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Burning Desire, Raising The Hammer (Cornellverse)

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[quote=Monkeypox;257186]That two tier idea is awesome and I may have to shamelessly steal it.[/quote] It's only awesome if you use the right people, as in people who have the stamina levels to work two matches in one night, especially one after another. Anyway feel free to use my ingenius booking ideas :) Just as a general note, I'm on course to get the Quest of Heart PPV up sometime tomorrow.
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i had some free time today and was browsing the forum and found this dynasty and read the whole thing from beginning to end, and ive gotta say im loving it. it very well written and constructed, BHOTWG is a fun promotion to work with and you have some good ideas for running your promotion, especially the idea with the Openweight title (10 successful defences leads to Burning title match). good work, keep it up
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[CENTER][SIZE=2][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=green][B]Quest of Heart[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U] [/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=2][SIZE=1]Saturday 22nd September 2007[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/CENTER] [CENTER][I]Yoyogi National Gym, Tohoku (Attendance:14'183) [/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][I]And on PPV with Emperor Sports (Buy Rate: 1.67)[/I][/CENTER] [B][U]Pre-Show[/U][/B] [I]A series of video's play hyping the main matches for the Quest of Heart Pay Per View, these include Sensational Dragon vs Elemental II for the Junior Title, the Tom Gilmore- Koshiro Ino grudge match and the World Title Match between Hiroaki Nakasawa & Hooded Kudo[/I] [B]Ratings: C for Junior Title, C- for Gilmore/Ino, B for World Title[/B] [CENTER][B]Pre-Show Match # 1: Rhino Umaga vs Nisso Yuasha[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NisshoYuasa.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Basic heavyweight brawling, with the slightly more agile and well conditioned Rhino Umaga using that to his advantage, to earn the victory after a Rhino Charge. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Rhino Umaga defeated Nissho Yuasa in 3:57 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Umaga made that match respectable. Yuasha just does not have the stamina levels to put on a decent match and will probably be out after this tour. His contract was only extended to this tour, so that there could initially be someone to job out to Marhito Masuko (during Masuko's recovery from the losing streak) and not really hurt anyone else on the roster.[/FONT] [CENTER][B]Pre-Show Match # 2: Super Joshuya vs SUKI[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SuperJoshuya.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SUKI.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] This was SUKI's most disappointing performance yet, but the fact that he came against the increasingly mediocre Super Joshuya should come as no surprise. Despite losing this match SUKI is being tipped by the back-room staff as a break-out staff. Joshuya is very much out of the Junior Title picture these days and now seems stuck in the role of the mid-card 'gate-keeper' for the Junior Division. Anyway as for the match SUKI controlled the early portion but in the end Joshuya's experience came through and he finished the promising youngster off with a J-Drop. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Super Joshuya defeated SUKI in 5:42 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]_______________________________________________________________[/COLOR] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show (PPV)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The show kicks off with a video displaying the on-going feud between Hiroaki Nakasawa and Hooded Kudo. It shows highlights of their previous (criticically acclaimed) matches over the World Title, the end of the video asks ' Is this Kudo's final chance at fulfilling his destiny or will Nakasawa deny destiny once more ?'[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] _________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 1: Openweight Title: [/B] [B]Mokuami Maita vs Chuichi Sanda[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningOpenweight.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MokuamiMaita.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Well here's a suprise, the Openweight Title match was a bit on the flat and disappointing side (yes I am being very sarcastic). The problem might be because Maita's matches as champion are becoming very predictable. The (often bigger) opponent dominates the early and middle portions of the match, but then Maita takes advantage of a mistake, works over the opponents leg and then slaps on the Ankle-Lock. Opponent tries to struggle out of it but Maita pulls them back in and the tap out. It's an impressive submission but Maita is becoming very one dimensional during his title run. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Mokuami Maita defeated Chuichi Sanda in 9:02 by submission.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Mokuami Maita retains the Burning Openweight Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match Mokuami Maita proudly displays his belt to the fans, whilst Sanda just looks on in frustration, that he couldn't get the job done.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]__________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 2: Junior Contenders Part 1:[/B] [B]The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion vs [/B] [B]Americana & Eagle Kawasawa[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EagleKawasawa.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This match had an intriguing concept, because the winnning team would go on to face each other immediately after the conclusion of this match. Americana and Kiyaru were first to lock up and went straight at it with hard kicks. Americana got the better of that exchange, forcing Kiyaru to tag in Golden Scorpion, who sprang in and took Americana down with a missile drop kick. Scorpion then picked up Americana and tried for a Brainbuster, but Americana was able to counter with head-scissors take-down, rolling into a pinning combination...Scorpion kicked out but Americana was able to get the tag into Eagle Kawasawa. Kawasawa took Scorpion down with a leg lariat, and then followed up with the Turnbuckle Power-Bomb, Scorpion then staggered out of the buckle and right into slingshot suplex. One... Two... Broken up by The Awesome Kiyaru with a Quebrada. Kiyaru and Scorpion then picked up Kawasawa and went to town on him with stereo kick's, Kiyaru then went up top and the pair of Kiyaru and Scorpion took down Kiyaru with a high (leg-lariat)/low (legsweep combination). Scorpion then went for the cover,but Americana made the save. From here it broke down with all four men going at it, Americana then tossed Kiyaru out of the ring and Scorpion tossed Kawasawa out of the ring, then at almost identical times.....Americana took down Kiyaru with a hand-spring somersault plancha, whilst Scorpion took down down Kawasawa with a top rope Moonsault to the outside. All four men now laid on the outside, Americana brought Kiyaru back into the ring and tried for an Elemental Driver but it was blocked and then countered by Kiyaru into a Standing Shiranui... One... Two... Americana kicked out. Kiyaru then went up top , but took too long to set up and Americana , took full advantage, conveniently staggering into the ropes and crotching the junior veteran on the top turnbuckle. The two then exchanged blows, until Americana brought Kiyaru crashing into the ring with a hurracanrrana. However Kiyaru rolled through and almost pinned Americana again, but Americana rolled through and then nailed Kiyaru with an Elemental Driver !! One... Two.... Golden Scorpion came in to make the save....as Kiyaru rolled out a kick exchange took place between Americana and Scorpion, just as it looked like Americana was getting the better of the exchange Scorpion took him down with a leg lariat, followed up with a front flip neckbreaker and then nailed Americana with a brainbuster.... One... Two... Kawasawa made the save, Kawsawa then tried to dump Scorpion with the Eagle-Plex but Scorpion struggled free and then countered with an Impant DDT. Scorpion then set up for the Scorpion Stinger. Scorpion went to connect with the stinger but Kawasawa ducked out of the way , and then nailed Scorpion with the Vision Quest. Americana had now got up and cut off the ring to make sure that Kiyaru was not going to come in and make the save. One... Two.... Eagle Kawasawa and Americana are your winners !! First decent match of the night, of course the hope after this was for the winning team to put in the same level of performance against one another in singles competition. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Americana and Eagle Kawasawa defeated The Awesome Kiyaru and Golden Scorpion in 11:54 when Eagle Kawasawa defeated Golden Scorpion by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 2.5: Junior Contenders Part 2: [/B] [B]Americana vs Eagle Kawasawa[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EagleKawasawa.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] After a 2 minute rest period, these two went right at it and wasted not time in dishing out the punishment to one another, as despite working as a team together earlier, both realised that this was a great opportunity for one of them to establish themselves near the top end of the Junior Division and break away from the mid-card shuffle. After an intense exchange of kicks and strikes, Americana eventually sent Kawasawa through the ropes with a stiff roundhouse. It then looked like Americana was going to fly but he then went to fake out Kawasawa, but Kawasawa had the fake out scouted and stunned Americana with a jawbreaker across the top-rope. Kawasawa then went to suplex Americana to the outside, but Americana stood firm and a suplex tussle developed, until Kawasawa was able to get Americana up and over, and the two crashed and burned to the floor on the outside. Kawasawa was first to beat the twenty count, and when Americana eventually got back in, he immediately went to task, stomping away on the one man Elemental admiration society. As Americana got back up Kawasawa took him down with a spin-kick and the took Americana off his feet with a leg-whip, Kawasawa then went up to the second turnbuckle and came down across Americana's neck with a guillotine leg-drop and it was obvious that the former protege of Optimus now had a game-plan and that was to target the neck of Americana. Kawasawa continued to work over the neck of Americana, and the applied the cross-face chicken-wing, Americana struggled over to the ropes but before he could reach the ropes to break up the hold Kawasawa dumped him with an Eagle-Plex... One.. Two... Thr....Americana dug down deep inside and kicked out, but Kawsawa still had the chicken-wing locked on and switched it into his Spread-Eagle submission. Just as it all looked lost for Americana, the Elemental influenced rising star from across the pacific ocean, dug down deep once more and managed to get a foot on the ropes. Kawasawa was now getting visibly frustated that he had not put Americana away, as Americana got up he charged at Americana as if to nail him with the Vision Quest, but Americana caught one of the legs and took Kawasawa down with a Dragon screw, with the momentum taking Kawasawa into the ring-ropes, on the rebound Americana was able to dump him with an Elemental Suplex. But Americana was too worn out to follow up straight away for the pin. Kawasawa easily kicked out, Americana then tried to set Kawasawa up for an Elemental Driver, but Kawasawa blocked and then tried to set up Americana for a Falcon Arrow, but Americana was able to fight out of it, back and forth they went as neither man was bodging, eventually Americana got in a significant enough blow to set up and then nail Kawasawa with an Elemental Driver... One... Two.... Americana earns the title shot !! That was a really well crafted match, and these two have really good chemistry together. What these two showed in this match, is that the match does not need to be full of high-spots to be a compelling Junior Division match. All in all I would say that the two-tier idea worked out pretty succesfully and it could well become a staple match for Burning Hammer. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Americana defeated Eagle Kawasawa in 11:56 by pinfall [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]_________________________________________________________________[/COLOR] [CENTER][B]Match # 3: Yasunobu Masuno vs Steve Flash[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Anything following the compelling Junior Contenders match, would have been something of a come-down , unless it was one of the main event matches that was coming up in the second half of the card, but at the end of the day this match wasn't too bad considering that I had it pegged for probably a worst match of the night candidate. As one would have expected Masuno, with his size and power advantage dominated the start of the match, laying into Flash with simple but effective offence, such as big boots, clotheslines and a spinebuster that earned the slightly more senior member of Mullet Power several near-falls, but Flash kept hanging in there and eventually Masuno started to 'punch' himself out. Noticing that Masuno was starting to tire, Flash began to hit back but kept moving and as Masuno went in for a big Lariat, Flash was able to get out of the way and then catch Masuno with a super-kick. That had Masuno rocking but not down, Flash then sprung back and forth off the ropes laying in lariats into Masuno, but still Masuno would not go down and eventually Flash went to the well one too many times and got caught in a Power-Bomb, but just as it looked like Flash was going to be driven into the canvas he caught Masuno with an Enziguri...staggering the big man once again...Flash then sprung off the ropes and took Masuno down with a bull-dog, finally planting his considerably bigger opponent into the canvas...Masuno sprung straight back up but was immediately met with another super-kick. Flash went for the cover... One... Two... Masuno kicked out, but Flash was now on the offensive, and as Masuno staggered back up...he was caught with the Flash Bang.....But the impact of the move saw Masuno stagger into referee Koetsu Shinozaki. Flash went for the cover..... One... Two.... Three, but that was just the count it should have been as Shinozaki was down, and as Flash got up in frustration, he was met by a Lariat from Masuno's Mullet Power mate Yasuhiko Taira, that turned Flash inside out. As Flash laid motionless on the canvas Taira, then revived Masuno, who picked up Flash and delivered the Avalanche Bomb, conveniently for Masuno, Shinozaki then came too and thanks to good fortune and a little help from Taira, Masuno had managed to steal the victory. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Yasunobu Masuno defeated Steve Flash in 8:46 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [B]_________________________________________________________[/B] [I]Tetsuzan Kaneko catches up with Elemental II backstage to ask the Junior legend his thoughts on the Junior Title match with Sensational Dragon[/I] [I]- Elemental II said that after tonight Sensational Dragon will learn to respect his opponents, because after tonight Dragon will be a humbled man, when he (Elemental II) beats Dragon for the Junior Title.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]___________________________________________________________[/B] [I]A video plays hyping the three way dance for the Tag Titles between The Rebellion, Size of the Fight anf P.I.N.K. The video basically shows you how and why the tag title match became a three-way.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 4: World Tag Team Titles: [/B] [B]The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs [/B] [B]Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs[/B] [B]P.I.N.K (Marihito Masuko & Tadakuni Toshusai)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningWorldTag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningWorldTag.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE]& [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG]/ [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BHOTWG-TadakuniToshusaiPINK.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][I][FONT=Courier New]* Credit to J.Silver for the Kabuki paint Tadakuni Toshusai [/FONT][/I][/B][/CENTER] As soon as the bell rings, this match just descends into wild and chaotic brawling, with The Rebellion targetting Kansuke Konda and P.I.N.K targetting Hyosuke Kokan. Eventually the Rebellion and P.I.N.K cross paths and they start brawling with one another, until The Rebellion take control and order seems to be restored, with The Rebellion working over Hyosuke Kokan, with Kokan's partner and P.I.N.K on the outside looking in. In the first signifcant move of the match The Rebellion hit and slingshot suplex/leg lariat combo on Kokan, that earns a two count, that is broken up by a diving elbow drop from Kansuke Konda. Konda then spots Shimedzu on the top-rope, follows Shimedzu up and nails Shimedzu with an ace-crusher, before he can make the pin though . Miyamae gets up and fires away with kicks and chops on Konda, but Konda soaks it up and dumps Miyamae with a Norther Lights Suplex. One... Two.... It seems like both The Rebellion and Size of the Fight had forgotten about P.I.N.K, who were biding their time....Toshusai lifted Konda up off Miyamae and then nailed Konda with a Belly to Back backbreaker. However he was unready for Hyosuke Kokan who took the biggest man in the match, down with a Tornado DDT, though Kokan had not time to celebrate or more importantly go for a pin either, as he was nailed by a legsweep DDT from Masuko. One... Two... Shimedzu had now got back in and made the save (knowing that his team could still lose the belts, even if neither himself nor Miyamae were actually being pinned). Shimedzu then fired away on Masuko, and set up for the Skull-Drop but , Masuko countered the attempt and almost rolled Shimedzu into a small package, until Miyamae made the save. Miyamae then delivered a stiff kick to the back of Masuko, and then set up for a German Suplex, however Kansuke Konda got right behind Miyamae, and then dumped Miyamae with a German Suplex of his own. Both Miyamae and Masuko had been dumped on their heads, and Konda went over to make the cover on Masuko. One... Two... Toshusai had got up once more an pulled Konda off, after a Mongolian chop he dumpd Konda with the shock treatment backbreaker drop, but before he could make the cover, both members of The Rebellion came flying off the top rope, Shimedzu rocked Toshusai with a flying fore-arm and then Miyamae rocked the big man further with a drop-kick, the two then lifted Toshusai up, nailing the matches biggest man with a double slinghshot -suplex. Just as Miyamae went for the cover, he got taken down with a Tornado DDT from Hyosuke Kokan. One.. Two.. Shimedzu made the save, and then nailed Kokan with a Shining Wizard, that earned a two count.....Miyamae had now recovered and went up top.....meanwhile Shimedzu had set Kokan up for......THE SPIKED SKULL-DROP !!! One... Two... Three, The Rebellion are still the World Tag Team Champions. That was a fairly good match, but it did feel a little bit spotty in places and perhaps a bit rushed. I think that The Rebellion- Size of the Fight as just normal two on two matches, will probably produce better and more cohesive results, but I wanted to mix things up a bit, and at the end of the day this match wasn't bad. P.I.N.K could be a force in the tag division but they need a bit more seasoning and aren't really ready for a title run just yet. [COLOR=red][B]Result: The Rebellion defeated Size of the Fight and P.I.N.K in 11:44 when Shimedzu defeated Hyosuke Kokan by pinfall.[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B][COLOR=purple]The Rebellion retain the Burning World Tag Team titles.[/COLOR] [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Rating: B-[/B][/COLOR] [I]After the match The Rebellion celebrates, much to the chagrin of most of the fans, who were hoping that fan favourites Size of the Fight would win the titles back.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]___________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 5: [/B] [B]Kinnojo Horri vs Sean McFly[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] This is the first time, these two have ever faced each other, and the match started with plenty of caution but Horri with his size advantage, slowly began to over-power McFly, backing the former NOTBPW International Champion into the corner and then firing away with a series of chops and fore-arms, but McFly showed plenty of fight by soaking up the pressure and then turning around Horri into the turnbuckle and firing off a series of chops himself, that was until Horri hit back with a big clothesline that took McFly down. McFly sprang back up but was taken down by a back-body drop and then dumped with a Fall-Away Slam for a two count. What followed was a run of suplexes from Horri with intermittent pin attempts, but each time McFly kept kicking out much to the frustration of the home-grown star. Horri then set McFly up on one of the turnbuckles but that proved to be a mistake, as McFly came off the rope with a flying fore-arm that rocked Horri. McFly then hit a drop-kick low to the feet of Horri, that sent the heavyweight toppling over, before McFly went up top again and hit an elbow drop from the top-rope. McFly then picked up Horri, and in a show of impressive strength for a man his size, dumped Horri on his head with a relase German suplex, the move took a lot out of McFly and he was slow to make the cover. McFly made the cover but as expected it was only for a two count, but he stayed on the fallen Horri, working over the legs of Horri with knee and elbow drops. Horri however got up and started to shake off the punishment McFly was started to dish to him, and began to fire-back with chops and fore-arms, eventually he had had McFly reeling and then whipped McFly towards the ropes, but McFly had the presence of mind to springboard up onto the ropes and then on the rebound took Horri down with an inverted DDT… One… Two…. Horri kicked out, but McFly went right back to the legs and then applied a variation of the Stone-Hold (Sharpshooter). Horri hanged on in there, and then he started to use his strength to power out of the hold, using his leg strength he eventually kicked off McFly. However Horri was now wobbly on his feet , and McFly went up top…. McFly flew off the top-rope as if to take Horri down with a Tornado DDT, but Horri caught him, lifted McFly onto his shoulders and then nailed the NOTBPW superstar with the Destiny Bomb !! One… Two…. Three !! That was a good clash of styles match up , and served it’s purpose as an enjoyable special attraction. McFly looked like a star performer, but Horri still came out with the win and kept up his credentials as a serious challenger for the World Heavyweight Championship. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Kinnojo Horri defeated Sean McFly in 14:44 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] I was considering giving McFly the win in this one (and then have Horri beat him in a re-match), but that all changed when Tom Gilmore was jobbed out to Craig Green of all people in NOTBPW. Gilmore’s decent popularity in Canada and the fact that McFly’s popularity had dropped a little bit since losing the International Title to Jeremy Stone, was the reason I could get McFly for this match in the first place.[/FONT] ___________________________________________________________________ [I]- Koshiro Ino is just starting a rant aimed towards his opponent Tom Gilmore, when Gilmore comes out and attacks him from behind, but the POWAAAAH and Paint man fights back and it eventually spills into a brawl, when the brawl reaches the ring the referee calls for the bell.[/I] [B]Ratings: C- for Gilmore attack, C for pre-match brawling[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #6 : Tom Gilmore vs Koshiro Ino[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KoshiroIno.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] I had high hopes that this would be show-stealer, unfortunately what we got was a serviceable match but a bit of let-down, thanks to that bane of every bookers life…awkward chemistry. The start of the match as expected was just a continuation of the wild brawling that started before the match. Eventually Ino started to over-power Gilmore, taking the Gaijin down with a heavy shoulder tackle and then picking Gilmore up high over his head, to deliver a Gorilla Press Slam, that earned a two count. Ino then went for another power move, dumping Gilmore with a scoop lift power-slam, but once more Gilmore just beat the three count. Gilmore was surviving but he was barely coming back with any offence and at this point it looked like it was going to be glorified squash. Ino lifted Gilmore up for another power-move, but this time Gilmore caught Ino with an Enziguri kick, that stunned Ino and then Gilmore nailed Ino with another Enziguri. Gilmore was too worn out to take advantage but it did at-least buy him some time to get his breath back after being man-handled for the past five or so minutes. As both men got up Ino charged towards Gilmore, but was taken down with a reverse STO, and then got caught in an Elemental Clutch (Koji Clutch). Ino powered his way to the ropes, but Gilmore kicked away at the big-mans legs and then took Ino down with another reverse STO, that sent Ino into the turnbuckle. With Ino slumped in the corner Gilmore then delivered a face-wash , but on the third kick Ino caught the leg, but just as it looked like he was going to plant Gilmore with a power-slam, he got stunned with another Enziguri. Ino soon got back up the canvas, but was nailed by a super-kick from Gilmore, instead of going for the cover though Gilmore sprung up onto the turnbuckles and came off with the Picture Perfect Moonsault…. One… Two… Thr…No Ino kicked out !!! Gilmore then kicked away at Ino and then whipped Ino into the ropes, he then looked to finish Ino off with Anger Management, but instead Ino countered with a back-body drop with Gilmore dropping to the outside. Ino then followed Gilmore out and began to lay lefts and rights into Gilmore before placing him on a table. Ino didn’t want to just get the win over Gilmore, he wanted to punish Gilmore (for costing him opportunities to earn a world title shot). In a moment of complete insanity for the POWAAAH and Paint star, Ino climbed up to the turnbuckle, and then came off the top-rope with a frog-splash…landing hard through the table, Gilmore had partially been able to get himself off the table but not completely, and both men laid on the floor almost motionless with the table broken in two. Referee Koetsu Shinozaki began the twenty count, Ino appeared to have come worse for his moment of insanity, and at the five count Gilmore began to stir, he almost made it back into the ring , but just as it looked like he was about to beat the count, the bell rang. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Tom Gilmore drew with Koshiro Ino in 14:43 following a double count-out. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] _________________________________________________________________ [I]Tetsuzan Kaneko catches up with Hooded Kudo, to ask the Silver Dragon Feet leader his thoughts regarding the World Title match. [/I] [I]- Kudo says Nakasawa will be tough to beat, he says that after several attempts to beat Nakasawa, and coming up short that he now has a modicum of respect for the World Champion. [/I] [I]- But says that tonight Nakasawa’s run comes to and end, and that if he will have to literally destroy Nakasawa to win the title, then he will do just that[/I] [I]- Kudo says he is prepared to sacrifice his own well-being to even get a hold of the World Title and fulfil his rightful destiny. [/I] [I]Sensational Dragon, then walks into view… Dragon goes up to Kudo, Kudo then says some words of encouragement to the Junior Champion. Kudo finishes off by saying that after tonight Silver-Dragon Feet 2K7 shall reign supreme.[/I] [B]Ratings: B- for Kudo promo, C for Kudo wishing Sensational Dragon luck in his title defence[/B] [B]____________________________________________________________[/B] [I]A video plays hyping the Junior Title match between Sensational Dragon and Elemental II. It mostly shows highlights from their previous matches during the last tour, showing the growth of this feud between the Junior Divisions two biggest stars.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 7: Junior Title: Sensational Dragon vs. Elemental II.[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningJunior.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Put these two in a match together, and they rarely disappoint and once again they combined to put on one of the best Junior Division matches of the year so far. The match starts off cautiously, with a lock-up and then they switch up into some chain wrestling, with Elemental II getting the better of the exchange. Dragon gets frustrated and starts firing away on Elemental II on strikes, but Elemental II comes right back with the Tri-Fect Kick Series and Sensational Dragon is soon scurrying to the floor for a powder. It then looks like Elemental II is going to launch himself over the top rope, but he fakes out Dragon with the Elemental feint kick, he then does launch himself over the top rope with a hand-spring plancha but Dragon moves out of the way, and Elemental II misses his target, but the veteran lands feet first on the floor and delivers a stiff kick to the back of Dragon. He then lines up a series of kicks on Dragon, before dumping the champion with a brainbuster on the apron of the ring……Elemental II then rolls Dragon back in and immediately goes for the pin… One… Two… Dragon kicks out, Elemental II drives a few knees into Dragon and then sets up for an Elemental Driver, but Dragon struggles free and then catches Elemental II with an Enziguri. Elemental II gets back up but is monkey-flipped by Dragon towards one of the turnbuckles. Elemental II staggers right into a Dragon Suplex....Pin attempt by Dragon… One…. Two…. But Elemental II rolls over into a pinning combination of his own…. One… Two…. Dragon then tries to gain the advantage on the pin, but gets then Elemental II gets his legs around Dragons head and applies the Elemental clutch. Dragon struggles his way over to the ropes and Elemental II has to break the hold. Elemental II targets the weakened neck of Sensational Dragon, and then dumps the champion with an Elemental suplex…… One… Two…. Elemental II did not pull Dragon far enough away from the ropes…..Elemental is still in control, and tries for another Elemental suplex, but Dragon fights it off and then after a standing switch…stuns Elemental II with a Dragon Slice (Shiranui)….. One… Two….. But the cover attempt was weak and Elemental II was able to kick out…. Dragon then goes up top and nails Elemental II with a springboard drop-kick….Elemental II gets back up but gets immediately planted back to the mat after an STO, that is followed up by a Standing Moonsault from the champion…. One… Two… Elemental II kicks out…..Sensational Dragon though thinks he has the match in the bag and he begins to jaw with the crowd, he then ascends to the top turnbuckle, but he took too long and Elemental II springs up and brings him crashing back into the ring with a super Elemental suplex !! One… Two….. Dragon digs down deep and kicks out, Elemental II can feel that tide has turned, he follows up with a Quebrada then another pin attempt….but Dragon kicks out again. Elemental II then picks up Dragon and plants the Junior Champion to the mat with a DDT. He goes up top…..INFERNO SPLASH !!! One… Two… Elemental II can’t believe it, Dragon kicked out !! Tri-fecta kick series from Elemental II , Dragon is reeling he sets up for an Elemental Driver, but Dragon fights his way out of it, Elemental II delivers some more knees to the head of Sensational Dragon, he’s setting Dragon up for the Earth-Breaker, but again Dragon kicks free……..then it literally seems to come from no-where……Sensation Shock…….. Dragon arches back and transitions it into a pinning combination….. One…. Two….. Three !! Sensational Dragon is still the Junior champion. It’s been a good night so far for Silver-Dragon Feet, with both The Rebellion and Sensational Dragon retaining their titles, can Kudo finally defeat Nakasawa to complete the set ? [B][COLOR=red]Result: Sensational Dragon defeated Elemental II in 20:21 by pinfall .[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=purple]Sensational Dragon retains the Burning Junior Championship title. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A[/COLOR][/B] [I]Much to the frustration of the fans, who were hoping that Elemental II would finally beat Dragon for the Junior Title, witness Sensational Dragon smugly celebrate retaining the Junior Title[/I]. [B]Rating: D-[/B] __________________________________________________________________ [I]It’s Nakasawa’s turn to now cut a promo regarding the World Title match[/I] [I]- He tells Kudo that tonight it comes to an end, he then says what will be coming to an end is Kudo’s world title challenge. He says that no one is destined to win this title and that the champion has to earn it.[/I] [I]- Nakasawa says that no one else in the company can match his desire to be World Champion, Nakasawa said if Kudo was prepared to sacrifice his own body to win this title, then he is prepared to die to keep the Burning World Championship around his waste.[/I] [I]- Nakasawa finished up by saying that tonight it will be an epic battle, but this epic battle shall finish with the same ending as all the other encounters between himself and Hooded Kudo. [/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]A video package is then played hyping the history of the World Title feud between Hiroaki Nakasawa and Hooded Kudo[/I]. [B]Rating: B[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Really good video package from the production team, but then again they do have a lot of good material to work with.[/FONT] [CENTER][B]Match # 8: World Heavyeight Title:[/B] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Hooded Kudo[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningWorld.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] This match came with the full pomp and ceremony, with in-ring introductions and streamers…but you could cut the tension with a knife, with Nakasawa and Kudo’s corner men struggling to keep the two rivals apart. In fact in Kudo’s corner was his fellow Silver Dragon Feet 2K7 members. Before the match though referee Omura Umeki reminds each competitor, that according to the contract they must have no-one else present at ringside, and if any interference is made however minor the match will result in a DQ. Kudo gets very frustrated about this, but The Rebellion and Sensational Dragon are ordered to the back. As soon as the bell rings they hold nothing back and go right at each other, with and soon the wild brawling spills to the outside… the brawling suits Nakasawa though and Kudo tries to high tail it up the ramp to catch a breather, but Nakasawa follows the Silver-Dragon Feet leader in hot pursuit, and then dumps Kudo with a back body drop on the steel ramp. Nakasawa then picked up Kudo and delivered more punishment to the challengers back with a German Suplex on the ramp. Nakasawa then rolled back into the ring, and referee Omura Umeki started the twenty count. It looked like Kudo was going to be counted out…..but Kudo began to stir round about the five count and managed to get up on the apron….in the distance Shimedzu came out, to the entrance, which Umeki immediately saw….he ordered Shimedzu to the back, but Shimedzu’s prescence alone proved enough of a distraction for Kudo to blow a blast of Green mist into the face off the World Champion. Kudo then snapped stunned Nakasawa with a jaw breaker and dragged the man who had held the main title in Burning Hammer for almost a year, to the floor. Nakasawa managed to wipe the mist from his eyes and then incensed with rage charged right at Kudo, only to be sent into one of the ring-steps with a drop toe hold. When Nakasawa got up he had been busted open. Kudo saw that Nakasawa was bleeding and began to work reign punches into Nakasawa’s fore-head, Kudo then tried to Irish whip Nakasawa into one of the ring posts, but Nakasawa managed to reverse it and send Kudo into the ring-post instead. A bloody Nakasawa then staggered back into the ring, and once again it was Kudo trying to beat the twenty count. Kudo did eventually get back up onto the apron but was met by fore-arm smash from Nakasawa, that sent him crashing to the floor once more. Again Kudo got up on the apron, but this time instead of taking the fore-arm smash from Nakasawa, he dropped down and took Nakasawa’s feet out from under him. Kudo then got back in the ring and stomped away on Nakasawa, as he looked to further open up Nakasawa’s cut. Nakasawa though began to fight back, and backed up Kudo with a series of chops and fore-arm smashes, he then whipped Kudo into the ropes , but was met by a flying lariat from Kudo. Kudo then followed up with an STO that sent Nakasawa slumping into the corner. To add insult as well as injury he then dished out the face-wash to the World Champion, before dragging Nakasawa out of the corner and then going up to the top turnbuckle. However Kudo took too long, and Nakasawa followed him up…the two the duked it out on the turnbuckle, until Kudo managed to shove Nakasawa off and then nail the World Champion with a drop-kick. Kudo then went delivered some knife edge chops and knees to the head of Nakasawa, to set him up for a Kudo Driver, but Nakasawa used his strength to fight off the attempts and then countered with a Northern Lights Suplex and immediately into a pinning combination One… Two….. Kudo not only kicked out but had managed to transfer Nakasawa’s pin attempt into a Kudo-Lock. Nakasawa though was quite near the ropes and Kudo had to break the hold. Kudo still felt in control though and began to toy with Nakasawa, taunting the champion ( who was still losing blood from being busted open earlier in the match) with slaps across the face. But all Kudo’s arrogance managed to do was light a fire inside of Nakasawa….who in a blaze of fury, fired away on Kudo… Nakasawa then irish whipped Kudo into the ropes and took the Silver Dragon Feet leader down with a back-body drop…Kudo got back up but was immediately nailed with a German Suplex. Nakasawa kept his arms around Kudo’s waist and delivered another German, still Nakasawa held on delivering a third German suplex, before going for the cover… One… Two…. Kudo kicked out Nakasawa then picked Kudo up for a power-bomb but was caught by an Enziguri….but the move just staggered Nakasawa…..Kudo then charged at the World Champion but still Nakasawa wouldn’t go down, despite his face now being covered in the proverbial crimson mask. Again Kudo charged at Nakasawa……LARIAT !! from Nakasawa One… Two… Another kick out from Kudo….Nakasawa then whipped Kudo into the ropes again, as if to set Kudo up for the H-Bomb, but Kudo manages to side-step the attempt… and then nails Nakasawa with the KUDO KUTTER !!! One… Two….. Thr…Nakasawa kicks out…Kudo can’t believe it. Nakasawa staggers back up to his feet, kick to the mid-section from Kudo…..KUDO KUTTER !! for the second time. One… Two…. AND NEW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION HOODED KUDO !! That was probably the match of the year, but this one probably tops all their other encounters, Kudo literally had to throw the kitchen sink at Nakasawa to finally win the World Title, as in it took busting open Nakasawa and two Kudo-Kutters to finally keep the now former Champion down for a full three count. [COLOR=red][B]Result: Hooded Kudo defeated Hiroaki Nakasawa in 21:08 by pinfall with a Kudo Kutter. [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B][COLOR=purple]Hooded Kudo wins the Burning World Championship title.[/COLOR] [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Rating: A*[/B][/COLOR] [I]With Nakasawa finally beaten, Hooded Kudo raises the Burning Hammer World Heavyweight Championship belt high above his head. He then invites in his Silver Dragon Feet 2K7 stable mates into the ring, all 4 men then stand together in the ring, proudly holding aloft all their gold. Who can stop what might well be the most dominant faction in Burning Hammer history ?[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]____________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=green][B]Overall: B+ :[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [/CENTER] Really good show, personally I think it deserved an A, a regular show a few weeks back was basically C's for most of the show and then was A/A* in the semi-main and main events. The lowest this went was a C in the very first match, a C+ in an early mid-card slot , a couple of B minus , a B, a couple of B plusses and an A/A* combination in the semi-main and main event, to me that's more of an A overall. Bemusement about the overall grade aside, for me that was a special show and delivered as PPV, there was some disappointments such as the awkward chemistry between Koshiro Ino and Tom Gilmore, and surprise suprise (sarcasm) another mediocre Openweight title match. But the title change felt special, being Hooded Kudo's fourth reign but his first in ten years. Sensational Dragon and Elemental II put on another great Junior Title match (just need someone else to really step up their game, and establish themselves into that title picture) plus I felt the two-tier idea for the Junior contenders match went pretty well. The 1.67 is also the best buy-rate yet since I took over as booker. [/SIZE]
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Great show. Even though my predictions were for the most part off I like how BHOTWG is looking after Quest of Heart. You kept building Nakasawa to be unbeatable and I really didn't see Kudo winning the title after he blew his earlier chances. That said Kudo & Nakasawa are probably the only worthy candidates for the belt (unless Horri has improved drastically or Gilmore became super-over within a month) so it's all well. Turns out Silver Dragon Feet are the C-verse Puro answer to the Four Horsemen. Oh and I'm definitely hopping on the Americana/Elemental III Bandwagon RIGHT NOW :).
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[B][U]Prediction contest[/U] [/B] 3 entrants this time around [B]Chris Caulfield:[/B] 4/8 [B]Tommy J:[/B] 4/8 [B]Imerak:[/B] 6/8 Imerak is the clear winner this time, and was the only one to predict that the big World Title change would happen at this event. For his powers in prediction Imerak gets front-row tickets to Burning Hammer's biggest show of the year Night of the Burning Hammer *. Plus he wins a fan-pack of the wrestler or wrestlers (should he pick a tag team) of his choice. The fan pack includes T-Shirt, baseball cap, banner, signed poster, fully poseable action figure and compilation DVD that includes some of the wrestlers' best matches, plus an interview with the wrestler (s). All presented in a souvenir one of a kind velvet bag featuring the Burning Hammer logo. [I][FONT=Courier New]* Booking a 4 hour PPV is going to be a real challenge, but I'll give it my best shot, I've got a few idea's up my sleeve as to how I could fill up the time. I guess being 4 hours I won't have much excuse to leave anyone off the show.[/FONT] [/I]
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[quote=Tommy J.;258825]Great show. Even though my predictions were for the most part off I like how BHOTWG is looking after Quest of Heart. You kept building Nakasawa to be unbeatable and I really didn't see Kudo winning the title after he blew his earlier chances. That said Kudo & Nakasawa are probably the only worthy candidates for the belt (unless Horri has improved drastically or Gilmore became super-over within a month) so it's all well. Turns out Silver Dragon Feet are the C-verse Puro answer to the Four Horsemen. Oh and I'm definitely hopping on the Americana/Elemental III Bandwagon RIGHT NOW :).[/quote] [I]Regarding the World Title Picture...[/I] You've hit the nail right on the proverbial head.... Kudo and Nakasawa are the only viable candidates to hold the world title right now. Horri is close but not quite ready yet , though he could just about be ready if I wanted a transitional champion, but I don't really have someone else on the heel side to transition it over to. Shimedzu , despite being a lackey (a very skilled one at that) for Hooded Kudo, is probably the next most over heel in the company, but he's committed to the tag scene right now, and seems to have put his own World Title ambitions on hold. Gilmore as you rightly pointed out needs to build up his overness, though if a Gaijin is going to win the title, it'll probably be him. Koshiro Ino is another wild-card and has incredible chemistry when feuding with Kudo, but his unwillingness to sign a written contract, is going to permantly hurt his chances of holding the World Title. [I]Cornellverse's answer to the Four Horsmen ? [/I] The Horsemen is definately what I had in mind for the Silver Dragon Feet 2K7 stable. [I]On the subject of the man who wants to be Elemental III.....[/I] With his victory in the 2 Tier Junior contenders match, Americana's popularity finally shot up and he now seems to be catching on with the fans, I feel that he's ready to take that next step and I've got some dynamic plans for him up my sleeve.
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this has been discussed. the problem is outside of Nakasawa there isnt really anybody in BHOTWG worthy of holding the title, which desperately needs to have it's prestige returned. Horri is the closest candidate, but he is too young and isn't ready. Kudo is still a very good wrestler and is very over with the crowd. hell, if the Undertaker can get a World Title run and if Misawa can get a GHC title run why not give Kudo another chance with the title.
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I would have replied to all these questions myself but sleep and 'staff development' got in the way ..... [I]But I'll put two cents worth in...[/I] [B]Fans crappin' all over angles [/B] The Puro fans aren't big on angles in general, but I'm not one for having shows that are 100 % matches, as there's only so much personality you can get over in the ring, and the crowd crap on matches ending on a DQ more than they do having to sit through some mid-carder doing a 2 minute promo or a post match beat-down segment. So in that sense I'd rather take the ratings hit on a short post/pre match angle, than take a ratings hit in one of the matches. The main eventers can squeeze out anything in the B/C range. Getting A/A* matches out of them is not a problem, but I don't think I've ever got anything higher than a B+ for a non match angle. [B]Hooded Kudo[/B] Elemental II, who is the main rival for Sensational Dragon right now in the Junior Division, is one year older than Kudo...Kudo's 43, Elemental II is 44. But both of them still have the 'skills to pay the bills', they still produce great match ratings and it's hard to let go of that, especially when the younger talent isn't quite coming through. I'd love to push the younger talent, but they've got to prove their worthy first, by putting in consistently strong performances. [B]World Title[/B] Naksawa's lengthy run with the title and his great matches with Hooded Kudo and Kinnojo Horri, helped the belt's prestige raise by 5 pts from 87% to 92 %. Kudo is the number one heel in the company and has (arguably) the most recognisable character of anyone involved in the promotion, he also has plenty of (face/tweener) challengers lining up to challenge him.... I think a Kudo run with the belt should at-least maintain the good work of the Nakasawa title run , and whoever wins the belt off Kudo should receive a good rub and see their overness get their boost, of course Kudo could just drop the belt back to Nakasawa (who is already over)
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;259166]I think a Kudo run with the belt should at-least maintain the good work of the Nakasawa title run , and whoever wins the belt off Kudo should receive a good rub and see their overness get their boost, of course Kudo could just drop the belt back to Nakasawa (who is already over)[/QUOTE] yeah thats what i was thinking. Kudo could be the perfect guy to put Kinnojo Horri over for his first world title run. just an idea...
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Great show. I shall enjoy the tickets to Night of the Burning Hammer, even though I suspect I may have already won a pair... and the Sensational Dragon box set will be very enjoyable. Ah, how I love my fictional prizes... A four hour PPV? Ouch. And you won't even be able to go off early like they normally do with Wrestlemania.
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[B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Purogods.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR=black]Quest of Heart will go down as an historic show for Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods as it finally saw Hooded Kudo beat Hiroaki Nakasawa to win his fourth World Heavyweight Championship and his first in ten years.[/COLOR] Kudo's win topped off a succesful night for the Silver Dragon Feet 2K7 faction, with both Sensational Dragon and The Rebellion succesfully defending their Junior and World Tag Team titles early in the night. The dominant group now hold 4 or the 5 belts in Burning Hammer, and despite it's recent rule changes the Openweight Title (the only belt not in the hands of SDF-2K7) , currently held by Mokuami Maita, remains the least prestigious of all the belts in the promotion. The Eye of the Dragon continues on Monday 24th September at the Twin Messe Shizuoka in Chugoku and then continues on Thursday 27th September at the Hiroshima Sports Park in Chugoku, as Burning Hammer prepare the build towards Night of the Burning Hammer At Mondays show Hooded Kudo and Hiroaki Nakasawa will collide once again, this time in six man tag action, with Kudo teaming up with fellow SDF-2K7 members The Rebellion and Nakasawa teaming up with The Rebellions recent main rivals Size of the Fight. Sensational Dragon and Elemental II will also continue their Junior Division rivarly in a non title 4-way also featuring Golden Scorpion and rising star Americana. At the next show their will be a re-match between Sensational Dragon and Elemental II for the Junior Title, whilst Americana will go one on with Golden Scorpion. Americana has a provisional title shot, though the booking comitee have said he will be defending his right for a shot at the Junior Title over the next two shows. Mondays show in Hokkaido will also feature another Title re-match with Chuichi Sanda given another shot at Mokuami Maita's Openweight Title, whilst Koshiro Ino and Tom Gilmore continue their feud in a 'No Remorse, No Limit's' match. The only rules in the match being that they must pin, knockout or make their opponent submit in the ring. Also set for Monday's show Steve Flash teams up with Rhino Umaga, to take on Mullet Power, with both Flash and Umaga looking for revenge against the long haired tag teams, having both suffered losses due to the involvement of Mullet Power. There is more Junior Heavyweight action with The Awesome Kiyaru taking on UK Dragon and Kinnojo Horri (fresh from his victory over International star Sean McFly at Quest of Heart) takes on Tadakuni Toshusai, of fast rising tag team P.I.N.K Thursdays show is as expected the more ad-hoc show with events at Monday's show likely to shape much of the card. As mentioned earlier the show will be headlined by a Junior Title match, with Sensational Dragon and Elemental II continuing their hot rivalry. Also scheduled for the show is a 3-way dance including representatives from arguably the three top teams currently in Burning Hammer, with Miyamae (Tag Champions- The Rebellion) taking on Kansuke Konda (Size of the Fight) and Marihito Masuko (P.I.N.K) [I]Here are the confirmed matches for the next two shows for Burning Hammer's Eye of the Dragon Tour[/I] [CENTER][U][B]Eye of the Dragon Tour- Night 8 ( Twin Messe Shizuoka, Hokkaido )[/B][/U] [I]Monday 24th September 2007[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Six Man War:[/B] [SIZE=1]"Representing Silver Dragon Feet 2K7"[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]" Burning World Champion"[/SIZE] Hooded Kudo & [SIZE=1]"World Tag Champions"[/SIZE] The Rebellion (Shimedzu /Miyamae) vs Hiroaki Nakasawa & Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan/Kansuke Konda)[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]No Remorse, No Limits Match:[/B] Koshiro Ino vs Tom Gilmore[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Non (Junior)Title 4 Corner Survival[/B] [SIZE=1]"Representing Silver Dragon Feet 2K7"[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]'Burning Junior Champion'[/SIZE] Sensational Dragon vs Elemental II vs Americana vs Golden Scorpion[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Openweight Championship:[/B] Mokuami Maita vs Chuichi Sanda[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Tag Team Grudge Match:[/B] Steve Flash & Rhino Umaga vs Mullet Power (Yasunobu Masuno/Yasuhiko Taira) ______________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][U][B]Eye of the Dragon Tour- Night 9 ( Hiroshima Sports Park, Chugoku )[/B][/U] [I]Thursday 27th September 2007[/I] [CENTER][B]Junior Championship:[/B] [SIZE=1]"Representing Silver Dragon Feet 2K7"[/SIZE] Sensational Dragon vs Elemental II[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]3-Way Dance[/B][/CENTER] "Representing Silver Dragon Feet 2K7" [SIZE=1]"World Tag Team Champon"[/SIZE] Miyamae vs [SIZE=1]"Representing Size of the Fight"[/SIZE] Kansuke Konda [SIZE=1]vs[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]"Representing P.I.N.K"[/SIZE] Marihito Masuko Americana vs Golden Scorpion [/CENTER]
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im interested to see how you build to Night of the Burning Hammer, especially with 4hrs of PPV time to fill. i also really like the feud between Dragon and Elemental continuing coz its such a simple story; a young disrespectful arrogant champion defends the belt against the veteran respected challenger. also im assuming this is improving Dragon's performance skills. good stuff
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkgreen]Eye of the Dragon Tour (Show 8)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Monday 24th September 2007[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Twin Messe Shizuoka, Hokkaido (Attendance:4'163) [/CENTER] [B][U]Dark Match:[/U][/B] [B]Dynamite Narahashi & Kenko Takemitsu vs Fire-Fox & SUKI[/B] [B][COLOR=red]Result: SUKI and Fire Fox defeated Dynamite Narahashi and Kenko Takemitsu in 8:05 when Fire Fox defeated Dynamite Narahashi by pinfall with a Down in Flames.[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=red][B]Rating: B-[/B][/COLOR] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Very good (and a little longer than usuaul) match on the non televised pre-show, considering none of these guys are mega-over. Takemitsu and Narahashi are reliable jobbers at this point in time, Fire-Fox is a solid lower end edition to the Junior Division (he's a little too old to get a mega-push, but he's someone who can put on decent matches at the lower end of the card) and SUKI is a star in the making.[/FONT] _______________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B][U]Main Show (Filmed for T.V) [/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The show kicks off with a highlights package of Quest of Heart, it mostly focuses on Hodoed Kudo winning the World Title from Hiroaki Nakasawa, in their intense MOTYC battle that headlined Saturday's PPV.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] _________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 1: Kinnojo Horri vs Tadakuni Toshusai[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BHOTWG-TadakuniToshusaiPINK.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Where as the likes of Nakasawa and Kudo can pull good matches out of average talent like Toshusai...when Horri goes up against average talent they still come out like serviceable but not particularly exciting slog-fests. There brawling styles (though Horri can bring a decent technical game given the right opponent) meshed pretty well together, but there was nothing here that really made the match stand out. The only really significant part of the match was at the end, where Tadakuni Toshusai's tag team partner Marihito Masuko climbed onto the ring apron. Masuko attempted to blow pink mist into the face of Horri...but Horri ducked and the mist ended up temporarily blinding Toshusai instead...Horri then scooped up Toshusai and planted the 'muscle' of P.I.N.K with a Destiny Bomb to pick up the expected win. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Kinnojo Horri defeated Tadakuni Toshusai in 8:10 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [B]____________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 2: U.K Dragon vs The Awesome Kiyaru[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UKDragon.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Random Junior Division Match Up booking 101 , both of these are capable veterans, both looking to put in a impressive performance and both looking to get back on the winning track. This match started out fast and furious, as Kiyaru went right at UK Dragon with his Awesome Mirage Kick-Series, that backed UK Dragon up in to the ropes, who then fired back with a series of European Uppercuts, until Kiyaru ducked one and took UK Dragon of his feet with a spinning leg-sweep. Kiyaru then sprang off the ropes and hit a Quebrada for a two count. Kiyaru then stayed on the offence, going out to the apron and sling-shotting himself back into the ring with a Corkscrew senton, for another two count. Kiyaru then attempted to pick UK Dragon up for a Falcon Arrow but the British Import was able to counter into a roll-up , Kiyaru then tried to roll through himself but that was countered into the Dragon Clutch. Kiyaru got to the ropes to break up the hold, but Dragon had managed to gain control of the match, and began to rock Kiyaru with a flurry of European Upper-cuts. Kiyaru then staggered off the ropes into a Half Nelson Driver.... One... Two.. Kiyaru kicked out, Dragon then took Kiyaru down with a Rolling Cutter for another and then dumped Kiyaru on his head with a Dragon Suplex that also earned a two count. Dragon then decided to go up top and came flying off with a Diving Headbutt but nobody was home and he ended up eating the canvas. Kiyaru then picked UK Dragon up and nailed him with an Inverted Falcon Arrow, but Kiyaru was feeling the effects of the punishment he had taken from Dragon and the cover attempt was weak. The two then staggered up to their feet and exchanges strikes, before looking up , both were looking to drive the other into the match, and it see-sawed back and forth between who would be able to lift up their opponent ...Dragon managed to get Kiyaru up for what looked like a brainbuster attempt, but Kiyaru was able to counter the attempt and took UK Dragon down with a Tilt-A Whirl Head-scissors. Kiyaru then decided to go up top , but UK Dragon soon followed him up....just as it looked like Dragon was going to suplex Kiyaru back into the ring, Kiyaru managed to shove Dragon off and then came off the top-rope with the Magic Cloud (Imploding 450 Splash) One... Two... Kiyaru is the victor. Entertaining Junior match up that could have gone either way, with the slightly flashier Kiyaru coming out with the win, over the more technically sound UK Dragon. [B][COLOR=red]Result: The Awesome Kiyaru defeated UK Dragon in 10:52 by pinfall with a Magic Cloud.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]O.O.C Note:[/B] UK Dragon keeps producing good match after good match, yet on most occassions seems to come out on the losing end. I've got to find a way to start pushing this guy, because with the consistant performances he is putting in, he deserves a better push.[/FONT] __________________________________________________________________ [I]Silver Dragon Feet 2K7 are spotted back-stage, where the most dominant stable in Burning Hammer history, make their way to the ring.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]O.O.C Note :[/B] If this angle was just Kudo 'walking', it would have been in the B range.[/FONT] [I]Silver-Dragon Feet 2K7 enter the ring , where Hooded Kudo picks up a microphone[/I] [I][B][FONT=Garamond][SIZE=3]" Welcome one and all to the Silver-Dragon Feet era. You see these 3 men around me....the tag team champions The Rebellion, the Junior Champion Sensational Dragon...they are the elite of Burning Hammer , the very best and that is why they are part of the most dominant stable in the history of this promotion...and then of course there is me...your World Champion.[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/I] [SIZE=3][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][/SIZE] [I][B][FONT=Garamond][SIZE=3]I told everyone I was destined to win this belt again, but all you nay-sayers kept saying I would never be able to beat Nakasawa. I will admit Nakasawa was a tough obstacle but nothing can stand in the way of Destiny. [/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/I] [SIZE=3][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][/SIZE] [I][B][FONT=Garamond][SIZE=3]Silver Dragon Feet have all the power and no-one, absolutely no one will be able to stop us and here's a message to everyone in this company, bring your best challenges but your challenges will be futile because none of those inferior warriors are in our league.[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/I] [SIZE=3][/SIZE] [I][B][FONT=Garamond][SIZE=3]Particularly Koshiro Ino and Kinnojo Horri.....if you cast your mind's back to a previous period in the history of Silver Dragon Feet. [/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/I] [SIZE=3][/SIZE] [B][FONT=Garamond][SIZE=3][I]Those two failures were part of this elite faction , but they couldn't get the job done and thus I joined up with these three and no offence Optimus , Sensational Dragon is ten times the Junior Champion you ever were[/I] [FONT=Courier New][COLOR=red](cheap heat- make derogatory remarks about a legend)[/COLOR][/FONT][I] and thus Silver Dragon Feet 2K7 was born.[/I][/SIZE][/FONT][/B] [SIZE=3][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][/SIZE] [I][B][FONT=Garamond][SIZE=3]Now with all the belts in our grasp...these three men have proved their worthiness of the Silver-Dragon Feet name more than those three egostistical no-marks I used to lead into battle, ever did...so thus from now on we will simply be called Silver Dragon Feet again ! .....[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/I] [SIZE=3][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][/SIZE] [I][B][FONT=Garamond][SIZE=3]With that said, lets begin the real reason why we are here, a time for celebration !! "[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/I] [I][FONT=Comic Sans MS][FONT=Courier New][B]O.O.C Note:[/B] On rare occasions if a promo warrants it, I'll fully write out the promo, but on most occasions I will just write out the bullet points....The de-emphasis on witty promos in this diary is done to reflect the fact that most of these wrestler whilst good in the ring, stink on the mic. [/FONT][/FONT][/I] [I]Some streamers are then let off into the ring, but suddenly out of nowhere Koshiro Ino and Tom Gilmore come out from the crowd brawling, each of them brandishing chairs...their chaotic entrance soon causes Silver Dragon Feet (with their pomp and ceremony celebration ruined) to scatter out of the ring. [/I] [B]Ratings: B for Silver Dragon Feet Victory speech, D for Gilmore and Ino crashing the party with their wild brawling. [/B] [B]_________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 3: No Limits, No Remorse Match: [/B] [B]Koshiro Ino vs Tom Gilmore[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KoshiroIno.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] A No Limits, No Remorse Match is basically a Hardcore match , that is used in Burning Hammer to end blood feuds. This match really wasn't supposed to happen this early and was going to end a fairly lengthy feud between these two, but this feud has been fast-tracked due to the unfortunately poor chemistry between these two talented individuals, when it comes to one on one match ups. The early portion of the match was pretty much just brawling with chair-shots thrown in and a spot where Koshiro Ino suplexed Gilmore across a row of chairs. When the match finally got into the ring Ino was in control, and set Gilmore up for a back-snapper, but the bald-headed Gaijin was able to counter with a DDT onto a chair. Gilmore then laid in a couple more chair-shots into Ino, before bringing a ladder into the match. Gilmore placed the ladder into the corner, and went to whip Ino into it, but the POWAAH and paint man put on the breaks, and ended up tossing Gilmore into the ladder with a back-body drop. Gilmore then sent Ino into the ladder with an STO, he then showed his strength by picking up his considerably bigger opponent and planting Ino with a slightly awkward looking Death Valley Driver. One... Two... Ino kicked out, Gilmore then picked up the ladder out of the Corner and rammed it into Ino, before Gilmore onto the ladder with a drop toe hold. Gilmore then sprung up the ropes and came off with the Picture Perfect Moonsault..... But Ino, had got off the ladder and Gilmore landed chest/stomach first across the ladder, Ino then picked up Gilmore and delivered a Back-Snapper across the ladder... One... Two.... Gilmore kicked out, but as he staggered his way back up to his feet he was met by a Kobra's Bite (High Knee).... One... Two..... Koshiro Ino wins this hard hitting contest. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Koshiro Ino defeated Tom Gilmore in 10:31 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [B]________________________________________________________[/B] [I]We go backstage where Hiroaki Nakasawa is standing with Size of the Fight...the former World Champion has a microphone and has something to say[/I] [I]- Nakasawa begrudginly congratulates Kudo on winning the World Title, but reminded Kudo that it took Kudo busting him open and delivering not one but two Kudo-Kutters to take the title away from him[/I] [I]- Nakasawa said that he really does not care if Kudo thought it was his destiny to win the title, or the history of the lackey's he decided to surround himself with.[/I] [I]- Nakasawa said that tonight himself and the two men he fights alongside tonight, start the beginning of their 'destiny' and that 'destiny' is to take those belts away from Silver Dragon Feet ! [/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]_________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 4: Rhino Umaga & Steve Flash vs [/B] [B]Mullet Power (Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][SIZE=2]& [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasuhikoTaira.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Both Umaga and Steve Flash are tagging up here because both have issues with Mullet Power. It all started when Mullet Power cost the Samoan a victory over Flash, and then tried to get fellow mullet haired wrestler Flash to turn their duo into a trio, but Flash turned them down and has had beef with Mullet Power ever since. The match saw Flash and Umaga come out hot, but Mullet Power soon turned it around and had Flash isolated working him over in their corner. Eventually Flash managed to escape with a series of Enziguri kicks to Taira, sending the plodding heavyweight into the canvas. Flash then got the tag into Umaga, but then something shocking happened, instead of going after Masuno who had been tagged in by Taira. Umaga took Flash down with a Lariat...he then proved it was no accident by picking up the mullet haired Canadian and dumping Flash with a Samoan drop, before walking out of the ring and up the ramp. With Flash now partnerless and helpless , Masuno picked up Flash and put the exclamation point on a strangely easily victory with an Avalanche Bomb. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Mullet Power defeated Steve Flash and Rhino Umaga in 5:16 when Yasunobu Masuno defeated Steve Flash by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [B]_____________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 5: Openweight Title: [/B] [B]Mokuami Maita vs Chuichi Sanda[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningOpenweight.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MokuamiMaita.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Just how Chuichi Sanda got another Openweight Title shot, when he was comprehensively beaten by Maita at Quest of Heart is a little bit puzzling, but he's got anyway and this turned out to be a better match than their first encounter. Sanda went on the offensive early in his usual straight ahead hard nosed fashion, but soon found himself dropped to the canvas with a drop toe hold. Maita then took over as he looked to stretch an twist Sanda with a variety of submission holds, however when he attempted to apply the Ankle-Lock, Sanda managed to kick Maita off and then caught the Openweight Champion with a discus Lariat. As both men got up of the Canvas, Maita attempted to take Sanda down with a leg-sweep but that was blocked and instead he found himself driven into the canvas with a sit-out power-bomb, that led to a two count. Maita then staggered up but got taken down by an Ed Henson Press (this diaries equivalent of a Lou Thesz press), Sanda then reigned down punches into Maita before, picking the Openweight Champion up and dumping Sanda overhead with a German Suplex... One... Two.. Maita kicked out Sanda then waited for Maita to get up and then went for the Explosion Kick but Maita was able to duck, sweep Sanda leg's from underneath him and then apply the ankle-lock..... However Sanda's tag team partner Eiji Hamacho came down to ringside and helped pull Sanda to the ropes. Hamacho then helped Sanda roll out of the ring to catch a breather, but then in a rare moment of aerial prowess for Maita (despite being a Junior sized worker) the Openweight champion took both Raging Bulls down with a suicide dive. As the three got up, Maita then brawled with both of the Bulls, and though the tag pairing were getting the upper hand in the brawl, Sanda appeared to forget that the champion retains on count-out and in the end referee Koetsu Shinozaki, ended up counting both men out. Maita may of finished the match battered and beaten, but he had hung onto his title. This was defence number 6 for the current Openweight holder, who now only needs 4 more succesful defences to be handed a World Title shot. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Mokuami Maita drew with Chuichi Sanda in 8:12 following a double count out. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Mokuami Maita retains the Burning Openweight Championship title[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]O.O.C Note :[/B] Here's the formula for a better rating in these Openweight matches, make them go about 8 minutes and book it as a no contest !! ...... Mind you the Raging Bulls come off as a pair of idiots after this match and it's quite a damning verdict on the history I've had with booking the Openweight Title, when I get excited about a B- rated match involving this belt.[/FONT] ________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 6: Non (Junior) Title 4 Corner Survival: [/B] [B]Sensational Dragon vs Elemental II vs [/B] [B]Americana vs Golden Scorpion[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Even though the Junior Title was not on in the line in this match, all of the competitors were equally desperate for the win and it showed in what was one of the best fatal 4-ways put on by the promotion. Elemental II and Scorpion started out , but Americana wanted into the ring and after a bit of tentative chain wrestling. Scorpion tagged in Americana....for the first time the Junior legend and the man who idolized/pretty much based his whol move-set on him were finally facing off in a Burning Hammer ring. Americana went right at Elemental II with several kicks, but Elemental II blocked them and had Americana rocking with the Tri-Fecta Series. Elemental II then tried to get Americana into an Elemental Driver but Americana had the move scouted and then after a standing switch dumped Elemental II with an Elemental Suplex !! One... Two... Sensational Dragon broke it up, and took Americana down with an STO, Americana rolled out of the ring and the Junior Champion turned his attention to Elemental II. Dragon picked up Elemental II for a Dragon Suplex attempt, but Golden Scorpion came flying off the top rope and hit a missile drop-kick, at the same time Elemental II still got dumped on his head with the Dragon Suplex. Golden Scorpion then tried to get Dragon up for a power-bomb but Dragon countered into a head-scissors take -down only to be countered into a sunset flip power-bomb,.. One... Two.. Broken up by Americana. Americana then took Scorpion down with a Rolling Cutter and snapped off a Quebrada, Scorpion kicked out of that...but Americana then picked up Scorpion for the Elemental Driver........ Before Americana could make the cover however Elemental II took his own tribute act down with a Diving DDT, and then applied the Elemental Clutch, only for the clutch to be broken up by an elbow drop from Sensational Dragon. Dragon then took Elemental down with a step up Enziguri and went up top, only for Golden Scorpion to join him on the turnbuckle and bring him crashing back into the ring with a hurrancanrana. Scorpion went for the cover but Americana dived across to make the save. Scorpion and Americana then exchanged strikes....Scorpion managed to get the better of the exchange and lifted Americana up for brainbuster, but Americana fought out of it and countered with a reverse rana !!... One... Two... Americana was dumped on his head with an Elemental Suplex from Elemental II One... Two... Sensational Dragon breaks up the pin with a slingshot plancha, and then applies an Eastern Stretch to Elemental II. Elemental II makes it to the ropes but then gets monkey-flipped , only to land on his feet and take Sensational Dragon down with a stiff-kick. Elemental II then picks up Sensational Dragon for the Earth-Breaker (Cradle-piledriver), but Golden Scorpion slingshots his way back into the ring and hit' a front-flip neckbreaker, at the same time Dragon still ends up being driven into the canvas with the Earth Breaker. Just as Scorpion is about to go for the pin, Americana is back up and dumps Scorpion with an Elemental Suplex..... One... Two... Elemental II gets back up to make the save.... Elemental II then goes to dump Anericana with an Elemental suplex, standing switch...suplex attempt from Americana, Elemental II kicks Americana in the mid-section....ELEMENTAL DRIVER !!! One.. Two.... Americana kicks out... Elemental II goes up top and hits the INFERNO SPLASH !!!! One... Two... Dragon is stirring, Scorpion looks like he might make the save... Three.... That was wall to wall action from beginning to end and greatly benefitted from not having too much of a feeling out process (which rightfully mostly concentrated on the first time that Elemental II and Americana had faced one another in the ring) , it's a shame that someone had to take the pin in this match, because everyone put in a great effort, including Golden Scorpion who raised his game this time. The loss slows down Americana's momentum a bit, but I'm going for a steady build with him, after I perhaps tried to rush his push a little too early when he made his initial debut for Burning Hammer. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Elemental II defeated Sensational Dragon, Americana and Golden Scorpion in 17:38 when Elemental II defeated Americana by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match Sensational Dragon still sore from taking the Earth-Breaker , stares-down Elemental II who is celebrating his hard earned victory. Elemental II see's the Junior staring a hole right through him and gives Dragon a steely gaze right back, before making the customary imaginary belt gesture......[/I] [I]Only for the rest of Silver Dragon Feet to enter the ring from behind and start a beat-down on Elemental II, soon through Hiroaki Nakasawa and Size of the Fight come rushing out, resulting in a big brawl....eventually a bit of order is restored and the bell rings for the scheduled six man tag main event[/I] [B]Ratings: C- for Junior rivals stare-down, C+ for Dragon Feet and Mega-faces rescue.[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 7: Six Man War: [/B] [B]Hooded Kudo [/B][B]& The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs[/B] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa & [/B] [B]Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]VS[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This match had a hard act to follow, coming after an excellent Junior 4-way that would have been worthy of main eventing alot of shows, but this was still solid stuff and serviceable enough as a regular show main event. This was very much formula stuff to begin , with wild brawling at the beginining of the match and then one of the face team finding themselves in the position of being the face in peril. This time out it was Kansuke Konda, as expected Konda did eventually get the hot tag , and when Hiroaki Nakasawa took down all 3 members of Silver Dragon Feet, the match moved up a gear. With Kudo and Miyamae knocked out of the ring Shimedzu found himslef alone with Nakasawa who dumped the tag champion's back across his knees with a double knee backbreaker, before turning Shimedzu over and dumping him over head with a release German Suplex... One.. Two... Miyamae made the save....Miyamae then started to lay in kicks into Nakasawa, until the former champion caught Miyamae and then lifted him up for a power-bomb only for Shimedzu to hit a chop block from behind to take Nakasawa off balance and for Miyamae to reverse the power-bomb into a swinging DDT. Miyamae went for the cover....but Nakasawa kicked out. Newly crowned World Champion Hooded Kudo was then tagged into the match, and he taunted Nakasawa with paint brush handslaps, but this just seemed to fire up Nakasawa who came right back , and backed Kudo up with series of heavy hitting fore-arm smashes. The World Title rivals then sprang off the ropes and it looked like Nakasawa was going to take Kudo's head off with a Lariat, but the Silver Dragon Feet leader managed to duck, and ending up stunning Nakasawa with a KUDO KUTTER !!! One... Two... Broken up by Hyosuke Kokan with a slingshot leg-drop, Kudo then spotted the interference from Kokan but was taken down by a Tornado DDT from Kansuke Konda. The Rebellion then got up onto the apron, but were knocked off by both members of Size of the Fight, who then came crashing through the ropes with stereo Suicide Dives. Konda then got back up but just as was about to enter the ring Hooded Kudo, met him an snapped the ring rope into his throat, Kudo then took Konda overhead for a suplex, only for the former tag champion to reverse it into a sunset flip power-bomb... One... Two... Kudo kicks out and then takes Konda down with an STO....he then transitions it into the Kudo-Lock.... Konda is struggling to get to the ropes but Kudo brings it back into the middle of the ring... It looks like Nakasawa is going to make the save, but Shimedzu pulls Nakasawa off the apron.... Kokan tries to make the save but Miyamae whips him into one of the guard-rails......Konda taps out !!! [B][COLOR=red]Result: Hooded Kudo and The Rebellion defeated Hiroaki Nakasawa and Size of the Fight in 14:19 when Hooded Kudo defeated Kansuke Konda by submission. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]______________________________________________________________________[/COLOR] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkgreen]Overall: B[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] All in all a solid post PPV show, the main event is what I was expected but the Junior 4-way was a pleasant suprise. Gilmore vs Ino was as expected given the poor chemistry issues disappointing and it's irritating that I've been forced to rush through what was on paper a very good feud. _________________________________________________________________ [B]T.V News:[/B] Lords of the ring earned a 15.01 rating on Nippon TV ( + 0.08)
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a A semi-main and a B+ main event and you got a B?! the only reason i can think for that is the fans hated the amount of angles. still good show dude, nice to see the Elemental push continue and im interested to see where the main event feud goes one quick question though, i thought the name of the stable was Silver Dragon FLEET, not Feet. was this a consciously decided name change or did it come about as result of an accidental mispelling?
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[quote=NOAH fan 4 life;260862]a A semi-main and a B+ main event and you got a B?! the only reason i can think for that is the fans hated the amount of angles. still good show dude, nice to see the Elemental push continue and im interested to see where the main event feud goes one quick question though, i thought the name of the stable was Silver Dragon FLEET, not Feet. was this a consciously decided name change or did it come about as result of an accidental mispelling?[/quote] Maybe the couple of C rated matches in the middle of the show brought the rating down, plus the rating probably would have been higher if the main event was an A and the semi-main a B+ , still I wasn't too disappointed in the overall show rating, given that what I booked was standard show material and the fact that I knew Gilmore-Ino was unlikely to produce anything higher an a B-. I hadn't noticed until now that it was actually FLEET and not FEET. More a mis-read than a mispelling, anyway it's been Feet from the beginning of this diary, so no point changing it out now. In my mind Feet sounds better, sounds more mystical.
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Solid show. I'm really enjoying P.I.N.K.'s emergence as a faction. And I wouldn't worry too much about the absence of witty promo bits - that really isn't your style (as a fed), and not just because the talent doesn't support it. I've always read BHOTWG as being about the matches, not about the personalities, though the personalities are definitely there. And me, Sebsplex, J Silver and Jehovah are all hell-bent on witty/eccentric promos. I think what sets this one apart is a real emphasis on the wrestling, and I'm glad to see that. You do a great job writing up the matches, which I'm absolutely terrible at. And I am glad Elemental II beat Americana. If those two collide and Americana picks it up cleanly, that's a pretty big deal. (Did that happen already? Did I miss it?)
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[QUOTE=chris caulfield;261011]Good show great junior match and it look like gilmore isn't working out as well as you hoped still enjoying this and still interested what will happen next.[/QUOTE] I'm not ready to write off Gilmore just yet, I'm just going to have to slightly re-think the path I am going to take him in. There's still plenty of high level talent he could feud with and it's unlikely he's going to have bad chemistry with all of them. He had to job the last match, because though Gilmore was going to pick up victories in his planned feud with Koshiro Ino, ultimately Ino as the face was going to win the feud. With the realisation that I was only going to get mediocre at best ratings from their matches, there was no point in dragging the feud out, which was originally planned to go on for about two to three months.
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;260951]Maybe the couple of C rated matches in the middle of the show brought the rating down, plus the rating probably would have been higher if the main event was an A and the semi-main a B+ , still I wasn't too disappointed in the overall show rating, given that what I booked was standard show material and the fact that I knew Gilmore-Ino was unlikely to produce anything higher an a B-. I hadn't noticed until now that it was actually FLEET and not FEET. More a mis-read than a mispelling, anyway it's been Feet from the beginning of this diary, so no point changing it out now. In my mind Feet sounds better, sounds more mystical.[/QUOTE] dude even with the C range filler on the under-card the principle show rating calculation is based on the top of the card...and you got an A and a B+. with that score the show should have least have gotten a B+. are your road agents telling you that the fans dont like the amount of angles? what are your product definitions like coz i dont get this. either that or your computer is being REALLY tough on you, which judging from some past shows may in fact be the case...
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[quote=NOAH fan 4 life;261088]dude even with the C range filler on the under-card the principle show rating calculation is based on the top of the card...and you got an A and a B+. with that score the show should have least have gotten a B+. are your road agents telling you that the fans dont like the amount of angles? what are your product definitions like coz i dont get this. either that or your computer is being REALLY tough on you, which judging from some past shows may in fact be the case...[/quote] I still think I would have got a B+, had the A rated match been the actual main event, still I was starting to wonder before you pointed it out whether or not the amount of angles is bringing the grade down a little. My product setting are 90% matches, but I've probably been going a little bit over on Angles...so in general I'm probably running shows which are more 85 % matches, 15 % angles (if I could set it that, I would but I can only go 80 which is too many angles (for a puro-fed) in my opinion or 90 which is proving to be a little bit tight). The road agents never mention about too many angles at the end of the show (maybe because I'm going a bit over, but not excessively over), but it's certainly something to consider, in trying to squeeze a better overall rating from the show
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[B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Purogods.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR=black][/COLOR] Coming off his big win over Tom Gilmore in a No Remorse, No Limits match Koshiro Ino will take on one half of Shimedzu one half of the World Tag Team Champions at Thursday's show to take place at the Hiroshima Sports Park in Chugoku. Plus both World Champion Hooded Kudo and heated rival Hiroaki Nakasawa are set to be part of the show.
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