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TNA: The Dominey Factor...

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Breaking news: [Quote] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Assorted%20Fed%20Cuts/th_DixieCarter5.jpg[/IMG] [b][u] Monday, Week 1, Febuary: TNA OWNER DIXIE CARTER ANNOUNCES NEW HEAD BOOKER!![/b][/u] In quite a shocking announcement, Total Non-Stop Action Wrestling Federation Owner Dixie Carter, has announced a new head booker in the federation. A title previously held by Vince Russo, it is believed that he was removed of complete control after a decline in television audiences, and internet “dirt sheets” trashing the direction TNA was headed. The new head booker has been announced as Brit, Seph Dominey, the son of one of Dixie’s business partners. Apparently until this point Seph Dominey has been working as a small time actor, having bit parts in recent movies such as “Hot Fuzz” and “The Queen”. It is rumoured that he has had a lot of interest in wrestling being a fan since childhood, and has always kept up with the business. However if he has the ability to run the US’s No. 2 promotion we will soon find out. It is believed Russo will remain on the booking team, but at the moment neither Carter nor Dominey have released a statement. More news as we get it. [/quote]
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Tuesday, Week 1, Febuary: [QUOTE][b][u][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q285/XHW-E-Fed/th_vincerusso.jpg[/IMG] LOTS OF TNA NEWS!!! RUSSO FIRED?! TNA BRANCHING OUT ALONE? EXTRA “DONATIONS”?[/b][/u] In an update to yesterday’s shocking announcement of Seph Dominey becoming the new head booker of TNA, we have a lot more news from behind the scenes. Dominey is obviously keen to make his mark on the federation, and Dixie Carter has so far seemed to accept every change that he has made. If Dixie’s willingness to co-operate is because of the generous “donation” by Seph’s father, BAE Systems CEO Frederick Dominey (of what is said to be a sum of around $1 millon dollars) we do not know. Seph Dominey has also reportedly transferred some of his trust fund into the federation, another million dollars it is believed. As he looks to make TNA the number one promotion in the US. The changes have already started as TNA has severed it’s working agreements with PWG, NJPW and (most surprisingly) ROH. They have also ended their non-aggression pacts with FIP, JAPW and CZW. In yet even MORE news the first people to feel the chop have been announced, not many suprises in the bunch. Referee Andrew Thomas, Jackie Gayda, Gail Kim, announcer Jeremy Borash have all been fired. Most surprisingly perhaps is the termination of Vince Russo’s contract, the ex-head booker.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/Assorted%20Fed%20Cuts/th_DixieCarter5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j100/GGxAnimeClan/th_forumlogo.gif[/IMG] [b][u]ROH TAKE EXCEPTION TO “NEW” TNA!, TNA TO BE SHOWN LIVE?!, MORE NEWS[/b][/u] Ring Of Honor owner Cary Silkin has released a statement in relation to Dominey & Carter’s “New” TNA ending their working relationship. In a very heated statement Silkin mentioned that TNA had “stabbed ROH in the back” and that what they did was “surprising and disappointing”. He also added that “if TNA want a fight, then they’ve got one”. Dixie Carter and Seph Dominey had their first press conference today, announcing their plans for the promotion. Amongst them was the announcement that they will not be signing anyone who is currently working for another company, instead wishing to grow their own talent. They also announce a zero drugs policy, and that they would not sign anyone who uses drugs or has ever had a history of using drugs. The two also announced that this week's TNA Impact will be shown live, however this is only to allow Dominey to get aquanited to TNA and it's roster, it may or may not be a weekly thing. Also mentioned was the fact that they are looking for a network who will put on a two hour show, possibly having two two hour shows a week.[/QUOTE]
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