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Burning Desire, Raising The Hammer (Cornellverse)

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[b]World Title - Cage Match: Hooded Kudo[/b] vs Hiroaki Nakasawa Nakasawa hasn't been successful in about a million attempts to dethrone Kudo, and I don't think he should regain the title and instead you should have someone else step up at take the belt (SUKI :P) [b]Junior Title/Possession of Elemental II Mask:[/b] Elemental Americana vs [b]Sensational Dragon[/b] I think this could be a shocker as Sensational Dragon finally gets the Junior title back and takes the Elemental mask much to the disgust of nearly everyone, only for Elemental Americana to eventually take it back. [b]Match 3 in Best of 5 Series: Miyamae[/b] vs Shimedzu Keeps your options open, edge the more heelish guy just ahead. [b]Openweight Title: Sean McFly[/b] vs Tom Gilmore The champeen retains. Gilmore is awesome and I actually prefer him but I think that skill wise, McFly is that much better and may be the guy to finally get the 10 defences. [b]Tag Titles: Size of the Fight[/b] vs DANGER AHEAD DANGER AHEAD just aren't established enough, only getting a name a few shows ago. Although it would be an enormous shocker, SotF are awesome and are doing well for you. Besides, you don't want to pull a Vince Russo style shock. [b]Special Challenge Match for Possesion of World Title Shots: Elemental II & Kinnojo Horri[/b] vs SUKI & Yasunobu Masuno To be honest, I'd love to see SUKI challenge for the World title, but Masuno shouldn't get the shots. Kinnojo has surely earnt a fair fued with Kudo and I think Elemental should pull off one reign with the big belt just to cement his legend status. Unless he retires before then of course. [b]Junior Contenders 3-Way:[/b] Hell Monkey vs [b]Marihito Masuko[/b] vs The Awesome Kiyaru I like all three guys so it wasn't personal preference, just a guess. Besides, after toiling around for a few years it's time Masuko gave some life back to the hunt in the Junior division to break the Dragon/Elemental II/Americana deadlock. Of course, Hell Monkey and Kiyaru could do that too. [b]Pre-Show Match:[/b] The Pacific Express vs [b]P.I.N.K (Maita & Toshusai)[/b] I still don't like "Mr. PVC" of the PE, and I think Shingen has been saddled with that guy just for an excuse to be a tag team. Which is fair enough, you need some good tag teams. Still, P.I.N.K are my bets.
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive]Sword of Destiny[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][COLOR=#808000](Part One: Matches 1-4)[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Saturday 21st June 2008[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Kanagawa Stadium, Kanto (21,264)[/CENTER] [CENTER]And Live on Pay Per View with Emperor Sports[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Buy Rate: 1.55[/B] [/CENTER] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] About the same Buy-rate as all the other shows, not called Fire Dream of the Immortals or Night of the Burning Hammer[/FONT] [B][U]Pre-Show[/U][/B] [I]A couple of hype videos are shown, first for the World Title Cage Match between Hooded Kudo and Hiroaki Nakasawa. Then the third match in the Best of 5 Series between Shimedzu and Miymae[/I] [B]Ratings: B for World Title, B- for Miyamae-Shimedzu[/B] [CENTER][B]_______________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Pre-Show Match: [/B] [B]The Pacific Express (Shingen Miyazaki & Kenko Takemitsu)[/B] [B]vs P.I.N.K (Mokuami Maita & Tadakuni Toshusai)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ShingenMiyazaki-Alt1.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Kenko-Alt1.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]vs[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MokuamiMaita_alt1.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BHOTWG-TadakuniToshusaiPINK.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was formula tag team stuff, but everybody put a decent effort in, and Takemitsu did a god job of playing face in peril, having been isolated in the P.I.N.K corner for about four minutes. However he did manage to get the hot tag into Miyazaki, after downing Toshusai with a Crucifix Bomb, when the big man of P.I.N.K tried to finish things with the Shock Treatment. Miyazaki then nailed Toshusai with a running knee strike for two. Maita then tried to take down Miyazaki but got taken down with a Flying Clothesline from Takemitsu, before falling victim to the Pacification (Reverse STO/Enziguri combo) [B][COLOR=red]Result: The Pacific Express defeated P.I.N.K (3) in 7:46 when Kenko Takemitsu defeated Mokuami Maita by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]__________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]A couple more hype videos are played ahead of the Pay Per view, a video hying the Openweight Title match between Sean McFly and Tom Gilmore Then a video hyping the Junior Title match between Elemental Americana and Sensational Dragon[/I] [B]Ratings: B- for Openweight Title, B for Junior Title[/B] [CENTER][B]_________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show (PPV)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The pay per view begins with Hiroaki Nakasawa sitting in his looking room, he's sitting in his normal street clothes and has his kit-bag beside him. Nakasawa then looks into the camera.........[/I] [I]' I never wanted it to come to this Kudo, two of the best wrestlers in the World locked inside a Steel Cage with nowhere to run.[/I] [I]You see Kudo I want to respect you as a wrestler, Iwant to respect all you've done in this business, but the pompous delusional egomaniac you've turned into, I'm afraid I can no longer feel that respect for you. [/I] [I]If you claim to be the best wrestler in the world, why do you need to surround yourself with a bunch of chronies, who hang on your every word, why do you need to hire so-called insurance policies. Because you know why...... truth is Kudo deep down inside you know that you are no longer the Best in the World.[/I] I wanted to beat you fair and square in the middle of the ring in a [I]traditional wrestling match, but each time I've been denied, because the playing field was never level, it never is level these days when you're involved. But your actions have brought about a major consequence, and that consequence is being locked inside a 15 ft Tall Steel Cage. [/I] [I]This is the first time I've been in a Cage Match, and people will ask do I fear going into the Cage, and I'll say....What's not to fear ?, but that fear will fuel my anger, my anger towards you Hooded Kudo, and when I see you in that ring......you better be ready, because nine months of frustration will come rushing out, and it'll come pouring out like molten lava.[/I] [I]You walk around as if holding the Burning World Championship, is some kind of divine right bestowed to you, well newsflash Mr Almighty One you have to earn it. I've tasted being champion once before, I wore it with more pride and honour than you ever did. You may have denied me before, but this time I will NOT be denied...even if I have to break every last bone in my body to make sure of it. [/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [CENTER][B]______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]A video plays hyping the Best of 5 Series between former four time Tag Champions turned bitter rivals Shimedzu and Miyamae, in what will be the opening contest of the show. It shows highlights of Shimedzu's victory in Match 1, and Miyamae's victory in Match 2.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #1 : Match Three of the Best of 5 Contenders Series: [/B] [B]Miyamae vs Shimedzu[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KenShimedzu.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Burning Hammer Officials wanted a big match to open the show up with, and they decided to go with what was arguably the third most anticipated match of the night, behind the World and Junior Title matches, in the pivotal third match of the Best of 5 Series between former partners turned rivals Miyamae and Shimedzu. Shimedzu goes on the offensive at the sound of the bell , but Miymae bails to the outside . Shimedzu then dives through the ring-ropes and takes down Miyamae with a suicide dive !!. They both get up and Shimedzu remains in control whipping Miyamae back first into the guard-rail. The 2007 Super 10 Cup Winner then picked up a chair, drove it into Miyamae's gut, then placed his former tag partner on the chair. Shimedzu then wound up for a Yazuka kick, but Miyamae got out of the chair at the last second, before sending his former tag partner face first into the steel chair with a drop toe hold. Miyamae then picked Shimedzu back up, before dumping Shimedzu back first into the same chair with a Uranage. Miyamae then whipped Shimedzu back-first into the apron, before rolling the former SDF member back into the ring. Miyamae then went for a cover........ One......... Two........... Shimedzu kicked out, but Miyamae remained in control with a couple of clubbing blows to the already injured back of Shimedzu, before turning his former Tag partner over into a Boston Crab.....putting even more pressure on the back of Shimedzu. Shimedzu however was too near the ropes for Miyamae to put him in the submission for a signifcant amount of time. Miyamae kept the hold on for the full count five second count, before referee Omura Umeki forced the break. Miyamae then tried to re-apply the submission but Shimedzu managed to push him off, before suddenly exploding into life to take Miyamae down with an STO. Shimedzu then collapsed back on to the mat, to catch some respite after the damage Miyamae had done to his back. Both of them started to gingerly get back to their feet at around the seven count, but Miyamae was up that split second quicker, but Shimedzu caught Miyamae's leg......taking his former partner down with a leg-whip. Shimedzu then went for a quick flash pin............. One........... Two.......... Miyamae kicked out, but Shimedzu had control with a Full Nelson hold, he then lifted Miyamae up and dumped him with a Dragon Suplex !! One........ Two........ Thr.......... Miyamae kicked out. Shimedzu then tried for the Skull-Drop, but Miyamae had it scouted and was able to shove Shimedzu off, but Shimedzu then sprang back off the ring-ropes to take Miyamae down with a Springboard Roundhouse kick. With Miyamae flat on his back, Shimedzu decided to head up top. Shimedzu then flew off the turnbuckle with a Moonsault, but Miyamae rolled out of his way, but Shimedzu was able to land on his feet, and the Super 10 Cup Winner sent Miyamae stumbling towards the turbuckle with a standing drop-kick. Shimedzu then fired in a flurry of stiff-kicks into Miyamae, before turning the Silver Dragon Feet member over into the tree of woe position. It then looked like that Shimedzu was going to wind up for his trademark hesistation drop kick, but instead he just suddenly turned round and sent in a roundhouse kick to the Miyamae, that was so stiff, it caused Miyamae to stumble back into the ring. Shimedzu then went for the cover............. One.............. Two........... Miyamae got his foot on the ropes. Shimedzu then picked Miyamae dumping him across the ring-ropes then attempting to bring Miymae in with a slingshot suplex, but Miyamae held on and managed to kick Shimedzu off, before sliding under the ring-ropes. Miyamae then got back on the apron.......Shimedzu then charged at Miyamae but was cut off by a fore-arm strike. Miyamae then tried to suplex Shimedzu over the rope to the outside, but Shimedzu managed to fight out of it, before shoving Miyamae off the apron and crashing back first into one of the guard-rails. Shimedzu then went out onto the apron, looking to dive on to Miyamae, but Miyamae was a step ahead getting back up and taking the legs out from underneath Shimedzu , causing Shimedzu to land back-first on the steel and wood frame of the apron. Miyamae then climbed back onto the apron, before sending both of them crashing to the outside with an EXPLODER SUPLEX !! The insane bump took almost as much out of Miyamae as it did Shimedzu, but he was prepared to do anything to try and win this match and get ahead in the series. Miyamae was up first and gingerly sent Shimedzu back in to the ring, before making the cover............. One............ Two............... Thr................ Nooooo !!! Shimedzu got his foot on the ropes. Miyamae then lifted Shimedzu back up to a vertical base, looking to finish things off........ but Shimedzu sneaked in knee to the groin, before planting Miyamae into the canvas with a Falcon Arrow !!! Shimedzu then slumped over Miyamae........... One............. Two............ Miyamae kicked out, Shimedzu lifted Miyamae back up and fired in some knee-strikes to the head before looking to finish things off with the SKULL-DROP, but Miyamae again had it scouted....shoving Shimedzu off , then countering with a Uranage Backbreaker. Miyamae then retained control, before bringing Shimedzu down with the MIYAMAE SPOILER !!! Miyamae decides against going for the pin, instead he flips Shimedzu over and once again applies a Boston Crab. Shimedzu tries desperately to get to the ropes......... He's almos there................ But Miyamae pulls them back into the centre of the ring............. Shimedzu starts to fade and he eventually see's no other choice but to tap out !! The crowd were hot for this match, and for good reason, these two put in an incredible effort to kick the last pay per view of the current tour off with. What's so great about this series so far, is that they are playing off the fact that they are know each other so well and are both trying to come up with ways to change their game-plan to not only find a way of beating what was their former long time tag partner but to also make themselves a little less predictable. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Miyamae defeated Shimedzu in 18:51 by submission. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=purple]Miyamae leads the series 2-1[/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match Miyamae stands over Shimedzu's fallen body, trash-talking his former tag partner and generally taunting Shimedzu that he now leads the series 2-1, before getting in a cheap shot, until ring personnel pull the Silver Dragon Feet member away from the defeated Shimedzu.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [CENTER][B]_______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2: 3 Way Junior Contenders:[/B] [B]Hell Monkey vs Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkeyB.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Next up was probably the match that could be arguaby be considered as the card-filler of the night..... the Junior Divison 3-Way that would guarantee the winner the first Junior Title shot of the next tour. They all circle one another at the start, but then Masuko and Hell Monkey give a look to one another and decide to gang up on Kiyaru. After going back and forth with chops, Masuko then stunned Kiyaru with a chin breaker before monkey flipping the DANGER AHEAD associate towards Hell Monkey, who then fired in a roundhouse kicke that almost took Kiyaru's head off. That sent Kiyaru back towards Masuko, who then took advantage by rolling Kiyaru up with a small package, but then Hell Monkey suddenly realised it was every man for himself, and fired in a stiff kicked to Masuko to break up the pin attempt. Masuko got back up, and the two heel's started to engage in a shoving match, the shoving soon turned to blows, and the hard hitting Hell Monkey started to get the better of the exchange, but Masuko managed to withstand the flurry of kicks as Hell Monkey backed him up towards a turnbuckle, and the P.I.N.K leader was able to counter with a drop toe hold. Masuko then jumped up onto the back of Hell Monkey with a double foot-stomp, before coming down with Senton............. One.......... Two........ Hell Monkey got his feet on the ropes................but Masuko soon hung him back into the tree of woe position, before heading up top and coming down onto Hell Monkey's chest with double-knees !! Masuko then pulled Hell Monkey out of the corner and looked to finish things off with the Cradle Shock, but Kiyaru suddenly sprang back into the ring taking Masuko down with a slingshot flying cross-body......Kiyaru then rolled through.......Masuko rolled through, then Kiyaru got control of Masuko's leg before applying a single leg Boston Crab. Hell Monkey was back up and he came over to break up the submission with a stiff-kick but Kiyaru ducked out of the way and as Masuko came back up he felt the full force of Hell Monkeys kick. Kiyaru then swept Hell Monkey off his feet with a spinning leg-sweep , before springing off the ropes into a Quebrada. But Hell Monkey got the knees up, the Silver Dragon Feet member then lifted Kiyaru up, before dumping the former 3 time BOSJ Cup winner with a German Suplex.............. One......... Two........... Kiyaru kicked out...........Hell Monkey then lifted Kiyaru back, before driving Kiyaru into the turnbuckle with a Running Power Bomb.........Hell Monkey then looked to follow in with the Hell-Fire Kick but Masuko, cut the Silver Dragon Feet member off with a Dragon Screw . The P.I.N.K leader then went out onto the apron, before scoring with a slinghshot plancha............. One......... Two........... Hell Monkey kicked out, Masuko then tried to suplex Hell Monkey, but hard hitting flame haired bruiser of the Junior Divison, managed to put the brakes on, before suddenly exploding into life with a flurry of knee strikes, then driving Masuko down across his knees with a double knee backbreaker. Hell Monkey then dragged Masuko over to one of the corners, before firing in multiple shoot kicks to the head of Masuko. Masuko looked out of it, but Hell Monkey wanted to make sure of the victory and decided to head up top. He set up for the Tumbling Monkey............. But he had forgotten about Kiyaru, who climbed back up to the turnbuckle and sent Hell Monkey crashing back into the ring with a hurracanrana. Hell Monkey landed on top of Masuko. Kiyaru then busted out a standing version of the Shooting Star Press on top off both Hell Monkey and Masuko, before pulling Monkey off before it could be counted out as a cover for the SDF member. Kiyaru then went for the pin on Hell Monkey, hooking the leg.............. One................ Two.................. Three !!! The Awesome Kiyaru has earned himself a shot at the Junior Division Title, will 2008 be the year that the man in the 'wooden' mask finally returns to the summit of Junior Heavyweight wrestling ? They had a very hard act to follow after the excellent opener, but they put in a good athletic effort, but the match lacked that emotional spark to take the match to the next level, with Kiyaru not quite being such an effective babyface to get behind as the Elemental's or someone like Kansuke Konda. [B][COLOR=red]Result: The Awesome Kiyaru defeated Hell Monkey and Marihito Masuko in 11:38 when The Awesome Kiyaru defeated Hell Monkey by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]_______________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]We then see a video package hyping the Tag Title match between Size of the Fight and DANGER AHEAD. The video package puts over Size of the Fight as the 'people's team' but also puts over DANGER AHEAD as a slightly unknown quantity who cannot be over-looked.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #3: World Tag Team Championship:[/B] [B]Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs[/B] [B]DANGER AHEAD (Golden Scorpion & Rhino Umaga)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningWorldTag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningWorldTag.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Scorpion and Kokan kicked things off chain wrestling for a bit, neither of them got much of an advantage and this led to a stand-off, before both of them tagged in their respective partners. It looked like a total size mismatch when Konda squared up to Rhino Umaga, but the Size of the Fight Man laid in to the big Samoan with a flurry of fore-arm strikes, but his flurry was soon cut off by Lariat. Umaga scored a two count and then dragged Konda over to the DANGER AHEAD corner, where he tagged back in Golden Scorpion. Scorpion fired in some kicks, then tagged back in Umaga, who softened Konda up with some shoulder blocks before dumping Konda over with an overhead Belly to Belly Suplex.......... Konda kicked out and Umaga placed the Size of the Fight Man into the electric chair position. Scorpion then flew off the top with a Leg Lariat, but Konda managed to duck under, before bringing Umaga down with a Tornado DDT. Konda then rolled through the legs of Golden Scorpion, getting the tag into Hyosuke Kokan, who took Scorpon down with a Flying Elbow Smash. Scorpion kipped back up, but was taken back down with leg-sweep and Kokan went for a quick cover. Scorpion managed to kick out but Kokan maintained control dumping Scorpion with a Belly to Back Suplex, before tagging Konda back in. The World Champions then kept Scorpion isolated in their corner for an extended period of time, working over the masked man with a variety of trademark double team manouvres, as Rhino Umaga looked on in frustration, with a slingsho catapult (Konda)/Missile Drop-Kick (Kokan) combo coming closest to sealing the victory for Size of the Fight. But Scorpion hung in there, and was eventually able to counter of Size of the Fight's double teams, springing off the ropes with a moonsault press to take both of the Tag Champions down after they attempted a double team slingshot suplex. Both members of SOTF got back up, but Scorpion was a step ahead, taking both of them down with a Leg-Lariat. Scorpion then dove across to get the tag into Umaga who cleaned house, with a several clotheslines. Kokan bailed out, leaving Konda in the ring to receive an inverted atomic drop and then get dumped with a Samoan Drop............. One................. Two............... Thr.................. Konda showed why he is a tag champion, by kicking out, but Umaga remained in control , whipping Konda into the turnbuckle and then winding up for the Rhino Charge............ Konda ate all of it, but just as Umaga was about to go for the cover he was taking down with a missile drop-kick from Kokan. Kokan could not follow up though as Umaga caught him with a fore-arm smash, before planting Kokan with a swinging side-slam. Golden Scorpion was back in and as Kokan stumbled back up to his feet Umaga and Scorpion lined up to take him out from both sides with the Rhino Charge/Scorpion Stinger......... But Kokan managed to roll out the way at the last split second and Scorpion ended up nailing Umaga. Konda then suddenly exploded back into life, knocking Golden Scorpion out of the ring with a roaring elbow. Umaga staggered back up to his feet, but both members of Size of the Fight put him back down with a double team drop-kick. Scorpion then tried to re-enter the ring, but Kokan put his body on the line to take them both of the equation with a suicide dive. Umaga then staggered back to his feet but was caught with a roaring elbow from Kansuke Konda, and then driven into the mat with the BIG FIGHT STUNNER !!! One............ Two............ Three !!! Size of the Fight are still the World Tag Team Champions. Despite the fact that DANGER AHEAD were thrown in as challengers at the last minute, this still turned out to be a very good Tag Team Title match, and with a little more build these two teams could well have the potential to put on even better matches against one another. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Size of the Fight defeated DANGER AHEAD in 13:46 when Kansuke Konda defeated Rhino Umaga by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=purple]Size of the Fight retain the Burning World Tag Team titles. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [I]Size of the Fight then celebrate another succesful defence of the World Tag Team Titles.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]Elemental Americana is backstage with Tetsuzan Kaneko, who is there to talk to the Junior Champion about his showdown with perennial rival Sensational Dragon later in the show.[/I] [I]- Elemental Americana said that tonight is not about the Junior Title, it's about returning pride and honor to the Elemental legacy.[/I] [I]- He said that what Dragon did last month in attacking Elemental, he not only insulted the legacy of Elemental, he also insulted the entire legacy of Junior Division wrestling. [/I] [I]- Elemental Americana, pointed out that would it not be for Elemental paving the way, there would be no Sensational Dragon in this business and it's time Dragon learned to respect that.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]_______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]A video then plays hyping up the Openweight Title match between Sean McFly and Tom Gilmore. It put's over the fact that Tom Gilmore has so far been unable to defeat McFly in their previous meetings and that this would probably be his final chance for the forseeable future to take reclaim the Openweight Belt from Sean McFly.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #4: Openweight Title: [/B] [B]Sean McFly vs Tom Gilmore[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningOpenweight.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] These two have grown to know each other pretty well as competitive rivals over the past few months, so they circle each other before making a tentative lock-up, they then engage in a few standing switches, before McFly is able to take Gilmore's legs out. McFly then tries to apply a leg based submission but Gilmore kick him off. McFly comes back at Gilmore, but this time Gilmore takes McFly off his feet with a leg-whip, before applying a head-scissors but McFly works his way out of it and nails Gilmore with a basement drop-kick. McFly drops and elbow on Gilmore, and goes for a quick cover. Gilmore easily kicks out, but McFly retains the control as he grabs Gilmore arm, putting it into an arm-bar. However Gilmore quickly starts to fight his way out, with elbow shots, before rising up to his feet and dumping McFly with a Fisherman Suplex. Gilmore decides against making the cover and instead begs McFly to get back to his feet....McFly staggers back up but is nailed in the side of the head with an Enziguri and then driven into the mat with a Rolling Cutter. Gilmore then tries to apply the Stone Hold (Sharp-Shooter) but McFly kicks him off, then grabs hold of Gilmore's head, before rising to his feet then planting the former two time Openweight Champ into the canvas with an implant DDT. McFly then goes for the cover........... One........... Two............ Gilmore rolls through, and then applies the Elemental Clutch........Gilmore has it locked right in, in the middle of the ring............ But McFly still had plenty of life left in him and with dogged determination the defending champion made it over to the ropes.......... As Gilmore was breaking the hold, he fired in a sly fore-arm shot, that sent McFly through the ring-ropes to the outside. Gilmore then sent McFly into the guard-rail wiht a sliding drop-kick, before rolling back into the ring to break Omura Umeki's count. Gilmore then whipped McFly into another guard-rail, before following up with a face-wash, it seemed that Gilmore was about to step it up a gear, as he looked to wear the Openweight Belt for a third time. Gilmore again broke up the count, before lifting McFly up on to the apron, but McFly started to counter with fore-arm shots. and looked to be regaining control, until Gilmore sneaked in a supisciliously low knee strike into McFly's mid-section. Gilmore then lifted McFly onto his shoulders before deliverin a sick looking Death Valley Driver out on the apron. McFly looked out of it, but the title can't change on a count-out and Gilmore had to drag the 'lifeless' body of McFly back into the ring. It took almost the full twenty count for Gilmore to roll McFly back into the ring, before going for the cover.......... One............. Two............. Thr........... McFly barely inches his shoulder up but it's enough for Omura Umeki to declare that the match isn't over just yet ! Gilmore is tearing his hair out, if he had any and he fumes for a bit, wasting valuable seconds, before lifting McFly back up to a vertical base. Gilmore then whips McFly into the ropes, and sets up for the Anger Management, but the former NOTBPW mainstay comes back with a Roaring Elbow that rocks Gilmore, Gilmore stays on his feet but McFly nails him with a Super-kick that sends Gilmore falling flat on his back, before collapsing back on to the mat himself from sheer exhaustion. Referee Omura Umeki almost counts them out for a double count-out, but they both get to their feet and start to slug it out with fore-arm blows. McFly seems to get the advantage and attemtps a suplex, but then Gilmore comes right back and trys a suplex of his own, for about a minute half, they keep going back and forth as neither of them is quite able to take the other one other. Eventually McFly gains a significant advantage with a knee strike to Gilmore's head, before dumping the former SWF star with a Brainbuster........ McFly then plants a leg-drop across Gilmores' chest, then hooks the leg and goes for the cover................ One............. Two................ Gilmore kicks out. McFly retains control of Gilmore with a head-lock, before lifting Gilmore up into a vertical suplex, but Gilmore kicks his legs to force McFly to drop him mid-move, before driving McFly's back across his knees with a Reverse STO Backbreaker. Gilmore then switches the momentum the other way and drives McFly into the mat with an STO. Before heading up top........... Gilmore then springs off the ropes into the PICTURE PERFECT MOONSAULT !!................... But McFly got the knees up, he then grabs Gilmore's leg's and attempts to tie him up into the Stone Hold, but Gilmore counter the attempt with a boot to the groin..... Referee Omura Umeki saw it, but it only draws a warning and the damage has been done.......... Gilmore lifts McFly back up and fires in a flurry of fore-arm shots, before whipping McFly across the ring into an opposing corner , and placing the defending champion on to the turnbuckle. Gilmore the fires in a palm strike, before attempting to bring McFly in with the Iconoclasm, but McFly manages to put the brakes on, before shoving Gilmore again and then scoring with a missile drop-kick. Gilmore staggers back up to his feet, but McFly kips up and he nails Gilmore with an Enziguri, before flipping the former two time Openweight Champion over with a sunset flip....... Gilmore tries to roll through but McFly manages to put the brakes on, before lifting Gilmore up into another vertical suplex, then driving Gilmore back down to the mat............... One............ Two.......... Gilmore kicked out....McFly then decided to head up top.....he set up for a moonsault but Gilmore was back up, and he was able to sweep the legs out from underneath, crotching the defending champion on the turnbuckle. Gilmore then nails McFly in the back, before busting out a move from his repetoire he's not used since his Junior Divsion days, a hurracanrana !!!!/................. But McFly rolls through, before leaning back into a bridging pin............. One............... Two.................... Three !!! McFly had a perfect pinning combination on Gilmore and there wasn't a thing Gilmore could do about it. Another incredible match from these two, Gilmore played up his desperation to get one over on McFly a bit more in this match, which meant that he started to spill over into some less than sporting tactics during this match. In fact Gilmore controlled much of the match, probably pulling out more high impact moves, but in the end it came down to McFly countering with a simple pinning combination to settle the score this time round. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Sean McFly defeated Tom Gilmore in 23:45 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=purple]Sean McFly retains the Burning Openweight Championship title.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [I]McFly celebrates his victory, but then offers his hand to Gilmore, with whom he has found a 'respect' for over their many battles recently. But Gilmore obviously seething with frustration at the way he lost, feels differently seeing McFly's 'sporting' gesture away as an insult....slapping the former NOTBPW's away, before storming off up the entrance ramp. [/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I][B]Coming Up in Part Two: [/B]Horri & Elemental II 'defend' their World Title shots against SUKI & Masuno, Elemental Americana and Sensational Dragon continue their feud over the Junior Title and the Big One....Kudo vs Nakasawa in a steel-cage for the World Title !![/I]
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive]Sword of Destiny[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][COLOR=olive](Part Two: Matches 5-7)[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]A video is shown hyping the Special Tag Team Challenge Match between Elemental II and Kinnojo Horri against SUKI & Yasunobu Masuno.It shows highlights from the previous encounter between these two teams, that set up this match.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER] [B]Match #5:Special Tag Team Challenge Match -[/B] [B]For World World Title Shots won at Trio's Tournament: [/B] [B]Kinnojo Horri & Elemental II vs SUKI & Yasunobu Masuno[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SUKI.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno_alt11.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] SUKI & Elemental II start things off.....they have a mat wrestling exchange, with the Junior Legend getting the better of it. SUKI starts to come back with some knee-strikes and gains control, before whipping Elemental II into the ropes, but the former six time Junior Champion comes back with an arm-drag......SUKI pops back up but Elemental II takes him down with another arm-drag and tags in Kinnojo Horri. SUKI see's the imposing figure of Horri come in and decides to back up into his corner, getting the tag into Yasunobu Masuno. Horri and Masuno slug it out, eventually leading to Horri gaining control......he tries for the Burning Lariat but Masuno manages to put the brakes on whipping Horri into the corner, where SUKI gets in a cheap shot with the kick to the back. That slows Horri down and SUKI snaps off a neckbreaker, that sends Horri stumbling back towards Masuno, who plants him with a spinebuster. SUKI then comes back in with a double-stomp, before ordering Masuno to make the cover.......... One......... Two.......... Horri kicks out. Masuno tags SUKI back in, the c0cky up and comer then climbs up top, before drilling Horri with a missile drop-kick. SUKI then goes for the cover......... One........ Two......... Horri kicks out with authority, that freaks SUKI out a bit....who tags Masuno back in. Masuno soon regains the control for his teams, with some clubbing blows to the back of Horri...he then whips the former Tag Champion into the ropes , before nailing Horri with a Big Boot......... Masuno then tags SUKI back in....the big man then lifts SUKI up into a Military Press, before dropping SUKI down on to Horri.............. One........... Two............ Horri once again dug down deep and kicked out. As both Horri and SUKI got back to their feet, the arrogant youngster kicked away at Horri's legs but the big man started to shake off the offence (in other words he started no selling) before nailing SUKI with a stiff fore-arm then taking him over with a Belly to Belly Suplex............ Horri was in place to make a pin, but Masuno came in to quickly break it up. The Big man then whipped Horri into the ropes....and went for a clothesline, but Horri came back with a clothesline of his own......leading to a mid-ring collision............. They both lay on the mat, as they looked to get the tag in to their respective partners. Masuno got the tag into SUKI, but then just a split second later Horri got the tag into Elemental II. Elemental II took down SUKI with a Flying Cross-Body....leading to an immediate pin attempt......... One......... Two........... SUKI kicked out, but Elemental II remained in control, softening up SUKI with the Tri-Fecta Kick Series before double under-hooking the arms and driving SUKI into the mat with an ELEMENTAL DRIVER !! One........... Two............. Masuno dove in to broke it up. Koetsu Shinozaki then ordered Masuno back to his corner. SUKI then fired in a couple of shots to Elemental II's mid-section to try and turn the momentum back in his favour but his attempt at turning the tide, was cut off by a spin kick from the Junior Legend, who then planted SUKI back on to the canvas with a Leg-Whip. Elemental II then headed up top, as he looked to finish things off, but he forgot that Masuno was still very much in this match, and the big-man sneaked over to the turnbuckle Elemental II was percehd on, crotching the Junior legend on the turbuckle. This drew the ire of Kinnojo Horri, but his prostestations only served as a window for Masuno to fire in a few clubbing blows on Elemental II , and then going back to his corner for SUKI to make the tag. Masuno's blows caused Elemental II to drop down into the tree of woe position. Masuno then whipped SUKI towards Elemental II, using the momentum to nail the Junior legend with basement drop-kick. Elemental II then stumbled out of the corner, towards SUKI who took him over with a Northern Lights Suplex before floating over into the SUKI SPECIAL !! Kinnojo Horri had seen enough, bursting past referee Koetsu Shinozaki to make the save. Horri was then ordered back to his corner, but was instead taken out with a big boot from Masuno that sent Horri out of the ring. Masuno then lifted Elemental II up, driving the Junior legend into one of the turbuckles before planting Elemental II on the top rope. Masuno then picked up his tag partner SUKI and then proceded to use the c0cky youngster like a battering ram........... But Elemental II saw the move coming, rolling down off the turnbuckle and through Masuno's legs and then taking Masuno's legs out from behind with a spin-kick, this then caused SUKI to land on top of Masuno. SUKI then staggered off Masuno, before being met with a kick to the mid-section from Elemental II, who then drilled the c0cky youngster with the EARTH BREAKER !! But Masuno was back up and he took Elemental II's down with a Big Boot.......but then Kinnojo Horri got back in, spun Masuno around and then took Masuno's head off with the BURNING LARIAT !! One......... Two............ Three !!!!! Elemental II and Kinnojo Horri keep their World Title Shots. Great tag match, it followed pretty much the same formula as their previous match, but amped it up a gear and SUKI and Masuno looked like they may well get another win over Elemental II and Horri, who pulled out the biggest moves in their respective arsenal's, to make sure that a repeat of the previous match did not happen. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Elemental II and Kinnojo Horri defeated SUKI & Masuno in 14:45 when Kinnojo Horri defeated Yasunobu Masuno by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]___________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]Tetsuzan Kaneko is backstage with the man who will be challenging for the Junior Title........Sensational Dragon. Dragon also has a different look for the night, with is mask in Elemental colours, on closer inspection it looks like he is wearing a replica Elemental mask, but with elements of his own Sensational Dragon mask sewn on.[/I] [I]Dragon then went into a tirade against Elemental Americana.........[/I] [I]' I was watching ths show in the dressing room earlier on my monitor, when I heard that cut-price copy cat shoot his mouth off about me disrespecting the Elemental legacy. Well you see this mask I'm wearing it's in Elemental colours and what could be any less respectful than that. Truth is Americana, your cheap imitation of the Elemental's is disrepectful, a second incarnation was lame enough and we certainly don't need a third one.[/I] [I]You see what I represent is an evolution, I'll be humble here and say that perhaps I do owe Elemental some credit for getting me where am today, perhaps 5 % credit, because the facts are I am so talented, I could have made it to the top regardless of whether or not a few 'pioneers' paved the way before me.'[/I] [I]Kaneko then asks a question that if Sensational Dragon apparetntly respects the original Elemental, then why did he attack him at the last pay per view and steal the Elemental III mask[/I] ' This is where everyone gets it all wrong, you see I was doing Elemental a favour, sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind to make someone see sense. You see the Elemental legacy should have ended with him, he could have been a one off, he could have been like me.........because there will only ever be one Sensational Dragon, because no one else is as SENSATIONAL !! as me......and that's a fact' Hooded Kudo then walks into shot, gives his fellow Silver Dragon Feet member some words of encouragement for his match with Elemental Americana, before taking the mic himself.......... ' Nakasawa tonight it does end, because after tonight you won't be able to move from the merciless beating you will be subjected to. All the [I]Burning Hammer officials have done is sign a warrant for the end of your career by putting you in the cage..........[/I] [I]You've never been in such a match before, where as I have....I know what it takes to survive. I know what it take to be the one left standing....do you have what it takes ? I don't think you do , I think you're fully of bravado Nakasawa and when you'll see yourself bloody and raw from the beating you will get from my superior hands, then all that bravado will crumble. [/I] [I]Destiny says I will show my supremacy once more, destiny for you Nakasawa says your dreams of ever taking this World Title from me will be shattered, like you be shattered into a million piece. You wrongly claim you care more about.the World Title than I have ever done, well no one cares and honors the Burning Hammer World Title more than me, me and this title are meant to be together and when all is said and done, you will finally see the light !!'[/I] [B]Rating: B for entire segment[/B] [CENTER][B]__________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]A video is then shown hyping the Junior Divsion grudge match between Elemental Americana and Sensational Dragon, where both the Burning Junior Championship and possesion of the Elemental III mask will be on the line.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #6: Junior Championship/Possession of Elemental III Mask:[/B] [B]Elemental Americana vs Sensational Dragon[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningJunior.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalElemental1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Elemental Americana is clearly seething at the fact that Sensational Dragon is wearing a mask in Elemental colours......and before the ring announcers have gone through the usual pomp and ceremoy of a title match, the Junior Champion just charges straight towards Sensational Dragon, taking the SDF member off guard with an Ed Henson Press....the bell rings.....and Elemental Americana just wails in lefts and rights into Sensational Dragon, before pulling at Sensational Dragon's mask. Referee Omura Umeki pulls Elemental Americana off, before giving the Junior Champion a stern warning for using closed fists. This gives Dragon time to regain his compsure, then sneak up behind Elemental Americana, grabbing the tights and going for a roll-up.......... One......... Two.......... Elemental Americana kicks out. Elemental Americana then regains control, as he looks to take Dragon over with a suplex, but the former 3 time Junior Champion slips out of it........ Elemental Americana then goes for rounhouse kicks, but Dragon manages to duck under, before catching the legend and taking the Elemental III in waiting down with a Dragon Screw leg-whip. Sensational Dragon then stomps away on the Junior Champion, before strutting around the ring for about ten seconds...he then turns his attention back to Elemental Americana...before busting out a standing moonsault............. One......... Two......... Elemental Americana kicks out...... Dragon then taunts Americana to get back to his feet, before nailing Americana in the mid-section with a spinning heel-kick, he then signals for the Dragon Slice......... He gets Elemental Americana half way up the turnbuckle, but then the Junior Champion suddenly manages to reverse the momentum mid-move......driving Sensational Dragon head-first into the mat with a Tornado DDT ! One........ Two........... Sensational Dragon got his foot on the ropes......but Elemental Americana could feel the momentum swing back in his favour, laying into the arrogant Silver Dragon Feet member with a flurry of kicks. Americana then whipped Dragon across the ring, but got taken down with an arm-drag but the Junior Champion got right back up , before springing back off the ropes to nail Dragon with a springboard back elbow, that sent the SDF member tumbling to the outside. Americana then wound up for the handspring somersault plancha, but Sensational Dragon moved out of the way at the last split second, but American managed to land on his feet, before nailing Dragon with an Enziguri that sent Dragon crashing into the guard-rail. Elemental Americana, then double under-hooked Dragons arm's as if he was about to deliver an Elemental Driver out on the floor, but Dragon managed to put the brakes on, before countering with an STO, that sent the Junior Champion crashing down onto the floor. Dragon then broke up referee Omura Umeki's twenty count.......Elemental Americana got back up, but Sensational Dragon was a step head, delivering a wel timed roundhouse kick that sent the Junior Champion crashing against one of the ring-posts. Sensational Dragon then sensed that Elemental Americana did damage to his right arm, and the Silver Dragon Feet member went to work right away on the damaged body part, wrapping America's arm round the ring-post and then delivering a brutal assault of kicks. Dragon then rolled Americana back into the ring, before slingshotting himself back in, and landing on top of Americana's damanaged arm, with a plancha. One.......... Two........... Elemental Americana dug down deep and kicked out. Dragon continued to stomp on the arm, before going down to the mat, before applying an arm-bar submission, putting further pressure on the already injured arm of the Junior Champion......... Americana was starting to fade, and referee Omura Umeki checked on his condition...... Umeki raised Americana's arm up...... No sign of life............... Umeki raised the arm again............... Americana still looks out of it................. One final check from Umeki................ Americana suddenly gets some energy, he's not about to give up just yet....driven by the fact that this match is not just for the title, it is also for regaining the pride and honour of the Elemental legacy. He eventually makes it over to the ropes, but it's clear that he may well have used up his last bit of energy just to survive the submission. Dragon then heads up top.......he then taunts the crowd, and in an attempt to disrespect the Elemental Legacy even more, he busts out the INFERNO SPLASH !!! But he crashed and burned as Elemental Americana rolled away at the last split second. They both get up and it's Elemental Americana who takes control with a spinning head-scissors, before springing off the ropes into a Quebrada.............. One........... Two............. Sensational Dragon kicks out, but Americana keeps up the pressure with a flurry of kicks, that back Dragon up into the corner....Americana then nails Dragon with a standing drop-kick, who then staggers back towards the Junior Champion......... Americana meets Dragon with a spinning heel kick and then double under-hooks' the arms, but he doesn't quite have the arm -strenght to get Dragon up for the Elemental Driver....... Elemental Americana keeps control with some clubbing blows to the back of the c0cky SDF member....he spins Dragon around and then musters up enough strength to take Dragon over with an Elemental Suplex......... But takes his time making the cover, still favouring the right arm that Dragon targetteed earlier on............ One......... Two........... Dragon kicks out, and then starts to fight back up to his feet.............but Elemental Americana nails him with kick to the head. The Elemental III in waiting then points to the sky, before making his way up the turnbuckle, but just as he was about to set up for the Inferno Splash, Dragons staggered into the ring-ropes, causing Americana to lose his balance and stumble back into the ring............. Dragon then slid out onto the apron, Americana charged towards Dragon but was caught with fore-arm shot, that caused him to start stumbling backwards, towards the middle of the ring........Dragon then sprang back in........landing on top of Americana and driving the Junior Champion into the mat with the SENSATION SHOCK !!! One.......... Two.............. Dragon grabbed the tights.............. Elemental Americana kicks out, but it's too late referee Omura Umeki has already counted to three !!! Elemental Americana then sit's up in the middle of the ring in total despair......he's lost the Junior Championship back to the very rival he probably despises the most right now in the form of Sensational Dragon and on top of that Dragon still has possession of the Elemental III mask. Another great match from these two, with both of them playing their roles perfectly, with Americana playing the fired up babyface and Dragon playing the arrogant and ruthless heel. Even after the damage done to his arm, it looked as if though Elemental Americana would find a way to once again pull out a victory over his bitter rival. But this time it was Dragon who managed to sneak out the victory and with the Junior Championship and the Elemental III mask still in his possession, surely now he has the psychological edge over Elemental Americana. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Sensational Dragon defeated Elemental Americana in 20:51 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Sensational Dragon wins the Burning Junior Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [I]After he received the Junior Championship belt from Omura Umeki, Dragon stands over Elemental Americana, showing him the belt, before cracking the Elemental III in waiting over the head with the belt, he then struts around the ring with the belt and the Elemental III mask still in his possesion.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [I]A video is then shown hyping up th World Title Cage Match between Hooded Kudo and Hiroaki Nakasawa. The extensive video package plots their rivalry back to last year, when Hooded Kudo formed the new version of Silver Dragon Feet, and set his sights on the World Title of then champion Nakasawa.[/I] [I]The video then shows Nakasawa's attemtps to regain the title from Kudo. At the end of the video you really got the feeling that this would be the match that would finally settle the long standing rivarly over the World Title between Kudo and Nakasawa.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #7: Cage Match for the World Championship:[/B] [B]Hooded Kudo vs Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningWorld.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The commentary team really put over the added danger of a Cage Match as the Cage is lowered. Nakasawa looks determined as he makes his way down the entrance ramp towards the imposing structure, but shows he is also cautious, touching the cold hard steel mesh of the cage, as he makes his way in through the door. Hooded Kudo then came strutting down, as if the sight of the 15 ft High Steel cage did not phase him one bit, but a brief close up of his face showed a slight look of fear for a brief moment. After the usual ceremony involved with a World Title match, and some fans even attempted to try and get streamers over the Steel Cage and into the ring, the bell rings and they square off against one another. No blows are even attemped during the first minute, they just eye-ball one another, trying to psyche the other one out. Eventually they both explode a the same time, both landing a blow one their opponent. Back and forth they go, Nakasawa with stiff fore-arms on Kudo, Kudo with his trademark knife-edge chops, neither one of them gives an inch. Nakasawa then hits an even harder fore-arm that has Kudo rocking a bit more...he then goes for a clothesline, but Kudo ducks the attempt and then drives a knee into the groin of Nakasawa, and then raking the eyes. Kudo then fires in a few more chops to the chest of Nakasawa, he then attemtps to whip Nakasawa across the ring and against the cage, but Nakasawa puts the brakes on, Nakasawa then reverse the irish whip, but Kudo changes the momentum again with a drop-toe-hold that sends Nakasawa crashing agains the ring ropes. Nakasawa rises back to his feet but Kudo drives his knee into Nakasawa's back and the momentum, ends up forcing Nakasawa against the steel mesh. Kudo follows in by attemtping to plant Nakasawa's face into the cage once more, but Nakasawa manages to fight him off with elbows........ Nakasawa then to get Kudo in a headlock, before raising the Silver Dragon Feet leader up into vertical suplex.......... Nakasawa then sends Kudo back-first against the steel-cage, before planting the World Champion back down on to the mat, he then goes for the cover............ One......... Two............. Kudo kicks out.......... Nakasawa then tries to set up for the Nakasawa Neckbreaker but Kudo fights out of it with elbows to the gut of Nakasawa. Nakasawa then tries to take Kudo with a Lariat, but the World Champion once again manages to duck under before staggering Nakasawa with a an Enziguri. Kudo then waists no time in following up, causing Nakasawa to crash against the side of the cage, with a standing drop-kick. Kudo then smothers Nakasawa with a relentless flurry of knife edge-chops.......Nakasawa then stumbles out and Kudo goes for a Yazuka Kick, but Nakasawa manages to block the attempt before launching Kudo high up into the air with a back-body drop. Kudo hits the steel cage face first, before landing back onto the mat with a thud. The camera's then show that Kudo has now been busted open. Strangely this seems to fire up Kudo, who wipes the blood off his face, then tastes it, before staggering back up to his feet, Nakasawa cuts off the attempts at a come-back with few clubbing blows but Kudo is able to counter a power-bomb attempt with a knee strike to the head, before planting Nakasawa into the mat with a spike DDT. Kudo then measures Nakasawa, before nailing his long time rival in the head with a Shining Wizard............... One.......... Two............ Thr............ Nakasawa kicks out............... Kudo then goes out onto the bit of floorspace between the ring and the cage and produces a chair (which is perfectly legal in the No DQ rules of a Cage Match). Kudo then attempts to swing the chair at the head of Nakasawa. But Nakasawa explodes back into life, nailing Kudo with a drop-kick, that forces Kudo to drop the chair out of his hand. Nakasawa then spins Kudo around before delivering a Double Knee Backbreaker and dumping the World Champion with a German Suplex........he keeps hold of the waist lock and takes Kudo over with another German Suplex, he still keeps hold of the waist lock, before flinging Kudo across the ring with a Release version of the German Suplex............. One........... Two............. Thr............... Kudo managed to kick out. Nakasawa then lifted Kudo back up to a vertica base and tried to set up for the H-Bomb, but the Silver Dragon Feet leader sneaked in a thumb to the eye, before raking Nakasawa's back and countering with a russian leg-sweep. Kudo then picked up the steel chair he brought into the ring, Nakasawa started to get back up but Kudo launched the chair into Nakasawa's face, before following up with a vicious Yazuka Kick.......... Nakasawa slumped to the mat. Kudo then unfolded the chair, sat it up, then taunted Nakasawa to get to his feet......it was clear that Nakasawa had now been busted open as well. Kudo then delivered a kick into Nakasawa's mid-section, before attemting to set up for Kudo Driver, as he looked to drill Nakasawa onto the chair. , but Nakasawa blocked the attempt before launching Kudo over-head with a back body-drop............ Somehow though Kudo managed to land on his feet, and the World Champion came back with a Drop-Kick, that sent Nakasawa staggering towards the Cage. The World Champion then simply grabbed Nakasawa by the hair, before launching his staunch rival face-first into the cage.......Nakasawa bounced back off, but Kudo sent Nakasawa back into the Cage........... Kudo then grabbed Nakasawa by the hair again, before grinding Nakasawa's face against the steel mesh of the Cage.............. Kudo then applied a Full Nelson, before dumping Nakasawa overhead with a Dragon-Suplex !! One............. Two.......... Nakasawa kicked out !! Kudo then placed picked the chair he had brought into play up again......cracking Nakasawa in the head once more. Before placing the chair across Nakasawa's body............the World Champion then towards one of the corners, before climbing up onto one of the turnbuckles........ Kudo then pulled the Moonsault out of his Arsenal, but Nakasawa turned the chair side-ways up.....crotching Kudo in the process. Kudo then staggered off Nakasawa, who then levelled Kudo with an explosive fore-arm shot........before the momentum sent Kudo back towards Nakasawa who then drilled him with the H-BOMB !!! However the fore-arm shot also sent Kudo crashing into referee Omura Umeki. Nakasawa had Kudo down for three count, but Nakasawa soon realises that no one was making the count and he goes over to revive Umeki. Kudo then gets back to his feet and blatantly crotches Nakasawa with a low-blow. The World Champion, then blows mist into Nakasawa's face , further disorientating the challenger. Kudo then takes Nakasawa down with a drop toe hold, before applying the Kudo-Lock. Referee Omura Umeki has now come to again, and he see's the submission locked on. Nakasawa is starting to fade....and Umeki checks on his condition........ Umeki takes look.......... No response from Nakasawa, Umeki takes another look.............. Still no response from Nakasawa Umeki looks again, Nakasawa has to show some fight, or this match is over............ Nakasawa is still in this, and he starts to use his size advantage to turn Kudo over......... Suddenly Nakasawa has turned Kudo over into a pinning predicament............ One......... Two...... Kudo realises this, and delivers knee shots into the head of Nakasawa........Kudo then lifts Nakasawa back up and delivers a combination of knife-edge chops and boots to Nakasawa's mid-section......... The World Champion sets up for the Kudo-Kutter but Nakasawa blocks it.....and comes back with another Stiff Fore-arm, before snapping off the NAKASAWA NECKBREAKER !!! Nakasawa then collapes from sheer exhaustion............. Referee Omura Umeki starts a ten count on both combatants............ It looks like it might end up as a double count-out draw........... But Kudo staggers up to his feet at around the eight count, then Nakasawa gets up at nine..........Kudo charges at Nakasawa with a Yazuka Kick, but Nakasawa ducks under, bounces back off the ropes and comes back with a vicious Lariat that sends Kudo head-first into the Cage....Kudo stumbles back off the cage and into a Belly to Back Suplex from Nakasawa........ One........ Two........ Thr......... Kudo kicks out............... Nakasawa then goes to the outside and decides to bring in another couple of chairs, he then sets them up so that they are facing one another. He then picks Kudo back up and sets up a Power-Bomb, but he spent too long setting up the chairs and Kudo is able to block the attempt before sending Nakasawa into the chairs witha Drop Toe Hold. Nakasawa then stumbled back to his feet, and was nailed with KUDO KUTTER !!........... But Nakasawa managed to dig down deep enough to stay on his feet long enough to come-back with a Lariat, before slumping down onto the canvas................. Once again Omura Umeki found himself applying another ten count......... Kudo was up first, and managed to make his way over to make the cover............... One........ Two......... Thr............. Nakasawa kicked out.........Kudo picked Nakasawa back up and tried again for the Kudo-Kutter but Nakasawa was able to block the attemt, before stunning the Silver Dragon Feet leader with a stiff-fore arm shot. He then got Kudo up into a vertical suplex.....before sending Kudo crashing onto the chairs that were lying in the middle of the ring.............. One............ Two........... Kudo kicked out....... Nakasawa then waited for Kudo to get back to a vertical base, before whipping Kudo into the Cage, to set up for the H-Bomb once again............ But Kudo came back with a Flying Lariat, staggering Nakasawa..........only for Nakasawa to come back with a vicious Lariat of his own....a Lariat so vicious it sent Kudo flipping over into the Cage....... Nakasawa then catches Kudo in a Power-Bomb position.... before Power Bombing Kudo against the Cage...........Kudo bounce back off the Cage again, and into a NAKASAWA NECKBREAKER !!! Nakasawa does not go for the cover, instead he hammerlocks Kudo's arm and fires in elbows to the side of Kudo's head............... Nakasawa keeps reigning down the elbows........... Kudo is completely trapped and it looks like there is nothing the World Champion can do...... Referee Umeki calls for the bell !!! Hiroaki Nakasawa has finally regained the World Title from his 'nemesis' Hooded Kudo. Absolutely incredible match, this had the brutality that was expected of a Cage Match, but also had some great story-telling through-out.....culmanating in Nakasawa perhaps going a little overboard in his efforts to finally defeat Kudo, with the vicious elbow flurry, that left Kudo out cold. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa defeated Hooded Kudo in 24:53 by submission. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Hiroaki Nakasawa wins the Burning World Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [I]Nakasawa then receives the World Title from Omura Umeki, he then slumps down on to the canvas kissing the belt, as the defeated Hooded Kudo still lays motionless in the middle of the ring..............[/I] [I]Nakasawa then makes his way out of the Cage, and heads back up the entrance ramp to the cheers of the fans...who are pleased to see Hooded Kudo's tyrannical reign as World Champion finally come to and end.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive]Overall: A*[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Another great Pay Per View, the third in the row, to hit the A* grade. This Pay Per View not only finished off the Samurai Spirit Tour with a bang, but it also brought closure to Hooded Kudo's reign with the World Title, thus ending the current 'chapter'. The next tour will be the beginning of the next 'chapter'.What will await on the next tour ? As Hiroaki Nakasawa, starts his second reign as World Champion.
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[B][U]Prediction's Contest[/U][/B] [B][/B] [I]A reasonably healthy 9 entrants chipped in this time, and this is how they all did....[/I] [B]4/8:[/B] Chris Caulfield, Dragonmack, Rob4590 [B]5/8:[/B] Beeker, Foolinc, PassagetoHonour, Shmoe, Smurphy1014 [B]6/8:[/B] Marcel Fromage [I]Marcel Fromage is the winner, therefore he gets imaginary front row seats to the next Pay Per View Quest of Heart to take place in September. [/I]
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[I]Before I start the next Tour, here is another Game-World review for the first half of 2007. Posting schedule will be.......[/I] * U.K and Europe * Canada * U.S Independent * U.S Big 3 (SWF, TCW & DAVE) * Mexico * Japan _________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]U.K and Europe[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]21st [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Century[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_21CW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] United Kingdom (South) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Jeff Nova, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Pitbull Brown [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Steve Smith & Jeff Nova [B]Road Agent:[/B] Steamroller, [B]Referee:[/B] Jacob Bailey [B]Managers & Valets:[/B] Kathleen Lee (valet of Rod 'The God' Todd and Pitbull Brown- still working the slightly risque bondage nun gimmick) Phoebe Plumbridge (valet of The Party Animals Rave & Trance) ______________________ [B]Popularity:[/B] [B]U.K :[/B] D+ in all Regions /[B]Europe:[/B] E- in all Regions [B]/Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $1 396 564/ [B]Prestige:[/B] E+ [B]Current T.V Shows:[/B] Best of British Wrestling (Mondays for 1 hour at 8 PM on TWC Fight) - Last Rating: 0.23 __________________________________ [B]In:[/B] None [B]Out[/B]: None __________________________________ [U]Champion Roll-Call[/U] [B]World:[/B] Rolling Johnny Stones ( Current since December 2007) [B]United Kingdom:[/B] Rod 'The God' Todd ( November 2007- April 2008) Igor Ivanoff (April 2008-April 2008) * Lost belt in first defence Leo Price (Current since April 2008) [B]Tag Team:[/B] Rod 'The God' Todd and Pitbull Brown ( Current Since June 2007) [B]General Review:[/B] 21CW has hardly been the 'revolution' in U.K wrestling that Jeff Nova has asked for, and many of their workers are no longer working on exclusive deals. But they remain in the position of being unarguably the top promotion in the U.K and have seen steady rises in both their popularity and their finances during the first six months. The main event scene continues to be dominated by the Rolling Johnny Stones- Joss Thompson feud, whilst Rod 'The God' Todd, despite using the U.K Championship to a fluke roll-up from one of the Ivanoff Brothers, is probably cementing his place as the second most relevant 'heel' behind Thompson. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=navy]Men of Steel Combat[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_MOSC.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] U.K (Scotland) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] The Highland Warrior, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Frank Simmons [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Bernie Evans & Lawrence Young [B]Road Agent:[/B] Uppercut Bailey , [B]Referee:[/B] Scott Gregory [B]Managers and Valets:[/B] Emma Evans (The Highland Warriors, personal Secretary) __________________________________________ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]U.K:[/B] E in Scotland , E+ in North , F in South & Midlands [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $ 105 797/ Prestige: E ________________________________________________ [B]In:[/B] None [B]Out:[/B] None __________________________________________________ [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]U.K Championship[/B] Highland Warrior (Champion since September 2006) Bloor and Beer Shane Hannigans (Champion since May 2007 ) [B]U.K Tag Team[/B] Monkey Business [I](Shane Hannigans & Tom Foolery)[/I] (Champions since January 2007) [B]General Review:[/B] MOSC remain financially secure for a promotion of their size, simply because the McPeterson's are so tight with their money, but the product is stagnant and fans are starting to become fed up with the Greg McPeterson a-k-a The Highland Warrior's endless run on top. The Tag Titles also continue to be a redundant joke, with Monkey Business having made only 1 defence since winning the belts at the beginning of last year. [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][SIZE=3][U]Ring [COLOR=sienna]of [/COLOR]Fire[/U][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_ROF.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] United Kingdom (Midlands) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] British Samurai , [B]Head Booker:[/B] Arson Wells [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Justin Blackham & Arson Wells [B]Road Agent:[/B] Darius Hughes, [B]Referee:[/B] Humphrey Woolsey [B]Managers and Valets:[/B] Peaches McCream [I](Not a manager, but is employed as a backstage interviewer during ROF's pod-casts)[/I] _______________________________________ [B]Popularity:[/B] [B]U.K:[/B] E in Midlands, F+ in South & North, F in Scotland [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $ 2500 / [B]Prestige:[/B] F+ __________________________________________ [B]In:[/B] Stevie Stoat (May 2008) [B]Out:[/B] K'Lee Hawkins (May 2008- Contract expiry) _____________________________________________ [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]ROF Championship[/B] U.K Dragon (Current since July 2006) [B]ROF Talisman[/B] British Samurai (Current Since October 2007) [B]ROF Tag Team[/B] Absolutely Flawless [I](Lance Martin & Kelly Martin)[/I] ( November 2006- June 2008) The New Shooters [I](Jonni Lowlife & Don Henderson)[/I] (Current since June 2008) [B]General Review:[/B] ROF are in major trouble and it looks like the might go out of business, with the pure competition promotion haemorraghing cash at an alarming rate. Much like MOSC their problems seem to stem from a stale product and a worrying addiction to having champions out-stay their welcome. U.K Dragon is a great worker, but is it it wise for ROF to keep their mainbelt on him for so long, especially as he probably lists his Japanese commitments higher up his priorities and this has resulted in 4 of the 6 shows so far ROF have put on in 2007 without a title defence. On the upside the newly formed team of 'The New Shooters' (Jonni Lowlife and Don Henderson) finally brought an end to Absolutely Flawless uninspiring and over-long run with the Tag Titles, and they managed to lure back Stevie Stoat, though this had to be off-set with not re-signing former Talisman Champion K'Lee Hawkins. [CENTER]_________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive]Ultimate Combat Ring[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_UCR.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] Europe (Western) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Louis Figo Manico, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Captain Hero [B]Announcer:[/B] Matthew Morris [B]Road Agent:[/B] None- [I]The Road Agent duties are still being shared between the veteran workers such as Louis Figo Manico.[/I] [B]Referees:[/B] Gary Garrett, Patrick Garrett [B]Managers and Valets:[/B] Simona 'The Princess' Cox (Valet of 'The Force- Jed High & TJK) Stetson Hatt (Manager of the 'Hatt Gang': Bam Bam Johansson, Beast Banton, The Evil Henchmen & Alpha Female) __________________________________________ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]Europe:[/B] All Regions D+ [B]U.K:[/B] E-, [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $ 1 390 154/ Pr[B]estige:[/B] F+ [B]T.V Shows:[/B] International Wrestling Superstars (Fridays for 1 Hour at 7PM on DSF) [B]Last Rating:[/B] 0.12 ____________________________________________ [B]In:[/B] None [B]Out:[/B] None _______________________________________________ [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]World Combat[/B] Byron (September 2007- March 2008) Luis Figo Manico (Current since March 2008) [B]European[/B] Bam Bam Johansson (November 2007- April 2008) Toby Juan Kanobi (Current since April 2008) [B]Tag Team[/B] Evil Henchman #1 & Beast Bantom (September 2007- April 2008) Frank De Pain & Geoff Borne (Current since April 2008) [B]Womens[/B] Geena 'The Warrior Princess' (Current since December 2007) [B]General Review:[/B] Much like 21CW in the UK, UCR continue to plod along at a steady pace but the lack of direct competition in their respective regions, get little respect outside of their steady but very slowly growing fan-bases). Typical of the U.K/Europe region; an owner once again holds championship gold with Luis Figo Manico claiming his sixth run with the World Combat Title, but to his credit he does have the ability to justify his self-push, with very few others amongst the UCR ranks being anywhere near his level as a performer. [CENTER]______________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=seagreen][U]Junge Europaieste Federalisten[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_JEF.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] Europe (Central) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Razor Valentine, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Jamie Anderson [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Matthew Morris & Lawrence Young [B]Road Agent:[/B] Nick Adams / Referee: Patrick Garrett [B]Managers & Valets:[/B] Simona Cox [I](Valet of The Force /Occasional Backstage Interviewer)[/I] Vita [I](Has graduated to the Backstage Interviewer role, after purely being used as a ring-girl during JEF's first few shows)[/I] [I]________________________________________________[/I] [B]Popularity[/B]: E- In Central Europe, F- Everywhere else. [B]Finance:[/B] $ 848 / [B]Prestige:[/B] E- _________________________________________ [B]In:[/B] Toby Juan Kanobi (March 2008- Former champion returned after finally agreeing new terms with JEF), Beast Bantom (June 2008) [B]Out:[/B] Kalu Owusu (March 2008- Released) _______________________________________________ [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]JEF Triple Crown[/B] Haiti Voodude (October 2007- March 2008) Toby Juan Kanobi (Current since March 2008) [B]JEF Classic[/B] Scott Van Den Berg (March 2007- March 2008) Dr Insane (Current since March 2008) [B]Genreral Review:[/B] It appears that JEF's MMA influenced hybrid style has failed to catch on with Europe's wrestling fanbase, and they are already heading towards deep financial trouble. The return of inagural champion Toby Juan Kanobi in March looked a positive, but his immediate title win, made Haiti Voodude look like a stop-gap champion and in turn made the rest of the roster look weak and in turn hurting the reputation of their performers. Many predict that if its does not find a way to stop the financial bleeding JEF will be out of business before the end of the year.
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Canada[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkslateblue]Canadian Charisma Combat Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_4C.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] Canada (Ontario) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Troy Winner, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Joey Poison [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Terry Smith & Kenny O'Quinn [B]Road Agent:[/B] Duncan Kendall [I](Replaced Chance as Road Agent in March)[/I] [B]Referee:[/B] Andy Gordy [B]Managers & Valets: [/B] [I]Katie Cameron (Backstage Interviewer for the DVD releases)[/I] [I]Persephone (Manager of Phenomenal Excess)[/I] _______________________________________ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]Canada:[/B] [B]Ontario:[/B] E+, [B]British Columbia:[/B] E-, [B]Rest of Canada:[/B] F+ [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $ 95 048 / [B]Prestige:[/B] F+ _____________________________________________ [B]In:[/B] Thomas Morgan (April 2008) [B]In and Out:[/B] Guide (January-Left for TCW in April) [B]Out:[/B] None _______________________________________________ [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]4C Championship[/B] Joey Poison (November 2006- June 2008) Davis Wayne Newton (Current since June 2008) [B]Hardcore [/B] Barry Kingman ( Current since August 2007) [B]Tag Team[/B] Phenomenal Excesss [I](Phenomenal E & Duberry Excess)[/I] (Current since November 2006) [B]General Review:[/B] 4C continues to be under the radar of most mainstream wrestling fans but the little promotion, run by the little man (Troy Winner) has carved out a loyal audience in the Ontario area and looks set to continue it's survival. The arrival of former DAVE Tag Team star Guide boosted attendance during the first quarter of the year, before he went to TCW to reform the New Wave with long term tag partner Scout. Whilst one of the hottest young prospects on the independent circuit in Davis Wayne Newton, finally ended the lengthy title run of Joey Poison. [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [SIZE=3][COLOR=red][B][U]Canadian Golden Canvas[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_CGC.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] Canada (British Columbia) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] George De Colt, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Alex De Colt [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Rock Downpour and Sara Silver [B]Road Agents:[/B] Jean Pierre Baptiste, Pat Deacon [B]Referees:[/B] Farrah Hesketh, Coach Norman [B]Managers & Valets:[/B] Jenny Playmate (Manager of the Gilbert Brothers) Hotstuff Marie (Backstage interviewer) Roger Rogers (Manager of Mick Muscle & Ryan Powell) __________________________________ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]Canada:[/B] C+ in all Regions [B]USA:[/B] D+ in all Regions, except Puerto Rico (D) [B]Mexico:[/B] E- in all Regions [B]Rest of the World :[/B] F- __________________________________________________ [B]Finance:[/B] $ 9 102 453 / [B]Prestige:[/B] B- [B]Current T.V Shows:[/B] CGC Title Bout Wrestling (Sundays for 1 Hour at 9.30 PM on CBC) [B]Last Rating:[/B] 5.23 CGC Tornado (Tuesdays for 1 Hour at 12 A.M on Hallmark) [B]Last Rating:[/B] 4.36 _________________________________________ [B]In:[/B] Gargantuan, Skull De Bones (January 2008), Jim Force, Primus Allen (March 2008), Marat Khoklov, Robbie Retro (April 2008) [B]In and Out:[/B] American Buffalo (Joined February 2008- Left March 2008 when he signed exclusive Written contract with TCW), Jay Darkness (Joined March 2008- Left June 2008- when when he signed exclusive Written contract with TCW) [B]Out:[/B] Ricky De-Colt (January 2008- Joined DAVE), Archie Judge (January 2008- signed exclusive Written contract with TCW), Tana the Mighty (March 2008- signed exclusive Written contract with TCW), Bobby Thomas, Ryan Powell, Francis Long, Chance (March 2008- All signed with NOTBPW), Dan Da Lay (April 2008- failed to agree new terms with CGC...currently a free agent) [B]Still on Roster but Injured:[/B] Grimm Quibble (Out since November 2007 with semi-severed spinal column- due to return in November) __________________________________________________________ [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]World[/B] Dan DaLay ( July 2007- March 2008) Alex De Colt (Current since March 2008) [B]Canadian[/B] Ed Monton (December 2007-April 2008) Dan Da Lay (April 2008- for 1 week) Vacant (April-May 2008)- Title vacated when DaLay left CGC after failing to agree a new contract. Zeus Maximillion (May-June 2008) John Maverick (Current since June 2008) [B]World Tag Team[/B] Trent Shaffer & Bobby Thomas (Current since December 2007- March 2008) Vacant( March 2008)- [I]Titles vacated when Bobby Thomas left CGC for NOTBPW[/I] Jay Darkness & Nate Johnson (March-June 2008) The Gilbert Brothers [I](Joe Gilbert & Jesse Gilbert)[/I] (Current since June 2008) [B]General Review:[/B] Despite considerable talent losses, some of which have led to both the Canadian and Tag Team Titles being frustratingly vacated, CGC have managed to remain competitive in the Canadian Market, and much like their more vaunted rival from the Eastern Coast of Canada they also seem to be making considerable in-roads into cracking the U.S market. And despite the loss of the likes of former World Champion Dan Da Lay (who's 1 week Canadian Title run, looked like a blatant last ditch attempt to get him to sign a new contract), Ricky De Colt to DAVE and the likes of Ryan Powell and Bobby Thomas to NOTBPW...they have found some capable replacements some which bring some real star power including Skull De Bones (who left the ailing SWF) and former INSPIRE King of Fighters Marat Khoklov. Unfortunately they did also pick up Jim Force, but that being said there are plenty out there who see the face painted mad man as some-sort of cult figure. [CENTER]______________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]North of the Border Pro Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=#8b0000][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_NOTBPW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] Canada (Maritimes) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Dan Stone , [B]Head Booker:[/B] Victoria Stone [B]Commentary Teams:[/B] Tommy London, Adrian Garcia & Emma Chase [I](Championship Wrestling/PPV's)[/I] Jerome Turner & Tom Townsend [I](NOTBPW Weekly/PPV Pre-Shows)[/I] [B]Road Agents:[/B] Dan Stone , Richard Coleman, Craig Prince [B]Referees:[/B] Matthew White, Francis Long (Joined NOTBPW February 2008) [B]Managers and Valets:[/B] Still None- despite haivng the option of pairing up some wrestlers with either Adrian Garcia or Emma Chase ______________________________________ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]Canada:[/B] B in Maritimes, Quebec and Ontario, B- in Prairies and British Columbia [B]USA:[/B] C-, except D+ in Puerto Rico, [B]Mexico:[/B] E+, [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- __________________________________________ [B]Finance:[/B] $ 11 757 522/ [B]Prestige:[/B] B [B]T.V Shows: [/B] NOTBPW Championship Wrestling (Wednesdays for 2 Hours at 9 PM on the Fight Network) [B]Last Rating:[/B] 7.70 NOTBPW Weekly (Mondays for 1 Hour at 12 AM on Setanta Sports Channel) [B]Last Rating:[/B] 3.21 _____________________________________________ [B]In:[/B] Wolf Hawkins, Ryan Powell, Bobby Thomas, Jungle Jack, Jack Giedroyc (All-February 2008), Dog Fyte (March 2008) [B]Out:[/B] Clarence Garcia (Referee-Released May 2008) [B]Still With NOTBPW but out with long term injury:[/B] Dark Angel (Injured since June 2007 with semi severed Spinal column- due to return in September) ______________________________________________________________ [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]NOTBPW International[/B] Jeremy Stone ( September 2007- May 2008) Shooter Sean Deeley (Current Since May 2008) [B]NOTBPW X-Division[/B] Damian 'The Natural' Carvill ( September 2007- January 2008) Harrison Hash (January-May 2008) Ryan Powell (May 2008 for 3 weeks) Edd Stone (May- June 2008- 3 Week run) Bobby Thomas (Current since June 2008) [B]NOTBPW Tag Team[/B] Can-AM Blondes ([I]Damian 'The Natural' Carvill & Owen Love)[/I] (November 2006- April 2008) The Kelowna Playaz [I](Craig Green & Gregg Boone)[/I] (Current since April 2008) [B]NOTBPW Womens[/B] Victoria Stone (August 2007- February 2008) Jana Marie Bowen (Current since February 2008) [B]Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup 2008[/B] Jeremy Stone & Dan Stone Jr- [I](Beat Tim Wesybrook & Harrison Hash in the finals)[/I] [B]General Review:[/B] NOTBPW continue to be the leader in Canada, and another aggressive signing spree in the Spring suggests that are they getting ready to expand their horizons and 'crack' the U.S Market. The main event scene was welcomly freshened up when Shooter Sean Deeley, shockingly won the NOTBPW International Title in May. Deeley is a capable performer, but it's a move no one saw coming. The booking decisions elsewhere though are a little more questionable....the Ed Henson Cup saw the Stone Stiblings win the Tournament for a fourth time (yawn), failing to build a legitimate contender to the Can-Am Blondes Tag Titles, and when they did finally have the Blondes drop the titles, they had them drop the belts to the mediocre Kelowna Playaz. The booking of NOTBPW's X-Division is also suffering , many people thought the division would get a boost with the signings of Acid and Wolf Hawkins, but the belt has been hot-shotted around a variety of average workers, eventually finding it's way around the waist of former CGC Tag Team worker Bobby Thomas. There is no doubt that NOTBPW has one of the most talented rosters in the World and it's the potential of seeing great match-ups week in week out, that has seen them establish themselves as the top promotion in Canada, but with better booking amongst their under-card they could be doing even better.
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]USA (The Independents)[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple]Angel Athletic Association[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_AAA.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] USA (North West) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Anne Stardust, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Catherine Quine [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Jim Lou Freebush, Farrah Hesketh [B]Road Agent:[/B] Duncan Kendall, Referee: Lois Hudson [B]Managers & Valets:[/B] Anne Stardust [I](Currently working a mentor gimmick alongside the Brendon Sisters)[/I] Sienna Deville ([I]Manager of the the 'Wild Bunch' Kristabel Plum, Bernice Lopez and Gorgon)[/I] Sue Danes [I](Backstage Interviewer for AAA Weekly)[/I] _________________________________ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]USA: [/B]D+ in North West, E+ in Mid West, E in South West, E- in Tri State, F + in rest of Mainland U.S, F for Puerto Rico [B]Canada:[/B] E- in B.C, F in rest of Canada [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- __________________________________________ [B]Finance:[/B] $130 422/ [B]Prestige:[/B] E+ [B]Current T.V Shows:[/B] AAA Weekly [I](Mondays for 1 Hour at 11 PM on Altitude, since June 2007)[/I] [B]Last Rating:[/B] 0.15 __________________________________________ [B]In:[/B] Golden Delicious, Annie Hitchc0ck (June 2008) [B]Out:[/B] Raven Nightfall (June 2008)- [I]Failed to agree terms on a new contract.[/I] [I]_____________________________________________[/I] [U]Champion Roll-Call[/U] [B]Femme Fatale[/B] Wanda Fish ( July 2006- February 2008) Catherine Quine (Current since February 2008) [B]Top Contenders[/B] Black Widow ( December 2007- May 2008) Katherine Goodlocks (Current since May 2008) [B]Tag Team[/B] The Wild Bunch (Current since December 2007) [B]General Review:[/B] With a general recession across the world, it's Women's wrestling that has felt the hit the most.....with the collapse of 5SSW. The Japanese promotions closure has meant that AAA took the position of being the leading women's promotion in the world. But despite slight increases in exposure, they too are finding it tough...something particularly highlighted when they were unable to come to new contract terms with one of their leading lights in Raven Nightfall. As for the championship picture it was no suprise that it would be current head booker Catherine Quine to end Wanda Fish's dominant reign, but given AAA's love for super-long title reigns, fans should probably be in store for another seemingly endless title run from the current incumbant of their main title. ____________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=magenta]Babes of Sin City[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_BSC.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] USA (South West) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Honey Golightly, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Marilyn Stardust [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Honey Golightly, Elijah Harris [I](replaced Sara Silver as the color person, when Silver left in February)[/I] [B]Road Agent:[/B] Marilyn Stardust, [B]Referee:[/B] Heather Halo [B]Managers & Valets:[/B] Duke Hazzard [I](Manager of Hollywood Magic )[/I] Herb Stately [I](Manager of Charlizze Angelle)[/I] ________________________________________ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]USA:[/B] E- in South West, F in Mid-South & North West, F- in all other regions [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- __________________________________________ [B]Finance:[/B] $ 110 238/ [B]Prestige:[/B] F [I]No in-ring roster changes[/I] _____________________________________________ [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]Queen of the Ring[/B] Dharma Gregg (December 2006- February 2008) Britney Hollywood (Current since February 2008) [B]Girl Power Tag[/B] Hollywood Magic [I](Britney Hollywood & Sprite)[/I] (Current since November 2006) [B]General Review:[/B] Despite being a bit of a joke, in wrestling industry circles....Marilyn Stardust's T&A promotion continues to attract enough frat-boys to keep it a float, drunkingly drooling over the almost entirely silicone enhanced roster. As for the title scene's Britney Hollywood beat Dharma Gregg (who despite losing the belt, remains BSC's most popular employee) for the pretty much worthless Queen of the Ring Title, which has led to the Girl Power Tag Titles being somewhat forgotten about and put on a hiatus, with the team of Hollywood Magic (Hollwyood and Sprite) having not made a single defence of the belts since November last year. __________________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=royalblue]Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_CZCW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] USA (South West) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Cliff Anderson,[B] Head Booker:[/B] Shawn Gonzalez [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Cliff Anderson and Hustler D [B]Road Agent:[/B] Preston Holt[B] / Referee:[/B] Pee Wee Germaine [B]Managers & Valets:[/B] Beach Babe Bunnie [I](Valet of Remmy Skye)[/I] Sienna Deville [I](Manager of Gargantuan, was also mananging Citizen X, but both turned on Citizen X- therefore turning Citizen X face)[/I] ________________________________________ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]USA:[/B] D in South West, E- in North West and Mid South, F in Mid West, F- in All other regions. [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $ 948 328./ [B]Prestige:[/B] D- __________________________________________________ [B]In:[/B] Brendon Idol (March 2008), Sayeed Ali (April 2008) [B]Out:[/B] Jungle Jack ([I]March 2008-signed written contract with NOTBPW), [/I]Joey Poison [I](May 2008- left to concentrate on career up in Canada with 4C and NOTBPW)[/I] ____________________________________________________________ [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]CZCW Championship[/B] Donnie J (Current since November 2006) [B]Xtreme[/B] Matt Sparrow (Current since April 2007) [B]Tag Team[/B] Animal Magic [I](Masked Cougar & Fox Mask)[/I] (Current Since October 2007) [B]General Review:[/B] What is it with independent promotions and their super long title reigns ? Donnie J has held the belt since November 2006 (that's already a 17 month long reign) and to be honest I don't really buy him in the roll of the dominant champion that Anderson and head booker Shawn Gonzalez have placed him in. Despite my personal questions about their booking, CZCW are one of the few promotions who seem to be steadily on the rise, making steady popularity increases in their home region and neigbouring area's, whilst they've also managed to improve their financial position.....that shows Cliff Anderson to be a shrewd business man, who knows what it takes to keep a promotion going on a shoe-string budget. _________________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3]Mid Atlantic Wrestling[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_MAW_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] USA (Mid Atlantic) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Rip Chord, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Mean Jean Cattley [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Marv Earnest & Sue Danes [B]Road Agent:[/B] Rip Chord, [B]Referee:[/B] Jay Fair [B]Managers and Valets:[/B] Herb Stately [I](Agent of Mainstream Hernandez)[/I] Nicole Kiss [I](Valet of Billy Russell)[/I] [FONT=Courier New]* MAW did some angle, where Hernandez turned heel, and Russell turned face, which led to them also switching Managers.[/FONT] ____________________________________________ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]USA:[/B] E in Mid Atlantic, F in Great Lakes and South East, F- Everywhere else [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $ 103 236 / [B]Prestige:[/B] E+ _____________________________________________________________ [B]In:[/B] Primus Allen (May 2008) [B]Out:[/B] Fumihiro Ota (May 2008- Decided not to renew PPA contract) _____________________________________________________________ [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]Mid Atlantic Championship[/B] Steven Parker (July 2006- February 2008) Billy Russell (Current since February 2008) [B]Mid Atlantic Tag Team[/B] Natural Storm (D.C Rayne & Eddie Howard) (August 2006- March 2008) The Canadian Blondes (Oscar Golden & Flash Savage) (Current since March 2008) [B]Rip Chord Invitational 2008[/B] Fumihiro Ota [I](Defeated Steven Parker in the Finals)[/I] [B]General Review:[/B] So far 2008 has seen the end of two dominant title reigns with former MMA star Billy Russell dethroning Steven Parker for the MAW Championship, whilst the Canadian Blondes finally managed to unseat Natural Storm as the Tag Champions. The Rip Chord Invitational was won by Fumihiro Ota, who had a good nine month run with MAW, and his decision not to sign another deal with MAW came as a bit of blow to Rip Chord's promotion. But as a promotion, MAW has always been comfortable with it's place in the wrestling hierachy, where the emphasis is more on developing young talent than attempting to compete with the likes of the SWF and TCW. Sure Chord would love to bring a little more exposure to MAW, but he's not about to over-stretch their resources in doing so. So when one of the big boys knocking coming knocking for some of his young stars, he'll be prepared to let them go, only to find the next set of diamonds in the rough to work with ____________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]New York City Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_NYCW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] USA (Tri-State) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] The Stomper , [B]Head Booker:[/B] Black Hat Bailey [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Jim Lou Freebush & Jakki White Trash [B]Road Agent:[/B] The Stomper/ Referee: Michael 'BS' Bull [B]Managers and Valets:[/B] Herb Stately [I]( Runs Stately Enterprises- comprising of two tag teams- The Lost Souls of Land Mass and Masked Mauler, and 'The Sting' of Roger Dodger and Sammy Shark)[/I] [B]Jenny Playmate[/B] [I](Joined in June 2008- Valet of Honest Frank)[/I] Fern Hathaway [I](Secretary General of NYCW- she is now being used as some kind of pseudo authority figure who makes matches in NYCW)[/I] Marcus McKing [I]( Joined in April 2008- Hathaway's assistant, however he thinks he should be the man in charge, is constantly undermining Hathaway's decisions)[/I] _______________________________________________ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]USA:[/B] E+ in Tri-State, F in Great Lake, Mid Atlantic and New England, F- everywhere else [B]Canada:[/B] F in Maritimes, Quebec and Ontario, F- in Prairies & BC. [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $ 174 003 / [B]Prestige:[/B] F+ ___________________________________________ [B]In:[/B] Stevie Grayson (January 2008), Jesse Christian (May 2008), Cameron Vessey (June 2008) [B]Out:[/B] Whistler [I](May 2008- Mutual decision not to renew contract)[/I] [I]________________________________________________[/I] [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]NYCW Empire[/B] Honest Frank (Current since January 2008) [I]Defeated Whistler for Vacant Title [/I] [B]Tri-State Regional[/B] Honest Frank (Current since May 2007)- [I]Title currently put on hiatus with Honest Frank winning the Empire Title. [/I] [B]Tag Team[/B] The Lost Souls [I](Masked Mauler & Land Mass)[/I] (Current since February 2007) [B]General Review:[/B] Last year NYCW looked to be heading towards being on it's last legs, but to The Stomper and Black Hat Bailey's credit they have steadied the ship. The product, whilst not exactly fast paced, seems to have a little more zip about it these days, and they seemed to have learnt from their mistakes made last year, when they signed and pushed workers who were clearly only in NYCW as a tempory measure. Whilst Honest Frank winning the Empire title, has seen the Tri-State Regional Title become forgotten about, it's probably a wise decision by NYCW at this moment in time, for them to just concentrate on putting over one singles champion. _____________________________________________________________ [B]Rhode [COLOR=darkred]Island Pro[/COLOR] Wrestling[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_RIPW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] USA (New England) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Professor Nero, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Shane Sneer [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Rob L Miskovsky & Shane Sneer [B]Road Agent:[/B] Professor Nero /[B] Referee:[/B] David Poker [B]Managers and Valets:[/B] B.J O'Neill [I](Valet of Kentucky Bill)[/I] Brains McGhee [I](Manager of Atlas)[/I] ________________________________________________________ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]USA:[/B] E in New England, F in Tri-State, F- Everywhere else [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $ 918 175 / [B]Prestige:[/B] D- __________________________________________________________ [B]In:[/B] None [B]Out:[/B] Nevada Nuclear [I](April 2008- Called up to SWF),[/I] Valiant [I](June 2008- Called Up to SWF)[/I] [I]____________________________________________________________[/I] [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]RIPW Championship[/B] Valiant (September 2006- June 2008) Puerto Rican Power (Current since June 2008) [B]RIPW Tag Team[/B] The Heartbreakers [I](Raphael & Justin Sensitive)[/I] (October 2006-April 2008) Cold Cash [I](Aristocrat & Mikey James)[/I] (Current Since April 2008) [B]General Review:[/B] SWF's continuing crisis and loss of talent to rivals TCW has seen them turn to their developmental territory with call -ups for long time champion Valiant (who did the right thing by dropping the belt to Puerto Rican Power on his way out) and Valiant's long time RIPW rival Nevada Nuclear. The tag titles also finally changed hands with the newly formed team of Cold Cash (Aristocrat & Mikey James) defeating The Heartbreakers back in April. With SWF no longer in the position to call themselves the biggest promotion in Americana, yet alone the world.....many feel that RIPW should consider breaking away from the SWF and going it alone. ____________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]United[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]States [/COLOR][COLOR=red]Pro[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_USPW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] USA (South East) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Sam Strong, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Danny Jillefski [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Danny Jillefski & Shane Sneer [B]Road Agents:[/B] Sam Strong, Micky Starr [B]Referees:[/B] Baby Jamie, Robbie Sanchez [B]Managers and Valets:[/B] Seduction [I](Valet of Patrick Cool- Poor Seduction she gets lumpend in with this loser, after Devine leaves for the SWF)[/I] Sheik Mustafa [I](Manager of T-Rex and Savage Fury- Tribal Warrior & Java)[/I] ________________________________________________ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]USA:[/B] D+ South East, D in All Other Regions [B]Canada & Mexico:[/B] E [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $ 7 235 941/[B] Prestige:[/B] C- [B]T.V Shows:[/B] USPW TNT [I](Thursdays for 1 Hour at 12PM on Antena 3 Internacional)[/I] [B]Last Rating:[/B] 0.30 _______________________________________ [B]In:[/B] Jesse Christian (March 2008), Nevada Nuclear (June 2008) [B]Out:[/B] Tana The Mighty [I](March 2008- signed exclusive contract with TCW),[/I] Jay Darkness [I](signed- exclusive contract with TCW),[/I] Demon Anger [I](June 2008- Retired....no other role found for him in USPW),[/I] Warlord Agony [I](June 2008- Left for PGHW in Japan)[/I] [I]___________________________________________________________[/I] [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]USPW World[/B] T Rex ( May 2007- June 2008 ) Jesse Christian (Current since June 2008) [B]USPW National[/B] Mick Muscles (Current since December 2007) [B]World Tag Team[/B] The Towers of Power [I](Mick Muscles & Danny Rushmore)[/I] (Current since October 2007) [B]General Review:[/B] The initial pop of Sam Strong taking over the Family Friendly promotion, has appeared to died down and USPW now find themselves struggling to rise up from their current 'Regional' status. In terms of the title pictures USPW are one of several companies to take advantage of Jesse Chrisitian's return to the ring, and the former SCCW icon has been given an immediate mega push, being entrusted as the man to end T-Rex's 13 month long reign with the USPW 'World' Title. Meanwhile Mick Muscles continues to be a double champion as USPW continue to book their tag titles into oblivion, despite the fact that they have the potential to have a competent Tag Division if they paid a little more attention to it. With Sam Strong's money behind it USPW's financial security is safe for the forseeable future, but with some of his past successes in the Wrestling industry, he surely can't be satisifed that his investment has failed to catch on as much as he would have hoped with American wrestling fans.
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]USA (The Big Three)[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=navy]Danger and Violence Extreme[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_DAVE.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] USA (Tri State) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Phil Vibert [B]Head Booker:[/B] Farrah Hesketh [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Marv Earnest & Phil Vibert [I](Earnest was signed to replace Mitch Naess who left after failing to agree terms on a new contract)[/I] [B]Road Agents:[/B] Pat Deacon [I](replaced Curt O'Malley who left for TCW),[/I] The Wolverine [B]Referees:[/B] Farrah Hesketh, R.M Stones, Jay Fair [I](replaced Francis Long in March- when Long headed to NOTBPW on an exclusive contract)[/I] [B]Managers & Valets:[/B] Shane Sneer [I](Manager of Joey Minnesota, Hells Bouncer, Johnny Martin and Kurt Laramee- Sneer Corp....Teddy Powell was also in for a while but turned face when re-uniting with Sammy Bach as Adrenaline Rush)[/I] Cat Jemson [I](Backtage interviewer- after DAVE phased out her involvement with the Latino Kings)[/I] Alex Braun ([I]Mentor to Adrenalin Rush)[/I] Captain USA [I](Authority Figure- He's supposed to be a Face- but almost all of the DaVE audience give him a stick, seeing his patriot act as being lame and out-dated)[/I] ____________________________________ [B]Popularity:[/B] [B]USA:[/B] C in All Regions, Except D+ in Puerto Rico [B]Canada:[/B] D in the Maritimes, Quebec and Ontario, D- in British Columbia and Prairies [B]Mexico:[/B] E + [B]Japan:[/B] F [B]UK and Europe :[/B] F- ___________________________________________________ [B]Finance:[/B] $ 3 048 659./ [B]Prestige:[/B] C+ [B]T.V Shows:[/B] Danger Zone T.V [I](Fridays for 90 minutes at 10.30 PM on Flix)[/I] [B]Last Rating:[/B] 5.26 ______________________________________________________ [B]In:[/B] Mario Heroic, Ricky DeColt (January 2008) , Kurt Laramee, Mainstream Hernandez (March 2008), Remmy Skye (April 2008 ), Captain USA (April 2008, retired as an in-ring performer in June), Jacob Jett (June 2008) [B]Out:[/B] Acid (January 2008- signed exclusive contract with NOTBPW), Art Reed (January 2008- signed exclusive contract with TCW), Jack Giedroyc (March 2008- signed exclusive contract with NOTBPW), Dean McWade (April 2008- signed exclusive contract with NOTBPW), Guide (April 2008- signed exclusive contract with TCW), Scout (May 2008- signed exclusive contract with TCW) _____________________________________________________________ [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]Unified[/B] Eddie Peak (Current since October 2007) [B]Brass Knuckles[/B] Henry Lee (October 2007- January 2008) Hell's Bouncer (January- February 2008) Vin Tanner (February-April 2008) Eric Tyler (Current since April 2008) [B]Tag Team[/B] Older & Wiser [I](Eric Tyler & Travis Century)[/I] (Current since December 2007) [B]General Review:[/B] Many are seeing this as make or break times for DaVE after suffering talent raids on key members of their roster from both TCW and NoTPBW..... losses such as.a tag team the calibre of The New Wave, cult figure Acid, reliable mid-card worker Art Reed and popular main eventer Jack 'The Wrath of God' Giedroyc will be hard to replace. Their replacements have been curious one's, they brought in veteran Captain U.S.A (someone who does not really fit in with the DaVE style, before the over-hill veteran retired in June) and a sudden fetish for young high flyers, that have included the signings of Mainstream Hernandez, Mario Heroic, Ricky De-Colt Remmy Skye and Jacob Jett- probably hoping at least one of them can get over as an under-dog/bump machine. Most shocking of all though was the return of Kurt Laramee. Phil Vibert said he would never bring back Laramee, after the 'King of the Streets' defected to the SWF ..when Laramee was on the verge of being groomed for a Unified Title run, but it seems that these are desperate times in DaVE and Vibert has seemingly bitten the bullet, hoping that Laramee's controversial return will stir up some heat for his promotion. ___________________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=royalblue]Supreme Wrestling Federation[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_SWF.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] USA (New England) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Richard Eisen ,[B] Head Booker:[/B] Eric Eisen [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Jerry Eisen & Ana Garcia - [I]Jerry Eisen took over as main announcer when Peter Michaels defected to TCW.[/I] [B]Road Agents:[/B] Pat Deacon , Richard Eisen [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Big Dicky Eisen is still wasting himself in the roll of Road Agent, no wonder SWF is going down the pan- what a nonce.[/FONT] [B]Referees:[/B] Darren Smith, Ric Young [B]Managers and Valets:[/B] The Guru ([I]Manager of Runaway Train)[/I] Carl Batch[I] (Manager of Kurt Laramee)[/I] Dawn The Cheerleader [I](Valet of Robbie Retro)[/I] Queen Emily [I](Backstage Interviewer)[/I] _____________________________________________________ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]USA:[/B] C+ [B]Canada:[/B] C [B]Mexico:[/B] C- [B]U.K:[/B] D+ [B]Japan & Europe:[/B] F+ __________________________________________________________ [B]Finance:[/B] $ 31 194 986/ [B]Prestige:[/B] C [B]T.V Shows:[/B] SWF Shockwave [I](Thursdays for 1 Hour at 12.00 on Hallmark Channel)[/I] [B]Last Rating:[/B] 4.00 ___________________________________________ [B]In:[/B] Gargantuan (April 2008), Nevada Nuclear (April 2008- Called up from RIPW), Valiant (June 2008- Called up from RIPW) [B]Out:[/B] Skull De Bones (January 2008 - decided against renewing contract), Jack Bruce (March 2008- returned to TCW), Enygma (April 2008- failed to agree new contract), Remo Richards (April 2008- signed exclusive written deal with TCW), Akima Brave (April 2008- signed exclusive written deal with TCW), Rich Money (June 2008- signed exclusive written deal with TCW), Sam Keith (June 2008- retired in February 2008 then left when contract ran out) _______________________________________________________________ [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]World Heavyweight[/B] Steve Frehley (Current since June 2007- May 2008) Rich Money (May- June 2008)-[I] Vacated Title when he defected to TCW,[/I] [I]Title his currently vacant [/I] [B]North American[/B] Elmo Benson (September 2007- February 2008) Squeeky McClean (Current since February 2008) [B]Television[/B] Darryl Devine (Current since November 2007-April 2008) Kurt Laramee (Current since April 2008) [B]World Tag Team[/B] The Almighty Dollar [I](Rich Money & Remo Richardson)[/I] ( September 2007- March 2008) Eric Eisen and Squeeky McClean (Current since March 2008) [B]General Review:[/B] The once dominant SWF now find itself's spiralling into a major crisis, as they find themselves battling for second spot in the U.S promotional hiearchy with DaVE..yet alone trying to compete with TCW, who's more Action, less Talk policy seems to have paid off in the wake of SWF's waning fortunes. And it looks as if TCW want to eliminate the competition, going on a major raid of SWF. The most galling of which had to be the defection of Rich Money....Money had been given the push many people wanted to see , when he finally won the SWF World Title.......only to throw it in the trash a month later and turn up in TCW the following week. The loss of announcer Peter Michaels to TCW is another hard blow to take, and it must be galling for the Eisen's that they find themselves in the situation of having to share their workers with promotions such as DAVE, USPW and CGC as workers no longer seem as big enough to sign to exclusively. On the up-side at least the Eisen's have deep enough pockets to turn their fortunes around and TCW have also set their sights on raiding DaVE into oblivion. ___________________________________________________________________________ [SIZE=3][COLOR=dimgray][U][B]Total Championship Wrestling[/B][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_TCW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] USA (South West) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Tommy Cornell , [B]Head Booker:[/B] Joel Bryant [B]Commentary Teams:[/B] Jason Azaria & Nemesis (Total Wrestling) Peter Michaels, Duane Fry & Warlord Pain (Lifeblood) - [I]Michaels joined TCW in June[/I] Peter Michaels, Jason Azaria & Nemesis (Pay Per View) [B]Backstage Interviewer:[/B] Kyle Rhodes [B]Road Agents:[/B] Chief Two Eagles, Archie Judge, Dylan Sidle, Curt O'Malley [B]Referees:[/B] Sam Sparrow, Ray Johnson, Ryan Holland, Eugene Williams [B]Managers and Valets:[/B] Blonde Bombshell [I](Valet of Liberty)[/I] Floyd Goldworthy [I](Manager of Troy Tornado, Charlie Thatcher)[/I] Jessie [I](Still being used in the 'representative' of TCW Management role)[/I] Playboy Jack Sawyer [I](Manager of Human Arsenal)[/I] __________________________________________________ ___ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]USA:[/B] B- [B]Canada:[/B] C+ [B]Mexico:[/B] C- [B]Japan:[/B] E+ [B]U.K:[/B] D [B]Europe:[/B] E _________________________________________________________ [B]Finance:[/B] $ 47 388 350/ [B]Prestige:[/B] B [B]T.V Shows:[/B] TCW Presents Total Wrestling [I](Tuesdays for 2 Hours at 11 PM on Showcase Action)[/I] [B]Last Rating:[/B] 1.99 TCW Lifeblood [I](Mondays at 9 PM on Comcast Sportsnet)[/I] [B]Last Rating:[/B] 6.21 ____________________________________________________________ [B]In:[/B] Art Reed (January 2008), Jack Bruce (March 2008), Remo Richardson, Guide, Akima Brave (April 2008), Scout (May 2008), Rich Money (June 2008) [B]Out:[/B] Wolf Hawkins (February 2008- signed exclusive contract with NOTBPW) ____________________________________________________________ [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]TCW World Heavyweight[/B] Tommy Cornell (September 2007- May 2008) BLZ Bubb (Current since May 2008) [B]TCW All Action[/B] Human Arsenal (December 2007- February 2008) Jack Griffith (Current since February 2008) [B]International[/B] Rick Law (September 2007- February 2008) Texas Pete (Current since February 2008) [B]World Tag Team[/B] Giant Tana & Harry Allen (December 2007- April 2008 )- Beat Painful Procedure to win vacant titles. The Darkness Warriors [I](Jay & Raul Darkness[/I]) (Current since April 2008) [B]General Review:[/B] TCW now find themselves in the position of being unarguably the biggest promotion in North America right now. Things didn't start out so positively at the start of the year, when the lost rising star and former 2 time All Action champion Wolf Hawkins to NOTBPW. But then a strategy to improve their profile in both neigbouring Canada and Mexico, seemed to pay off, giving them the platform and resources to raid their ailing rivals SWF and DaVE for talent...with perhaps their latest acquisition of Rich Money, being their biggest coup in their war with the Eisen's. Money had been SWF World Champion, when TCW swooped in to poach away the popular (with smarks) heel performer from their bitter rivals. If Cornell, Bryant and the rest of the TCW booking team can find a way to implement all of their new talent into the roster, without ego's getting in the way. For example .the International's Title's ailing image could do with a boost , but will one of TCW's rising stars or new acquisitions be happy to wait it out in the mid-card. In truth the only thing that could de-rail TCW right now is if ego's and politics get in the way, and it was ego's and politics that almost drove TCW in it's previous incarnation of HGC heading towards disaster, until Cornell stepped in.
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]MEXICO*[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [LEFT]* And PW Max, who I forgot to include in the U.S Indy section[/LEFT] [SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]Mexican Hardcore Wrestling[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_MHW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] Mexico (Northern) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Jorge Ibanez [B]Head Booker:[/B] Luchadore Originalic [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Ricardo Arias & Eduardo Prieto [B]Road Agent:[/B] Mateo Iglesias , [B]Referee:[/B] Esteban Pena [B]Managers and Valets:[/B] Carla [I](Valet of Pylea)[/I] Delirio [I](Valet of Cyclone)[/I] Magdalena [I](Valet of Legion of Death- Charron & Luchadore Originalic)[/I] ____________________________________________ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]Mexico:[/B] E+ in Northern, E- in Southern, F+ in Central [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $ 221 554 [B]/ Prestige:[/B] E- _________________________________________________ [B]In:[/B] Gino Montero, Blood Raven (April 2008) [B]Out:[/B] Enrique Merino (April 2008- Left to concentrate on OLLIE career) ______________________________________________ [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]Campeon de Lucha[/B] Enrique Merino ( February 2007-April 2008) Charron (Current since April 2008) [B]Campeon de Xtreme[/B] Hijo Del Memphisto (Current Since October 2007) [B]Campeon de Parejas[/B] Legion of Death (Luchardore Originalic & Charron) (Current since February 2007) [B]General Review:[/B] MHW continues to plod away putting on it's 'alternative' Lucha product, and pretty much only attracting the workers neither OLLIE nor MPWF are interested in, though signings the quality of Blood Raven may see MHW eventually shed it's home for Lucha reject's image. Whilst Gino Montero, the son of Lucha legend Luis Montero, is rumoured to be something special. The key problem though could be the stale booking with the Legion of Death now holding three of the four titles in MHW, since Charron ended the departing Enrique Merino's dominant 14 month reign as the MHW Campeon de Lucha. ______________________________________________________________________________ [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=red][U]Mexican [COLOR=olive]Premier Wrestling[/COLOR] Federation[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_MPWF.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] Mexico (Northern) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Domino, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Larry Wood [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] In an interesting turn of events Larry Wood lost the book in April to El Demonico, but regained it a month later when El Demonico suddenly upped and left MPWF.[/FONT] [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Carlos Moreno, Mario Serrano & Eduardo Prieto [B]Road Agents:[/B] Domino, Luis Montero [B]Referees:[/B] Sebastian Cabrera, Roberto Mendez & Eduardo Moya [B]Managers and Valets:[/B] Chico de Paritdo [I](Valet of El Guardiano Jr)[/I] Gabriela Ortega [I](Valet of Los Hermanos de Cano, Daniel and Javier Cano)[/I] _______________________________________ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]Mexico:[/B] C+ in Northern, C in South and West/Central [B]USA:[/B] E+ in Mid South, E- in All Other Regions [B]Canada:[/B] F [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- ______________________________________________ [B]Finance:[/B] $ 6 200 243/ [B]Prestige:[/B] C [B]T.V Shows:[/B] MPWF Television [I](Thursdays for 90 minutes at 6.00 on Azteca Siete)[/I] [B]Last Rating:[/B] 2.64 ________________________________________________ [B]In:[/B] None [B]Out:[/B] Jungle Jack (March 2008- signed exclusive contract with NOTBPW), El Demonico (May 2008-failed to agree new contract) __________________________________________________________ [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]Campeon de Herencia de Mundo[/B] Spanish Superfly (Current since November 2007) [B]Campeon de Lucha MPWF[/B] Magnico (October 2007- April 2008) Enrique Merino (April 2008)-[I] 3 week reign[/I] Atlantis Jr (Current since April 2008) [B]Campeones de Parejas[/B] Hot-Wired [I](Ultimate Phoenix & Electo) [/I](November 2007- June 2008) The Golden Boys [I](Magik & Inca Jr)[/I] (Current since June 2008) [B]Campeones del Trios[/B] Jungle Jack, Ultimate Phoenix & Tijuana Vampire ( July 2007-March 2008 ) [I]* Titles vacated when Jungle Jack left MPWF[/I] Atlantis Jr, Mayan Idol & Tijuana Vampire (Current since March 2008)- [I]*Defeated Magik, Inca Jr and El Guardiano Jr for vacant titles.[/I] [B]General Review:[/B] In terms of who the top promotion is right now in the World of Lucha Libre, it has to be said that MPWF are trailing OLLIE. They tried to address this when Domino took the book away from Larry Wood, only for the man they entrusted to try and put the spark into MPWF El Demonico upped an left. Wood is back in charge, but surely must be on borrowed time....if MPWF don't start making up ground on OLLIE soon. The big part of the problem may stem from a roster that is starting to become stale, MPWF have not made a new signing in 18 months.....something not usually seen in the World of Wrestling, and only really the departures of the aforementioned El Demonico and Jungle Jack have shaken things up a little. Jack's departure actually caused the Trio's title to be vacated, had he not gone....who knows how long the MPWF powers that be, would have kept the titles on the ' partner's that don't get along' trio Jungle Jack was part of. ___________________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]Original [COLOR=green]Lucha Libre[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]In Extreme[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=#008000][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_OLLIE.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]Homebase:[/B] Mexico (Central) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Joaquin Soler, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Phoenix I [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Ignacio Soto & Lorenzo Blanco [B]Road Agents:[/B] Manuel Prieto, Oceano [B]Referees:[/B] Benito Garcia, Domingo Castillo [B]Managers and Valets:[/B] Cuervo ([I]Manager of The Assasins -El Critico & Masked Rebel)[/I] Secreto [I](Manager of Slayyer, Hexx and Decimalo)[/I] Jennifer Heat [I](Backstage Interviewer)[/I] ____________________________________ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]Mexico:[/B] C+ in All Regions [B]USA:[/B] D In Mid South, South East & South West, E+ in all other regions [B]Canada:[/B] F [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- _______________________________________________ [B]Finance:[/B] $ 7 08 142 / [B]Prestige:[/B] C+ [B]T.V Shows:[/B] Ole ! OLLIE Lucha Libre [I](Saturdays for 90 minutes at 7.00 on Televisa) [/I][B]Last Rating:[/B] 4.10 __________________________________________ [B]In:[/B] Del Muerto, Gino Montero (June 2008) [B]Out:[/B] Miguel Dominguez (January 2008- left after retiring at end of last year), Marcos Flores (May 2008), El Leon (June 2008), Nicolas Lopez (June 2008)-[I] All left because OLLIE could no longer afford them due to them becoming too popular.[/I] _______________________________________________ [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]Campeon de Universal[/B] Pablo Rodriguez (Current since September 2007) [B]Campeon de Mexico[/B] Luchadore Originalic (December 2007- June 2008) Laberinto Jr (Current since June 2008) [B]Campeones de Parejas[/B] The Assasins (El Critico & Masked Rebel) (Current since August 2007) [B]Campeones de Trios[/B] Championa Jr, Rafael Ruiz & Masked Rebel (Current since November 2007) [B]General Review:[/B] OLLIE have surged ahead in their battle with MPWF and even look to be building a cult following in the Southern U.S. However heading in to the second half of the year the picture does not look so rosy, with the loss of three of their biggest stars Nicolas Lopez, Marcos Flores and El Leon all of whom walked out on the storied Mexican promotion, when they felt they weren't about to be paid what they though they were worth. If OLLIE can find/build new stars then they should be able to see themselves through this mini-crisis, if however they don't dig out the next gems...then there could be difficult times ahead [CENTER]_______________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Pro Wrestling Max[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_PWMAX.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] USA (Great Lakes) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Fumihiro Ota, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Suzan Brazzle [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Rock Downpour & Sara Silver [B]Road Agent:[/B] Reese Paige [B]Referee:[/B] Jay Fair [B]Managers and Valets:[/B] Elijah Harris [I](Manager of Da Hit Krew- Sayeed Ali & Mikey James)[/I] Duke Hazzard [I](Currently scouting for a client)[/I] ____________________________________ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]USA:[/B] F+ in Great Lakes, F- in All Other Regions [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $ 207 159/ [B]Prestige:[/B] E __________________________________________ [B]In:[/B] Rudy Velazquez (February 2008) [B]Out:[/B] None ______________________________________________ [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]PW Max Championship[/B] Black Eagle (December 2007- March 2008)- [I]Inaugral Champion[/I] Trent Shaffer (Current since March 2008) [B]PW Max Adrenalin[/B] Masked Cougar (Current since December 2007)- [I]Inaugral Champion[/I] [B]PW Max Tag Team[/B] Da Hit Krew ([I]Sayeed Ali & Mikey James) [/I](Current since March 2008)- [I]Inaugral Champions[/I] [B]General Review:[/B] Fumihiro Ota's fast-paced action Indy, that opened it's doors at the end of the last year has had a solid first half of the year, keeping it's head above water and even bringing in enough fans to rise it's status to Small Size. Wrestling critics are already praising the promotion due to a string of critically acclaimed shows (they're averaging C- a show, which is excellent for a start up fed) and many feel that word will eventually get out, that this is the 'hot' new promotion on the Indy Scene. The only danger for PW Max right now, is if they get carried away with the Smark based adulation and start to over-stretch their resources.
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=4]Japan[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive]5 Star[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Supreme [/COLOR][COLOR=olive]Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_5SSW.jpg[/IMG] [I]5SSW the leading All Women's promotion in the World, sadly went out of business in February 2008, citing mounting financial problems as the reason. There demise leaves a massive hole in the wrestling landscape, with no active Women's promotion in Japan and many are now predicting this as the 'death' of the Joshi scene in Japan.[/I] [I]It looks likely that many of 5SSW's key performers such as Crusher Ichihara, Sensational Ogiwara and Thunder Hike will now be comptemplating retirement.[/I] [I]Here is a list of the last set of champions in 5SSW.[/I] [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]5 Star World[/B] Crusher Ichihara (Champion since September 2007) [B]All Asian[/B] Alicia Strong (Champion since December 2007) [B]Tag Team[/B] Kiko Sakakibara & Kit Hatoyma (Champions since December 2007) ______________________________________________________________________________ [U][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive][B]Golden Canvas Grappling[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_GCG.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] Japan (Kinki) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Hanshiro Furusawa, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Kasu Yoshizawa [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Masatake Hori, Sakuraku Kagawa & Hanshiro Furusawa [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Former 5SSW owner Kagawa joined GCG's announce team in June[/FONT] [B]Road Agents:[/B] Yoshifusu Maeda, Dick The Devestator [B]Referees:[/B] Tsugiharu Odaka, Shunko Nakada ___________________________________ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]Japan:[/B] C- in Tohoku, Kanto & Chubu, D+ in All other Regions [B]Rest of the World:[/B] E- [B]Finance:[/B] $ 43 959 / [B]Prestige:[/B] C- _______________________________________ [B]In:[/B] Silver Shark (March 2008), Chuichi Sanda, Yasuhiko Taira, Fukusabaru Inao, Roku Sotomura (April 2008), Claudio Burdisso (May 2008), Hirozaku Yamanoue, The Great Hisato, The Tic, Tiger Fuyuki, Kazuma Narato, Hidekazu, Rogue Matsuo SF (June 2008) [B]Touring Only:[/B] Soul Taker, Razor Valentine (January/February 2008), Wael Hossam (April/May/June 2008 ) [B]In and Out:[/B] Barry Griffin, Yoshii Shiomi, Henry Bennett (April 2008), Takeshi Umehara, Amane Shunsen (May 2008)- These were all workers GCG had work a few shows, then released. [B]Out:[/B] Wasichi Inao, Namboku Makuda (January 2008- Both released),Jack Marlowe (March 2008- Signed Exclusive contract with NOTBPW), Samoan Machine (April 2008- Left after picking up Injury), Jimmy Cox (April 2008- Left to concentrate on INSPIRE and PGHW careers), Shingen Miyazaki (April 2008- Signed Exclusive contract with NOTBPW), Toyokuni Hardcore, Stuart Ferdinand (April 2008- Released), Toshiharu Hyobanshi (June 2008- failed to agree new contract) _____________________________________________________________ [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]World Heavyweight[/B] Samoan Machine (December 2007- March 2008)- [I]Forced to vacate Title due to Injury[/I] Hiroyasu Gakusha (Current since April 2008)- [I]Defeated Toshiharu Hyobanshi for vacant Title[/I] [B]Openweight [/B] Shingen Miyazaki (October 2007- February 2008) Jimmy Cox (February 2008- April 2008)- [I]Title vacated when Jimmy Cox Left GCG[/I] William Hayes (Current since April 2008)- [I]Defeated Shotaro Ikina for vacant Title[/I] [B]World Heavyweight Tag Team[/B] Julian Watson & Jack Marlowe (October 2007- March 2008)- [I]Titles vacated when Jack Marlowe left GCG[/I] Yasuhiko Taira & Fukasabaru Inao (April- May 2008)- [I]Defeated Coleman & Ferdinand for vacant Titles[/I] Takayuki 2000 & William Hayes (Current since May 2008) [B]General Review:[/B] Despite the fact that GCG were left in a mini-crisis at the beginning of their second tour of the year when all three of their titles were left vacant...they actually seem to be turning the corner. They've raised their popularity enough to be considered Cult Size again and their financial situation is improving, though they are still far from being out of the Woods just yet. Whilst they suffered some big losses with Samoan Machine, Shingen Miyazaki and Jimmy Cox in March, and former World Champion Toshiharu Hyobanshi in June, GCG management have shown that they are prepared to move forward, signing alot of new talent during their last tour. Whether or not this pays off as a strategy or not- remains to be seen...though the aggressive signing spree could put GCG back into financial trouble if they are not careful. With all their titles vacant going into GCG's April-June Tour, it felt like a re-boot for GCG and with so many workers coming and going over the past few months, the GCG of 2008 is barely recognisable from the GCG of 2007. ______________________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Hinote Dojo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_HINOTE.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] Japan (Kinki) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Stunner Okazawaya, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Yatsuhiro Atshushi [B]Announcer:[/B] Hirokichi Hatakeda [B]Road Agent:[/B] Stunner Ozakawaya, Referee: Masami Aizawa _______________________________________________________ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]Japan:[/B] E in Kinki, F in rest of Japan [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $ 156 197 /[B] Prestige:[/B] E+ _________________________________________________________ [B]In:[/B] Taheji Konoe (Jannuary 2008- signed on BHOTWG Developental contract) [B]Out:[/B] Heiachiro Sakai (January 2008- Called up to BHOTWG Gods roster) ____________________________________________________________ [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]All-Japan[/B] Yatsuhiro Atshushi ( May 2007- June 2008) Tsuruyaki Kamachi (Current since June 2008) [B]General Review:[/B] The BHOTWG developmental territory, keeps plodding along....putting on one show a month and not really doing much in the way of developing. Heiachiro Sakai was deemed ready enough to be called up to the main Burning Hammer roster, ex WEXVV worker Taheji Konoe was brought in ona developmental contract and Tsuruyaki Kamachi ended Yatsuhiro Atshushi's long reign as All-Japan champion ______________________________________________________________________________ [U][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]INSPIRE Diviersity Group International[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_INSPIRE.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] Japan (Kanto) Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff [B]Owner:[/B] Tadayuki Kikkawa, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Tasuko Iesada [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Koyo Raikatuji & Takajuki Kajiwara [B]Road Agents:[/B] Yoshinaka Toshusai, Yodo Nakane [B]Referees:[/B] Tsugiharu Odaka, Sadononu Koroba [I](replaced Yosh!tori Shigemitsu in May)[/I] __________________________________________________ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]Japan:[/B] B- in Kanto, C+ in Tohoku, Chubu, Kinki & Hokkaido, C in Chugoku, Kyushu & Shikoku [B]Rest of the World:[/B] E+ ___________________________________________________________ [B]Finance:[/B] $ 9 732 952 / [B]Prestige:[/B] B- [B]T.V Shows:[/B] INSPIRE In Your House [I](Wednesdays at 12 AM on Gaora)[/I] [B]Last Rating:[/B] 2.84 ___________________________________________________________ [B]In:[/B] Jimmy Cox , Namboku Makuda (March 2008), Wasichi Inao (April 2008), Barei Yasujiro (May 2008), Merle O'Curle, Razor Valentine, Fumihiro Ota (June 2008- Touring contrats) [B]Touring Only (January -March):[/B] Antonio Maxi Marquez, Steve Flash [B]Out:[/B] Joel Bryant (February- signed exclusive contract with TCW), Shingen Miyazaki (April-signed exclusive contract with BHOTWG) [B]Still with promotion but long termed injured:[/B] Bali So'oialo ([I]Out Injured since start of year with Torn Rotator Cuff, due to return January 2009).[/I] ________________________________________________________________ [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]King of Fighters[/B] Raul Hughes (October 2007- March 2008) Tasuku Iesada (Current since March 2008) [B]General Review:[/B] Whilst they aren't yet competing with likes of BHOTWG and PGHW, the MMA influenced product of INSPIRE is gathering a solid following. What's is suprising is the amount of different styles of workers they've managed to bring in, the most eye-raising acquisitions have been 'flashy' Junior Heavyweight's such as Barei Yasujiro and Wasichi Inao, but INSPIRE seem to have found a way to incorporate them into their quasi ultra-realistic product. Some fans feel that with a solid amount of Lightweight workers on their roster the INSPIRE officials should consider bringing in a Lightweight Title. Meanwhile at the top end of the promotion Tasuku Iesada is stringing together a solid run with the King of Fighters title since dethroning Raul Hughes in March. _________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Pride Glory & Honor Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_PGHW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] Japan (Kinki) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Sadaharu Jimbo, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Nobuatsu Tatsuko [B]Commentary Teams:[/B] Keiji Takeda, Sosa Mori & Warlord Agony [I](PGHW The Week That Was)-[/I] [I]Warlord Agony joined commentary team in June[/I] Roku Yamazaki, Shirosama Ezakiya & Takayuki Kajiwara ([I]PGHW The Kings Road)- Kajiwara joined commentary team in April[/I] [I]* They will now be alternating the two commentary teams for Pay Per Views[/I] [FONT=Courier New][B]Comment:[/B] PGHW sign Warlord Agony and put him on their comentary team, even though he doesn't speak a jot of Japanese and has probably never even been to a PGHW event, yet alone set foot in a PGHW ring, before getting signed- this might possibly be the most ridiculous A.I signing ever.....and I've seen plenty of other bad ones.[/FONT] [B]Road Agents:[/B] Hito Ichihara, Koryusai Kitoaji [B]Referees:[/B] Shihei Nagano, Yuguro Adachi [B]Managers and Valets:[/B] Muneori Umari (Manager of Raymond Diaz) ____________________________________________________ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]Japan:[/B] B in all Regions [B]Rest of the World:[/B] E+ _____________________________________________________ [B]Finance:[/B] $ 23 796 581/[B] Prestige:[/B] B [B]T.V Shows:[/B] PGHW The Kings Road [I](Tuesdays for 90 minutes at 8 PM on ESPN International)[/I] [B]Last Rating:[/B] 9.74 PGHW The Week That Was [I](Sundays for 2 Hours at 9 PM on ESPN International)[/I] [B]Last Rating:[/B] 16.47 __________________________________________ [B]In:[/B] Junnosuke Fukuzawa (April 2008) [B]Touring Only (November 2007- January 2008):[/B] Acid, Chuichi Sanda, Mohammed El Yaagoudi, Bruce The Giant [B]Touring Only (March- May 2008):[/B] Billy Russell, Nathan Coleman, Sean McFly, U.K Dragon [B]Signed Up for Next Tour (Due to start July 2008):[/B] Bruce The Giant, Jimmy Cox, Antonio Maxi-Marquez [I](Champagne Lover), [/I]Chris Morrisette[I](Lobster Warrior)[/I] ____________________________________________________________ [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]Glory Crown[/B] Eisaku Kunomasu (July 2007- March 2008) Yoshimi Musashaibo (Current since March 2008) [B]Historic Japan[/B] Li Bingci ( November 2007- April 2008) Akinori Kwakami (Current since April 2008) [B]Rising Star[/B] Ryoma Muruyama ( December 2007- May 2008) Joshua Taylor (Current since May 2008) [B]Glory Tag Crown[/B] Akinori Kwakami & Pistol Pete Hall (Current since November 2007) [B]Elite Series 2008[/B] Bryan Vessey- [I]Defeated Akinori Kwakami in the Finals[/I] [B]General Review:[/B] PGHW continue to stay the pace with the rejuvanated BHOTWG, in the competition to be Japan's most popular promotion, as they continue to put on good shows/tours on a consistant basis. The general Pay Per View buy-rate has been better for PGHW, though BHOTWG suddenly attract a huge spike in ratings for their shows of legendary status such as Fire-Dream of the Immortals. Yoshimi Musashaibo regained the Glory Crown from Eisaku Kunomasu, whilst Bryan Vessey was the suprise winner of this years edition of the Elite Series. Though it was something of a strange tournament this year, with very few of the recognised PGHW Big Guns taking part. Akinori Kwakami appears to be getting groomed for a crack at the top, as he holds double gold right now as the Historic Japan and one half of the Tag champions and reached the finals of the Elite Series. ___________________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Pro Wrestling SAISHO[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_SAISHO.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase: [/B]Japan (Tohoku) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Sadakuno Nishimuraya , [B]Head Booker:[/B] Hirokazu Yamanoue [B]Announcer:[/B] Teriuhi Inoue [B]Road Agent:[/B] Sadakuno Nishimuraya [B]Referee:[/B] Tsutome Watanabe _____________________________________________________ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]Japan:[/B] Tohoku: E-, All other Regions F [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $ 92 592 / [B]Prestige:[/B]E- [I]No roster changes during first half of 2008[/I] [I]______________________________________________________[/I] [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]Destiny[/B] Torajiro Sekazowa (Current since September 2007) [B]Destiny Tag[/B] Hirokazu Yamanoue & Hitomaro Suzuki (Current since November 2007) [B]General Review:[/B] Nothing's changed in the PGHW Developmental territory since the back end of last year. The Roster is still the same, the Champions are still the same and they're still generally putting on better shows than Hinote Dojo. ___________________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=royalblue]World Level Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_WLW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] Japan (Tohoku) [U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U] [B]Owner:[/B] Koji Kojima, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Haru Kurofuji [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Isei Deushi [I]* Deushi's old commentary team partner Takayuki Kajiwara left for PGHW in April.[/I] [B]Road Agents:[/B] Fumihiko Uno , Yoshinaka Toshusai [I](Joined January 2008)[/I] [B]Referees:[/B] Kitihachi Sonoda, Tsughiaru Odaka [I](Joined January 2008)[/I] [B]Managers and Valets:[/B] Ryuzaburo Sugiyama [I](Manager of Straight and True- Magnum Kobe & U.K Dragon)[/I] Mr Miwa [I](Manager of The Great Hisato)[/I] _______________________________________________________________ [U]Popularity[/U] [B]Japan:[/B] C in Hokkaido, Kanto, Kinki and Tohoku/ C- in Chubu, Chugoku, Kyushu and Shikoku [B]Rest of the World:[/B] E- ___________________________________________________________ [B]Finance:[/B] $ 767 141/ [B]Prestige:[/B] C [B]T.V Shows:[/B] WLW Progression ([I]Mondays for 1 Hour at 12 AM on TV Tokyo)[/I] [B]Last Rating:[/B] 0.95 _____________________________________________________________ [B]In:[/B] Tsurayuki Kamachi, Yasuhiko Taira, Pablo Rodriguez, Barei Yasujiro, Nariaki Hitomi (January 2008) [B]Out:[/B] Gesshin Nishihara (May 2008) [B]Touring Only:[/B] Nicolas Lopez (Jan/Feb + Mar/Apr 2008), Lucas Redondo (Apr/May 2008), Ultimate Phoenix (Apr/May 2008), Jacob Jett (Jan/Feb + Mar/Apr 2008) [B]Signed for Next Tour (Starting July):[/B] Kurdt Rogersson, Henry Lee, Fox Mask, Zeus Maximillion [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Lucas Redondo and Kurdt Rogersson are CPU generated workers. Redondo is an ex boxer from Mexico who has turned to wrestling at a fairly late age (he's 30) and has surprisinglt decent skills, whilst Rogersson is a mediocre high flyer from Europe but at only 19 has plenty of room to improve.[/FONT] ____________________________________________________________ [U]Champion Roll Call[/U] [B]WLW Universal[/B] Emerald Angel (November 2007- February 2008) The Awesome Thunder (February-May 2008) Emerald Angel (Current since May 2008) [B]WLW Showstealer[/B] The Incredible Koyama (November 2007-January 2008) Koki Ishibashi (January-February 2008) U.K Dragon (February-April 2008) Magnum KOBE (April-May 2008) Barei Yasujiro (Current since May 2008) [B]Tag Team[/B] Straight and True [I](U.K Dragon & Magnum Kobe)[/I] (August 2007-February 2008) Hell Monkey & The Incredible Koyama (February-May 2008) Collateral Damage [I](Kazuma Narato & Tokoyuni Hardcore )([/I]Current since May 2008) [B]General Review:[/B] WLW's own rise to what is considered 'Cult' Status, is further proof that right now wrestling in Japan could be on the verge of another 'boom' period, with the two leading companies at National Level and three others (INSPIRE, GCG and WLW themselves) at Cult Status. They continue with their policy of bringing in Gaijin's on touring contracts, most of them high-flyers that suit the WLW product, Barei Yasujiro made his return after he finally came to terms on a new contract and ex BHOTWG heavyweight Yasuhiko Taira was something of an eye-brow raising acquisition. They also continue to buck the current trend of long title runs, with many title switches during the first half of the year, but given the fact that they run 3 weeks show a week, they probably feel that the frequent title switches are needed to keep things fresh.
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Last Game-World report, before I do the half yearly roster review/roster profiles 'reboot'. Here's a run-down on those that have decided to call it a day in the ring, during the first half of 2008. [B][U][SIZE=3]Worker Retirements [/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U]January[/U][/B] [B]Saeko Hiroyuki - Age 37[/B] Former One Time 5SSW World Champion noted for her Hiroyuki Bomb finisher, had the foresight to hangs up her boots before 5SSW went belly up. [B]Helen Bach - Age 45[/B] Veteran Journey-woman , who did little of note during her career finally realises that not even whoever books the ropey independent shows, cares enough to book her. [B][U]February[/U][/B] [B]Danger Kumasaka Age 54[/B] Respected PGHW veteran and former 2 Time Historic Japan Champion finally decides to hang up the boots. [B]Sam Keith - Age 47[/B] Iconic wrestler considered to be arguably the best American wrestler of his generation, who's 10 World Title runs took in runs in Japan (BHOTWG), Mexico (MPWF), Canada (CGC) and his native U.S.A (SWF) decided to call it a days an active in-ring competitor. [B]Seiko Nanami - Age 39[/B] Booked as a Monster Heel throughout her career, Nanami drew unfortunate comparions to Crusher Ichihara, and was seen as the poor-woman's Crusher throughout a career that never quite took off. Work had been drying up the last few years. [B][U]March[/U][/B] [B]Junnosuke Fukuzawa -Age 47[/B] Solid perfomer who's lack of an X-factor probably prevented him from ever breaking through into the main event, but was seen as a reliable hand and put together a solid resume that included 3 World Tag Team Title reigns in GCG and 2 Historic Japan Title reigns in PGHW. [B]Namiyo Muro- Age 42[/B] Joshi veteran who was well past her prime and getting little work the past few years. [B]Daisetsu Satou- Age 42[/B] Veteran journeyman , who even the biggest know-all smark will struggle to remember, if he ever comes up in a trivia question. [B][U]April[/U][/B] [B]June Butler- Age 37[/B] Probably the first of 5SSW's major performers to hang up the boots, after the leading (actually only) Joshi promotion went out business. Butler was probably the most succesful Gaijin performer in the promotions history, in a career that included all 3 of 5SSW's Titles and took in 2 World Title runs. [B]The Stomper- Age 59[/B] NYCW owner makes his retirement official, even though he wrestled his last match about 2 years ago. [B]May[/B] [I]No Retirements[/I] June [B]Black Widow- Age 36[/B] AAA veteran decided to call it a day, after losing Top Contenders Title to Katherine Goodlooks. [B]Demon Anger- Age 49[/B] One half of legendary Tag Team Demon's of Rage (alongside Demon Spite) in a career that took in Tag Championships in both of Canada's major promotions CGG and NOTBPW, in Japan with GCG and most notably in the U.S with HGC/TCW where they held the titles 4 times. Anger also briefly found singles success with a run as the Extreme champion in DaVE back in 1993. [B]Miss Mexico- Age 36[/B] Most noted for both her flame red hair and a feud with rising women's star Joanne Rodriguez in CZCW at the turn of the millenium, her career never quite took off like that of her more well known rival and found little work during the past few years.
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3]Mid Year Roster Review 2008 (Part One A-G)[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]This is the first part of a series of Roster Reviews. Those that featured during the last tour, but won't be coming back for the next tour, will be reviewed after those who will be returning for the next tour. Then after that will be profiles on any new additons made during the off-season[/I]. [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]Elemental [COLOR=blue]Americana[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record:[/B] 20-1-10 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] A* [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Popularity:[/B] B+ [B]Height:[/B]5 ft 10 , [B]Weight:[/B] 195 Ib [B][U]Move Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers:[/B] Elemental Driver (Double Underhook Power-Bomb),Inferno Splash (Corkscrew 450) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Assortment of kicks- special combination Tri-Fecta Kick Series (Two Roundhouse kicks followed by a jumping heel kick), Springboard/Handspring Back Elbow, Enziguri [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Hurracarrana, Spinning Head Scissors, Arm-Drag (including springboard arm-drag), Leg-Whip, Diving DDT, Tornado DDT, Somersault DDT, Springboard Inverted DDT. [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Elemental Suplex (Double-Arm German Suplex), Butterfly Suplex, Belly to Back Superplex , Falcon Arrow, Rolling Cutter. [B]Aerial:[/B] Quebrada, Moonsault, Arabian Press, Flying Cross Body, Handspring Somersault Plancha, Frogsplash [B]Submissions:[/B] Surfboard, Elemental Clutch, Half Crab. Starting the previous Tour as just simply Americana, the Elemental influenced Junior Division star has an excellent first half of 2007, winning the first ever Burning-X match to claim his first reign as Burning Junior Champion and then defending the title memorably twice in one night at Inferno/Best of the Super Juniors, completing the Junior double at the same time by winning the Best of the Super Juniors Cup. His impressive performances as Junior Champion, caught the eye of his idol the original Elemental, who deemed that he had now found the man to further carry on the Elemenal Legacy as Elemental III. However things turned sour, when rival Sensational Dragon attacked Elemental and stole the Elemental III mask. Now with Elemental included as part of his ring name, Americana then made it his mission to get the mask back and return pride to the Elemental legacy. But the tour ended on a down-note for the 'Elemental III in waiting' losing to Sensational Dragon at Sword of Destiny in a match that was for possession of both the Burning Junior Title and the Elemental III mask. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=navy]Bulldozer [COLOR=navy]Brandon [/COLOR]Smith[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B] 6-0-14 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] B [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Popularity:[/B] D- [B]Height:[/B]6 ft 6 , [B]Weight:[/B] 295 Ib [B][U]Move-Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers:[/B] Back-Drop Driver, Atomic Driller (Texas Pile-Driver) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Repeated Fore-Arm Smashes, Lariat, 3 Point Tackle, Running Hip Attack. [B]Transitional/Counter-Attack:[/B] Hammerlock Armbreaker DDT [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Vertical Suplex, German Suplex, Belly to Belly Suplex, Gutwrench Suplex, Pump-Handle Slam, Side-Slam,Fall-Away Slam, Running Power-Slam, Half Nelson Backbreaker. The first year or so of the former College Football stand-out's wrestling career has been very much about giving him an on the job in-ring education, and that has meant alot of jobbing. However his performances were deemed good enough to finally earn him a written contract and he is now viewed by the fans as someone who could legitimately start climbing the ladder. _____________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3]Chuichi [COLOR=mediumturquoise][COLOR=teal]Sanda[/COLOR] [/COLOR][I](Raging [COLOR=teal]Bulls[/COLOR])[/I][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour :[/B] 4-0-15 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] B+ [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B [B]Popularity:[/B] C- [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft , [B]Weight:[/B] 255 Ib [B][U]Move-Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers:[/B] Explosion Kick (Spin Kick) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Super-Kick, Ed Henson Press, 'Deacon' Knee Lift, Soccer Kick, Close Fist Punches. [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Leg-Sweep, Chop-Block [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Exploder Suplex, Sit-Out Power-Bomb, German Suplex, Belly to Belly Suplex [I][B]With Eiji Hamacho as Raging Bulls:[/B] [/I] [I][B]Finisher:[/B] Raging Impact (Spear-Hamacho, followed by Super-Kick- Sanda)[/I] [I][B]Move-Set:[/B] Battering Ram, Double Hip-Toss, Double Elbow-Drop, Double Vertical Suplex, Double Flap-Jack.[/I] One year on from losing the World Tag Tag Team Titles to Size of the Fight, The Raging Bulls have gradually slid down the Tag Team pecking order, to the point where they are no longer seen as viable threat to the Tag Titles, staying just about respectable enough to be called a jobber team. Fact is their best days looks to be behind them, as fresher more vibrant tandems headed up by Size of the Fight and also including the likes of P.I.N.K and DANGER AHEAD surge on past. Chuichi Sanda feels that he probably deserves better and that he should be getting more of a push either as part of the Raging Bulls or as singles performer, but compared to a good portion of the roster, he is an average at best worker , who can no longer be seen as a hot new prospect to gradually build up through the ranks. Unfortunately for him and his Raging Bulls partner, they are ideal material as solid but unspectacular veterans, serving as gate-keepers to the mid-card. [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [U][B][SIZE=3]Dynamite Narahashi[/SIZE][/B][/U] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DynamiteNarahashi.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B] 1-0-15 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] B [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B- [B]Popularity:[/B] D- [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft 3 , [B]Weight:[/B] 235 Ib [U][B]Move-Set[/B][/U] [B]Finishers:[/B] Dynamite Crunch (Double-Knee Face-breaker) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Knee Strikes, Shoot-Kick, Chinbreaker [B]Transitional/Counter-Attack:[/B] Reverse STO, Double Knee Gutbuster, Chop Block, Whiplash, Arm Bar Takedown. [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Snap Suplex, Wheelbarrow Suplex, Rolling Cutter, Front Suplex [B]Submissions:[/B] Cross-Arm Breaker, Dragon Sleeper. Yes you did read that right Dynamite Narahashi, actually won a match this tour, though it was against now departed veteran uber-jobber Toshiki Shibanumo during Dark Time. [LEFT]With average ring-skills and little else to suggest that he will become a star, Narahashi's job in BHOTWG on most nights will be to JOB, and whils that isn't really helping his career on a personal level, he still has 10 months left on his career, so that'll be another 10 months of staring up at the lights. [/LEFT] [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=blue]Eagle [COLOR=olive]Kawasawa[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][COLOR=olive] [/COLOR] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EagleKawasawa.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B] 5-1-14 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] B+ [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B- [B]Popularity:[/B] C [B]Height:[/B] 5ft 8 , [B]Weight:[/B] 185 Ib [U][B]Move-Set[/B][/U] [B]Finishers :[/B] Vision Quest ( Shining Wizard- Enzuigiri) , Spread Eagle (Bridging Grounded- Double Chicken Wing) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Diving Elbow Drop, Enzuigiri, Spin-Kick, Double-Stomp, Leg Lariat, Guillotine Leg-Drop [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Dragon Screw, Spinning Leg-Sweep [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Slinghsot Suplex, Falcon Arrow, Eagle -Plex (Cross-Face Chickewing Suplex), Turbuckle Power-Bomb [B]Aerial:[/B] Flying Neckbreaker, Flying Cross-Body, Drop-Kick, Flying Head-Scissors Take Down Something of a disappointment since he came into BHOTWG, Kawasawa's not really done anything to justify the two year written contract, he was handed to him this time last year. Despite that Eagle Kawasawa is still a useful roster member, as he provides a reasonably decent option for main eventers and rising mid-carders to get a solid win over. Obviously to look half-decent he has to get the odd win here and there himself __________________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3]Eiji [COLOR=teal]Hamacho [/COLOR][I](Raging [COLOR=teal]Bulls[/COLOR])[/I][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B] 6-0-16 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] B+ [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B [B]Popularity:[/B] C- [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft 2, [B]Weight:[/B] 295 Ib [B][U]Move-Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers:[/B] Hamacho Sledge 2K (Samoan Driver) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Spear, Roaring Elbow, Running Clothesline, Fire-Mans Carry Drop into a Backbreaker/Gutbuster. [B]Transitional Counter-Attack:[/B] Chop Block [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Belly to Back Suplex, Belly to Belly Suplex, German Suplex, Delayed Vertical Suplex, Gutwrench Suplex, Pump Handle Driver, Scoop Power-Slam, Death Valley Driver [I](Raging Bulls Move-Set See Chuichi Sanda)[/I] Out of the two Raging Bulls, Eiji Hamacho is probably the better worker and had their ages been the other way round, I may well have considered splitting the team and giving Hamacho the singles push, that never quite came his way during his career. But I'm looking to build BHOTWG for the future, and at 40 years of age, his opportunity for a sustained singles push has more than likely come and gone. ___________________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=deepskyblue][COLOR=deepskyblue]Elemental [/COLOR][COLOR=deepskyblue]II[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][COLOR=deepskyblue] [/COLOR] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B] 17-1-12 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A* [B]Popularity:[/B] B [B]Height:[/B] 5 ft 10 , [B]Weight:[/B] 195 Ib [B][U]Move-Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers:[/B] Earth Breaker (Cradle Pile-driver), Inferno Splash (Corkscrew 450) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves[/B]: Assortment of kicks- special combination Tri-Fecta Kick Series (Two Roundhouse kicks followed by a jumping heel kick), Enziguri, Elemental Daze Kick. [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Hurracarrana, Spinning Head Scissors, Arm-Drag (including springboard arm-drag), Leg-Whip, Diving DDT, Tornado DDT, Somersault DDT [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Elemental Driver (Double Underhook Power Bomb),Elemental Suplex (Double-Arm German Suplex), Butterfly Suplex, Belly to Back Superplex [B]Aerial:[/B] Quebrada, Moonsault, Flying Cross Body, Handspring Somersault Plancha. [B]Submissions:[/B] Elemental Clutch, Figure Four Leglock, Surfboard, Cross-Arm Breaker Even at the ripe old age of 45, Elemental II can still 'go' as good as anyone on the roster, and he tasted more championship glory when teaming with 'HorrIno' to win the inaugral Trio's Tournament and honour that also earned all three men a World Title Shot to be 'cashed in' anytime within a year. Ino cashed in his straight away but Elemental II and Horri are still to cash in their shots. The rest of the tour, saw Elemental II fighting to keep hold of his status as one of the leading lights of the Junior Division. Whilst Elemental Americana had now surpassed Elemental II as the main rival to Sensational Dragon at the very top of the division, the Junior legend has gradually started to build a rivalry with SUKI, especially since the c0cky up and comer beat Elemental II in the semi-finals of the Best of the Super Juniors Cup, denying Elemental II a spot in the 3-way main event of the Inferno/Best of the Super Juniors Pay Per View. [CENTER]_____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [SIZE=3][B][U][COLOR=olive]Golden [/COLOR]Scorpion[/U][/B][SIZE=2] [/SIZE][/SIZE] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B] 14-0-15 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] B [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A* [B]Popularity:[/B] C+ [B]Height:[/B] 5ft 10 , [B]Weight:[/B] 200 Ib [B][U]Move-Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers:[/B] Scorpion Stinger (Rolling Wheel-Kick), Golden Shot (Springboard Leg-Drop) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Enziguri, Jawbreaker , Double Stomp. Standing Drop-Kick. [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Sunset Flip, Hurracanrana, Implant DDT, Inverted DDT, Front Flip Neckbreaker, Spinning Toe Hold. [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Brainbuster, Northern Lights Suplex, Snap Suplex, Sunset Flip Power-Bomb [B]Aerial:[/B] Missile Drop-Kick, Springboard Drop-Kick, Corner to Corner Missile Drop-Kick, Standing Drop-Kick, Leg Lariat, Moonsault, Frog-Splash, Quebrada, Flying Cross Body [B]Submissions:[/B] STF [I][B][U]( With Rhino Umaga as DANGER AHEAD)[/U][/B] [/I] [I][B]Finisher:[/B] Double The Danger (Rhino Charge followed by the Scorpion Stinger)[/I] [I][B]Move-Set:[/B] Body-Slam/Power Bomb Umaga) into senton/leg-drop/moonsault (Scorpion), Suplex (Umaga), followed by senton/iving leg-drop (Scorpion), Backbreaker rack (Umaga) followed by Double stomp into standing moonsault Scorpion), Drop Kick (Scorpion) assisted vertical suplex (Umaga). Cross-Body (Scorpion)-assisted Fall-Away Slam (Umaga).[/I] Pretty much directionless during 2007, Junior Division mid-carder Golden Scorpion finally started to get some more focused direction during the first half of 2008. Often teaming with The Awesome Kiyaru early in the tour, they started a low-key under-card feud with P.I.N.K soon being joined by former Silver Dragon Feet member Rhino Umaga in their battle's against the face-painted trio. When the decision was made to begin re-pushing Kiyaru as a singles star towards the end of the tour. Scorpion and Umaga started to team up together more, eventually leading to the tandem becoming a full time gig for the pair...highlighted by the fact that they had a fully fleged team name by the end of the tour 'DANGER AHEAD'. Combining the raw power of Rhino Umaga, with the agility and speed of Golden Scorpion.....DANGER AHEAD look as though they could be a real threat in the tag ranks heading in to the second half of 2008.
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3]Mid Year Roster Review 2008 (Part Two H-R)[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [B][U][SIZE=3]Heiachiro Sakai[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HeihachiroSakai_alt2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B] 2-0-21 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] B+ [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B- [B]Popularity:[/B] E+ [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft 3 , [B]Weight:[/B] 250 Ibs [U]Move-Set[/U] [B]Finishers:[/B] Sakai Suplex (Cobra Clutch Suplex), Proton Lock (Bridging Cobra Clutch) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Knee-Drop, Lariat, Running Elbow Smash, Atomic Drop, Cobra Clutch Backbreaker, Pendulum Backbreaker [B]Transitional Counter Attack:[/B] Drop Toe Hold, Hip-Toss, Neck-Snap, Snap DDT, Running DDT [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Cobra Clutch Slam, Fall Away Slam, Airplane Spin Toss, Belly to Back Suplex, German Suplex, Release German Suplex, Vertical Suplex, Swinging Neckbreaker [B]Submissions:[/B] Cobra Clutch, Indian Death-Lock. A former All-Japan Champion in Hinote Dojo, was seen as good enough to graduate to the main BHOTWG roster. Much of the tour has seen Sakai getting an in-ring lesson from more-seasoned opponents and he has yet to register his first big win, his two wins came in Dark Matches against fellow 'jobbers'. However he has shown plenty of potential and he will be hoping to make more of a mark as he embarks on his second Tour with BHOTWG. [CENTER]_________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]Hell [/COLOR][COLOR=darkred]Monkey [I]([COLOR=gray]Silver[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Dragon[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Feet[/COLOR])[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkeyB.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B] 14-2-11 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A* [B]Popularity:[/B] B- [B]Height:[/B] 5 ft 11 , [B]Weight:[/B] 212 Ib [U][B]Move-Set[/B][/U] [B]Finishers:[/B] Tumbling Monkey (450 Splash), Hell Fire Kick (Cartwheel into a Jumping High Kick) [B]Rarely used Finisher:[/B] Tumbling Monkey II (630 Splash) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Multiple shoot-kicks to the head, double stomp, elbow drop, twisting elbow drop, Standing Drop-Kick, Knife Edge Chops, Roaring Elbow, Yazuka Kick, Roundhouse Kick, Jumping Roundhouse kick, Running Knee, Enziguri, Double Knee Backbreaker. [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] STO, Spinning leg-sweep, Spinning Head-Scissors Take Down, Hurracanrana, Crucifix Bomb, Tornado DDT, Springboard Bull-Dog [B]Submissions:[/B] Head-Scissors Arm-Bar, Dragon Sleeper, Rope hung crucifix arm-bar [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Dragon Suplex, German Suplex, Rolling German Suplex, Fisherman Suplex, Running Power-Bomb, Sunset Flip Power-Bomb [B]Aerial:[/B] Frog Splash, Diving Elbow Drop, Missile Drop-Kick, Diving Headbutt, Top Rope Double Stomp, Top rope Double knee drop, Quebrada, Slingshot Leg-Drop. Hell Monkey made his entry into BHOTWG under the mysterious guise of a generic masked worker, called Shiner. Shiner soon revealed himself as Hell Monkey, who immediatly joined up with Silver Dragon Feet, taking Rhino Umaga's spot in the dominant heel faction. Hell Monkey brings a slightly different style to the Junior Division, bringing more of an emphasis to wearing his opponents down with ultra stiff strikes, whilst still being able to mix it up with the usual speed and agility expected of a Junior Heavyweight. His versatility means that he's also able to mix it up with the heavyweights and he's been surprisingly consistant throughout the entire tour, I think that consistency comes down to the fact that I've tended to back away from using him when he's obviously in a knackered state, this is due to his other commitments in WLW and INSPIRE. It's those other commitments that prevent him from getting a more focused push, because when available his work has generally been of a consitently good quality. ___________________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3]Hiroaki [COLOR=sienna]Nakasawa[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningWorld.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B] 20-0-9 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] A* [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Popularity:[/B] A [B]Height:[/B] 6ft 3 , [B]Weight:[/B] 280 Ib [B][U]Move-Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers :[/B] H-Bomb (Spin-Out Power Bomb), Nakasawa Neckbreaker (Inverted Face-Lock Neckbreaker) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Fore-Arm Smash, Lariat, Repeated Back Hand Chops, Double Knee Backbreaker, Drop Kick [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Back-Body Drop, Hammerlock Divorce-Court [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Uranage, Northern -Lights Suplex, German Suplex, Release German Supex, Delayed Vertical Suplex, Belly to Back Super-Plex, Power Bomb, Swinging Neckbreaker [B]Aerial:[/B] Flying Fore-Arm Smash, Cross-Body Block [B]Submissions:[/B] STF, Cross-Face Nakasawa spent pretty much the whole of the Samurai Spirit Tour chasing his nemesis Hooded Kudo for the World Championship, after two frustrating/dubious losses to Hooded Kudo on previous pay per views, the chase finally paid off for Nakasawa in the final match of the tour, defeating Kudo in a Steel-Cage Match, to begin Nakasawa's second reign as World Champion. Last time Nakasawa held the Burning World Title for an entire year, but with the field of challengers possibly the strongest it has been for a good number of years, it'll be even more of an achievement if Nakasawa could match or surpass his previous title run. _________________________________________________________________________ [SIZE=3][B][U][COLOR=darkgreen]Hooded[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Kudo [/COLOR][I]([COLOR=dimgray]Silver [COLOR=red]Dragon [/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=darkgreen]Feet)[/COLOR][/I][/U][/B] [/SIZE] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B]19-0-11 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] A* [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Popularity:[/B] A [B]Height:[/B] 6ft , [B]Weight:[/B] 240 Ib [U][B]Move Set[/B][/U] [B]Finishers:[/B] Kudo Kutter (TKO), Kudo-Lock (Inverted STF), Kudo-Driver '99 (Cross Arm Pile-Driver) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Shining Wizard, Drop Kick, Enziguri, Yazuka Kick, Face-Wash, Knife Edge Chops [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] STO, Side Russian Leg-Sweep,Crucifix Bomb, Drop Toe Hold, Spike DDT, Dragon Screw Leg-Whip [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Proto Kudo Driver (Belly to Back Piledriver), Death Valley Driver, Iconoclasm, Dragon Suplex [B]Aerial:[/B] Moonsault, Flying Lariat [B]Submissions:[/B] STF, Surfboard The Silver Dragon Feet leader had to deal with growing un-rest within the once dominant faction, that was fueled by Shimedzu winning the Super 10-Cup at the end of the previous tour (and thus earning a World Title Shot), plus he had the none too small problem of rival Hiroaki Nakasawa being determined to take back the World Title. Kudo managed to find a way (often via questionable tactics) to hang on to the World Title throughout the entire tour, until his method's finally caught up with him. Booked to face rival Nakasawa in a Cage Match for the World Title at Sword of Destiny, not even his big match experience could save him as Nakasawa finally got revenge for all the times Kudo and his Silver Dragon Feet chronies had screwed him out of the title. Looking at things now from a non Kayfabe perspective, the iconic Kudo, had a strong 10 month reign as the Champion, taking in 10 high quality defences, helping to further rebuild the prestige of a World Title, that had lost it's way in preceding years. However at 44 years old, it's likely to be his last reign with the belt, but like Elemental II in the Junior Division he remains one of the best workers on the roster, despite the advancing years, so he'll still have a strong role of play in the forseeable future. _________________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]Hyosuke Kokan [I](Size [COLOR=black]of the[/COLOR] Fight)[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningWorldTag.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record[/B] : 16-0-14 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] A* [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B+ [B]Popularity:[/B] B- [B]Height:[/B] 5ft 7, [B]Weight:[/B] 190 Ib [B][U]Move Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers:[/B] Electric Shocker Clutch (Sitting Double-Chicken Wing), Cannonball (Front-Flip Senton) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Suicide Dive, Enziguri, Drop-Kick [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Tornado DDT, Tilt-A-Whirl Head-Scissors, Sunset Flip, La Magistral Cradle, Leg-Sweep. [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex, Double Chicken-Wing Suplex, Belly to Back Superplex [B]Aerial:[/B] Flying Elbow Smash, Slingshot Leg-drop, Flying Drop-Kick, Seated Senton, Quebrada, Leg-Lariat [B]Submissions:[/B] Cross Face Chicken Wing [I][B][U]With Kansuke Konda as Size of the Fight:[/U][/B] [/I] [I][B]Finisher:[/B] Final Impact (Flapjack/DDT combination)[/I] [I]Move-Set: Stereo Tornado DDT's, Russian Leg-Sweep/Neckbreaker combination, Double Cutter, Double Flap-Jack,Stereo Suicide Dives, Double Drop-Kick, Double Top-Rope Leg-drop, Double Slingshot Inverted Suplex, Legsweep/Flying Cross Body Combinaton, Slingshot Catapult- Missile Drop Kick Combination)[/I] The Samurai Spirit Tour, saw Size of the Fight finally get their hands on the World Tag Team Titles once again, as they finally got one over on the team that ended their first reign so abruptly...The Rebellion. A win in a 2/3 Falls match over the then Silver Dragon Feet duo confirmed that Size of the Fight were here to stay as champions, this time round and they have since gone on to make six defences of the titles. As has been the case of the past few years, Kokan continues to look like the weaker link of the team (probably because he is), often struggling to get victories when placed in singles competition. Right now with the Junior Division so strong, he's unlikely to start breaking through as a singles performer and has built a solid niche for himself as a tag team specialist. _________________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3]Kansuke Konda ([COLOR=red]Size[/COLOR] of the [COLOR=red]Fight[/COLOR])[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningWorldTag.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B] 23-0-14 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] A* [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Popularity:[/B] B [B]Height:[/B] 5ft 9, [B]Weight:[/B] 205 Ib [B][U]Move Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers:[/B] Big Fight Stunner (Ace-Crusher), Konda Driver (Fisherman Driver) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Suicide Dive, Tope-Con-Hilo (Suicide Senton), Mushroom Stomp, Flurry of Fore-Arm Strikes, Roaring Elbow, Drop-Kick [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Tornado DDT, Sunset Flip, Springboard Bull-Dog, Running Bull-Dog [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Fisherman Suplex, Cross-Arm German Suplex, Northern Lights Suplex, Sunset Flip Power-Bomb [B]Aerial:[/B] Diving Elbow Drop, Missile Drop Kick, Flying Fore-Arm [B]Submissions:[/B] Dragon Sleeper [I](Size of the Fight Move-Set See Hyosuke Kokan)[/I] As one half of Size of the Fight, Kansuke Konda once again tasted Championship glory alongside his partner Hyosuke Kokan, after claiming the World Tag Team Titles for the second time. Towards the end of 2007, and beginning of 2008 it looked as if though Konda might break out as a singles performer in his own right, and whilst he has continued to put in good performances and looks the most likely to forge a solid singles career, should SOTF be broken up, he hasn't quite broken through. The main reason behind a Konda singles push being put on ice for now, is that there is still plenty of mileage left in Size of the Fight as a team, and with The Rebellion now broken up, they are now the benchmark standard for the Tag Division. Plus, Konda may now be a few years past 30, he still has plenty of time to get that full blown singles push, many fans are wanting to see. ______________________________________________________________________ [SIZE=3][COLOR=red][B][U]Kenko Takemitsu (Pacific Express)[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Kenko-Alt1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B] 9-0-17 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B [B]Popularity:[/B] C- [B]Height:[/B] 6ft 1, [B]Weight:[/B] 205 Ib [U][B]Move-Set[/B][/U] [B]Finishers:[/B] Canada -2-Japan (Cobra Clutch-Suplex) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Cobra Clutch Back-breaker, Gutbuster, Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker, Reverse STO Backbreaker, Enziguri, Running Knee [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Implant DDT, STO, Reverse STO, Running Bull-Dog, Crucifix Bomb, Jawbreaker [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Fisherman Suplex, Snap Suplex, Brainbuster, Rolling Cutter [B]Aerial:[/B] Flying Clothesline, Missile Drop-Kick, Diving Leg-Drop, Diving Elbow Drop [B]Submissions:[/B] Cobra Clutch, Stone-Hold (Sharpshooter) [I][B][U]With Shingen Miyazaki as The Pacific Express:[/U][/B] [/I] [I][B]Finisher:[/B] Pacification (Enziguri assisted- Reverse STO)[/I] [I][B]Move-Set:[/B] Spin-Kick (Miyazaki) into Jawbreaker (Takemitsu), Leg-sweep/Flying Clothesline Combination, Double Russian Leg-Sweep, Drop-Kick (Takemitsu) assisted Vertical Suplex (Miyazaki), Double Submission (Usually Cobra Clutch and Ankle-Lock applied at the same time), Flapjack (Miyazaki) into Gut-Buster (Takemitsu), Double Team Snap Suplex, Uranage Back-Breaker (Miyazaki) followed by Diving Leg-Drop (Takemitsu).[/I] As was alluded to in his end of year profile for 2007, Kenko Takemitsu managed to step up the ladder from the job-fodder status he previously held on the roster, and the way to do that would to put him in a tag team. An upset win over Chuichi Sanda early in the tour, proved to be the spark that saw him team up with fellow NOTBPW alumnus Shingen Miyazaki (who also beat the other Raging Bull Eiji Hamacho on the same show). A win over the Bulls the following show whilst teaming together led to the team becoming a full-time priority for both workers and thus The Pacific Express was born. So far the team has seen moderate success, earning a lone Title-Shot for the World Tag Team Titles and generally trading wins with fellow mid-card tag team such as P.I.N.K _________________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3]Kinnojo [COLOR=seagreen]Horri[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B] 18-1-10 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] A* [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Popularity:[/B] B+ [B]Height:[/B] 6ft 4, [B]Weight:[/B] 295 Ib [B][U]Move-Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers:[/B] Destiny Bomb (Argentine Power-Bomb), Burning Lariat (Explosive Short-Arm Lariat) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Lariat, Running Clothesline, Fore-Arm Smash, Elbow Smash, Belly to Back Backbreacker [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Back Body Drop [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] German Suplex, Belly to Belly Suplex,Vertical Suplex, Sit-out Pile-driver, Power-Bomb, Sit-Out Power Bomb, Fall-Away Slam , Fire-Mans Carry Power-Slam. The heavyweight powerhouse found further success teaming with Koshiro Ino , as alongside Elemental II , the experienced trio won the inaugral trio's tournament, which all earned them a shot at the World Title to be cashed in anytime during the year. So far Horri seems to be waiting it out, as to when he should take his opportunity. Another high point saw HorrIno, win a match that caused the long term break up of rivals 'The Rebellion. However the tour has not been without it's low points for Horri, a pair of upset losses to c0cky up and comer SUKI, saw his main event spot in jeopdardy, but a win over SUKI and Masuno , alongside Elemental II where the respective World Title Shots were on the line saw Horri end the tour on a high note. With a World Tag Team Title Shot promised to come his way and a World Title Shot still to cash in, Horri will have plenty of opportunity to go after Championship Gold during the second half of 2008. _________________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkgreen]Koshiro [COLOR=black]Ino[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KoshiroIno.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record[/B] : 15-0-10 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] A* [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Popularity:[/B] B [B]Height:[/B] 6ft 3, [B]Weight:[/B] 290 Ib [B][U]Move-Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers:[/B] POWAAAH SUUURRGGE !!! (Double handed sit-out Choke-Slam)/ Kobra's Bite (Jumping High Knee Strike ) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Shoulder Tackle, Corner Splash, Clothesline, Leaping Lariat, Yazuza Kick, Back Snapper (High Elevation- Spinebuster) , Axe Kick [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Back Body Drop [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] German Suplex, Sit-Out Power-Bomb, Jack-Knife Power Bomb, Gorilla Press- Slam Scoop Lift Power-Slam, Running Power-Slam [B]Aerial:[/B] Flying Double Axe-Handle [B]Submissions:[/B] Torture Rack Bit of a mixed tour for the 'POWAAAH and Paint' Star, as 'HorrIno' lost the Tag Titles back to The Rebellion, before they could really go on a run with the belts. However as previously mentioned they did go on to win the Trio's Tournament along-side Junior Legend Elemental II. Unlike this winning partners Koshiro Ino felt fired up enough to go after his former mentor Hooded Kudo straight away , but like the other times he challenged for the title he came up just short. The rest of the tour was a bit of roller-coaster ride, with high's (the big win over The Rebellion, that caused the break-up of the team that replaced himself and Horri in Silver Dragon Feet) and low's , like Horri he fell victim to an 'upset' loss from rising star SUKI and a nagging neck injury that has forced plans for HorrIno to put their tag title shot on ice. In fact the neck injury looks a real problem (not helped by the fact that he also works for PGHW, and they don't seem to realise that resting him up will help him heal up better), and whilst it will not end his career, if it carries on for much longer it will effect the quality of Ino's work in the ring. ___________________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=magenta]Marihito Masuko ([I]P.I.N.K)[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B] 11-0-19 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] A* [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B+ [B]Popularity:[/B] C+ [B]Height:[/B] 5ft 6, [B]Weight:[/B] 155 Ib [B][U]Move-Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers:[/B] Masuko Cradle Shock (Reverse STO), Into The White (Springboard Bull-Dog) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Double Foot Stomp, Reverse STO Backbreaker, Enziguri [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Legsweep DDT, Springboard Arm-Drag, STO, Russian Leg-Sweep, Monkey Flip, Sunset Flip, Spinning Head Scissors Takedown, Hurracanrana, Small Package, Dragon Screw [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Capture Suplex, Elemental Suplex [B]Aerial:[/B] Senton, Flying Neckbreaker, Slingshot Plancha, Quebrada, Top rope Double Knee Drop [B]Submissions:[/B] Figure Four Leglock , Surfboard [B][U][I]With Tadakuni Toshusai as P.I.N.K - Version 1[/I][/U][/B] [I][B]Finisher:[/B] P.I.N.K Daze (Elevated Flying Neckbreaker)[/I] [I][B]Move-Set:[/B] Bodyslam (Toshusai) into Senton (Masuko), Flapjack (Toshusai) into flying clothesline or drop-kick (Masuko) , Missile Launch (Toshusai military presses Masuko over head then throws Masuko into/onto opponents- often too the outside). 'High/Low' (Legsweep Masuko/Clothesline Toshusai), Senton (Masuko) onto opponent locked into Torture Rack Hold (Toshusai).[/I] [B][U][I]With Mokuami Maita as P.I.N.K - Version 2[/I][/U][/B] [I][B]Move-Set:[/B] Monkey-Flip (Masuko) into Drop-Kick Maita, Surfboard (Masuko), followed by Double Stomp (Maita), Double Drop Toe Hold, Bow and Arrow Hold (Maita) followed by Senton (Masuko), Double Enziguri.[/I] It should be said that the diminutive leader of the P.I.N.K faction has worked his way out of the slump that de-railed his career during 2007. However P.I.N.K find themselves in a mid-card quagmire, battling for position with the likes of DANGER AHEAD and The Pacific Express. With Masuko as the leader of the faction, it could be said that he is the most likely to break out into performing as a singles performer once again. In 2006 he won the Burning Junior Championship, with the backing of P.I.N.K can Masuko once again find the same form, that took him to the top of the Junior Division ? _________________________________________________________________________ [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=red][COLOR=gray]Miyamae[/COLOR] [/COLOR][I]([COLOR=gray]Silver [/COLOR][COLOR=green]Dragon [/COLOR][COLOR=red]Feet[/COLOR])[/I][/SIZE][/B] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B] 15-3-17 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] A* [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Popularity:[/B] B [B]Height:[/B] 6ft [B]Weight:[/B] 230 Ib [B][U]Move-Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers:[/B] Miyamae Spoiler (Hangmans Facebuster), Snake Poison (Anaconda Vice) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Face-Wash, Enziguri, Shoot Kick, Uranage Backbreaker [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Elevated DDT, STO, Dragon Screw Leg-Whip, Drop Toe Hold. [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Exploder Suplex, Slingshot Suplex, Wheelbarrow Suplex, Rolling Cutter, Uranage, Fisherman Brainbuster [B]Aerial:[/B] Top Rope Leg-drop, Flying Headbutt, Flying Cross-Body, Moonsault [B]Submissions:[/B] Dragon Clutch, Head-Scissors Arm Bar. With the way things fell apart for The Rebellion during the Samurai Spirit Tour, it's somewhat suprising to remember that the Tour started off pretty well for what many consider to be arguably the best Tag Team in the history of BHOTWG. Prior to Fire Dream of the Immortals,The Rebellion regained the Tag Titles from HorrIno, Miyamae beat Tom Gilmore for the Openweight Title and Shimedzu had a World Title Shot coming up, though it was against their faction leadet Hooded Kudo. Fire Dream of the Immortals is where things started to fall apart, when a 'distraction' from Miyamae proved to be the opening that Hooded Kudo needed to retain the World Title and to keep the 'pecking order' within Silver Dragon Feet intact. But from there on there was a clear mistrust between Shimedzu and Miyamae. A similar distraction in reverse caused Miyamae to lose the Openweight belt back to Tom Gilmore and the tension/growing communication issues between the pair obviously played a factor in them losing the tag belts to Size of the Fight. Hooded Kudo, started to grow desperate with the situation, and this eventually led to The Rebellion being put in a match, where should they win the would earn a shot at The Tag Titles, but should they lose, they would be unable to team up in BHOTWG for a whole year....they Lost, effectively splitting the team. A 4 corner survival match, with the stipulaton given that should one or both of them fail to win, they would be kicked out of Silver Dragon Feet. Shimedzu won, but turned on Hooded Kudo, and Miyamae who had been kicked out made the save. Miyamae was welcomed back into Silver Dragon Feet, and immediately started a rivalry with his former tag partner, a rivalry that started to become so fierce that the BHOTWG officials decided to put them in the a Best of 5 Series, where the winner earns a World Title Shot. After the third match at Sword of Destiny, Miyamae goes into the next tour with 2-1 advantage, will he be able prove that he is the better partner or will Shimedzu turn it around and prove that his victory in the Super 10-Cup was more than a flash in the pan. _________________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=magenta]Mokuami [COLOR=black]Maita [/COLOR][I](P.I.N.K)[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MokuamiMaita_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B]7-1-19 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B [B]Popularity:[/B] C [B]Height:[/B] 5ft 10 [B]Weight:[/B] 215 Ib [B][U]Move-Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers:[/B] Ankle-Lock, Assasination Attempt (Running Knee) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Jaw-Breaker, Facebreaker Knee-Smash, Shin Breaker, Drop Kick, Super Kick, Enziguri [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Russian Leg-Sweep, Drop-Toe Hold, Chop Block, Crucifix Bomb [B]Throws & Slams[/B]: German Suplex, Rolling Release Suplex, Spinning Leg-hook Belly to Back Suplex [B]Aerial:[/B] Missile Drop Kick, Top-Rope Knee-Drop. [B]Submissions:[/B] Bow and Arrow, Crucifix Arm Bar [U][B][I]With Tadakuni Toshusai as P.I.N.K - Version 3[/I][/B][/U] [I][B]Move-Set:[/B] Bodyslam (Toshusai) followed by Knee-Drop (Maita), Flapjack (Toshusai) into drop-kick (Maita) , Missile Launch (Toshusai military presses Maita over head then throws Maita into/onto opponents- often too the outside). 'High/Low' (Legsweep Maita/Clothesline Toshusai), Super-Kick (Maita) into Spine-Buster (Toshusai)[/I] After gradually falling down the rankings after losing the Openweight Belt through 2007, Maita under-went a change of attitude, leading to him being the latest recruit to the P.I.N.K, and whilst his win-loss record hasn't really improved, often finding himself as the fall-guy whenever P.I.N.K loses a match, the re-tweaking of his character at the very least means that avoided being pretty much resigned to working the Dark Matches, which is where Maita was probably starting to head towards, had he not joined P.I.N.K. ________________________________________________________________________ [B][SIZE=3][U]Rhino [COLOR=olive]Umaga[/COLOR] [I](DANGER [COLOR=olive]AHEAD[/COLOR])[/I][/U][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B]13-1-15 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B [B]Popularity:[/B] C [B]Height:[/B] 6ft 1 [B]Weight:[/B] 300 Ib [B][U]Move-Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers:[/B] Rhino Charge (High Speed Shoulder Block Takedown) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Headbutt, Throat Thrust, Lariat, Running Knee, Repeated Knee Strikes, Running Lariat into the corner [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Atomic Drop, Inverted Atomic Drop [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] German Suplex, Belly to Belly Suplex, Belly to Back Suplex, Samoan Drop. Swinging Side-Slam, Scoop Power Slam [B]Submissions:[/B] Samoan Crab (Seated Boston Crab) [I]For DANGER AHEAD Move-Set see Golden Scorpion[/I] The Original Plan for Rhino Umaga during the last Tour was to have him kicked out of Silver Dragon Feet, then feud with the man who 'replaced' him in the dominant faction, Hell Monkey. However those plans were rushed through when Umaga failed to gel with Hell Monkey. Umaga lost the feud, due to Hell Monkey being the 'hot' new performer at the time and the man once dubbed the 'Silver Dragon Feet Insurance' Policy found himself directionless. However a new direction was found, as he began to team up with The Awesome Kiyaru and Golden Scorpion, eventually leading to him teaming full time with Scorpion as DANGER AHEAD. The chemistry problems with Hell Monkey were not an isolated incident unfortunately, as Umaga had chemistry issues with a number of opponents in singles matches, thankfully his teaming with Golden Scorpion did not suffer from the same problems and it seems that the Tag Ranks, will be the best place to utitlise the powerful Samoan. It was either that or being landed with an expensive jobber for the next year or so.
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Mid Year Roster Review 2008 (Part Two S-Z)[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/U][SIZE=2][/CENTER] [U][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Sean [COLOR=gray]McFly[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/U] [/SIZE][/B][SIZE=2] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B] 19-2-5 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] A* [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Popularity:[/B] B [B]Height:[/B] 6 Ft, [B]Weight:[/B] 230 Ibs [B]Move-Set[/B] [B]Finishers:[/B] Delorean Driver (Tilt-A Whirl Sit-out Piledriver *), Way of the Future (Springboard Inverted DDT) [I]* McFly whips the opponent off the ropes, spins them over like he's going to deliver a Tilt-A Whirl Backbreaker, but he keeps the momentum going and delivers a sit-out piledriver.[/I] [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Roaring Elbow, Drop Kick, Standing Drop Kick , Enziguri, Super-Kick, Leaping Lariat, Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker, Reverse STO Back-Breaker, Firemans Carry Gutbuster [B]Transitional Counter Attack:[/B] Implant DDT, Inverted DDT, Side Russian Leg-Sweep, Sunset Flip, Crucifix Bomb, STO, Reverse STO [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Northern Lights Suplex, Fisherman Suplex, Vertical Suplex, German Suplex, Rolling Release German Suplex, Death Valley Driver, Sunset Flip Power-Bomb, Brainbuster, Vertical Suplex Pile-driver [B]Aerial:[/B] Missile Drop-Kick, Moonsault, Moonsault Press, Standing Moonsault , Flying Fore-Arm Smash, Frog-Splash, Diving Leg-drop. [B]Submissions:[/B] Stone Hold, Tilt-A Whirl Head Scissors Arm Bar, Crucifix Arm Bar, Boston Crab, Inverted Cloverleaf Having made a name for himself in his native America with SWF, and then in Canada with NOTBPW, the ultra talented Sean McFly can now start to think about adding Japan to his C.V of legendary status. McFly had an excellent tour, culminating in him gaining the Openweight Title from Tom Gilmore after a series of memorable matches between the two, that really helped raise the prestige of the title. What was more impressive was the fact that McFly was able to go the whole tour without being pinned/or submitting, with his 'losses' only coming in multi-man matches where he was the one not involved the deciding fall. Many are now tipping McFly to go on and be the first Openweight Champion, to get to the holy grail of the Ten consecutive Title defences, and on current form it would be hard to back against him. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [U][B][SIZE=3][B][COLOR=navy]Sensational Dragon[/COLOR] [I][COLOR=gray](Silver[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Dragon [/COLOR][COLOR=darkgreen]Feet[/COLOR])[/I][/B][/SIZE][/B][/U] [B]2007 Burning Hammer Record :[/B] 20-0-12 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] A* [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Popularity:[/B] B [B]Height:[/B] 5ft 10 [B]Weight:[/B] 195 Ib [B][U]Move-Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers: [/B]Sensation Shock (Dragon-rana), Dragon Slice (Shiranui) [B]Occasional Finisher: [/B]450 Splash [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Enziguri, Springboard Back Elbow, Flying Spinning Heel Kick, Double Foot Stomp, Roundhouse Kick Combo. [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Springboard Arm-Drag, Dragon Screw Leg-Whip, STO, Hurracanrana, Reverse Hurracanrana,Tornado DDT, Monkey Flip [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Dragon Suplex, Snap Suplex [B]Aerial:[/B] Springboard Drop-Kick, Slingshot Plancha, Quebrada, Flying Elow Drop, Standing Moonsault [B]Submissions:[/B] Dragon Sleeper, Eastern Stretch, Kudo Lock[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]There's not really alot to say about Sensational Dragon, other than what has been said before, He's talented, he's young, he's now a four time Junior Champion and he has the ego to match.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]To see what kind of tour Dragon had, you only need to read Elemental American's review, seeing as they're bitter rivalry was central to the Junior Division throughout the whole tour, a rivalry that has now got more personal due to Sensational Dragon's attack on pioneer Elemental/stealing of the Elemental III mask. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2]___________________________________________________________________________[/SIZE] [U][B][SIZE=2][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive][B]Shimedzu [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/U][B][SIZE=2] [U][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KenShimedzu.jpg[/IMG][/U][/SIZE][/B][SIZE=2] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B] 19-1-16 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] A* [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A* [B]Popularity:[/B] B [B]Height:[/B] 5ft 11 [B]Weight:[/B] 235 Ib [B]Move-Set:[/B] [B]Finishers: [/B]Shimedzu Skull-Drop (Brainbuster DDT) ,Total Anarchy (Moonsault Side-Slam). [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Facewash, Rebel Streak (Machine-Gun Kicks), Springboard Roundhouse Kick , Hesitation Drop-Kick, Shining Wizard, Enziguri, Catapult Back-Breaker, Tilt-A-Whirl Back-Breaker, Gutbuster. [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Swinging DDT, Crucifix Roll, Leg-Whip, STO [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Slingshot Suplex, Dragon Suplex, Falcon-Arrow, Blue Thunder Driver [B]Aerial:[/B] Moonsault, Guillotine Leg-Drop [B]Submissions:[/B] Seated Arm-Bar As was the case with Sensational Dragon's review, you only need to read Miyamae's review to see how Shimedzu's tour went, as the former Championship winning Tag Team partners- come rivals were so intertwined with one another's fortune's. Seeing things from a non kayfabe view-point, in terms of being part of quality matches Shimedzu was actually involved in the most A/A* rated matches on the most consistent basis, but due to having to lose a few matches , his popularity (in Japan) he had built up to around an average of A, has unfortunately dived back down to B. In an ideal world he'd still be an A, because of the quality of matches he has been putting on, but seem's like wins and losses count for everthing in the perception of the fans. ___________________________________________________________________________[/SIZE] [U][B][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]Shingen Miyazaki [I](Pacific Express)[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/B][/U][B][SIZE=2] [U][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ShingenMiyazaki-Alt1.jpg[/IMG][/U] [/SIZE][/B][SIZE=2] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B] 17-0-16 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B [B]Popularity:[/B] C+ [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft 2 , [B]Weight:[/B] 235 Ibs [B][U]Move-Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers:[/B] Good Night (Fire-mans Carry Drop into a Knee Strike), Ankle Lock [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Running High Knee Strike, Shining Wizard, Knife Edged Chops, Standing Drop-Kick, Hesitation Drop Kick, Enziguri, Spin Kick, Shoot Kick, Tilt-A Whirl Backbreaker, Uranage Backbreaker [B]Transitional Counter Attack:[/B] Russian Leg-Sweep, Spinning Leg-Sweep, Inverted DDT, Snapmare, Drop Toe Hold [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Northern Lights Suplex, Fisherman Suplex, Fisherman Driver, Brainbuster, Flapjack, Falcon Arrow, Uranage [B]Aerial:[/B] Diving Leg-Drop, Flying Elbow Drop [B]Submissions[/B]: Grounded Arm-Bar, Cross Knee-Lock, Leglock Cloverleaf [I]For Pacific Express Move-Set see Kenko Takemitsu[/I] Miyazaki has proved to be a solid addition to the Burning Hammer mid-card , where in singles he has earned the occasional Openweight Title Shot, but it's in the Tag Ranks where his focus has been for the most of the tour, teaming up with fellow NOTBPW alumnus Kenko Takemitsu, as the Pacific Express. Despite the fact that Miyazaki and Takemitsu, are the same age Miyazaki is perceived to be the 'senior' member of the team, due to his big match experience in GGC, where he was a fomer GCG Openweight Champion before coming over to BHOTWG. __________________________________________________________________________ [U][B][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=navy]Steve [/COLOR][COLOR=olive]Flash[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/B][/U] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SteveFlash_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B] 4-0-12 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] B [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Popularity:[/B] D+ [B]Height:[/B] 6ft 2, [B]Weight:[/B] 238 Ibs [B]Move-Set:[/B] [B]Finisher:[/B] Flash Bang (Elevated Three Quarter face-lock Cutter) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Enziguri, Super-Kick, Drop Kick, Spinning Back Elbow, Double Under Hook Backbreaker [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] One Handed Bull-Dog, Arm-Drag, Skin The Cat [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] German Suplex, Northern Lights Suplex, Vertical Suplex, Brainbuster, Turbuckle Power-Bomb, Swinging Neckbreaker [B]Aerial:[/B] Diving Leg-drop, Top Rope Elbow Drop, Missile Drop-Kick, Frog-Splash [B]Submissions:[/B] Boston Crab, Figure-Four Leg-Lock Not the best of Tour's for the Canadian veteran. He was well aware at this stage, that he's mostly on the roster to help put the 'homegrown' talent over and whilst his occasional teaming with fellow Gaijin Bulldozer Brandon Smith, was rarely succesful in terms of wins and losses, they did look solid as a tandem and proved useful as a bottom of the rung tandem. What really soured the last tour for Flash, was rupturing is spleen and injury that put him out of action for two months, meaning that he had to miss the remainder of the Tour and miss out on appearing at the NYC Invasion Shows, which served as a severe disappointment to Flash, who also works for New York based independent promotion NYCW. Coming into the next tour, he will still have three months to run on his PPA contract, and will be sticking around for the time-being, beyond that it is uncertain whether or not his contract will be renewed. ________________________________________________________________________[/SIZE] [U][B][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkorange]SUKI[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/B][/U][B][SIZE=2] [U][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SUKI.jpg[/IMG][/U][/SIZE][/B][SIZE=2] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B] 14-0-18 [B]Best Match Rating[/B]: A* [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Popularity:[/B] B- [B]Height:[/B] 5 ft 10, [B]Weight:[/B] 214 Ibs [B][U]Move-Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers:[/B] SUKI Special III (Northern Lights Suplex into Cross Arm-Breaker), Mount SUKI (Top Rope Falcon Arrow) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Running Knee, Roundhouse Kick, Double Stomp [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Head-Scissors Take-Down, STO, Impant DDT [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Northern Lights Suplex, Rolling German Suplex, Release Dragon Suplex, Death Valley Driver, Falcon Arrow [B]Aerial:[/B] Diving Leg-Drop, Flying Lariat. [B]Submissions:[/B] SUKI Special (Cross Arm Breaker), SUKI Special II (Tilt-A-Whirl Head-Scissors into Cross Arm Breaker, Eastern Stretch, Kudo-Lock. Ignore the overall win-loss record , SUKI broke through as a real threat to the elder statesman of the BHOTWG roster, scoring 'upset' victories over the likes of Koshiro Ino, Kinnojo Horri and Elemental II, the latter of which came in the Best of the Super Juniors Cup to reach the Finals. He is not short on confidence either, making a statement that he would win a BHOTWG Title before 2008 is out. His c0cky attiude may win him few friends, but he has the ability to back up his high opinion of himself and he now has the backing of 'hired gun' Yasunobu Masuno in his corner to help assist him with reaching his goals. [CENTER]__________________________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [U][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=magenta]Tadakuni [COLOR=black]Toshusai [/COLOR][I](P.I.N.K)[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/U] [I][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BHOTWG-TadakuniToshusaiPINK.jpg[/IMG][/I] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B] 11-0-13 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] B [B]Popularity:[/B] C [B]Height:[/B] 6ft 3 [B]Weight:[/B] 290 Ib [B]Move-Set:[/B] [B]Finishers: [/B]Shock Treatment (Back-Breaker Drop) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Belly to Back Back-Breaker, Half Nelson Back-Breaker,Spinebuster, Mongolian Chop, Elbow Smash, Corner Clothesline, Fist-Drop [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Back Body Drop [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Vertical Suplex, Belly to Belly Suplex, Sleeper Suplex. Power Bomb, Choke-Slam [B]Submissions:[/B] Sleeper [I](For P.I.N.K Move-Set's see Marihito Masuko and Mokuami Maita)[/I] Toshusai isn't about to break out into singles stardom anytime soon, and he still has plenty of improving to do in the ring, but at only 26 Years of age he still has plenty of time to improve as a performer and it's generally thought that when heavyweight workers like Toshusai hit 30, that is when they start hitting their peak. For the moment, he's established himself a solid spot in the mid-card as the 'muscle' of the P.I.N.K faction. [CENTER]__________________________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [U][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive][COLOR=sienna]The [/COLOR]Awesome [COLOR=sienna]Kiyaru[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/U] [COLOR=olive][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record :[/B] 17-1-14 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] A8 [B]Average Match Rating[/B]: B [B]Popularity:[/B] C+ [B]Height:[/B] 5ft 8 [B]Weight:[/B] 180 Ib [B][U]Move-Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers: [/B]Kiyaru Effect (Forward somersault three-quarter facelock bulldog )/ Magic Cloud (Imploding 450 Splash) [B]Occasional Finisher[/B]: Shooting Star Press [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Awesome Mirage (2 Spinning Heel-Kicks, then a Roundhouse Kick), Uranage Backbreaker [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Tilt-A-Whirl Head-Scissors, Tornado DDT, Spinning Leg-Sweep, Springboard Arm-Drag , Standing Shiranui [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Falcon Arrow, Inverted Falcon Arrow, Uranage, Elemental Suplex [B]Aerial:[/B] Moonsault (often done in a triple jump motion), Quebrada, Somersault Plancha, Corkscrew Senton, Quebrada, Arabian Press, Springboard Shooting Star-Press, Frog-Splash [B]Submissions:[/B] Single Leg Boston Crab Junior Division veteran The Awesome Kiyaru, continued to operate in the Junior Division bracket between the also-rans and the true title challengers, highlighted by the fact that he reached the Semi-Final stage of the Best of the Super Juniors Cup. He continued to team with Golden Scorpion, but they're teaming gradually got phased out as a priority, when Scorpion began to team more with recent associate Rhino Umaga, leading to a full time tag team between Scorpion & Umaga, whilst Kiyaru began to concentrate his efforts more into singles. Those efforts appear to be starting to pay off, as Kiyaru ended the Samurai Spirit Tour on a high note winning a 3-way also involving Marihito Masuko and Hell Monkey at Sword of Destiny, to earn himself the first shot at the Junior Title on the up-coming Tour, that win also came off the back of a strong win in a 6- Way Junior Division Elimination match. So can Kiyaru return to the upper echelon of the Junior Division and become a regular challenger to the Junior Title once again or will he continue to head up the also-rans ? __________________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkslateblue]Tom [COLOR=royalblue]Gilmore[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=#4169e1][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] [B]2007 Burning Hammer Record :[/B] 15-2-9 [B]Best Match Rating:[/B] A* [B]Average Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Popularity:[/B] B- [B]Height:[/B] 6ft , [B]Weight:[/B] 235 Ibs [B][U]Move-Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers:[/B] Anger Management (Sit-Out Spinning Power Bomb), Picture Perfect Moonsault (Triple Jump Moonsault) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Double Knee facebuster, Enzuigiri, Double Knee Gutbuster, Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker, Palm Strikes, Super-Kick , Standing Drop-Kick , Face-wash [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] STO, Reverse STO, Tornado DDT [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Iconoclasm, Rolling Cutter, Death Valley Driver, Exploder Suplex, Fisherman Suplex, Elemental Suplex, Sidewalk Slam [B]Aerial:[/B] Quebrada,Diving Elbow, Missile Drop-Kick, Arabian Press [B]Submissions:[/B] Stone-Hold (Sharpshooter), Elemental Clutch (Koji Clutch) Tom Gilmore saw his first Openweight Title reign ended by Silver Dragon Feet member Miyamae, cutting it short of the holy grail of 10 defences by three defences, but he quickly gained it back and looked to be heading towards making another strong run with the Title, many are saying he 'put on the map'. But then he hit Sean McFly, Gilmore was unable to beat McFly, initially he was able to hang on to the Openweight Belt with a couple of draws, but then he lost to McFlty at Inferno/Best of the Super Juniors in a 'Must Be A Winner' match due to the two draws being unable to separate the two. Gilmore then lost again at Sword of Destiny to McFly, showing his frustration at losing out again to his fellow Gaijin , when he refused a handshake at the end of the match. Could of that refusal of Sportsmanship, signal a change in attitude from Gilmore , who's latest loss to McFly probably means that he will have to work his way back up the rankings to earn another shot at a BHOTWG singles title. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [/SIZE] [B][U][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/FONT][/U][/B] [U][COLOR=#ff0000][B]VENOM [I](Out Injured)[/I][/B][/COLOR][/U] [B][I][U][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/U][/I][/B] [SIZE=2]Venom continued on with his recovery from suffering a major concussion last year. He is however due to pencilled in to make his return to the ring a few weeks into the next tour, though it's hard to say what condiiton he will be coming back in, after such a major injury.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]The first month or so, of his comeback will probably see him working Dark Matches to assess how he is doing in his return to the ring, before pulling the trigger on a fully fledged comeback [/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE=2]__________________________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE=2][B][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][U][SIZE=3]Yasunubo [COLOR=darkorange]Masuno[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][COLOR=darkorange] [/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno_alt11.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=2][B]2007 Burning Hammer Record :[/B] 11-1-15[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Best Match Rating:[/B] A*[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Average Match Rating:[/B]B[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Popularity:[/B] C[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 6ft 6 [B]Weight:[/B] 320 Ib[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][U]Move-Set[/U][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Finishers:[/B] Masuno Deep-Sleeper (Arm-Hook Sleeper), Avalanche Bomb (Sit-Out Power Bomb) [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Lariat, Big Boot, Ed Henson Press, Spinebuster, Elbow Drop, Knee Drop , Deacon Knee Lift [/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Throws & Slams:[/B] German Suplex, Belly to Belly Suplex, Pumphandle Slam, Power Bomb, Choke-Slam.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]An impressive powerhouse Masuno, could be a major player on the singles scene if he just improved his Stamina levels a bit more, so he continued to be a bit directionless for most of the previous tour, getting wins over Lower Card workers, but losing out to the Upper Tier.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]However towards the end, he began to get a bit of direction, when he starting teaming with SUKI, as the c0cky up and comer's 'Hired Gun'. The combo perhaps came as close to any team to unseating Size of the Fight as World Team Champions and it's in Tag competition that Masuno seems most likely to shine for the forseeable future. [/SIZE]
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[B][U]Workers with BHOTWG during the last tour[SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]Fire-Fox (Wasichi Inao)[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_WashichiInao.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record: 0-0-5[/B] [B]Highest Match Rating:B-[/B] [B]Average Match Rating:C+[/B] Wasichi Inao, known as Fire-Fox during his tenture with BHOTWG, left in April when his pay per view contract ran it's course. He generally failed to impress and never really did enough to justify rising above the bottom rung of the Junior Division. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B]Super Joshuya[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SuperJoshuya.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record: 0-0-18[/B] [B]Highest Match Rating: B+[/B] [B]Average Match Rating: B-[/B] A former Burning Junior Champion only 3 years ago, Super Joshuya had slid all the way to the bottom end of the Junior Division Rankings failing to win a single match during the Samurai Spirit Tour and when his contract ran out a week after the end of the tour, it was agreed by both parties that he should move on. [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] I just never got into using Super Joshuya, despite the fact that he was a former Junior Champion. His Skills though far from, are not up to the standard of those I have been 'pushing' in the Junor Division. I would say that they are around the same level as Marihito Masuko, difference is.....Masuko is young and can still improve, where as Joshuya is almost 40 and probably on the downturn in his career.[/FONT] [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B]Toshiki Shibanumo[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ToshikiShibanumo.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samurai Spirit Tour Record: 1-0-10[/B] [B]Highest Match Rating: B[/B] [B]Average Match Rating: C+[/B] Will anyone remember Toshiki Shibanumo, now that he's gone ? He rarely worked on the main show and when he did it always involved jobbing to someone. Somehow he scored a victory during the tour, which came against Fire-Fox (who was on his way out of the door) in dark time. [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Couldn't I have found someone better to job out Fire-Fox to ?[/FONT]
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[B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Purogods.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U]Incoming for 2008[/U][/B] The following workers have been signed up to join the BHOTWG Roster for the up-coming Autumn Tour..... Greg Keith Matt Keith Mikey James Relampago Dos Narihira Arita Hirokumi Saito The focus of Burning Hammer's additions seem to be on adding competition to the lower end of the roster, though there are news that they are in talks with adding one 'Main Event Level' star to the roster, but they want to keep it on the quiet, so that their arrival will remain something of a suprise. As for the additions that have been confirmed Greg and Matt Keith are the twin son's of the legendary Sam Keith, who twice held the Burning World Championship back in the late 80's/90's. Scouting tip that both boys have all inherited their father's natural ring skills and have the potential to one day become World Champions themselves, joining up with BHOTWG will do no harm to help further enhance in their natural abilities. Mikey James is a Martial -Art's enthusiast who has started to build up a solid reputation on the American independent circuit with both RIPW and PW Max, the latter of which he is one half of their current Tag Champions with Sayeed Ali. Working in Japan has always been an ambition of Mikey James and now he gets to test himself against the best Super-Juniors in the World. Relampago Dos (known as Hijo Del Relampago in his native Mexico) is a promising young Luchador from Mexico, and is the grandson of the original Relampago. 'Dos' will be hoping to not only emulate his grandfather's accomplishements but surpass them. Narihira Arita, is a recent product of the Empire Combat Academy. The 19 Year Old Heavyweight , was probaby expected to be assigned to BHOTWG's development territory Hinote Dojo, but after seeing tapes of his training, the feeling was that Arita was already at or above the level of the top end of the Hinote Dojo roster and would benefit more by joining the main BHOTWG roster for his early career in-ring education. Finally Hirokumi Saito is a former PGHW veteran. He never made much of a mark in PGHW and it's likely he has only been brought in as resident 'enhancement talent' for the up-coming tour, though the opportunity to earn a longer term contract is there for Saito should he impress. [B][U]'Third Show' Added to the Schedule[/U][/B] [B][/B] Being added to the two regular shows and the 4 Pay Per View Supershows, will be a set of weekly 'One Hour' Shows called 'Voyager Showcase' the general focus of these shows will be on adding competion to the middle to lower tiers of the roster, though Upper-Card workers will also be making appearances. The Voyager Showcase's will also for the most part take place in North America, to try and further BHOTWG's profile across the Pacific, following the hugely successful NYC Invasion Double Header. [B][U]'Youngsters' Belt to be re-instated[/U] [/B] The decision has been made to bring back an Under 30's Title, with the Champion likely to be crowned at the Night of the Burning Hammer event. The strongly rumoured name for the belt is the 'Voyager Title', this ties in with the Voyager Showcase events, where the title will most likely be defended on a regular basis.
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[quote=foolinc;389804]This is an accurate statement.[/quote] Always nice to know that my efforts are being appreciated. :) Nearly there with the off-season stuff, just the roster-profiles of the new additions to do. The profiles actually come in handy for my match write-up's as I can refer back to the post their profiles are on and look at the move-set's I've given them. The coloured names by the way, if you hadn't guessed,are the 'favoured' colours of the workers ring gear, just another minor detail I decided to add.
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Damn you TK you totally undercut the mini I made called Relampito! Damn you! And Senational (Elemental) Dragon needs to have alternate gear for when he's in full on Elemental Mocking mode. And yes, this remains a top notch diary. Damn you though for not giving Shimedzu a submission finisher! Totally through my mini for a loop! :D I too support the high praise heaped upon this diary.
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[B][U][SIZE=3]Meet the New Roster Additions[/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkgreen][COLOR=indigo]Greg [/COLOR]Keith[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GregGauge.jpg[/IMG] [B]Height:[/B] 5 ft 11 , [B]Weight:[/B] 225 Ib [U][B]Move Set[/B][/U] [B]Finishers:[/B] Proton Lock (Bridging Cobra Clutch), G-Popper (Flowing Snap DDT) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Drop-Kick, Enziguri, Pendulum Elbow Drop, Ed Henson Press, Double-Knee Backbreaker, Back-Body Drop, Repeated Chops to the Chest with the final chop coming with added theatrics, Mounted Punches [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Atomic Drop, Inverted Atomic Drop, Drop Toe Hold, 'Skin The Cat', Chop Block, Sunset Flip, Small Package, Russian Leg-Sweep. [B]Submissions:[/B] Figure Four Leg-Lock, Surfboard, Cross-Face Chickenwing. [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Fisherman Suplex, Belly to Back Suplex, Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex, German Suplex, Vertical Suplex, Side-Walk Slam, Scoop Power-Slam, Jumping Piledriver, Sunset Flip Power-Bomb [B]Aerial:[/B] Second Rope Knee Drop, Second Rope Fist-Drop, Flying Double Axe-Handle. [CENTER]________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=indigo][U]Matt [COLOR=darkgreen]Keith[/COLOR][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=#006400][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MatthewGauge.jpg[/IMG] [B]Height:[/B] 6 Ft , [B]Weight:[/B] 240 Ib [B][U]Move-Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers:[/B] Proton Lock (Bridging Cobra Clutch), G-Drop (Inverted Brainbuster) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Drop-Kick, Enziguri, Clothesline, Ed HensonPress, Double-Knee Backbreaker, Back-Body Drop, Repeated Chops to the Chest with the final chop coming with added theatrics, Mounted Punches [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Atomic Drop, Inverted Atomic Drop, Drop Toe Hold, Chop Block, Sunset Flip, Small Package, Russian Leg-Sweep, Swinging Neckbreaker [B]Submissions:[/B] Figure Four Leg-Lock, Surfboard, Sleeper [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Fisherman Suplex, Belly to Back Suplex, , German Suplex, Vertical Suplex, Pumphandle Suplex, Side-Walk Slam, Scoop Power-Slam, Jumping Piledriver, Sunset Flip Power-Bomb [B]Aerial:[/B] Second Rope Knee Drop, Second Rope Fist-Drop, Flying Clothesline. [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][SIZE=3][U]Hirokumi Saito[/U][/SIZE][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HirokumiSaito.jpg[/IMG] [B]Height:[/B] 6 Ft 1 , [B]Weight:[/B] 245 Ib [B][U]Move-Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers:[/B] X-Plex (Cross-Arm German Suplex), Rapid Knee Strikes [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Pat Deacon Knee Lift, Running Knee, Yakuza Kick, European Uppercut, Spinebuster, Shin-Breaker, Facebreaker Knee Smash, Backbreaker Drop, Gutbuster Drop. [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Neck-Snap, Arm-Trap Neckbreaker, Biel-Throw [B]Submissions:[/B] Cross Knee-Lock [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Fall-Away Slam, Snap Suplex, Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex, German Suplex, Uranage [B]Aerial:[/B] Flying Knee Strike [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkolivegreen][U][COLOR=darkgreen][COLOR=seagreen]Mikey[/COLOR] [/COLOR][COLOR=darkred]James[/COLOR][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=#8b0000][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MikeyJames.jpg[/IMG] [B]Height:[/B] 5ft 7 , [B]Weight:[/B] 180 Ib [B][U]Move-Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers:[/B] Last Breath (Curb Stomp), Light-Switch (Backflip Kick) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Enziguri, Drop-Kick, Shining Wizard, Super-Kick, Roundhouse Kick, Jumping Spin Kick, Knife Edge Chops, Shoot Kicks [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Dragon Screw Leg-Whip, STO, Spinning Leg-Sweep, Spinning Head-Scissors Take-Down, Springboard Arm-Drag, Crucifix Bomb [B]Submissions:[/B] Dragon Sleeper, Stretch Plum [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Dragon Suplex, Snap Suplex, Exploder Suplex, Facebreaker DDT, Flapjack, Spinning Crucifix Toss [B]Aerial:[/B] Springboard Enziguri, Missile Drop-Kick, Standing Moonsault Drop-Kick, Flying Fore-Arm, Flying Headbutt, Moonsault [CENTER]______________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][SIZE=3][U]Narihira Arita[/U][/SIZE][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NarihiraArita.jpg[/IMG] [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft 6 , [B]Weight:[/B] 275 Ib [U][B]Move-Set[/B][/U] [B]Finishers:[/B] Shock & Awe (Inverted Brainbuster) Ray Liotta (Key Lock) [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Arita named the move the Ray Liotta in tribute to his favourite English Language film No Escape[/FONT] [B]Strikes/Impact Moves[/B]: Running Clothesline, Yazuza Kick, Elbow Drop, Running Uppercut, Backbreaker Drop, Double Under-hook Backbreaker, Gutbuster [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Back-Body Drop, Atomic Drop [B]Submissions:[/B] Backbreaker Rack, Bow and Arrow, Boston Crab, Giant Swing [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Vertical Suplex, Elemental Driver, Death Valley Driver, Airplane Spin Toss, Scoop Slam [B]Aerial:[/B] Flying Drop Kick [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][SIZE=3][U]Relampago [COLOR=olive]Dos[/COLOR][/U][/SIZE][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=#808000][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Relampago.jpg[/IMG] [B]Height:[/B] 6 ft 6 , [B]Weight:[/B] 265 Ib [B][U]Move-Set[/U][/B] [B]Finishers[/B]: Relampago Blanco (Hurracanrana Pin), Relampago Negro (Reverse Hurracanrana) [B]Strikes/Impact Moves:[/B] Drop-Kick, Leg Lariat, Sit-Out Facebuster [B]Transitional/Counter Attack:[/B] Tilt-A-Whirl Head-Scissors, Springboard Arm-Drag, Hurracanrana, Drop Toe Hold, Flying Neckbreaker, Monkey-Flip. [B]Throws & Slams:[/B] Iconoclasm, Elemental Suplex, Belly to Back Suplex, Overhead Belly to Bell Suplex. [B]Aerial:[/B] Flying Cross-Body, Frog-Splash, Missile Drop Kick, Moonsault, Spiral Splash, Diving Leg-Drop, Plancha, Senton, No Hands Dive.
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[B]O.O.C Note:[/B] Don't expect any updates from this for at least a few days. I've had 'Man Flu' all weekend (Coughing, Sneezing, Hot and Cold Flashes) and I've not even done booked any shows from the new tour yet. Fanbloodytastic I get ill on my days OFF work :mad:
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[B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Purogods.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR=black]Hiroaki Nakasawa walks into BHOTWG forthcoming Autumn tour as the World Champion for the second time, after finally defeating Hooded Kudo at Sword of Destiny, ending the Silver Dragon Feet Leader's nine month reign with the title. [/COLOR] Can Hooded Kudo and Silver Dragon Feet bounce back, or is this the beginning of the end for the once dominant faction ? Who will prove to be the better man between Shimedzu and Miyamae ? Can Elemental Americana win back the Junior Title from bitter rival Sensational Dragon, and more importantly for his own personal reasons the Elemental III Mask ? Can Sean McFly be the man to finally reach the magic mark of 10 defences with the Openweight Title ? Will everyone's favourite 'underdogs' Size of the Fight continue to reign over the tag division ? When are Elemental II and Kinnojo Horri going to cash in their title shots ? Will SUKI make good on his promise of winning a title before the end of 2008 ? Those are only a few of the questions that will be answered as BHOTWG present the Mists of the Unknown Tour. The Tour kicks of with a Double Header at the Sapporo Sports Park in Hokkaido Night one will be headlined by the fourth match in the Best of 5 Series between former tag partners turned rivals Miyamae and Shimedzu, as Shimedzu looks to bounce back from a 2-1 defecit and save the series, whilst Miyamae will be looking to finish the job and prepare himself for a crack at Hiroaki Nakasawa's World Title at Quest of Heart. Also taking place on Night One will be an All-Star Tag Match as former World Champion Hooded Kudo teams with fellow SDF member Hell Monkey to take on Kinnojo Horri and Elemental II, both of whom will be looking to get some winning form going, as both may possibly consider finally cashing in their world title shots earned at the Trio's Tournament. With Tom Gilmore losing to Sean McFly and pushed to the back of the queue, a 15 Man Gauntlet will take place to find the next challenger for the Openweight Title. Rules are that eliminations will happen by sending an opponent over the top rope, until the field is down to the final two, where the match will be decided by pinfall or submission. The winner of the 15 Man Battle Royal will then face off with McFly on Night Two of the Double Header. A full run-down of who will take part in the battle royal, will be included with the official card line-up. Another Title match that will be taking place on Night Two will be for the World Tag Team Championship as DANGER AHEAD get another attempt to detrone Size of the Fight. Prior to that the two teams will meet in a pair of singles contests , on Night One as Hyosuke Kokan faces off with Golden Scorpion and Kansuke Konda takes on Rhino Umaga. Also confirmed for Night Two is a match between Shimedzu and Silver Dragon Feet's Hell Monkey and Junior Championship hopeful The Awesome Kiyaru takes on the debuting Mikey James. There will also be a 4 corner survival, though only Junior Champion Sensational Dragon and his rival Elemental Americana have been confirmed as participants. Due to the strong likelyhood of card changes for Night Two, only the line-up for Night One is being provided. Here is a full run-down of what has been confirmed for Night One [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=magenta]Mists of the Unkown Tour- Night One[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U](Sapporo Sports Park , Hokkaido)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][I]Monday 1st September 2008[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match 4 in the Best of 5 Series [/B] [B]for Contendership to the Buring World Championship:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Silver Dragon Feet'[/SIZE] Miyamae vs Shimedzu[/CENTER] [CENTER][I]* Miyamae leads series 2-1[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]All-Star Tag:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Silver Dragon Feet'[/SIZE] Hooded Kudo & Hell Monkey vs Kinnojo Horri & Elemental II[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]15 Man Gauntlet for Openweight Title Shot[/B] [B]Featuring:[/B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Chuichi Sanda, Eagle Kawasawa, Eiji Hamacho, Greg Keith, Heiachiro Sakai, Kenko Takemitsu, Koshiro Ino, Marihito Masuko, Matt Keith, Mokuami Maita, Shingen Miyazaki, SUKI, Tadakuni Toshusai, Yasunobu Masuno[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=navy]Singles Series:[/COLOR][/B] [SIZE=1][COLOR=navy]'Representing Size of the Fight'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=navy]Kansuke Konda[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]vs[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=navy]'Representing DANGER AHEAD'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=navy]Rhino Umaga[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=navy]'Representing Size of the Fight'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=navy]Hyosuke Kokan[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]vs[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=navy]'Representing DANGER AHEAD'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=navy]Golden Scorpion[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000080]________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [quote] [LEFT][B][U][COLOR=darkgreen]Prediction Form:[/COLOR][/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen][B][U]Hokkaido Double Header- Night 1 (Monday)[/U][/B][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen][B]Match 4 in Best of 5 Series:[/B] Miyamae vs Shimedzu[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen][B]All-Star Tag:[/B] Hooded Kudo & Hell Monkey vs Kinnojo Horri & Elemental II[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=#000080][B][COLOR=darkgreen]15 Man Gauntlet for Openweight Title Shot:[/COLOR][SIZE=2][COLOR=darkgreen][B][I]Featuring:[/I][/B] Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Chuichi Sanda Eagle Kawasawa, Eiji Hamacho, Greg Keith, Heiachiro Sakai, Kenko Takemitsu, Koshiro Ino, Marihito Masuko, Matt Keith, Mokuami Maita, Shingen Miyazaki, SUKI, Tadakuni Toshusai, Yasunobu Masuno[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][COLOR=#000080][SIZE=2][COLOR=darkgreen]Kansuke Konda vs Rhino Umaga[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=#000080][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=2][COLOR=darkgreen]Hyosuke Kokan vs Golden Scorpion[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [/COLOR][/quote]
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Hokkaido Double Header- Night 1 (Monday) Match 4 in Best of 5 Series: [B]Miyamae[/B] vs Shimedzu All-Star Tag: [B]Hooded Kudo & Hell Monkey[/B] vs Kinnojo Horri & Elemental II 15 Man Gauntlet for Openweight Title Shot:Featuring: Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Chuichi Sanda Eagle Kawasawa, Eiji Hamacho, Greg Keith, Heiachiro Sakai, Kenko Takemitsu, Koshiro Ino, Marihito Masuko, Matt Keith, Mokuami Maita, Shingen Miyazaki, [B]SUKI[/B], Tadakuni Toshusai, Yasunobu Masuno [B]Kansuke Konda[/B] vs Rhino Umaga Hyosuke Kokan vs [B]Golden Scorpion[/B]
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Hokkaido Double Header- Night 1 (Monday) Match 4 in Best of 5 Series: Miyamae vs [B]Shimedzu[/B] [I]Surely this will go to 5 matches[/I] All-Star Tag: Hooded Kudo & Hell Monkey vs [B]Kinnojo Horri & Elemental II[/B] [I]Hmm...was going to go with the heels here, but then Horri and Elemental have those title shots up their sleeves and a win here would keep them looking strong[/I] 15 Man Gauntlet for Openweight Title Shot:Featuring: Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Chuichi Sanda Eagle Kawasawa, Eiji Hamacho, Greg Keith, Heiachiro Sakai, Kenko Takemitsu, Koshiro Ino, Marihito Masuko, Matt Keith, Mokuami Maita, Shingen Miyazaki, [B]SUKI[/B], Tadakuni Toshusai, Yasunobu Masuno [I]Yeah, I think I'll go with SUKI here. Masuno might be a force here in assisting SUKI, who'll do something to ensure he takes the spoils rather than his partner. Will be interesting to see if the Keiths make an immediate splash too.[/I] [B]Kansuke Konda[/B] vs Rhino Umaga Hyosuke Kokan vs [B]Golden Scorpion[/B] [I]I think you'll split these and Konda is the more reliable SOTF member to get a win, I'd say.[/I]
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