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UWF Live: Wrestlings NEXT Big Thing!

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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.uwfusa.com/images/uwf_logo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]For those who have never heard of the product we put on welcome. I am Hermie Sadler... Commissioner of the UWF and NASCAR Driver. UWF has done nothing but put on quality shows since our beginning in January 2006. However times have changed. Recently TNA pulled there sponsorship from us leaving us as just plain UWF. No longer UWF the bringer of TNA House Shows. This has left many of our fans upset and rightfully so. However UWF will continue and not only that UWF will continue under its own banner still using TNA Stars and the best that the US Indy Scene has to offer. We will have show dates announced soon and we expect to see all of you at the next UWF Show! Hermie Sadler[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"]UWF Roster:[/COLOR][/B] [I] UWF for the most part has no set roster since we only run three shows a month for one weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Fourth Weekend of the month...).[/I] [B][COLOR="red"]Alternate Adrenaline Rush Tour:[/COLOR][/B] [I]UWF is pleased to announce its first ever tour without TNA's guidance: Night One Schedule: Place: Memphis Tennessee Venue: Unannounced Date: Week 4 Friday Night Febuary Show:[/I] [CENTER][COLOR="red"]Main Event [B]UFC vs. Pro Wrestling Match:[/B] Daniel Puder and Tito Ortiz vs. D'Lo Brown and Buff Bagwell [B]Future of Wrestling Match:[/B] El Generico vs. Matt Sydal vs. Delirious vs. Davey Richards[/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]Night Two Schedule: Place: Nashville Tennessee Venue: Unannounced Date: Week 4 Saturday Night Febuary Show:[/I] [CENTER][COLOR="red"][B]Future of Wrestling vs. JAPAN[/B] The winner of Friday Nights FUTURE of Wrestling Match vs. Tajiri [B]Dream Tag Battle:[/B] The Steiner Brothers vs. Team 3D[/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]Night Three Schedule Place: Atlanta, GA Venue: Unannounced Date: Week 4 Sunday Night Febuary Show:[/I] [CENTER][COLOR="red"][B]Star-Studded Three Way: Buff Bagwell vs. Maven vs. Bobby Roode[/B] [B]Tag Team Warfare:[/B] Team 3D vs. Guns For Hire (Brent Albright and Doug Basham)[/COLOR][/CENTER] [U]More about the upcoming UWF Shows over the next few weeks![/U]
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[IMG]http://www.uwfusa.com/images/uwf_logo.jpg[/IMG] [B]Getting to know the UWF Roster... Part One:[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BobbyRoode.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="red"]Robert Roode:[/COLOR] [I](Formerly known as Bobby Roode in TNA): Robert Roode is expected to be one of the breakout superstars of the next 3 years. Roode had started to build an army in UWF and is expected to rise to the top of UWF within the next couple of months. The sky is the limit for this young star.[/I] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/Maven.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="red"]Maven:[/COLOR] [I](Formerly wrestled for the WWE): Maven is a former WWE Hardcore Champion and the first ever Tough Enough winner. Maven is a mainstay in the UWF and would like nothing more than to continue to dominate the UWF Ranks.[/I] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/InvasionBuffBagwell.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Buff Bagwell:[/COLOR] [I](Formerly of TNA, WWE, and WCW): Buff Daddy is one of UWF's main draws and a big fan favorite. Buff Bagwell still has the oppurtunity to be the future of wrestling if he can set his mind to it.[/I] [B]These Three Men will do battle on Sunday of the Alternative Adrenaline Rush Tour!!![/B]
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[IMG]http://www.uwfusa.com/images/uwf_logo.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][B]UWF Alternate Adrenaline Rush Tour Night One:[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR="red"]Live at the Showplace Arena in Front of 1,943 People[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="red"][B]Dark Match taped for UWFusa.com[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Joey Ryan vs. Krazy K[/COLOR] [I]Krazy K and Joey Ryan had the traditional go out there and warm the fans up for the show match. Ryan and Krazy K exchanged some technical moves and the fans got interested in the match pretty quick as they had a can you top this fest with Ryan eventually getting the best of K. K looked to have the win after a perfectly executed Shooting Star Press but Joey Ryan escaped with the win after a Roll Up and holding the tights... Afterwards Krazy K celebrated in the ring and signed autographs which led to...[/I] [U]Rating: C- Time: 13 Minutes[/U] [COLOR="red"]Brent Albright, Doug Basham and Bobby Roode arrive![/COLOR] [I]Basham, Brent Albright and Bobby Roode hitting the ring. Roode said these two men are his insurance policies and so he is here with them so that they can insure Roode is the best thing on the show. They approach Krazy K until Colt Cabana and Josh Abercrombie hit the ring. They challenge Roode and his two bounty hunters to a match... RIGHT NOW![/I] [U]Rating: F+ Time: 3 Minutes Note: The settings I have focus on almost no-entertainment so any segments usually end up with a bad rating... Damnit[/U] [COLOR="red"]Roodes Recruits (Roode, Albright and Basham) vs. Krazy K, Josh Abercrombie and Colt Cabana[/COLOR] [I]Abercrombie and Roode started things out with the fans cheering for Abercrombie a bunch. Roode and his men outsized all three of the opponents and dominated them a bunch of the match. The finish came when Roode nailed Krazy K with a Jumping Powerbomb out of an attempted Hurricanrana! Roode and his men then celebrated as the fans looked on pissed off![/I] [U]Rating: D+ Time: 20 Minutes[/U] [COLOR="red"]What we got up next...[/COLOR] [I]Don Callis talks about how up next the Diamonds in the Rough will face the Naturals![/I] [U]Rating: F Time: 2 Minutes[/U] [COLOR="red"]Diamonds in the Rough vs. The Naturals[/COLOR] [I]Another decent match on the card but nothing show-stealing. David Young and Elix Skipper showed some tension in the match as Young kept trying to tag himself in when Skipper was doing just fine. Finish came when Young hit Andy Douglas with a Brass Knuck and won. Afterwards Elix argued with David and left![/I] [U]Rating: D+ Time: 18 Minutes[/U] [COLOR="red"]Rick Steiner vs. Brother Devon[/COLOR] [I]A great match featuring two of the best teams ever facing off. Steiner dominated Devon for most of the match but anytime Devon hit something the crowd popped. Steiner and Devon tore down the house but Steiner ended up getting the win with a flying Steinerline! Afterwards the fans gave a standing ovation![/I] [U]Rating: C- Time: 17 Minutes[/U] [COLOR="red"]Scott Steiner vs. Brother Ray[/COLOR] [I]Now that the talented part of the Team 3D vs. Steiner Brother war is over its time for the snoozefest. Although not a bad match it lacked in some things. Steiner stole the moment of the night at the end of the match when he somehow hit the Frankensteiner on Brother Ray for the win. The Steiners looked strong out there![/I] [U]Rating: D+ Time: 19 Minutes[/U] [COLOR="red"]Steiners speak![/COLOR] [I]The Steiners talk backstage about how they will win tomorrow night in Nashville against Team 3D. They then say someone will get STEINERIZED![/I] [U]Rating: C Time: 3 Minutes[/U] [COLOR="red"]Yoshiro Tajiri vs. Chad Collyer[/COLOR] [I]Tajiri came out to a big pop as a lot of people knew (And cared) who he is. Collyer came out and claimed to be the next Dean Malenko and dubbed himself the man of 1006 holds. Collyer and Tajiri put on the Match of The Night and the fans even chanted Five More Minutes to the duo as the match started to dwindle down. Tajiri got the win with the Buzzsaw kick![/I] [U]Rating: C+ Time: 16 Minutes[/U] [COLOR="red"] FUTURE OF WRESTLING MATCH: (Winner Faces TAJIRI in Main Event of Night 2) Matt Sydal vs. Davey Richards vs. El Generico vs. Delirious [/COLOR] [I]A good, fun spotfest four way match featuring four of the best. Nobody knew who any of the four men were but I am sure nobody will forget now. Sydal and Delirious had quite the rivalry in the match and ended up being the final two men. Delirious however was not man enough to beat Sydals Belly to Belly Moonsault off the Top ROPE! Afterwards Sydal and Tajiri faced off in the ring![/I] [U]Rating: D+ Time: 27 Minutes[/U] [COLOR="red"]The Shoot Club (Ortiz and Puder) vs. Team Wrestling (Bagwell and D'Lo)[/COLOR] [I]The fans actually enjoyed this match to some extent even though it was kind of hard too (Bagwell was off his game for sure). Tito Ortiz and Puder were hated by the Memphis Crowd which helped a whole lot in making the heat of the Shoot Club go up. Tito Ortiz ended up getting the win for the Shoot Club via Triangle Choke as the fans were very visibly upset that Team Wrestling did not outwrestle them. Afterwards Ortiz laid down a challenge against D'Lo Brown for tomorrow in Nashville. Brown accepts![/I] [U]Rating: D- Time: 25 Minutes[/U] [I]My Thoughts: All in all not a bad first show for me. Somethings could have gone better but meh. The next show will focus more on an entertainment style after I tweak the product a little bit. I am looking forward to the next diary entry as it will have PICTURES. Hope you guys are enjoying would like some feedback![/I]
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[IMG]http://www.uwfusa.com/images/uwf_logo.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][B]UWF Alternate Adrenaline Rush Tour Night One:[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR="red"]Live at the Showplace Arena in Front of 1,943 People[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="red"][B]Dark Match taped for UWFusa.com[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Joey Ryan vs. Krazy K[/COLOR] [I]Krazy K and Joey Ryan had the traditional go out there and warm the fans up for the show match. Ryan and Krazy K exchanged some technical moves and the fans got interested in the match pretty quick as they had a can you top this fest with Ryan eventually getting the best of K. K looked to have the win after a perfectly executed Shooting Star Press but Joey Ryan escaped with the win after a Roll Up and holding the tights... Afterwards Krazy K celebrated in the ring and signed autographs which led to...[/I] [U]Rating: C- Time: 13 Minutes[/U] [COLOR="red"]Brent Albright, Doug Basham and Bobby Roode arrive![/COLOR] [I]Basham, Brent Albright and Bobby Roode hitting the ring. Roode said these two men are his insurance policies and so he is here with them so that they can insure Roode is the best thing on the show. They approach Krazy K until Colt Cabana and Josh Abercrombie hit the ring. They challenge Roode and his two bounty hunters to a match... RIGHT NOW![/I] [U]Rating: F+ Time: 3 Minutes Note: The settings I have focus on almost no-entertainment so any segments usually end up with a bad rating... Damnit[/U] [COLOR="red"]Roodes Recruits (Roode, Albright and Basham) vs. Krazy K, Josh Abercrombie and Colt Cabana[/COLOR] [I]Abercrombie and Roode started things out with the fans cheering for Abercrombie a bunch. Roode and his men outsized all three of the opponents and dominated them a bunch of the match. The finish came when Roode nailed Krazy K with a Jumping Powerbomb out of an attempted Hurricanrana! Roode and his men then celebrated as the fans looked on pissed off![/I] [U]Rating: D+ Time: 20 Minutes[/U] [COLOR="red"]What we got up next...[/COLOR] [I]Don Callis talks about how up next the Diamonds in the Rough will face the Naturals![/I] [U]Rating: F Time: 2 Minutes[/U] [COLOR="red"]Diamonds in the Rough vs. The Naturals[/COLOR] [I]Another decent match on the card but nothing show-stealing. David Young and Elix Skipper showed some tension in the match as Young kept trying to tag himself in when Skipper was doing just fine. Finish came when Young hit Andy Douglas with a Brass Knuck and won. Afterwards Elix argued with David and left![/I] [U]Rating: D+ Time: 18 Minutes[/U] [COLOR="red"]Rick Steiner vs. Brother Devon[/COLOR] [I]A great match featuring two of the best teams ever facing off. Steiner dominated Devon for most of the match but anytime Devon hit something the crowd popped. Steiner and Devon tore down the house but Steiner ended up getting the win with a flying Steinerline! Afterwards the fans gave a standing ovation![/I] [U]Rating: C- Time: 17 Minutes[/U] [COLOR="red"]Scott Steiner vs. Brother Ray[/COLOR] [I]Now that the talented part of the Team 3D vs. Steiner Brother war is over its time for the snoozefest. Although not a bad match it lacked in some things. Steiner stole the moment of the night at the end of the match when he somehow hit the Frankensteiner on Brother Ray for the win. The Steiners looked strong out there![/I] [U]Rating: D+ Time: 19 Minutes[/U] [COLOR="red"]Steiners speak![/COLOR] [I]The Steiners talk backstage about how they will win tomorrow night in Nashville against Team 3D. They then say someone will get STEINERIZED![/I] [U]Rating: C Time: 3 Minutes[/U] [COLOR="red"]Yoshiro Tajiri vs. Chad Collyer[/COLOR] [I]Tajiri came out to a big pop as a lot of people knew (And cared) who he is. Collyer came out and claimed to be the next Dean Malenko and dubbed himself the man of 1006 holds. Collyer and Tajiri put on the Match of The Night and the fans even chanted Five More Minutes to the duo as the match started to dwindle down. Tajiri got the win with the Buzzsaw kick![/I] [U]Rating: C+ Time: 16 Minutes[/U] [COLOR="red"] FUTURE OF WRESTLING MATCH: (Winner Faces TAJIRI in Main Event of Night 2) Matt Sydal vs. Davey Richards vs. El Generico vs. Delirious [/COLOR] [I]A good, fun spotfest four way match featuring four of the best. Nobody knew who any of the four men were but I am sure nobody will forget now. Sydal and Delirious had quite the rivalry in the match and ended up being the final two men. Delirious however was not man enough to beat Sydals Belly to Belly Moonsault off the Top ROPE! Afterwards Sydal and Tajiri faced off in the ring![/I] [U]Rating: D+ Time: 27 Minutes[/U] [COLOR="red"]The Shoot Club (Ortiz and Puder) vs. Team Wrestling (Bagwell and D'Lo)[/COLOR] [I]The fans actually enjoyed this match to some extent even though it was kind of hard too (Bagwell was off his game for sure). Tito Ortiz and Puder were hated by the Memphis Crowd which helped a whole lot in making the heat of the Shoot Club go up. Tito Ortiz ended up getting the win for the Shoot Club via Triangle Choke as the fans were very visibly upset that Team Wrestling did not outwrestle them. Afterwards Ortiz laid down a challenge against D'Lo Brown for tomorrow in Nashville. Brown accepts![/I] [U]Rating: D- Time: 25 Minutes[/U] [I]My Thoughts: All in all not a bad first show for me. Somethings could have gone better but meh. The next show will focus more on an entertainment style after I tweak the product a little bit. I am looking forward to the next diary entry as it will have PICTURES. Hope you guys are enjoying would like some feedback![/I]
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(My cpu kicked me offline while posting the results and I am too lazy to repost so here are night two results) [B]Colt Cabana over Josh Abercrombie Chad Collyer over Krazy K and Joey Ryan Maven over Andy Douglas Buff Bagwell *Subbing for a sick D'Lo* over Tito Ortiz Brent Albright, Doug Basham and Robert Roode over The Diamonds and Davey Richards when Young turned on Richards Delirious over CW Anderson Ryan Sakoda over El Generico The Steiners over Team 3D Matt Sydal over Tajiri[/B] [U]Preview for Night Three: Roode vs. Maven vs. Bagwell Team 3D vs. Albright and Basham The Diamonds and Josh Abercrombie vs. Davey Richards, Colt Cabana and El Generico Delirious vs. Andy Douglas vs. Ryan Sakoda vs. CW Anderson Krazy K and ??? vs. Joey Ryan and Chad Collyer[/U]
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[IMG]http://www.uwfusa.com/images/uwf_logo.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="red"]Live in front of 1,500 people in Atlanta,GA[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Shoot Club (Ortiz and Puder vs. Team Wrestling (Matt Sydal and D'Lo Brown)[/COLOR] [I]This was a surprise bonus match to the Atlanta crowd. D'Lo said since Buff was in the Main Event then Matt Sydal could join Team Wrestling for a night. The fans had no clue who Sydal was but were thouroughly impressed with him. The match went decently well but not as well as it could have been. The Shoot Club got the win with a Double Superkick to Sydal![/I] [U]Rating: E+ Time: 18 Minutes[/U] [B][COLOR="red"]CW Anderson vs. Delirious vs. Ryan Sakoda vs. Andy Douglas[/COLOR][/B] [I]This was a good, fun comedic, high-flying, hard-hitting fourway all put into one. Delirious became very over with the crowd very quickly which surprised some people. Sakoda and Anderson double teamed Delirious a lot of the match. However Andy Douglas took out CW Anderson with a Shooting Star Press and ended up eliminating him. Immidiately after this Sakoda eliminated Douglas with a Piledriver. Delirious stole the win with a Flipping Rock Bottom onto Sakoda for the upset win![/I] [U]Rating: D Time: 20 Minutes[/U] [B][COLOR="red"]Krazy K and Jerry Lynn vs. Chad Collyer and Joey Ryan[/COLOR][/B] [I]Jerry Lynn turned out to be the surprise partner of Krazy K which the fans loved. Good solid technical wrestling match with four of the best in the world going at it. Team Collyer got the tainted win after Ryan knocked out K with brass knucks and stole the win. At this point Commissioner Hermie Sadler came out and announced that next month there would be a rematch when UWF returns to Georgia![/I] [U]Rating: D- Time: 20 Minutes[/U] [B][COLOR="red"]The Diamonds in the Rough and Josh Abercrombie vs. Davey Richards, Colt Cabana and El Generico[/COLOR][/B] [I]Richards had a score to settle in this match after Young left him to be defeated in the middle of the ring on the previous night. Richards and Young went at it for most of the match and even started a holy **** chant when Richards made Young's chest bleed after some chops. Young ended up winning for the team by hitting a DR Driver (Double Underhook Brainbuster) on Josh Abercrombie for the win![/I] [U]Rating: D+ Time: 19 Minutes[/U] [B][COLOR="red"]The Hired Guns (Brent Albright and Doug Basham) vs. Team 3D[/COLOR][/B] [I]The HG looked good in the ring and really stepped up there game as they needed to to look good against Team 3D. Albright and Doug had a lot of good chemistry which made the match work. Albright and Doug ended up stealing the match with a Powerbomb Neckbreaker combo on Devon for the win! Afterwards Commissioner Sadler said he has a huge announcement regarding next months tour![/I] [U]Rating: C- Time: 24 Minutes[/U] [B][COLOR="red"]Maven vs. Buff Bagwell vs. Bobby Roode[/COLOR][/B] [I]The fans apparently came to see both Bagwell, Maven and Roode tear down the house. A very good match that really took the fans to the limit of emotions. Bobby Roode ended up getting the tainted win over Bagwell when Brent Albright ran in and suplexed Buff off the Top Rope to the outside! Roode then threw him in and he was done for. Crowd chanted "One more match" to Sadler who then sent out...[/I] [U]Rating: C- Time: 17 minutes[/U] [B][COLOR="red"]Rick Steiner vs. Tajiri[/COLOR][/B] [I]Although nobody expected the match to be worth a damn... it was. Steiner and Tajiri beat the holy **** out of each other for 30 minutes straight and the fans could not get enough. Tajiri and Steiner both got a "Welcome Back" chant from the Georgia crowd in the sense that they were both at there A-Game. Tajiri got the win with a Top Rope Sunset Flip that the fans ate up![/I] [U]Rating: C Time: 31 Minutes[/U] My thoughts: Another decently booked show but I need storylines (Look for them next month lol). [B]Also next month will have PICTURES![/B] [COLOR="red"][B]Hermie Sadler's Tour Announcement![/B][/COLOR] [I]Next months tour will be a very special tour. With the recent loss in wrestling of Mike Awesome and with the need of UWF to expand I am announcing a special three day tournament. This tournament will be the Mike Awesome/UWF Title Tournament. There will be sixteen competitors who wrestle in the tournament and the winner will recieve the Mike Awesome Cup and be crowned the first ever UWF Champion! Good luck to everyone in it... More news on UWFusa.com sooner than later![/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.uwfusa.com/images/uwf_logo.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][B]UWF Updates?[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="red"]TV Show?[/COLOR] [I]According to rumour and rumour only UWF Commissioner Hermie Sadler is working very tediously to score a UWF TV Show on a local UPN Affiliate out of the Georgia and Tennessee area... more will be known about this as it is available...[/I] [COLOR="red"]Tournament names...?[/COLOR] [I]UWF is pleased to announce it knows two matches in the UWF Title Tournament... they are as follows: Buff Bagwell vs. Brent Albright Tajiri vs. Rick Steiner These matches have been made in order to help please our great UWF fans. Albright sent Bagwell a message last month to not mess with the Roode Group and it came across rather intensely. Steiner and Tajiri are of course being granted a rematch for the fact that they tour down the house last month in Atlanta. The rest of the Tournament participants will be UWF and nonUWF wrestlers alike and this is sure to be a Tournament of Biblical Proportions. Tickets go on sale soon for the three night tournament which will all take place in Georgia!!!! The tournament formatting will be as follows... Night One: Block A First and Second Round Night Two: Block B First and Second Round Night Three: A and B Finals plus A vs. B and a stacked show! [/I]
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[COLOR="Red"][B][CENTER]UWF Crowning Glory Tour Announcement![/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.uwfusa.com/images/uwf_logo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]UWFUSA.com is pleased to announce the first details of the UWF Crowning Glory Tour! This tour will feature a three day tournament to crown the first ever Mike Awesome Cup Winner and The first ever UWF Title-holder! The opening match of the show is already set to tear down the house. For the first time ever two of the greatest teams in ECW History compete against each other... and in a U-W-F RING![/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ECWJustinCredible.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ECWLanceStorm.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrianLawler.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/PerrySaturn.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Thats right for the first time ever the Eliminators will take on The Impact Players. The Players have reunited recently and teamed in Europe but this will be there official American Reuniting. The Impact Player's Leader Perry Saturn is looking to add a new member after a falling out with John Kronus. Perry is looking for the best talent on the indy scene to team with him and the first star to get a tryout will be none other than Brian Lawler!!![/I] [I]What would this official press release be without details on the tournament?? Well here is the announcement over the First Round of Block A of the UWF Title Tournament![/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrentAlbright-1.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/InvasionBuffBagwell-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Buff Bagwell vs. Brent Albright will start off the Tournament Action in what is sure to be the show stealer of the evening! Bagwell and Albright have a heated history ever since Albright cost Bagwell the Triple Threat match last month involving Maven and Bobby Roode! Bagwell is out for revenge and Albright is out for blood![/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/InvasionRickSteiner.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ECWTajiri.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]In a rematch from last month's sunday night main event Rick Steiner and Tajiri take on each other in what is surely to be the stiffest tournament match! Steiner and Tajiri are no strangers to gold and will do anything to take home some of it![/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BillyKidman.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/MattSydal-2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]UWF offices were surprised to learn that Billy Kidman was in attendance all three nights of last month's tour! Kidman said he was there to scout the best possible talent for his debut match in the UWF! He said he has found it in the young upstart Matt Sydal. Kidman has requested that the rules to the match be a Finishers only match and that the finisher be the Shooting Star Press... This will surely be a show-stealer for any lovers of Cruiserweight Action![/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/daveyrichards-1.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/KidKash2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Kash is back! Not back to the UWF as he has never actually wrestled here but back in action from his release from his WWE Contract. Kash requested to be put in the tournament against anyone in the UWF. UWF Commissioner Hermie Sadler confided in Davey Richards! Richards has put on some good matches in UWF so far and many feel that he could very well score the upset of the tournament and go for the gold![/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/RyanSakoda.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/Delirious.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/Maven.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]In what is definitally going to be the best match of the show Maven, Delirious and Ryan Sakoda lock-horns for the UWF Championship Number One Contender Spot! That is not all however. The winner will of course the title shot and the man who gets pinned/submitted will get nothing but the third man will get his own spot in the tournament against none other than Lance Storm during the Night Two Action![/I] [U]This tournament is shaping up to be the best tournament in wrestling history! Who will be announced for the Night Two Action?! Find out soon!!![/U]
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[B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]UWF Crowning Glory Night Two and Three Previews![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.uwfusa.com/images/uwf_logo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]UWFUSA.com recently learned what will be happening during night two and three of an already huge UWF Title Tournament/Mike Awesome Cup! The night begins with another very special tag team match pitting two of the hardest hitting teams in history against each other![/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ECWD-VonDudley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ECWBubbaRayDudley.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/JayBriscoe.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/MarkBriscoe.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Brother Ray and Brother Devon return to take on the debuting Briscoe Brothers. For those who have never seen the Briscoes in action this is the perfect night to buy a ticket. The Briscoes have won gold all over the world in ROH and NOAH [/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/Psicosis.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/D-LoBrown.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]In the first tournament match D'Lo Brown takes on The Mexicant Psicosis! D'Lo and Psicosis have never battled in a ring before so this could very well be the match that sets the course of night two tournament action! Both men want to walk out victor of the tournament but only one man can![/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ECWLanceStorm.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Match two of the Tournament is a bit of a Wildcard match. Nobody is sure who will be facing Lance Storm until the day before the tournament. Lance however is a great wrestler and is surely going to scout all three possible candidates![/I] [CENTER][I][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BobbyRoode.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/Vader.jpg[/IMG][/I] [/CENTER] [I]After a recent interview mouthing how talentless Mike Awesome was and how if there was any big man with any talent in history it was him Bobby Roode made an open challenge in the tournament against any bigman in wrestling history. The most famous big man answered in the form of Vader! Vader has told Roode he is a talentless punk and he will walk out the victor![/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ECWJustinCredible.jpg[/IMG] vs. ?[/CENTER] [I]In another contraversial match Justin Credible has made an open challenge to anyone thinking they can make in impact in UWF. Justin says it can be any star in the history of wrestling as long as they show up for a fight. Justin says the fans deserve something special in this match so he wants it to be ECW Rules!!!! This will surely tear down the house!!![/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ScottSteiner.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/RickSteiner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The Main Event of the evening is an open-challenge Tag Team Match against any two Superstars that think they are man enough to handle the Steiner Brothers!!![/I] [I]Night three of the Crowning Glory Tour will of course be the Tournament Finals plus a very special Six Way Cruiserweight Match and a Four Way Tag Team Battle!!![/I]
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