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WWE vs. WSX vs. the world (c-verse)

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[B][U]Jan week 4 (wed)[/U][/B] Charles gets to the office and gets right to work [B]Charles:[/B] WWE Love or Die….WSX Heartache? Going with the valentines theme I guess. [B][U]Wrestling world news (title wins)[/U][/B] [B]USPW[/B]- Warlord Pain defeats Jim Force for the National title [B]Charles: [/B]This news should do well TO WWE and WSX I know you have your shows to prepare for but to help your wrestlers train I want to offer this as a bonus. I will personally hold a show for each company here in Indy to give your wrestler more time to work on their skills in singles matches. I also advise that they not take this lightly because the winners of these matches will receive a 5 point boost in any skill they so choose. No titles on the line just a chance for the wrestlers to work on their skills, date and time of show to be sent at a later date. [B][U]Jan week 4 (thur)[/U][/B] Charles cuts his training short for the day and checks out Wrestling World News [B][U]Wrestling world news (contracts)[/U][/B] [B]TCW[/B]- Corporal Doom signs a written deal [B]DAVE[/B]-Brains McGhee signs a pay per view deal [B]4C[/B]- Trent Shaffer signs a pay per view deal [B]PGHW[/B]-Roku Sotomura signs a written deal [B]Inspire[/B]-Stuart Ferdinand signs a pay per view deal [B]Charles:[/B] Interesting…Canada On Air NOTBPW Championship Wrestling [B][U]Jan week 4 (fri)[/U][/B] Charles packs his bag as he checks Wrestling World News [B][U]Wrestling world news (title wins)[/U][/B] [B]ROF[/B]- K’Lee Hawkins defeats Billy Robinson for the #1 Contender title [B][U]Jan week 4 (sat)[/U][/B] Getting off the plane Charles has a copy of Wrestling World News waiting for him [B][U]Wrestling world news (contracts)[/U][/B] [B]Inspire[/B]-William Hayes signs a pay per view deal [B]WLW[/B]-Seishiro Hiraga signs a pay per view deal [B]NYCW[/B]-Sienna Deville signs a pay per view deal [B]BSC[/B]- Duke Hazzard signs a pay per view deal [B]4C[/B]- Chance signs a pay per view deal
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[B][U]Jan week 4 (sun)[/U][/B] Charles walks into WWE and finds Jack sitting at his desk [B]Jack:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Mr. Zulas, welcome.[/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Hello Jack. I just wanted to make a personal visit. How are things going?[/COLOR] [B]Jack:[/B] [COLOR="red"]A little slow, but not bad. [/COLOR] Knocking on the door is Thomas Salerno [B]Jack: [/B][COLOR="red"]Hello Thomas, you remember Mr. Zulas?[/COLOR] [B]Thomas[/B]: [COLOR="Green"]Yes. Listen Jack, I know your trying to make WWE the top promotion in the world, but I have one request.[/COLOR] [B]Jack:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Yes?[/COLOR] [B]Thomas:[/B] [COLOR="green"]I don’t think I feel confident about being one of the “top dogs”. I really am worried that I may screw up when I get out there, so I am just telling you I like where I am?[/COLOR] Thomas leaves [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]That was odd?[/COLOR] [B]Jack:[/B] (confused) [COLOR="red"]Back to you being here. You know that the networks are going to be looking for new shows. We ask you to work your magic and try and get us a show.[/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]I will see what I can do but no promises[/COLOR] Charles leaves [B][U]Feb. week 1 (mon)[/U][/B] Charles picks up a Wrestling World News before getting on the plane [B][U]Wrestling World News (pay per view)[/U][/B] [B]TCW[/B] “Malice in Wonderland” was held at Illinois State Park in front of 14,027 Rocky Golden defeated Wolf Hawkins to retain the International title Chance Fortune keeps the All Action title defeating Freddy Huggins The Machines defeat Painful Procedure to keep the Tag belts In the Main Event, Tommy Cornell retains the World title defeating BLZ Bubb [B]Charles:[/B] Cameron Vessey and Carlos Gonzalez are becoming pro wrestlers? This should be fun
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[B][U][CENTER]guy sitting at computer question[/CENTER][/U][/B] looking at this diary vs. my main one I must say the write ups are a little different. for this one the first month is only 12 pages long (word) where as the dave diary was at 41 pages by the same time. Just a small observation by me. (currently its at 415). question which I think I know the answer to (for others and backyarders alike) these being such small companies right now write ups between shows are long. Would you like me to keep the write up the way its going or shorten it up to focus on WWE and WSX? (which are not real life companies if you have not noticed).
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I think you'd be best suited towards monthly writeups that focus primarily on the backyard feds with the highlights from around the rest of the industry. At least for now until the backyard feds get bigger and begin having weekly events. Once they begin weekly events than transition into more of what you are currently doing.
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[B][U]Worldwide highlights for feb. week 1 2006[/U][/B] Rich Money suffered hysterical blindness and is out of action 19 days. USPW American Wrestling gets the axe from Sports America. BHOTWG sign Hitomaro Suszuki to a written deal, Washichi Inao, the Great Hisato and Dark Angel to the next tour DAVE signs a deal with USA Free Choice to show pay per views Inspire signs a deal with J-Remote 1 to show pay per views [B][U]Backyard highlights[/U][/B] WWE signs One and Only to a pay per view contract WSX signs Nick Clements to a pay per view contract Backyard wrestlers in action for WSX Heartache and WWE Love or Die [U][B]WWE Love or Die[/B][/U] Baba Looey vs. Blasphemy for the title MuthafawkkinMatt vs. Madinna Franchesco Wildcat vs. Thomas Salerno [B][U]WSX Heartache[/U][/B] High Voltage vs. Crash Lewis for the title Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann vs. Revenant Tiger-Kinney vs. D-Lyrium vs. Robert Greene in a triple threat
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Getting to the hotel after the shows Charles posts the results on the website [U][B]WSX Heartache 2006[/B][/U] The Piper Casino (57) Kate Avatar defeated Nick Clements Crash Lewis defeated High Voltage to win the WSX title Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann comes out to the stage and delivers a wicked promo in which he insults the fans Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann defeated Revenant Tiger- Kinney defeated D-Lyrium and Robert Greene in a triple threat match A music video is shown to promote Murderous Mikey Dog Fyte defeated Murderous Mikey [B][U]WWE Love or Die 2006[/U][/B] Weston Gym (65) Blasphemy defeated Baba Looey to win the wow extreme title MuthafawkkinMatt defeated Madinna Franchesco "Wildcat" Nick Gloe defeated Thomas Salerno The One and Only defeated Mark Smart Thomas Morgan makes an open challenge for any wrestler on the roster to face him in a singles match. Jack Avatar defeated Ace Youngblood Jack Avatar celebrates his win
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[B][U]Feb week 2 2007 (mon)[/U][/B] charles gets to the office and e-mails this announcement to WWE and WSX TO WWE and WSX Remeber that offer I presented allowing your workers to train here in Indy, putting on matches in front of a different audience for a change. I have decided to put that show on the schedule. Come to Indy Feb week 3 mon. with all of your workers. Remember any backyard wrestler who wins will recieve a 5 point boost in any stat they wish.
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[B][U]Week of Feb week 2[/U][/B] [B]Worldwide[/B] [B]SWF[/B] signs Jim Force to a written contract [B]PGHW[/B] signs Dark Eagle to a written contract & Eagle Kawasawa to the next tour [B]MAW[/B] signs Sara Silver & Jakki White Trash to pay per view contracts [B]MAW [/B]increased to level small [B]ROF[/B] signs Keith Adams to a pay per view deal [B]CZCW[/B] signs Curt O’ Malley to a pay per view deal [B]NOTBPW[/B] signs Jana Marie Bowen to a written contract extension [B]USPW[/B] signs Tom E. Hawk to a written contract extension [B]NOTBPW[/B] increase to level national [B]WWE[/B] Jack signs Kashmir Singh to a pay per view contract [B]WSX[/B] Kate signs Tempest Appleby to a pay per view contract Kate signs Jez McArthuer Kate signs Al Coleman
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[B][U]Feb. week 3 (mon)[/U][/B] Charles zulas is sitting back after the WWE Point Spread and WSX Point Spread shows. [B][U]WWE Point Spread[/U][/B] "Wildcat" Nick Gloe defeated Madinna Franchesco The One and Only defeated Baba Looey Thomas Salerno defeated Blasphemy Kashmir Singh defeated MuthafawkkinMatt Titan defeated Cal Sanders [B][U]WSX Point Spread[/U][/B] D-Lyrium defeated High Voltage Tiger- Kinney defeated Nick Clements Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann defeated Robert Greene Revenant defeated charles zulas [B]Congrats winners, please "PM" the stat you would like increased[/B]
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[B][U]Week of Feb week 3 2007[/U][/B] [B]From the main office in Indy:[/B] good work WWE and WSX on working to improve your respective branches of business. Since both companies have begun to get on their feet hopefully. I have decided to move all pay per views to sun week 4 of each month. Also after the March pay per views I along with some friends will be posting our top 5 backyard wrestlers. Just a little something to help bring about interest wrestlers for the fans [B]World[/B] SWF and Kurt Laramee agree to a written contract extension ROF and Johnny Highspot agree to a pay per view contract extension BSC and Nurse Hope Daye agree to a pay per view contract extension NOTBPW has agreed to written contracts with Shooter Sean Deeley, Rhino Umaga, Insane Heat, Des Davids, Adrian Garcia and Jerome Turner CZCW and Nicole Kiss agree to a pay per view contract AAA and Duncan Kendall agree to a pay per view contract NOTBPW and Joey Poison agree to a pay per view contract USPW and Robbie Sanchez agree to a pay per view contract extension BHOTWG and Bairel Yasujiro agree to work the next tour [B]WWE[/B] Jack signs ref Dewey Libertine to a pay per view contract Jack signs Alan Parent Dewey Libertine to pay per view contract Jack signs Cameron Vessey a pay per view contract Jack shows Titan the door Jack shows Dwight Kumas the door [B]WSX[/B] Kate signs Reese Paige to a pay per view contract
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[U][B]Week of Feb week 4 2007[/B][/U] [B][U]World[/U][/B] AAA and Sara Marie York sign and pay per view contract extension Grease Hogg is going to jail after assaulting a police officer (1 year) PGHW and Raymond Diaz agree to a written contract extension MOSC and Bruiser agree to a pay per view contract extension NYCW and Marv Earnest agree to a pay per view contract BHOTWG and Chuichi Sanda agree to a written contract extension NOTBPW and Mikey James agree to a written contract SWF and Hell Bouncer agree to a written contract [B][U]WSX[/U][/B] Kate signs Marty Papin to become the new announcer for WSX Kate shows Lee Bambino the door Robert Greene has become a thorn in Kate’s side asking to get a better push [B][U]WWE[/U][/B] Thomas Salerno has become a thorn in Jack’s side demanding to get a better push.
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[B][U]From WWE headquarters[/U][/B] Hey Jack here. Here is the scheduled card for WWE Smackdown, Sun. march week 4 2007 MuthafawkkinMatt vs. Blasphemy for the title One and Only vs. Madinna Franchesco Baba Looey vs. Thomas Salerno Wildcat vs. Cal Sanders [B][U]From WSX headquarters[/U][/B] Hello to all Kate here from WSX here is the scheduled card for WSX Madness Sun. march week 4 2007 Crash Lewis vs. Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann for the title High Voltage vs. Nick Clements Revenant vs. Al Coleman D-Lyrium vs. Dog Fyte
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Charles gets to his hotel room after the show and posts the results along with other news to the website [B]March 2007[/B] [B][U]World[/U][/B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Jack King enter wrestling Both DAVE and GCG lose tv spots Hinote Dojo increases in size to small RIPW increases in size to small Ultimate Phoenix out 11 months with a torn rotator cuff [B][U]WWE[/U][/B] Cameron Vessey is not happy saying that the WWE would not exist without him [B][U]WSX Madness results[/U][/B] Crash Lewis defeated Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann to keep the WSX title High Voltage defeated Nick Clements Tempest Appleby defeated Charles Zulas Al Coleman defeated Revenant Dog Fyte defeated D-Lyrium Lazy Joe defeated Murderous Mikey Murderous Mikey attacks Lazy Joe post match [U][B]WWE Smackdown results[/B][/U] Thomas Salerno defeated Baba Looey Madinna Franchesco defeated The One and Only Thomas Salerno attacks MuthafawkkinMatt backstage Blasphemy defeated MuthafawkkinMatt to keep the WWE title Cal Sanders defeated "Wildcat" Nick Gloe Jack Avatar defeated Cameron Vessey
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Oh, how the delusional have fallen. From the 1st ever WWE champion to a jobber of Brooklyn Brawler proportions, I don't think all the booze and drugs in the world can get Baba Looey out of this rut. But it's sure is fun to read! Great job as always Mystic.
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[B][U]April mon week 1 2007[/U][/B] Charles gets to the office and notices new information [B][U]World [/U][/B] Alicia Strong enters wrestling [B][U]WWE[/U][/B] Increase to small size TO WSX and WWE Congrats on surviving these last 3 months. Over these months myself and my associates have been watching your backyarders closely, and now we are proud to announce our top 5 backyarders. 1. Blasphemy (3-1, current WWE champion) WWE 2. Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann (3-1) WSX 3. The One and Only (2-1, defeated regular Mark Smart) WWE 4. High Voltage (2-2 former WSX champion) WSX 5. Tiger- Kinney (2-1) WSX
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[B][U]April week 4 (sat)[/U][/B] At WWE Jack is putting the finishing touches on WWE Lockup [B][U]WWE Lockup[/U][/B] Blasphemy vs. Alan Parent for the title Thomas Salerno vs. MuthafawkkinMatt The One and Only vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith Mark Smart vs. Jack Avatar Cal Sanders vs. Madinna Franchesco Meanwhile Kate is working on WSX Extreme Warfare [B][U]WSX Extreme Warfare[/U][/B] Crash Lewis vs. Tiger- Kinney for the title High Voltage vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann vs. Charles Zulas Robert Greene vs. Revenant Dog Fyte vs. Tempest Appleby
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