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WWE vs. WSX vs. the world (c-verse)

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charles zulas is sitting at the office when an e-mail comes in directly from one of the backyard wrestlers [QUOTE=PoisonedSuperman;219908]How much am I getting paid? If its not enough I'll no show.[/QUOTE] Your usual price of $125
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[QUOTE=chris caulfield;220072]you already have a match.[/QUOTE] And yet clearly the fans would relish the opportunity to see Wildcat twice in one night. Just ask them, it's not like any of you are responsible for putting those asses in those seats. :)
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[B][U]April week 4 (fri)[/U][/B] Charles is in his office on speaker phone with Jack [B]Jack: [/B][COLOR="Red"]Charles I am calling you today to get some advice. [/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]What about?[/COLOR] [B]Jack:[/B] [COLOR="red"]The cage match that was made is creating backstage buzz like we wanted but I was thinking about adding another stip. This is why I am calling?[/COLOR] [B]Charles[/B]: [COLOR="blue"]Well I am happy to hear that this storyline is working out so well, I mean it only took a year....Back to your point, what issues are you hearing?[/COLOR] [B]Jack:[/B] [COLOR="red"]wrestlers want to put paychecks on the line, tag team partners want to become special guest refs...any ideas?[/COLOR] [B]Charles: [/B][COLOR="blue"]I do have one...get off the speaker phone because I don't want anyone of your guys to over hear this idea as I will piss one of them off.[/COLOR]
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[B][U]May week 1 2008 (mon)[/U][/B] Charles gets to the office and posts the results of the previous nights show [U][B]April 2008 notes[/B][/U] [B][U]World[/U][/B] California Love enters wrestling Ashley Grover enters wrestling [B][U]WWE[/U][/B] Sarah Silver signs a 9 month contract extension $1700 Charles Zulas stated in a radio interview that “I hate debuts” [B][U]WSX[/U][/B] Mainstream Hernandez signs a 9 month contract extension $725 Curt O’ Malley signs a 9 month contract extension for $950 [B][U]WSX Extreme Warfare 2008[/U][/B] D-Lyrium defeated Robert Greene High Voltage defeated Revenant Lee Wright defeated Nick Clements Hernandez had an interview hyping himself by telling everyone watching just... how.. good.. he... is... Mainstream Hernandez defeated Dog Fyte to win the the WSX world title A music video is shown to promote Insane Machine. Kate Avatar comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd. Insane Machine defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond [B][U]WWE Lockup 2008[/U][/B] "Wildcat" Nick Gloe defeated Blasphemy Madinna Franchesco defeated Baba Looey to retain the WWE Backyard beatings title Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Marc Speed MuthafawkkinMatt cuts a promo hyping up his skills. wooodaddy and Salerno attack The One and Only backstage, and leave him down and out. Thomas Salerno defeated MuthafawkkinMatt Jack Avatar defeated Sgt. Bubba Lee West to retain the WWE title.
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[QUOTE=chris caulfield;220614]yeah and can we stop at the pie shop im kinda hungry.[/QUOTE] yes, their mothers are waiting for us, I really like their pie.. [I](you guys don't take that serious, it's part of the storyline, I'm just playing around. [/I]
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