusade against the Sheik. the Sheik's men wanted revenge and the titles. This was a brutal battle that saw Atlas and Sheik involve themselves. The finish saw Stan in a heap of trouble as the sheik tries to use his staff to hit him, when he ducks, Mustafa hits Decipher instead allowing the Stars to win the titles 1, 2, 3.....The Stars have gained the titles. (D) The Stars celebrate the pinical of their quest to defeat Devastation Inc. (C-) Mean Jean comes out with Karen. "Where is the champ, Rip? Looks like ole Zeus will have to forfeit, making me the champ......all hail the machine...." Mean Machine's celebration is cut short as the Olympic seranade hits the speakers and out comes Zeus Maxmillion, our match is on. MAW championship match [B]Zeus Maxmillion[/B] (C) vs. [B]Mean Machine w/Karen Killer[/B] The main event two years in the making. Would the Machine or the god come out victorious. These two men performed well in the spotlight giving a nice climax to our big show. Zeus sold his injuries well and mounted a major comeback at the 32 minute mark only to be stopped short by a well place chair shot. Karen had Jay Fair's attention on the outside. Jay comes back around and counts the 1, 2, 3....Mean Machine has won the title...our new champion. (C+) The fans were in complete shock....Zeus is layed out...Mean Jean celebrates....It truely has All Began Again.....come next month for our last monthly show at the Stanley Hall- MAW Survivor's Quest...... Notes: Not the show I had planned, but two events put a kibosh on my show: NOTBW dropped in ratings and began grabing new talent as DAVE began it's growth spurt. Zeus had a PPA contract at DAVE, but was given an exclusive contract, he's gone and Des Davids also took the bigger offer. I'm worried who else may go.
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Year end report [SIZE="3"]We've made another year and had nice growth, but we've also stuck true to Rip's idea of a regional training ground for the new stars. Though we are sad to see our ranks raided, we are also glad to see that we are doing our job and getting them ready to suceed in their profession. Stars who have moved on: Zeus Maxmillion DAVE Des Davids DAVE Puerto Rican Power TCW Markat Khoklov (beast) SWF We wish them the best. Others did not agree with how we were running shows and their characters and left Al Coleman Mainstream Hernendez Ian Vincible Cannonball Logan Others have started working elsewhere building a resume: Sheik Mustafa (CGC, NYCW) Oscar Golden (USPW, CZCW) John Greed (CZCW) Steven Parker (NOTBW) But we've had two good classes of new talent to hit the ranks the last couple of years and we added 4 new faces: Heidi (Marie Herns) turned pro 2007 Bandito (Sam Logan) turned pro 2007 Mark Dublin turned pro 2007 So with this report we look forward to our new horizions and the stars of the future. Up next: Survivor's Quest 07[/SIZE]
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MAW Survior's Quest 07 [SIZE="2"]Things have been shaken up quite a bit with WIABA 07, now what will become of the Survivors? Who will rise up and become kings of the MAW? New MAW champion Mean Machine begins his second reign. Who will step up to challenge the Kingpin of the Firm? Speaking of the Firm, John Greed turns on the snake and wins the MAW Hurricane title the rematch is set for this month. Other matches signed- MAW tag team title match Rock City Stars vs. Nevada Nuclear and Rick Sanders Antonio and Jack Giedroyc vs. Blonde Ambition w/Heidi Who will stand as the Survivors begin their quest for the new year? Predictions are always welcome:[/SIZE] Card: MAW title: Mean Machine vs. ??? Hurricane title: John Greed vs. Steven 'the snake' Parker MAW tag: Rock City Stars vs. Nevada Nuclear and Rick Sanders Antonio and Jack Giedroyc vs. Blonde Ambition w/Heidi C.H. Threepwood vs. Thomas Morgan
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MAW Survivor's Quest results [SIZE="2"]"Welcome once again, for the last time in awhile for Mid-Atlantic Wrestling at Stanley Hall. Last month many twist and turns left the ranks in disarray, now it's time for the survivor's to begin their new quest." Mean Machine Catley comes out first with Karen Killer, "What did I tell you people? Mainstream gone, Zeus beaten and gone...you can see the Machine is supreme. The Firm is back once again as the title holders..." Steven Parker comes out..."What do you mean? How can that Greedy *** still be in the Firm? He's a lowdown double crossing..." "Snake? Look we don't have room for wussies and whinners, you want to be a man, snake? Win back your title tonight." "I will. Tonight John Greed you will be exposed and the Snake will get what is his." [B]C.H. Threepwood[/B] vs. [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] Our first match of the night was decent. Threepwood continues to gain in Pop and showcases some good skills in the ring. Morgan is really reliable to give a good match. Threepwood contiues his winning ways with a pin at the 8:12 mark. (D) Persephone comes out flanked by her new team Orient Express. "HA, Oscar, Blondes, you have been exposed. You think you can make something of yourselves with out me. I was the brains and I was the draw. Now you want me back...Never. Now to my men. Yuki has a little trouble with English, but he is learning, but Outback- He is a pro. Next month a new little talk segment will air- [I]OutBack with Jack[/I]..." "Shut up little sl**", It's Derek Frost. Orient Express prepare to defend Persephone, but she holds them back so Frost can speak. "Let a man do some talking for a change... Mean Jean, you owe me something. You brought me here to help you gain your little belt. I did, and you have it. Now I want my Payment. Where is my title shot? I want it tonight, since you don't have anything to do." Rip Cord comes out to the ringside area. "Hey big man, no need to insult the little lady. You know you're right. Mean Machine doesn't have an opponent tonight. I think you deserve one, so you have your wish." Mean Jean come from behind the curtain. "Look big man, you would have gotten your shot, but you want to rush things, here's your pay...." Out from the back came The Firm tag team- Ricky Douglas and Murderous Mickey. The two men begin putting a beating on Frost. Leaving him down and out and Machine smiling." Parker comes out with them and gets a couple of shots in, but then heads to the ring to try to regain his Hurricane title from his ex-friend. MAW Hurricane Title [B]John Greed[/B](C) vs. [B]Steven 'the snake' Parker[/B] These two men had teamed for awhile till Greed decide to claim some gold for himself. This was a decent match, but they don't click. Greed picked up a win with Toy Fair submission at 17:18. Parker did not tap, but finally succumbed to the pain to pass out. (C-) Greed grabs a mic. "People ask me, why Greed? Simple my name says it all. I'm greedy and i want my own gold. From now on, Greed is on his own." The stage area is finallly opened and a rock set is in place, Stan Manna and Ryan Turner are there and begin to entertain the crowd with their new song- "Champions Forever". The fans seem to enjoy the music till the Rat Pack come out and viciously begin assulting the RCS. Nevada Nuclear directs Titan and Rick Sanders into a brutal beatdown before grabbing a mic. "Rocks, i believe we just pulled your plug. and tonight, we will take your little titles." [B]Blonde Ambition w/Heidi[/B] vs. [B]Antonio and Jack Giedroyc[/B] A nice little match up. The Blondes skills have really been growing in the ring and Gied helped all three men alot in this match. Giedroyc picks up a surprize victory at the 16:21 mark. (C-) Heidi is outraged and begins screaming. "What is wrong with you, Oscar will be back next month, and you all will be sorry." The Shiek comes out with Eddie Howard, Decipher, and Atlas. "Yes we are lightend this month. You notice that we are missing someone. The beast is off doing cleansing rituals because of the fluke last month. But never fear, Devastion Inc, will come back stronger than ever. Next month phase 2 will be unvieled." the Rock City Stars stop at the podium. "Fans, you witnessed outrage tonight, our song or you was rudely interrupted by some tone deaf losers. In a moment you will witness the rockers do what they do best...Rock the world." MAW tag team championship [B]Rock City Stars[/B] (C) vs. [B]Nevada Nuclear and Rick Sanders[/B] Ryan and Stan came out with fire. they have also improved quite a bit since turning face. Nevada and Rick are also gelling quite nicelly. Both teams gave all they got and gave us a nice match. Nevada distracted Fair long enough for Sanders to pin Manna. New tag champs....(C-) Mean Machine comes out next for his title defence. MAW championship match [B]Mean Machine w/Karen Killer[/B] (C) vs. [B]Derek Frost[/B] Frost is a big reason why Jean became a two time champion. This was a great showcase for Mean Jean. He bumped alot for Frost and his power, but finally his dirty skills and Karen helped him gain an advantage and pinned Frost at the 27 minute mark. (C-) Machine began celebrating when Rip comes back out. "Live it up Mean Jean, but I have some Devine intervention coming in next month....Daryl Devine is coming in to MAW next month."[/SIZE]
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MAW The Shadow Rising 07 MAW is moving, thats right, This will be our first show outside the Hall. Stanley Hall. We are moving to the Delaware Auditorium. This promises to be a big show in the ring also: Darryl Devine makes his MAW debut this month, A new talk show segment- Outback with Jack, And The Sheik promises major announcements. But we are wrestling and you care about what's in the ring: MAW Hurricane title Jack Giedroyc (C) vs. Eric Strong Eddie Howard vs. Titan Darryl Devine vs. ??? MM vs. ??? Decipher vs. Bandito be there for another exciting evening as the Shadow of War Rises.
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MAW The Shadow Rising results [SIZE="2"]We are here on our second anniversery and our first show at the Deleware Auditorium. MAW The Shadow Rising 07 promises to be one of our biggest shows ever. Tonight Darryl Devine makes his MAW debut and Sheik Mustafa has some announcements. We've learned his announcements are always huge. [B]Outback with Jack[/B] The ringside area is dressed up like the Austrailian outback and out comes Outback Jack. Yes Outback is not Austrailian, but hey lets give him a chance. Outback begins, "HEY" big pause with his mouth moving then "mates" comes over the intercom. (imagine the voice pauses in a dubbed movie) "Welcome to Outback with Jack. Tonight our first guest is no stranger to making HUGE im pre sions. Sheik Mustafa." Out comes the Sheik alone. "Welcome shiek, what is your big news?" "Shut up you little deranged numskull and listen to the voice of reason. Tonight you people will witness history once again. You unworthy peons will see a new and improved Devastation Inc. First you know the Beast is gone, but Decipher is still here and tonight he will be unleased as a single wrestler." DeCipher comes out and heads to the ring. "Wow, Mr. Sheik, what else? What else do you have for us?" "I said shut up you dirty rotten camel hide. Now I want you to meet Death and Pain." Out comes Atlas in a black mask with a big P on the front and another huge man (Mike Dublin) in a black mask with a D on the front. "Theses two men are the now the most destructive force you have ever seen. Soon Devastation Inc. will rule all of MAW..." The Sheik is interrupted by Flash Savage and Raphael coming out. They move to attack Outback Jack, but The Sheik has been interrupted. He sics his two behemoths on the duo. After crashing the set, the two blondes are left a bloody mess. DeCipher is still waiting in the ring. [B]DeCipher w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] vs. [B]Bandito[/B] Bandito is a new worker who comes to the ring with a poncho and sombrero, but all that did not help the youngster as DeCipher squashed him quickly. Submission at 6:12 mark. (D+) Steven Parker is seen in the back trying to talk to Mean Jean. The only words we hear are from Mean Jean, "YOU"RE FIRED!! Now get OUT!!" MAW Hurricane title match [B]John 'boytoy" Greed[/B] (C) vs. [B]Eric Strong[/B] Greed has really be on form with the last two months, but Eric gave him some stiff competition. Greed hits the sineater for the win at 14:21. (C-) Both men increased their skills. We are taken to a view of the parking lot and Darryl Devine coming toward the back entrance. Out of nowhere Ricky Douglas and Murderous Mickey come out and ambush the star. They leave Devine in a heap as the laugh. [B]Eddie Howard w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] vs. [B]Titan w/Nevada Nuclear[/B] Two power men who are trying to work their way up the singles ranks. Titan has improved with his association with Nevada Nuclear and Rick Sanders, but no enough to overcome Howard. Howard gets a pin at the 8:23 mark. (D+) [B]Rayne begins to fall[/B] As Titan gets ready to leave with Nevada Nuclear, and enraged DC Rayne and Nicole Kiss come to the podium. "Hey Nuclear, where you going? Why are you ducking me? I want you one-on-one." Nevada gets a mic. "What tag boy? you want me? I've got bigger fish to fry. but you know what, I do have something for you." With that Rick Sanders has snuck out and blindsides DC. The three Rat Pack members then prepare to stomp DC into the ground. The crowd errupts as the Rock City Stars come out to make the save. [B]Devine wants revenge[/B] Rip comes out with Darry Devine. Devine speaks, "Rip, you know I am a fighting man. I want this so called Firm tonight." Rip replies, "I love a man who wants to settle things in the ring. but you need a partner. Find a partner bub, and you have your match. Also tonight, Mean Jean you will have to face Derek Frost in a rematch. This time no Karen Killer at ringside. As Devine enters the ring, Steven Parker comes out. "Devine you need a partner and I want revenge. Let me be your partner?" Devine looks to the crowd for an answer. The crowd doesn't trust Parker. "I don't know much about this area and the fans don't seem to trust you, but i am a man who believes in good. you can be my partner." [B]the Firm w/Karen Killer[/B] vs. [B]Darryl Devine and Steven Parker[/B] Wow Devine hasn't really been a favorite of mine in past diaries, but he really carried this match well. Douglas and Mickey got lots of brute moves in before Devine made a comeback. Devine went to tag Parker on the hot tag and it looked as if Parker was ignoring him, but no Mean Jean was under the ring and had reached to pull Parker down. Parker finally gets up to make the save on Devine and get the tag. Parker rolls Mickey up and gets the pin at the 15:21 mark. (D+) Devine looks at Parker and then they celebrate. [B]Snap Dragon and Persephone come to talk.[/B] Persephone has a mic. "No i'm not Snappy's manager, but i have agreed to speak for him. He has been distracted lately, but now he is ready to set his sights on the major prize....MAW championship..." Persephone is interrupted as Heidi and Oscar Golden come out and a massive brawl and catfight ensue. One that continues on to the back before finally being broken up. Mean Jean comes out for his match alone and is definitely upset. MAW championship match [B]Mean Machine[/B] (C) vs. [B]Derek Frost[/B] Frost is a great big man, but unfortunately he is not catching on too well yet. He give Machine a good match, but the Machine is extremely focused tonight. Seems nothing has gone right. Machine systematically wears Frost down and then gets a pin at the 24:23 mark. (C-) [B]Mean's closing remarks[/B] Mean Jean grabs a mic. I took care of this lump, now Devine you waltz in and think you deserve a shot. No way, you have to earn it. So i have a proposition for you. If you have the guts. You have to prove yourself with two matches next month, back to back. The matches will be against the members of the Firm. If you win both matches in under 25 minutes then you can have a shot at my title in February. And you Parker, you are a snake, but you will get your reward next month. You and me for my title. Time to tame the reptile."[/SIZE]
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MAW Battlefield Earth 08 preview [SIZE="3"]We get ready to return to the Deleware Auditorim for MAW Battlefiled Earth 08. And it is shaping up to be a battlefield with a whooping 8 matches signed. MAW championship match Mean Machine w/Karen Killer (C) vs. Steven 'the snake' Parker Gauntlet series for shot at title Darryl Devine vs. Murderous Mickey Darryl Devine vs. Ricky Douglas Steel cage match Oscar Golden w/Heidi vs. Snap Dragon w/Persephone Grudge 6 man match DC Rayne w/Nicole Kiss and Rock City Stars vs. The Rat Pack (Nevada Nuclear, Rick Sanders, and Titan) Eddie Howard w/Sheik Mustafa vs. Erik Strong DeCipher w/Sheik Mustafa vs. Puma Boy Death and Pain w/Sheik Mustafa vs. Big Badd and Scheming Behemoth Also another episode of Outback with Jack Be there as we witness carnage and destruction be there on BattleField Earth 08.[/SIZE]
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MAW Battlefield Earth 08 results We're back again for our second show in the Delaware Auditorium. Tonight promises to be brutal....a battlefield. We open with the Shiek coming to the podium. "Last week I promised to unleash...now I will- witness Death and Paiiiinnnn!!!!!" [B]Death and Pain w/Shiek Mustafa[/B] vs. [B]Big Bad and Scheming Behemoth[/B] A big man brawl pure and simple, with a dash of squash...poor selling, but a good opening for the new team for he Sheik. Pain gets the pin at the 5:23 mark. (E) Death and Pain continue the brutal assualt after the bell on the their two big opponents. Sheik grabs a mic. "Now witness the DeCipher." [B]DeCipher w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] vs. [B]Puma Boy[/B] Decipher continues his singles streak with a solid win over Puma Boy. Submision at the 9:12 mark. (D-) Heidi comes out the podium to a loud chorus of boos. "You little peons are jealous of the blonde nation. Make fun of me....AHHHHHHHH!!!! Tonight you will see my plan go into effect. Tonight Snap Dragon, Tommorrow that bleach blonde, next Blonde Peace World Wide!!!" As Heidi was at the podium the OutBack with Jack set was put up. Jack welcomes the fans with the out of sync vocals. "Welcome to M-A-W with Outback with Jack, tonight i have a treat a real champion- the Hurricane champion- John Greed. John, how does it feel to rule the Hurricane division?" "What are you? You are no Aussie....I am John Greed a man to myself. I don't need no Firm or no Rip to make me.....Now i live up to my name...." Midway through his speech-The Sheik steps out. As Greed goes to the Sheik- Eddie Howard hits from behind with a chair. "Now sucka, lets see what kind of champ you can be? Next month at Heart of Darkness, I want a crack of that lil' belt of yours, punk! Now watch what I do to this loser." [B]Eddie Howard w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] vs. [B]Erik Strong[/B] Not the best of battles, but Howard did fairly well. Strong worked hard, but I'm still working on his spot. Howard gets the pin at the 10:34 mark. (D+) Yuki of the Orient Express is shown walking backstage when he is ambushed by the Blondes under the direction of Heidi..."Now you won't interfere with Oscar tonight." As we go back out to the main floor, Darryl Devine is at the podium. "Tonight i agreed to a gauntlet match. I not only have to win 1 match or 2 matches, but 2 matches back to back against truely fearsome opponents. Tonight, fans jump on the sky train and i promise Devine will prevail." Special 6 man tag match: [B]DC Rayne w/ Karen Killer and Rock City Stars[/B] vs. [B]the Rat Pack[/B] Adding DC to the mix helps the quality a bit. Rock City Stars have grown, but can't carry the titles well yet. Nevada gets the pin on Manna at the 15:23 mark. (D) Mean Machine is shown talking with Murderous Mickey and Ricky Douglas before the big gauntlet match: Special gauntlet match 1 [B]Darrryl Devine[/B] vs. [B]Murderous Mickey[/B] Mickey was excellent as the dominate heel in this match. Punishing Devine with great offence. Devine caught a nice rise from the fans getting behind him and got the quick roll up, 1-2-3 at the 13:23 mark. (C-) Devine got no time to rest as Ricky Douglas ran out to begin his match. Special gauntlet match 2 [B]Darryl Devine[/B] vs. [B]Ricky Douglas[/B] Douglas was the preformer for this match and Devine gave a show. These two gave the show of the night. Devine sold Mickey's effects well also. Finally Douglas looked to have the victory, but showboated a little too much. Devine got a quick reversal and Douglas tapped out at the 18:21 mark. (C) Devine wins a shot at the MAW title at Heart of Darkness. Devine grabs a mic- "I want you next, Machine." The cage comes down. Special Cage match: [B]Snap Dragon w/Persephone[/B] vs. [B]Oscar Golden w/Heidi[/B] These two have been going tooth and nail for awhile. Oscar is trying to climb the ladder back to contention, Snap Dragon trying to win back the title. Now with the women's rivalry mixed the battle as turned brutal. Snap and Oscar battle and bleed. giving their all to wow the crowd. The finish comes as Oscar and Snap are on top of the cage battling, Oscar gives a mighty blow to Snap, causing him to fall to the mats. Snap is down, but first to touch the floor at the 19:23 mark. (C) These two men gave their all and i'm really proud of their preformance. Mean Jean is very irate as he comes out- "Devine, you got lucky, no not so lucky, cause now you will face me at Heart of Darkness....And I am the Machine and I will spit you out, just watch as Parker gets his reward...." MAW championship match [B]Mean Machine w/Karen Killer[/B] (C) vs. [B]Steven 'the snake' Parker[/B] Really a chance for Parker to get some spotlight. Machine was dominating taking lots of anger and frustration out on the youngster. The pin came at the 11:32 mark. (C-) Next month MAW Heart of Darkness........
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MAW Heart of Darkness preview February is here and it brings the MAW Heart of Darkness. Already signed: MAW championship: [B]Mean Machine w/Karen Killer [/B]vs [B]Darryl Devine[/B] Darryl Devine has been through the gauntlet to get this match. Mean Machine has stalled and stalled, but now he must face this accomplished competitor. Will Devine overcome the Machine? Or will Mean Jean find a way to keep his title? MAW tag team championship [B]Rat Pack (C)[/B] vs. [B]Rock City Stars[/B] Ryan and Stan had made a nice run to gain the titles only to let Nevada Nuclear and Rick Sanders. Now after weeks of back and forth the two teams meet for a climatic showdown for the titles. MAW Hurrican title [B]John Greed[/B] (C) vs. [B]Eddie Howard w/Shiek Mustafa[/B] John Greed has been a fighting champion since steping out on his own. Eddie Howard attacked Greed out of the blue. Now these two will duke it out for the Hurricane title. Also scheduled: Orient Express, C.H.Threepwood, DeCipher, and Derek Frost. be there as we go for a Heart of Darkness....
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MAW Heart of Darkness 08 results [SIZE="2"][B]Persephon[/B] comes out with Yuki and Outback Jack- [B]Orient Express[/B]. "Tonight Heidi, you lil tramp, we are going to show you and your little blonde boys what real men do. Tonight I will let you see your true reflection." [B]Orient Express w/Persephone[/B] vs. [B]Blonde Ambition w/Heidi[/B] A fast paced match that let all 4 men showcase their budding talent. The Blondes have been shining well for me so far, and the Orient Express have really been growing leaps and bounds since coming over. But the two women in calling the shots had a say in the end. Persephone pulled a mirror from under the ring and laid Heidi out, as Heidi was trying to distract Jay Fair. As Flash turned in disbelief, Outback rolled him up for the 1, 2, 3. (D+) After the match Persephone dumped a bucket of water on Heidi, only to slap her down again, before being restrained. The crowd is shocked to see [B]Micky James[/B] come out to the podium. "Hello again, I'm back in MAW, and you know why. I crave competition. I hear there is a young dragon wanting to rise. I want to test his mettle. DeCipher you have been on he rise. Lets see if you can rise to meet Mickey James? You have an open contract, and Rip OKed it for tonight. You and me." [B]C.H.Threepwood[/B] vs. [B]Derek Frost[/B] this was a nice contrast in styles between two men hungry. Frost was dominate at the first using his power to thwart Threepwood. But as the match drug on Threepwood keep his wind, and Frost was running out of steam. At the 17 minute mark- Frost missed a top rope leap- giving Threepwood the chance to pick up the 1-2-3. (D+) Sheik Mustafa comes out next alone. "Tonight I have 2 statements to make. Mickey James, you have been run out once, now you want to solve DeCipher? DeCipher is the perfect Machine....he will twist you and turn you till you beg for mercy. And Greed....you better enjoy your title while you can...Cause tonight Howard will make you pay." Special Challenge Match [B]DeCipher w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] vs. [B]Mickey James[/B] Mickey James has been unemployed for a couple of months and we gave him a call. He came right on in and we fed him to the Sheik's men. DeCipher looke real good in this match picking up the win at the 17:23 mark. (C-) [B]Eddie Howard [/B]is coming to the ring as MAW Hurricane champion [B]John Greed [/B]comes to the podium. "What is this? Huh? I know the world is jealous of a man like Greed. I am the eight deadly sin. but now i get blindsided by a big goon? You will find mr. Howard I am a lot different face to face. Tonight the only thing you are going to wonder is where did the Hurricane come from?" MAW Hurricane title Match [B]John Greed[/B] (C) vs. [B]Eddie Howard w/Shiek Mustafa[/B] Greed lived true to his word starting like greased lighting. Hitting Howard from all angles and keeping the powerhouse off balance. The Sheik finally got a blow in while Fair was checking on Howard to even the odds. Howard then went to brute mode, punishing Greed like a toy. Howard then lived to his form and got too ****y allowing Greed to get a quick roll up. 1,2,3. Greed keeps the Hurrican Title. (C-) The Sheik was upset. He called to the back and out come Death and Pain. Poor Greed was already exhausted, but the two giants put the boot to the fallen champ. The Sheik finally called them off, "Greed you have your belt now, but you are just holding it for my man-DeCipher. Your time will come." The big screen comes alive highlighting the rise of the [B]Rat Pack[/B] and their feud with the [B]Rock City Stars[/B]. MAW Tag Team championship match [B]Rat Pack[/B] (C) vs. [B]Rock City Stars[/B] Here we go with the big rematch. While Stan and Ryan have grown a great bit, they just didn't live up to my expectations. Nevada hits his Chee-tizer powerbomb for the 1,2,3 at the 13:23 mark. Rat Pack retain. (D) As Nevada and Rick celebrate the win, Darryl Devine comes to the podium. "Tonight, Fans you are here to witness Devine intervention. Tonight you will see the High Flyin, Rocket Ridin, Darryl Devine. You greeted me with your goons on day one, then I had to fight through them 1 after the other to get here. tonight I will end you Machine. Tonight you are mine." Devine heads to the ring as Mean Machine comes to he podium with Karen Killer. "WoW!! The little pretty boy gives a speech. You think you are somebody? You may have beaten Rick and Mick, but now you face the Machine. The Machine is smooth, no worries and tonight Devine you will be just another has been." MAW championship match [B]Mean Machine w/Karen Killer[/B](C) vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] This was a great match. Devine came out in a fury, but Mean Jean keep to his focused aproach. These two men gave a good show tonight. Back and forth, Pin attempt after pin attempt. Karen Killer tried to get involved at one point to be kissed by Devine in return. Finally Devine had climbed to the top rope seeming to have the match won, when Ricky Douglas came from the back distracting Devine. Fair went to get rid of Douglas and Murderous Mickey came and attacked Devine. Fair caught the interference and called for the bell. Devine wins by DQ. (C) The fans are angry, A nice February show. [/SIZE]
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MAW The Legacy 08 preview March is here again, and the luck of the Irish seems to be following our champion. How will our competitors rise to leave their own leagacy in the MAW? Already signed: [B]MAW championship rematch Cage match[/B] Mean Machine w/karen Killer (C) vs. Darryl Devine [B]MAW tag team championship[/B] The Rat Pack (C) vs. The Firm w/Karen Killer DC Rayne w/Nicole Kiss vs. Mickey James Rock City Stars vs. Death and Pain w/Sheik Mustafa Antonio vs. DeCipher w/Sheik Mustafa Come on out to the Deleware Aud. for an evening the whole family can enjoy for a great price.
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MAW The Legacy 08 Mean Jean Cattley comes with Karen Killer to open the show. "Whoa, Rip comes and give Devine another shot. I whip his Devine a** all over the area and he has to hide behind a DQ win. Tonight he wants the Machine in a cage- great cause now there is no place for him to run." Darryl Devine comes out to confront the Machine. "Wait a minute, I never backed down or weaseled out....that was you...tonight Machine you will fail!!" The two men have a staredown till officials come and keep the two apart. [B]Mickey James[/B] vs. [B]DC Rayne w/Nicole Kiss[/B] A nice opening match that pitted contrasting styles. James kept Rayne off balance for a good part of the begining of the match. Rayne finally caught up with James after a missed Moonsault, begining his own pound out attack. The end came pretty quickly after that at the 8:23 mark as Rayne pinned James. (C-) DC and Nicole celebrate for the fans on the ramp as the set for the Outback with Jack show is set up. Outback with Jack segment- Jack begins with the out of sync voice over of his talking, "Welcome fans. Tonight I have the priviledge of having a former MAW champion as my guest- The Snap Dragon. Mr. Dragon, now that you have vanquished the dispicable evil Oscar Golden, what are your plans?" Snap holds up a sign [I]Champion[/I] "Are you wanting to be a champion?" [I]MAW champion- ME!![/I] As Snap holds up his second sign Oscar Golden come running from the back with a chair. He goes to swing at Snap, but Snap ducks. Outback jabs Oscar and Snap hits a hurricanranna on him. Oscar quickly gets up and retreats. Snap Dragon and Outback shake hands to end the segment. [B]Death and Pain w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] vs. [B]Rock City Stars[/B] The Stars have fallen on hard times since winning the titles and disrupting Devastation Inc. Things didn't look to get any better facing the Sheik's new monster team. Death and Pain seemed to have things well in hand, until John Greed snuck in decked Pain, while Fair was distracted with the Sheik. Stan Manna was quick take advantage and get the pin at the 7:23 mark. (D) John Greed is at the top of the ramp laughing at the two monsters who have lost. The Sheik grabs a mic. "Laugh Greed, but you have bitten off more than you can chew. Next month you will face- Pain." The Rat Pack come out next- "Stars- you are has beens hit the bricks. I know you fans have come out to see your new MAW tag team champions- my buddy- Rick Sanders and of couse myself- Nevada Nuclear. We are joined by the Titan. Together Rip calls us the Rat Pack. And he is right we rule here...Now to our titles, we are fighting champions and we will put our titles on the line- starting tonight we are extending the Rat Pack open challenge. Any team who wants a shot, come on down and we will crush you. Who is a taker? Who wants some?" The Firm's music hits. Out comes Karen Killer with Murderous Mickey and Ricky Douglas. Nevada continues, "What do we have here? two freaks who claim a family connection to an old a** machine?" Karen responds, "Hey punks, you come in and run your mouth. Back it up...take on two real men tonight." "Doll you are on." MAW tag team championship [B]Rat Pack w/Titan[/B] (C) vs. [B]The Firm w/Karen Killer[/B] This turned out to be a great match as both teams have geled well. Douglas put on another great performance as did Rick Sanders and Nevada Nuclear. Good brawling and wrestling interspaced this match till Titan threatened Karen distracting Douglas. Rick Sanders took advantage and slapped on a sleeper. Mickey was kept at bay by Nevada. At the 15:23 mark submission victory and title defence no. 1. (C-) Antonio and Jack Giedrocy come out to the podium next. "That was a great team battle there mate." "Yes Jack it was, but people seemed to have forgotten about a fresh new team that is racking up wins." "who is that mate?" "Antonio and Giedroyc" "Oh yeah!! they are one heck of a team. Hey don't you have a match, mate?" [B]Antonio[/B] vs. [B]DeCipher w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] Antonio put up a good fight, but DeCipher was just too skilled in a one-on-one encounter. At the 14:12 mark DeCipher wins with a submission. (C) Shiek is not finished. After the embarresment earlier tonight he is sadistically commanding DeCipher to keep attacking Antonio. Giedroyc comes out to make the save, but not before Antonio takes alot of punishment. Darryl Devine comes out as the Cage is lowered. MAW championship (Cage match) [B]Mean Machine w/Karen Killer[/B] (C) vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] This was a brutal affair from the get go. These two men were opened early in the match. Devine seemed to get the upperhand at the 13 minute mark, but Mean Jean gained a second wind. Lots of good cage climbing back both men. The crowd was loving this match. Finally both men were on the top of the cage slugging at each other. Mean Jean seemed to slip but caught Devine. Devine ended up falling to the ring and not moving. Machine quickly climbed down and got the win at the 38 minute mark retaining his title once again. (B-) Match of the night for us, but Devine was hurt and will be out. Overall Legacy lived up to its name delivered some surprizing matches. Next month what will happen to Mean Jean? Is Devine ok? Will Greed overcome the Pain? Be there for MAW Spring Dawning.
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MAW Spring Dawning 08 preview April showers are upon us. Now MAW is getting ready for the Spring Dawning. Will our competitors rise or fall wih the Spring? Already signed: MAW championship match [B]Mean Machine w/Karen Killer[/B](C) vs. [B]Snap Dragon[/B] MAW Hurricane Championship match [B]John Greed[/B] (C) vs. [B]Pain w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] [B]C.H. Threepwood[/B] vs. [B]Mickey James[/B] Also appearing The Rat Pack, Antonion and Jack Giedroyc, Oscar Golden, and Outback Jack.
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MAW Spring Dawning 08 results Rip comes out to address the crowd..."Fans this is a tough business, Our wrestlers know that on any given night they are putting the body on the line, and their time may come. I'm sorry to report that Darryl Devine's did when he fell from the cage last month. We don't know how long he will be out, but he does appreciate all the prayers and thoughts from you folks. Now in tribute to him and other's who have given for our enjoyment- on with the show." [B]C.H. Threepwood[/B] vs. [B]Mickey James[/B] Threepwood and James hit some really nice spots in this encounter to get our show off to a rousing start. James thought to have the match won, when he went up top to hit a moonsault. C.H. was playing possum, C.H. rolled out of the way, hit his back breaker and 1, 2, 3. (C-) Great opening match. Outback with Jack is next. Outback is talking in his out of sync voice, "Tonight we are priviledged to have wonderful rising star-Jack Giedroyc. Jack, what a wonderful name- welcome." "Thank ya mate, I am priviledged to be he to 'raise the roof' in the Mid-Atlantic." "You've really worked your way up, and now you are teaming with Antonio. A bright team...maybe you and us will fight?" "I wouldn't mind...." Blonde Ambition come out to attack Outback and Giedroyc. This brings out Antonio. The brawl is fierce till Rip comes back out. "All right, you boys listen up. Yall want to fight, settle it in the ring. Blondes you will fight Antonio and Giedroyc now!" "We would Rip, but it seem Flash Savage is injured, and can't compete." "No problem- Oscar you will take his place...right now...Oscar Golden and Raphael vs. Antonio and Jack Giedroyc!! Now get out there or you are fired!!!" [B]Antonio and Giedroyc[/B] vs. [B]Oscar Golden and Raphael w/Heidi[/B] Golden and Raph were reluctant at first giving the offence to Gied and Antonio. Good chemistry between Antonio and Gied gave great double spots and flow. Raphael finally succumed to a Crashing On at the 15:23 mark. (C-) Antonio and Gied celebrate till The Sheik and his team of Doom come out: The Sheik grabs the mic- "Tonight, Greed- your name and your attitude will gain you Doom unleashed. Get Him Pain." MAW Hurricane title match [B]John Greed[/B] (C) vs. [B]Pain w/Shiek Mustafa[/B] Not the masterpiece, but a necessary match for purposes. Greed doged the larger man early, but the Shiek helped the former Josh Nash catch up to the small champion. Punishement was then the order of the day. Greed bumped well till he gain a glimmer of hope. and locked the Sin-sation submission hold for the victory at the 11:21 mark. (D) Greed quickly escaped before Death and an enraged Pain could catch him. The tag team champions come out next- The Rat Pack. Nevada grabs the mic. "Well last week, Rick and I had to defend our titles against a has-been team. We are back looking for real competition. Are there really any teams who can face Ravishing Rick Sanders and Nevada Nuclear?" Antonio and Jack Giedrocy come back out. "Well we've had a match already, but we think we can take you and your titles. What do you say fans?" "Now hold on guys, you know we will face anybody, but like you said you've had a hard match already, you couldn't possibly face us now. No we want someone who can't make excuses." Rip comes back out..."What is this...Rat Pack...a bunch of rats...you will have the night off tonight. I don't need any garbage in my ring, but next month you will face a fresh Antonio and Giedrocy for the tag titles." Nevada looks flabergasted, but Antonio and Giedroyc are excited. "While I'm out here. As you know- Snap Dragon is back in the house tonight. He gets a shot at becoming a two time MAW champion. Remember he is the man who took the title from the Machine before. History has a way of repeating itself." MAW championship match [B]Mean Machine w/Karen Killer[/B] (C) vs. [B]Snap Dragon[/B] These two have fought some good battles, but not in a while. Dragon really shines tonight. Machine would try a shortcut, but Dragon would find a way to overcome. Finally the Dragon went up top to hit his Dragon's Breath, but Oscar Golden shows up at the curtain and distracts Dragon. This distraction is enough for Jean to gain his senses and get a quick pin. (C+) Mean Jean looks to celebrate as Oscar and Snap tie into each other. Raphael and Flash Savage come out to help their group member. Mean Jean just shrugs and goes to walk off. The numbers are telling on Dragon till Nicole Kiss and DC Rayne come out to run the villians off. We leave with DC helping Snap Dragon to the back.
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