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FWE - Without Your Kids (Cornellverse)

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[B]FWE Presents… Fireworks:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Hell Monkey beat Joey Beauchamp[/COLOR] in 4.49 [B](D+)[/B] -Quick match, won with the Tumbling Monkey. *** Hell Monkey went on a rant about Nevada Nuclear, pointing out he had twice attacked Hell Monkey, but made the mistake last week of putting another man in against Andrews tonight. Monkey told Nuclear that he would soon run out of friends, and then he’d be finished [B](D+)[/B] *** Mainstream Hernandez hyped the Main Event. He said that the Monkey may moan, but he took his opportunity fair and square, and was long overdue this title shot tonight [B](C+)[/B] *** American Elemental was down to the ring, and again claimed that it was his era [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]American Elemental (c) beat Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 5.53 [B](C+)[/B] -Well, these two can certainly work together. Pity I still haven’t built up Singh well enough to become a credible threat, and American Elemental took little time before hitting the Inferno Splash for the win. *** American Elemental held up his title as leaving the ring, when Masked Cougar came out and pushed past the champion. American Elemental looked incensed, but calmed down and left [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar beat Barry Kingman[/COLOR] in 6.34 [B](D)[/B] -I’ve been lucky with chemistry recently, so I won’t moan about the lack of it here. Kingman looked distracted, and Cougar won with the I am Cougar, Here Me Roar. *** It was Frankie Perez’s turn to hype the Main Event. He said he’d seen challengers come and go – and even defeat three opponents at once. Tonight would be no different – tonight would be his night [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Nevada Nuclear beat Rick Sanders[/COLOR] in 5.35 [B](C-)[/B] -Would have been happy with a D+ here, so even happier! Sanders tried to keep Nuclear floored, but failed, a Mushroom Cloud winning the match. *** As Nevada Nuclear left, he was met by Aaron Andrews, who admonished him for allowing Mainstream Hernandez into the Main Event tonight. He told Nuclear that he knew how to make up for it, before heading down to the ring for his title shot [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews beat Frankie Perez (c) and Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR] for the FWE Warrior Title in 25.49 [B](C+)[/B] -Strong match, pity we’ve done better than it a few times over the last few weeks. As Andrews and Hernandez went at it in the ring, Nevada Nuclear came out and started attacking Frankie Perez outside the ring. Hell Monkey came out for the save, and battled Nuclear to the back. In the ring Hernandez set up Andrews for the Apparition #14, but Perez pulled Andrews away, making the young high flier eat mat. Perez then tied up Andrews with the P-Clutch, but released it to throw a recovering Hernandez out of the ring. He turned around straight into a Standing Hot Shot, and Andrews made the cover for the ring. *** We allowed Andrews time to celebrate in each corner, as he’s by far the most over man on our roster[B] (B+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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Not a sell-out, but 1,562 people saw a new champion crowned. Although Andrews’ long term commitment to the company have to be in doubt, we will use him as our figurehead while we can. *** It’s announced that Aaron Andrews will be leaving DaVE, where he’s been working since May. And they’re Cult. *** Hell Monkey picks up his second WL Universal Title, defeating Awesome Thunder [B]December:[/B] *** That’s an $18,000 profit, a huge increase for us. At this rate we’re only a few months away from Cult level, so need to make as much money now as possible. *** Aaron Andrews gets a TCW World Heavyweight Title shot against Zimmy Bumfhole, and it ends in a draw. *** Remember Rhino Umaga? Well, his tour with INSPIRE is over, so you may well see him back at FWE soon. *** Sam Keith, SWF’s last star on a written contract, looks set to leave the ailing federation. *** Insane Machine is to tour with INSPIRE. Great. *** TCW score another B+ show, with Cornell getting revenge over Hawkins, and have gone International. Their first new signing is Jungle Jack, so I will no longer be signing him and then watching him leave after a few months. They’ve also approached former worker American Elemental. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Cold Turkey: Aaron Andrews (c) vs Steve Gumble for the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE] [I]I was going to announce the rest of the card, but it'll wait for a week for me to post a show. The reason why - I'm out of the country for the next week, so I'm afraid you've got a diary pinned which won't be updated in that week :( See you in a week![/I]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[B]FWE Presents… Cold Turkey:[/B] Bad news, as it’s revealed that Steve Gumble has missed the show, claiming travel problems. His place goes to Rick Sanders, in a non-title match. *** Having a new champion, it’s traditional for him to start the show. It doesn’t take long for Mainstream Hernandez to come out and make the point that he was never pinned last week, so Andrews grants him a title shot – as long as he defeats Masked Cougar tonight [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Greg Gauge beat Cal Sanders[/COLOR] in 5.34 [B](D+)[/B] -Neither Gauge is yet to debut for PGHW, but Mathew was ringside to see Greg lock in the Proton Lock. *** Backstage, we see Hell Monkey and Nevada Nuclear in the middle of an argument, when Rhino Umaga blindsides Monkey. The two kick Hell Monkey while he’s down, until Frankie Perez runs them off. Hell Monkey looks at Perez uneasily, before accepting his hand up [B](D)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Ultimate Phoenix beat Barry Kingman[/COLOR] in 6.52 [B](C)[/B] -Barry’s dad came with him to ringside, but couldn’t inspire him to a win – in fact, he looked more as if he was a distraction. *** Kingman Sr grabs his son, and drags him away from the ring, saying that he’s far too good for this place, and should come with him back to Canada [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mainstream Hernandez beat Masked Cougar[/COLOR] in 10.46 [B](B)![/B] -Setting new standards at FWE. Both men had something to prove – Hernandez after the Warrior Title, and Cougar to try to make a recovery after losing the Extreme Title. Might explain why they put on an awesome match that was all to do with skill, not chemistry (which was neutral). *** A slightly tired Hernandez took the applause from the crowd, and told Andrews that he had seen what he had to live up to at No Agents [B](B-)[/B] *** Hell Monkey and Frankie Perez came out to make the point that they’d both been screwed around by Nevada Nuclear, and were equally motivated to work together to defeat him right now [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hell Monkey and Frankie Perez beat Nuclear Beast[/COLOR] in 10.47 [B](C)[/B] -Umaga didn’t get a win in his return, as the two faces (Perez newly so) worked together – Perez pinning Nevada Nuclear after a Perfect Parity. *** The two sides looked to fight after the match, but stopped at the sound of Aaron Andrews’ music. The champion strolled to the ring, and told everyone else to clear off – this was his time [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews (c) beat Rick Sanders[/COLOR] in a non-title match [B](C+)[/B] -Well, Sanders was hardly going to win, was he? [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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A large dip in attendance to 1,347, but another good show, with a great showing from Hernandez, and an unexpected face turn from Frankie Perez. *** Steve Gumble’s travel issues have been confirmed. If they hadn’t been, I may have fired him. *** Crippler Ray Kingman has left FWE. Who knows what that last angle was about? I don’t. *** Mainstream Hernandez gets a huge extension. *** Nevada Nuclear ends Mikel Alonso’s dreadful Shooting Star reign. *** Ricky Dale Johnson and Rick Law re-sign with TCW after leaving them in February, for CGC and SWF respectively. *** Former DaVE workers Carl Batch, Mitch Naess and Eddie Peak sign for TCW. Both Naess and Peak were unemployed, while Batch was at SWF. *** We finally get Zimmy Bumfhole vs Tommy Cornell. Zimmy retains in a B+ match. *** SWF counter with a PPV from Scotland with Jack Giedroyc curtain jerking. And to top it off Brett Biggz wins the Shooting Star title off Nevada Nuclear. *** Masked Cougar is to tour with WLW. *** American Elemental signs PPA with TCW. They’re also stealing SWF’s head ref, Ric Young, but Chris Caulfield has turned them down, happy to stay at DaVE. *** Eddie Peak’s TCW debut is in six man tag action, but more importantly American Buffalo wins his first International Title from Human Arsenal. Marcus McKing is their newest employee. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Invasion: Joss Thompson vs Rhino Umaga Mainstream Hernandez vs Remmy Skye Aaron Andrews (c) vs Steve Gumble for the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Bye1918;245776][B]I really enjoy this diary man, please keep it going for a good long while.[/QUOTE] Oh don't worry - I knew that I'd probably take a while after coming back to get going in the game again - so have a healthy buffer of shows of already written up gameplay still to post. I'm not going anywhere. [B]FWE Presents… Invasion[/B] (take 2. Thanks computer for crashing): [COLOR="Blue"]Rhino Umaga beat Joss Thompson[/COLOR] in 7.54 [B](D+)[/B] -For people still on my roster, my non-clickedyness in now three times as large as my clicking list. But, this was alright for an awkward bout, which Umaga won with a Rhino Charge. And yes, I ran this match both times - didn't want to take advanatage of my computer crash. *** Steve Gumble took to the mic, thanking the fans at FWE for making sure that he got his title shot. That’s right, ignore the fact that last month you also faced the then Warrior Champion, and lost [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mainstream Hernandez beat Remmy Skye[/COLOR] in 11.06 [B](C+)[/B] -Well, Remmy certainly did well in his three matches. Fell to a Super Kick here. *** Hernandez ripped into Aaron Andrews, saying that he had a title shot next week, but Andrews was defending it here. Why? Did he hope to pick up an “injury” that’s keep him out next week? Andrews came out and told Hernandez to zip it – he’d be champion after tonight, and Hernandez would still get his shot next week [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews (c) beat Steve Gumble[/COLOR] by DQ in 16.12 [B](B-)[/B] -Colour commentary sucked – really should have sat Hernandez in, as that would have helped. In the end it was he who ended the match, taking a chair to Andrews’ head for the DQ. *** Hernandez and Andrews brawled, with Gumble unable to do anything to keep them apart. Not that he tried that hard [B](B-)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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Slightly better second time round, as 1,000 people saw a better event than they did first time. Really need to invest in a colour commentator, but I’m too tight. *** Skye leaves FWE after his successful loan spell. *** Skull DeBones and Darryl Devine don’t win Tag Title gold at CGC. They did before crash. Poor them. *** Matt Sparrow and Kid Toma don’t team up to take the MAW Tag Titles off Natural Storm. How delicately balanced history is… *** Steve Smith also gets a large pay rise at FWE. *** Lead Belly takes his hardcore style to DaVE, which should be quite a good signing. He still works at SWF. This happened in both versions of the game, but in this one exclusively Hell’s Bouncer gets a second Brass Knuckles reign, defeating Johnny Martin. *** It’s Human Arsenal’s turn, as Wrestling Machine #1 defeats Zimmy Bumfhole for the TCW World Title for his first run. *** Joss Thompson earns a new FWE contract. *** Black Eagle is to tour with INSPIRE. News I was none too impressed with. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… No Agents: Mathew Gauge vs Cal Sanders American Elemental (c) vs Roderick Remus for the FWE Extreme Title Masked Cougar vs Insane Machine Frankie Perez and Hell Monkey vs Joey Beauchamp and Joss Thompson Aaron Andrews (c) vs Mainstream Hernandez for the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE]
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It looks like Mainstream Hernandez is doing the business right now with strong recent performances against Remmy and Cougar, so it should make for a good bout with Andrews next time out. Good, logical booking of this weeks main event, with Mainstream ending the match prematurely with a chairshot.
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[QUOTE=Monkeypox;246202]Lead Belly would be an awesome signing for DaVE, and one that I'd totally make if I were allowed to sign other fed's workers. :([/QUOTE] Yeah, I'm just waiting for Sanders to hit me with that one. Resilience and druggies is a quite easy restriction to work around. [B]FWE Presents… No Agents:[/B] Well, this is a surprise. No Agents is a two hour show, a special from last year. Unexpected. Just one more match added in, that would have been in the dark. *** Hype for the Main Event. We’re hoping it’ll be special [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Nevada Nuclear beat Thomas Morgan[/COLOR] in 5.31 [B](D+)[/B] -This was our extra match, Nuclear making mincemeat of his opposition. [COLOR="blue"]Mathew Gauge beat Cal Sanders[/COLOR] in 5.31 [B](C-)[/B] -Greg was ringside to see his brother do what he a fortnight ago. But Mathew did it in more style, and in 3 seconds less. *** Mathew asked Greg how he did, and his brother was forced to applaud him as they left together [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]American Elemental (c) beat Roderick Remus[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 6.56 [B](C)[/B] -Considering the one sided matches so far, they’ve all been pretty good. American Elemental was never in danger, and won with an Inferno Splash. *** Mainstream Hernandez was on the hype duty for the Main Event, saying it was a shot he earned over Masked Cougar, and would capitalise on in style [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar beat Insane Machine[/COLOR] in 13.40 [B](C)[/B] -We’re losing Insane Machine on tour for a while, so gave him a job for his departure. It was highly competitive though, before Masked Cougar won with the I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar. *** American Elemental came out with his title, sarcastically clapping. He told Masked Cougar that although it was an impressive win, he didn’t have the Extreme Title, and would not affect his era. Masked Cougar took a mic, and started off by apologising to American Elemental. Since he fought Mainstream Hernandez two weeks ago, people have been coming up to him saying that it was the best match that they had seen this year. It made him realise – his Extreme Title reign was great, but he could live with the big boys, and he’d be focussing on getting a Warrior Title. American Elemental looked on incredously as Masked Cougar left him looking slightly alone. How one is "slightly alone" I'll never know [B](C-)[/B] *** Perez and Hell Monkey were shown before there match, telling the world that no-one was impressed by Aaron Andrews showing off, brushing past them as if they weren’t there the other week. They both were there, and would be for some time to come [B](C)[/B] Frankie Perez and Hell Monkey beat Joey Beauchamp and Joss Thompson in 8.54 [B](C+)[/B] -Another one sided match, but another good one too. Beauchamp flew off the ropes straight into a Hell Fire Kick, and was an easy pin. *** As soon as the match ended Perez and Monkey were jumped by Rhino Umaga and Nevada Nuclear, but managed to work together to fight both men off [B](D)[/B] *** Just the champion’s turn left, telling Mainstream Hernandez that just because he’d earned a title shot didn’t mean he was anything like championship material. He looked around FWE, and said that he just realised that there was no-one nearly on his level [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews (c) beat Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 29.12 [B](B-)[/B] -Could have been better, but my commentary was dreadful, and my colleagues didn’t shower themselves in glory either. Fortunately, despite both having been at DaVE at the same time, they hadn’t ever faced off one on one before, so we had an exclusive on our hands. We even teased a title change, but Hernandez couldn’t capitalise quickly enough on his Apparition #14. Andrews only needed the Standing Hot Shot once, and he got the win. [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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Not a sell out (1,672 people attended), but quite frankly, that’s their loss. Good show all round, from decent losing efforts from Thompson / Beauchamp / Remus, to a great Main Event. Now, if only I could find someone that Andrews clicked with, we could maybe break into the mainstream market. *** Both Barry Kingman and Ultimate Phoenix arrived very late to the last show. I hardly noticed, so focussed was I on the Main Event, so let both men get away with it. *** SWF World Heavyweight Champion Randy Bumfhole stalls on contract negotiations, apparently wishing to join Zimmy at TCW. *** Mario Heroic leaves USPW, and becomes available to sign once more (still works at SOTBPW and 4C). I made an offer nine months ago but considered him too expensive, but I’m growing now… *** CGC make Andrews an offer. Don’t see him accepting, but… *** Robbie Retro signs for DaVE, adding them to SWF and CZCW. Strangely enough he’s been facing Puerto Rican Power recently for both promotions, beating him at SWF, but losing to him when challenging him for the CZCW Title. *** Well, this time Mario Heroic didn’t even join me for negotiations. Neither did Art Reed (which will leave me drooling for Art Reed vs Frankie Perez for a while longer). And Aaron Andrews surprised me by joining CGC. Who run a show weekly on Sunday – my favourite day for shows. Next month’s going to be a scheduling nightmare – the quicker I get to Cult the better (still a few months off). *** T-Rex joins SWF while Enygma join MPWF. *** In the last show of the year, TCW hold an all round strong card, with Human Arsenal, American Buffalo and Guide all retaining their singles titles – the Tag Titles were not up for contest.
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[SIZE="5"][B]2009:[/B][/SIZE] [B]2008 awards:[/B] [B]Wrestler of the Year[/B] – [COLOR="Blue"]Sean McFly[/COLOR] (NOTBPW) 16-2-7, no A* matches and no title – but uber consistent. [B]Young Wrestler of the Year [/B]– [COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins [/COLOR](TCW) 35-2-31, with a number of great matches with Tommy Cornell. Also had a 4 month All Action Title reign [B]Veteran Wrestler of the Year[/B] – [COLOR="blue"]Pistol Pete Hall [/COLOR](PGHW) New lease of live since leaving GCG, and can work well with anyone. [B]Female Wrestler of the Year[/B] – [COLOR="blue"]Sensational Ogiwara [/COLOR](formerly of 5SSW) Fittingly the last 5 Star World Champion, and had a great run of matches with Alicia Strong. It’ll be interesting to see if she’ll try breaking into the US now 5SSW have folded. [B]Promotion of the Year[/B] – [COLOR="blue"]SWF[/COLOR] For the second year running. Haven’t got a clue how they won this, as they've fallen dreafully in the last 16 months. [B]Most Improved Promotion[/B] – [COLOR="blue"]NOTBPW[/COLOR] At one stage out there as the biggest promotion in the World, a title now fought over with TCW. [B]Match of the Year[/B] – [COLOR="blue"]Sean McFly beat Jeremy Stone[/COLOR], at NOTBPW Wreslting TV Show, December As I said, McFly didn’t get an A* match this year – but neither did anyone else. [B]Show of the Year[/B] – [COLOR="blue"]NOTBPW Summer Smash[/COLOR] Second Year running that NOTBPW take this one, with a double Main Event of Jeremy Stone defeating Duane Stone, and Johnny Bloodstone retaining his Canadian Title over… who else? Sean McFly. *** Three FWE appearances in the Top 100 this year – [B]Insane Machine[/B] (99), [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] (98) and [B]Hell Monkey [/B](82). Not for any work they did with me. _______________________ [B]FWE Wrestler of the Year[/B] – [COLOR="blue"]Hell Monkey[/COLOR] Suffered four losses (compared to 5 for Andrews and just two for Perez), but had great matches with people from all over the card. [B]FWE Young Wrestler of the Year[/B] – [COLOR="blue"]Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR] Not in contention for the main award having only rejoined FWE in April, but has been in great form since coming back, with only two defeats. [B]FWE Match of the Year[/B] – [COLOR="blue"]Mainstream Hernandez beat Masked Cougar[/COLOR] at FWE Presents… Cold Turkey (B) Very much unexpected, but nothing else was rated this high all year, and one for both men to be proud of. Neither did any better for any other federation.
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[B]2009 - January[/B] *** $5,000 loss. Pah. *** The Gauges leave PGHW, both having gone 0-2. *** Only now remember that I meant to run an extra Invasion show last month. Oh well. *** It’s the time of year for new goals: [B]1. Must raise in size in the next 3 years[/B] Superb. My plan is in the next six months [B]2. Basic at least B- 3. Athleticism at least B-[/B] The most significant workers this would have blocked my hiring are Nevada Nuclear and Rhino Umaga, which would have been annoying. And would surprisingly not let me re-sign Rick Sanders’ great friend Barry Kingman if I let him go (which to be truthful, is the plan when his contract is up). I’m sure this will block me signing some people I want in the next two years, but I’m happy to work with these. The basics might be an issue, but… Especially as it allows me to resign the one worker I lost to last times blocks – Black Eagle. If only he wasn’t currently on your in Japan! *** I thankfully check WLW results, and notice American Elemental Main Eventing (I’d forgotten he had a job there). A little advance warning that I won’t have him on Friday for The Start, as I’ve had to go up against WLW as it’s the only day where I can book both Hernandez and Andrews. For that reason I’ll also be without Masked Cougar, Insane Machine, Ultimate Phoenix and Nevada Nuclear (as I also clash with SOTBPW and SWF). *** With Randy Bumfhole set to leave SWF, he drops the World Heavyweight Title to Remo in a Triple Threat match that also included Akima Brave. It was actually a good show, too. *** Freddy Huggins is pretty popular in the US. Still, winning the DaVE Unified Title from Eric Tyler (with Chris Caulfield also in the match) is risky booking. *** Randy Bumfhole officially joins TCW, with rumours of him teaming back up with his brother. Captain USA also joins TCW in a backstage role. *** Bart Biggz thinks he’s too big for me. Stops me making the mistake of hiring him. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… The Start: Frankie Perez vs Steven Parker Mainstream Hernandez vs Rhino Umaga Mainstream Hernandez gets a title shot tonight if he defeats Rhino Umaga![/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… The Start:[/B] *** Mainstream Hernandez comes out, and is pleased to announce a new member of the commentary team (replacing me) – [B]Alicia Strong[/B]! Alicia comes out to say that she is glad to be joining FWE for the New Year, and hoped to be commentating on an exciting Main Event [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]The Gauges beat Trademark[/COLOR] in 5.58 [B](C-)[/B] -The colour commentary gave this match a boost. That’s something that I haven’t seen enough of (in fact, it has never been the case). The Gauges dominated Morgan and Remus, and Morgan got disqualified for constantly coming into the ring without being tagged. *** Aaron Andrews cuts an interview with Rhino Umaga by his side, saying that Alicia Strong would see a title match tonight, as he’d lined up a suitable replacement for when Hernandez falls to Umaga later [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rick Sanders beat Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] in 6.44 [B](C-)[/B] -Definition of filler match as half of our stars are missing. The two shook hands beforehand, and an open bout was sealed when Sanders locked in the Figure Four Leg Lock. [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez beat Steven Parker[/COLOR] in 7.31 [B](C+)[/B] -Honestly, another filler, and another submission win, with Perez locking in the P-Clutch. *** Backstage, Mainstream Hernandez hyped his match with Umaga, announcing that he’d be taming the beast as quickly as possible, before moving onto Andrews [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mainstream Hernandez beat Rhino Umaga[/COLOR] by DQ in 16.32 [B](B-)[/B] -Hernandez went for the early finish, but Umaga proved far more resilient than that, and would not be put away easily. The young American had to change tack, and wore down his opponent with his speed. Andrews threw Umaga a chair, but Hernandez Superkicked it into the Samoan’s face, and went for the pin. Andrews entered to break it up, throwing Hernandez outside and earning the DQ. *** As Hernandez was announced the winner, Andrews laid into him, eventually getting the help of Rhino Umaga. The two dragged Hernandez to the announce table, and, before a stunned Alicia Strong, powerbombed him straight through it [B](C-)[/B] *** Aaron Andrews ripped a microphone from Strong, and sarcastically said he was upset that Hernandez would not be making the Main Event. He disappeared out back, before dragging Barry Kingman out to the ring. Andrews took the mic once more, and apologised to ex-Warrior Title holder Kingman for not warning him that he would be Hernandez’s replacement tonight [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews (c) beat Barry Kingman[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 6.56 [B](C+)[/B] -We could have built this match up, as Kingman is one of just four Warrior Champions, but frankly he’s not in the class of the other three. At least we gave him an excuse, as, in his street clothes, he was completely unprepared, and didn’t last long against Andrews. *** Andrews left the ring, and shook his title in Alicia Strong’s face, and told her that that was what a true champion was made of [B](B+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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A nice 2,000 sell out, and another strong card considering the talent that we were missing. It’s just a pity that many of them will probably now go back to being underused. *** It’s official – we decided to forget about Sam, and sign Alicia Strong, initially as a colour commentator. She’s far better than I ever was, but costs too. *** Mainstream Hernadez will be out of action for the next month, injured going through the announce table. Okay, he’s fine, but we’re going to clash with DaVE (where he’ll appear on National TV) for the next few weeks. It’s an excuse – and sets him up for a future title shot. *** Big Smack Scott finally has a title – the SWF North American Title. I assume they took it off Akima so he could move to the thin Main Event scene. *** Difficult day, as I enter negotiations with Shady K, Knuckles and Grease Hogg. I turn them all down, and, with my blocks, will not be able to make another approach for two years. Fortunately the only wrestler close to leaving me without my consent is Aaron Andrews, who is far too big for us. *** We have signed eight new workers though – and still have a signing from last year yet to debut. Don’t hold your breath though – they’re not the most exciting. *** Art Reed is going back to Canada, signing full time with NOTBPW. *** SWF sign up Ash Campbell, and have probably told him a thing or two about not having a blood bath. *** Big Smack Scott’s Title reign lasts just a few days, as Freddy Huggins takes the North American Title. Say what you like about him, he always seems to pick up titles. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Invasion: Ultimate Phoenix vs Roderick Remus American Elemental (c) vs Todd Hart for the Extreme Title Masked Cougar, Frankie Perez and Hell Monkey vs Aaron Andrews and Nuclear Beast[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Invasion:[/B] *** Alicia Strong starts the show and announces that it’s good to have friends in high places, and she’s managed to get some influence in the matches tonight. Therefore, in the Main Event, if anyone pins Aaron Andrews, they will be given a title shot next week[B] (C)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Ultimate Phoenix beat Roderick Remus[/COLOR] in 5.45 [B](D+)[/B] -Distinctly average match, finished by the Firebird Splash. *** Aaron Andrews cut an interview, saying that Alicia Strong may have thought that she was clever – but now his opponents will be fighting amongst themselves. Once again, he will have the last laugh at the end of the night [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]American Elemental (c) beat Todd Hart[/COLOR] to retain the Extreme Title in 4.59 [B](D)[/B] -Todd Hart is a rookie SWF worker who has more charisma than skill. And doesn’t click with American Elemental. *** American Elemental took a mic to say that his era continued, when Ultimate Phoenix came out to dispute that there was any kind of era going on. American Elemental hadn’t faced one quality opponent yet. However, Phoenix had a plan, something that could really start an era – a best of five series between the two. American Elemental accepted, saying that next week the era begins, and he’ll secure it three and oh [B](C)[/B] *** Just before the Main Event, and the faces got some mic time – and they didn’t do too badly, considering none of them are renowned for their work [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar, Frankie Perez and Hell Monkey beat Aaron Andrews and Nuclear Beast[/COLOR] by DQ in 20.43 [B](C)[/B] -Remmington Remus was a little lacking on commentary (Steve Smith is in the UK for the rest of the month), but once more Strong was… strong for her part. About as even as you could get, with the faces eager to get the pin, but working well to get one another out of trouble. They did manage to isolate Nevada Nuclear, which brought in Aaron Andrews with the trusty chair. He took out one man after another, and held the chair in the air victoriously, despite having lost by DQ. *** Alicia Strong stood up to tell Andrews that he wouldn’t be allowed to keep his title like that – so next week he’ll have to face all three of tonight’s opponents in a Fatal Four Way [B](B)![/B] [I]Overall Rating C[/I]
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Well, a sell out 2,000 saw us rely on our Main Event, but it had enough talent involved to be a success. It’s the first defeat Andrews has had in a while, but amazingly his TCW work has kept his overness in the South West at B+. *** Mathew Gauge has signed for NYCW, in his first move without his brother. He gets a debut victory over Dazzling Dave Diamond. *** Robbie Retro’s taken the DaVE Brass Knuckles Title from Hell’s Bouncer. Maybe they’re running some kind of Invasion angle. *** Akima Brave is yet another SWF Main Eventer to announce he is to leave. Now I can understand why they’re using Eric Eisen so much. *** Mario Heroic joins DaVE. *** Aaron Andrews is yet another to go over Tommy Cornell. *** SWF hold one last show with Randy Bumfhole. And they job him in six man tag action to Todd Hart, Robbie Retro and Mikel Alonso (he teamed with Gargantuan and Ash Campbell). No hard feelings then? [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Together: Steve Gumble vs Insane Machine Kashmir Singh vs Rhino Umaga American Elemental vs Ultimate Phoenix Aaron Andrews (c) vs Masked Cougar, Frankie Perez and Hell Monkey for the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Together:[/B] *** Alicia Strong welcomes everyone to the show, and introduces FWE’s newest signing, [B]Brendan Idol[/B]. She gives a run down of his athletic achievements, before telling everyone he’ll be debuting soon at FWE[B] (C)[/B] *** Masked Cougar and Hell Monkey were on the hype for the Main Event, and it looked as if the two could be aligning themselves from the start [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Steve Gumble drew with Insane Machine[/COLOR] in 9.44 [B](C-)[/B] -An even contest, and then Nevada Nuclear and Rhino Umaga came out. They obviously wanted to take over the ring, throwing both competitors out for the no contest. *** Gumble and Machine tried to fight back, but having already given ten minutes in the ring, had no chance. As Rhino Umaga waited in the ring, Nevada Nuclear met Aaron Andrews at the top of the stage, who was dragging Brendan Idol behind him. He was forced to the ring, and it was impromptu match time [B](D)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rhino Umaga beat Brendan Idol[/COLOR] in 6.47 [B](D)[/B] -No, these don’t click, which is annoying as Idol was a late switch to this match as I changed around a storyline. Nevada Nuclear provided the assist, Umaga provided the Rhino Charge. *** American Elemental was out to give the crowd some idea of the format of this best of five series – one match this month, and four matches next month. Well, it’d only take him three matches, so he was thinking about putting his feet up for the rest of February [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]American Elemental beat Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR] in 11.48 [B](B-)[/B] -Now this is how to start an era. Very good high flying contest with numerous near falls. It was a reversal by American Elemental that sealed it, with a grab of the ropes for extra leverage. *** Aaron Andrews came out to hype his title defence, while informing Alicia Strong that if she got in his way, he would have no choice but to eliminate her [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews (c) beat Masked Cougar, Frankie Perez and Hell Monkey[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 22.33 [B](B-)[/B] -Andrews was absolutely on the back foot for this entire match, fighting off all comers, but never getting a break. It even resulted in him being forced from the ring for several minutes, and he was able to do nothing about the several pinfall attempts in the ring. He did get back in, but Hell Monkey and Masked Cougar hit an I am Cougar, Here Me Roar / Tumbling Monkey that knocked the senses out of him. It was then that the lights cut out, and we heard muffled crashes. When the lights were back on everyone was down in the ring, with Andrews lying on Frankie Perez. The ref looked around confused, and started a ten count, but Nuclear vaulted the guard rail and pointed out that Andrews was pinning Perez. Shane Stones looked around suspiciously, but was forced to count, and made it to three before anyone could move. *** Rhino Umaga emerged from under the ring, and celebrated with Andrews. Alicia Strong stormed down to the ring, and started yelling at Andrews. Andrews rolled out of the ring and nodded in her face – before laying her out with a single punch. Not Family Friendly – not that I claim to be [B](B+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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2,000 sell out, two good matches. The ones of you paying attention may realise that I said we were going to lose Insane Machine on tour, but here he is wrestling for us. The reason is clear – I was going to run shows this month on Sundays, but CGC ruined that when they signed Andrews. That’s why I’m running on Wednesdays without a Main Eventer (Hernandez) and my main commentator (Steve Smith). And Joss Thompson, but he’d not missed nearly so much, despite his obvious talent. *** Kashmir Singh, Remmington Remus and Kathy Neptune (who still comes to the ring with Rick Sanders) all sign new 9 month contracts with FWE. We hope for some more exciting news later. *** Gumble and Phoenix also sign. Gumble’s now one of my highest paid workers. Earned on reputation, rather than talent. *** UCR are in trouble, and they start to make cuts. *** Mathew Gauge gets NYCW, Greg now gets USPW. *** Joey Poison’s 30 month 4C Championship reign is over at the hands of Tana the Mighty. *** Hell Monkey is the first person not named Andrews to earn over $2,000 a show. *** Puerto Rican Power wins the USPW National Title from Mainstream Hernandez., and Greg Gauge gets a debut win over Al the Hillbilly. At least they didn’t job him out. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Invasion: Mathew Gauge vs Thomas Morgan Hell Monkey vs Todd Hart Aaron Andrews will defend his Warrior Title![/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Invasion:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Mathew Gauge beat Thomas Morgan[/COLOR] in 4.44 [B](D+)[/B] -Morgan is no longer a dude character – but didn’t give any clue to any gimmick he may have. This could be because we longer care about him, and he is to soon depart. He tapped to the Proton Lock to pick up another defeat. *** Alicia Strong calls out Aaron Andrews, and calls him a coward for hitting her last week – but she’d be ready next time. She demanded to know who was getting the title shot tonight, and a smile crept over the champions face. He said after the glowing accolades that he received last week there was only one choice – Alicia’s darling, Brendan Idol [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]American Elemental beat Cal Sanders[/COLOR] in 5.08 [B](C-)[/B] -A rare outing for Sanders, and no-one thought he had a chance. They were right. American Elemental hit an awkward looking Inferno Splash, but still made the cover. *** American Elemental got a mic, and was meant to go on about how he’d be beating Ultimate Phoenix 3-0 when he’s here in a fortnight. But he went into a random rant instead [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hell Monkey beat Todd Hart[/COLOR] in 5.56 [B](D+)[/B] -Hart’s second match, and another worker who he doesn’t click with. I need to find a way for him to use his mic skills, otherwise his run in FWE is going to be remarkably short. *** Alicia Strong went outback and reminded Idol of all the amateur competitions that he’s won, and how he was ready to take it to Andrews tonight [B](B-)[/B] *** Both competitors came out, but Andrews stopped the ref from starting the match. He gave Idol the chance to pull out, and when that was refused he went for a sucker punch. Idol dodged, went for the schoolboy as the ref started the match [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews (c) beat Brendan Idol[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 11.33 [B](B-)[/B] -Andrews quickly kicked out, but we were in for a match. Andrews got in almost all the offence, but Idol kept escaping any pin attempt, and managed to hit a few moves of his own. Rhino Umaga joined came down to the ring, just as Idol hit an enzuguri. Andrews went down clutching his face, while Idol popped back up, and scrambled up the ring post. Umaga pushed him off as he got to the top, crotching Idol on the ropes. As the ref tried to get rid of Umaga, Andrews also hit an undetected low blow, and from then the win was a formality. *** Alicia Strong rushed down from her commentary position to help Idol, but Andrews and Umaga decided to use it as an excuse to attack her. Idol was in no fit state to help, and the show ended with Alicia Strong being hit with a Rhino Charge [B](C-)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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1,868, and we’re really making the best of Alicia’s entertainment skills. Speculation is rife that it can’t be long before we also get to see her in ring skills. *** Disaster! American Elemental suffered a blow to the head last night, and is currently suffering from Long Term Amnesia. He will be out of action for five months (a month longer than his contract lasts), and will have to vacate the Extreme Title. Expect further announcements soon. *** Insane Machine and Shane Stones both sign new contracts. *** Mick Muscles adds SWF to USPW and CGC. *** Clark Alexander wins the MAW Rip Chord Invitational, defeating last years winner Knuckles in the final. *** Eastern European World Wrestling opens. [B]February:[/B] *** $16,000 profit last month, so I’m currently at a level of $212,000, having started at $250,000. *** Harry Allen wins the TCW All Action Title for the fifth time. Let’s hope Guide’s going onto bigger things. *** I might be losing one of my stars, as he may tour Japan to add to several other commitments. *** I set my schedule this month, and we will be missing a Main Eventer and a midcarder from [I]every [/I]show, as there’s no way around it until I reach Cult. Fortunately I have a storyline for Hernandez being out, but hopefully everyone else will forget about the others. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Arrival: Ultimate Phoenix vs Cal Sanders Steve Gumble vs Joss Thompson Hell Monkey vs Insane Machine Aaron Andrews again defends his title![/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Arrival:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Ultimate Phoenix beat Cal Sanders[/COLOR] in 5.38 [B](C-)[/B] -Not the match with American Elemental that was expected, and as such Phoenix cruised it. *** Ultimate Phoenix gets the mic to say that he did what the Extreme Champion did last week, and, as the public may have heard, American Elemental is out of action indefinitely. He tried to make the case to be given the belt, but Alicia Strong came up with a better suggestion – there’d be an eight man tournament for the title over the next couple of months, starting with tonight’s match up between Hell Monkey and Insane Machine, and a new Extreme Champion will be crowned at the end of it [B](C)[/B] *** Aaron Andrews then comes out to ask Alicia Strong how she was after last week. Strong instinctively touched her face, where there was an obvious bruise, but tried to make out that she was alright. Andrews told her that he would do what he did last week again, and would do every time that she got in his way again. Strong said that her father agreed, so was paying for a bodyguard – one who knows how do deal with the limelight of the big leagues – [B]El Fuerza[/B]. The big Mexican forced Andrews to back down, unwilling to mess with someone of his size – even though he’d just an actor [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble beat Joss Thompson[/COLOR] in 8.58 [B](C)[/B] -The commentators noted that perhaps the Extreme Tournament could be a good thing for Steve Gumble, who’s yet to really make his mark at FWE. So obviously, he won this match. *** We went backstage, Aaron Andrews was announcing his opponent for tonight’s Main Event – [B]Ryu Kajahara[/B]. As the crowd tried to work out who he was, Andrews made just about every derisory mark against the defunct WEXV and Japanese culture in general while pointing out his history [B](B)[/B] *** Thomas Morgan and Roderick Remus are together, saying that they’d teach El Fuerza and the Strong family how talent is needed to progress FWE, not acting ability or family connections [B](E+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]El Fuerza and Brendan Idol beat Trademark[/COLOR] in 4.31 [B](D)[/B] -Idol was still banged up from last week, so Fuerza was left to do the leg work – and he dominated his opponents with a great show of strength. *** Alicia Strong came down to the ring to raise the hands of the winners, planting a kiss on both of them [B](C-)[/B] *** Hell Monkey came out to hype up the first match in the Extreme Tournament. He didn’t get far before Insane Machine came out and got in his face, and it wasn’t long before they were brawling [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Insane Machine beat Hell Monkey[/COLOR] in the Extreme Tournament in 23.09 [B](C)[/B] -We decided to let these two go for ages, as it might be the last time we have Hell Monkey for a while. But there’s still hope. Near falls, reversals, finishers, they really gave it some, but it was probably a little too long. Insane Machine finally landed the Termination Kick for the win. *** Aaron Andrews came out and said that some people were trying to claim that Kajahara was some kind of legend – not so. He’d show the world how legendary he was right now [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews (c) beat Ryu Kajahara[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 6.03 [B](C)[/B] -Kajahara was quickly off the mark, with Andrews complaining that some of the attacks were illegal. The match soon went outside, where Kajahara blasted Andrews into the ring barrier. The ref tried to warn him, but Kajahara proceeded to crash Andrews into the ring post, and the ref called for the DQ. [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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2,000 people attending, and a show rated better than any of our matches – thank you Andrews and Strong for you segment performances. *** That show took us to C- overness in the South East. It’ll be a few months before the South West gets to that level, especially as I still treat shows there as a B show. *** Arson Wells is revealed as the owner of EEWW. *** Sam Keith’s comeback after leaving SWF is going to be a tour with BHTOWG, along with Billy Russell and Snap Dragon. *** Akima Brave leaves SWF after gaining all three of their minor titles in two years. *** British Samurai takes the book at EEWW. *** Rhino Umaga is to tour with BHOTWG, while Steve Smith will be the voice of EEWW. *** EEWW cause a mini sensation by getting Jack Giedroyc to join them (he also works for SWF and DaVE). They also sign FWE worker Joss Thompson. *** Hell Monkey turns down PGHW, and it looks like I’ll be keeping him for a while longer yet. *** Mainstream Hernandez injures his shoulder fighting Johnny Martin at DaVE. Well, it’s not as if he’s available to us at the moment. *** SWF North American Title holder Freddy Huggins may not be signing a new contract. I think that’s admitting that he made a mistake by leaving TCW. *** Thomas Morgan’s contract expires, and he leaves FWE. *** Art Reed breaks his ankle against Owen Love, in just his second NOTBPW match. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Invasion: The Gauges vs Roderick Remus and Joss Thompson Ryu Kajahara vs Steven Parker[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Invasion:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Ultimate Phoenix beat The Gambler[/COLOR] in 7.32 [B](C+)[/B] -No-one knew who The Gambler was, and this was his genuine debut, having not even appeared in any dark matches. So the great chemistry shown with Ultimate Phoenix goes down as very good luck. *** Ultimate Phoenix took a mic to tell everyone that next week it’d be his turn in the Extreme tournament, which was his number one priority at the moment [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]The Gauges beat Roderick Remus and Joss Thompson[/COLOR] in 6.52 [B](D+)[/B] -Roderick and Joss didn’t get on too much, and proved easy pickings, Mathew getting the pin on Roderick. *** The Gauges took to the mic, and claimed to have some interesting knowledge that Ultimate Phoenix may find useful. Next week Mathew Gauge has been told it’s his turn in the Extreme Tournament, so he must be Phoenix’s opponent. Greg made everyone aware that he had also entered himself into the tournament [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Ryu Kajahara beat Steven Parker[/COLOR] in 5.40 [B](D-)[/B] -Worst match I’ve had for a while (this poor chemistry made up for the opening bout), Kajahara winning with a piledriver. *** After the match, Nevada Nuclear steams in and attacks Kajahara, and the two start fighting to the back of the stage, they bump into Frankie Perez and it turns into a three way before finally being broken up [B](C-)[/B] *** Alicia Strong forced Perez and Nuclear back out to the arena, and tells them to fight properly and to the rules – in the ring right now [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez beat Nevada Nuclear[/COLOR] in 14.16 [B](C)[/B] -Perez was in control for most of the match, but every time Nuclear hit a big move it looked as if he could pick up the win. Kajahara came out and started goading Nuclear, which completely distracted him, allowing Perez to get a school boy roll up. [I]Overall Rating C-[/I]
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A 2,000 sell out, and although every show like that helps, we’re really looking for a rating or two higher to really keep up our momentum in the South West. *** Frankie Perez is to tour with PGHW, along with Bruce the Giant. Looks like I’ll have even worse scheduling difficulties next month. *** Cal Sanders leaves as his contract expires; Todd Hart leaves because I sacked him. He’s not available for any of my shows this month, has sucked so far, and wants to be an Upper Midcarder. Not a chance. *** Charlize Angelle also leaves, while Steve Parker gets a new contract. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… The Crush: Joss Thompson vs Roderick Remus Rick Sanders vs Insane Machine Frankie Perez and Ryu Kajahara vs Aaron Andrews and Rhino Umaga Mathew Gauge vs Ultimate Phoenix in the Extreme Tournament +Troy Tornado makes a one off return to a US promotion![/QUOTE]
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