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Burning Desire, Raising The Hammer (Cornellverse)

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[B][U][U][COLOR=sienna]The 'Appointment'[/COLOR] [/U][/U][/B] Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods- Japan’s No.1 promotion since the mid 80’s has been in disarray since many main event level talents including Tadayuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada and Raul Hughes, left to form their own promotion the heavily MMA influenced INSPIRE. With these departures Burning Hammer have been struggling to create new stars, and it is only their world class Junior Division that is preventing them from going the same way as Golden Canvas, as the progressive PGHW have been closing the gap and look set to take over as the Number one promotion in Japan. On December 18th 2006….Burning Hammer owner Kaneie Komine, decided to remove Haruki Kudo as head booker…whilst Komine respected Komine as a wrestler and an icon of Burning Hammer, he felt the product was going no-where under Kudo and he felt there had to be someone new in charge. Three days later apparently he had made his appointment, but he did not let on who this new appointment was…he just said we have a new head booker. Was Komine himself the head booker for Burning Hammer. Komine was a very shrewd businessman but he did not have a clue about the in’s and out’s of booking a wrestling show. Perhaps Komine had given the book to his business partner Tetsuzan Kaneko, but the young upwardly mobile business high-flyer was even more clueless when it came to wrestling, and is someone even more in the business for the money than for the genuine love of it…than Komine is. Burning Hammer fan’s wanted to know who the head booker was, but the main thing is could this mysterious new booker return Burning Hammer to it’s former glory’s or had Komine just given the book to some random Joe who walked in off the street and had about as much of a clue in booking a wrestling show as Komine.
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