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Ohio Valley Wrestling: Davis cant take it anymore

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(Thanks to Berrysi for doing his OVW Diary to inspire mine) [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/OVW-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Our story starts out just like any story about WWE... at Titan Headquarters in Conneticut [/B] [I]The story starts off with Danny Davis (The owner of OVW) and Vince McMahon in a room...[/I] [I]Vince has flown Danny into Titan Towers so that he can discuss his newest idea about OVW with him.[/I] [COLOR="red"]Vince[/COLOR]: Danny I have flown you here from Loiusville today to discuss something very important with you. Money... [COLOR="Blue"]Danny[/COLOR]: Vince OVW has done nothing but make money for you since we started... [COLOR="red"]Vince[/COLOR]: But not enough... nobody knows who any of your stars are Danny. Thats why I want a new marketing campaign for OVW.... [COLOR="blue"]Danny[/COLOR]: And that would be... [COLOR="red"]Vince[/COLOR]: Yesterday's Superstar's Today... [COLOR="blue"]Danny[/COLOR]: I don't quite follow... [COLOR="red"]Vince[/COLOR]: Think about it Danny... Lex Luger, Buff Bagwell, Rick Steiner, Bastion Booger, The Brooklyn Brawler, Spark Plugg Holly, Razor Ramon... *Danny cuts him off* [COLOR="blue"]Danny[/COLOR]: Vince no offense but that has got to be the most retarded idea in wrestling history [COLOR="red"]Vince[/COLOR]: Retarded but it would sell like hotcakes.. I can get you on USA TV on Tuesdays... there would no longer be any comparision to you and DSW because you guys would bring home the bacon... [COLOR="blue"]Danny[/COLOR]: Vince I refuse to do it... [COLOR="red"]Vince[/COLOR]: I was afraid of this... Danny if you don't do this I am going to cut your WWE Checks in half... How would you like that... (Davis shows anger in his eyes) [COLOR="blue"]Danny[/COLOR]: No **** it Vince I cannot take this bull**** anymore. I give you Lesnar, Haas, Benjamin, Carlito, Paul London, Johnny Nitro, Chris Masters, Rob Conway, Eugene, The Spirit Squad and god knows who else and as soon as they get up to your roster you decide to **** on them. I cannot take this anymore. From now on OVW is our own entity. I can run a promotion just fine without you trying to make the main event fued of my company Buff Bagwell vs. Bastion Booger. OVW is done with you Vince you can take all the guys off my roster that are under contract I dont care but we refuse to be **** on anymore. [COLOR="Red"]Vince[/COLOR]: I am afraid I dont need them anymore since I have my new group of guys such as Lex and Buff. I am sorry you feel that way Danny but from now on this means WAR!!! ============================================ [COLOR="Yellow"][CENTER]OVWRESTLING.com Report[/CENTER][/COLOR] [LEFT][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/OVW.jpg[/IMG][/LEFT] [QUOTE]With the recent termination of OVW from the WWE Development System OVW is now affiliated with no-one and is its own seperate entity. This means that OVW can hire and fire whomever it pleases whenever it pleases. This is good news in the sense that WWE has no control of who OVW uses and does not use. OVW is pleased to welcome back Brent Albright to the OVW Roster. Although it is not a full-time OVW Contract Brent is now back on the OVW Superstar list. The sky is the limit for this huge star and we are glad to have him back home. With the recent releases of The Naturals (Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens) from TNA OVW is glad to pick up on them and add them to an already stellar tag team division.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][IMG][CENTER][url]http://www.ovwrestling.com/images/homepage/tvlineup.jpg[/url][/CENTER][/IMG] [CENTER][COLOR="yellow"]OVW TV Preview[/COLOR] This week on OVW TV will mark OVW's first show without the WWE Guidance in quite a long time. Of course this will not stop OVW from bringing you the best wrestling action possible. Thats why this week on OVW TV the Tag Team and TV Titles will be defended Action starts out with an OVW TV Title Triple Threat Match between Champion Boris Alexiv, Eddie Kraven and the returning Brent Albright! OVW Tag Titles will be defended as Shawn Spears and Cody Runnells defend against Duece and Domino And finnally your OVW TV Main Event it will be OVW Champion Paul Burchall against Chet the Jet. Paul Burchall has been deemed the most dangerous man in OVW and Chet the Jet thinks he can prove that wrong. All this and more only on OVW TV!![/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[B][COLOR="Yellow"]Ohio Valley Wrestling TV: Episode One[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="yellow"][B] OVW TV Title Match Boris Alexeiv vs. Eddie Kraven vs. Brent Albright[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BorisAlexiev.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/EddieKraven.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrentAlbright.jpg[/IMG] [I]A decent match at best featuring three of OVW's Up and coming Stars. Kraven and Albright worked on each other for most of the match as they know each other well as Albright and Kraven use to both wrestle for PCW out of Arlington, TX against each other. Albright looked to have the win at one point with the Crowbar locked in on Boris but Kraven ran in and knocked Albright off and hit a Flying Splash on Boris for the tainted win![/I] [U]Rating: D+ Time: 15 Minutes[/U] [B][COLOR="yellow"]You want a Shot at My Title?[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrentAlbright.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/EddieKraven.jpg[/IMG] [I]After the match Albright gets in Kraven's face saying he cheated to win the OVW TV Title. The fans agree and boo Kraven. Kraven says be that as it may he is a fighting champion so next week on OVW TV it will be Kraven vs. Albright for the TV TITLE!!![/I] [U]Rating: D- Time: 4 Minutes[/U] [COLOR="yellow"][B]OVW Tag Team Title Match: The High Flyers (Spears and Runnels) vs. The Throwbacks (Dice and Domino)[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ShawnSpears.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/CodyRunnels.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/deuce_profile.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/domino_profile.jpg[/IMG] [I]Another decent contest but it really was not anything new to the plate. The Throwbacks and The Flyers have had some wars in OVW but this was not nearly as good as some of there work before this match. The Throwbacks got the win with an elevated DDT to Shawn Spears. After the match the Throwbacks said that cannot be beaten![/I] [U]Rating: D- Time: 16 Minutes[/U] [COLOR="yellow"][B]We can beat you[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/AndyDouglas.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ChaseStevens.jpg[/IMG] [I]Backstage Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens tell The Throwbacks that anytime anywhere anyday they will face them in Tag competition and beat them![/I] [U]Rating: E Time: 2 Minutes[/U] [B][COLOR="yellow"]Chet the Jet vs. Paul Burchall[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/paulburchall_profile.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/chet_profile.jpg[/IMG] [I]Very good main event of the evening featuring two of OVW's Top Superstars battling it out. Paul Burchall and Jet gave it there all and the match was followed by a huge roar of applause from the fans as the finish came when Chet the Jet pinned Burchall after a huge Powerbomb off the Top Rope by Chet![/I] [U]Rating: C- Time: 23 Minutes[/U] [B][COLOR="yellow"]OVW TV Preview for next week![/COLOR][/B] [I]Natural Selection vs. The Throwbacks in Non Title Action Light Heavyweight Action! Chet the Jet speaks on defeating Burchall! Brent Albright vs. Eddie Kraven![/I]
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