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The Race to the Top

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[B]February 1st, 2007[/B] Vince looked me strait in the eyes, and said the same words that made him famous, “You’re Fired.” Vince didn’t extend the “fired” or shout, flinging spit in my direct. It was just a calm business meeting. Vince, Shane, and Paul (aka HHH) were there to go over my performance in ECW. Now you know as well as I do that I was NOT the head booker of ECW, but if there is such a thing, I was the heart booker. Unfortunately Mr. McMahon is a man who doesn’t much listen to his heart, as can be seen in the current ECW ratings and reviews. I extended an arm out towards Mr. McMahon, and he accepted it. I did the same for Shane and Paul. It was official, it seemed, and in the blink of an eye my dream was over. The reason Vince fired me is obvious; it was a message to any wrestler or backstage hand. It didn’t matter if you were associated with Raw, Smackdown or ECW the message would be received. The message was shape up, or ship out, and I was shipping out. I Will Rebound, [I]Punishment[/I]
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[B]February 1st, 2007[/B] [SIZE="4"] ASTIL X TIMES[/SIZE] The yearlong journey is complete; I am a professional wrestler. I honestly think I can hold it down with the big boys in three or four years as well. Unfortunately, by the time I make my big break, ‘Taker and Kane wont be around any more. Oh well, a man can dream, right?
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To: Peter Lamar Williamson From: Mars Machine Date: February 1st, 2007 RE: A New Idea? Are you sure you want to go through with this? It will be a huge financial strain on you, with very little return on your dollar unless we really take off. I understand you’ve been a fan since Hogan vs. Andre, but I am still skeptical. While I would like to think I am the best available prospect, I am not? Why not try to team up with RVD, or Bret Hart. Please reply quickly. mm
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[B]February 1st, 2007[/B] A phone call between ‘Masked Saigo’ and Alan Amundson AA “Hello?” MS “Hey, it’s … Saigo?” AA “Hey, good, you got the pronunciation down!” MS “Yep, so … we got any leads?” AA “Not yet, I’m thinking of letting you be the head booker.” MS “Yeah? That’d be cool, I’d rock WoW out!” AA “Okay, here’s your first job then, whats my on screen name going to be?” MS “…” AA “C’Mon ‘Mr. Rock Out’.” MS “Give me a second” AA “One” MS “Fu – wait, got it” AA “Got what? Oh, my name?” MS “Yeah, The A* Ambassador Alan Amundson” AA “ A Star Ambassador… I like it. Now get off the phone with me, head booker Masked Saigo, and get on the phone with anyone willing to work.” MS “All right.”
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[B]February 2nd, 2007 [/B] [SIZE="4"]ASTIL X TIMES[/SIZE] BIG BREAK BABY! Apparently letting you jaw go at a Graduation Ceremony isn’t all that bad. Fellow graduate and rich as sin Charles Paterson overheard me talking about how I could “Fix that WWE mess right up.” One thing led to another, and now…BAM HEAD BOOKER FOR NEW AGE COMBAT! This would be amazing news if NAC was established, but we have no refs, no announcers and only two wrestlers, Charles and myself. Oh boy. Charles also gave me this list of things he wants, a way of making sure I know where he’s at: The promotion must have risen in size in 3 years. The promotion must be more popular in New England in 2 years. He wants athletes. (>B-) He wants no drunks. Good thing I’m a strait edge.
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[B]February 2nd, 2007[/B] A phone call between ‘Masked Saigo’ and Alan Amundson MS “Hello?” AA “SAIGO!!!!” MS “Alan? It’s 1:45 AM, dude…what? What’s up?” AA “I forgot to lay down the ground rules, k? I want atlethletes and youngies, aight?” (D in Athletisism, 35 or younger) MS “Alan?” AA “Yes?” MS “In the morning, fax it to me”
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DATE: February 2nd, 2007 TO: Mars Machine FROM: P.L. Williamson RE: A new idea? Relax, I choose you for a reason. I got some demands before we go picking up talent I want to be bigger in 3 years, and in 2 be more prestigious. I want athletes (At least D) and no freeloaders who get injured (C- resilience). Okay? I drummed up some interest around here, so they’ll be some pressure. Nothing you can’t handle, right? plw
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[B]February 2nd, 2007[/B] It took but a day. That’s right Punishment is back on the saddle baby, with a little something I like to call Tree of Woe Wrestling. Never heard? That’s cause it’s new. Some guy with a get rich quick scheme. Well, at least he pays well, and it gives me a new start. He has his demands, as every owner does. He wants 1,250,000 dollars to be in the business’s account by this time 2009. Probably planning some trip. He wants us to grow by 2010, and I sure hope it doesn’t take that long. The kicker is I can’t sign anyone over 35. Sorry Terry Funk, you’re double our age limit. Told You So, Punishment
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The Four Charactors and there Promotions [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/AstilX.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/NewAgeCombat-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/MarsMachine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/NBL.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/MaskedSaigo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/WorldofWrestling-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/Punishment.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b332/astil/ToWW.jpg[/IMG]
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