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WWE vs. WSX vs. the world (c-verse)

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[B][U]July week 3 2008 (fri)[/U][/B] Charles takes the day off to collect his thoughts [B][U]July week 3 2008 (sat)[/U][/B] Charles and Curt are talking [B]Charles: [/B][COLOR="Blue"]So do you still like the card for next week[/COLOR] [B]Curt:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]Yeah, the card should be fine. How are your other projects?[/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Not bad[/COLOR] [B]Curt:[/B] [COLOR="purple"]The networks are opening their meetings soon.[/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]I will be making my calls later. [/COLOR] [B][U]July week 3 2008 (sun)[/U][/B] Charles and Curt are sitting around [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Wow, there is nothing of meaning going on in the wrestling world. The world of wrestling need a huge shake-up to get things going again.[/COLOR] [B]Curt:[/B] [COLOR="purple"]Well, New York City Wrestling signed Jungle Jack. Dawn the Cheerleader signs with DAVE.[/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]That’s it?[/COLOR] [B][U]July week 4 2008 (mon)[/U][/B] Wrestling World News and Notes [QUOTE][B][U]DAVE goes Mainstream [/U][/B] According to sources at DAVE, Mainstream Hernandez has signed a ppa contract with the company. This can only help Hernandez as this young up and coming star looks to improve.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]Burning Hammer gets Julian Watson[/U][/B] Burning Hammer signs Julian Watson. This signing is interesting because Burning Hammer has come out and said that they don’t know exactly what they are going to do with him.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][U][B]Wrestlers make a run for the boarder[/B][/U] North of the Border Pro Wrestling has signed more wrestlers to their roster. Shooter Sean Deeley, Joey Poison, The Insane Heat, and Jerome Turner have all signed to be apart of the company. [/QUOTE] [U][B]July week 4 2008 (tue)[/B][/U] Charles is sitting in his office [B]Charles:[/B] What the hell!
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[B][U][CENTER]out of character post[/CENTER][/U][/B] hello all I recieved this pm and think its best to address it to the group [QUOTE][B]From NickC13573[/B] can we write the direction for our character? or give you ideas on business segments?[/QUOTE] If you have an idea for your character write it up. I only ask that you PM me the idea first so I know what you want and I can attempt to write something around the idea. (it also helps keep things in order a bit and it keeps ideas from taking off without my knowledge and I end up with pages of challenges and responses, where I have to go in and sort out who wants what.) I will PM you back when I think you idea will fit best into the diary (don't expect it to instantly be put in unless it fits the storylines at that exact moment) Also I ask that if you have an idea that includes another backyarder, please sort out the idea through PM, then one person send me the completed idea. when sending me the PM put in the title which diary you are talking about [B]BIG EDIT: just so its posted "I reserve the right to say no to any storyline idea sent to me" [/B]
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[B][U]July week 4 2008 (wed)[/U][/B] [QUOTE]July week 4 2008 Backyard Wrestling All Stars The Snake Pit Attendance: 533 Write-up by Jack Cage of BWAS.com Hello wrestling fans this is Jack Cage of BWAS.com and BWAS went back to the Snake Pit last night for another Backyard Wrestling All-Stars show. Just like last week, it was an ok show. The opening match of the night featured Tiger- Kinney defeating Baba Looey in a match where the fans had more fun booing then actually watching the match. As someone who actually had to watch the match, I must say that these guys need some help. The next match had Wildcat Nick Gloe and Crash Lewis going at it and from my perspective the two worked flawlessly in the ring. Sadly for these two my perspective is not the one that matters and the fans let them know it. The crowd told was irate at Wildcat, but they loved Dharma Gregg. In the end it was Wildcat getting the deserved victory tonight. Match number three of the night was Thomas Salerno vs. Thomas Morgan. Tonight Salerno and Jennifer Heat worked well together as always, but Heat’s tricks were no match for the veteran. In the end Morgan blocked the Heat chair shot, instead blasting her with a chairshot of his own before getting the pinfall on the shocked Salerno. The next match was a brutal slugfest between Dog Fyte and Cal Sanders. These two traded blows all over the arena. At one point Cal used the announce table to bounce Fyte’s face off the table, but that only angered Fyte as he dropped Sanders with a chair. In the end the chair shot was not enough as Cal Sanders almost put Fyte through the mat with a nasty powerbomb to get the win….The was on the end of the story though as Sanders dragged Fyte to the top of the stage and powerbombed Fyte off the stage to the horror of the crowd. As the EMTs worked on Fyte the camera went backstage where Shane Sneer was interviewing the heavyweight champion Mainstream Hernandez. Sneer asked about the fact that the winner of the Al Coleman vs. Marc Speed match was to get a title shot next week, Mainstream told Sneer that he did not care who won because he would always be champion. The camera came back to the ring for the main event. I must say that the main event was good for what the company has done lately and I can see both being a suitable challenger for Hernandez. To bad only one could win and today that had to be Marc Speed as his picked up the 1,2,3. Overall the show was fun and I am interested in the title match next week as that should be good. [B][U]Quick Results[/U][/B] Tiger- Kinney defeated Baba Looey: [COLOR="Red"][B]F[/B][/COLOR] Wildcat" Nick Gloe defeated Crash Lewis: [COLOR="red"][B]F+[/B][/COLOR] Thomas Morgan defeated Thomas Salerno: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Cal Sanders defeated Dog Fyte: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Cal Sanders beatdown Dog Fyte post match: [COLOR="red"][B]F[/B][/COLOR] Shane Sneer interviews Mainstream Hernandez: [COLOR="red"][B]D[/B][/COLOR] Marc Speed defeated Al Coleman: [COLOR="red"][B]D[/B][/COLOR] Overall: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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Charles is sitting with Phil Vibert and Cliff Anderson discussing a few things [B]Phil:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Charles, I will say good job on your main event last night, I think Hernandez vs. Speed will be great for you.[/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Speaking of Mainstream, how is in doing in DAVE? [/COLOR] [B]Phil: [/B][COLOR="blue"]To be honest, we have not used him yet, but he should have no problem fitting in with guys like Acid, and Frankie Perez.[/COLOR] [B]Cliff:[/B] [COLOR="Green"]Frankie is a good man to have. Needs improvement but once he gets a little more time he will be one to watch. Oh Phil, thanks for letting Gonzalez became my head booker.[/COLOR] [B]Phil:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]No problem, Cliff [/COLOR](rolls eyes) [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Hey did you hear that GNN Total Sports is said to be pissed with TCW.[/COLOR] [B]Phil[/B]: [COLOR="blue"]No, really. That’s great news, they have a nice group of guys I would love to sign.[/COLOR] [B]Cliff:[/B] [COLOR="green"]What about North of the Border Pro Wrestling, they have done well lately[/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="red"]I heard they just signed Whippy the Clown and Adrian Garcia.[/COLOR] [B]Phil: [/B][COLOR="blue"]I know, they are my biggest worry at this point.[/COLOR] [B][U]July week 4 2008 (thur)[/U][/B] Charles is sitting in his office looking over the next card before sending it out in an e-mail. [B]Charles:[/B] (worried) I need the title match to work [QUOTE]TO: Roster FROM: Charles Here is the next card for BWAS Wrestling, enjoy. [B][U]BWAS World title match[/U][/B] Marc Speed vs. Mainstream Hernandez Thomas Morgan vs. Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Revenant Tiger- Kinney vs. Alan Parent Cal Sanders vs. Baba Looey[/QUOTE]
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Can Alan Parent , drag a half decent match out of me ? Not likely, because by the looks of it...I seriously stink, but is it I who stink, or the crowd ? They don't seem to understand the psychology of constantly attempting the Moonsault in the match, and neither do any of my opponents. If my opponents just let me bust out a few moonsaults once in a while the idiot crowd would be more impressed surely. ;)
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[B][U]July week 4 2008 (fri)[/U][/B] Wrestling World News and Notes [QUOTE][U][B]Dylan Slide signs with AAA[/B][/U] Word from Angel Athletic Association is that they have successfully signed Dylan Slide to a ppa contract. Insiders believe that he will work as a road agent for the company[/QUOTE] Charles checks his e-mail and finds one from Troy Winner [QUOTE]FROM: Troy Winner TO: Charles Zulas Well you may have thought he was no good, but Nick Clements did good job last night in helping Nomad and Killah get the win. You lost out my friend. [/QUOTE] [B]Charles:[/B] (laughs) I bet he just stood on the apron the entire match [B][U]July week 4 2008 (sat)[/U][/B] Wrestling World News and Notes [QUOTE][B][U]BWAS has a number one contender named?[/U][/B] We here at Wrestling World News are hearing that Backyard Wrestling All-Stars owner Charles Zulas and Road Agent Curt O’ Malley have decided on a number one contender to Dazzling Dave Diamond’s United States title. We do not know who it is, when the contender will be named or when a match will take place.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]Duke Hazzard goes to BSC[/U][/B] Babes of Sin City have signed Duke Hazzard recently. We here at Wrestling World News have no idea what his role will be in the company so we will just have to what and see.[/QUOTE]
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[B][U]out of character post[/U][/B] hello all. Real life is starting to get in the way a bit. Anyway I am getting ready to move out of state at the end of the month but the apartment I am moving to will not be ready until the 2nd. week of june. So in short I will be away from the diaries for a while but they are still going.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[U][B]out of character post part 2[/B][/U] hello to all, mystic here. Well I have some bad news, the "real world" has thrown a major curve ball. to make a long story short, my desktop is in storage and my best guess is that it will be at least 2 months before I can play TEW again (currently at library typing this). Due to this fact I believe that it is best to stop "Real world Wars" and "WWE vs. WSX vs. the world" and let someone else do this. I still plan to continue my DAVE diary, but if that should end (really don't see that happening as I have plans for it) I may do a Real World TNA diary. In case you were wondering originally I was to move to harrisburg, PA with family but now I am in black canyon city, AZ with family, and a friend that put us up in a camper.
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  • 4 weeks later...
[B][U]out of character update[/U][/B] hello to all, mystic here. I have good news for readers. The family (mom and I) have a new place and are scheduled to move july 11 (prescott valley, az). That means my desktop with TEW on it will be out of storage and I can start playing again. Hopefully first posts should return by the end of july once things get finished. [B][U]good news for me[/U][/B] I am going to the raw house show on july 29th. I have a list of four matches scheduled sitting at home which I may post later. (who knows if these will be right by the show date). [B][U]now good news for you[/U][/B] as posted in the "Real World Wars" thread I had 16 staples in my head and now I am currently resting up (I am fine, as I had a shunt replaced. AKA: tube on the left side of my brain to drain fluid) This is good for you as I really can't do much until september 1, meaning more time playing TEW. [B][U]Current status of diaries (in order of importance)[/U][/B] New Era of Dave (still active) WWE vs. WSX (not currently active) Real World Wars (not currently active) if you would like WWE vs. WSX and real world diaries continued respond to the poll in the general discussion thanks link to poll [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?p=255147#post255147[/url]
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