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This is TNA ... official Line Up

Tyler Gadzinski

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This is the official Line Up for the Monday Night Special on Spike TV for TNA it is airing that night in RAWs time slot as RAW isnt airing til Thursday (this is only in the USA of what im aware)... here is the Line Up so far... COMPLETE LINEUP FOR MONDAY’S TWO-HOUR “THIS IS TNA” SPECIAL Tune in Monday night at 9pm ET on Spike TV for the huge broadcast! This Monday night, Total Nonstop Action will present the two-hour “This Is TNA” special on SpikeTV starting at 9pm ET! Don’t miss TNA’s first-ever Monday night broadcast! The below is the complete lineup of what fans will see on the program: FROM BOUND FOR GLORY 2006: NWA World Heavyweight Title Match – Career vs. Title Jeff Jarrett vs. Sting NWA World Tag Team Title Match – Six Sides Of Steel AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels vs. The Latin American Xchange Eight-Mile Street Fight Christian Cage vs. “The War Machine” Rhino FROM SLAMMIVERSARY 2006: King of the Mountain Match For The NWA World Heavyweight Title Christian Cage vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Sting vs. Abyss vs. The Truth FROM GENESIS 2006: Dream Match Of The Decade Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle vs. “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe In addition, all matches on the two-hour special will be enhanced by TNA Film, giving viewers a unique perspective with never-before-seen footage! ALSO FEATURED ON THE TWO-HOUR SPECIAL: - A Countdown to the top five moments in TNA Wrestling history - The unveiling of TNA’s newest innovative concept match set to debut at March’s “Destination X” Pay-Per-View! - A music video from Chris Jericho’s band “Fozzy” - A look back at the some of the legends and celebrities that have appeared in TNA Wrestling - Highlights of some of the most bloody and gruesome moments in TNA history - An extensive look at TNA’s X Division and the high-flying Ultimate X Match ALL THIS AND MUCH MORE – SEE TNA THIS MONDAY NIGHT ON SPIKETV!
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Well, I was unhappy with their choice of a Jeff Jarrett match. :P And for some reason they're going to be playing a Fozzy music video, with Jericho being linked to TNA lately it could be hinting he's coming, or just winding up WWE abit.
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no Jericho is friends with the TNA staff and they asked if they could use his video which he agreed... WWE are still interested in Jericho too but they wont promote his music like TNA it would be sweet to see Jericho to TNA though... and the Sting vs Jarrett match is pretty awesome actually granted its got Jarrett but its got a sweet finish.
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[QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;197968]no Jericho is friends with the TNA staff and they asked if they could use his video which he agreed... WWE are still interested in Jericho too but they wont promote his music like TNA it would be sweet to see Jericho to TNA though... and the Sting vs Jarrett match is pretty awesome actually granted its got Jarrett but its got a sweet finish.[/QUOTE] You know whats funny about sting in TNA in all of pre TNA interviews he said he would put over new talent once he got there, almost a year in and sting has but abyss once but abyss won by DQ, sting sucks I hope he retires
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[QUOTE=Shaqx;197949]If they have a two hour special why are they showing old matches instead of promoting new talent and other matches to build up PPVs?[/QUOTE] They're hoping to entice new people to buy their PPV's by showing some of the action they will get if they buy one. For those that have never watched a PPV, more effort is put in and you get a better focus on the competitors than you do when you see them on impact! Personally, I like their idea.
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[QUOTE=Raveneffect21;198023]You know whats funny about sting in TNA in all of pre TNA interviews he said he would put over new talent once he got there, almost a year in and sting has but abyss once but abyss won by DQ, sting sucks I hope he retires[/QUOTE] My understanding of the Abyss thing was Sting had said he was happy to the job, but the booking team wanted the title to change on DQ. At least that's what I remember hearing somewhere on the IWC.
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[QUOTE=HHUK;197966]Well, I was unhappy with their choice of a Jeff Jarrett match. :P And for some reason they're going to be playing a Fozzy music video, with Jericho being linked to TNA lately it could be hinting he's coming, or just winding up WWE abit.[/QUOTE] Dont you see its all old stuff. All of it! The Fozzy video is just going to be the Enemy video that was used at BFG or whatever ppv it was. Jericho is never going to wrestle for TNA so dream on. When he feels he is ready hes going back to WWE. Thats where more of his friends are, thats where the money is and he was very happy there. You can guarantee Jericho would get another title with WWE because they always want to know if he wants to wrestle again and he is very popular heel or face, champion or not. And I really dont understand how anybody can say he was poorly used in WWE unless you didnt watch Jericho from the beginning of his WWE career because technically he won 3 heavyweight titles while he was in the WWE(when you count his 99 title win which was reversed, cant remember why) plus winning ICT and tag titles. Why wouldnt he be happy? Jericho isnt a sore loser like Rhino, like Christian, and like Kurt Angle. People are always saying when a guy leaves WWE, "He should go to TNA blah blah blah" well they can only afford so many new guys before the guys supplying TNA with the money are going to say no we aint giving you any more money because you aint producing to the standard we wanted and what we agreed. You never know when the backers will pull the plug and pull out and then as many people say "that will be the end of TNA". Anyway thats the end of my rant. I aint gonna read anymore of this thread so theres no point trying to argue my rant.
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[QUOTE=The Gaz;198041]Dont you see its all old stuff. All of it! The Fozzy video is just going to be the Enemy video that was used at BFG or whatever ppv it was. Jericho is never going to wrestle for TNA so dream on. When he feels he is ready hes going back to WWE. Thats where more of his friends are, thats where the money is and he was very happy there. You can guarantee Jericho would get another title with WWE because they always want to know if he wants to wrestle again and he is very popular heel or face, champion or not. And I really dont understand how anybody can say he was poorly used in WWE unless you didnt watch Jericho from the beginning of his WWE career because technically he won 3 heavyweight titles while he was in the WWE(when you count his 99 title win which was reversed, cant remember why) plus winning ICT and tag titles. Why wouldnt he be happy? Jericho isnt a sore loser like Rhino, like Christian, and like Kurt Angle. People are always saying when a guy leaves WWE, "He should go to TNA blah blah blah" well they can only afford so many new guys before the guys supplying TNA with the money are going to say no we aint giving you any more money because you aint producing to the standard we wanted and what we agreed. You never know when the backers will pull the plug and pull out and then as many people say "that will be the end of TNA". Anyway thats the end of my rant. I aint gonna read anymore of this thread so theres no point trying to argue my rant.[/QUOTE] I agree with most of that actuall Jericho will most likely go back to WWE when he begins to wrestle again and Gaz dont forget that Jericho was the first ever Undisputed Champion... also Christian and Rhino arent sore losers .. they got fired from WWE what else would they do?... and Kurt i dont know the full reason behind his leaving i know its something cuz Vince wouldnt give him time off for his Drug Addiction..
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I don't know about this special. They are showing 5 matches in an attempt to showcase that "This is TNA" and these are the 5 they come up with? Personally I won't be watching, (24 is doing 2 hours on monday), but I am scared for TNA because that creative team is going to screw up thursdays show allowing people to switch over to WWE for the night. seeing steiner back, really does nothing for me, and I fear they are going to attempt to promote his return to impact on thursday
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i dont know about the booking team being bad .. its better then watching General Hospital with no good wrestling mixed in... WWEs creative team must be like... "what can we do for angles today.." "hey guys i saw this thing from General Hospital we should try" "sweet guys i love that show" "me too" "wait we gotta put matches too" "your right ahh... lets just put Cena in 2 or 3 or .. ehh lets just book him all night" "sounds like a plan lets go tell Vince" No matter what on Thursday I will watch TNA over RAW .. if TNA is really that bad id rather watch Supernatural on the CW.
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[QUOTE=mystic;198048]I don't know about this special. They are showing 5 matches in an attempt to showcase that "This is TNA" and these are the 5 they come up with? Personally I won't be watching, (24 is doing 2 hours on monday), but I am scared for TNA because that creative team is going to screw up thursdays show allowing people to switch over to WWE for the night. seeing steiner back, really does nothing for me, and I fear they are going to attempt to promote his return to impact on thursday[/QUOTE] I don't know, I might watch it since Raw isn't on, but I will not miss RAW for TNA thursday, if there both on at the same time... I don't know as far as hurting them. I can understand that your worried that people will watch raw instead, and I'm pretty sure I aggree with that, but... Having them on Monday when we normally watch Raw is probably going to help them out more then anything they have done so far. I mean, that's a solid 4.0 rated timeslot, and they might just get people to watch them (What the heck is this? That's not Raw? I don't know, but it's wrestling so I'm going to watch it anyways!!). You see what I mean? Just a thought, I don't know, lol...... I don't know, I don't know, I just don't know!! LMAO.
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[QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;198054]i dont know about the booking team being bad .. its better then watching General Hospital with no good wrestling mixed in... WWEs creative team must be like... "what can we do for angles today.." "hey guys i saw this thing from General Hospital we should try" "sweet guys i love that show" "me too" "wait we gotta put matches too" "your right ahh... lets just put Cena in 2 or 3 or .. ehh lets just book him all night" "sounds like a plan lets go tell Vince" No matter what on Thursday I will watch TNA over RAW .. if TNA is really that bad id rather watch Supernatural on the CW.[/QUOTE] Actually, Supernatural is the show I ussually watch instead of Impact. I watched the last two shows of Impact and wished I had tuned in for Supernatural though, lol. The simple truth is, that I want TNA to succeed, and think that in some small way, me watching helps them out. Umm... That comment about throwing in a match in between angle's... You do realise your comparing that to TNA as if TNA has more wrestling per hour? Just curious if that's what you meant.
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TNA will have about 3 or 4 matches in the one hour time and WWE will have about 5 or 6 total with like 2 or 3 of them with Cena in them... and Supernatural is a very good show i bought the first season and im waiting for the second season to come out... any idea what episode there on now?.... i kinda never started watching the second season on TV cuz i missed the first couple episodes so im just gonna wait till the DVDs EDIT also on my Digital Cable thing it just show the This is TNA special from 8pm-10pm Central and after that is UFC Unleashed
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[QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;198100]TNA will have about 3 or 4 matches in the one hour time and WWE will have about 5 or 6 total with like 2 or 3 of them with Cena in them... and Supernatural is a very good show i bought the first season and im waiting for the second season to come out... any idea what episode there on now?.... i kinda never started watching the second season on TV cuz i missed the first couple episodes so im just gonna wait till the DVDs[/QUOTE] No, but I think they started the season about the same time Smallville did. I like them both (and really didn't think I would). I have to dissagree with you about TNA. They might have what looks like match's, but to me seems more like an angle.. They come to the ring, start to wrestle, someone does a run in, end of match. Most don't even last more then two minutes. Overall it's like 10 to 12 minutes for the whole hour that someone is actually wrestling. Raw has 10 to 12 minute match's at least once per show (most the time). There is more wrestling on RAW per hour by at least double. If you do not believe, all you have to do is watch your clock next time you watch either, and then compare the two. I am not saying that's a bad thing though, just wanted to point that out to you for obvious reasons. TNA might actually have more match's then Raw, for example, but the time spent watching the match is alot less. Raw just has longer match's. Far as Cena, I think he is overused right now, but I think his momentum is off the charts right now as well. So they need to ride the Cena boat while it's going on. I've only seen him in two match's on the same show twice though. I dont' think I've seen him in three ever. Doesn't mean it hasn't happened, just means I haven't seen that episode. But this is over a few year's I am talking, so I would say it's a fair gamble that the norm is not using Cena in more then one match a night. However, they use the heck out of him in angle's. IF it's not him it's going to be DX or Edge or Orton, and maybe Flair. They ussually start off with an angle or even a match with one of their top stars. Then on to a tag team, or lower card match, then maybe diva's or another main star angle. Back and forth like that, but Yes, I aggree that Cena is being overused. It kind of worries me since I am hoping he stays this popular for a couple of months. They have their top star on two of three shows though, and that might backfire on them after a certain point in time. I think it will calm down after the Tag match between Him and HBK vs. Batista and Undertaker.
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seriously around the time with the whole KFed/Cena angle Cena was doing 2 to 3 matches a night for like 2 to 3 weeks... he does have alot of momentum at the time but they need to calm down on using him ill be watching something else or playing a game and flip on RAW and hes there .. i wait 30 minutes hes there again wait 10 minutes .. still there.. they are really shoving him down our throats at this point in time... i would like to see this happen.. it would really make his character better in my view... have him lose the title then get attacked by someone have him take a couple weeks off them come back in a hoodie and stuff so no one knows its him and have him do random attacks on people then finally get another shot at the title... its kind of a Batista/Henry, Carlito/Cena, and Raven/The New Church storylines all put in one.. i just think Cena needs a new gimmick .. there is nothing more i hate then a wigger that cant rap.
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[QUOTE=The Gaz;198041]When he feels he is ready hes going back to WWE.[/QUOTE] Who are you, his agent? You can never speak for someone in wrestling, anything can happen. Everyone said the same thing about Kurt Angle. "Oh he's not going to TNA, he's just gonna rest and go back to WWE when he's ready!!11" I'm not saying I think Jericho will go to TNA, because I don't. But, it's not impossible that he will go there at one point in time. Wrestlers migrate. As for the special, I will watch it even though I've seen all those matches excluding the King of the Mountain.
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Should have gone with a live show of new material then this. They may never get a chance like this again. And besides, personally I've seen 90% of these matches. Whoever made the call on those, and I can bet it wasn't Russo who is probably dying to go head on with WWE in any kind of way, for better or for worse, thumbs down.
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[QUOTE=KaySeeDubya;198118]You can never speak for someone in wrestling, anything can happen. Everyone said the same thing about Kurt Angle. "Oh he's not going to TNA, he's just gonna rest and go back to WWE when he's ready!!11" I'm not saying I think Jericho will go to TNA, because I don't. But, it's not impossible that he will go there at one point in time. Wrestlers migrate. As for the special, I will watch it even though I've seen all those matches excluding the King of the Mountain.[/QUOTE] Im prolly the only one who mentioned Kurt going to TNA before it happened... me and some friends were at a resturaunt and i got a text from the WWE Mobile thing and it said that they had come to an agreement on the release of Kurt Angle.. I turned to my friend and said "how sweet would it be if Kurt went to TNA?" to which he said it wouldnt happen cuz Kurt had the no compete clause. still in a joking way i called it.. and ive seen all these matches before too except the King of the Mountain Match but to D16 like someone said above me they are showing PPV Matches cuz in PPVs it brings out the best competition in there competitors and this is just suppose to draw people in.
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And they might be able to keep the regular people that watch Raw, to see their show. IF they can lure them in with the PPV match's, then it can really boost their ratings. If they boost ratings, well then we will really have some interesting conversations on this. They normally get around a 1.0 rating, when the show starts, at the very least it will be a 3.0 rating, if they can keep the normal 4.0+ rating throughout the night, they just might pull off a 2.0+ rating the following week, when they go back to their regular schedule. How cool would that be? And the best that could happen, is someone watch's and goes "WOW!! That was awesome!" and they get a 4.0 rating the following thursday... Really, they have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. The only place they are going to lose out is going head to head with Raw on thursday night (if that's what's going to happen).
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;198231] They normally get around a 1.0 rating, when the show starts, [B]at the very least it will be a 3.0 rating[/B][/QUOTE] In who's mind?? People in both WWE and TNA would probably have a heart attack if that were the very least it could do. It's only on RAW's timeslot, not USA Network or something, they aren't going to convert 50% of RAW's audience let alone 100%. I'm not saying a number like say 3.0 is out of the realm of possibility, but to present it as the expected number, or the lowest of expectations, that's just false.
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