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WCW vs. WWF: The Invasion

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y33/cowboys3356/invasion.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE=3]When Vince McMahon purchased the WCW the backdrop was set for what should have been the greatest storyline/angle in the history of professional wrestling…The Invasion. Instead the storyline was completely bumbled, workers released/not resigned, and the entire situation was mishandled in every possible way. Instead of creating a brand split of WWF and WCW (as later happened with Raw/Smackdown), McMahon seemingly made random decisions about who to sign and who to cut and denied the fans what they deserved and that was a great storyline! Well it is time to redo the past and experience the [COLOR=Purple]WCW vs. WWF: The Invasion[/COLOR] as it should have happened. I firmly believe the WCW vs. WWF storyline could have propelled the wrestling industry into another Golden Age and this diary is my attempt at just that. So sit back and enjoy as we go back to the beginning of it all…March 26, 2001.[/SIZE]
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y33/cowboys3356/Wcw_the_final_nitro.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE] [/CENTER] [SIZE=7][CENTER][COLOR=Purple]WCW Monday Night Nitro[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER] [b]Club La Vela in Panama City Beach, Florida Showing Live on TBS[/b] [/CENTER] --------------------------------------- [SIZE=5][U][B]Main Show:[/B][/U][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]The Final Nitro![/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ Tony Schiavone opens the broadcast of the final Monday Night Nitro from Club La Vela in Panama City Beach, Florida to the roar of an excited crowd and the usual display of pyrotechnics and high energy music. More often than not, it turns out to be hyperbole when an event is called "historic" before it happens. It's really only in retrospect that people decide what constitutes a bit of history. Still, it's safe to say tonight's Nitro will be talked about for quite some time. Vince McMahon owns WCW having just finalized the details and rumors are flying about what the new owner might do on the final Nitro on TNT, but there's only one way to find out what really goes down: come along with me and see what happens! [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]McMahon Speaks![/COLOR][/SIZE] ~Mr. McMahon kicks off the show by gloating about buying his competition. And just to make sure you absolutely understand what he's talking about, McMahon says that tonight, in a special simulcast, he holds the fate of WCW in his very hands. The fans boo at the sight of the hated McMahon and the camera flashes backstage to see all of the nervous WCW workers wandering around as if in a daze. [SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] Scott Steiner vs. Booker T - World Title Vs. U.S. Title Match (Winner Takes All)[/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ Rumors are flying backstage that Scott Steiner is furious over WCW being purchased by Vince McMahon and that he might loss control tonight in his match against Booker T. Of course madness is par for the course with Big Poppa Pump! Booker T takes control early but his offense is stopped by Midajah's interference, then a lead pipe shot from Steiner just misses Booker's head. Steiner hits a belly-to-belly for two, and then applies a surfboard until Booker powers out. A quick succession of moves sets up Booker's Harlem Sidekick, but the Bookend is reversed into a Northern Lights suplex that sees Booker just barely kick out. Big Poppa Pump goes for a power bomb, but [b]Booker reverses it into the Bookend to secure the U.S. and World titles[/b]. [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]Legal Work[/COLOR][/SIZE] ~Seemingly never able to get enough TV time, Vince McMahon appears on the big screen with his attorney on the phone, musing about how appropriate it is that the last TNT Nitro is airing from a redneck haven like the Florida panhandle. Vince continues to laugh on the phone and plays up the fact that he now owns WCW and can destroy it with one snap of his fingers. [SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] Jung Dragons vs. 3 Count vs. Kidman/Mysterio[/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ The winner of this one goes on to face Kid Romeo and Elix Skipper for the WCW Cruiserweight Tag Titles later tonight. There's really no point in trying to recap all the moves, so suffice it to say that springboard moves to the floor are plentiful, as are near falls. Shannon Moore gets a foot up to make a painful stop of a Rey Mysterio Jr. bronco buster attempt, but [b]Mysterio tangles Moore in the ropes and connects with a springboard guillotine legdrop to get the pinfall[/b]. [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]Looking for some action![/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ The big screen fires back up with the image of Trish Stratus interrupting Vince McMahon on a phone call to bring some wine for a celebration. McMahon quickly points out that there's only one way to celebrate, then moves in for a little, uh, action. The screen fades to black as the crowd roars its disapproval! [SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. "Sugar" Shane Helms - Cruiserweight Title Match [/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ Helms hits most of the early offense, though a t-bone suplex puts a stop to that. An exchange of reversals leads to a Northern Lights suplex by Guerrero and a two count. Sugar Shane executes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker but misses a Sugar Smack. The second Sugar Smack finds its mark, and a few reversals later, the Vertebreaker seals the [b]deal for Helms[/b]. [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]King Booker[/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ As you might expect, Booker T has mixed emotions about this night. He does say that the last chapter has yet to be written in his story and that he will continue to prove himself one of the best in the business. He intends to destroy Scott Steiner and then take his title to the WWF and show them what true greatness really is! [SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] Team Canada vs. Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo - Tag Team Title Match [/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ This one is short and sweet. The Canadians work well enough to have Palumbo set up for an Awesome Bomb, but he escapes and drops Awesome with a jungle kick.O'Haire follows with a Sean-ton Bomb to retain the tag team straps. [b]Palumbo and O’Haire celebrate their victory over the stunned Canadians [/b]. [SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] Shawn Stasiak vs. Bam Bam Bigelow[/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ This match is even shorter than the last one as Vince McMahon seems to be trying to jam in as many matches as possible tonight. Anyway a big missed splash by Stasiak sets up a diving headbutt by Bammer. But even though Bigelow has Stasiak covered for an eternity, the ref is distracted by Stacy's antics. Stacy helps Shawn escape the Greetings From Asbury Park, setting up a neckbreaker and [b]a three count for the Mecca of Manhood.[/b] [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]Brown Nosing [/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ WWF wrestler William Regal pays a visit to Mr. McMahon's locker room, plugging WrestleMania shamelessly. The WWF commissioner is just checking to make sure Vince knows what he's doing by buying WCW, since he knows from personal experience that it's a bloody awful place. Vince responds by saying that he is in complete control and that nothing can go wrong because his son, Shane McMahon, took care of all of the details so the only thing Vince has to do is sign the paperwork which he will do at Wrestlemania when Ted Turner hand delievers him the paperwork. Regal frowns at the thought of Shane McMahon being involved since he knows that Vince and Shane have been feuding lately but decides that there isn’t much he can do about it right now. [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]DDP Thanks the fans [/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ Video footage from earlier today shows DDP thanking the WCW fans and his wife for supporting him during his unlikely trip to the top of sports entertainment. It's nice and unusually understated for Page. Next up is a video montage paying tribute to WCW's former world champs, everyone from Goldberg to Ron Simmons to Vader. [SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] Elix Skipper and Kid Romeo vs. Kidman/Mysterio - Cruiserweight Tag Team Title Match [/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ As this match begins it is clear that Tony Schiavone is still a little miffed about the Regal segment, but Scott Hudson gets him back on track. Kidman gets worked over until he hits a dropkick to Romeo coming off the top rope. Mysterio gets the hot tag and hits a springboard Thesz press and a tornado DDT. Skipper is set up in the corner to receive a baseball slide kick to the crotch and the dreaded bronco buster. After a couple of near falls, [b]Kidman[/b] evades Skipper's Play of the Day and [b]nails a Kid Crusher to pick up the win[/b]. [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]Enough already! [/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ After the match the cameras switch to Vince McMahon who struts down a hallway. Vince eats a bologna sandwich. Vince goes to the bathroom to do a "number two." The announcers appear to be sick of this and wish Vince would just end the ego trip and get on with it already. [SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] Ric Flair vs. Sting [/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ You couldn't really put together a more fitting end to the Turner era of WCW than this, one last match between two old adversaries. These guys may have lost a step (and Flair wears a t-shirt to hide his spare tire), but they clearly enjoy the chance to lock up one more time, as the smiles during the match attest. All the classic spots you would expect are here: Flair's chops, Sting's bursts of offense, Flair's face first fall to the mat. The Nature Boy slaps on the Figure Four, but the Stinger fights off the pain and inverts the hold. [b]Sting rocks Flair with a superplex and makes him tap out to the Scorpion Deathlock[/b]. In a touching moment, Sting helps an obviously winded Flair to his feet so the two men can hug, shake hands and hug again. [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]The Final Word [/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ Before we can even catch our breath, the feed switches over to Monday Night Raw. Vince hits the ring in Cleveland to gloat one more time about his final victory over Billionaire Ted. Clearly feeling his oats, Vince says he'll sign the contract that finalizes the deal only when Ted Turner walks down the aisle at WrestleMania and personally delivers it to him. Then he plans to save a ringside seat for Turner so Ted can watch Vince choke the life out of his own son (Shane & Vince are feuding) just as he did to his competition. Ah, but what to do about WCW? Weighing his options, Vince decides he can build his new acquisition up or put it on the shelf and bury it. Then he asks the WWF fans to decide who might be worth keeping in WCW, throwing out names like Hulk Hogan, Lex Luger, Buff Bagwell, Booker T, Scott Steiner, Sting and Goldberg (who got a pretty big reaction from the Cleveland fans). Vince goes on to say what he'd really like to do is go to Panama City Beach and tell the WCW talent that they are all fired. And he plans to do exactly that, as he reveals his scheme to bury WCW so no one will ever hear from it again. Vince's moment of triumph is interrupted by Shane McMahon's music, but the younger McMahon is not in Cleveland -- he's in [b]Florida[/b]. Shane says Vince's ego got the best of him, giving away a golden opportunity. The deal to buy WCW is final, and the contract does say McMahon... only it reads SHANE MCMAHON!!!!! WCW's new owner promises that the promotion will rise to kick Vince's ass just as it has in the past, and just as Shane will do personally at WrestleMania!!! A surreal night comes to an end with Jim Ross plugging Raw's main event and a video promo for WrestleMania. What will happen next? Who really owns WCW? Was this the last show or will Nitro be back? The programs finishes with a camera shot of Vince McMahon screaming at his lawyer on the phone with his henchman William Regal staring around nervously and Jim Ross rambling like a wild man that everyone needs to stayed tuned for further details... --------------------------------------- [SIZE=5][U][B]Final Thoughts:[/B][/U][/SIZE] ~ First I want to give credit to Slam! Wrestling’s Nick Tylwalk who originally posted this report. Of course I have edited it in several areas (could you tell what I changed?!?!?!) but the bulk of it was Nick’s work. I think it tells the story of that final night very well and sets up this diary very nicely giving backstory to what is about to begin for those unfamiliar with that final Nitro broadcast. From here things will change dramatically from real life because this time we are going to do it right! The Monday Night Wars have only just begun!!!!! --------------------------------------- [SIZE=5][COLOR=Orange]Show Final Rating: A*[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y33/cowboys3356/WM17.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE] [/CENTER] [SIZE=7][CENTER][COLOR=Purple]Wresltemania 17 Preview[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][b]To be held on April 1, 2001[/b] [b]Reliant Astrodome in Houston, Texas[/b][/CENTER] --------------------------------------- [SIZE=5][U][B]Vince McMahon announces WM 17 Schedule:[/B][/U][/SIZE] ~William Regal vs. Chris Jericho for the WWF Intercontinental Championship ~Tazz & APA vs. Right to Censor (Goodfather, Val Venis, Bull Buchanan) ~Kane vs. Raven vs. Big Show for WWF Hardcore Championship ~Eddie Guerrero vs. Test for WWF European Championship ~Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit ~Chyna vs. Ivory for WWF Women's Championship ~Shane McMahon vs. Vince McMahon in a Street Fight with a Special Guest Referee ~Edge/Christian vs. Dudley Boyz vs. The Hardy Boyz in a TLC match for the WWF Tag Team Titles ~The Undertaker vs. Triple H ~Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock for the in a no DQ match for the WWF Heavyweight Championship [COLOR="Navy"][size=4]Vince McMahon has also announced that NO wrestler from WCW will be allowed at WM 17 and if any of them show up they will be immediately FIRED![/size][/COLOR]
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[B][SIZE="5"][CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Fate of WCW to be decided at Wrestlemania 17![/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="4"]Just announced...the following stipulations have been made for the Shane McMahon vs Vince McMahon match at Wrestlemania:[/SIZE] [B][COLOR="Blue"]If Vince McMahon wins...[/COLOR][/B] ~Vince gains 100% ownership of WCW but Shane McMahon remains as GM of WCW (a brand split of WCW/WWF will be created but Vince have authority over everyone) ~Ted Turner gives Vince free air time for WCW Nitro on TBS for 1 year in a prime time slot of Vince's choosing and anyone on either the WWF or WCW roster may work the show (Vince decides who is on the show) ~Vince can cut anyone on the WCW roster in the next 30 days but after that all contracts remain valid ~All WCW workers will be banned from WWF tapings and WWF Pay-Per-Views unless they are signed to a new WWF contract ~All WCW workers will be required to work House Shows as assigned no matter how much experience they have or will be fired on the spot with no buyout [COLOR="Blue"][B]If Shane McMahon wins...[/B][/COLOR] ~Shane retains 100% ownership of WCW and Vince has no authority over workers on the WCW roster (a brand split of WCW/WWF will be created) ~Vince must pay Ted Turner full market value for airtime on TBS in prime time for WCW Nitro programming with a minimum 1 year contract and only WCW workers are allowed on the program ~All WCW worker contracts are 100% valid and if anyone is cut they will receive a full buyout from Vince McMahon ~WCW will receive a minimum of 2 "WCW Only" Pay-Per-View events a year and be included in at least 2 other WWF Pay-Per-View events a year ~Anyone on the WCW roster with 5 years or more with the company may exclude themselves from House Shows with no reduction in pay [COLOR="Blue"][B]Special Guest Referee[/B][/COLOR] A special guest referee will be appointed for the match by Linda McMahon. The referee will not be announced until the time of the match. [B][SIZE="5"]Next post...Wrestlemania 17!!!![/SIZE][/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE=5][IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y33/cowboys3356/WM17.jpg [/IMG] [/SIZE] [/CENTER] [SIZE=7][CENTER][COLOR=Purple]Wrestlemania 17[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER] [b] Reliant Astrodome in Houston, Texas April 1, 2001 Showing Live on Pay-Per-View[/b] [/CENTER] --------------------------------------- [SIZE=5][U][B]Main Show:[/B][/U][/SIZE] [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]Vinnie Mac Opens it up[/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ WM 17 starts with Vince McMahon coming out to the ring and working the crowd. Vince goes over how he owns WCW and how the wrestling world is now under his complete control. The crowd continues to boo until Shane McMahon’s music hits the loud speakers! The younger McMahon comes down to the ring. After exchanging words the two McMahons begin slugging it out before being separated by security! This should be an exciting night indeed! [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]The Rock Says![/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ The Rock appears backstage with Michael Cole and cuts a promo on Stone Cold about how he is going to take Austin to the Smackdown Hotel and basically gets the crowd fired up like only The Rock can. When asked about WCW, The Rock says that the WCW is just one jabroni after another and that they better stay out of The Rock’s way if they can smeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllll what The Rock is cookin’! [SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] Chris Jericho vs. William Regal for the WWF Intercontinental Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ Jericho carries much of the action with Regal selling out like always. Regal gets the occasional offensive burst after a low blow or other underhanded tactic. Finally Jericho looks to have the edge when Vince McMahon comes down to the ring and attempts to distract Jericho. McMahon’s strategy back fires as Shane McMahon comes running down and continues his earlier attack on his father. The confusion allows Jericho to stun Regal with a running clothesline before finishing him off with a Lionsault! [b]Jericho gets the win![/b]. [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]The Game[/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ Triple H cuts a promo hyping his match against The Undertaker and tells Taker that The Game is on tonight and Taker’s career is over! The segment is drawing plenty of heat when suddenly the big screen goes blank and just for a second the word nWo appears in black and white before going blank! The crowd explodes as Jim Ross begins yelling what the heck is going on and is asking everyone what was on the screen and who cut off Triple H?!?!?! [SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] Tazz and The APA (Bradshaw and Faarooq) w/ Jacqueline vs. Right to Censor (The Goodfather, Val Venis and Bull Buchanan) w/ Steven Richards [/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ This rather boring match is mostly highlighted by Val Venis appearing to suffer some sort of injury about midway through before [b]Bradshaw pins The Goodfather[/b] after hitting him with The Clothesline From Hell! [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]Trouble brewing…[/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ The cameras cut to the back to find Vince McMahon and Triple H in an office trying to figure who cut off Triple H’s promo when Stephanie walks into the office and says she knows who the special guest referee is for Vince’s match tonight. Stephanie leans over and whispers in Vince’s ear. You can not hear what she says but Vince’s eyes grow huge and his jaw drops in disbelief as he mutters…that isn’t possible… [SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] Kane vs. Raven vs. The Big Show in a Triple Threat Hardcore Match for the WWF Hardcore Championship [/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ Raven almost looks like a small child when standing next to these two giants but he uses his head and lets the big men wear each other out for most of the match. Raven looks to go for the pin on The Big Show after Kane goes flying from the ring after missing a clothesline attempt on Show and Raven caught The Big Show with a low blow. Suddenly Rhino comes charging down to the ring and jumps into the ring attacking Raven! Of course this is all legal as the Hardcore Championship is up for grabs 24/7! Raven is stunned by the attack and [b]Rhino manages to get the pin and win the WWF Hardcore Title!!![/b] [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]Angle’s Angle[/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ Kurt Angle cuts a promo with Michael Cole and talks about how he is going to win tonight and that as the only Olympic Gold Medalist in pro wrestling there is no way he can lose to a dirt bag like Benoit! [SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] Eddie Guerrero vs. Test for the WWF European Championship [/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ Guerrero controls the entire match thanks to some help from Perry Saturn. This rather boring match finally ends with [b]Guerrero getting a pin on the overmatched Test[/b]. Don’t look for a rematch here! [SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit [/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ Without a doubt the best match of the evening so far as these two incredibly gifted workers display an equal amount of true wrestling skill mixed in with showmanship. The match looks like it can go either way when WCW Superstar DDP appears from the back and begins yelling at Kurt Angle! Jim Ross starts calling for security from the announce table and chaos overtakes the arena. The confusion gives Benoit the break he needs and he applys the Crippler Crossface on Angle forcing him to submit and [b]giving Benoit the win![/b] [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red] Jail time! [/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ DDP is shown backstage surrounded by the Police being escorted from the arena. Vince McMahon arrives on the scene and begins to yell at DDP saying that DDP is finished in the wrestling business and that after Vince defeats Shane tonight he is going to fire DDP live on Pay-Per-View! [SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] Chyna vs. Ivory for the WWF Women's Championship [/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ This match is very one sided as Chyna beats down the overmatched Ivory. Things go from bad to worse as Triple H walks down to the ring. After another minute or two [b]Chyna defeats Ivory[/b] for the title and celebrates in the ring with Triple H. [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]Guest Referee Announced! [/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ Before the beginning of the Vince vs. Shane match which is next up, Linda McMahon comes down to the ring. She cuts a very business like promo and finally says…without further ado I want to announce the guest referee for tonight’s match…please welcome [b]ERIC BISCHOFF[/b]!!!! The crowd roars in approval as Jim Ross about has a heart attack and begins to say that this isn’t fair to Mr. McMahon. Bischoff makes his way down in his trademark black leather jacket and draws heat like only he can. [SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] Shane McMahon vs. Vince McMahon [/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ While this match lacks any real “wrestling” aspect, it keeps the fans on their feet the whole way as Vince and Bischoff get into each other’s face more than once and of course the fate of the WCW is on the line! As things begin to turn bad for Vince, Triple H appears from the back along with Chyna and they walk down to ringside and begin threatening Bischoff and Shane. It appears that the balance of power has shifted when suddenly the word nWo begins flashing on the big screen! The crowd cheers and everyone ringside stares up at the big screen which is exactly what Shane McMahon must have hoped for because out of the crowd [b]Kevin Nash and Scott Hall[/b] jump out of the crowd and attack Triple H and Chyna from behind!!! Vince McMahon stares in disbelief allowing Shane to spin him around and hit him with a big dropkick! Vince falls to the mat and [b]Shane follows up for the pin and gets the win![/b] The crowd cheers as Hall and Nash drive Triple H/Chyna to the backstage area and Shane McMahon celebrates in the ring taunting the apparently unconscious Vince in the middle of the ring. Jim Ross says that the fate of the WWF hangs in the balance as this madman Shane McMahon could destroy everything his father has created! [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]The Hardy Boyz [/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ The cameras switch to a shot of the Hardy Boyz in the backstage area warming up for their upcoming match. The segment seems to fall a bit flat as the crowd is still buzzing after the last match and everyone is wondering what will happen with the WCW now! [SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] Edge and Christian vs.The Dudley Boyz vs. The Hardy Boyz in a TLC match for the WWF Tag Team Championship [/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ This great match is filled with high spots and plenty of action as all three teams are able to find victory just within their grasp on more than one occasion. Things pick up even more when WCW Tag Team Champs Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo come strolling down to the ring. It appears Vince McMahon has lost control of things tonight as WCW wrestlers have been coming down to ringside at will. However Chuck and Sean stay out of the action and appear to only be interested in watching as [b]Edge and Christian pull out the victory[/b] and claim the WWF Tag Team Championship for themselves! [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]Now What??? [/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ After the match the TV audience is taken backstage to find Vince McMahon being attended to by medical personnel with Triple H and Chyna also getting bandaged up. The group discuss how things are spinning out of control and that Triple H needs to win tonight to reclaim some glory for the WWF. As the group continues to talk, Shane McMahon and Eric Bischoff appear on screen and begin taunting the trio! Vince says that Shane will regret this and that Bischoff will pay for everything that has done. The segment ends with Triple H running off Bischoff and Shane promising to make them pay after he defeats The Undertaker later tonight. [SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] The Undertaker vs. Triple H [/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ These two legends of the business put on a great match for the people although there is plenty of tension in the air as the crowd just senses that something is going to happen given all of the WCW distractions so far tonight. The crowd is right because just as Triple H appears to have Taker set up for the Pedigree when none other than [b]Hollywood Hulk Hogan[/b] appears at the top of the runway from the backstage area with the nWo logo flashing on the screen! Hogan starts yelling at Triple H who quickly responds by leaving the downed Undertaker and moves to the ropes facing Hogan. Hogan and Triple H continue their exchange which gives Taker time to recover. Taker uses the distraction of Hogan to spin Triple H around and give him The Last Ride! The crowd cheers as [b]Undertaker gets the pin and the victory![/b] Hogan laughs and moves to the backstage area as it becomes clear his only reason for being out there was to distract Triple H and cost him the match! [SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock for the WWF Heavyweight Championship [/COLOR][/SIZE] ~ The main event of the evening finally begins and does not disappoint as The Rock and Stone Cold continue their history of greet meetings. As always the match is back and forth with the crowd’s loyalties being tested as each man has his moment to shine. The action spills out into the crowd as it is a no DQ match and plenty of chair shots to the head are taken by both guys. Finally the men make it back into the ring when WCW Heavyweight Champion Booker T emerges from the back. Both men ignore him as he walks down to the announce booth, takes the headset from Jim Ross, and shoves Ross to the ground. Booker goes on about how the WWF Title means nothing when compared to the WCW Title and just goes on about how WCW is better than WWF. Booker T then throws the headset to the ground and jumps into the ring attacking both men with the WCW Heavyweight title. He swings at Stone Cold but misses as Austin slips away and instead Booker catches The Rock flush on the jaw knocking him out cold! [b]Austin then hits Booker with the Stone Cold Stunner before pinning The Rock to get the win[/b] and the WWF Title! --------------------------------------- [SIZE=5][U][B]Final Thoughts:[/B][/U][/SIZE] ~ Jim Ross attempts to recap the evening although he seems a bit disoriented after being knocked to the ground earlier in the evening. It would appear that Shane McMahon and WCW are now a force to be dealt with and that Vince has his work cut out for him. Ross reminds everyone to watch WWF Raw for a full update on what is going to happen with the WWF and WCW plus expect several major announcements! --------------------------------------- [SIZE=5][COLOR=Orange]Show Final Rating: A*[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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