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WWE vs. WSX vs. the world (c-verse)

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After being around the wrestling industry for years, Chalres Zulas retires from the ring due to an arm injury suffered at the age of 23. Winning the lottery Charles gets enough money to start two promotions WSX and WWE. Leaving the promotions completely in the hands of two bookers Charles watches as his work starts to fall. Seeing how quickly the WSX turned into high spots and bad gimmicks and how fast the WWE turned into sex and drugs Charles heads to the office Charles gets to his office and spots the two bookers [B]Charles: [/B][COLOR="Red"]What is wrong with you! This is not what I had in mind when I left you guys in charge![/COLOR] [B]bookers:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Sorry, we were in the process of showing the new signings the way things are done.[/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="red"]You have no clue how things are done! You both are fired![/COLOR] bookers walk out the door as Charles goes to the conference room [B]Charles:[/B] This is what I am left with? I am not going to sit by and watch my companies crumble. Charles leaves the room and walks to his locker seeing his old wrestling gear. After years from the ring, at 37 can Charles enter the ring and take WWE & WSX to the top?
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After collecting his thoughts Charles sits down with a list left by his former bookers listing the new wrestlers now standing in the conference room [B][U]WSX[/U][/B] Robert Greene Tiger- Kinney Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann D-Lyrium Revenant High Voltage [B][U]WWE[/U][/B] MuthafawkkinMatt "Wildcat" Nick Gloe Madinna Franchesco Thomas Salerno Blasphemy Baba Looey [B]Charles:[/B] This better work
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Charles spots a second sheet with pushes the former bookers wanted for the wrestlers. Picking it up Charles goes to the conference room to post it. [B]WSX[/B] [B][U]Main Eventer[/U][/B] High Voltage Revenant [B][U]Upper Mid Card[/U][/B] D-Lyrium Robert Greene Charles Zulas [U][B]Midcard[/B][/U] Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann [B][U]Lower Midcard[/U][/B] Tiger-Kinney [B]WWE[/B] [B][U]Main Eventer[/U][/B] "Wildcat" Nick Gloe Baba Looey [B][U]Upper Mid Card[/U][/B] Blasphemy Madinna Franchesco [U][B]Midcard[/B][/U] MuthafawkkinMatt [B][U]Lower Midcard[/U][/B] Thomas Salerno **Notice to all wrestlers- your first show is this Sunday!**
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[B][U]Jan week 1 (tues)[/U][/B] [B][U]Wrestling world news (title wins)[/U][/B] [B]21CW[/B]-Nightmare wins the United Kindom title beating Daniel Black Francis. [B][U]Wrestling World News (Released)[/U][/B] [B]AAA[/B]- cuts the fat releasing Miss Mexico, Missy Masterson, Tsuki Kawamata, Tracy Brendon and Gorgon [B]5SSW[/B]- releases Otsune Tsumura [U][B]Wrestling World News (new)[/B][/U] Jeremy Murdoch and Jeffrey Deal enter wrestling [U][B]Jan week 1 (wed)[/B][/U] [B][U]Wrestling world news (title wins)[/U][/B] [B]5SSW[/B]-Saeko Hiroyuki defeats Yuma Maruya for the 5 star title [B][U]Wrestling world news (other)[/U][/B] [B]AAA[/B]-goes to regional size [B]5SSW[/B]-goes to regional size [U][B]Wrestling world news (contracts)[/B][/U] [B]BHOTWG[/B]- Munenori Umari signs a written deal [B]SWF[/B]-Pat Deacon signs a written deal [B]TCW[/B]-Playboy Jake Sawyer signs a written deal [B]Inspire[/B]-Katsuhiko Shunsen signs a pay per view deal Looking up from his paper Charles sees the new bookers of WWE and WSX [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Hello Fumihiro Ota and Gil Thomas welcome aboard. Now Thomas you will be with WWE and Ota you will be with WSX. Of course I oversee both of you. Here is what I was thinking for the first cards of both shows.[/COLOR] [U][B]WSX Rumble[/B][/U] High Voltage vs. Revenant for WSX title D-Lyrium vs. Robert Greene Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann vs. Tiger- Kinney [B][U]WWE New Year's Distruction[/U][/B] "Wildcat" Nick Gloe vs. Baba Looey for WWE title Blasphemy vs. Madinna Franchesco Thomas Salerno vs. MuthafawkkinMatt
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[CENTER] [U][B]guy sitting at the computer moment[/B][/U][/CENTER] can't think of a cool name yet, but these will be the out of character updates when ever I think of any. everyone who is signed up is made. Here is how I did the alter egos: everyone got 5% across the board on all skills, now "good skills" were bumped to 25% and excellent to 40%. I am not 100% sold on idea but starting in feb. I may do a random show where winners get a 5% boost on a stat. both companies have shows the 1st. week of every month
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[B][U]Jan week 1 (thur)[/U][/B] Nothing happened [B][U]Jan week 1 (fri)[/U][/B] Charles standing at his desk looks at the four newest wrestlers in his two promotions. [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Welcome to all. It looks like Thomas Morgan and Cal Sanders you guys are WWE, while Crash Lewis and Dazzling Dave Diamond you guys are WSX. Go make me some money.[/COLOR] The four leave while Charles grabs Wrestling World News [B][U]Wrestling world news (new bookers)[/U][/B] [B]MPWF[/B]- Marcos Flores takes the booking job [B]ROF[/B]- Arson Wells takes the booking job [B]MOSC[/B]- Ali Bloxsome takes the booking job [B]CZCW[/B]- Shawn Gonzalez takes the booking job [B]WEXXV[/B]- Burning Exile takes the booking job [B]RIPW[/B]- Shane Sneer takes the booking job [B][U]Jan week 1 (sat)[/U][/B] [B][U]Wrestling world news (contracts)[/U][/B] [B]BHOTWG[/B]-Eisaku Hoshino signs a short term deal [B]PGHW[/B]-Roku Yamazaki signs a written deal [B]MPWF[/B]-Teadoro Nieto signs a pay per view deal [B]Inspire[/B]-Koyo Raikatuji signs a pay per view deal [B][U]Wrestling world news (Released)[/U][/B] [B]WEXXV[/B]-Zeshin Makioka has been shown the door Walking to the conference room where the backyard wrestlers are standing [B]Charles[/B]: [COLOR="blue"]Hello guys I have just signed these new workers who are better then you in everyway. With WSX Dog Fyte, Murderous Mikey, and Lazy Joe. With WWE here is Ace Youngblood.[/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] (Yelling out the door) [COLOR="blue"]Ok guys come on in[/COLOR] In comes a group of workers standing behind Charles [B]Charles: [/B][COLOR="blue"]Wrestlers I would like you to meet some of the other workers in WWE and WSX. First for WWE this is ref, Dwight Kumas. Here is announcer Remmington Remus with him will be color guy Ted Ross. Finally the guy I like to call my “Jack of all trades” Jack Avatar. Now for WSX I have the ref, Elegance. Announcer Lee Bambino and my secret weapon Kate Avatar. Now that you know the other members, remember that your first shows are tomorrow. Remember don’t screw up.[/COLOR]
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[B][U]Jan week 1 (sun)[/U][/B] Charles gets to the office late after the shows and files away the results from the matches [B][U]WSX Rumble[/U][/B] D-Lyrium defeated Robert Greene Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann defeated Tiger- Kinney High Voltage defeated Revenant to win the WSX title Crash Lewis defeated Murderous Mikey Kate Avatar defeated Queen Emily [B][U]WWE New Years Distruction[/U][/B] Blasphemy defeated Madinna Franchesco MuthafawkkinMatt defeated Thomas Salerno Baba Looey defeated "Wildcat" Nick Gloe to win the WWE wow extreme title Ace Youngblood defeated Thomas Morgan Jack Avatar defeated Cal Sanders
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[B][U]Jan week 2 (mon)[/U][/B] Charles gets to the office and is talking with Fumihiro Ota, Gil Thomas, Jack and Kate Avatar. [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Thanks for coming, I called you here today because I want to change the game plan a little?[/COLOR] Ota, Gil, Jack and Kate all look confused [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Don’t worry nobody is fired. As you all know I was a wrestler many years ago before I made WWE and WSX. I really want to get back into the ring and to do this I need the four of you to step up your game. [/COLOR] [B]Jack: [/B][COLOR="Red"]What are you planning?[/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Well Jack with me back in the ring I won’t be around all the time so I need you guys to run the day to day operations. Even though I will be around to oversee the four of you.[/COLOR] [B]Gil: [/B][COLOR="Green"]I’m still confused?[/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Do you remember years ago about a company called the WWF. They had a so called “President of the company” but everyone really knew that one of the announcers was the real owner. The other guy was just their for tv purposes.[/COLOR] [B]Kate:[/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]So, you want a “president” type?[/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Exactly, even though I am the real owner. I want Jack to be the “President” of WWE and you Kate to be “President” of WSX. That was the reason we ran Jack’s announcement angle last night, and that’s the reason we had you fire Queen Emily after the match. [/COLOR] [B]Kate:[/B] [COLOR="sienna"]Oh ok.[/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Now Thomas you will still be the head booker of WWE and Ota you have WSX as planned. That is the first part of this new game plan. Its nice having the money for two promotions but its no fun if they are working together all the time.[/COLOR] Kate, Ota, Jack, Gil all look really worried now [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]In wining the lottery I bought two buildings, one in New York and the other in LA. I bought them because New York will be the new location of the WWE branch of operations while LA will be the location of the base of operations for WSX. The main base will remain here in Indy. [/COLOR] Charles pulls two envelopes out of his desk drawer, handing one to Kate and the other to Jack. [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]In these envelopes you will find directions to the buildings, plane tickets and an account number that will release funds to you for your branch to operate. [/COLOR] [B]Ota[/B]: [COLOR="Purple"]You said you were getting back into the ring, any idea which company you will be working for?[/COLOR] [B]Charles: [/B][COLOR="blue"]I will be coming with you to WSX. Now all of you get going.[/COLOR] Jack, Kate, Ota, and Gil get up and leave
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[B][U]Jan week 2 (tue)[/U][/B] Charles gets to the office and immediately checks wrestling world news [B][U]Wrestling world news (contracts)[/U][/B] [B]TCW[/B]- American Elemental signs a written deal [B]RIPW[/B]-Roger Dodger signs a pay per view deal [B]TCW[/B]- Jack Griffith signs a written deal [B]BHOTWG[/B]- Samoan Machine signs a written deal [B]CGC[/B]- The Natural signs a pay per view deal Charles picks up the phone to call Jack [B]Charles[/B]: [COLOR="Blue"]Hey Jack, everything going well?[/COLOR] [B]Jack:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Everything works so far[/COLOR] [B]Charles: [/B][COLOR="blue"]Listen, before you left I never told you about the feedback from the New Years Distruction.[/COLOR] [B]Jack:[/B] [COLOR="red"]How did it go?[/COLOR] [B]Charles: [/B][COLOR="blue"]of course you received the best grade from the guys at Wrestling World News, and overall the fans seemed to enjoy the show, which to me is really shocking because of how WWN graded the show.[/COLOR] [B]Jack: [/B][COLOR="red"]Thanks for the news, bye.[/COLOR] Charles hangs up and calls Kate [B]Kate:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]Hello[/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hey Kate, Charles here[/COLOR] [B]Kate[/B]: [COLOR="purple"]Oh hi[/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]I just wanted to tell you about the feedback from Rumble. Your match was rated highest by Wrestling World News as expected and according to the feedback from the fans they enjoyed the show, even though WWN gave it a bad grade.[/COLOR] [B]Kate: [/B][COLOR="purple"]Cool, bye[/COLOR] [B][U]Jan week 2 (wed)[/U][/B] Charles gets into the office and sees that workers are on the move [B][U]Wrestling world news (contracts)[/U][/B] [B]BHOTWG[/B]- Shingen Miyazaki signs a written deal [B]BHOTWG[/B]- Shirosama Ezakiya signs a written deal [B]BHOTWG[/B]- Eisuke Yoshinobu signs a written deal [B]SWF[/B]- Darryl Devine signs a written deal [B]WEXXV[/B]- Takayuki Kajiwara signs a pay per view deal Meanwhile over at WWE, Jack is busy looking over the roster [B]Jack: [/B]With the new signings, I think it was a great idea to look at current pushes [B][U]Current WOW Champ:[/U][/B] Baba Looey [B][U]Main Event [/U][/B] Ace Youngblood Baba Looey [B][U]Upper Mid[/U][/B] Cal Sanders Blasphemy MuthafawkkinMatt Thomas Morgan [B][U]Midcard[/U][/B] "Wildcat" Nick Gloe Madinna Franchesco [B][U]Lower Midcard[/U][/B] Thomas Salerno Meanwhile Kate is doing the exact same thing over at WSX [B][U]Current World Champ[/U][/B] High Voltage [B][U]Main Event [/U][/B] Dazzling Dave Diamond Dog Fyte Crash Lewis High Voltage [B][U]Upper Mid[/U][/B] Charles Zulas Murderous Mikey Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann Lazy Joe Tiger-Kinney [B][U]Midcard[/U][/B] Revenant D-Lyrium [B][U]Lower Mid[/U][/B] Robert Greene
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[B][U]Jan week 2 (thur)[/U][/B] Nothing happening [B][U]Jan week 2 (fri)[/U][/B] Charles gets to the office and finds a few new items [B][U]Wrestling world news (contracts)[/U][/B] [B]BHOTWG[/B]- Hell Monkey signs a pay per view deal [B]SWF[/B]- Carl Batch signs a written deal [B][U]Wrestling World News (pay per view)[/U][/B] [B]SWF[/B], “When Hell Freezes Over” was held in front of 19,038 at New Hampshire Garden. Sexual Aggression win their belts defeating the Biggz Boys. Rich Money beats Lobster Warrior to keep the North American Title Zimmy Bumfhole keeps the Shooting Star title defeating Akima Brave Runaway Train beats Remo to keep the world title [B][U]Jan week 2 (sat)[/U][/B] Nothing to report [B][U]Jan week 2 (sun)[/U][/B] In the office Charles picks up a Wrestling World News [B][U]Wrestling World News (pay per view)[/U][/B] [B]NOTBPW [/B]“Big City Brawl” was held at a sold out Caribou Arena in front of 5,000. Can-Am Blondes defeat Dark Angel and Edd Stone to keep the tag titles The Canadian title stays with Sean Mcfly defeating Jeremy Stone [B][U]Wrestling world news (contracts)[/U][/B] [B]NYCW[/B]- Jungle Jack signs a pay per view deal [B]4C[/B]- Whippy the Clown signs a pay per view deal [B][U]Jan week 3 (mon)[/U][/B] At WWE headquarters Jack Avatar is sitting with the two newest members of the WWE roster. [B]Jack: [/B][COLOR="Red"]Welcome aboard Mark Smart and Titan. I am sure you both will do well here.[/COLOR] Smart and Titan leave as Jack picks up a Wrestling World News [B]Jack:[/B] Fans think Tommy Cornell is the “Best Overall Worker Today?”
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[B][U]Jan week 3 (tue)[/U][/B] Charles is in his office and spots new signings from around the world [B][U]Wrestling world news (contracts)[/U][/B] [B]CGC[/B]- Craig Prince signs a pay per view deal [B]CGC[/B]- Jacob Jett signs a pay per view deal [B]DAVE[/B]-Frankie Perez signs a pay per view deal Meanwhile Jack is sitting in New York talking with one of his backyard wrestlers [B]Wildcat:[/B] [COLOR="Green"]A loss in a championship match and I get dropped down to midcard hell?[/COLOR] [B]Jack: [/B][COLOR="Red"]Well Nick, I know that seems like a lot but you have to remember two things. One WWE is very small right now as Charles wants to build these from the bottom up, and because of that each “level” does not hold room for many wrestlers. Second, you have to remember that the first “push chart” was done with only backyard wrestlers like yourself. Since then we have added more experienced workers that will cause most of the top levels to be filled, thus pushing others down. Give it time.[/COLOR] Wildcat gets up to walk out [B][U]Jan week 3 (wed)[/U][/B] More signings from around the world are made public in Wrestling World News today [B][U]Wrestling world news (contracts)[/U][/B] [B]5SSW[/B]- Akahito Miwa signs a pay per view deal [B]PGHW[/B]- Hirokazu Yamanoue signs a pay per view deal [B]Inspire[/B]-Julian Watson signs a pay per view deal [B]Inspire[/B]-Masutaro Kataoka signs a pay per view deal [B]TCW[/B]- Blonde Bombshell signs a written deal Meanwhile over at WSX Kate Avatar is with Fumihiro Ota looking over the landscape of WSX. [B]Kate[/B]: [COLOR="Purple"]Ota starting next week I want to start planning for WSX Heartache[/COLOR] [B]Ota:[/B] [COLOR="sienna"]Understood, any new workers you want to bring in for the show?[/COLOR] [B]Kate[/B]: [COLOR="purple"]I have been in discussion with one to come in at the start of the month.[/COLOR] [B]Ota:[/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Ok, anything else right now.[/COLOR] [B]Kate:[/B] [COLOR="purple"]Not at the moment, just start thinking of possible cards.[/COLOR] [B][U]Jan week 3 (thur)[/U][/B] Charles stays home to begin working towards his comeback with WSX, but does take the time to check out Wrestling World News [B]Charles:[/B] Wow, Sports America not happy with USPW. NOTBPW is in hot water with Canada On air as well. [B][U]Wrestling world news (title wins)[/U][/B] [B]21CW[/B]- Daniel Black Francis wins the United Kingdom title beating Nightmare. [B]Charles: [/B]Spinal Disalignment for Danny Rushmore? Out 49 days? Back in my day a good technical wrestler good pop a spine back in place during a match. Over at WWE Jack and Gil are talking [B]Jack: [/B][COLOR="Red"]With New Year Distruction, in the bag, we need to do better for “Love or Die”. Any ideas on ways we could improve for the show.[/COLOR] [B]Gil:[/B] [COLOR="Green"]Not yet.[/COLOR] [B]Jack: [/B][COLOR="red"]Come up with something and we will work on it next week[/COLOR] [B][U]Jan week 3 (fri)[/U][/B] Taking a break from his work out Charles. Checks Wrestling World News [B][U]Wrestling world news (contracts)[/U][/B] [B]PGHW[/B]- Strong Style Yoemon signs a written deal [B]PGHW[/B]-Koshiro Ino signs a short term deal [B]5SSW[/B]- Ryuzaburo Sugiyama signs a pay per view deal [B][U]Wrestling world news (title wins)[/U][/B] [B]Saisho[/B]-Gonnohyoe Kada defeats Strong Style Yoemon for the Destiny title [B][U]Jan week 3 (sat)[/U][/B] In the WSX office Kate is reading a copy of Wrestling world News [B]Kate:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]Hey Ota, we need a tv spot[/COLOR] [B]Ota:[/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Kate you know we are too small of a company for tv. [/COLOR] [B]Kate:[/B] [COLOR="purple"]Tv stations will be looking for new shows starting next month maybe we could get Charles to get us one.[/COLOR] [B]Ota:[/B] [COLOR="sienna"]We can ask but I don’t think we can get one[/COLOR] [B][U]Jan week 3 (sun)[/U][/B] Nothing to report [U][B]Jan week 4 (mon)[/B][/U] Kate, Jack and Charles meet for dinner
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[B][U]Jan week 4 (tue)[/U][/B] Jack and Gil are sitting around planning the card for “Love or Die” [B]Gil:[/B] [COLOR="Green"]jack did you hear that Sayeed Ali won the 4C hardcore title.[/COLOR] [B]Jack:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Sayeed Ali? The only Sayeed Ali I know of is from “24”[/COLOR] [B]Gil:[/B] [COLOR="green"]Funny Jack. This Sayeed Ali was also known as “Leroy” back in the day.[/COLOR] [B]Jack[/B]: [COLOR="red"]Lets get on track. We have Love or Die coming up and we need a card.[/COLOR] [B]Gil: [/B] [COLOR="green"]Well Baba Looey is the champ, so he is in a match. We currently only have 6 “backyard wrestlers” should we continue to have them fight in out and leave the others facing each other in separate matches?[/COLOR] [B]Jack:[/B] [COLOR="red"]For Love or Die, yes. After Love or Die we can start mixing the backyards in among the regulars.[/COLOR] [B]Gil:[/B] [COLOR="green"]Baba Looey beat Wildcat, so assuming no rematch, that pairing wont work.[/COLOR] [B]Jack:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Correct, so far Blasphemy and MuthafawkkinMatt have victories other then the champ. Both received the same grade from Wrestle World News so that won’t help.[/COLOR] [B]Gil:[/B] [COLOR="green"]Both are heels, so that route is out. Personally I did like Blasphemy’s match a little better so he should get the shot.[/COLOR] [B]Jack:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Ok, and if MuthafawkkinMatt wins his match, he gets the next shot.[/COLOR] [B]Gil:[/B] [COLOR="green"]So we can put MuthafawkkinMatt against Madinna Franchesco and Wildcat against Thomas Salerno.[/COLOR] [B]Jack:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Good for me. So for the backyard guys we have, Baba Looey vs. Blasphemy for the title; MuthafawkkinMatt vs. Madinna Franchesco and Wildcat vs. Thomas Salerno. [/COLOR] Meanwhile over at WSX, Kate is also looking at the next show [B]Kate:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]Ok Ota, Heartache is coming up and we need a card[/COLOR] [B]Ota: [/B][COLOR="sienna"]The champ is High Voltage and he needs to defend that title. Which backyard wrestler should he face?[/COLOR] [B]Kate:[/B] [COLOR="purple"]None of them, I want him up against a regular and for that I have all ready decided on Crash Lewis.[/COLOR] [B]Ota:[/B] [COLOR="sienna"]Interesting, and I guess it could work. So High Voltage vs. Crash Lewis for the title. What’s next?[/COLOR] [B]Kate:[/B] [COLOR="purple"]Since the rest really don’t matter lets put names in the hat.[/COLOR] Kate puts the names of the rest of the backyard wrestlers into a hat and begins to select names. [B]Kate:[/B] [COLOR="purple"]Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann will face Revenant, Tiger-Kinney will face D-Lyrium and Robert Greene in a triple threat.[/COLOR] [B]Ota:[/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Wow! [/COLOR] [B][U]WWE Love or Die[/U][/B] Baba Looey vs. Blasphemy for the title MuthafawkkinMatt vs. Madinna Franchesco Wildcat vs. Thomas Salerno [B][U]WSX Heartache[/U][/B] High Voltage vs. Crash Lewis for the title Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann vs. Revenant Tiger-Kinney vs. D-Lyrium vs. Robert Greene in a triple threat
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