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4C, the Canadian Alternative

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I was sitting in the front row watching the 2006 December 4C event, 4C Presents...Do Or Die. Being the final event of the year, 4C were trying to put on an excellent card for the 200 or so wrestling fans in attendance at the Windsor Arena Hall in Ontario. The show had opened with Brett Fraser winning back the 4C Hardcore Championship from Canadian Dragon, who had won it the month before. I was impressed with Dragons athletic ability and knowledge of wrestling, while Brett Fraser stunk up the place, and the fans let him know, chanting "Garbage, garbage" when he won. This was followed by a young man named, oddly enough, Air Attack Weasel facing a worker named Too Hot in a fairly entertaining bout, that saw AAW win with an impressive shooting star press. Following this bout, the 4C Tag Team Championship was on the line as the champs, Phenomenal Excess (Duberry Excess and Phenomenal E), were defending against former champions Mighty Fine (Jacob Jett and Darryl Devine). This was probably the match of the night, as everyone with the exception of Duberry put on one hell of a performance. Phenomenal E scored the win for his team with a Tumbleweed Legdrop on Jett to retain the belts. Following the match, Devine attacked his partner, turning heel in the process, and hit him with a Devine Dream Drop, before flipping him off and leaving. The main event of the evening was up next, as Barry Kingman took on Warren Technique in a number one contender's match for the right to face Joey Poison in January at the next 4C event. Having lost that title to Poison the month before, Kingman was a man determined to walk out a winner, while Technique, a former two-time champion himself, had the same goal. They put on a decent technical bout, with Kingman finally winning with a Scorpion Deathlock to make Technique tap. Closing 2006 out, 4C had their January main event locked as Barry Kingman would be going to challenge Joey Poison for the 4C Championship. 4C was holding an afterparty that night to celebrate the closing of 2006, and my buddy and I had managed to score VIP passes due to working as bouncers at a local strip club (when you keep your mouth shut about the dirty deeds of midget wrestling promoters in lap dance rooms with three huge Amazonian chicks, you get benefits). We were relaxing, having a few drink, checking out the women in attendance and mingling with some of the workers there. Now, as a lifelong wrestling fan and dedicated follower of recent happenings in the biz online, I literally made a bee-line for Troy Winner when I saw the tiny man climb up onto a stool to sit at the bar. "Congrats on a solid show tonight Troy", I said sliding up to him at the bar. "Thanks kid, here, let me get your next one" he replied, ordered two rum and cokes from the bartender. "So, what are your plans for 2007? Any big matches in your mind?" "Actually kid, I think 4C is winding down it's days this year. Two years in business, and all we really are is a glorified local promotion working the Hall every month for a group of rabid cult fans who come to see 'That Guy With the Crazy Hair Wrestle'." Troy replied. "Are you kidding me?" was all I could say, sipping my drink. "Look kid, the Stones control the East coast scene with quality wrestling with recognizable names, while the DeColt family has a monopoly on the West with their wanna-be SWF style, which shockingly, has been working," Troy muttered to himself about 'soap opera sissies' before going on. "It was a fun run, but how is a near bankrupt, small-time promotion with a group of unknown, hungry guys going to ever topple either of those?" "Not with an attitude like that, you won't. But I will tell you, it's a roster of hungry, young guys who will be the reason 4C can succeed. Every one of those guys is willing to go out and bust their asses for a small crowd each and every month, putting their bodies on the line just because they want to be part of that original line that helped 4C rise." Troy Winner looked at me with intense curiosity as I went on. "Maybe you just need to change up a few things, I don't know. It's obvious that in 2007 a lot of fans watch wrestling both for the action, but for the larger than life characters. Come on Troy, nobody believes it's real anymore. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to run a few more stories and angles, appeal to the other side of the crowd as well. You already have the talent that people like watching wrestle, it's time to give the people a reason to come and watch them wrestle now." Troy stared at me blankly for several seconds. "Who the hell are you?!" he said loudly. "I work as a bouncer for the Pink Bunny." As I said this, his miniature face turned bright red. "Don't worry though, hell, everyone has their thing." "How would you like a better paying job?" Troy said. "Doing what?" I replied. "Being Head Booker for 4C and writing these reasons for people to see the guys work out for us." He was staring anxiously, awaiting a reply. "You really wanna take that chance with me" He extended his hand. I paused for a moment, not that I didn't know my answer already, but just for dramatic flair. I took his hand and shook it. And that is the surreal story of how I became Head Booker of Canadian Charisma Championship Combat, working for a midget named Troy Winner. [CENTER][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/TroyWinner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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[SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]4C Title Histories[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE="5"]4C Championship[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/originalbelt02.jpg[/IMG] CURRENT HOLDER [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] JACOB JETT [B] February 2007 - Jacob Jett (wins ladder match for vacant title) February 2007 - Vacated (Joey Poison quits company) November 2006 - Joey Poison (3) May 2006 - Barry Kingman (2) November 2005 - Joey Poison (2) October 2005 - Warren Technique (2) September 2005 - Joey Poison July 2005 - Warren Technique November 2004 - Barry Kingman (tournament to become first holder)[/B] [SIZE="5"]4C Hardcore Championship[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/originalbelt07.jpg[/IMG] CURRENT HOLDER [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/BrettFraser.jpg[/IMG] BRETT FRASER [B]December 2006 - Brett Fraser (2) November 2006 - Canadian Dragon August 2006 - Brett Fraser June 2006 - Phenomenal E March 2006 - Ace Youngblood September 2005 - Air Attack Weasel May 2005 - Duberry Excess February 2005 - Jason Rogers (battle royal for first holder)[/B] [SIZE="5"]4C Tag Team Championship[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/originalbelt02.jpg[/IMG] CURRENT HOLDER [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/SlimV.jpg[/IMG] THUG LIFE (SAYEED ALI AND SLIM V) [B] February 2007 - Thug Life (Sayeed Ali and Slim V) November 2006 - Phenomenal Excess (Phenomenal E and Duberry Excess) August 2006 - Thug Life (Slim V and Hardcore Killah) (2) March 2006 - Mighty Fine (Jacob Jett and Darryl Devine) May 2005 - Thug Life (Slim V and Harcore Killah) (ladder match for first holders)[/B][/CENTER]
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Troy informed me that my first order of business as Head Booker of 4C was to look over the booking notes he had made to each member of the roster and make revisions as I saw fit. He explained that once I had a solid grasp of the talent we were working with, we could then move onto making decisions involving the future of the company. So from main event to opening status... [CENTER][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] Joey Poison Current holder of the 4C Championship belt, and probably one of the most recognizable faces in Canadian wrestling, with his multi-colored hairstyle. He has a solid knowledge of wrestling, being able to work just about any style. He can brawl, he can take to the air and he can mat wrestle, while also being decent on the mic. Despite being heel, he has a prominent fan following, so he will be turning face very soon. [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] Jacob Jett Probably the best pure athlete on the roster, and one of the fastest rising Canadian talents. Spent the past year teaming with real life friend Darryl Devine as Mighty Fine, and is also dating blonde bombshell Katie Cameron. Recently Devine turned heel, attacking Jett, wanting to work in a singles feud with his friend. Jett is constantly a reliable performer, with an amazing aerial repertoire and he is highly entertaining on the mic. [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG] Barry Kingman A two-time 4C Champion and second-generation athlete, Kingman is the son of the legendary Ray "The Crippler" Kingman. With a lot of pressure on Kingman to live up to the family name, he is a veteran of the 4C roster and the first ever title holder. While not the most spectacular worker, he is decent in basically all areas, and can be trusted to always go out and put forth 110% percent. [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG] Canadian Dragon Canadian Dragon is a solid cruiserweight wrestler, recognized all over Canada due to the mask he wears. While not an overly impressive high flier, he can get the job done every time he goes out there, as he has an exceptional grasp of wrestling basics. A push is most likely on the way for him, and I expect him to improve in all areas with the motivation this will bring. I think the ****y heel route is the safest route to go with him. [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] Phenomenal E A huge fan favorite, and an absolutely stunning high flier. He constantly turns out show stealing performances. He is currently one half of the 4C Tag Team Champions along with Duberry Excess. I strongly believe he can grow to be one of our main players, although I worry for his safety. He strives to always impress the crowd, and his body is already near breaking point. He could easily main event shows, but I fear that the pressure of headlining will cause him to take even more insane risks than he already does. [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG] Sayeed Ali Sayeed Ali is currently hugely over here, as he made his debut with a violent assault on Barry Kingman with Thug Life, forming the 187 stable. He has a very impressive style, mixing raw street fighting with a mix of intense Japanese influence. One of the hottest prospects in wrestling, as he is entertaining and a legit tough guy, I'm hoping that by putting him in programs with technically sound workers he can develop a better all around game. When that happens, he is guaranteed to become a top player. [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG] Darryl Devine Darryl Devine is another exceptional worker, and recently made a hot heel turn, attacking real life friend and former tag partner Jacob Jett. This has resulted in a lot of attention on both men, as both can turn out excellent matches, and with their real life friendship, the quality should be even higher. If Devine can prove himself in this feud, he will be well on his way to main eventing 4C, as there is absolutely nothing he is weak in, and his ability in all aspects is well above average. [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG] Duberry Excess One half of the Tag Team Champions along with Phenomenal E, many believe that Duberry is riding the wave of momentum of his partner. While he is a decent technical worker, the 4C fans absolutely loathe him. Working as a babyface, this does not sit well as it's horrible heat for him. I think a heel turn is in the plans, where he can rely on his solid mic work to get over. [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/HardcoreKillah.jpg[/IMG] Hardcore Killah A staple member of the 4C roster along with Slim V, they comprise the tag duo of Thug Life, and along with Sayeed Ali, 187. Killah is very underwhelming, and if not for his gimmick, probably would have never gotten over. The fans are never excited to see him in action, and as he is getting up their in age, it's probably not surprising. Still, he is a respected veteran and would do well to remain around, as an enforcer type character for the 187 crew. [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/SlimV.jpg[/IMG] Slim V The final member of the 187 crew, Slim V has been constantly improving. Nowhere near the top level yet, he is a much better worker than he was upon his debut. Being a member of the feared 187, he has decent momentum and the fans do take notice of him. He can brawl with the best of them, and a run with the Hardcore Championship may be in store. [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/AirAttackWeasel.jpg[/IMG] Air Attack Weasel For such a young man, AAW has some great high flying talent, and he can only improve from here. Many internet sites tip him off to become a major wrestling prospect, and I intend to develop him into that mold here in 4C. The only thing I can see holding him back is his ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS ring name. We'll most likely give him a viscious heel streak and a change of name to get him over and slowly work him up the card. [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/BrettFraser.jpg[/IMG] Brett Fraser A rugged brawler and current Hardcore Champion, Brett Fraser is perhaps the most hated man in all of 4C. Not because of his heel gimmick, but because, frankly, he is a one-sided worker. Punch, kick, punch, kick style. While he does have solid brawling skills, he really brings nothing else to the table. He'll probably be kept in the Hardcore division for the remaining 12 months of his contract and work minimal dates, only showing up to put someone over. [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG] Warren Technique Warren Technique is a great example of a worker who rose to the top, and was then shoved violently back to the bottom. After a fantastic rivalry with Joey Poison that resulted in the greatest technical bouts 4C has ever seen, he has struggled to find his place, both pushwise and with the fans. This could be due to his style of technical wrestling in a fast-paced environment. It's a shame, because in most other promotions, he'd be well received due to his style. Will probably be my biggest challenge getting this guy over. [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/Nomad_alt1.jpg[/IMG] Nomad At the age of 23, Nomad is an exceptional young talent, being a good all-arounder. He also has insane charisma, and a look that drives girls wild. At the moment he has been paying his dues, putting anyone and everyone over, but in the future, look for that to change as he continues to impress inside the ring and outside with his positive attitude. [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/TooHotB.jpg[/IMG] Too Hot A young lightweight with a background in breakdancing, Too Hot is quite entertaining and is usually used in getting the crowd going. He is actually quite decent inside the ring, but nobody really takes notice as he's been booked as a comic relief jobber. Perhaps he's just been missing that one solid feud that will make people stand up and take notice. [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/KatieCameron.jpg[/IMG] Katie Cameron Blonde, smart and smoking hot, Katie Cameron is the real life girlfriend and current manager of Jacob Jett. She began appearing in 4C regularly in 2006, accompanying Mighty Fine to ringside. [/CENTER]
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After reviewing the booking notes, one glaring weakness became known to me, and that was our lack of tag teams. With the heel turn by Darryl Devine splitting up Mighty Fine, and with Hardcore Killah's declining ability most likely signalling the end of Thug Life, that left us with Phenomenal Excess. And the problem with that was, fans didn't care for Duberry Excess and wanted to see Phenomenal E shoot up the rankings, so it would be another short lived duo. Considering our roster size, at the very least I wanted to have four active tag teams. As the days rolled by and January 2007 rolled around onto the calender, I brought this thought up with Troy. "Kid, we're going to have to do something, and do it fast. This morning I got a call from Darryl Devine, and he's been offered contracts by not one, but THREE different companies! CGC, SWF and CZCW have all made offers to him, and I can guarantee he'll take one of them!" [CENTER][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I sat and pondered this for a moment. This definitely threw a wrench into my plans, as I was really hoping for big things out of a Darryl Devine/Jacob Jett feud. Thinking things over, I shrugged it off. "Even if we do lose Devine, we still have a lot of talent on our roster. I'm sure we can come up with something." I said. "All I know is we jumpstarted a beatdown on one of our top guys last month by having Devine punk Jett out. If Devine leaves before a payoff, it will seriously harm Jett's credibility" Troy told me, thinking things over himself. "Alright, well if Devine accepts an offer, he still has to give us seven days notice doesn't he?" "Yeah, he does, but Cage Rage is 3 weeks away, and he'll probably be gone long before then." Troy said, clearly stressed. "Well why don't we make a big time change?" I asked. "Why do we have to have our monthly events on the same day every month? All the big companies have pay per views at different dates, there's no reason we can't have Cage Rage the second Monday of this week, and X Factor the third or fourth next month." Troy thought this over before speaking. "As long as it means we can get a payoff to this Devine/Jett situation, we'll do what we have to do. That gives you a week to book Cage Rage." Nodding to myself, I remembered the situation with the lack of tag teams. "By the way Troy, I wanted to talk to you about signing some new guys to bolster our tag division." I mentioned. "Yeah, about that. Listen, you're the one writing the shows and deciding the matches. But there's a couple of things I wanted to tell you first. Number one, I spoke to my accountant today, the 4C account has $80,000 at the moment. I'll give you some leeway, and allow losses of up to $60,000 as we try and get this thing off the ground this year. I know better than most people it takes spending money to make money." "Alright, that's fair. Anything else?" I asked. "Yeah, regarding signing new talent, there's two things I want you to keep in mind. The first thing, I don't want any undertrained rookies. They'll make us look amateurish." "Alright, that's fair." I completely agreed with his point. "The second thing is, I want our stars to be homegrown. I don't want you offering any form of contract to anybody working for another company, I don't care if it's written or pay per appearance. 4C is my promotion, I don't want to have a guy challenge for our title and then be seen at another event jobbing in the opening match." That last request stung. There was a lot of indie talent floating around, working only one or two dates a month. But I also understood where Troy was coming from. It would look bad to have a main event star working for us, only for people to see him jobbed out somewhere else. With the rules in place about hiring and the knowledge I had only one week to book Cage Rage, I got to work.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/4C_alt.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"]4C Presents...Cage Rage Live from the venue where it all began! The Windsor Arena Hall [/SIZE] MAIN EVENT 4C CHAMPIONSHIP STEEL CAGE MATCH [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/originalbelt02.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG] Joey Poison vs Barry Kingman Last month at Do Or Die, Barry Kingman defeated Warren Technique in a Number One Contender's match-up to earn his shot at Joey Poison inside the steel cage. These two men are no strangers in the ring, as they each have defeated the other for the belt before! With two of 4C's top talent squaring off inside a cage, who knows who will walk out with the 4C Championship! 4C HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP NO DQ MATCH [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/originalbelt07.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/BrettFraser.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/Nomad_alt1.jpg[/IMG] Brett Fraser vs Nomad Hot off regaining his Hardcore Champion from Canadian Dragon last month at Do Or Die, Fraser will be defending it at Cage Rage in a no-disqualifications match against the popular high flying Nomad! Can Nomad get his first taste of gold in 4C, or will the big rough Canadian brawler hammer him into submission to ground his offense? 4C TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/originalbelt09.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/SlimV.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/HardcoreKillah.jpg[/IMG] Phenomenal Excess vs Thug Life The 4C Tag Team Championship will be on the line when Phenomenal Excess defends against the very team they won the straps from, Thug Life. Since losing the belts, Thug Life have been on a rampage, bringing in Sayeed Ali and forming 187, beating down 4C star after star. At Cage Rage will they win back the belt with their numbers, or can Phenomenal Excess hold out? LOSER LEAVES TOWN GRUDGE MATCH [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] Darrly Devine vs Jacob Jett Two former 4C Tag Team Champions. Two former best friends. Last month at Do Or Die, Darryl Devine shocked the world by attacking Jacob Jett following a defeat to Phenomenal Excess and flipping him off, leaving him laying in the ring. Now Jacob Jett has demanded a match with him, even putting his 4C career on the line against his former friend. Troy Winner has upped the ante, stating that whoever loses this match, will be gone from 4C! [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/_BlankBackground.jpg[/IMG] Canadian Dragon vs TBA Following his defeat to Brett Fraser at Do Or Die last month and the loss of the Hardcore Championship, Canadian Dragon is looking to work his way back up the rankings. He will be in singles action at Cage Rage against a mystery opponent making their 4C debut! [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/AirAttackWeasel.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/TooHotB.jpg[/IMG] Air Attack Weasel vs Too Hot Two of 4C's hottest young high fliers will also be in action at Cage Rage, when Air Attack Weasel faces off with Too Hot! Both men are young, hungry and eager to climb the rankings of 4C. A fresh start in 2007 with a victory at Cage Rage will be a solid start! [/CENTER] OOC predictions and thoughts are welcome and encouraged.
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Poison Nomad cuz Fraser will get **** on no matter what Phenomanal Excess (they wil lose soon so E can go on his own but Thug Life Sucks) Canadian Dragon vs. TBA (you need to use Ali but im not sure if you'll job Dragon to him so i guess we'll see) Jett obviously wins but be careful because he wont be around much longer either Weasel in a real competitive match cant kill the heat on either of these guys
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Very interesting, I'd really hope you'll be into this, because 4C is hard. Much harder than MAW, NYCW and CZCW combined, atleast from my experience. Nice start, altough I'd (hehe) done things differently. Joey Poison, Jacob Jett and Darryl will all be gone, if not just now, they will be in 1-2 months. So: Joey Poison vs [B]Barry Kingman[/B] [B]Brett Fraser[/B] vs Nomad [B]Phenomenal Excess[/B] vs Thug Life, or making Buberry lose and keeping Excess strong. Darryl Devine vs [B]Jacob Jett[/B] (I'd job em' both, but) Canadian Dragon vs [B]TBA[/B] (My guess for TBA is Dog Fyte. He's free, he's skill) [B]Air Attack Weasel[/B] vs Too Hot. Too hot is too green. :P I'll be waiting. :)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/4C_alt.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"]4C Presents...Cage Rage Live from the Windsor Arena Hall Held in front of 230 fans![/SIZE] OPENING CONTEST [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/AirAttackWeasel.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/TooHotB.jpg[/IMG] Air Attack Weasel vs Too Hot This was a decent opening contest, both men went back-and-forth. Too Hot dominated the opening minutes with suplexes and slams, until AAW managed to back body drop him over the top rope and took control with a plancha to the outside. From there, AAW kept at it with aerial offense including a missile dropkick, moonsault and cross bodyblock from the top rope. He attempted his Shooting Star Press finisher, but Too Hot rolled out of the way! Too Hot then hit the Hot Drop, a viscious spike DDT, for the pinfall victory at 7:33. [B]Rating: E-[/B] Following the match, as the ref raised Too Hot's hand in victory, Weasel jumped him from behind with a chop block to his knee, then stomped away at him. Weasel then mounted him and hammered away on him with punches before leaving the ring. [B]Rating: F-[/B] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG] Canadian Dragon then made his way down to the ring, ready for his match against the mysery 4C debut. [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG]/w [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/NadiaSnow.jpg[/IMG] As the familiar music hit, "The Leaping Lumberjack" Cal Sanders made his return to 4C, only this time, he was accompanied by the beautiful Nadia Snow! [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/NadiaSnow.jpg[/IMG] Canadian Dragon vs Cal Sanders (accompanied by Nadia Snow) The crowd popped for the returning Cal Sanders, or maybe they popped for the lovely Nadia Snow, then settled into the match. Sanders controlled the pace at the start of the match, and every time he locked Dragon in a hold or hit a slam the crowd would pop. Sanders looked very impressive in his return match, and put forth a valiant effort, but once Dragon took control, everything took a down-hill turn. After a flurry of offense, Dragon locked in a Dragon Sleeper submission to make Sanders tap at 10:43. [B]Rating: E-[/B] 4C TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/originalbelt09.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/SlimV.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/HardcoreKillah.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG] Phenomenal Excess vs Thug Life (accompanied by Sayeed Ali) As Sayeed Ali watched on, these two great teams once again hooked it up for the tag team gold. The match went back-and-forth for several minutes with constant tags in and out until Phenomenal E was inside the ring with Hardcore Killah. After a breathtaking stalled dropkick, Phenomenal E ascended to the top rope and hit his Tumbleweed Legdrop on Killah for the pin at 8:04 while Duberry Excess hit a double-clothesline on Slim V and Sayeed Ali.Following the match, Hardcore Killah was rolling around on the mat clutching his shoulder in pain while Phenomenal Excess celebrated the victory! [B]Rating: E[/B] Terry Smith then entered the ring and called out Jacob Jett for an interview. [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/TerrySmith.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] Smith: Please welcome my guest at this time, the one and only, Jacob Jett! Jacob, although tough for you to swallow, what are your thoughts about last months Do Or Die event when your best friend Darryl Devine attacked you following the match with Phenomenal Excess? Jett: Well Terry, you know what they say about the kind of person who jumps you from behind. I trusted Darryl, I was his best friend, I was even Tag Team Champions with him. But the one thing I've noticed in this business, is that greed will drive just about anyone over the edge. Smith: What do you mean by that? Jett: Well everybody knows who everyone wanted to see in action with Mighty Fine! (crowd pops). Darryl knew the people wanted to see me, and it was driving him crazy. So he figured he could make a name for himself by putting me away. Smith: Well it certainly looked that way last month when he hit you with that Devine Dream Drop, followed by the two finger salute. Jett: But you see the thing is, he didn't put me away. He might have knocked me down, but he damn sure didn't put me away. And that's your problem Darryl. If you are going to do something, YOU DAMN SURE BETTER DO IT RIGHT. Because all you did was piss me off Darryl. And now tonight, it's going to be just you and me, one-on-one in this ring. Loser leaves 4C. And I hope your ready Darryl. Because I know I damn sure like my job. With that, Jett raises his arms to the crowd and leaves the ring. [B]Rating: E-[/B] 4C HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP NO DISQUALIFICATIONS MATCH [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/originalbelt07.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/BrettFraser.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/Nomad_alt1.jpg[/IMG] Brett Fraser vs Nomad Nomad started the match off strong, running straight into the bigger Fraser with a flurry of punches and fast-paced offense. It wasn't long however before Fraser nearly took his head off with a huge lariat and pummeled him around the ring. Nomad caught a break with a rebound elbow off the ropes, and grabbed a chair from ringside. He cracked Fraser with the chair and scored a nearfall, but when he tried for a second chair shot, Fraser nailed him with a lowblow, and spiked him with a piledriver on top of the chair for the pin at 7:35. [B]Rating: F+[/B] Sayeed Ali and Slim V then made their way out to the ring and grabbed a mic. [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/SlimV.jpg[/IMG] Ali: Yo! Shut the hell up for a second! (crowd boos). So it's like this. The doctors just took a look at Hardcore Killah in the back. After that legdrop from Phenomenal E earlier tonight, he has a broken collarbone! And you know what that means? Slim: That means that Phenomenal Excess messed up big time! See, when you mess with the 187, you messin' with a small army. We don't take kindly to one of our boys gettin' hurt like that. Ali: So here's the deal. Next month, at X Factor, we want a rematch with Phenomenal Excess. Only this time, it'll be me and my boy, Slim V taking you on. Slim: And you better believe that the pain Hardcore Killah is in tonight will be NOTHING compared to what you suckas go through when we get through with you. [B]Rating: E-[/B] LOSER LEAVES TOWN GRUDGE MATCH [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG] Jacob Jett vs Darryl Devine These two athletes went at each other with a vengeance. Jett wanted revenge, and Devine clearly had something to prove. After an incredible match that went back-and-forth, Jett slammed Devine on top of the announce table. He then climbed to the top rope and hit the Jett Take-Off through the announce table, nearly breaking both men in half. The ref had no choice but to start counting, and despite both men stumbling to their feet at the count of 8, they went right back to brawling as the match was ruled a double-countout at 21:33. They continued to brawl through the crowd after the bell had rang. Easily match of the night. [B]Rating: D[/B] There was a brief pause in the show as the steel cage was lowered for the main event. 4C HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP STEEL CAGE MATCH [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/originalbelt02.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG] Joey Poison vs Barry Kingman The match began with an intense staredown between these two. With both men holding multiple victories over the other, neither was eager to rush in and make a mistake. Following a lockup, the action began. Both men took it to each other like never before, going back-and-forth for the first 5 minutes. Eventually, Kingman took control with a slingshot into the cage, busting Poison wide open. Taking advantage of his opponents wound, Kingman whipped Poison into the cage, over and over before nailing him with a superplex for a 2-count. He continued his brutal offense, until Poison hit a hurricanrana out of nowhere for a nearfall. Both men get to their feet and a slugfest ensues, with Kingman getting the better of a bloody Poison. After a revered Irish whip however, Poison hits a flying clothesline and takes over. He nails 3 back-to-back German suplex that leave Kingman down, and climbs to the top of the cage. As Kingman rises, Joey Poison hits A CROSS BODYBLOCK FROM THE TOP OF THE CAGE! A bloodied Poison covers Kingman as the ref counts the pinfall at 18:47. [B]Rating: E+[/B] Following the match, as Kingman rises to his feet, a bloodied Joey Poison approaches him and offers a handshake out of respect. A disgruntled Kingman hesitates, then shakes Poison's hand out of respect before leaving the ring. [B]Rating: E-[/B] [B]Final Rating: E[/B] [/CENTER]
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I have to admit, I lucked out at the last minute. The very day Cage Rage rolled around I signed 6 workers to the 4C roster with PPA agreements. Only one of them had been in the Ontario area on that day, Cal Sanders, so he was brought in to face Canadian Dragon right away. Here's the run down on the newly signed talent, most of which will be put in the tag ranks... [CENTER][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG] "The Leaping Lumberjack" Cal Sanders A former member of the 4C roster, I brought Cal back in as I've always felt he has potential. He's somewhat over in Canada, and has decent flying and technical skills to back it up. He'll be paired up with somebody in a tag team soon enough. [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/NadiaSnow.jpg[/IMG] Nadia Snow Brought in to appease the male demographic fans as the manager of Cal Sanders. At 19 years of age, she is very nice to look at, and backing Sanders with a wholesome gimmick, is sure to help him get over. [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG] K-Squared A high-flying rookie from Canada, K-Squared has tremendous potential to improve into a solid all-arounder. Originally I planned on ditching the stupid name, but then thought it over. He can most likely get over with a former boy-band gimmick off his name alone, and pairing him with a solid heel valet can only help. Another worker who will soon be bolstering the tag ranks. [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/MissyMasterson_alt06.jpg[/IMG] Missy Masterson Brought in to play the snotty valet for K-Squared to add to his heat, she will be his full time manager. [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/RoderickRemus.jpg[/IMG] Roderick Remus At only 18 years of age and already a solid cruiserweight performer, I signed Remus considering he's looking to make it big as a singles star. He is an experienced tag team wrestler, having worked with his twin bother Remmington as the Remus Twins before his brother was in a tragic accident forcing him into retirement. A perfect young addition to the tag ranks.[/CENTER] That is only 5 of the 6 newly signed workers. The final worker is being kept under wraps for the moment, as he is scheduled to debut at the next 4C event. Who will it be? Everyone will just have to attend 4C Presents...X Factor to find out!
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Fate has a funny way of working out. I knew Darryl Devine would be leaving the company shortly, and this was confirmed the day after Cage Rage, when he informed Troy he had signed a written contract with SWF. However, what Troy hadn't told me what that CGC had offered a deal to Jacob Jett, and it was with his urging that I booked the Devine/Jett match to end in a draw so both men would be able to leave the company. However, towards the end of January, Jett decided to only sign a PPA deal with CGC, and so he would end up sticking around with us after all. Faced with a dilemma, I had to figure out a way to keep one of our best workers around in a way that made sense.
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Rather unfortunate to see Devine go, but since you're just starting the game, it's only natural that your big guys get offered contracts. Glad to hear Jett only got a PPA offer, though. I think your biggest challenge is to somehow make money. Small promotions I find are very difficult to make money, so hopefully your newly-signed talent didn't ask for too much. Otherwise you're gonna spend time keeping people's appearances to a minimum to make ends meet. Good luck, nonetheless.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] 4C would like to announce the parting of Darryl Devine from the company. Mr. Devine has signed a written deal with SWF, and we here at 4C would like to wish him all the best in his wrestling future. [CENTER][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Due to the inconclusive nature of the Loser Leaves Town match at Cage Rage, and Mr. Devines departure from the promotion, 4C owner Troy Winner has declared that despite not winning at Cage Rage, Jacob Jett will be provided with ONE match only to secure a 4C contract at X Factor. Fan support for Mr. Jett has been overwhelming, and his opponent shall be announced shortly.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/4C_alt.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"]4C Presents...X Factor Live from the Windsor Arena Hall February 2007[/SIZE] MAIN EVENT CONTRACT LADDER MATCH [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG] Jacob Jett vs Barry Kingman This is Jacob Jett's one and only chance to secure a contract with 4C! But Troy Winner has decided to raise the stakes here, as not only is there a 4C contract within a briefcase for Jacob Jett, but also a contract for a 4C Championship shot at Final Fight in March! Can Jacob Jett secure his job along with the hefty bonus of a title match, or will the always hungry Barry Kingman be the man to truly put Jett out of 4C and get redemption for his loss to Joey Poison at Cage Rage? 4C TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/originalbelt09.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/SlimV.jpg[/IMG] Phenomenal Excess vs Thug Life Last month at Cage Rage, Phenomenal E put Hardcore Killah on the sideline with a broken collarbone. Now Sayeed Ali and Slim V are looking for revenge against Phenomenal Excess, and have secured a shot at the Tag Team titles. Not content with merely winning the belts, Thug Life have promised the world that they would completely destroy Phenomenal Excess! 4C HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/originalbelt07.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/BrettFraser.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/RoderickRemus.jpg[/IMG] Brett Fraser vs Roderick Remus Brett Fraser has been on a roll the past few months, defeating Canadian Dragon and the returning Cal Sanders. Now he will be putting his Hardcore Championship on the line against 4C newcomer Roderick Remus in a Falls Count Anywhere match! Does Remus have what it takes to dethrone Fraser in a brutal match that surely favors the champ, or will Fraser add one more name to his list of demolished opponents? [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG] Warren Technique vs Cal Sanders Last month at Cage Rage, "The Leaping Lumberjack" Cal Sanders made his return to 4C with an upsetting loss to Canadian Dragon. At X Factor, Sanders is looking to redeem himself as he steps into the ring with Warren Technique. Both men have something to prove, with Sanders looking to make more of an impact this time around in 4C and Technique looking to prove that he still belongs in the main event title picture. [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/AirAttackWeasel.jpg[/IMG] Following a violent assault on Too Hot following his loss last month, Air Attack Weasel will once again be in action as he faces Canadian Dragon at X Factor. Weasel has stated he is looking to prove he's not just a spotty high flyer and that he WILL be a threat in 4C in months to come. He has his chance to prove it when he faces the dangerous Dragon! [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG] At X Factor we will also hear from another recent signing to 4C, K-Squared! What will the relatively unknown rookie have to say about coming to 4C? Check out X Factor to find out! [/CENTER] Once again, OOC predictions/thoughts are welcome and encouraged.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Disaster struck today, the very day X Factor is being held tonight. Joey Poison informed Troy that he had signed a written deal with NOTBPW and would be leaving 4C within a week. Scrambling to make last minute booking plans, I prepared for X Factor tonight...
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Ooo, predictions! [b]MAIN EVENT CONTRACT LADDER MATCH[/b] Jacob Jett vs Barry Kingman I'm predicting Kingman in this one. I don't know why, but something seems suspicious about the way this is booked. Perhaps Jett is either going soon, or you're waiting until the bigger promotions calm down with their signings and will make Jett an 'outsider' of sorts. I'm not sure. Either way, you're giving someone a shot, which is good for advance booking. ... EDIT: With that recent news about Poison, I smell a cash-in immediately after the match. [b]4C TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/b] Phenomenal Excess vs Thug Life Picking Phenomenal Excess here. I picture Thug Life growing more and more irritable as challengers and eventually one-upping them... just not now. [b]4C HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH[/b] Brett Fraser vs Roderick Remus Fraser. I don't see Remus taking the strap, although I did originally thought Fraser would lose the title in the first event, so who knows? [i]Warren Technique vs Cal Sanders[/i] Cal Sanders. I'm guessing he's bound to bound back. Although Warren is the challenge to get over more, so hmmm... should be good. [i]Air Attack Weasel vs. Canadian Dragon[/i] Air Attack Weasel... ooo, you should name him "I Am Weasel" for kicks! ... Okay, maybe not, but eventually you should re-name him after his mean streak hits a peak. [i]K-Squared appearing[/i] I sense a beatdown! Wooo! :D
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/4C_alt.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"]4C Presents...X Factor Live from the Windsor Arena Hall Held in front of 206 fans![/SIZE] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/MissyMasterson_alt06.jpg[/IMG] The show opened with newly signed K-Squared coming down to the ring accompanied by the lovely Missy Masterson. K-Squared strutted down to ringside with the ****y look of a has-been popstar seeking additional fame. K-Squared: How you doin' Ontario? Now, for those of you rejects in the crowd who don't know who I am, my name is K-Squared. (a small chant breaks out, "Kenny Kuntz, Kenny Kuntz", much to the disapproval of K-Squared). K-Squared: Yes, I know what all of you are. (boos) I have come to 4C with Missy here for one simple reason. To bring some much needed style to this promotion. I mean, you've got a guy with green and purple hair as your champion! Who does that? (boos) So for the enjoyment of each and every one of you, I'll wrestle any member of the 4C locker room, right here, right now. [B]Rating: E[/B] The music hits, and who walks out to accept but... [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] K-Squared's jaw hits the floor and he circles the ring nervously as Missy Masterson bails to ringside. OPENING CONTEST [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG]w/ [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/MissyMasterson_alt06.jpg[/IMG] Joey Poison vs K-Squared (accompanied by Missy Masterson) Poison hit the ring and spears K-Squared down right away. After beating him around the ring for several minutes, Poison hits a viscious brainbuster, nearly breaking K-Squared in half. He then rolls him up in the Antitode Web for the pin at 6:35. [B]Rating: D-[/B] Joey Poison grabs a mic following the match. Poison: That was for the hair remark you sissy little b*tch! (crowd cheers, Poison looks annoyed) Poison: Now everybody else, shut the hell up and listen carefully. Since 4C opened, I've been the shining star of this dump. Match of the night after match of the night, who's been the backbone? Me! Crazy risk after crazy risk, who is there with you all standing on your feet? Me! Just last month I jumped 15 feet from the air in a god damn steel cage match, and for what? 200 people? Sorry, but a man of my talent and ability deserves more than that. (crowd boos) Poison: If I'm going to put my body on the line, you can be damn sure it will be for more than 200 freakin' Ontario fans! I guess you could say I took the money and ran. I guess you could say I quit. I only look at it one simple way. I am THROUGH with you idiots, I am THROUGH entertaining you for nothing, I am THROUGH of being the star with no spotlight. (Joey Poison throws the 4C Championship onto the ground) Poison: I....am through....with 4C. (He leaves the ring and walks to the back as the crowd is stunned) [B]Rating: D[/B] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG]w/ [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/NadiaSnow.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG] "The Leaping Lumberjack" Cal Sanders (accompanied by Nadia Snow) vs Warren Technique Following that shocking announcement from Joey Poison, the show continued. The crowd hassled Technique the whole match as he and Sanders put on a chain wrestling display. They went back-and-forth with several impressive counters until Sanders caught Technique in a small package out of nowhere for the victory at 12:55. [B]Rating: E-[/B] Following the match, as the ref raises Sanders hand, an irate Technique jumps him from behind and hammers away on him. He locks in the Expert Technique texas cloverleaf and holds Sanders in it before releasing him and walking to the back. Technique has snapped! [B]Rating: F+[/B] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/TroyWinner.jpg[/IMG] Funky 70's porno music hits as the most electrifying midget in all of Canadian wrestling, 4C owner Troy Winner makes his way down to the ring. Troy: I'm very sad to announce the departure of Joey Poison from 4C ladies and gentlemen. I only regret his tirade earlier tonight and wished he could have gone out on a positive note. Due to this however, the 4C Championship title is obviously without a holder for now. And considering that later on tonight, we have a ladder match scheduled to crown a number one contender, as well as to see if Jacob Jett will remain with 4C...I have decided to raise the stakes even higher! (crowd cheers) Troy: The ladder match tonight will now be held for not only a contract with 4C for Jacob Jett, but for the vacant 4C Championship! Jacob Jett and Barry Kingman have one hell of an opportunity tonight, may the best man win! [B]Rating: D-[/B] 4C HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE MATCH [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/originalbelt07.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/BrettFraser.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/RoderickRemus.jpg[/IMG] Brett Fraser vs Roderick Remus This is Roderick Remus' debut match for 4C, and what an opportunity it is for him! The action quickly spilled to the outside as Remus dropkicked Fraser out of the ring. He then hit a suicide dive onto Fraser, continuing the offense into the crowd. Fraser took back control, taking a chair from a fan and nailing Remus with it. He dumped Remus back to ringside and pounded away on him. He finished Remus off with a DDT onto the exposed concrete floor at 7:22. [B]Rating: E-[/B] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/AirAttackWeasel.jpg[/IMG] Air Attack Weasel then hit the ring, ready for action against Canadian Dragon. He grabbed a mic. Weasel: Last month, Too Hot learned the hard way that I am not to be taken lightly. He fluked a win against me, but he was the one left laid out in the end. I am NOBODYS stepping stone in this company, and I'm going to prove it tonight! [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/AirAttackWeasel.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG] Air Attack Weasel vs Canadian Dragon This was an impressively fact-paced matchup. Both men displayed incredible high flying abilities, as it seemed every other minute someone was coming off the top rope. Dragon spent the majority of the match focusing on kicks and dropkicks to Weasels head, and when Weasel attempted a bodyslam, Dragon wriggled free, landing behind him to lock in the Dragon Sleeper for the submission victory at 14:33. [B]Rating: E[/B] Following the match, Weasel stands up, clutching his head and neck in pain, when from the crowd emerges... [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/TooHotB.jpg[/IMG] Too Hot hits the ring and takes Weasel down! He hammers away on him, then picks him up and hits the Hot Drop spike DDT on an already hurt Weasel. Too Hot grabs a mic. Too Hot: Payback is a b*tch! [B]Rating: F[/B] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/SlimV.jpg[/IMG] Sayeed Ali and Slim V of the 187 then came out the entrance way, mics in hand. Ali: Yo! Interesting night so far here at X Factor! Joey Poison quitting, a ladder match for the title, and of course, me and my homey Slim here facing Phenomenal Excess for the Tag Team titles! Slim: Now I dunno what's up with Poison quitting, I dunno who's gonna be the new 4C Champion. But one thing I do know, is that the 187 is leaving here tonight, brand new Tag Team Champions! Ali: But don't think we're letting Phenomenal Excess off that easy. My boy Hardcore Killah is still nursing a broken collarbone and he'll be back next month at Final Fight. But Phenomenal Excess? A broken collarbone is something you can only wish for when we get through with you punks tonight! [B]Rating: D-[/B] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/TerrySmith.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] and [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/KatieCameron.jpg[/IMG] Terry Smith entered the ring and Jacob Jett, along with the beautiful Katie Cameron came out for an interview. Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, the one and only "The Amazing" Jacob Jett! (crowd cheers) Jacob, what are your thoughts on tonights ladder match, where not only is your 4C career on the line, but now you also could leave here tonight as 4C Champion. Jett: Well it's like this Terry. Last month Darryl Devine and I beat the hell out of each other in a match that would decide our careers. Well look now, he tucked his tail and ran, and here I am standing in the ring. I refuse to lose my contract with this company, and have to leave these great 4C fans behind. Smith: What are your thoughts about Joey Poison quitting, and now the 4C Championship being on the line in your match? Jett: As if my career being on the line wasn't incentive enough, now I'm fighting for the title? Barry Kingman, nothing personal, but tonight, I can guarantee I'm leaving here not only with a contract, but new 4C Champion. [B]Rating: D[/B] 4C TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/originalbelt09.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/SlimV.jpg[/IMG] Phenomenal Excess vs Thug Life This match was extremely personal for Thug Life. They came out strong, isolating and dismantling Phenomenal E. He finally made the hot tag to Duberry, who came in and cleaned house. It was shortlived however, as the ref took a bump and Ali nailed Duberry with a chairshot, busting him open to put Thug Life back in control. Phenomenal E ran in and received a chairshot for his trouble as well, busting him wide open also. As the ref came to, Ali hit a G.B.H. Driver on Duberry, but only got a 2 count! In disbelief, Thug Life continued to pick Duberry apart. Towards the end of the match, Ali took a cheapshot on Phenemenal E, knocking him off the apron. As Ali distracted the ref, from out of nowhere a mysterious man came through the crowd... [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/DogFyte.jpg[/IMG] This mysterious man picked up Phenomenal E and drove his skull into the ring steps, before giving him a tombstone piledriver on top of a chair. Seeing that E had been taken apart, Ali picked up Duberry inside the ring and hit the G.B.H. Driver once again, this time for the pin at 17:44. Thug Life are your new 4C Tag Team Champions! [B]Rating: E-[/B] Following the match, the man at ringside rolled Phenomenal E into the ring. Sayeed Ali set up a chair, and delivered a G.B.H. Driver to E on top of the chair! He then grabbed Duberry, and delivered a third G.B.H. Driver to him on top of the chair as well! They grabbed a mic. Slim: Well, we told you we'd be leaving here with the gold. And we told you we'd mess these punk white boys up. Ali: And we'd like to introduce everyone to the newest member of the 187, my main man Dog Fyte! Dog: Yo! You all seen what happens when you cross the 187. Tonight is just the beginning. Everyone in 4C better take cover, cause the 187 is running rampant! They hold the tag titles high standing above a bloodied Phenomenal Excess before leaving the ring. [B]Rating: E-[/B] 4C CHAMPIONSHIP LADDER MATCH WITH JACOB JETT'S CAREER ON THE LINE [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/originalbelt02.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/KatieCameron.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG] Jacob Jett (accompanied by Katie Cameron) vs Barry Kingman Both men knew exactly what was on the line in this match, and both came out swinging. For several minutes it was a back-and-forth slugfest between the two, until Jett managed to clothesline Kingman over the top rope. As he followed Kingman outside, the ladder came into play as Kingman scored a shot with it. Kingman then slammed Jett on top of the ladder and nailed an elbow drop. As the action returned to the ring, Kingman set the ladder up in the corner, but Jett reversed an Irish whip into it! Jett then took to the air, hitting a missile dropkick. After delivering a few payback shots with the ladder, Jett set it up and attempted to climb up and retrieve the belt. Kingman got to his feet however, and delivered a brutal German suplex to Jett, who was at the top of the ladder. The action picked up from here once again as they went back-and-forth, until Jett took the upperhand and hit the Jett Take-Off. With Kingman down, Jett climbed the ladder and retrieved the belt at 19:50! Jacob Jett keeps his job and is your new 4C Champion! [B]Rating: D[/B] Following the match, Jacob Jett enters the crowd celebrating, holding the 4C Championship high! [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Final Rating: D-[/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/4C_alt.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"]4C Presents...Final Fight March 2007 Held at the Windsor Arena Hall[/SIZE] MAIN EVENT 4C CHAMPIONSHIP REMATCH [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/originalbelt02.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG] Jacob Jett vs Barry Kingman Following their outstanding ladder match last month at X Factor, Troy Winner has signed one last match between these two great athletes. Will Barry Kingman claim redemption and become a 3 time 4C Champion? Or will first time champ Jacob Jett prove that he does deserve to hold the belt? 4C TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP - THE FINAL ENCOUNTER [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/originalbelt09.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/SayeedAli.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/SlimV.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG] Thug Life vs Phenomenal Excess Last month, the arrival of Dog Fyte joining the ranks of the 187 truly proved to be the "x factor" in helping Thug Life claim tag team gold. Following a violent attack after the match, Phenomenal Excess will be back and ready for revenge against the group of thugs, and have guaranteed that this WILL be the final match between these two, one way or another! 4C HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP NO-DISQUALIFICATION MATCH [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/originalbelt07.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/BrettFraser.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/CalSanders.jpg[/IMG] Brett Fraser vs "The Leaping Lumberjack" Cal Sanders Over the last few months, there is no denying that Brett Fraser has been on a roll, claiming victory after victory in brutal hardcore matches. But at Final Fight, the recently returned Cal Sanders will have his greatest opportunity yet since coming back to 4C as he challenges for the 4C Hardcore Championship! Will Fraser's winning streak continue? Or will the young lumberjack from Canada be the one to dethrone him? GRUDGE MATCH [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/AirAttackWeasel.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/TooHotB.jpg[/IMG] Air Attack Weasel vs Too Hot This rivalry truly began back in December of 2006, when Weasel scored a pinfall victory over Too Hot. Then at Cage Rage, Too Hot evened the score with a win of his own. However, following the match, Weasel jumped him and left him laying in the ring. Then last month, after a narrow loss to Canadian Dragon, Weasel was jumpd by Too Hot who was seeking revenge. Now at Final Fight, a grudge match has been signed between these two to prove once and for all who the better man is! [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG]VS[IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/Nomad_alt1.jpg[/IMG] Warren Technique vs Nomad Last month following a defeat to Cal Sanders, a man who seemingly always keeps his cool, lost it. Locking in the Perfect Technique texas cloverleaf, Technique left Sanders down in the ring. Now he will be in action once more at Final Fight as he squares off with none other than Nomad. Technique is obviously looking to prove he still has a great run left in him, but you can bet that Nomad is hungry to finally make a big name for himself in 4C! DOG FYTE OPEN CHALLENGE [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/AbsoluteK/4C/DogFyte.jpg[/IMG] After making a devestating debut last month at X Factor, helping Thug Life win the 4C Tag Team Championship from Phenomenal Excess and participating in the brutal beat-down following the match, Dog Fyte has arrived to 4C in a big way. At Final Fight, he's looking to show that he can get it done in the ring as well, and has laid out an open challenge to any member of the 4C locker room, claiming he can beat anybody with the guts to face him! Who will take him up on this offer, and will they be able to overcome his raw power? Find out at Final Fight![/CENTER] OOC predictions/thoughts are always welcome and encouraged.
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