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FWE - Without Your Kids (Cornellverse)

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[QUOTE=Monkeypox;322727]Sweet! Good to see the computer respecting Tyler's wrestling intellect. Even if he is only booking himself in the main event of everything.[/QUOTE] I'm sure he took one look at the roster, sighed that he'd have to carry almost everyone (apart from Thompson, de Aske and Valiant), and vowed to never fight outside the Main Event. And quite frankly - it was a good decision!
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South West *** Aaron Andrews starts off, bringing out Farrah Hesketh. He interviews her, asking her how a champion could act, and what kind of person has an advantage in a cage match. She answers in the neutral, but Andrews tries to convince everyone that the answers have made him favourites. Still, he moves quickly when smoke begins to fill the ring, but when it clears, there’s no Plague. He appears on screen with his title, and says that there’s one thing that will make him the favourite – he is the champion [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Hugh de Aske beat DEVIL Karube[/COLOR] in 2.49 [B](B-)[/B] -Shiver me timbers, great chemistry. Don’t think I’m really going to be able to take advantage of this one too often. This week, de Aske didn’t showboat at all, methodically picking apart Karube. *** Alicia Strong comes out, telling de Aske that he’s made his point – he can also beat women. But she does better than that – she also beats men. De Aske asks her to prove it, to which Strong is forced to remind him how he’s already beaten him – but cuts him off before he can respond, and accepts the rematch at The Result Show [B](B)[/B] *** Fox Mask and Angel de Mexico get what is probably their first ever promo, as they’re revealed to be Thompson and Greg Gauges opponents tonight [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez and Mathew Gauge (c) beat Jimmy Cox and Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] in a non title match in 9.19 [B](B+)[/B] -Four friends competed together, and this was simply superb. I promise to push Cox sometime soon – really, I do. Perez when Singh tap to the P-Clutch for the win. *** Greg and Joss cut a promo against the champions – completely ignoring the fact that they had to win the next match to even compete for the titles [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Joss Thompson and Greg Gauge beat Fox Mask and Angel de Mexico[/COLOR] in 8.39 [B](B)[/B] -Yes, Fox Mask and Angel de Mexico are criminally underpushed. They sure made their opponents look good here. *** Mainstream Hernandez was shown watching the match backstage, and he tutted as Greg got Fox Mask to tap out. He headed straight out to the ring for his match, Steve Flash in tow [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mainstream Hernandez and Steve Flash beat Enforcer Roberts and Mohammed[/COLOR] by DQ in 13.28[B] (C-)[/B] -Yuck. Was it Flash and Mohammed dragging it down? Perhaps that Hernandez and Flash seemed unable to communicate with one another as partners. Perhaps it was Steve Gumble trying to interfere, but being sent out back. Perhaps it was the DQ finish as Mohammed got a little too MMA on Flash. Whatever, I won’t be repeating this match. *** American Elemental came out for the Main Event, pointing out how he was back from injury, and eager to make an impact. How better than be beating the champion [B](B-)[/B]? [COLOR="blue"]Plague beat American Elemental[/COLOR] in 12.33 [B](B)[/B] -It was actually both men’s first match back fully fit – and they can both still deliver. Aaron Andrews joined commentary, and the whole point of the match was to put Plague over. *** Plague took his title and started jawing and at Andrews, goading him into the ring. The TCW man slowly strode down the ring, but Plague pulled his smoke / darkness trick, leaving Andrews with no target to end the show [B](B+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B[/I]
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A 5,000 sellout, strong show. Not so sure that we’re doing a great job of keeping Mainstream Hernandez’s momentum up as he awaits the winner of Andrews / Plague, but it ticked most of the other boxes. *** Unleashed draws 4.19, down from the last few weeks. *** Trent Shaffer didn’t turn up, as I forgot that NOTBPW run one of their shows against me – something I should forget, as it takes 0.40 off my rating. Jacob Jett, meanwhile, had travel issues, which have been confirmed. *** Tourist Bruce the Giant surprisingly takes the BHOTWG World Championship (his third) from Yasuhiko Taira in an average match. The tour ends shortly, so it’ll be interesting to see whether he’s brought back, or perhaps used as a transitional champion. At least it’s taken the pressure off Taira, who’s been suffering through chronic migraines. *** It’ll be interesting to see what effect having a hardcore legend booking a women’s promotion has, as Ryu Kajahara gets the book at 5SW. *** I have been screwed. And it’s not by Hugh de Aske, who signs a PPA deal with TCW. You’ll find out after the next show. *** Among 5SW first signings are FWE’s DEVIL Karube, Fuyuko Higa and Otsune Tsumaru. I’ll tell you how their first show goes. *** Enforcer Roberts picks up a Delhi Belly in a match against Bulldozer Brandon Smith at SWF. What type of match it was I don’t want to know. *** There are rumours going around that Wolf Hawkins and TCW are having difficulty agreeing terms on a new contract. No-one knows why – he was champion for the first four months of this year, and has been feuding with Joey Minnesota for the title since he lost it to him. *** USPW make two signings after their rise to Cult – Genghis Rahn, and the returning T-Rex. Rahn should be thrown straight into the Main Event. T-Rex shouldn’t (although he’s slowly getting over at SWF). *** USPW follow that up with far bigger news. Charlie Thatcher, Sgt Bubba Lee West and Bart Biggz aren’t bad. Enygma’s at least well known. But the big news – after two years in the cold, a 45 year old Barry Bowen returns to wrestling, and it will be under his more familiar moniker – [B]Runaway Train[/B]. *** The ever reliable Kashmir Singh inks another new FWE contract. He and Frankie Perez (along with back up announcer Remmington Remus, who will leave us shortly) are the only ones to have been with Sanders and I from day one. *** Lee Rivera seems to be getting over his strong dislike of Alex DeColt, as he’s taken the NOTBPW Unlimited Title from John Maverick. *** It’s rumoured that Lead Belly’s the next to leave SWF. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the South East Steve Flash vs Rick Sanders Fox Mask vs Steve Gumble Jacob Jett and Trent Shaffer vs Joss Thompson and Greg Gauge Alicia Strong and Fuyuko Higa vs Hugh de Aske and DEVIL Karube Plague vs Angel de Mexico in a non-title match[/QUOTE] One of those matches won’t be happening.
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the South East *** The show opens up with Mainstream Hernandez on screen. He says that at Rick Sanders orders, he will not be at The Result Show. So this is the last anyone will see of him for a while [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Steve Gumble beat Fox Mask[/COLOR] in 5.35 [B](C-)[/B] -I know – Fox Mask is really getting a run of matches. Doesn’t win, though. We’re expecting some less than exhilarating matches tonight. *** Jacob Jett is shown frustratingly hanging up his phone, when Joss Thompson and Greg Gauge come over. They sarcastically ask him if his partner has called, to which Jett responds that he will. Thompson shrugs, and says he better – because they won’t take it easy if it’s just him [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash beat Rick Sanders [/COLOR]in 6.52 [B](C)[/B] -An even technical contest from two NYCW vets – until Hernandez Superkicked Sanders to cost him the match. *** Sanders was furious, and as he stormed away, Easy Emma demanded that he makes sure Hernandez pays [B](B+)[/B] J[COLOR="blue"]oss Thompson and Greg Gauge beat Jacob Jett [/COLOR]in 5.58 [B](B-)[/B] -Shaffer didn’t show (funny that, being in Canada for a NOTBPW show – don’t worry, I did know), and apart from a thirty second high flying rally, Jett was summarily dismissed. *** Aaron Andrews was shown, and he was in the corporate lounge. He said that he’s not going to worry himself with chasing after Plague – his match is signed for next week at The Result Show, and he’ll wait for the opportunity then. Meanwhile, he’s just going to relax, and watch Plague wrestle in the Main Event [B](B+)[/B] *** Alicia Strong came out with Fuyuko Higa, to be followed by Hugh de Aske, armed with a mic. He demands to know who made this match. Strong tells him to shut up, and see if he can out do three women [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong and Fuyuko Higa beat Hugh de Aske and DEVIL Karube[/COLOR] in 8.10 [B](C)[/B] -de Aske’s heart really wasn’t in this match, and once Karube got caught on her own, de Aske made no effort to help, and let her take the pin from Strong. *** Angel de Mexico’s music hits, and he comes out to an underwhelming reception. It picks up when [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] comes out, and says that he will not be messed around by Rick Sanders. In fact, he can mess with FWE. He still has his title shot, which could be used at any time – and he’s changed his mind. He wants to use it right now [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Plague (c) beat Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 17.36[B] (B)[/B] -The match started, and Rick Sanders came out to consult with Easy Emma, but Emma was forced to announce that this was Hernandez’s right – this was a title shot. When Rock Downpour asked who Andrews would face at The Result Show if Hernandez won, Emma said she thought it would be Hernandez, but Sanders corrected her. The match signed for The Result Show was Plague vs Aaron Andrews – if Hernandez won this match, he wouldn’t have a challenger for the title. At that, Sanders headed down to the ring, and ordered Baby Jamie away – he would continue to referee this match. We had already had five minutes of good action during this, with Hernandez slowly taking charge. This soon ended with Sanders refereeing, as he allowed Plague every bit of leeway. However, despite his best fast counts, he still had to slow count Hernandez, who looked really fired up for his chance. The decisive moment came when [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] made his way down to the ring – Downpour speculating that he must have had an effort making it in time, as the corporate lounge is quite a distance away. He conferred with Sanders, who shrugged, and started gazing into the crowd. Andrews entered the ring and went toe to toe with Hernandez, which started off evenly, until Plague joined Andrews. The two of them overwhelmed Hernandez, and after Andrews hit a Standing Hot Shot, Plague hit the Memory Remains, and the match was over. *** It didn’t end there, as Andrews dragged Hernandez out of the ring, shouting at him that he dared to take his title shot. He cracked him over the head with a monitor, spilling blood, and laid him on the announce table. Plague encouraged him to splash Hernandez, but Andrews turned a sly gaze on the Warrior Champion. He leveled Plague with a clothesline, before picking him up and powerbombing him through both Hernandez and the table, to be left the only one standing as the show ended [B](B-)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B[/I]
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A huge surprise for the crowd, but most of them knew why – Mainstream Hernandez is leaving us. It did mean that they got to see an excellent Main Event that did a perfectly good job of setting up The Result Show. It just screwed up our plans for afterwards. *** Unleashed draws 4.22, and the fans would have been equally as shocked to see the great Main Event. ***Mainstream Hernandez is to leave us, heading towards TCW. Our working agreement means that it’s a PPA deal, but with commitments to DaVE and CGC, it’s us that he’s chosen to leave. And he has loyalty to me. Just not a lot of it. [I]Actually, I think this may have been why Wolf Hawkins looks as if he’s leaving TCW. When Charlie Thatcher left TCW, they offered contracts to both Hugh de Aske and Mainstream Hernandez. When they both accepted, I think they may have had one wrestler too many, so stalled on a contract with Hawkins. It won’t help me, as he won’t sign for us. Incidentally, Hernandez debuted last week for TCW, with a victory over Lobster Warrior. *** Roberts is back to full fitness. Neither him nor I can see a successful face turn to replace Hernandez.[/I] [B]June:[/B] *** A profit of over $200,000 puts us at over half a million dollars, despite us fully utilising our workers. We’re now a money making machine. Just with no Mainstream Hernandez. Still haven’t got over it. *** Ignore all I said about it being BHOTWG last month on tour – it isn’t, they’ve got another. *** Hugh de Aske leaves RIPW (where he worked PPA) to join TCW, keeping his FWE and USPW commitments. He went 1-4 there, but his four defeats were all title matches with Champagne Lover. *** Neither de Aske or Hernandez are used at TCW Total Mayhem, Hernandez being allowed to work for DaVE, teaming as usual with Remmy Skye. *** Freddie Datsun is the big name to retire, having held titles in SWF, DaVE and USPW. *** Eric Eisen evolves from an Entertainer to a Regular Wrestler. This boy has wrestling skills, and is being forced to carry SWF. *** We start using licensed music for the first time ever. Well, apart from Creeping Death, which we seem to have been using for a while. *** Nate Johnson signs with NOTBPW, to reform The Specialists with Bobby Thomas. *** Mainstream Hernandez (working as a face) defeats American Elemental (heel) in a TCW dark match. Hugh de Aske is defeated by American Buffalo. *** Very disappointing at USPW, as the newcomers don’t mix with the old guard at all. The second half of the show (Enygma defeating Bart Biggz and Runaway Train defeating Genghis Rahn) featured no-one who was with the company two weeks ago. Still, reasonable match ups. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… The Result Show [/B]on PPV from the South West Steve Flash vs Steve Gumble Jacob Jett (c) vs Trent Shaffer for the FWE Extreme Title Alicia Strong vs Hugh de Aske Frankie Perez and Mathew Gauge (c) vs Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson for the FWE Tag Team Titles Plague (c) vs Aaron Andrews for the FWE Warrior Title in a cage match[/QUOTE] I know, a PPV I actually planned for this time, instead of throwing together in ten minutes. Amazing. Obviously the planned Mainstream Hernandez vs Rick Sanders match up will not happen.
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[SIZE="4"][B]FWE Presents… The Result Show[/B] [/SIZE]on PPV from the South West: *** Opening the PPV with video Aaron Andrews bombing Mainstream Hernandez through Plague and a table seemed a good way of opening the show, so that’s what we did (B) [COLOR="Blue"]Steve Gumble beat Steve Flash[/COLOR] in 9.46 [B](C+)[/B] -This feuds been… barely simmering for a while, so we ended it here, Gumble getting the clean Savate Kick win. *** We go backstage, and referee for the Main Event Farrah Hesketh has found Plague, concerned for his health for the Main Event. Plague brushes her off – he is ready. And without any DQ’s in the cage tonight, she just has to be ready to count for him once more retaining his title [B](B)[/B] *** More champions promoing (that’s a word now), and its Frankie Perez and Mathew Gauge. They make reference to that fact that this is the match they wanted last time, but after tonight there are no more chances for their opposition [B](B+)[/B] *** It’s our final champion, Jacob Jett coming to the ring and demanding his “so called friend” Trent Shaffer come out to the ring, and face up to the consequences of abandoning him [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jacob Jett (c) beat Trent Shaffer[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 9.01 (B-) -I’m impressed – I thought that this one had “C+” written all over it. Without Shaffer being able to turn up to our TV show, his offence was purely heelish to ensure the crowd knew he wasn’t a face. The main action though was from Jett, winning with the Jett Take Off. *** Jacob Jett celebrated, before leaving the ring. He got to the top of the stage, turning around once more with his title, and got leveled by a Termination Kick from the returning [B]Insane Machine (C-)[/B] *** Aaron Andrews storms into the management office, where Easy Emma and Rick Sanders are sat. He tells them to call “Doctor Hesketh” off Plague – he wants him in the ring. Sanders orders Andrews to sit down (he doesn’t), and Easy Emma informs him that he’s got nothing to worry about – Plague has passed his medical, and looks eager for revenge [B](A)[/B] [I]I’d like you all to note that in a segment where Rick Sanders was rated on Entertainment, I just got an “A”. That takes some doing![/I] *** It’s Hugh de Aske into the ring, who gives Alicia Strong one chance to back out of the match tonight, because he won’t take it easy one her. Alicia Strong comes out to tell him that she’s put more blood and sweat into this promotion than he ever has, and she’s not backing down from anybody [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat Hugh de Aske[/COLOR] by DQ in 16.10 [B](A)[/B] -I was disappointed last time up when I put these two together and got a C+. I’m overjoyed by the fact that this time they go out and manage to put on an A rated match, with the crowd applauding both sides. I’ll admit, I was going to have de Aske win this, but Hernandez leaving (and Cougar still in Japan) leaves me short of Main Event faces. Still, de Aske got in a huge amount of offence, even hitting a Skull and Crossbones, but couldn’t keep Strong down. When she rallied, first Mohammed attacked from the back (fought off), then Enforcer Roberts. Strong was on top of Roberts, but de Aske rescued him, and it was only when she faced a 2 vs 1 attack that the ref called the DQ. *** Strong tried to cover up, but there were blows being rained down from every angle. By the time she rolled from the ring, she was dripping with blood, but she still managed to leave under her own steam [B](B-)[/B] *** Tag challenger hype time. Greg told his brother that he had been lucky winning the titles, but his mentor, Perez, has rested on his laurels, and the two just haven’t progressed. On the other hand, he and Thompson are as strong as ever, and championship material [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson beat Frankie Perez and Mathew Gauge (c) [/COLOR]for the [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]FWE Tag Team Titles[/COLOR] in 26.34 [B](B+)[/B] -Again, these two teams decided that they didn’t really want to sell for one another, but it didn’t detract from another good match. This one was all about submissions, and we had reversals, copy cat submissions and rescues all over the place. The win came when Pearce distracted Perez (and the ref) long enough for Thompson to get a Clean Cutter in, and then take Perez off the ring apron with a flying body press. Greg Gauge applied the Proton Lock on Mathew, and for the first time in his professional career, he tapped to his trademark move. *** As the cage is lowered for the Main Event, Aaron Andrews comes out, asking Plague how he will live up in this match. Sure, if you could win by escaping, he might be favourite – but you can’t. He stepped into the ring, waiting impatiently, and then demanding Plague to come out. A thunderclap sounded, the lights went off, and no-one could quite figure out how Plague managed to get into the ring behind Andrews by the time the lights had come back on. Nonetheless, that’s what he did, hitting a neckbreaker as Hesketh rushed down, ordering the bell to be rung [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Aaron Andrews beat Plague (c)[/COLOR] for the [COLOR="darkorchid"]FWE Warrior Title[/COLOR] in 23.13 [B](B+)[/B] -Another lack of selling, but I was actually expecting a little more (maybe that’s as I’m greedy). The crowd couldn’t decide who to cheer for – but that changed as Plague climbed the cage. Confused commentators soon understood what was going on, when instead of leaving the ring (which wouldn’t be a win), Plague hit the Creeping Death onto Andrews. He couldn’t recover for the pin, and this allowed the new Tag Team Champions to come down to the ring. Greg launched a few chairs into the cage, while Thompson scaled the ring. He went for the leg drop on Plague, but he rolled out of the way. Plague scooped up Andrews and hit a DDT, but the challenger kicked out just beat the three count. Greg then joined his tag partner in the ring, and it soon became 3 vs 1. The champion didn’t stand a chance, Andrews pinning him after piledriving him headfirst into a chair. *** The cage was lifted, and Aaron Andrews, Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson celebrated their new found unity, with their new titles [B](A)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B[/I]
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New record attendance, as I upped the stakes, getting 13,005 people into a 15,000 arena. I’ll have to admit that I was pretty dumbfounded that Alicia Strong and Hugh de Aske managed to outdo both the title changes, but I’m not going to argue. I’m just not sure why the first match that they put together was lackluster in comparison. We have new champions in the shape of Aaron Andrews, Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson, the three of them looking as if they’ve formed a new alliance. *** The Result Show draws a 1.40 buyrate. Sure, my second best ever, but still beaten by the PPV I didn’t even realise I was booking. *** Five main stars in FWE after that show – Aaron Andrews (A popularity in the US), Alicia Strong (B+), Greg Gauge (B+), Plague (B) and the underused Enforcer Roberts (B+). Easy Emma also comes in at B+ popularity – none of these people I’d currently be able to re-sign. Mathew Gauge and Joss Thompson are next on B-, Perez and Hesketh at C+. Everyone else (including Masked Cougar) is at “C” popularity or lower. *** Enforcer Roberts informs me that he’s to tour with PGHW – this clashes with my normal PPV day of Thursday shows. The day after Jacob Jett gets his first Japanese tour, and it’s with WLW. Who also run shows on Thursday. He’ll be joined by… Freddy Huggins? [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Unleashed from the Mid Atlantic American Idol vs Steven Parker and The Gambler Kashmir Singh vs Insane Machine Alicia Strong vs Mohammed Angel de Mexico and Fox Mask vs Enforcer Roberts and Hugh de Aske[/QUOTE] Also, expect to here from our new champions at FWE – Aaron Andrews, Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the Mid Atlantic *** Aaron Andrews starts the show, proclaiming himself the greatest thing to ever hit FWE. This, he has known for a while, but now he has two colleagues with similar thinking to himself. Out comes the Tag Team Champions, Joss Thompson and Greg Gauge, and we get another parade of titles. Aaron Andrews says that together, they have formed [B]Liberation[/B]. They will rescue this promotion from the joke that has tainted it in the past – masked jokers. Andrews claims that no-one could take the past two champions seriously – Plague? A Masked Cougar? This is wrestling, not a circus. His name is Aaron Andrews – that’s his real name, and he will ensure that no masked joker will ever get another title ever again [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Enforcer Roberts and Hugh de Aske beat Angel de Mexico and Fox Mask[/COLOR] in 8.46 [B](B-)[/B] -Roberts and de Aske had this one well on hand, but it didn’t stop Liberation coming out to support them in their battle against two masked wrestlers. With huge distractions, the heels got to double team Fox Mask, Roberts applying the RCT for the win. *** Roberts and de Aske left, but were only replaced by Liberation. They decided that now was a good time for an in ring beatdown, but were surprised that another masked man made the save [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Insane Machine beat Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] in 3.58 [B](C)[/B] -The Machine is back, and he got a squash win over Singh. *** Aaron Andrews was furious backstage, demanding to know who dared challenge them. Greg Gauge revealed that the worker was [B]Dark EAGLE[/B] – he’d seen him while wrestling in Japan. Andrews said it didn’t matter who he was – he’d pay in the ring later [B](B+)[/B] *** Rick Sanders came over to Liberation, saying that he agreed with their worthy cause of eliminating all masked workers. But what they really need in the Extreme Title to complete their collection – and he’ll win it for Liberation next week. Andrews wasn’t really in the room, and went for a “Whatever” before storming off [B](B-)[/B] *** Alicia Strong cut an interview, informing those who didn’t by our PPV (shame!) how Enforcer Roberts and Mohammed attacked her to cost her the match with de Aske at The Result Show. She said that revenge starts tonight, and it’s Mohammed who will suffer [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]American Idol beat Steven Parker and The Gambler[/COLOR] in 8.43 [B](C+)[/B] -Idol is now officially a pop star, and he even sings some patriotic song as American Idol’s entrance music. He also got the win, pinning The Gambler after a… Key Change (corkscrew moonsault). *** American Idol cut a quick promo, Idol singing their praises, with American Elemental claiming to be in the Tag Title hunt [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat Mohammed[/COLOR] in 10.20 [B](B)[/B] -Wow, Mohammed steps up close to Alicia’s level for this one. Could it be because it’s contract negotiation time? It may have also been that we gave him a strong showing, Strong taking quite a beating, but coming through to win with a Butterfly Effect. Rock Downpour on commentary pointed out his surprise that Mohammed’s allies hadn’t come to his aid at all. *** Alicia Strong rolled out the ring and looked to the entranceway, also expecting an attack. It was not forthcoming, so Strong shook her head, and managed to leave on her own terms [B](B)[/B] *** Aaron Andrews came out, and said that apparently he was facing some Japanese legend. He didn’t care, he couldn’t take him seriously in a mask, and was going to annihilate him [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews (c) beat Dark EAGLE[/COLOR] in a non-title match in 13.52 [B](B)[/B] -Dark EAGLE really isn’t known in the US. That didn’t stop him getting the crowd behind, and booing Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson as they came out. Andrews ordered that they stayed out of the ring, and despite taking a number of high flying moves, he managed to get in an unseen low blow, before taking EAGLE out with a Standing Hot Shot. *** Dark EAGLE rolled around in agony, while Andrews beckoned the Tag Champions in. He ordered them to attack Dark EAGLE, but they didn’t get too far, as Frankie Perez and Mathew Gauge rushed out, with Fox Mask and Angel de Mexico close behind for the save [B](C+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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4,386 people, and an interesting show. There was no Plague, and masked wrestlers Angel de Mexico, Fox Mask, and the debuting (and almost unknown) Dark EAGLE, thrown into a Main Event feud. I thought it may be a weak show, but the final two matches were quality, despite both having wrestlers far better known for their work in Japan. *** Veteran Dark EAGLE isn’t with us permanently, just on loan from INSIPRE, where Jimmy Cox has gone in exchange. This wasn’t his last show, though. *** Unleashed dips again, to 3.99. *** Jamie Quinn gets her break, signing with AAA. Meanwhile at NOTBPW there may have to be movement in their women’s division, after Grace Harper shatters her knee in six man tag action. *** Mike Watson gets his record setting 4th INSPIRE King of the Fighters reign, defeating Raul Hughes. *** Dragon Assassin (who I employ, without using) signs for 5SW – I’ll give you an in depth look at them when they begin their first tour. *** Steven Parker, whose career is in reverse at FWE, and is 3-11 at CZCW and 1-2 at NYCW this year, surprisingly gets offered a SWF contract. *** DEVIL Karube is asking to double her wage. I’m not using her, and am not going to keep her just because of her chemistry with Hugh de Aske. *** Hugh de Aske does get a new contract, jumping from $500 to $2,650 per appearance. *** USPW Americana sees two USPW “veterans” defeat newcomers, Hugh de Aske getting a huge win over Runaway Train, while Eric Tyler retained the World Title over Genghis Rahn. *** Mohammed and The Gambler both sign new contracts, on the basis that they only asked for small wages, and are midcard heels. Don’t know if I’m going to be able to follow through on my promise of a title run for Mohammed though. *** TCW heads to Canada, so Mainstream Hernandez’s defeat to Jack Giedroyc isn’t nearly as exciting as it would have been in front of a US crowd. *** We have an A* match – and it’s the first one outside NOTBPW for years. Joey Minnesota defeats Tommy Cornell to prove that they’re two of the three most popular workers in the US (Steve Frehly being the other). *** FWE sign Extraordinario Jr to a short term contract. *** Shane Nelson joins Lee Rivera at NOTBPW, meaning they’ve added both former CGC teams, Youth Energy and The Specialists, recently. *** We have new SWF Tag Team Champions, Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Puerto Rican Power teaming as Blackout to defeat Murder Inc (Lead belly and Kurt Laramee). *** Hinote Dojo rise to Regional level – their last show wasn’t that special though. Yatsuhiro Atshushi’s self booked title reign plays second fiddle to his work at INSPIRE. *** Wolf Hawkins turns down an offer from CGC, but his TCW contract is still running itself down. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from South West Alicia Strong, Steve Flash and Jimmy Cox vs Hugh de Aske, Enforcer Roberts and Mohammed Jacob Jett (c) vs Rick Sanders for the FWE Extreme Title[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from South West Hmm, it seems that INSPIRE must have a show today, so there’s no Dark EAGLE, Jimmy Cox and Mohammed, who were all booked to wrestle tonight. Cox will be replaced by Kashmir Singh, while Steve Gumble comes in instead of Mohammed. We haven’t announced Dark EAGLE’s match, so shall just pretend we were never expecting him. *** Aaron Andrews started off the night, informing everyone that tonight each member of Libertaion would be tackling a masked worker. There would be no interference – as they didn’t need it. And he was to start, and called out whoever his opponent was [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Aaron Andrews beat Fox Mask[/COLOR] in 6.51 [B](B-)[/B] -Knowing there was no interference seemed to give Fox Mask extra hope, and he battered Andrews from the top rope. Until he was dropped by a DDT, that is, and then Andrews strolled onto victory. *** Backstage, and Rick Sanders was talking to the Tag Team Champions, saying that he would take the Extreme Title, and then he’d bring it to Liberation. Greg seemed unconvinced, and told Rick he’d better stay well clear of them if he failed to win the title [B](B)[/B] *** As Sanders headed to the stage, Thompson and Greg Gauge moved to the locker-room, where they found Frankie Perez. Greg asked him where Matt was – Frankie said he was at his mother’s birthday – and isn’t surprised to see that Greg didn’t bother. Joss Thompson got between them, telling Frankie that he shouldn’t be against them – they stand up for people like him, true, honest wrestlers. Perez told then that they made him sick, and he too was out of here. As he left, Greg shrugged, and claimed that made Perez against them, and he could handle that [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jacob Jett (c) beat Rick Sanders[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 7.39 [B](B-)[/B] -Sanders experience almost made up for Jett’s speed advantage, but not quite. The youngster managed to slip away from Sanders whenever he tried to slow the match down, and return to his own pace. The win came after Jett hauled Sanders up for the Jett Take-Off. *** Jett’s music was quickly cut off by Aaron Andrews, who was out alone. He applauded Jett, and when Sanders protested, he was thrown into the guard rail. Andrews said that Jett had everything needed to be an ally of his – young, skillful, and not called “Yellow Puma” or some name like that. Jett went to respond, but Andrews wouldn’t give him the mic. He claimed that too many people rushed into decisions, but he wouldn’t need the answer till next week. Until then, he can watch how Liberation operate [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Joss Thompson beat Angel de Mexico[/COLOR] in 5.42 [B](B)[/B] -At last, I’ve managed to use the chemistry between these two in a story – although Angel de Mexico’s place was going to be taken by Dark EAGLE here originally. Aaron Andrew’s joined commentary, speculating about what masked kid would be facing Greg in the Main Event, and applauded as Thompson made Mexico tap to the Joss Lock. *** Andrews continued his applause, holding up Joss’s hand high as they left [B](B+)[/B] *** Alicia Strong cut a quick interview, wondering if Hugh de Aske and Enforcer Roberts had shown honour by not interfering in her match last week. Probably not – they seem to have discarded Mohammed, and probably didn’t care about him one jot [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske, Enforcer Roberts and Steve Gumble beat Alicia Strong, Steve Flash and Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] in 9.45 [B](C+)[/B] -There was just too much talent on the side of the heels, and although Gumble didn’t seem too interested in the match, de Aske was able to hit the Skull and Crossbones on Flash for the win. *** Greg Gauge came out, mic in hand, ready for the Main Event. He started speculating whether he’d be facing an Angel, maybe a furry badger, or a cute puppy in the Main Event. His relaxed attitude ceased when he found that he’d be facing… a Plague [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Plague beat Greg Gauge [/COLOR]in 12.43 by DQ [SIZE="5"][B](A*)[/B][/SIZE] -I’ll have to be honest, I saw the rating and gasped. This was helped by a number of factors – great chemistry being one, and both workers being known in the South West also for their OLLIE work. Still, this was not expected. They have never faced one another before, but if anyone at OLLIE saw this, that’ll soon change. Both men absolutely laid into one another, Greg taking the advantage on the mat, the momentum swinging to Plague’s favour at other times. Both and near falls, but Plague looked closer and closer to getting the win… when the rest of Liberation came out. At first they were just the distraction for Greg to try to apply the Proton Lock, but Plague escaped. He dropped Greg with a Creeping Death, and Andrews and Thompson hit the ring, attacking Plague, and getting their ally DQ’d. *** Plague was fully pumped from a great performance, slinging Thompson from the ring, and then going toe to toe with Andrews. Greg charged in to help, but Plague deftly sidestepped him, leaving him to crash into Andrews. Plague baseball slid Thompson, before leaving the ring with his head held high [B](B+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating A[/I]
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Okay. So how do we match that then? Thank goodness it was a 5,000 sell out crowd to see that epic. We also drew in record number of viewers, and it goes without saying that I ran the best match and show I have ever run. Strangely, Plague and Greg Gauge were meant to face each other many many months ago, but my scheduling clashed with OLLIE, so I never got the preview to what tonight was. *** Unleashed draws a record 4.56 – and was up to 5.20 for the Main Event. *** Not one to blow my own trumpet – but checking the records, and I’m the only promotion to have run an “A” rated show this year. *** NOTBPW had title changes, but still couldn’t match my show. The Natural won the Unlimited Title off Lee Rivera, while Dog Fyte / Omar Brown defeated Jeremy Stone for his first Canadian Title run. This was on their TV show, which was a PPV warm up. Dog Fyte retained in the rematch at Jeopardy in June, while The Natural was too busy defending his Tag Titles to give Rivera a rematch. *** All that, and probably the biggest news of the day was actually at INSPIRE. A massive 12 show card, topped off with Mike Watson defeating Wael Hossam, has taking INSPIRE to a National level, joining BHOTWG and PGHW. *** At Jacob Jett’s request, he gets pushed up the card to an Upper Midcarder. First time I’ve relented to a wrestler’s wishes for a while. *** Thank goodness – Jesse Gilbert losses the CGC Canadian Title to Skull DeBones. He still has the Tag Team Titles with his brother – and as a tag team is where he deserves to stay. *** California Love Machine, with a 6-3-15 independent record, somehow scores an SWF developmental contract. *** Dark EAGLE breaks his nose – at GCG, not INSPIRE. He’s still got another two FWE appearances to come. *** Akima Brave, a regular Japan tourist, wins the GCG Openweight Championship. *** Masked Cougar is apparently not getting on backstage with Vita. What, that manager that I signed ages ago and never use? This shall affect me… in no way whatsoever. *** Steven Parker never took that SWF contract, and they sign Justin Sensitive instead. He now works there and RIPW on PPA terms. *** Mokuami Maita wins this years BHOTWG Best of the Super Juniors (his second), defeating Golden Scorpion (who has never won the competition) in the final. As often occurs, the rest of the tournament outshone this year’s final. *** Billy Russell and Hell Monkey team up to take the MAW Tag Titles from Natural Storm, who had held them for… four years!?! [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from New England Extraordinario Jr. vs Steve Gumble Steve Flash vs Hugh de Aske Angel de Mexico and Fox Mask vs Steven Parker and The Gambler Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson (c) vs Frankie Perez and Mathew Gauge for the FWE Tag Team Titles[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from New England *** Easy Emma’s starting us off this week, bringing the former Tag Team Champions, Frankie Perez and Mathew Gauge to the ring. She announces that tonight they get their rematch, which naturally brings Liberation out. Andrews is about to speak, but he’s cut off by Emma, noting how they broke their promises last week, attacking Plague when it became obvious that they could not win. Therefore, she is announcing Plague as the Number One Contender to the Warrior Title, and the signing for the match at The Second Half will take place tonight. A scowling Andrews beckons his group out back, without a word [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Steve Gumble beat Extraordinario Jr.[/COLOR] in 4.55 [B](C+)[/B] -The masked newcomer did himself proud, until Liberation hit, interfered, and that was it. *** Gumble got into Andrews face, clearly not appreciating the assist, but was dropped by a right hand. Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson entered the ring, but Easy Emma stood up, and declared that if any member of Liberation attacked any masked workers tonight, they would have their title stripped. They all protested, but none were up to the task of messing with the boss [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Steve Flash[/COLOR] in 9.52 [B](B)[/B] -Flash once again does a superb job, while Enforcer Roberts supported de Aske from ringside. The win came with the Cut Throat Driver. *** Alicia Strong was out with mic, noting that de Aske had ditched Mohammed, and wondering how long Roberts would last. He just smiled, and it was obvious why as Mohammed came up behind Strong, and leveled her with a nasty looking kick [B](C)[/B] *** We’re backstage, following Aaron Andrews, and he storms into the changing rooms. He takes a seat next to Jacob Jett, and asks for some good news – tell him he’s made the right decision by joining Liberation. Jett anxiously looks around, and seeing no-one else, leans forward to Andrews. He tells him that the day that he joins a pathetic group like his was the day his heart dies, and he’d have none of it. Andrews just nodded his head, leaving Jett to be congratulated by “random backstage wrestlers” [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Angel de Mexico and Fox Mask beat Steven Parker and The Gambler [/COLOR]in 7.21 [B](D+)[/B] -Uh, this is to make sure the crowd doesn’t get washed out before the Main Event. Or something like that. Anyway, with no interference coming from Liberation, Fox Mask was able to pin The Gambler after a Fox Hunter. *** Frankie Perez and Mathew Gauge were out for the pre-Main Event hype. Funnily enough, they wanted to win the titles [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson (c) beat Frankie Perez and Mathew Gauge[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Tag Team Titles in 24.34 [B](B+)[/B] -It was not to be for the challengers. They gave it their best, and when Aaron Andrews came out, Easy Emma made a quick announcement that if he got involved here, he would have his title stripped. It all produced a lot of ringside arguing, that provided the distraction for Kristen Pearce (the champions… valet, as she doesn’t really manage) to get in a low blow on Mathew, allowing Greg to get the pinfall victory. *** The ring was cleared, and a table was set up for contract signing. Plague came out to cheers for a change, with Emma noting that still none of Liberation could touch Plague, for fear of losing their titles. We actually got a clean signing, before Andrews took a mic, and asked Plague if he knew what he was up against. He said that people who stand against him tend to get hurt – badly. He waved towards the video screen, where Jacob Jett was shown tied to a chair, his face crimson. Andrews pointed out that if only he had stooped to Plague’s level and worn a mask, he wouldn’t have been able to lay a hand on the Extreme Champion. Plague got the mic off Andrews, and asked what Jett was to him. Liberation could do what they wanted to him, it wouldn’t stop his path – and that was the path back to the Warrior Title. With a pop, flicker of light, and smoke, he was gone, leaving Andrews wondering if his message had any impact whatsoever [B](B)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B[/I]
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4,204 people for our weakest area where we put on shows, and the only complaint was too much Mathew Gauge. They weren’t worried about the blood in the final segment, and they certainly weren’t worried to see that we were going to have another Plague vs Aaron Andrews match. *** Unleashed draws 4.47, just down on last week. *** Extraordinario Jr. debuts, to bulk out our masked contingent. *** Masked Cougar loses his BHOTWG Junior Tag Titles, to Shibanuma and VENOM. *** Europea (who works at MPWF) fails a steroids test. The former Tag Champion hasn’t held a title since 2007, and is not a big name. *** Dark EAGLE is back to full fitness. I haven’t forgotten about him, just want to use his two remaining uses carefully. *** Remmington “I’m never used for anything” Remus leaves FWE. *** EWF rise to Regional! May not stop them going bust at the end of the month. *** As expected, former TCW Word Heavyweight Champion Wolf Hawkins leaves TCW. NOTBPW looks his most likely destination. TCW see him off with a defeat to Aaron Andrews. *** Joss Thompson loses to Enygma at the latest USPW show. I wish they didn’t have a TV deal. I don’t mind de Aske losing his title matches to Tyler, as at least they’re good matches. *** Katie Cameron signs a new contract with FWE. *** Brendan Idol picks up another injury, this time a cracked sternum against Primus Allen at CZCW. I think American Idol are cursed. *** SWF sign Henry Lee, while Nathan Coleman joins NYCW. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South East Frankie Perez and Mathew Gauge vs Rick Sanders and Insane Machine Steve Flash vs Mohammed Jimmy Cox vs Steve Gumble Angel de Mexico and Extradonario Jr vs Aaron Andrews and Greg Gauge[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South East *** We start with a recap of last week, and the bloody mess that Jacob Jett was left in – to Plague’s ambivalence [B](B+)[/B] *** We start with a recording from earlier, and its head referee Farrah Hesketh talking to Liberation. She says that next week on the PPV warm up, Fox Mask and Angel de Mexico will have a Tag Title shot, which brought a scoff from Greg Gauge. She continues that there is warm up tonight, as Angel de Mexico will team with newcomer Extraordinario Jr to take on two members of Liberation. Andrews stands up, and tells Hesketh to tell the masked weirdo’s that they’ve made a major mistake – as they’ll be meeting him in the ring later [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Frankie Perez and Mathew Gauge beat Rick Sanders and Insane Machine[/COLOR] in 7.43 [B](C+)[/B] -During this match we learnt that Insane Machine was the Number One Contender to the Extreme Title, but there was some doubt as to when Jett would be fit enough to defend the title. Sanders seemed to want to prove himself better than Machine, telling him how he should be doing things in a certain way to win the Extreme Title. The ex-Extreme Title holder was not impressed, and eventually left Sanders to it, and he tapped to the P-Clutch. *** Jacob Jett is backstage being interviewed, black and blue all over. He says that he believes he’ll be back in action next week, when Greg Gauge interrupts to mock him. Greg claims that after the beating he got, he should never think about stepping in the ring again. Jett goes eyeball to eyeball with Greg, but he just laughs, and says that he just wants to see Jett try it [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat Fuyuko Higa [/COLOR]in 3.32 [B](C+)[/B] -Didn’t plan to run this one, but short matches tonight left a gap in the schedule. So I gave Higa a run out, in preparation for her 5SW work. *** Strong left the ring, and Mohammed barged right past as he entered for his match [B](D-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mohammed beat Steve Flash[/COLOR] in 5.44 [B](C)[/B] -They don’t click, but I wasn’t hoping for any more than this, Flash being dispatched by Mohammed’s swift feet. *** As Mohammed left, Alicia Strong came out again, getting right into Mohammed’s face. Mohammed, never one to use words, tried to strike, but Strong blocked, and the two started brawling. When de Aske and Roberts joined in Strong seemed in trouble, but it was Frankie Perez and Mathew Gauge who came to Strong’s aid, fighting the heels away [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble beat Jimmy Cox [/COLOR]in 6.36 [B](C)[/B] -I know, I said that I’d start to push Cox. But everyone needs talented jobbers. *** Mr. Gumble took a mic, saying that he thought that FWE was beginning to pass him by, and perhaps he should leave. This fuss over masked workers, women wrestling, he seems to have been lost in the mix. He challenged someone to help him bring back his smile, and put on a memorable match next week at The Second Half [B](C-)[/B] *** We got a backstage segment with Angel de Mexico, Fox Mask and Extraordinario Jr. We kept it short, as they got ready for the next match [B](D)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews and Greg Gauge beat Angel de Mexico and Extradonario Jr[/COLOR] in 6.33 [B](B)[/B] -Wow, I thought this may suck. It most certainly didn’t, even though it was short, and a Thompson assist gave Greg Gauge the win over Extraordinario. *** Easy Emma stands up, and notes the Liberation interference once more. Well, she will have no more of that tonight, and sends Aaron Andrews and Greg Gauge out back. Joss Thompson starts to leave, but Emma tells him to stay. She feigns surprise, and asks him if he realised that he had a tag match next. Thompson obviously didn’t, as Emma introduced his opponents, Plague and Fox Mask. Thompson grabbed a mic, and said that he didn’t have a partner, so couldn’t participate. Emma just smiled, and said that she was nice enough to supply one of those as well, introducing American Elemental [B](B+)[/B] Pl[COLOR="blue"]ague and Fox Mask beat Joss Thompson and American Elemental[/COLOR] in 11.38 [B](B+)[/B] -Thompson didn’t seem too happy with his partner, and let him have the first turn in the ring. He went few a cruiserweight moves with Fox Mask, before turning to Thompson, and tagging him in. By the time Thompson entered the ring, Fox Mask had tagged in Plague, and Thompson was on the back foot. Plague dominated him, but when Fox Mask was tagged back in, Thompson managed to isolate him, and take charge. This ended when American Elemental tagged himself in, let Fox Mask tag out, and then tagged Thompson back in. He tried to tag back out, but Elemental jumped off the apron, leaving Thompson to Plague. That was just about it – Plague hit the Memory Remains, American Elemental joined in with an Inferno Splash, and Fox Mask took the win with a Fox Hunter. *** Aaron Andrews came out after the match, and grabbed a hold of Emma. He demanded to know if she thought it was a wise idea to wind him up, and only let go when Plague approached him. The two squared off, but Emma demanded that they not touch one another – she would not have The Second Half’s Main Event ruined. She banned any contact between the two, as Plague leaned right in front of Andrews. He smirked, and then left the champion, not looking too happy [B](A*)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B[/I]
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Well, the final two tag matches were far better than I expected, and left the sell out crowd of 5,000 quite happy. Next week, I’m running the PPV straight after the TV show – but this time I’ve actually planned for it. Aaron Andrews vs Plague and Alicia Strong, Frankie Perez and Mathew Gauge vs Hugh de Aske, Enforcer Roberts and Mohammed is all that’s currently on the cards, but there will be more booked on next weeks shows. Nothing like some last minute advertising. *** Unleashed drops to 4.40, but we didn’t exactly advertise any top draw matches. July: *** A $213,000 profit month – I’m going to stop reporting on financials unless something bad happens. *** Axxis Jr leaves OLIE (where he had a great feud with Greg Gauge), and must hope that SOTBPW come knocking soon. *** Day 2 of DaVE’s Extreme Double Header sees Shawn Gonzalez take the Brass Knuckles Title from Johnny Martin. They also hand Black Eagle two defeats, but thanks to his FWE work (and superb match with Greg Gauge), he’s still one of the most popular wrestler in the US, with A* popularity all over the country. *** DEVIL Karube leaves FWE, but will be wrestling for 5SW next month. *** Third A* match of the year, a reverse of the first, as Tommy Cornell defeats Joey Minnesota. Mainstream Hernandez was busy losing to Raul Darkness. *** 4 time SWF Tag Team Champion Warlord Agony is back at SWF, at 52. Only Eric Tyler, Mario Heroic, Valiant and Joss Thompson have pulled him out of “C-“ range at USPW, so lets hope they don’t let Gargantuan or Primus Allen loose on him. *** Speaking of Valiant, he loses the USPW National Title to T-Rex. At least that keeps the monster out of the Main Event. *** At MFDL, Angel de Mexico suffers a head injury at the hands on Ultra Atlantis. He misses my next show – which was meant to include a Tag Title shot. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South East Casey Valentine vs Steve Gumble Jacob Jett (c) vs Insane Machine for the FWE Extreme Title Plague vs The Gambler Aaron Andrews (c) vs Rick Sanders in a non-title match[/QUOTE]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South East *** It’s recorded segment time, as its Farrh Hesketh talking to Plague and Aaron Andrews. She says that Easy Emma has assigned her to ensure that there’s no trouble between the two tonight, as such will stick to Aaron Andrews side. He’s not happy, but that doesn’t change a thing [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Steve Gumble beat Casey Valentine[/COLOR] in 5.50 [B](C-)[/B] -Pretty sure this is Valentine’s debut (he’s been working dark matches for a while). He came into this match gimmickless, and although showed a little, could do nothing to stop Gumble’s Savate Kick. *** Gumble sighed, and grabbed a mic, saying that even newcomers could give him no trouble – was there anyone willing to take up his challenge for later tonight? We decided revealing his challenger might help the PPV buys – so it was [B]Masked Cougar [/B]who reappeared after a three month absence to accept the challenge, and Gumble did not look happy [B](C)[/B] *** Cutting to the back, and Liberation also aren’t too happy with Masked Cougar’s return. Hesketh cuts out the whining, pointing out that the Tag Champions have a title defence to get too. Joss Thompson looks on confused, saying that Angel de Mexico was injured, but Hesketh informed him that a replacement had been found, and they’d better get out to the ring [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Joss Thompson and Greg Gauge (c) beat Fox Mask and Dark EAGLE[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Tag Team Titles in 9.33 [B](C+)[/B] -Fox Mask entered alone, then Dark EAGLE entered from the crowd, laying straight into Joss Thompson. The ferocity of the start gave the masked challengers a couple of pinfall attempts, but a dodgy double team (after almost forgotten about valet Kristen Pearce provided the distraction) allowed Thompson to hit the Clean Cutter on Fox Mask. *** After the match, Joss Thompson, sporting a fresh cut, stormed up to Easy Emma, and demanded a match with Dark EAGLE later tonight [B](B)[/B] *** Katie Cameron was shown backstage, making sure that Jacob Jett was alright, when Aaron Andrews (with Hesketh in tow) sauntered over. Andrews asked Jett if he was okay, and asked if he liked his title. Jett rebutted him, asking him what he was going to do – try and cost him his match? Make him lose the title – to a masked man? Jett shook his head and left for the ring, leaving Andrews smiling [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Insane Machine beat Jacob Jett (c)[/COLOR] by DQ in 6.49 [B](C+)[/B] -A competitive match was in full swing, when Greg Gauge brought a chair down to the ring. The ref tried to keep him away, but he pushed past, pointing at Jett, and telling him he was in Liberation’s plam. With that, he brought the chair up and smashed Insane Machine over the head, getting the challenger DQ’d. *** Jet looked on confused, as Greg got in another blow, and kicking Insane Machine out of the ring. Greg took a mic, and told Jett that he guessed right – no-one wanted a masked man as champion, degrading the promotion once more. That’s why later tonight, he will take on Jacob Jett, and he will take the Extreme Title to Liberation, as FWE’s first ever double champion. Jet snatched the mic off Greg, and told him that he’ll be ready, and it’ll take a whole lot more than boasts to put him down [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Enforcer Roberts, Hugh de Aske and Mohammed beat Steve Flash, Jimmy Cox and Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] in 8.02 [B](C+)[/B] -A run out for the heels before their match later, Mohammed getting another pinfall victory, over Jimmy Cox. *** The heels opponents for later (Alicia Strong, Frankie Perez and Mathew Gauge) came out, Alicia leading the promo, clearly telling the heels that their eagerness for a warm up match was over-arrogance, as they’ve wasted their much needed energy [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Plague beat The Gambler[/COLOR] in 2.37 [B](B)[/B] -Short. Quick. And squashy. *** As Plague left the ring, a video came on, showing Aaron Andrews preparing for his match with Plague. No-one was too impressed, as Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson seemed to be too enamoured with Andrews for anyone to take the video seriously [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews (c) beat Rick Sanders[/COLOR] in a non-title match in 7.31 [B](B+)[/B] -Andrews did come out all serious though, and these two have always managed to put together a good match together (neutral chemistry, though). Plague watched from the announce desk as Emma claimed that Sanders was fired up, having failed to join Liberation two weeks ago. However the champion had the class, and the Standing Hot Shot, to win the match. *** Too no-one’s surprise, Andrews got into Plague’s face, and he was quickly cornered when Joss Thompson and Greg Gauge jumped out of the crowd. Plague just leaned back, and Emma told Andrews that he might want to turn around. There stood American Elemental, Masked Cougar, Fox Mask and Dark EAGLE, and Liberation were forced to back down[B] (B-)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B[/I] [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… The Second Half[/B] American Elemental vs Insane Machine Masked Cougar vs Steve Gumble Dark EAGLE vs Joss Thompson Alicia Strong, Frankie Perez and Mathew Gauge vs Hugh de Aske, Enforcer Roberts and Mohammed Jacob Jett (c) vs Greg Gauge for the FWE Extreme Title Aaron Andrews (c) vs Plague for the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… [SIZE="5"]The Second Half [/SIZE]on PPV[/B] *** It’s hype video, and it’s all about Aaron Andrews vs Plague [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Joss Thompson beat Dark EAGLE[/COLOR] in 11.33 [B](B-)[/B] -Hmm, not clicking, Dark EAGLE still just about unknown, and it’s still a B-? Credit both these men for this result – it being Dark EAGLE’s last match with us, the defeat was inevitable. *** Backstage and its Alicia Strong, Mathew Gauge and Frankie Perez on hype for their match. It all boils down to Alicia Strong and Hugh de Aske – they just really can’t get on [B](B+)[/B] *** Joss Thompson finds his Tag Champion partner in his locker-room, who congratulates him on his win. Thompson tells Greg that he’s found out that American Elemental vs Insane Machine has been added to the card, which makes Greg frown, and say he’ll keep an eye on that one [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske, Enforcer Roberts and Mohammed beat Alicia Strong, Frankie Perez and Mathew Gauge[/COLOR] in 17.34 [B](B+)[/B] -Three wins on the spin for Mohammed, although this final one he didn’t get the pin for. This one went on for some time, but given the talent on show, this was no surprise. It was Perez who took the pinfall, after a Cut Throat Driver from Hugh de Aske. *** We cut to a pre-recorded interview, and its former Warrior Champion Plague with Easy Emma. Emma asks Plague whether he has now evened the odds with his allies, but Plague refutes that, saying that he never has had and never will have allies. Liberation have made enemies, and they’ll have to feel the consequences of that, but he has no friends here – he’s doing it all for himself [B](A*)[/B] *** Backstage, and we see Hugh de Aske in an office, putting down a letter on a desk. Alicia Strong walks in, and asks what he’s doing in Emma’s office. De Aske replies that he’s putting a Warrior Title shot in writing, as Andrews and Plague can’t fight one another all year. Strong points out that Hugh de Aske has never beaten her in singles, to which de Aske shrugs, and tells her that maybe that’ll be enough to earn her a title shot when he champion [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]American Elemental beat Insane Machine[/COLOR] in 12.37 [B](B)[/B] -It’s bonus match time, with our two highfliers putting together an excellent match, which American Elemental won with an Inferno Splash. *** The Tag Champions stormed out, chairs in hands, and administered a quick post match beatdown [B](C+)[/B] *** Greg Gauge took a mic as American Elemental and Insane Machine were helped away. He called out Jacob Jett, telling him that if he expected any help from anyone, Joss Thompson would be staying ringside to keep everything fair and square. The Extreme Champion came out armed with a mic, telling Greg that no-one expected Thompson to keep anything fair, but to be careful – one DQ, and his double title dreams are over [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jacob Jett (c) beat Greg Gauge[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 22.02 [B](B)[/B] -Jett played the role of underdog to perfection – having small bouts of offence, but quickly being stopped by the bigger man. He fought valiantly, kicking out of pin attempts even when Greg’s feet were on the ropes, and just managing to stop the Proton Lock getting locked in. When Joss Thompson assisted with a neck drop, Fox Mask came out, but was quickly run off by Thompson. Greg applied the Proton Lock on Jett, but broke the hold as a battered American Elemental jumped onto the apron. Greg rushed over, but Elemental wisely jumped down, as the ref ordered him to return out back. Al that distraction allowed Insane Machine to enter the ring unhindered, and hit a Termination Kick on Greg Gauge, dropping the challenger. Jett followed that up with a Frog Splash, and got the pinfall win. *** Jett grabbed his title and flew from the ring, while Greg pulled out a mini temper tantrum [B](B)[/B] *** Masked Cougar cut an interview before this return match, claiming that now was the right time to return to FWE. The man who put him out of action, Aaron Andrews, was leading a rampage through the federation, dismissing the honour that it was to wrestle under a mask. Gumble came over to tell Cougar that he should have never come back – he’s just marked himself out as an enemy to Andrews. Cougar shrugged, saying that he never was friends with that man, but it’s Gumble that’s on his mind tonight [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar beat Steve Gumble[/COLOR] in 14.43 [B](B+)[/B] -Wow, I know that there two have good chemistry, but both of their overness’s have dipped from the beginning of the year, so it was most unexpected. The pulled out a great spectacular, Cougar getting a return win with a High Rise Cougar Pounce. *** Aaron Andrews was shown out back, ranting about Greg’s failed title challenge. He tells the tag champions that he wants them to ensure that no-one enters the ring except him and Plague, otherwise they’ll be held personally responsible[B] (A)[/B] *** Andrews and Plague comes out, and we let Easy Emma do boxing style introductions, as we have high hopes for this match [B](A*)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews (c) beat Plague[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 25.35 [B](A)[/B] -There was a lack of selling, but still this was a tremendous battle. It was even relatively fair, despite the mayhem outside the ring as Joss Thompson and Greg Gauge fought with Fox Mask, American Elemental and Dark EAGLE. It was the masked men who won the battle, and when the ref went down, Plague beckoned Elemental up the ropes. Elemental just shook his head, and Easy Emma speculated that maybe Plague shouldn’t have been so dismissive about his allies earlier, as the masked men left ringside. A stunned Plague got caught by an elbow from Andrews, and although he fought back, he was well and truly on the back foot, and fell to a Standing Hot Shot. *** Aaron Andrews celebrated, and was joined by the Tag Team Champions, they looked as if to attack Plague, but Andrews pulled them back, noticing Plague staring backstage, to where his former “allies” had left [B](B+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating A[/I]
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Wow, a couple of stellar segments (and the Main Event) helped that rating, and it’s odd that Masked Cougar’s spectacular return was actually rated below the overall show. Nonetheless, 10,912 people go home happy, especially as they saw two shows. *** The first of those shows, Unleashed, drew 4.65 (a record), while the PPV drew 1.75, a record by 0.10. *** Dark EAGLE leaves FWE, after his successful loan. *** Pat Deacon recently left NOTBPW to enjoy retirement, and has been replaced by Chance. *** American Elemental goes back to Japan to lose his WL Universal Title Koji Kojima, who for the last few years has kept to the Show Stealer scene. *** We add Robert Oxford to the roster. The retired wrestler will be a full time road agent, a role that Steve Flash has been filling while not wrestling. I don’t really need Oxford with so many people who can road agent, but he saves me a few clicks every show. We also re-sign Crippler Ray Kingman, as we can afford two Road Agents quite easily. *** It’s definitely the year for A* matches, as we get our fifth. I’ll take some credit, as I’ve helped push Aaron Andrews, so his defeat to Tommy Cornell was less unexpected. Mainstream Hernandez got his first title shot, but lost to Chance Fortune, who keeps the Arena Championship. Christian Faith remains the International Title holder. *** At USPW, Eric Tyler and Hugh de Aske win once more, and despite the newcomers remain the promotions top stars. *** Jimmy Cox injures his ankle working for PGHW. He tells me he can still work, but as he’s touring with PGHW and WLW this month, I’ll try and remember not to book him. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South West Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson (c) vs American Elemental and Insane Machine for the FWE Tag Team Titles Masked Cougar vs The Gambler Jacob Jett (c) vs Steven Parker for the FWE Extreme Title Steve Flash and Kashmir Singh vs Enforcer Roberts and Hugh de Aske Aaron Andrews (c) vs Fox Mask in a non title match[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South West *** Liberation started out the show, focusing on how they were all still title holders at FWE, when Jacob Jett came out to point out they seemed to be missing a title. What Liberation seem to have forgotten is how one of their members, Greg Gauge, had a humiliating defeat last week. Greg refuted that, claiming that he only lost due to the interference of two masked goons, but that led to Easy Emma joining Jett. She agreed with Greg, but maybe Liberation shouldn’t be so quick to make enemies – after all him and Joss were the first two to attack American Elemental and Insane Machine. They made their bed, and they’ll have to lay in it, with a tag title defence right now [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]American Elemental and Insane Machine beat Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson[/COLOR] (c) by DQ in 12.22 [B](C+)[/B] -Highly competitive match, which actually saw American Elemental and Insane Machine on the same page, and pushed the champions right back. They had them rocking when plague hit the ring, and ignoring the ref he charged into American Elemental, getting the challengers DQ’d. *** Insane Machine went for a crossbody on Plague, but was met by an elbow to the face as the commentary team reminded everyone that FWE’s masked legion refused to attack Aaron Andrews last week for Plague, and he seemed to be taking the decision personally. Plague dumped Insane Machine from the ring, and before he could turn his attention to the Tag Champions, they had run far away [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar beat The Gambler[/COLOR] in 4.32 [B](C)[/B] -Now I know why this match sucked when DaVE ran it recently – they have no chemistry. Of course, as usual, I already know that, but may have forgotten. Possibly Cougar wins with a High Rise Cougar Pounce. *** Masked Cougar thanks the fans for welcoming him back to FWE, and then turns his attention towards Plague. Cougar claims that every man carrying forward the tradition of competing in a mask needs to stand together, and petty squabbles will only make their enemies stronger [B](B+)[/B] *** Backstage, Liberation were watching a monitor, where Aaron Andrews was chuckling to himself. He declared that not only have their masked friends help remove Plague as an obstacle, stupid Masked Cougar has chosen to side with them. He told his colleagues to stay away from the Main Event – it was no-DQ, and he knew he held all the cards [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jacob Jett (c) beat Steven Parker[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 8.12 [B](C+)[/B] -Reasonable, uninterrupted contest, showcasing Jett before he hit the Jett Take Off to pick up the win. *** Jacob Jett picked u a mic, looked around, and asked what was going on – no Liberation attack? Have they given up? At that, Aaron Andrews appeared on screen, and ranted away at Jacob Jett, amazed that “Mr. Amazing” really thought that he was such a thorn in their side. Andrews claimed that he was barely considered by them, but one day they would turn their attention to him – and he would regret that day [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Enforcer Roberts and Hugh de Aske beat Steve Flash and Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] in 10.23 [B](B)[/B] -Flash and Singh continued their usual job of making others look good, but had offense, meaning that the heels needed a Mohammed assist before de Aske pinned Singh. *** Hugh de Aske took a mic, and once more made his case for being the Number One Contender to the FWe Warrior Title, a claim that Alicia Strong came out to refute. De Aske just sighed, claiming that she was resting on past laurels – but he’s the man who’s winning, the man you deserves the shot. He doesn’t want to face her until he got the titles, but will quite happily face one of her friends next week to prove the point [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews (c) beat Fox Mask[/COLOR] in a no DQ non title match in 10.43 [B](B+)[/B] -Andrews was not surprised to see Plague come out, pushing past Angel de Mexico, and drilling Fox Mask into the canvass. What he was not expecting was Plague to stay in the ring, and attack him, completely legally. Plague hit the Memory Remains, leaving both men down, before exiting. This brought Jacob Jett out, who slid into the ring, and draping Fox Mask’s arm over Andrews. He just recovered to kick out, and Jett stayed out of the ring as Andrews sowed the match up with a Standing Hot Shot. *** Andrews made eye contact with plague, but as he left, he turned his attention towards Jett. Grabbing a mic, Andrews told the Extreme Champion that he insisted on being a problem – now Liberation would turn their full attention to him. Full attention made him – so next week, they will go one on one, champion versus champion. Andrews asked Jett if he remembered the beating he got the other week – that would be the half of it – he’s out to end his career [B](A)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B+[/I]
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A 5,000 sell out, a very strong show (one of the best we’ve ever run – we’ve only hit B+ four times before), and we’ve even announced next weeks Main Event a week in advance – very unusual! *** Unleashed scores a 4.82 (another record). *** At the latest NOTBPW PPV, Tamara McFly wins her second Women’s Title, seven years after the first. *** It’s new SWF World Heavyweight Champion, with Puerto Rican Power defeating champion Eric Eisern, Kurt Laramee and Enforcer Roberts in a four way for his first reign with the title. *** Brendan Idol returns to fitness. With planned tag team partner American Elemental joining the Liberation story arc, Idol may have to fight to get back on the show regularly. *** Fox Mask’s recent FWE push has had an affect at his CZCW home – he defeats James Prudence for the Xtreme Title. It’s his first title their since he left between 2007 and 2009. *** Steven Parker leaves FWE. He once had Warrior Title shots, but recently found himself completely lost. He went 19-46 at FWE, the highlight being a great “A” rated cage match with Alicia Strong. He will concentrate on his CZCW and NYCW bookings, which haven’t surmounted to much so far. *** Now that Eris Eisen’s lost his title, SWF finally allow Enforcer Roberts to go over him. It may be to no avail though, as contract talks between Roberts and SWF have stalled. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the Mid Atlantic Masked Cougar, Angel de Mexico and Fox Mask vs The Gambler, Casey Valentine and Ed Larkins American Elemental vs Plague ??? vs Hugh de Aske Alicia Strong vs Mohammed Aaron Andrews (c) vs Jacob Jett (c) in a non-title match[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Beeker;353005]Brandon Idol under a very shoddy mask and trying to be 'masked' just writes itself as a nice comedy subplot if you ask me. Still digging and enjoying this.[/QUOTE] Damned it - that would have been a great one! Unfortunately I'm a couple of shows on, and the moments passed. I mourn.
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the Mid Atlantic *** If we’ve ever had a meetings of champions before, we certainly haven’t televised it, so we’re damned well going to give it some hype [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Masked Cougar, Angel de Mexico and Fox Mask beat The Gambler, Casey Valentine and Ed Larkins [/COLOR]in 6.33 [B](C)[/B] -The three masked faces defeated the most motley crew of heels we could find, including Casey Valentine second gimmickless defeat, and Larkins first match not under the Phenomenal E moniker. Cougar pinned Valentine. *** Cougar headed backstage to speak to Plague, and pleaded with him to calm down – he needs allies, not enemies. Plague blanks him completely, and stalks off [B](B-)[/B] *** Alicia Strong cuts a promo with Frankie Perez by her side, saying that she’s found her man. Frankie Perez will be the man to represent her, and to teach de Aske what it means to be Main Event material [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Plague beat American Elemental[/COLOR] in 10.53 [B](C+)[/B] -The aim of this match was to keep American Elemental looking as strong as possible while taking defeat, which may have actually had the knock on affect of actually making Plague look weak. He was focused, however, and the Creeping Death won it. *** Plague grabbed a mic, and growled that next week, it was Insane Machine’s turn to face his wrath [B](B+)[/B] *** Aaron Andrews cut an intense promo on Jacob Jett, reminding the little man that he was playing on his turf. He’s the current Warrior Champion – and the only man to win the title twice. He’s eliminated everyone in his path – it just so happens that Jett has previously failed to register on the radar. Well, after last week, Andrews has a Jett on the radar, and it’s gonna crash and burn [B](A)[/B] *** We cut away from the interview to see Frankie Perez valiantly trying to fight off a 3 on 1 attack from Mohammed, Enforcer Roberts and Hugh de Aske. All resistance is ended when Roberts cracks a fire hose over Perez’s head, and he crumples to the ground [B](B-)[/B] *** De Aske struts out to the ring with his colleagues, and declares that Alicia Strong has been busy making friends with weaklings – fools who cannot stand up to a minor challenge. Himself, on the other hand, he has two of his most valued companions at his side, and sees no obstacle to a title shot. He’s interrupted by Mathew Gauge’s music, and he comes out flanked by Alicia Strong to answer the challenge [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Mathew Gauge [/COLOR]in 11.31 [B](B)[/B] -Well, if this is not clicking, these two men have proved how skilled they both are. Even contest, and it would have been interesting had it been fair – but de Aske doesn’t play fair. Mohammed kept Alicia Strong (and the ref) occupied, while Roberts clobbered Mathew from behind, leaving de Aske to hit the Cut Throat Driver for the win. *** De Aske rolled out the ring, and declared himself the next Warrior Champion. This caused Easy Emma to stand up, reminding de Aske who made the rules around here. Emma says she’s seen de Aske win – by cheating of course, that’s expected, but win nonetheless. However, she’s yet to see him defeat Alicia Strong, but she is looking for Aaron Andrews next challenger. She announces that next week, Strong and de Aske will face one another, in an effort to keep the other one out of the title picture. If either person can pin the other in ten minutes, they will take on Andrews at Boldness. If neither manages it, she’ll have to go back to consider her options [B](B+)[/B] *** Jacob Jett was caught for a quick interview, and to say he nailed it would be an underestimation. He says that he’s always been thought of as an underdog due to his size, so tonight is no difference. However, if he wins, then things will change, then he’ll be taken more seriously than ever before [B](A*)[/B] *** The wrestlers come out for the Main Event, when Easy Emma announces some additions. She is making Farrah Hesketh the ref tonight, and adding Steve Gumble and Rick Sanders as ringside enforcers [B](B-)[/B] Aaron Andrews (c) beat Jacob Jett (c) in a non-title match in 15.55 [B](B+)[/B] -Gumble and Sanders did their job well, doing their best to keep the rest of Liberation from the ring, and leaving the two champions to have their fair fight in the middle of the ring. We’ve all seen it before – mean heel, plucky underdog rallying and getting the odd pinfall, but it was not to be enough. Blood was spilt by Jett, and gradually he was worn down, and finished off with a piledriver into the mat. *** Andrews got right into Jett’s face, telling him that’s what happens when you mess with Liberation, before leaving with his title held high as the show ended [B](B+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B+[/I]
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Wow, I knew that the rest of the show would be overshadowed by the Main Event, but I really didn’t expect the 4,794 people in attendance to rate the show almost purely on the Main Event. I shall not complain. And I’m highly impressed how two people who don’t click can pull out a “B” rated match – well done Mathew Gauge and Hugh de Aske. *** Unleashed dips to 4.78, but those expecting the quality to dip has we headed out of the South East / West were going to be disappointed to read the reviews. *** After a three year absence, former CZCW Triple Crown Holder Snap Dragon is to return to the Coastal Zone. *** Julian Watson’s career comes to an end at the age of 28, not being able to recover from a spinal injury he received while winning his fourth BHOTWG Openweight Championship. *** BHOTWG sign one of my workers. No shock there – I have various wrestlers who have toured with them. I’m shocked to learn it’s a written deal, and opportunity that cropped up due to Watson’s retirement, and to a worker that a truly wish I could have held onto forever. No matter, the next show shall be the wrestlers last. *** Eric Tyler defeats Hugh de Aske once more to retain the USPW World Title, and this promotion is all about these two men, despite the ex-SWF signings. And that’s a good thing. *** Mathew Gauge signs a new contract, and will (hopefully) be with us for another 18 months. *** At TCW, Christian Faith loses the International Title to Ricky Dale Johnson, his first title reign of any sort for five years. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the South East Extraordinario Jr. vs Greg Gauge Steve Gumble vs Rick Sanders Frankie Perez vs Enforcer Roberts Alicia Strong vs Hugh de Aske Insane Machine vs Plague[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the South East *** We start the show with a couple of hype videos – Plague vs Insane Machine, and Hugh de Aske vs Alicia Strong in a ten minute challenge for a Warrior Title shot [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Greg Gauge beat Extraordinario Jr.[/COLOR] in 4.57 [B](C)[/B] -Simple if unspectacular victory for Greg, surrounded by his colleagues. *** Masked Cougar came out applauding after the match, asking Liberation if they really got their kicks from beating up on rookies. Andrews confidently said that he was quite happy making youngsters aware what was required to wrestle in his yard – he felt it was his responsibility. Cougar responded by saying that next week, he will find two allies, and wants all of Liberation in the ring. Andrews bowed sarcastically, saying he was only willing to accept [B](B+)[/B] *** Alicia Strong and Mathew Gauge were backstage with Frankie Perez, trying to talk him out of his match with Enforcer Roberts, due to the concussion he received at the hands of the man last week. Perez told them to be quiet – he’d never be allowed his revenge if the doctors know about the concussion, but he had to do this. He told Strong to concentrate on her match – that was the important one tonight [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble beat Rick Sanders[/COLOR] in 8.28 [B](C-)[/B] -Amazingly these two have never met over their long history at FWE. Pity as well, because if we’d known about this poor chemistry, we’d never have run the match. Gumble won with the Savate Kick. *** Hugh de Aske cut a quick interview, hoping that the next bout didn’t distract Alicia Strong, as he was fully focused on their match, and ready to take his win [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Enforcer Roberts beat Frankie Perez[/COLOR] in 20.51 [B](B-)[/B] -A little surprising that this bout has been bettered between these two before, but Perez has slipped down from his Main Event post that he once had. Great technical encounter, ended after Perez was knocked unconscious on an exposed turnbuckle, and took the pin from Roberts. *** After a quick advert, we caught up with Perez bleeding into a towel, speaking with Mathew Gauge. Perez announces that he can’t do this any more – he shouldn’t have wrestled with a concussion, as this second head injury puts his career and health in risk. Gauge asks him not to go, but Frankie says that he has to – but Mathew doesn’t need him any more. Mathew promises to get revenge on Roberts, and Perez nods his head, telling him that he’s ready[B] (B)[/B] [I]Yep, that’s the end of Frankie Perez’s FWE career[/I] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong drew with Hugh de Aske[/COLOR] in 10.00 [B](B+)[/B] -The attempted ringside interference was stopped by Mathew Gauge, and ten minutes wasn’t nearly enough for either of these two to pick up the win. *** Alicia Strong joined Mathew outside the ring, extracting him from Mohammed and Enforcer Roberts, while de Aske rolled out of the ring, and headed off through the crowd [B](B-)[/B] *** A camera caught Plague heading out to the ring, passing Aaron Andrews, and pointing out that there was still a spot open to challenge for his title – and he’s going to continue his streak [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Plague beat Insane Machine[/COLOR] in 10.45 [B](A*)[/B] -Yeah, this one was alright. I’ve had these two face off before, but it was three years ago when the promotion was in its infancy, and they feuded over the Extreme Title. I knew that they could put on a decent match then, so worked Insane Machine against Plague, in the hope of getting a B+ match. Oh, they did better than that. Great high flying contest – Insane Machine even hit the Insanity Tsunami, but Plague ducked the Termination Kick that folowed it up. Machine couldn’t avoid the Creeping Death, and took the pin. *** Plague took a mic, and demanded that he be named the number one contender to the Warrior Title. There’s always someone to argue, and it was de Aske, which of course drew out protestations from Alicia Strong. Aaron Andrews came out to declare that none of them were in his league, which Easy Emma took as a sign that he didn’t mind defending his title in a four way at Boldness next month. He wasn’t too happy about that [B](B+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating A[/I]
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