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Burning Desire, Raising The Hammer (Cornellverse)

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[quote=Beeker;369698]I've got a new challenge for you Tigerkinney, put a crappy D+ to C match on television or PPV. Right now you seem to be getting A* matches like Pez candy. [/quote] I'm actually very tempted to book Shibanumo-Narahashi for half an hour, with lots of run in's and a screwjob finish, just to see if it would get a crappy D+ to C rating. I'm started to get bored of all these A* matches ;) Next show by the way [B]will [/B]be up sometime tomorrow and if you thought the Thursday card looked a bit weak on paper (potential squash matches galore) there is a surprise unadvertised addition to the card.
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I wish I could say I know what you mean by getting bored by all these A* matches, but seeing as no matter how hard I try I can't pull one out without the help of say, Sean McFly versus Tommy Cornell, which I've never put together, I'm just going to stand here in disbelief.
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[QUOTE=Shmoe;369908]I wish I could say I know what you mean by getting bored by all these A* matches, but seeing as no matter how hard I try I can't pull one out without the help of say, Sean McFly versus Tommy Cornell, which I've never put together, I'm just going to stand here in disbelief.[/QUOTE] I'm not really getting that bored of getting A* matches, it was just a jokey response to Beeker setting me a challenge of putting on as he put it a 'crappy D+ to C rated match'. It took me a little while to get A*'s out of most of my roster, apart from the real big guns like Kudo, Nakasawa, The Rebellion, but given the right circumstances I can now get an A* match out of most of the roster. The secret ingredient has been Optimus as a Road Agent, I tend to have him be the Road Agent for the matches where the workers performance stats aren't quite so hot, due to the fact that he has A* psychology. I tend to use Elemental for the matches where the workers don't need such a top notch Road Agent (though B+ psychology is not to be sniffed at) and Eisuke Yasunobu (B psychology) for the Dark Matches. I'll probably let Yasunobu go when his contract runs out, as I only signed him because I only had one Road Agent at the time, though if I used my initiative I could have used Optimus in a duel Wrestler/Road Agent role before he decided to retire.
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive][B][U]Samurai Tour (Night 27)[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Thursday 22nd May 2008[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Sapporo Sports Park, Hokkaido (Attendance: 5'000) [/CENTER] [B]Dark Match: The Awesome Kiyaru vs Dynamite Narahashi[/B] [B][COLOR=red]Result: The Awesome Kiyaru defeated Dynamite Narahashi in 6:55 by pinfall with a Kiyaru Effect [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show (Filmed for T.V)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]Hooded Kudo is waiting in the ring and he calls out Miyamae. Miyamae then comes out and steps into the ring[/I] [I]Kudo then addresses Miyamae........[/I] [I]' On Monday you lost, so technically I should be kicking you out of Silver Dragon Feet, but it turns out you lost to a traitor and the fact you fought back against that traitor after all was lost for you, did not go un-noticed by me....so I'm proposing something........[/I] [I]The standards of SDF tell me that I shouldn't just say welcome back, because you failed and failure in no longer an option. But you did show me that you want back in Silver Dragon Feet'[/I] [I][COLOR=navy]Miyamae then interrupts Hooded Kudo[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=navy]' What If I don't want back in, maybe I just wanted revenge on Shimedzu'[/COLOR][/I] [I]Kudo: [/I] [I]' Oh but revenge on that traitor is what I want too, so don't you see we still have the same goals and I think that was just a bit of bravado from you and anyway what I was going to propose was, is if you eliminate Shimedzu from BHOTWG, then a place back in SDF will be yours'[/I] [I][COLOR=navy]Miyamae: [/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=navy]' Kudo you are and always will be a great leader, but don't you think you need me more, more than I need SDF'[/COLOR][/I] [I]Kudo:[/I] [I]' Question is Miyamae do you think it would be a wise move to make an enemy out of me'[/I] [COLOR=navy][I]Miyamae:[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=navy][I]' The question I would put to you, is do you want to make yet another enemy, and one who has been within the inner workings of Silver Dragon Feet. So here's the deal from my end, I'll think over your offer and see if it's beneficial to me , because for now we have the same goals but don't think sometime down the line I will be prepared to play second fiddle forever'[/I][/COLOR] [I]Kudo:[/I] [I]' Part of me wants to tell you, to stop dreaming because no one will ever be able to topple somene as great as me from the top of the Burning Hammer Mountain, and I am disapppointed you are not embracing my offer with open arms. But for now I wish to have you as an ally in whatever capacity that may be, but the minute you take aim at me, will be the day you make the biggest mistake of your life as Shimedzu will find out to his cost.'[/I] [I]The two then shake hands and Miyamae departs to the back, as Hooded Kudo and Hell Monkey get ready for their tag match that will be opening the show[/I]. [B]Rating: B[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Hooded Kudo & Hell Monkey vs[/B] [B]Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkeyB.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The SDF pair started out the brighter and Hell Monkey's kicking game troubled Chuichi Sanda , but the flame haired Junior Division mis-timed a Hell Fire Kick and Sanda was able to counter with a spin-kick. Monkey then found himself isolated in the Bulls corner, but he managed to turn thing back around with a Tornado DDT on Eiji Hamacho. The hot tag was then made into Hooded Kudo, who levelled Sanda with a Yazuza Kick....before downing the Raging Bull with the Kudo Kutter to pick up the victory. Short but solid match, Hell Monkey had his work boots on, and Kudo was only in the match for a short amount of time but has the knack right now of always looking good no matter how long or little he is in the ring for. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Hooded Kudo and Hell Monkey defeated Raging Bulls in 7:37 when Hooded Kudo defeated Chuichi Sanda by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Shimedzu (who was no longer sporting the tribal face marking associated with The Rebelllion) then sneaked out of ringside and had a chair in his hand (looking like he had the intent tp take a swing at his former stable leader Hooded Kudo), but Miyamae then came out of the entrance way and kicked Shimedzu from behind.........[/I] [I]Shimedzu turned around and the former tag partners engaged in a brawl, until ringside personnel came in to break them up.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2: Tom Gilmore vs Toshiki Shibanumo[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ToshikiShibanumo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Former two time Openweight Champion Tom Gilmore, was in no mood to play around with veteran jobber Shibanumo and despite defeating Marihito Masuko he still had the look of a man that was angered that he lost something really important to him, in Gilmore's case it was the Openweight Belt to Sean McFly at Inferno/Best of the Super Juniors. Shibanumo got in a few shots from the start, but Gilmore ducked a clothesline attempt and nailed the veteran jobber with a Super-Kick , before grabbing hold of Shibanumo's legs and tying him up in a Stone Hold (Sharpshooter). Gilmore had it synched in right in the middle of the ring and Shibanumo saw no other choice but to tap out as Gilmore impressively put away BHOTWG's resident Jabroni in under a minute ! [B][COLOR=red]Result: Tom Gilmore defeated Toshiki Shibanumo in 0:47 by submission. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]__________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Golden Scorpion vs Shingen Miyazaki[/B] [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] This was a solid back and forth battle with a slight clash of styles but it never quite got ignited enough to fully engage the crowd and for long spells in the match, felt like a mid-card exhibition match, which in truth it was...because neither man had any real beef with their opponent coming into this match up. The finishing sequence saw Golden Scorpion nail Miyazaki with a Springboard Drop Kick, he then went to follow in with the Scorpion Stinger but Miyazaki ducked out of the way and took Scorpion's legs out from underneath with a Spinning Leg sweep. Miyazaki then lifted a stunned Golden Scorpion onto his shoulders, before pulling off the Good Night (Fireman's carry drop into a Knee Strike) to pick up the victory. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Shingen Miyazaki defeated Golden Scorpion in 9:16 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #4: P.I.N.K (Marihito Masuko, Mokuami Maita & Tadakuni Toshusai) vs [/B] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Steve Flash & Heiachiro Sakai[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MokuamiMaita_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BHOTWG-TadakuniToshusaiPINK.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SteveFlash_alt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HeihachiroSakai.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was a short but fun Six Man with everyone getting a little bit of time to shine. P.I.N.K seized the advantage about three minutes into the match by isolating Heiachiro Sakai but the young lion showed some guts and he managed to manouevre out of an ankle-lock attempt of Mokuami Maita, before dumping the newest member of P.I.N.K with a Sakai Suplex. That allowed Sakai to get the tag into Bulldozer Brandon Smith who cleaned house, until Masuko caught him with a low blow from behind. Steve Flash then nailed Masuko with a Super-Kick only for Toshusai to stun him with a Mongolian Chop and plant the Canadian veteran into the canvas with a Spinebuster. Toshusai then picked up Masuko and bodyslammed the P.I.N.K Mastermind onto Flash, which proved to be enough to pick up victory for P.I.N.K as Toshusai then cut off BBS from making the save. [B][COLOR=red]Result: P.I.N.K defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Steve Flash and Heihachiro Sakai in 8:39 when Marihito Masuko defeated Steve Flash by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]___________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Sensational Dragon is backstage where he just so happens to have a camera placed on him to record a pre-match rant.[/I] [I]'Lamentals you see this Mask, this so called iconic image that is meant for the next Elemental III....well there won't be an Elemental III because you'll never get this mask of me. But I see washed up Elemental II is coming to get the mask of me, why not Mr Elemental III in waiting himself.......[/I] [I]I'll tell you why not, because he knows that every win he has had over me has been of fluke circumstances, he knows he's not in my league and when I force him to put that Junior Title, actually MY Burning Junior Title on the line for this bit of tat I have in my hand, he'll be between a rock and hard place[/I]. [I]But one step at a time, I take care of the old man and that rip-off merchant might not even make it past SUKI later on tonight, so Americana strange as it may sound I'm rooting for you tonight, because that belt is the only bargaining tool you have. '[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Sensational Dragon is really starting to step it up on the mic of late[/FONT] [CENTER][B]Match #5: Elemental II vs Sensational Dragon[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Sensational Dragon managed to get a jump on Elemental II before the Junior legend could even get in the ring, which led to the arrogant SDF member controlling the early portion of the match. However Elemental II managed to turn the tide by getting the knees up to block a Standing Moonsault from Dragon. Elemental II then took control by grounding Dragon and slowing the pace, which frustrated the SDF member but before he could lock on the Elemental Clutch, Dragon managed to escape to the outside. Elemental II then geared himself up for his trademark handspring plancha but Dragon managed to move out of the way only for the Junior legend to catch him with an Elemental Daze Kick, then score with an Arabian Press to the floor. Elemental II then brought Dragon into the ring and scored a near-fall with an Elemental Suplex, before heading up top to set up for the Inferno Splash, but Dragon managed to stagger into the ropes before climbing up top and sending Elemental II crashing back into the ring with a Dragon Suplex off the top-rope. Elemental II managed to kick out and the match swung back and forth from there with neither man quite able to pull out the BIG move to put the other one away. Elemental II looked like he was about to do so when he caught Dragon with a kick to the mid-section and then set up for the Earth Breaker, but Dragon managed to kick his way out of it, and then took Elemental II by surprise with the Dragon Slice. The former 3 time Junior champion, then hooked the leg and scored the pinfall victory over his old adversary. The usual impressively high standard from these two, it was a little shorter than some of their title showdowns from last year, but the quality still managed to shine through and they were still able to tell a good story. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Sensational Dragon defeated Elemental II in 14:36 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [I]Just as Sensational Dragon is leaving the ring, he then turns back towards Elemental II and nails the Junior Legend in the head with a stiff Roundhouse kick, just as the former Six Time Junior champion was getting back to his feet. Dragon then applies a Dragon Clutch and starts to pull at the mask of Elemental II.[/I] [I]Before Dragon can do any significant damage to Elemental II's mask, junior champion Elemental Americana comes rushing out and suddenly Sensational Dragon lets go before high-tailing it to the back.[/I] [B]Rating: B for Dragon's post match attack, B- for Americana coming to the rescue[/B] [CENTER][B]______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #6: Non (Tag) Title: [/B] [B]Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs[/B] [B]Eagle Kawasawa & Super Joshuya[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EagleKawasawa.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SuperJoshuya.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Very routine non title match for the Tag Champions against the jobber to the stars tandem of Kawasawa and Joshuya (actually that might be a bit too generous). The champs put a short and competent but ultimately forgettable match to bed, when Kokan pinned (not so) Super Joshuya after the Final Impact (Flapjack/DDT combo) [B][COLOR=red]Result: Size of the Fight defeated Eagle Kawasawa and Super Joshuya in 4:55 when Hyosuke Kokan defeated Super Joshuya by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]_____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]A video plays hyping the main event, the Junior Title match between Elemental Americana and SUKI.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #7: Junior Championship:[/B] [B]Elemental Americana vs SUKI[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningJunior.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SUKI.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] SUKI reached the Best of the Super Junior Cup Finals to put himself in position for this title shot, and the fact that he was not the one to take the pin in that match, saw Burning Hammer Officials give him an immediate one on one shot for the Junior Title. The bell has yet to ring when SUKI gets in a cheap shot before the pomp and ceremony of the introductions have included. The c0cky youngster continues to pound away on the Junior Champion, before bringing down Americana with a leg-sweep. SUKI then climbs up to the second turnbuckle before jumping down with a Double Foot Stomp but Americana moves out of the way, before nailing SUKI with a standing drop-kick that took the c0cky youngster to the outside. Americana then went for the handspring somersault plancha early but faked out SUKI when he saw the up and comer move side-step out of the way. Americana then took SUKI by surprise with a suicide dive. The Junior champion then fired in a series of kicks on SUKI before pitching the arrogant youngster back into the ring. Americana then went for a cover, but SUKI got his foot on the ropes and as they were being broken free from the ropes SUKI managed to sneak in a kick to Americana’s mid-section, before spiking the Elemental III in waiting with an implant DDT. SUKI then went for a cover, which Americana easily kicked out of, but SUKI remained in control by kicking at Americana’s right arm. SUKI then went to apply the SUKI Special but, Americana had it scouted and he managed to take SUKI by surprise with a Rolling Cutter. Americana then sprang off the ropes into a Quebrada, scoring a two count near-fall with the pin attempt. Americana then lifted SUKI up and locked for the Elemental Driver, but SUKI stood firm and wriggled free, before attempting a Dragon Suplex after a standing switch, however Americana managed to fight out with elbows, before making another standing switch and attempting an Elemental Suplex, but SUKI managed to reverse the control again and he finally managed to dump the Junior Champion with a Dragon Suplex……. Americana managed to flip himself onto his feet, but SUKI was a step ahead, taking the Junior Champion down with Tilt-A-Whirl Head-Scissors before applying the SUKI Special. SUKI had the painful arm-bar submission synched in right in the middle of the ring, and Elemental Americana’s Junior Title reign truly was in jeopardy. Referee Omura Umeki went over to check on Americana’s condition…… Umeki raises Americana’s free arm…….. It flops down……… Umeki checks again…… Still no response from Americana…… Umeki with one last check……. There’s still some fight left, in Americana who is determined not to see his title reign end. Eventually he makes it over to the ropes and SUKI is forced to break the hold. However Americana is in a seriously weakened state and SUKI whips him into the corner before firing in a series of kicks…… The c0cky youngster then drags Americana up to the top turnbuckle to set up for the Mount SUKI, but he took too long setting up and Americana came back with a knee-strike to the head before bringing SUKI crashing back into the ring with a hurracanrana. Americana then went for a pin, but SUKI reversed back into a pin attempt of his own, before attempting to re-apply the SUKI special but Americana cart-wheeled out of it and nailed SUKI with a basement drop-kick. Americana then fired in a flurry of kicks, with a spinning heel kick to the mid-section leading to the Junior Champion attempting an Elemental Driver, but his weakened arm meant he was unable to get SUKI up…….. SUKI then got in a knee to the mid-section and got the Junior Champion up onto his shoulders for a Death Valley Driver attempt but Americana fought his way off with elbows….he then nailed SUKI with a Roundhouse kick before driving the c0cky youngster into the canvas with a somersault DDT. Americana then headed up top and set up for the Inferno Splash but SUKI managed to get back up to his feet, but Americana took him down with a Flying Cross-Body……Americana made a pin attempt but SUKI managed to roll him over and went to re-apply the SUKI Special but Americana fought out with elbow shots to SUKI’s head before using his undamaged arm to flip SUKI over into a Falcon Arrow……… Americana then headed up top again and the Elemental III in waiting scored with the INFERNO SPLASH !!! One…….. Two…….. Three !!! Elemental Americana is still the Junior Champion. Another excellent Junior Division title match, they told a good story here with SUKI looking to lock in his painful SUKI special submission but perhaps the fact that he over relied on that game-plan led to his un-doing, despite the fact that Elemental Americana was severely weakened throughout the match. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Elemental Americana defeated SUKI in 17:59 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Elemental Americana retains the Burning Junior Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [I]Elemental II then posed with the Burning Junior Championship belt as he celebrates another successful title defence.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]It turns out that security haven’t been able to hold back Shimedzu and Miyamae from earlier, and their brawl spills back into the arena. Shimedzu and Miyamae’s brawl enters the ring, where referee Umeki is still in the ring. Umeki gets a message from a ringside official and he rings the bell, signalling that the brawl between Shimedzu and Miyamae has become fully sanctioned match, giving the fans an impromptu main event.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #8: Impromptu Match: [/B] [B]Miyamae vs Shimedzu[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KenShimedzu.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] They keep firing in kicks and strikes on each other, but neither man seems to be giving an inch and their brawling soon spills to the outside….Shimedzu takes control with kick to the mid-section and tries to whip Miyamae into the ring-steps but Miyamae manages to put the brakes on and instead Shimedzu is sent into the ring-steps after a reversal. Miyamae then lifts Shimedzu up and drives his former tag partner back into the ring-steps with a DDT. As Miyamae rolls Shimedzu back into the ring it is clear that the 2007 Super 10 Cup winner has been busted open. Instead of going for a cover Miyamae, decide to inflict more damage to the fore-head of Shimedzu by gouging his thumb into the open wound. Shimedzu tries to fight back with elbow shots, but Miyamae then lifts him up and plants him back down to the canvas with a Fisherman’s Brainbuster….. One…. Two…… Shimedzu kicked out, but Miyamae then went to apply the Snake-Poison submission but Shimedzu managed to scramble over to the ropes before Miyamae could fully lock on the hold. Miyamae remained in control with a series of kicks to the head and chest of his former tag partner after the rope-break. And then looked for the Miyamae Spoiler, but Shimedzu had it scouted and he countered with an STO. Shimedzu then nailed Miyamae in the head with a Roundhouse kick, before spinning Miyamae round and dumping the tentative SDF member with a Dragon Suplex…… One….. Two…… Miyamae kicked out, and Shimedzu decided to head up top and set up for a Moonsault attempt but that turned out to be an un-wise move as the blood-loss made Shimedzu wobbly and Miyamae was able to take advantage by sending Shimedzu crashing back into the ring with a top rope Exploder Suplex !! The move also took a bit out of Miyamae, as he scrambled across to make the cover….. One…… Two……. Shimedzu kicked out. A frustrated Miyamae then went to the outside and slid a chair into the ring. Referee Umeki tried to kick the chair out of the ring, but a fired up Shimedzu started to fire in a flurry of strikes on Miyamae, meaning that Umeki’s eyes were averted back to the in-ring action but Miyamae cut Shimedzu’s flurry off with a knee strike to the gut of Shimedzu. Miyamae then tried for the Miyamae Spoiler but Shimedzu managed to break free with an elbow strike, before taking Miyamae by surprise with a SKULL DROP onto the steel chair that Miyamae had slid into the ring . But Shimedzu was too worn out from being on the back-foot for the most of the match and was unable to immediately go for a cover and as the former tag partners lay on the canvas referee Omura Umeki started a ten count. Miyamae was out cold and Shimedzu started to stir at around eight…….. But he too was unable to get to his feet and referee Umeki called for the bell, as the match was declared a double count-out draw. That was nice surprise for the fans in attention and the match hit the ground running straight away due to the intensity in the break-up storyline between the former 4 time Tag Champions. The inconclusive ending also sets up the possibility of another (properly built up) showdown between the two. Most promising of all , is the fact that they managed to transfer the great chemistry they have had as tag partners over the years, into having great chemistry as rivals. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Miyamae drew with Shimedzu in 13:32 when they were simultaneously knocked out.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]_____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive]Overall: A[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] A mixed bag here (though nothing was overtly bad), the advertised main event of the Junior Title match delivered, Elemental II and Sensational Dragon lived up to their usual high-standard and the unadvertised showdown between Shimedzu and Miyamae worked out. But there was a fair bit of glorified squash match filler. ______________________________________________________________ [B]T.V News:[/B] Ironclad drew an 17.49 rating on TV5Monde (+ 0.59) Happy with that, finally a major up-swing for the Thursday T.V show’s ratings.
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[B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Purogods.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR=black]The Walking Wounded[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=#8b0000][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR=black]Bit of an injury epidemic has broken out in Burning Hammer, firstly P.I.N.K member Tadakuni Toshusai has picked up a distracted thigh muscle. It is thought that the injury is not that serious and that he can work through it but it's likely that he will be given time off from the next week of shows to fully heel up.[/COLOR] Meanwhile Freelancer Koshiro Ino has been complaining of Churchillian Neck Nerve Damage since working a show for PGHW. Though it's possible that the injury can be worked through, it is seen as being a more serious injury than Toshusai's and Ino has been definately ruled out of next weeks shows by BHOTWG's medical staff. It is also thought that if he does not start signs of progress in terms of rehabbing he could also be ruled out for the groundbreaking overseas shows in New York City, USA.
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[B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Purogods.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods continue the Samurai Spirit Tour with a double shot at the Kunamoto Sports Field in Kyushu on Monday 26th May and Thursday 29th May. Monday's show will be built around qualifiers for Thursdays Main Event which will see Sean McFly make his first defence of his Openweight Title in a 5 man Gauntlet Series. The Gauntlet Series qualifiers will feature P.I.N.K's Mokuami Maita taking on SUKI. Fellow P.I.N.K member Marihito Masuko take on Kansuke Konda of World Tag Team Champion's Size of the Fight, former two time champion Tom Gilmore face off with Shingen Miyazaki and Yasunobu Masuno go up against Miyamae, who appears to have been welcomed back into Silver Dragon Feet despite losing last weeks Do or Die 4 Corner Survival. Miyamae's actions in standing up against his former tag partner Shimedzu, who turned on Hooded Kudo and Silver Dragon Feet appears to have seen him welcomed back into SDF by Hooded Kudo. But following a in-ring discussion with Hooded Kudo it appears that the former 4 Time Tag champion has agreed to ally himself with Kudo in the principal that they now appear to have a common enemy in Shimedzu. Miyamae's motivation's may well be down to the fact that Shimedzu was perceived to be the one breaking out as a singles performer and Miyamae feels motivated to prove that he was NOT the 'weak link' in arguably the most succesful tag team in Burning Hammer History. Meanwhile World Champion Hooded Kudo will team up with fellow SDF members Sensational Dragon and Hell Monkey, as they face off with Junior Champion Elemental Americana, Openweight Champion Sean McFly and persistant SDF opponent Kinnojo Horri in a Six Man Battle. Hiroaki Nakaswa continues to warm up for what will likely be his final shot at Hooded Kudo's World Title at Sword of Destiny, with a match-up against Canadian veteran Steve Flash, whilst Flash's young tag partnet Bulldozer Brandon Smith faces off with Junior Division Legend Elemental II. Meanwhile there will be Tag Team action as The Raging Bulls will be lookign to turn around their slump in fortunes during 2008 against the duo of Golden Scorpion and Rhino Umaga. Thursday's show will be headlined by the aforementioned 5 Way Openweight Title Gauntlet Series. Reigning Champion Sean McFly has been assured that he will not feature in the first two participants but could get drawn into the match from anywhere after that. There will be an all Junior Division Tag team match up as Golden Scorpion teams up with The Awesome Kiyaru to take on the SDF duo of Sensational Dragon and Hell Monkey, whilst Junior Champion Elemental Americana and World Champion will face off with Hyosuke Kokan and Dynamite Narahashi in non title matches. SDF rebel Shimedzu faces off with Kenko Takemitsu of the Pacific Express, whilst World Title Hopeful Hiroaki Nakasawa takes on the second half of the Bulldozer and Flash Tag Team in the form of Bulldozer Brandon Smith. Here is run down of what is confirmed to take place at the Kyushu Double Header......... [CENTER][B][U][COLOR=#808000]Samurai Spirit Tour (Night Twenty Eight)[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][U](Kunamoto Sports Field, Kyushu)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][I]Monday 26th May 2008[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Six Man Battle:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Silver Dragon Feet'[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]World Champion-[/SIZE] Hooded Kudo, Sensational Dragon, Hell Monkey vs [SIZE=1]Junior Champion-[/SIZE] Elemental Americana, [SIZE=1]Openweight Champion-[/SIZE] Sean McFly & Kinnojo Horri [/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=purple]Openweight Title Gauntlet Series Qualifiers: [/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]'Representing The Pacific Express'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=purple]Shingen Miyazaki[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]vs[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Tom Gilmore[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]'Representing Size of the Fight'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]World Tag Team Champion-[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=purple]Kansuke Konda[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]vs[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]'Representing P.I.N.K'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=purple]Marihito Masuko'[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]'Representing Silver Dragon Feet'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=purple]Miyamae[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]vs[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Yasunobu Masuno[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]'Representing P.I.N.K'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=purple]Mokuami Maita[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]vs[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][COLOR=purple]SUKI[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER]Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Steve Flash[/CENTER] [CENTER]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Elemental II[/CENTER] [CENTER]The Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda) vs Golden Scorpion & Rhino Umaga _____________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U][COLOR=#808000]Samurai Spirit Tour (Night Twenty Six)[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][U](Kunamoto Sports Field, Kyushu)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][I]Thursday 29th May 2008[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Main Event:[/B] Sean McFly defends the [B]Openweight Title[/B] in a 5-Man Gauntlet Series[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Non (World) Title:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Silver Dragon Feet'[/SIZE] Hooded Kudo vs Dynamite Narahashi [/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Non (Junior) Title:[/B] Elemental Americana vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Size of the Fight'[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]World Tag Team Champion-[/SIZE] Hyosuke Kokan[/CENTER] [CENTER]The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Silver Dragon Feet'[/SIZE] Sensational Dragon & Hell Monkey[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]'Representing The Pacific Express'[/SIZE] Kenko Takemitsu vs Shimedzu [/CENTER] [CENTER]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Hiroaki Nakasawa ____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [quote] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen][B]Prediction Form:[/B] [/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][U][COLOR=darkgreen]Monday (Kyushu)[/COLOR][/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen][B]Six Man Battle: [/B]Hooded Kudo, Sensational Dragon & Hell Monkey vs Elemental Americana, Sean McFly & Kinnojo Horri[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][COLOR=darkgreen]Openweight Gauntlet Series Qualifiers:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=darkgreen]Shingen Miyazaki vs Tom Gilmore[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen]Kansuke Konda vs Marihito Masuko[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen]Miyamae vs Yasunobu Masuno[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen]Mokuami Maita vs SUKI[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen]Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Steve Flash[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Elemental II[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen]Raging Bulls vs Golden Scorpion & Rhino Umaga[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen]_____________________________________________[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][U][COLOR=darkgreen]Thursday (Kyushu)[/COLOR][/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][COLOR=darkgreen]Openweight Title Gauntlet Series:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=darkgreen]Sean McFly vs ?? vs ?? vs ?? vs ??[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen]Non Title: Hooded Kudo vs Dynamite Narahashi[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen]Non Title: Elemental Americana vs Hyosuke Kokan[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen]Kiyaru & Scorpion vs Sensational Dragon & Hell Monkey[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen]Kenko Takemitsu vs Shimedzu[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Hiroaki Nakasawa[/COLOR][/LEFT] [/quote]
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[B][U]Monday (Kyushu)[/U][/B] Six Man Battle: Hooded Kudo, Sensational Dragon & Hell Monkey vs [B]Elemental Americana, Sean McFly & Kinnojo Horri[/B] Openweight Gauntlet Series Qualifiers: Shingen Miyazaki vs [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] [B]Kansuke Konda[/B] vs Marihito Masuko [B]Miyamae[/B] vs Yasunobu Masuno Mokuami Maita vs [B]SUKI[/B] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa [/B]vs Steve Flash Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs [B]Elemental II[/B] [B]Raging Bulls [/B]vs Golden Scorpion & Rhino Umaga _____________________________________________ [B][U]Thursday (Kyushu)[/U][/B] Openweight Title Gauntlet Series: [B]Sean McFly[/B] vs ?? vs ?? vs ?? vs ?? Non Title: [B]Hooded Kudo[/B] vs Dynamite Narahashi Non Title: [B]Elemental Americana[/B] vs Hyosuke Kokan Kiyaru & Scorpion vs [B]Sensational Dragon & Hell Monkey[/B] Kenko Takemitsu vs [B]Shimedzu[/B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B]
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Monday (Kyushu) Six Man Battle: Hooded Kudo, Sensational Dragon & Hell Monkey vs [B]Elemental Americana, Sean McFly & Kinnojo Horri[/B] [I]Shimedzu may get involved here and help cause an SDF loss.[/I] Openweight Gauntlet Series Qualifiers: Shingen Miyazaki vs [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] [B]Kansuke Konda [/B]vs Marihito Masuko Miyamae vs [B]Yasunobu Masuno[/B] Mokuami Maita vs [B]SUKI[/B] [I]I'm going to go for one upset as Shimedzu again puts a spanner in Miyamae's works[/I] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa [/B]vs Steve Flash Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs [B]Elemental II[/B] [B]Raging Bulls [/B]vs Golden Scorpion & Rhino Umaga [I]I think the Bulls need the odd win to keep them looking legit[/I] _____________________________________________ Thursday (Kyushu) Openweight Title Gauntlet Series: [B]Sean McFly [/B]vs ?? vs ?? vs ?? vs ?? [I]Think McFly will retain, whoever is in the match. SUKI may be the final opponent to build up a little feud over the belt.[/I] Non Title: [B]Hooded Kudo [/B]vs Dynamite Narahashi [I]Although I'd love to say Narahashi for the win![/I] Non Title: [B]Elemental Americana [/B]vs Hyosuke Kokan [I]Elemental to win, despite the non-title rules[/I] Kiyaru & Scorpion vs [B]Sensational Dragon & Hell Monkey[/B] [I]SDF to build back a bit of momentum[/I] Kenko Takemitsu vs [B]Shimedzu[/B] [I]Shows what he can do here[/I] Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] [I]Nakasawa for the straightforward win over his second gaijin in a week[/I]
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[U][B]Monday (Kyushu)[/B][/U] Six Man Battle: Hooded Kudo, Sensational Dragon & Hell Monkey vs [B]Elemental Americana, Sean McFly & Kinnojo Horri[/B] Openweight Gauntlet Series Qualifiers: Shingen Miyazaki vs [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] Kansuke Konda vs [B]Marihito Masuko[/B] [B]Miyamae[/B] vs Yasunobu Masuno Mokuami Maita vs [B]SUKI[/B] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] vs Steve Flash Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs [B]Elemental II[/B] Raging Bulls vs [B]Golden Scorpion & Rhino Umaga[/B] _____________________________________________ [B][U]Thursday (Kyushu)[/U][/B] Openweight Title Gauntlet Series: [B]Sean McFly[/B] vs ?? vs ?? vs ?? vs ?? Non Title: [B]Hooded Kudo[/B] vs Dynamite Narahashi Non Title: [B]Elemental Americana[/B] vs Hyosuke Kokan Kiyaru & Scorpion vs [B]Sensational Dragon & Hell Monkey[/B] Kenko Takemitsu vs [B]Shimedzu[/B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B]
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[b][u]Monday (Kyushu)[/u] Six Man Battle:[/b] Hooded Kudo, Sensational Dragon & Hell Monkey vs [b]Elemental Americana, Sean McFly & Kinnojo Horri[/b] The faces pick up a nice win, Sean McFly and Horri maybe make a bit of a leap towards the world title picture. Who wouldn't love to see McFly v Kudo? [b]Openweight Gauntlet Series Qualifiers:[/b] Shingen Miyazaki vs [b]Tom Gilmore[/b] Has to be Gilmore, really. Love the guy. [b]Kansuke Konda[/b] vs Marihito Masuko I like both, but Konda just edges it. He's on fire, and maybe one day could be an underdog world champion for you. [b]Miyamae[/b] vs Yasunobu Masuno Miyamae and Shimedzu just split. Give the man some momentum. Mokuami Maita vs [b]SUKI[/b] SUKI is red, red hot. The fact he beat Ino and Horri makes me think he should be going for the World title right now, but maybe he's not quite ready. Yet again, should be a future world champion. [b]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/b] vs Steve Flash Probably your second biggest star versus the talented North American jobber. Not a tough desicion. [b]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/b] vs Elemental II His style suits a Japanese company, it would be good to see him get an upset win. Raging Bulls vs [b]Golden Scorpion & Rhino Umaga[/b] Why not? _____________________________________________ [b][u]Thursday (Kyushu)[/b][/u] [b]Openweight Title Gauntlet Series: [b]Sean McFly[/b] vs ?? vs ?? vs ?? vs ?? It's very tempting to go for a mystery opponent, but McFly is one of the most talented guys in the whole CornellVerse. [b]Non Title: Hooded Kudo[/b] vs Dynamite Narahashi Come on, now... [b]Non Title: Elemental Americana[/b] vs Hyosuke Kokan In singles competition, Kokan can't catch a break. [b]Kiyaru & Scorpion[/b] vs Sensational Dragon & Hell Monkey Your super junior job squad pull out a rare victory, maybe vaulting them upwards slightly. Either that or I'm completely wrong. Kenko Takemitsu vs [b]Shimedzu[/b] Shimedzu is just that damn good. Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs [b]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/b] Nakasawa continues to build momentum on his latest run to probably not relieve Kudo of the strap.
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Monday (Kyushu) Six Man Battle: Hooded Kudo, Sensational Dragon & Hell Monkey vs [B]Elemental Americana, Sean McFly & Kinnojo Horri[/B] Openweight Gauntlet Series Qualifiers: Shingen Miyazaki vs [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] [B]Kansuke Konda[/B] vs Marihito Masuko [B]Miyamae[/B] vs Yasunobu Masuno Mokuami Maita vs [B]SUKI[/B] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] vs Steve Flash Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs [B]Elemental II[/B] Raging Bulls vs [B]Golden Scorpion & Rhino Umaga[/B] _____________________________________________ Thursday (Kyushu) Openweight Title Gauntlet Series: [B]Sean McFly[/B] vs ?? vs ?? vs ?? vs ?? Non Title: [B]Hooded Kudo[/B] vs Dynamite Narahashi Non Title: [B]Elemental Americana[/B] vs Hyosuke Kokan Kiyaru & Scorpion vs [B]Sensational Dragon & Hell Monkey[/B] Kenko Takemitsu vs [B]Shimedzu[/B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive][B][U]Samurai Tour (Night 28)[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Monday 26th May 2008[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Kunamoto Sports Field, Kyushu (Attendance: 5'000) [/CENTER] [B]Dark Match: Eagle Kawasawa vs Heiachiro Sakai[/B] [B][COLOR=red]Eagle Kawasawa defeated Heihachiro Sakai in 5:58 by submission. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]_______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show (Filmed for T.V)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The show starts with a video hyping the main event the Six Man Battle between Hooded Kudo, Sensational Dragon & Hell Monkey against Elemental Americana, Sean McFly and Kinnojo Horri.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]Kaneie Komine appears on the jumbotron to give a run-down of the Qualifiying matches to take place for the Openweight Title Gauntlet Match to take place on the next show.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]__________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Steve Flash[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SteveFlash_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was a solid test for Nakasawa who will be hoping to finally defeat Hooded Kudo for the World Title, when the two adversaries meet in a Steel Cage at Sword of Destiny. Nakasawa was in control for most of the match, but Flash put in a brave effort and in the early going the Canadian veterans suprising quickness caused Nakasawa a few problems. However those were minor problems for Nakasawa to overcome and Flash never really looked like winning the match, with the end coming in just over 8 minutes after an H-Bomb. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa defeated Steve Flash in 8:23 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]__________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2: Openweight Gauntlet Series Qualifier: [/B] [B]Mokuami Maita vs SUKI[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MokuamiMaita_alt1.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SUKI.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was the first of the Openweight Gauntlet Series Qualifiers and pitted together two workers off a similar style in the fact that they are Junior Heavyweights, but both tend to favour technical mat-based wrestling to the speedy high-flying that most Junior Division wrestlers are noted for. As a straight up wrestling contest this was near enough flawless, with both of them looking to synch in their respective submission moves, however the contest lacked in the intagibles to give the match that extra bit of spice. This may be due to both of them being heels, and the fact that both of them decided to leave some of the characterisation (especially SUKI) that has been injected into some of their performances behind and just go for a straight up wrestling as a sport contest. Whilst it was admirable to see them just go out and prove who is the better wrestler, the fans couldn't really get behind either competitor. The finish saw Maita try to synch in the Ankle-Lock, only for SUKI to kick him off then take him over wiht a Northern Lights Suplex before floating into the SUKI Special. SUKI has it locked on right in the middle of the ring and Maita had no choice but to tap out. [B][COLOR=red]Result: SUKI defeated Mokuami Maita in 9:33 by submission. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]______________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Openweight Gauntlet Series Qualifer: [/B] [B]Miyamae vs Yasunobu Masuno[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno_alt11.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The second contest saw Yasunobu Masuno (who has most notably been used as a hired gun by SUKI) go up against 'unofficial' Silver Dragon Feet member Miyamae in what was another heel vs heel match up. This one however had the intrigue of whether or not Miyamae's ex tag partner Shimedzu would get involve. Miyamae used a kick and move strategy to keep the considerably larger Masuno off balance in the early going, but once Masuno managed to get his hands on the SDF member the big man started to dominate. Scoring two counts with a pump handle slam and a spinebuster. Masuno then moved into finish off Miyamae with the Avalanche Bomb. However Shimedzu however sneaked up to ringside and pulled referee Koetsu Shinozaki out of the ring, before tripping Masuno up with a Kendo-Stick, causing the ex Mullet Power man to let go of Miyamae and drop to his knees, Shimedzu then cracked Masuno over the head with the Kendo Stick . Then as Miyamae staggered back up to his feet. Shimedzu told Miyamae to make the cover. Was a Rebellion reunion on the cards? Was Shimedzu prepared to put his recent differences aside with Miyamae and try and get his ex tag partner on his side, since leaving Silver Dragon Feet ? No was the answer because as soon as Miyamae had his back turned Shimedzu cracked him over the head with the same kendo-stick, before picking Miyamae up and driving him into the canvas with a SKULL-DROP. As soon as referee Koetsu Shinozaki re-entered the ring and saw both Miyamae and Masuno down, with Shimedzu standing over the fallen bodies he saw no choice but to ring the bell and declare the match a no contest. With the inconclusive finish one has to wonder how this effects Thursday Night's Gauntlet series, will neither man be involved and perhaps the Burning Hammer Officials decide to a wil-card competitor to take their place or will both of them be allowed into the match and be expanded to a six man Gauntlet Series. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Miyamae drew with Yasunobu Masuno in 8:39 following a double disqualification. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]_______________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #4: The Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuich Sanda) vs Golden Scorpion & Rhino Umaga[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Openweight Gauntlet Series qualifiers took a break as the veteran team of former 2 time champions The Raging Bulls were looking to break out of their extended slump against the relatively new tandem of Golden Scorpion & Rhino Umaga, in what turned out to be a relativelty short but well put together and competitive match up. Scorpion & Umaga started the brighter but the Bulls soon used their experience to take control of the match by isolating the smallest man in the match Golden Scorpion. However Scorpion used his quickness to cause a miscommunication when the Bulls went for their Raging Impact finisher, and once Scorpion got the hot-tag into Umaga, the tide of the match had completely shifted. The finish saw Umaga nail Chuichi Sanda with a Rhino Charge and then Golden Scorpion nail Eiji Hamacho with the Scorpion Stinger, before making the pin to pick up the victory. Scorpion & Rhino now have consecutive victories over more establised tag tandems, so could we be seeing a new force in the tag ranks ? The Raging Bulls on the other really have fallen on hard time since losing the tag belts in mid 2007 and will need to turn around their fortunes fast or fans will start labelling them as a jobber tag-team. I think some fans already are. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Scorpion & Rhino defeated Raging Bulls in 8:45 when Golden Scorpion defeated Eiji Hamacho by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]_________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Tetsuzan Kaneko catches up backstage with Junior Champion Elemental Americana, Openweight Champion Sean McFly and Kinnojo Horri, who are there to hype up their Six Man Battle with the Silver Dragon Feet trio of Hooded Kudo, Sensational Dragon and Hell Monkey[/I] [I]Main Points brought made by the trio were: [/I] - Sean McFly said he may have only just won the Openweight Title, but whoever the World Champion is after Sword of the Destiny, they better keep an eye on him, because he WILL make those 10 succesful defences [I]- Kinnojo Horri said he too has World Title ambitions of his own and still has his title shot from the Trios Tournament to cash in , he's just looking for the right moment to do so. But tonight it's about teaming with two of the very best in Burning Hammer and putting the hurt on Silver Dragon Feet.[/I] [I]- Elemental Americana, said that despite being Burning Junior Champion he is hurting right now because Sensational Dragon still has possession of the Elemental III mask that he earned, but he said tonight Dragon and the rest of SDF would feel his pain, when himself and his partners for tonight make them taste defeat.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]__________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #5: Openweight Gauntlet Series Qualifer: [/B] [B]Kansuke Konda vs Marihito Masuko[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The third Openweight Gauntlet Series qualifier pitted Kansuke Konda of World Tag Team Champions against P.I.N.K mastermind Marihito Masuko, in what turned out to be arguably the match of the night. Konda came out the blocks the quicker, as he laid into Masuko with a flurry of strikes. He then decided to go up top after downing the P.I.N.K man with a Northern Lights Suplex for a two count. However that proved to be a tactical mistake as Masuko staggered up to his feet crotching Konda on the top-rope, before bringing the Size of the Fight Man crashing back into the ring with a hurracanrana. Masuko then frustrated Konda by staying one step ahead with some quick paced chain wrestling. A Capture Suplex with a bridging pin brought Masuko a close two count, before he went out on to the apron and set up for the Into The White but Konda nailed him with a roaring elbow on the way down and the P.I.N.K man bailed to the outside, only for Konda to use the momentum shift to take him down with his trademark Tope Con Hilo. Back in the ring Konda took control of the match and went very close to winning after drilling Masuko with the Konda Driver, only for the P.I.N.K man to save the match by putting his foot on the bottom rope. A few minutes later Konda tried to put Masuko away with the Big Fight Stunner, only for Masuko to sneak in a low-blow and drive him into the canvas with the Masuko Cradle Shock and the combination of Masuko's questionable tactics plus his finisher led to the P.I.N.K man earning what many would see as a slight upset victory. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Marihito Masuko defeated Kansuke Konda in 12:47 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #6: Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Elemental II[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was your standard inexperienced big man versus more experienced little man contest with BBS dominating the first few minutes of the match, then Elemental II capitalising on a mistake to eventually use his superior speed and agility to out manouevre his bigger opponent. The finish came when Elemental II took BBS down with a Tornado DDT, before heading back up to the top turnbuckle and pulling out the Inferno Splash. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Elemental II defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 5:29 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]___________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]Kaneko now catches up with the Silver Dragon Feet members who will be competing in the Six Man Battle Main Event.[/I] [I]- Hooded Kudo said McFly and Horri can talk up their World Title credentials all they like, because that's all it will ever be talk. He said that should they be lucky enought to face him they will go the same exact way that Hiroaki Nakasawa will at Sword of Destiny. He said that he does not fear the cage and that Burning Hammer Officials have only signed Nakasawa up to further humiliation.[/I] [I]- Sensational Dragon then chimed in to say that he really feels for Elemental Americana's 'loss' before laughing and saying 'At Inferno I put in motion the death of the Elemental legacy, at Sword of Destiny I end it, so if you're the great champion you say you are Elemental Wannabe then how about we meet one more time you and me Your Title, for this lame mask I have in my possession.'[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #7: Openweight Gauntlet Series Qualifer: [/B] [B]Tom Gilmore vs Shingen Miyazaki[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ShingenMiyazaki-Alt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The final Openweight Title Gauntlet series qualifier pitted former two time champion Tom Gilmore face off with Shingen Miyazaki of The Pacific Express. The contest started out fairly slowly with them trading holds, but neither man really gaining an advantage. Miyazaki (who came to the ring wearing the all new Pacific Express ring gear) got the first real breakthrough by taking Gilmore down with a Spinning Leg-Sweep, and then locking on the Ankle-Lock only for Gilmore to reach the ropes. An STO after the rope-break then turned the momentum in Gilmores favour. An Enziguri/ Death Valley Driver combo then lead to a two count, before he decided to head go for the Picture Perfect Moonsault but the former 2 time Openweight Champion was a bit hobbled from the ankle lock and Miyizaki raced up the turnbuckle to bring Gilmore crashing back with an inverted DDT off the second rope. Miyazaki scored a two count off that manoeuvre, but the momentum of the match kept swinging back and forth as each man scored two counts with a variety of impactful suplexes only for the other to get right up and come-back with one of their own. Eventually it looked Miyazaki might pick up victory after getting Gilmore up onto his shoulders for the Good Night but Gilmore slipped off, nailed the Pacific Express man with a Super-Kick before whipping Miyazaki against the ropes then using the momentum to pull off the Anger Management (Sit Out Spinning Power Bomb) to advance to the Gauntlet Series and earn an opportunity to win back the Openweight Title from Sean McFly. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Tom Gilmore defeated Shingen Miyazaki in 14:53 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A[/COLOR][/B] [I]Gilmore then grabbed the mic, he warned McFly that he may have the Openweight Belt for now but HE was the one who made the Openweight Championship into a Belt that meant something, and if anyone is going to be the one to reach the 10 successful title defences it will be him.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Solid promo by Gilmore and it gave some insight as to why Gilmore would still be going after the Openweight Belt and not just moving on and attempting to go after the World Title via another route.[/FONT] [CENTER]______________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]Match #8: Six Man Battle:[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=black]Hooded Kudo, Sensational Dragon & Hell Monkey vs[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=black]Elemental Americana, Kinnojo Horri & Sean McFly[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkeyB.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Kinnojo Horri and Hooded Kudo started out. and Horri used his power advantage to back the World Champion into the faces corner before turning it over to Openweight Champion Sean McFly. McFly out-wrestled Kudo, keeping the Silver Dragon Feet leader grounded and then going to lock on a Boston Crab. Kudo started to escape out of it but McFly tagged in Junior Champion Elemental Americana who nailed Kudo with a basement drop-kick, before springing off the ropes into a quebrada but Kudo got the knees up and as Horri re-entered the ring, Kudo sneaked in a low blow before rolling across and getting the tag into Hell Monkey. McFly entered back in for the faces but Hell Monkey seized the advantage with a flurry of stiff kicks, before taking the Openweight Champion down with a Crucifix Bomb and then heading up to the top rope. Hell Monkey the steadied himself for the Tumbling Monkey but Elemental Americana raced across the ring and brought him crashing back in with a hurracanrana. But before the Junior champion could make the cover he was nailed in the back of the head with an Enziguri from Sensational Dragon and then dumped with a Dragon Suplex....... One....... Two...... Elemental Americana kicked out but once order had been restored he found himself isolated in the SDF Corner. The heel trio worked in quick tags and took turns taking cheap shot on the Junior Champion which frustrated both Horri and McFly but their protesting to referee Omura Umeki did nothing to help the situation. But despite the SDF trio pulling off some neat triple teams such as Kudo holding Americana across the top rope and Hell Monkey coming down with a double knee drop then Sensational Dragon following with a slingshot plancha, the Junior Champion refused to give in. Kudo growing ever more frustrated that the match was not in the bag , decided to go for the Kudo Kutter but Americana managed to stop the World Champion in his tracks with a spinning heel kick, sliding under Kudo to the outside the springboarding himself back into the ring to take the World Champion down with a flying fore-arm. That bought Americana enough time to scramble across and get the tag into Kinnojo Horri, who prevented Kudo from making the save. Horri then softened up Kudo with a series of fore-arm strikes before drilling the World Champion into the canvas with a sit-out piledriver........ One....... Two...... Hell Monkey dived in to make the save. Sensational Dragon then raced across and knocked Sean McFly off the apron. The two Junior Division members of SDF then worked together to chop down Horri with a flurry of kicks, then as Horri fell to the mat, they both headed up to opposing top turnbuckles. Hell Monkey was the first to fly off landing on Horri with a Frogsplash......... One....... Two............ Horri kicked out........ The Sensational Dragon flew onto Horri with a flying Elbow Drop......... One..... Two......... Sean McFly pulled Sensational Dragon off Horri spun him around, nailed Dragon with a Super-Kick then turned him over into a DELOREAN DRIVER !!! One....... Two........ Thr...... Hooded Kudo made the save by drilling McFly with a Shining Wizard but Elemental Americana now sprang into the ring and he took Kudo down with a Tornado DDT. But he could not follow up as Hell Monkey nailed him with the HELL FIRE KICK !!! One....... Two........ Kinnojo Horri was back up and he dived over to the make the save, before clobbering Hell Monkey in the back then getting him up onto his shoulders to pull off the DESTINY BOMB (Argentine Rack Power Bomb). One.......... Two........... Hooded Kudo dived over to make the save, Horri took control by grabbing Kudo's arm and then going for the BURNING LARIAT but Kudo ducked under and the World Champion nailed Horri with an Enziguri before bringing down the original SDF member with a Russian Leg-Sweep. Kudo then stunned Horri with a Shining Wizard before locking on the Kudo Lock. McFly tried to make the save but Hell Monkey dived through the ropes to prevent him from doing so. Whilst on the other side Sensational Dragon, picked up a steel chair and nailed Elemental Americana in the head. Horri now had to reach the ropes to keep his team in the match up. But Kudo had the submission locked on right in the middle of the ring and Horri felt it wiser to tap and live to fight another day, rather than hold on and risk long term victorty, as Silver Dragon Feet picked up a confidence boosting victory. Everyone involved put in their usual high standard and I think the fans were just happy enough to see Kudo and McFly in the same ring together. As a match it had spells of dominance from both teams before breaking down into the usual Finisher Fest that is a trademark of multi-competitor match ups. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Hooded Kudo, Sensational Dragon and Hell Monkey defeated Elemental Americana, Kinnojo Horri and Sean McFly in 19:36 when Hooded Kudo defeated Kinnojo Horri by submission.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [I]The show ends with the Silver Dragon Feet trio celebrating together in the ring[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [CENTER][B]_______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive]Overall: A[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [I]A solid all round show that helped build towards the next show and has even planted a few seeds for some match-ups at Sword of Destiny.[/I] [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B]T.V News:[/B] Lords of the Ring drew an 18.92 rating on Nippon T.V (+0.32) [I]And we keep going up.[/I]
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[B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Purogods.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=#8b0000][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][COLOR=black][U]Night 2 of the Kyushu Double Header[/U][/COLOR][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=#8b0000][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR=black]Plenty of news coming out of the BHOTWG's office's following Mondays event. [/COLOR] Following Shimedzu's interference in the Openweight Gauntlet Series Qualifier between Miyamae and Yasunobu Masuno. The decision has been made to yet both Masuno and Miyamae will be allowed to compete in the Gauntlet Series. However both men will start out as the opening competitors. A 4 corner survival featuring the 3 losing competitors in last nights Gauntlet series qualifiers (Kansuke Konda, Shingen Miyazaki, Mokuami Maita) plus Heiachiro Sakai has also been added to the show. [B][U]New York City Double Header[/U][/B] Burning Hammer Officials have confirmed that the groundbreaking double-shot at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City USA to take place next week will feature all 4 Championships being defended. With Night One likely to built around contenders matches and Night Two featuring Championship matches, this is so that fans in NYC will get to see the very best that Burning Hammer have to offer. The Hooded Kudo - Hiroaki Nakasawa Cage Match will still take place at Sword of Destiny, but should Kudo not come out of NYC with the World Title, then the Cage Match will become a No.1 contenders match with the winner getting a Title Shot at the next PPV. Unfortunately Steve Flash won't be able to make it to the Burning Hammer Shows in NYC after rupturing his spleen. The injury will keep the Canadian Veteran out for about two months and come's as a major disappointment to Flash who was really looking forward to working the NYC shows as he also calls U.S independent promotion NYCW home. [B][U]Sword of Destiny[/U][/B] [B][/B] A one one one match up between Shimedzu and Miyamae will be added to the card. Could this grudge match also be for championship gold, once we arrive to Sword of Destiny ? Following Sensational Dragon's comments in his pre-match promo for Monday's Six Man Battle, directed at Junior Champion Elemental Americana, a match for possession of both the Junior Title and Elemental III mask has been provisionally added to the card. However after learning that Americana would have to defend the belt at the NYC shows, Silver Dragon Feet member Sensational Dragon has only said he will accept the match if Americana is still holding the Junior Title after the NYC Double Header. [B]Here is the provisional card so far for Sword of Destiny:[/B] [B]Cage Match for the World Title:[/B] Hooded Kudo vs Hiroaki Nakasawa [I]* Should Kudo not be holding the World Title at Sword of Destiny then this will be a No.1 Contenders match.[/I] [B]Grudge Match:[/B] Shimedzu vs Miyamae [B]World Tag Team Championship:[/B] Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)vs HorrIno (Kinnojo Horri & Koshiro Ino) [I]* Subject to change due to Size of the Fights scheduled title defence in NYC. Ino and Horri are locked into this match after winning contenders match at previous pay per view and being promised title shot at Sword of Destiny.[/I] [B]Provisional-[/B] For Possession of Both Junior Title and Elemental III Mask: Elemental Americana vs Sensational Dragon [B][U]Other News[/U][/B] P.I.N.K leader and former Burning Junior Champion Marihito Masuko has signed an 18 Month contract extension, it is believed that he has received what would be considered as a slight pay rise.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive][U]Samurai Tour (Night 29)[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Thursday 29th May 2008[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Kumamoto Sports Field, Kyushu (Attendance: 5'000) [/CENTER] [B]Dark Match: Eiji Hamacho vs Super Joshuya[/B] [B][COLOR=red]Result: Eiji Hamacho defeated Super Joshuya in 5:53 by pinfall with a Hamacho Sledge 2K. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show (Filmed for T.V)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]A video plays hyping the Gauntlet Series Match for the Openweight Championship.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Non (Junior) Title: [/B] [B]Elemental Americana vs Hyosuke Kokan[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was a good test for the Junior Champion as Kokan (one half of the World Tag Team Champions Size of the Fight) seemed determined to show that he’s more than a tag team specialist. The match started out with some pretty low key chain wrestling until Elemental Americana upped the pace and set Kokan up for the Elemental Driver after the Tri-Fecta Kick Serie, but the Size of the Fight Member fought out of it and rolled Americana up into a small package before getting the Junior Champion into the Electric Shocker Clutch. Americana managed to get to the ropes but Kokan remained in control and he got another two count with a Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex, before heading up top but he mis-timed the Cannonball and Americana regained the advantage with a Spinning Head Scissors. Americana then dumped Kokan with an Elemental Suplex but Kokan showed some fight and as Americana went to follow in he took Americana down with a La Magistral Cradle, before holding onto the Elemental III in waiting and dumping with a Belly to Back Suplex. Kokan then decided to head up top and he dived off onto Americana, looking to take the champion down with a Tornado DDT but Americana caught him in mid-air and drove him to the canvas with a Falcon Arrow. That earned a two count before Americana headed up top himself and scored with the Inferno Splash to pick up the victory in what turned out to be a highly competitive non title match up. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Elemental Americana defeated Hyosuke Kokan in 11:10 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2: 4 Corner Survival: [/B] [B]Heiachiro Sakai vs Kansuke Konda vs[/B] [B]Mokuami Maita vs Shingen Miyazaki[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HeihachiroSakai.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MokuamiMaita_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ShingenMiyazaki-Alt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This 4 corner Survival featured the three losers from the Gauntlet Series qualifiers, plus young lion Heiachiro Sakai. Whilst not a bad match it was pretty much the epitome of card filler and Sakai aside, everyone was pretty much bringing their A-Game, rather than their B Game. The finish came when Maita and Sakai were isolated on the outside and Miyazaki had Konda set up for the Good Night, but the Size of the Fight Man managed to fight his way off Miyazaki’s shoulders, then take Miyazaki by surprise with the Big Fight Stunner. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Kansuke Konda defeated Mokuami Maita, Shingen Miyazaki and Heihachiro Sakai in 10:56 when Kansuke Konda defeated Shingen Miyazaki by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]The Jumbotron in the arena showed World Champion Hooded Kudo walking to the ring, basically to tell the fans that the Silver Dragon Feet Leader would be in action next.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Non (World) Title: [/B] [B]Hooded Kudo vs Dynamite Narahashi[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DynamiteNarahashi.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Straight forward Squash for the World Champion, who could have finished with Narahashi a lot earlier than the three minutes the match ran for. But Kudo was in the mood for toying around with his far inferior opponent and he urged Narahashi to get up off the canvas after several high impact moves, instead of going for the cover, in the end a Kudo Kutter mercifully put the match away. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Hooded Kudo defeated Dynamite Narahashi in 3:07 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Hooded Kudo then picks up a microphone………[/I] ‘ Nakasawa at Sword of Destiny, I can guarantee you will be facing me in the Cage, and then when we meet, the exact same thing that happened to this LOSER (gives a glance to the fallen body of Narahashi) will also happen to you. Burning Hammer Officials think they have given you an equalizer by putting us inside of a Steel Cage but they forget that I become more dangerous when backed into a corner and come Sword of Destiny you will wish you never signed up to his match………. [I]As for you Shimedzu….you had secured your spot in Silver Dragon Feet, but then you throw it back in my face. All I can say Shimedzu….is that you are a fool and anyone who crosses me, will learn in due course, what happens to them. In fact you don’t even need to know that, because you yourself have seen first hand what happens to anyone who stands in my way.[/I] [I]I’ll be keeping an eye on you ‘Old friend’, a real close eye’[/I] [I]Hooded Kudo then walks over to the announce table and puts on headset joining the commentary team for the next match, which will feature former SDF Member Shimedzu.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #4: Kenko Takemitsu vs Shimedzu[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Kenko-Alt1.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KenShimedzu.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Shimedzu gave Kudo a glance as he walked past the announcing table, and the former stable-mates gave each other an intense glare. Throughout the match Kudo ran down Shimedzu on commentary, mentioning the word ‘ungrateful’ several times and his presence at the announce booth was also proving a distraction to the former 4 time Tag Champion. Takemitsu started much the brighter and the Pacific Express man, took advantage by out-manoeuvring Shimedzu and nearly scoring the upset victory with various pinning combinations. But the Pacific Express Man started to get too confident and Shimedzu managed to fight out of a Cobra Clutch before reversing the advantage and downing Takemitsu with a Slingshot Suplex. Shimedzu then took control of the match, and after a few near falls he looked to finish things off with the Skull Drop, but Hooded Kudo then hopped up onto the apron and blew mist towards Shimedzu’s face. Shimedzu managed to duck down, but Takemitsu used the distraction to roll-up the 2007 Super 10 Cup Winner with a victory roll. Shimedzu kicked out, and as he got up Kudo went to kick him in the back, but Shimedzu saw it coming and he sent Takemitsu towards his former stable leader with a Reverse STO. Takemitsu ended up colliding with Kudo and Shimedzu took immediate advantage by downing the Pacific Express member with the Skull Drop. A short but entertaining match-up and Kudo’s ringside presence gave the match an added element of intrigue. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Shimedzu defeated Kenko Takemitsu in 8:50 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A[/COLOR][/B] [I]Hooded Kudo and Shimedzu then square up to one another, as Shimedzu exits the ring, but security personnel come out before they come to blows[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [CENTER][B]______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #5: Sensational Dragon & Hell Monkey vs[/B] [B]The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkeyB.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This all Junior Division match up pitted Silver Dragon Feet members Sensational Dragon and Hell Monkey against Kiyaru and Scorpion, who have been teaming together since 2005 but both would still consider themselves singles wrestlers first and fore-most. Kiyaru and Scorpion started the brighter and were in control for the first few minutes, until Dragon countered a Falcon Arrow attempt from Kiyaru with a low blow, and the former 3 time BOSJ Cup winner found himself isolated in the SDF Corner. Dragon and Monkey then kept Kiyaru isolated with quick-tags, peppered with the usual questionable tactics that are normally occur when members of Silver Dragon Feet team up together. But when Hell Monkey went to finish Kiyaru off with the Tumbling Monkey, the Junior Division managed to move out of the way...... Hell Monkey landed on his feet but Kiyaru took him down with a spinning leg-sweep. Sensational Dragon then sprang into the ring, but Kiyaru met him with a standing drop-kick and he was able to get the tag into Golden Scorpion. Scorpion cleaned house and even nailed Hell Monkey with the Scorpion Stinger only for Sensaitonal Dragon to make the save at the last split second. The match broke down into chaos from culminating with Kiyaru hitting a spectacular Springboard Shooting Star Press to the outside. The finish saw Hell Monkey catch Kiyaru coming springing back in with an attempt at the Kiyaru Effect only for the flame haired Junior Division Bruiser to nail him with a Roundhouse kick then dump him with a Dragon Suplex. Golden Scorpion then broke up the pin with the Golden Shot Springboard Leg-Drop but as he rose to his feet after pulling Monkey off Kiyaru......Sensational Dragon took him by surprise with the Sensation Shock (Dragon-rana) and with both tag partners struggling to get up that proved to be enough for the SDF duo to pick up the victory. This was a really fluid and fast paced exhibition of the Junior Division style, with both teams looking dangerous throughout the match. I'd say right now I can get top quality (A*) performances from about 8 different Junior Division competitors, which really goes to show the depth in quality the division has right now. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Sensational Dragon and Hell Monkey defeated Kiyaru & Scorpion in 17:17 when Sensational Dragon defeated Golden Scorpion by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]_____________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]Tetsuzan Kaneko catches up with Hiroaki Nakasawa backstage, ahead of his Nakasawa's match with BBS, but it's clear that both interviewer and interviewee are looking ahead[/I] [B]Nakasawa said:[/B] [I]' Kudo you say you'll be more dangerous in a cage, well you've never met me in a cage before and quite frankly Kudo , we can all see that you're trying to talk yourself up and get into my head. But your mind games don't wash with me, all you're doing is kidding yourself. [/I] [I]Everyone's had enough of you hiding behind your chronies and screwing people out of something that should be earned fair and square. And come June 19th at Sword of Destiny I will get that opportunity and this time you will have no where to hide, no where to run. There's just one thing we can agree Kudo, It ENDS THERE ! !'[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #6: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Openweight Gauntlet Series was expected to fill quite a fair bit of time, as a main event so this fairly low-key match for World Title Hopeful Nakasawa was put on before it. BBS matched Nakasawa blow for blow for the first few minutes, but he showed his inexperience by going for the Backdrop Driver a bit too early, and Nakasawa was able to gain the advantage with a Standing Switch then dump BBS with a German Suplex. It was all Nakasawa from there on out, finishing things off with the Nakasawa Neckbreaker. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 5:35 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] [CENTER][B]______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]A replay of the video hyping the Gauntlet Series is shown, prior to the main event.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #7: Openweight Title Gauntlet Series:[/B] [B]Featuring: Sean McFly (C), Marihito Masuko, Miyamae,[/B] [B]SUKI, Tom Gilmore, Yasunobu Masuno[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningOpenweight.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match Up #1: Miyamae vs Yasunobu Masuno[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno_alt11.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Masuno jumped on Miyamae right away, pounding away on the SDF Member then throwing him into the corner, before driving in another flurry of fore-arms, then whipping Miyamae out of the corner and nailing him with a Big Boot. Masuno continued to hit impactful moves on Miyamae, but none of them kept the SDF member down, he eventually set up for the Avalanche Bomb but Miyamae sneaked in a low blow this left Miyamae open to an Enziguri. Miyamae then followed in with a flurry of rapid kicks that eventually put Masuno down to his knees. Miyamae then went up to the second rope and drove Masuno face first into the canvas with a Double Foot Stomp. Miyamae then turned Masuno over, but instead of going of the pin he applied the Snake Poison submission. Masuno refused to tap out, but eventually referee Omura Umeki realised he wasn't going to get out of the hold and he called for the bell. [B][COLOR=red]Elimination # 1: Yasunobu Masuno at 6:22[/COLOR][/B] [I]Miyamae was then given half a minute to get his breath back, when former Two Time Openweight Champion Tom Gilmore came running into the ring.[/I] [CENTER][B]Match Up #2: Miyamae vs Tom Gilmore[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Gilmore took the fight right to Miyamae , taking advantage of the fact that he was the fresh man. A Double knee facebuster, left Miyamae open to a Fisherman Suplex that led to a two count. Gilmore then sprang off the ropes to score another two count with a Quebrada. Gilmore then lifted Miyamae up and spun the SDF Member over into a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker, Gilmore then tried to get Miyamae into the Stone Hold but the SDF member rolled him up and then used the ropes for leverage.......... Referee Omura Umeki told Miyamae to take his foot off the ropes but he was then distracted by Miyamae's fellow SDF members Sensational Dragon and Hell Monkey standing on the ramp and he ordered them to the back. As he was doing that Miyamae threw white powder into the eyes of Gilmore , before taking Gilmore down with the Miyamae Spoiler. Umeki turned around to find Miyamae making the cover. Miyamae had literally stolen a victory away from Gilmore to advance to the third round of the Gauntlet Series [B][COLOR=red]Elimination #2: Tom Gilmore at 10:47[/COLOR][/B] [I]But things were not due to get any easier, as Defending Champion Sean McFly had drawn #4 in the Gauntlet Series. The downside for McFly of-course is that he would have to come through 4 match-up to retain his title.[/I] [CENTER][B]Match Up #3: Miyamae vs Sean McFly[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Miyamae tried to take McFly by surprise with a baseball slide dropkick but the former NOTBPW star moved out of the way, and then kicked Miyamaes legs out from underneath him before whipping the SDF member into the ringsteps. McFly then rolled Miyamae into the ring and scored a two count after a Diving Leg-Drop. McFly stayed in control earning two counts with a variety of suplexes. McFly then started to get frustrated and headed up top. He pulled out a Moonsault, but Miyamae rolled out of the way and as McFly got up Miyamae drilled him with a stiff-kick, before driving McFly into the canvas with an STO and applying the Snake-Poison....... But McFly had it scouted manoeuveirng out of the move, then reversing it into a Crucifix Arm Bar........ Miyamae made it to the ropes, then in a desperate move he produced another bag of white powde from his pants. However McFly was one step ahead nailing Miyamae with a Super-Kick. The white powder blew up in Miyamae's face and McFly drilled Miyamae into the canvas with vicious looking Vertical Suplex Pile-Driver he calls the 'Flux Driller' and that was enough to see McFly advance to the next round of the Gauntlet Series. [B][COLOR=red]Elimination # 3: Miyamae at 14:01[/COLOR][/B] [I]McFly waited for his next opponent and outcame a very confident looking SUKI. Considering he was facing arguably the hottest star in Burning Hammer right now SUKI perhaps looked a bit too confident that he was going to get the job done.[/I] [CENTER][B]Match Up # 4: Sean McFly vs SUKI[/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SUKI.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] For the first time in the series, things started out with a tentative lock up, both of them are not short of confidence but neither of them wanted to make that crucial first mistake either. They then exchanged holds, until McFly was able to flip SUKI over and put him into a Boston Crab. SUKI soon got to the ropes but he left himself open to a roaring elbow from McFly and the defending champion followed up by spinning SUKI around and dumping the c0cky youngster with a Fisherman Suplex. McFly kept hold of SUKI, driving the rising star back into the canvas with a Brainbuster. SUKI managed to kick out of that, McFly then looked to finish things off but SUKI managed to sneak in a thumb to the eye, before taking McFly by suprise with a Facebuster. That brought SUKI some time to get his breath back....... Both then rose to their feet and they exchanged strikes with McFly seemingly getting the advantage but SUKI was able to duck under a roaring elbow and he was able to take an off balance McFly over with a Northern Light Suplex, before floating over into the SUKI Special. Just as it looked like McFly was going to tap out and relinquish the Openweight Champion he managed to make it to the ropes. SUKI then tried to take McFly off his feet with an STO but McFly managed to block the attempt, with a knee to the mid-section before scooping SUKI onto his shoulders and driving the c0cky youngster down onto the canvas with a Death Valley Driver. SUKI kicked out, and then regained the advantage with an Implant DDT, but to SUKI's amazement McFly got right back up nailing the c0cky youngster with a Super Kick before springing off the ropes and taking SUKI down with a Moonsault press. McFly then rolled back into a cover, SUKI then began to turn it back over in his favour, when McFly grabbed hold of his legs and tied them up into the Submission hold he learned in Canada from Dan Stone, the legendary Stone Hold. McFly had it locked on right in the middle of the ring and SUKI was left with no choice but to tap out. [B][COLOR=red]Elimination # 4: SUKI at 23:53[/COLOR][/B] [I]McFly then waited for his final opponent (Marhito Masuko) to come out, but a whole minute had passed and they still hadn't made their appearance from the entrance. Referee Omura Umeki then started a twenty count on the P.I.N.K Leader, but just as the count reached 15.....Masuko came throught the crowd, then sneaked up behind McFly..........[/I] [CENTER][B]Match Up # 5: Sean McFly vs Marihito Masuko[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Masuko took McFly down with a chop-block then tried to steal a quick victory with a Small Package.......... One.......... Two........... McFly kicked out then rose to his feet but the P.I.N.K leader stayed in control, taking McFly off his feet with a leg-whip. Masuko then headed up to the top turnbuckle and scored with Double Foot Stomp, before following up with a Senton.....for another two count. Masuko then tried to set McFly up for the Cradle Shock, but the defending champion managed to put the brakes on and counter into a Northern Lights Suplex into a bridging pin One....... Two........ McFly then went to apply the Stone Hold again but Masuko sneaked in a low blow before taking McFly with an STO. The diminutive P.I.N.K leader then headed up to the top turnbuckle and as McFly rose back up to his feet he was taken down with the Springboard Bull-Dog Masuko calls 'Into The White' One....... Two...... Thr........ McFly kicked out. Masuko was visibly frustrated and headed to the outside, where he tried to bring in a steel chair. However referee Omura Umeki saw the attempt and told Masuko to put the chair down or be disqualifed. But as that was happening fellow P.I.N.K member Mokuami Maita sneaked out from underneath the ring and cracked McFly over the head with a Kendo-Stick, just as the defending champion was getting to his feet. Masuko then turned around and seeing McFly still down, he went to make the cover........ One........... Two........... But the cover was too nonchalant and McFly was able to kick out. Tadakuni Toshusai meanwhile had also sneaked down to ringside and wedged a steel chair into one of the turnbuckles. Masuko then monkflipped McFly towards the steel chair, but the former NOTBPW star had the prescence of mind to spring off the turnbuckle, flying over Masuko with a moonsault........ McFly then landed on his feet nailing Masuko with a standing drop-kick that sent the P.I.N.K leader into the steel chair. Masuko then stumbled out of the corner and into the DELOREAN DRIVER !!! One........... Two............... Three !!! Despite P.I.N.K's best efforts to 'fix' the match in Masuko's favour, McFly overcame them and two other opponents in the form of Miyamae and SUKI to retain the Openweight Title. [B][COLOR=red]Final Elimination: Marihito Masuko at 31:40[/COLOR][/B] A very good Gauntlet Series all round and it certainly provided something a little bit different as far as main events go. Despite the fact that McFly beat three opponents individually in this match up, this will still only count as one defence. Talk about making the first defence of the title the hard way. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Sean McFly defeated Marihito Masuko, Miyamae, SUKI, Tom Gilmore and Yasunobu Masuno in 31:40.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Sean McFly retains the Burning Openweight Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [I]The show ends with McFly celebrating his hard fought victory.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]_______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive]Overall: A[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Another solid show, thought the success of the show hinged on whether or not the Gauntlet Series would deliver as a main event. No let down from McFly and co. and the running time of just over half an hour, seemed to be just right. ______________________________________________________________ [B]T.V News:[/B] Ironclad drew an 17.32 rating on TV5Monde (- 0.17) Not too suprised by the down swing this week, as it wasn't the strongest card on paper.
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[B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Purogods.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=#8b0000][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR=black]Before they embark on their voyage to New York City, USA Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods have secured the services of four of it's top talents for another 2 years....[/COLOR] [B]Elemental II[/B] Despite being considerably past 40, the Junior Legend is seen as a key part of Burning Hammer's Junior Division and has arguably been producing some of his best work over the past 2 years. Many insiders believe though that this will probably be his final contract as a full time active roster member. [B]The Awesome Kiyaru[/B] Another mainstay of the Junior Division. Kiyaru has been some what of a directionless/ stuck in the mid-card for the past few years but has remained a consistent and professional performer and many believe that after his strong showings in this years edition of the BOSJ Cup he could be in line for a more focused push. [B]Kinnojo Horri[/B] Arguably the most prominent performer on the Burning Hammer Roster yet to have won a major singles title. Still only 26 but already with a wealth of experience, the powerhouse remains a key component amongst the upper tier of the BHOTWG roster. [B]Kansuke Konda[/B] Currently one half of the World Tag Team Champions Size of the Fight, Konda has also shown himself to be a very compotent singles performer over the last few years. Whilst the other three got slight pay rises, it is believed that Konda has received a highly significant pay increase but his performances as one of the most improved performers throughout 2007/08 suggests that he deserves the lucrative new contract.
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Give Konda the underdog title run! I'm sorry, but I love the guy. He's just awesome, when we look at it. On another contract note, good to see Horri still around, good talent, and I cannot wait for his long awaited title run (if it ever happens.) More great shows, the gauntlet match is one of my favourite ideas and your write ups make it that much more entertaining. Awesome job, and just keep going, I love where this diary is headed.
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[B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Purogods.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods continue the Samurai Spirit Tour with two historic shows in New York City, USA at the world renowned Hammerstein Ballroom. The fans in New York will get to see all Burning Hammer Championships defended at the second show on Thursday 5th June, whilst the first show on Monday 2nd will be centred around contenders match for those championships. Because of the unknown nature of Thursdays card, BHOTWG have only released to us a full official card of the Monday sho. There will be dual main event as Hiroaki Nakasawa teams up with Openweight Champion Sean McFly to take on World Champion Hooded Kudo and fellow Silver Dragon Feet member Miyamae. Whilst former Silver Dragon Feet member Shimedzu will go one on one with Tom Gilmore, the reward for either man winning will be a World Title Shot. Shimedzu would love to get another crack at the World Title since making the decision to go out on his own, whilst Tom Gilmore put the Openweight Title on the map without getting to the 10 successive Title defences to earn an automatic World Title Shot. Can Gilmore triumph in front of a 'home' crowd or will Shimedzu move one step to World Title glory. However all will not be lost for the loser of this match, as they will challenge Sean McFly for the Openweight Title. In other contenders matches there will be a Junior Division 4 Corner Survival, with the winner facing Elemental Americana for the Junior Division Title at Thursdays show. Participants include Elemental II, SUKI, Sensational Dragon and NOTBPW's Acid, who impressed during the BOSJ Cup with a run to the semi-finals. The Pacific Express of Shingen Miyazaki and Kenko Takemitsu will get a chance to earn a shot at the World Tag Team Titles of Size of the Fight, when they face the challenge of NOTBPW duo Jack Marlowe and making his first appearance in BHOTWG 'Wrath of God' Jack Giedroyc. The remainder of the show will see, the P.I.N.K duo of Marihito Masuko & Mokuami Maita face off with The Awesome Kiyaru and Golden Scorpion. Bulldozer Brandon Smith will be hoping to impress in his home country, when he takes on the considerable challenge of Kinnojo Horri. Kansuke Konda (one half of World Tag Team Champions- Size of the Fight) takes on Eagle Kawasawa, Hell Monkey faces off with Super Joshuya in anoither all Junior Division match up and Rhino Umaga clashes with Yasunobu Masuno. It is expected that at least one of the last three matches mentioned will take place on the non televised Pre-Show. Here is a full confirmed run-down of what will take place on the first Night of BHOTWG's NYC Invasion. [CENTER][B][U][COLOR=#808000]Samurai Spirit Tour (Night Thirty)- NYC Invasion[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][U](Hammerstein Ballroom, NYC, USA)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][I]Monday 2nd June 2008[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Contenders Match:[/B] [B][SIZE=1](Winner Challenges for World Title Shot Next Show/[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=1]Loser Challenges for Openweight Title)[/SIZE] [/B] Shimedzu vs Tom Gilmore[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]All-Star Tag:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Silver Dragon Feet'[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]World Champion-[/SIZE] Hooded Kudo & Miyamae vs [SIZE=1]Openweight Champion-[/SIZE] Sean McFly & Hiroaki Nakasawa[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Junior Contenders 4 Corner Survival:[/B] [SIZE=1]'From NOTBPW'[/SIZE] Acid vs Elemental II vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Silver Dragon Feet'[/SIZE] Sensational Dragon vs SUKI[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Tag Contenders:[/B] The Pacific Express (Shingen Miyazaki & Kenko Takemitsu vs 'From NOTBPW' Jack Marlowe & 'Wrath of God' Jack Giedroyc[/CENTER] [CENTER]P.I.N.K (Marihito Masuko & Mokuami Maita) vs The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]'Representing Size of the Fight'[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]World Tag Team Champion-[/SIZE] Kansuke Konda vs Eagle Kawasawa[/CENTER] [CENTER]Rhino Umaga vs Yasunobu Masuno[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]'Representing Silver Dragon Feet'[/SIZE] Hell Monkey vs Super Joshuya ______________________________________________________[/CENTER] [quote] [LEFT][B][COLOR=green]Predictions Form:[/COLOR][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][COLOR=green][U]NYC Invasion- Monday (NYC, USA)[/U] [/COLOR][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][COLOR=green]Contenders Match: Shimedzu vs Tom Gilmore[/COLOR][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][COLOR=green]All Star Tag: Hooded Kudo & Miyamae vs Sean McFly & Hiroaki Nakasawa[/COLOR][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][COLOR=green]Junior Contenders: Acid vs Elemental II vs Sensational Dragon vs SUKI[/COLOR][/B][/LEFT] [B][COLOR=green]Tag Contenders: Pacific Express vs Jack Marlowe & Jack Giedroyc[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=green]P.I.N.K (Masuko & Maita) vs Kiyaru & Scorpion[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=green]Kansuke Konda vs Eagle Kawasawa[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=green]Rhino Umaga vs Yasunobu Masuno[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=green]Hell Monkey vs Super Joshuya[/COLOR][/B] [/quote]
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[B][U]NYC Invasion- Monday (NYC, USA) [/U][/B] Contenders Match: Shimedzu vs [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] All Star Tag: Hooded Kudo & Miyamae vs [B]Sean McFly & Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] Junior Contenders: [B]Acid [/B]vs Elemental II vs Sensational Dragon vs SUKI Tag Contenders: Pacific Express vs [B]Jack Marlowe & Jack Giedroyc[/B] [B]P.I.N.K (Masuko & Maita)[/B] vs Kiyaru & Scorpion [B]Kansuke Konda[/B] vs Eagle Kawasawa Rhino Umaga vs[B] Yasunobu Masuno[/B] [B]Hell Monkey [/B]vs Super Joshuya
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NYC Invasion- Monday (NYC, USA) Contenders Match: Shimedzu vs [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] All Star Tag: Hooded Kudo & Miyamae vs [B]Sean McFly & Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] Junior Contenders: [B]Acid[/B] vs Elemental II vs Sensational Dragon vs SUKI Tag Contenders: Pacific Express vs [B]Jack Marlowe & Jack Giedroyc[/B] [B]P.I.N.K (Masuko & Maita)[/B] vs Kiyaru & Scorpion [B]Kansuke Konda [/B]vs Eagle Kawasawa [B]Rhino Umaga [/B]vs Yasunobu Masuno [B]Hell Monkey [/B]vs Super Joshuya I'm kind of agreeing with 'Double C' most of the way here - that the wrestlers who are more known in the US will likely pick up the wins. Particularly interested to see how the 'Pair of Jacks' do in their tag match and how the Junior contenders match pans out. I'm still looking forward to Awesome Kiyaru stepping up and joining the junior division megastars again!
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NYC Invasion- Monday (NYC, USA) Contenders Match: Shimedzu vs [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] All Star Tag: Hooded Kudo & Miyamae vs [B]Sean McFly & Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] Junior Contenders: [B]Acid[/B] vs Elemental II vs Sensational Dragon vs SUKI Tag Contenders: Pacific Express vs [B]Jack Marlowe & Jack Giedroyc[/B] [B]P.I.N.K (Masuko & Maita)[/B] vs Kiyaru & Scorpion [B]Kansuke Konda[/B] vs Eagle Kawasawa [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] vs Yasunobu Masuno [B]Hell Monkey[/B] vs Super Joshuya
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[B][COLOR="Indigo"]NYC Invasion- Monday (NYC, USA) [/COLOR][/B] Contenders Match: Shimedzu vs [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] [I]- Conventional wisdom sets up Kudo-Shimedzu and Gilmore-McFly. But this is something special and Gilmore wins to because he's caucasian. Racism? In wrestling? Never! It also reignites the fact that Gilmore spurned Kudo's invitation/association with SDF AND kicks off a new rivalry between Shimedzu and McFly. Yah, Gilmore wins and everything in BHotWG's gets even more interesting.[/I] All Star Tag: Hooded Kudo & Miyamae vs [B]Sean McFly & Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] [I]- Again, over in America combined with momentum towards Sword of Destiny, plus Kudo seems willing to drop relatively meaningless tag matches and re-associated Miyamae goes right back into Kudo's bad books when he loses. Am I over thinking this much?[/I] Junior Contenders: Acid vs [B]Elemental II[/B] vs Sensational Dragon vs SUKI [I]- New 2 year deal, combined with being in America for perhaps the first time ever and Tigerkinney having a soft spot in his heart for E II and wants to give those Yanks a treat.[/I] Tag Contenders: Pacific Express vs [B]Jack Marlowe & Jack Giedroyc[/B] [I]- How minor of an upset is this? Could be the sleeper hit of the night. But the Pair of Jacks win to bring more overness to the next night's tag match with SotF. Besides, Tigerkinney finally getting to write for the Wrath of God you think he'll pass that up as a one off?[/I] P.I.N.K (Masuko & Maita) vs [B]Kiyaru & Scorpion[/B] [I]- Kiyaru's fantastic mask and Scorpion's Mortal Kombat looks means the Americans mark for those two over the Kabuki wearing freaks![/I] [B]Kansuke Konda[/B] vs Eagle Kawasawa [I]- Not even America will Konda lose to Kawasawa.[/I] [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] vs Yasunobu Masuno [I]- Holy crap... Umaga... bad chemist himself... the favourite? I'm shocked too.[/I] [B]Hell Monkey[/B] vs Super Joshuya [I]- People know the monkey. People fear the monkey. People love the monkey.[/I]
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NYC Invasion- Monday (NYC, USA) Contenders Match: Shimedzu vs [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] All Star Tag: Hooded Kudo & Miyamae vs [B]Sean McFly & Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] Junior Contenders: Acid vs Elemental II vs [B]Sensational Dragon[/B] vs SUKI Tag Contenders: [B]Pacific Express[/B] vs Jack Marlowe & Jack Giedroyc [B]P.I.N.K (Masuko & Maita)[/B] vs Kiyaru & Scorpion [B]Kansuke Konda[/B] vs Eagle Kawasawa [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] vs Yasunobu Masuno [B]Hell Monkey[/B] vs Super Joshuya
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Contenders Match: Shimedzu vs [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] All Star Tag: Hooded Kudo & Miyamae vs [B]Sean McFly & Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] Junior Contenders: Acid vs Elemental II vs [B]Sensational Dragon[/B] vs SUKI Tag Contenders: Pacific Express vs [B]Jack Marlowe & Jack Giedroyc[/B] P.I.N.K (Masuko & Maita) vs [B]Kiyaru & Scorpion[/B] [B]Kansuke Konda[/B] vs Eagle Kawasawa [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] vs Yasunobu Masuno [B]Hell Monkey[/B] vs Super Joshuya
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive]Samurai Tour (Night 30) NYC Invasion - Night 1[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Monday 2nd June 2008[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Hammerstein Ballroom, New York City, Tri-State, USA (Attendance: 1'000) [/CENTER] [B]Pre Show Matches :[/B] [I]* It should be noted that these matches will appear as Extra's on the NYC Invasion 2 Disc DVD, that will be in the Shops from September.[/I] [B]Pre Show Match #1: Hell Monkey vs Super Joshuya[/B] Good match for the amount of time given. Hell Monkey was always the one on the front-foot but Joshuya did not back down and he could of stolen victory when he took the SDF member by suprise with a series of roll-ups. After that Hell Monkey became even more intense, hitting a hellacious combo of kicks before going up top to finish things off with the Tumbling Monkey [B][COLOR=red]Result: Hell Monkey defeated Super Joshuya in 6:47 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [B]Pre Show Match #2: Rhino Umaga vs Yasunobu Masuno[/B] Solid big man brawl but nothing particularly memorable, which is fine for a match in 'Dark Time'. The match saw them work in the well worn Umaga finish of the big Samoan mis-timing the Rhino Charge, this lead to Umaga stumbling back off the turnbuckle and into the a sleeper hold from Masuno. Masuno then hooked the arm and locked in the Masuno Deep Sleeper, the Big Samoan refused to tap but eventually the submission hold was too much and referee Koetsu Shinozaki called for the bell. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Yasunobu Masuno defeated Rhino Umaga in 8:56 by submission.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]_______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show (Filmed for T.V)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The show starts with a hype video for the Contenders match between Tom Gilmore and Shimedzu.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]__________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Kansuke Konda vs Eagle Kawasawa[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EagleKawasawa.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The opening contest saw one half of the Tag Champs Kansuke Konda take on struggling Junior Division member Eagle Kawasawa, who was looking for that notable win to get him back on track. They produced a solid match, but did not really do enough to elevate their match above what some of the crowd would have witnessed 'During the Dark Matches' Kawasawa actually started the brighter, but when Konda managed to move out of the way of a Guillotine Leg-Drop at around the 3 minute mark, the match turned a full 180 and the Tag champ was in control for the rest of the match, eventually finishing off the former protege of Optimus with the Big Fight Stunner. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Kansuke Konda defeated Eagle Kawasawa in 7:18 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2: P.I.N.K (Marihito Masuko & Mokuami Maita) vs [/B] [B]The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MokuamiMaita_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This one started out hot with Scorpion taking down both members of P.I.N.K with a Flying Cross Body, then Kiyaru following up with an Arabian Press. Kiyaru & Scorpion remained in control for the early going with Kiyaru going close with a Falcon Arrow on Maita and Scorpion going close with a Brainbuster. But Maita got the knees up when Scorpion went for a Frog Splash and Masuko sneaked round to the other side to pull Kiyaru off the apron and throw him into the barricade. Maita got the tag into Masuko and the P.I.N.K duo now had Scorpion isolated, where they worked in quick tags and plenty of cheap-shots much to the frustration of Kiyaru. However the P.I.N.K duo failed to put Scorpion away and when Maita went for the Ankle-Lock Scorpion managed to spin out of it and take the newest member of P.I.N.K down with a Sunset Flip Power Bomb. Scorpion got the hot-tag into Kiyaru who cleaned house with a series of drop-kicks before taking Maita down with Spinning Head-Scissors. Kiyaru then headed up top, but suddenly the third member of P.I.N.K Tadakuni Toshusai appeared , and he shoved Kiyaru off the turnbuckle to the outside, just as Masuko tied up referee Omura Umeki by trying to get into the match without making a Tag. Scorpion then re-entered the ring but he was taken down with chop block from Mokuami Maita. Masuko was then tagged back into the match and as Scorpion staggered up to his feet the P.I.N.K Leader planted him back into the mat with the Masuko Cradle Shock. Kiyaru tried to get back in and make the save but it was too little too late. Another solid match, but the crowd have been a little bit reserved so far and it's clear they are saving their energy for the bigger names later in the show. [B][COLOR=red]Result: P.I.N.K (Masuko & Maita) defeated Kiyaru & Scorpion in 11:06 when Marihito Masuko defeated Golden Scorpion by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]__________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Kinnojo Horri[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This match saw American born prospect Bulldozer Brandon Smith on home soil testing himself against one of the most established members of the Burning Hammer roster Kinnojo Horri. In terms of Age there is not actually that much difference between the two, with Horri being 27 and BBS being 25, however in terms of wrestling experience there is a considerable difference with Horri having wrestled for 7 years, compared to BBS who has been a pro wrestler for 15 months. Horri controlled the early going and could have had the match won in the first minute after dumping the former college football star on his neck with a German Suplex. But BBS sucked it up and started to impose himself more on the match, eventually Bulldozer's efforts shook the confidence of Horri and BBS was able to fully turn the match in his favour with the Back Drop Driver. Horri was able to get his foot on the ropes to avoid what would be considered an embarrasing defeat back in Japan for someone of his stature. However BBS remained in control and dumped Horri with a series of suplexes, but the heavyweight division mainstay was determined not to lose and when BBS attempted the Atomic Driller, Horri managed to slip out of it, and then take the inexperienced Gaijin down with a vicious Burning Lariat. I don't think I've seen anyone kick out of the Burning Lariat and BBS wasn't about to be the first. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Kinnojo Horri defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 8:37 by pinfall with a Burning Lariat. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]O.O.C Note:[/B] I've noticed I forgot to put that last match in the prediction form, I'm sure most of you would have choen Horri, even on U.S soil.[/FONT] [CENTER]_____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #4: Tag Contenders- [/B] [B]The Pacific Express (Shingen Miyazaki & Kenko Takemitsu) vs[/B] [B]'Wrath of God' Jack Giedroyc & 'Jungle' Jack Marlowe[/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ShingenMiyazaki-Alt1.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Kenko-Alt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JackGiedroycAlt1.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_JungleJack.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This Tag contenders match saw the rising duo of Miyazaki and Takemitsu, collectively known as The Pacific Express take on the NOTBPW pair of Jack Marlowe (making his second appearance in a BHOTWG ring) and cult favourite Jack Giedroyc who made his name in North America with his 'Wrath of God' gimmick in DaVE before taking it North of the Border. At the start of the match Giedroyc grabs a microphone to give out of one of his sermons but The Pacific Express aren't in the mood for talking and take him down with High/Low attack (drawing a mixed re-action from the crowd). Jack Marlowe then comes in but the Express nail him with a double team drop-kick , before sending the wild man over the top-rope with a double clothesline. It was all Pacific Express in the Early Going as they isolated Giedroyc in their corner but the Two Jacks turned the match in their favour when Marlowe sneaked round to the other side and nailed Miyazaki in the back with a chair. Giedroyc was then able to hit a Spinning Bull Dog on Takemitsu and get the tag into Marlowe. Marlowe dominated Takemitsu with a series of Power-Moves but the Takemitsu (the lightest man in the match up refused to give in) and when Marlowe went for the Jungle Jack Hammer he managed to work his way out it, nail Marlowe with an Enziguri then drive the Powerful former GCG into the mat with a Reverse STO. Takemitsu then got the tag into Miyazaki, who then nailed Marlowe in the head with a Shining Wizard before turning the Big Man over and putting into the Ankle-Lock. Giedroyc saw enough and made the save , but was soon ordered back to his corner. However the momentary distraction gave Marlowe enough time to take Miyazaki down with a Clothesline and get Giedroyc back into the match. The Wrath of God whipped Miyazaki into the corner, mounted him on the top turnbuckle then went up their himself before raining down 10 'punches' in a row to the temple of Miyazaki, a sequence he calls 'The Ten Commandements'. Giedroyc then tried to bring Miyazaki with a superplex but much to his surpise Miyazaki managed to shove Giedroyc off, then was able to nail the Wrath of God with a Flying Elbow Drop. Miyazaki then got Giedroyc up onto his shoulders for the Good Night, but Giedroyc managed to slip off , before nailing Miyazaki with a Super Kick and getting Miyazaki up onto his own shoulders before disorientating and slamming Miyazaki down onto the canvas with a Spinning Crucifix he calls Heaven's Lottery. Giedroyc was then about to go for the cover but Takemitsu came flying in with a Missile Drop Kick, befor driving the Wrath of God into the mat with a Crucifix Bomb. But Jack Marlowe had re-entered the ring and he drove Takemitsu into the mat with the Jungle Jack-Hammer, but Shinozaki knew he was not the legal man and ordered him back to the corner. As Shinozaki was tied up with Marlowe, who was trying to convince the referee that the wad the legal man. Giedroyc cracked Miyazaki who had got back up onto the apron over the head with the helmet he wore to the ring. Giedroyc then climbed the top-rope, put the ridiculous helmet he came to the ring with onto his cranium and flew off the top-rope; landing on top of an isolated Kenko Takemitsu with the Crashing On (Frogsplash Launch Diving Headbutt). Giedroyc then discarded the helmet and made the academic cover, as the 'Pair of Jacks' earned or stole (which ever way you choose to see it) a chance to become the Burning World Tag Team Champions at the next show. There were a few chemistry issues throughout the match, and the NOTBPW pair looked like two singles wrestlers thrown together, rather than a well oiled unit, but all in all both teams overcame these problems to put on a fairly entertaining match. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Jack Giedroyc and Jack Marlowe defeated The Pacific Express in 9:35 when Jack Giedroyc defeated Kenko Takemitsu by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]__________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #5: Junior Contenders 4 Corner Survival- [/B] [B]Acid vs Elemental II vs Sensational Dragon vs SUKI[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Acid.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SUKI.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This 4 corner survival to see who would earn a Junior Title at the next show, started off at a fairly sedate exhibition like pace, with exchanges between all four men as they tagged in and out. Though Elemental II was the clear face in the match-up, most of the crowd were strongly for Acid (who whilst wasn't a 'hometown' wrestler, was more well known by everyone in NYC). Things did start to pick up when all three 'heels' decided to try and gang up on Elemental II, only for the Junior Division veteran to out-smart them all and send them all out of the ring with a variety of drop-kicks and arm-drags, and then following that impressive sequence with his trademark handspring plancha. That was the spark to get the crowd into the match, who were pretty flat throughout the first 8 minutes or so, and as expected the action came thick and fast after that. The finishing moments of the match saw SUKI take Acid down with Tilt-A-Whirl Head-Scissors and apply the SUKI Special only for Sensational Dragon to break it up with a Standing Moonsault. Acid rolled to the outside and Dragon grabbed the head of his sometime acquiantance and ran up the turnbuckle to pull off the Dragon Slice. This time Elemental broke up the pin by nailing Sensational Dragon in the back and dumping him with an Elemental Suplex for a two count. The Junior Division then headed up top, but Acid raced up the otherside of the turnbuckle and cut Elemental II, off......they duked it out on the top for a bit, but Acid was able to gain control double under hooking Elemental II's arms and driving him into the mat with the ACID RAIN BOMB !! Dragon and SUKI both tried to scramble across and make the save, but it was too late as Acid earned another shot at the Burning Junior Championship. Very good match, which probably would have earned at least an A Rating back in Japan, it comes down to a B+ because the crowd were slow to get into the match during the more sedate first half. Once they started to bust out the turbo speed aerial assaults and high impact moves they are noted for, the crowd was won over by these four exceptional Junior Division talents, especially in the case of the BHOTWG home-growns. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Acid defeated Elemental II, Sensational Dragon and SUKI in 15:51 when Acid defeated Elemental II by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]____________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]A video plays hyping the All Star Tag match between the Silver Dragon Feet pair of World Champion Hooded Kudo and Miyamae against Hiroaki Nakasawa and Openweight Champion Sean McFly[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #6: All Star Tag: [/B] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa & Sean McFly vs [/B][B]Hooded Kudo & Miyamae[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was the first of the two main event match-ups that the crowd were really looking forward to seeing and all four of them received great respect from the fans, as the streamers rained down. Sean McFly quite understandably given his reputation in North America, was the recipient of the biggest Streamer Shower. Nakasawa & Miyamae started this one out, with Nakasawa soon using his size advantage to over power Miyamae. Miyamae scrambled back to make the tag to Kudo and Nakasawa brought in McFly, setting up a showdown between the two Burning Hammer Champions. McFly and Kudo exchanged holds on the mat, with Kudo looking to put McFly in the Kudo-Lock and McFly looking to turn Kudo over into the Stone Hold. McFly really started to get the better of the World Champion, much to the frustration of the Silver Dragon Feet leader...who eventually decided to go into his box of tricks by sneaking in a low blow. McFly soon found himself isolated in the SDF corner, as Nakasawa looked on in frustration as the Dragon Feet duo dished out their usual punishment of quick-tags, cheap shots and their trademark facewashes. Kudo however tried to 'humiliate McFly once too often and the Openweight champ, caught Kudo's leg on a Face-wash, leg-whipping the World Champion into the turnbuckle, then driving Kudo across his knee with a Reverse STO Backbreaker. McFly then scrambled across to make the tag, but Miyamae grabbed his leg......McFly missed with an Enziguri but managed to score with a mule-kick, enabling him to get the hot-tag into Nakasawa. The former World Champion, who will be hoping to contend for the title again at Sword of Destiny, took both Kudo and Miyamae down with double clotheslines. Nakasawa turned his attentions back to Miyamae, stringing together a Double Knee Backbreaker,Belly to Back Suplex, Lariat combination before going for the cover. Kudo managed to pull Miyamae out as the SDF pair tried to re-group. But McFly decide he wasn't going to give them any time, as he soared through the ropes with a flying fore-arm smash. McFly then fed Kudo into Nakasawa,who rocked the World Champion with a stiff fore-arm before scoring with the NAKASAWA NECKBREAKER. Miyamae however had managed to reverse an irish whip attempt from McFly on the outside, sending the Openweight Champion into the guard-rail and he was able to make the save at the last split second. The former four time tag champion unloaded on Nakasawa with a series of stiff kicks, Nakasawa however started to shake them off rising to his feet, but Miyamae doubled him over with a kick to the mid-section and then drove him back down to the canvas with the MIYAMAE SPOILER...... It looked like it would be over there but Nakasawa kicked out at two and half but Miyamae did not let up and he soon had Nakasawa locked in the Snake Poison Submission. But just as it looked like Nakasawa was starting to fade, Sean McFly was able to make the save with a leg-drop. Hooded Kudo sneaked up from behind and grabbed McFly, looking like he was about to suplex the Openweight Champion............Miyamae then got up and spun around with a kick in McFly's direction, but McFly ducked under and Miyamae ending up nailing his own tag partner. McFly then nailed Miyamae with a super-kick that sent the former Tag Champion into the ring-ropes......Miyamae then rebounded towards McFly who used the momentum to pull off his awesome looking finisher the DELOREAN DRIVER (A Tilt-A-Whirl Sit-Out Piledriver). Not only does it look cool, it's also highly effective,leading to a well earned victory for the pair of popular babyfaces. Whilst some of the crowd in attendance, met some of the matches before with a bit of apathy, they went absolutely wild for this match up and McFly continues to look like the hottest wrestler in Burning Hammer, even if he doesn't make the 10 succesful title defence.....he's surely earned a World Title shot at some point in the future. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa and Sean McFly defeated Hooded Kudo and Miyamae in 19:37 when Sean McFly defeated Miyamae by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]_______________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]Before the main event Tom Gilmore appeared in the ring and picked up a microphone[/I] [I]' Alot of you here in attendance will probably have recognised me from my time in Dicky Eisen's circus, as 'Angry' Gilmore. You see what you saw there wasn't me at my best, sure I had a few good times but the place where I've always been able to put all on the line week in ,week out is over in Japan with Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods, a place I know I can always call 'home', a place where Wrestlers can go out there bust there ass, and the fans appreciate it....fans just like you.[/I] [I]Back in Japan, we read the messages from the fans over here, asking us if we are ever going to come over to America , now you're witnessing history, getting to see the biggest and best promotio in Japan up close and personal. [/I] [I]And saving the best for last, you'll see me go up against one of the very best Burning Hammer has had to offer, a former four time tag champion and the winner of the 2007 Super 10 Cup Shimedzu, it'll be tough but I have every intention of walking into tonight's show with an opportunity to earn the most prestigious Championship in wrestling.....The Burning Hammer World Title !'[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Solid 'semi shoot' promo from Gilmore. He put over the Burning Hammer product, himself, his opponent and the importance of the match-up.[/FONT] [/SIZE] [CENTER][B]Match #7: World Title Contenders: [/B] [B]Shimedzu vs Tom Gilmore[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] After being pumped up by the previous match, then Gilmore's speech...the crowd were hot for this one, with most firmly behind Gilmore, though there were a few 'heel' fans in attendance cheering on Shimedzu, you could say however that since turning his back on Silver Dragon Feet, Shimedzu is at least a tweener now. Just as with the All Star Tag match earlier, both competitors get the streamer treatment. The match begins with a tentative start, as they are either showing respect to one another or just wary of how dangerous their opponent is, most likely a combination of both. They lock up and trade basic holds as each of them looks to gain and early advantage. Things began to pick up a bit more as the basic exchanges transition into a series of standing switches, that eventually lead to Gilmore backing Shimedzu into the ropes.......the rope-break is made and Shimedzu fires the first stiff looking shot in anger, before backing the former two time Openweight Champ up with a flurry of kicks. Shimedzu then bounces off the ring-ropes to take Gilmore down with a drop-kick, but Gilmore manages to side-step out of the way and he takes advantage of Shimedzu's error, by stunning the former SDF member with a Double Knee Facebuster, then driving Shimedzu into the mat with an STO. Gilmore went for a quick cover but Shimedzu was easily able to kick out. Gilmore then lifted Shimedzu up and fired in a flurry of knee strikes, before lifting Shimedzu up onto his shoulders but the former 4 Time Tag Champion was playing possum and he drove Gilmore into the mat with a Crucifix Bomb before grabbing hold of Gimore's arm and placing it in a Seated Arm Bar. However Gilmore's Arm was not weakened enough for the submission to be effective and the former SWF star soon managed to power his way up and out of the submission, but Shimedzu rocked him with a kick to the mid-section, before following up with a step up Enziguri, that sent Gilmore tumbling to the outside. Shimedzu then dove off the apron, catching Gilmore with a flying fore-arm, then picking Gilmore up and dumping him into the steel barricade with a Belly to Back Suplex. Shimedzu then rolled into the ring to break up the referee's two count, before heading back out to do more damage to Gilmore, whipping the Openweight champion across the floor into another barricade, then following in with the Face-Wash. Though Shimedzu was no longer associated with SDF, it was clear that he was still going to wrestle with the same viciousness and complete disregard for his opponent he had when he was a member of Silver Dragon Feet. Shimedzu again rolled back into the ring to break up Omura Umeki's Twenty Count, before turning his attention back to Gilmore, dropping the former two time Opneweight Champ with a a variation of a Slingshot Suplex off the guard-rail. Shimedzu then rolled Gilmore back into the ring, and went for the cover.......... One........ Two............ Gilmore kicked out, much to the disbelief of Shimedzu. Shimedzu thought it was only a matter of time before he put Gilmore away, and he set the former SWF star up for the Skull-Drop, but Gilmore managed to fight out of it with elbows to the mid-section, then in a sudden burst of energy he dumped Shimedzu with an Exploder Suplex. But he was too worn down to follow up, and both men lay on the canvas, as Omura Umeki started to make the count for a double count-out as the fans urged both combatants to get back to their feet. Shimedzu was up first, but Gilmore managed to nail him with an Enziguri. Gilmore then lifted Shimedzu up onto his shoulders, dropping the former SDF across his knees with a Gutbuster, then turning Shimedzu over into a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker. Gilmore then finished off the offensive sequence by putting Shimedzu down with a Fisherman Suplex......... One.......... Two............ Shimedzu kicked out and Gilmore decided to head towards the corner and looked to pull of the Picture Perfect Moonsault but Shimedzu was back to his feet, nailing Gilmore in the back with a stiff kick, before putting Gilmore into the Full Nelson and flinging the former two time Openweight Champ across the ring with a release Dragon Suplex. But Gilmore managed to flip himself up onto his feet, and he nailed Shimedzu with a Super-Kick. Gilmore once again headed towards the nearest turnbuckle, but once again Shimedzu was back up to a vertical base, but Gilmore was a step ahead this time, as he dove off the top to take Shimedzu down with a Tornado DDT........ One......... Two.......... Shimedzu got his foot on the ropes......... Gilmore then whipped Shimedzu across the ring looking for the Anger Management, but Shimedzu came right back with a springboard back-elbow, Gilmore then bounced back off the ring-ropes into an ANGER MANAGEMENT (Sit Out Spinning Power Bomb) from Shimedzu .......... One............ Two............... Thr......... Nooo !! Gilmore kicked out with authortiy, and it was as if Shimedzu using his own finisher fired him up even more. But Shimedzu seemed to remain in control, lifting Gilmore back up to a vertical base after a series of clubbing blows to the back. But Gilmore came right back with a flurry of knife edged chops that stunned Shimedzu, which then left the Super 10 Cup Winner open to being driven into the mat with a Death Valley Driver........... One........... Two.......... Shimedzu kicked out, but Gilmore soon grabbed hold of Shimedzu's legs and had them tied up in knots with the famous Stone Hold submission. But they were too near the ropes and Shimedzu was able to break free, before the former SDF member managed to sneak in a back-heel low blow on the rope-break. Shimedzu then fired in a series of kicks on Gilmore before drapping him across the ring-ropes and dropping him down into a Catapult Backbreaker. Shimedzu whipped Gilmore into the Turnbuckle and the placing Gilmore into the tree of woe position. Shimedzu then scored with the hesitation drop kick. Shimedzu then waited for a limp Gilmore to stumble out of the corner, before dumping Gilmore on his head with another Dragon Suplex............. One............. Two........... Gilmore kicked out, but Shimedzu could sense victory,as he raised Gilmore back up to his feet, as he looked to finish the match off with the SKULL DROP. But suddenly Shimedzu spotted his former tag partner Miyamae on the entrance ramp, and that momentary distraction enabled Gilmore to counter with a Reverse STO. Gilmore then pointed to the corner and this time was able to pull off the PICTURE PERFECT MOONSAULT One................ Two................... Three !!! Tom Gilmore's earns the World Title Shot, though Shimedzu would have felt he had the match in the bag, if it wasn't for the distraction from Miyamae. A fanstastic main event that sent the fans home very happy. It was so good that some of them must really be looking forward to what promises to be a even better show on the second night of the NYC Invasion Double Header. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Tom Gilmore defeated Shimedzu in 22:58 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [I]The show ends with Gilmore celebrating his victory in the ring and taking in the applause of the NYC fans.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive]Overall: A*[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] I was pretty much speechless when that grade came out, basically it was the final two matches that drive it up to that magical show rating but I still think it was well earned. The undercard was solid and the double main event delivered. But I'm still stunned that I pulled off the A* in America, where the promotions popularity is considerably lower, I would have been happy with something in the B range, as that still would have gone down well, considering the location I was running the show in. Ironically enough I had to put on an even more Puro-like product to make the show work, as I knew that inserting in things like promo, apart from those with workers who speak english and are over in the U.S would bomb with the crowd. ___________________________________________________________________________ [B]T.V News:[/B] Lords of the Ring drew an 18.74 rating on Nippon T.V (-0.18) Had to go down sometime, and I'm convinced the T.V ratings for Touring promotions don't correspond with the show you just put on.
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