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EXODUS Professional Combat Troupe

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The year is 2009. January 1st, 2009, to be exact. Following the hangovers and 13 hour sleeping marathons, life went back to normal, except for the lives of those dedicated few who are known as wrestling fans. News from Japan rocked the wrestling world when it was announced that WLW, the fun lighthearted little promotion had officially taken a step in a completely different direction. They had evolved as it is over the past two years into a slightly more physical style, but now, via internet broadcast, Koji Kojima and the legendary Hooded Kudo announced in a crowded press conference that WLW was no more. They didn't go out of business, quite the opposite infact, they had just passed the $1,000,000 mark. WLW was now going to operate under the moniker of "EXODUS Professional Combat Troupe" They're going to continue touring and the roster will stay the same, but the new name comes with a new style, which will be impactful, fast paced, and will become, according to the two legends, the new standard of puroresu. OOC: I've played 2 years as WLW and I've been changing the workers who come in, and I figured I'd change up the style of it, hence the new name. I'll explain more in my next post, like why Kudo is in WLW, and much, much, more. I hope this sparked some interest, I've loved this particular game so far, and I hope I can make it into something everyone else can enjoy. Next Post: History, Roster, Titles, Product, etc.
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