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This is TNA ... official Line Up

Tyler Gadzinski

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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;198242]In who's mind?? People in both WWE and TNA would probably have a heart attack if that were the very least it could do. It's only on RAW's timeslot, not USA Network or something, they aren't going to convert 50% of RAW's audience let alone 100%. I'm not saying a number like say 3.0 is out of the realm of possibility, but to present it as the expected number, or the lowest of expectations, that's just false.[/QUOTE] You know all this time I was thinking it was going to be on the same channel as RAW normally is. That's just too bad then:-( And my quote was meant for the top of the first hour (when normally people that would want to watch RAW would be sitting ready for it to come on). However, if it's not even on the same channel that RAW normally comes on, I guess that's not going to be a very big deal... darn Anyways, maybe some people that watch RAW will channel chase and find it. We do that here all the time, getting confused which show appears on which channel. So here's hoping that they do well, in any case.
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Yeah, it is fun to watch it unfold! I'm not concerned at all with their ratings for thursday.. Raw shouldn't effect them at all, it's Raw that's in no man's land there... IF anything Raw will get lower ratings in my opinion. I wouldn't have known they changed days if it wasn't for this websight, for example... So I'm sure that since there isn't a 4.0 rating for this sight, that at least 3.0 people aren't going to realise it's on anyways... I will be shocked if they get even half the normal numbers.
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I disagree. Fans know when their shows are on. I knew 24 was two hours starting an hour early tonight. I knew RAW was on thursday, because, well it's been promoted as such for weeks. People pay attention to the shows they watch - RAW draws a steady 4.1 rating, while Impact struggles to draw a 1.1 with not a hint of change in sight. RAW will have a lower rating this week, no doubt. They'll probably be in Smackdown territory, but that will purely be because of it being on a different night. Impact will probably have a lower rating too, because well, what few mainstream fans actually watch Impact will choose RAW over Impact, especially with the "blockbuster main event" on RAW stacked with all their favorite stars from RAW and Smackdown. TNA will lose viewers because of competition. Hey, maybe Russo can whip up that Bob Backlund/Buff Bagwell dream match we've all been dying for... "heh, that'll put butts in the seats...." ;) If TNA can hold it's own against WWE, fine, put them on for two hours on Monday Nights opposite RAW and we'll see who comes out ahead - hell we'll see which company folds within the year if that were to happen.
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This really sounds like a Christian Cage showcase. Lately, TNA has been damn near unwatchable; Vince Russo's booking is the [i]worst[/i]. Christian Cage is [i]the[/i] most overrated wrestler in recent memory, and I am sick and tired of his uber-push. No way should he be going over the likes of Kurt Angle or Samoa Joe. The top three guys in the company should be Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, and Sting. Yet what did they do? They used Sting to elevate that worthless piece of crap Abyss, who they used to put the belt back on Christian Cage. Sting should have never lost the belt to Abyss, but rather should have kept it, even through a match with Kurt Angle at this PPV. [i]He[/i] should have eventually dropped the belt to maybe a heel Samoa Joe, and then that should have brought up a feud with a face Kurt Angle. Leave it to Vince Russo to screw up even the most obvious things.
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[QUOTE=still71;198668]I disagree. Fans know when their shows are on. I knew 24 was two hours starting an hour early tonight. I knew RAW was on thursday, because, well it's been promoted as such for weeks. People pay attention to the shows they watch - RAW draws a steady 4.1 rating, while Impact struggles to draw a 1.1 with not a hint of change in sight. RAW will have a lower rating this week, no doubt. They'll probably be in Smackdown territory, but that will purely be because of it being on a different night. Impact will probably have a lower rating too, because well, what few mainstream fans actually watch Impact will choose RAW over Impact, especially with the "blockbuster main event" on RAW stacked with all their favorite stars from RAW and Smackdown. TNA will lose viewers because of competition. Hey, maybe Russo can whip up that Bob Backlund/Buff Bagwell dream match we've all been dying for... "heh, that'll put butts in the seats...." ;) If TNA can hold it's own against WWE, fine, put them on for two hours on Monday Nights opposite RAW and we'll see who comes out ahead - hell we'll see which company folds within the year if that were to happen.[/QUOTE] We know what would happen if they did that, but hopefully that won't happen. I don't know, I missed every single episode that was changed, and never seen an advertisement (on TV) saying it was going to change, not even after the last show. I know they have been probably showing ad's now, but I don't watch the channel normally unless it's on at the time. To many other things on (when I do watch TV). I'm not trying to "Hex" anything either. I just think it was a mistake to put them on at the same time TNA is on. To bad they couldn't have done it for Wednesday instead or something. I truly have not seen an advertisement on RAW, they said Donald would be on Raw Next Monday night on RAW last week. They said this on ECW and Smackdown as well (the commentator's). So it's not like I would have knew if not for this sight here. After going to their sight, I see it as well. I just don't believe that the general population that watch's WWE or TNA for that matter, are going to websights' and other sight's to see what's going on. I do believe that Maybe HALF of the hardcore fans do. SO maybe they will get around a 3.0 (smackdown) rating. Just think they are the one's in the not so good seat right now. If they were to change days for a year, and go head to head on thursdays, then yeah, everyone would figure it out and they would kick TNA out of bussiness more then likely. I just don't think one night will do a thing to TNA fanbase.
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Woo Hoo! Classes are cancelled for tommorow. Back to the topic, for those that watched "This is TNA", what did you think? Thumbs up, thumbs down, or thumbs in the middle. Personally, I give thumbs up; I may make fun of some of the strange booking that occurs on Impact and on PPV (did anyone really want to see the big fat guy 'wrestle' Christy Hemme?). But last night's show I thought was very well done.
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Jeff Jarrett ain't very good, but he has a better grasp of ps7ychology than Christian Cage does, no doubt about it. As far as skills go, they're about equal. I would rather have [i]neither[/i] of them. Actually scratch that. Jarrett is a decent [i]booker[/i], but only when he's not booking himself. As a booker and not an in-ring talent, that's how I want Jarrett. Cage should be a midcarder at best. He just isn't main event material.
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[QUOTE=Anubis;198953]Jeff Jarrett ain't very good, but he has a better grasp of ps7ychology than Christian Cage does, no doubt about it. As far as skills go, they're about equal. I would rather have [i]neither[/i] of them. Actually scratch that. Jarrett is a decent [i]booker[/i], but only when he's not booking himself. As a booker and not an in-ring talent, that's how I want Jarrett. Cage should be a midcarder at best. He just isn't main event material.[/QUOTE] I have always said this about Jarrett... Love him or Hate him no denying that he deserves respect... he made TNA what it is and helped build it from the bottom.. Cage is a decent wrestler i think that he should be upper midcarder not exactly Main Event but right around it... they should have more of there originals in the Main Event like AJ or Joe and they need to go back to focusing on Tag Team and X Division stuff again... Jarrett though is a good booker and a great person just he shouldnt have given himself the title 6 times... then again Vince gave HHH the title 10 times cuz he was his son in law..
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;198231] They normally get around a 1.0 rating, when the show starts, at the very least it will be a 3.0 rating. [/QUOTE] [I]TNA last night did a 1.12 rating. They drew 1.5 million viewers, which is actually 100,000 LESS than they drew Thursday on Impact. [/I] Now if i were the type to go around saying I told you so, now might be the time I would do it...:D
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;199021][I]TNA last night did a 1.12 rating. They drew 1.5 million viewers, which is actually 100,000 LESS than they drew Thursday on Impact. [/I] Now if i were the type to go around saying I told you so, now might be the time I would do it...:D[/QUOTE] Aye, your right!! I actually retracted my statement already though, as I thought they were going to be on the same channel that RAW is normally on (was why I thought they would have a great rating). But yes, you were right!!
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[QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;198957]I have always said this about Jarrett... Love him or Hate him no denying that he deserves respect... he made TNA what it is and helped build it from the bottom.. Cage is a decent wrestler i think that he should be upper midcarder not exactly Main Event but right around it... they should have more of there originals in the Main Event like AJ or Joe and they need to go back to focusing on Tag Team and X Division stuff again... Jarrett though is a good booker and a great person just he shouldnt have given himself the title 6 times... then again Vince gave HHH the title 10 times cuz he was his son in law..[/QUOTE] did you really just call Styles and Joe TNA originals? Yeah, I guess ROH and the indy's just don't count. Raven and Sting must be TNA originals too...
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[QUOTE=still71;199062]did you really just call Styles and Joe TNA originals? Yeah, I guess ROH and the indy's just don't count. Raven and Sting must be TNA originals too...[/QUOTE] They don't really have any originals if you going to count the Indy's, Ring of Honor, or any of the wresting schools (ohio valley, etc.). Styles I believe had a short run in WWF as well, but he didn't do anything there. I think when they say originals, is that they are making their name known on TNA, not that they actually were home grown by TNA. I share the opinion that TNA doesn't hold a candle to WWE. That doesn't mean they never will though. It's like I said in another post, it seems to me that WWE goes out of their way NOT to hurt TNA at all. I think that's a pretty smart move. Also realise that alot of people that watch TNA religiously, are not the same people that watch'd WCW vs. WWE. They don't really know the history of half the roster on TNA (outside of what TNA show's them). Bassically, TNA to me is just the next WCW, and they have a good following in the next generation of wrestling fans... Fast forward 4 or so year's from now and.......... TNA (if they keep increasing ratings in approximately the same way) will be a legitimate competition to WWE. They should be pulling in ratings that are compatible by then, or at least within' a point 1.0 of WWE. Vince will die on of these days as well, or retire for good. His health is really good now, but he is in his mid 60's. I don't think WWE will be as good without him, although I think they will give it a good try.
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[QUOTE=still71;199062]did you really just call Styles and Joe TNA originals? Yeah, I guess ROH and the indy's just don't count. Raven and Sting must be TNA originals too...[/QUOTE] by originals i mean there from the beginning i know Joe came in like 2 years ago or so I know AJ used to be in WCW same as Daniels and Chris Harris(he even played the nWo Sting) I know they didnt get there start in TNA but they were there for awhile then they have Kurt come in(not saying hes not Main Event material) and already give him a world title shot... when they had people that were there from the beginning not getting a single title shot .. it took a good 4 years for abyss to even get his world title shot .. Kurts there for 4 months and gets one.. im not taking anything away from Kurt he is a great athlete and a great competitor.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;199119]Fast forward 4 or so year's from now and.......... TNA (if they keep increasing ratings in approximately the same way) will be a legitimate competition to WWE. They should be pulling in ratings that are compatible by then, or at least within' a point 1.0 of WWE.[/QUOTE] You do realize they haven't seen hardly any increase in the ratings, right? They started with 0.8 back in a crappy time slow, have managed to sometimes pull 1.0 in the slightly better time slow, and . . . that's it. They haven't had any real increase in the ratings, it always hovers around the same number. [QUOTE=djthefunkchris;199119]Vince will die on of these days as well, or retire for good. His health is really good now, but he is in his mid 60's. I don't think WWE will be as good without him, although I think they will give it a good try.[/QUOTE] I wouldn't say he's in good health. He has a serious steroid problem and is a ticking time bomb for a heart attack or a stroke. I predict something will put him out (incapacitation or death) before the 2012 election. You heard it here first!
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