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The Quest for a C- Card

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Hey all, was wondering if someone fancied helping me with a little personal quest I've got going in for my game. This is my first ever game of TEW and I'm playing with 21CW. I have found that I never get any cards less than a D, and would kill to see a C card. I am playing using a database that adds the WWE etc, though I can't remember the name right now. I think it's WWE vs the Cornelverse or real life vs Cornellverse or something like that. This post is going to be a bit of an information dump; I have been recording notes as I go along as to what works and what doesn't, and I was hoping that some of you pros out there would be able to assist me and offer some sage advice of how to get the very best out of my company. Firstly, a screenshot of my roster. Barry Tubsington is Viscera of WWE fame, Stones is Rolling Johnny Stone, Thompson is Joss Thompson. Mr Beard is Adam Matraver (named him off a friend), and Netten is my create a character. [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/8629/rosterog6.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Next, a screenshot of my Product. I've edited it to be what I would like to see put on, and the data check button agrees. [url=http://imageshack.us][img=http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/940/productyo4.jpg][/url] Next, I've decided to abuse the "annual" match setting to put on monthly matches. Ignore the cheesy names, I'm crap at naming things. [url=http://imageshack.us][img=http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/9404/schedulefn0.jpg][/url] Finally, here is some of my information I've written down as I go along, with who works well with each other and who doesn't. --- INFO DUMP --- Good Pairings: Stoat vs Thompson Beard vs Trance Red Dragon vs Leo Price Petey Barnes vs Rod The God Igor vs. Davey London Netten vs. Jed High Nova vs. Leo Price Thomson vs Mr Beard Bad Pairings: Netten vs. Cooper Netten vs. Daniel Black Thompson vs. Nightmare Pittbull vs. Toby Juan Stevie Stoat vs. Joey Beauchamp UK Dragon vs. Burning EXILE Pitbull vs. Jeff Nova Petey Barnes vs. Tubsington Thompson vs Pit Bull Relationships: Netten vs. Rolling Stones (Strong dislike) Strengths: Exile, Beauchamp, Jed High - Great against flyers Reason, Francis - Rumble -- So um.. what other info is needed? What the hell can I do with all this :D Cheers lads.
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This is my card from December 07 after I stopped using the TV show in September: [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l216/collingwood27/21CW/21CWCard.jpg[/IMG] My product was the same as the game starts Worker alter egos are as follows: Johnny Breeze - Joey Beauchamp Everyone's Favourite Tag Team - Rolling Johnny Stones and Petey Barnes The Fallen - Rod Todd and my Upper Midcard User Character Travis Cool - Luke Cool Kelvin Ardayski - Keith Adams Chris Cairns - The Juicer I loaned in Joss Thompson from USPW, to give him the strap one more time, as he was a fixture before they stole him away Also loaned in was Roberto Milano Anyways that's my ego boost for the day :)
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I've just given 21CW a quick run through using the default CV files to see what you are up against. (A word of warning before reading my advice is that I am far from the most experienced player. What I say seems to work for me, but others may disagree...) My initial thoughts are that you are indeed up against it! I see two main problems with getting good ratings. Firstly, you are running what is generally a Sport Entertainment type product, but you don't have any popular wrestlers! Your most popular wrestler, Joss Thompson, starts out with a D popularity. If your fans are coming along to see a SE type product, then the ratings will be linked to their overness. I did a quick search on who you could get to bolster your roster and (essentially) there is no-one! My first suggestion would be to change your product settings. If you move your product setting to one that puts the emphasis on match quality, then you can get better ratings, which will eventually translate to an increase in overness so, if you want to, you can move it back to a more SE product. Secondly, your TV show is a killer. A two hour show with a roster your size means that you have to use your lower card wrestlers. A shorter show would mean that you could concentrate on your main event guys. Four great matches will get you a better rating than eight matches, four of which being great and four being forgettable. My advice would be to change your product settings away from the more Mainstream options; I would suggest trying to copy the settings from CZCW as I know they can put on B quality shows with unpopular workers. However, before doing this, check that you can pad out your roster with suitable wreslters. Thereafter, I would try either shorten or just drop the TV show... this may be controversial, but I recommend going for a shorter one hour long show which will allow you to focus on your best workers. That being said, I still think that it is probably possible to put on up to a C show and certainly a C- show with your roster, product and show as it is. I only tried running a single show, but I managed a D+. That included one match that bombed and no matches with good chemistry. The starting momentums were very high, but I did not run any storylines.
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