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[B]MAJOR NEWS New RAW[/B] [FONT="Garamond"] The WWE Raw Roster will be on the air even more now with a brand new TV Show called RAW Squared Circle on Sci Fi Channel. It is expected to be loaded with big names for its initial show, as a way to ensure a big first rating[/FONT] [B]Monday Nights Will Never Be The Same[/B] [FONT="Garamond"]What every wrestling fan would Have never expected to happened, Monday night RAW is gone to the world.USA Network and Sky Sports have pulled the plug, Raw for years has been the most dominate WWE brand for years. Many people have said that focusing on John Cena, Val Venis and umaga were the nail in the RAW coffin[/FONT] [B]Two Big Names annouce retirement[/B] [FONT="Garamond"]Both Lex Luger and Terry Funk have let the public know that they will be retiring very soon. Lex Luger has been out of wrestling for a few years know and has had some Criminal issues. Terry funk well who actually believes he will retire this guy has said to retire hundreds of times and it never happens [/FONT] [B]Are News[/B] [B]ECW TNT To Debut[/B[FONT="Garamond"]] It was confirmed today that a deal has been reached between ECW and UPN to show a brand new tv show, ECW TNT. The show is scheduled to debut next season [/FONT] [B]CZW Showdown Annouced[/B] [FONT="Garamond"] CZW and Local: Mid Atlantic USA have made an agreement to start a brand new show next season. This will help CZW out big time [/FONT] [FONT="Garamond"][B]DSW Suicide Solution Friday. Week 1, May 2007 Boutwell Auditorium (South East) 1,000 SELL OUT! D+[/B][/FONT] [I] Shantelle Taylor [B]D[/B] Valentina [B](F)[/B] The Dogs of War [B]D[/B] Hostile Intent to retain the DSW Tag TEam titles [B](D-)[/B] Bradley Jay [B]D[/B] Derrick Neikirk [B](E+)[/B] TJ Wilson [B]D[/B] Mike Taylor [B](E-)[/B] Freakin Deacon [B]D[/B] FRankie Capone [B](E)[/B] Couke Saquer [B]D[/B] Mikey Mayhem [B](C)[/B] Lennon Burntwood [B]D[/B] Dave "A-Bomb" Biggs to retain the DSW Heavyweight [B](C)[/B] [/I][FONT="Georgia"] (Lennon Burntwood proves to us again that he has what it takes to be the champion amking his 4th title defence)[/FONT] [COLOR="Red"][B]CZW Balls to the Wall[/B][/COLOR] [FONT="Garamond"]Wednesday, week 2, May 2007 Deleware Auditorium (mid Atlantic) 1,000 D+[/FONT] [I] Kevin Steen [B]D[/B] Super Dragon to retain the CZW Iron Man title[B] (D-)[/B] El Generico[B] D[/B] Niles Young to retain the CZW light Heavyweight title [B](d-)[/B] Greene and M.Sydal [B]D[/B] Blackout [B](D)[/B] Ruckus [B]D [/B]Nick Gage [B](d-)[/B] Bad Habit [B]D[/B] Hero and Aries to retain the CZW World Tag Team titles [B](D)[/B] High Voltage [B]D[/B] B-boy [B](d+)[/B] Nick Clements [B]D[/B] Jerlito The Lion Tamer to retain the CZW World Heavyweight [B](C-)[/B][/I] [FONT="Georgia"] ( Jerlito appears to be around hes made it to every CZW shwo in recent months now, He got another title shot at Nick Clements just coming a little to short)[/FONT] [COLOR="Yellow"][B]OVW Priavte World[/B][/COLOR] [FONT="Garamond"]Thursday, Week 2, May 2007 Perry Hall (great Lakes) 2,000 SELL OUT! C-[/FONT] [I] Boris Alexiev [B]D[/B] Chris Rombola [B](E+)[/B] HIgh Dosage [B]D[/B] B. PHoenix and ODB[B] (E)[/B] Charles Evans[B] D[/B] Mike Kruel [B](E+)[/B] Chet the Jet [B]D[/B] Eddie Kraven [B](D)[/B] Jack Bull [B]D[/B] Vic D. Vine[B] (E)[/B] High Flyers [B]D[/B] Skyfire and Ossbourne to retain the OVW Southern Tag Team Titles [B](D-)[/B] Thomas Salerno [B]D[/B] Jacob Duncan [B](D)[/B] Poisioned Superman [B]D[/B] Nightwalker [B](C-)[/B] Paul Burchall against "Wildcat" Nick Gloe in a no contest to retain the OVW Heavyweight [B](C-)[/B] [/I][FONT="Georgia"] ( Posioned Superman still has'nt been beaten! Nightwalker still hasn't won!. these two against each other just kind of seemed like a miss match. On another note Nick Gloe came ever so close to being the king of the OVW Jungle takign on Paul Burchall. [/FONT] [B]ECW Anything Goes[/B] [FONT="Garamond"]Tuesday, Week 4, May 2007 Maryland Wood (Mid Atlantic) 19,319 [/FONT][I] Balls Mahoney [B]V[/B] Flash Funk No Contest [B](E+)[/B] Sandman [B]D[/B] Shannon Moore [B](D-)[/B] PJ Polaco [B]D[/B] Scott Hall [B](C)[/B] "EXtreme Justice Chris Krypton [B]D[/B] Kevin Thorn [B](D)[/B] Monty Brown [B]D[/B] Brent Albright [B](D)[/B] Lawler [B]D[/B] Rene Dupree Nicho and Guido [B](D+[/B]) Sabu [B]D[/B] Kid Kash [B](D+)[/B] Masahiro Chono [B]D[/B] Test [B](C-)[/B] Brain Damage [B]D[/B] holly & X-pac [B](D)[/B] Goldberg [B]D[/B] Hedenreich [B](D+)[/B] Scott Steiner [B]D[/B] RVD [B](C)[/B] Cm Punk [B]D[/B] Bobby Lashley for the ECW World title [B](C+)[/B] [/I]
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[B]Are News[/B] [B]Bomb Dropper[/B] [FONT="Garamond"]Dave "A-bombs" Biggs and Derrick Neikirk have been having a lot of backstage trouble lately [/FONT] [B]ECW TNT To Debut[/B] [FONT="Garamond"]It was confirmed today that a dal has been reached between ECW and UPN to show a brand new tv show, ECW TNT. The show is scheduled to debut next season [/FONT] [B]CZW Showdown Annouced[/B] [FONT="Garamond"] CZW and LOcal: Mid Atlantic USA have made an agreement to start a brand new show next season. This will help CZW out big time [/FONT] [I] [B]"Extreme Justice" chris krypton[/B] 4 wins 0 drawa , 3 loses average rating C- Highest C [B]"wildcat" Nick GLoe[/B] 2 wins, 2 draws, 3 loses Average c- Highest c [B]Couke Saquer[/B] 7 wins, 0 draws, 4 loses Average D+ Highest C [B]Dave "A-Bomb" Biggs[/B] 4 wins, o draws, 6 loses Average C- Highest C [B]High Voltage[/B] 10 wins , 0 draws, 2 loses average c- highest c [B]Jerlito[/B] 3 wins, 0 draws, 8 loses Average C- Highest C- [B]Lennon Burntwood[/B] Current DSW Heavyweight Champion, 6 Title defences 9 Wins, 0 Draws, 2 Loses Average C- Highest C [B]Mikey Mayhem[/B] 6 wins, 0 draws, 5 Loses Average C- Highest C [B]Nick Clements[/B] Current CZW World Heavyweight , 8 Defences 10 wins , 0 draws, 2 loses Average C- Highest C+ [B]Nightwalker[/B] 1 Win, 1 Draw, 5 loses Average C Highest C [B]Poisioned Superman[/B] 5 wins, 1 Draw, 1 Loss Average C- Highest C [B]Robert Greene[/B] 8 wins, 0 draws, 4 losses Average C- highest C [B]Thomas Salerno[/B] 3 Wins, 2 Draws, 1 Loss Average C- Highest C [/I]
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[B]Major News[/B] [B]Icon Says Bye , We say about time[/B] [FONT="Garamond"]soon to retire Hulk Hogan is apparently upbeat, despite his career coming to a end. he is said to be looking forard to be able to hang up the bootd and finally allow his body to heel up, and is already prepareign himself for a new career [/FONT] [FONT="Georgia"] [B]CZW Balls to The Wall[/B] Wednesday, Week 2, JUly 2007 Kenilworth-Parkside Center (mid Atlantic) 1,000 SELL OUT! D+[/FONT] [I] El Generico D Niles Young to retain the CZW Light Heavyweight title (D-) Kevin Steen D Super Dragon to retain the CZW Iron Man Title (D) Necro butcher D Nick Gage (D-) Jerlito the lion tamer D Matt Sydal (D+) Ruckus D B-Boy (D) High Voltage D Chris Hero (D+) Nick Clements D Roderick Strong to retain the CZW World Heavyweight title (C-) S.Dutt and Aries D Blacout (D) [/I] [FONT="Georgia"][I](Nick clements shows once again that every CZW wrestler is only there to continue to make him look unbreakable)[/I][/FONT] [B]CZW Showdown[/B] [FONT="Georgia"]Friday, Week 2, July 2007 Alumni Memorial Fieldhouse (tri State) 2,000 SELL OUT! C-[/FONT] [I] El Generico D Niles Young to retain the CZW lightheavyweight title (D-) Eddie Kingston D Necro Butcher (D) Kevin Steen D Chris Hero to retain the CZW IRin Man title (C) Bad Habit D Aries & Ruckus) (C)[/I] [I][FONT="Georgia"] ( shreeeeeek no backyarders on this card and CZW Have a higher attedance and show rating! hopfully they dotn catch on or some workers may be looking for jobs elsewere)[/FONT][/I] [B] ECW TNT[/B] [FONT="Georgia"]saturday, week 2, July 2007 Kaiser Convention Center (south West) 5,000 SELL OUT! C-[/FONT] [I] Hardcore holly d flash funk (D+) Sabu D "EXtreme Justice" Chris Krypton (D+) Brent Albright D Diug Basham (D+) Rene Dupree D TAKA (D+) Cm Punk D Goldberg (B-) Scott Steiner D Bobby Lashley (C-)[/I] [I][FONT="Georgia"] ( another loss for Chris Krypton, kind of makes you feel better bout yourself he was so much ahead of us and now hes been jobbing ) [/FONT][/I] [B]CZW Showdown[/B][FONT="Georgia"] Friday, Week 3, July 2007 Alumni Memorial Fieldhouse (tri State) 2,000 SELL OUT! C-[/FONT] [I] Ruckus V Matt Sydal ended in a no contest (c-) Eddie Kingston D B-Boy (D+) Chris Hero D Kevin Steen for the CZW Iron Man title (C) Liontamer and HV D Bad Habit (C-) [FONT="Georgia"]( Jerlito and HV Showed they make a wicked team awwing the fans in CZWS Main Event)[/FONT] [/I] [B]ECW TNT[/B][FONT="Georgia"] saturday, week 3, July 2007 Allen Arena (south East) 5,000 SELL OUT! C[/FONT] [I] Kid Kash D Kevin Thorn (D) "Extreme Justice" D Flash Funk (C-) TAKA D Brent Albright (C-) Matt Striker D Rene Dupree (D) Bobby Lashely D BRial Lawler (C) RVD D CHono (C+)[/I] [FONT="Georgia"][I] (ECW goes south east this week in what most peopel either loved or hated) [/I][/FONT] [B]OVW Xtreme Overdose[/B] [FONT="Georgia"]Sunday, Week 3, July 2007 The Odeum (great Lakes) 2,000 SELL OUT! C- [/FONT][I] Chris Rombola D Vic D. Vine (E+) Serena D MIlena Roucka (E-) Mike Kruel D Boris Alexiev (D-) Eddie Kraven D Jon Bolen (D-) THomas Salerno D Jack Bull (D-) "Bad Seed" Shawn Ousbourne D Charles "The Hammer " Evans to retain the OVW TV Title (D) Katie Lea D O.D.B to retain the OVW Womans Title (E+) HIgh Flyers D Duncan and Chet to rewtain the OVW southern tag team titles (D+) "wildcat" Nick Gloe d Posioned Superman (C-) Paul Burchall D Nightwalker to retain the OVW Heavyweight title (C)[/I] [I][FONT="Georgia"] ( Heres a card packed with are guys! Nightwalker fails once again to get gold no suprise really seeign as he fils to niche even a win most of the time, But the one worker who every one thought was the real stand out wrestler was "wildcat") [/FONT][/I] [B]CZW Showdown[/B] [FONT="Georgia"]Friday, Week 4, July 2007 Rose Hill Gym (tri State) 2,000 SELL OUT! C[/FONT] [I] Bad Habit D Necro and N. Gage to retain the CZW World Tag Team Titles (D+) Chris Hero D El Generico (C-) Robert Greene D Austin Aries (C+) HIgh Voltage D Nick Clements (C)[/I] [I][FONT="Georgia"]( CZW's last show of july and the big HV is making waves)[/FONT][/I]
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[I]July Top 5 [B]1. High Voltage[/B] ( having 3 wins in this month alone high voltage is on a mean streak of 12 wins in a row, and havign the most wins out of any other backyarder) [B]2.Nick Clements[/B] (still the CZW Champion but was beaten by HV in a non title match, he should be pretty worried about holding on to his gold) [B]3. Lennon Burntwood[/B] ( did'nt really do to much but hes still the champ of DSW so thats got to count for something) [B]4. "extreme Justice" Chris Krypton[/B] (recently just a lower card wrestler for ECW hes still there and were not so he still is in the top 5) [B]5.Nightwalker[/B] (yes hes only had one win, but it was hard to pick anyone for this position so i'll give it to nightwalker for having the best rated match of the month out of any of the backyarders even though he lost in it)[/I]
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