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WWE vs. WSX vs. the world (c-verse)

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Charles and his two friends walk back outside the building where the WWE and WSX have been standing for a couple of hours. [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]I am hearing that three of you have made up your minds?[/COLOR] [B]"Wildcat" [/B][COLOR="Red"]Nick Gloe: I'm staying, besides, if Wildcat left BWAS would be dead within a month as the Cat puts the asses in the seats and leaves em beggin for more.[/COLOR] The rest of the group stares at Wildcat in disgust [B]Thomas Salerno[/B]: [COLOR="Green"]i'll stay [/COLOR] [B]Tiger- Kinney:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]I'm going to explore my options and hope to get signed up by one of the Japanese feds......Only kidding, I'm staying I don't want to be the next Geordie Jimmy.[/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]I don't care if you leave T-K. Ok so Wildcat, Salerno and T-K you can all head to the hotel. As for the rest of you, you have a decision to make[/COLOR]. Charles, Cliff Anderson, and Phil Vibert all walk back into the offices leaving the roster standing on the sidewalk
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Baba Looey stood on the sidewalk, unsure of what was going on. His mind addled with drugs and booze, he was unsure of his surroundings or his situation. He thought he heard someone say "offer this deal once" and something about "Backyard Wrestling All Stars"." Baba Looey knew only two things: 1.) If he was to continue to serve justice to this world, he must continue to wrestle in the backyard. 2.) He must earn money to afford his...guilty pleasures. Baba Looey stumbled into the building to tell his boss that he would like to stay...
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Charles, Cliff Anderson, and Phil Vibert walk back outside late into the night where the ones not at the hotel are standing. [B]Charles: [/B][COLOR="Blue"]I have been going over the books and have decided that changes were needed. One of those changes is to remove the dead weight from the company. Mainstays I will deal with you later, for now head to the hotel[/COLOR] Mainstays leave [COLOR="blue"]as for the rest of you, I have decided that I know longer need you, get out of my sight.[/COLOR]
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[U][B][CENTER]Out of character post[/CENTER][/B][/U] All backyard wrestlers have been edited into the either BWAS or the unemployment line, first card will be annouced on friday morning. Of course if you are no longer following this and would like me to remove you completely from this game I can do that as well. If that is the case "PM" me otherwise I will continue on with you in the database. Until then check out my other 2 diaries [B][U]Real World Wars (the real world version of this)[/U][/B] [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=22619[/url] and of course my main diary, which is waiting on votes from its fans for two end of the year awards. (voting found in general discussion area) [U][B]The New Era of Danger and Violence Extreme[/B][/U] [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=14689[/url]
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[B][U]BWAS All Star Wrestling July week 1 2008 (tue) Preview[/U][/B] What a shake-up. After not hearing from Charles Zulas for weeks the wrestling world finds out that WWE and WSX no longer exist and Charles Zulas has put BWAS (Backyard Wrestling All Stars) in its place. If that’s not enough Charles Zulas also decided to retire from wrestling for the second time. Who will be on top as this new promotion gets started? Tune in and find out [B][U]BWAS World title:[/U][/B] Insane Machine vs. Mainstream Hernandez [B][U]BWAS United States title:[/U][/B] Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Al Coleman Dog Fyte vs. Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann “Wildcat” Nick Gloe vs. Alan Parent Cal Sanders vs. Thomas Salerno
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[B][U]July week 1 2008 (tues)[/U][/B] [QUOTE]July week 1 2008 Backyard Wrestling All Stars The Asylum Attendance: 713 Write-up by Jack Cage of BWAS.com After weeks of speculation, we finally witnessed the return of Charles Zulas and company under the new name of Backyard Wrestling All Stars. It was a night where the company went back to square one with the crowning of a new United States champion and a World champion as well. I must say I was impressed by what I witnessed, because even though its only the first show under the new banner I think it worked. Now enough talking about the new company and lets get to the matches. The opening match of the night featured Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann taking on Dog Fyte. In what may have been considered a shock by most Hagemann defeated Fyte fairly quickly when Hagemann’s manager Jennifer Heat nailed Fyte in the back with a steel chair which none of the fans enjoyed seeing. The next match was a mess as "Wildcat" Nick Gloe defeated Alan Parent. It was a mess because outside of Wildcat’s manager, Dharma Gregg no one had any idea what they were doing in the ring. The fans surely made this known has they were angry for the entire match. The next match was much like the first match of the night as Thomas Salerno defeated Cal Sanders. Salerno did not do it alone though, because just as in the first match, Jennifer Heat took a chair to the back of Sanders allowing her man to pick up the victory. Also just like in the opening match the fans did not like the ending. (Heat must be doing her job then). After the match Shane Sneer got up from the table and immediately went to try and get a response from Heat about the use of the chair in not one but two matches. Heat just laughed and walked back up the ramp with Salerno and Hagemann behind her. As Sneer got back in position it was time for the United States title match as Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Al Coleman to become the champion. It was an ok match as Coleman attempted to take Diamond legs away but in the end Diamond was connecting with the Dazzle Driver. Next it was time for the quick restroom break as BWAS showed a video of one of the men fighting for the World title in Mainstream Hernandez. It was a good video highlighting all that he has done in wrestling. After the video it was time for the main event for the world title between Mainstream and Insane Machine. Really the fact that Hernandez had a video and Insane Machine did not should have tipped people off to the fact that Mainstream was going to walk out with the gold. It was actually a really good match that showed what these two can do as Mainstream won with an Apparition #14. If BWAS can keep other companies away from these guys BWAS may have two guys they can build around. Overall like I said earlier, it was a better night than most and I really hope that combining the two companies works in the long run. [B][U]Quick Results[/U][/B] Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann defeated Dog Fyte: [COLOR="Red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] "Wildcat" Nick Gloe defeated Alan Parent: [COLOR="red"][B]F+[/B][/COLOR] Thomas Salerno defeated Cal Sanders: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Sneer interviews Heat about her actions: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Al Coleman to win the United States title: [COLOR="red"][B]D[/B][/COLOR] A music video is shown to promote Mainstream Hernandez: [COLOR="red"][B]C-[/B][/COLOR] Mainstream Hernandez defeated Insane Machine to win the World title: [COLOR="red"][B]D+[/B][/COLOR] Overall: [COLOR="red"][B]D[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[B][U]July week 1 2008 (wed)[/U][/B] Charles, Cliff and Phil are sitting in the Indy office [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Phil, I want your thoughts on something.[/COLOR] [B]Phil:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Sure [/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]In the past I did random monthly shows. With trying to get the new company up and running I am thinking of switching it to weekly shows.[/COLOR] [B]Phil:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Your workers, especailly the so called "backyarders" you have may think its cool, but I would not be shocked if they come back complaining because they need time off. I say go for it.[/COLOR] [B]Cliff:[/B] [COLOR="Green"]I agree with Phil on this one.[/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Thanks...Phil you just had a pay per view, right?[/COLOR] [B]Phil:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]The Extreme Double Header Weekend, Eddie Peak retained his Unified title over Jack Giedroyc.[/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Someone like Peak would be great to keep these punks in line.[/COLOR]
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[B][U]July week 1 2008 (thur)[/U][/B] Charles sends out an e-mail from the office [QUOTE]TO: Roster FROM: Charles In combining the two promotions I have decided to have weekly shows. Now before you get pissed off for me making you work so much, listen. I am doing these weekly shows for two reasons, to get our name out and to offer you all more time to work on your in ring training (also means more money for you). So tomorrow make sure to check your e-mail for next weeks card.[/QUOTE] [B][U]July week 1 2008 (fri)[/U][/B] Charles sends out the card for the next show [QUOTE]TO: Roster FROM: Charles Hello to all, yesterday I sent an e-mail saying to be on the lookout for next weeks card well here it is. Apocolypse Now vs. Dog Fyte/ Cal Sanders Tiger- Kinney vs. Al Coleman Thomas Morgan vs. Marc Speed Baba Looey vs. Crash Lewis Revenant vs. “Wildcat” Nick Gloe[/QUOTE]
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" It's time for the most electrifying man in BWAS to make his ascent towards his destiny of becoming BWAS champion and it will start with beating Al Coleman. Coleman what makes you think you can live with someone so skilled in the ring, such as me...can you do 100 variations on the moonsault, I thinketh not and when it's all said and done you'll be looking up at the lights "
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[B][U]July week 1 2008 (sun)[/U][/B] Charles sends an e-mail out to Troy Winter, Owner of 4C [QUOTE]TO: Troy Winter FROM: Charles Zulas Hello, Troy. I read that you hired a former worker of mine named Nick Clements. Well I would just like to tell you, good luck because your going to need it.[/QUOTE] [B][U]July week 2 2008 (mon)[/U][/B] Charles spots new signings from around the wrestling world Samoan Machine and Shiorsama sign written deals with BHOTWG Jack Griffith and American Elemental sign written deals with TCW [U][B]July week 2 2008 (tue)[/B][/U] Charles is backstage with the roster before the show [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]We had a good show last week, coming back into the wrestling world. I kknow you have it in you to do it again so have a great night.[/COLOR]
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[CENTER][U][B]Blanket out of character post[/B][/U][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Blanket meaning its the same post for all three of my diaries. With a very busy end of the week/weekend happening (finals, graduation, moving back home :eek: ) My three diaries are going to slow down over the next week. Real world wars just had its week of shows posted (attempt to figure out who is coming since Mike gave the three companies his checkbook or just taunt each other for a while) I have run the shows for WSX vs. WWE vs. The World and The new era of Danger and Violence Extreme just have not had the time to write them up (well). Throw me some predictions and try to figure out the next move in the diaries while I am gone. (match listings post 377 for dave and 212 for WSX vs. WWE vs. the world). If things work out as planned I hope to have the shows for DAVE and WSX vs. WWE vs. the World up sometime on Thursday.[/QUOTE]
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Jack cage finishes this report [QUOTE]July week 2 2008 Backyard Wrestling All Stars The Simmons Center Attendance: 300 Write-up by Jack Cage of BWAS.com Hello wrestling fans, this is Jack Cage of BWAS.com. Last week Charles Zulas and company came back and wrestled for the fans. Last week they came back stronger than expected and this week they continued their improved return. The opening match of the evening was the "Wildcat" Nick Gloe taking on Revenant in a quick match. If you listened to the fans tonight the only one they seemed to like was Dharma Gregg as she did good work at ringside tonight as she cheered Nick Gloe onto victory tonight. The next match of the evening was another quick match as Al Coleman defeated Tiger- Kinney. The crowd has all over Tiger-Kinney as they still don’t trust him as a good wrestler. Who knows if T-K will be able to turn the fans opinions of himself around. Can Coleman take the win and move onto bigger and better things? Match number three of the night was another match that lasted under six minutes as Crash Lewis took on Baba Looey. The match was hard to watch as the crowd was completely against Baba Looey and his struggles in the ring. Hopefully Looey steps up his game soon because with Lewis is starting to loose a step BWAS needs their younger wrestlers to be ready. After the match, it was time over a bathroom break as a video of Marc Speed was shown. Speed has done ok and looks to improve here in BWAS. Who knows what will happen with “Speedball”. After the video, it was time for a tag match. Last week Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann defeated Dog Fyte and Thomas Salerno defeated Cal Sanders, both with help from their manager Jennifer Heat. This week Cal Sanders and Dog Fyte teamed up to take on Apocolypse Now with Jennifer Heat. Just like last week, the crowd was all over Apocolypse Now being green in the ring and just like last week, Jennifer Heat helped her men get the win. She used the trusty steel chair to the back of Cal Sanders allowing Thomas Salerno to get the pin. Once again after the match Shane Sneer attempted to get word with Heat but she once again just walked away. Next we went to the back where Thomas Morgan had words for Marc Speed saying that he (speed) was just going to be a speed bump on the way to victory. Well next was the match between Morgan and the “speed bump” Marc Speed. To bad for Morgan, Speed was just to fast as Marc Speed got the victory tonight. Even though the main event was better last week, overall the show was an improvement over what they had been doing as two companies. It looks like the merge has worked so far. [B][U]Quick Results[/U][/B] "Wildcat" Nick Gloe defeated Revenant: [COLOR="Red"]F[/COLOR] Al Coleman defeated Tiger- Kinney: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Crash Lewis defeated Baba Looey: [COLOR="red"][B]F+[/B][/COLOR] A music video is shown to promote Marc Speed: [COLOR="red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR] Apocolypse Now defeated Cal Sanders and Dog Fyte: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Shane sneer tries to get a word with Heat but she laughs and walks away: [COLOR="red"][B]D-[/B][/COLOR] Thomas Morgan has an interview in which he taunts Marc Speed: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Marc Speed defeated Thomas Morgan: [COLOR="red"][B]D+[/B][/COLOR] Overall: [COLOR="red"][B]D-[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[B][U]July week 2 2008 (wed)[/U][/B] Charles sends an e-mail to the roster [QUOTE]TO: Roster FROM: Charles Hello members of BWAS, I have just received an e-mail from Richard Eisen and Tommy Cornell saying that both companies have decided to cut many of their wrestlers to lower their bills. In other words their are now many new wrestlers out of work. [/QUOTE] [B][U]July week 2 2008 (thur)[/U][/B] Wrestling World News and Notes [QUOTE][U][B]Burning Hammer signs Hell Monkey[/B][/U] We are Wrestling World News, your number one source for your wrestling news! We here at Wrestling World News have it on good authority that Hell Monkey has signed on with BHOTWG. We believe this agreement to be a ppa deal.[/QUOTE] [B][U]July week 2 2008 (fri)[/U][/B] Wrestling World News and Notes [QUOTE][B][U]SWF holds The Supreme Challenge[/U][/B] Supreme Wrestling Federation holds The Supreme Challenge pay per view at The Theatre of Dreams. People seemed to enjoy the show as Runaway Train defeated Skull Debones in the main event retaining the World Heavyweight title.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U] Rudy Velasquez out for a year[/U][/B] Last night Rudy Velasquez suffered a major concussion in a match last night with Tank Bradley. Early Reports have him out for the next 12 months. It should be fun to see if this concussion has cost Rudy his job.[/QUOTE] Charles sends out an e-mail to the roster [QUOTE]TO: Roster FROM: Charles Hello guys, I must say that these last two weeks have been fun to watch as you all have done well. Here is the card for the next show.[/QUOTE] [B][U]card for BWAS july week 3[/U][/B] Marc Speed vs. Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann Insane Machine vs. Alan Parent Thomas Salerno vs. Baba Looey Al Coleman vs. Thomas Morgan Dog Fyte vs. Revenant
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[B][U]July week 2 2008 (sat)[/U][/B] [B][U]Wrestling World News and Notes[/U][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]PGHW holds Night of Warriors [/U][/B] Pride Glory Honor Wrestling went to Tochigi Sports Stadium for Night of Warriors. Reports say that people enjoyed the show saying that Bryan Vessey was the star. In the main event Yoshimi Mushashibo retained the Glory Crown title defeating Shuiji Inukai.[/QUOTE] [U][B]July week 2 2008 (sun)[/B][/U] [B][U]Wrestling World News and Notes[/U][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]NOTBPW holds Mid Summer Madness[/U][/B] North of the Border Pro Wrestling went to Caribou Arena in front of a sold out crowd of 5,000. Fans there were blown away with the quality of the show, saying that Sean McFly was the man of the night as he defeated Jeremy Stone in a great main event to retain the Canadian title.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]Team Million wins gold [/U][/B] Reports coming into Wrestling World News claim that the New York City Wrestling tag team titles changed hands last night at “Gang Wars” as Land Mass and the Masked Mauler won the titles from Wiley Coyote in their first match as a team.[/QUOTE] [B][U]July week 3 2008 (mon)[/U][/B] Charles and Curt O’ Malley are talking about the next step for BWAS [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]We have Dazzling Dave and Mainstream Hernandez as champions right now. [/COLOR] [B]Curt:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]True, and I think they are good champions right now. Now we should focus on building up their next title challengers.[/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]We can do that. Lets see what happens after the show.[/COLOR] [B][U]July week 3 2008 (tue)[/U][/B] [B][U]Wrestling World News and Notes[/U][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]PGHW signs 2[/U][/B] Late light night Pride Glory Honor Wrestling signed Dark Angel and Koshiro Ino. Angel is a strong vet who looks to fit in well with their mix of other strong legends and young stars. Ino hopes to follow in Dark Angels footsteps to become a PGHW legend.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]DAVE signs Frankie Perez [/U][/B] Danger and Violence Extreme signs Frankie Perez. Sources say Perez looks to be a good fit for DAVE as he can work with anyone on the roster. We will have to wait and see what the newest signing will do in his new home[/QUOTE]
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BWAS [QUOTE]July week 3 2008 Backyard Wrestling All Stars The Snake Pit Attendance: 574 Write-up by Jack Cage of BWAS.com Hello wrestling fans this is Jack Cage of BWAS.com and I went to the Snake Pit last night for another Backyard Wrestling All-Stars show. Let me tell you well the beginning was bad the night finished off nicely. The opening match of the evening featured Thomas Salerno facing off against Baba Looey. Sadly, to say this match was very hard to sit through as it was just a total mess. The crowd hated both men and the lack of everything made this match one big joke. In the end, Salerno picked up the victory, but this match was really nothing to write home about. The next match was a little better, for the simple fact that Dog Fyte was at least able to lead Revenant through the match before beating him into the mat. The only thing I wish could have been better was Revenant’s acting as he over sold the smallest things. I can deal with his bad attempt at passing off as a vampire. Hell most people who pretend to be vampires over do the clothing and make-up, but this was way over the top.(to bad Tijuana Vampire won’t even talk with me). The next match could have been a replay of the previous match as Marc Speed put the stop to the hype train known as Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann, I mean he made him look awful tonight. Hopefully for Jennifer Heat she can get she man back on track after tonight’s performance. Next, we had a match in Al Coleman vs. Thomas Morgan in which Coleman won. This really was not an exciting match, just one where both men knew how to hit their spots. Nothing flashy and because of that the crowd was just confused on how to react. How do you cheer a hip toss? After that boring match, the fans needed a break as a video of the current World champion Mainstream Hernandez was played. It was ok, but in the end, nothing was mentioned. After the video Shane Sneer, interview Jennifer Heat about her actions for the past couple of weeks and the fact that she used a steel chair to help her guys get victories. After she laughed at Sneer, she said that she could to what she wants when she wants. Then Sneer asked about the fact that one of her guys lost tonight to which she slapped him and walked away. (very well done by Heat tonight) The backstage crew must have lost their minds because next was not a match but it was Dharma Gregg who handed out t-shirts to the crowd. (Come on when is the main event). Finally, we made it to the main event as Insane Machine took on Alan Parent. The crowd tonight was completely against Parent as they wanted him out of the ring.(He definitely needs more training). In the end, Insane Machine hit the Insanity Tsunami to put both Parent and the crowd out of their misery. As I said at the start. The beginning of the night was very slow, but it was helped along but a nice second half. (even if it was mostly filler time). Who knows what will happen next week as BWAS continues on it’s way to the top. [B][U]Quick Results[/U][/B] Thomas Salerno defeated Baba Looey: [COLOR="Red"][B]F[/B][/COLOR] Dog Fyte defeated Revenant: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] Marc Speed defeated Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] Al Coleman defeated Thomas Morgan: [COLOR="red"][B]D-[/B][/COLOR] Mainstream Hernandez video: [COLOR="red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR] Shane Sneer interviews Jennifer Heat: [COLOR="red"][B]D[/B][/COLOR] Dharma Gregg fires T-Shirts into the crowd: [COLOR="red"][B]C[/B][/COLOR] Insane Machine defeated Alan Parent: [COLOR="red"][B]D[/B][/COLOR] Overall: [COLOR="red"][B]D-[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[B][U]July week 3 2008 (wed)[/U][/B] Curt and Charles are sitting at the BWAS offices discussing the next card [B]Curt:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]Charles, I think we should have a number one contenders match for the United States title.[/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Who do you have in mind?[/COLOR] [B]Curt:[/B] [COLOR="purple"]I was thinking of Wildcat vs. Crash Lewis could work. we could do Thomas Salerno vs. Thomas Morgan[/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Should we do the number one contender match for the World title this week as well?[/COLOR] [B]Curt:[/B] I don’t see why not. [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Ok…Mainstream is the champion. I like what Marc Speed has been doing, we could put him up against Al Coleman. How about Cal Sanders vs. Dog Fyte?[/COLOR] [B]Curt:[/B] [COLOR="purple"]Tag team partners just last week and now opponents with no real explanation? [/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Its not like we have official tag teams here in BWAS.[/COLOR] [B]Curt:[/B] [COLOR="Purple"]So we have Wildcat vs. Crash Lewis, Thomas Salerno vs. Thomas Morgan, Marc Speed vs. Al Coleman, Cal Sanders vs. Dog Fyte. Lastly why don’t we have Tiger Kinney vs. Baba Looey.[/COLOR] [B]Charles:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]That sounds good[/COLOR]. [B][U]July week 3 2008 (thur)[/U][/B] [B]Wrestling World News and Notes[/B] [QUOTE][B][U]North of the Boarder sells out[/U][/B] North of the Boarder Pro Wrestling went to the Abbotsfords Recreation Center. Reports say that fans really enjoyed the show with a great main event, as Sean Mcfly defeated Jeremy Stone to retain the Canadian title.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][U][B]North of the Boarder Pro Wrestling gets an upgrade[/B][/U] Last Night the hard work of NOTBPW finally paid off as Wrestling World News gave them a national grade. Word from NOTBPW is that they are extremely thrilled about the news and hope that this will help them bring in more wrestlers.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][U][B]Ratings issues for North of the Boarder Pro Wrestling[/B][/U] Word from around the wrestling industry claims that Canada On-Air is not pleased with the current ratings of NOTBPW Championship Wrestling show. Canada On-Air is demanding improvements now![/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]Ratings issues for United States Pro Wrestling[/U][/B] Word from around the wrestling industry claims that Sports America is not pleased with the current ratings of USPW American Wrestling. Sports America is demanding improvements now or USPW American Wrestling will be cut from the schedule.[/QUOTE]
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