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2001 rewind.

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Backstory. May 1st 2001 and Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon announces he is done with booking and he just wants to sit back and enjoy life without egos and politics so he announces that he wants a new head booker. Shane McMahon was his first choice but Shane turned down the chance because he has other interests becides wrestling. Stephanie was next to ask but Vince felt that this was a mans job so she was out of the question. Vince did not trust Heyman with that much power so a search around the country was made. A young ****y man by the name of Tony Dorian came to Vince. He was not like the rest of these other ass kissers he spoke his mind and was not afraid to question Vince. Vince liked what he saw and offered Tony a contract much to Vinces delight he accepted and the power was his. 1st Day on the job. I made myself 3 goals going into this job and they were. 1. Put WCW out of business. 2. Make new stars. 3. Make a lot of money. I looked at the roster and saw it needed improving. The Main Event Scene was great it was full of big names like Steve Austin, HHH, The Rock, The Undertaker and many more but the midcard scene was full of big guys with little talent. Guys like Bull Buchanan, The Godfather and Billy Gunn. I knew something had to be done and soon because in 2 weeks I had a big PPV to book. But before that I had Raw to book on my first day. This was a big worry because not only was is the WWF's biggest TV show but it was also in MSG. Vince realy did throw me into the deep end. This was going to be make or break for me. Before I could even think about firings and hirings I had a show to run.
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[COLOR="Red"][B][SIZE="6"]WWF MONDAY NIGHT RAW[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] Dark Match Hardy Boyz vs Too Cool vs Dudley Boyz Hardy Boyz win Rating (B) 1st Match WWF Hardcore Title Match Raven vs Rhyno (c) Raven wins Rating (C+) 2nd Match Taker & Kane vs Edge & Christian Taker & Kane win Rating (B+) 3rd Match Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle Jericho wins Rating (A*) 4th Match Tazz vs Chris Benoit Tazz wins Rating (A) 5th Match WWF World Heavyweight Title Match No DQ Match Steve Austin (c) vs HHH vs The Rock Austin wins Rating (A*) Card Rating B+ Crowd 30,000 SELL OUT Rating TSN: 6.33 TNN: 37.63 Sky Sports: 1.48 My View: A good show and a sucess in my eyes. I had 2 A* Matches on 1 card and an A. Feed back is always welcome. Reports will be more in detail after a few weeks.
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May 2nd 2001 WWF.Com: WWF regret to inform you that they have released the following workers: Jonathan Coachman: Made his on screen debut at the 2000 royal rumble. Worked as a backstage interviewer since then. Jacqueline: Former 2 time womans champion will be remembered for her 1998 feud with Sable. Steve Blackman: The 6 Time Hardcore Champion has been with the WWF for 4 years debuting in 1997. Had a feud wth Ken Shamrock. Terri Powers: Has been with the WWF for 2 years. Never held and gold but has been a member of DX and girlfriend of Kane. The WWF wishes all of these workers the best of luck in what they decide to do in the future.
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