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FWE - Without Your Kids (Cornellverse)

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Missed the sell out with 4,372 people turning up, and without Enforcer Roberts we didn’t quite get to the B- range. No match disappointed though, as everyone performed to expectations. *** Happiness draws a 0.30 rating, a huge improvement for us. Such an improvement that we don’t cancel our TV show as planned, and the Main Event tomorrow will feature Frankie Perez taking on Enforcer Roberts! *** In case anyone’s wondering, my PPV was better than the SWF show on TV the same day (C, Main Event sure Eric Eisen defeating Lead Belly). *** Des Davids joins CZCW, while Jerry Martin and Ernie Tayler join SWF. *** Hell Monkey is another to up his wage, but again, I keep him on. 9 months, this one. I’m not sure I’d have kept him if my PPV (which he didn’t perform on) hadn’t been such a financial success. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Unleashed: Mr Lucha III vs The Gambler Hell Monkey vs Bobby Thomas Frankie Perez vs Enforcer Roberts[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] (from the South West): *** Hype video, going back to Enforcer Roberts sneaky victory over Frankie Perez last month, to him not turning up to this month’s PPV [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Hell Monkey beat Bobby Thomas[/COLOR] in 12.31 [B](C)[/B] -Hell Monkey is here tonight to Road Agent the Main Event (we don’t pay Ryu Kajahara to do that any more, as plenty of our roster have the necessary skills). Here he won with a Tumbling Monkey. *** Frankie Perez got given plenty of promo time, to sell the Main Event. He accepted that he was the underdog, having lost to Roberts cheating ways last month, and having fought two men just this week. However – he beat both men at Happiness, and Roberts is just one man tonight – and he’s ready [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mr Lucha III beat The Gambler[/COLOR] in 12.36 [B](C-)[/B] -We’ll learn to regret this severe job if we ever re-sign The Gambler, and wonder why he’s not that over. Mr Lucha III pulled off his first win, with the Third Strike. *** We cut backstage to Frankie Perez preparing to come to the ring – when he’s attacked from behind by Enforcer Roberts. The SWF man is taking no chances, and the match virtually starts early, and it’s all Enforcer Roberts. Slowly they get closer to the ring, so the match can start, with Perez severely handicapped [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez drew with Enforcer Roberts[/COLOR] in 31.10 as the show went off air [B](B)[/B] -Perez had to utilise the ropes early going, as Roberts tried to take advantage of his earlier attack. The match was refereed strongly though, and any submission move Roberts made had to be broken with Perez hanging onto the ropes – which eventually led to Roberts pushing Perez through the ropes, to the mat below. Once there Roberts again went on the offensive, but Perez reversed a German Suplex, leaving both men down outside the ring. A very lenient ten count allowed the match to continue, but neither man seemed to be at full strength, and just couldn’t lock in there submission move. Rock Downpour became more and more anxious on commentary that the show would run out of time, when Frankie Perez managed to hit the Perfect Parity. He made the cover… but Roberts just kicked out. It was at that point that Rock Downpour apologised, saying that time had run out, and the rest of the match would be aired next week [I]Overall Rating B-[/I]
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[I]Okay, I've been shirking my responsibilities on this board over the last week, so this is the first set to address it.[/I] That’s right, I’m unsure about keeping my TV show, and I’m promising to show matches next week. Even better, I’ve just realised that due to Frankie Perez touring with INSPIRE, he can’t make our TV shows. Huh. 3,392 people proved up to a much better than normal post PPV show. [B]October 2009[/B]: *** I lose $46,000, and am now under $100,000. *** EEWW closes their doors – they managed just over a year. *** 2 time SWF North American and Tag Team Champion Groucho Bling changes style to a Super Junior. He still pulls out great matches at TCW – but loses most of them, which is why he’s stuck at midcard. *** 2007 Veteran of the Year Dread retires as a former TCW, GCG and BHOTWG Champion. When shall I hold my PPV this month? I want Enforcer Roberts vs Frankie Perez on it, but that can only happen on a Monday or Wednesday. On Monday I’m missing Hell Monkey, Insane Machine, American Elemental and Mainstream Hernandez. On Wednesday I lose Mainstream Hernandez, Masked Cougar and Rock Downpour. It looks like it’ll be a Monday, so I’ll be missing a Main Eventer and three Upper Midcarders. And anyone else I’ve missed. *** Unleashed draws a rating of 1.10, and Mr. Lucha III impressed enough to be offered a contract by MFDL. *** Insane Machine asks for $2,000 a show. I withdraw to consider. He’s got the talent, but has struggled to get over in the US – despite him losing just one singles match this year at FWE. He’s plenty over in Japan, though, so it’s no overness cap issue. He’s also had 15 title runs with 9 different titles in 4 different companies, which is mightily impressive. *** At last we have a title change at USPW, with Grandmaster Phunk taking the National Title off Warlord Agony. The shows are still based around Main Events featuring Valiant and Eric Tyler. *** I sign DEVIL Karube, the last 5SSW All Asian Champion. No, you didn’t see that coming. *** Nathaniel Ca$ino (The Gambler) [I]does [/I]re-sign for FWE, at half his last demands. Of course, he’s far less over after that defeat to Mr Lucha III… *** Bulldozer Brandon Smith joins INSPIRE’s tour – that’s one to watch. *** I add Saeko Hiroyuki to my roster, another former 5SSW worker. For those not in the know, these two ladies have all the basic wrestling skills to be a good opponent for anyone on my roster. I would also say that they’d be good for training, but I put a real high value on performance skills – so much so that only The Gambler and Steven Parker aren’t considered to have “excellent” skills by my adhoc Road Agent, Ryu Kajahara. *** Ryu Kajahara leaves FWE. Well, he was good for scouting my own workers. *** Bruce the Giant joins his second PGHW tour. He went 10-5 last time. *** We extend our PPV contract with American Option by 6 months. *** I um and er, and then make a strange signing – Mohamed El Yaaggoudi. Who won’t be available for the TV show due to his INSPIRE commitments. And is not allowed anywhere near a mic. *** We follow that up with the slightly more obvious signing of Hugh de Aske… because he’s great. *** With all the new signings I release Agent 69. It’d be rude to keep her as she’s been with me for half a year, and had one dark match. *** Mr Lucha III signs with MFDL [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Unleashed: Alicia Strong vs Miss Karube American Elemental (c) vs Insane Machine for the Extreme Title Kashmir Singh vs Steve Gumble[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B](from New England): *** We start off with a video of what happened after the last show went off air, with Frankie Perez and Enforcer Roberts continuing their fight. Eventually Rick Sanders comes out and demands an end to it, and the locker room empties to break the fight up [B](B)[/B] *** Rick Sanders comes out to say that he ended the match last week, as the world deserved to see Roberts make Perez tap out, so the rematch will be in two weeks at In the House – which will also see him take on Warrior Champion Masked Cougar for the title. The Gauges come out applaud Sanders great managerial skill by booking himself in a title match, rather than giving anyone else a chance. Sanders says that he’s happy to help out others – but there’ll be no help in the Main Event tonight, where The Gauges will face the combined might of himself and Enforcer Roberts [B](D)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Steve Gumble beat Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] in 11.38 [B](C-)[/B] -As usual Singh fought well, and at times proved Gumble’s equal. Apart from he didn’t cheat, and Gumble did. After crotching Singh on the top rope, he could only stagger into a Savate Kick. *** American Elemental hyped up his title defence next, saying it was by his choice that he was offering Insane Machine a rematch for the title he lost 2 months ago [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]American Elemental (c) vs Insane Machine[/COLOR] to retain the Extreme Title in 18.29 [B](C+)[/B] -American Elemental has really hit a run of form since being turned face, and put on a great match with Insane Machine. Even after Machine struck with a Termination Kick, he showed great resolve by managing to get a foot on the bottom rope to stop the count. Insane Machine wasn’t so lucky after an Inferno Splash, and Elemental retained his title. *** American Elemental posed in the ring with his title, and even managed to shake his opponents hand [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat Miss Karube[/COLOR] in 5.38 [B](C)[/B] -DEVIL Karube came out dressed in casual wrestling gear, with no hint of a gimmick. I have plans (that may not come into fruition) with her and Hiroyuki, but for now was happy just to giver her some national exposure. She was pinned after a Strong Arm Tactic. *** Steve Gumble came out to the ring, sarcastically applauding. He told Alicia that it’d be nice to face off against women every week, then he’d be able to win like she did. However, he fought true wrestlers – men, something that Alicia seemed to avoid. She strenuously denied this, reminding Gumble that she now holds no booking power. She did say that sounded like a challenge, and if so, she accepted. Gumble told her to be prepared, as she was really going to have to up her game [B](C+)[/B] *** The Gauges cut a quick backstage interview on their opponents, recognising that their opponents held the experience advantage, but in youth, vigour and skill, they reckoned they were in a good position [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rick Sanders and Enforcer Roberts beat The Gauges[/COLOR] in 15.32 [B](B-)[/B] -The Gauges proved stern opposition for Sanders and Roberts, but their experience counted – especially their experience at getting away with cheating. So much so that when Roberts made the pin on Greg Gauge, he wasn’t even the legal man, but the count was made anyway. [I] Overall Rating C-[/I]
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Not a bad result at all, a sell out crowd of 2,000 turning up despite being outside one of our two homes (South East and South West). Lost $13,000 of our limited funds though. *** Unleashed draws a steady 1.06 *** Rhino Umaga is back to full health after his knee injury. *** The underused (or never used) Angel de Mexico (at FWE) gets his first MFDL Campeon de Lucha title victory, coming over Apprentice Jr. *** Mathew Gauge signs with DaVE, joining FWE colleagues Masked Cougar and Mainstream Hernandez. *** SWF go back to their old tactic of running PPV’s from the UK. It doesn’t work. *** I believe we have the first A* match for two years – but theirs no surprise it’s at NOTBPW. And not too surprisingly that it’s a repeat of the former Match of the Year between Jeremy Stone and Sean McFly, Stone retaining his title. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Unleashed: Alicia Strong vs Miss Hiroyuki Brendon Idol vs The Gambler Mathew Gauge vs Joey Beauchamp Masked Cougar (c) vs Fox Mask in a non-title match[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B](from the South West): *** Masked Cougar starts off the show, and it’s to address Rick Sanders. Cougar is unsure of what Sanders has done to justify his title shot, but if it has to be him – so be it. He would have been happy for it to be tonight, but his challenger isn’t even here [B](B)[/B] *** Alicia Stone comes out and joins Cougar, and tells him that several members of the roster are missing tonight (aren’t they every show?), including her opposition for Monday, Steve Gumble. However, she hopes he’s watching, as this is just a warm up [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Alicia Strong beat Miss Hiroyuki [/COLOR]in 7.55 [B](C)[/B] -Same as last week, just different opponent. Same result. *** Strong takes a mic, and tells Gumble that he might recognise that move she finished the match with – the Strong Arm Tactic. At In the House, he’ll get to feel how that move feels [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Brendon Idol beat The Gambler[/COLOR] in 15.09 [B](C)[/B] -Kinda a filler, apart from the fact that it was announced that Idol would be taking on Steven Parker at In the House. Yeah I know, no build up, but hey. [COLOR="blue"]Mathew Gauge beat Joey Beauchamp[/COLOR] in 12.34 [B](C-)[/B] -Straight into another match, and this one’s for the same reason – to point out that Mathew Gauge will be taking on Beauchamp’s partner, Joss Thompson, at In the House. We also tried to sell the fact that Greg Gauge was injured in last weeks match. Not that it’s an excuse for not booking him at the PPV. Oh no. *** Mathew Gauge made it clear to the crowd who his opponent would be at the PPV, just in case it wasn’t clear [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar (c) beat Fox Mask[/COLOR] in a non-title match in 25.37 [B](B-)[/B] -We decided to treat our viewers like stupid people, pointing out how Fox Mask had far more success in CZCW than Masked Cougar ever did, and would be eager to prove a point. What we didn’t point out that Fox Mask hasn’t won a single match at FWE, and despite this one being by far his longest, he was always going to lose, falling to the High Rise Cougar Pounce. [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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3,424, just Alicia Strong and Masked Cougar from above the midcard, and a strong show. That’s a result. Only lost us $3,000 too. *** We’re straight into our Monday Pay Per View. Our show’s not shown till Monday at 10:30. So… we don’t run our PPV till midnight to make show Unleashed is shown first? [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… [B]In the House:[/B] Mathew Gauge vs Joss Thompson Brendan Idol vs Steven Parker Alicia Strong vs Steve Gumble Frankie Perez vs Enforcer Roberts Masked Cougar (c) vs Rick Sanders for the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE] -It’s half planned, half thrown together – but what records will In the House break? -Will we actually get Perez taking on Roberts? And if so, will we see a result? -And who will we discover with no chemistry together? All to be revealed, at In the House!
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[B]FWE Presents… [SIZE="5"]In the House[/SIZE]:[/B] Holy… a record 9,527 attendees – lets not let them down. *** We start with our hype video, of course mentioning the title match between Sanders and Cougar, but also hyping the fact that at last we’ll have a winner between Frankie Perez and Enforcer Roberts [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Brendan Idol beat Steven Parker[/COLOR] in 13.42 [B](C-)[/B] -We start the PPV with a huge upset. It’s almost as if Parker’s contract is coming up, and we want him to lose some of his overness. He never seemed to consider Idol a threat, but was caught but an Idol Drop, and that was all it took (although he argued that his shoulders were never down for three) *** Steve Gumble comes down to the ring – and he’s wearing a blonde wig. He tells the crowd that he thought that Strong would be more at home facing him this way, so used is she to fighting women. Alicia Strong comes out, and it seems that she’s found some headwear – Gumble’s cowboy hat. Gumble throws down his wig, and suddenly gets a whole lot more serious [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat Steve Gumble[/COLOR] in 15.34 [B](C)[/B] -Of course they don’t click – which I should have guessed by the fact that I’m going to set up a rematch in a minute. Gumble didn’t hold back at all, and caused concern for Strong’s welfare. However, much like the first match, once Strong took control, she never relinquished it. She perhaps could have got the pin after a Butterfly Effect, but finished the match, as promised, with a Strong Arm Tactic. *** Alicia caught her breath, but left the ring happily waving to the crowd. That soon ended when Steve Gumble grabbed one of the FWE cameras, and struck down Strong from behind. She crashed, unconscious, to the floor, and Gumble strolled out to the back [B](C-)[/B] *** The EMTs came out to see to Strong, and they were joined by Masked Cougar. She didn’t regain consciousness, and was wheeled to an ambulance as the Warrior Champion looked on concerned [B](B)[/B] *** The cameras cut over to Rick Sanders and Enforcer Roberts, with Sanders making comment that perhaps Cougar should be concentrating on his title match later. He also did the talking for Enforcer Roberts, saying that once he was finally rid of Perez, there’d be nothing that could stop him dominating[B] (C)[/B] *** Hope the crowd aren’t too bored… one more backstage segment, and its Frankie Perez. He’s lost once – unfairly. He’s drawn once – when he was happy to carry on wrestling. And one other time he turned up – and his opponent didn’t bother. Something different will happen tonight – tonight he gets his win [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez beat Enforcer Roberts[/COLOR] in 32.33 [B](B-)[/B] -An odd lack of selling that they hadn’t shown before showed that Enforcer Roberts was obviously upset at taking the loss here. It’s not as if he’s done too badly out of this feud. There were submission moves a plenty, but unlike their submissions match neither man would tap out lightly, using every last bit of energy they had to either reach the ropes or break the hold. We decided to throw in Perez almost picking up the loss due to losing consciousness, then cue the comeback. He weakened Roberts hold, before getting up and whipping him into the ropes. On the way back he was dropped to the floor, and Perez locked the P-Clutch in. Every time Roberts got near the rope he was dragged back, and in the end the tap came, giving an exhausted Perez the win. *** As Perez celebrated, Roberts seemed not to believe it, and left the ring, dejected [B](B)[/B] *** It’s cool down match time, as Joss Thompson tells Mathew Gauge that he may have beaten his partner, Beauchamp, but that is nowhere near as easy as defeating him [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Joss Thompson beat Mathew Gauge[/COLOR] in 10.53 [B](C+)[/B] -And Mathew takes another PPV loss – at least he made it onto this one. It seemed to be a battle of Proton Lock vs Joss Lock, but Thompson got the win with a sneaky pinfall attempt with a handful of tights. *** Masked Cougar gave the most emotive speech he had ever given, saying that he would win tonight for Alicia Strong. And the fact that Rick Sanders allows attacks like Gumble’s go unpunished will just make victory even sweeter[B] (B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar (c) beat Rick Sanders[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 20.48 [B](B-)[/B] -Sorry, Sanders may be the boss, he may have plenty of experience, but he’s just not got the skills of some of my roster. Cougar’s underdog role was downplayed for this one, and he gradually took over. Rick Sanders kept looking out back, and the commentary team speculated that he was after the assistance of Enforcer Roberts. It wasn’t coming, and Sanders fell to the Cougar Calling Moonsault. *** Cougar grabbed his title and celebrated, mouthing the words “for you” at the camera as the show ended [B](B)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B-[/I]
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*** Unleashed draws a 1.21 (a record), and the following PPV draws a 0.33 buy rate (another record). In the House also goes down as my best ever show booked, and a new record attendance of 9,527. I guess that was a pretty good night. Four records aren’t bad. *** Even better than a pretty good night. We earn over $230,000 from the PPV, and might be able to think about breaking even this month. *** The only bad thing about the show – the obvious hit that Enforcer Roberts took from his match with Perez, dropping from B overness to C+. Is he now worth over $3,000 a show? *** Kathy Neptune leaves FWE, and will go back to defending her BSC Queen of the Ring Title that she’s held for a year. *** Insane Machine breaks his collarbone against Awesome Thunder, and will be out for three weeks. Which is a pity, as he only has a week left of his contract, which I had reluctantly decided not to renew. He won’t get a departing defeat to Brendon Idol as planned. *** Katie Cameron re-signs, proving an extremely cheap colour commentator. Steven Parker also just gets a contract extension – on my final offer. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Unleashed: Fox Mask vs Joey Beauchamp Hell Monkey vs The Gambler Greg Gauge vs ??? American Elemental (c) vs Phenomenal E for the FWE Extreme Title[/QUOTE] Yep, my usual PPV warm down, with no stars.
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Joey Beauchamp beat Fox Mask[/COLOR] in 12.52 [B](C-)[/B] -Fox Mask shot at a Main Event was a one off, putting up a fight, but falling to Beauchamp. *** Joey Beauchamp took the mic, and addressed his partner, Joss Thompson. He congratulated Thompson on his win at In the House, but reminded him that they were still a team, and should ride together [B](D)[/B] *** The Gambler came out with an elaborate smokey entrance – and then the fire of Hell Monkey struck up, and The Gambler cowered outside the ring [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hell Monkey beat The Gambler[/COLOR] in 13.51 [B](D)[/B] -Yes, I still employ Hell Monkey, but for some reason don’t use him nearly enough. And here he found someone he didn’t click with. To think, it was almost the Main Event. *** American Elemental did the hype for his title defence (ignoring the fact his opponent hasn’t won a match at FWE) [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]American Elemental (c) beat Phenomenal E [/COLOR]to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 8.31 [B](C-)[/B] -We allowed Ed two high spots. The third, him selling an Inferno Splash, doesn’t count. *** Greg Gauge lifted the crowd before the Main Event, wishing his mystery opponent to appear as soon as possible. He said this was just one step to taking on the man who kept him out of In the House – Enforcer Roberts. (B) [COLOR="blue"]Greg Gauge beat Hugh de Aske[/COLOR] in 18.25 [B](C+)[/B] -Crud, forgot to change Hugh from a midcarder. Don’t think the crowd will like seeing this much from it. We saw a very evenly paced match, with the Pirate powering out from every submission move that Gauge could think of. The commentators got quite excited that this rookie could pull out the unthinkable win. In the end he outwitted his opponent, ducking a charge and watching him clatter into the ring post, and then getting the quick roll up. *** Gave de Aske mic time too. He staggered up, and promised that he’d get the scallywag next time. Greg smiled, and warned de Aske that he might still be seeing double by the time they next meet [B](C)[/B] [I]Overall rating C+[/I]
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Yeah, they moaned about seeing de Aske too much. They’ll have to get used to that. The crowd was 3,633, meaning that the show broke even, and we’re having a pretty successful month. *** Unleashed draws a 1.03 *** Shane Stones and Insane Machine leave FWE. Stones has been replaced by the far cheaper Baby Jamie, who is also available for the last show each month. Insane Machine’s release at his contract ends was far harder, and is tribute to the talent currently at FWE. He leaves as a two time Extreme Title holder, racking up 13 months with the title, and had 46 wins, 19 defeats, and two draws. *** Wednesday is the night to watch TV, as NOTBPW and TCW run overlapping shows. This week they both hit B+, with Jeremy Stone retaining the Canadian Title over Sean McFly, and Tommy Cornell defeating Human Arsenal headlining (both A’s). We run an Invasion show from the Mid Atlantic, as we don’t want to pay Hernandez for doing nothing this month. And we actually take along quite a few of our stars. [B]FWE Presents… Invasion[/B] (watched by 2,262 fans) [COLOR="Blue"]Alicia Strong beat Otsune Tsumaru[/COLOR] in 8.50 [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steven Parker beat Rolling Johnny Stones[/COLOR] in 8.53 [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mainstream Hernandez beat Brendan Idol [/COLOR]in 21.52 [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar beat Joey Beauchamp[/COLOR] in a non title match in 12.41 [B](C+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C[/I] *** The “C” rating may seem hard, but I lost a storyline when Insane Machine left. So, quite lucky that I didn’t have a storyline less TV show, and I revamp my storylines. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Unleashed: Greg Gauge vs Phenomenal E Brendon Idol vs Bobby Thomas Mathew Gauge vs Enforcer Roberts Masked Cougar will also be present… will he be in action?[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=trypio;274961]Still loving your diary, man. You've gotten pretty far from where you started.[/QUOTE] [I]Many thanks. Not too many left over from when I started, but I'm slowly growing.[/I] [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] (from New England): *** Masked Cougar is the first man out, and he’s demanding Steve Gumble comes to the ring so he can take revenge for sending Alicia Strong to hospital at In the House. Instead, Rick Sanders comes out, and informs Masked Cougar that the only way Gumble will face Masked Cougar is if he puts his title on the line. Cougar quickly agrees, but Sanders tells him it’s not that simple – he still has a rematch that needs to be taken care of. Cougar suggests tonight, and we have a title match for the Main Event [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Brendon Idol beat Bobby Thomas[/COLOR] in 8.32 [B](C-)[/B] -Idol continues his momentum after defeating Steven Parker. It’d be nice to be able to afford my whole roster, so I could continue all my stories in one night. Thomas, once more, lost this one. *** The Gauges were backstage, and were on anti-Roberts promo duty. Greg let us know that he wanted first shot at the man who injured him, but is having to face Phenomenal E to prove his fitness first. As such, his brother has stepped up to the plate, and he’ll be at ringside to support him [B](C)[/B] *** The Gauges headed out to the ring… when they came face to face with Hugh de Aske. He said that he didn’t know which of the two in front of him crossed his path last week – but both had better watch their backs, as they’d made an enemy that they was more power than they could imagine [B](D)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Greg Gauge beat Phenomenal E [/COLOR]in 9.30 [B](C-)[/B] -Only longer than a squash match to save me money, Greg was never going to lose, locking in the Proton Lock for the win. *** Mathew Gauge took a mic, and declared that was what his brother could do – Enforcer Roberts needs to step up to the plate, as he knows he can match him [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Enforcer Roberts beat Mathew Gauge [/COLOR]by DQ in 17.48 [B](B-)[/B] -Big surprise here – not only did I book Roberts for a TV show – but it wasn’t as the Main Event! Through in two technical stars, one having the experience to up for the others lack of it, and I knew it had to be a good match. If only Mathew could have stopped Roberts cheating, then he may have got the win. Unfortunately for Mathew the Greg allowed Roberts to get away with some sneaky reversals based on eye pokes and tight pulling, that put Mathew on the back foot. Greg grew frustrated ring side, and broke one such illegally gained submission move, and the ref DQ’d his brother there and then. *** Roberts and Greg took it two one another, exchanging blows, and Mathew could do nothing to get between them. Roberts found the energy to go for the RCT, but Mathew managed to drag his brother out of the ring before it was locked in [B](C-)[/B] *** Masked Cougar cut an interview before the Main Event. He dedicated this match to Alicia Strong, saying he welcomed the day that she stepped foot back in the ring at FWE – and he’s take out the man who hospitalised her, just as soon as he got through Sanders [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar (c) beat Rick Sanders[/COLOR] to retain the Warrior Title in 17.42 [B](C+)[/B] -Not as good as the preceding match, but this was definitely the correct order to put them in. For those expecting a Gumble run in, it wasn’t to happen, as this was going to be an expensive enough show without paying him as well (and he’s my fourth top earner). Instead, we managed to end this feud once and for all, and despite all Sanders technical efforts, he just couldn’t stop Cougar hitting a High Rise Cougar Pounce to retain. [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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[B]November:[/B] *** After five months of heavy loss making (since I’ve turned Cult), FWE make a $18,000 profit! This was completely down to the PPV, which was well attended, and had record ratings in quality and buy rate. I’m going to have to match that for the next two months if I want to keep my TV show. *** Robert Oxford is to retire next month, having not been able to find employment since leaving TCW. *** Unleashed hits a 1.22 rating – that’s another record. *** SWF come knocking on Hernandez’s door. If he joined them he’d leave me, and despite the fact that he can never attend my TV tapings, it’s be a blow. He has, however, turned them down before. *** USPW hit a C- show (a phenomenal achievement for them), with Eric Tyler defeating Bulldozer Brandon Smith in the Main Event. Make that “the departing” Bulldozer Brandon Smith, as contract negotiations were meant to have started, but he’s shown no indication that he wants to re-sign. *** MAW also hit C-, without Eric Tyler. *** CZCW and NOTBPW announce new shows for the new season, and quickly followed by SOTBPW and TCW. *** Bart Biggz joins his brother at DaVE. Without me realising, Bart has become Heavyweight and Tag Team (with Daniel Cano) Champion at MHW. *** I make a re-signing that I’ve been thinking about for a while, and I’ll wait for my PPV to reveal him. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Unleashed: Alicia Strong returns to FWE in a star filled Unleashed episode that will featue Rick Sanders, Masked Cougar, Steve Gumble, Rick Sanders, Greg Gauge and homeboy Steven Parker in action![/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed:[/B] *** We started the show with some stills of Steve Gumble cracking a camera over Alicia Strong’s head. It was in stills, as the PPV is out next week on DVD [B](C+)[/B] *** Steve Gumble came out, and demanded that Masked Cougar makes his way out. He does, but Gumble quickly stops him coming any further. Gumble announces that he knows that Cougar is angry, and out of control. He’s talked to Rick Sanders, and it’s been agreed that they can only touch each other in the ring, in a match, and that’s not happening tonight. Cougar asks what if he ignores Sanders, and Gumble tells him his title will be stripped – so he’s going to have to chose what’s more important, revenge or his title [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Brendon Idol drew with Rick Sanders[/COLOR] in 8.43 [B](C-)[/B] -The commentary team pointed out how these two men have faced off against each other just once before, the result then being a draw, so to repeat that here was not the most expected result. The match was nowhere near an end when Hugh de Aske’s music hit, and he swaggered down to the ring. Even with the two in the ring, he took a mic, and the ref called the match a draw. *** Hugh started to launch into The Gauges, but had the mic pulled away from him by Idol. He asked what right Hugh had interrupting his match, and Hugh said it was the right passed down through generations. As they started pushing one another Rick Sanders stepped in, and told them that they could hold this until Fireworks, when they could meet in the ring for Hugh de Aske’s PPV debut [B](D+)[/B] *** Backstage segment with Alicia Strong and Masked Cougar. There’s been a lot of them. Cougar checked Strong was okay, she was. He wanted to make sure she was okay for the Main Event against Perfect Package. She was [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble beat Mr Lucha III[/COLOR] in 7.32 [B](D+)[/B] -Oh joy, way to make the challenger seem like a threat. These two didn’t click, it wasn’t very good, the Savate Kick won the match. *** Gumble declined to comment on how bad that match was, and instead concentrated on telling Cougar that his “caring” side is the side that loosens his focus from the Warrior Title, and will prove his downfall [B](C+)[/B] *** Steven Parker comes down, and tries to play the hometown hero. It doesn’t work, and Greg Gauge comes out to tell him that there’s nowhere in the world he’s respected, especially since he lost to Brendan Idol. Greg says that he’s got far more important things to say, and that’s a match with Enforcer Roberts at Fireworks [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Greg Gauge beat Steven Parker[/COLOR] in 15.58 [B](C+)[/B] -Nope, Parker’s new contract still doesn’t buy him a win. Greg only seems to lose to Main Eventers, and Parker has slipped from that mantle. Parker did manage to avoid the Proton Lock, but was felled by a 12 Gauge. *** Perfect Package have good mic skills, so for once we let them use them. Beauchamp talked about how good they were, while Thompson focussed on himself, but they both thought that they could win [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong and Masked Cougar beat Perfect Package[/COLOR] in 16.33 [B](B-)[/B] -Obviously they thought too highly of themselves. Alicia started the match, and the commentary team noted that she seems to show no lasting damage from Gumble’s attack. It was Strong who got the pin after a Butterfly Effect on Thompson. [I]Overall Rating C[/I]
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We’ll thank Gumble for that rating, but the 3,204 saw a good all round show. *** Rolling Johnny Stone becomes the first person to arrive late to a show for a while. I would be happy releasing him, but need him to keep my roster size up. *** Unleashed draws a 1.21 rating. *** Nevada Nuclear wins the SWF North American Title off Kurt Laramee. Let’s hope he’s not a transitional champion like he’s been before (with the Shooting Star Title). *** It takes just two weeks for SWF to decide to give Ekuma the Hawaiian Strong Man a contract. They still haven’t done a particularly good job building up Primus Allen or Gargantuan. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Unleashed: It’s the last step before fireworks, and it’s huge six man tag action in the Main Event, where Warrior Champion Masked Cougar, Extreme Champion American Elemental and Alicia Strong team up to take on Steve Gumble and Perfect Package. Who will come out on top in this crucial run in to the latest FWE PPV? Masked Cougar, Alicia Strong and American Elemental vs Steve Gumble and Perfect Package[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B](from the South West): *** Greg Gauge (who is still uber over here due to his OLLIE work) comes out, and says that he was hoping to spar with Enforcer Roberts tonight, but once more he isn’t here. He questions Roberts’ commitment to FWE, and challenges anyone else to provide him a warm up match – a challenge answered by Roberts friend, Rick Sanders [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Greg Gauge beat Rick Sanders[/COLOR] in 17.01 [B](B-)[/B] -There you go, probably match of the night to start off with. Still, both my champions are in the Main Event, so that wasn’t going to change. Very even, apart from as the match went on longer, Sanders slowly got more and more tired. He fell to the 12 Gauge. *** As Greg Gauge left, Rick Sanders looked distressed on his knees, before slowly making his way out back [B](C)[/B] *** Backstage, and Perfect Package are together, with Joey Beauchamp excitedly telling Thompson that one of them will get an Extreme Title shot next week at Fireworks. Thompson tells Beauchamp that he can have it – that title doesn’t bother him, and he’s gunning for Alicia Strong that night [B](D+)[/B] *** Mathew Gauge is about to come out for his match, when Greg offers his good luck. Spread your overness Greg, you know you want to [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mathew Gauge beat Rolling Johnny Stones[/COLOR] in 5.48 [B](C-)[/B] -If Stones wanted me to remember him by turning up late last week, he succeeded. Leading to this Proton Lock inspired job. *** The match was barely over when Rick Sanders slid into the ring and hit Mathew with an Up Yours. He declares that he’s sick of the youngsters leapfrogging everyone who’s earned their crust, and Mathew Gauge is the first that he’ll teach a lesson to at Fireworks [B](D+)[/B] *** Hugh de Aske is cutting an interview against Brendan Idol when Steve Gumble comes up to him, flanked by Perfect Package. He asks what Hugh knows about honour, and he replies “[COLOR="Purple"]very little[/COLOR]”. Gumble smiles and pats him on the back, saying he thinks they’re going to get along just fine [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Angel de Mexico[/COLOR] in 6.20 [B](D+)[/B] -Typical – ran this as a dark match last week, and it was better than this one. Oh well, squash between two people no-one really knows, with the debut of the Skull and Crossbones. *** The faces hype up the Main Event and their PPV matches… which took a while [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble and Perfect Package beat Masked Cougar, Alicia Strong and American Elemental[/COLOR] in 21.04[B] (B-)[/B] -Huge upset here as the heels overcame two champions, giving them the momentum going into Fireworks. The match deteriorated into separate fights both inside and out of the ring, leaving the ref very little chance of keeping control. Masked Cougar hit a I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar on Beauchamp, but fell to a Clean Cutter from Thompson. As Alicia Strong broke the pin, Hugh de Aske ran out and yanked American Elemental off the apron, and then drilled Strong’s head into the top turnbuckle. As she rebounded into the ring, Gumble hit a Savate Kick, and that sealed the match. *** Gumble grabbed Masked Cougar’s title, posing with it as the show went off air [B](B-)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C[/I]
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Well, again the rating sucks (relatively), but 3,376 people saw a good lead up to Fireworks, and two very strong matches. The crowd saw too much of Rolling Johnny Stones – you know you’re low on the card when 6 out of 90 minutes is too much. *** Unleashed drops to a 1.04 rating. *** Raul Hughes defeats Mike Watson for his second INSPIRE King of Fighters Championship, but more importantly (to me) Greg Gauge gets his second title (he’s OLLIE’s figurehead too), dethroning Warlord Pain as USPW World Champion. *** Insane Machine tours with GCG. He also still has a job at WLW. *** I make the decision to unexpectedly cut my show, just like that. It was a financial decision, that may not have been wise, but FWE are off air – but on PPV. *** Aaron Andrews is at war with… Nathan Black!?! There paths must have crossed backstage at a CGC event. *** Elemental II is almost there – his ninth BHOTWG Junior Championship has him just one behind Optimus. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Fireworks[/B] Brendon Idol vs Hugh de Aske Alicia Strong vs Joss Thompson Mathew Gauge vs Rick Sanders Greg Gauge vs Enforcer Roberts American Elemental (c) vs Joey Beauchamp for the FWE Extreme Title Masked Cougar (c) vs Steve Gumble for the Warrior Title[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… [SIZE="5"]Fireworks[/SIZE] on PPV[/B] *** We’re in front of 8,615 people – that’s 900 down from last month. We start the show by showing Gumble’s attack on Alicia Strong, and Masked Cougar vow of vengeance [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]American Elemental (c) beat Joey Beauchamp[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 11.33 [B](C)[/B] -Fairly standard high flying match, which the champion won with an Inferno Splash. *** Masked Cougar cut an interview on Gumble, vowing that he would make him understand where he stands at FWE, and how he cannot go around attacking people, especially Alicia Strong. Strong came over to back him up, saying that she would have liked nothing more than to finish the job, but the she has full faith in the champion, and has her own battle in Joss Thompson next [B](C+)[/B] *** We cut over to Joss Thompson cutting a quick promo, wondering how fit Alicia really was, and how successfully she’d be without Cougar at her side [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat Joss Thompson[/COLOR] in 16.31 [B](B-)[/B] -Very nice – both these two are developing nicely, and put on a decent contest considering this is the first time that they’ve ever met. It was kept largely technical, with Thompson keeping Strong grounded so she couldn’t pull out any of her high flying move. Strong showed resilience to get to the ropes after a Joss Lock, and was eventually able to go airborne to hit the Butterfly Effect for the win. *** Joss stormed out back, and found Beauchamp, and asked him where he was. His partner rightly pointed out that Thompson was nowhere to be found for his Extreme Title shot – maybe they weren’t such good partners after all. The argument ended when Gumble came up to admonish them, pointing out that they both let themselves down, and needed to get together to help him and their mutual friend [B](C)[/B] *** The Gauges were on joint promo duty for there matches, insistent that there youth could win the day [B](C+)[/B] *** Rick Sanders came to the ring with a mic, and we thankfully kept it short. He again went on an anti-youth rant, before dropping the mic as Mathew came out [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rick Sanders beat Mathew Gauge [/COLOR]in 10.39 [B](C)[/B] -Mathew really needs to get out of Greg’s shadow, as he’s definitely the number one sibling at FWE (and elsewhere). Commentary informed us that they had agreed that their partners would be at ringside for each others matches, so it was left for the two men to prove themselves. As Mathew went to apply the Proton Lock, Sanders managed to get a reversal, and locked in the Figure Four. Making good use of the ropes to add leverage, Sanders forced Mathew to tap. *** Hugh de Aske cuts a quick promo, and as he starts to head to the ring, is met by Gumble. They exchange words, and Gumble lets de Aske go, smiling to himself [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Brendon Idol[/COLOR] in 8.59 [B](C)[/B] -de Aske gets a decent win to his name, but not entirely on his own. He launched Idol into the ref, and once down Joss Thompson and Joey Beauchamp made there way ringside. A 3 vs 1 beatdown followed, and when Alicia Strong tried to come out and help, Thompson intercepted her. In the ring, Beauchamp revived the ref as de Aske hit the Skull and Crossbones, and got the win. *** Greg’s turn for hype. He says he got the advantage – he’s already faced Roberts once, and had a chance to scout him against Mathew earlier this month [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Enforcer Roberts beat Greg Gauge[/COLOR] in 21.47 [B](B-)[/B] -Roberts made up for his loss against Perez last PPV (and as you may have noticed, Perez hasn’t been available since) by coming out on top of this difficult encounter. Like before, when they produced my best match ever, the two seemed almost equals, despite Greg’s young age. “Almost” was the key word, as after a pinfall attempt, Greg turned his back, and decided to go up a turnbuckle. He never saw Roberts drag him down, and once in the RCT he was forced to tap. *** Steve Gumble comes out… and he’s got a ladder? He points out that both he and Cougar have made there name in high profile ladder matches – why should it not continue here. He challenged Cougar to make there match a ladder match, which Cougar accepts, and his title is quickly hoisted up. It’s almost as if the crew knew there’d be a ladder match [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar (c) beat Steve Gumble[/COLOR] to retain the Warrior Title in a ladder match in 19.10 [B](B)[/B] -By far and way the best match that the two of them have put on, it was a decent way to end their feud. It wasn’t without interference, as Hugh de Aske, Joey Beauchamp and Joss Thompson came ringside, closely followed by Alicia Strong and Brendan Idol. In summary, de Aske hit the Skull and Crossbones on Masked Cougar, but Idol grabbed the only ladder in the ring, and forced Hugh and Gumble out. Thompson slid in and hit the Clean Cutter on Idol, and Perfect Package tried to set up the ladder for Gumble. Gumble got part way up before Alicia Strong launched herself from the near turnbuckle, drop kicking the ladder, and sending Gumble out of the ring (and through the commentary table). With none of the contenders standing, Perfect Package turned their attention towards Strong, setting up a table outside the ring for her. Idol fought them off (chasing them backstage), but de Aske lifted Strong up, and looked ready to plant her through the table when Cougar took down de Aske from behind. He took de Aske to the apron, and hit a I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar, sending the rookie through the table. Inside the ring, Alicia Strong set up the ladder, before dragging Cougar into the ring. He got half way up, when he noticed Gumble back in the ring, camera in hand, sneaking up on Strong. Cougar launched himself over Strong, and took Gumble out. Strong pointed Cougar back up the ladder, and dealt with Gumble herself, hitting the Strong Arm Tactic, while Masked Cougar claimed the title to make his sixth defence. Phew. [CENTER]_________________________________[/CENTER] *** Masked Cougar and Alicia Strong embraced after the epic encounter, when the lights suddenly dipped. The sounds of crashing thunder resounded round the arena, with arcs of lightning providing sporadic glimpses that showed two figures at the top of the stage. A voiceover boomed out: [I]“As the great Kingpriests of the world set up their law across the world, the balance between good and evil sifted. The power claimed to be used for good sent mankind spiralling towards destruction, and it was the Devil that provided their saviour by sending… [B]Plague[/B]”[/I] At that the lights came up, and there was an extra figure in the ring – the FWE wrestler formerly known as Black Eagle had returned as Plague, and he launched a blistering attack onto the exhausted Strong and Cougar. The two female figures on the rampway made there way down to the ring, circling it and chanting at the same time. Plague takes no time in taking out the two faces, piling Strong on top of Cougar, before hitting the New Jersey Turnpike off the top rope… and I’ll find a different name for that, as it doesn’t suit this character [B](C+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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Hope that was one of the high C+’s. Anyway, Black Eagle is back at FWE after a two year absence, under his old CZCW moniker of Plague. He was our first ever Extreme Champion, but looks like he’s got his sights set far higher that that. He’s at C+ overness in the US thanks to his DaVE work – B overness in the South West thanks to his OLLIE work. *** We draw in 0.28 rating – two points down on In the House. That and the dip in attendance set us on course for a loss – however, without the TV show, we’re in a position where we could make some money from our shows… and we’re starting now. *** Plague started with his usual Mysterious gimmick – which has disastrously been rated at E+. I may have to switch it to some kind of Evil Incarnate gimmick, and take whatever hit it gives me. *** Plague’s two acolytes were DEVIL Karube and DEVIL Hiroyuki (formerly Saeko Hiroyaki).
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*** We have four shows in four areas to end the month – nothing storyline related, so quick results: [B]FWE Presents… Invasion[/B] from the South West (attendance: 2,337): [COLOR="Blue"]Joss Thompson beat Angel de Mexico[/COLOR][B] (C+)[/B] [I]Hurrah for finding good chemistry![/I] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat DEVIL Karube [/COLOR]by DQ (C) when DEVIL Hiroyuki attacked Alicia Strong [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez beat Rick Sanders [/COLOR][B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar (c) beat Hell Monkey[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title [B](B-)[/B] [I]They don’t click. But can pull out a B-. Monkey proves however underused he is, he rocks[/I]. [I]Overall Rating C[/I] *** I’ll have to admit, I forgot to check my exact finances before the event, so cannot say if it made a profit. I think it did. *** I apologise for announcing Greg Gauge vs Black Eagle, and find them both attending an OLLIE event. *** In a very interesting move, Big Cat Brandon goes for a GCG tour. *** I negotiate with Sports America to bring back [B]Unleashed [/B]– still at 90 minutes, now held live on Saturday night. [B]FWE Presents… Invasion[/B] from the Mid Atlantic (attendance 1,610): [COLOR="blue"]Mathew Gauge beat Rhino Umaga[/COLOR] [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mainstream Hernandez beat Mr Lucha III[/COLOR] [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Plague beat Phenomenal E[/COLOR] [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar (c) beat Steven Parker and Steve Gumble[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title [B](B-)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C+[/I] *** Despite the low attendance, a profit was made (all be it of just over $1,000). *** Insane Machine gets his fourth WL Show Stealer Title, defeating Bairei Yasujiro. More remarkable, the touring Billy Russell takes the PGHW Historical Japan Title from Morimasu Kato. *** Bairei Yasuhiro makes up for the defeat the next day, taking the WL Universal Title from Hell Monkey. *** Bulldozer Brandon Smith leaves USPW. Damned those blocks… [B]FWE Presents… Invasion[/B] from the South East (attendance 1,839): [COLOR="blue"]Mathew Gauge beat Mohamed El Yaaggoudi[/COLOR] by DQ [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]American Elemental (c) beat Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Plague beat Fox Mask[/COLOR] [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mainstream Hernandez beat Steve Gumble[/COLOR][B] (C+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C+[/I] *** Hmmm, November finances have been completed. I think it made a profit… *** The show did serve to debut Mohamed El whatever his name is, who got DQ’d for continuing an attack on Mathew Gauge when he had the ropes. *** Rumours abound that CZCW champion Nevada Nuclear is going to jump ship, a CZCW tradition. [B]FWE Presents… Invasion[/B] from New England (attendance 1,000): [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Rhino Umaga[/COLOR] [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat Otsune Tsumaru[/COLOR] [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Enforcer Roberts beat Brendan Idol[/COLOR] [B](C+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C+[/I] *** $3,000 profit, with two of our most expensive workers. Impressive, but unlikely to happen again now I’m going back on TV.
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[B]December:[/B] *** Two months in profit! And we increased this month, to $23,000. Of course, now we’re back on TV… *** Saeko Hiroyuki decides that she’s about to retire. That was a good hire, then. *** Enforcer Roberts finishes his BHOTWG tour, going a disappointing 0-4. Four decent matches, though. He (along with Rhino Umaga), gets an offer to join INSPIRE’s next tour. Frankie Perez, who went 2-1 on their last tour, thankfully doesn’t. *** I’m an idiot. I traded in Troy Tornado for another appearance from NOTBPW to kick off out new TV run. Of course, NOTBPW run a show on the same day as us, so Troy won’t be present. *** Without BHOTWG touring this month, everyone but Troy will be available for our TV show this month. Even more remarkably, our PPV on Thursday Week 3 should have everyone available – even the NOTBPW man. Unless I’ve missed something. *** TCW are knocking out great shows – although they’ll have to do something to keep up with NOTBOW 3 shows a week. The latest saw the first ever Tommy Cornell vs Eddie Peak match (Cornell won, rated A), as well as Jungle Jack taking the Arena Championship from Giant Tana. *** Enforcer Roberts signs on to tour with INSPIRE, diversifying now his SWF contract is no longer written. *** CZCW first episode of TNT goes down well, getting a solid C- rating, with Remmy Skye taking the Extreme Title off Donnie J. *** Inside sources at USPW have put Baby Jamie and Greg Gauge at war with one another – they also both work at FWE. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B]: I’m not sure. I’ve run the next show, but it’s written up on a different computer. I have the plans for it in front of me, but don’t know if they change. So, I’ll be a little vague: See Warrior Champion Masked Cougar team up with his closest ally, Alicia Strong! A new number one contender will be born, in a match featuring Steven Parker, American Elemental, Greg Gauge, and a new man to FEW. Also on the show – Hugh de Aske, Steve Gumble, Brendan Idol. Probably.[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B](from the South West): *** We opened our new run with snippets from the end of Masked Cougar versus Steve Gumble from our last PPV, with the various run ins that have led to the next match [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Steve Gumble beat Brendan Idol[/COLOR] in 8.40 [B](C)[/B] -I still have to accept - Gumble is on of the most recognisable names on the roster. Idol gave it a good go, but a pinfall attempt was broken up by Hugh de Aske. Gumble then got in a knee to the groin, that was soon followed by a Savate Kick for the win. *** Steve Gumble took a mic, and announced that it felt good to be back on live TV - the only thing he needed was a title around his waist. Alicia Strong came out, and said that Masked Cougar's next opponent would be decided in a four way later - and Gumble would not be in it. As Gumble protested, Alicia Strong said that she was just the messenger - but he would have a match at No Agents. She asked Gumble to think back a couple of months, when he had a title shot on Unleashed. She went on to ask Gumble who was the special referee that night, and Gumble's face dropped. Strong, on the other hand, was beaming, and happily told Gumble that [B]Troy Tornado [/B]was coming back to FWE and has specially requested a match with Gumble [B](B-)[/B] *** Backstage, and Perfect Package were hyping the Main Event, where they would face (once again) Alicia Strong and Masked Cougar. Beauchamp claimed they were the number one team at FWE, and without Alicia Strong they would have seen their colleague Gumble become the new champion at Fireworks [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Rhino Umaga[/COLOR] in 8.49 in a hardcore match [B](C-)[/B] -We decided to try and show off an edgier side of FWE, and let these two brawlers loose around the arena, using whatever weapons they could come up with. de Aske was opened up by a trash can shot, Umaga by the ringpost, and a Skull and Bones onto a chair gave de Aske the win. *** One by one, we announced the four competitors for the number one contenders match. First up was Extreme Champion American Elemental, who was followed by former Warrior Title challenger Steven Parker. Next up was youngster Greg Gauge, before new music hit, and the fourth man turned out to be... [B]Bart Biggz [/B][B](C)[/B]? [COLOR="blue"]Bart Biggz beat Greg Gauge, American Elemental and Steven Parker[/COLOR] in 14.43 in an elimination match [B](B-)[/B] -Yes, I'm so going to regret doing this. Bart Biggz actually didn't have too much involvement in the match, be thrown from the ring early, and not making his way back in. Parker was the first to go, victim of an Inferno Splash, before the two faces had an exchange. Elemental had Greg down, and went for the top rope, but Bart Biggz pushed him to the ring, and Greg recovered to lock in the Proton Lock for the submission. He was instantly hit with the Biggz Up, and with a tug of the tights we had our new challenger. *** We had the graphic ready, showing that Masked Cougar would defend his Warrior Title against Bart Biggz at No Agents in two weeks[B] (B-)[/B] *** Perfect Package were on the way to the ring, and passed Greg as he was returning. He got taunted for his loss, and when Mathew came to his brother’s defence, Joey asked what kind of a joke team they were [B](B)[/B]? *** We had an interview with the Warrior Champion before he came out, who hyped up Bart Biggz, pointing out that he held several titles across North America. He would study his opponent, and he would be ready by No Agents [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar and Alicia Strong beat Perfect Package[/COLOR] in 12.59 [B](C+)[/B] -We’ve had better results from this match up, although Perfect Package aren't too well known outside the South East. The heels were an excellent team, but Beauchamp was the weak link, and fell to a Butterfly Effect from Strong. *** The lights suddenly cut out, and when they came back on, Plague's acolyte, DEVIL Hiroyuki (yeah, we're not paying Plague tonight), was in the ring. She ran Alicia Strong into the ropes, flipping her to the outside. She was quick to follow, dropping down with her full weight onto Strong, before making a quick exit as Masked Cougar chased her off [B](D+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B-[/I]
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3,487, and some strong backstage segments saw us go into B- territory, which I honestly didn't think would happen. Steven Parker was used too much, having fallen down to midcard status, and we debuted someone and made them Number One Contender. He's a big star in MHW! *** We get a rating of 2.17. This is a massive record for us, and justifies our new TV deal. *** I fail to reach agreement with Rhino Umaga, and so late in his contract he leaves us. *** I do make two signings as a replacement, but it will be post-PPV before they get to debut. *** Frankie Perez signs on to tour with WLW. *** RIPW rise to Regional, proving that not everything linked to SWF is a failure. Their Lead Belly vs Eric Eisen led Christmas Clash gets a buy rate of just 0.52. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the Mid Atlantic: DEVIL Hiroyuki vs Otsune Tsumaru in a tables match Kashmir Singh vs Steven Parker Fox Mask vs Bart Biggz Greg Gauge vs Joss Thompson Masked Cougar and Alicia Strong vs Steve Gumble and Plague[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the Mid Atlantic: *** We started with Bart Biggz's victory last week, making him the unlikely number one contender to Masked Cougar's title [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Steven Parker beat Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] in 5.53 [B](C-)[/B] -While Mainstream Hernandez sits on the sidelines waiting for my creative juices to start working for him, Parker is left to represent the Mid Atlantic (although he left long ago), winning with the Future Shock. *** Steven Parker lets us all know that the only reason he didn't win next week was because of a conspiracy against him - but on Thursday he gets revenge, as he'll take the Extreme Title off one of the conspiracers - American Elemental [B](C-)[/B] *** Plague is shown with DEVIL Hiroyuki, telling her to destroy her opponent tonight, and send a message to the Strong one. He also says he'll be doing the same on Thursday, as whatever opponent is thrown at him at No Agents, he will cut through them [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]DEVIL Hiroyuki beat Otsune Tsumaru [/COLOR]in a tables match in 4.49 [B](D+)[/B] -This show may not rate that well. That's the risk of running a) from my less explored areas, and b) matches between two unknowns. With Plague and DEVIL Karube at ringside, Hiroyuki took Tsumaru up to the top rope, and hit a Devil (Hiroyuki) Bomb through a table for the win. *** Hiroyuki pulls an unconscious Tsumaru to her feet, when Alicia Strong comes out to tell her to back off - the message has been sent, and now all she wants on Thursday is revenge - in a table match. The heels make their way towards Strong, but Cougar comes to Alicia's aid, and it end in a stare down, before we cut backstage [B](C)[/B] *** And backstage it's Bart Biggz, saying that every time he sees Masked Cougar, he sees him running around after his woman - little to know that one day that will be his undoing [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Bart Biggz beat Fox Mask[/COLOR] in 5.37 [B](C)[/B] -A little showcase for Biggz, after having shown little offence last week, and he won with a Biggz Up. *** The announcers get to hype Bart's title challenge on Thursday. Can he come from nowhere to take the title [B](C)[/B]? *** Greg Gauge is shown heading to the ring, when he's met by Joey Beauchamp. He asks him where his partner is, noting that he'll be ringside with Greg - as they're a true team [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Joss Thompson beat Greg Gauge[/COLOR] in 10.55 [B](C+)[/B] -Mathew Gauge did make a belated appearance, but his arguments with Joey Beauchamp only seemed to distract his brother - and the ref. They definitely never saw Hugh de Aske coming, and the Dread Pirate hit a Skull and Bones, before sliding out of the ring to allow Thompson to take the victory. *** Joss Thompson, Joey Beauchamp and Hugh de Aske stand together, and tell The Gauges that they need to find a partner, as it's six man tag action for them at No Agents [B](C)[/B] *** Steve Gumble hypes his match first with "The Deserter" Troy Tornado, then moves onto the Main Event when Plague flashes past. Gumble tells him to stop, and demands to know that they're on the same page tonight. Plague just goes for the evil stare, making even Gumble shrink away [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble and Plague beat Masked Cougar and Alicia Strong[/COLOR] in 16.43 [B](B)[/B] -Well, that just about saved the show. We really played up Plague's strength, although only had sporadic exchanges between him and Masked Cougar. Plague's DEVIL Disciples came ringside, circling, chanting, and certainly distracting the ref. Masked Cougar was low blowed by Gumble, but he just kicked out, as the Disciples leapt up to the ring. The ref tried to keep them out, when Bart Biggz slid into the ring, and dragged Cougar outside, before issuing some stiff kicks. Alicia Strong tried to help, but was dragged into the ring by Plague, who blasted her with a head butt. He climbed to the top rope and hit the Memory Remains (New Jersey Turnpike), and the illegal man got the pin on the illegal woman. Good going ref. *** The heels completely outnumbered the faces, but had an unlikely rescuer in Hell Monkey, who made a beeline for Plague, dropping him with a Hell Fire Kick. Yes, that's right, we're finally booking Hell Monkey at a Pay Per View [B](C)[/B]! [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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