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TWF: Turner Bringing Back the Golden Age!

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(Due to me not liking the direction of my UWF Mod here we go...) [I]I guess my job is fun... I work for Turner Networking/AOL Time Warner. I submit ideas every day for TV Shows that get either turned down or approved... I got Family Guy on TBS... that is about it. I think my job started to become stressful when the "Big Men" told me that Mr. Turner himself would eventually start to watch what I was doing in my office. This kind of scared me seeing as how Turner is the man in charge of it all. CEO of Turner corp... A few months passed and no word on if Turner was truly watching me. One day I came into work and had no interest at all of doing my job. It was casual friday so I came to work in jeans and a Tito Santana shirt. No brain farts had happened with any great ideas to get shot down by "The Man"... No ideas about bringing in old gay washed up shows that people think are "Classics"... So I do want any self-respecting 25 year old man does... I get on Youtube.com... What else? I start to watch this weeks ROH Newswire (Third week of March to be precise) and about halfway through it I get a call from my secretary. She told me I would be needed in Ted Turner's office immidiatly... This scared the crap out of me but I started walking anyway... I walked into Ted's Office and saw the Billionare right before my face... Ted was looking at his computer screen and told me to sit down... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/TedTurner.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Ted: Yea get him... Hit him... OOH OUCH![/COLOR] Me: Um Mr. Turner is everything ok? I was wondering why you called me in here... [COLOR="red"]Ted: Shutup!!! That was three...[/COLOR] Me: Mr. Turner I dont understand did I do something wrong is something goin... *Cut off by Ted* [COLOR="red"]Ted: SLAM HIS ASS YEA 1-2-3 RING THAT BELL REF!!!......... *Composes himself realizing his excitement*... Mr. Montgomery. I have called you into my office today to discuss your job...[/COLOR] Me: *Gulp*... My j-job? [COLOR="Red"]Ted: Yea Josh your job... I am reading your resume and it seems the only good idea or idea you have ever gotten approved is putting Family Guy on TBS![/COLOR] Me: Ted I can explai*Cut off* [COLOR="red"]Ted: Bull**** you can explain. I look at the Server Program and look at what your doing on the internet... the only damn thing you have done all day is watch wrestling on YOUTUBE![/COLOR] Me: That was just so that I could get a fresh start to the da*Cut off* [COLOR="red"]Ted: Josh there are no excuses... You are worthless to Turner Networking... I am afraid I am going to release you from your job with us... Sorry Josh but...[/COLOR] Me: No Mr. Turner give me another cha*Cut off again* [COLOR="red"]Ted: Well damnit if I could talk for more than a sentence at a time. Josh have you looked at how big the wrestling business has boomed lately? Everyone wants a wrestling show but nobody knows how to run them. MTV's show just got cancelled and WSX is left without a TV Slot and God knows I wont ever use it. TNA is a joke that has all the right tools but no carpenter much like WCW and WWE is too busy making fart jokes to utilize talent! I am sick and tired of the great sport of wrestling being looked at like a joke! It is bull**** Josh and its time for me to do something about it. With the recent spike in Wrestling TV Shows I now have permission to run a Wrestling Show again. I knew there was someone within the offices that I could put in charge of booking it because the last time I tried to let someone from the wrestling "Business" book it I ended up with Bret Hart being buried in a desert one week and alive the next! Josh your that man... Your the man to run... Total Wrestling Federation...[/COLOR] Me: Mr Turner if you are not ****ting me we have a deal *Shakes hands with Turner*[/I] *PS: I have no Photoshop so if anyone feels like making a TWF Logo then 9/10 says I would use it please and thankyou!*
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[B]Total Wrestling Federation Roster:[/B] [I]That next Friday was another friday not to be forgotten... After being told the week before that I would be in charge of the new wrestling company owned by Ted Turner I was nervous all week. Ted called me back in and handed me something... It was an envolope containing a check... Now you would think that Ted Turner would not go handing around money left and right like before in WCW... The key word there was before. Ted gave me a check for $9 Million to get TWF off of the ground with. This surprised me a lot since I figured this project would barely get $2 Million. Ted told me that he wanted TWF to suceed so in order to suceed in any business you need money. Ted then proceeded to set forth some goals for me: 1. Get Three Big Name Stars to run TWF with 2. Assemble a roster full of superstars of Today, Yesterday, and Tommorow 3. Assemble a great Midcard, Lightweight and Tag Team Division 4. Find Three Superstars to Steal from TNA and WWE 5. Determine which Turner Network to start on[/I] [QUOTE][I]These goals seemed realistic enough so I set down with Ted and talked to him about it... Ted told me that he has already taken the liberties and bought out the rest of Brock Lesnar's no complete clause after convincing Vince McMahon that he wanted Brock for a Cameo appearance on Family Guy... So my first big name was taken care of... Me and Ted talked about who else would be good. Ted said he wanted guys who could actually wrestle so he suggested me to send a contract to Chris Jericho with a lot of money on it without having to work house shows. He also told me that he has talked to a mole in WWE and that RVD's contract runs out in June. Ted wanted the show to debut on one of his networks but was not sure which yet. He would find out more for me as time went on but until then he told me to continue to build the roster... This would be difficult. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/KennyDystra.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] After reading some dirtsheets I came across the fact that Kenny Dykstra and CM Punk were both released from WWE. Punk was released for his attitude and the fact that he refused to roid up. Kenny was released after refusing to job to a midget on RAW. Both men had ninety day no compete clauses but hey when you book for the next big thing in Wrestling they will surely take contracts from you. I called both men and both men immidiately agreed to jump on board... Dykstra would however have to go undergo a name change and chose to revert back to his real name... Ken Doane [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/RobConway.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/DougBasham-2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Of course I would be going after other former WWE stars since the fans need something to recognize. However it would be based on a talent basis not on a I use to work for WWE Basis. Immidiately I snatched up Doug Basham and the recently released Rob Conway. This was for the purpose that both men were underpushed and both men have talent waiting to be tapped into. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/TNA.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/KipJames-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Now it was time to turn my attention to the other brand in Wrestling... Total Nonstop Action. Now before people start griping about my actions against TNA I went very easy on them. I asked my mole within TNA about whos contract ended soon. He told me Kip James so Kip was pretty much the only man who I hired from TNA. This was the for the fact that I like to keep competition pretty even so I left TNA with its already stellar roster... Kip agreed to the contract due to the fact that the only thing TNA had done with him in months was have him wrestle the Fat Oily Guy. My next target was WSX. Since WSX had been pulled off of MTV WSX had no control over any wrestlers in a written contract form. This made me immidiately steal the following from WSX. Colt Cabana, 6-Pac, Teddy Hart, Matt Sydal, Jack Evans, and Joey Ryan The final promotion to rape and the one I had the most guilt about was Ring of Honor... After watching it for a few years I knew that this would put a big dent in there fan-base. I sat down with Roderick Strong, Bryan Danielson, Larry Sweeney and Davey Richards and offered all three contracts starting in July (Everyone else's started in April but I knew ROH Fans would hate me if I did not give them a chance to finish up storylines). They too would all accept. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/MattMorgan-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Every wrestling company needs a monster. I made contact with Matt Morgan and we inked out a deal which pleased Ted Turner. This ended my raiding of actual indy companies [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/InvasionBuffBagwell-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Of course we would need names to make the fans tune in every week until we got off the ground. Bagwell was one of those men. As untalented as people think he is he can still sell. Of course are moles would jump shift when they purposefully get fired from WWE in a few months... [B]Who are they?[/B] These are the first set of signings and the only names that would be officially announced for the first TWF Show.[/I][/QUOTE]
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[B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]Total Wrestling Federation Roster:[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="red"]Main Eventers: Brock Lesnar Chris Jericho Rob Van Dam[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Upper Midcarders: CM Punk Jon Heidenreich Ken Doane 6-Pac[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Midcarders: Colt Cabana Doug Basham Justin Credible Rob Conway Roderick Strong Steve Corino[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Lower Midcarders: Jack Evans Larry Sweeney Matt Sydal[/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"]Openers: Davey Richards Joey Ryan Teddy Hart[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]TWF TV Show??[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Once again things in TWF were going smoothly. I had a stable roster, a referee, a stellar announce team (Guess who??? Hahaha) and a TV Show... Just not sure on what network...? Ted Turner would yet again call me into his office to sit down shoot the bull and build a company. Ted determined two things. TWF would not have just one show... it would have two? Turner told me that every Friday Night TWF would tape 2.5 Hours worth of TV. The first hour and thirty minutes would be called TWF TNT which would air on thats right TNT at 8:30 PM Friday Nights! The last hour would be TWF Extra which would air at 6 PM Saturday Nights. TNT would be the main show while Extra would be used to build up the future of wrestling! Ted also informed me that the first show would be in Atlanta Georgia... (No Surprise) Ted fortunately asked me today to give him the card for the first ever TWF Show... I gave it to him on a file from the TWF Website that would go up very soon it looked a little something like this:[/I] [QUOTE][CENTER][COLOR="red"]TWF TNT Preview:[/COLOR] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/KennyDystra.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]In what is sure to be a great opening match between two former WWE Superstars Ken Doane and CM Punk kick off the TWF Action. Punk and Doane lit up OVW at one point in history and they will surely replicate this in TWF!!![/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/MattSydal-3.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/TeddyHart-1.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/JackEvans-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]In a match that Ted Turner himself says could steal the show three of the best light-heavyweights in the world wrestle in a three way dance! This could surely be the most high-flying spectacle ever![/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrockLesnar3.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]And your main event of the evening features two former World Champions colliding in one wrestling ring. This match may not be able to stay inside the Arena in Atlanta! Who will walk away victorious in the first ever Main Event of TWF TNT!!![/I][/QUOTE]
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[COLOR="Red"][CENTER][B]Total Wrestling Federatoin Presents: TWF TNT[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] [I]Live in front of ??? People[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/KennyDystra.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="red"]Commentary Team: Bill Demott[/COLOR] [CENTER][B][COLOR="red"]Ken Doane vs. CM Punk[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]In what many people a few years from now will call legendary CM Punk and Ken Doane opened up the TWF with a bang! Punk and Doane had a pure technical classic and the fans ate it up. Doane is quite over as a heel and Punk is mega-over as a face! Punk and Doane each hit some of there key moves such as Doane nailing his famous Legdrop! Punk hit a Go To Sleep that got a very believable near-fall. In the end Ken Doane got the win with a Beautiful Springboard DDT to Punk! Great match[/I] [U]Time: 17 Minutes Rating: B-[/U] [CENTER][COLOR="red"][B]Sports Entertainment is not DEAD!!!![/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrockLesnar3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/RobConway.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/DougBasham-2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/PaulHeyman-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/SteveCorino-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Brock Lesnar, Doug Basham, Rob Conway, Steve Corino and Paul Heyman burst through the entrance-way. Lesnar, Basham, Conway and Corino are all wearing Sports Entertainment X Shirts. Heyman gets in the ring and goes off on the mic. He tells everyone he has come from WWE and brought some of the best talent to TWF with him. He then announces he has been appointed the commissioner of TWF. The fans chant "ECW"! Heyman tells them he is not here to make a new ECW but a new WWE so he is focusing on the best entertainment possible... Fans boo!!! Heyman says this is Sports Entertainment X THE NEW DAMN THING![/I] [U]Rating: D- Time: 6 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/KennyDystra.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/GenericTV01.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]I respect you...[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Backstage CM Punk approaches Ken Doane. Punk talks about how he came to TWF to wrestle the best and how he thinks Doane is one of them. He tells Doane that he respects him. Doane says he doesn't give a **** about him. Punk gets in Doane's face until Paul Heyman announces a Best of Seven Series between the two men in which the winner is the TWF TV Champion!!!![/I] [U]Rating: B Time: 4 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrockLesnar3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/daveyrichards-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Attack!!![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Backstage Davey Richards asks Heyman if he is booked tonight or on TWFExtra. Heyman tells him he is on TWFExtra in the main event... Richards thanks him and asks against who... Brock Lesnar comes up and attacks Richards... Heyman says thats who![/I] [U]Rating: C+ Time: 3 Minute[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/TeddyHart-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/JackEvans-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="red"]Evans and Hart talk backstage?[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Teddy Hart is shown approaching Jack Evans backstage. Jack says its great how both of them are in the same fed again. Jack tells Teddy that the TV Title was made for Teddy and the Lightweight Title was made for Jack. Teddy disagrees and says up next he will impress Heyman into letting him wear both belts. Jack looks on confused[/I] [U]Rating: F+ Time: 2 Minutes Notes: Building up any Cruiserweight division is hard when trying to use angles... Count your blessings I suppose[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/JackEvans-1.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/MattSydal-3.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/TeddyHart-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="red"]Jack Evans vs. Matt Sydal vs. Teddy Hart[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Another good match that the fans had a hard time getting into at first until they realised the true spectacle at place. Hart came out to a big face pop but immiadiately estabilished himself as a heel. Evans was the big face while Sydal got a good mixed reactoin (TWEENER!). This match could not let the ring hold it as Sydal hit a Springboard Plancha Shooting Star and Evans hit a Double Backflip off the Top Rope onto both men. Finish came when Hart had Sydal in the Sharpshooter and nearly tapped but Jack Evans came off the Top Rope with a Springboard Dropkick that knocked Hart out of the ring. This led to Evans hitting the 630 on Sydal for the win!!![/I] [U]Rating: C- Time: 15 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/PaulHeyman-1.jpg[/IMG][ [B][COLOR="red"]Heyman cancels Main Event!!!???? WTF[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Backstage Paul Heyman announces the pissant fans in Georgia do not deserve to see Brock Lesnar in action! He says they do deserve to see Chris Jericho in action so he can take on Steve Corino!!!![/I] [U]Rating: D+ Time: 2 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/SteveCorino-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="red"]Chris Jericho vs. Steve Corino[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Corino came out to "**** you Vince" chant since Vince took away his rights to call himself the King of Old School... Corino is now known as the "****ing Master and Ruler of Old School".... much better line. Jericho came out to the largest pop of the night with a "Welcome Back" Chant. Jericho and Corino have never worked each other before and it was a fun first meeting! Corino and Jericho put on the expected match but they made sure it was good. Jericho took it home with the Lionsault to a huge ovation!!![/I] [U]Rating: C+ Time: 19 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrockLesnar3.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="red"]??? vs. Brock Lesnar[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Brock Lesnar comes to the ring and says Heyman was right and that they did not deserve to see Jericho vs. Him tonight... but they did deserve to watch him kill someone else... He made an open challenge to any wrestler... *Familar Music Hits* *ONE OF A KIND*.... Rob Van Dam walks out to a explosive ovation and the fans start a ECW Chant and a "This is wrestling" chant. Van Dam hits the ring and the match begins! Lesnar and RVD put on what many will call a classic... this whole show should be on DVD! RVD and Lesnar brawled all over the arena as Heyman declared it Hardcore rules! RVD and Lesnar ended up back in the ring which was were the match ended... RVD attempted a Five Star Frog Splash through a table but was unable to when Lesnar got up and nailed RVD with the Verdict (F-5) through the Table for the win!!![/I] [U]Rating: B Time: 21 Minutes[/U]
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[I]I was mistaken and TWFExtra is only 30 Minutes... Oh well it still works to advance storylines...[/I] [B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]Total Wrestling Federation Presents: TWFExtra[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/DiamondDallasPage.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/JoeyRyan-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Diamond Dallas Page vs. Joey Ryan[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Joey Ryan comes out to his "WHO WANTS A MUSTACHE RIDE???" Theme to a decent pop. Ryan gets on the mic and announces he will wrestle anyone who thinks they are man enough to take him on in one on one competition!!! DDP's music hits and DDP comes out!! DDP says he will. Pretty evenly matched competition between these two and they click well. DDP gets the win with the Diamond Cutter!!![/I] [U]Rating: C+ Time: 7 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrockLesnar3.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/daveyrichards-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER][COLOR="red"]Brock Lesnar vs. Davey Richards[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [I]Brock Lesnar came out to a big pop and told everyone he was facing a guy who he could find at a little leauge baseball game. Richards came into the ring to almost no-pop. Lesnar offered Richards the first stirke and Richards hit Lesnar with a huge Enziguri!!! Richards then hit Lesnar with a Dropkick to knock him off his feet. Richards looked good the entire match and got over great with the fans! Richards hit the Shooting Star Press for a very close fall but Brock said "TOP THIS BITCH ITS WRESTLEMANIA" and hit a Shooting Star Press of his own. Which won him the match of course!...[/I] [U]Rating: C- Time: 17 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrockLesnar3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/DougBasham-2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/daveyrichards-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/RobVanDam-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"]Uh oh!!! ATTACK!!![/COLOR][/B] [I]Lesnar and Doug Basham attack Davey Richards after the match... Until Rob Van Dam hits the ring with a chair and clears the ring of SEX. RVD raises Richards hand's and tells people he is the future of wrestling![/I] [U]Rating: C Time: 3 Minutes[/U] [B]Attendance for the Tapings: 3,810[/B]
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[I]I actually did not like the format of the second show either. Next weeks TNT is going to be good and so is next weeks Extra. Joey Ryan is in for a big push and is going to build up his own Police Team if your a Joey Ryan fan. Plus the Tag Division debuts this week![/I]
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[B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]Total Wrestling Federation Meeting[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]While sitting in my office packing up my things getting ready to get on a plane to go to California (TWF's next show location) Ted Turner called me into his office. I walked down the hallway not knowing what to expect (Just months ago he nearly fired me). Ted told me to sit down... [COLOR="red"]Ted: Josh that was the biggest, most outrageous, most disgusting... MOST IN YOUR FACE pro wrestling show to ever hit the airways! Good job I am in love with the product and cannot wait until next week. Just one question? Where was Buff Bagwell, Kip Gunn and 6-Pac.[/COLOR] Me: Well Ted I could not fit them into this show but they are all three on next week's program. [COLOR="red"]Ted: Good I think all three of these men can bring in ratings... However I want you to do something special with this Punk vs. Doane Best of Seven Series. The blowoff match needs to be something big as do the matches leading up to it. The TV Title needs to be the best WRESTLING title in Wrestling.[/COLOR] Me: I will work up something Ted [COLOR="red"]Ted: I also like the direction of Paul Heyman's SEX Group. I like the integration of RVD, Jericho and this new kid into the storyline. However have the new kid wrestle some other new kids to get him familar with our product[/COLOR] Me: Good idea... Ted... Anything else? [COLOR="red"]Ted: That Magnum PI guy was very entertaining against DDP. Find a way to have him and DDP in a fued almost against each other. I want this kid at the top and soon![/COLOR] I then walked out of Ted Turner's office thinking what did I get myself into...[/I]
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[B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]Total Wrestling Federation Previews for Next Week![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE] [CENTER][COLOR="red"][B]TWF TNT Preview:[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/KennyDystra.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]After last week's great match with Ken Doane CM Punk only has one thing in mind. Score the first point in the best of Seven Series! Punk has told Paul Heyman he wants this match to be special and has requested it to be a Submissions Match! Can CM Punk win in his own environment?[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/JoeyRyan-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Joey Ryan has said this week he is hurt but he has a special opponent for DDP! He says that he will find a way to beat DDP sooner or later and so this week he will unleash one of his "Special Officers" on DDP!!! Will DDP want a Mustache Ride???[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ECWLanceStorm.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ECWJustinCredible.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The Tag Team Division debuts this week. Commissioner Heyman has brought in two of his best friends from ECW to debut this flagship division of TWF. Who will be man enough to answer the challenge of the IMPACT PLAYAS???![/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrockLesnar3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Brock Lesnar has made a special challenge this week and feels he can take on anyone in the TWF Locker Room. Who will answer this special challenge in the Main Event of TWF TNT![/I][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][CENTER][COLOR="red"]TWF Extra Preview:[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [I]In what many call great news for TWFExtra TWF is pleased to announce that we have inked out a deal with Youtube.com to show an extra 20 minutes of TWFExtra every week... Onto the Preview:[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/JackEvans-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Jack Evans will be in action. After a great start last week on TWF TNT by winning the Threeway Match Jack Evans will be wrestling a debuting star![/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/DougBasham-2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/RobConway.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/daveyrichards-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/RobVanDam-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This week RVD and Davey Richards team up against Sports Entertainment's X's Tag Team Rob Conway and Doug Basham. RVD has told everyone how impressed he is with Richards and how they will kick ass in the TWF Extra Main EVENT!!![/QUOTE]
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[B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]WWE and TNA Reports:[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="red"]WWE[/COLOR] [I]Week One: RAW was described as decent at best but not the best show. RAW drew 5,000 people and the best match was described as Jeff Hardy vs. Trevor Murdoch ECW this week was rather confusing considering the fact that the best match was Beniot and Randy Orton against Edge and Umaga... None of these men even work for ECW! Smackdown this week was definitally the best show. Match of the night was the debuting Val Venis defeating Gregory Helms! Week Two: RAW this week got 7,634 people and the match of the night was Flair vs. Shawn Michaels in which Flair got the victory! ECW yet again had a match of the night with two people not even on the brand as Edge defeated Chris Beniot! Smackdowns biggest match this week was Paul London losing to Gregory Helms. Another match was Duece vs. Domino which ended in a draw? Signings: Within a week period WWE Hired and Fired Tyson Tomko WWE Signed the following: Kanyon Molly Holly Tyson Tomko Scott Hall [COLOR="red"]TNA[/COLOR] Week One iMPACT: Scott Steiner defeated Chris Daniels in the main event of what many call iMPACT's best show in a long time. Week Two iMPACT: Christian Cage retained the NWA Title against Homicide, Samoa Joe and Bobby Roode in a good match. Other than that nothing big for TNA this week![/I]
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[B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]Total Wrestling Federation Presents: TWF TNT[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Shown live in front of ??? (Find out during TWF EXtra) at Alex G Spanos Center in California[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/KennyDystra.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Ken Doane (0) vs. CM Punk (0) (Submissions Match)[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Punk and Doane began there best of Seven Series tonight with a good old fashioned Submission match. Most of the match Doane's neck got worked on and Punk's right leg was worked on. Punk and Doane had another really good match here that the fans of course ate up. Punk ended up getting the win with an Anaconda Vice at 15:45! Score: Punk 1 Doane 0[/I] [U]Rating: B- Time: 18 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ECWLanceStorm.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ECWJustinCredible.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="red"]IMPACT PLAYAS vs ??? Challenge[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]The IMPACT PLAYAS are shown in the ring with Paul Heyman. They talk about how they are the greatest wrestlers to ever step foot in an ECW Ring. Credible gets on the mic and says he Incredible and Storm gets on the mic and says its time for him to make an IMPACT again on a national scene. Just then familar music hits...[/I] [U]Rating: D+ Time: 4 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ECWLanceStorm.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ECWJustinCredible.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/KipJames-2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/SeanWaltman.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]The Impact Players vs. Kip Gunn and 6-Pac[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]A mix of the New Age Outlaws, NWO, DX, Mr ASS and X Factor theme hits as Kip Gunn and 6-Pac come out a big ovation. The Playas bail from the ring for a minute while Heyman regroups them. They taunt them with Suck It Signs and then raise up an X. Match went decent enough for two teams who have never been in the ring together before. Gunn and Storm worked on each other more than anything. Pac and Credible respected each other for a lot of the match due to there "Backgrounds" in the clique. Finish came when Gunn lifted Credible up for a Flapjack and Pac caught him with the X-Factor!!! The crowd went crazy as Gunn and Pac celebrated![/I] [U]Rating: C- Time: 18 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/JoeyRyan-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/JonHeidenreich.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="red"]My first member... of the Police Acedemy![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Joey Ryan is in the ring and talks about his war with DDP! He says he has dug deep to find the man to beat DDP! He is the first member of the Police Acedemy! Jon Heidenreich![/I] [U]Rating: D+ Time: 2 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/JonHeidenreich.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/DiamondDallasPage.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="red"][B]Diamond Dallas Page vs. Jon Heidenreich[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]Heidenreich is a terrible wrestler as many know but he actually did decent against DDP. DDP hit all his key moves which popped the crowd here and there. Heidenreich looked to have the win when he went for the Black Hole Slam. However DDP reversed it into the Diamond Cutter for the shocking win! Afterwards Ryan told Heidenreich commissioner Heyman needed them backstage pronto![/I] [U]Rating: C- Time: 13 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrockLesnar3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/JoeyRyan-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/JonHeidenreich.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/RobVanDam-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="red"][B][CENTER]Littering and Littering and LITTERIN AND SMOKIN THE REEFFER!!![/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [I]Backstage Brock Lesnar and The Police Acedemy (Ryan and Heidenreich) show up at RVD's locker room door with a search warrant from Paul Heyman. They tell RVD that they have full permission to search his bag for specific things! RVD says no way and Lesnar says then he will be fired. Ryan and Heidenreich go in there in which the locker room is a mess. Ryan finds a bag in RVD's bag and announces that RVD is under arrest for "Littering and littering and littering and *Heidenreich cuts in* SMOKIN DA REEFER!"... Lesnar says RVD will be allowed to return next week but until then it looks like Richards is alone at TWFExtra against Basham and Conway![/I] [U]Rating: B+ Time: 3 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/PaulHeyman-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]An announcement![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Backstage Paul Heyman announces that on the last sunday of the month of July (This month) we will see the first ever TWF PPV: March of Champions. He also announes a TWF Tag Team Title Tournament begins NEXT WEEK![/I] [U]Rating: D- Time: 4 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrentAlbright-2.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/KENTA.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Brent Albright vs. KENTA[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Live footage is shown from earlier in the evening when KENTA and Albright both asked Heyman to be booked on the show. Heyman agreed to let them fight and KENTA bitchslapped Albright. Albright came out to a good pop considering he use to be in WWE... KENTA came out to a large chorus of boos as many recognized him from ROH (This is PWG Territory damnit!). Albright and KENTA had a good beatemup Technical Strong Style Match. At one point Albright went for his Crowbar Finisher out of a Firemans Carry but KENTA reversed into a Go 2 Sleep (Firemans Carry to Knee to Face) for the win. Afterwards KENTA spit on Albright![/I] [U]Rating: C Time: 11 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrockLesnar3.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ColtCabana-2.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="red"][B]Brock Lesnar vs. Colt Cabana[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]Lesnar stood in the ring awaiting his "Meat of the Week". Colt Cabana came out to Copacabana by Barry Manilow to a huge pop (PWG Territory) and stated that he would answer this challenge. Lesnar kind of laughed. Cabana used his comedy tactics to hit some good moves on Lesnar but in the end it was Lesnar who took home the win after a Verdict (F-5) to Cabana! Good match![/I] [U]Rating: B Time: 16 Minutes[/U] [B][COLOR="red"]Analysis:[/COLOR][/B] [I]Another good show this week. It got a C+ rating. Buff Bagwell was suppose to be Lesnar's opponent but he had an attitude problem about me asking him to wrestle in the preshow against Cabana so I put Cabana in his place. Cabana shone out in the match and so it was a good idea. I like my Tag Team Tournament idea as it features the following teams... The Briscoe Brothers (Mark and Jay) Police Acedemy (Heidenreich and Ryan) Impact Players Gunn and Pac[/I] Thoughts on Week 2's Show?
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[B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]Total Wrestling Federation Presents: TWFEXtra[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="red"]Live in front of 4,832 People[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrentAlbright-2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrockLesnar3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]I have a Challenge![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Brent Albright is shown in the ring. He says that TWFExtra is all about the future of wrestling and since he is the future he demands that he have a match. The fans like this since Albright is pretty over. Brock Lesnar comes out as Albright looks on not scared at all![/I] [U]Rating: C- Time: 2 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrentAlbright-2.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrockLesnar3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Brent Albright vs. Brock Lesnar[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]A nice, hard-hitting match with two of the world's best heavyweights duking it out. Albright went toe to toe with Lesnar and many people were looking for an upset victory. Brent had many people thinking he was going to win until Lesnar nailed Brent with a Powerbomb to Death Valley Driver Combination. Lesnar then moved in for the kill with the Verdict and that was all she wrote![/I] [U]Time: 16 Minutes Rating: C+[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/JackEvans-1.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/RoderickStrong.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Jack Evans vs. Roderick Strong[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]A good match between two former Generation Next members. Some fags in the front row got a WSX Chant started until Jack said he was in the big leauges now which cued a you got served chant. Jack and Roderick were pretty evenly matched but Jack Evans ended up stealing the win with a beautiful corkscrew standing star (Ode to Blitzkrieg)![/I] [U]Rating: C- Time: 11 Minutes[/U] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Davey Richards and Chris Jericho vs. Doug Basham and Rob Conway[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]A good match but it felt like something was missing. Overall I would rate it a failure. Jericho won with the Lionsault.[/I] [U]Rating: D+ Time: 18 Minutes[/U] Notes: I am about to change the format of TWFExtra because it always hurts my popularity...
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*Yea shoulda coulda woulda. I will turn around the show and make it a sucessful B-Show* [B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]Total Wrestling Federation Meeting:[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Sitting in my office I review the tape from this week's shows when I get another call from Ted Turner. Ted and me talk on the phone for a bit and here is what happened: [COLOR="red"]Ted:[/COLOR] Great show kid I really enjoyed every part about it... except two things... Me: What was that Mr. Turner? [COLOR="red"]Ted:[/COLOR] First things first where was Buff Bagwell? He is one of our moneymakers and yet you refuse to put him on TV!!! Me: Ted he refused to put over one of my younger guys! Colt Cabana is the future of wrestling and could very well make us a lot of money someday. Buff is past his prime but he could help make money. If he wants to be a star he needs to build us some stars! [COLOR="red"]Ted:[/COLOR] Bagwell better be on this weeks show or I am going to be mad... I want blood too thats my other gripe! but I gotta go something about a meeting with TNT!!![/I]
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[B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]TWF Next Weeks Shows Previews:[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][COLOR="red"][B][CENTER]TWF TNT Preview:[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrentAlbright-2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]After losing two shows in a row (TNT and Extra) Brent Albright has told Commissioner Heyman he is on a mission. That mission is for Paul Heyman to bring in anyone from Japan for him to beat. The fans root Albright in his quest but one can only imagine why it would be someone from Japan. It is believed its because both KENTA and Lesnar have Japanese experience. Who will the new Japanese Star be??[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/JackEvans-1.jpg[/IMG] and ??? vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/MattSydal-3.jpg[/IMG] and ??? vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/TeddyHart-1.jpg[/IMG] and ??[/CENTER] [I]The three-way fued of Cruiserweights continues this week as all three men bring in partners to take on each other. This action can only explode from here as each man will find the best in the world to be there partner![/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/KennyDystra.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/GenericTV01.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]In match two of the Best of Seven for the TV Title Kenny Dystra gets to pick his poison. Dystra has chosen a special ladder match as he sees it as an advantage since Punk is not much of a flyer![/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrockLesnar3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Brock Lesnar is still not pleased by the talent that TWF has been feeding him. He thinks TWF can do a lot better at sending people to try and beat him. He has issued yet another challenge for anyone on the TWF Roster... One can only wonder if he really means everyone or just someone smaller than him![/I] [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][COLOR="red"][B][CENTER]TWFExtra[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] The TWFExtra show this week is going to be completely revamped. This week live on TWFExtra will be the following: The start of the TWF Tag Team Title Tournament as The Impact Players take on The Briscoe Brothers! In Joey Ryan's never ending search for a member of his Police Acedemy to beat DDP. This week Joey Ryan debuts his newest member Officer Guerrera (Juventud Guerrera). Officer Guerrera is known all over the US/Mexican border and is one man not to mess with! And finally your Main Event! Chris Jericho has had problems with Brock Lesnar since show one and will finally get his hands on more of Lesnars Lackeys as this week live on TWF Jericho teams up with Kip Gunn, Sean Waltman and ??? against Steve Corino, Rob Conway Doug Basham and ???... This will surely be an awesome main event match! [/QUOTE]
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[B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]The first TWF Firing![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]We at TWF regret to inform the wrestling world that Buff Bagwell has been released from his TWF contract. After falling out with management due to refusing to lose to Colt Cabana last week in a dark match and being caught recently by police with Methampthetimines we had no choice but to fire Mr. Bagwell. We wish Mr. Bagwell the best in his future endeavors and we will surely find someone of greater talent and with a better future to lose to Colt Cabana and not smoke mephamphetimines.[/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/TWF.jpg[/IMG] [U]Presents: TWF TNT![/U][/CENTER] [I]Live at Broadbent Arena in Loiusville, KT in front of ???? People[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrentAlbright-2.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/JushinLiger.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Red"]Brent Albright vs. Jushin "Thunder" Lyger[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Brent came out to a huge "Welcome Home" ovation as the Broadbent Arena (This is one of the homes of OVW by the way) get on there feet! Albright warms up until familar music hits and from the back comes Jushin Lyger! Lyger gets a good pop from people who know who he is but for the most part the fans have no clue so they are in for a treat! Lyger and Albright put on a good match although they had somewhat of a Style's Clash. Lyger got the win pretty quickly with a Brainbuster![/I] [U]Rating: C Time: 14 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/MarkBriscoe.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/JayBriscoe.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ECWLanceStorm.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ECWJustinCredible.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="red"][B]Hype the Best[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]A hype video for the start of the Tag Team tournament tonight during the TWFExta tapings is shown![/I] [U]Rating: D- Time: 1 Minute[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrockLesnar3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/RobVanDam-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="red"]An obsesssion to not fight[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]RVD is shown medidating backstage when suddenly Brock Lesnar attacks him. He tells RVD that in order to stay at the top you have to take out all threats... He says he now knows who wont be answering his open challenge tonight![/I] [U]Rating: B+ Time: 2 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/JackEvans-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ColtCabana-2.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/MattSydal-3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/RoderickStrong.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/TeddyHart-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ElixSkipper-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Jack Evans and Colt Cabana vs. Matt Sydal and Rod Strong vs. Teddy Hart and Elix Skipper[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] Each man had a great partner as this match was starting to get underway. The fans actually recognized Skipper and a lot of the fans popped for Cabana. Good high flying action with some insane spots. Elix Skipper went for a Leg Drop on Colt Cabana at one point but Matt Sydal took advantage and hit his Belly to Belly Moonsault for the upset win! [U]Rating: D+ Time: 16 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Backstage CM Punk being interview by Bill DeMott talks about how he is not scared of a ladder match and how he is about to prove to everyone that any environment in wrestling is his environment...[/I] [U]Rating: B- Time: 3 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/KennyDystra.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER](Best of Seven Series Ladder Match: Ken Doane vs. CM Punk (2)[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Another great match in an already great Best of Seven Series. Fans started an OVW Chant early on to show there thanks for there time in OVW. Good match with a lot of great action but the fans are already burned out from the first two matches. Punk and Doane got them into this one as much as they could though not as great as the first two encounters. Punk got the win after a huge Pedigree Type Move off the Ladder (PEPSI PLUNGE!).[/I] [U]Rating: C+ Time: 20 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrockLesnar3.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/RobVanDam-1.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/SteveCorino-1.jpg[/IMG][/ [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/Generic08.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/TWFMoC.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]TWF Commissioner Paul Heyman announces that next Sunday will be the first ever TWF PPV March of Champions... The Main Event will crown the first ever TWF Champion as Brock Lesnar, Steve Corino, Chris Jericho and Rob Van Dam are locked in a Cage to decide the Champion![/I] [U]Rating: C+ Time: 3 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/RobVanDam-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Rob Van Dam is shown limping backstage. He passes by Brock's locker room and has an idea. RVD walks in and then walks out with Brock's gear bag![/I] [U]Rating: B Time: 2 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrockLesnar3.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="red"]Wheres the Meat?[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Brock Lesnar is shown in the ring with a very pissed off look on his face as he has to wrestle in Sweat Pants a T-Shirt tonight. He asks where his meat of the week is and Paul Heyman comes out and says nobody is brave enough this week until "Make some noise 6-Pac" hits and 6-Pac hits the stage without Kip Gunn![/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/SeanWaltman.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrockLesnar3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]6-Pac vs. Brock Lesnar[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]A great TV match in which Pac took Lesnar to the outerlimits of his abilities. Waltman and Lesnar had a brawl for the most part. Waltman had the match nearly won when he nailed the X-Factor but he made the mistake of going for another one which was reversed into the Verdict (F-5) for the win![/I] [U]Rating: C+ Time: 20 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/SeanWaltman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/KipJames-2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/LanceHoyt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrockLesnar3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER][COLOR="red"]New Generation X?[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [I]Sean Waltman after the match is corned by Steve Corino and Brock Lesnar until a DX Remix song hits and Lance Hoyt and Kip Gunn run to the ring. Hoyt takes out Lesnar with a Big Boot followed by a Powerbomb and Gunn takes out Corino with a Famouser!!! Waltman gets on the mic and tells everyone its time for the greatest stable in history to debut in TWF. He says this stable consists of him the leader, Gunn the Superstar and the Future of Wrestling Lance Hoyt... Waltman then says if you are not done with New Generation X then he has two words for ya!!![/I] [U]Rating: C+ Time: 5 Minutes[/U]
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[B][CENTER][COLOR="Red"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/TWF.jpg[/IMG] Presents: TWFExtra[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR="red"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/JayBriscoe.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/MarkBriscoe.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ECWJustinCredible.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ECWLanceStorm.jpg[/IMG] The Briscoe Brothers vs. The Impact Players[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]In a match that Ted Turner himself said would not go over the Briscoe Brothers and the Impact Players actually won over the crowd. Both teams are heels so it was interesting to see how it worked out. The Briscoe brought Larry Sweeney to the ring with them to make sure they won so naturally the Players became faces. Good match with some solid offense. Finish came when Storm nailed Jay with a Superkick followed by a Tombstone Piledriver to Jay by Credible!! Afterwards Sweeney got in and tried to attack the Impact Players but was ran off by them![/I] [U]Rating: C- Time: 20 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][B][COLOR="red"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/RobVanDam-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/PaulHeyman-1.jpg[/IMG] At it again![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Backstage Rob Van Dam is shown sneaking into Paul Heyman's locker room. He comes out with the TWF World Title belt around his waste and walks off with a big grin on his face![/I] [U]Rating: B+ Time: 2 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/JuventudGuerrera.jpg[/IMG] Vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/DiamondDallasPage.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Juventud Guerrera vs. Diamond Dallas Page[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]In the definite worst match of the evening Juvi and DDP wrestled. The whole time Joey Ryan kept trying to help Juvi but DDP fought him off. This of course pissed Joey off who got sent to the back. Finish came when Juvi went for a Cross Body that DDP reversed into the DIAMOND CUTTER!!![/I] [U]Rating: D+ Time: 10 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/SeanWaltman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/KipJames-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/LanceHoyt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Be Ready![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Backstage Kip Gunn, Jericho, Sean Waltman and Lance Hoyt are shown warming up! Jericho hypes them up a bit for the match at hand NEXT![/I] [U]Rating: D+ Time: 2 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/SeanWaltman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/KipJames-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/LanceHoyt.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/KENTA.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/SteveCorino-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/DougBasham-2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/RobConway.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="red"][B]New Generation X (Lance Hoyt, Kip Gunn and Sean Waltman) and Chris Jericho vs. Sports Entertainment X (Rob Conway, Doug Basham and Steve Corino) and KENTA[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]Another good match on the show but nothing that really stood out as Main Event Quality. KENTA is a hard-hitter and a go getter and the fans are hating him every second of his matches. Finish came when Jericho and Gunn had Doug Basham in a Double Flapjack and Hoyt came and hit the Big Boot which lead to Waltman hitting a reverse X-Factor as Basham Swung Down! Afterwards Jericho sported X's with NGX to end the show![/I] [U]Rating: C- Time: 16 Minutes[/U] [QUOTE][COLOR="red"][CENTER][B]TWF TNT Preview:[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/TeddyHart-1.jpg[/IMG] Vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/BrentAlbright-2.jpg[/IMG] [I]Teddy Hart specifically requested this match because of Albrights ability to beat anyone from Japan or with Japanese experience. Teddy is on a losing streak as well not winning any matches since debuting... Could this be the match that puts both men on the right track?[/I] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/JoeyRyan-1.jpg[/IMG] [I]Joey Ryan's endless quest to defeat DDP continues as he has promised yet another addition to the Police Acedemy. At Four Members you would think one of them could get the job done!?[/I] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/RobVanDam-1.jpg[/IMG] [I]And your Main Event of the Evening will consist of Rob Van Dam wrestling his "Meat of the Week" for the "TWF Title". RVD has claimed he will be a fighting champion after borrowing the belt from Paul Heyman last week! How will RVD handle his "Reign as Champion"[/I][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]TWFExtra Preview:[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Being that this is the last TWFExtra before March of Champions this will have to be the biggest TWFExtra our fans have ever seen. The Show will open up with an explosion tag team match featuring New Generation X of Kip Gunn and Sean Waltman taking on The Police Acedemy of Joey Ryan and Jon Heidenreich! Then the show picks up even more as Ken Doane and CM Punk face off one on one in a Tables Match! The future will look dim for Doane if he cannot get a win here tonight! And finnaly in your TWFExtra Main Event and somewhat of a preview for TWF March of Champions Steve Corino and Brock Lesnar team up to take on Rob Van Dam and Chris Jericho... IN A CAGE!!![/I][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]TWF March of Champions Preview[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/TWFMoC.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="red"][B]TWF Title Cage Match:[/B] Brock Lesnar vs. Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Steve Corino[/B] [B]Best of Seven Series Match Four Cage Match:[/B] Ken Doane vs. CM Punk[/COLOR] [B]TWF Cruiserweight Title Ladder Match (Just Announced)[/B] Jack Evans vs. Teddy Hart vs. Matt Sydal [B]TWF Tag Team Title Match:[/B] The Impact Players vs. ??? [B]Opening Match:[/B] KENTA vs. Brent Albright[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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