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FWE - Without Your Kids (Cornellverse)

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A good sell out of 2,000, and a well structured show, that just about justified the last minute booking of matches that occurred for the Pay Per View. I spent the money on the Main Event, and hope I get rewarded with buy rates on Thursday. *** Another new record, as we draw 2.18. *** Rolling Johnny Stones arrived very late at our shows. Could it be because contract negotiations broke down last week? *** Greg Gauge moves up to become my sixth highest earner, but does sign for 18 months. May have cost more if I hadn't jobbed him against Joss Thompson. *** Mathew's negotiations take longer, but I get him to sign on for less than his brother, but on a shorter contract. *** Masked Cougar has a new title, and for the first time ever it's the Coastal Zone Championship, defeating Nevada Nuclear. *** 42 year old Grandmaster Phunk gets a development contract with RIPW. This is a double blow for USPW, as not only is he their National Champion, but they had him go over Eric Tyler by DQ in their last show. ***It's announced that Brendan Idol has answered the call for a partner for The Gauges, making Thursday's line-up complete. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… No Agents on PPV:[/B] Steve Gumble vs Troy Tornado Hell Monkey vs Plague Alicia Strong vs DEVIL Hiroyuki in a tables match The Gauges and Brendon Idol vs Perfect Package and Hugh de Aske American Elemental (c) vs Steven Parker for the FWE Extreme Title Masked Cougar (c) vs Bart Biggz for the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE] *** Just before my PPV, I notice that TCW's PPV contract ran out with their last show. Being a Global promotion, I would presume they've got another one up their sleeves. [I]-Will this be my worst ever PPV? -Will Gumble / Tornado outdo the Main Event? Actually, I think it might, so am tempted to switch them. -Will Frankie Perez, Enforcer Roberts, Rick Sanders and Mainstream Hernandez mind that despite being available all month, I haven't booked them? -Some of those answers next, on No Agents.[/I]
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[B]FWE Presents… [SIZE="5"]No Agents:[/SIZE][/B] So, not everyone available for our tonight then? Fortunately it's just someone who was going to debut in a dark match, and won't be missed. *** A hype video for Cougar vs Biggz wasn't that exciting, so we found some old footage and added hype for Tornado vs Gumble as well [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Perfect Package and Hugh de Aske beat The Gauges and Brendon Idol[/COLOR] in 13.19 [B](C)[/B] -Minor disappointment, but de Aske's still getting his name around, while Beauchamp has never been considered a legitimate threat. However, the heels worked extremely well together, and The Gauges seemed to be concerned with a game of one upmanship against one another. So much so they actually got into an argument with one another ringside, allowing de Aske to pin Idol cleanly after a Skull and Bones. *** The Gauges continued to argue leaving the ring, while the heels got in a promo, Beauchamp claiming that they were all a Perfect Package [B](C)[/B] *** American Elemental came out with his Extreme Title, and showed a clip of Steven Parker moaning how his missed out on a shot at Masked Cougar's title due to some conspiracy. Elemental supposed that the only conspiracy would have been if Parker had somehow won that four way, the taunting soon bringing his opponent out [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]American Elemental (c) beat Steven Parker[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 8.43 [B](C-)[/B] -Parker has lost any kind of momentum that he once had, and never looked like he was going to take the title here. He didn't, falling cleanly to an Inferno Splash. *** We go to the locker-room - and The Gauges are still at it with one another. Frankie Perez (oh - remember him!) comes up, and tells them not to worry about it, there’s always tomorrow. Greg asks Perez what he knows, only to be reminded that he is talking to a former Warrior Champion. Perez says that he could help the two of them out, but Greg just snorts and storms out. *** Backstage, and it's Troy Tornado time! He successfully gets the crowd going, when he's suddenly a victim of a 4 vs 1 attack from Joss Thompson, Joey Beauchamp, Hugh de Aske and Steve Gumble. Tornado fights valiantly, leaving Thompson and Beauchamp down, but together Gumble and de Aske successfully throw him through a glass pane. Gumble smacks his hands together, claiming that no-one should mess with him [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Plague beat Hell Monkey[/COLOR] in 17.24 [B](B-)[/B] -Elaborate beginning here, with Monkey's fire laden entrance, while Plague is accompanied by his DEVIL Disciples chanting "Die!!" to Creeping Death. And then we just told them to get it on, and do what we knew they could. Considering Monkey's under use, he was amazing, and the two put on a great show, Hell Monkey regularly hitting runs of domination. The key was DEVIL Karube and Hiroyuki constantly distracting the ref and entering the ring, which never let Hell Monkey take advantage of any pinfall situation. He tried a suicide dive on the women to eliminate them, but was met by a chair shot, which swung the match to Plague. Monkey lost a lot of blood from his head wound, and had no defence to the Memory Remains, Plague taking the match by pinfall. *** A video package was shown of Bart Biggz asking FWE stars about Masked Cougar's weaknesses. He could only get that although small, he never gave up, and Biggz's frustration was evident on his face. At last he resorted to phoning someone, asking them if they learnt anything from being defeated by Hell Monkey. Whoever was at the end of the line must have hung up, as after several "Hellos" he hung up [B](C+)[/B] *** Plague was not to be seen, but his two Disciples were still in the ring, when Alicia Strong came out. She said that she was not impressed by Plague's 3 on 1 victory, and let it be known that if needed, she had back up, so it was in Plague's interest not to appear [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat DEVIL Hiroyuki[/COLOR] in a tables match in 8.22 [B](C+)[/B] -Strong went straight on the offence, but DEVIL Karube blew a mist into the ref's face, blinding him. The Disciples then went on a 2 on 1 attack, which Strong could not defend herself from. Hiroyuki took Strong to the top rope, while Karube set up a table - and then shocked the commentators by setting it alight! As Hiroyuki went for the DEVIL Bomb, Idol rushed out from the back, and just managed to fling the burning table away. He threw Hiroyuki from the ring, and then went toe to toe with Karube. The ref recovered, took time to stand up the now not burning table, and the ordered Idol and Karube from the ring. Hiroyuki argued with the ref, but it was all the recovery time Strong needed, lifting Karube from behind and dumping her through the table for the win. *** Idol helped Strong to the back, when they came upon Plague, standing there expressionless. Idol launched into a verbal attack on Plague, which Plague ignored, until Idol suggested that they meet in the ring. At last Plague spoke - "See you on Saturday" - before spinning away [B](C)[/B] *** Masked Cougar came out, and announced that his match had been moved forward to try and allow Troy Tornado to recover. He made it known to Gumble that no-one, especially not him, was impressed by his strength in numbers, and hoped that Tornado would be ready to go. First off though, he directed his attention to Bart Biggz, noting that he had no weakness, and was just itching to prove it [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar (c) beat Bart Biggz[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 14.40 [B](C+)[/B] -They don't click, but I did fear that this would produce a C+ rating anyway, so at least it didn't get below that. Bart Biggz showed himself to be a well rounded individual, at home brawling or flying, but he was also one to fail to unlock the key of Cougar's weakness, and fell to a High Rise Cougar Pounce. *** Masked Cougar celebrated, when Steve Gumble rushed out from the back and dragged Biggz from the ring. He DDT's him onto the ring before, before grabbing a mic and getting into the ring. He told Cougar that he still wanted a match, and as he has no opponent and he's just bested Bart Biggz, a title shot is the logical conclusion. That's when Troy Tornado's music hit, and he limped his way out, mic in hand. He told Gumble that he would have his match - with him as planned. And as everyone knew Gumble would have his friends ringside, why not have a lumberjack match, and he called out the FWE locker-room (well, those I was paying tonight) [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado beat Steve Gumble[/COLOR] in a lumberjack match in 18.18 [B](B)[/B] -There was just as much action outside the ring as in, some of it not even involving the two participants. Plague wanted nothing to do with the match, and stalked away with his Disciples. Greg and Mathew Gauge still persisted with their argument, and took much taunting from Thompson, Beauchamp and de Aske, before they realised they were completely outnumbered by the presence of Masked Cougar, Frankie Perez, Alicia Strong, Hell Monkey and American Elemental. The ref was lenient not to disqualify Gumble when de Aske entered the ring to attack Tornado, but the NOTBPW man launched Gumble into de Aske as a perfect defence. One Star Maker later on Gumble, and the match was over. *** The faces celebrated with Tornado, when de Aske staggered up in the middle of them. The tension rose, before Tornado announced that he would not fight here - but next month, at The Start, he'd be back, and he'd be after the Dread Pirate [B](C)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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Too many slightly dull spots to hit B-, but thank goodness for a stunning Main Event. Of course, whenever I bring in Tornado, it's the least I expect, and he didn't disappoint. So the 9,331 fans went away happy. *** We get a 0.32 buy rate, just off our record. We're expecting a loss this month. *** Bart Biggz goes back to DaVE, having joined us on loan when I realised that I had no contender for the Warrior Title at No Agents. He did well, even getting through a lack of chemistry to put on a reasonable match with Masked Cougar. *** Hugh de Aske signs with RIPW! Fortunately (and, inexplicably), it's only PPA, and he will be able to have his big match with Tornado next month. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed:[/B] Frankie Perez vs Bobby Thomas Kashmir Singh vs Greg Gauge Brendan Idol vs Plague[/QUOTE] We'll be without either of our champions, as we try to kick off a new storyline.
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the South West: *** We get to see the end of the six man tag match at No Agents, and shots of The Gauges arguing throughout the night, as that's just about the only event from that show that has relevance tonight [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Frankie Perez beat Bobby Thomas[/COLOR] in 8.14 [B](B-)[/B] -Frankie Perez's first televised match for ages, and I'd just about forgotten about how much he rocked. He played with Thomas, using various technical manoeuvres before making him tap to the P-Clutch. *** Frankie Perez goes out back to The Gauges, and reminds them that the offer is still there to help them. In fact, he's brought in two good American friends that he's met in the last year - [B]Steve Flash[/B] and [B]Jimmy Cox[/B], who are just wiling to help out. Greg snorts, before Mathew announces that tonight he's going to do something that his brother has never managed - to beat Enforcer Roberts. This is met by another snort from Greg [B](C)[/B] *** Brendan Idol hypes up his match with Plague, in a match set up at No Agents [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Greg Gauge beat Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] in 5.56 [B](C)[/B] -Greg took the much easier route back to victory, making Singh tap to the Proton Lock. *** Greg Gauge snatches a mic, and tells Mathew that he's crazy if he thinks that he can achieve anything that he hasn't. He no longer needs to carry a partner, and won't stick around tonight to see him lose [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash and Jimmy Cox beat Angel de Mexico and Mr Lucha III[/COLOR] in 5.57 [B](D)[/B] -Frankie Perez was ringside to see that his new team had absolutely zero chemistry as a team. Superb. They still demolished the two luchas, Flash hitting the Flash Bang on Angel de Mexico. *** As Perez left the ring, he passed Mathew Gauge, and gave him some advice for his match - to stay close to the ropes. Mathew politely declined the advice, saying it'd be in the middle of the ring that he'd be making Roberts tap [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Enforcer Roberts beat Mathew Gauge[/COLOR] in 15.44[B] (C+)[/B] -I wasn't going to give you a Roberts defeat out of the Main Event or PPV, and Mathew came up short here. He thought he had the Proton Lock locked in, but Roberts powered out, and in no time clamped on the RCT. As the commentators pointed how that Mathew would rather be next the ropes the break the hold, the youngster was forced to tap in the centre of the ring. *** Mathew dragged his feet out back, and passed Perez, who was standing with Flash and Cox by a monitor. He stopped, paused, and then cleared his throat. Perez turned, and Mathew said that maybe he did want some help after all, and was pleased to find the offer still open[B] (C+)[/B] *** Plague came out with his Disciples, and pointed out that this was not Brendan Idol's battle - this was Alicia Strong. He should have faith in Strong to win, like he had faith in his women [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Plague beat Brendan Idol[/COLOR] in 11.47[B] (C+)[/B] -The first point of action in this match was when Plague laid out the ref, and his Disciples dragged poor Baby Jamie out of the ring. As DEVIL Karube donned the zebra shirt, Plague introduced Idol to the various weapons that can be found underneath an FWE ring (and included an egg whisk). The youngster was completely outclassed, and was held on a table by the Disciples, as Plague climbed to the top rope and hit the Memory Remains. He made the academic pin with one foot, as Karube made the three count. *** Plague signalled Hiroyuki to throw Idol out of the ring, then nodded to Karube who launched Hiroyuki over the top rope. Karube passed Plague a mic, and stuck by his words that he trusted his women to win - and after Hiroyuki failed, she has lost his trust [B](B-)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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3,517 was a decent showing, although we were badly let down by our tag match. Plans will be slightly altered - but the regular team of Flash and Cox should never now see action again. *** Our rating of 2.63 is once more a record. It actually scored a 3.01 for the last half an hour, but the first hour clashes with NOTBPW Crash (which this week saw Troy Tornado job to Lee Rivera!) in Canada. It could be worse - NOTBPW other two shows are also shown in the US, and would decimate my ratings. *** Masked Cougar at last signs a new contract, and trebles his wage to become my second highest earner (only behind Enforcer Roberts). Fully deserved, he's been a cheap champion for the last eight months. However, this means I need to make savings elsewhere. *** The savings don't start with Perez, who puts another grand on his contract to become my third highest earner. Both he and Cougar have inked 18 month contracts. *** Grandmaster Phunk leaves USPW to join RIPW, and doesn't drop the National Title. Still, it may have been a good thing, as his departing defeat was to Tyler, who's far too good for the title. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South East: Saeko Hiroyaki vs DEVIL Karube Alicia Strong vs The Gambler Frankie Perez vs Jimmy Cox Mathew Gauge vs Rolling Johnny Stones Hell Monkey vs Mainstream Hernandez[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the South East: [COLOR="Blue"]Alicia Strong beat The Gambler [/COLOR]in 7.42 [B](B-)[/B] -Great little opener, as The Gambler is back after a short absence, and Strong shows no ill effects from coming close to going through a burning table nine days ago. *** Alicia left the ring, but moved straight to a commentary position for the next match [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]DEVIL Karube beat Saeko Hiroyaki[/COLOR] in 4.32 [B](D+)[/B] -In the battle between Disciple and former Disciple, it was the person who wasn't about to retire who got the win, with the DEVIL Drop. *** Strong took a mic, and pleaded for Plague to come out. In the ring, Karube shook her head, but Strong instead asked her to take a message for him. A challenge - for the two of them to meet in the ring at The Start next month [B](B-)[/B] *** Frankie Perez made his way to the ring with Mathew Gauge in tow, telling the youngster (does that make Perez a veteran?) to watch the next match carefully [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez beat Jimmy Cox[/COLOR] in 10.47 [B](C+)[/B] -These two technicians kept Mathew closely glued to the match, going through a series of reversals, submissions and escapes. The match got more and more serious, until Perez hit the Perfect Parity for the win, before shaking Cox's hand. *** Mainstream Hernandez cut an interview backstage, announcing himself as firmly back at FWE. He's can't believe that Masked Cougar is still the champion, and pledges that it'll be him to take the title off the little man [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mathew Gauge beat Rolling Johnny Stones[/COLOR] in 6.10 [B](C-)[/B] -Stones' last match for me, and gets beaten by the Proton Lock, with Perez providing ringside support. *** Perez congratulates Mathew, but also points out that he needs to make sure he has another weapon in his arsenal apart from the Proton Lock [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mainstream Hernandez beat Hell Monkey[/COLOR] in 16.58 [B](B-)[/B] -As we're paying Hell Monkey so much, it's time to give him some high profile matches, and he's not disapointing. Hernandez ducked the Hell Fire Kick, and responded with a Super Kick of his own for the win. *** Hernandez told the crowd that was the mark of a champion, and he was coming for the Cougar. I think he's trying to get himself a title shot [B]B-[/B] [I]Overall Rating B-[/I] [QUOTE]Wow, a show with a D+ match in it gets a B-. I'm impressed. Hopefully the 3,280 people in the crowd were too. *** Up by one point, but 2.64 is still an Unleashed record. [B]NEXT[/B] - It's the end of the year, so it'll be awards time.[/QUOTE]
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[SIZE="5"][B]2010:[/B][/SIZE] [B]Wrestler of the Year - [COLOR="Blue"]Tommy Cornell[/COLOR][/B] Also ranked number one by the Pro Hits Magazine, Tommy went 20-9-2 in 2009, averaging B+ and hitting a plethora of A's. Missed out on the A* match, he also had not title shots at TCW, and has ended the year with a minor injury. [B]Young Wrestler of the Year - [COLOR="blue"]Gino Montero[/COLOR][/B] 22-9-4 at SOTBPW, averaging B, but also pulling out several A rated matches. Short Campeon de Mundo run, rated number 2 by Pro Hits despite his young age. [B]Veteran Wrestler of the Year - [COLOR="blue"]Haruki Kudo[/COLOR][/B] 33-12-1 at BHOTWG, where he's the current champion, having lost the title and taken it back from Hiroaki Nakasawa. Neither man hit an A match last year, but where extremely consistent. [B]Female Wrestler of the Year - [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong[/COLOR][/B] Since the death of 5SSW two years ago, this was a no contest. Went 33-1-8 at FWE, having matches rated between D and B. AAA have only just managed to get a "C" rating, with Catherine Quine defeating Wanda Fish, while NOTBPW has produced C+'s involving Vicky Stone, Emma Bitch, Grace Harper and Stephanie Hazel. [B]Promotion of the Year - [COLOR="blue"]NOTBPW[/COLOR][/B] They and TCW are right up there - but the fact that TCW last PPV was... not on PPV could have been the telling factor. [B]Most Improved Promotion of the Year -[COLOR="blue"] DaVE[/COLOR][/B] Unexpected one here - I expected SOTBPW to take this. Relying on SWF produced workers like Robbie Retro and Darryl Devine seems to have worked, while the hardcore influence of Big Cat Brandon, Chris Caulfield (who has been a big success), and even Lead Belly. [B]Match of the Year - [COLOR="blue"]Jeremy Stone defeated Sean McFly[/COLOR] [/B]to retain the Canadian Title at NOTBPW October Obliteration [B](A*)[/B] No contest. Third year this match wins it, the only A* rated match this year. [B]Show of the Year - [COLOR="blue"]NOTBPW September [/COLOR](A)[/B] A no contest between Jeremy Stone and Sean McFly headlined the show, while Davis Wayne Newton got his first Unlimited Action reign, taking over from The Natural. The opener (the first of twelve matches) was six man tag featuring Darryl Devine, Troy Tornado, Elmo Benson and Marc DuBois. Stacked for talent. Interesting look to it, the Top100, with El Bandito and Nicolas Lopez following Tommy Cornell and Gino Montero, with Joey Minnesota (who had two big "A" rated wins over Tommy Cornell) next. Then we start to get wrestlers in NOTBPW and Japan. As for ex-FWE workers, Burning EXILE (46) beat Eisaku Hoshino (48), while for FWE [B]Steve Gumble[/B] (63) was rated then anyone thought he would be. [B]Alicia Strong[/B] also appeared on the list, at number 95.
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[B]FWE Wrestler of the Year - [COLOR="Blue"]Masked Cougar[/COLOR][/B] I know Gumble was in the Top 100, going 14-16-1, averaging C+ with a top rating of B, but Cougar went 34-6-2, also averaging C+ with a top rating of B+, while holding the Warrior Title for eight months. He became the figurehead of the company [B]FWE Young Wrestler of the Year -[COLOR="blue"] Alicia Strong[/COLOR][/B] Mainstream Hernandez misses this one, as his other commitments meant that he only had half of Strong's matches. She went 36-8-1, averaging C+ with a top rating of B. Getting into the Top 100 was also quite a result. [B]Newcomer of the Year - [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong[/COLOR][/B] Signed just before the turn of the year, she first debuted as a commentator in January, before heading to the ring when Mainstream Hernandez's injury made him take a turn at commentary. The resulting feud between her and Hernandez, as well as friendship with Masked Cougar, resulted in her becoming the first lady of FWE.
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[B]January[/B] *** A $25,000 loss, but we were expecting that one. *** TCW don't sign a PPV contract for Psycho Circus, and wisely change no titles. *** As Saeko Hirosaki retires... and gets fired, Sam Keith announces that he's hanging up his boots. *** RIPW seem not to be going for youth, but for proven talent, by signing Fumihiro Ota up to a development deal. *** Johnny Martin takes the Brass Knuckles Title from Black Eagle, while CZCW Champion Masked Cougar and USPW worker Nevada Nuclear stall on their respective contract negotiations. *** It looks like Masked Cougar is learning the hardcore way - at DaVE he breaks Tank Bradley's collar bone. *** Angel de Mexico signs a new deal at FWE. He's cheap, he doesn't moan, and he likes looking at the ceiling. *** Double title movement at USPW, where Valiant defeats Greg Gauge for the World Title, while Jim Force defeats Java for the vacant National Title. *** At last TCW sign up their new PPV deal, along with DaVE, INSPIRE and OLLIE. *** Rolling Johnny Stones leaves FWE, as Frankie Perez takes the WL Tap Out Title from Panda Mask II. All my WLW workers (including Perez, Hell Monkey and American Elemental) will be on tour for my next PPV. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South West Angel de Mexico vs Plague Mathew Gauge vs Bobby Thomas Hell Monkey vs Hugh de Aske Frankie Perez vs Mohammed El Yaaggoudi Alicia Strong and Brendan Idol vs Steve Gumble and Mainstream Hernandez[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South West: *** We've decided to book our PPV next week, so we'd better book our Main Event. Mainstream Hernandez comes out to let us know that he's been granted a title shot, but the honour is shared with Steve Gumble. The former TCW man comes out with Hernandez looking disgusted, but Gumble tells him that there's plenty going for them working together - they can ensure that Masked Cougar loses. Alicia Strong comes out to break up the party, informing Hernandez that Gumble has already tried getting help from Hugh de Aske and Perfect Package, but is still coming up. Her grin is wiped off her faith when Plague's music hits, and Hernandez sarcastically wishes her best luck for her match against Plague on Thursday [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Plague beat Angel de Mexico[/COLOR] in 4.50 [B](C)[/B] -Billed as the Angel of Death against the Angel of Mexico, instead we got God awful unheavenly non-clicking. Plague won the squash with the Memory Remains. *** DEVIL Karube pranced around dancing, while Plague dropped to his knees, as the lights flashed off. Momentarily they were back on, but only Karube was left [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mathew Gauge beat Bobby Thomas[/COLOR] in 8.28 [B](C)[/B] -And we go two for two for not clicking. Gauge was encouraged by Perez, and got the win with the Proton Lock. *** Mathew Gauge celebrated, before Perez told him to watch this next match. [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez beat Mohammed El Yaaggoudi[/COLOR] in 8.26 [B](C+)[/B] -Mohammed, as well as testing my typing skills, came on very hard, looking for the killer blow from the off. Perez couldn't get the win with the P-Clutch, but hit two Perfect Parity’s for the win. *** Mathew Gauge told Perez that he's ready to beat Yaaggoudi at The Start, but Perez told him he wasn't ready. Perez said he'd be in Japan, but told him to team up with Steve Flash to take on Yaaggoudi and Bobby Thomas, and see how it goes [B](C+)[/B] *** Hugh de Aske came out to hype his match with Troy Tornado. He had heard that this man was a legend - but only appearing once a month is no way of becoming a legend. De Aske said he was her forever - like a true legend [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Hell Monkey[/COLOR] in 11.04 [B](C+)[/B] -Ah, Hell Monkey's probably the legend here, taking the pin without moaning like a true pro. It was competitive, but the Skull and Crossbones again got the Aske the win. *** de Aske decided that he wasn't done, and tried to continue the attack, when Idol swept out, closely followed by Steve Gumble and Alicia Strong. Queue lots of pushing and shoving, before Hernandez swaggered out, and asked if they were going to wrestle, or what [B](B-)[/B]? [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble and Mainstream Hernandez beat Alicia Strong and Brendan Idol[/COLOR] in 17.42 [B](B-)[/B] -I couldn't really let the two title challengers lose, and Plague's interference was what swung a closely fought contest, going straight after Alicia Strong to leave Idol exposed for a Savate Kick. *** Hernandez jumped up to the top turnbuckle as Plague slipped away, and was met by Gumble as he came down. Gumble extended his hand, and Hernandez accepted the offer, before turning away with a look of distain on his face [B](B-)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B-[/I]
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3,505 people, and some hasty preparation for our PPV. Still, only four matches announced so far. *** Unleashed keeps setting records, hitting 2.73 this time. *** Matt Sparrow signs a development deal with SWF. With him, Phunk, Ota, Champagne Lover and Jay Chord (along with de Aske on casual terms), their roster is approaching SWF's quality. *** We add an extra match to The Start card - Hell Monkey and Brendon Idol vs Perfect Package....and then cancel it, as the two faces are at WLW and SWF respectively. I told you that Hell Monkey would be there just two posts ago. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… The Start[/B] on PPV: Troy Tornado vs Hugh de Aske Alicia Strong vs Plague Mathew Gauge and Steve Flash vs Mohammed El Yaaggoudi and Bobby Thomas Masked Cougar (c) vs Steve Gumble vs Mainstream Hernandez for the FWE Warrior Title … and probably a thrown together match[/QUOTE].
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[SIZE="5"][B]FWE Presents… The Start[/B] [/SIZE]on PPV: *** We've got to start with our hype video, and it's all about the Main Event, and we've got plenty of action between the three men involved (Cougar, Gumble and Hernandez) from the last three years [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Mathew Gauge and Steve Flash beat Mohammed El Yaaggoudi and Bobby Thomas[/COLOR] in 10.35 [B](C)[/B] -Well, the heels proved to be an excellent team, which may actually give them something to do. They put in a decent performance, but the experience of Flash and the raw talent of Mathew Gauge was more than enough for the win. Flash had previously hit the Flash Bang on Yaaggoudi, leaving Gauge to make Thomas tap to the Proton Lock. *** As Mathew and Flash went back, they were met by Greg Gauge, who issued a sarcastic round of applause. He told them that no-one was impressed by them beating those two, and he would easily match that win later [B](B-)[/B] *** Alicia Strong got hype in for her match with Plague. She reminded everyone how Plague's acolytes had tried to burn her last month, but slowly they were being cut down. She could have had a match with DEVIL Karube - but was going for the big fish - Plague [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Plague beat Alicia Strong[/COLOR] in 15.58 [B](C)[/B] -Strong certainly has a large variety of people on my roster she either clicks with, or doesn't - and in this case it was the latter. After a ref bump, Karube tried to attack Strong, but Strong left the ring to suplex her into the ring barrier, eliminating her from the rest of the match. This seemed to light a fire underneath Plague, and with still no ref we entered a hardcore phase of the match. For the first time in her career, Alicia Strong bled, and the loss of blood slowly got to her. She did try to go to the top rope, but staggered, and this gave Plague all the opportunity he needed. Strong was driven to the match, before Plague hit the Memory Remains to seal the win. *** As Plague dragged Karube out back, the medics came into the ring to help Alicia Strong, but she refused the help, just taking a towel to place against her forehead [B](B+)[/B] *** Hernandez hype time, and he criticised whoever put together the opening package for showing him being pinned by Masked Cougar last year. He reminded everyone that had only happened once - while he had two victories over the man who called himself champion. He told Cougar that his cat lives were running out - the future was here [B](B-)[/B] *** Perfect Package were shown together backstage, ready for wrestling, but disappointed that they had no-one to wrestle. Then Greg Gauge came over, and the problem was soon going to be solved. Greg told them that he had to fight someone tonight - and as they were ready, he'd give one of them the honour of losing to him. Joey agreed, but Joss pushed him back, saying that he had it covered, and strolled out to the ring [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Greg Gauge beat Joss Thompson[/COLOR] by DQ in 11.02 [B](B-)[/B] -Joss Thompson improved in rumble skills... flying skills... and performance skills? Worthwhile thrown together match then! These two have met a couple of times before, and recently it's been Thompson who has come out on top. Like the preceding battles, this was even, until Greg locked in the Proton Lock. Joey Beauchamp scampered up the ring post, hitting a corkscrew somersault of Greg, and the rather obvious DQ was called. *** Backstage, and the cameras were following Steve Gumble, as he traipsed through backstage - eventually finding Mainstream Hernandez. Hernandez rolled his eyes, as Gumble eagerly told him that he had it arranged so the Main Event would be a triangle ladder match - meaning Masked Cougar held no advantage as the champion. The blank look didn't slow Gumble at all, as he went on to tell Hernandez that there was no way that Cougar could win, as both of them would be working together to make sure he never got near a ladder. He suggested that they had it in the bag, and stretched his hand out, that Hernandez looked at, and then eventually shook. Gumble spun away and left the locker-room, leaving Hernandez to shake his head, with "Idiot" being the only thing he could say [B](C+)[/B] *** Hugh de Aske's music hits, and the Dread Pirate made his way to the ring. He announced that he was cutting a swathe through FWE, and next on his list was Troy Tornado. Well, Tornado's are something that has to be fought against, and a little wind is no problem for him. [B]Troy Tornado[/B] came out, and suggested that there was perhaps a little more than a "little bit of wind" to be worried about (B-) [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado beat Hugh de Aske[/COLOR] in 18.30 [B](A)[/B] -Well, there we go - that's the best match that I've ever booked. When I've been bringing Troy in, he's consistently managed B- or B rated matches, and then this A comes out of nowhere - and it's not chemistry either. While Rock Downpour struggled to keep up, the two had an all out brawl, in which de Aske equipped himself admirably. He even had a shot the Skull and Crossbones, but Tornado managed to reverse his momentum, and almost got a cheap roll up. An angry de Aske then let down all form of defence, letting Troy get in some telling shots, before finally hitting the Star Maker and getting the cover. *** Neither Troy nor de Aske wanted to leave the ring, when Masked Cougar's music hit. The mics picked up Tornado telling his opponent that it was time to give the champion his time - and he'd be watching what de Aske was up to. They left, leaving Cougar to comment on his two opponents, asking Gumble if he really thought that his "alliance" with Hernandez was based on anything but shear stupidity [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar (c) beat Steve Gumble and Mainstream Hernandez [/COLOR]to retain the FWE Warrior Title in a ladder match in 22.58 [B](B)[/B] -Well, again Downpour flubbed his lines a bit, and Masked Cougar finally managed to get the win over his two most consistent rivals over his championship reign. The 2 vs 1 battle was never going to last, Gumble being the first to try the ladder climb. Hernandez pulled him down, and Gumble apologised, offered to hold the ladder was the youngster. Hernandez paused, and instead head butted his opponent, and any thoughts of that alliance were well and truly over. Cougar briefly got them onto the same page by going for the ladder while they fought, before jumping down as they pushed the ladder out of the ring. Gradually we got more and more ladders into the ring, and Hernandez made a daring leap from one, to a second, and then finally a third ladder, but while trying to steady himself on the last ladder, Gumble toppled it over, and Hernandez went through the announce table outside the ring. It was left to one on one, and both Cougar and Gumble got to the top of the same ladder, before exchanging blows. Cougar got down a few steps, but as Gumble reached for the title, the champion moved from one ladder to another, to behind Gumble on the original ladder. It left him in the perfect position to hit the I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar, and he was the first to recover to reclaim his title. *** Masked Cougar jumped down with his title, when the lights suddenly went off. When they were back on, Plague was standing on top of one of the ladders, and instantly hit the Memory Remains on Masked Cougar. He laid the title over the downed champion, before dropping a ladder on him, and leg dropping the pile for good measure. As the show ended, there was only one man left standing - and that was Plague [B](C+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B-[/I]
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8,849 people, a record buy rate of 0.43, and our new best ever match, which I'll take, even if it did include a loanee. Hugh de Aske has definitely been announced to a national audience, and it wouldn't be too surprising to see one of the big two (TCW and NOTBPW) to come sniffing. *** I took the risk of running against an SWF PPV - but as it turns out they don't have a PPV carrier. Their show was rated C+, so wasn't worth watching compared to mine. This makes me a happy booker. *** Nevada Nuclear sings for DaVE, adding them to SWF and USPW. It's warm down show time. No wonder I always have trouble setting up matches - I always run a cheap show post PPV, so I only get three weeks to set everything up. That's one of the reasons why I brought this PPV forward - to give me more time before the next one. Will I use it wisely? Probably not. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the Mid Atlantic: American Elemental (c) vs Mr Lucha III vs Joey Beauchamp for the FWE Extreme Title Angle de Mexico vs Rick Sanders Jimmy Cox vs Hugh de Aske Alicia Strong vs Steven Parker[/QUOTE]
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Announced for FWE Presents… Unleashed from the Mid Atlantic: [b]American Elemental (c)[/b] vs Mr Lucha III vs Joey Beauchamp for the FWE Extreme Title [i]AE's one of the best high-fliers in the game. While Lucha/Beauchamp are okay, they're no AE.[/i] Angle de Mexico vs [b]Rick Sanders[/b] [i]I assume this is Angel de Mexico? It really doesn't matter either way, as the boss goes over here.[/i] Jimmy Cox vs [b]Hugh de Aske[/b] [i]After the match versus Tornado, you need to push Hugh.[/i] [b]Alicia Strong[/b] vs Steven Parker [i]While I like the future, Alicia's too darn good to lose here.[/i] Yeah, I read this dynasty. I just got an account, so I thought that'd I tell you how much I enjoy it.
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[QUOTE=Red Hawk;293155]Announced for FWE Presents… Unleashed from the Mid Atlantic: [b]American Elemental (c)[/b] vs Mr Lucha III vs Joey Beauchamp for the FWE Extreme Title [i]AE's one of the best high-fliers in the game. While Lucha/Beauchamp are okay, they're no AE.[/i] Angle de Mexico vs [b]Rick Sanders[/b] [i]I assume this is Angel de Mexico? It really doesn't matter either way, as the boss goes over here.[/i] Jimmy Cox vs [b]Hugh de Aske[/b] [i]After the match versus Tornado, you need to push Hugh.[/i] [b]Alicia Strong[/b] vs Steven Parker [i]While I like the future, Alicia's too darn good to lose here.[/i] Yeah, I read this dynasty. I just got an account, so I thought that'd I tell you how much I enjoy it.[/QUOTE] Why thank you. And yes, that's meant to be Angel. Better check that I've got it right in this show... [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the Mid Atlantic: [COLOR="Blue"]American Elemental (c) beat Mr Lucha III and Joey Beauchamp [/COLOR]to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 11.56 [B](C+)[/B] -After American Elemental had to miss the PPV due to his WLW commitments, we gave him a successful defence here. These three are probably my three high fliers who don't excel at too much else, but between them put on a decent contest. American Elemental retained with an Inferno Splash on Mr Lucha II. *** Steven Parker came out to his home town, and bemoaned the fact that he wasn't on the PPV. Alicia Strong came out to tell Parker that was purely down to him - he hadn't done enough recently, and was no longer a star of the promotion. Parker responded by telling Strong that maybe she wasn't a figurehead of FWE now, either, with her pretty looks battered after her fight with Plague on Thursday. Strong laughs off the suggestion - her number one aim has always to be known for her wrestling ability. Steven Parker asks her if she minded making the Main Event a hardcore match, and Alicia said she's got one better - they should be locked in a cage together [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rick Sanders beat Angel de Mexico [/COLOR]in 8.58 [B](D+)[/B] -Yeah, we haven't used Sanders for a while. We might have use for his boss role, so better remind everyone he exists. *** Hugh de Aske comes out, and he's on long hype duty - and he's talking about himself. He recognises the fact that he lost on Thursday, but also knows that each and every person watched it could appreciate that he gave all he could to the match. He was not going to get down over the loss - which is why's he's straight back into the ring tonight, and next time he meets Tornado, he'll be ready to reverse the result [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Jimmy Cox[/COLOR] in 7.54 [B](B-)[/B] -The veteran taught de Aske a thing or two about technique in this one, but it was the robust Cut Throat Driver that won the match for the Dread Pirate. *** It's Alicia Strong hype time - and she certainly puts her all into it, telling Parker that he can inflict as much pain as he wants - she will fight through everything, and she will prove herself [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat Steven Parker[/COLOR] in a cage match in 21.36 [B](A)[/B] -Er, okay then. Two A’s in three days. The other one was slightly better, but this one was even more unexpected – the two normally combining for a B- match. What swung this one seemed to be the change in character of Alicia Strong, whose wounds from The Start were opened back up by Parker. This didn’t seem to slow her down at all – in fact, it did just the opposite, and Parker’s face was soon a crimson mask. He just couldn’t answer Strong’s ferocity, and she hit a piledriver for the convincing win. [I]Overall Rating B-[/I]
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Wow. 2,000 sell out – maybe I should have actually gone for the slightly bigger arena. FWE fans don’t get to see many cage matches, but hey certainly lapped up Strong vs Parker, which just one week earlier would have been match of forever. Still, second best match of all time is a result. *** Unleashed draws a 2.74 – a record. *** Mathew Gauge teams with Johnny Martin to defeat The Masked Mauler and Lee Wright at NYCW Showdown - which resulted in the FWE man picking up a minor nose injury. There's no news to if he'll wreste on Saturday. *** John Maverick takes the NOTBPW Unlimited Action Title from Davis Wayne Newton. It'll be interesting to see if they can find room for the youngster in the Main Event. *** Kristen Pearce signs a contract with FWE. Speculation is abound as to her role - a possible commissioner, or as manager. *** FWE don't comment as to why they signed Pearce. As "We don't know what to do with her, but we can probably find a use" wouldn't make us sound that professional. *** Tana the Mighty signs an exclusive contract extension with TCW, meaning that 4C will be left without a title holder. *** American Elemental (or Americana) wins his first WL Universal Title, defeating Bairei Yasujiro . *** FWE also sign Vita. I can guarantee you that she won't be my commissioner. Yes, I approached a whole load of managers, so don't continue negotiations with The Guru or Queen Emily. I never got to negotiate with Ana Garcia, as she re-signed with SWF, and I wasn't interested in re-opening negotiations. I have made one more signing though, and for that one you'll just have to wait. *** Joss Thompson signs with USPW, while Clarke Alexander takes the CZCW Championship from Masked Cougar. I'll be glad when Cougar leaves CZCW - his televised work there is affecting his popularity (he's also taken a loss to T-Rex). *** There are rumours that NOTBPW are going to drop Jacob Jett. It'll be interesting to see if they'll sign Ryan Powell, as I've simmed this part to test a possible game error already, and NOTBPW made just that move - on the day he became the first non-DeColt to take the CGC World Title in five years. The show that happened has been and gone (headlined by Alex defending his title over Steve), so the DeColt era looks to be continuing. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South East: Greg Gauge vs Hell Monkey Hugh de Aske vs Steven Parker Frankie Perez vs Rick Sanders Mathew Gauge vs Plague[/QUOTE]
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Announced for FWE Presents… Unleashed from the South East: Greg Gauge vs [b]Hell Monkey[/b] [i]You've been pushing the Monkey recently, no reason for him to lose here.[/i] [b]Hugh de Aske[/b] vs Steven Parker [i]Yar! Ye be pushing the pirate![/i] Frankie Perez vs [b]Rick Sanders[/b] [i]Reminding everyone that the boss exists.[/i] Mathew Gauge vs [b]Plague[/b] [i]Plague beating people up at PPV = He Wins Here[/i]
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[QUOTE=theunholyicon;293693]Finally! Someone pushing Plague the way I do/have. The way he should be. I love this diary.[/QUOTE] Thanks - when I lost him the first time it really was a blow, and now was the right time for him to make an impact at FWE (especially as he's made his name for himself with a Brass Knuckles Title reign at DaVE). [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South East: *** As we accidentally pulled off such a great Main Event last week, we decided to show some of it again, focusing on Alicia Strong working through the deep cut that had been opened [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Alicia Strong beat Otsune Tsumaru[/COLOR] in 2.37 [B](B)[/B] -Tsumaru looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights, and this was the quickest squash that I've put on for years. *** Backstage, and Frankie Perez was with Mathew Gauge, demanding to know what he was doing challenging Plague tonight. Mathew claimed to be on a role after The Start, which Perez rightly pointed out was a tag match against two people not in the same league as Plague. He asked Gauge to pull out, but was told by the second generation star to put some faith in him [B](B-)[/B] *** Alicia Strong and Steven Parker passed backstage, Parker shrinking back from the woman who defeated him last week. He shook his head, mumbling "psycho", before heading to the ring [B](C+)[/B] *** Parker was out first, followed by de Aske, who cut a promo on Parker, mocking him for his beating last week [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Steven Parker[/COLOR] in 9.43 [B](C+)[/B] -We let these two work with one another for a bit - but gradually Parker's cuts from last week opened up, and de Aske took control. Parker seemed to lose the will to fight, and was easy pickings for a Cut Throat Driver. *** FWE's boss, Rick Sanders, was shown backstage, making arrangements over the phone. Whatever it was for, it involved champagne, chocolates, and Barry White. He said he had to go, as he's got a match first [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez beat Rick Sanders[/COLOR] by count out in 6.57 [B](C)[/B] -Rick Sanders proved very eager to finish this one early, but Perez was armed with counters, and kept the match at a slower pace. He was as surprised as everyone else one Sanders rolled out of the ring, claiming to have better things to do, and losing by count out. *** Sanders grabbed a shirt and his back, and started heading out towards the garage, when he was intercepted by Steven Parker. The youngster went onto a rant about how the psychotic Alicia Strong was a danger to each and everyone at FWE, and should not be allowed in the ring with anyone. Sanders didn't seem to interested, but told Parker that she'd ban Strong from any more matches until he had time to review things [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Greg Gauge beat Hell Monkey[/COLOR] in 10.55 [B](B-)[/B] -Hell Monkey is by far away the most talented jobber that anyone could ever dream of owning. Unfortunately, he's also one of the most expensive. We tried to make him look a threat, but Greg Gauge was the one to get the win, with the 12 Gauge. *** Greg sought out Mathew as he left the ring, telling his brother that Perez was holding him back - he should be happy that he's in the Main Event. Mathew thanked Greg, before heading towards the ring, when Greg let a smile creep over his face- and said that he was going to enjoy Mathew getting what he deserves next [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Plague beat Mathew Gauge [/COLOR]in 13.31 [B](C+)[/B] -Well, this show was back to front quality wise, but having Alicia or Greg's match as the Main Event wouldn't have made sense. Perez was ringside to support Mathew, but was mostly forced into just making sure that DEVIL Karube didn't interfere. As such, it was left down to just the two men in the ring - and Plague proved to just be that much better. He just wouldn't let Mathew lock in the Proton lock, and landed some telling blows from the top rope, before getting in a Memory Remains from the top rope. *** Not one be satisfied just with a win, Plague then landed a wicked chop onto Mathew's neck. Perez immediately tried to get into the ring, but DEVIL Karube launch an attack on him, which, although fought off, left him exposed to a baseball slide from Plague. Fortunately for Perez, out came Alicia Strong, just about making the save [B](B)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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3,343 people attended as we tried to get some more storylines going, although Masked Cougar did miss his second show in a row, which is unusual for him. *** Another Unleashed record - 2.53. *** Ryan Powell does join NOTBPW, but never got a chance to break the DeColt monopoly. *** Zeus Maximillion gets his first 4C Championship reign, defeating Tana the Mighty, who's going back to TCW full time. *** Bulldozer Brandon Smith gets his first run at DaVE. *** The time has finally come - Eric Tyler is your new USPW World Champion! Joss Thompson got a National Title shot on his debut, but couldn't defeat the Force. *** Frankie Perez announces that his time at CZCW is to come to a close - he's happy with FWE and touring Japan, for now. Masked Cougar has now left CZCW. *** It greatly pains me, but I fire Hell Monkey. He rocks, I've completely misused used him since his first year feud with Frankie Perez, but he's far too expensive to keep. With WLW and BHOTWG commitments, I would expect him to go back to Japan full time. *** Jack Giedroyc gets his first TCW title, taking the International Title off Jack Bruce. *** Kid Toma win this years MAW Invitational, defeating last years winner, Clark Alexander, in final. He also defeated MAW mainstays the Mean Machine and Des Davids on the way, which broke MAW into Regional territory. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from New England: Kashmir Singh vs Steven Parker Frankie Perez vs Brendan Idol Masked Cougar and Mathew Gauge vs Bobby Thomas and Mohammed Steve Flash vs Enforcer Roberts[/QUOTE]
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