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Burning Desire, Raising The Hammer (Cornellverse)

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Monday (Kanto) World Title : [B]Hooded Kudo[/B] vs Kinnojo Horri Tag Titles: [B]The Rebellion[/B] vs Koshiro Ino & Hiroaki Nakasawa Junior Title: [B]Elemental II[/B] vs Sensational Dragon vs Emerald Angel vs Phoenix II Grudge Match: [B]Americana[/B] vs Rhino Umaga Interpromotional Match: [B]The Awesome Kiyaru[/B] vs Phoenix III [B]P.I.N.K[/B] vs Raging Bulls [B]Eisaku Hoshino[/B] vs Steve Flash Six Man Mayhem: Golden Scorpion vs Fire-Fox vs Kenko Takemitsu vs Super Joshuya vs [B]SUKI[/B] vs Kazuma Narato ________________________________________ Thursday (Kyushu) Six Man Battle: Hooded Kudo & The Rebellion vs [B]Eisaku Hoshino, Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri [/B] Openweight Title: [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs Rhino Umaga Interpromotional Tag: [B]Elemental II & The Awesome Kiyaru[/B] vs Dos Phoenix [B]Size of the Fight[/B] vs Eagle Kawasawa & U.K Dragon [B]Koshiro Ino[/B] vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith [B]Sensational Dragon & SUKI[/B] vs Golden Scorpion & Super Joshuya [B]Marihito Masuko[/B] vs Mokuami Maita
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Monday (Kanto) World Title : [B]Hooded Kudo[/B] vs Kinnojo Horri Tag Titles: [B]The Rebellion vs Koshiro Ino & Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] - I'll go with a draw. Can't see the Rebellion losing, but also can't see Ino/Nakasawa losing without making them both look really weak Junior Title: [B]Elemental II[/B] vs Sensational Dragon vs Emerald Angel vs Phoenix II Grudge Match: Americana vs [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] Interpromotional Match: The Awesome Kiyaru vs [B]Phoenix III[/B] [B]P.I.N.K[/B] vs Raging Bulls [B]Eisaku Hoshino [/B]vs Steve Flash Six Man Mayhem: Golden Scorpion vs Fire-Fox vs Kenko Takemitsu vs Super Joshuya vs [B]SUKI[/B] vs Kazuma Narato ________________________________________ Thursday (Kyushu) Six Man Battle: Hooded Kudo & The Rebellion vs [B]Eisaku Hoshino, Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri [/B] Openweight Title: [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs Rhino Umaga Interpromotional Tag: [B]Elemental II & The Awesome Kiyaru[/B] vs Dos Phoenix [B]Size of the Fight[/B] vs Eagle Kawasawa & U.K Dragon [B]Koshiro Ino[/B] vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith [B]Sensational Dragon & SUKI[/B] vs Golden Scorpion & Super Joshuya [B]Marihito Masuko[/B] vs Mokuami Maita
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkgreen]Eye of the Dragon Tour (Show 21) Special 2 1/2 Show[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Monday 5th November 2007[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Tochigi Sports Stadium, Kanto (Attendance: 10'000) [/CENTER] [B]Dark Match: Eagle Kawasawa vs Dynamite Narahashi[/B] [B][COLOR=red]Result: Eagle Kawasawa defeated Dynamite Narahashi in 6:31 by submission with a Spread Eagle . [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Kawasawa and Narahashi have pretty good chemistry and this resulted in a tidy little technical contest in front of the live crowd.[/FONT] ________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B][U]Main Show (Filmed For T.V)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The show begins with a hype video for the World Title match between Hooded Kudo and Kinnojo Horri.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]___________________________________________________________[/B] [I]Tetsuzan Kaneko is backstage with Americana (having his first bit of proper interview time since coming over to Japan)[/I] [I]- Americana says he would have had the match won last week against Sensational Dragon had it not been for Rhino Umaga[/I] [I]- Americana said Umaga might be bigger than him, but he’s several times faster and a whole lot smarter. He said Umaga will make a mistake and when he does he’ll be there to take full advantage.[/I] [B]Rating: E+[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] He had developed fluency in Japanese and his mic skills are supposed to be not all that bad, so I though I’d give it a try….seems like I really should only give promo time to those only named Kudo or Nakasawa.[/FONT] [CENTER][B]Match #1 : Americana vs Rhino Umaga[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] As alluded to in his pre-match promo Americana came close to defeating former Junior Champion Sensational Dragon to probably leap-frog Dragon as the No.1 contender to the Junior Title had it not been for the intervention of Rhino Umaga, so Americana will be looking to settle the score here with the ‘Silver Dragon Feet Insurance Policy’ This one starts out quick paced and stiff, as Americana kicks away on the big Samoan but Umaga shakes the kicks off and backs Americana up with fore-arm strikes before delivering a headbutt that has Americana dropping one knee. Umaga then whips Americana into one of the turnbuckles, he follows Americana in and delivers repeated knee strikes in the corner before whipping Americana out and following up with a clothesline. Umaga then drops down to make the pin attempt, Americana easily kicks out of that and Umaga brings him back up to his feet. Umaga lifts Americana up onto his shoulders, but Americana fights off with elbows. Americana then goes for a roundhouse kick but Umaga catches the leg, but he’s unable to defend against the Enziguri and both of them slump to the canvas. Both stagger back up to their feet, Umaga whips Americana into the ropes he goes to take Americana down with a shoulder charge, but Americana drops under and then nails Umaga with a drop-kick. That staggers Umaga but the Samoan stays on his feet. Americana then hits a flying cross body that takes both of them over the top-rope. Americana gets up and pulls off a Quebrada from the apron but Umaga catches him and power bombs him onto the ring apron. Umaga then tosses Americana back into the ring and makes the pin attempt. One….. Two…… Americana gets his foot on the ropes. Umaga whips Americana into the ropes, he catches Americana coming off the ropes and dumps the Elemental admirer with a swinging side slam….. One….. Two…… Americana kicks out Umaga whips Americana into the turnbuckle, the Samoan gets a head of steam and goes for the running lariat, but Americana moves out the way and delivers a series of low kicks to the back of Umaga’s legs. That buys Americana some time to climb the top rope and take down a staggering Umaga with a Diving DDT…. One…. Two…… Umaga powers out of the pin attempt and then takes Americana over with a German Suplex, but Americana lands on his feet and catches Umaga with a roundhouse kick. Americana follows up with the Tri-Fecta kick series doubling up the big Samoan, before taking Umaga down with a somersault DDT. One….. Two….. Umaga kicks out……Umaga starts to power up to his feet but gets caught with another series of stiff kicks, including one absolutely brutal looking one right to the head and slumps back down to the canvas. Americana then heads up top…….INFERNO SPLASH !!! One….. Two….. Americana is the winner of this match. Solid clash of styles match up and it was nice to see them work in a finish in a Rhino Umaga loss that differs from the clichéd mis-timed Rhino Charge spot. Though both are now starting to flirt with the top end of the card (and in Umaga’s case he’s been in some regular show main events) Americana is heading towards a more focused push than Umaga’s current enforcer push. The only downside to Umaga losing here is that he does look a bit of lame-duck challenger going into the Openweight Title match with Tom Gilmore at Thursdays show. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Americana defeated Rhino Umaga in 11:36 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]_____________________________________________________________[/COLOR] [I]We catch up backstage with the rest of Silver Dragon Feet and despite seeing their colleague lose the opening contest they appear in confident mood. To sum up the gist of their promo time in one sentence [/I] [I]- Tonight Silver Dragon Feet will be walking out with all the belts and confirm that they are the dominant force in Burning Hammer.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #2 : The Awesome Kiyaru vs Phoenix III[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Phoenix3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Only a few people in the crowd seem to know who Phoenix III (Tres) is , so I’m wondering what compelled me to go into this working agreement with OLLIE .Think I had some crazy idea about presenting match featuring all three Phoenix against the best of the BHOTWG Juniors, but that was kyboshed when I couldn’t trade for Phoenix I ( Uno) due to him being the promotions booker, I know it’s a day to day job but I can’t book him for one event ?.....ridiculous in game trading rule number one thousand and something or other. Anyway onto the match and they start out with a very Lucha-Libre like opening of fast paced arm-drags ….at one point Kiyaru kips up and goes for a spin-kick but Phoenix Tres ducks under and rolls him up with a La Magistral for a two count. Kiyaru works his way out of that and almost catches Phoenix Tres off guard with a sunset flip. Both get up and Kiyaru regains control with a spinning leg-sweep before springing off the ropes into a Quebrada, Phoenix Tres then kicks out of the pin attempt. Kiyaru then picks Phoenix tres up and plants the OLLIE mainstay into the canvas with a Falcon Arrow…. One…. Two….. Phoenix Tres kicks out…..Kiyaru then heads up top, but he takes too long playing to the crowd and Phoenix Tres gets back up to his feet and takes Kiyaru off the turnbuckle with a hurracanrana, before rolling it into a pin attempt. One….. Two……. Kiyaru kicks out. They both get up and run the ropes….Phoenix Tres takes Kiyaru down with a springboard arm-drag. Kiyaru gets back up but gets nailed with an Enziguri and the driven into the canvas with a sunset-flip power-bomb….. One…. Two….. Kiyaru kicks out. Phoenix Tres now heads up top and comes off with the PHOENIX SPLASH !! (Senton Bomb), but Kiyaru gets the knees up. Both get back up to their feet but Kiyaru takes Phoenix Tres down with a Standing Shiranui…. One…. Two…… Phoenix Tres kicks out but still remains on the canvas….Kiyaru heads up top……MAGIC CLOUD !! (Imploding 450 Splash)….. One….. Two…. Three…. That was solid, fast paced match, with both show-casing the Lucha Libre style, but the crowd weren’t really into Phoenix Tres enough to buy into him being able to beat an established member of the Burning Hammer roster in The Awesome Kiyaru. If a few more fans were clued into Kiyaru’s affiliation with Mexican wrestling prior to his BHOTWG run, then this may of earned a couple of grades higher. [B][COLOR=red]Result: The Awesome Kiyaru defeated Phoenix III in 8:31 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [B]_______________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #3 : Six Man Mayhem: [/B] [B]Fire-Fox vs Golden Scorpion vs Kazuma Narato[/B] [B]vs Kenko Takemitsu vs SUKI vs Super Joshuya[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_WashichiInao.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KazumaNarato.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KenkoTakemitsu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SUKI.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SuperJoshuya.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This multi man tag match was as expected a bit of an over-crowded spot-fest, but it got some of the lower-carders a rare chance to showcase themselves on the main show, plus a guest appearance from WLW’s Kazuma Narato to make up the numbers. The finishing sequence saw Narato super-kick Super Joshuya into a Northern Lights Suplex from SUKI who then applied the SUKI special, Golden Scorpion broke up the pin with a Quebrada. Narato then went to take down Scorpion with a kick but the Junior Division mainstay managed to duck under and took the WLW guest star out with the Scorpion Stinger to pick up the victory around the 12 minute mark. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Golden Scorpion defeated Kazuma Narato, Fire Fox, SUKI, Kenko Takemitsu and Super Joshuya in 12:08 when Golden Scorpion defeated Kazuma Narato by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]O.O.C Note:[/B] I’ll admit it couldn’t be bothered to put the effort in to do the play by play for this one, too much going on and an average rating....sometimes matches just don't do enough to require the play by play and this was one of them.[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]__________________________________________________________________ [/FONT] [I]Tetsuzan Kaneko is backstage with Hiroaki Nakasawa & Koshiro Ino, who talk up their chances of winning the Tag Titles ahead of their showdown with The Rebellion, with that match coming up next.[/I] [I]- Nakasawa said that even though his eyes are still firmly on gaining the World Title, he will be honoured to win the tag titles with a man who has been there before[/I] [I]- He also said that he knows Ino, and that his partner also has a eyes set on the top prize in Burning Hammer, but tonight they work as a team, win the tag titles and at the same time help weaken a common enemy.[/I] [I]- Ino chimed in at the end to say that tonight The Rebellion would feel the POWAAAAHHHH !!![/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #4 : World Tag Team Titles: [/B] [B]The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)[/B] [B]vs Hiroaki Nakasawa & Koshiro Ino[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningWorldTag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningWorldTag.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KoshiroIno.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Rebellion might be part of the devious Silver Dragon Feet stable, but you can’t fault them for not being fighting champions. In the past 3 weeks they’ve put their belts on the line against some formidable duo’s in the form of Kinnojo Horri & Koshiro Ino, Elemental II & Tom Gilmore and now Hiroaki Nakasawa & Koshiro Ino, and though none of those combinations are what you call regular tag teams they are all main event level talent. The Rebellion try to jump Nakasawa & Ino, but the face duo meet them half way up the ramp and they brawl into the crowd for a bit, before bringing it back into the ring, where Nakasawa is with Shimedzu. Nakasawa unloads on Shimedzu before planting the tag champ into the canvas with a Uranage, he then tags in Ino who sets up on the middle rope and comes down with a double-axe handle. Ino then lifts Shimedzu up into the air, and sends the Dragon-Feeter crashing down with a Gorilla Press Slam…. One… Two…. Miyamae comes in to break it up before being sent back to his corner. Ino tags Nakasawa back in who drives his knees into the back of Shimedzu with a double knee back-breaker before taking Shimedzu over head with a release German Suplex, however Shimedzu lands on his feet and takes Nakasawa’s legs out with a basement drop-kick. Shimedzu then heels it up by disorientating Nakasawa with a poke to the eye, before following up with a stiff kick to Nakasawa’s head and following in with a Shining Wizard. One… Two…. Nakasawa kicks out, but Shimedzu is still in control and he pulls Nakasawa over into The Rebellions corner. Miyamae tags in and he unloads with kicks before putting Nakasawa into the tree of woe. Shimedzu tags back in, Miyamae delivers the face-wash before Shimedzu puts the exclamation point on the sequence with the hesitation drop-kick, before going over to make the cover…. Nakasawa kicked out but The Rebellion continued to double team Nakasawa, with their tactics often bordering on the illegal, which drew the ire of Koshiro Ino. Ino’s protestations did not nothing to help his partner though as all that did was distract referee Koetsu Shinozaki and allow The Rebellion to keep up the Phantom tags The Rebellion managed to put together a string of near-falls, one after a smooth looking high-low attack of a leg-sweep and spin-kick but the former World Champion kept digging down to kick out. Shimedzu began to get a little frustrated and then in a desperate measure went to set up for the Skull-Drop but that proved to be mistake as Nakasawa managed to take the defending tag champion over head with a back-body drop before turning round and delivering a clothesline. Nakasawa then struggled his way over to his corner to get the tag into Koshiro Ino . Ino came in like a house on fire unloading on both members of The Rebellion before dropping Shimedzu to the canvas with a Yakuza kick. Ino then lifted Shimedzu onto his shoulders and dropped the Dragon-Feeter with a Death Valley Driver…. One…. Two…. Shimedzu kicked out, but Ino lifted the tag champion up , whipped him into the ropes and planted Shimedzu with authority with a BACK SNAPPER !! One…. Two…. Miyamae came into break it up, and then Nakasawa came in and chaotic brawling ensued. Ino clotheslined Miyamae over the top-rope, but the momentum also took the Power and Paint man over leaving Nakasawa in the ring with Shimedzu. Nakasawa went to suplex Shimedzu, but Shimedzu slipped out and pulled off a standing switch. Shimedzu then went to suplex the former World champion, but Nakasawa fought off with elbows and then after a kick to the mid-section drove Shimedzu into the canvas with a Power-Bomb before covering with a folding press…. One….. Two….. Shimedzu kicked out, but Nakasawa was in control, Nakasawa whipped Shimedzu into the ropes and looked to be following up with a Lariat, but then all of a sudden he was pulled out from the ring, by The Rebellion’s fellow Dragon Feet member Rhino Umaga…….Nakasawa then began to brawl with Umaga, meanwhile Ino was brawling with Miyamae on the outside and with Shinozaki quickly losing control of the match he felt he had choice but to throw it out and call it as a no-contest. That was probably heading towards being a really good title match until the interference from Umaga. I think the crowd also felt something screwy might happen with it fairly early on in the show. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa and Koshiro Ino drew with The Rebellion in 13:58 when the referee lost control and stopped the match. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]The Rebellion retain the Burning World Tag Team titles.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]O.O.C Note :[/B] This may have come up already and I must have forgotten about it, Ino & Nakasawa don’t have great chemistry as tag partners. [/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]Kudos to Rob4590 who correctly predicted that this match would finish as a ‘draw’ wisely using the logic that I wanted to keep the titles on The Rebellion but not job out two main eventers looking to stay in World Title contention.[/FONT] [I]After the match Hiroaki Nakasawa chases down Rhino Umaga and the pair brawl all the way into the backstage area.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]_________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 5: Eisaku Hoshino vs Steve Flash[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EisakuHoshino.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Whilst recent rival Kinnojo Horri gets to challenge Hooded Kudo for the World Title, Eisaku Hoshino has to make do with a match against an old Gaijin- Jobber, that’s not a knock on Flash but that’s what he is right now in Burning Hammer. They start out with some basic back and forth striking before transitioning into a few standing switches and Hoshino takes Flash over with a Belly to Back suplex….Hoshino goes for an early pin but Flash reverses it into an O’Connor roll….Hoshino kicks out and goes to suplex Flash but the mullet-haired veteran reverses that, doubles Hoshino over with a knee to the mid-section then drops Hoshino to the canvas with a Full-Nelson Face-buster One…. Two….. Hoshino emphatically kicks out of that, and then begins to fire-away on Flash with strikes, before nailing Flash with a drop-kick that took the Canadian to the outside. Hoshino then followed Flash out and delivered a snap suplex out on the floor, before rolling Flash into the ring…. Hoshino went for the pin, but Flash was able to get his foot on the ropes….Hoshino then whipped Flash into the corner before teeing away with a few fore-arm smashes and then taking Flash put of the corner with a German suplex before applying a bridging pin….. One….. Two…. Once again Flash got his foot on the ropes. Hoshino then fired away on Flash again before whipping him into the ropes, Hoshino then went to follow in with a Lariat but Flash had other ideas and bounced off the ropes catching Hoshino with a spinning back elbow. Flash then went up top and took Hoshino down with a Missile drop-kick. Flash then picked Hoshino up for a vertical suplex, but Hoshino slipped out of that and whipped Flash into the ropes but got nailed with a super-kick, Hoshino stumbled into the ring-ropes but came back with unstoppable force with a TYPHOON LARIAT !! After that the pinfall was academic. As is worryingly becoming the norm with Hoshino’s matches, that was OK but I expected a lot better, Flash might be a jobber but he’s also capable of putting on good matches, so to come out with something as average as this is disappointing. To be honest Hoshino really needs to step up his game if he wants to earn a spot on the next tour and I didn’t think I’d be saying that when I finally secured his signature. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Eisaku Hoshino defeated Steve Flash in 8:35 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=black]_________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B] . [CENTER][B]Match # 6: P.I.N.K (Marihito Masuko & Tadakuni Toshusai) vs[/B] [B]Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BHOTWG-TadakuniToshusaiPINK.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was just a serviceable but ultimately pretty forgettable tag team filler between two teams heading in opposite directions. Where as P.I.N.K are a development project gradually being built towards being a force in the tag ranks, the Raging Bulls an ageing duo that probably had their final run with the Tag straps during the previous tour (The Reborn Tour) and now appear to be fading into the role of the tag division jobber to the stars. The Bulls came close to winning when Eiji Hamacho nailed Masuko with the Hamacho Sledge 2K, but Toshusai was able to make the save and in the end it was P.I.N.K who came out on top with Chuichi Sanda falling victim to their impressive Elevated Flying Neckbreaker finisher the P.I.N.K Daze, with Toshusai making the pin to seal the victory. [B][COLOR=red]Result: P.I.N.K defeated Raging Bulls in 7:47 when Tadakuni Toshusai defeated Chuichi Sanda by pinfall .[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]______________________________________________________________[/COLOR] [I]A video plays hyping the Junior Title match between Elemental II vs. Sensational Dragon vs. Phoenix II vs. Emerald Angel. [/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]O.O.C Note:[/B] I guess the fact that Phoenix II has pretty much sod all popularity in Japan, brought that segment down.[/FONT] [CENTER][B]Match # 7: Junior Title (4-Way Elimination): [/B] [B]Elemental II vs Emerald Angel [/B][B]vs Phoenix II vs Sensational Dragon[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningJunior.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EmeraldAngel.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Phoenix2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Sensational Dragon and Emerald Angel start things out with some low level chain wrestling, before Angel tags in Elemental II. Elemental II unloads on Sensational Dragon, causing the former champion to beg off and tag Phoenix Dos into the match up. Phoenix Dos takes Elemental II down with an arm-drag before attempting a quick roll-up … Elemental II kicks out and whips Phoenix Dos into the ropes, Phoenix Dos avoid as flying cross-body and nails Elemental II with a drop-kick. Phoenix Dos then goes to the apron and slingshots himself back in, landing on the champion with a senton. Phoenix Dos then sets Elemental II up for a brainbuster, but the champion slips his way out and takes the Mexican import down with a tilt a whirl head-scissors….. Elemental II then gets up but finds himself knocked down by a cheap shot from perennial rival Sensational Dragon….. Elemental II responds to that and drop-kicks Dragon off the apron before attempting to following up with his patented handspring somersault plancha…..but he gets cut off by Emerald Angel who nails with with a springboard drop-kick….. Emerald Angel gets caught by Phoenix Dos though who surprised the WLW mainstay with a sunset flip…... One…. Two…. Angel counters the pin attempt with a basement drop-kick….Angel then gets up but gets kicked in the back of the head with an Enziguiri from Sensational Dragon. Angel slips out to the outside leaving Sensational Dragon and Phoenix Dos in the ring. The Mexican import nails Sensational Dragon with a drop-kick before taking the former champion by surprise with a crucifix roll One…. Two….. Dragon works his way out of that and nails Phoenix Dos with an Enziguri, that left the OLLIE man dazed enough for Dragon to pull off the DRAGON SLICE !! (Shiranui) One…. Two…. Three and Phoenix Dos is the first to be eliminated at 7:25 Sensational Dragon then gets knocked down by Elemental who takes him down with a missile drop-kick…..Elemental II then goes to set Dragon up for an Elemental Driver but Dragon slips out of that and then monkey-flips the Junior champion through the ring-ropes, before launching himself over the top-rope with a slingshot plancha. Not to be outdone though Emerald Angel climbs to the top turnbuckle and takes both Burning Hammer Junior Division mainstays down with a Moonsault. Angel then rolls Dragon into the ring and goes for the pin….Dragon kicks out. Angel then lifts Dragon up and delivers a Kyrotonite Crunch….. One… Two…. Dragon kicks out…..Emerald Angel then climbs the top rope, but Dragon gets up and nails him with a step up Enziguri… Dragon brings both of them crashing back into the ring with a top rope hurrancanrana, but Emerald Angel reverse the rana into a bridging pin…. One….. Two….. Three !! Sensational Dragon couldn’t get his shoulders up in time and is the second to be eliminated at 10:09 It’s now down to the champion and arguably the most popular wrestler to come from WLW. Elemental II slides in on the opposite side of the ring and takes Dragon off his feet with a baseball slide. He then picks Dragon up and takes his perennial rival over with an Elemental Suplex…. One….. Two…. Dragon kicks out. Elemental II then lifts Dragon up for an Elemental Driver but Dragon counters with a head-scissors take-down and then transitions that into a roll up…..Elemental II then counters that into a roll-up of his own, they keep countering pin attempts for about a minute, until both just lay on the canvas out of sheer exhaustion. Both beat referee Omura Umeki’s ten count, Elemental II unloads with a series of kicks but Sensational Dragon catches his leg on a roundhouse and takes him down with a Dragon screw leg-whip……the champion gets right back up but gets planted with an STO. Dragon comes down on Elemental II with a double foot-stomp and then springs off his chest into a Quebrada…… One… Two…. Elemental II kicks out….. but before he can get up Dragon comes down with a standing moonsault and goes for another pin…. One…… Two…. Elemental II again kicks out, Dragon then goes up and comes off with a 450 Splash but Elemental II gets the knees up…..and then applies the Elemental Clutch…..Dragon makes his way over to the ropes though and Elemental II has to break apart the submission hold. Elemental II then picks Dragon up for but gets nailed with an Enziguri……… Dragon Slice attempt from Sensational Dragon, blocked from Elemental II . Sensational Dragon springs up onto the top turnbuckle he comes flying off and attemps a Tornado DDT but he Elemental II counters into an EARTH BREAKER (Cradle Piledriver) !!! One…. Two….. Three……Elemental II retains the title. The Elimination part of the match was good fun with the two guest stars Emerald Angel and Phoenix II (Dos) both putting in solid showings. But things got even better once it came down to the two rivals Elemental II and Sensational Dragon, who once again showed that their bitter feud has been bringing home the good a-top the Junior Division. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Elemental II defeated Phoenix II, Sensational Dragon and Emerald Angel in 17:14; the order of elimination was Phoenix II first, then Sensational Dragon, and finally Emerald Angel. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Elemental II retains the Burning Junior Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Elemental II is then given time to soak up the cheers of the fans, for a successful first title defence.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]________________________________________________________[/B] [I]We go backstage where Kinnojo Horri has requestd some mic time. [/I] [I]" Kudo your mind games don't wash with me, I know why you 'let' me win, you'd think I'd be the easier option over Hoshino. Because you've got the better of me before and because Hoshino pinned you in that 4-way you feel I'll be the easier option, so you came out and helped me.[/I] [I]Well I've got news for you Champ I didn't need your help to beat Hoshino and I'll prove that you made a big mistake by coming out to help me seal victory. Hoshino got a lucky pin over you and you're running scared of him ? The one you should be afraid of is me, every time I face you I get just that bit closer, I learn a little more about how to beat you. This time I put all those pieces together and finally lay my hands on the Burning Hammer World Title "[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]O.O.C Note :[/B] Where did that come from ?.....That was probably the best promo Kinnojo Horri has ever done, usually he's wooden on the stick but this time he really stepped it up and was right on the money, delivering an impassioned promo that put over why Kudo would have helped him win the contenders match but also put over Horri's desire to both punish Kudo's logic and win the World Title.[/FONT] [I]We then get a replay of the hype video that played at the beginning of the show. The video shows the ending of the contender mathc between Kinnojo Horri and Eisaku Hoshino and clips of previous encounters featuring Horri and Hooded Kudo.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 8: World Title: [/B] [B]Hooded Kudo vs Kinnojo Horri[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningWorld.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Horri does not wait for the pomp and ceremony and takes it to Kudo right on the entrance ramp, before dragging the champion into the ring. Horri keeps up the pressure on Kudo with lefts and rights, Horri then backs Kudo into a corner and delivers repeated clotheslines......Kudo slumps out of the corner. Horri then dumps Kudo with a Fall-Away Slam....... One...... Two....... Kudo kicks out and then rolls out of the ring, Horri does not take Kudo's bait to go to the outside and just waits for Kudo to come back in, they lock up and Horri just shoves Kudo down to the canvas, they lock up again, and again Horri wins the test of strength. Kudo then charges at Horri but gets dumped over the top rope, but Kudo lands on his feet and as Horri turns around Kudo snaps the challenger chin-first across the top rope, before delivering a knee strike to the head. The champion then slinghshots himself into the ring and plants Horri into the canvas with a Russian Leg-Sweep. Kudo decides to not go for the cover and instead just stomps away on Horri. Kudo then taunts the challenger to get up, and just as Horri gets up Kudo nails him with a Shining Wizard..... One..... Two....... Horri emphatically kicks out and begins to fight back with a flurry of fore-arm strikes and elbow smashes, Horri then whips Kudo into the ropes but the champion is able to reverse the match back in his favour with a drop-toe hold that sends Horri crashing chin-first across the botttom rope. Kudo then follows up with a running knee strike to the back before sending Horri into the corner......Kudo then stomps away on Horri before giving Horri further unwanted attention with the face-wash. Kudo then lifts Horri up and delivers his patented knife edge chops, before Horri stumbles out of the corner. Kudo then brings Horri down with another drop toe hold before applying the Kudo Lock. Horri fights his way over to the ropes and Kudo has to break away from the Submission hold. Kudo eventually does let go off the hold but not before taking full advantage of the five count rule. Kudo lets Horri get up before further taunting his former Silver Dragon Feet alumni turned rival by paint-brushing the challenger......however that seems to fire up Horri who begins to fire-back with fore-arm smashes, but a kick to the mid-section slows Horri's momentum in it's tracks. Kudo then decides to attempt a Kudo driver, but Horri stands his ground and then takes Kudo over with a back-body drop......Kudo gets back but gets dropped with a Lariat from Horri and both slump to the canvas. They both manage to beat the ten count. Kudo goes for the Yakuza Kick but Horri manages to avoid it and drops Kudo with a clothesline, Kudo gets right back up only to be dropped by another clothesline.....he gets right back up again before stumbling into a German Suplex.......Horri keeps his arms around the champion and delivers a second German......still Horri holds on dumping Kudo on his head with a third German. Horri still doesn't go for a pin and pulls off a fourth German suplex in the row......surely he's going for the pin again....... no he isn't he's delivering yet another German suplex to Hooded Kudo...........five German Suplexes in a row !!!....bridging pin ....... One...... Two...... Thr.......Nooo !!! Kudo got his shoulder up just in time, kicking out on pure instinct. Horri drags Kudo back up to his feet.............BURNING LARIAT !!!!!! Surely its over but referee Omura Umeki is not in position to make the count he's been distracted by Kudo's fellow Silver Dragon Feeter's The Rebellion...... Umeki sends The Rebellion to the back, and then turns around to see Horri covering the champion........ One............ Two....... Kudo kicks out, the distraction from The Rebellion bought him enough time to kick out of the Burning Lariat.......... Horri is incensded and begins to argue with Omura Umeki over the delayed count.....low blow from Kudo....Horri then turns around.....KUDO KUTTER !!! One...... Two...... Thr.....Noooo !!! Kudo can't believe it Horri kicked out of the Kudo Kutter and then further to Kudo's surprise Horri gets up and begins to fire-back......Kudo stops Horri in his tracks and plants Horri into the canvas with an STO. Kudo decides to go up top.....he busts out the Moonsault ! but Horri gets the knees up and then lifts Horri up into the backbreaker rack...... Kudo fights off with elbows......Horri grabs Kudo's leg but then gets stunned with an Enziguri.....DEATH VALLEY DRIVER from Hooded Kudo !! One..... Two....... Horri kicks out, but Kudo applies the Kudo-Lock........Horri begins to fight out of the submission hold......Kudo lets go of the submission hold but delivers elbows to the side of Horri's head........Horri shakes off the elbows and begins to fight back......Kudo delivers knee drops to the back of Horri......back to the Kudo Lock !!....... Horri is beginning to fade.......... He's starting to look out of it........ Referee Omura Umeki checks on Horri's condition....... Umeki calls for the bell !! Hooded Kudo is still the World Champion. Once again the main eventers deliver yet another great World Title match, that was an incredibly intense battle, that could have gone either way and at one stage Horri had the match and the title won, had it not been for the distraction of The Rebellion. But once Kudo had that opening Horri could find no way back and despite kicking out of the Kudo-Kutter....the champion was ruthless with his effieciency in dispathching the challenger. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Hooded Kudo defeated Kinnojo Horri in 20:29 by submission. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Hooded Kudo retains the Burning World Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] Hooded Kudo is then joined in the ring by the rest of Silver Dragon Feet as he celebrates yet another succesful title defence. [B]Rating: B[/B] _____________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkgreen]Overall: B+:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] Once again when the World Title is on the line the main event delivers the goods , but the rest of the show was a bit hit and miss. The Phoenix stuff looked better on paper than in reality, though Phoenix Dos' involvement did not take away from the Junior Title 4-way. Hoshino unfortunately continues to be a bit of a let-down, as I said earlier he's going to have to step it up if he wants to earn a spot on the next tour, especially for the money he's asking to be paid. Matches in the B-/B range is acceptable from a mid-carder not from a main eventer looking to get themsleves into World Title contention. _________________________________________________________________ [B]T.V News:[/B] Lords of the Ring drew a 15.22 rating on Nippon T.V (+ 0.11 ): Pleased with that, steadily going back in the right direction again.
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[CENTER][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkgreen][B]Eye of the Dragon Tour (Show 22)[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Thursday 8th November 2007[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Nagasaki Sports Park, Kyushu (Attendance: 2'000) [/CENTER] [B][U]Dark Matches[/U][/B] [B]Dark Match # 1: Steve Flash vs Fire-Fox[/B] [B][COLOR=red]Result: Steve Flash defeated Fire Fox in 5:46 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Unfortunately these two, do not click, but not to worry, better to find that out in dark match time than on the main show itself.[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]_____________________________________________________________[/FONT] [B]Dark Match #2 : Yasunobu Masuno vs Toshiki Shibanumo[/B] [COLOR=red][B]Result: Yasunobu Masuno defeated Toshiki Shibanumo in 3:50 by pinfall with an [/B][B]Avalanche Bomb. [/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=black]_____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show (Filmed for T.V)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The televised portion of the show starts off as it so often does with a video hyping up the main event, this time being a six-man tag featuring the Silver Dragon Feet trio of Hooded Kudo & The Rebellion taking on an all-star trio of Hiroaki Nakasawa, Kinnojo Horri, and Eisaku Hoshino.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #1 : Koshiro Ino vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KoshiroIno.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Koshiro Ino as the more experienced competitor grabbed hold of the early initiative of this match, and looked to finish the former college football standout with the Kobra's Bite in under two minutes, but the Bulldozer had enough wits about him to move out of the way and then take the POWAAAH and Paint man by suprise with a Lariat. Bulldozer was slow to make the cover and Ino was easily able to kick out but BBS stayed on the offensive, stomping away on the back of Ino, before picking up the Ino and slamming him to the mat with a Gutwrench Suplex..... One.... Two...... Ino kicked out, Bulldozer kept up the offence though and after a series of fore-arm smashes dumped Ino with a German Suplex...... One..... Two...... Ino kicked out again. Bulldozer then whipped Ino into the corner, and followed up with more fore-arm smashes before whipping Ino into the opposite corner and following up with the 3 Point Tackle, but Ino managed to move out of the way and BBS went shoulder first into the turnbuckle as he staggered out he stumbled right into a German Suplex...... One..... Two...... BBS kicked out, then as he got up to his feet he got doubled over by a knee lift from Ino........the POWAAAAHHH and Paint star then decided to go up top and nailed BBS with one of his trademark double axe handles, before whipping the Bulldozer into the corner and softening him up with several clotheslines. BBS then stumbled out and got nailed with the Kobra's Bite (High Knee) And that proved to enough of a knock-out blow for Ino to pick up the expected victory. Solid opening contest, this seems to be the formula match up for BBS at the moment, in the fact that he puts in a good effort and looks like he might cause the upset but then makes a rookie mistake that he is unable to come back from. Ino looked solid as usual, just wish he'd sign a long term written contract. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Koshiro Ino defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 7:31[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=black]_________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]Match #2 : Sensational Dragon & SUKI vs [/B] [B]Golden Scorpion & Super Joshuya[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SUKI.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SuperJoshuya.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Both of these teams are not what you call regular pairings though they do have some sense behind them. Golden Scorpion has tended to tag more with The Awesome Kiyaru in the past but right now all three are in a lose association of veteran Junior workers looking to keep hold of their spots from the new talent that has invaded Burning Hammer over recent years. In the case of Sensational Dragon the former two time Junior champion has already over-taken them and now they have another young and much like Dragon arrogant star to contend with in SUKI, and whilst SUKI is not an official member of Silver Dragon Feet like his more decorated partner, he's probably one of the few on the roster who could be considered an SDF sympathiser. Things picked up a third of the way through the match when Super Joshuya got the hot tag into Golden Scorpion, who nailed SUKI with a springboard drop-kick. SUKI then managed to avoid the Scorpion Stinger but could not avoid an Implant DDT, and then a Quebrada....SUKI managed to kick out of that....Scorpion then placed SUKI on the top turnbuckle and went to bring him in with a Frankensteiner but SUKI countered it on the way down into a cross-arm breaker....Scorpion managed to get to the ropes to break up the submission but now had a significant weak spot. SUKI kicked at the weakened arm of Scorpion before tagging in Dragon who came down on Scorpion with a Slingshot Plancha..... One..... Two....... Scorpion kicked out...... Dragon then went for the Dragon Suplex but Scorpion battled his way out of it, then out of no-where nailed the former Junior Champion with a Brainbuster. Scorpion then rolled over to make the tag into Joshuya who took the fight right to both SUKI and Dragon......Dragon managed to bail out of the ring but SUKI got nailed with a Catapult Back-breaker and then dumped with an Inverted Suplex Slam...... One..... Two.... SUKI dug down to kick out, but then got the wind knocked out of him with a palm-strike from Joshuya, who then got him up and down for thr J-DROP !! (Pumphandle drop) One..... Two..... Sensational Dragon dived over to make the save and then dump Joshuya with a Dragon Suplex......Dragon then officially got himself tagged in and nailed Joshuya with a flying spinning heel kick...... One..... Two...... Scorpion dived over to break up the pin, but then got tossed to the outside by Dragon before SUKI dived off the apron with a flying fore-arm to take Scorpion out of the equation..... Dragon walked into a boot to the mid-section from Joshuya though.....Joshuya goes for the J-Drop again, Dragon shoves him off ...........DRAGON SLICE (Shiranui) !!! One..... Two.... This one is over. Not much to say about this match, except that everyone put in a solid effort without really stepping it up a few gears, in the greater scheme of things it was decent for what it was and where it was placed on the card. [SIZE=2][COLOR=red][B]Result: Sensational Dragon and SUKI defeated Golden Scorpion and Super Joshuya in 9:36 when Sensational Dragon defeated Super Joshuya by pinfall.[/B] [/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B]_______________________________________________________[/B] [I]Tetsuzan Kaneko is backstag with the trio of Hiroaki Nakasawa, Eisaku[/I] [I]Hoshino and Kinnojo Horri.[/I] [I]- General gist of the interview was that they are all after Kudo's World Title but they will agree to work together as a unit tonight and remind the World Champion that he is very much a marked man.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]_______________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #3 : Cross Promotional Junior Tag: [/B] [B]Elemental II & The Awesome Kiyaru[/B] [B]vs Dos Phoenix (Phoenix II and Phoenix III)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Phoenix2.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Phoenix3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Dos Phoenix are a decorated duo in their native Mexico with the OLLIE promotion but are unknown's over here. The Awesome Kiyaru had success in Mexico himself with the other promotion over there in MPWF and the Mexican connection is why Kiyaru was chosen as Elemental II's partner in this cross promotional tag match. Elemental II and Phoenix Dos start things out......they have an arm-drag exchange until Elemental II catches Phoenix Dos with a few of his trademark kicks and Dos goes to tag in Phoenix Tres. Elemental II then tags in Kiyaru and we get more of the quick paced arm-drags and head-scissor take-downs from this pairing. The first pin attempt of the match see's Kiyaru take down Phoenix Tres with a spinning leg-sweep and then follow up with a Quebrada.....Tres as expected kicks out of that. Kiyaru then gets Tres up for a Falcon Arrow but the OLLIE import fights out with a knee strike to the head and then monkey-flips Kiyaru into the Phoenix corner, where he is then dropped on his head with a front-flip neckbreaker from Phoenix Dos. Phoenix II (Dos) gets himself tagged in and Dos Phoenix do a nice sequence of a double team arm-drag into stereo front and back kicks. Dos Phoenix continue the double team offence on Kiyaru. Phoenix Tres then goes for a brainbuster but Kiyaru manages to fight his way out of it and then takes Tres down with a head-scissors take-down......they both get back up and Kiyaru nails Tres with a kick to the head and then dumps the Mexican import with a Falcon Arrow. However he was too worn out to make the cover, but did find enough energy to get in Elemental II. The Junior Champion takes down Phoenix Tres with a Flying Cross-Body and then dumps Tres with an Elemental Suplex...... One.... Two..... Phoenix Dos comes in to break it up , Dos takes Elemental II down with a Tilt-a-Whirl Head-Scissors but Elemental II springs right back up to his feet and backs Phoenix Dos up with the Tri-Fecta Kick Series.......with the final roundhouse sending Dos over the rope to join his partner on the outside. Elemental II then comes flying over the top rope with the handspring plancha but he gets caught by both members of Dos Phoenix who then flapjack him onto the guard-rail. Dos Phoenix then drag Elemental II back into the ring...the Junior champion manages to get back up to his feet but get's taken down with a double springboard arm-drag ......both Phoenixes then go to opposite corners....Phoenix Tres hit's a leg-drop......then Phoenix Dos hit's the Phoenix Splash........... One...... Two...... Elemental II kicks out !!......Phoenix Dos then picks up Elemental II and nails him with a Tombstone Pile-driver..... One.... Two..... Kiyaru comes in to break it up...... Phoenix Dos and Kiyaru then tee off on one another...Phoenix Dos takes Kiyaru down with an arm-drag and then goes for a Fisherman Suplex, Kiyaru blocks and then takes Dos down with a Standing Shiranui..... Kiyaru goes up top but, gets cut off by Phoenix Tres........but Kiyaru shoves him off and hits a frog-splash on Phoenix Dos, he goes for the cover but he's not the legal man......Phoenix Tres then goes to prevent him from making the cover, but Kiyaru catches him with an Enziguri and then plants him with an Enziguri.....Kiyaru gets himself officially tagged in, he goes up top........and then before Phoenix Tres can get up he lands the MAGIC CLOUD (Imploding 450 splash)....... One..... Two..... Three, Elemental II and Kiyaru win this cross promotional match up. That was good in parts, Dos Phoenix actually looked pretty good as a duo and to be honest looked the better 'tag team' than Elemental II and Kiyaru, but they're just not over enough in Japan to warrant picking up the 'shock' win. The match picked up towards the later stages but the finish felt a little too planned. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Elemental II and The Awesome Kiyaru defeated Phoenix II and Phoenix III in 12:16 when The Awesome Kiyaru defeated Phoenix III by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [I]The match is over, and Elemental II and Kiyaru and Phoenix II and Phoenix III show respect to one another, by shaking one anothers hands and then raising their arms aloft in unison.[/I] [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]_________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #4 : Mokuami Maita vs Marihito Masuko[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MokuamiMaita.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] They start off with some chain wrestling on the mat, Maita gets a waist-lock on Masuko and attempts a German Suplex but Masuko blocks that and takes Maita down with a Russian Leg-sweep. Masuko moves in to follow up but gets taken off his feet with a drop-toe hold. Masuko gets back up to his feet only to stumble into a face-breaker knee smash. Maita goes for a cover but Masuko easily kicks out. Maita then puts Masuko into a bow and arrow submission hold but the P.I.N.K member fights out of that and counters into a small package, Maita kicks out but is then launched towards the Turnbuckle with a sunset flip. Maita bounces of the turnbuckle then gets planted with a Leg-sweep DDT. Masuko goes up to onto the second turnbuckle and comes down on Maita's chest with a double foot-stomp before following up with a Senton. One.... Two.... Maita kicks out. Masuko then decides to go up to again, but gets nailed with a drop-kick from the former Openweight champion on the way down. Masuko staggers back up to his feet but walks right into a super-kick from Maita.... One.... Two...... Masuko gets his feet on the ropes. Both get back up and Maita attemtps a German Suplex but Masuko fights out and pulls off the standing switch only to be planted into the canvas with a Russian Leg-Sweep. Masuko gets back up to one knee but gets nailed with an Enziguri, leading to Maita applying the ANKLE LOCK !! Masuko counters that by launching Maita towards the ropes and then driving Maita into the canvas with a MASUKO CRADLE SHOCK !! One.... Two.... Maita got his foot on the ropes. Masuko drags Maita back up to his feet and goes for a second cradle-shock but Maita blocks it and then stuns Masuko with a face-breaker knee smash. Both then laid on the canvas looking to refind their bearings. Both get back up and they run the ropes.....Maita nails Masuko with a drop-kick , he picks Masuko up and hook the leg...... Masuko grabs Maita and counters into a sunset-flip.... One.... Two.... Maita counters into a roll-up of his own One.... Two.... Masuko with a small package...... One.... Two...... Maita tries to counter with a roll-up, but Masuko gets him up off the canvas, it looks like he might be going for another Cradle-Shock but Maita grabs his leg and counters into a small package..... One.... Two..... Maita's managed to pin Masuko's shoulders to the mat for three ! That was a solid technical match-up and these two because they are small wrestlers who like to use lots of quick paced counters they match up pretty well with one another, it's a shame that Maita couldn't pull out this sort of performance when he was Openweight Champion, perhaps this is a reminder that I shouldn't give up on him all together. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Mokuami Maita defeated Marihito Masuko in 9:36 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [I]Frustrated at the loss Masuko attacks the celebrating Maita from behind, and is then joined by his P.I.N.K partner Tadakuni Toshusai....they put the boots to Maita and then Masuko blows pink mist in Maita's face, before they walk off and leave him in a pink covered heap. [/I] [B]Rating: E+[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] I knew that beat-down would get a poor rating, but I wanted in diary terms to help re-establish P.I.N.K's sadistic heel characters , something I felt I had neglected a little of late.[/FONT] ________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match #5 : Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) [/B][B]vs[/B] [B]Eagle Kawsawa & U.K Dragon[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EagleKawasawa.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UKDragon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This is the last of three tag match-ups featuring members of the Junior Division. The logic for his one going on in this slot, is that is arguably the lowest profile of the three and is in the 'come-down' slot before the semi-main and main events. There was nothing really of note for the first few minutes with the usual feeling out process before the two teams. Kawasawa and Dragon took control for a bit isolating Kokan in their corner, until Kokan managed to get the hot-tag into Konda. Konda un-loaded on the make-shift team before Kawasaw and Dragon decided to re-group on the outside only to get taken down with stereo suicide dives from Size of the Fight- formula SOTF stuff at this point of the match. As expected things started to pick up from there. Konda and Kawasawa entered the ring. Konda gets a kick into the mid-section of Kawasawa and dumps the one time protege of Optimus with a Sunset Flip Power-Bomb...... One.... Two..... Kawasawa kicks out and then nails Konda with a basement drop-kick, that stuns Konda enough for Kawasawa to lock on the SPREAD EAGLE !! (Bridging Grounded Double Chicken Wing)...... But Kokan launches himself back into the ring and breaks it up with a slingshot leg-drop......Kokan then goes up to the top turnbuckle and takes Kawasawa down with a Tornado DDT. Konda is now back up and they lift Kawasawa up for a double team suplex but U.K Dragon comes flying in an nails Kokan with a diving European Upper-cut. Dragon turns his attention to Konda and tees off with a series of European Upper-cuts he whips Konda into the ropes and then takes him down with a drop-kick, before lifting Konda up and nailing him with a brainbuster. Dragon goes over to make the cover but Koetsu Shinozaki tells him that he's not the legal man. Dragon stands around looking perplexed for a bit and does not see Hyosuke Kokan coming up behind with who then dumps Dragon with a Double Chicken-Wing Suplex. Kawasawa is now back up to his feet and charges at Kokan , he goes to nail the Vision Quest (Enziguri, Shining Wizard) but Kokan ducks and Kawasawa is then taken by surprise with an Ace-Crusher from Kansuke Konda. Kawasawa gets back up but is so dazed he just stumbles into the DEEP IMPACT !!! (Flapjack/DDT combo)....... Konda then makes the cover and it's all over. Kokan looked a little off with some of his timing in this one, and Dragon as has been chronicled has an over-worked schedule right now, so this one could have possibly been better, but all in all this was fine for the mid-card filler that it was advertised as being. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Size of the Fight defeated Eagle Kawasawa and UK Dragon in 9:47 when Kansuke Konda defeated UK Dragon by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=black]_________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B] [I]The camera's then go backstage where we find Silver Dragon Feet, Hooded Kudo has a microphone and has a few words to say about the rest of the show[/I] [I]- Kudo said that himself and the best tag team in Burning Hammer The Rebellion would show why Silver Dragon Feet are the most dominant faction in all of wrestling, by sending this trio of so-called stars to a humiliating defeat and squashing any notion that any of the three are worthy of challening for the World Title[/I] [I]- Kudo then went on to say that Umaga is ready to fulfill his task of bringing the Openweight Title to the SDF family, and once Sensational Dragon is given another deserved opportunity to contend for the Junior Division belt, then all the gold would be in it's 'rightful' home.[/I] [I]- Kudo then had some words for Umaga's opponent Tom Gilmore. Kudo said he gave Gilmore every opportunity to join the elite group of Burning Hammer, but it is now become obvious to him that Gilmore has turned him down and has foolishly decided to go it alone. He said that Umaga would make him count the cost of that decision by not only taking away the Openweight Champion but by also taking Gilmore out of business all together.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]_______________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 6: Openweight Title: [/B] [B]Tom Gilmore vs Rhino Umaga[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningOpenweight.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Gilmore has been the Openweight Champion since winning the belt at Night of the Burning Hammer. Umaga had a run with the belt during the previous tour and is looking to win it back but has further motivation in the form of his Silver-Dragon feet leader Hooded Kudo, who wants to bring down the Openweight Champion as he felt slighted by Gilmore's decision not to join Silver Dragon Feet. Umaga jumps on Gilmore before the opening bell and pitches the Openweight Champion the outside. Umaga catches Gilmore with an elbow smash off the apron before whipping Gilmore into the guard-rail. Umaga then tosses Gilmore into the ring, but Umaga is a little slow getting into the ring and that gives Gilmore enough time to get up and drive Umaga chin-firs across the top rope, stunning the big Samoan. Gilmore then tries to suplex Umaga back into the ring, but that proves an unwise decision as Umaga is able to block the attempt and then suplexes Gilmore over the top rope and both go crashing to the outside. Both are now laying in a heap on the outside, Gilmore is the first to beat referee Omura Umeki's twenty count and could win the title on the count-out but Umaga manages to beat the count at three. Gilmore gets up a head of steam and charges with Umaga with a clothesline but Umaga just shrugs it off, Gilmore charges again but this time gets caught with an Atomic Drop and then dumped into the canvas with a Belly to Belly Suplex..... One.... Two.... Gilmore kicked out but then is immediately whipped into the corner and Umaga comes following in like a freight-train with a Running Lariat. Gilmore then slumps to the canvas.... One.... Two..... Gilmore got his foot on the ropes.....Umaga then lifted Gilmore up for a Samoan drop but Gilmore fought it off with knee-strikes to the side of Umaga's head before stunning the big Samoan with an Enziguri. Gilmore then planted Umaga into the canvas with a reverse STO before applying an Elemental Clutch...... Umaga managed to get to the ropes to break up the submission but Gilmore continued to target the neck, getting in a series of strikes that put the Samoan back down to one knee. Gilmore then climbed to the top rope and nailed Umaga with an missile drop kick. Gilmore then showed an incredible show of strength by getting the 300 Ib Samoan up onto his shoulders and driving Umaga into the canvas with a Death Valley Driver...... One....... Two....... Umaga kicked out, Gilmore then tried to Suplex Umaga, but instead got tossed over head and then nearly taken out of his boots with a vicious Lariat from the 'Silver Dragon Feet Insurance Policy' ...... One..... Two...... Gilmore was able to kick out, but was then whipped into the corner and then had Umaga all over him, hitting a combination of knee strikes and throat thrusts. Gilmore then staggered out of the corner into a Scoop Lift Power Slam..... One....... Two....... Gilmore again kicked out, growing frustrated Umaga banged the canvas in frustration and got in the referees face......Gilmore saw that Umaga had become temporarily distracted and took Umaga down with a chop-block, transitioning the surprise attack into a crucifix roll..... One..... Two..... Umaga emphatically kicked out of the pin attempt and then tossed Gilmore into the corner. Umaga then went to the opposite turnbuckle and set up for the Rhino Charge, but Gilmore saw it coming and Umaga instead charged right into super-kick. That stunned Umaga but did not get him off his feet, Gilmore then followed up with an Enziguri and that further staggered the Samoan, taking Umaga down to one knee. Gilmore then lifted Umaga up to both feet only to plant the dazed Umaga into the canvas with a rolling cutter, before dragging Umaga into position and going over to one of the turnbuckles and then pullign out the PICTURE PERFECT MOONSAULT !! One...... Two....... Three Formula Rhino Umaga match, where he's up against a smaller opponent. The match he had with Americana the previous show was marginally better, but this was still very watchable and that is down to him facing another skilled opponent in Gilmore. Rhino Umaga is what you would call in the business as carriable, put him in their with a skilled opponent and he can put on a good match, put him in there with a lump of wood or just someone average then the results are not so good. Also whilst this was not a 'great' match it was still a step in the right direction for the Openweight Title and it actually gained some prestige after this match and as promised there will be more upper card level talents challenging for this belt in the near future. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Tom Gilmore defeated Rhino Umaga in 14:25 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Tom Gilmore retains the Burning Openweight Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [I]Tom Gilmore is celebrating another succesful title defence when he is attacked from behind by the Rebellion.[/I] [I]But then Nakasawa and Horri come out to make the save, and start brawling with The Rebellion......Kudo and Hoshino then come out and we have all our main eventers out for the next match, leading to Omura Umeki calling for the bell to be rung for the main event.[/I] [B]Ratings: D- for Post match attack, C for rescue and brawl[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 7: Six Man Battle: [/B] [B]Hooded Kudo & The Rebellion [/B][B](Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs[/B] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa, Kinnojo Horri & Eisaku Hoshino[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EisakuHoshino.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Six Man Battle is now the official name being used in Burning Hammer for these Six Man Tag contests with a bit of heat behind them. The 4 vs 4 version is an Eight Man War. 2 vs 2 will go by the All-Star Tag title. The match starts with chaotic brawling all around the ringside area, eventually it settles down with Hoshino and Miyamae in the ring. Miyamae backs up Hoshino with kicks, but Hoshino shakes them off and then rocks Miyamae with a Lariat and then dumps the tag champion with a German Suplex.... One.... Two..... Shimedzu comes in to break it, Horri then comes into the ring from the faces side and soon we have all six men in the ring, and the brawling starts again the All-Star 'face' trio get the better of the exchanges and The Silver Dragon Feet Trio go out for a powder. Kudo orders referee Omura Umeki to tell 'the faces' to back up before himself and The Rebellion re-enter the ring. Somehow that seemed enough of a distraction for The Rebellion to sneak up from behind and crack a couple of kendo-sticks over the backs of their opponents before sneaking back out. Kudo and The Rebellion then isolated Kinnojo Horri and subjected him to a triple-team beat-down. Several manoeuvres led to near-falls including a Backbreaker top-rope leg-drop combinaton and a Leg-sweep/Flying Lariat combo between Miyamae and Kudo, but somehow Horri kept digging down and kicking out. It was perhaps over-confidence from the Silver Dragon Feet that led to Horri eventually fighting his way out of the predicament. The Rebellion set Horri up on the top turnbuckle for a double team suplex but Horri shrugged them off, then Kudo tried a Kudo Kutter but Horri in a rare moment of aerial prowess came shooting off the top turnbuckle with a flying fore-arm smash that knocked Kudo down. The Rebellion then came charging at Horri, but a back-body drop sent Miyamae crashing over the top-rope and he was able to stop Shimedzu in his tracks with a Belly to Back Backbreaker. Horri then slumped down to the canvas with all his energy levels used up from having to fight off three opponents just to survive. Eventually Horri got the tag into Nakasawa who took Shimedzu down with a Lariat and then drove the Tag Champion into the canvas with a Power-Bomb One.... Two.... Shimedzu kicked out of that , but Nakasawa kept on the offensive, rocking Shimedzu with a series of fore-arm smashes before taking Shimedzu down with the NAKASAWA NECKBREAKER !! One.... Two..... Hooded Kudo came in to break it up and then as Nakasawa started to get back up to his feet Kudo nailed Nakasawa with a Shining Wizard. Realising that he was not the legal man Kudo, dragged Shimedzu over to his corner. Meanwhile Nakasawa tried to make it across to his corner, but Kudo caught his leg and took Nakasawa down with a Dragon screw leg-whip and then applied the Kudo-Lock. Nakasawa managed to make his way over to the ropes to break up the pin, but was now weakened and got dumped with a Dragon Suplex..... One..... Two.... Eisaku Hoshino broke up the pin, and then started to tee-away on Kudo, Hoshino back up Kudo with chops but Kudo came back with chops of his own and then went for the Kudo-Kutter on Hoshino but Hoshino managed to block that and dumped Kudo into the canvas with an Exploder Suplex.... One.... Two.... Kudo kicked out, but Hoshino was still in control and he managed to butterfly Kudo's arms. Kudo got down to one knee to block Hoshino's attempt at lifting him up, but after a series of fore-arms Hoshino was able to do so and took Kudo overhead with a Butterfly suplex..... One..... Two..... Miyamae had seen enough and broke up the pin with a leg-drop. Hoshino managed to grab Miyamae though and held him place for Horri, who set up for a Lariat but Miyamae managed to slip out at the last second and instead nailed Hoshino, who managed to roll to the outside before any further damage could be done Kudo and Nakasawa then both got up......Nakasawa sent Kudo over the top-rope with a clothesline but the momentum also took him over the top-rope and the two laid in a heap on the outside. Meanwhile Horri came charging at Miyamae but both members of The Rebellion were now in the ring, and the took Horri over with a double slingshot suplex..... One...... Two..... Horri kicked out. The Rebellion then set up for their finisher the Spiked Skull-Drop.....Horri began to fight out but a knee strike to the head from Shimedzu dazed him enough for Shimedzu to get him up and for Miyamae to come off the top rope and spike him on his head. Shimedzu then went over to make the pin... One..... Two.... Nakasawa tried to get back in to make the save but Kudo pulled him back.... And without any intervention Horri was unable to kick out and the Silver Dragon Feet trio had emerged victorious. Much like many of these six mans these were hardly what you call a technical classic as no one has enough time to get into a flow with one of their opponents, plus the fact that only really The Rebellion are well versed in the art of tag team wrestling. But what these matches provide is plenty of drama and the fans lap it up in spades and this was no exception. The match made Silver Dragon Feet look vunerable but again one step ahead of their opponents and the problems continue between Eisaku Hoshino and Kinnojo Horri. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Hooded Kudo and The Rebellion defeated Hiroaki Nakasawa, Kinnojo Horri and Eisaku Hoshino in 18:45 when Shimedzu defeated Kinnojo Horri by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [I]As Silver Dragon Feet leave their fallen opponents to 'lick their wounds' in the ring. Horri gets in Hoshino's face over the loss, Hoshino does not take kindly to that and soon they are at each others throats, with security having to come out and pull them apart. [/I] [I]Meanwhile Hooded Kudo and The Rebellion look on with smug smiles on their faces, knowing that two of Kudo's potential World Title rivals are cancelling each other out with their growing dislike for one another.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] _______________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkgreen]Overall: B+:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Another solid show , that was pretty consistant throughout, whilst there was nothing spectacular on the under-card (the majority being in the B- range) it was steady enough, however if the main event didn't deliver like it did, it probably would have to be considered to be a bit of a disappointing show...thankfully the main event came through and did the business. _________________________________________________________________ [B]T.V News:[/B] Ironclad drew a 16.10 rating on TV5Monde (-0.23): Nothing to worry about, as long as it stays around the 15-17 range I wont be too worried, go below that and I'll be worried, go above that and I feel we are breaking new ground with the T.V ratings. Considering the Wrestling Industry is still at something like E+ (not good, despite the fact that both BHOTWG and PGHW have been putting on consistantly good shows all year) the fact we are still delivering solid T.V ratings and the T.V company has not been been putting any pressure on us should not be scoffed at.
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[B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][B]Purogods.com[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR=black]The card for the Everlasting Mission Pay Per View to be held at the Ashikawa Stadium in Hokkaido on Saturday 17th November. [/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Kinnojo Horri and Eisaku Hoshino will go up against each other once again following their argument at the end of Thursdays main event which saw the growing rivals and former World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa come up short in a Six Man Battle against the Silver Dragon Feet trio of World Champion Hooded Kudo and Tag Champions The Rebellion.[/COLOR] Meanwhile Hiroaki Nakasawa has requested to face Rhino Umaga, quoted as saying that he wants to take the 'Insurance Policy' out before he interferes in any more of his matches. With three of the top World Title contenders tied up in other matches, it appears Burning Hammer officials were struggling to find an opponent for Hooded Kudo, but it has been announced that Koshiro Ino will be offered a re-match, following last month's strong showing in a losing effort. Elemental II will also put his Junior Division title on the line against either Sensational Dragon or Americana. Sensational Dragon won a contenders match with Americana, but it was in dubious circumstances following interference from Rhino Umaga, now Americana has been handed a well deserved re-match to claim his shot at the Junior Title. That Junior contenders match will headline Mondays show to take place at the Sapporo Sports Park in Hokkaido, and that won't be the only title on the line as Tom Gilmore puts the Openweight belt on the line in a 4-way Elimination match, where he will face both members of the Tag Team Champions The Rebellion and the man he beat for the title at Night of the Burning Hammer Mokuami Maita. Also set for the show is Koshiro Ino vs Rhino Umaga, can Ino get a momentum building win before his World Title re-match with Hooded Kudo or will the 300 Ib Samoan dubbed the 'Silver Dragon Feet Insurance Policy' derail the POWAAAAAHHHHH !! and Paint star. Other matches for the show include a tag team show-down between P.I.N.K and the duo of The Awesome Kiyaru and Golden Scorpion, a Junior Division three way featuring Size of the Fight's Hyosuke Kokan, U.K Dragon and Eagle Kawasawa and finally Kokan's partner Kansuke Konda gets to go one on one with Eisaku Hoshino, that many on the BHOTWG fan forums are calling ' The Battle of the Headbands' Thursday's show to take place at the Kagawa Sports Field in Shikoku will be headlined by a All-Star tag that combines two showdowns set to take place at Everlasting Mission when the Silver Dragon Feet duo of World Champion Hooded Kudo and Rhino Umaga take on Hiroaki Nakasawa and Koshiro Ino. There will be non title matches for Junior Champion Elemental II when he takes on 'confident' up and comer SUKI and Openweight Champion Tom Gilmore (providing he is still champion after Monday's title defence) takes on Size of the Fight's Hyosuke Kokan. Meanwhile Eisaku Hoshino and Kinnojo Horri warm up for their show-down at Everlasting Mission with matches against Eiji Hamacho and Dynamite Narahashi, whilst Junior Division Title hopefuls Americana and Sensational Dragon will be involved in a 4 corner survival also featuring Fire-Fox and Kenko Takemitsu. There will also be two tag matches to round out the show as U.K Dragon teams with Eagle Kawasawa to take on The Awesome Kiyaru and Golden Scorpion. Finally Steve Flash has vowed that he won't give up on his battle against the Mullet Power duo of Yasunobu Masuno and Yasuhiko Taira and has enlisted the help of a man who might once again be holding the Openweight Title in Mokuami Maita. Here is the full official run-down for the up-coming shows in Hokkaido on Monday and Shikoku on Thursday [CENTER][B][U]Eye of the Dragon Tour- Night Twenty Three[/U][/B] [U][B]( Sapporo Sports Park , Hokkaido)[/B][/U] [I]Monday 12th November 2007[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Junior Title Contenders Match:[/B] Americana vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Silver Dragon Feet'[/SIZE] Sensational Dragon[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Openweight Title (4-way Elimination) [/B] Tom Gilmore vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Silver Dragon Feet'[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]World Tag Team Champion-[/SIZE] Shimedzu vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Silver Dragon Feet'[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]World Tag Team Champion-[/SIZE] Miyamae vs Mokuami Maita [/CENTER] [CENTER]Koshiro Ino vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Silver Dragon Feet'[/SIZE] Rhino Umaga[/CENTER] [CENTER]Eisaku Hoshino vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Size of the Fight'[/SIZE] Kansuke Konda[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]3-Way Dance:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Size of the Fight'[/SIZE] Hyosuke Kokan vs U.K Dragon vs Eagle Kawasawa[/CENTER] [CENTER]P.I.N.K (Marihito Masuko & Tadakuni Toshusai) vs The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion ______________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Eye of the Dragon Tour- Night Twenty Four[/U][/B] [U][B]( Kagawa Sports Field, Shikoku)[/B][/U] [I]Thursday 15th November 2007[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]All-Star Tag[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Silver Dragon Feet'[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]World Champion-[/SIZE] Hooded Kudo & Rhino Umaga vs Koshiro Ino & Hiroaki Nakasawa[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Non (Junior) Title:[/B] Elemental II vs SUKI[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Non (Openweight Title):[/B] Tom Gilmore vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Size of the Fight'[/SIZE] Hyosuke Kokan[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]4 Corner Survival:[/B] Americana vs Fire-Fox vs Kenko Takemitsu vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Silver Dragon Feet'[/SIZE] Sensational Dragon[/CENTER] [CENTER]Eisaku Hoshino vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Raging Bulls'[/SIZE] Eiji Hamacho[/CENTER] [CENTER]Kinnojo Horri vs Dynamite Narahashi[/CENTER] [CENTER]U.K Dragon & Eagle Kawasawa vs The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion[/CENTER] [CENTER]Steve Flash & Mokuami Maita vs Mullet Power (Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira) _______________________________________________________ [/CENTER]
[LEFT][FONT=Arial][B][COLOR=darkgreen][U]Prediction's Form:[/U] [/COLOR][/B][/FONT][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][FONT=Arial][COLOR=#006400][U]Monday (Hokkaido)[/U][/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=darkgreen][B]Junior Contenders :[/B] Americana vs Sensational Dragon[/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT] [LEFT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=darkgreen][B]Openweight Title:[/B] Tom Gilmore vs Shimedzu vs Miyamae vs Mokuami Maita[/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT] [LEFT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=darkgreen]Koshiro Ino vs Rhino Umaga[/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT] [LEFT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=#006400]Eisaku Hoshino vs Kansuke Konda[/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT] [LEFT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=#006400]P.I.N.K (Masuko & Toshusai) vs The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion[/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT] [LEFT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=darkgreen]Hyosuke Kokan vs U.K Dragon vs Eagle Kawasawa[/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=#006400]________________________________________[/COLOR][/FONT] [LEFT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=#006400][B][U]Thursday (Shikoku)[/U][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT] [LEFT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=#006400][B]All Star Tag :[/B] Hooded Kudo & Rhino Umaga vs[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=#006400] Hiroaki Nakasawa & Koshiro Ino [/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT] [LEFT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=#006400][B]Non (Junior) Title:[/B] Elemental II vs SUKI[/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=#006400][B]Non (Openweight) Title:[/B] Tom Gilmore vs Hyosuke Kokan[/COLOR][/FONT] [LEFT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=#006400]Eisaku Hoshino vs Eiji Hamacho[/COLOR][/FONT] [LEFT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=#006400][B]4 Corner Survival:[/B] Americana vs Fire-Fox vs Kenko Takemitsu vs [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=#006400]Sensational Dragon[/COLOR][/FONT] [LEFT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=#006400]Kinnojo Horri vs Dynamite Narahashi[/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT] [LEFT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=#006400]The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion vs Eagle Kawasawa & U.K Dragon[/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT] [LEFT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=#006400]Steve Flash & Mokuami Maita vs Mullet Power (Masuno & Taira[/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT] [/LEFT] [/LEFT]
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Monday (Hokkaido) Junior Contenders : Americana vs [B]Sensational Dragon[/B] Openweight Title: [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs Shimedzu vs Miyamae vs Mokuami Maita [B]Koshiro Ino[/B] vs Rhino Umaga [B]Eisaku Hoshino[/B] vs Kansuke Konda [B]P.I.N.K (Masuko & Toshusai)[/B] vs The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion [B]Hyosuke Kokan [/B]vs U.K Dragon vs Eagle Kawasawa ________________________________________ Thursday (Shikoku) All Star Tag : Hooded Kudo & Rhino Umaga vs [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa & Koshiro Ino [/B] Non (Junior) Title: [B]Elemental II [/B]vs SUKI Non (Openweight) Title: [B]Tom Gilmore [/B]vs Hyosuke Kokan [B]Eisaku Hoshino[/B] vs Eiji Hamacho 4 Corner Survival: Americana vs Fire-Fox vs Kenko Takemitsu vs [B]Sensational Dragon[/B] [B]Kinnojo Horri[/B] vs Dynamite Narahashi [B]The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion[/B] vs Eagle Kawasawa & U.K Dragon Steve Flash & Mokuami Maita vs [B]Mullet Power (Masuno & Taira)[/B]
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Prediction's Form: Monday (Hokkaido) Junior Contenders : [B]Americana[/B] vs Sensational Dragon Openweight Title: [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs Shimedzu vs Miyamae vs Mokuami Maita [B] Koshiro Ino[/B] vs Rhino Umaga [B]Eisaku Hoshino[/B] vs Kansuke Konda [B]P.I.N.K (Masuko & Toshusai)[/B] vs The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion Hyosuke Kokan vs [B]U.K Dragon[/B] vs Eagle Kawasawa ________________________________________ Thursday (Shikoku) All Star Tag : [B]Hooded Kudo & Rhino Umaga[/B] vs Hiroaki Nakasawa & Koshiro Ino Non (Junior) Title: [B]Elemental II[/B] vs SUKI Non (Openweight) Title: Tom Gilmore vs [B]Hyosuke Kokan [/B] [B]Eisaku Hoshino[/B] vs Eiji Hamacho 4 Corner Survival: [B]Americana [/B]vs Fire-Fox vs Kenko Takemitsu vs Sensational Dragon [B]Kinnojo Horri [/B]vs Dynamite Narahashi [B]The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion[/B] vs Eagle Kawasawa & U.K Dragon [B]Steve Flash & Mokuami Maita[/B] vs Mullet Power (Masuno & Taira
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[CENTER][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=green][B]Eye of the Dragon Tour (Show 23)[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Monday 12th November 2007[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Sapporo Sports Park, Hokkaido (Attendance: 5'000) [/CENTER] [B]Dark Match: SUKI vs Dynamite Narahashi[/B] [B][COLOR=red]Result: SUKI defeated Dynamite Narahashi in 8:26 by submission with a SUKI Special. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Decent pre-show match, that was given decent time to yet both ‘young lions’ showcase their skills. SUKI continues to impress, but Narahashi also did his bit to get the crowd into this tidy technical contest, though he still looks like the sort of performer who will struggle to ever rise above being a mid-carder at best.[/FONT] ______________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B][U]Main Show (Filmed For T.V)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The show starts with Silver Dragon Feet backstage…..[/I] [I]- Hooded Kudo says that tonight Tom Gilmore would be walking out with nothing[/I] [I]- He told both members of The Rebellion, that it does not matter who wins the Openweight Title , just to make sure that Gilmore walks away empty handed and that the belt is in the possession of Silver Dragon Feet[/I] [I]- Sensational Dragon then chimed in to say that he’s already beaten that Elemental wannabe Americana and he’ll have no problem doing it again[/I]. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]_____________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #1 : Eisaku Hoshino vs Kansuke Konda[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EisakuHoshino.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] No real rivalry here, but fans on the forums have been calling this contest between one of the biggest names on the puro scene not to appear for Burning Hammer (until recently) in Eisaku Hoshino and Size of the Fight’s Kansuke Konda ‘the battle of the head-bands’ due to their liking for wearing of head-bands. If anything Konda’s never say die attitude and hard-working ring style has also seem him dubbed by many as being like a pocket sized version of the slightly bigger Hoshino. They start off with a Test of strength and Hoshino basically just shoves Konda down to the mat, Konda gets back up and charges at Hoshino with fore-arms but they seem to have no effect, Konda keeps battling away and begins to rock Hoshino, but then gets dropped by a Lariat from Hoshino. Hoshino then picks Konda up and drops the Tag-Division mainstay with a Half Nelson Backbreaker. Hoshino then goes for the cover…. One…. However the cover was a bit nonchalant and Konda kicks out emphatically. Konda then fires-away with a flurry of fore-arms that has Hoshino rocking, before following up with a drop-kick that sends Hoshino tumbling through the ropes. Konda does not let Hoshino get any rest, and in trademark style comes crashing through the ropes with a Tope Con Hilo. Konda then rolls Hoshino back into the ring and comes down with the Mushroom stomps and then coming down with an elbow drop. Konda then goes for a cover…. One… Two…. Hoshino gets his foot on the ropes to break up the pin. Konda drags Hoshino back up to his feet and sets up for the Konda Driver but Hoshino fights him off and then dumps Konda with a back-body drop. As Konda gets back up he gets rocked by a Running Fore-arm and is then dropped by another Lariat from Hoshino. Konda gets back up but gets dumped into the turnbuckle by a running power-bomb. One…. Two….. Konda has the presence of mind to get his foot on the ropes. Hoshino places Konda on the top-rope and sets up for a superplex but Konda fights him off with a series of fore-arms. Konda then comes flying off and spikes Hoshino with a Tornado DDT ! One….. Two…. Hoshino is able to kick out. Konda whips Hoshino into the ropes and sets up for the Ace-Crusher, but Hoshino is able to block the attempt and then counters with a Uranage back-breaker. Hoshino then lifts Konda up and dumps him into the canvas with a Falcon Arrow…. One…. Two…. Konda kicks out. Hoshino lifts Konda up and sets up for the Godzilla Plunge but the Size of the Fight man is able to fight off the attempt with some elbows to Hoshino’s mid-section……kick to the mid-section from Konda…….ACE CRUSHER !! One…. Two….. Hoshino is able to kick out. Konda is unsure how to follow up, he decides to go up top, but that hesitation allowed Hoshino to get up, who then sent both of them crashing back into the ring with a top-rope German Suplex !! Both get back up at around the nine count, just about beating Omura Umeki’s ten count to prevent a double knock out. Hoshino fires-away on Konda, but Konda comes right back and then nails Hoshino with a drop-kick. Hoshino almost falls through the ropes but he comes rebounding back…..TYHOON LARIAT !! Konda is turned inside out ! One…… Two….. Three ! That was probably Hoshino’s best one on one match-up since coming into Burning Hammer. They both have similar attitudes and despite Konda being a Junior sized competitor, this was a stiff hard-nosed battle with plenty of fighting spirit between both combatants. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Eisaku Hoshino defeated Kansuke Konda in 11:44 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match Eisaku Hoshino spots Kinnojo Horri on the entrance ramp, and the two have a stare-down and proceed to trash talk each other from a distance.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]__________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #2 : P.I.N.K (Marihito Masuko & Tadakuni Toshusai) vs [/B] [B]The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BHOTWG-TadakuniToshusaiPINK.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Masuko and Kiyaru start out…. after some quick paced chain wrestling Kiyaru gains the first advantage, taking Masuko down with some spinning head-scissors. Masuko springs back up and takes Kiyaru down with an STO. Masuko makes a pin attempt which Kiyaru quickly kicks out of. Masuko tries for a suplex on Kiyaru but a standing switch is made and Kiyaru takes Masuko down with a standing Shiranui….. One…. Two…. Masuko kicks out, then Kiyaru switches it up into a single leg boston crab, Masuko tries to get out of the hold but Kiyaru drags him over to his corner and tags in Golden Scorpion. Scorpion hits a drop-kick to the face of Masuko . Scorpion then takes Masuko over with a Northern Lights Suplex…. One… Two….. Toshusai comes in the ring and breaks up the pin, before being ordered over to his corner, though Masuko is able to take advantage of the brief distraction by getting a low blow in on Golden Scorpion, and then planting Scorpion with a leg-sweep DDT. One…. Two….. Scorpion kicks out, Masuko then drags Scorpion over into the P.I.N.K corner. Toshusai works Scorpion over in the corner. Masuko is tagged back in and they take Scorpion down with a Clothesline/Leg-sweep combo….. One…. Two…. Kiyaru comes in to break it up but gets caught by Toshusai who lifts him up and nails Kiyaru with the Shock Treatment (Backbreaker drop)….. Golden Scorpion has got up though, and takes Toshusai down with a springboard drop-kick, he then follows up with a Quebrada on Toshusai. He goes for the cover but Toshusai is not the legal man. Masuko then gets up behind Scorpion and takes him over with a Capture Suplex…. One…. Two….. Scorpion kicks out. Masuko then directs traffic and gets Toshusai to put Scorpion on his shoulders before going up top……..P.I.N.K DAZE !! (Elevated flying neckbreaker) and this match is over. That was a solid tag match, that gave Kiyaru and Scorpion just enough of a platform to showcase their own skills, but rightfully put the main focus on the constantly improving team-work of P.I.N.K. [B][COLOR=red]Result: P.I.N.K defeated The Awesome Kiyaru and Golden Scorpion in 8:08 when Marihito Masuko defeated Golden Scorpion by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B]_____________________________________________________[/B] [I]A video plays hyping the 4-way Openweight Title match, that will be coming up next.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #3 : Openweight Title Elimination: [/B] [B]Tom Gilmore vs [/B][B]Miyamae vs Mokuami Maita vs Shimedzu[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningOpenweight.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]vs[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MokuamiMaita.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The rules for the match is that two are allowed in the ring at any one time, tags can be made but are not necessary as someone can enter the ring once someone leaves it. Mokuami Maita and Miyamae start out, they exchange some low key holds, Miyamae tries for a rolling cutter but Maita slips out of that and takes Miyamae down with a Russian Leg-sweep. Maita then tries to apply the ankle-lock , but Miyamae kicks him away. Miyamae then tries to nail Maita with an Enziguri, but Maita ducks the attempt and stuns Miyamae with a jaw-breaker before re-applying the ankle-lock. Shimedzu comes in to break it up , and takes delivers a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker to Maita, Shimedzu then drags Maita over to the corner and gets tagged in by Miyamae and it looks like as both Maita and Gilmore would have feared that The Rebellion will be working together. Maita gets worked over in the corner by The Rebellion. Miyamae whips Maita into the opposite corner and delivers the face-wash, then Shimedzu nails Maita with the hesitation drop-kick. The Rebellion continue their double team offence and dump Maita with a slingshot suplex. Shimedzu then goes for the pin….. One….. Two….. Realising that he might well be facing a two on one situation later in the match, reigning champion Tom Gilmore comes in to make the save, despite this being under elimination rules. Maita rolls out of the ring. Gilmore stuns Shimedzu with a double knee gutbuster and then switches it over into a Tilt-A Whirl Backbreaker….. One…. Two….. Shimedzu kicks out, but then gets turned over into a Stone-Hold…Miyamae comes in and hits a drop-kick to Gilmore’s face. Miyamae hits an Enziguri on Gilmore, staggering the champion, but Maita catches Miyamae off guard with a missile drop-kick. Miyamae gets back up but walks right into a super-kick from Maita….. Maita then turns Miyamae around and delivers a German Suplex….. One….. Two…. Shimedzu breaks it up. Maita gets up and gets nailed with a roundhouse kick from Shimedzu, knee to the mid-section…..SPIKED SKULL-DROP (meanwhile Miyamae climbs up to the top turnbuckle and takes Tom Gilmore down with a flying cross-body to the outside) One…. Two…. Three.... Mokuami Maita is the first to be eliminated at 8:24 Miyamae drags Gilmore into the ring. Shimedzu gets a couple of shots in on Gilmore, then hits nails the champion with a backbreaker before Miyamae re-enters and nails Gilmore with a slingshot leg-drop. Shimedzu then drags Gilmore back up to his feet, before the champion is taken down with a spin-kick/legsweep combo….Miyamae goes for a cover. Gilmore kicks out, Miyamae then whips Gilmore into on of the corners and tag Shimedzu back in. Shimedzu goes for the hesitation drop-kick but Gilmore gets manoeuvres himself out of the way and then sends Shimedzu falling face first into the turnbuckle with a reverse STO. Gilmore then takes Shimedzu over with an Exploder Suplex and bridges into a pin. One….. Two…. Miyamae came flying off the top-rope and broke up the pin attempt with a flying head-butt. Miyamae nails Gilmore with an Enziguri, then follows up with a Uranage backbreaker before taking Gilmore over with a wheelbarrow suplex…. One….. Two…. Gilmore kicks out. Miyamae tags Shimedzu back into the ring….knee to Gilmore’s mid-section and Shimedzu sets up for the Skull-Drop. Miyamae goes up top it looks like they are going for the spiked version…..but Gilmore counters the skull-drop and gets Shimedzu up onto his shoulders taking the tag champion down with a Death Valley Driver, at the same time Miyamae comes flying off the top rope, but hits nothing but canvas. Gilmore then takes Miyamae down with a rolling cutter, he goes over to the corner…..PICTURE PERFECT MOONSAULT !!!…… One…. Two…. Shimedzu is getting back up… But he’s too late to save his tag partner and Miyamae is the second to be eliminated at 14:27 Shimedzu backs Gilmore up with a series of kicks and then follows up with a Gutbuster , he then goes for a Dragon Suplex but Gilmore blocks it and pulls off a standing switch. Gilmore goes for a suplex attempt of his own but Shimedzu fights off with elbows and then is able to dump Gilmore to the canvas with a Falcon Arrow…. One….. Two…. Gilmore kicks out, but is still laying on the canvas. Shimedzu decides to go up top and comes off with a Moonsault but Gilmore gets the knees up. Gilmore then whips Shimedzu into the ropes and , Shimedzu comes back off the ropes……ANGER MANAGEMENT (Spin-Out Power Bomb) from Gilmore…. One…. Two….. Gilmore is still the Openweight Champion and has so far made 3 succesful defences.Remember 7 more succesful defences will earn him a World Title shot (but he will vacate the Openweight belt) They told a solid story throughout this match, with The Rebellion working as a team angle, it slowed down in a few places because of that, but definitely picked up more down the stretch. The main rivalry for the Openweight title as you may gather at this moment is between Gilmore and whoever Hooded Kudo sends after him from Silver Dragon Feet. This also worked in Maita’s ‘rematch’ for the belt (which is why he won against Masuko at the previous show), without giving the former champ another one on one match with Gilmore with Maita being the first elimination, that effectively ends his involvement in the title scene for the time being. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Tom Gilmore defeated Shimedzu, Miyamae and Mokuami Maita in 17:39; the order of elimination was Mokuami Maita first, then Miyamae, and finally Shimedzu.[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=purple][B]Tom Gilmore retains the Burning Openweight Championship title.[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [I]Tom Gilmore is celebrating a successful title defence, but The Rebellion are both now up and nail him from behind with the Silver-Dragon Feet weapon of choice- Kendo Sticks. They then put the boots to Gilmore before leaving the ring. Shimedzu then grabs Gilmore’s Openweight belt points to it, then himself before chucking it over Gilmore’s fallen body.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] ___________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match #4: Eagle Kawasawa vs Hyosuke Kokan vs U.K Dragon[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EagleKawasawa.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UKDragon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] They circle each other for a bit, then U,K Dragon rocks Kokan with a European Uppercut, Kawsawa then take down Dragon with a Dragon screw leg-whip, but then gets taken down with a Tilt-A-Whirl Head-scissors from Kokan, that sends Kawasawa out of the ring. Kokan then winds up for a dive to the outside but gets cut off a by a European Uppercut from U.K Dragon. Dragon then takes Kokan down with a rolling cutter, and then decides to head up top (probably looking for the diving headbutt) but Kawasawa cuts him off and catches him with an Enziguri just as he is climbing the turnbuckle. Kawasawa then dumps U.K Dragon into the turnbuckle with a power-bomb. But just as he is about to make the cover Kokan rolls Kawasawa up with a crucifix roll.... One.... Two... Kawasawa kicks out, and then after a knee strike lifts Kokan up for a suplex attempt, but the Size of the Fight man was able to block and countered with a sunset flip One.... Two.... U.K Dragon broke up the pin attempt with a basement drop kick to the face of Kokan. Dragon then lifted Kokan up and nailed the former tag champion with a Brainbuster One... Two........ Kawasawa was back up to break up the pin. Kawasawa then whipped U.K Dragon into the ropes and staggered the U.K Import with a spin-kick before spinning Dragon around and dumping him with an Eagle-Plex.... One.... Two... Thr......No ! Kokan broke up the pin with a senton and then as Kawasawa got back up Kokan took him down with the head-scissors, which he then tranisitoned into the Electric-Shocker Clutch. U.K Dragon climbs up top and breaks up the submission with a diving headbutt. Kawasawa looks worn out and crawls over to the side of the ring. Kokan gets a knee into U.K Dragon's mid-section as both get back to their feet, he tries for a suplex, but Dragon blocks it and rocks Kokan with a series of European Uppercuts. Kokan comes back off the ropes and gets taken down with a drop toe hold. Dragon then applies the Dragon Clutch. Kokan tries to crawl over to the ropes......but he can't take the pressure and he taps out. A little bit short but this was good fast paced action, that perfectly serviceable in the pre main events filler role on the card [B][COLOR=red]Result: UK Dragon defeated Hyosuke Kokan and Eagle Kawasawa in 8:44 when UK Dragon defeated Hyosuke Kokan by submission. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]_______________________________________________________________[/COLOR] [I]We join Koshiro Ino backstage who has a microphone[/I] [I]- Ino said that Umaga may well have been given a job to do by Hooded Kudo, but that he would be no match for him, and that he would feel the POW......[/I] [I]And before Ino could finish his catchprhase, Umaga levels him from behind with a steel-chair before dragging Ino up the ramp, Ino tries to fight back but Umaga has control of the brawl as they head towards the ring.[/I] [B]Ratings: C for both Ino's short promo and Umaga's pre-match attack from behind.[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #5 : Koshiro Ino vs Rhino Umaga[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KoshiroIno.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] They make it into the ring and the bell rings and the big Samoan is in total control. Umaga whips Ino into the ropes and takes the Power and Paint man down with a swinging side slam, he goes for an early cover.... One... Two....... Ino kicks out . Umaga then taunts Ino to get up, and just as Ino is almost back up to his feet Umaga drops him with a clothesline, Ino gets back up again and gets dropped with another clothesline.....Ino gets back up again, but this time he blocks the clothesline attempt from Umaga and begins to fire-back. Umaga gets a couple of shots in but they are having no effect as Ino fires back with a rapid flurry of fore-arms and elbows. Ino whips Umaga into the ropes and rocks the big Samoan with a Leaping Lariat. Ino then whips Umaga into the ropes again, he sets up for the back-snapper but Ino telegraphed it too much and Umaga counters with an Atomic Drop. Umaga then gets behind Ino and tries to suplex the power and paint man but Ino fights out of it, and then after a standing switch dumps Umaga with a German Suplex.... Both lay on their back for some bit, they then both get up and exchange strikes. Umaga nails Ino with a shoulder tackle but the Power and Paint Man bounces off the ropes with the KOBRA'S BITE ! (High Knee)...... Ino goes to make the cover, but Umaga had just enough prescence of mind left to roll under the ropes. Referee Omura Umeki starts his twenty count, Umaga starts to get up around five, Ino goes to cut him off, but Umaga is one step ahead and he doubles Ino over with a shoulder barge through the ropes to Ino's mid-section, but Ino rocks Umaga with a fore-arm that almost knocks the Samoan back off the apron. Ino then tries to suplex Umaga back in the ring, but the Samoan puts the brakes on and then takes Ino over with a suplex that sends both crashing to the floor on the outside. Umaga briefly rolls into the ring at the count of ten, to break the count. The Silver Dragon feet Insurance policy, then whips Ino into the ring-steps. Ino's right knee crashes against the steel. Umaga then grabs a chair out from the crowd and smashes it against Ino's leg, trapping the knee between the steel chair and steel steps. That draws the attention of referee Omura Umeki who gives Umaga a strong warning and tells him to bring it back into the ring. Umaga rolls Ino back into the ring and goes for a cover, but it's very nonchalant and Ino is easily able to kick out. Umaga then targets Ino's injured leg coming down on it with a series of leg-drops. Umaga goes for another cover , but Ino is again able to kick out. Umaga then drags Ino back up to his feet, and looks to whip Ino into the corner but Ino puts the brakes on and then takes Umaga over with a Scoop Lift Power-Slam. However Ino is too worn down to immediately make the cover. As both rise back up to their feet Ino drops Umaga with a clothesline, he then tries for the Kobra's Bite but he's hindered by the bad wheel and Umaga sees it coming. Umaga then stuns Ino with a throat-thrust before lifting Ino up onto his shoulder and driving him the Power and Paint man down to the mat with a Samoan Drop.... One.... Two..... Ino kicks out, but he's too worn down to get back up. Umaga decides to go to the outside and he picks up a chair . He then comes back into the ring with the chair and lodges it into the turnbuckle. Ino is back up though and he nails the back of Umaga with a double axe handle . Ino then goes to whip Umaga into the turnbuckle with the steel-chair but the Samoan is able to put the brakes on and he sends Ino back-first into the turnbuckle. Umaga then sets up for the Rhino Charge , but Ino is able to move away at the last split second and Umaga crashes head first into the steel chair, then as he staggers back out from the corner he gets dumped witha German Suplex.....Bridging pin from Ino.... One.... Two.... Umaga kicks out. Ino then drags the Samoan back up to his feet but Umaga counters with a headbutt, that sends Ino dropping down to one knee..... Umaga then decides to take the steel-chair from the turnbuckle. He swings at Ino but he he misses and then gets taken down with a clothesline, the steel chair drops out of Umaga's hand. BACK-SNAPPER from Ino, onto the fallen steel-chair !! One.... Two.... Three !! That was just a superb hard hitting heavyweight brawl, I was expecting this to be good but not this good. With these two heavy hitters in the ring you knew that the match would be mostly brawling and power moves, and whilst those sort of matches can be very bland in the wrong hands, these two just clicked and injected the heavy hitting with a real sense of drama. There was also a solid storyline running through-out the match, in that Umaga doesn't just want to beat Ino, he's trying to take him out under the orders of his faction leader, and in the end that desire to inflict as much damage as possible, ending up costing the big Samoan the match. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Koshiro Ino defeated Rhino Umaga in 13:15 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]____________________________________________________________[/COLOR] [I]A video plays hyping the Junior Division contenders match between Sensational Dragon and Americana[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 6: Junior Title Contenders Match:[/B] [B]Sensational Dragon vs Americana[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] These two met earlier in the month, in a match that Sensational Dragon won in somewhat dubious circumstances. Dragon was handed another Junior title shot because of that win, but on review of that match, was only handed a title shot in a 4-way and not a one on one shot. Americana was also given the opportunity to gain contendership to the Junior Title with this re-match, another thing to note is that Sensational Dragon has been warned that if any interference should occur from any members of Silver Dragon Feet, Americana will automatically be handed the title shot at Everlasting Mission. No waiting around in this one, as they tee off on each other with strikes and kicks. Americana gets the early advantage but Dragon is able to duck and he takes Americana down with a Dragon screw leg-whip. Dragon then grounds the Elemental 'admirer ' onto the mat with an Eastern Stretch. Americana makes it over to the ropes and Dragon has to break up the hold. Dragon however drives a knee into Americana's back and ties Americana up in the ropes before nailing Americana in the back with a baseball slide. Dragon the goes for a quick cover but Americana is able to easily kick out. Dragon then nails Americana with a double-foot-stomp into a Quebrada.... One.... Two.... Americana again kicks out. Dragon then lifts Americana back up, and plants him into the canvas with an STO. Dragon the decides to go up top , but he takes too much time as he jaws with the crowd and Americana is back up onto his feet. They exchange left and rights on the top turnbuckle....Americana gets control and sends both crashing back in with a top rope superplex. Americana scrambles over to make the cover.... One..... Two...... Sensational Dragon kicks out. Both rise back up to their feet and Americana gets in a flurry of kicks before whipping Dragon into the ropes, but the former two time Junior Champion comes back with a springboard back elbow, but Americana shakes that off and comes right back with the Tri-Fecta Kick Series. Dragon backs up, and then rolls under the ropes for a powder.......Americana then comes flying over the top rope and he takes Sensational Dragon down with the handspring plancha. Americana then rolls Sen-Drag back into the ring, but Dragon gets back up to his feet and he rocks Americana with a basement drop-kick that knocks the Elemental styled American Junior with off the apron. Dragon, then sets up and he hits a springboard flying elbow, that sends both himself and Americana crashing into the front-row. The crowd clears a path for them to get back up..... Dragon tries to suplex Americana onto one of the chairs, but Americana puts the brakes on and then tries the same......Dragon blocks and then he takes Americana down with an STO onto the chair. Dragon gets back in the ring, and Omura Umeki begins a twenty count on Americana. Dragon already seems to be celebrating but Americana makes it back into the ring at two. Dragon delivers a couple of knees to Americana's mid-section, before nailing Americana with a step up Enziguri. Dragon then sets up for the Dragon Slice, but Americana fights out with elbows, he pulls off a standing switch, then he dumps Dragon with an Elemental Suplex.......Bridging pin One...... Two........ Dragon kicks out and then he monkey-flips Americana, up into the air.......Americana lands on his feet and then nails Dragon with a roundhouse kick. Americana goes for a cover, but Dragon counters into a roll up of his own, Americana then flips Dragon over, then applies the Elemental Clutch. Dragon wills himself over to the ropes and Americana has to break up the submission hold. They get up and Americana delivers a couple of kicks to the former Junior champion.....Americana then dumps Dragon for a Falcon Arrow...... One...... Two........ Dragon kicks out..... Americana delivers a couple of knee strikes to Sensational Dragon's mid-section, he double under-hooks the arms, then lifts Dragon up for the Elem.........Dragon counters it into a SENSATION SHOCK..... One.... Two..... Thr....Somehow Americana manages to stretch a foot out under the ring-ropes to break up the pin, the match was very close to ending right there. Dragon pulls Americana into position and he goes up top, he comes flying off with a 450 Splash , but Americana is able to get the knees up........ Americana then takes Dragon over with an Elemental Suplex, however he is too worn down to make the cover straight away. Eventually he scrambles over to make the cover..... One...... Two...... Sensational Dragon kicks out, they both get up to their feet...they exchange strikes, the strikes then get more intense, rapid kick exchange neither one is backing down. Americana goes for a roundhouse but Dragon ducks and doubles Americana over with a couple of heel kicks to Americana's mid-section, but Americana comes right back and takes Dragon down with a rolling cutter. Dragon gets right back up , Americana whips him into the ropes...... but gets rocked by a Flying Spinning Heel kick from Dragon. An Enziguri from Dragon, further rocks Americana and then the Silver Dragon feet member sends Americana down to the canvas with a Dragon screw leg-whip........ Dragon follows up with a standing moonsault..... One..... Two.... Americana kicks out. Dragon drags Americana back up to his feet, he goes for a Dragon suplex but Americana fights out of it, standing switch....... Dragon pulls off the standing switch this time....Americana again fights out of it, kick to Dragon's mid-section....... ELEMENTAL DRIVER !! One.... Two.... Thr.......Dragon kicks out !! ....Americana decides to head up top.....but Dragon is able to get up and he stumbles into the ring-ropes, crotching Americana on the top turnbuckle. Dragon then climbs up and tries to bring Americana back into the ring with a hurracanrana but Americana shoves him off, and then re-sets himself. But Dragon gets back up and nails Americana with an Enziguri. Dragon sets Americana in place and then sends both crashing back into the ring with a top-rope Dragon Suplex !! One..... Two..... Americana kicks out ! Dragon goes out onto the apron then brings himself back in with a slinghsot plancha ....he then goes for a cover..... One... Two..... Americana kicks out again, but Dragon the applies a Kudo-Lock but Americana fights his way out of the hold then manages to turn it over into a pin attempt.....Dragon manoeuvres into a pin attempt of his own....they continue to exchange a series of roll-ups until both are too knackered. Omura Umeki starts a twenty count.....they both get back up around seven and begin to exchange strikes again... Dragon gets the upper hand and then attempts to go for the Dragon Slice but Americana blocks the attempt and shoves Dragon towards the turnbuckle and Dragon then staggers into an Elemental Suplex...... One.... Two.... Dragon kicks out. Americana then goes to follow up with an Elemental Driver but Dragon blocks the attempt and takes Americana down with an STO. He then heads up top and comes flying off the top turnbuckle, taking Americana down with a Tornado DDT....... One..... Two..... Americana kicks out. Dragon decides to go up top again, he sets himself for the 450 Splash but Americana springs back up and he rocks Dragon with a palm strike. They duke it out on the top turnbuckle. Dragon shoves Americana down off the turnbuckle, but Americana gets right back up and brings both crashing back into the ring with a hurracanrana, he transitons it into a bridging pin...... One...... Two..... Dragon kicks out, and then counters with a sunset flip....... One..... Two..... Both get back up and Americana rocks Dragon with a series of knee strikes, he tries for the Elemental Driver, but Dragon blocks and then takes Americana down with a leg-whip. Americana gets back up however and begins to kick away at Dragon, but Dragon comes back with kick of his own..... Dragon is back in control and again attempts the Dragon Slice but Americana is able to block and makes a standing switch......kick to Dragon mid-secton he double under-hooks the arms again but the former Junior champion, is able to fight out with elbows once more. Dragon manages to pull off a standing switch, and then he dumps Americana with a Dragon Suplex.... One.... Two..... Americana kicks out.....Dragon drags Americana back up to his feet, but Americana comes right back with the Tri-Fecta kick series.....crucifix roll from Americana..... One.... Two...... Dragon is able to kick out. They both get back up and begin to exchange kicks again, Americana regains control and tries for an Elemental Suplex but Dragon shoves him off.....Dragon whips Americana into the ring ropes...he takes Americana down with a Leg-Lariat........ One..... Two..... Americana rolls Dragon up into small package..... One.... Two....... Dragon kicks out, knees to the head from Dragon he turns Americana around he goes for a Dragon Suplex, but Americana fights out then dumps Dragon with an Elemental Suplex, into a bridging pin...... One..... Two......... Dragon kicks out....Americana decides to head up top.........INFERNO SPLASH !!! But Dragon had managed to move out of the way and Americana hit nothing but canvas.....Americana gets back up and stumbles right into a DRAGON SLICE !! One..... Two....... Thr......Americana was near enough the ropes to get his foot under the ropes to break up the pin.... Dragon drags Americana back up to his feet, and fires away with a flurry of strikes, he then whips Americana into the ropes, but Americana comes back with a springboard back elbow...... The time keeper then announces that there is only one minute left until the end of the time-limit (the time limit in Burning Hammer is 30 minutes on regular shows, 60 minutes on PPV and championship matches) .... They both get up again and fire-away on each other with kicks, neither of them is backing down both go for a big roundhouse, both connect and both go down at the same time...... Omura Umeki starts his twenty count, both gets up with Umeki's count at nine, but then the bell rings and the match has ended in a time limit draw. Incredible match, that despite the drawn finish, announces Americana's arrival as a fully fledged contender for the Junior Title. This was a real gamble to have this match main event a show, Americana has never main evented a Pay per view before, and whilst Sensational Dragon's matches with Elemental II have been consistantly excellent, his matches with other members of the Junior Division have often been disappointing. Add to the fact that they had to follow what was a sleeper MOTYC candidate between Koshiro Ino and Rhino Umaga, and the pressure was really on for them to deliver....but deliver they most certainly did, as the rose to the occassion of going out in the main event slot. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Americana drew with Sensational Dragon in 30:00 when the time limit expired [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]________________________________________________________________[/COLOR] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkgreen]Overall: A[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] This could be a sleeper show of the year. Hoshino and Konda started off with a strong opener, the Openweight Title match was solid, as were the two 'filler' matches and then it finished with a sleeper MOTYC in Ino vs Umaga and then a great main event between Americana and Sensational Dragon that rewarded my faith in the two Junior workers. _________________________________________________________________ [B]T.V News:[/B] Lords of the Ring drew a 15.56 rating on Nippon T.V (+ 0.34 ): Steadily up we go, as the shows get better heading towards the PPV.
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Some random thoughts on the past few shows. * Good to see you've gotten two workable tag teams from the Junior ranks with Scorpion & Kiyaru and Eagle & UK Dragon * I know you've said in the past this was only intended to be a diary for a few tours but MAN it's evolved so seemingly organically I hope it doesn't end any time soon. * Speaking of evolving organically Konda more so than any member of The Rebellion is all but demanding a singles push with his in ring work. * Since day 1 it seems Americana can do no wrong and when put in the Main Event Im glad he delivered. * Also glad Rhino Umaga is recognizing his potential since you put your faith in him when Samoan Machine was the more obvious choice, still would like to see him in Burning Hammer though, with Umaga's recent losing streak and Kudo's willingness to drop those he feels are dead weight I could easily see him "upgrading" his Samoan Insurance Policy. * Suki has to be my pick for the next breakout star he's also great as his skill set doesn't force him into fighting only Juniors. All in all keep up the good work man.
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[QUOTE=TylerDrew;288892]Some random thoughts on the past few shows. * I know you've said in the past this was only intended to be a diary for a few tours but MAN it's evolved so seemingly organically I hope it doesn't end any time soon. [/QUOTE] Don't worry this wont be ending anytime soon, and anyway in terms of in-game date progression, this is hardly the fastest moving diary, I'm still in November 2007, and I've seen some diaries that are years ahead of that, but then I see diaries like J-Silvers USPW one and Monkeypox's DAVE one and those move just as slow if not slower. Obviously the pace of the diary moves at relies on a number of factors. I'm writing a long-form diary with detailed match write ups, so it takes me a good few hours to write up a show (and sometimes I have to split writing a show over a few days, as not to suffer from Burn-out). If you're just writing a few comments on a match it's alot easier to bang out a few-shows every couple of days, that's not a slight on that writing style, as I feel there's a skill in itself to summarizing. The other factor would be the fed you are running, if you start with a small fed that runs one (maybe two) shows per month then you're going to run through the years alot quicker. In my case though I'm running a major fed that runs 2 shows per week plus a Pay Per view every month, so that's 9 shows per month. OK Burning Hammer does have two off-seasons, but that's still alot of shows per month. But I can promise that I will see this diary through (in game date terms) to at-least the end of 2008 (the next 2 tours) as I have plans sketched down in place for those tours that I would like to see through and chronicled in this diary. After that I would like to think I will carry this on and if I keep getting postive reaction for my work, then the more likely I will be to keep it going.
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[B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Purogods.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=#8b0000][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR=black]Following Monday's show at the Sapporo Sports Park in Hokkaido,that was main evented by the awesome Americana- Sensational Dragon contenders match for the Junior Title, a definite MOTYC that ended in a 30 minute time limit draw, a few more additions have been made to the card for Everlasting Mission.[/COLOR] Because of the Time Limit draw, both Americana and former champion Sensational Dragon will receive a shot at Elemental II's Burning Junior Title, with the belt being on the line in a 3-way dance. We can't begin to say how excited we are about this match, as these are arguably the three best Junior heavyweights working in Japan right now, if not the World. Following the Openweight Title 4-way Elimination, Shimedzu who was the final elimination, will receive a one on one shot at that belt as he looks to dethrone Tom Gilmore and bring the belt into the Silver Dragon Feet stable. Now with Shimedzu being one half of the tag team champions The Rebellion, that means that the World Tag Team Titles won't be defended at Everlasting Mission. However there will be tag team action in the form of a 4 team elimination match with the winning team earning a title shot. Three of those teams have already been confirmed as Size of the Fight, P.I.N.K and Raging Bulls. The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion vs U.K Dragon & Eagle Kawasawa taking place during Thursday's show at the Kagawa Sports Field in Shikoku, now has an added incentive as the winning team will the final spot in the 4 team elimination match at Everlasting Mission.
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkgreen][B][U]Eye of the Dragon Tour (Show 24)[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Thursday 15th November 2007[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Kagawa Sports Field, Shikoku (Attendance: 2'000)[/B] [/CENTER] [B]Dark Matches[/B] [B]Dark Match #1 : Chuichi Sanda vs Super Joshuya[/B] [B][COLOR=red]Result: Chuichi Sanda defeated Super Joshuya in 6:08 by pinfall with an Explosion Kick. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Wasn't really expecting much out of that match up, but they have pretty good chemistry and worked a solid match, the finish saw Super Joshuya fly off the top rope into an Explosion Kick.[/FONT] [B]Dark Match #2 : Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Toshiki Shibanumo[/B] [B][COLOR=red]Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Toshiki Shibanumo in 4:43 by pinfall with an Atomic Driller. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Shibanumo is beginning to complain about the amount of losses he has taken, but who else am going to job out to my up and comers. He's over the hill and he was never that good even in his 'prime'. [/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]__________________________________________________________________[/FONT] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show (Filmed for TV)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The main show starts off with the standing opening of a video hyping the main event , which this time is between Hiroaki Nakasawa and Koshiro Ino taking on World Champion Hooded Kudo and fellow Silver Dragon Feeter Rhino Umaga.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]__________________________________________________________[/B] [I]We then see Eisaku Hoshino sitting ringside scouting the action, as one of the wrestlers in the next match will be his opponent at Everlasting Mission Kinnojo Horri.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #1 : Kinnojo Horri vs Dynamite Narahashi[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DynamiteNarahashi.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Though this match was short, it probably went on a little too long.....in the near three and a half minutes it went on for Narahashi got in virtually no offence and Horri really could have/should have finished this match off earlier. The finish comes when Horri locks eyes on Hoshino in the crowd, Narahashi tries for a surprise roll up but Horri catches him and then turns him inside out with a Burning Lariat. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Kinnojo Horri defeated Dynamite Narahashi in 3:27 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]_______________________________________________________________[/COLOR] [CENTER][B]Match # 2: 4 Corner Survival: [/B] [B]Americana vs Fire-Fox vs [/B][B]Kenko Takemitsu vs Sensational Dragon[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_WashichiInao.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KenkoTakemitsu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] After their time limit draw in the contenders match Americana and Sensational Dragon will both challenge for the Junior Title currently held by Elemental II in a three way dance. Either of them are favoured to win this 4 corner survival or can Fire-Fox or Takemitsu pull off a suprise win ? Read on to find out.... Fire-Fox and Takemitsu start out, they chain wrestle for a bit and Takemitsu whips Fire-Fox into the ropes, Fox comes back with a springboard arm-drag and then follows up with a drop-kick. Takemitsu then decides to scramble over to one of the corners and tags in Sensational Dragon. Americana says he 'wants' Sensational Dragon and Fire-Fox duly obliges. Americana gets in a couple of kicks on Dragon who then backs away and decides to go for a powder. As expected though Americana gives him no rest bite and come flying over the top rope with the handspring somersault Plancha. Fire-Fox then goes to climb the top-rope but Takemitsu catches him from behind with an Enziguri and takes Fire-Fox over with a snap suplex..... One... Two... Fire-Fox kicks out. Takemitsu then tries to apply a Stone Hold but Americana is back in and nails Takemitsu with a drop-kick. Americana then reels off a series of kicks and strikes on Takemitsu before placing Takemitsu on the top-rope. Americana sends Takemitsu crashing into the ring with a hurracanrana.... One..... Two..... Sensational Dragon comes in to break up the pin. Dragon nails Americana with an Enzguri, before planting Americana into the canvas with an STO. Dragon then follows up with a Quebrada and goes for the pin..... One..... Two...... Americana kicks out..... Dragon tries for the Dragon Slice but Fire-Fox comes flying off the tope rope and nails Dragon with a thrust-kick ....Dragon then stumbels into Takemitsu who manages to apply a cobra clutch and dumps the former 2 time Junior champion with the Canada-2-Japan (Cobra Clutch Suplex)...... One...... Two...... Fire-Fox breaks up the pin with a standing moonsault. Fire-Fox lifts Takemitsu up off Sensational Dragon and then plants the former Stone-Family trainee into the canvas with a Leg-Sweep DDT..... One..... Two.... Takemitsu kicks out, but is then lifted up by Fire-Fox who sets Takemitsu up for the PYRO DRIVER !! he nails Takemitsu with it but he forgot about Americana who nails him with an Enziguri........ Fox falls onto Takemitsu for the pin..... But Sensational Dragon dives over to break it up...... Dragon then catches Americana with a series of kicks to the back, and then sets up for a Dragon Suplex but Americana fights off with Elbows and then after a standing switch dumps Dragon with an Elemental Suplex.... One..... Two..... Fire-Fox dives over to make ths save. Fire-Fox takes Americana down with an STO, then turns him over....standing moonsault but Americana gets the knees up...... Kick to Fire-Fox's mid-section......ELEMENTAL DRIVER !! One..... Two.... Three. This was obviously going to be nowhere near as good as the one on one match up Americana and Sensational Dragon had on the previous show, especially when you add in two pre-show dwellers in Takemitsu and Fire-Fox into the mix, but all in all this was a pretty solid 4 corner survival that was probably given just the right amount of time. Americana also picks up a momentum/psychologically boosting victory ahead of the 3-way at Everlasting Mission for the Junior title. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Americana defeated Sensational Dragon, Kenko Takemitsu and Fire Fox in 9:45 when Americana defeated Fire Fox by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]_______________________________________________________________[/COLOR] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Tom Gilmore vs Hyosuke Kokan[/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Kokan charges at Gilmore, but Gilmore just brushes Kokan's attack off and takes the Size of the Fight man down with a clothesline. Gilmore then drives his knees into Kokan with a Gut-buster and turns him over with the Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker....that earns a two count pinfall. Gilmore stays in control and whips Kokan into the corner before placing the former tag champ up on the turnbuckle and delivering a palm strike. Gilmore then tries to bring Kokan in with the Iconoclasm but Kokan holds firm and tries for a Tornado DDT, Gilmore blocks that, delivers another palm strike then brings Kokan crashing into the ring. Gilmore then goes up to the second rope and comes down with a second rope elbow drop.... One.... Two.... Kokan kicks out. Gilmore then whips Kokan into the ropes and sets up for the Anger Management but Kokan suprises him with a Tilt-A-Whirl Head Scissors and is then able to apply the Electric Shocker Clutch. Gilmore makes it over to the ropes to break up the pin. Kokan gets a couple of shots in on a weakened Gilmore leaving the Openweight champ grounded to the canvas, before heading up top.....he goes for the Cannonball but Gilmore moves out of the way and he lands butt first on the canvas. Gilmore then gets up behind Kokan and dumps him with an Exploder Suplex...... One.... Two..... Kokan kicks out...Kokan rises up to his feet but gets taken down by a rolling cutter and Gilmore follows up with a Quebrada.... One... Two...... Kokan again kicks out.....Gilmore then lifts Kokan up onto his shoulders for a Death Valley Driver but Kokan slips off and tees of on Gilmore with a series of kicks to the legs. Kokan then attempts to suplex Gilmore, but the reigning Openweight title holder fights it off and then sends Kokan into the ropes....Kokan rebounds back.....ANGER MANAGEMENT !! One.... Two..... Three and this match is over. That was disappointing, Kokan was barely a factor in this match and Gilmore just seemed to phone it in by his standards. If you look at their two recent singles performances , there is little wonder that Konda is seen as the stronger member of Size of the Fight and though the team is an important cog in my tag division, perphaps Konda on the strength of his recent singles performances does deserve a singles run and that his pairing with the 'weaker' Kokan is perhaps holding him back. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Tom Gilmore defeated Hyosuke Kokan in 8:31 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [B]_______________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 4: Eisaku Hoshino vs Eiji Hamacho[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EisakuHoshino.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] They trade fore-arms to start with, Hoshino whips Hamacho into the ropes and the Raging Bulls man comes back with a shoulder-barge that fails to take Hoshino off his feet. Hamacho fires away with a couple more fore-arms and then tries to suplex Hoshino. Hoshino blocks the attempt then dumps Hamacho to the canvas with a Uranage. Hoshino comes down with a fist-drop on Hamacho and goes for a cover , Hamacho easily kicks out of that. Hamacho gets up to a seated position but Hoshino fires-away with a series of kicks to the back , then runs off the ropes to nail Hamacho with a running knee. Another pin attempt and another kick out. Hoshino then double under-hooks Hamacho's arms, but Hamacho fights out of it, then after a series of fore-arm shots takes Hoshino over with a German Suplex, and then into a bridging pin..... One.... Two...... Hoshino kicks out. Hamacho picks Hoshino up and delivers a few more fore-arm shots before whipping Hoshino into the ropes and then taking the former PGHW champion down with a spear.... One.... Two.... Hoshino emphatically kicks out, they trade off with more strikes......neither man seems to be backing down....Hamacho then nails Hoshino with a roaring elbow.....Hoshino staggers back into the ropes.....he comes rebounding back....TYPHOON LARIAT !! One.... Two..... Three ! For much of the just under seven minutes that the match ran for this was just a mediocre big man match and Hoshino (as is worringly becoming the case) did little to live up to the big hype he came in with on his entrance into Burning Hammer, but the Typhoon Lariat is such a great high impact finisher that the crowd really popped for that and it did give a lift to a mostly forgettable contest. [COLOR=red][B]Result: Eisaku Hoshino defeated Eiji Hamacho in 6:50 by pinfall.[/B] [/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Kinnojo Horri then comes out onto the entrance ramp, and once again we have another tense face off between Horri and the victor of the last match Eisaku Hoshino.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]_________________________________________________________[/B] [I]We join Hiroaki Nakasawa and Koshiro Ino backstage, where they are with Tetsuzan Kaneko.[/I] [I]- Nakasawa said that he might not have to wait until Everlasting Mission to eliminate Rhino Umaga and then after that he'll be coming after the World Title[/I] [I]- Koshiro Ino then said that Kudo will get a preview of what will happen at Everlasting Misson, where he will be walking out of Everlasting Mission as the World Champion[/I] [I]-Tetsuzan Kaneko then tried to put the cat amongst the pigeons by saying that Nakasawa is also after the World Title[/I] [I]- Nakasawa responded by saying that no matter who walks out of Everlasting Mission with the World Title he would be coming after them but tonight he stands side by side with Koshiro Ino and that tonight they will be taking Kudo and his lackey to the school of hard knocks.[/I] [I]- Ino then did his usual line that tonight Kudo and Umaga will feel the POWAAAAH !![/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #5 : U.K Dragon & Eagle Kawasawa vs [/B] [B]The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UKDragon.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EagleKawasawa.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The winning team here gets the final slot in the 4 way Elimination Tag match that has been announced for the Everlasting Mission PPV. Kawasawa and Kiyaru start out, they trade a few kicks, Kiyaru spring boards off the ropes and gets taken down with an arm-drag but kips right back up to his feet and takes Kawasawa down with an arm-drag of his own. Kawasawa tags in U.K Dragon who nails Kiyaru with a drop-kick and then back's up the former 3 time BOSJ Cup winner with a flurry of European Upper-cuts, but Golden Scorpion manages to get in a blind tag and takes Dragon down with a Leg-Lariat. Dragon manages to roll back into his corner and Kawasawa tags in and nails Scorpion with a spin-kick. Kawasawa then takes Scorpion down with a Dragon screw-leg whip and tags in U.K Dragon. Kawsawa holds Scorpion is place and Dragon nails Scorpion with a baseball slide. Dragon then picks Scorpion up and takes him over with a snap suplex into a bridging pin One.... Two..... Kawasawa kicks out...Dragon tags Kawasawa back in and applys an abdominal stretch , Kawasawa then gets in a couple of kicks, before Dragon lets go of the stretch. Then Kawasawa picks Scorpion up and dumps him into the opposite turnbuckle, with a power-bomb....... One.... Two.... Scorpion had the prescence of mind to get his foot on the ropes, Kawasawa then whipped Scorpion back to his corner and tagged in Dragon.... Dragon rocked Scorpion with a flurry of European Upper-cuts, then Kawasawa came back in and went for spin-kick but Scorpion managed to duck under and Kawasawa ended up taking down Dragon. Kawasawa then went to grab the foot of Scorpion to prevent the tag into Kiyaru, but Scorpion managed to shake Kawasawa off and then took the former Optimus protege down with a front-flip neckbreaker. Scorpion got the tag into Kiyaru who took down Kawsawa with a Tilt-A-Whirl Head-Scissors that sent Kawasawa out to the floor. Dragon then came back in and took Kiyaru down with a diving European Uppercut. Dragon then got Kiyaru up for the Dragon Drop, but Kiyaru managed to counter with a Tornado DDT and Dragon also rolled to the outside before Kiyaru could make the pin. But Scorpion had now climbed the top turnbuckle and came crashing down onto both Kawasawa and Dragon with a Flying Cross Body, but Dragon managed to avoid being nailed by Scorpion but he did not see Kiyaru coming who took him down with a somersault plancha. Kiyaru and U.K Dragon were now back in the ring, Kiyaru took Dragon down with a spinning leg-sweep and then followed up with a Standing Moonsault.... One.... Two..... Kawasawa dived into make the save, he then went for the Vision Quest but Kiyaru saw it coming rolled out of the way then took Kawasawa down into the canvas with a Uranage, he then tagged in Scorpion, who slingshotted himself into the ring with the GOLDEN SHOT ! (Slingshot Legdrop) ........ One... Two.... Dragon tries to dive over, but Kiyaru is cutting him off... Three. Kiyaru and Scorpion earn the spot in the 4-way Tag Title contenders match. This possibly could have been better if U.K Dragon wasn't so over-worked, and Dragon's far too busy scedule played a major part in deciding who would come out victorious in this match. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Golden Scorpion and The Awesome Kiyaru defeated Eagle Kawasawa and UK Dragon in 9:50 when Golden Scorpion defeated Eagle Kawasawa by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B]_______________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #6 : Steve Flash & Mokuami Maita vs [/B] [B]Mullet Power (Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SteveFlash_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MokuamiMaita.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasuhikoTaira.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Flash has had problems with Mullet Power, ever since he turned down their invitation to turn their team into a fully fledged faction, also because of the fact that he too sported the eternal fashion disaster of a hair-style. Flash comes out last and he's no longer sporting a Mullet, he's cut his hair , which must be some kind of psychological insult to Mullet Power, and he charges the ring running beyond his tag partner Maita and laying into Masuno and Taira. Maita is not far behind and they take the fight right to their considerably larger opponents, they both hit drop-kicks that rock both members of Mullet Power and then hit another pair of drop-kicks. Mullet Power went for a powder, Flash goes back to the corner and some order is restored and Maita waits for one of Mullet Power to come back in. Taira comes back in and catches Maita with shoulder tackle. He then goes to follow up with a big-boot but Maita avoids it and takes down Taira with a chop-block before applying the ankle-lock but Taira kicks him off...... but Flash comes back in and takes Taira down with a missile drop-kick. Flash tags himself back in and rocks Taira with a spinning back elbow, Taira comes roaring back with a clothesline but Flash ducks and nails Taira with a super-kick, that doesn't get Taira off his feet however but it does have him unstable enough for Flash to take follow up by driving him face first into the canvas with a one handed bull-dog.... One.... Two.... Masuno comes in to break up the pin. Masuno then lifts Flash up for a choke-slam, but Maita comes in and nails Masuno with an Enziguri and Flash is able to wriggle free of the choke-hold. Flash and Maita then take Masuno down with a super-kick/chop-block combo. Flash then goes for the cover.... One... Two.... Masuno powers out of the cover, Maita then tries to apply the ankle-lock but Taira comes back in and after a clubbing blow to the back, tossed Maita to the outside. Taira then follows Maita to the outside and whips the former Openweight champ into the guard-rail. Flash goes for another super-kick on Masuno but Masuno side-steps out of the way and is then able to dump Flash into the canvas with a spine-buster.... One.... Two... Flash kicks out, back on the outside Maita comes back with an Enziguri on Taira....... Masuno lifts Flash up and delivers the AVALANCHE BOMB !! One... Maita nails Taira with the Assasination Attempt (running knee) on the outside.... Two...... Maita is getting back into the ring.... But he's too late Flash is down for three. This was never going to be all that good, especially when the 3 others have to carry a deadweight like Yasuhiko Taira to respectability. This was just filler to remind us that the Flash- Mullet Power feud isn't quite over just yet and Maita was just there as a random tag partner for Flash. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Mullet Power defeated Steve Flash and Mokuami Maita in 7:47 when Yasunobu Masuno defeated Steve Flash by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match is finished Maita just heads back up the ramp in disappointment at losing the match, leaving Flash to be easy picking for Mullet Power to beat-him down into the canvas.[/I] [I]As Mullet Power head back up the ramp, feeling that they must have beaten some 'sense' into the Canadian veteran. Flash picks himself up the mat and requests a microphone and issues MP with a challenge at Everlasting Mission, that says will end this once and for all. [/I] [I]He says he will face them in a series of singles match-ups....he said if they just win one of those matches, he will never step foot in a Burning Hammer ring again.....but if he wins both matches, Mullet Power must shave off their hair, and disband !![/I] [I]Mullet Power, thinking Flash has just taken too many knocks to the head, laugh at Flash's challenge then duly accept it, seeing it as a great opportunity to send Flash packing his bags for good from Burning Hammer. [/I] [B]Ratings: E for beatdown, E for Flash's challenge. E+ for Mullet Power accepting the challenge.[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Those segment ratings stink, but are about what I would expect. On the upside, the least money making feud in the history of Burning Hammer, will finally be coming to an end.Lets face it these Flash-Mullet Power matches, were probably the time when most fans headed for the concession stands. [/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]________________________________________________________________[/FONT] [CENTER][B]Match # 7: Non (Junior) Title: [/B] [B]Elemental II vs SUKI[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SUKI.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Elemental II is the reigning Junior champion, whilst SUKI is an up and comer , who already has something of a 'I know I'm good' attitude. Elemental II is no stranger to arrogant youngsters considering he's been feuding with another prodigious young talent in Sensational Dragon for much of the year. However Elemental II might have one eye on his title defence at Everlasting Mission and SUKI is capable of causing the upset if Elemental II is off his game. SUKI charges at Elemental II right away with a running fore-arm, but the Junior champion sees him coming, ducks out of the way and takes him down with an arm-drag. Elemental II controls the arm but SUKI works his way out of the hold and takes down Elemental II with a leg-sweep. Elemental II kips back up however and delivers a stiff kicks to SUKI's back. SUKI shakes off the kick and comes right back with a flurry of strikes, SUKI then whips Elemental II into the ropes but gets taken down with a leg-lariat. Both get back up and Elemental II backs up SUKI with a series of kicks....he goes for roundhouse but SUKI ducks under and drives him into the mat with an STO. SUKI then goes to apply a SUKI special cross arm-breaker but Elemental II frees himself before SUKI can really lock it in and counters into an Elemental Clutch. SUKI manages to find his way to the ropes to force Elemental II to break the hold before rolling out of the ring to regain his bearings. Elemental II then sets up for the handspring plancha but puts the brakes on and transitions into the Elemental Feint kick when he see's SUKI get up onto the apron. Elemental II then climbs up top and goes for a flying cross body to the outside by SUKI manages to move out at the last second and then takes advantage by sending the Junior champion into the guard-rail. SUKI then gets back in the ring and waits for referee Koetsu Shinozaki to count-out Elemental II.....the Junior champion comfortably beats the count, but gets stomped on right away by SUKI. SUKI then lifts up Elemental II and drives him into the canvas with an Implant DDT. One... Two.... Elemental II kicks out , SUKI then lifts Elemental II back up to his feet and sets up for suplex, he jaws with the crowd for a bit though and that gives Elemental II an opening to catch the increasingly arrogant youngster with a couple of elbow shots and then after a standing switch take SUKI over with an Elemental Suplex... One.... Two.... SUKI kicks out, but Elemental II ties up his legs into a figure-four leg lock....SUKI manages to reach over to the ropes, but is hobbling as he gets up....and Elemental II takes immediate advantage by targetting the legs with a series of kicks....sending SUKI back down to the canvas . Elemental II then follows up with a Quebrada but SUKI gets the knees up and then grabs Elemental II's arm and locks on the SUKI SPECIAL !! Elemental II tries to fight out of it but SUKI has it locked on tight, it looks the Junior champion might tap but he begins to power his way out of the hold, he lifts SUKI up and drives him into one of the turnbuckles and then countering into suplex...... One.... Two.... SUKI has to let go of the hold, but Elemental II's arm has now been weakened. SUKI takes Elemental II down with an STO and drives a couple of knee shots into the Junior champions right shoulder blade. SUKI then drops down to apply the SUKI Special again but Elemental II sees it coming and rolls up SUKI with a small package......SUKI then lifts Elemental II up of the canvas and sets up for a suplex but Elemental II delivers a knee to the mid-section, double under hooks the arms and drives SUKI into the canvas with an ELEMENTAL DRIVER !! One.... Two..... And a half.....SUKI kicks out of the pin but he's still flat on his back.....Elemental II heads up top.....INFERNO SPLASH !! He sticks the landing at just the right time, another split second and SUKI would have got the knees up. One.... Two..... Three. That was a really well worked match, that shows just how much faith I already have in SUKI to go out there and put on a good match in a prime-spot (this is the semi main event of the night). Admittedly this was on somewhat of a 'weak' card and he was in the ring with one of the most accomplished veterans in Burning Hammer in the form of current Junior champion Elemental II, but still he is a definite star in the making and at his current rate of development, should be at-least a fixture in the mid-card by this time next year. _________________________________________________________ [B][COLOR=red]Result: Elemental II defeated SUKI in 13:43 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Tetsuzan Kaneko is backstag with Hooded Kudo and Rhino Umaga.[/I] [I]- Hooded Kudo says that himself and Umaga will be getting free passes at Everlasting Mission as they will hand Nakasawa and Ino such a beating tonight they wont be making it to the big show on Saturday.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [I]We then get a video clip of the recent World Title match press conference involving Hooded Kudo and Koshiro Ino, to hype up the main event at Everlasting Mission. It's the usual cliched nonsense, with them at a press table, talking trash at one another, then getting up out of their seats, nearly coming to blows with some 'security ' guards keeping them apart.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 8: All Star Tag: [/B] [B]Hooded Kudo & Rhino Umaga vs [/B] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa & Koshiro Ino[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG][/B] [B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KoshiroIno.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Umaga and Kudo jump on Nakasawa & Ino right away, however the faces are ready for them and they come right back. The Silver Dragon Feet pair, then drop to the outside but Ino & Nakasawa follow them right out, and we have wild brawling between all 4 men around the ringside area. If referee Omura Umeki was more stringent with the rulebook he could have counted them all out but he gives them so lee-way and as all wrestling fans should know the rules only come into play, if they're part of the actual booking/outcome of the match Nakasawa whips Kudo into the guard-rail, and then reigns down a couple of lefts and rights, that send the World Champion slumping onto a chair. Koshiro Ino then winds up to come running in with a running knee, but gets cut off by Rhino Umaga who drops him with a clothesline, then Kudo gets up out of the chair and nails Nakasawa in the head and across the back with the chair. Umaga rolls Ino into the ring, and the takes the POWAAAH and Paint over with a Belly to Belly Suplex.... One... Two.... Ino kicks out but Umaga drags him over to the SDF corner and he tags in Kudo, Umaga holds Ino in place for Kudo to deliver a series of Knife edge chops, which send Ino slumping into the corner, ready to fall victim to the face-wash. Kudo taunts Ino and begs him to get up, Ino starts to fight back and gets a couple of shots in on his former mentor but gets cut off by a knee to the gut and is then driven into the mat with a Spike DDT.... One.... Two...... Ino kicks out..... Kudo whips Ino into the opposite corner and tags in Umaga who follows in with Running Lariat. Ino stumbles out of the corner and Umaga dumps him onto the mat with a scoop power-slam One.... Two..... Ino again digs down to kick out. Umaga drives Ino back into the SDF corner and tags Kudo back in, who delivers some more knife edged chops. They then set Ino up on the top turnbuckle and Umaga holds Ino's leg in place, Kudo then climbs up and reigns down a couple of shots on Ino. Umaga lets go of Ino's foot and Kudo tries to suplex Ino into the ring, but Ino fires back a few fore-arm shots and shoves Kudo off....Umaga now comes into the ring but Ino comes flying off and nails Umaga on the top of the head with a double axe handle. Kudo gets back up but gets dumped to the outside with a backbody drop......Umaga now charges at Ino, but Ino springs off the ropes and hits a Leaping Lariat on the big Samoan, that didn't take Umaga down, but it stunned him enough for Ino to dig down for enough energy to dive over and make the tag into Hiroaki Nakasawa. Nakasawa fires-away with a series of fore-arms on Rhino Umaga , he whips the Samoan into the ropes and drops him to the canvas with a Lariat, but Umaga gets right back up. Nakasawa gets in another series of fore-arm shots, and then goes to whip Umaga into the ropes again but Umaga reverses it and Nakasawa is nailed in the back with a knee shot from Hooded Kudo. Kudo and Umaga then take Nakasawa over with a double team suplex.....and Umaga goes for the pin. Nakasawa easily kicks out of that and Kudo gets tagged back into the match. Kudo goes to plant Nakasawa into the canvas with a Russian Leg Sweep but Nakasawa blocks it and counters into a Belly to Back Suplex..... One.... Two.... Kudo kicks out......They both get up and Nakasawa stays in control with a series of fore-arms, he goes for the Nakasawa Neckbreaker, but Kudo shoves him off and then takes him down with a Drop Toe Hold. Kudo then goes to apply the Kudo Lock, but Ino steps into the ring and forces Kudo to break the hold. However with referee Umeki briefly distracted that allows Rhino Umaga to get a couple of cheap shots in on Nakasawa. Umaga then feeds Nakasawa to Kudo, who goes for the Kudo Kutter but Nakasawa sees it coming, ducks at the last second and then counters into the NAKASAWA NECKBREAKER !! One... Two..... Umaga comes into break it up.... and then drops Nakasawa with an invered atomic drop followed by a Lariat. However he's not legal and has to drag Kudo over to get himself tagged in. Nakasawa tries to scramble over to his corner , but Umaga catches up with him, then after a few clubbing blows to the back, dumps Nakasawa with a German Suplex..... One... Two..... Nakasawa kicks out. Umaga lifts Nakasawa off the canvas and then whips him into the corner, he sets up for the Rhino charge, but Nakasawa comes expoding out of his corner and stuns Umaga with a desperation lariat.......he then dives over to get the tag into Koshiro Ino. Ino runs into Umaga with a shoulder tackle, but the big samoan barely budges.....Umaga then whips Ino into the ropes, but Ino comes back with the KOBRA'S BITE !! Umaga stays on his feet , but is stumbling......BACK SNAPPER !! One.... Two....... Nakasawa comes in to cut off any possible interference from Hooded Kudo... Three......Hiroaki Nakasawa and Koshiro Ino are your winners. Not a MOTYC candidate or anything but that was another perfectly serviceable main event involving mix and match members of Silver Dragon Feet going up against a pick them and mix them combination of babyface main event rivals. No should be suprised that Umaga did the job here, who is starting to look more like the Silver Dragon Feet personal job squad than an 'Insurance Policy' how much longer before Kudo realises that he's not really get much return on his 'investment'. Add in the fact that Kudo is the World Champion (so he won't be getting pinned) and that Koshiro Ino will be challenging for the World Title at Everlasting Mission and booking logic tells you to give the challenger a morale boosting victory that will get under the skin of the title holder. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa and Koshiro Ino defeated Hooded Kudo and Rhino Umaga in 17:52 when Koshiro Ino defeated Rhino Umaga by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=black]________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B] [I]With a few minutes spare at the end of the show, we get a video package of previous encounters between Hooded Kudo and Koshiro Ino , to help hype up the main event at Everlasting Mission.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkgreen]Overall: B+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] With 8 matches there was alot of short to mid length filler on this show. This was one of those shows where I wanted to look at the lower and mid card more than the upper card, and set up a few matches for lower down the card for Everlasting Mission. The show managed to do that without delivering anything too horrible, add in the 4 workers in the All-Star Tag delivering to their usual high standard and SUKI stepping up in the semi main event and despite looking a bit of a weak card on paper, this turned into a pretty solid show. _________________________________________________________________ T.V News: Ironclad drew a 16.14 rating on TV5Monde (+ 0.04) Not much to say about that, except that any kind of increase is better than a decrease in the ratings.
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[LEFT][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Purogods.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/LEFT] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkgreen]Everlasting Mission Preview[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [/CENTER] Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods return to PPV with Everlasting Mission, coming live from the Ashikawa Stadium in Hokkaido and to million of homes around Japan via Emperor Choice. Here as always is our full preview of what will take place at one of BHOTWG's biggest shows of the year. [CENTER][B]World Heavyweight Championship:[/B] [B]Hooded Kudo vs Koshiro Ino[/B] [/CENTER] [LEFT]Hooded Kudo succesfully defended the title in the main event at Night of the Burning Hammer in the 2 tier title match, firstly teaming with former protege Koshiro Ino to see off the challenge of Hiroaki Nakasawa and Kinnojo Horri, then defeating Ino to retain the title.He then saw off the challenge of Kinnojo Horri , who earned the title shot in a contenders match with Eisaku Hoshino. [/LEFT] [LEFT]Horri's problems with Hoshino have continued to grow and will be facing each other to settle their differences, whilst former champion Hiroaki Nakasawa has decided to pass up on a title shot this time round, citing that he will take out Kudo's lackey's first before he takes on Kudo himself.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Therefore Burning Hammer officials have decided to give another chance to Koshiro Ino, who they say has been impressive in losing efforts against Hooded Kudo.[/LEFT] [LEFT]So can Koshiro Ino finally get one over his former master and win the big one or will Hooded Kudo once again out-manouevre the POWAAAH and Paint crowd favourite. [/LEFT] [CENTER][B]Burning Junior Championship: [/B] [B]Elemental II vs Sensational Dragon vs Americana[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT]Elemental II won his sixth Burning Junior Championship at Night of the Burning Hammer ending the near seven month reign of rival Sensational Dragon and completely a Junior Division double after winning the Best of the Super Juniors Cup earlier in the year.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Sensational Dragon was of course looking for an immediate re-match but Burning Hammer officials decided that he needed to earn that, and put him in a contenders match with rising Junior star Americana- who is highly influenced by Elemental.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Sensational Dragon won that contenders match but in dubious circumstances, following interference from his Silver Dragon Feet stable companion Rhino Umaga. Dragon was given his title shot but in a 4-way elimination match that also included guest stars Emerald Angel from WLW and Phoenix II from Mexican fed OLLIE.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Americana was then given his re-match.....an incredible MOTYC that would end in a 30 minute Time Limit draw, causing the Burning Hammer officials to have no choice but to give both the title shot.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Can Elemental II retain his title, despite facing the challenge of two opponents ? Will Sensational Dragon find a way to regain his title ? or will Americana step up to the challenge and win the Junior championship for the first time. These three have been putting on excellent matches all tour and this could very well steal the show.[/LEFT] [CENTER][B]Grudge Match: [/B] [B]Eisaku Hoshino vs Kinnojo Horri[/B] [/CENTER] [LEFT]Ever since Eisaku Hoshino came in to BHOTWG, the normally mild-mannered Kinnojo Horri has been somewhat shaken up by his arrival. Feeling that Hoshino was there to steal his spot at the top end of Burning Hammer. [/LEFT] [LEFT]The problems really came to a head when Hoshino won a star-studded Non title 4 corner survival that also included Hooded Kudo, Hiroaki Nakasawa and Koshiro Ino....pinning the World Champion in the process, then announcing that he felt he had earned a World Title shot. [/LEFT] [LEFT]Kinnojo Horri then came out, and said that Hoshino had yet to beat him and said that Hoshino would need to earn that title shot by beating him in a contenders match.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Kinnojo Horri won that match, but not without he surprising help of World Champion Hooded Kudo. Horri came up short in his title match against Kudo, who has never explained why he helped Horri, but Horri seemed to cotton on to the fact that Kudo was probably trying to play mind games with him.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Horri and Hoshino were then on the same team in a six man tag (with Hiroai Nakasawa), going up against Kudo and World Tag Team Champions The Rebellion. A match which saw them come up short, and leading to either man blaming each other on the loss.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Can Horri show Hoshino that his win over the modern Puro-legend was not a flash in the pan or will Hoshino signify his intentions to win the top prize in Burning Hammer by seeing off the challenge of the BHOTWG main-stay.[/LEFT] [CENTER][B]Openweight Title:[/B] [B]Tom Gilmore vs Shimedzu[/B] [/CENTER] [LEFT]When Tom Gilmore arrived in Burning Hammer back in September it appeared that he might be the next member of Hooded Kudo's Silver Dragon Feet stable, but it then became clear that despite not being on the same page as Dragon Feet's rivals, he wasn't about to join Kudo's band of followers either.[/LEFT] [LEFT]And it appears to be that Kudo has taken offence to Gilmore's stance in deciding to go it alone, sending his Silver-Dragon Feet followers after the newly crowned Openweight champion. [/LEFT] [LEFT]Another reason why Kudo wants the Openweight belt of Gilmore, is that he see's Gilmore as a threat, and with the Openweight champion earning an automatic World Title shot after ten succesful title defence it would appear that Kudo would want to stop Gilmore from earning that title shot. [/LEFT] [LEFT]So far Gilmore has seen off the challenge of Rhino Umaga and both members of The Rebellion in Miyamae and Shimedzu, in a 4 corner survival match that also included former champion Mokuami Maita.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Shimedzu was the final elimination in that match, and with no clear cut challengers for The Rebellion's tag titles has been given a one one on opportunity to win the Openweight Title. [/LEFT] [LEFT]Can Shimedzu win the Openweight Title and bring it into the hands of Silver Dragon Feet or will Gilmore continue to frustrate the dominant stable and keep hold of the 'Silver Belt' [/LEFT] [CENTER][B]Challenge Match:[/B] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Rhino Umaga[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT]It's unusual for someone to pass up on the opportunity to challenge for a World Title but former World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa, has decided that that he would rather face Hooded Kudo, minus the distractions of Kudo's Silver Dragon Feet lackeys, and has vowed to take them out before he gets to Hooded Kudo, starting first with 'The Silver Dragon Feet Insurance' Policy Rhino Umaga.[/LEFT] [LEFT]We can only think that Nakasawa decided to make this decision after himself and Koshiro Ino challenged The Rebellion for the tag titles, Umaga stuck his two cents worth in, causing the match to be a no contest, which allowed The Rebellion to retain the titles. [/LEFT] [LEFT]Can Nakasawa remove the threat of the Big Samoan or will Umaga prove to be a 300 IB stumbling block for the former World champion.[/LEFT] [CENTER][B]World Tag Team Titles Contenders Match- 4 Way Elimination:[/B] [B]P.I.N.K (Marihito Masuko & Tadakuni Toshusai) vs[/B] [B]Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda) vs[/B] [B]Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)vs[/B] [B]The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT]The winning team in this Elimination match will earn a title shot sometime next month against The Rebellion. P.I.N.K, Raging Bulls and Size of the Fight were all automatically given a slot in the match, whilst Kiyaru & Scorpion earned the final spot by seeing off the team of U.K Dragon & Eagle Kawasawa.[/LEFT] [CENTER][B]Feud Ending ''Handicap' Challenge:[/B] [B]Steve Flash vs Mullet Power (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno)[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT]Ever since Canadian Veteran Steve Flash turned down their offer to turn their team into a stable , he has had problems with Mullet Power. Flash thought he found the solution in ending Mullet Power's unwanted attention when he brought in hardcore legend Larry Wood, but Wood has not been seen since Flash & Wood lost a Tables match to Mullet Power.[/LEFT] [LEFT]On Thursday's show it appears that Flash's tollerance level has reached it's end, when Mullet Power once again beat him down following a losing effort in a tag match with Mokuami Maita against the Mullet haired duo.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Flash sporting a new shorter de-mulleted haircut, grabbed a microphone and issued the following challenge.[/LEFT] [LEFT]- He challenged Mullet Power to two one on one match-ups.[/LEFT] [LEFT]- He said if he loses one of those matches, he would never set foot in a BHOTWG ever again[/LEFT] [LEFT]- However if he were to win both matches....Mullet Power would be forced to disband, but not only that would be made to cut off their Mullets.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Mullet Power feeling that Flash had lost the plot, accepted Flash's proposal [/LEFT] [LEFT]So has Steve Flash just signed his permanent farewell to BHOTWG or will he overcome the odds and cause the dipansion of Mullet Power ? _______________________________________________________________[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]It has been announced by BHOTWG that two more matches will take place at Everlasting Mission, with one of them likely to feature on the PPV and the other as part of the free to air pre-show. However they have yet to announce which match will take place when, and said that the decision will be taken on the night. [/I][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Miyamae vs Mokuami Maita[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]4 Corner Survival featuring: [/B] [B]Eagle Kawasawa, Fire-Fox, Kenko Takemitsu & SUKI[/B] _____________________________________________________________[/LEFT]
[LEFT][FONT=Arial][B][COLOR=darkgreen][U]Prediction's Form (Everlasting Mission) :[/U] [/COLOR][/B][/FONT][/LEFT] [LEFT][LEFT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=darkgreen][B]World Title: [/B]Hooded Kudo vs Koshiro Ino [/COLOR][/FONT] [LEFT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=darkgreen][B]Junior Title: [/B]Elemental II vs Sensational Dragon vs Americana[/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT] [LEFT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=darkgreen][B]Grudge Match: [/B]Eisaku Hoshino vs Kinnojo Horri [/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT] [LEFT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=darkgreen][B]Openweight Title: [/B]Tom Gilmore vs Shimedzu [/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT] [LEFT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=darkgreen][B]Challenge Match:[/B] Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Rhino Umaga[/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT] [LEFT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=darkgreen][B]Tag Titles Contenders - 4 Team Elimination:[/B][/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=#006400]P.I.N.K vs Raging Bulls vs Size of the Fight vs Kiyaru & Scorpion[/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT] [LEFT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=#006400][B]The Feud Ending Handicap Challenge:[/B][/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=#006400]Steve Flash vs Yasuhiko Taira[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=#006400]Steve Flash vs Yasunobu Masuno *[/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT] [LEFT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=#006400]* Will only happen if Flash beats Taira in the first match-up [/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT] [LEFT][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][FONT=Arial][COLOR=darkgreen]Miyamae vs Mokuami Maita[/COLOR][/FONT][/FONT][/LEFT] [LEFT][FONT=Arial][COLOR=#006400][B]4 Corner Survival:[/B] Eagle Kawasawa vs Fire-Fox vs Kenko Takemitsu vs SUKI [/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT]
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World Title: [B]Hooded Kudo[/B] vs Koshiro Ino Junior Title: [B]Elemental II [/B]vs Sensational Dragon vs Americana Grudge Match: [B]Eisaku Hoshino[/B] vs Kinnojo Horri Openweight Title:[B] Tom Gilmore [/B]vs Shimedzu Challenge Match: [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] vs Rhino Umaga Tag Titles Contenders - 4 Team Elimination: P.I.N.K vs Raging Bulls vs [B]Size of the Fight [/B]vs Kiyaru & Scorpion The Feud Ending Handicap Challenge: [B]Steve Flash [/B]vs Yasuhiko Taira Steve Flash vs [B]Yasunobu Masuno [/B]* [B]Miyamae[/B] vs Mokuami Maita 4 Corner Survival: Eagle Kawasawa vs Fire-Fox vs Kenko Takemitsu vs [B]SUKI[/B]
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[B]O.O.C Note[/B] This diary will be going on hold for about 2 weeks , as I'll be in Croatia for the next fortnight from Tuesday. The hotel i'm staying at does have internet access but I won't have time to write up shows or anything like that. I fly back on Saturday 23rd, but probably wont get the PPV up until a few days after that. But keep those predictions coming, because with the lengthy break there's really no excuse not to get them in if you've been following this ;) I see 'Chris Caulfield' has already got his in, first off the blocks as per usual !
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Prediction's Form (Everlasting Mission) : World Title: Hooded Kudo vs [B]Koshiro Ino[/B] Junior Title: Elemental II vs Sensational Dragon vs [B]Americana[/B] Grudge Match: [B]Eisaku Hoshino[/B] vs Kinnojo Horri Openweight Title: [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs Shimedzu Challenge Match: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] Tag Titles Contenders - 4 Team Elimination: P.I.N.K vs Raging Bulls vs [B]Size of the Fight[/B] vs Kiyaru & Scorpion The Feud Ending Handicap Challenge: [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs Yasuhiko Taira Steve Flash vs [B]Yasunobu Masuno[/B] Miyamae vs [B]Mokuami Maita[/B] 4 Corner Survival: [B]Eagle Kawasawa[/B] vs Fire-Fox vs Kenko Takemitsu vs SUKI
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World Title: [B]Hooded Kudo[/B] vs Koshiro Ino Junior Title: [B]Elemental II[/B] vs Sensational Dragon vs Americana Grudge Match: Eisaku Hoshino vs [B]Kinnojo Horri [/B] Openweight Title: [B]Tom Gilmore [/B]vs Shimedzu Challenge Match: [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] vs Rhino Umaga Tag Titles Contenders - 4 Team Elimination: P.I.N.K vs Raging Bulls vs [B]Size of the Fight[/B] vs Kiyaru & Scorpion The Feud Ending Handicap Challenge: [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs Yasuhiko Taira [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs Yasunobu Masuno * * Will only happen if Flash beats Taira in the first match-up [B]Miyamae[/B] vs Mokuami Maita 4 Corner Survival: Eagle Kawasawa vs Fire-Fox vs Kenko Takemitsu vs[B] SUKI [/B]
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World Title: [B]Hooded Kudo[/B] vs Koshiro Ino If Ino was going to win the belt he would have done it at the last show, I think... Junior Title: [B]Elemental II[/B] vs Sensational Dragon vs Americana All three would be great champs, but I think ELemental holds onto the belt for now. Grudge Match: Eisaku Hoshino vs [B]Kinnojo Horri[/B] Horri needs credibility, and Hoshino might be gone soon. Openweight Title: [b]Tom Gilmore[/b] vs Shimedzu Gilmore's going all the way, I think... Challenge Match: [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] vs Rhino Umaga There's a chance for an Umaga upset here, but I think he'll continue being the fall guy for a while. Tag Titles Contenders - 4 Team Elimination: P.I.N.K vs Raging Bulls vs [B]Size of the Fight[/B] vs Kiyaru & Scorpion Taking a stab in the dark... The Feud Ending Handicap Challenge: [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs Yasuhiko Taira [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs Yasunobu Masuno * * Will only happen if Flash beats Taira in the first match-up Masuno deserves better than this, but there's really no story if Flash wins one and loses the next one. [B]Miyamae[/B] vs Mokuami Maita Miyamae is going into that tournament after this, and Maita is on the way down, so... 4 Corner Survival: Eagle Kawasawa vs Fire-Fox vs Kenko Takemitsu vs [B]SUKI[/B] Although Kawasawa is always a possibility...
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  • 2 weeks later...
[B][U]O.O.C Post[/U][/B] Yay ! I'm Back ....Croatia was good, but internet access over there was uber-crappy...whilst most things were cheap but at £6 per hour for use of the hotels computer that certainly wasn't. Anyway I'm working on writing up the PPV but don't expext it to be up until at-least something like Thursday, so there's still enough time for people to send in predictions, if anyone wants to do so.
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkgreen]Everlasting Mission [/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [COLOR=darkgreen][COLOR=#000000][/COLOR] [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=black]Saturday 16th November 2007[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [/COLOR][COLOR=black][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=black]Asahikawa Stadium, Hokkaido (Attendance: 10'000) [/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [COLOR=black][/COLOR] [CENTER][I][COLOR=black]And Live on PPV via Emperor Choice (Buy-Rate: 1.47)[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [COLOR=darkgreen][COLOR=#000000][/COLOR] [LEFT][B][U][COLOR=black]Pre Show[/COLOR][/U][/B][/LEFT] [/COLOR][COLOR=black][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=black]A video plays hyping Kinnojo Horri vs. Eisaku Hoshino. [/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][I]A video plays hyping the Junior Title Three Way between Elemental II vs. Sensational Dragon vs. Americana.[/I] [/COLOR] [COLOR=black][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black]Ratings: Both C[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]Pre-Show Match: 4 Corner Survival: [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=black]Eagle Kawasawa vs Fire-Fox vs Kenko Takemitsu vs SUKI[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=darkgreen][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EagleKawasawa.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_WashichiInao.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=black]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=darkgreen][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KenkoTakemitsu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SUKI.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=black]This was a random 4-way that was one of two late additions to the card and the decision was made to make this the pre-show match. This was your standard multi-man Junior Division fare, with plenty of spots and not much in the way of psychology but it got the live crowd pumped up and ready for the rest of the show. [/COLOR] [COLOR=black][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][COLOR=black]The finishing sequence saw Eagle Kawsawa nail Fire-Fox with the Vision Quest only to be dumped on his head with the Canada-2-Japan from Takmemitsu. SUKI then leaped off the top-rope and took Takemitsu down with a head-scissors before transitioning it into the SUKI Special (Cross Arm Breaker), and with everyone else out cold Takemitsu tapped out after nearly nine minutes of fast paced Junior division action.[/COLOR] [/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red]Result: SUKI defeated Kenko Takemitsu, Fire Fox and Eagle Kawasawa in 8:48 when SUKI defeated Kenko Takemitsu by submission.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B]_______________________________________________________[/B] [I]A video plays hyping the World Title match between Hooded Kudo and Koshiro Ino[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show (PPV)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The PPV starts with footage of Silver Dragon Feet arriving at the arena, with World Champion Hooded Kudo leading the way[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #1 : Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Rhino Umaga[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Rhino Umaga cost Nakasawa a chance of picking up the Tag Titles a few weeks back, and though Nakasawa's sights are still on a much higher prize the World Title, he requested to face the 'Silver Dragon Feet Insurance Policy' citing it as an opportunity to eliminate what could be a major distraction, as to when he gets his chance to regain the World Title from Hooded Kudo. Nakasawa is out second, but Umaga gives him no time to enter the ring, and the big Samoan takes the World Champion down with a flying shoulder tackle off the ring apron. They both get up and Umaga rams Nakasawa into the railings on the outside. Umaga then drags Nakasawa into the ring and stomps away on the former World Champion, he drops a knee and goes for an early cover but Nakasawa kicks out. Umaga then whips Nakasawa into the corner, and goes to follow up with a running lariat but Nakasawa is able to side step and catches Umaga with a lariat of his own, that only staggers Umaga, but the Samoan is soon taken off his feet with a Uranage. That took alot of Nakasawa who had been on the defensive from the beginning and both are slumped on the canvas as referee Koetsu Shinozaki starts a ten count. Both get up at around seven and they slug it out with lefts and rights, Nakasawa goes to whip Umaga into the turnbuckle, but the big Samoan puts the brakes on and ends up taking Nakasawa down with a shoulder tackle, but Nakasawa pops back up and takes the 'Silver Dragon Feet Insurance Policy' off his feet with a Belly to Back Suplex.... One.... Two... Umaga emphatically kicks out and then catches Nakasawa with a scoop power slam !! One... Two.... Nakasawa kicks out. Nakasawa gets back up to his feet but gets dropped with a headbutt, Umaga picks Nakasawa up and drives him down into the canvas with a Samoan Drop .... One.... Two.... Thr....Nooo !! Nakasawa kicks out. Umaga drags Nakasawa back up to his feet and whips him into the corner, he sets up for the Rhino Charge .....he charges towards the corner but Nakasawa has the prescence of mind to move out the way but Umaga puts the brakes on and catches Nakasawa with a Running Lariat. Umaga goes for the cover but Nakasawa counters with a small package roll-up.... One... Two.... Umaga is about to kick out, Nakasawa switches it up into an STF....... The big Samoan powers his way over to the ropes to break up the hold...... Umaga goes for a German suplex, but Nakasawa pulls off a standing switch ....and dumps Umaga right on his head with a German of his own ! One... Two.... Umaga emphatically kicks out. Both are back to the their feet they exchanged blows...... Umaga catches Nakasawa with a Lariat...Nakasawa goes down, but it gets back up and rocks Umaga with a Lariat of his own......he follows up with a drop-kick......the samoan staggers into the ropes.... Umaga staggers back out again and gets caught with a NAKASAWA NECKBREAKER !! One... Two.... Three.....Nakasawa is the winner. That was a good heavy hitting match-up to kick the show off with. It's not often that you'd see someone the calibre of Nakasawa in the opening match of a PPV, but he wasn't in one of the marquee match-up's this time and I like to kick off my PPV's with a strong match. If anything working the opening match is more prestigious than working those in the 2-4 slots. Umaga as per usual was in his jobber to the stars role but he did at-least look a threat throughout the match, and if anything actually dominated the match more than Nakasawa, but the former World Champion will be part of the up coming Super 10 Tournament and needs to look strong and it's inevitable that he will eventually get another World Title shot. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa defeated Rhino Umaga in 12:56 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]______________________________________________________________[/COLOR] [I]Tetsuzan Kaneko is backstage with Junior Champion Elemental II, who is there to hype his defence of the Junior Title later in the night[/I] [I]- Elemental II said that he admits that Sensational Dragon is a great talent, but is far too arrogant for his own good. He said that Dragon's arrogance will force him into a making a mistakes that will be capitilized on[/I] [I]- Kaneko then asked Elemental II what he made of Americana, an opponent who has clearly modelled himself on the Elemental legacy, and whether or not the Junior Division Legend was somewhat offended by this copycat[/I] [I]- Elemental II said that someone with the mind-set of Sensational Dragon would be offended, but he himself is somewhat flattered that is someone willing to carry on the Elemental legacy.[/I] [I]- But though he has admiration for the new-comer, he has mastered the Elemental style, where as Americana is still learning it and be it Americana or Sensational Dragon they will have to bring their very best to take the Junior Title away. [/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]_______________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #2 : Miyamae vs Mokuami Maita[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MokuamiMaita.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was the other late announcement, Miyamae is currently one half of the World Tag Team Champions The Rebellion and Mokuami Maita is a former Openweight Champion. Both recently competed in a 4-way elimination match for the Openweight belt and it's likely that the winner of this match will get the next shot at the Openweight belt. Co-incidently Miyamae's tag partner is challenging Tom Gilmore for the Openweight belt later in the show. We gets a bit of a circling , they then lock-up and Maita takes Miyamae down with a Leg-sweep before applying a bow and arrow....Miyamae slips out of the submission hold and almost gets an early pin......Maita then catches Miyamae with a small package and almost gets a pin of his own.....before the Silver-Dragon Feeter sneaks in a poke to Maita eyes. Miyamae takes Maita down with an STO and then drops a knee to the top of Maita's head.....he taunts Maita to get up and the former Openweight champ does get back up to his feet only to be nailed with a stiff kick to the chest. Miyamae then picks Maita up and dumps the smaller man across the top-rope with a sling-shot suplex. With Maita hanging over the top-rope Miymae follows up with a running knee strike....Maita slumps down onto the canvas... One... Two... Maita gets his feet on the ropes...Miymae whips Maita into the corner, and follows in with a face-wash. Miyamae goes to follow in with another running knee strike, but Maita rolls out of the corner and takes Miyamae down with a chop-block, he then catches Miyamae's right leg and applies the ankle-lock....... Miyamae rolls through and then grazes Maita with an Enziguri, but Maita keeps a grip of the ankle-lock ...... Maita then grapevines the leg. Miyamae somehow struggles over to the ropes and Maita has to break the hold. Miyamae hobbles out from the ropes only to be caught with a face-breaker knee-smash from Maita. Maita goes to apply the ankle -lock again but Miyamae catches with him a more cleanly struck Enziguri, and then rolls Maita up with a La-Magistral.... One... Two..... Maita kicks out and then again goes after Miyamae's ankle. Miyamae shakes off the attempt and then catches Maita in the SNAKE POISON !! (Anaconda Vice) Maita tries to struggle to the ropes, but Miyamae has the submission synched in, right in the middle of the ring....Maita see's no other option but to tap out !! That was a tidy technical contest, that could have perhaps been even better if they were given a few extra minutes, saying that though this was just card filler and the crowd seemed to pick up on that. There was never much doubt that Miyamae would be going over because as a title-holder he will be taking part in the Super 10 Tournament, whilst Maita who had a mediocre run as Openweight champion is probably starting his descent back down the card. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Miyamae defeated Mokuami Maita in 8:39 by submission.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B]_____________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #3 : Contenders 4-way Tag Team Elimination:[/B] [B]The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion vs [/B] [B]P.I.N.K (Marihito Masuko & Tadakuni Toshusai) vs [/B] [B]Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda) vs [/B] [B]Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)[/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion.jpg[/IMG] / [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BHOTWG-TadakuniToshusaiPINK.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda.jpg[/IMG] / [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] With the Tag Titles not on the line, due to Shimedzu challenging for the Openweight Belt, this 4-way Elimination match ws set up to find the next challengers for the titles. The winning team will be guaranteed a title shot sometime during next month. Sanda and Scorpion start things off, Scorpion fires away on Sanda but Sanda comes back with some strikes of his own and Scorpion makes his way back to his corner. Kiyaru comes in and takes Sanda off his feet with a hurracanrana, before sending Sanda all dizzy with the Awesome Mirage kick series (2 spinning heel kicks, followed by a Roundhouse). Kiyaru then goes for the pin... One.... Two... Sanda kicks out , Kiyaru goes up top and goes for a Tornado DDT but gets caught this time , and Sanda drives him to the canvas with a sit-out Power-Bomb...however Kiyaru was able to roll out of the ring before Sanda could make the cover and Konda announces his arrival with a top-rope drop-kick. Sanda soon makes his exit and now Toshusai is in. Konda stands up to the bigger man, with a series of strikes, but soon gets dropped with a Mongolian Chop. Toshusai lifts Konda up but the Size of the Fight man is able to counter with an Ace-Crusher, that has the big man of P.I.N.K staggered and buys Konda just enough time to tag Kokan into the match. Kokan nails Toshusai with a flying drop-kick who then goes to the outside. Kokan then hits a suicide Dive on Toshusai. Masuko goes to tend on Toshusai but finds himself bowled over by Konda, who comes roaring through with the tope con hilo. Golden Scorpion now climbes to the top-rope only for Eiji Hamacho to come along and shove him onto the pile of bodies. Kiyaru comes into the ring and goes to nail Hamacho with a drop-kick but the Raging Bull side-steps the attempt and then nails Kiyaru with a roaring elbow before driving the former 3 time BOSJ cup winner into the canvas with a Death-Valley-Driver... One... Two.... Golden Scorpion comes in to break it up. Hamacho turns around but gets taken down with a Front-Flip Neckbreaker from Scorpion, who then springs off the ropes and hits a Quebrada... One... Two.... Hamacho kicks out....Scorpion hesitates for a bit on what to do next, and that hesitation proved costly as Marihito Masuko sneaked into the ring and nailed Scorpion with the Masuko Cradle-Shock... One... Two... Three.....Kiyaru & Scorpion are the first team to be eliminated at 8:47 Sanda enters the ring and Masuko decides to make a quick tag into Toshusai....they brawl for a bit and Sanda goes flying into Toshusai with a Ed Henson Press, that sends both combatants out of the floor. Kokan and Masuko enter the ring, they chain wrestle for a bit , Masuko then gets a cheap shot in on Kokan and goes for a small package roll-up but Kokan counters that into one of his own and Masuko decides to scramble over to make the tag into Eiji Hamacho who nails Kokan with a spear. One.... Two.... Kokan shows his resilliance and kicks out, Hamacho then lifts him up for a Power-Bomb but Kokan counters that with a Tornado DDT, before scrambling over to make the tag into Konda, who is able to nail Hamacho with a running senton, before the Raging Bull could get the knees up. Kokan comes back in and they hit a double-cutter on Hamacho....Konda then makes the cover... One... Two... Sanda breaks it up, and then goes to nail Konda with the Explosion kick but Konda ducks the attempt....Kokan is still in the ring and nails Sanda with an Enziguri...setting him up for the FINAL IMPACT !! (Flapjack/DDT combo) One.... Two... The Raging Bulls are the second team to be eliminated at 10:52 Toshusai comes in and cleans house on both members of Size of the Fight, taking down Kokan with a Mongolian Chop and then nailing Konda with a spinebuster. Masuko tags back in, who then monkey-flips Kokan towards Toshusai who then nails Kokan with a big-boot. One... Two... Kokan shows what himself andf Size of the Fight are all about by kicking out. Masuko then lifts Kokan back up , before driving Kokan back into the canvas with a Legsweep DDT. Masuko then tags Toshusai back in, who then delivers a Half Nelson Backbreaker, before placing Kokan up on his shoulders.... Masuko goes up top but Konda has now come to and comes round to the P.I.N.K corner to crotch Masuko on the top-rope. Toshusai see's what has happened and sets up Kokan for the Shock-Treatment (Backbreaker drop). Konda nails Toshusai with a drop-kick but Kokan still takes the Shock-Treatment.... One... Two.... Konda breaks up the pin, and then follows up by stunning Toshusai with an ace-crusher. Masuko comes flying in and takes Konda off his feet with a spinning head-scissors take-down, Masuko then sets Konda up for the Cradle-Shock but Konda slips out and stuns Masuko with an elbow-smash to set up for the KONDA DRIVER !! One... Two... Toshusai is stiring.....Kokan comes flying off the top-rope and nails Toshusai with a senton Three...... Size of the Fight are the winners and earn the Tag Team Title shot. Everyone put in a solid effort and there were some nice spots, but with so many people involved the match lacked cohesion at times and in all honestly the first elimination made the referee(Koetsu Shinozaki ) look a bit incompetent as Masuko was not anywhere near being legal. Still this was serviceable filler that helped get a fair few of my mid-carders get a spot on the PPV. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Size of the Fight defeated Raging Bulls, P.I.N.K and The Awesome Kiyaru and Golden Scorpion in 14:41.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [B]_______________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 4: Loser Leaves Town vs Loses Hair Challenge (Part 1): Steve Flash vs Yasuhiko Taira[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SteveFlash_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasuhikoTaira.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This is the first part in to a two tiered challenge set up by Steve Flash, who has had problems with Mullet Power , ever since he turned down their offer of joining their band of wrestlers who appreciate hair that is business at the front and a party at the back. The challenge ultimately boils down to if Flash wins....Mullet Power are forced to disband but not only that, will also have to their Mullet's shaved off. However if Mullet Power win the challenge, Flash is forced to leave BHOTWG for good, the challenge is also stacked in Mullet Powers's favour , Mullet Power only need to win one of the matches, whilst Flash needs to win both matches. Taira jumps on Flash before the Canadian veteran can even enter the ring, and throws him into the ring-steps. Flash then gets back up but Taira hits a running big-boot, and Flash is left lying on the outside. Omura Umeki begins the twenty count. Flash beats it at around five but Taira is straight onto him, and stomps away on Flash, before going for a pin attempt. Flash kicks out and Taira picks Flash up , whips the newly shorter haired Flash into the corner and follows up with a Turnbuckle Splash....Flash stumbles out of the corrner and Taira goes for another pin... One... Two... Flash again kicks out...much to Taira's disbelief, Taira lifts Flash back up to his feet and taunts the Canadian, who then comes back with some really weak looking punches, before being dropped back down to the canvas with a Lariat from Taira.... Taira then lifts Flash up for a choke-slam, but Flash is able to fight out with elbows and catches the Mullet haired heavyweight with an Enziguri, but it has little effect and Taira just throws Flash into one of the turbuckles.... Taira springs off the opposite turnbuckle and comes charging full steam ahead at Flash.....who then steps out and nails Taira with a super-kick..... the big man has been rocked, but is not off his feet. Flash nails Taira with another super-kick, rocking the big man even more who then begins to stumble and lose his balance, Flash see's an opening for the Flash Bang.......he nails it !! Taira is down.....Flash goes for the cover.... One... Two.... Three..... Flash is the winner and the challenge will move onto the second stage, where Flash will now face off with Yasunobu Masuno. That was about as good as you are going to get with someone who doesn't have alot of popularity in Flash and a block of wood in Taira. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Steve Flash defeated Yasuhiko Taira in 3:41 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 4.5: Loser Leaves Town vs Loses Hair Challenge (Part 2): Steve Flash vs Yasunobu Masuno[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SteveFlash_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Masuno gives Flash no time to catch his breath and goes on the offensive right away, as he lays into the Canadian import with a flurry of lefts and rights before throwing Flash into the corner and following up with a clothesline. Flash slumps to the canvas and Masuno goes for the cover.... One.. Two... Flash gets his foot on the ropes. Masuno taunts Flash to get up , before clotheslining Flash over the top-rope. Masuno then follows Flash to the outside and drives him back first into one of the railings, before picking the Canadian up and power bombing him onto the floor. Referee Omura Umeki begins a twenty count, as Masuno casually waits by for Flash to be counted out. Flash however begins to stir at around and seven, and gets up onto the apron...Masuno charges at Flash, but Flash see's it coming, then pulls out the FLASH BANG !! sending Masuno bouncing throat first off the top-rope. Flash then slowly makes his way back into the ring.... He then goes for the cover.... One..... Two..... Masuno kicks out. Then grabs Flash and sets him up for a power-bomb, but Flash wriggles out and then stuns Masuno with an Enziguri..... the Canadian veteran then goes up top and takes his larger mullet-haired opponent off his feet with a missile drop-kick, before going for another cover..... One.... Two..... Masuno kicks out, but Flash grabs Masuno's legs and then applys a Boston Crab, he sits back on Masuno.....but Masuno uses his strength to power out of the submission hold, before dropping Flash with a Lariat......Masuno then sets Flash up for another power-bomb, but once again Flash slips out and catches Masuno with another Enziguri......... Masuno tries to come back with another Lariat but Flash is able to side-step the attempt and nails the Mullet Power man with a super-kick..... One.... Two... Yasuhiko Taira pulls referee Omura Umeki out of the ring and tosses him into the guard-rail . It's now two on one, and with no ref Flash is being treated like a human pin-ball between Masuno and Taira. They then set up for a double choke-slam, but...... Out comes Larry Wood, Wood had not been seen since Flash & Wood lost a tables match to Mullet Power earlier in the month. Wood levels Taira with a Big Boot. Flash then slips out of Masuno's grasp and stuns the big-man with another FLASH BANG !!......he goes for the cover....referee Omura Umeki comes to and crawls over to make the three count..... One.... Two..... Three !! Steve Flash is the winner, Mullet Power must disband and lose their mullets ! That was as would have been expected the better of the two matches in the Flash-Mullet Power handicap challenge, but the finish was probably a bit too Sports Entertainment for the BHOTWG's fan's liking. Masuno will probably now be relieved that he no longer has to carry around a deadweight of a tag partner in Taira, and reconcentrate on getting his singles career back on track. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Steve Flash defeated Yasunobu Masuno in 8:48 by pinfall . [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Steve Flash, Eisuke Yasunobu and Larry Wood are waiting by a barbers chairs. Masuno head hung in shame, goes over to the chair, it looks like he might try to struggle , but he actually just shakes Flash's hand and takes his 'punishment' with dignity, leaving Flash and Masuno to shave off his Mullet[/I] [I]Now it's Taira's turn, but Masuno's partner isn't so willing to go to the chair, he charges at Flash and knocks down Wood, then goes after the retired Yasunobu but Masuno turns him around and then delivers a Lariat that sends him flying into the barbers chair (officially breaking up Mullet Power !!) Masuno then helps Flash & Co. strap down Taira and they go to town with the razor on Taira's mullet.[/I] [B]Rating: E+[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] The CPU fans (as I should have guessed) crapped on this segment, but at-least the least money making feud in Burning Hammer is now over, Let that be a lesson to all diary writers, try not to centre your feuds around people having really bad hair.[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]________________________________________________________________[/FONT] [I]- Tetsuzan Kaneko catches up with Koshiro Ino, who gets another shot at the World Title against Hooded Kudo in the main event[/I] [I]- Koshiro Ino says that every time he steps in the ring with Hooded Kudo he learns even more, and that during his time as an enemy to Kudo, he has learnt alot more than the time he was his protege, and that only in the true heat of the battle that one can truly find the strengths and weaknesses of their adversaries[/I] [I]- Tetsuzan Kaneko then informed Ino, that some fans think that he had his chance at Night of the Burning Hammer, and why should it be any different this time round[/I] [I]- Ino responded by saying that perhaps he is running out of chances, and perhaps he did not expect another title shot so soon, but this time he was more prepared than ever before and that he would go that extra mile this time, to become Burning Hammer World Champion and that Hooded Kudo better be prepared to feel the POWAAAAHHHH !![/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]________________________________________________________[/B] [I]A video plays hyping the grudge match between Eisaku Hoshino vs. Kinnojo Horri.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 5: Kinnojo Horri vs Eisaku Hoshino[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EisakuHoshino.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This is the second time these two have met in a space of the month, Kinnojo Horri won the first match (a World Title contenders match) , following unexpected interference from World Champion Hooded Kudo. The main beef between these two is that Hoshino is the big agent free-signing that feels he has little to prove in earning a World Title shot, whilst Horri a Burning Hammer main-stay begs to differ, citing that Hoshino has only been part of BHOTWG for about proverbial five minutes and hasn't proved anything yet. They start off with a big staredown before Horri strikes the first blow, Hoshino comes back with a flurry of strikes of his own.....Horri comes back with a clothesline, and Hoshino drops to the canvas but bounces straight back up and charges at Horri, only to get thrown up into the air with a back-body drop. Hoshino then gets back up to his feet and Horri follows in with another flurry of fore-arm smashes, before dumping Hoshino with a Belly to Back Back-Breaker. Horri goes for the cover, but Hoshino easily kicks out of that. Horri then grabs Hoshino and sets up for a pile-driver, but Hoshino slips out and catches Horri by suprise with a leg-sweep DDT. Horri gets back up before Hoshino can go for the cover but is soon dumped into the canvas again with a Belly to Back suplex.... One..... Two... Horri kicks out. Hoshino goes to suplex Horri again, but Horri fights out with elbows and then takes Hoshino over with a fall-away slam. Hoshino rolls out to the outside , before Horri can make the cover. Horri waits for Hoshino to get back in the ring.....but Hoshino pulls the Burning Hammer mainstay feet first to the outside. Hoshino then tries to whip Horri into the guard-rail but Horri puts the breaks on, and instead Hoshino goes back-first into the guard-rail. Horri brings it back into the ring and after a series of lefts and rights, gets Horri up and driven down into the canvas with a Fire-Man's carry Power-Slam One... Two... Hoshino kicks out, Horri then gets Hoshino set up for the Destiny Bomb, but Hoshino fights out with elbows, before surprising Horri with a small-package roll-up. Horri emphatically kicks out of that, but Hoshino delivers a stiff kick to the chest of Horri before dropping down and applying an Anaconda Vice...... Hoshino synches the submission grip on.... Referee Koetsu Shinozaki lifts Horri's arm....... It flops down...... Shinozaki lifts the arm again...... It flops down again...... Shinozaki checks to see if there is any life left in Horri, he lifts the arm up again..... This time Horri keeps it up, he's still in this match and he eventually powers his way over to the ring-ropes and Hoshino is forced to break the hold. Hoshino waits for Horri to get up and attempts an Exploder Suplex, but Horri fights out with elbows....he then grabs Hoshino, and delivers a BURNING LARIAT !! And then slumps down to make the cover One.... Two... Thr.....Hoshino gets a foot on the ropes just in time. Both then struggle back up to their feet and they exchange another flurry of strikes. Horri gains the advantage and drops Hoshino to the canvas with a fore-arm smash, but Hoshino gets back up and nails Horri with a drop-kick. Hoshino then follows in with a flurry of fore-arms before setting Horri up the Godzilla plunge, but Horri is proving a little too big to get up off the canvas.....Horri gets out of the double under-hook and then dumps Hoshino with a German Suplex.... Hoshino lands on his head but then rebounds onto the ring-ropes......Horri turns around ready to make the cover but instead gets nailed with a TYPHOON LARIAT !! One.... Two..... Three......Hoshino is the winner and is now 1-1 with Horri in Burning Hammer. That was still a solid match but was a little bit disappointing and the explosive finish perhaps came a little too early in the match-up before they were really starting to get going. I feel so far that Hoshino has been a bit of a let-down, here is someone with a great reputation and he's only really putting on matches that are going over as well as the mid-carders. Perhaps Hoshino's style contains a little too much no-selling for the Burning Hammer fans and is more suited to PGHW (who appears to have burned his bridges with). Hoshino will still be around next month and will be taking part in the Super 10 cup, as will Horri but he will need to step up his game if he wants to earn another contract, as what he is producing in terms of match ratings, I can produce with wrestlers that are alot cheaper. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Eisaku Hoshino defeated Kinnojo Horri in 13:41 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=black]__________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B] [I]Tetsuzan Kaneko catches up with Openweight Champion Tom Gilmore who has now learnt enough Japanese to warrant interview time.[/I] [I]- Gilmore said that Hooded Kudo and his Silver Dragon Feet followers seem to have some kind of problem with him, just because he chose to fight his battles alone.[/I] [I]- He then said that Kudo can send his entire army after him, because believe it or not he welcomes the competition. As the tougher the competition now, the more battle hardened he will be when he reaches that magic 10 succesful title defences and goes after Kudo's World Title.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [I]A video plays hyping the Openweight Title match between Tom Gilmore and Shimedzu[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #6 : Openweight Title: [/B] [B]Tom Gilmore vs Shimedzu[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningOpenweight.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] These two met for the Openweight Title last week, but in a 4-way elimination that also featured Shimedzu's tag partner Miyamae. Shimedzu was the final elimination in that match, and has been granted a one on one shot, due to his strong showing. They circle each other for a bit then lock-up, Gilmore takes Shimedzu down with an arm-drag but Shimedzu pops back up and counters with an arm-drag of his own. Shimedzu goes a pin attempty but Gilmore reverses it into one of his own.... both then pop back up to their feet and Gilmore regains the advantage with a flurry of palm strikes, Gilmore then sets Shimedzu up for an Exploder but the Tag champion soon turns things around with a rake to the eyes, before driving Gilmore into the canvas with a STO. Shimedzu then picks Gilmore up and whips him into the corner before delivering the face-wash. Shimedzu then picks Gilmore up and places him in the tree of woe, before following in with the hesitation drop-kick. Shimedzu then goes for the cover.... One.... Two... Gilmore kicks out, Shimedzu then softens up Gilmore even more with a flurry of kicks before placing him on the top-rope. The Silver-Dragon Feeter gets up onto the top--rope and looks to suplex Gilmore back into the ring, but Gilmore fights Shimedzu off and shoves the tag champion back down to the canvas, Shimedzu gets back up to his feet but gets knocked down with a missile drop-kick from the defending champion. That buys some time for Gilmore to get his bearings back after being on the defensive during the early going.....both pop back up to their feet, with Shimedzu getting up a split second quicker. Shimedzu charges at Gilmore, but Gilmore blocks his charge and the champion is able to take the challenger over with an Exploder Suplex.... One.... Two.... Shimedzu kicks out. Gilmore then lifts Shimedzu up and then drives the challenger back down to the canvas with a rolling cutter, before following up with a Quebrada.... Shimedzu again kicks out...... Shimedzu gets back up to his feet, but Gilmore sends him back onto the canvas with an STO. Gilmore then goes over to the corner, and he comes flying off the top-rope with the PICTURE PERFECT MOONSAULT !! But Shimedzu gets his knees up, and then takes Gilmore by suprise with a crucifix roll.... One... Two... Gilmore kicks out, Shimedzu follows up with targetting the weakened mid-section of Gilmore with a Gutbuster, before flipping Gilmore over and delivering a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker.... Gilmore gets back up to one-knee but Shimedzu nails him in the head with a Shinining Wizard.... One.... Two.... Gilmore kicks out, but Shimedzu is back in control and he lifts Gilmore up before driving the champion back onto the canvas with a Falcon Arrow.... One... Two.... Gilmore digs down to kick out, Shimedzu can sense victory though and begins to taunt Gilmore....he then delivers a knee strike to the mid-section of the champion, he then sets Gilmore up for the Skull-Drop, but Gilmore works his way out of it, and then takes Shimedzu by surprise with a reverse STO. Gilmore then drops down and applies the Elemental Clutch...... Shimedzu makes his way over to the ropes and Gilmore is forced to break the submission hold. Both are back to their feet, and they exchange a flurry of strikes, Shimedzu begins to get the better of the exchange and reels off the rebel streak (machine gun kicks).....Gilmore looks to be dazed, Shimedzu again goes for the Skull-Drop but Gilmore slips out again and gets Shimedzu up on his shoulders for a Death Valley Driver, Shimedzu fights out of it though with knee strikes to Gilmores head, he goes for the Skull-Drop again, but Gilmore fights his way out of that, he nails Shimedzu with a step up Enziguri, and then delivers a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker. Shimedzu is back up to his feet, Gilmore whips him into the ropes, Shimedzu comes back with a springboard roundhouse kick, but Gilmore ducked.....and then he drives Shimedzu into the canvas with the ANGER MANAGEMENT (Spinning Power-Bomb) One.... Two..... Three...... Tom Gilmore is still the Openweight Champion. That is defence number 4 for Gilmore, who needs 6 more to get an automatic World Title shot. Good match, and these two mesh pretty well together in the ring due to their similar styles that blend sound wrestling technique with impressive athleticism. They're probably capable of even better but you get the feeling that they held back a little, as to not over-shadow the up-coming Junior and World Title matches that will be semi-main and main eventing the PPV. The Openweight Title is finally starting to rise in prestige and is now up to around 42 %, that might not seem alot, but I made the belt a mid-card title during the previous tour and only now with Gilmore as the champion and putting on higher calibre matches, is the titles prestige finally beginning to rise. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Tom Gilmore defeated Shimedzu in 16:35 by pinfall with an Anger Management.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Tom Gilmore retains the Burning Openweight Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Tom Gilmore celebrates a hard fought title defence.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] ________________________________________________________________ [I]Tetsuzan Kaneko is hovering around backstage again, and this time catches up with Sensational Dragon.[/I] [I]- Dragon said that he was really looking forward to this three way, because not only does he get to hand Elemental II a defeat, he gets to hand it to him even if he doesn't pin him, but pinning Americana would be like pinning that over the hill has-been anwyay, seeing as Americana is like an even cheaper knock off, of something that was already a cheap knock-off[/I] [I]- Sensational Dragon then wrapped things up by saying that he was one of a kind and would be taking back what is rightfully his the Burning Junior Championship [/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [I]A video plays hyping the Junior Title match between Elemental II , Americana and Sensational Dragon.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 7: Junior Title: [/B] [B]Elemental II vs Americana vs Sensational Dragon[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningJunior.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Elemental II won the title last month at Night of the Burning Hammer, Americana and Sensational Dragon both were granted the title shot, when their No.1 contenders match ended in an epic 30 minute time limit draw, a match of the year candidate that probably helped announce Americana's arrival to the top tier of the Junior Division. After the pomp and ceremony introductions are over they circle each other for a bit....Elemental II goes to lock up with Sensational Dragon, but the egotistical Dragon Feeter slips out of the lock-up, Americana then goes to lock-up with Dragon, but is met with a thumb to the eye, however Americana comes back with a stiff-kick that has Dragon gasping for air..... Elemental II then delivers a stiff-kick of his own, before locking his eyes on Americana. The two lift their legs up to go for kicks and tee away on Sensational Dragon, making the arrogant former 2 time champion endure a barrage of stereo-kicks....but they go to the well once too often, and Dragon see's a pair of kicks coming, ducks down and they end up kicking each other in the shin. Dragon then takes Americana down with a Dragon Screw-leg whip and goes for a quick pin-fall....Elemental II breaks up the pin attempt, but soon finds himself planted into the canvas by Dragon via an STO. Americana then gets up behind Dragon and attempts an Elemental Suplex but Dragon pulls off a standing switch and dumps Americana on his head with a Dragon Suplex.... One... Two... Americana kicks out....... Dragon then goes out on the apron and goes for a slingshot manoeuvre, but Elemental II is back up and just as Dragon is about to slingshot himself onto American he is met with a stiff-kick , that sends him crashing and Burning to the outside. Americana catches Elemental II by surprise though and goes for a small-package roll-up. Elemental II is not impressed by that, and a shoving match envelopes between the Junior legend and defending champion , and the rising star who's style is very much based on the man who holds the title. The strikes soon get heavier, and Elemental II rocks Americana with a roundhouse kick, but Americana comes back with a pair of spinning heel-kicks. However they were so engrossed in fighting one another that Sensational Dragon has recovered his senses and he knocks both down with a springboard drop-kick, the momentum sends both Americana and Elemental II slumping into the corner. Americana staggers out and is planted into the canvas with an STO... Sensational Dragon, then goes for a Quebrada.... One... Two.... Elemental II dives over to make the save, Dragon then monkey flips Elemental II over, but the champion lands on his feet and goes for a roundhouse kick, Dragon ducks, but Elemental II then doubles him over with a spinning heel-kick before double under-hooking the arms and delivering an ELEMENTAL DRIVER !! One... Two.... Americana pulls Elemental II off Sensational Dragon...and then delivers a kick to Elemental II's mid-section, he double under-hooks the arms and goes for a Elemental Driver of his own, but the champion has what is essentially his own move scouted and he stuns Americana with an Enziguri... he then goes for an Elemental suplex but Americana fights out of it.....and then pulls a standing switch of his own.... he locks in for the Elemental suplex......and he dumps Elemental II on his head.... Americana looks to go for the cover, but Sensational Dragon comes flying off the ropes and nails Americana with a springboard roundhouse kick...... Dragon then follows up with a Standing Moonsault.... One.... Two.... Americana kicks out..... Dragon then pulls the Elemental influenced american import back up to his feet, and goes for the Dragon Slice, but Elemental II is back up and just as Dragon was going to send Americana up and over, he is met with a kick to the back from the champion, and is then dumped with an Elemental Suplex.... One..... Two..... Broken up with a senton off the top turnbuckle from Americana.....Sensational Dragon then rolls to the outside.... and Americana downs Elemental II with a rolling cutter...... Americana then decides to get up a head off steam, and decides to try and completely eliminate Sensational Dragon from the equation, and sets up for the handspring somersault plancha but Elemental II gets back up, and Americana is cut off with a roundhouse kick just as he was about to take flight..... Dragon then gets back up on the apron and nails the defending champion with a springboard back elbow....he goes for the Dragon Slice on Elemental II, but Elemental II blocks the attempt and counters with a somersault DDT. Dragon then has the presence of mind to roll back out of the ring before Elemental II can make the cover, but he gets no rest bite what-so-ever, as Elemental II comes flying off the top-rope with his trade-mark handspring plancha. However Americana had now climbed the top turnbuckle, and he too goes air-borne as he takes down both champion and fellow challenger with a moonsault. Americana is first back into the ring with Elemental II not far behind.....the champion goes for a spinning heel kick, but Americana is able to block the attempt, and is then able to double under-hook the arms of the champion.....Elemental II wriggles out again, but this time Americana spins him around and then he dumps Elemental II with an Elemental Suplex..... One... Two.... Elemental II kicks out, then takes Americana by surprise and applies the Elemental clutch, Sensational Dragon comes back in and breaks up the submission with a Quebrada and then pulls Elemental II off before going for the cover on Americana... One... Two... Elemental II pulls Sensational Dragon off Americana. Dragon gets up and they exchange kicks..... Americana is back up and climbs the top rope......and comes off with a flying body splash, Elemental II manages to duck out of the way but he manages to take down Sensational Dragon and rolls through into a pin attempt.... One... Two..... Elemental II breaks it up.... Americana gets back to his feet, and is then able to duck a roundhouse kick from Elemental II, before doubling the champion over with a knee strike to the mid-section, he double under-hooks the arms and is again looking for the Elemental Driver..... Elemental II again has the move scouted, he then reverses it flipping Americana over into an EARTH BREAKER !! (Cradle Piledriver)....... One...... Two........ Thr......Sensational Dragon dives over to make the save. The champion gets back to his feet but gets taken down with a Dragon Screw-leg-whip. Dragon lifts Elemental II back up and goes for the Dragon Slice.......it looks like he might pull it off, but Elemental II reverses it in mid motion into a Tornado DDT........ The champion heads up top, he comes off with the INFERNO SPLASH !! But Dragon gets the knees up, both stagger up to their feet.....Dragon Suplex delivered from Sensational Dragon and the champion gets dumped right on his head.....into a bridging pin....... One..... Two......... Americana is back up and dives over to break up the pin attempt, he goes for an Elemental suplex but Dragon fights out of it, he spin Dragon around and then gets him up for an ELEMENTAL DRIVER !! ,but Dragon manages to get his legs wrapped around Americana's neck....and reverses it into a SENSATION SHOCK !!! Dragon has Americana's shoulders pinned to the mat.... One.... Two... Elemental II is stirring again.... Too Late.....The bell rings for three ! Sensational Dragon has regained the Junior Title, much to the frustration and disbelief of his rival Elemental II. Once again these three highly talented Junior Division workers bring the goods and deliver yet another MOTYC.This was non-stop action from the opening bell, with all 3 combatants being a factor through-out most of the match. And though they pulled out a lot of big moves, it wasn’t just the 3 of them hitting spots, there was also some good story-telling through-out this match, such as Americana’s attempts to pull off the Elemental Driver but Elemental II constantly having a counter for his attempts. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Sensational Dragon defeated Elemental II and Americana [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]in 21:40.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Sensational Dragon wins the Burning Junior Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [I]Sensational Dragon celebrates in typically self satisfied fashion, having regained the Junior Title, to start his third reign as champion.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]________________________________________________________[/B] [I]Tetsuzan Kaneko catches up with World Champion Hooded Kudo[/I] [I]- Hooded Kudo said that he finds it quite amusing that Koshiro Ino has been given another opportunity to compete for his World Title, seeing as he so soundly beat the so-called POWAAAH and Paint star last month.[/I] [I]- Kudo said that he teached Ino everything he needed to know to make it to the top , but stated that it’s clear that Ino has learnt nothing and will never be able to beat someone the calibre of himself[/I] [I]- Kudo said only true greats like himself deserve to be World champion, whilst wannabes like Ino just dream about it.[/I] [I]- Kudo said that he looks forward to taking Ino to school again and sending him right to the back of the class and breaking apart his World Title dreams.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]A video plays hyping the World Title match between Hooded Kudo and Koshiro Ino[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 8: World Title: [/B] [B]Hooded Kudo vs Koshiro Ino[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningWorld.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KoshiroIno.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Koshiro Ino came up short last month when he failed to beat Hooded Kudo in the singles part of the Two-Tier challenge at the Night of the Burning Hammer PPV. Can the former protégé of Kudo, go one better this time and win the Burning World Championship for the first time ? The Bell sounds and Ino is all over Kudo like a rash laying into the champion with a series of punches that back Kudo up into the corner…..Ino follows up with a clothesline that has Kudo almost slumping to the floor…….Ino then heads out of the corner and follows up with a corner splash that sends Kudo flopping face first onto the canvas. Ino moves in for the cover, but Kudo rolls out of the ring, but Ino climbs over the rope and comes flying off the apron onto Kudo with a double-axe handle. Ino goes to whip Kudo into the guard-rail but the champion puts the brakes on, and then sneaks in a poke to eye, before delivering a questionable knee strike to Ino’s lower regions. Kudo sends Ino into the guard-rail with a leg-sweep and then follows in with a Yakuza Kick, Ino slumps to the floor and Kudo climbs back into the ring, referee Omura Umeki starts a twenty count on Ino, as Kudo just waits for the POWAAAH and Paint man to be counted out. Ino beats the count, but Kudo stomps away on his former protégé, as soon as Ino re-enters the ring….Kudo lifts Ino up and then sends him back down with an STO. The Silver Dragon Feet leader then goes to apply the Kudo-Lock , but Ino powers his way out of the attempt and then uses his strength to take Kudo up and over with a back-body drop. Both of them get back to their feet and Ino takes Kudo with a Leaping Lariat. He then lifts Kudo up and drives the champion down with a Death Valley Driver… One… Two…. Kudo kicks out…Ino then lifts Kudo up and whips him into the ropes, he goes for the Kobra’s Bite (High Knee) but Kudo ducks under and then catches Ino with an Enziguri…Kudo then attempts a Kudo-Kutter but Ino see’s it coming and shoves the champion off before dumping Kudo on his head with a German suplex…Ino then locks on a bridging pin…. One….. Two….. Kudo kicks out….Ino then lifts Kudo up for a Gorillla Press-Slam, but the champion kicks his legs out, causing Ino to lose his balance and then stumble into referee Omura Umeki. Ino slams Kudo onto the canvas and goes for the cover but Umeki is out cold. Ino goes to revive Umeki but Kudo is back up and delivers a blatant low-blow, he then blows green-mist into the face of Ino. With Ino temporarily blinded and Umeki still down Kudo goes out to get a chair, he comes back in and nails Ino in the head with the chair……Ino slumps to the canvas…referee Umeki is coming to but Kudo manages to discard the foreign object before he is caught. He goes for the cover…… One…. Two… Ino kicks out. Kudo lets Ino get back up to his feet and taunts the POWAAH and Paint man but it’s clear that Ino has been busted open and blood is pouring down his colourfully painted face. Kudo moves in for a Shinining Wizard but Ino catches the leg and then slams Kudo onto the canvas with a Scoop Lift Power-Slam....Ino lays across Kudo to make the cover. One….. Two…… Kudo kicks out. Both are feeling worn out and Ino with the blood pouring down his face is literally running on vapours. Kudo is up first, but Ino see’s him coming and drives him down to the canvas with a BACK SNAPPER !! Ino is a little slow to make the cover but eventually lays an arm over the champion….. One….. Two….. Kudo kicks out…… Both get back up to their feet , Ino backs up Kudo with a series of fore-arm strikes but the champion comes back with a knee strike that has the challenger doubling over, Kudo attempts to set Ino up for the Kudo-Driver , but Ino fights his way out of it and then sends Kudo over with a back-body drop. Kudo gets up and turns around, Ino gets him up for a Power-Bomb but Kudo fights his way out of it and then catches Ino with an Enziguri before getting the big man up for a Death Valley Driver !! (Commentator Toru Minamoto did make a comment that you might not always agree with Kudo’s methods, but he’s a great talent in the ring and that was an impressive show of strength from the champion)…. Kudo goes for the cover….. One…. Two…… Ino knows he might not get another chance to compete for the World Title and kicks out. Kudo decides to take to the air and pulls out the Moonsault….but Ino gets the knees up. He whips Kudo into the ropes he goes for the Kobra’s Bite, but Kudo side-steps the attempt and then catches Ino with the KUDO KUTTER !!! One…. Two…… Thr……Ino kicks out the POWAAAH and Paint man is showing great resilliance. Kudo taunts him to get back up to his feet and Ino comes back with a flurry that backs Kudo up into the corner…..he whips Kudo out of the corner and goes for a Shoulder Tackle but the champion catches him with another KUDO KUTTER !!! One…. Two… This time Ino is done, and the bell sounds for three and despite a brave effort from Ino, Hooded Kudo is still the Burning World Champion. Following the exciting three way for the Junior Title, Kudo and Ino had their work cut out to follow such a great match, but once again they delivered another dramatic and enthralling World Title contest, and though a fair portion of the crowd and the audience watching at home probably felt it was unlikely that a World Title switch would take place during what is often considered a transitional PPV (especially following the Junior Title switch) Ino constantly looked a threat with his never say die attitude. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Hooded Kudo defeated Koshiro Ino in 21:11 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Hooded Kudo retains the Burning World Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [I]The show finishes with Hooded Kudo celebrating another successful title defence, as the rest of Silver Dragon Feet enter the ring and join the party much to the aggravation of many of the fans in attendance who want to see the dominant faction stopped in their tracks.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]_________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkgreen]Overall: A[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Apparently Steve Flash was used too much (which I guess is understandable seeing as he’s still only being classified as an Opener) but this was once again another stellar PPV. It started out hot with the Nakasawa-Umaga contest and then went through the motions of the mid-card, though I was obviously hoping for better from the Horri-Hoshino match-up but it then picked up again in the second half with a very good Openweight Title contest and a pair of MOTYC’s for the Junior and World Titles.
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Predicition contest results, not the greatest turn-out this time, only 4 participants, but it looks to be the usual suspects :) [B]Chris Caulfield:[/B] 8/10 [B]Rob 4590:[/B] 8/10 [B]Imerak:[/B] 8/10 [B]Smurphy 1014:[/B] 4/10 [I]Bad luck there Smurph, you just made the wrong choices...though to your credit you were the only one to predict the Junior Title change, you just went for the wrong new champion.[/I] Well with no clear-cut winner I can't give out a big prize (i.e tickets to the next PPV) So Rob 4590 [I](there are apparently 4589 other Rob's out there)[/I] , Imerak and Chris Caulfield [I](not the DAVE wrestler)[/I] all win a signed Poster and fully poseable action figure of the wrestler of their choice. _______________________________________________________________ Coming up next in this diary will be a full preview of the hugely anticipated Super-10 Cup Tournament that will be taking place throughout the month of December, which will climax with the semi-finals and finals at the Final PPV of the year and BHOTWG's newest addition to the PPV schedule to be titled [B] 'Final Collision'[/B]
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