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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BAW.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Century Gothic"][B]Heathrow Airport New Years Eve 2006[/B] [B]Announcer:[/B] "This is the last call for flight VS026, London to New York boarding at Gate 1" [B]Quinn:[/B] "Oh hell thats us" Thats Quinn.. My childhood friend.. After what could only be called a nightmare from hell year for us, we had decided to skip the country. Quinn's long term girlfriend had just cheated on him with his best mate and me.. Hell i was just bored of the UK. Nothing ever seem to happen. Oh thats right. I haven't introduced myself. Call me... Clarity Seeking comfort with an old friend Quinn had turned to me when things collapsed around him and over the course of several evenings of drinking, video games and watching SWF on TV, Quinn decided to make an announcement. [B]Quinn:[/B] "You know what. We should try create our own wrestling promotion. It cant be that hard can it" [B]Clarity:[/B] "Actually. I reckon it would be very hard. Harder than swallowing a whole packet of Viagra in one sitting" [B]Quinn:[/B] "Damn thats hard" [B]Clarity:[/B] Exactly. Now shutup and let me kick your arse again at TCW07 - Cornell Justice" Thankfully he did, but only for that evening. Over the course of the next week, Quinn kept calling with ideas on just how we could create what he called "a quintessential wrestling experience" [B]Clarity:[/B] Look Quinn, its just not gonna work. People just dont care about wrestling around here. And those that do either like Ring of Fire, MoSC, or 21CW. I cant see them coming to anything we put on." [B]Quinn:[/B] "Then we move.. We go to where the action is. Lets move to the states" [B]Clarity:[/B] "Ok.. Im interested" And thats why we are rushing to the gate trying to catch our plane. Over the internet we had managed to secure some lodgings with a friend i knew over there and we had pooled our resources and come up with about $2,500. It would be very tight and chances are that we would just go belly-up but we were gonna give it a go. And thats the story about how [B]B[/B]ritish [B]A[/B]merican [B]W[/B]restling was born. [B]Coming Up:[/B] [I]Arrival in New York[/I]. [QUOTE][FONT="Century Gothic"]:( I miss my PWA diary. But its spirit will leave on here.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [/FONT]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][B]Three Weeks Later.[/B] We had landed in New York and i met my friend to get someplace to live. With that sorted Quinn took a whole handful of quarters and headed to the nearest pay phone. He came back two hours later with a lopsided grin on his face. [I]"We got some people then"[/I] I asked. [I]"Oh Yeah, I almost forgot. There are a few people coming in next week for an interview."[/I] [I]"Forgot..? Then why are you grinning like a lad after his first shag?"[/I] [I]"Oh that. I just had my first New York mugging experience. It was just like the movies. Awesome"[/I] [CENTER]* * * *[/CENTER] A week passed and the day of the interviews arrived. [I]"Ok"[/I] said Quinn. [I]"You can be that irish bloke, but i want to be Simon"[/I] I hung my head and said nothing. I conducted my half of the interviews in a professional way while Quinn decided to be Simon, the irish guy and the old rockers wife all in one chair. It was a little creepy. There were 15 that we felt were cheap enough to afford. Skills were secondary if we couldn't pay them. Which was annoying because we had a few indy workers that i had seen on mytube.com that i would have loved to hire. The final roster ended up as this: Raphael - Main Eventer Sammy The Shark - Main Eventer Geoff Borne - Main Eventer Jerry Martin - Main Eventer Ben Williams - Upper Midcarder Olivia Diamond - Upper Midcarder Roxy Kitten - Upper Midcarder Paige Croft - Upper Midcarder Ben Williams - Upper Midcarder Nadia Snow - Upper Midcarder Kathy Neptune - Upper Midcarder Christian Price - Midcarder Valentine - Midcarder Stretch The Chicken Boy - Midcarder Frankie Dee - Lower Midcarder With the backstage staff being: Clarity (Me) - Announcer Daniel Fullington - Road Agent Quinn Solomon - Referee It was almost the end of BAW's first month and while we hadn't made any money, we also hadn't spent any. So i think we are doing pretty well. I have been in talks with some sponsors so hopefully we will get some cash from them and put on a show or two next month. [/FONT]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BAW.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]BAW Debut Show[/B] 9th February 2007 Big Spring High School Attendance: 70 Preshow Ratings: [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR], [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] & [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D[/COLOR]
The show starts with a camera trained on Raphael, getting ready. Rating: [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D-[/COLOR]
[CENTER][B]Qualifying Match #1 for the British American Championship[/B] Frankie Dee [B]VS[/B] Raphael [B]VS[/B] Stretch The Chicken Boy[/CENTER] Raphael defeated Frankie Dee and Stretch The Chicken Boy in 4:36 when Raphael defeated Stretch The Chicken Boy by pinfall. Winner: Raphael Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR]
[CENTER][B]Qualifying Match #2 for the British American Championship[/B] Geoff Borne [B]VS[/B] Kathy Neptune [B]VS[/B] Sammy The Shark[/CENTER] Sammy The Shark defeated Geoff Borne and Kathy Neptune in 4:34 when Sammy The Shark defeated Geoff Borne by pinfall. Winner: Sammy The Shark Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR]
After a quick break to gives the fans a chance to grab some food/merchandise, the camera cuts backstage where we find Sammy The Shark warming up for his final tonight. Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR]
[CENTER][B]Final Match for the British American Championship[/B] Raphael [B]VS[/B] Sammy The Shark[/CENTER] Raphael defeated Sammy The Shark in 6:45 by pinfall to win the British-American Championship title. Winner: Raphael Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] [CENTER]Final Show Rating: [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="red"]E-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER][/FONT] [QUOTE][FONT="Century Gothic"][B]BAW Debut Show Report:[/B] BAW held their debut show last night in Big Spring High School, and drew 70 fans. The feedback has been that it was not that bad, given that the promotion is so small. On our message boards, the poster 'Jaded' said 'Wow, even i'm surprised by that news!!'[/FONT][/QUOTE]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][B]The Riverside[/B] [I]"Yo Clarity"[/I] It was Quinn. [I]"Cmon Quinn. We have been in New York for a few weeks and you seem to be faking the accent already"[/I] [I]"Sorry man. But i thought you would want to hear this straight away."[/I] he replied [I]"Barkeep. A beer for my mate and a diet coke for me. Right then Quinn. Whats the problem"[/I] [I]"Its those hockey loving Canucks"[/I] [I]"Dont you start on the canadians. We should be thankful for 2 things. The first is Ice Hockey, and the second is Canadian women. Damn they are hot"[/I] [I]"Yeah but these canucks are the Stones. Im sure you know them"[/I] And who hadn't heard of the Stone family. Old man Stone and his family seemed to have Canada is their grasp. It was thrown around to try start a promotion up north but the Stones were the reason we didn't. [I]"Well"[/I] I asked. [I]"What have they done"[/I] [I]"Frankie Dee man.. They signed Frankie Dee on a written"[/I] [I]"Barkeep.. Can i have 2 more beers for my mate..."[/I][/FONT]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BAW.png[/img] [B]British American Wrestling[/B][/CENTER] 23rd February 2007 Cambria County War Memorial Attendance: 66 Preshow Ratings: [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] & [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR]
[B]#1 Contendership for the Next Show[/B] Roxy Kitten [B]VS[/B] Sammy The Shark [B]VS[/B] Valentine Sammy The Shark defeated Roxy Kitten and Valentine in 6:25 when Sammy The Shark defeated Valentine by pinfall. Winner: Sammy The Shark Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR]
[B]Singles Match[/B] Olivia Diamond [B]VS[/B] Paige Croft Olivia Diamond defeated Paige Croft in 5:44 by pinfall. Winner: Olivia Diamond Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR]
Nadia Snow comes to the ring: [B]Snow:[/B] [I]"RAPHAEL!! The powers that be here at BAW have given me the first oportunity to face you for the British American Championship. I hope your not worried your gonna be beaten by a girl. Because in BAW, we are not just going to be eye candy. We plan to be fully intergrated into the roster"[/I] Intergrated or not, she still plays the sexy card while she waits for Raphael to make his way from backstage. Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B]British American Championship Match[/B] Nadia Snow VS Raphael Raphael defeated Nadia Snow in 6:31 by pinfall. Winner: Raphael Rating: [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] The match is over, and Nadia Snow is left down. Raphael is celebrating, but then stops and sees his opponent still on the ground. He attacks, and beats her into the canvas. Rating: [COLOR="red"]F[/COLOR] [B]Final Show Rating:[/B] [COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"][B]E[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]British American Wrestling Report[/B] BAW held their show last night in Cambria County War Memorial, and drew 66 fans. The feedback has been that it was better than you'd expect from a company that tiny. 'Thats crazy', said area resident Jason Warholic[/QUOTE] [/FONT]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][B]The Riverside[/B] "Yo Clarity" It was Quinn.... again "Cmon Quinn. Drop the accent" "Sorry man. But i thought you would want to hear this straight away." he replied. "Barkeep. The usual." "You ever heard of PWC" Quinn asked. "Nope. Whats PWC." "Claiming to be "rising from the ashes of the East Coast war", Phoenix Wrestling Company comes out of Philly, and offers a Hardcore product aimed squarely at the 18-30 male demographic, just like their predecessors like XFW and RPW. Whether it can replicate the success of the winner of the East Coast war, DAVE, is questionable, but there is certainly never a shortage of hardcore fans in the Philly area who are ready to come and see wrestling." "Are you reading that off a leaflet?" I asked. "Thats how i knew about them. Some guy was handing out flyers outside. There funded man. Way more funded than us" "Let me have a word with them.. Barkeep.. 2 more beers for my mate. I'll be right back"[/FONT] [QUOTE]*Edit* Mainly for Remianen. Jamie Anderson just became head booker of ELPF. Guess your safe from him[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BAW.png[/img] [B]British American Wrestling[/B][/CENTER] 16th March 2007 Cauley Auditorium Attendance: 73 [B]Preshow Ratings:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] & [COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR]
Nadia Snow is in the ring: [B]Snow:[/B] [I]"I expect you all thought i would come out here and cry about how Raphael beat me down last month. Im not.. Raphael just needs to watch behind him because when he doesn't expect it. Im gonna be all over him... And not in a way he would like."[/I] [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [B]Singles Match[/B] Nadia Snow [B]VS[/B] Paige Croft Nadia Snow defeated Paige Croft in 5:51 by submission. [B]Winner:[/B] Nadia Snow [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D-[/COLOR]
Kathy Neptune and Roxy Kitten appear in a parody of a washing liquid advert. Mainly just to show what there mommas gave them. [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR]
[B]Singles Match[/B] Christian Price [B]VS[/B] Jerry Martin Jerry Martin defeated Christian Price in 5:44 by pinfall. [B]Winner:[/B] Jerry Martin [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR]
[B]British American Championship Match[/B] Raphael [I](c)[/I] [B]VS[/B] Sammy The Shark Raphael drew with Sammy The Shark in 5:50 following a double disqualification when Stretch The Chicken Boy ran in and attacked Raphael. [B]Winner:[/B] Double DQ [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D-[/COLOR] [B]Final Show Rating:[/B] [B][COLOR="darkorange"][SIZE="4"]D-[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/FONT] [QUOTE][B]British American Wrestling Report[/B] BAW held their show last night in Cauley Auditorium and drew 73 fans. The feedback has been very positive.[/QUOTE]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][B]The Riverside[/B] "Yo Clarity" It was Quinn.... YET again "Cmon Quinn. Drop the accent please. Its starting to get a little thin" "Sorry man. But i thought you would want to hear about this straight away." he replied. "And whats that" I asked. Quinn handed me a print out from his computer. [QUOTE][FONT="Century Gothic"][B]BAW Rising Fast:[/B] BAW have expansion in mind! The popular promotion have recently grown to even greater proportions, and it is heavily rumoured that they are about to splash out and bring in some brand new talent to consolidate their position. There are also reports that they have several new target markets that they will aggressively looking to break into. When asked, local man Steve Smith said 'I knew It'.[/FONT][/QUOTE] "Is that official." I asked. "It is indeed. The national wrestling board no longer considers us a local promotion. We have been reclassified as small" "Cool. Thats some very good publicity for us. Hopefully we should see a boosted attendance at the next show." And on that note we grabbed our drinks, and started making plans to get to regional size.... [/FONT]
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From [U][COLOR="Blue"]totalextremewrestling.com[/COLOR][/U]'s forum [QUOTE=CoRnElLhAtEr] Did you guys read the show reports for PWC and ELPF this week. Im absolutely [deleted by moderator] sick of seeing the owners and bookers of companies holding the championship gold. I mean Tommy Cornell is still holding his belt for his 4th reign, and on PWC, their [deleted by moderator] owner Fumihiro Ota claimed the top gold in a match with his head booker. Also ELPF owner Razor Valentine claimed the National Championship for himself in his companies debut show against HIS booker Jamie Anderson. Im [deleted by moderator] tired of this. I think im just gonna watch CZCW instead. They have great indy talent there.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=QUINN101010]You should look at BAW. The guys in charge dont even wrestle so there is no chance of seeing them hogging the gold[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Remmy666] Your like a walking advert :) [/QUOTE]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/BAW.png[/img] [B]British American Wrestling[/B][/CENTER] 9th April 2007 CCAC South Campus Attendance: 144 Preshow Ratings: [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR] & [COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR]
Raphael starts the show in the ring: [B]Raphael:[/B] [I][COLOR="Navy"]"Stretch The Chicken Boy. What gives last month. You charge out and interfere in my match. Well todays your lucky day. You get your title shot. So lets see what you can do without the element of surprise"[/COLOR][/I] [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]E+[/COLOR]
[B]Singles Match[/B] Ben Williams [B]VS[/B] Valentine Valentine defeated Ben Williams in 4:57 by pinfall. [B]Winner:[/B] Valentine [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]F+[/COLOR]
Paige Croft is seen in the ring preparing for an interview. [B]Croft:[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]"Nadia, I know you beat me last month but thats gotta be the best match i have had in ages. How about we make it a best of 3 series"[/COLOR] Nadia Snow then makes an appearance at the ramp and agrees for a match right now! [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR]
[B]Best of 3 Series ([COLOR="Navy"]Match 2[/COLOR])[/B] Nadia Snow ( 1 ) [B]VS[/B] Paige Croft ( 0 ) Paige Croft defeated Nadia Snow in 4:56 by pinfall. [B]Winner:[/B] Paige Croft [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D[/COLOR] Having picked up the victory, Paige Croft celebrates in the ring. [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]F-[/COLOR]
[B]British American Championship Match[/B] Raphael [B]VS[/B] Stretch The Chicken Boy Raphael defeated Stretch The Chicken Boy in 5:58 by pinfall. [B]Winner:[/B] Raphael [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]D-[/COLOR] Stretch The Chicken Boy stumbles out the ring after his match. Sammy The Shark runs in and attacks, beating Stretch down into the ground. [B]Rating:[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]F[/COLOR] [B]Final Show Rating:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"][B]E+[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] [QUOTE][B]British American Wrestling Report:[/B] BAW held their show last night in CCAC South Campus, and drew 144 fans. The feedback has been mainly positive, the company has won many friends[/QUOTE]
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[FONT="Century Gothic"][B]Silver Shibanuma Overdose[/B] The wrestling community was stunned last night, when news surfaced that Silver Shibanuma has been rushed to hospital following a drug overdose. Friends are said to be stunned that this has happened, His condition is currently reported as 'critical but stable'. A local man said he had 'no comment' on this story.[/FONT]
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[B]National Wrestling Board Official Rankings: [/B]April 2007 [B]United States:[/B] [B]1)[/B] Supreme Wrestling Federation [B]2)[/B] Total Championship Wrestling [B]3)[/B] Danger And Violence Extreme [B]4)[/B] United States Pro Wrestling [B]5)[/B] Angel Athletic Association [B]6)[/B] Babes Of Sin City [B]7)[/B] Rhode Island Pro Wrestling [B]8)[/B] New York City Wrestling [B]9)[/B] [I][COLOR="Navy"]British American Wrestling[/COLOR][/I] [B]10)[/B] Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling [B]11)[/B] Mid Atlantic Wrestling [B]12)[/B] Phoenix Wrestling Company [B]Canada:[/B] [B]1)[/B] North Of The Border Pro Wrestling [B]2)[/B] Canadian Golden Combat [B]3)[/B] Canadian Women's Wrestling Federation [B]4)[/B] Canadian Charisma Championship Combat [B]Mexico:[/B] [B]1)[/B] Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation [B]-)[/B] Original Lucha Libre In Extreme [B]-)[/B] South Of The Border Pro Wrestling
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[B]O.o.c moment[/B] This marks post 15 of mine in this diary. And so far 2 people have left any reply on here, Im sure like anybody doing a diary on here they like to see that people like what they write and respond to it. But pretty much zilch here.. I sit here and spend time making it look really presentable, i have worked on logos at the top, and colours for ratings... ...And im just wondering if its worth it is all
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[quote=Clarity;200318][B]O.o.c moment[/B] This marks post 15 of mine in this diary. And so far 2 people have left any reply on here, Im sure like anybody doing a diary on here they like to see that people like what they write and respond to it. But pretty much zilch here.. I sit here and spend time making it look really presentable, i have worked on logos at the top, and colours for ratings... ...And im just wondering if its worth it is all[/quote] As always, I will be here to read any Diaries that you write, and try to comment as much as possible :D
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I usually don't post in diaries, just because I don't like to fill the thread with unecessary clutter. However, Clarity let it be known that I'm a big fan of all the diaries you've written, and wish your games wouldn't constantly crash on you to force you to start over. You do a great job. Your diaries are easy to read and always enjoyable. And I suspect more than 3 people are reading. FYI
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