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WWE vs. WSX vs. the world (c-verse)

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[QUOTE=mystic;202371] What you didn’t hear? “Wildcat” was jumped a few nights ago outside a local bar, he’s in a hospital bed right now. [/QUOTE] wooodaddy you got you wrong person you moron you have just lost youre bonus but you can earn it back if you break both his legs. plus it was still good that you jumped him because he was acting good because he beat me in only my 2nd match so actually you get 2 bonuses woooohoooo!!!!
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[QUOTE=chris caulfield;202403]well who the hell did it? i'm lookin at you baba where were you last week eh eh???[/QUOTE] LMAO! Sorry, dude. But Baba Looey's alibi is airtight. During the attack, he was in his trailer home...both high & drunk, allegedly. Unless, Mystic says otherwise. :p
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Charles gets back to his private locker room after the show and begins to post the results to the website Knock Knock [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Come in[/COLOR] [B]Madinna:[/B] [COLOR="Green"]Sir, I don't know what's wrong but I don't feel well.[/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]You don't look well either...Tell you what after I am done here I will take you to get whatever this is checked out and we can leave indy after that.[/COLOR] [B]Madinna:[/B] [COLOR="Green"]Sounds good[/COLOR] [B][U]WSX Point Spread 2[/U][/B] High Voltage defeated charles zulas Revenant defeated Robert Greene Tiger- Kinney defeated Nick Clements D-Lyrium defeated Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann A video plays recapping Crash Lewis vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond Crash Lewis attacks Dazzling Dave Diamond backstage Dog Fyte defeated Al Coleman [B][U]WWE Point Spread 2[/U][/B] Baba Looey defeated Blasphemy Thomas Salerno defeated Madinna Franchesco MuthafawkkinMatt defeated The One and Only Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Cameron Vessey Jack Avatar tells the audience about the attack on "Wildcat" Jack Avatar defeated Cal Sanders [B]**congrats winners please PM with the stat you want increased**[/B]
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[U][B]June week 2 2007 (tues)[/B][/U] Charles gets to the office after a busy day and sees new posts on the website. [B]Charles:[/B] Wow people are interested in who attacked "Wildcat", even Thomas Salerno thinks he knows who did it. As Charles is thinking the phone rings [B]Charles:[/B] Oh hello doctor...Oh my god, that's terrible.
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[B][U]June week 4 2007 (mon)[/U][/B] Kate is in her office looking at the final card for WSX Boiling Point [B][U]WSX Boiling Point[/U][/B] Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Murderous Mikey for the title Dog Fyte vs. Crash Lewis D-Lyrium vs. Tiger- Kinney High Voltage vs. Robert Greene Charles Zulas vs. Al Coleman Meanwhile Jack is sitting in his office getting the card for the next pay per view ready [B][U]WWE Summer Bash[/U][/B] Thomas Salerno vs. Blasphemy for the title Jack Avatar vs. The One and Only Alan Parent vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith MuthafawkkinMatt vs. Baba Looey Ace Youngblood vs. Cal Sanders Knock Knock [B]Jack:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Oh Hi[/COLOR] [B]MAN:[/B] [COLOR="Green"]So is that the card for Summer Bash?[/COLOR] [B]Jack:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Yes[/COLOR] [B]MAN:[/B] [COLOR="green"]Looks good, but you know I’m better than any of these guys[/COLOR] [B]Jack[/B]: [COLOR="red"]Of course you are, and to prove it your in a dark match at Summer Bash[/COLOR] [B]MAN:[/B] [COLOR="green"]good[/COLOR]
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Charles gets to the office and posts the results of the events as well as other information [B][U]June 2007 notes[/U][/B] [B][U]World[/U][/B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith signs a PPA with NYCW [B][U]WWE[/U][/B] WWE falls to local size Thomas Salerno signs a 9 month contract at $150 [B][U]WSX Boiling Point[/U][/B] Tiger- Kinney defeated D-Lyrium Robert Greene defeated High Voltage Al Coleman defeated charles zulas Dog Fyte defeated Crash Lewis Dazzling Dave Diamond tells the crowd how he is a great champion Kate Avatar comes out and fires T-Shirts Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Murderous Mikey [B][U]WWE Summer Bash [/U][/B] MuthafawkkinMatt defeated Baba Looey Thomas Salerno taunts Blasphemy about the upcoming match and how he will always remain a common jobber A video plays hyping Thomas Salerno vs. Blasphemy Thomas Salerno defeated Blasphemy A man is shown sitting in the crowd watching the show. Ace Youngblood defeated Cal Sanders Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Alan Parent Jack Avatar defeated The One and Only
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[B][U]July week 2 2007[/U][/B] Charles gets to the office and finds a stack of contracts sitting on his desk [B]Charles:[/B] Ok if this is what they want then fine [B][U]To WWE and WSX[/U][/B] I have received copies of contracts to sign. I must say that I was not expecting this, but if you think it helps your companies then I will stand behind it. Jack is sitting at his desk talking with Gil [B]Jack:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Do you think Snap Dragon and Marc Speed will help us[/COLOR] [B]Gil:[/B] [COLOR="Green"]I think that anyone we bring in can help us at this point.[/COLOR] Meanwhile over at WSX Kate is talking with Ota [B]Ota:[/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Kate, I know you’re the “president”, but do you think this is necessary?[/COLOR] Kate: [COLOR="purple"]Listen, I just did what Jack would have done if he had the chance.[/COLOR] Ota: [COLOR="sienna"]I know, but the backyarders are not going to be happy[/COLOR] Kate: [COLOR="Purple"]We can just make our shows longer and if the backyarders are not happy after that they can leave.[/COLOR] Ota:[COLOR="sienna"] it’s your call[/COLOR] Ota puts a list of new signings on the table and leaves [B][U]Welcome to WSX:[/U][/B] Steve Flash, Rockin Ryan Turner, Shane Sneer, Lee Wright, Insane Machine, Mainstream Hernandez, Curt O’ Malley, Remmy Skye, Jacobb Jett
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[B][U]July week 4 2007 (mon)[/U][/B] Charles gets to his office and finds both cards for the next round of shows in an e-mail Charles: why can't they post these on their own [B][U]WWE Fight for Freedom[/U][/B] Thomas Salerno vs. Cal Sanders for the title The One and Only vs. Snap Dragon Marc Speed vs. Jack Avatar Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Madinna Franchesco Ace Youngblood vs. Baba Looey [B][U]WSX Special Forces[/U][/B] Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Dog Fyte for the title Nick Clements vs. Mainstream Hernandez Revenant vs. Tiger- Kinney Remmy Skye vs. Jacob Jett Murderous Mikey/Crash Lewis vs. Robert Greene/Lee Wright for the tag titles Steve Flash vs. High Voltage
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[B][U]Aug week 1 2007 (mon)[/U][/B] Charles gets into the office and find the results of last nights events along with some other info [B][U]World[/U][/B] TCW jumps to national Ash Campbell enters wrestling SWF falls to cult [B]Charles:[/B] Wow, WWE actually did something last night [B][U]WWE fight for freedom[/U][/B] Ace Youngblood defeated Baba Looey Cal Sanders defeated Thomas Salerno to win the title Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Madinna Franchesco A music video is shown to promote Snap Dragon. Snap Dragon defeated The One and Only Jack Avatar told the crowd how easy tonight’s match was going to be Jack Avatar defeated Marc Speed [B][U]WSX Special Forces[/U][/B] Tiger- Kinney defeated Revenant Crash Lewis and Murderous Mikey defeated Lee Wright and Robert Greene to win the tag titles A music video is shown to promote Mainstream Hernandez. Mainstream Hernandez defeated Nick Clements Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Dog Fyte to retain the title Steve Flash defeated High Voltage Insane Machine defeated Tempest Appleby A music video is shown to promote Remmy Skye. Remmy Skye defeated Jacob Jett
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[U][B]Aug week 3 (mon) [/B][/U] Jack is in his office going over the final touches to WWE Fire Fight [B]Jack:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Gil, we are doing to right thing....right?[/COLOR] [B]Gil:[/B] [COLOR="Green"]We are doing ok right now, but right now that's good.[/COLOR] [B][U]WWE Fire Fight[/U][/B] Cal Sanders vs. Thomas Salerno (rematch for title) Ace Youngblood vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith (#1 contenders match) The One and Only vs. Kashmir Singh Snap Dragon vs. MuthafawkkinMatt Thomas Morgan vs. Blasphemy Jack: [COLOR="red"]I hope your right[/COLOR] meanwhile Kate is at WSX Kate: [COLOR="Purple"]Ota, what do you mean he can't make it![/COLOR] Ota: [COLOR="Sienna"]He has another show[/COLOR] Kate: [COLOR="purple"]So we are paying for a guy we can't use! I don't care what you have to do, get him here![/COLOR] [B][U]WSX Heat Wave[/U][/B] Dazzling Dave vs. Tiger-Kinney for the title Crash Lewis vs. Robert Greene Lee Wright vs. Murderous Mikey Lazy Joe vs. Nick Clements Mainstream Hernandez vs. Remmy Skye
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[B][U]Sept. week 1 2007 (mon)[/U][/B] Charles gets to his office the next day and posts the results e-mailed to him along with other information [B][U]Aug 2007 notes[/U][/B] [B][U]World[/U][/B] Gargantuan enter wrestling CZCW gets to regional level America-Sports 1 drops SWF Supreme TV [B][U]WWE [/U][/B] Sara Silver has signed a 9 month contract at $1500 Ted Ross is shown the door [B][U]WSX[/U][/B] Lee Wright stated in a interview that he gets pre-match nerves the higher he gets in the promotion [B][U]WSX heat wave 2007[/U][/B] Highlights of the recent bout between Murderous Mik \ Crash Lewis and Lee Wright \ Robert Greene are played in a video package. Lee Wright defeated Murderous Mikey Crash Lewis defeated Robert Greene Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Tiger- Kinney to retain the title Lazy Joe defeated Nick Clements Mainstream Hernandez cuts a promo on being the best in WSX. Remmy Skye defeated Mainstream Hernandez [B][U]WWE Fire Fight 2007[/U][/B] The One and Only defeated Kashmir Singh Snap Dragon defeated MuthafawkkinMatt A video plays hyping Cal Sanders vs. Thomas Salerno. Cal Sanders defeated Thomas Salerno [COLOR="Red"]*During the match Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann attacked Cal Sanders[/COLOR] Jack Avatar came to the stage and announced that "Wildcat" Nick Gloe would be returning at the next show Thomas Morgan defeated Blasphemy A music video is shown to promote Bulldozer Brandon Smith. Ace Youngblood defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith [B]Charles: [/B]WSX is not going to like this
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;203400]are you letting the computer pic wins?[/QUOTE] yes. I don't decide who wins for three reasons. 1. I have given Jack and Kate along with their respective heads of the board complete control because most nights I am either wrestling for WSX or sitting in Indy. 2. I don't want people complaining that I am not being fair by not having them win. (I don't control this) 3. If I did, do you really think I would only have 2 wins? [B]other notes: [/B] So far all matches have been regular matches but that could change
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