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MAW: The dark days

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MAW Shatterpoint 09 results [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Shatterpoint/shatterpointopening.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Shatterpoint/Dreamteam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Shatterpoint/OrEXBlonAmb.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Shatterpoint/JimForcerevolution.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Shatterpoint/Ratpackprank.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Shatterpoint/titpain.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Shatterpoint/Ripcordpromo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Shatterpoint/EPreveal.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Shatterpoint/NNDD.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Shatterpoint/Hurricane.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Shatterpoint/Threeppromo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Shatterpoint/threepgreed.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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MAW Redeeming the Lost 09 Preview [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Redeemthelostpromo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="2"]Signed: MAW championship match C.H. Threepwood (C) vs. Nevada Nuclear[/SIZE] Special grudge match: Mean Machine and Darryl Devine vs. Antonio and European Phoenix MAW tag team title match Doom w/Sheik Mustafa (C) vs. Rat Pack II MAW Hurricane title match DeCipher w/Sheik Mustafa (C) vs. Ricky Douglas The Dream Team w/Nicole Kiss vs. Mickey James and Puma Boy Also: Rip Cord will address the Jim Force situation
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/redeeming/opening.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/redeeming/Meanjeanpromo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/redeeming/DreamJames.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/redeeming/ShiekHeidi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/redeeming/Hurricane.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/redeeming/RipPromo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/redeeming/Hillbillyattack.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/redeeming/doomvsrpII.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/redeeming/EPantonio.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/redeeming/Giedfarewell.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/redeeming/Threeppromo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/redeeming/Championship.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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MAW The Silver Stair 09 [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/SilverStair/Opening.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/SilverStair/Hillbillyantonio.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/SilverStair/BlackTyphoon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/SilverStair/BTSnap.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/SilverStair/RatPack.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/SilverStair/TitanDevine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/SilverStair/RPDIbrawl.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/SilverStair/RipGreedpromo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/SilverStair/MJCMJ.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/SilverStair/MeanJeanpromo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/SilverStair/DoomFirm.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/SilverStair/Threepwoodpromo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/SilverStair/MAWtitle.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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MAW There and Back Again 09 [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/thereandbackagain/opening.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/thereandbackagain/Threeppromo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/thereandbackagain/AntErik.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"]We cut back to the back were Mean Jean is argueing with someone in a dark trenchcoat. The camera catches Jean saying "I'm not for that." before Jean walks away." "Tom, I wonder who Mean Jean was talking to?" "Thanks for letting me talk. I told you I'm Thomas. Sounds pretty interesting, but the man coming to the podium looks like he as something to say too." Nevada Nuclear comes out to the podium. "C.H. has one thing right, we do have one thing in common right now, two bozos wanting to interrupt my title win. But mark my words Threepwood, I have my eye on you. After tonight, we are going mano-a-mano."[/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/thereandbackagain/MeanJeanTyphoon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"]Sheik is estatic with the win, till he notices on the big screen, Doom in the back and they are attacked from behind by the Hillbillies with a feeding trough. The brutal assualt puts Death and Pain down for a few minutes but they soon rise and give chase to the 'funked-out' Hillbillies. Sheik is enraged, getting Typhoon in tow to help his charges. This leaves DeCipher to defend his MAW Hurricane title alone.[/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/thereandbackagain/Hurricane.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/thereandbackagain/Jimpromo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/thereandbackagain/forcewavematch.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"]Threepwood and Nevada seem to be having words, till John Greed comes out to the ring. "Look guys, we have to stick together. We may not have realized it, but we are under an invasion. Divided we fall. Now I'm ready to do my part for MAW." Nevada and Threepwood head to the back as Greed waits to see who his Forceling opponent will be....its Hell Monkey.[/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/thereandbackagain/Greedhellmonkey.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"]After the tap, Force Wave comes out to put the boot to Greed. Right behind them to the delight of the crowd is MAW's own Oscar Golden. Oscar gets in the ring with Greed standing back to back. Then he turns and nails Greed, allowing Force Wave to come in for a 4 on 1, till the MAW locker room empties to clear the ring. "Why Oscar? Who will be next? Can we withstand the Force Revolution? Find out next month at MAW The Approaching Storm."[/SIZE]
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MAW The Approaching Storm 09 preview [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/malmaision/AP3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] background pic from: [url]http://www.apparence.org/dtpics/croisiere/croisiere_en_liberte/ftp_croisiere_en_liberte/thunderstorm_1024.jpg[/url]
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  • 1 month later...
MAW The Approaching Storm 09 results [CENTER]Rip Cord presents: [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/AP4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] "Welcome once again folks to the Delaware Auditorium for another evening of wrestling- Mid Atlantic style. I'm your host Merve Ernest and joining me tonight at the table is Thomas Morgan. Evening Thomas." "Good to be back Merve. Tonight we hope to answer some questions about this 'Force Revolution'. This card is loaded with MAW wrestlers fighting the 'Force'. I think..." "Right you are Tom. With Force Wave getting a win over two of our top stars last month, and the betrayal of Oscar Golden, what can we expect this month. Speaking of anger, the Sheik is standing by with Doom for a few words." "[COLOR="DarkRed"]Infidels, you dare strike at Doom last week. Hicks, Hillbillies, Slobs, what ever you are, the Plauge will be unleashed, Pray that Allah will have mercy on your souls, for we will not."[/COLOR] Nevada Nuclear makes a rare lone appearance next. "[COLOR="DarkGreen"]What was that last week, Threepwood? You think you're a champion? You lost our match to a couple of two bit wanna bees from Hicktown USA. The MAW fans saw you let them down last month. You no longer deserve to reperesent this great promotion as champion. Now step down or better yet come out and let me take it from so you will have some dignity left."[/COLOR] "Merve, looks as if..." "Tom can you believe what we just heard? How can Nevada blame C.H.? Both men dropped the ball last month." "It's Thomas, and yes I can. Threepwood was the man pinned last month, that makes him the man who dropped the ball for MAW." "How can you say that. Well here is our first match of the evening." [B]Outback Jack w/Persephone[/B] vs. [B]Erik Strong (with the Force)[/B] Nice match-up between up and coming Jack and the revitalized Strong. Strong really garned alot of heat wearing the new JIM Force rules the world t-shirt. Finally Jack garnered the win when Strong went to kiss and unwilling Persephone thinking Outback was down. Outback rolled Strong into a small package for the 1, 2, 3 at the 11:14 mark. Oscar Golden comes running out of the back and slaps Persephone. As Outback goes for him, Erik nails Outback. The two Forcites double team Jack for a bit, before Golden grabs a mic. "You people of MAW are pathetic. You deserve the lowlife scum who represent you. Lowlifes like this tramp." (points at Persephone) "and the big theif- John Greed. Tonight you will see that snake crawl on his belly begging for mercy. The Force is here to stay." "Tom, what has gotten in the air here? First Erik Strong, now Oscar Golden?" "Merlin, its Thomas. Oscar and Erik are looking out for no 1. They both have been lagging and now they see an opportunity to re-energize their careers." "Well at least this next match should even the score." [B]The Firm w/Karen Killer[/B] vs. [B]Force Wave[/B] Just an out and out brawl here. No grace, no beauty. These four men tear up the place and the ring cannot hold the violence. Jay Fair has no choice but to call a Double DQ as he never had control of this match at the 11 minute mark. The two teams continue to brawl to the back with no stop in sight. The Shiek returns with MAW Hurricane Champion DeCipher. Before heading to the ring for the title defence Sheik rants again to Force and to Hell Monkey, Claiming that DeCipher is ready to fight anyone. MAW Hurricane Title match [B]DeCipher w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] (C) vs. [B]Hell Monkey[/B] Another outstanding matchup as these two men put on a great show. Monkey had an early advantage. Longtime foe of DeCipher-John Greed was shown next at the entrance way cheering on DeCipher. DeCipher looked puzzled at first but soon took back control of the match. he picks up the submission win at the 18 minute mark to retain the title. Greed is the loudest celebrant as DeCipher and the Sheik head to the back. Greed then grabs a mic. "[COLOR="Blue"]Hello Mid-Atlantic. I know I'm not your favorite son, but I do respect this organization. Sometimes you have to fight for something you hold dear. Right now we are under attack by a deranged lunatic and another company. What to do? you have two choices you either with us or against us. Oscar Golden you turned tail and jumped the wagon. Tonight I get revenge, not just for me, but for all the MAW fans and Rip Cord. Tonight Golden you will be yellow, black, and blue."[/COLOR] The monitor shifts to a scene in the back that shows MAW champion, C.H. Threepwood and Nevada Nuclear tearing up the set battling it out. Seen in the background are The Firm and Force Wave still battling. backstage hands and officials are seen trying to break up both brawls. Taking advantage of the distraction, Oscar Golden runs out sporting new ring attire (tye-dyed). He blindsides Greed, slamming him into the ring steps a couple of times before rolling him into the ring. Jay Fair goes to check on Greed, who tells him to begin the match. [B]John Greed[/B] vs. [B]Oscar Golden[/B] Golden takes advantage of Greed's weakend condition showcasing a wild array of arial offence. Golden flies high and often. Greed bumps and sells well for Golden. Greed finally begins to mount a comeback after a failed moonsault by Golden, but it is short lived. Fair calls the match as Greed is beaten into submission and fails to respond. Golden prances and then turns to renew his attack. Out from the back comes...DeCipher...DeCipher is coming to the rescue of his enemy. Strange music hits the speakers and out comes the leader himself...Jim Force. He's not alone- Hell Monkey and Erik Strong are behind him. Golden bails from the ring as Decipher comes in. But now it's 4 on 1 with a fallen John Greed laying lifeless in the ring. Out comes the Boss, Rip Cord himself. Force grabs a mic. "[COLOR="Magenta"]What you gonna do old man, have a heart attttaaaccccckkkk? No-oonnnee caaannn resssist the greatest powweeerr of the universe. It was forordained just as the Dinosauuurrse were overtaken in the past, the dinosaurs of wressstttling will be overtaken by the child of the Force. The Force is unstopable. Buy Jim Force merchandise."[/COLOR] "Shut the crap up, Punk. See what i brought with me?" Rip brandishes the bat he used on Force before. "Now let me show you how we teach lessons to punks." Rip goes toward the Force group. Jim Force sets his minions to attack. Rip whacks Erik with the bat, then in the backswing knocks Hell Monkey for a flip. the fans are going wild, till Force Wave comes from behind Rip. The owner is down and the villians jump him mercilessly. Who can save him. Then out comes the Mean Machine. Force stops his minions. He gestures for Mean Jean to take the bat and take a swing at the fallen Rip. Mean Jean has been waiting for this moment for years..he picks up the bat..then WHAM!! right across Jim Force's head. The Firm are out now it even odds as the brawl begins. Soon the Force Revolution is hightailing it carring the out-cold Jim Force. The fans are wild seeing longtime heel- Mean Jean coming to the aid of Rip. "Tom, I told you the tide would turn. This invasion is turning everything upside down. DeCipher and Greed aiding each other and now Cattley is coming to the rescue of Cord. What else can happen?" "Jim-Bob....yes the invasion has made strange bedfellows, but remember we still have one more title match tonight." "Right, the tag titles are on the line. Will Shiek make it two title defences tonight as Doom puts their titles on the line." MAW Tag Team championship match [B]Doom w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] (C) vs. [B]The Hillbillies[/B] The Hillbillies are big, but that is it. Doom demolish the big hillbillies in what amounts to a major squash getting the pin and retaining the titles at the 5 minute mark or better a trap as Force gets the last word....to large Savages run out sporting the Tye-dye attire. The combined mass of the four Forcelings overcome Doom leaving them and Mustafa a heep in the ring. What will be next? Is the newfound alliances solid? What does Force have planned next? find out next month at Where It All Begins Again 09......
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Where It All Begins Again 09 Preview [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/WIABA09.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] A collision course has been plotted that will show the future of Mid-Atlantic. The Force Invasion has made strange bedfellows: DeCipher and John Greed Firm and Doom Rip Cord and Mean Machine What will the Force have in store for the super show? His minions are involved in many matches Signed matches: Mean Machine and Rip Cord vs. Force Wave [B]MAW Championship match[/B] C.H. Threepwood (C) vs. Nevada Nuclear Doom w/Shiek Mustafa vs. Tribal Force [B]MAW Hurricane title match:[/B] DeCipher w/Sheik Mustafa (C) vs. Oscar Golden The Firm vs. The Hillbillies Mickey James and Puma Boy vs. Erik Strong and Hell Monkey Also: John Greed, Rick Sanders, Titan and others....be there as 'Forces' Collide to determine the Genisis of MAW. Predictions are welcome background print from: [url]http://caphector.com/pictures/index.php?dir=.&page=4[/url]
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Where It All Begins Again 09 Results... [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/quitcoele/WIABA09.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] "Welcome once again to Rip Cord's Mid Atlantic Wrestling. I'm Merve Ernest and this is my partner- Tom Morgan. Evening Tom." "Why do I even bother. Hello fans and I'm Thomas Morgan. Fans this is truely a historic night. Tonight you will see the teaming of Rip Cord and Mean Jean Cattley. You heard me right. They have come together to face this invasion of the Force." "Tom, that is not the only detail to answer tonight.....We also have a Mid-Atlantic Championship match between challenger Nevada Nuclear and the champ- C.H. Threepwood. Here comes Threepwood out now." [QUOTE][COLOR="Blue"] "Everywhere I go, people ask- 'Threep, why can't you and Nevada get along?' I'll tell you. Nevada is a big teet sucking momma's baby who cries everytime he doesn't get his way. Tonight, I show that lilly-livered pompas A** why you don't screww with the Wood. Tonight I vanquish another loser. Now what about Force? Well Rip and Jean will take care of that....Why cause the Wood says so..."[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Sheik Mustafa comes out next, "[COLOR="DarkRed"]Tribal Force, Oscar Golden, you dare challenge the Allah blessed champions. You follow a worthless dung dropping of a camel- Force..tonight you will pay for your err in judgement. Tonight Doom and Decipher will end your days..."[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Match 1: [B]Hell Monkey and Erik Strong[/B] vs. [B]Mickey James and Puma Boy[/B] Erik Strong has really been on a roll since turning tratior and joining the Force. Tonight is no different as Strong and Monkey overcome the young pairing for the pinfall after a Strongsault at the 15 minute mark. [QUOTE]Mean Jean Cattley comes out next with Karen Killer. Strange he is wearing the new "Cords of Steel" t-shirt. [COLOR="Blue"]"What is this? Everyone wants to know if this is real. Yes! I still am not Rip Cord's drinking buddy, but this Force thing has gone too far. He stuck his nose in Firm business. Unless we get rid of this Scum, my plans will have some setbacks...so as they say... United we stand...and FORCE, you raving lunatic...tonight I get to dismantle Force wave...but I want your hide too...you can rant you can rave, but you will never escape...the FOR-CE of the MACHINE!!"[/COLOR] As Jean is finishing, out comes someone dressed in the European Phoenix mask. [COLOR="Blue"] "What is this?"[/COLOR] BAMMM!!! The EP hits Machine with a bat...then he slowly taunts removing his mask....but stops and kisses Karen Killer before leaving.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Jim Force comes out to the top of the ramp as the screen goes all Psychodelic...."[COLOR="Magenta"]The Force as fortold has arrived...Machine you should have joined the force, but as forordained you are now broken. Come Phoenix, Rise to me...reveal yourself...."[/COLOR] The EP comes up to Force and removes his mask- its Darryl Devine....The Force duo hit the bricks as The Firm comes out with Rip Cord to check on Mean Machine.[/QUOTE] Match 2: [B]The Firm w/Karen Killer and Rip Cord [/B]vs. [B]Hillbillies w/Darryl Devine[/B] Not the pretty match we expected..lol. big bruisers battling it out...Ricky Douglas was the star of this match, yet Murderous Mickey picks up the win at the 7:23 of this brawl. Devine has some interaction with a fan at ringside during the match. Cord runs Devine from ringside halfway through with his bat...and the help of Steven Parker. Rip then gives the fan a high 5. MAW Hurricane Title match: [B]DeCipher w/Sheik Mustafa [/B](C) vs. [B]Oscar Golden w/Darryl Devine[/B] Golden showed some new fire tonight. Decipher had his hands full. The wiley Sheik kept Devine in check. Oscar got close pinfalls on three occasions, but finally got frustrated at DeCipher's ability to escape predictiments. Just as it seemed that DeCipher would gain the submission, Devine drug Fair out of the ring at the 18 minute mark giving DeCipher the DQ win. From the back comes...Blonde Ambition...they join their team mate and attack the Sheik and DeCipher till John Greed and Orient Express make the save.....Tensions are high as the Dream Team makes their way down as do Force Wave. Jay Fair sends the non-combatants to the back to start the big showdown match. [B]Mean Machine and Rip Cord[/B] vs. [B]Force Wave[/B] A better than expected match....considering the fact that Rip is way past his prime....Machine carried the match, but Muscles showed some flashes. Rip got in some nice punishement spots, before he became the face in peril. he makes the hot tag at the 13 minute mark allowing Mean Jean to gain the pin on Rushmore. Before any other forcelings could cause mischief, Sheik Mustaf and Doom come out for their match with Tribal Force. Special grudge match: (Non-title match) [B]Doom w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] (MAW tag champs) vs. [B]Tribal Force[/B] Tribal Force are two big behemoths, but their skills have grown some in USPW. This was another big man brawl that threatened to get out of control, but poor Jay Fair did his job. The end came when Jim Force came from under the ring....nailing Pain and allowing Java to pick up the pin at the 10:23 mark. Sheik is furious...and demands a mic. "[COLOR="DarkRed"]"'ranting in arabic'Force I know you can hear me..I've beaten your worthless peon hide many times....I have not stepped in the ring for awhile, but I WANT YOU...."[/COLOR] Rip Cord comes down with the Rat Pack II. "Tonight we will be at ringside to keep an eye out for Force during the main event title match." He, Ric Sanders, and Titan begin searching under and around the ring for Force, but the cult leader is nowhere to be found. MAW championship match: [B]C.H. Threepwood[/B] (C) vs. Nevada Nuclear Another classic match for these two young stallions. Nevada gains and early advantage as Threep seems to hurt his left arm. Threep sells the injury well through most of the match. Threep mounts his comeback at the 19 minute mark, but Nevada reverses the suplex and then locks in the Uranium Cranium. Jim Force and Tribal Fury come out. Tribal Fury occupies Rat Pack as Force is confronted with Rip Cord and his bat....The Fan who had been jawing with Devine earlier comes over the railing. he looks to stand with Rip till he turns and decks Rip. He takes off the wig and reveals a sadistic bald man. Force then smashes Jay Fair. Nevada who hasn't noticed anything gets up to look and gets a chair for his troubles. Threepwood is out fromt he hold. [QUOTE]"Tom...Tom....Who is that? What is going on here? Tom answer me?" Merve looks at his announce partner who has stood up.....and then fear dawns...right before Morgan boots Merve upside the head. "For the last time...the name is Thomas Morgan.....and Fans...the Force will be with you....always......."[/QUOTE] notes: The fans were unhappy with the tainted finishes, but the turn of Morgan went well....what will be the fallout? find out in MAW Survivor's Quest in November.....
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MAW Survivor's Quest 09 results "Hello fans and welcome once again to the Dazling Delaware Auditorium. Tonight I, Thomas Morgan will be your only host due to Merve's insistance on being a fool. It will be a night of the FORCE to remember. An old warrior of the Force- Corp. Doom faces off against the living ledgend himself...Rip Cord....A real battle of the ledgends...does Rip have any gas in his antique tank after last months debalical? What does the Force himself have to say this wee.....?" "[COLOR="Blue"]Shut up you little snot-nosed punk. You want to know what Force is gonna say? You better worry about what I- C.H. Threepwood is going to do to your precious force puke......Now Nevada is lowdown cur, but Force...I tell you what...Force- you want a can? I'll give you the opportunity to open your own can of Threepwood on your sorry behind...I'll put my MAW title on the line to get rid of your sorry *ss. What do you say to that Forcepunk? What you going to do when the WOOD gets lose on YOU? What you looking at you Merve Ernest wanna be?"[/COLOR] Morgan looks like he is cowed, sittin' back down as C.H. Threepwood walks off. "You're lucky I'm a nice mannn..." Threepwood turns around and nails Morgan beating him sensless, then walking off." (Now MAW is without an announcer for the night..uh oh....Rip comes out... "Tonight fans is a special night for me...my son...Jay Cord is in attendence to watch his old man....Jay come here....Jay will do the play by play tonight with Nicole Kiss......." (Not the best pairing...) "Hey Jay, are you ready for tonight?" "Uh...hey Nicole, yes-s-s-s. To-nig-ght promis-s-ses to be a big night." "Lets go to the ring for our first match of the night." [QUOTE][B]Steven Parker[/B] vs. [B]Erik Strong[/B] Strong has really been gaining momentum since the Force Invasion started, but tonight Parker shows flashes of what makes him great...Strong has early dominace, but Parker picks up the pin at the 14:15 mark.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Green"]"Fans...What is this? I am Nevada Nuclear...You know I am the uncrowned champions...Wood I'll get to you later....tonight, I have a word for the pansy psycho...Force...Twice you've stuck your face painted snout in my championship...tonight i want you punk....You will look like those strings you tie on and go crawling back to your 'force' whinning 'WHY!!!'[/COLOR] Nevada seems to be wound up for another speil when Black Typhoon comes out from the back and nails Nevada with a black bat.....then walks off... [QUOTE][B]Blonde Ambition w/Darryl Devine[/B] vs. [B]Orient Express w/Persephone[/B] A great match up of teams who are not strangers....the Blondes have a new fury about themselves...Orient Express have some revenge on their mind. The new fire of the Blondes proves too much and Raphael picks up a pin at the 15:19 mark.[/QUOTE] Jim Force is out next bringing his team Tribal Force to the ring...he has a mic. "To-nigghttttt forcelings....you will witnnnneSSS HiiiSSStory. The FORCE will gain gold in Mid-Atlantic....This is the SurVVViivvoRRSS quest and the FORCE is the ONly SURVviVor!!! Just as Dinosaurs walk the earth the force is the leviaTHan of this UNIverSe. TriBal FORce will dominate and bring about the DOOM of doom....And Rip Cord...it has been written long ago in the FORRCCEE DOOM is going to get you.....Leave while you still have your life...Buy JIM FORCE Merchandise." "What did he just say Nicole?" "Jay just do what we've all learned to do here...ignore the bable and watch his underhandedness. Lets look at some footage from the back." The screen shows the Mean Machine going through the Blonde's lockerroom shouting "where's Devine?" "I sure don't want to be Darryl tonight, if Jean finds him..." "Me nieither Jay." [QUOTE]MAW Tag Team Championship [B]Doom w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] (C) vs. [B]Tribal Force w/Jim Force[/B] This was an all out brawl from the word go...Java and Tribal Warrior pounded away with Death and Pain....Mustafa and Force even traded a few blows at ringside....it seemed that Doom would keep the titles when Pain had Java locked in a sleeper till an inadvertant toss of Death into Pain broke up the hold. TW get a quick tag and locked on the Forced camel clutch to gain a submission at the 13:48 mark. New Tag team champions..the Tribal Force....Force and the team celebrate like mad men.[/QUOTE] The Sheik is irate at ringside.."Force once again you played a roll in my business. I've beaten you before and now you are yellow camel dung...face me punk." [QUOTE][B]DeCipher and John Greed[/B] vs. [B]Hell Monkey and Oscar Golden[/B] Those four men have been really tearing up the ring the last few months. Oscar and Monkey have really formed a good pairing as have DeCipher and Greed. This match went back an forth and went to the time limit of 30:00, but Rip came out and declared there would be a winner tonight. The match was restarted and Greed gained the upperhand on Golden...DeCipher was tagged in to pick up the submission at the 37:21 mark.[/QUOTE] Jim Force and Corp. Doom come to the ring next. It's the big legends match- "C.H. Threepwood, it was forordained that you would offer your title to me...Next month at the Force Rising.....I will face you and defeat you for the Force Heavyweight title....now Doom has words of wisdome......." "Hey Rip...R.I.P.....after tonight you will never again...Rest...In...Peace" [QUOTE]Special Legends Match [B]Rip Cord[/B] vs. [B]Corp. Doom[/B] This was not a pretty match. Rip really looked bad...I guess two months in a roll was a bad idea....but the fans were behind him and he managed to get in some shots and Doom sold quite well, but Doom soon got the upperhand and methodically started 'ripping' rip apart. Jay Fair finally called the match at the 9:12 mark because of the shape Rip was in, but Doom continued to attack....Mean Jean was shown being held back by Devine and the Hillbillies.....Oscar and Hell Monkey had DeCipher and Greed tied up.....Who would save Rip.....Jay couldn't take any more...he jumped up and grabed his dad's trademark bat and ran Corp. Doom from the ring as Parker and the Orient Express finally came out.....The show ends with Jay checking on his wounded father.....[/QUOTE]
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MAW The Shadow Rising 09 Preview [CENTER][IMG][/IMG][/CENTER] Music: theme from Midnight Express Predicition list: [B]MAW championship[/B]: C.H. Threepwood (C) vs. Jim Force Mean Machine and Firm w/Karen Killer vs. Darryl Devine and Force Wave Black Typhoon w/Sheik Mustafa vs. Nevada Nuclear Doom w/Sheik Mustafa vs. Hillbillies John Greed and DeCipher vs. Blonde Ambition Mickey James vs. Hell Monkey
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MAW The Shadow Rising 09 results [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/Darknessrising.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE]"Welcome once again to Rip Cord's Mid-Atlantic Wrestling as we have the Shadow Rising 09...I'm your host Nicole Kiss and I'm joined tonight by the returning Merve Ernest. Merve how are you feeling tonight?" "Fine thanks Nicole, and thank you fans for all the nice get well lettrs you've sent to me after I was brutally assualted by Tom Morgan. Tonight the Shadow is truely rising. Our owner- Rip Cord is not here this month, due to these events you will see here."[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]A video begins showing the attack by Corp. Doom and Jim Force on the fallen Rip Cord at WIABA09. The film rolls to Jay Fair coming from the announce table to protect his fallen father.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Right on cue out comes Jim Force and Corp. Doom. "Faannns you are truelly BlleesSSEEDD by the godddss. Last moNTH you WitNEssed the Force swelling as Tribal Force took the Force Tag team titles from the fairy tale MooNNNSTTTerrs. Last month Rip Cord met his Stalingrad. This month as forordained in the infinite light of the past....The Force will gain the Force Title.....So buy Jim Force Merchandise early before the price goes up...." Jim is fired up to continue when out from the back comes Jay Cord with his father's bat. The young Cord has fire in his eyes as he smashes the sadistic Corp. before turning his attention to Force. Force simply laughs at Cord, who is quickly surrounded and attacked by Hell Monkey and the Hillbillies. Mean Machine and the Firm quickly come out to make the save.[/QUOTE] [B]Hell Monkey w/Jim Force[/B] vs. [B]Mickey James w/Puma Boy[/B] Hell Monkey was really on his A game tonight. Mickey James wasn't a slouch. A good opening match that went back and forth, but Monkey finally caught James with the Hellfire Force Kick at the 13:11 mark. [QUOTE]Devine and Hell Monkey celebrate as Force Wave comes from the back to join them. Mic Muscles grabs the mic. "Tonight fans you have witnessed another Cord biting the dust. Force is rising....Force is here, but this message is for two punks who have not embraced the light....Greed and DeCipher...sin and the demon....Tonight the Wave washes the Filmsy Firm away and then we shall come for you...beware the Force...buy JIM FORCE merchandise." The Force clique quickly retreats as Mean Jean and Firm make a return to the stage....[/QUOTE] [B]John Greed and DeCipher w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] vs. [B]Blonde Ambition w/Darryl Devine[/B] The two former enemies have banded together to eliminate one part of the Force tonight. But the Blondes are on a roll since returning. Raphael really looked good tonight or maybe the two faces carried him well. The action was quick and furious, but Greed and DeCipher pulled out the win with a nice doubleteam move from the turnbuckle for the pin at the 16:11 mark. Oscar Golden tries to attack at the end, but gets decapitated by a flying closeline off the top rope to the outside from John Greed. The Blondes high-tail it then. [QUOTE]Sheik Mustafa stays in the ring as Doom comes out. Death and Pain look very focused tonight as they enter the ring. "Force, you little sand gnat. You have finally weasled the tag titles from the real champions, but not for long...we will come for you and extact revenge....Then you will have the proverbial 'snowballs chance in He**' of surviving." Sheik is interrupted as Force's visage comes on the big screen. "Sheik...your fairies and you are doomed....you must first earnn your SHOOOTT.....ToNIGHHTT you mussstttt defeattt the brusierrrrss...the HILL-BILLLIIEESSS." on cue the Hillbillies rush the ring.[/QUOTE] [B]Doom w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] vs. [B]Hillbillies w/Darryl Devine[/B] This was another big man brawl...the fans actually like them and good thing Doom is good at it....unfortunately for the Hillbillies, Doom is alot better than they are. Death gets the pin on Pete after a doomsday at the 7:15 mark. Devine hightails it as his team is lying senseless in the ring. [QUOTE]Nevada Nuclear is out next to hype his match. "Typhoon, you interfered with me....I understand ambition, but unfortunately for you, you chose to play with power...Nuclear power... and tonight in our No. 1 contenders match...I will explode on you and tame your wild winds...then Threepwood and Force I have a score to settle with you both!"[/QUOTE] No 1 Contenders match: [B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] vs. [B]Black Typhoon[/B] Typhoon comes out alone tonight, as Sheik is concentrating on his title holders. Typhoon is really working his power moves and Nuclear bumps well for him. Then when Typhoon tried a high risk manuver the tide changes....Nuclear takes control and wears down further a winded Typhoon. Nuclear picks up a pin after the Mushroom Cloud at the 16:12 mark. [B]Mean Machine and Firm w/Karen Killer[/B] vs. [B]Darryl Devine and Force Wave[/B] Mean Jean was to make a promo, but was more interested in getting his hands on his former 'friend' Darryl Devine....this was not a technicle masterpiece, but it will be a classic for MAW. All 6 men really stepped up their game and Mic Muscles really stood out. The finish came after a spot sequence that included Murderous Mickey trying a spash off the top rope onto Danny Rushmore outside, Murderous also inadvertently caught Devine with his foot. Mean Jean quicly rolled Devine into the ring to pick up the pin at the 17 minute mark. [QUOTE]The MAW Champ comes out next to hype his main event. "Force...or Wuss you little coyote cur...you come into my house, attack me in my match....you do you think i am? I'm C.H. Threepwood, by God. I am the MAW champion....Wuss you are always shouting about merchandise, well you just bought yourself a can of Threepwood Whoop A**!!!!"[/QUOTE] MAW Championship match [B]C.H. Threepwood[/B] (C) vs. [B]Jim Force[/B] Force comes out like a ball of fire...running and shaking the ropes....Threepwood calmly stands in the corner till Force comes near him. WHAMM!! Threepwood begins his attack. Force fights like a crazed man and Threepwood sells well for him. Force goes for the leg drop...and Threep rolls out of the way. It's Threepwood going on offence....a great ground repertoire. The ground attack looked dazzling, (but also gave Force a chance to regain some of his wind).....and it seemed that Threepwood hold off the challenge, till Force...Forced up and began no-selling. Threepwood seemed to grow stiff then and it became a donybrook...The finish saw Threepwood go for his patented Impaler, but Force knocked Jay Fair down. As Fair was getting up- Force spewed a pink mist into the eyes of Threepwood. Threepwood acts blinded alowing Force to come off the ropes with a flying forearm. Force quickly rolls Threep up as Fair is up to count the pin...1, 2, 3....at the 14:34 mark...We have a new MAW champion...JIM FORCE.... [QUOTE]Threepwood is not out.....he gets up swinging, but his lack of eyesight is very apparent....Force begins toying with Threep, finally leveling him with the title belt. Corp. Doom and Hell Monkey come from the back wearing the new pyschodelic 'Force Champion of the World' t-shirts and matching bandanas. They began to put the boot to the fallen champion till Mean Jean and the Firm arrive, but too late...Threepwood is really hurt....[/QUOTE]
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MAW Battlefield Earth 2010 promo poster [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/bgbuff400/BattlefieldEarth3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] background image from: [url]http://www.kilroywashere.org/03-Images/Hoover/03%7EHooverBombedCity.jpg[/url] The Card: MAW title: Jim Force (C) vs. Black Typhoon Mean Machine vs. Al the Hillbilly Doom w/Sheik Mustafa vs. Force Wave Rick Sanders vs. Thomas Morgan Jay Cord vs. Hell Monkey
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MAW Battlefield Earth 2010 [QUOTE]The show opens with Jim Force, Hell Monkey, and Tribal Force gloating with pride. "People, you have been privileddddgggeeedd to witnesssssss Hisssstooorryyy. Forordained in the recesses of geneeessissis, it was written the For-CE would live and reign. I was concieved of the Force to battle evil and corrruuuppptionn....Rip Cord, you were good, but you lost your way and failed to bow to the For-ce. Now you have failed as have your championssss. Look at the Force Tag team champions, Savages without the Force to guide them, and last month, I useddd the superior wressssttlling to vanquish the Threepwood minion. Now I am the Force champion. No-one can with-stannnndd the power of the Forrrrrccceeee!!!!!" On that note Jay Cord is quick to come out. "So the son of Cord wants to fight. Fight we shall, you are powerful son of Cord, but you will fail. Buy Jim Force Merchandice."[/QUOTE] [B]Hell Monkey w/Jim Force [/B]vs. [B]Jay Cord[/B] This match wasn't even close. Hell Monkey dominated poor Cord all over the ring. Cord didn't have the skills to keep up with the tumbling and flying antics of the Monkey. Yet the finish came as Monkey went to do a moonsault of the top rope, he slipped and crotched himself on the ropes. As Monkey is lying on the ring canvas, Jay tries to come bouncing off the ropes but trips on Monkey, but Jay falls on Monkey allowing Fair to count 1, 2, 3....Force is livid....and enters the ring. Before Force and the Monkey can do damage though, they are ran to the back by Mean Jean and Ricky Douglas. [QUOTE]The Orient Express come out with Persephone next. "We've been around, but not in the hunt for awhile. We want a shot to take the MAW tag titles from those brutes of Force."[/QUOTE] [B]Ricky Douglas w/Karen Killer[/B] vs. [B]Thomas Morgan[/B] This was a better match than expected as Douglas and Morgan mesh well together. Morgan used his heelish tactics to gain an upperhand, but Douglas was not to be denied. Douglas gains the pin at the 12 minute mark after a nice spinebuster. [QUOTE]Force Wave comes out to try to put the numbers to Douglas, but John Greed quickly comes to his defence. Greed takes a mic and responds to Mic Muscles, "Any time big boy, I'll show you what Greed can do to you."[/QUOTE] [B]Doom w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] vs. [B]Force Wave[/B] Doom is still on the trail of the champions as they face the second team in the Forceling group. Mic and Rushmore match the power of Doom well, but the Sheik was the trump that allowed Pain to gain the pin on Rushmore at the 11 minute mark. [QUOTE]Sheik Mustafa grabs the mic, "Tribal Force, you can no longer hide. your Doom is upon you...Next month at Heart of Darkness, Doom shall regain their titles, but tonight...tonight the Typhoon will sweep away this force....and gain the MAW title for the home team...."[/QUOTE] [B]Mean Machine w/Karen Killer[/B] vs. [B]Al the Hillbilly[/B] Not a pretty match, but Al did show some offence that Jean sold well, Jean quickly took control and vanquished the Hillbilly with the mood swing at the 9 minute mark. Al thinks about jumping a celebrating Jean, but thinks better of it. Jean has a staredown with Corp. Doom and Jim Force as they make their way down to the ring for the main event. [QUOTE]Doom grabs the mic and MAW champion Jim Force runs around the ring like a man possessed. "DeCipher, you call yourself a champion, you are an overweight luchadore....your Hurricane title belongs to a real man...a man of destiny...I want your title, but more importantly i want to hear you scream."[/QUOTE] MAW/Force championship match [B]Jim Force w/Corp. Doom[/B] (C) vs. [B]Black Typhoon w/Sheik Mustafa[/B] Typhoon gets his first real shot at singles gold tonight and he makes the most of it. Eddie hits Jim with power move after power move, but the Force is too strong and begins to mount a comback. Force hits his Unstoppable for the win at the 10 minute mark. Sheik and Corp. Doom have some heated words at ringside as the show ends with Jim Force celebrating like a wild animal.
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MAW Heart of Darkness [CENTER][IMG][/IMG][/CENTER] Full card: MAW tag team championship [B]Tribal Force w/Corp Doom[/B] (C) vs. [B]Doom w/Shiek Mustafa[/B] MAW Hurricane title [B]DeCipher[/B] (C) vs. [B]Oscar Golden[/B] [B]Rat Pack II[/B] vs. [B]Blonde Ambition[/B] [B]Ricky Douglas w/Karen Killer[/B] vs. [B]Danny Rushmore[/B] [B]Jay Cord[/B] vs. [B]???[/B]
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