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MAW Shatterpoint 08 preview Shatterpoint 08 promises to be a major event for Mid-Atlantic Wrestling. Rip has signed matches that will impact the future of the company: No 1 contender for MAW title Snap Dragon vs. Oscar Golden vs. DC Rayne MAW tag team championship The Rat Pack (C) vs. Antonio and Giedroyc MAW Hurricane championship John Greed (c) vs. Pain w/Sheik Mustafa C.H.Threepwood vs. Eddie Howard Candian Dragon vs. Derek Frost
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MAW Shatterpoint 08 "elcome tonight to Mid-Atlantic Wrestling here in the Delaware Auditorium...tonight we reach a Shatterpoint...Shatterpoint 08. Tonight we have a number one contenders match- Oscar Golden vs. DC Rayne vs. Snap Dragon. Get ready for some awesome action." Rip is getting ready to leave when, The Rat Pack come out. "Rip what is this, why are we having to fight two upstarts like Antonio and Giedrocy? You know Rick here has a pulled sternum in his knee." "What? Tough boys, be real men and tough it out. The match is on." "You know we are begining to believe what they say about Antonio being your real so. [B]Canadian Dragon[/B] vs. [B]Derek Frost[/B] Frost has been absent lately, so here he come to gain some heat back. A quick squash. 6:23 mark. (D+) As Frost is being obnoxious...Titan comes back out and attacks Frost. The would be evenly matched, but since Titan took the low road he gave a good beatdown. Next is Outback with Jack. "Tonight, fans we have a man who has been on a roll. It's none other than C.H. Threepwood. Mr. Threepwood, how have you been training to roll up the impressive win streak?" "What are you? Are you some kinda nut. You come out here with your fake accent, and outback garb. You come out with this air, and we are to believe a little oriental guy like you is from the Australian outback? Now let me give some strait you little piece of s***. I am C.H. Threepwood. I come to the ring, I win, then I go drink a few, and I get ready to win again. I give it strait. No BS, Just Threepwood taking the wood to somebody. Take my competition tonight- Howard- a loudmouth coward, single wanna be, ex tag team flunky of a snot nosed shiek. He wants me. He will get the Law of the Wood tonight. Watch and find out what it is. Why because that's gospel of Threepwood." [B]C.H. Threepwood[/B] vs. [B]Eddie Howard w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] Howard took exception to Threepwood's coments. He came out a ball of fire, but Threepwood methodically wore down Howard and gets a pin at the 16:22 mark. (C-) We are switched to backstage, The Blondes try to attack Snap Dragon, till DC Rayne comes in to make the save. MAW Hurricane Title [B]John Greed[/B] (C) vs. [B]Pain w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] Greed has perfected the small star keeping the big man off balance. Tonight experience paid off as Greed wore down big Pain and got the submission at the 18:12 mark. (D+) Greed once again makes for the hills before Mustafa's goons get their hands on him. Sheik grabs the mic, "Next month you will have to solve DeCipher." MAW Tag team championship [B]Rat Pack[/B] (C) vs. [B]Antonio and Jack Giedroyc[/B] Rick still complained of having a hurt leg during the match, and limped noticably, but as the match wore on it was revealed he was faking. Nevada ended the match after cutting Antonio off from his partner and getting the pin at the 16:23 mark. (C+) The Rat Pack celebrated to the boos of the fans. Its announced that Mean Jean is not in the building tonight, as he has the night off. Number 1 contender's match: Elimination match [B]DC Rayne w/Nicole Kiss[/B] vs. [B]Oscar Golden w/Heidi[/B] vs. [B]Snap Dragon[/B] This was a hot match from the start. The two faces teamed up and put poor Oscar out first leaving them to fight on. The were going tooth and nail and both gave their all- finally Mean Jean came out and tried to interfere causing a no contest. (C+) Rip comes back out..."What is this? Mean Jean since you like being with these two, next month- it will be a triple threat match for your title."
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MAW Redeeming the Lost 08 Preview Rip has put together another stellar card. This June MAW will be Redeeming the Lost. Already signed: MAW Championship match: Mean Machine w/Karen Killer (C) vs. Snap Dragon vs. DC Rayne MAW Hurricane championship John Greed (C) vs DeCipher w/Shiek Mustafa Titan w/Rat Pack vs. Derek Frost Doom (Death and Pain) w/Sheik Mustafa vs. Rock City Stars Also in action: The tag champs- Rat Pack, Orient Express, C.H.Threepwood, Oscar Golden,
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MAW Redeeming the Lost 08 "Once again we are ready for a big night of Mid-Atlantic Wrestling. I am Rip Cord and I'm looking forward to an exciting night." Mean Machine's music hits and he comes out with Karen Killer. "Rip, I've survived all sorts of goons you've sent my way. The Machine keeps running strong month after month, but this month you've lost your mind....I've got to face these two losers. Two on one...." "Mean Jean, I have 4 words for you. TOUGH, I'M THE BOSS!!" Out comes Oscar Golden to interrupt the two. "Why am i left out?" Mean Jean and Rip reply at the same time, "You are a loser." Oscar declares, "I'll fight anybody, anytime...I am a real man." Out comes C.H. Threepwood, "I'll fight you now." Rip smiles, "Good, it is on." [B]C.H. Threepwood[/B] vs. [B]Oscar Golden w/Heidi[/B] Oscar was not ready and Threepwood kept form again. Gaining a pin and a slap on Heidi at the 12:21 mark. (D+) Outback with Jack is next. In the now familar out of sync voice, "Welcome tonight we have one of the men who will strive for the title- DC Rayne. Mr. Rayne, how do you feel?" "I feel like a million bucks...." The Rat Pack come out to interrupt.."Why are you peons out here? We are the stars here." The four men bristle up till Rip steps out. "Hey Rat Pack, you want a challenge, how about the Orient Express for your titles?" Jack looks pleased as DC Rayne and Nicole Kiss discuss something. Shiek Mustafa comes out next with Doom (Death and Pain). "I am tired of you Rock City Stars. Tonight you will feel real pain, real agony, real death." [B]Doom w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] vs. [B]Rock City Stars[/B] Since losing the titles the poor Stars have been on hard luck. Death catches Ryan Turner in the doomsday submission at the 14:11 mark. (D) Sheik grabs a mic, "Later tonight, you will witness the frutition of my master plan. Greed you have faced all my men, to be beaten down for DeCipher. He will be the new Hurricane champion." MAW tag team championship [B]Rat Pack w/Titan[/B] vs. [B]Orient Express w/Persephone[/B] Nevada and Rick Sanders had things going their way. Till DC Rayne and Nicole came out for a big distraction and allowing Yuki to gain the pin on Rick at the 17:23 mark. (C-) Persephone and her men celebrate as the Rat Pack look on in shock. DC and Nicole are laughing on the entrance way. John Greed comes out next, "Sheik you rant and you rave, but ole' Greed has faced all your gorrillas and he still has the gold. Now you bring out DeCipher. Tonight DeCipher will be solved." MAW Hurricane Championship [B]John Greed[/B] vs. [B]DeCipher w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] This was an awesome battle as both of these men have shown great improvement. It went back and forth with lots of great spots. Finally the time expired for a draw-30 minutes. The fans were not angry though. (B-) Both men are exhausted, but after the match there is an intense staredown, but also an almost mutual respect being shown, till they finally walk out opposite ways. Snap Dragon come out- rather down, sliding down a harness from the rafters for his entrance. Time for the main event: MAW Championship match [B]Mean Machine w/Karen Killer[/B](C) vs. [B]Snap Dragon[/B] vs. [B]DC Rayne w/Nicole Kiss[/B] This was another great match from our three stars. Each gave their all, but the previous match was a hard act to follow. The two faces teamed up on Mean Jean at the beginng alot. It seemed that one of them would be destined to win, till The Rat Pack hit the ring at the 19 minute mark. They attacked DC, which prompted Snap to come to his defense. Machine sat back and kept the belt from DQ (C+) The four stars brawl to the back as we end the show.
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MAW The Silver Stair 08 Mean Jean escaped with a victory due to help from the Rat Pack. What will happen as our competitors climb the Silver Stair. Already signed: MAW tag team champions: rematch Orient Express w/Persephone (C) vs. Rat Pack Ricky Douglas w/Karen Killer vs. Stan Manna Jack Giedroyc vs. Derek Frost also in action: Mean Machine, Blonde Ambition, and Mickey James. be there for the ascent of destiny.....
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MAW The Silver Stair 08 results We kick off our show with MAW champion- Mean Jean coming out with Karen Killer. "Well lookwho is still standing. The Machine, the MEAN Machine. I am the champ, Rip and you can't do anything about it...looks like you need a hero...hahahahah!!" Mickey James is shone in the back walking up to Puma Boy. Puma Boy is looking really dejected. Mickey says, "Follow me and we will go somewhere." [B]Ricky Douglas[/B] vs. [B]Stan Mana[/B] Douglas has been working well in the tag ranks, building up talent. Here he gets a nice bonus in a pin on Mana at the 12:21 mark. (D) Now its time for Outback with Jack. "Welcome once again fans, tonight I have special guest- My tag partner Yuki and manager Persephone. We are the new tag team champions." "That's right fans, we are your champions, I, Persephone, the manager of real men, have guided a new team to the pinacle. Join with me in celebrating two deserving champions, the Orient Express." "Well what do we have here? The Rat Pack come out. "A team of lucky ducks. Tonight we want our titles back. The fluke will be exposed." "Wait a minute punks, you know you have a date with me." It's DC Rayne and Nicole Kiss. "You two losers come out and cost me and Snap Dragon our chance at the title. Tonight you have a match already, but our paths will cross." Rip comes out while the ringside area is being prepared for the next match. "Alot of people have been sending in well wishes for Darryl Devine. He has told me personally that he appreciates all the support. I do have good news, He will be back for MAW There and Back Again 08. We are all loking forward to his recovery and in ring return." [B]Blonde Ambition w/Heidi[/B] vs. [B]Mickey James and Puma Boy[/B] Mickey James has not had the best of results lately, but poor Puma Boy is the doormat of MAW. This unlikely duo work well together. Their chemistry was even better than that of the Blondes. Puma Boy got the pin after James decapitated Raphael with a 360 splash off the top at the 15:23 mark. (D+) The Shiek comes out with Doom next. "You are looking at the new dominant force in MAW. These team is being overlooked? I can't believe the American punks have overlooked this team. They will make their mark soon." "Hey Mustafa, What happened to your boy? Look who still has his title? Now don't get me wrong, DeCipher is one tough competitor, and I look forward to meeting him again, but you are a joke." It's MAW Hurricane champion John Greed on the entrance ramp. [B]Derek Frost[/B] vs. [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] Nice contrast in styles. Both men are great workers. Giedroyc has really been picking up popularity and momentum lately and it didn't stop here as he wore down the bigger man ang gained the pin at the 21:21 mark. (C-) Mean Jean and Karen Killer come back to the entrance with a mic, "Hey, Jack, you looked real good there. I am a fighting champion, I don't have an opponent for tonight. I want to give you a non-title shot tonight. Giedroyc, this is your chance to brush with greatness. What do you say?" Giedrocy is tired, but quickly accepts the shot for later tonight. MAW tag team championship [B]Orient Express w/Perspehone[/B] (C) vs. [B]Rat Pack[/B] A rematch from last month. Nevada Nuclear and Rick Sanders were the better team tonight, dominating throughout. As Nuclear gained the pin at the 13:09 mark, Rat Pack regained the tag titles. (C-) During the match the Blondes come down with Heidi. The Blondes hold Persephone, while Heidi slaps her. The villains high tail it before the Orient Express can get them. Mean Jean comes out for a third time. (must be great to be champ) "Tonight is a lesson for all those who want a shot at my title." Estabon siting at ringside really lays in the fact that Giedrocy has already had a 20+ minute match tonight. Non-title match [B]Mean Machine w/Karen Killer[/B] MAW champion vs. [B]Jack Giedrocy[/B] Gied come out strong, but the wear of the earlier match really showed. Machine began to get really ****y. Playing with his prey. He may be a good oportunist, but he is also dangerous in the ring. Machine finally started to showboat to much, sending a signal to Snap Dragon and Darryl Devine. Gied caught a second wind and rolled Mean Jean up in a small package for the win at the 19:15 mark. (C+) Gied rolled out the ring as an irate Mean Jean begins to accost Jay Fair.
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MAW There and Back Again 08 As our competitors have come back down from the Silver Stair, Now they are ready to go There and Back Again in 2008. Mean Machine was out to take a cake walk, but got triped up by young Jack Giedroyc now Darryl Devine is making his return. What will this month bring for Mid-Atlantic Wreslting. Already signed: Darryl Devine vs. Titan Rick Sanders vs Snap Dragon Steven Parker vs. The Candian Dragon Mickey James and Puma Boy vs. Rock City Stars Also expected: MAW champion Mean Machine, Antonio, Jack Giedroyc, and DeCipher.
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MAW There and Back Again 08 Our show opens in the sold out Delaware Auditorium with Nicole Kiss, DC Rayne, and Snap Dragon coming to the podium. "Hey Rat Pack, so you got your titles back, we have some unfinished business. You cost these two men big in their match with Mean Jean a couple of months ago. Now its payback. You run your mouth about your Rat's challenge. How about facing these two with your titles on the line?" Nevada Nuclear, Rick Sanders, and Titan- The Rat Pack- come out on cue. "Well, well missy. Here you come out and start showing why women need to keep their mouth shut. You spout out stupid things. The ring is no place for a woman. But we are fighting me. If and only if your boy Snappy can beat Rick, we'll give you your title shot. If Rick wins, then you three losers shut your trap. Deal?" Snap Dragon shakes his head affirmative. [B]Steven Parker[/B] vs. [B]Canadian Dragon[/B] This was a nice match-up. CD can be counted on for a good performance and Parker is starting to come to form. Parker gained the win at the 13:21 mark. (D) Sheik Mustafa comes out with DeCipher. "This man took you to the limit last month, Greed. He deserves a rematch or are you a gutless coward?" While Shiek and DeCipher a cutting their promo, the Outback with Jack set is put up. "Welcome tonight fans, Outback with Jack has a special guest who has been here before. Last month he beat not just one man, but also the MAW champion. I present Jack Giedroyc. Jack, what a great name, how do you feel this month?" "I'm still coming down from that high. I know it was a tough ordeal and I really want to thank the fans for pulling me through." "What's next a title shot?" "Now hold on a minute there." It's Mean Machine and Karen Killer. "I'm the man who says who gets a title shot. Gied I gave you a chance to get in the ring with a legend...and you get a fluke. It won't happen again. I want another shot with you tonight." "Is your title on the line this time?" "You little snot nosed punk, you don't deserve a shot at my title." "Then no...no match without the title on the line." "Have it your way, brit punk, I tried the easy way, now the hard way." [B]Rick Sanders w/Nevada Nuclear[/B] vs. [B]Snap Dragon w/Nicole Kiss and DC Rayne[/B] This was a classic match. Sanders really worked well with Dragon with great chemistry. Sanders gets a win after a great perfomance and a little help from Nevada. Pin at the 24:02 mark. (C+) After the match the Rat Pack celebrate their win. [B]Mickey James and Puma Boy[/B] vs. [B]Rock City Stars[/B] Two months ago, this would have been a squash, but Puma and James flowed smoothly together to get the win to continue the Stars slide at the 12:21 mark. (D) Darryl Devine comes out next. "Thanks to you fans, I'm back in MAW. I appreciate all the letters, cards, and notes of concern and well wishes. Now I'm ready to climb back into the ring." [B]Darryl Devine[/B] vs. [B]Titan[/B] Devine was looking great in this match. He had Titan reeling till Mean Jean comes running in with a chair. His attacked caused a DQ win for Devine, (D+) Titan angry went to get Jean only to get smacked also. Jean grabs a mic after giving the fallen Devine a few more shots. "I am here to make some examples. Devine, welcome back. Now Antonio, its your lucky day. You get a title shot tonight." MAW championship match [B]Mean Machine w/Karen Killer[/B] (C) vs. [B]Antonio[/B] A rematch of our first main event back in 2005. Mean Jean was angry. This wasn't a squash it was a destruction. Finally Fair had to call for a bell awarding the DQ win to Antonio. (D) Jean wasn't finished as he went on to Anihilate poor antonio. Giedrocy rushed from the back for the save, but not before the damage was done.
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MAW The Approaching Storm 08 preview Mean Jean went beserk seeking revenge on his loss to Jack Giedroyc. What will he do this month? Our wrestlers are getting ready for the biggest show of the year in October, but first they must weather the Approaching Storm. Already signed: MAW tag team championship Rat Pack (C) vs. Blondes w/Heidi MAW Hurricane title match John Greed (C) vs. Steven Parker No.1 contender for tag titles Firm w/Karen Killer vs. Snap Dragon and DC Rayne w/Nicole Kiss Eddie Howard w/Sheik Mustafa vs. Titan w/Nevada Nuclear Also Mean Machine, Darryl Devine, Jack Giedrocy, Antonio, Orient Express, and Doom.
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MAW The Approaching Storm 08 results Opening up our is Mean Jean and Karen Killer. "Well you little British punk. you think you are something. Demanding a title shot after a fluke win. Last week your buddy paid for it. but your buddy is the bosses bas****. So Rip wants to pressure me. I tell you what punk. You go and get your boy Antonio, if he can and face myself and a mystery partner tonight. If you get a pin on me, then you can have your shot. Deal?" "Wow, did you hear that? Mean Jean is really wanting to get this kid in the ring. What will come of that? Well I know what is up now, Eddie Howard and Titan." [B]Eddie Howard w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] vs. [B]Titan w/Nevada Nuclear[/B] These two bruisers have really been working hard to improve. Titan picks up the win with a pin at the 9:21 mark. After the match, Howard is dejected, he has been on a real downspin lately. The Sheik seems to be consoling him. As the Sheik and Howard are leaving, the Outback with Jack set is being set up. Outback gets ready to start his show, when Doom appear from behind the curtains and rush out demolishing the set. This carnage brings out Yuki and Persephone. Rip comes out "Hey what is this? Lets settle this in the ring. Sheik- Persephone, get your teams in the ring now, or you will be suspended!!" [B]Doom w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] vs. Orient Express w/Persphone Wow three months from winning the tag titles and now the Orient Express are confronting monsters. Death and Pain are enraged about something, this was a brutal beating that ended with Death hitting the Decapitator for the win. Doom seems intent on sending a message much to Persephone's dismay. Till the eternal thorn in the side of the Sheik- Rock City Stars come out for a standoff. John Greed comes out to the podium during this standoff, "Hey Sheiky, get your dress and panties out of a wad. call off this show, so people can see what they paid to see...me- John Greed the MAW Hurricane champion. If you do, I will give your Golden boy what he wants- a shot at my title at Where It All Begins Again. What do you say?" The Sheik calls off his troops and smiles, "Deal!!" MAW Hurricane Title match [B]John Greed[/B] (C) vs. [B]Steven Parker[/B] Another good matchup between these two. 11 months ago, Greed took the title from Parker and now they have been moving different directions. Greed retains the title with the Sin-sation at the 25:12 mark. Rip comes out, "Hey DC, Snap, and Devine come on out. I'm tired of everybody getting free rides and trying to run my show. The Rat Pack will not get a free ride tonight or next month. Tonight they face Blonde Ambition. Snap and DC you will be in a Number 1 contenders match against the Firm. Devine I'm glad you made it back." Rinngggg It's Devine cell phone. "Excuse me a moment Rip." Devine goes to answer the phone. We cut to a backstage scene on the big monitor. Mean Jean is shown talking on his cell phone. "Man, I knew i could count on you. Tonight we teach some punks a lesson. See you then." As we come back Devine has hung up his phone also. Rip continues, "You will get a shot soon at the title." No. 1 contenders match for tag titles: [B]The Firm w/Karen Killer[/B] vs. [B]Snap Dragon and DC Rayne w/Nicole Kiss[/B] The Firm is a reliable team to bring in for steps in a storyline. Tonight Ricky Douglas looked good, but Rayne picks up a win for his team, next month a shot at the Tag titles. Antonio and Jack Giedroyc come to the podium next. Antonio is looking really battered. Jack takes the mic, "Jean, you come out run your mouth. You gave me a match, I beat you. Now you seem scared, think a mystery partner is your big savior? Tonight I justify my win, but most of all my main man-Antonio will get his revenge on an overstuffed winbag...got me mate?" MAW Tag title match [B]Rat Pack w/Titan[/B] vs. [B]Blonde Ambition w/Heidi[/B] The blondes have fallen low. The Rat Pack are just too much. Nevada gets the submission at the 18:49 mark. It will now be the Rat Pack vs Snap Dragon and DC Rayne for the tag titles next month. Antonio and Jack Giedroyc are making their way to the ring, they are wished luck by DC, Snap, and Devine before coming out. "Everyone is ready for Mean Jean to fall." Mean Jean and Karen Killer come out next. "Well here we are. Now I guess I will have to reveal my secret...my partner tonight is....Darryl Devine." Out comes Darryl Devine. "What? what is this? The fans are in total shock. The man they had rallied around during his injury. why is he with Mean Machine? Will Jack and Antonio be able to overcome the shock?" [B]Mean Machine w/Karen Killer and Darryl Devine[/B] vs. [B]Antonio and Jack Giedroyc[/B] Shock is not the word...Giedrocy acting skills were wonderful. Devine and Mean Jean were in a punishing mood. It didn't take long to reinjure Antonio, leaving Gied alone. Jean spent alot of time on the outside, due to the stip, that he had to be the one beaten to give up a shot. Leaving Devine and Gied in a spectacular display. As Devine and Gied both seemed to wear down, Mean Jean was tagged in as the fresh man. He beat poor Gied from pillar to post. Then from nowhere Gied got his third wind, trapping Mean Machine in a crossface. Devine comes in for the save to be cut off by a wounded Antonio. Finally a tap at the 43:21 mark. (Antonio and Jean were exhausted during this match.) Jack Giedrocy will challenge for the MAW title at Where It All Begins Again next month.
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Where It All Begins Again 08 Our Supershow of the year is here. It is truely where it all begins again. Rip has got a bevy of awesome matches lined up: MAW championship: Mean Machine w/Karen Killer (C) vs. Jack Giedroyc Giedrocy picked up a non title win three months ago. Last month he captured a tag win to secure this shot. Will he strike for a third time and end Cattley's reign? MAW tag team championship The Rat Pack (C) vs. Snap Dragon and DC Rayne w/Nicole Kiss The Rat Pack have had a great year, but now they face a formidable threat from two men who they irritated during a MAW title match. Will the Pack hold their gold? MAW Hurricane title match John Greed (C) vs. DeCipher w/Sheik Mustafa Greed has beaten the entire Devastation Inc stable before meeting DeCipher in June. That match ended in a time limit draw. Will these two men equal that effort? Who will claim the Hurricane title? Darryl Devine vs. Steven Parker Darryl Devine came out with Cattley last month? why turn his back on everyone? Parker has had an up and down year. Which star will rise to begin the new year right? Doom w/Sheik Mustafa vs. Rock City Stars Last year at this event the Stars ended Dev Inc tag team. This year they interfered with Sheik's new monster team. Will they repeat their performance for a year ago, or will Death and Pain have their way? Yuki w/Persephone vs. Raphael w/Heidi Two young men caught between feuding women. They've met in the many orient express-Blonde tag wars. What will happen now one on one? Which woman will have the last laugh this time? Be there for this awesome night of action....when Rip Cord's Mid-Atlantic Wrestling presents- Where It All Begins Again 08.
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MAW Where It All Begins Again 08 results "Here we are in the Delaware Auditorium- for the shining jewel of Rip Cord's Mid-Atlantic Wrestling. Tonight is the big daddy- Where It All Begins Again 08. I'm your host Merve Ernest. Tonight I am joined by the esteemed legend himself- Rip Cord. Rip good to see you tonight. What do we have to look forward to?" "Well tonight we have titanic clashes, the dreams of a young man, and the begining of a future all wrapped into one night. In fact we will start with a burning question on everyone's mind." "You're right Rip, Darryl Devine, the darlin of the fans coming off an inury and attack by Mean Jean Cattley, then joins him. Why?" The Firm anthem starts and out come Mean Jean, Karen Killer, and Darryl Devine. "[COLOR="SandyBrown"]Here I am, fans- you're Devine one. you want to know why? What's up? I'll tell you- I've seen the light. Thanks to someone like Mean Jean and Karen Killer. This is a dog eat dog world. I found I needed real friends to get to the top."[/COLOR] Mean Jean takes the mic, [COLOR="Red"]"That's right. To be the big dog- you have to run with the bid dog. I am the machine. I've put together with the lovely Karen the dream machine crew. Yes we've weeded out the trash. But myself- MAW champion. Devine the high flying star of the future. Murderous Mickey and Ricky Douglas the Firm tag team, and the beauty of us all Karen Killer we are a beast that can't be stoped."[/COLOR] [B]Darryl Devine w/Karen Killer[/B] vs. [B]Steven Parker[/B] Parker is growing by leaps and bounds, but still hasn't gained the right burst here in MAW. Devine is sitting pretty. This match was a dazzling showcase of talent that really got the fans fird up. Devine pulled out the pin thanks to Karen Killer at the 17:21 mark. (C-) As Devine and Karen soak in the boos, the Outback with Jack set is put up. Tonight Outback with Jack's guests are two rising stars- Mickey James and Puma Boy. "You two have really been on a roll lately- with wins over The Rock City Stars and the Blondes, two former tag team champion duos. Why provoked you to go to Puma, Mr. James?" [COLOR="Green"]"Well I tell you Jack, I've been around the world wrestling day in and day out. When I came back to MAW I saw a young man with tons of potential- Puma, just on a run of bad luck and no confidence. Working together we building a future for each other."[/COLOR] "Well I'm definitely impressed. I look forward to facing you sometime in the future with my partner who is coming up next." [B]Yuki w/Persephone[/B] vs. [B]Raphael w/Heidi[/B] These young stars have talent, just not enough pop in our area as singles to branch out. Throw in two proud women and you have the incentive for an all out spot fest. These two put on a great show with Yuki picking up the win at the 14:11 mark. (D) Heidi begins to berate Raphael and Flash Savage in the ring post match as C.H. Threepwood comes out. "What is this? Here I am coming to the biggest show in MAW for the year and I have no match. What kind of show is that? No C.H. Threepwood, that is a downright tragdegy. Enough so that I think I'm gonna open up a can of whoop-a** son somebody tonight. You three look like perfect canidates. You want some?" Heidi urges her men to attack. C.H. makes quick work of the two with a Wooder. Then celebrates with the crowd. Nicole Kiss brings out her man DC Rayne and his partner tonight- Snap Dragon. "Tonight we finally get our hands on the Rat Pack. Pack you caused both of us a shot at the MAW title. Tonight is payback, we'll take your tag titles." [B]Doom w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] vs. [B]Rock City Stars[/B] Would the Stars start a turn around against the Sheik's new monster team. No. Death and Pain demolished the Stars in short order. Death pinned Stan at the 8:12 mark. (E) In the aftermath Sheik gloat over his fallen nemisis and then calls out DeCipher. He begins to fire up the egnimatic star for his shot at the MAW Hurricane title later tonight. A video is shown of the Rat Pack partying earlier today..Their vicory celebration before the match. John Greed is handed a note as he leaves his dressing room for his title defence. After reading the note, he begins to look very upset and distracted heading to the ring. MAW Hurricane title match [B]John Greed[/B] (C) vs. [B]DeCipher w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] Their first match was a classic and this one did not disapoint at all. Greed sold being distracted well, but put up some great offence. DeCipher proved the more focused man tonight though gaining a submission victory when Greed passed out at the 28:13 mark. (B-) Shiek and Decipher celebrate the title win as Greed is carried away. Mean Jean and Karen Killer come back to the podium. "[COLOR="Red"]Part one down tonight, part two come a little later, when i correct a fluke. Giedrocy you got lucky, the stars fell in place, the one in a million. but tonight your luck will run out. This machine will chew you up and spit you out."[/COLOR] MAW tag team championship [B]The Rat Pack w/Titan[/B] (C) vs. [B]Snap Dragon and DC Rayne w/Nicole Kiss[/B] That battle has been brewing for quiet a while. The clash didn't disapoint. four of my better workers were involved in this match. DC and Nevada matched well as did Rick Sanders and Snap Dragon. The finish finally saw DC catch a worn out Rick with a roaring elbow and the pin at the 16:21 mark. New Tag team champions DC Rayne and Snap Dragon. (C) "Rip we've had two title changes already tonight, is this a sign for the young Jack Giedroyc?" "Well Merve, that question will soon be answered." On cue Jack Giedroyc comes out to the podium. "Tonight I get a chance i've only dreamed about. Thanks to your faith in me- fans- a young british boy's dream could be a reality. I'm overwhelmed by the chance, but I promise the fight of Machine's life." MAW championship match [B]Mean Machine w/Karen Killer[/B] (C) vs. [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] Machine came out fist a fury on an obviously nervous Giedrocy. Mean held sway most of the match landing punishing quick moves. The machine was being very methodical on breaking down poor Giedrocy. Looked like the youngster was hopelesly overmatched. Rip stoop up around the 28 minute mark to lead the crowd in a chant for gied. This distracted the focused Machine. Gied gained a second wind. Now the fight was on. Gied was flying in from all over. Machine was coming with his ground attacks. Finally Karen went to help Machine by grabing the leg of Gied coming to the ropes. Gied reversed and she caught Machine by mistake. Gied quicly hit a sitdown drop kick and then came off the top rope with a frog spash...1, 2, 3....a new MAW champion. (C+) Orient Express, Snap Dragon, DC Rayne, Nicole Kiss, and Rock City Stars all come out to celebrate with the new MAW champion as our show ends.
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MAW Survior's Quest 08 preview Where It All Begins Again was a major show event. Three new champions were crowned. This month promises to build on that momentum: Already signed: MAW championship Jack Giedroyc (C) vs. Mean Machine w/Karen Killer Giedroyc completed the trifecta and captured Machine's title last month. Now Machine get's his rematch. Will the vetern teach the young upstart a lesson in regaining his title? MAW Hurricane title DeCipher w/Sheik Mustafa vs. Erik Strong chance for a rematch for tag titles DC Rayne w/Nicole Kiss vs. Rick Sanders Snap Dragon vs. Darryl Devine Mickey James and Puma Boy vs. Blonde Ambition w/Heidi Canadian Dragon vs. Thomas Morgan Also a special guest is due to appear......
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MAW Survior's Quest 08 "Here we are once again....in the Delaware Auditorium for an evening fo Wrestling, Rip Cord style. It's Mid-Atlantic Wrestling presents Survivor's Quest 08. Hello fans I'm Merve Ernest and I'm joined by Rip Cord here ringside. Tonight Rip, we begin to see the aftermath of WIABA. What should we expect?" "[COLOR="DimGray"]Evening Merve, tonight is as you said time for payback. Three titles changed hands last month. You know the men who had those titles want them back. Before we get started, I have a tape that was sent to me to play tonight. So here it goes."[/COLOR] The big screen is swiling mass of psychodelic colors Then a loud breathing voice begins..."[COLOR="DarkGreen"]In the beginning was a mass of choas that swirrrrrrlllllleeedddsh and convaaaaaalllllleeeeennnnnccceeeeeddd ITTT WAS BEGGINNIN TO TAAAKEEE SHAAPPPEE. ITTT BECAMETH THE DRIVINNNNGGG MOTTTIIIOOONN OF ALLLLL LIFFFFFE. THE FORCE WAS BORRNNN. THROUGH THE YEAAARRSS ARRRRGG THE FORCE FEEL THE FORCE PURCHASE FORCELICHORIANS BY BYEINNNGG FORCCCCEEE PRODUCTS!!!!! THE FORCE MOVED THROUGH LIFE IT WAS LIFE TILL NOW....IT MADE THE ULTIMATE LIFFFFFEEEEE. YOU WILL GROW IN THE FORCE AS IT DECENDSSSS ON YOUUUUUU. WITNESS THE FORRCCCEEE NEAR YOUUUUUU!!!!! BUILDDD YOURRRR FORCELICHORIANS BY PURCHASINNGGG JIM FORCEEEE PRODUCCTTTT!!!! LONG LIVE THE FORCE....."[/COLOR] Half way through the video the mass of colors swirl into the face of Jim Force. "Rip what was that?" "I have no idea" On cue out come new MAW champion Jack Giedroyc. "[COLOR="Blue"]Fans thank you so much for your support, you faith, your help. You helped me overcome the power of the machine and take back the people's title. Tonight I have to face the big bully again, but I will be a fighting champion that all can be proud of. Any worthy challengers will get a chance.[/COLOR]" Music blares as out come C.H. Threepwood. "[COLOR="Green"]What is this? You claim to be a fighting champion? I am C.H. Threepwood. I've waited my turn and beaten whomever was put in my path. No shot. The last chump ducked and dodged the Wood because he knew i would kick his a**, now you talk big, but will you back it up?[/COLOR] Mean Jean's music hits as he and Karen Killer come out. "[COLOR="Red"]Now wait a minute there chump, you talking to the wrong man. After tonight it will be me making the title defences."[/COLOR] Giedroyc and Threepwood both turn to with annoyance to Jean a causing him to back off. Then the two shake hands. [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] vs. [B]Canadian Dragon[/B] A decent opening match where Canadian Dragon is rewarded for working so hard in losing. Pin for Dragon at the 12:03 mark. Outback with Jack is set up next. "Welcome fans tonight for our guest we have the new MAW tag team champions- DC Rayne w/Nicole Kiss and Snap Dragon. Hey guys what's up?" "Not much my man. We have a little video for you tonight also." A short video is shown of Snap Dragon, DC Rayne, Nicole Kiss, Persephone, and the Orient Express at a Kareoke bar. It is a hilarious watching the group dancing and singing off key except Snap who has a very nice voice (in spanish). "Wow you wasn't suppose to show that. but to business what is going on tonight?" "Well my crooning partner will be facing the turncoat Devine. Devine will start paying for his disrespect to the MAW fans. Me, the DC, will be turning the tables on the rats. Rick Sanders has to beat me one-on-one for them to gain a rematch." As the set is being taken down, The Firm come out with Karen Killer. "Hey Mickey did you see those goons for the east? Trying to sing, reminded me of late night theatre with the dubbed movies." "Then they think they can wrestle. Hey little boys, keep out of the real man's world." [B]Blonde Ambition w/Heidi[/B] vs. [B]Mickey James and Puma Boy[/B] Heidi demanded this match as revenge on the loss to this team a couple of months ago. Same match, same result. This new team has really gelled well Puma Boy gaining new confidence as he picked up the win at the 14:21 mark over Raphael." John Greed come to the podium next. "DeCipher you were the better man last month. You and I had a hell of a match. Now I'm out here looking for my rematch. It was great once and it will be great again." As Greed is talking, Sheik Mustafa comes out with DeCipher. "hold on a minute greed, living by your name again. you have to earn a shot at the title. I'm surrpised you want to get back in the ring after my man DeCipher destoyed you last month, now you will climb up the ladder again. Now watch what the DeCipher can do as a reminder. [B]Snap Dragon w/Nicole Kiss[/B] vs. [B]Darryl Devine w/Karen Killer[/B] A great matchup of stars tonight. Both men put their careers on the line going to the top quiet often and putting on a arial battle that wowed the crowd. Finally Devine was just too much for Dragon, picking up the pin at the 32:12 mark. (the show stealer) Devine heads to the podium then begins to mock Snap Dragon with signs in spanish. Mean Jean comes out very irate. "Who does that punk kid think he is. Come on Darryl we have more important fish to fry." MAW Hurricane Title Match [B]DeCipher w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] vs. [B]Erik Strong[/B] Not the stellar match....DeCipher tore Strong apart. Sheik urged on the brutal demonstration till the 9:21 mark when DeCipher gained a pin. After the match- Greed comes out and begins to appeal to DeCipher for the rematch, till Sheik gets in his face. As Greed grabs the Sheik, DeCipher hesitates then comes to his manager's rescue. The two men have a tense staredown till Greed finally turns to leave, with a smile. For a chance at a rematch for the tag titles [B]DC Rayne w/Nicole Kiss[/B] vs. [B]Rick Sanders[/B] Rayne and Sanders put a decend match on for the fans. Rayne had a good roll going, till Sanders came out of nowhere with a nice roll up and holding the ropes for the 1,2,3 at the 16:22 mark. Next month a rematch for the MAW tag titles DC Rayne and Snap Dragon vs the Rat Pack. MAW championship match [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] (C) vs. [B]Mean Machine w/Karen Killer[/B] Another good matchup between the two men. Giedroyc really has started to blossom with the fans as he and Machine put on a classic. Giedrocy finally put Machine away with a Crashing on at the 24:54 mark to retain his title.
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MAW The Shadow Rising 08 preview ooc I just had to put the Jim Force in for a short run in honor of the "theme" this month. The Survivors have began their new quest this year in the MAW. Now the Shadow's are rising again. What will December have in store? MAW championship match Jack Giedroyc (C) vs. C.H. Threepwood The new champ promised to be a fighting champion. He keeps his word this month taking on a man who has been on a role. MAW tag team championship Snap Dragon and DC Rayne w/Nicole Kiss (C) vs. The Rat Pack Rick Sanders won the right for a rematch against the unlikely team of Dragon and Rayne. Darryl Devine vs. Antonio John Greed vs. Canadian Dragon Ricky Douglas vs. El Bandito Jim Force vs. ??? Be there as Darkness falls and Shadows Rise in December in the Mid-Atlantic.
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MAW The Shadow Rising 08 results Merve and Rip welcome everyone to the show and we start with a video of Snap Dragon, DC Rayne, and Nicole Kiss out on the town partying in the local clubs in Baltimore. This duo really know how to have a good time. [B]John Greed[/B] vs. [B]Canadian Dragon[/B] Greed is back in ring and working his way back for a rematch with DeCipher for the Hurricane title. Greed and Dragon have an ok match in which was pretty much all Greed. pin at the 10:21 mark. As Greed looks up, DeCipher had been watching the match. Shiek rushes out looking angry and grabs a mic. "Greed, you will have to do alot better than that to get a rematch. The Outback with Jack is set up next with your host Outback Jack, the same poorly dubbed Aussie voice is heard as Outback starts. "Tonight we have an original from MAW- Ricky Douglas. Ricky Douglas one half of the fearsome Firm tag team. Ricky why are you fighting in singles lately?" "Shut up punk, I'm Ricky Douglas. Yeah you have lots of glamour guys, but i'm the blood and guts along with my partner Murd Mick. Tonight I go solo just because I want to beat the H*** out of someone on my own. Be careful or I might put the smackdown on you, you little sissy wanna be." [B]Ricky Douglas w/Karen Killer[/B] vs. [B]El Bandito[/B] Complete squash as Douglas really preforms well. He also improved Bandito some also. Pin at the 5:21 mark. Heidi is shown backstage with Blonde Ambition throwing a fit. [B]Steven Parker[/B] vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] These two have met a couple of times over the last year with Devine getting the nod each time. Parker is still coming back, but no different result. Devine gets the pin at the 25:23 mark. As Devine is celebrating, MAW champion Jack Giedroyc comes to the podium. "Tonight I keep my word. C.H. Threepwood has really been on a roll and he deserves a shot at the MAW title. Tonight I extend him the shot I promised him. Whattt..." Darryl Devine comes from the ring and hits Gied with a chair four times. Devine leaves laughing as Gied is down in a heap. The focus goes to the ring as Gied is seen about and helped to the back. the Rat Pack are very serious as Nevada Nuclear takes the mic. "Two months ago you fans witnessed a travesty. These two party losers win our title through a lucky break. This week you will see the real- the serious, Rat Pack regaining their titles." A weird music hits the speakers as a painted man sprints to the ring. He begins shaking the ropes and seems to be completely insane. He grabs a mic, "I am Heeerrrreeee for you my forrrrrcccceeeelllinnggss. I aaaammmmm hheeeerrrree tooooo stack your blocks, to lift your mindssss. the forrrrccceeee isssss heeerrrreeee, buyyy Jim Force merchanissseeeee." His opponent comes to the ring. [B]Jim Force[/B] vs. [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] The Force was a blur of motion as poor Morgan became the practice doll. Jim gets the pin at the 4:23. Force begins dancing around the ring shaking everything in site. Rip looks midly annoyed. Our camera zooms to the back to pick up the Blondes attacking poor Puma Boy. Heidi is screaming, "Beat him, beat him!!" C.H. Threepwood comes out to the podium. "What is this? I come out. I'm ready to fight. Then this little punk Devine comes out to ruin my night? What I have i ever done? I'll tell you what i've done. I taken names, and I've kicked A**. Now to the point, will Giedroyc be the man and fight me? We will see. if not, there will be DEV-INE HE** to pay!!" MAW Tag Team title championship [B]Snap Dragon and DC Rayne w/Nicole Kiss[/B] (C) vs. [B]The Rat Pack[/B] A great match that rocked the place. Dragon and Rayne work well together and the Rat Pack have great heat. Unfortunately this match became a no contest. Doom comes from the back attacking both teams. This was one brutal assault that left the faces and Rat Pack were left in a heap. C.H. Threepwood comes to the ring for his match. He waits to see if Gied will show. And bam there he is. MAW title match [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] (C) vs. [B]C.H.Threepwood[/B] This was a great match. Two stars who've really begun to climb in the MAW, unfortunately I think it won't be long before they both will be snatched up. Needless to say I enjoyed the matchup even though it was a little premature. Giedroyc picks up the pin at the 28:24 mark. Giedroyc celebrates with the fans as the show comes to a close.
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MAW Battlefield Earth 09 results Our show opens up with MAW champion Jack Giedroyc coming out, "Last month everyone saw that I plan to be a fighting champion. Even when I get buggared by a turncoat like Devine. Why don't you live up to your name? Well tonight it's De-vine payback time." Shiek Mustafa comes out next alone. "Tonight my men-Doom come into the battle for the tag team champinships. Tonight Doom will wreak devastation on the four moronic examples of American values as they win what is only thiers." As Mustafa is going behind the curtain he seems to be yanked through. Special grudge match- [B]Mickey James[/B] vs. [B]Raphael w/Heidi[/B] Nice matchup of up and coming stars. James proves too much as he wants revenge for the beatdown on his young partner last month. James gains the submission at the 8:23 mark. After the match James chases Heidi to the back. Persephone comes out to the podium as the outback with Jack set is set up. "Ricky Douglas, you come out last month spouting you mouth about wanting to whoop someone...well anytime you and your neanderthal partner want to meet up...we are here...." "Welcome to Outback with Jack" blares over the speakers with the same out of sync mic work of Outback Jack. "Tonight there will be a three-way battle for the tag team championship: the Rat Pack, Doom, and our guest again tonight- Snap Dragon, DC Rayne, and Nicole Kiss. Well Ms. Kiss, what do you have to say about tonight?" "Jack, thanks for having us again. My boys and I have had a wonderful time out ridin' the streets and meetin' the peeps, but we did have on thing on our mind- last month the Dream Team had those rotten scoundrels on the ropes till these two goons come in to join the party. This month at Battlefield Earth we get to have a three way dance. No prob..goons or rats neither can overcome the DREAM TEAM!!" As the set is cleared away, the painted man makes his way to the announce table to join Merve Ernest and Rip Cord. "Heelllooooo forcelllliiinnngggs!!!" "Rip, what is this?" "Just keep your cool, Merve, and maybe he will go away." "I know you have had mucho massive battles of will in the force as you were once a burnning star of forachorins, butttt now you are just anottthhherrr has been on the dimmminng suuunnnseett of the warrrrr!!" "Let's get on with the next match." [B]C.H. Threepwood[/B] vs. [B]Rockin' Ryan Turner[/B] A major squash match. Threepwood has really skyrocketed in pop and momentum in the Mid-Atlantic. His match last month for title showed he will be an asset for us, if he will just stay here. Pin at the 4:21 mark. Though a decent match, it was flooded with constant Force rants. After the match, Jim Force once again begins a rant, "Threepwood you are a man, who climbs daily in Force..but there can be only oneeee...only onnneee....it is a lonely number....but i bravely hold it...now if you buy Jim Force merchandiceeee you might grow youngling.....may the force be withth youuuuu." "Just shut up you moron..." Merve has had enough. Unfortunately Jim doesn't like to be interrupted when he is on a roll. Force piledrives Merve right there on the announce table. Rip jumps up and grabs Force. Force seems to get the upperhand till Rip pulls a black bat from behind his seat and lays Jim Force out. Force and Merve are helped to the back as Persephone and Thomas Morgan make their way out to take over the announce duties. Rip is very irate and has to be taken to the back as the crowd goes wild. As order is being restored, all three members of Devastation Inc (Doom and Decipher) are shown backstage looking for the Shiek. Karen Killer and the Firm make their way to the podium. "Hello Persephone, you better be praying thanks for the fact you are behind that desk tonight. you want my two men...next month, it will be your Orient Express vs my firm....get ready to be whipped." [B]John Greed[/B] vs. [B]Flash Savage w/Heidi[/B] Greed is in good form and Savage was just a road bump. Heidi tried to make it interesting, but Micky James chased her off early. 4:23 mark pinfall win for Greed. During the match the masked DeCipher, MAW Hurricane champ, comes out to watch the match. At the end he speaks, "Greed, you and I have had major battles, honorable battles. You deserve a rematch for your title. Next month at MAW Heart of Darkness- you and I one more time for the Hurricane title. "Wow, Pesephone, I didn't know that DeCipher could speak." "Me neither, Morgan. Well sorry folks for the little altercation. I guess you will have to put up with us for the rest of the night. but first some personal business- Karen, my men will whip your goons any day of the week." "Well, Perse, speaking of tag teams, the 3 way for the tag team championship is coming up, but it looks like the Rat Pack have something to say." As the pair finishes talking, The Sheik is shown coming to the ring with Doom. Nevada Nuclear and Rick Sanders come up to the Podium as Doom hits the ring and the Dream Team is coming out. "Well looks like they are all here. Dragon and Rayne...last month we put the boots to you, and now Sheik your monsters are big, but the bigger they are the harder they fall. The power will rise..the Nuclear Power and Sanders." MAW tag team championship [B]The Dream Team w/Nicole Kiss[/B] (C) vs. [B]Rat Pack[/B] vs. [B]Doom w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] What a free for all. Nuclear and Rick were stellar, but the match belonged to the wiles of the Sheik. He bid his two monsters to let the other two teams wear themselves out. Rayne and Nevada battled the ground. Snap and Rick Sanders flew the skies. Finally as the four me where exhausted- Death came in and delivered the death knell- 1, 2, 3. Doom is the new tag team champions. Sheik is elated. "Now you people see, Devastation Inc. has two of the titles. Next month one of my charges will return to begin his quest to take the one remaing title for the team. Darryl Devine comes out to the podium, "Tonight Double D will win clean, all for you the Mean Machine." C.H. Threepwood comes from behind the curtain to watch the title match. MAW championship match [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] (C) vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] A great matchup of talent for MAW. Devine's ambush and betrayal of the faces added alot of heat to this match. Giedroyc is really starting to come into his own as my top face. Great spots, but also a great story in the ring. Potentially match of the year. Giedrocy finally capitalizes on a missed moonsault by Devine to pick up the win at the 24:12 mark. As he is holding up his title, out comes Mean Jean with a bat. (What is it with bats tonight?) Before he can make it to Giedrocy, Threepwood comes to the rescue....All four men are brawling before long all the way to the back as our show comes to an end.
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MAW Heart of Darkness 09 preview Last month at MAW Battlefield Earth Monster's grew....beast were unleashed, and the Force meet the immovable object...literally in a black bat by Rip Cord. What has been signed this month: MAW championship match (Loser leaves MAW for 120 days.) Jack Giedrocy (C) vs. Mean Machine w/Karen Killer MAW Hurricane title match DeCipher w/Shiek Mustafa (C) vs. John Greed MAW Tag team championship Doom w/Sheik Mustafa (C) vs. The Dream Team w/Nicole Kiss Bat on a pole match: Rip Cord vs. Jim Force C.H. Threepwood vs. Darryl Devine Orient Express w/Persephone vs. The Firm w/Karen Killer Mickey James and Puma Boy vs. Blonde Ambition w/Heidi Also who is the Devastation Inc. member who is returning this month....be there as the boss takes matters into his own hands....As the Heart of Darkness manifests.
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MAW Heart of Darkness 09 results [CENTER][IMG]http://babel.massart.edu/~robertlee/images/heart_of_darkness.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] "Welcome fans, tonight Rip Cord's Mid-Atlantic wrestling presents Heart of Darkness 09. Hi, I'm Thomas 'trademark' Morgan, and I'm filling in for Merve Ernest. Our best wishes go out to Merve as he is recovering from the injuries he sustained from Jim Force's piledriver last month. Tonight is chock full of intersting fights and wars. Come with us as we enter the Heart of Darkness. Look who's coming out now, Sheik Mustafa." [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Shiek.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE] "People I told you last month that one of the fold was returning. He is coming back after spending some time in intense training in the wilds of India and Bangladesh. He left as a storm- He comes back as BLACK TYPHOON. He had the power and drive, now he has the extra knowledge to reach the top." Out come Eddie Howard in new Dark attire. "Now watch him blow away the Freeze."[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Typhoon2.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Shiek.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/DFrost.jpg[/IMG] [B]Black Typhoon w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] vs. [B]Derek Frost[/B] A nice opening match. I forgot that Frost was on the roster, but not for long. He gave Typhoon a nice return match to maybe get him on the right track. Two big men brawling with Typhoon hitting the Disaster for the pin at the 7:32 mark. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/JGreed.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]As Sheik celebrates in the ring with his charge out from the back comes John Greed. "Sheik, you got really scared last month didn't you? Well this week I take back my Hurricane title. DeCipher is a man, you are a wimp wearing a dress." Sheik grabs a mic as Typhoon takes off up the ramp. "Greed, you name has signed your own death warrent. Tonight you have witnessed the unveiling of Black Typhoon. Later my team of Doom will write another chapter in tag team destruction with the so called Dream team, but the crowning jewel will be when the DeCipher destroys you for daring to lay a hand of me last month. Devastation Inc. will go 3-0 this month. You'd best fear the reaper."[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/MJames.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/FSavage.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Raphael.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mickey James and Puma Boy[/B] vs. [B]Blonde Ambition w/Heidi[/B] James and Puma are a plesant surprize for the tag team ranks. good chemistry showed in the team work. On the other hand Raphael and Flash seemed to be competing with each other. Puma boy hits a pounce for the pin at the 16:12 mark. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/NevNuclear.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/RSanders.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Titan.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]As James and Puma are soaking in cheers, The Rat Pack come to the podium. Nevada grabs a mic. "My fans, I know you are shocked that the Rat Pack are not competing in the tag team match tonight. Well we decided not to. Rip begged us to, because he knows as we do, the Pack packs the seats. But we done the tag scene. Now don't get fretful. Don't fear. There will still be a Rat Pack and a team. Rick Sanders and Titan will take that role. Now its time to show real power...Nuclear power to the MAW championship circle. So now I begin my singles quest."[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Persephone.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/OutBJack.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Yuki.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]Persephone comes out with her team of Orient Express next. "Well tonight fans we're not going to have outback with Jack. Tonight we are about the business. It seems the Firm's two goons like running their mouth about how bad they are. Tonight they find out a new defintion for defeat. Tonight they fall to the Orient Express." The Firm come out as we are ready for our second grude tag match of the night.[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/OutBJack.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Yuki.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Persephone.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/RDouglas.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/MurMikey.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/KKiller.jpg[/IMG] [B]Orient Express w/Persephone [/B]vs. [B]The Firm w/Karen Killer[/B] Ricky and Mikey are back at their old game and bringing along young talent. They really have helped this young team grow. Tonight Outback (That is not really him, but that is the outfit he wears.) gets the pin on Murderous Mikey at the 16:13 mark. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/NKiss.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/DCRayne.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]Ricky and Mikey are not looking to be standing on the best of grounds right now. The crew comes out to set up the pole and bat for Rip's big match tonight. The Dream team come to the podium. Nicole grabs the mic. "The Sheik runs his mouth. People we're coming in from a night on the town and now we are ready to stand. Two behemoths are coming out tonight to defend the MAW tag team titles. DC will bring the rain and Dragon will fly. Tonight the dream team will reign on High...Mauuuk!!"[/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.inmagine.com/thumbnails/dynamicgraphics/vc004/vc004058.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Bat on a pole match[/CENTER][/B] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/RCord.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/JForce.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rip Cord[/B] vs. [B]Jim Force[/B] Not a match of the year canidate, but surprisingly good. Rip showed his age and Force, well he was Jim Force. Force held the upper hand toying with Cord for most of the match. Interspaced with lots of giberish. As Force turns to climb the pole, out come Merve Ernest on crutches. Merve distracts Force with a crutch hit. Rip is able to recover enought to climb the pole and grab the bat for the win at the 6:01 mark. Force caught Ernest and gave him another piledriver, but then Rip layed out Force with the bat again. Rip and Ernest help each other to the back leaving Force layed out. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/CHThreepwood.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]C.H. Threepwood hits the podium to the delight of the fans. "Two months ago, I came out to battle for the MAW title, and a little fairy flew in sticking his tutti frutti little *** in my business. Last month this little fairy tried to still my thunder with a match that should have been mine. This month I get that little piece of **** and I get to pluck his ******* little wings off and bury his ***. Devine get ready to go to Hell."[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/CHThreepwood.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/DDevine.jpg[/IMG] [B]C.H. Threepwood[/B] vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] Threepwood has skyrocketed lately and I'm going to ride that train. He might now be here much longer, but he is brining in fans. Threep keep Devine from the air with a nice ground and pound causing Devine to go out of the ring to get more room. Devine used his speed to draw Threep into a trap. Devine then begin to shine Missle drop kicks, second rope flips, but he began to showboat and mouth the fans. Threep gets the knees up on a top rope moonsault, rolls up Devine and gets the 1, 2, 3 at the 23:21 mark. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/MeanMachine.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/KKiller.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]Mean Machine and Karen Killer come out to the podium. "Giedrocy, I have to agree to a stip that the loser leaves MAW for 120 days. What is that? This is my home...you are not even American...you think you can beat me and run me out of my home? I am the Machine, I have ruled MAW for many years and tonight you will find out why I am Mean...." Jean seems to hesitate some as C.H. Threepwood stops and stares at him during his rant.[/QUOTE] [B]MAW Tag Team championship[/B] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Death.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Pain.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/DCRayne.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG] [B]Doom w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] (C) vs. [B]the Dream Team w/Nicole Kiss[/B] DC and Pain start off the match. Back and forth they go. Dragon and Rayne getting the upper hand then Death and Pain. Finally Sheik grabs Nicole and distracts Rayne. Death and Pain hit the doomsday on Snapdragon and allow Death to gain the pin. Doom retains the tag team titles. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/JGiedroyc.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]MAW champion Jack Giedroyc comes out next. "Fans, Mean Machine thinks he is the only man in MAW. You know mates I fought hard to get here. And I've fought hard to stay here. Tonight it will be the same. MAW is my home, these fans have given me the chance to shine, I'm not going anywhere. I'm here to stay...Machine you might be mean, but your looking to take on me and the Giedites."[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]MAW Hurricane Title match[/B] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/DeCipher.jpg[/IMG]vs. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/JGreed.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]DeCipher w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] (C) vs. [B]John Greed[/B] These two men have put on two of the best matches in MAW history during the last few months. Now they lock up again. Greed wowed the fans, but DeCipher also gave as good as he got. The story flowed well with both men showing more and more respect for each other. At the 27 minute mark, Sheik went to help DeCipher, but DeCipher refused the help and pushed Sheik off the ring appron. Greed gets up and looks stunned, but they go back and forth. Finally DeCipher caught Greed coming off the ropes in the sleeper. Greed doesn't respond at the 34:41 mark. DeCipher retains the title. [QUOTE]Sheik is full of fury, he seems to have forgotten the 'incident' earlier in the match as he grabs a mic. "I told you peons, you ignoble americans that the Sheik would rule. Devastation Inc. has gone 3-0. There is nowhere to hide MAW is now ours."[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]MAW Championship Match Loser leaves MAW for 120 days[/B] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/JGiedroyc.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/MeanMachine.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Jack Giedrocy[/B] (C) vs. [B]Mean Machine w/Karen Killer[/B] Giedroyc rules the ring. He and Machine even out did Greed-DeCipher tonight. Great action back and forth. Karen as always added enough flavor to the match without overshadowing the wrestlers. Gied makes the big mistake missing a leapfrog off the top to the outside. Machine is quick to take advantage putting Gied back in the ring and hitting the mood swing. At the 34 minute mark. He goes for the pin...1, 2, no Gied gets the sholder up. Machine is livid. He begins to put the boot to Gied and hits a second mood swing. 1, 2, 3...Mean Machine is the three time MAW champion....Jack Giedroyc has to leave town. Machine, Devine, and Karen all begins to sing "Hey hey hey good by" to Giedrocy who teary-eyed waves to the fans.
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MAW The Legacy [CENTER][IMG]http://www.eternalnight.co.uk/books/m/mcbridemichael/thelegacy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] March is here. That means its time for MAW The Legacy. Who will be on hand to carry on the Legacy that Rip Cord has set down? Already signed: [B]MAW Championship match[/B] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/MeanMachine.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/CHThreepwood.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mean Machine w/Karen Killer[/B] (C) vs. [B]C.H. Threepwood[/B] Machine won his quest and Giedrocy is gone for 120 days. Now sensation Threepwood gets his second shot. Will he have what it takes to take down the legend of Mean Jean Cattley? [B]MAW tag team championship[/B] [B]Doom w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] (C) vs. [B]Orient Express w/Persephone[/B] John Greed vs. Darryl Devine Black Typhoon vs. Murderous Mikey Rat Pack II vs. Blonde Ambition and more. Be there as the MAW legacy lives on.
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MAW The Legacy 09 results [CENTER][IMG]http://www.fictionwise.com/mindwise/books/McBride-Legacy.jpg[/IMG] March 2009 [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/MeanMachine.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/DDevine.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Our show starts with Mean Jean and Darryl Devine coming to the podium. Well, you little losers look who came out on top. Look who is at home and who hit the bricks. Mean Machine the most dominate force in MAW. Devine, you had a little trouble with Threepwood, but tonight I will show these fans the flash in the pan. Who is this?" Out comes Antonio. "mean Jean, you might have won one match, but believe me, my partner Giedroyc" Fans roar. "Will be back to the Mid-Atlantic. What started as a joke, burned you. When will you see the light. These fans made you. When will you give back?" "Why you little. I give these fans the priviledge of seeing me in action month in and month out." Jean and Devine go to grab Antonio, when a strange masked man comes from behind the curtains and hits a beautiful missle dropkick on Jean, knocking him into Devine. Antonio and the masked man hightail it to the back.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]"Welcome back Merve. This is Thomas Morgan. Who do you think that was?" "I don't know, He seemed familiar, but hhe really got Jean rilled up."[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/RSanders.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Titan.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/FSavage.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Raphael.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rat Pack II w/Nevada Nuclear[/B] vs. [B]Blonde Ambition[/B] The tension between Raphael and Flash Savage builds. Rick Sanders puts on a clinic and Titan gets a pin. Rat Pack II begins their climb up the ladder. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Shiek.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]"Ha, good job beating two has beens. You two will never measure up to Doom." Sheik Mustafa has come to the podium. "Watch now as a real man works out. Fear the evolution of the storm-fear the Black Typhoon."[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/EHoward.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/MurMikey.jpg[/IMG] [B]Black Typhoon w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] vs. [B]Murderous Mikey w/Karen Killer[/B] Another battle of big behemoths. Not pretty, but a real slobberknocker. Typhoon is showing better flair in the ring and picks up the pin at the 9:21 mark. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/CHThreepwood.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Coming out to the podium is C.H. Threepwood. "Well last month I took little fairy, let it fly, then plucked its wings. Tonight I get my second shot at the title. Tonight I can compete for the prize. What do i feel. I feel like opening up a can and dishing out a lot of beating. Machine, you are a man. A legend. but tonight a new legacy begins. Tonight I'm gonna come at you like a bear to honey and i'm going to take your little title, why Cause Threepwood is the man."[/QUOTE] Ricky Douglas is waiting in the ring. "Tonight I begin my quest for my own gold. Tonight I take the first step for the Hurricane title. Sheik, I know you well. DeCipher I know you. all too well. I will take you title, mark my words." [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/RDouglas.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/TMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ricky Douglas[/B] vs. [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] Ricky Douglas is always a great preformer. He has helped make alot of our stars. Tonight he gets a chance to shine in singles. Morgan gave a good match, but Ricky gets the pin at the 13:52 mark. Ricky was a little tired. [QUOTE]Merve laughs. "Morgan, you look like me. Maybe you should stick to sitting behind the stick. Oh yeah you stink at that too."[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/JGreed.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/DDevine.jpg[/IMG] A wild free for all. Devine flys well, but Greed shows why he is a hot commodity. Devine took the upper hand till Greed hits sin-sation for the pinfall. [QUOTE]A video is shown of Rip Cord's victory over Jim Force last month. Rip Cord then comes out to address the fans. He thanks them for their support duirng the match. He felt the thunder than he always felt when entertaining the fans. Just as he is about to wave bye- a huge painted face covers the screen. "Ripppp Cooorrrddd yourrr battt did nothiinggg to stoppp the foorrcee. Just as Atlas holds the heavens, or as Luke hits the doom star. Jim Force is forever. Buy Jim Force merchandiiiicceeee." Rip just looks in disgust.[/QUOTE] [B]MAW Tag Team title match[/B] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Death.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Pain.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/OutBJack.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Yuki.jpg[/IMG] [B]Doom w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] (C) vs. [B]Orient Express w/Persephone[/B] Persephone's young team have come a long way, but Doom are Devastating. Yuki gets some offence in on Pain, till Death comes in to help hit a Dooms-day. 1, 2, 3. Doom retains the titles. Sheik Mustafa is estatic. Next month we will reign again as you will see Devastion Inc. rules the world." [QUOTE]Mean Jean takes his time coming to the ring for his title defence. He showboats for five minutes antoganizing fans.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][SIZE="2"][B]MAW title match[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/MeanMachine.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/KKiller.jpg[/IMG]vs. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/CHThreepwood.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Mean Machine w/Karen Killer[/B] (C) vs. [B]C.H. Threepwood[/B] A tough battle. Machine and Threepwood worked well together. Back and forth action, that saw Machine finally gain the upper hand and Threepwood taking lots of bumps. Machine methodically wore down Threepwood. At the 25 minute mark the strange masked man came out from behind the curtain, he didn't go to the ring, but Machine saw him and became distracted. Threepwood used the time to regain his senses. Machine came back to finish the job to the urging of Karen, only to find Threepwood playing possum. The batle was renewed. Threepwood finally hits the Wood driver. 1,2,3. New MAW champion C.H.Threepwood. Mean Machine finally comes round to look up at the laughing masked man. Who is the masked man? What will happen next? Find out the new directions at MAW Spring Dawning 09 in April.
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MAW Sping Dawning 09 preview background picture from: [url]http://www.dragonslayer.de[/url] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Sprindawn09.jpg[/IMG] Name taken from: "Dragons of Spring Dawning by Tracey Hickman and Margret Weis"
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[IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/springsurise09a.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/rdspring.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/sunriserpack.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/ratpackIIspring.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/devinephon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/DeCipherhype.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Hurricanetitlematch.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/DCNevada.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/MJPhonpromo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/threepMM.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/endofshow.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ring picture from: [url]http://www.harleyrace.com/wlw/ring.jpg[/url] Sunrise photo from [url]http://myolympus.org/document.php?id=1523[/url]
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