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out of the yard into the ring" to the top or to the pits

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[I]So after all this time 12 backyarders have a chance at making it to the top and become the very best in the industry today or. After all this thime 12 backyarders can crumble to back down to the yards they came from never knowing but always wondering and dreaming about how it would be to go big time. This is there chance to make it or break it......... [/I] [U][B]Rosters[/B][/U] [U] [SIZE="6"][B][COLOR="Yellow"]ovw[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/U] [B]main event[/B] Jacob Duncan Chet the jet 'bad seed' Shawn Osbourne Paul Burchall [FONT="Impact"][I]Posion Superman Nightwalker Thomas Salerno "wildcat"Nick Gloe[/I][/FONT] [B]uppper[/B] Charles The hammer evans Ryan Reeves Jack Bull Mike Kruel [B]midcard[/B] Eddie Kraven Boris Alexiev Shawn Spears Cody Runnels Seth Skyfire Vic D. Vine Jo Bolen [B] lower [/B] Steve Lewington TJ Dalton Chris Rombola [B]enhancement talent[/B] Devon Driscoll [B]woman division[/B] Serene Victoria C Milena Roucka Katie Lea Beth Phoenix O.D.B [B]ocassional wrestler[/B] Al Snow [B]managers[/B] Sosay Kenny Bolin [B]annoucer[/B] Dean Hill [B]road agent[/B] Danny Davis [B]personality[/B] Goose Mahoney Matt Cappotelli Kevin Keenan [U][COLOR="Red"][B] [SIZE="6"]czw[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/U] czw "this is czw's roster on day 2 " [B]main[/B] [I][FONT="Impact"]Jerlito The Lion Tamer High Voltage Nick Clements Robert Greene![/FONT][/I] [B]upper[/B] Austin Aries Roderick Strong Ruckus Sonjay Dutt [B]midcard[/B] Super Dragon Nick Gage b-boy Chris Hero Eddie Kingston Necro Butcher [B]lower[/B] Kevin Steen El Generico The Messiah [B]opener[/B] Joker Matt Sydal [B]authoritie figure[/B] John Zandig [B] enhancement tallent[/B] Niles Young [B]road agent[/B] Dutch Mantell [B]not assigned[/B] Bill Alfonso [COLOR="Purple"][U][SIZE="6"][B]dsw [/B][/SIZE][/U][/COLOR] [B]main[/B] ****y Siaki Mark Jindrak Freakin Deacon tj Wilson [FONT="Impact"][I]Mikey FN Mayhem Lennon Burntwood Couke Sakure Dave "A-Bomb" BIggs [/I] [/FONT] [B]upper[/B] Bradley Jay Ray Gordy Roughhouse O'Reilley Afa Anoai jr. [B]midcard[/B] Mike Taylor Vik DDalishus Derrick Neikirk Frankie Capone Daniel Rodimer [B]opener[/B] Tony Santarelli [B]woman division[/B] Angel Williams [B]annoucer[/B] The Assassin Ron Niemi [B]road agent[/B] Bill Demott [B]personality[/B] Nigel Sherrod
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week 1 Feb. 2007 [I][B]major news![/B][/I] [FONT="Georgia"]CZW has a mass firing spree and gets rid of its 20 workers! czw rises to regional looks like they have to hire there guys back WWE signs Scott hall, Justin Credible,Brian Lawler, Bill Goldberg, Brock Lesnar, Chris Kanyon and Goldust Hall, Credible, Brian Lawler and Goldberg are to be in fightign in the ECW Brand while Lesnar, Kanyon and Goldust will be on Smackdown [/FONT] [I][B]are news[/B][/I] [FONT="Georgia"]Jerlito has interview about CZW he says the bigger the push he gets the more nervous he gets[/FONT] [I][B]shows[/B][/I] Thurs. week 1 Feb 07 rose hill gym (Tri State) 1,933 rating d- [B]czw TV[/B] (D-) blackout d generico and necro to retain czw qold tag team titles (D) ruckus d nick gage (C) robert greene d nick clements (C-) jerlito d high voltage [I]([FONT="Georgia"]decent show Robert Greene and Nick Clements put on a clinic having the best match of the night. Looks like Greene might repeat history and dominate[/FONT])[/I] Thurs week 1 Feb 07 the sweat box (south east) 957 Rating c- [B]deep south tv[/B] (E) o'reilley r gordy d taylor capone for the dsw tag team titles (E+)****y siaki d bradley jay (C-)dave "a-bomb" biggs d couke saquer (C)Lennon burntwood d mikey mayhem [I][FONT="Georgia"](again final two matches were backyarders only matches, except DSW is quite a bit smaller then the others so it might give the four backyarders a lot more exposure[/FONT])[/I] Fri. week 1 Feb 2007 Broadbent arena (great lakes) 5,000 Rating D D [B]OVW TV[/B] (E) katie lea d O.d.b retain ovw womans title (D) paul burchall d jacob duncan (E) "Bad seed" shawn osbourne d eddie kraven for the OVW TV title (C-)Poisoned Superman d Nightwalker [FONT="Georgia"] ( only two of the backyarders on this card but the two that wrestled made a pretty decent main event)[/FONT] Friday week 1 Feb 2007 Broadbent arena (great lakes) 5,000 Rating D [B]OVW In The Ring[/B] (E)eddie Kraven d Chris Rombola (f+)katie lea d milena roucka to retain womans (E)High Flyers d alexiev and ousbourne to retain Southern tag team (E)ryan reeves d jon bolen (E)jack bull d seth skyfire (E-)mike kruel d vic d vine (c )salerno and s man d wildcat & night (d) Burchall and the hammer d duncan & chet [I][FONT="Georgia"](not sure why OVW has two shows on the same night but what ever, Both shows sold out and got a average rating of D, Here we seen poisoned superman beat nightwalker for the second time tonight but this time in tag team action)[/FONT][/I]
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[QUOTE=sexdrugsandwrestling;200832]you guys better luck out as soon as Chris Kyrpotine gtes a contract u all in trouble[/QUOTE] actually its funny i have the rest of the month done just not posted but Kyrpotine does do i heft job beating everyone, hes not even in are league anymore literally
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[B]week 2 Feb.2007[/B] [SIZE="6"][I][B]Major news [/B][/I][/SIZE] [FONT="garamond"]WWE must be on a mass hiring spree trying to bring in some talent to there ECW Brand. This week they hired Kid Kash, Brent Albright, Rick Steiner and Taka Michhinoku [/FONT] [SIZE="6"][I][B]Are news[/B][/I][/SIZE] [FONT="garamond"] CZW Has a few growing pains of its own now. After they fired 20 superstars it seems like there picking out another 20 slowly, earlier today Dutch Mantell was named head booker and Armando Alejandro Estrada and Jimmy Hart Joined the riot. Deep south Wrestling has been having a lot of troubles keeping there TV ratings up as of late. It is known that if they don't fix something soon Deep South TV will get the plug pulled on it. Recently Valentina was picked up by DSW so maybe she'll help. Dave" a-bomb" Biggs in a move that will no doubt boost his reputation, A-Bomb was singled out by some industry insiders as " the one to watch" One source, who wished to remain anonymous, said that hes laoded with potential and just needs more experience and some big breaks [/FONT] [U][B]Shows[/B][/U] [U][COLOR="Red"][I][SIZE="6"][B]CZW TV[/B][/SIZE][/I][/COLOR][/U] [FONT="garamond"]Wed. Week 2 Feb. 2007 DElaware Auditorium (MId Atlantic) attendance 919 Show rating D+ TV Rating 0.09[/FONT] [I]El GEnerico [B]d[/B] Niles Young for the CZW Light Heavyweight Title [B](E+)[/B] Sonjay Dutt [B]d[/B] Kevin Steen[B](D-)[/B] High Voltage [B]d[/B] Robert Greene[B](C-)[/B] Nick Clements [B]d[/B] Chris Hero for the CZW World Heavywight Title [B](C-)[/B][/I] [I][FONT="Georgia"](Pretty decent show, Nick Clements sets the pace as the first Backyarder to win Professional Gold and in only his second match, High Voltage stuck it to the greene tonight in a good match and Jerlito was no were to be seen)[/FONT][/I] [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="6"][U][B]Deep South Tv[/B][/U][/SIZE][/COLOR] [FONT="garamond"]Wed. Week 2 Feb. 2007 Sports Plus Center (TRi State) Attendance 22 Show Rating D tv Rating 0.00[/FONT] [I]afa jr [B]d[/B] frankie Capone [B](E)[/B] Mark Jindrak [B]d[/B] Daniel Rodimer[B](E)[/B] Mikey Mayhem [B]d[/B] Lennon Burntwood[B] (C-)[/B] Couke Saquer [B]d[/B] Tj Wilson [B](D)[/B][/I] [I][FONT="Georgia"]( 22 in attendance, the worst TV ratings they can get, and a handful of unbelievable talent. Deep south has to pick its act up or a lot of great wrestlers are on a sinking ship ) [/FONT][/I] [SIZE="6"] [U][B][COLOR="Yellow"]OVW TV[/COLOR][/B][/U][/SIZE] [FONT="Garamond"]Fri. Week 2 Feb. 2007 Perry Hall (Great Lakes) attendance 2,000 Sell OUt Show rating D TV RATING 0.13[/FONT] [I] Katie Lea [B]d[/B] Victoria C to retain the OVW Womans Title[B](f+)[/B] Boris Alexiev [B]d [/B]Jon Bolen [B](E+[/B]) "bad Seed" Shawn Ousbourne [B]d[/B] Jacob Duncan to retain the OVW TV Title [B](E=)[/B] "Wildcat" Nick Gloe [B]d[/B] Paul Burchall [B](D+)[/B][/I] [I][FONT="Georgia"]( a sold out crowd!, OVw started there night with a really bad Womans Divison match and ended with one of are very own "wildcat" beating the OVW World Heavyweight Champion Paul Burchall in the best match of the night)[/FONT[/I]]
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[I]KEEP IN MIND THIS IS NOT FOLLOWING THE THREE FEDS I MADE YOU CHOOSE FROM THIS IS FOLLOWING THE CAREERS OF THE WORKERS SO NEW PROMOTIONS MAY START GETTING ADDED TO THE SHOWS LIST..... JUST A HEADS UP A FEW OF BACKYARDERS ARE DOING VERY WELL ONE WHO'S EVEN GOT A LITTLE AHEAD OF EVERYONE ELSE[/I] Week 3 Feb. 007 [SIZE="6"][B]Major news[/B][/SIZE] [FONT="Garamond"]WWE continues to hire a Bunch of Superstars for the ECW Brand, This week they snatched Hedenreich, Scott Steiner, Nichol el Millionairo, X-pac and Orlando Jordan TNA has also been geting letters from Spike TV saying that if there show don't bring in more viewers Spike Tv is going to have to cancel TNA Impact! This would be a major blow for the rising company .[/FONT] [SIZE="6"][B]are news[/B][/SIZE] [FONT="Garamond"] stevie ray and brian hebner have been confirmed to have new contracts with Combat Zone Wrestling. A Web poll was made on Rajah.com asking who the best young worker in wrestling is today, Poisoned Super man won the vote "extreme Justice Chris Krypton signs will no longer be siting at home waiting for a call back for a job because he got a call that him or no one ever expected. WWE called the young wrestler to come work for them on there ECW Brand . The young worker is promised to get his debut match at there next PPV Breaking point against CM Punk. [/FONT] shows [U][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"]CZW TV[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U] [FONT="Georgia"]WEd. Week 3 Feb. 2007 Draddy Gym (tri State) Attendance 1,712 Show Rating C- Tv Rating 0.14[/FONT] [I]El generico [B]d[/B] matt sydal to retain the CZW LIght Heavyweight Title[B](D-)[/B] Eddie Kingtson [B]D[/B] Necro Butcher [B](D-)[/B] Kevin Steen [B]d[/B] Chris Hero to retain the CZW Irom Man TITle [B](D+)[/B] Roberte Greene [B]d[/B] High VOltage [B](C)[/B][/I] [FONT="Georgia"] [I]( Robert Greene & High Voltage have a Rematch main eventing this week, tis time Greene came out on top)[/FONT][/I] [B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Blue"]Deep South TV[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [FONT="Georgia"]WEd. Week 3 Feb. 2007 Universal Studios Orlando (South East) Attendance 830 Show Rating D- Tv Rating 0.00[/FONT] [I]****y Siaki [B]d[/B] Vik Dalishus [B](E+)[/B] Hostile Intent [B]d [/B]Taylor and Capone to retain the DSW Tag Team titles [B](E)[/B] Mark Jindrak d Freakin Deacon [B](D-)[/B] Mayhem and A-bomb d Couke and lennon [B](C-)[/B][/I] [I][FONT="Georgia"]( all 4 backyarders Main evented this one! Thank goodness more fans showed up but the Tv ratings still look to be a major problem for Deep South)[/FONT][/I] [B][SIZE="6"]ECW Breaking Point[/SIZE][/B] [FONT="Georgia"]WEd. Week 3 Feb. 2007 LakeLand Arena (New England) Attendance 42,649 Show Rating D+ PPV Buyrate 6.44 [/FONT] [I] Eliijah Burke [B]d[/B] Taka[B] (D-)[/B] Flash Funk [B]d[/B] Shannon Moore [B](D-)[/B] Little Guido [B]d[/B] Nichol El Millionairo [B](D+)[/B] Justin Credible & Rene Dupree NO Contest [B](D-)[/B] Heidenreich [B]d[/B] kid kash [B](D)[/B] mike knox [B]d[/B] sandman [B](D-)[/B] test [B]d[/B] mat striker [B](D+)[/B] scott hall [B]d[/B] monty brown [B](D+)[/B] goldberg [B]d[/B] sabu [B](d+)[/B] b lawler [B]d[/B] rob van damn [B](c-)[/B] "extreme justice" Chris Krypton [B]d[/B] CM PUnk [B](c)[/B] bobby Lashley [B]d[/B] Scott steiner to retain the ecw world title [B](D+)[/B] [/I] [I] [FONT="Georgia"]( if getting picked up by ECw wasn't good enough for Chris Krypton he got his first professional win against CM Punk and there match stole the show)[/FONT][/I] [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Yellow"]OVW TV[/COLOR][/SIZE] [FONT="Georgia"]FRi. Week 3 Feb. 2007 DeVos Fieldhouse (Great Lakes) Attendance 2,000 Sell out Show Rating D+ tv rating 0.17[/FONT] [I] Katie Lea [B]d[/B] O.D.B [B](E)[/B] High Flyers against HIgh Dosage ended in a no contest to retain the OVW Tag Team Titles [B](E+)[/B] "bad seed" shawn Ousbourne [B]d[/B] Jacob Duncan to retain the OVW TV Title[B](E+)[/B] Thomas salerno Against Chet the jet Ended in a no Contest[/I][B](c-)[/B] [I] [FONT="Georgia"](Thomas Salerno gets his first match in the main event ending in a no contest against Chet the jet, It was by far the best match of the night though)[/FONT][/I]
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[B]major news[/B] [FONT="Garamond"]WWE-Ecw has gotten a hold of masahiro chono . The deal went down late afternoon on thursday. TNA Impact is now cut from spike Tvs schedule, it was axed because of there poor ratings week after week this could be the death of apparently there is a stop to the action The In k is still wet.Legendary ROAD WARRIOR ANIMAl is going to be wrestling on ECW roster the model rick martel is geting stared down by retirement, he plans on doing stuff behind the scenes and not int he ring anymore. His age has caught up with him and with nothing to big going on in his career he mays well hang the boots [/FONT] three new promotions have opened up world womans wrestling Canadian charisma championship combat Coastal Zone Combat wrestling [B]are news[/B] [FONT="Garamond"]CZW unfortunatly reports that there tv deal is ended, As of late there have been some good stuff coming from them and this is a major set back. WWE's own ECW has also ended its run on the sci-fi network, Sci-fi was nto liking the ratings and felt it was not in there best interest to renew the contract and suprise suprise OVW TV deal has also ran out look for these three promotions to be looking for a new network to put there show on or maybe even start a new show Many of todays top veterans have notable stated that Robert Greene is one of the most talented workers out there and that the only reason he hasn't had as much success is cause his dry personality [/FONT] shows [COLOR="Blue"] [SIZE="6"]DSW Supremacy[/SIZE][/COLOR] [FONT="Georgia"]Monday week 4 Feb 2007 Puerto Rico (tiny) (puerto Rico) attendance 96 show Rating D [/FONT][I] Hostile intent [B]d [/B]Capone and Taylor to retain the DSW Tag Team Titles [B](E-)[/B] Vik Dalishus [B]d [/B]Tony Santarelli [B](F+)[/B] Aja Jr. [B]d[/B] Derrik Neikirk [B](F+)[/B] TJ Wilson [B]d[/B] Daniel Rodimer [B](E-)[/B] Mark Jindrak [B]d[/B] Freakin Deacon [B](E+)[/B] Mikey Mayhem [B]d[/B] ****y Siaki [B](D-)[/B] Couke Saquer [B]d[/B] Dave "A-bomb" Biggs [B](C-)[/B] Lennon Burntwood [B]d[/B] Bradley Jay for the DSW Heavyweight Title [B](D)[/B] [/I] [FONT="Georgia"][I]( Burtnwood holds on for dear life to his gold while mikey & couke amke big wins)[/I][/FONT] ( Funny [SIZE="6"]ECW on SCi-Fi[/SIZE] [FONT="Georgia"]Tuesday week 4 Feb 2007 Mid-South Coliseum (South East) attendance 7,586 show Rating C TV Rating 2.82[/FONT] [I] Rene Dupree [B]d[/B] Kid Kash [B](D)[/B] "Extreme Justice" Chris Krypton [B]d[/B] El Millionairo [B](D+)[/B] Goldberg [B]d[/B] Mashahiro Chono [B](C+)[/B] Rob Van Dam [B]d[/B] Scott Hall [B](C+)[/B] [/I] [FONT="Georgia"][I] (ECW last show on sci-fi and it did pretty well, are own Chris Krypton beat el Millionairo in a decent performance)[/I][/FONT] [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]CZW TV[/COLOR][/SIZE] [FONT="Georgia"]Wednesday week 4 Feb 2007 Ohio Jewish Center (great Lakes) attendance 126 show Rating C- tV rATING 0.13[/FONT] [I] El Generico [B]d[/B] B-Boy to retain the CZW Light Heavyweight [B](D-)[/B] Matt Sydal [B]d[/B] Necro Butcher [B](D-)[/B] High Voltage [B]d[/B] Nick Clements [B](C-)[/B] Jerlito the lion tamer [B]d[/B] robert greene [B](C-)[/B][/I] [FONT="Georgia"][I](Jerlito returns, no one knows were he went but hes back! and beat robert greene! stellar match very steady for CZW TV last main event) [/I][/FONT] [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Blue"]DSW TV[/COLOR][/SIZE] [FONT="Georgia"]Thursday week 4 Feb 2007 Raeford Armory (mid Atlantic) attendance 61 show Rating D+ TV RATING 0.00 [/FONT][I] Derrick Neikirk d Mike Taylor (F+) ****y Siaki d Vik Dalishus (E-) Dave "a-bomb" Biggs d Couke Saquer (C-) Lennon Burntwood d MIkey Mayhem to retain the DSW Heavyweight Title (C) [/I] [FONT="Georgia"][I]( the final DSW tv show for a bit, show cased Lennon Burntwood retaining his gold against mikey Mayhem, and the favorite Dave Biggs Comes out witha solid victory over Couke Saquer)[/I][/FONT] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"]CZW Firehouse[/SIZE][/COLOR] [FONT="Georgia"]Thursday week 4 Feb 2007 Delaware Auditorium (Mid Atlantic) attendance 1,000 Sell Out show Rating C- [/FONT][I] Messiah and Super Dragon [B]d[/B] N. Gage and N. Young[B](E+)[/B] Matt Sydal [B]d [/B]Kevin Steen [B] (D-)[/B] Austin Aries[B] d[/B] B-Boy [B](D)[/B] El Generico[B] d[/B] Necro Butcher[B] (E)[/B] S. Dutt and R. Strong [B]d[/B] Blackout for the CZW World Tag Team Titles [B](D-)[/B] High Voltage [B]d [/B]Robert Greene [B](C-)[/B] Nick Clements [B]d[/B] Jerlito the lion tamer to retain the CZW World Heavyweight Title [B](C-)[/B][/I] [FONT="Georgia"] [I]( High Voltage and Robert Greene seem to always be facing off, And it never fails to entertain. Well it looks Like Jerlito is sticking around for a bit now after his last match i wasn't sure he even wrestled anymore, But after his loss it wouldn't surprise me if he goes into hibernation again)[/FONT] [/I] [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Yellow"]OVW TV[/COLOR][/SIZE] [FONT="Georgia"]Friday week 4 Feb 2007 Perry Hall (Great Lakes) attendance 2,000 Sell Out show Rating C-[/FONT] [I] Serena [B]d[/B] Katie Lea [B](E)[/B] Cody Runnels [B]d[/B] Seth Skyfire [B](E+)[/B] Poisioned Superman [B]d[/B] "wildcat" Nick Gloe [B](C-)[/B] Paul Burchall [B]d[/B] Nightwalker to retain the OVW Heavyweight Title [B](C)[/B][/I] [FONT="Georgia"][I](its offical Nightwalker is the main event jobber)[/I][/FONT]
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[B]Month End Review[/B] [B]Top 5 [/B] [FONT="Garamond"] 1. "Extreme Justice" Chris Krypton (The only wrestler to get Picked up by a Major Promotion and is 2-0-0, This guy is the real deal) 2. Lennon Burntwood ( The Champion of DSW, Quite possibly the life and soul of DSW. Hes great but its a lot of pressure to try and keep this small time promotion alive) 3. Nick Clements ( Hes the CZW World Heavyweight Champion, ) 3. Dave "A-bomb" Biggs ( with a 3-1-0 record Dave Biggs has also gotten much praise from wrestling veterans across the world) 4. Posioned Super man ( with a undefeated streak starting to shape up wit his 3-0-0 record and winning a votefor the best young worker today the s- man is the #4 pick) 5. Mikey FN Mayhem (another warrior of the deep south without the backyarders i Don't think DSW will still be alive and this is one of the best they have) [/FONT] [I]not to sure what else you guys want to see in the end of month review so post and let me know for next month, the post should be coming faster cause stuff is slowing down quite a bit oh ya and umm FEEDBACK IS NICE [/I]
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[B]March week 1, 2007[/B] [B][B]Major news [/B][/B][FONT="Georgia"] CZCW got a new owner yesterday, as jimmy snuka seized the regns of power. He is understood to have big plans for the company, and is expected to implement major changes to the roster in the next few weeks, as he attempts to begin a new era Randy Savage the new head booker of CZCW suppose to freshen things up1 [/FONT] [B]Are news[/B] [FONT="Georgia"] After there last show Comcast sportsnet pulled deep south Tv, this is really going to hurt there reputation and there schedule [/FONT] DSW has a new tag team named Cataclysm, The duo consists of Frank Capone and Lennon Burntwood the heavyweight champion so expect big things to happen with this team Shows [B][COLOR="Blue"]Deep south Tv[/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Garamond"]Wed. Week March 2007 The Sports Connection (great Lakes) Attendance 71 Show Rating D- Tv Rating 0.00[/FONT] [I] Capone and lennon [B]d[/B] High Impact [B](e+)[/B] Bradley Jay [B]D[/B] Daniel Rodimer [B](E-)[/B] Hostile Intent [B]D[/B] S.Siaki and Jindrak to retain the DSW Tag Team Titles [B](E)[/B] Couke and Mayhem [B]D[/B] A-Bomb and Tj Wilson [B](D)[/B] [/I] [I]( The last Deep South Tv show and no Matches Really Stood out as being spectacular by any meens maybe its a little to obvious why they lost there slot. Anyways a new tag team is made and DSW show cased lots of tag action ) [/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]CZW Fear of the Dark[/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Garamond"]Thurs, Week 1 , March 2007 Alumni Memorial Fieldhouse (TRi State) Attendance 2,000 SELL OUT! Show Rating D+[/FONT] [I] Kevin Steen [B]D [/B]Super Dragon to retain the CZW Iron Man Title [B](D+)[/B] Nick Gage [B]D[/B] Necro Butcher [B](D)[/B] S.Dutt and B-Boy [B]D[/B] Blackout [B](D)[/B] Greene and HV [B]D[/B] Liontamer and Ruckus [B](C-)[/B] Nick Clements [B]D[/B] El Generico to retain the CZW World Heavyweight Title [B](D+)[/B][/I] [I] ( another title defense for Clements, Kind of scarie though when your match rating is the same as the opening match rating. Greene and High Voltage decided to stop beating on each other and team up tonight and this match stole the show) [/I] [B][COLOR="Blue"]DSW Changing History[/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Garamond"]Fri, Week 1 March 2007 Universal Studios Orlando (South East) attendace 1,000 SELL OUT! show rating D+[/FONT] [I] Vik Dalishus [B]D[/B] Tony Santarelli[B] (E-)[/B] BRadley jay [B]D[/B] Daniel Rodimer [B](E+)[/B] S.Siaki and JIndrak (the dogs of war) [B]D[/B] Hostile Intent for the DSW Tag Team Titles [B](d-)[/B] Freakin Deacon [B]D[/B] FRankie Capone [B](E)[/B] TJ Wilson [B]D[/B] MIke Taylor [B](E-)[/B] Couke Saquer [B]D[/B] Mikey Mayhem [B](c-)[/B] Lennon Burntwood [B]D[/B] Dave "a-Bomb" Biggs to retain DSW heavy weight Title[B] (c)[/B] [/I][I] (so DSW gets all pissy after losing there show comes back in a week and holds a show called Changing History , Kind of Funy anyways Burnttwood defends hsi championship again way to go!)[/I] [B]march week 2, 2007[/B] [B]Major News[/B] [FONT="Georgia"] The rumors are all killed now, CM Punk did renegotiate his contract even despite him Jobbing to Chris Krypton. There has been a lot of talka bout him not going back to wrestle for WWE-ECW because of that match. [/FONT] [B]Are News[/B] [FONT="Georgia"] CZW Contract with Jerlito "The Lion Tamer" is up pretty soon i wonder if there goign to resign or get rid of hi, seeign as they rarely use him. [/FONT] [B][COLOR="Yellow"] OVW Showdown[/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Garamond"]MOn. Week 2 March 2007 Dickens Athletic Center ( great Lakes) 2,000 SELL OUT Show Rating C-[/FONT] [I] Ryan Reeves [B]D[/B] Shawn Spears [B](E+)[/B] Serena [B]D[/B] Beth Phoenix [B](E-)[/B] "Bad Seed" Shawn Ousbourne [B]D [/B]Chet the Jet to retain the OVW TV Title [B](D+)[/B] Mike Kruel [B]D[/B] Cody Runnels [B](E+)[/B] Jack Bull & Eddie Kraven ended in no contest [B](E+)[/B] Katie Lea [B]D[/B] O.D.B to retain the OVW Womans Title[B] (E)[/B] Charles " The Hammer" Evans[B] D[/B] Vic D. Vine [B](E)[/B] Jacob Duncan [B]D[/B] Seth Skyfire [B](D-)[/B] Poisioned Super Man [B]D [/B]JOn Bolen[B](D-)[/B] Thomas Salerno [B]D[/B] "wildcat Nick Gloe [B](c)[/B] Paul Burchall [B]D[/B] Nightwalker to retain The OVW Heavyweight Title [B](C)[/B] [/I] [FONT="Georgia"]( The best show rating yet and you can thank are backyarders for that, Nightwalker continues to lose liek he always does and "wildcat" is geting a lot of praise for his match)[/FONT] [B]March week 3, 2007[/B] [B]Major News[/B] [FONT="Georgia"]WWE-ECW is had numerous efforts to keep Sabu< They have yet come to a agreement[/FONT] [B]Are News[/B][FONT="Georgia"] Jerlito "The Lion Tamer" did happen to get a new contract out of CZW he sighned a pay-per Appearance contract and at the rate hes going his cheques will be pretty small he dont appear much. [/FONT] March Week 4 2007
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[B]Major News[/B] [FONT="Georgia"]WWE-ECW and sabu have come to an agreement, Sabu Re signed early this week[/FONT] [B]Are News[/B] [FONT="Georgia"] we have no news this week actually no nothing really so instead I'm going to Post Wrestlemania for the shows[/FONT] [U] [B][COLOR="DimGray"][SIZE="7"]WWE Wrestlemania[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/U] [FONT="Garamond"]Sun, Week 4 March 2007 Manhattan National Center (TRi-State) 30,000 show rating C PPV Buyrate 8.51[/FONT] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Smackdown Matches[/COLOR][/B] [I] Goldust, Scotty and Conway [B]D[/B] Kendrick, Sylvan and Deuce [B](D-)[/B] Jimmy Wang Yang[B] D[/B] Vito [B](E+)[/B] Jamie Noble [B]D[/B] William Regal [B](C-)[/B] Chavo [B]D[/B] Paul London [B](c+)[/B] Brock Lesnar [B]D[/B] Mark Henery [B](C-)[/B] Gregory Helms [B]D[/B] Mike Mizanin to retain the WWE Cruiserweight title[B](D)[/B] A Pair of Aces [B]D[/B] Teachers Pets to retain the WWE Tag Team Titles [B](d+)[/B] Rey Mysterio Jr. V Ken Kennedy in a no contest [B](C)[/B] The Undertaker [B]D[/B] Kane [B](C+)[/B] Boogeyman [B]D[/B] Joey Mercury [B](C-)[/B] Matt Hardy [B]D[/B] King Booker [B]C+[/B]) Batista [B]D[/B] Chris Benoit to retain the WWE World Heavyweight[B] (B)[/B] [/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]ECW matches[/COLOR][/B] Kevin Thorn[B] D[/B] Doug Basham[B] (D-)[/B] Eliijah Burke [B]D[/B] Big GUido [B](e-)[/B] Nichol El MIllionairo [B]D[/B] TAKA[B](D+)[/B] Justin Credible[B] D[/B] Tomy Dreamer[B](D-)[/B] Hedenreich [B]D[/B] X-pac [B](D)[/B] B Lawler [B]D [/B]Monty Brown[B] (D)[/B] Test [B]D[/B] Sabu [B](d+)[/B] CM Punk [B]D [/B]"extreme Justice Chris Krypton [B](C)[/B] RVD [B]D[/B] Mat Striker [B](D+)[/B] Scott Steiner [B]D[/B] Road Warrior Animal [B](D)[/B] Chono [B]v[/B] Goldberg in a draw [B](C+)[/B] Bobby Lashley [B]D[/B] Scott Hall to retain the ECW World [B](C+)[/B] [FONT="Georgia"](so Chris Krypton gets a wrestlemania match jeesh, well he never stole the show this time Cm got him good, but lets face it at least hes at wrestlemania i bet the other backyarders don't even have tickets let alone a match )[/FONT] [B][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]RAW Matches[/COLOR][/B] [I] Jeff Hardy [B]d[/B] Mike Mondo [B](D)[/B] Chuck Palumbo [B]D[/B] Vladimir Kozlov[B] (E-)[/B] JOhnny Jeter [B]D[/B] Val Venis [B](D+)[/B] Super Crazy [B]D[/B] Charlie Haas [B](c-)[/B] Rated RKO [B]D[/B] Cryme Tyme to retain the WWE World Tag Team Titles[B](C)[/B] Shelton Benjamin [B]D[/B] Robbie McAllistair to retain the WWE Intercontinental[B] (C-)[/B] Nitro [B]D[/B] Snitsky [B](D-)[/B] Mickie [B]D[/B] Victoria[B] D[/B] Torrie to retain the WWE Womans Carlito [B]D[/B] chris masters [B](D)[/B] The Great Khali [B]D[/B] kenny Dykstra [B](D)[/B] HBK and Flair [B]D[/B] Cade and Murdoch [B](C+)[/B] Cena [B]D[/B] Umaga to retain the WWE Heavyweight (c+)[/I]
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[B]Major News[/B] [B]Randy Orton Gone East[/B] Friends close to Randy Orton have revealed that he is heavily considering wrestling on a regular basis in the far east. it is understood that he sees Japan as a definite alterative showcase for hiss skills, and belives he can become just as popular there as he is elsewhere R[B]AW on a downfall[/B] [FONT="Georgia"] The vultures appears to be cycling crisis-stricken RAW, ho looks set to release several wrestlers in the near future. Insiders say that the company's recent decline in fortunes means they need to cut back on expensive wrestlers if they are to survive, and the very top stars may be fired in the next week. Chad Patton and Eric Bishoff are the first to be let go [/FONT] [B]Are News[/B] [B] Super man man Super Man Man[/B] [FONT="Georgia"] The Internet just loves Posioned Superman as he continously keeps winign the votes of all the fans [/FONT] shows [B][COLOR="Red"]ECW Riot Act[/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Garamond"]Monday, Week1 April 2007 Rose Garden (north East) 15,000 SELL OUT![/FONT] [I] Brent Albright [B]D[/B] TAKA [B](D)[/B] Burke and Dreamer [B]D[/B] Holly & X-pac [B](D-)[/B] Masahiro Chono [B]D[/B] Little Gudi [B](c)[/B] MOnty Brown [B]D[/B] Orlando Jordan [B](D)[/B] Animal [B]D[/B] Rene Dupree [B](D)[/B] Credible V Sabbu NO contest [B](D)[/B] Brian Lawler [B]D[/B] Test [B](D+)[/B] Striker & Knox [B]D[/B] Doug Basham & Kid Kash [B](D)[/B] Scott Steiner [B]D[/B] "extreme Justice" Chris Krypton [B](D+)[/B] Goldberg [B]D[/B] Hedenreich [B](D+)[/B] RVD [B]D[/B] Scott Hall [B](c+)[/B] Bobby Lashley [B]D[/B] CM Punk to retain the ECW World [B](C+)[/B] [/I][FONT="Georgia"] ( alright show good to see chris Krypton lose finally, he thought he had it so good)[/FONT] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]DSW Get in The Ring[/B][/COLOR] [FONT="Garamond"]Tuesday, Week 2 April 2007 The Sweat Box (South East) 1,000 SELL OUT! D[/FONT] [I] Bradley Jay [B]D[/B] Tony Santarelli [B](E)[/B] Afa Jr. [B]D[/B] Ray Gordy [B](E)[/B] TJ Wilson [B]D[/B] Frankie Capone [B](E-)[/B] The Dogs of War [B]D[/B] Rodimer and V. Dalishus to retain the DSW Tag Team Titles [B](d-)[/B] A-bomb and Mayhem [B]D[/B] Couke and Taylor [B](D+)[/B] Lennon Burntwood [B]D[/B] Freakin Deacon to retain the DSW Heavyweight Title [B](D)[/B] [FONT="Georgia"] ( sell out crowd witch is impressive for DSW, Dave "a-bomb" Biggs and MIkey FN Mayhem teamed again these guys make a great duo i'm suprised its not permanent) [/I][/FONT] [B][COLOR="Red"]CZW Decimation[/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Garamond"]Monday Week 3, April 2007 Draddy Gym (tri State) 2,000 SELL OUT! C-[/FONT] [I] Nick Gage [B]D[/B] Joker [B](D)[/B] Super Dragon [B]D[/B] Necro Butcher [B](D)[/B] Ruckus V Matt Sydal no contest [B](D+)[/B] Austin Aries [B]D[/B] B-Boy [B](C-)[/B] El GEnerico [B]D[/B] NIles Young to retain the CZW Light Heavyweight Title [B](D-)[/B] Chris Hero V Roderick Strong No contest [B](D+)[/B] Kevin Steen [B]D[/B] Eddie Kingston to retain the czw Iron Man title [B](D+)[/B] High Voltage [B]D[/B] Robert Greene [B](C)[/B] Nick Clements [B]D[/B] Jerlito "the liontamer" to retain the CZW World Heavyweight [B](C-)[/B] [/I][FONT="Georgia"] ( I think CZW needs to use a little more balls instead of playing safe and using the same matches every card, yeah it does them ok but how much High Voltage V Robert Greene Can you take, and I'm sure Jerlito is not the only one in contention for the CZW World Heavyweight Come on!)[/FONT] [B][COLOR="Yellow"]OVW One Wild Night[/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Georgia"]Wednesday, Week 3 April 2007 Perry Hall (great Lakes) 2,000 SELL OUT! D-[/FONT] [I] High Flyers [B]D[/B] skyfire & Burchall to retain the OVW Southern Tag Team titles [B](D)[/B] Beth PHoenix [B]D[/B] Victoria C. [B](F+)[/B] Chris Rombola [B]D[/B] Boris Alexiev [B](E)[/B] JOn BOlen [B]D[/B] Eddie Kraven [B](D-)[/B] Ryan Reeves [B]D[/B] Vic D. Vine[B] (E)[/B] Shawn Ousbourne [B]D[/B] Jacob Duncan to retain the OVW TV Title [B](E+)[/B] Katie Lea [B]D[/B] MIlena Roucka to retain the ovw Womans title [B](E-)[/B] Night and "wildcat [B]d[/B] S-man and Salerno no contest [B](C-)[/B] Chet and the hammer [B]D[/B] Bull and m kruel [B](E-)[/B][/I]
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